Accessed none trying to read property ue4 как исправить

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Whenever I finish running the project, this error message appears:

enter image description here

Blueprint Runtime Error: «Accessed None trying to read property
jogador». Blueprint: Jogador_BP_Anim Function: Execute Ubergraph
Jogador BP Anim Graph: Transition Node: Result

By clicking to know where the error is coming from, the program tells me this code:

enter image description here

This is the code I made to get the player reference (jogador/player Animation Blueprint):

enter image description here

This is basically for the transition code between animations, to receive information whether or not the player is jumping (jogador/player Blueprint):

enter image description here

Animations perform normally, so the error doesn’t seem to compromise project execution, but why does it occur?

I looked at some links, but I don’t know how to remove it.

DMGregory's user avatar


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asked Sep 14, 2019 at 1:04

Boneco Sinforoso's user avatar



Do not ever dereference anything from any other classes
In animation’s state machine. (You can dereference only in eventGraph).

First the reference may not be there yet when the animBP is running.
Second, animBP state machine is designed to be multithreaded, but dereferencing any other class in BP is not thread safe.

Do not use any bool variables from any other classes, all the state changing booleans should be within the animation blueprint itself.

Then set the booleans in anim’s BP EventGraph from any other class.

answered Sep 14, 2019 at 4:45

Coldsteel48's user avatar



Easy fix, in the animBP Update Animation sequence, instead of checking pawn owner, check the player variable that is created by begin play. In this case labelled «Jogador».

The pawn will be available before the animation begin play can officially execute, so there will be a singular execution of the update before the required player reference is actually set. Checking the variable validity instead of the player pawn will ensure everything is set before updating.

Pikalek's user avatar


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answered Dec 2, 2020 at 2:24

helpy helper's user avatar


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I get that error every time I stop the running game. When I hit play, it all works fine, but as soon as I hit stop, those error messages pop up in the log. The only place I’m currently using GetPlayerController is in the animgraph so I can determine the button press. How do I get this to stop happening.

EDIT:The automod is telling me about the faq. Which I read and didn’t help one bit. I’ve searched for hours on this topic and haven’t found an answer aside from the one in the FAQ, which recommends using, IsValid, but never actually say how. I’ve tried every combination I can think of and I can’t figure out how to add IsValid to this without breaking the sequence.

Home Unreal Engine

Ive got this Error and i dont know how to fix it..


I’ve got 2 Errors and I don’t really know how to fix it I hope you can help me with that.

Error 1:
Blueprint Runtime Error: «Accessed None trying to read property InventorySlot». Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to OverlayError 2
Blueprint Runtime Error: «Accessed None». Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Add Child to Overlay

Here are the Blueprints that cause that Error:

I basically wanted if my Character Hits with the LineTrace an Object it’s gonna add the Thumbnail to my Slots..

If it’s too little information please let me know what I have to post and I’m gonna post it..

I have an EnemySpawner Blueprint Class that does:
enter image description here

EnemySpawner has a Spline Component named «Path» which the Spawned Enemy must follow. For it, Enemy’s Blueprint has another Spline Component named «Enemy Path» that must be initialized by the Enemy Spawner at the moment of the creation, as does in the screenshot above.

But, in my Enemy, if I try to access to «EnemyPath», I get the following error:

Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property
PathActor from function: ‘ExecuteUbergraph_Enemy’ from node:
DestroyActor in graph: EventGraph in object: Enemy with description:
Accessed None trying to read property PathActor

So, in other words, Null Pointer Exception.

If, for example, in the Enemy’s Blueprint I do (with testing purposes):
enter image description here
The Actor Owner of the Spline Component isn’t destroyed.

Even if I try to assign all the Owner actor, not only the Spline Component, it doesn’t work either.

I’ve also tried to print something in screen after the «SpawnActor Enemy» node of EnemySpawner and in the «Event BeginPlay» node of Enemy, and I’ve checked that obviously the print in EnemySpawner happens first, so the only problem is that the variable isn’t really assigned.

The last thing I’ve tried is to destroy the Spline’s Owner right after the «Set» node, directly in EnemySpawner blueprint, by getting it from the Spawned enemy, and to my surprise, it’s destroyed!

So, some idea about what’s the properly way of doing this?

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