Ambiguous name detected tmpdde word 2007 как исправить

Hi Shannon,

When you use the short cut menu to print a document a macro is
temporarily created in Word. This macro is stored in your
This macro should be deleted but if you encountered an error and Word
was unable to delete the temporary macro then the next time you
attempt to print a macro with a duplicate name is encountered.

To resolve the issue you will need to start Word and go to
Tools/Macro/Macros and delete the TmpDDE macro.

If you are unable to resolve the problem then you can always create a
new Locate and rename it to Word
will create a new one upon starting.

If this resolves the problem, any customizations can be copied to the
new via the Organizer (Tools/Templates and Add-Ins) Once
this is complete can be discarded. If the problem still
exists then you can delete the new and rename your to

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

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«phbrsunshine (remove this)»

Добрый вечер, Ув. Форумчане!

В очередной раз обращаюсь на форум за советом.
Имеется файл Excel («Учет.xlsm»), с простыми макросами, которые запускаются по событиям листа Worksheet_Change и Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick.
Сегодня (без объявления войны) стала возникать ошибка Ambiguous name detected. При этом изменения в файле не сохраняются.
Гугл подсказал, что дело в макросах с одинаковым именем, которые находятся в одном модуле.
НО!!! Таких макросов нет. В модуле листа всего 3 макроса:
vkl_sob, Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) и Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range).

Буду благодарен за любую помощь!

Рисунок удален (превышение допустимого размера вложения) [МОДЕРАТОР]

Recently we have seen two cases where a Cradle user has opened a source document and Word has displayed the message:
Ambiguous name detected: TmpDDE
This is a problem report from Word, not a Cradle error. Users of Word have seen this message for many years. There are many posts on the Internet about it, including:

  • office-alert-message-ambiguous-name-detected
  • ambiguous-name-detected sharepointgenerallegacy
  •  ambiguous-name-detected


The consensus is that there is a problem either in the Word document that you captured or in the normal.doc (or equivalent such as normal.dotm) file that is used to initialise Word. You may have to delete / reset your normal.doc or .dotm file. This is typically is in:

It is also possible to start Word with a /a switch so that it did not load or in ‘safe mode’ with the /safe switch. See:  knowledgebase article 210565

If you see this message, 3SL recommends that you delete or rename your normal.doc or normal.dotm file, then start Word so that the file will be rebuilt, and then repeat the operation in Cradle to open the source document or view a source statement.

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  • Вопрос

  • Hi ,

    I have a user that can read documents from the document library but when he goes to checkout the file and open in Word, he gets a «ambiguous name detected:TmpDDe» Everything I have read about this says to delete the TmpDDE macro in Word but that does not help. I don’t know if it is SP or the Office Suite. Anyone with any advice.


  • Hello,

    Any way the user in question could try loggin in on another machine and performing the same action?

    Chris Caravajal: SharePoint Help

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      20 марта 2009 г. 1:47

Ambiguous Name Detected: TmpDDE

Problem Description

The error is received when trying to merge a document.

It is caused from a corruption in the file that serves as Word’s global template due to an abnormal shutdown or the Winword task being killed inappropriately. resides in the file and is part of the integration with Office Medicine.

Suggested Action

Word 2003

    Click Tools on the main menu bar and select Macro and Macros to open the Macros window.

    Click the Organizer button.

    Note: The Organizer should default to the Macro Project Items tab. If not, then select it.

    In the box, highlight

    Note: The file name may also be WordTmpDDEMod1

    Click Delete.

    Click Close to close the Organizer window.

    Close Microsoft Word.

    Continue with the merge.

Word 2007-2019

    Click on the View tab from the main ribbon and select the Macros button.

    Click Organizer.

    Note: The Organizer should default to the Macro Project Items tab. If not, then select it.

    Under the In Normal section, highlight and delete

    Note: The file name may also be WordTmpDDEMod1

    Click Close to close the Organizer window.

    Close Microsoft Word.

    Continue with the merge.

Word 2010 or Word 2013

    Click on the View tab from the main ribbon and select the Macros button.

    Click Organizer.

    Note: The Organizer should default to the Macro Project Items tab. If not, then select it.

    Under the In Normal section, highlight and delete

    Note: The file name may also be WordTmpDDEMod1

    Click Close to close the Organizer window.

    Close Microsoft Word.

    Continue with the merge.

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