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Установил патч 1.3 и NODVD 1.3 c nodvd.net и вылетать перестало, играю дальше….
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Народ где взять Nocd для версии 1.2 СРОЧНО !!!!!!!!!
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Вылетает игра после ролика, где надо пробраться на склад с Котовым. Дело вроде в кряке. Как обойти?
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На NODVD.net есть кряк позволяющий обойти ролик с Коневым,но на след миссии вылетет.Вот так и играю то NoDVD v1.0 запускаю то меняю на NoDvd v1.2 . Игра Глючнее даже Sacred 2. Что актуальнее от той же конторы.
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Обход прост) Покупайте лицензию)
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Мммда , а я то как раз с этой проблемой сюда и зашел . Как погляжу решения пока нет …
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У мня под Vista пашет, а под XP воще не запускается
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Взял лицензию , буду пробовать …
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НУ я же говорил)
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Ммммм , ну я сразу его пропатчил , так что не знаю оригинал глючил или нет …
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Короче вопрос такой ….. у меня виндовс 7 у меня вылетает игра вылетает на миссии «пентагон» в начале . что делать подскажите пожалуйсто!?
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У меня какой-то интересный баг. Если у персонажа включен режим стрельбы точный или снайперский, при переключении на другого персонажа игра стабильно падает…
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Таж фигня бывает, но редко…
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не подскажите как поставить патч на мародеров у меня игра вылетает на ролике когда нужно поцти к полковнику подскажите что делать
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Народ ктоньть миссию «КПП» проходил?
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Народ ктоньть миссию «КПП» прошел?
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Народ ктоньть миссию «КПП» прошел?
С пираткой там глюк, если лицуха, то ставь патч. У меня лицуха с патчем-все нормально.
Не жильтесь, лицуха не много стоит, теряте удовольствие!
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[-] Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к падению, при установке растяжки
[-] Исправлена ошибка, со случайным выделением отряда по Ctrl+A
[+] Добавлена возможность деактивировать ключ версий защищенных Star Force Proactive
Думаю тем кто еще не прошел пару раз) стоит скачать.
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«Патч предназначен для установки ТОЛЬКО на игру версии 1.0» Чёзанах!??? А если у меня версия 1.2???? Бред какойто……..
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Да? Попробуй всё равно поставить, если незаработает, переусанови и будет тебе 1.0))
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Скачал Лицуху с инета. Пропатчил до 1.2 и поставил Кряк с этого же сайта. Сразу после разговора с Коневым вылетает. Ктонить может помочь?
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Такая проблема, после того как ГГ снялся со своей квартиры, нужно отметелить отряд хозяек, после того как я это сделал у меня вылетает в главное меню, подскажите, что делать?
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Жуткие тормоза (Core2Duo 3700/2GB/ 750/1G GF 9.6x/ Установлен Windows XP
на моем компе просто нонсенс!), когда начинается бой и много мобов. Уже и разрешение почи на минимум скинул, все равно торммозит. Игра лицуха. Кто знает в чем фишка может быть? Пач поможет?
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А у меня баг со старфорсом, вот поставил Daemon Tools и теперь даже когда он отключен, старфорс пишет, что зафиксирован эмулятор, такая же проблема со сталкером ЗП. Диски лицензионные, вот единственная надежда на кряк наверно.
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откуда скачать лицуху что бы все работало пусть за бабки … у меня в городе я не нашел лицухи на продажу вот хочу скачать.
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Эх… Ссылки на скачивание игр на этом форуме запрещены, если интересно, то обращайся в личку, но все равно, если ты и скачаешь лицензию, то вылетать она у тебя скорее всего будет. Уж не знаю верить ли комментариям последнего кряка, но все-таки многие до сих пор жалуются на некорректность всех вышедших на сегодняшний день кряков.
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Не могу пройти на КПП. После разговора с Пасхиным открыт проход только к дому а из дома только на базар. Если ложусь спать миссия с нигматовскими пропадает. Подскажите что делать.
Играю с лицензионки
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Пасхин стоит возле угла дома Ахмета, с ним поговори. Ты же еще на складах не был.
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На складах уже был.
Разговор с Пасхиным происходит осле того как хаслинские на дом нападают. Когда иду сдавать шмот на рынок на входе встречет Пасхин и просит помочь разобраться с нигматовским. Ахмед соглашается. Договариваются встретиться у КПП. Пасхин уходит а у меня открыт проход только к дому а из дома на базар. Эта миссия дополнительная — не основная. Пробовал возвращаться на рынок Пасхин стоит там же. Но поговорить с ним уже не получается. Около моего дома не появляется.
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Значит поищи переход рядом с базаром, покружи. Перехды в допмиссиях не отмечны на карте.
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после установки патча 1.3 когда используеш отический прицел и переключаешся на напарника, игра вылетает
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Люди, просьба помочь, на 9той миссии при защите дома от Хаслинских нашел такой глюк, Жутко лагает пока Кябир (пес) стоит на месте, при движении ж все идет нормально, кто знает как исправить эту проблему?
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Люди у меня вылетает когда хочу открыть настройки…. Ато графика маленькая стоит и у меня монитор 22 дюйма маленькое разрешение…
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у меня тоже вылетает.
конфиги лежат в файле Config.e8c в корне игры, открываеш блокнотом и правиш
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У меня вот такой баг — скачал репак, обашёл старфорс, запускается… и вылетает с квадратным окном обнавления. Заголовок окна — Crash screen, и чуть ниже ЖИРНЫМ шрифтом написано «Страница обновлений недоступна«
В реестере заранее 400 поставил если чо.
Помогите народ!
И ещё сколько лецензия стоит?
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вам (как и мне) «повезло» скачать кривой репак. Чтоб не вылетало при использовании оптики, надо скачать NoDVD для v_1.3 — http://www.playground.ru/cheats/41129/.
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Поставил NODVD.net и пока все в норме, а то до этого вылетал после разговора
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У меня после перехода на базар инвентарь напарника перестаёт подавать признаки жизни. Когда щелкаешь по предмету курсор щелкает сквозь инвентарь на карту.
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Привет! У меня одна проблема. При включение игры она зависает).Что делать?!
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Ммммда , лицуха , есть лицуха !) Работает!
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на сайте «бука»
20 ноября 2009 года
Скачать патч 1.3 (25582 кб)
Список изменений:
[-] Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к падению, при установке растяжки
[-] Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к падению, при выборе пункта меню «Настройки»
[-] Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к падению, с зацеливанием точки
[-] Исправлена ошибка, со случайным выделением отряда по Ctrl+A
[-] Исправлено несколько незначительных ошибок в коде игры
[+] Добавлена возможность деактивировать ключ версий защищенных Star Force Proactive
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Game Crash, EXCEPTION ACCESS VIOLATION / RaidGame Win64 Shipping Error, and Freezing issues are quite irritating and frustrating as they are restricting you from playing the recently released action game, Marauders. However, sometimes, the developers are not the ones to be blamed. There is a high chance that the problem is at your end. Continue reading this article to learn various methods by which you can resolve Marauders Crashing, Screen Freezing, etc. issues easily. So, let’s get right into it.
Fix: Marauders Crashing, Screen Freezing, etc. issues
1) Restart your PC:
The first and foremost fix for these issues is a simple reboot of your PC.
2) Launch the game using the .exe file
We usually run the game we want to play by using the shortcut icon on the desktop. If you are facing these issues regularly, then try launching the game from its installation location.
3) Run Marauders as an administrator
Before running the game, right-click on the icon and select “Run as administrator”. Now, check if the issue is resolved.
4) Delete the Game Settings folder / Saved Game Files
Before deleting this folder, note that this will result in a loss of progress that you have saved. To delete this folder, head to the following path:
This PC > C: Drive > Users > *Your Username* > Appdata (if this folder is hidden, click on “View” at top, select “Show”, and check “Hidden Items”) > Raid Game > Saved.
Delete this folder and see if the issue is resolved.
5) Allow the game’s .exe file to the antivirus program or Windows Security
In order to allow the game’s.exe file to Windows Security, head to this path Windows Search Bar > type “Virus and threat protection” > Select the first result > Manage Ransomware Protection > Allow an app through controlled folder access > Yes > Add an Allowed App > Browse all apps > head to the game installation folder and select the game’s .exe file. After that, launch the game to see if the issue is fixed
6) Put -dx11 or -dx12 in Launch Options via Steam:
a) Open Steam
b) Go to Library, and right-click on Marauders
c) Select the General Category
d) In the Launch Options, type “-dx11” or “-dx12”.
e) Try to run the game now. If the issue is still not resolved, go back to Steam and undo these steps.
7) Install Graphics Drivers:
Installing Graphics Drivers is necessary to run the game smoothly on PCs. If you use an NVIDIA Graphics Card, you must install the latest NVIDIA Graphics Drivers. On the other hand, if you use an AMD Graphics Card, install the latest AMD Graphics Drivers.
Run Marauders on the dedicated graphics card
Laptop users with dual graphics cards must ensure that the game is running on the dedicated graphics card and not on the integrated one. Follow these steps to run it on the dedicated graphics card:
a) Go to Windows Search Bar, type “Graphics Settings” and hit enter
b) Click on Browse and navigate to the folder where the game is installed. (Default Path: steamLibrarysteamappscommonPHTestRaidGame.exe)
c) Select the RaidGame.exe file and click on “Add”.
d) When this game is added to the list, select Options and set it to “High Performance”.
e) After that repeat the same steps to add the “RaidGame-Win64-Shipping” file. (Default Path: steamLibrarysteamappscommonPHTestRaidGameBinariesWin64RaidGame-Win64-Shipping)
9) Install Visual C++ files:
Missing Visual C++ files can also cause this issue. Make sure that Visual C++ Files are installed on your system. If not, then head here to install them.
10) Disable overlays and close all apps running in the background:
Applications like Steam, Discord, MSI afterburner, etc. usually display overlays on the screen. Make sure to disable all the screen overlays and shut down all the apps running in the background.
11) Update windows
Make sure that your Windows is up to date. Head to the Windows Update section to check if there is any update pending. If there is, update your system and then launch the game.
12) Verify the game files and restart Steam
Verifying the game files on Steam will delete all the corrupted files and reinstall them. To perform this process, head to Steam, right-click on the game, and select “Properties”. In the Local Files tab, click on “Verify Integrity of Game Files”.
13) Try Windowed mode, and lower down graphics settings:
Go to the in-game settings and lower down the Video and Graphics settings. Also, lower the resolution and launch the game in the Windowed mode.
14) Disconnect multiple monitors and unplug all the USB devices:
If any unused devices or multiple monitors are connected to your PC, then make sure to disconnect them and see if it fixes the issue.
15) Reinstall the game to a different drive (SSD)
If none of the above-mentioned methods resolved your issue, then just reinstall the game to another drive of your choice, an SSD is preferred.
So, this was everything about resolving the Marauders Crashing, Screen Freezing, etc. issues. If you found this article helpful, kindly share it with your friends.
Мародер crashes? Game not starting? Bugs in Мародер? Solution to most technical problems.
If Мародер crashes, Мародер will not start, Мародер not installing, there are no controls in Мародер, no sound in game, errors happen in Мародер – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.
Be sure to update your graphics card drivers and other software
Before letting out all of your bad feelings toward development team, do not forget to go to the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers. There are often specially prepared optimized drivers for specific game. You can also try to install a past versions of the driver if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.
It is important to remember that only the final version of the video card driver must be loaded – try not to use the beta version, since they can have some terrible bugs.
Do not also forget that for good game operation you may need to install the latest version DirectX, which can be found and downloaded from official Microsoft website.
Мародер not starting
Many of the problems with games launching happen because of improper installation. Check, if there was any error during installation, try deleting the game and run the installer again, but before install don’t forget to disable antivirus – it may often mistakenly delete files during installation process. It is also important to remember that the path to the folder with a game should contain only Latin characters and numbers.
You also have to check whether there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can also try to run the game as an administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.
Мародер crashes. Low FPS. Friezes. Hangs
Your first solution to this problem install new drivers for a video card. This action can drastically rise game FPS. Also, check the CPU and memory utilization in the Task Manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If before starting the game you can see that some process consumes too many resources — turn off the program or simply remove this process from Task Manager.
Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First – turn off anti-aliasing and try to lower the setting, responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and switching them off will greatly enhance the performance, and not greatly affect the quality of the picture.
Мародер crashes to the desktop
If Мародер often crashes to the desktop, try to reduce quality of the graphics. It is possible that your PC just does not have enough performance and the game may not work correctly. Also, it is worth to check out for updates — most of today’s games have the automatic patches installation system on startup if internet connection is available. Check to see whether this option is turned off in the settings and switch it on if necessary.
Black of black screen in the Мародер
The most common issue with black screen is a problem with your GPU. Check to see if your video card meets the minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is the result of a lack of CPU performance.
If everything is fine with your hardware and it satisfies the minimum requirements, try to switch to another window (ALT + TAB), and then return to the game screen.
Мародер is not installed. Installation hangs
First of all, check that you have enough space on the HDD for installation. Remember that to work properly installer requires the declared volume of space, plus 1-2 GB of additional free space on the system drive. In general, remember this rule – you must always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space on your system drive (usually it’s disk C) for temporary files. Otherwise, the games and the other software may not work correctly or even refuse to start.
Problems with the installation may also be due to the lack of an internet connection or it’s instability. Also, do not forget to stop the antivirus for the time game installation – sometimes it interferes with the correct file copy, or delete files by mistake, mistakenly believing they are viruses.
Saves not working in Мародер
By analogy with the previous solution, check for free space on HDD — both on where the game is installed, and the system drive. Often your saves are stored in a folder of documents, which is separate from the game itself.
Controls not working in Мародер
Sometimes the controls in game do not work because of the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try disabling gamepad, or, if for some reason, you have two connected keyboards or mouses, leave only one pair of devices. If your gamepad does not work, remember — the games usually officially support only native Xbox controllers. If your controller is defined in system differently — try using software that emulates the Xbox gamepad (eg, x360ce — step by step manual can be found here).
No sound in Мародер
Check if the sound works in other programs. Then check to see if the sound is turned off in the settings of the game, and whether there is correct audio playback device selected, which is connected your speakers or headset. After this check volumes in system mixer, it can also be turned off there.
If you are using an external audio card — check for new drivers at the manufacturer’s website.
Marauders is the latest tactical space pirate multiplayer game set in a sci-fi universe. Unfortunately, many issues have been reported over the past few days such as game crashes at startup, doesn’t start, or not loading on PC, and much more. The game is still in an early access phase, and some issues players might face. Some of the issues have not yet been resolved and a new problem arises. Lately, many players are complaining that they are stuck at a black screen and can’t do anything beyond that.
The black screen issue on launch or during the gameplay in Marauders might be caused by multiple reasons including outdated graphics drivers or missing or corrupted graphics driver files. In this guide, we have covered all potential solutions to fix the black screen issue in Marauders.
1. Firstly, make sure your video card is compatible with the game and also make sure it meets the minimum system requirements.
2. Next solution is to update your graphics drivers to the latest version. For this, go to the official website of your device manufacturer and download the latest drivers.
3. Close down all other applications and/or programs running in the background to resolve software conflicts and free up some resources.
4. If any of your game files are missing or corrupted, you might face a black screen issue in Marauders. So, try to repair your game files and the issue should be fixed. To do this:
– Go to the Steam library and find out Marauders
– Right-click on it and go to Properties >> Local Files
– Select the “Verify integrity of game files”
– Now the scanning process will start and it may take sometimes
– Once done, relaunch the game and the black screen issue in Marauders should be fixed
5. The next method you should try when you encounter the black screen issue on Marauders is to press the Alt + Tab keys on your keyboard to switch out of your game and then press Alt + Tab keys again to switch back into your game. If that doesn’t work too, don’t worry as you can try the next solutions to fix the black screen issue on Marauders.
6. Sometimes, the antivirus program installed in your system can prevent the game from running smoothly. In that case, go to the game folder where Marauders is installed and keep the game in the list of exceptions for your antivirus.
7. Sometimes, you experience a black screen problem if there are some issues in the temporary graphics settings. That can be resolved simply by switching the mode from windowed to full-screen. To do that:
At the time of playing the game, press the Alt and Enter keys on your keyboard to switch to the windowed mode. Then press again Alt and Enter keys to switch back to the full-screen mode.
That’s all – We have covered all possible solutions to fix the Marauders black screen issue.
Also read – How to get money quickly in Marauders.
Fix: Infinite Loading & Crash On Launch
Trying to play Marauders, but can’t because the game won’t launch, it won’t launch after changing settings or it’s crashing? Well, this guide will show you a few ways that you can try and fix the game if you’re having issues.
- The lack of administrative rights might be the first cause of the game’s crash. Select “Run The Game as Administrator” from the context menu once you right-click on the game. If it doesn’t work, try playing the game from the account with administrator privileges.
- Another reason for the game to crash at launch is the anti-virus or the Windows Defender, which might be detecting the game’s exe file as a trojan virus. You can either disable the anti-virus or make an exception for the game in the anti-virus. This will allow the game to run on your system.
Update Graphics Drivers
There are many reasons why Marauders crashes to desktop at startup or mid-game. One of them is outdated GPU drivers. If you have an old version of graphics drivers installed on your PC, then it won’t be able to support all of the features in Marauders properly. Simply update your GPU drivers to the latest version to fix this problem.
- Press Windows + R.
- Type “DxDiag” and click OK.
- After the DirectX Diagnostic Tool loads, select the Display tab.
- The video card’s name and manufacturer are listed in the Device section. The current driver version is listed in the Driver section.
- Visit the driver manufacturer’s website to obtain the most up-to-date driver.
AMD Drivers
Nvidia Drivers
Intel Drivers
Verify Game Files
One of the possible causes of game launching issues is missing or corrupted game files. Luckily, many PC clients allow you to verify the integrity of game files through the library:
Please find the steps below for instructions on how to do this:
- Open Steam and click Library.
- Right-click Marauders and select Properties.
- Select LOCAL FILES on the left and click Verify integrity of game files…
- Steam will verify the game’s files – this process may take several minutes.
- Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables
Marauders or any PC game may require the latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables in order to run properly.
Download a fresh copy of Visual C++ runtime from Microsoft’s website. Install or repair it. You can use this Microsoft link to access Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable latest supported downloads:
Fix: Black Screen Issue
Solutions for the black screen issue:
Fix 1: Switch out of your game, then switch back in
This is the first thing you should try when you have a black screen issue on Marauders. To do this:
- When your game is running, press the Alt and Tab keys on your keyboard at the same time to switch out of the game.
- Press the Alt and Tab keys on your keyboard at the same time to switch back into your game.
Fix 2: Switch to the windowed mode, then switch back to the full-screen mode
Some temporary graphics settings issue usually causes a black screen. And this can usually be fixed by switching between the windowed and full-screen mode. To do so:
- When your game is running, press the Alt and Enter keys on your keyboard at the same time to go to the windowed mode.
- Press the Alt and Enter keys on your keyboard at the same time to switch back to the full-screen view.
If this works for you, you won’t see the black screen. But if the issue persists, don’t worry. There are still other fixes for you to try.
- Disable Vsync in the NVIDIA GeForce Experience/AMD Radeon Software.
- In the Nvidia control panel, disable Fast Sync.
- Try running the game in windowed mode.
He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.
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