it isn’t doing anything else it just throws that error at me
i’m on macOS and have tried restarting my computer
how can i fix this?
It might be a side affect of VS updates. One of my PCs started exhibiting the same problem. Will need to investigate.
Thank you for reporting
Well, just realized that it was another VSCode update pending.
After the update has finished and VSCode restarted the problem has gone.
Can you please check that you have installed the latest version of VSCode and the extension.
Something is still not OK. Will have a look.
What version of .NET SDK are you running. Can you please check your dotnet --list-sdks
Getting the very latest update has solved the problem on another machine as well:
Thanks for the interest! I will try applying the changes now.
I have .NET 3.1 and 5. the terminal outputs 3.1.409 [/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk] 5.0.203 [/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk]
For clarification, I am on a MacBook Air 2015 running macOS Big Sur.
Hope that helps, and hope your solution works,
Doesn’t seem to have worked… do I have to add anything else to my project/code before running it? I’ve noticed it doesn’t throw an error the first time I use it after i boot Visual Studio Code, but it also doesn’t output anything.
I haven’t read the documentation, and if this error is a result of my own incompetence, so sorry for wasting your time.
I cannot make a new CS-Script project, because it just throws the error again.
I’ll try different things and try to find something that works.
Forgot this:
The extension is doing lazy loading so it is not activated until you try to use it. That’s why the problem is not immediate.
I feel that most likely the script engine binaries somehow failed to be deployed.
You can check if they are present (e.g. cscs.dll):
_user_dir = path.join(process.env.HOME!, 'Library', 'Application Support', 'Code', 'User', 'cs-script.user');
if they are try to execute directly from the shell:
And if it works then try «about» command from VSCode:
It is the simplest scenario that runs the engine and spits the output to the VSCode output window.
You being on mac makes it really difficult for me to investigate as I do not have mac handy.
Debugging by yourself can be an option but it is not an easy one to take. It will be your time spent on it without any warranty of success.
Sorry mate.
i’ll spin up a linux and windows vm and try on them
Windows 10 User here. I get this error as well on fresh install of CS-Script from chocolatey
and version v2.1.0 of the vscode extension
C# Script execution engine (.NET Core). Version
Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Oleg Shilo. (
CLR: 5.0.17
System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0
Architecture: x64
Install dir: <not integrated>
Script engine: c:programdatachocolateylibcs-script.coretoolscscs.dll
Config file: <none>
Compiler engine: dotnet (C:Program Filesdotnetdotnet.exe)
NuGet manager: dotnet
NuGet cache: C:Userstj.nugetpackages
Custom commands: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptcommands
Global includes: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptinc
and freshly installed CS-Script plugin
output of —list-sdks
3.1.421 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
6.0.301 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
6.0.302 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
Followed instructions, F1, CS-Script: New C# Script
First execution of script (Green Triangle) nothing happens
Second Click of button CS-Script is busy
It looks like you need to update your CS-Script version.
This is the expected output:
CS-Script.VSCode - v2.1.0
C# Script execution engine (.NET Core). Version
Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Oleg Shilo. (
CLR: 6.0.7
System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0
Architecture: x64
Install dir: C:ProgramDatachocolateylibcs-scripttools
Script engine: C:ProgramDatachocolateylibcs-scripttoolscscs.dll
Config file: C:ProgramDatachocolateylibcs-scripttoolscss_config.xml
Compiler engine: csc (C:Program Filesdotnetsdk6.0.302Roslynbincorecsc.dll)
: dotnet (C:Program Filesdotnetdotnet.exe)
NuGet manager: dotnet
NuGet cache: C:Usersoleg.shilo.nugetpackages
Custom commands: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptcommands
Global includes: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptinc
I suggest you update your CS-Script as it is not exactly matching the runtime installed. Then we will proceed from there.
You said that it was a fresh install from choco but the version there is 4.4.7 (
It is possible you have an old obsolete CS-Script.Core installed (
If it is the case you will need to remove it and install choco install cs-script
After MS dropped support for .BNET Framework and renamed .NET Core in just .NET, CS-Script followed the suite and renamed CS-Script.Core in just CS-Script.
Oh, I see , I figured that since I wanted to use Net Core, I installed the CSScript.Core version instead of CSScript.
I’ve been using CSScript since before Net.Core was a thing but this is the first time reinstalling it in a while.
So is Net.Framework no longer supported? Is CSScript basically .Net now?
I will try uninstalling that older version and hopefully the problem will go away
Yes. CS-Script just followed the .NET roadmap:
Starting from version v2.2.0 any accidental «hanging» of the script being executed can be fixed by CS-Script: reset busy status
Я использую Visual Studio и CSScript. Моя программа предельно проста.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class Hello
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
Однако, когда я пытаюсь запустить его, появляется сообщение об ошибке:
CS-Script is busy.
Обновлено: @TheGeneral упомянул, что я забыл указать, как я запускал программу, что является очень серьезной проблемой. Я запускаю программу с помощью coderunner в Visual Studio.
I’m running Visual Studio and CSScript. My program is extremely simple.
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class Hello
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
However, when I try to run it, the error message shows:
CS-Script is busy.
Edit: @TheGeneral mentioned that I forgot to include how I was running the program, which is a very valid concern. I am running the program using coderunner in Visual Studio.
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Windows 10 User here. I get this error as well on fresh install of CS-Script from chocolatey
and version v2.1.0 of the vscode extension
C# Script execution engine (.NET Core). Version
Copyright (C) 2004-2020 Oleg Shilo. (
CLR: 5.0.17
System: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19044.0
Architecture: x64
Install dir: <not integrated>
Script engine: c:programdatachocolateylibcs-script.coretoolscscs.dll
Config file: <none>
Compiler engine: dotnet (C:Program Filesdotnetdotnet.exe)
NuGet manager: dotnet
NuGet cache: C:Userstj.nugetpackages
Custom commands: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptcommands
Global includes: C:ProgramDatacs-scriptinc
and freshly installed CS-Script plugin
output of —list-sdks
3.1.421 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
6.0.301 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
6.0.302 [C:Program Filesdotnetsdk]
Followed instructions, F1, CS-Script: New C# Script
First execution of script (Green Triangle) nothing happens
Second Click of button CS-Script is busy