Err file pack 3 gta 5 как исправить

никак(у меня тоже самое, переустановка не поможет

generated file — do not edit }

CPU does not support rdtsc instruction.

Game error. Please reboot and restart the game.

Corrupt game data. Please reboot or reinstall the game.

Computer does not meet minimum requirements.

Game error. Please reboot and restart the game.

Invalid command line parameter. For more information, please visit:

Invalid command line parameter format. For more information, please visit:

Corrupt game data. Please reboot or reinstall the game.

Corrupt game data. Please reboot or reinstall the game.
ребят нашел такой файл в пути GTAv E:GAMESGTAVx64dataerrorcodes



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Если результата всё равно нет — удалите с ПК мультиплеер RAGE, GTA5RP Launcher, а также любые другие лаунчеры, которые используют GTA online, если используете, далее обратитесь в поддержку рокстар геймс.

Мы не сможем предложить Вам решений для восстановления работы самой GTA V (Соответственно сюжетного режима и GTA online)

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Have a look in your ‘OpenIV.log‘ (in GTAV root folder. Check other ‘.log‘s for info too) & see if you can track down exactly what ‘.rpf‘, or file inside it, is causing the ‘ERR_FIL_PACK_3‘ then either, replace that file (might work), or rebuild the entire archive manually using a working vanilla ‘.rpf‘ from the game folder.

You can open the broken ‘.rpf‘ & move it’s pertinent (ie modded) files to a folder in windows & use those files to rebuild the new one.
It won’t take long to do it that way :thumbsup:

Если при загрузке GTA 5 у вас появляется ошибка ERR_FIL_PACK_3, то владельцам лицензионной версии нужно найти папку dlcpacks внутри игры, удалить или переименовать эту папку, затем зайти в игру и дождаться пока она заново загрузит все dlc.

Тем же кто решил… попробовать игру перед тем как купить, да? Нужно скачать немецкую программу по проверке хешей GTA 5, кинуть ее в папку с игрой, запустить программу и дождаться выполнения, на что уйдет минут 10. Программа выдаст список файлов и результат проверки HASH. Все файлы рядом с которым стоит HASH NICHT KORREKT нужно кинуть зигу и воскликнуть “йа воль майн фюрер”. После запрета торрентов ничего другого и не остаётся.

Обновлено: 29.01.2023

Hello guys, recently after the scripthook update i tried running my game and i got err_file_pack 3, i noticed some files in the update.rpf were changed on the last update, but i don’t know whats changed on the original update.rpf files. Does anyone have any idea what changes were made? So i can copy those updates to my modded update.rpf.

*I tried replacing the original update.rpf files then putting on the mods, still getting the same error err_file_pack 3. What could be the problem now?

Use openiv and then choose to update, the update in mods folder

@RainbowGTX You need to copy your entire vanilla update.rpf to your mods folder, then re-upload your custom dlclist.xml and gameconfig files to it again. That should do it.

«Are you having fun? You remember fun? It’s that thing you pretend to have while documenting every moment, meal and faux memory. I’ve got a challenge for you: turn your phone off for a day and see how uncomfortable you get.» — Cara Delevingne

@meimeiriver @Biggdogg I copied the entire vanilla update.rpf, well it turns out something is wrong with MY mods. The ERR_FILE_PACK 3 is caused by a graphics mod (i’m using two, Naturalvision and MVGA). The graphic mods thats messing with the update.rpf is only MVGA. I changed the timecyc,hbaosettings and visualsettings from the MVGA. I tried again with the original files. It crashed again, now due to my car mods. I’ve got plenty of car mods and i’ll have to try one by one to figure out which one is causing the crash . Is there any way tho to use the MVGA mods? Cause tbh the only reason i keep on playing GTA is the graphics mod

Thanks for replying

Sadly, these ERR_FILE_PACK are rarely very clear. Usually indicative of a memory error; so it may not be an isolated mod per se.

Personally, I’d start with a solid Gameconfig (1.0.1011.1-1.0.1032.1, if you hadn’t already installed that. That should at least give you some room for your own DLC’s and mods.

«Are you having fun? You remember fun? It’s that thing you pretend to have while documenting every moment, meal and faux memory. I’ve got a challenge for you: turn your phone off for a day and see how uncomfortable you get.» — Cara Delevingne

@RainbowGTX Also, stupid question maybe, but did you actually update?! When I put STEAM in Online Mode again, I really had to force a verify first, before it would even start the update process again. Otherwise you’d just wind up with a new ScriptHook over an old gta5.exe file.

«Are you having fun? You remember fun? It’s that thing you pretend to have while documenting every moment, meal and faux memory. I’ve got a challenge for you: turn your phone off for a day and see how uncomfortable you get.» — Cara Delevingne

Personally, I’d start with a solid Gameconfig (1.0.1011.1-1.0.1032.1, if you hadn’t already installed that. That should at least give you some room for your own DLC’s and mods.

See, the thing to keep in mind is, that a new update.rpf will wipe out your custom gameconfig.xml file (and dlclist.xml); so you need to specifically reupload it again to the update.rpf in mods.

«Are you having fun? You remember fun? It’s that thing you pretend to have while documenting every moment, meal and faux memory. I’ve got a challenge for you: turn your phone off for a day and see how uncomfortable you get.» — Cara Delevingne

@meimeiriver Because I didn’t want to do this after every update, I’ve made a little .asi that automatically adjusts pool sizes in memory while the game loads. I don’t know why I haven’t done this way earlier but yeah.

Tested with b944, b1011 and b1032 and works great but I’m still trying to figure out ideal values for the sizes so that it’s 100% safe from crashing.

Currently, this is what I’m adjusting but I don’t use Add-On peds so that might require some additional patching in the future if it causes problems:

@Unknown-Modder ^^ Very nice!

«Are you having fun? You remember fun? It’s that thing you pretend to have while documenting every moment, meal and faux memory. I’ve got a challenge for you: turn your phone off for a day and see how uncomfortable you get.» — Cara Delevingne

@meimeiriver For debugging purposes I’ve also made this xml file (looks almost like the actual gameconfig):

which lets me easily add an item for any pool. I have already someone to test this and help me figure out perfect values but he can’t do it before Thursday.

@meimeiriver yes, i copied the modded gameconfig.xml, i obviously updated the game too lol otherwise it won’t start (steam ver). I also verified it through steam, and all files were successfully validated. It turns out MVGA was causing the ERR_FILE_PACK. Not sure because of the visualsettings/timecyc/hbaosettings mods or 3 of them lol. I copied the update.rpf vanilla and added the car mods only, without the graphic mods. Some car mods were also causing crash (normal gtav not responding). I tried to delete and put them one by one and found out some BMW/Ferrari cars weren’t compatible (i’m still using 1.0.1011 gameconfig, dk with the new one). :D
Thanks for the replies

Does anyone have any idea though if MVGA will ever be updated? I really love it

@RainbowGTX The latest version of MVGA is 2.6
Its working good here.
The creator is @Kompetenzz

Ошибка в GTA 5 «ERR_FIL_PACK_3» не запускается игра.

Играл в ГТА 5 пиратскую, как обычно поиграл, выключил, через некоторое время снова захожу в гта 5, она загружается, до девушки в купальники, и вылазиет ошибка «ERR_FIL_PACK_3» и дальше написано «Игровые данные повреждены. Пожалуйста, перезагрузите систему, проверьте игровые данные или переустановите игру. Для более подробной информации посетите «» нажимаю ОК и игра «не отвечает» и закрывается. Уже и перезагружал, и в безопасном режиме пытался включить, сохранения вытащил. Непомогло скажите что делать? если переустанавать это же 110 гигов сначало авторун на 40 гигов скачать потом игру на 70 гигов установить, может каких файлах покопаться стереть что дописать?

Можно как то попонятнее теперь? что ничего не сделать?

Zenker Искусственный Интеллект (103358) Нет, только если переустановка, у вас же файлы установщика есть?


I did nothing. Everything was ok and working fine but somehow, I tried to start GTA V and this happened:

alt text

-Verified game files via Steam. (Didn’t work)
-Tried to delete mods folder. (Worked)

But I don’t want to re-install everything. Is there any solution? I searched error name but nah, nothing helpful.

Game Version: 1.0.1868.0

Have a look in your ‘OpenIV.log’ (in GTAV root folder. Check other ‘.log’s for info too) & see if you can track down exactly what ‘.rpf’, or file inside it, is causing the ‘ERR_FIL_PACK_3’ then either, replace that file (might work), or rebuild the entire archive manually using a working vanilla ‘.rpf’ from the game folder.

You can open the broken ‘.rpf’ & move it’s pertinent (ie modded) files to a folder in windows & use those files to rebuild the new one.
It won’t take long to do it that way

«Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.» — Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)

you may have to update both your update.rpf and you can find simple solutions using OPENIV patch OIV installation solutions to get a better result out of your update.rpf being out of date and not being verified properly that way you dont lose out on your mods.

@a63nt-5m1th , @GayJizzGuzzler Thank you guys but I think I’ll re-install all my mods.


I did nothing. Everything was ok and working fine but somehow, I tried to start GTA V and this happened:

alt text

-Verified game files via Steam. (Didn’t work)
-Tried to delete mods folder. (Worked)

But I don’t want to re-install everything. Is there any solution? I searched error name but nah, nothing helpful.

Game Version: 1.0.1868.0

Have a look in your ‘OpenIV.log’ (in GTAV root folder. Check other ‘.log’s for info too) & see if you can track down exactly what ‘.rpf’, or file inside it, is causing the ‘ERR_FIL_PACK_3’ then either, replace that file (might work), or rebuild the entire archive manually using a working vanilla ‘.rpf’ from the game folder.

You can open the broken ‘.rpf’ & move it’s pertinent (ie modded) files to a folder in windows & use those files to rebuild the new one.
It won’t take long to do it that way

«Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.» — Lewis Carroll (Alice in Wonderland)

you may have to update both your update.rpf and you can find simple solutions using OPENIV patch OIV installation solutions to get a better result out of your update.rpf being out of date and not being verified properly that way you dont lose out on your mods.

@a63nt-5m1th , @GayJizzGuzzler Thank you guys but I think I’ll re-install all my mods.

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