Error loading bmp texture half life model viewer как исправить

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Редактирование скина (Error loading .BMP Texture)

Открываю модельку через Jed’s Half-Life Model Viewer выбираю вкладку Textures потом жму Export сохраняю куда хочу редактирую в фотоЖопе сохраняю в формате .bmp потом снова запускаю модельку выбираю вкладку Textures потом жму на Import нахожу свой редактированный рисунок выбираю его и мне выдаёт Error loading .BMP Texture подскажите пожалуйста что не так я делаю или в каких точных форматах сохранять отредактированный ресунок.

P.S. Сильно не ругайте…

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Re: Редактирование скина (Error loading .BMP Texture)

Сообщение fl0wer » 28 апр 2011, 16:00

8 бит

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Re: Редактирование скина (Error loading .BMP Texture)

Сообщение omon » 28 апр 2011, 18:37

Ооо спс большое получилось ;)

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, Программа по редактированию млделей CS_1.6

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21.12.2007, 14:01


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Ребят подскажите пожалуйста где достать программу по редактированию моделий игроков CS_1.6, или хотябы напишите как она называется. Тоесть по редактированию mdl файлов. Моя ICQ: 446673663

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22.12.2007, 3:28


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Блин я помойму популярным я зыком написал, что редактирование моделий а не просмотр, эта прога у мя есть, а мне нужна та в которой можно добавлять рисунки, тобеш рисовать прямо на самих моделях.
Например у нас есть модель террориста, пусть будет leet, а мне надо нарисовать у него на спине знак из ResidentaEvil, Ambrella corporation. Теперь доходчиво обьяснил?

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22.12.2007, 9:49


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*** сложно догадатся что этой программой выдираешь текстуру модели и в фотошопе редактируешь ее или мозк включать уже ломает?
Теперь доходчиво обьяснил?

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22.12.2007, 13:28


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1) Всё короче сделал експортировал текстуру.

2)В фотошопе нарисовал знак ResidentEvil(точнее снял с другой текстуры) на спине, СОХРАНИЛ в формате- Images Only (gif)

3) /(остальные форматы не то-HTML Only (html), HTML and images(html)-я думаю не подходят/

4) Потом открыл (gif) в проге FreePicture, и сахронил уже в формате Bitmap(.bmp)

5) Пытаюсь импортировать уже в Half-Life Model Viewer и тут он мне выдаёт вот такую ошибку——

——- Error loading .BMP texture

6) Ребят подскажите пожалуйста что делать уж очень хотся сделать кс1.6, Резедентом онлайн.


Как всё доделаю на серве скину айпи, опробуете.

С уважением STARLIGHT.

Отредактировал: gto3zr, — 23.12.2007, 5:31

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25.12.2007, 0:46


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Ответти ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, просто не хочется флудить.

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26.12.2007, 18:14


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Ну чтож….
Якобы Официальная прога для редактирования моделей на движке ХЛ1 это MilkShape 3D ( ). Но у меня в ней нихера не получается =(
Вот ещё посмотри:

Я помню что гдето была хорошая статья на эту тему….. но где она щас? =)

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28.12.2007, 13:58


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28.12.2007, 21:11


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gto3zr ты неправильно сделал. последовательность что бы неошибится должна быть такая:
1) открываешь модель находишь нужную текстуру
2) импортируешь её в фотошоп и заменяешь нужное место своим пикчером
3) кидаешь обратно текстуру и сохраняешь модель.

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30.12.2007, 4:21


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^^Nelegal^^-СПОСИБО огромное, как плюс поставить?

ДА и большое СПОСИБО Makzz-y, за предоставление ссылок, там много полезного.

Отредактировал: gto3zr, — 30.12.2007, 4:24

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Error Loading .BMP texture

Plastic Fantastic Lover

08-24-2003, 03:26 PM

I’m trying to reskin Vctrmaster’s v_model of the 98k, and whenever I try to import my own skins using HLMV, I keep getting an ‘Error Loading .BMP texture’ message. I make sure the original and new skins are IDENTICAL in all respects (res,dim,color depth), and I still get it.


I just tested it. Your problem is that you compressed the bitmap when you saved it. Disable RLE compression when saving to bitmap (in photoshop you can do that in the dialog that appears after you have named your file and pressed save as).

Plastic Fantastic Lover

08-24-2003, 03:34 PM

Tankee! I use Jasc PSP, but still similar to photoshop.

Day of Defeat Forum Archive created by Neil Jedrzejewski.

This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.

I’ve been following a tutorial on modelling for goldsource ( ) and put it into half life, but I’ve bumped into an error.

Basically it’s all compiled with a texture and animation but when I try to load it into Jed’s half life model viewer an error comes up saying » Error Post-loading Model».

I’ve tried searching on google and in the comments for the tutorial but I can’t find anything. I don’t know what cause this error because when I go into half life models folder alot of models come up with the same error. ( except instead of post-loading model it just says loading model)


Shoot Rimrook a PM. He’s the one who wrote the tutorial; should be able to help you out.

And does the model work in-game or just not in Jed’s?

I’m not exactly sure if it works in-game because I don’t know how to put it in hammer.

And I’ll give Rimrook a pm then.

I have been searching around for a way to put my model into hammer and it all comes down to the entity env_model, but I can’t find that in my list of entities.

I’ve searched google for updated fdg files and I’ve gotten a few but none of them have env_model, and yes they are hammer 3.5 fdg’s (and i have hammer 3.5)

If I understood this correctly, a monster_furniture should do what I think you want. Otherwise, well, I don’t know.

thanks Darkie, I tried that out but when I try to load the map with the model in Half Life crashes and comes up with this error.

Mod_NumForName: C:/half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl not found

I also still have the problem where i can’t open it in the model viewer…

EDIT: I think i found my problem, when i re-compile my qc file i found out i first have to delete the original model file (woops), so i did that but now it says error unknown graphics type Vcrate.jpeg in the compile window.

I’m guessing it says that because it isn’t saved as 8-bit? I don’t see 8-bit in my extentions, the lowest i have is 16 bit, if any knows the name of the 8-bit extension (for all i know it’s called 8-bit ) then please tell me.

I’m getting closer!

It has to be 8-bit BMP for HL models.

the only bmp extensions i have are

16 colour bitmap
256 colour bitmap
24-bit bitmap
Monochrome bitmap

I don’t really know which one of them to use (maybe not the 24-bit one)

thanks, i tried that and the image error has disappeared, but unfortuantly another has appeared.

This time it says
********** ERROR **********
Error opening half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl: No such file or directory

I don’t know why it is trying to open that when it should be trying to create it, if it helps here is my QC file

$modelname «half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl»
$cd «.»
$cdtexture «.»
$scale 1.0

$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$origin 0 0 0

//reference mesh(es)
$body «studio» «half_life_crate_first»

// 1 animation sequence(s)
$sequence «idle1» «crate_idle1» fps 30

// End of QC script.

Anyhelp would be appreciated.

Ok, I’ve solved a little bit more on my own, I got rid of the error and the compiler makes a mdl file now (change name from half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl to firstcrate.mdl) and I can view it in half life model viewer but heres my new problem.

I got rid of the error that crashed hl when i opened my map with my model (i put the model into the models folder in the valve folder) but my molder won’t appear.

I’ve put in other models like computers and they came up, but my model is like invisible and there are no errors in my compiling for my map.

Any help would be appreciated.. again :)

what entity are you using?

I am using monster_furniture like darkie suggested.

try using cycler_sprite. It’s not in the FGD, but it should still work.
[quote]@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) = cycler_sprite : «Sprite Cycler»

model(sprite) : "Sprite"
framerate(integer) : "Frames per second" : 10
renderfx(choices) :"Render FX" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Slow Pulse"
	2: "Fast Pulse"
	3: "Slow Wide Pulse"
	4: "Fast Wide Pulse"
	9: "Slow Strobe"
	10: "Fast Strobe"
	11: "Faster Strobe"
	12: "Slow Flicker"
	13: "Fast Flicker"
	5: "Slow Fade Away"
	6: "Fast Fade Away"
	7: "Slow Become Solid"
	8: "Fast Become Solid"
	14: "Constant Glow"
	15: "Distort"
	16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)"
rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 =
	0: "Normal"
	1: "Color"
	2: "Texture"
	3: "Glow"
	4: "Solid"
	5: "Additive"
renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (1 - 255)"
rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0"

try adding that to the FGD. It works on models too, if I remember correctly.

********** ERROR **********
Error opening half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl: No such file or directory

To ease up the process, don’t list long directories in the script. Keep all of the files related to your model in the same folder so it knows where to look. Also if you do that, you can compile anywhere. Automatically, QC scripts will look for resources in the same folder it is in. Anything else will get lost unless you type out a long directory like C:/users/rimrook/documents and setting/desktop/hl models/crate/etc/etc/etc… you get the idea.

The line that says
$modelname «half_life_crate/firstcrate.mdl»

Should say
$modelname «firstcrate.mdl»

Isn’t that easier? :3

When you compile, it’ll put the MDL file in the folder, then copy-paste it into your HL models folder for use.

I’ll be buzzing around this thread from time to time. ^_^

EDIT: Wow. pays to read a bit.

Anyway, your new problem can be solved by using a «Cycler» entity, not cycler_sprite or the env_sprite entities. The reason it crashes your HL is because HL is looking for animations, hitboxes, AI, and all that stuff. Cyclers don’t care. I’ve had that problem a few times, although I don’t know why monster_furniture works with some models not with others. If it persists, send me your model and files.

lol I’ve already fixed the problem where hl crashes, bu thanks rimrook the cycler entity works!

it’s pretty cool seeing something you worked on inside a game :P

Thanks to everyone who helped, now I’m going onto the second part of the modelling tut! :D

User posted image

Its in game now :D

But work on that Texturing. Review the part about the UVW Mapping modifier. It’ll clean up those stretches.

Otherwise congrats on your first model! There are many more to be made ahead of you.

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jed half life bmp texture error help !! Empty Re: jed half life bmp texture error help !!

Post  AZWANTED Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:08 am

Reitia wrote:

Reitia wrote:

Gumiflex wrote:You must go tho the photoshop and set Indexed coloro,not RGB Wink

wath ?
sorry im noob xd

gumiflex pls help

Go to image -> mode -> indexed color.
Then save as .bmp

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jed half life bmp texture error help !! Empty Re: jed half life bmp texture error help !!

Post  Gumiflex Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:10 am


Reitia wrote:

Reitia wrote:

Gumiflex wrote:You must go tho the photoshop and set Indexed coloro,not RGB Wink

wath ?
sorry im noob xd

gumiflex pls help

Go to image -> mode -> indexed color.
Then save as .bmp

Just as this guy said

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