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GTA Online предлагает множество вариантов настройки персонажа, включая черты лица, причёски, одежду и автомобили. Однако при совершении преступных действий сохранение личности игрока в секрете имеет первостепенное значение. Один из лучших способов скрыть лицо — надеть маску.
Стандартная чёрная лыжная маска может не подходить к остальному костюму, поэтому многие игроки задаются вопросом, где купить альтернативные варианты данного аксессуара. Несмотря на то, что в Лос-Сантосе очень много магазинов с различной одеждой, необходимый атрибут скрытности продаётся не везде.
Где купить маску в GTA Online
Единственный магазин, в котором можно найти большой ассортимент необходимых предметов, расположен недалеко от пляжа Веспуччи. Называется он Vespucci’s Movie Masks. Точное местоположение можно увидеть на скриншоте. На карте игрока он будет отмечен соответствующей иконкой. Пляж Веспуччи находится в юго-западном районе Лос-Сантоса, а сам магазин в нескольких минутах ходьбы от пирса, возле колеса обозрения и других аттракционов.
Большинство масок стоят относительно дешево, однако цены на некоторые экземпляры могут достигать нескольких тысяч долларов. Тем не менее, здесь можно подобрать оптимальный вариант, подходящий к образу персонажа. Стоит иметь в виду, что все маски разделены на категории, на все случаи жизни, будь то простой грабёж на бензоколонке, грандиозное ограбление или вечеринка в казино.
Читайте также: Прохождение ГТА 5: Как нанять телохранителей в GTA Online.
Читайте также: Прохождение ГТА 5: Как скрытно убивать в GTA 5.
Читайте также: Как запустить режим режиссера в GTA 5 (ГТА 5).
Читайте также: Как покупать патроны в GTA 5 (ГТА5).
Читайте также: Как продать гараж в ГТА Онлайн (GTA Online).
Маски – это определенная модная вещь в GTA Online, поэтому игроки должны знать, где находится магазин масок в гта 5.
Они популярны по нескольким причинам. Маски добавляют стиль персонажу игрока. Эти модные аксессуары сразу же выделяют их. Например, неоновая маска лучадора вскружит голову в любой комнате. Игрокам GTA Online просто нужно знать, где найти эти маски.
Как покупать маски в GTA Online
Это очень простой процесс. Игрокам GTA Online просто нужно отправиться на пляж Веспуччи. Есть магазин масок, в который они могут войти. Однако им следует помнить о своих деньгах, поскольку некоторые маски дороже других.
Отправляйтесь купить маску в gta в Маски из фильмов Веспуччи
В GTA 5 открыть магазин можно только после того, как начнутся настройки ограбления. К счастью, у игроков GTA Online нет этого ограничения. Они могут пойти в Маски из фильма Веспуччи (Vespucci Movie Masks) в любой момент игры.
Эти маски можно найти на пляже Веспуччи в Лос-Сантосе. Это прямо между пляжным тротуаром и улицей Витрус. Игрокам будет предоставлен выбор доступных масок. Они могут купить это, если у них есть соответствующие средства.
Игроки GTA Online всегда должны быть осторожны в переполненном холле. Покупка масок позволяет легко отвлечься, и их можно подстрелить издалека. Поэтому лучше всего покупать маски на частном сеансе.
Различные типы масок
GTA Online предлагает широкий выбор типов масок. Одни из самых популярных – животные. Раньше было обычным явлением видеть совиные головы в вестибюлях GTA Online. Игроки также могут носить что угодно, от масок клоуна до бумажных пакетов.
Время от времени GTA Online выпускает новые обновления. Игра имеет тенденцию выпускать маски, чтобы они совпадали с новым контентом. От казино до боевых действий на арене – для каждого обновления есть маски. Однако они, как правило, самые дорогие. Фактически, стоимость некоторых масок варьируется от 10 000 до 100 000 долларов.
Маски В ГТА Онлайн просто весело носить
Больше всего в GTA Online должно быть весело. Игроки должны проявлять творческий подход. Это выходит за рамки 100-футовых выстрелов в голову движущегося автомобиля. Игрокам также нужно добавить стиля к своей сущности, и один из лучших способов сделать это – использовать маску.
Самое приятное то, что экипажи могут отлично использовать маски. Если все будут носить одинаковые, другие игроки узнают, что это законная организация. Восприятие – это все в этой игре.
Игроки GTA Online должны посетить Маски из фильма Веспуччи. Там они найдут все, что им нужно.
Где в ГТА 5 купить маску?
Маска в игре ГТА 5 продается на улице Витус, возле парка атракционов. Достаточно открыть карту, найти Юго-Западный район и нужный магазин будет отмечен маской на самой карте. А плюс в том, что выбор масок очень большой. Есть просто смешные, а есть бандитские.
модератор выбрал этот ответ лучшим
Артём Денисов
7 лет назад
В игре ГТА-5 приобрести маску возможно неподалеку от атракционов (на Витус-Стрит). Ехать следует на юго-запад, ориентируясь благодаря карте. Именно там вы сможете найти необходимый магазин (он обозначен маской) и приобрести эту вещичку.
4 года назад
А тебе нравится игра, у меня знакомый парень , если в гостях увидит приставку, бросается и просит дать ему погонять немного, любовь с подросткового возраста к ГТА 5 осталась. Если конкретика по вопросу, то ищи рядом с парком, где атракционы. По карте находишь Юго-Западный район , иконка маски на карте обозначает магазин, где они есть.
Забыла сказать, хочешь быстро найти, тогда ищи иконку маски на улице Витус
4 года назад
Дл прохождения некоторых миссий в игре ГТА 5 необходимо приобрести маски.
Магазин со значком маски можно найти на карте в Юго-западном районе на улице Витус. В нем то и можно приобрести всевозможные маски.
Ориентиром может служить парк атракционов.
Красное облако
4 года назад
Сравнительно недалеко от аттракционов находится улица Витус-стрит вот на этой улице и находится магазин в котором можно приобрести маску в этой игре.
Если ориентируйтесь по карте, то езжайте в юго-западном направлении.
8 лет назад
В ГТА-5 маску можно купину на Витус-стрит,недалеко от атракционов. Если ориентироваться по карте, то это место, где можно купить маску будет находится на юго-западе. Значок магазина обозначен будет маской
4 года назад
В ГТА 5 для того чтобы обрести эту маску, нужно посетить магазин на юго-западе, для удобства это местечко отмечено знаком маски. Магазин располагается на улице Витус, рядом ориентир — парк аттракционов. Мне показалось это задание не особо сложным. Думаю, что любой разберется с миссией.
Да, в ГТА 5 маски нужные можно и не сразу отыскать где купить, однако если ориентироваться подсказкам, то это можно сделать совершенно без труда. На юго-западе до пляжа и ориентир еще аттракционы недалеко (для БВ). Вот там и будет магазинчик с различными масками. Ул-ца Витус (Vitus).
4 года назад
Задание на первый взгляд непростое… Чтобы купить маску, вам для начала придётся проследовать в Юго-Западный район, там в магазинчике на улице Витус рядом с парком аттракционов и продаются различные маски для игры ГТА 5 — выбирай любую).
6 лет назад
Что бы купить маски, вам необходимо проехаться к пляжу, где будет именно тот магазинчик который вам надо, на карте он обозначается как маска, в общем местоположение и как он выглядит вы можете увидеть на этом видео
Знаете ответ?
The selection of masks available in Grand Theft Auto V.
Masks are clothing items which first appeared in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Masks have appeared in every Grand Theft Auto game since, with the exception of Grand Theft Auto Advance, The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony and Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.
Masks are items of clothing primarily used for concealing the protagonists’ identity during a crime, particularly a bank robbery. They can be worn for fashion; this being expanded upon in Grand Theft Auto Online. Masks can also have effects on the game world itself, such as in Grand Theft Auto V, where a Scuba Mask can make the protagonist survive underwater without coming up for air.
In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, a mask is included in an outfit Tommy Vercetti wears whilst performing a bank robbery. After the mission, the outfit can be obtained from The Malibu Club.
In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Carl Johnson can purchase masks and shades from certain clothing shops. However, some masks, such as the one included as part of the Gimp Suit, are unlockable. There are eight masks in total.
In Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, Toni Cipriani receives an outfit which includes a mask after completing The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade. The outfit is required to start SlashTV. Another outfit including a mask (the «Hero Outfit») is unlocked after completing the Avenging Angels mission in Shoreside Vale.
In Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Victor Vance obtains a robbery outfit containing a Balaclava after purchasing a high-roller robbery empire building.
In Grand Theft Auto IV, Niko Bellic is given a Balaclava in the mission Three Leaf Clover. After the mission, he can obtain the balaclava from his safehouse’s wardrobe.
In Grand Theft Auto V the player can purchase masks from Vespucci Movie Masks. Masks are also required for some heist preparation missions (such as the mission of the same name), and they are used by the three protagonists during Blitz Play. If the player chooses the Roof Entry method for the The Bureau Raid, Michael and Franklin will don balaclavas.
The Online Protagonist can also purchase masks in Grand Theft Auto Online. The list of masks available was massively expanded with following updates.
Non-Purchasable Masks
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Mask | Unlocked after | Notes |
Hockey Mask | The Job | It’s the only available mask in the game. |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Mask | Unlocked After | Notes |
Balaclava | Burglary Missions | It can’t be worn outside of missions, though it’s obtainable through a glitch. |
Gimp Mask | Key To Her Heart | Comes with the Gimp Suit. |
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Mask | Unlocked After | Notes |
Hockey Mask | The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade | Comes with the Overalls Outfit. |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
Mask | Unlocked After | Notes |
Balaclava | Purchasing the Empire Building | Comes with the robber outfit |
Grand Theft Auto IV
Mask | Unlocked After | Notes |
Balaclava | Three Leaf Clover | It’s the only available mask in the game |
Grand Theft Auto V
Mask | Unlocked After | Notes |
Balaclava | Prologue (removed by Jaspers during robbery), The Paleto Score, The Bureau Raid, The Big Score | It’s only worn during the «roof» approach to The Bureau Raid. It can be worn after the story with the «stealth» outfit. |
Ski Mask | Prologue (removed during the robbery) | It’s only worn by Trevor and Brad during the escape from the depot. |
Bandanna | Chop | It only covers half of the face. |
Gas Mask | The Jewel Store Job | Only worn during the «smart» approach and can’t be equipped afterwards. |
Scuba Mask | Three’s Company, The Merryweather Heist, Monkey Business, Death at Sea | The mask and outfit it comes with are unavailable after the mission. In Three’s Company, the mask and outfit is just a reused model of a Scuba Mask when diving out of a Dinghy. |
Armored Mask | The Paleto Score (taken off on the train) | It can’t be worn outside of the mission. |
Purchasable Masks
GTA San Andreas
Mask | Price | Notes |
Joke Mask | $24 | Available from Binco |
Rags | $60 | Available from Binco. Comes in Red, Green, Blue and Black. A variant of a bandanna. |
Hockey Mask | $48 | Available from Pro-Laps. |
Masks | ||
Image | Name | Price |
Green Monster Mask | $270 | |
Red Monster Mask | $270 | |
Pig Mask | $200 | |
Dark Pig Mask | $200 | |
Silver Skull Mask | $350 | |
Bone Skull Mask | $350 | |
Space Monkey Mask | $450 | |
White Hockey Mask | $450 | |
Red Hockey Mask | $450 | |
Ape Mask | $50 | |
Dark Ape Mask | $50 | |
Carnival Orange Mask | $99 | |
Carnival White Mask | $99 | |
Carnival Blue Mask | $99 | |
Red Wrestler Mask | $125 | |
Green Wrestler Mask | $150 | |
Patriot Wrestler Mask | $175 | |
Domino Wrestler Mask | $85 | |
Gray Wrestler Mask | $150 | |
Phoenix Wrestler Mask | $175 |
T-Shirts (Michael only) | ||
Image | Name | Price |
Del Perro Pier T-Shirt | $10 | |
Los Santos T-Shirt | $10 | |
Sharkies Bites T-Shirt | $10 | |
Muscle Peach T-Shirt | $10 | |
Coral Reefers T-Shirt | $10 | |
SmokeBomb T-Shirt | $10 | |
The Big Puffa T-Shirt | $10 | |
Lob-Star T-Shirt | $10 |
Tank Tops (Trevor only) | ||
Image | Name | Price |
Los Santos Tank Top | $25 | |
San Andreas Tank Top | $35 | |
Love Fist Tank Top | $38 |
GTA Online
Animals | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Smoke Hyena Mask | $26460 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Stone Hyena Mask | $26895 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Gray Hyena Mask | $27380 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Brown Hyena Mask | $27910 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Gray Mouse Mask | $25700 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Tan Mouse Mask | $25700 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Brown Mouse Mask | $26450 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
White Mouse Mask | $26450 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Swamp Turtle Mask | $24720 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Moss Turtle Mask | $23250 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Brown Turtle Mask | $23120 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Green Turtle Mask | $23790 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Black and Tan Pug | $17860 | Import/Export | |
Josephine Pug | $17015 | Import/Export | |
Brown Pug | $16590 | Import/Export | |
Gray Pug | $16795 | Import/Export | |
Black Pug | $18570 | Import/Export | |
Moe Pug | $18185 | Import/Export | |
Zebra | $22000 | Import/Export | |
Pinto Horse | $17530 | Import/Export | |
Brown Horse | $16650 | Import/Export | |
Gray Horse | $15945 | Import/Export | |
Black Horse | $14165 | Import/Export | |
Chestnut Horse | $14280 | Import/Export | |
Albino Crazed Ape | $15825 | Import/Export | |
Gray Crazed Ape | $13930 | Import/Export | |
Orangutan Crazed Ape | $14120 | Import/Export | |
Silverback Crazed Ape | $14335 | Import/Export | |
Danger Dino | $15350 | Import/Export | |
Rainforest Dino | $15100 | Import/Export | |
Earth Dino | $16350 | Import/Export | |
Tropical Dino | $15555 | Import/Export | |
Gray Dino | $16170 | Import/Export | |
Striped Dino | $16975 | Import/Export | |
Black Wolf | $35000 | Independence Day Special | |
Grey Wolf | $35000 | Independence Day Special | |
Black Vulture | $20000 | Independence Day Special | |
Pink Vulture | $20000 | Independence Day Special | |
White Eagle | $24000 | Independence Day Special | |
Brown Eagle | $24000 | Independence Day Special | |
Brown Bull | $31500 | Independence Day Special | |
Black Bull | $31500 | Independence Day Special | |
Golden Bison | $22500 | Independence Day Special | |
Brown Bison | $22500 | Independence Day Special | |
Grey Bear | $27500 | Independence Day Special | |
Brown Bear | $27500 | Independence Day Special | |
Black Racoon | $25000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Gray Racoon | $25000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
White Owl | $23500 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Brown Owl | $23500 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Brown Fox | $22000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Red Fox | $22000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Tabby Cat | $21000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Gray Cat | $21000 | «I’m Not a Hipster» Update | |
Pink Pig | $965 | / | |
Brown Pig | $960 | / | |
Bloody Pig | $9500 | / | |
Black Pig | $975 | / | |
Tan Ape | $1510 | / | |
Brown Ape | $1530 | / | |
Green Ape | $14500 | / | |
Pink Ape | $13000 | / |
Arena War | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Green & Yellow Optics Headset | $25860 | Arena War | |
Red & Black Optics Headset | $27520 | Arena War | |
Purple & Black Optics Headset | $27080 | Arena War | |
White & Blue Optics Headset | $25140 | Arena War | |
Orange & Yellow Optics Headset | $26260 | Arena War | |
Beige & Orange Optics Headset | $23220 | Arena War | |
Black & Green Optics Headset | $26660 | Arena War | |
Gray & Red Optics Headset | $25480 | Arena War | |
Purple Optics Headset | $23840 | Arena War | |
Orange Optics Headset | $23100 | Arena War | |
Pink Optics Headset | $23340 | Arena War | |
Yellow Optics Headset | $23500 | Arena War | |
Green Optics Headset | $23660 | Arena War | |
Red Optics Headset | $24240 | Arena War | |
Black Optics Headset | $24780 | Arena War | |
White Optics Headset | $24460 | Arena War | |
Blue Optics Headset | $24020 | Arena War | |
Cluckin’ Bell Mask | $125000 | Arena War | |
Burger Shot Mask | $139000 | Arena War | |
Paco the Taco Mask | $145000 | Arena War | |
Black Marauder | $65960 | Arena War | |
Beige Marauder | $65080 | Arena War | |
Shooting Stars Marauder | $68200 | Arena War | |
Black Arrow Marauder | $71840 | Arena War | |
Eight-ball Marauder | $67080 | Arena War | |
Yellow Marauder | $63320 | Arena War | |
Red Stripe Marauder | $69400 | Arena War | |
Crossbones Marauder | $70600 | Arena War | |
Branded Marauder | $63880 | Arena War | |
Bolt Marauder | $62320 | Arena War | |
Radioactive Marauder | $64480 | Arena War | |
Dark Brown Marauder | $62800 | Arena War | |
Orange & Gray Raider | $49920 | Arena War | |
Red & Gray Raider | $51440 | Arena War | |
Brown Camo Raider | $46200 | Arena War | |
Green Raider | $48520 | Arena War | |
Gray Raider | $45840 | Arena War | |
Blue Raider | $50680 | Arena War | |
Bright Orange Raider | $47320 | Arena War | |
Beige Raider | $45520 | Arena War | |
Red Raider | $49240 | Arena War | |
Brown Raider | $46920 | Arena War | |
Chocolate Brown Raider | $47840 | Arena War | |
Orange Raider | $46560 | Arena War | |
Green Camo Stalker | $41720 | Arena War | |
Brown Camo Stalker | $45960 | Arena War | |
Stars Stalker | $47520 | Arena War | |
Black Stalker | $44440 | Arena War | |
Red Stalker | $42920 | Arena War | |
Purple Stalker | $39880 | Arena War | |
Brown Stalker | $39000 | Arena War | |
Green Stalker | $40800 | Arena War | |
Brown & Yellow Death Bird | $54000 | Arena War | |
Brown & White Death Bird | $58300 | Arena War | |
Red & White Death Bird | $63000 | Arena War | |
Black & Yellow Death Bird | $61800 | Arena War | |
Ash Death Bird | $53200 | Arena War | |
Black & White Death Bird | $54900 | Arena War | |
Red Feather Death Bird | $56000 | Arena War | |
Splinter Death Bird | $52500 | Arena War | |
Crosshatch Death Bird | $49000 | Arena War | |
Beige Camo Death Bird | $50300 | Arena War | |
Blue Camo Death Bird | $51000 | Arena War | |
Green Camo Death Bird | $57100 | Arena War | |
Red Cross Death Bird | $60600 | Arena War | |
Black Death Bird | $59400 | Arena War | |
White Death Bird | $51700 | Arena War | |
Light Brown Death Bird | $49700 | Arena War |
Balaclavas | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Dark Neon Scruffy | $3145 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Pretty Scruffy | $2940 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Scruffy | $2405 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Digital Scruffy | $2330 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Camo Scruffy | $2485 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Pink Scruffy | $2215 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skate Scruffy | $2165 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Vibrant Scruffy | $3250 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Magenta Leopard Scruffy | $2845 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Stripe Scruffy | $2750 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Triplet Stripe Scruffy | $2275 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Rasta Stripe Scruffy | $3040 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Beige Stripe Scruffy | $2115 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bright Green Scruffy | $2570 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Red Scruffy | $2660 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Hessian Scruffy | $1940 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Scruffy | $2020 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Chocolate Scruffy | $2065 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Charcoal Scruffy | $1980 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Ash Scruffy | $1905 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skull Scruffy | $3360 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Luchador Knit | $6980 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Luchador Knit | $6925 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Stars & Stripes Knit | $6650 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Pattern Knit | $6340 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Leopard Knit | $6460 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Tiger Knit | $6740 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Stripe Knit | $3780 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black & Red Knit | $4370 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Primary Stripe Knit | $4605 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Camo Knit | $4870 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bright Green Knit | $4265 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Wine Stripe Knit | $3785 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skull Knit | $6995 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Stripe Knit | $5280 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Knit | $4080 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Knit | $4475 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Digital Knit | $3920 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Sunrise Knit | $4000 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green & Beige Knit | $3830 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Red Knit | $3850 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bright Stripe Knit | $5040 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Pink Stripe Knit Balaclava | $4950 | Heists | |
Black Stripe Knit Balaclava | $5000 | Heists | |
Blue Stripe Knit Balaclava | $4900 | Heists | |
Pogo Balaclava | $8750 | Heists | |
Impotent Rage Balaclava | $8500 | Heists | |
Orange Camo Knit Balaclava | $5650 | Heists | |
Pink Camo Knit Balaclava | $5750 | Heists | |
Neon Camo Knit Balaclava | $5600 | Heists | |
Nature Knit Balaclava | $5250 | Heists | |
Bandit Knit Balaclava | $5100 | Heists | |
Purple Knit Balaclava | $4950 | Heists | |
Orange Knit Balaclava | $4900 | Heists | |
Green Knit Balaclava | $4800 | Heists | |
Red Knit Balaclava | $4850 | Heists | |
Blue Knit Balaclava | $4750 | Heists | |
White Knit Balaclava | $4700 | Heists | |
Sessanta Nove Balaclava | $6900 | Heists | |
Perseus Balaclava | $7500 | Heists | |
Perseus Band Balaclava | $13500 | Heists | |
Didier Sachs Balaclava | $12000 | Heists | |
Princess Balaclava | $9500 | Heists | |
Flying Bravo Balaclava | $8000 | Heists | |
Flying Bravo FB Balaclava | $15000 | Heists | |
Pink Knit Balaclava | $4750 | Heists | |
Dirty Knit Balaclava | $4500 | Heists | |
Woodland Knit Balaclava | $4350 | Heists | |
Rainbow Knit Balaclava | $6000 | Heists | |
Brown Knit Balaclava | $4100 | Heists | |
Gray Knit Balaclava | $4250 | Heists | |
Copper Knit Balaclava | $4300 | Heists | |
Army Green Knit Balaclava | $4150 | Heists | |
Black Knit Balaclava | $5000 | Heists | |
Split Loose Balaclava | $4300 | Heists | |
Outback Loose Balaclava | $4750 | Heists | |
Red Loose Balaclava | $3200 | Heists | |
Woodland Loose Balaclava | $4150 | Heists | |
Bloody Loose Balaclava | $4500 | Heists | |
Khaki Loose Balaclava | $3100 | Heists | |
Skull Loose Balaclava | $4000 | Heists | |
Black Loose Balaclava | $3500 | Heists | |
Blue Loose Balaclava | $3350 | Heists | |
Scruffy Balaclava | $1300 | Heists |
Biker | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Sand Vent | $19965 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Vent | $20060 | Gunrunning | |
Light Woodland Vent | $20990 | Gunrunning | |
Flecktarn Vent | $21075 | Gunrunning | |
Brushstroke Vent | $20655 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Camo Vent | $20735 | Gunrunning | |
Cobble Vent | $21320 | Gunrunning | |
Contrast Camo Vent | $21370 | Gunrunning | |
Splinter Vent | $21600 | Gunrunning | |
Aqua Camo Vent | $20960 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Woodland Vent | $20785 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Digital Vent | $20850 | Gunrunning | |
Crosshatch Vent | $20765 | Gunrunning | |
Dark Woodland Vent | $21035 | Gunrunning | |
Fall Vent | $20865 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Digital Vent | $20250 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Digital Vent | $20260 | Gunrunning | |
Green Digital Vent | $20360 | Gunrunning | |
Brown Digital Vent | $20295 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Digital Vent | $20270 | Gunrunning | |
Tan Dome Vent | $19135 | Bikers | |
Black Dome Vent | $21050 | Bikers | |
Chocolate Dome Vent | $19870 | Bikers | |
Ox Blood Dome Vent | $20540 | Bikers | |
Tan Dome Filter | $18225 | Bikers | |
Black Dome Filter | $20050 | Bikers | |
Chocolate Dome Filter | $18925 | Bikers | |
Ox Blood Dome Filter | $19560 | Bikers |
Diamond Casino Heist | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Wink | $6975 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gasp | $6875 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Blow Kiss | $7250 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
In Love | $7725 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Grimace | $7100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Laugh | $7975 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Cry | $7475 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Grin | $6800 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Stone Leather with NVG | $16680 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
White Leather with NVG | $16600 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Putty Leather with NVG | $16540 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray Leather with NVG | $16480 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Dusty Blue Leather with NVG | $16420 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Terracotta Leather with NVG | $16200 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Light Pink Leather with NVG | $16140 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Purple Leather with NVG | $16120 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Peach Leather with NVG | $16080 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Leather with NVG | $16060 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Dark Park Leather with NVG | $16840 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Cyan Leather with NVG | $16940 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Leather with NVG | $17020 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Smoke Leather with NVG | $16180 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Lip Leather with NVG | $17120 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Pale Leather with NVG | $16220 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Yellow Swirl Leather with NVG | $17780 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Swirl Leather with NVG | $17660 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Black Swirl Leather with NVG | $17540 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Green Leather with NVG | $17320 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Yellow Leather with NVG | $17220 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Red Leather with NVG | $17440 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray & White Leather with NVG | $16300 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Ash & White Leather with NVG | $16260 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray & Red Leather with NVG | $33860 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Cerberus | $48000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Gray Dog | $5425 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Brown Dog | $5550 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo White Dog | $5375 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Gold Dog | $5750 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gold Mask Respirator | $25950 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Orange Mask Respirator | $27100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Visor Respirator | $25150 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Yellow Visor Respirator | $25300 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Stone Leather Half Face | $16580 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
White Leather Half Face | $16500 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Putty Leather Half Face | $16440 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray Leather Half Face | $16380 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Dusty Blue Leather Half Face | $16320 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Terracotta Leather Half Face | $16100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Light Pink Leather Half Face | $16040 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Purple Leather Half Face | $16020 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Peach Leather Half Face | $15980 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Leather Half Face | $15960 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Dark Pink Leather Half Face | $16740 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Cyan Leather Half Face | $16840 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Leather Half Face | $16920 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Smoke Leather Half Face | $16080 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Lip Leather Half Face | $17020 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Pale Leather Half Face | $16120 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Yellow Swirl Leather Half Face | $17680 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Swirl Leather Half Face | $17560 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Black Swirl Leather Half Face | $17440 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Green Leather Half Face | $17220 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Yellow Leather Half Face | $17120 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Worn Red Leather Half Face | $17340 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray & White Leather Half Face | $16200 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Ash & White Leather Half Face | $16160 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray & Red Leather Half Face | $16260 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Pig | $5250 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Black & White Cat | $4400 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Gray & White Cat | $4000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Ginger & White Cat | $4150 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Geo Fox | $4800 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Voyeur | $40000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Purple Snakeskin Neck Gaiter | $13300 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Snakeskin Neck Gaiter | $12900 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Cobble Neck Gaiter | $11800 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Purple Neon Camo Neck Gaiter | $13100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Neon Camo Neck Gaiter | $12400 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Green Camo Neck Gaiter | $12600 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Brown Skull Neck Gaiter | $11600 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Blood Cross Neck Gaiter | $10500 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Black Skull Neck Gaiter | $10400 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray Camo Neck Gaiter | $12200 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Wolf Neck Gaiter | $10300 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Toothy Grin Neck Gaiter | $11300 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Stars & Stripes Neck Gaiter | $11100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Blue Wave Neck Gaiter | $11000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Blue Digital Neck Gaiter | $10900 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray Digital Neck Gaiter | $10800 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Smiley Neck Gaiter | $11400 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Teal Neck Gaiter | $10100 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Red Neck Gaiter | $10000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Light Gray Neck Gaiter | $9900 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Gray Neck Gaiter | $9800 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Black Neck Gaiter | $12000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Fleshless | $45000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Sniper | $46600 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Fluffy Rabbit | $42200 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Grinner | $41600 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Ape | $36700 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Piggly | $44000 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Fig | $38750 | The Diamond Casino Heist | |
Baby Smile | $43500 | The Diamond Casino Heist |
Characters | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Gothic False Face | $7870 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Green Pattern False Face | $7080 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Stars & Stripes False Face | $7755 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Opera False Face | $7535 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Rising Sun False Face | $7985 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Cobble Woodland False Face | $7335 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Striped Woodland False Face | $7250 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Brown Digital False Face | $7165 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter False Face | $7650 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Headline False Face | $7430 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Aqua Camo False Face | $6995 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Woodland False Face | $6920 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Mime Plastic Face | $13250 | Heists | |
Puppet Plastic Face | $14500 | Heists | |
Doll Plastic Face | $13650 | Heists | |
Mannequin Plastic Face | $13400 | Heists | |
Brown Plastic Face | $9900 | Heists | |
Black Plastic Face | $9750 | Heists | |
Clown Plastic Face | $12000 | Heists | |
Pink Plastic Face | $9900 | Heists | |
The Don Plastic Face | $15000 | Heists | |
Green Plastic Face | $9500 | Heists | |
Moorehead | $25000 | Heists | |
Princess Robot Bubblegum | $25000 | Heists | |
Impotent Rage | $25000 | Heists | |
Pogo | $25000 | / |
Clowns | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Sinister Clown | $24675 | Import/Export | |
Franken Clown | $23985 | Import/Export | |
Neon Clown | $23500 | Import/Export | |
Scavenger Clown | $25100 | Import/Export | |
Orange Clown | $22995 | Import/Export | |
Green Clown | $22890 | Import/Export | |
Blue Clown | $23065 | Import/Export | |
Red Clown | $23270 | Import/Export |
Crime | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Pink Pattern T-Shirt | $2040 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Pattern T-Shirt | $2165 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Pattern T-Shirt | $2095 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Pink Tie Dye T-Shirt | $2780 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Far Out Tie Dye T-Shirt | $2935 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Tie Dye T-Shirt | $2825 | Smuggler’s Run | |
SA Republic T-Shirt | $2680 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Stars & Stripes T-Shirt | $2705 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Stars & Stripes T-Shirt | $2740 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green & Pink T-Shirt | $1895 | Smuggler’s Run | |
OJ Squash T-Shirt | $2875 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Primary T-Shirt | $2660 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Bigness T-Shirt | $2235 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Bigness T-Shirt | $2310 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Bigness T-Shirt | $2395 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Camo Bigness T-Shirt | $2485 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Camo T-Shirt | $2635 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Camo T-Shirt | $2580 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Digital T-Shirt | $1985 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Multicolor Leaves T-Shirt | $2630 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Navy Painted T-Shirt | $1935 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Magenta Leopard T-Shirt | $2645 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bright Pattern Face Bandana | $5000 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Pattern Face Bandana | $4780 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Zebra Face Bandana | $5185 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Contrast Camo Face Bandana | $4895 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fractal Face Bandana | $5360 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Painted Face Bandana | $5275 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Stars & Stripes Face Bandana | $5095 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Off-White Broker Face Bandana | $3830 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Broker Face Bandana | $4135 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Broker Face Bandana | $3895 | Smuggler’s Run | |
White Broker Face Bandana | $3955 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skulls Manor Face Bandana | $4100 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Manor Face Bandana | $4165 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Manor Face Bandana | $4010 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Leaves Face Bandana | $4405 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Leaves Face Bandana | $4540 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Bigness Face Bandana | $4060 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Bigness Face Bandana | $4270 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Geometric Face Bandana | $4195 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bold Abstract Face Bandana | $4660 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Blagueurs Face Bandana | $3755 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Blagueurs Face Bandana | $3680 | Smuggler’s Run | |
LSPD T-Shirt Mask | $1900 | Heists | |
Pink Camo T-Shirt Mask | $1300 | Heists | |
TPI T-Shirt Mask | $1700 | Heists | |
Love Fist T-Shirt Mask | $1650 | Heists | |
Stripy T-Shirt Mask | $1600 | Heists | |
Woodland T-Shirt Mask | $1750 | Heists | |
Justice T-Shirt Mask | $1450 | Heists | |
Benders T-Shirt Mask | $1400 | Heists | |
Tan T-Shirt Mask | $1100 | Heists | |
White T-Shirt Mask | $1350 | Heists | |
Black T-Shirt Mask | $1500 | Heists | |
Electric Skull Face Bandana | $1450 | Heists | |
Yellow Face Bandana | $1800 | Heists | |
Paisley Face Bandana | $2200 | Heists | |
Purple Face Bandana | $2900 | Heists | |
Green Face Bandana | $2950 | Heists | |
Forest Face Bandana | $1400 | Heists | |
Desert Face Bandana | $1450 | Heists | |
Urban Face Bandana | $1500 | Heists | |
Skull Face Bandana | $2500 | Heists | |
Black Face Bandana | $2000 | Heists | |
Electrical Duct Tape | $5000 | Heists | |
White Duct Tape | $4200 | Heists | |
Dark Gray Duct Tape | $4100 | Heists | |
Light Gray Duct Tape | $4000 | Heists | |
Red Arrow Tape | $5600 | Heists | |
Hazard Tape | $5450 | Heists | |
Black Arrow Tape | $5300 | Heists | |
Crime Scene Tape | $5150 | Heists |
Cultural | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Iwazaru Neon | $25890 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Iwazaru Electric | $24860 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Iwazaru Luminous | $24370 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tribal Neon | $25080 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tribal Luminous | $24570 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tribal Electric | $26150 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Transcendent Neon | $25530 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Transcendent Electric | $24960 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Transcendent Luminous | $26690 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Peaceful Luminous | $25300 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Peaceful Electric | $24760 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Peaceful Neon | $26420 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Pleased Electric | $25280 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Pleased Luminous | $25880 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Pleased Neon | $27120 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Furious Neon | $24820 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Furious Electric | $23570 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Furious Luminous | $23980 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Amused Neon | $24280 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Amused Luminous | $23180 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Amused Electric | $23540 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Manic Neon | $25350 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Manic Electric | $23970 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Manic Luminous | $24420 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Purple Oni | $12765 | Gunrunning | |
Sea Green Oni | $12590 | Gunrunning | |
Stone Oni | $12345 | Gunrunning | |
Gray and Gold Oni | $12530 | Gunrunning | |
White Possessed Oni | $13115 | Gunrunning | |
Gray and Orange Oni | $12470 | Gunrunning | |
Black and Gold Oni | $13235 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Oni | $12295 | Gunrunning | |
Stone Possessed Oni | $12355 | Gunrunning | |
Gold Stone Possessed Oni | $12390 | Gunrunning | |
Orange Oni | $13000 | Gunrunning | |
Black and Yellow Oni | $13350 | Gunrunning | |
Grayscale Oni | $12120 | Gunrunning | |
Plum Oni | $12885 | Gunrunning | |
Yellow Oni | $12650 | Gunrunning | |
Brown Oni | $12050 | Gunrunning | |
Black Possessed Oni | $15110 | Gunrunning | |
Black Painted Oni | $14995 | Gunrunning | |
Red Painted Oni | $14550 | Gunrunning | |
Gold Painted Oni | $15345 | Gunrunning | |
White Painted Oni | $14030 | Gunrunning | |
Sandstone Oni | $11985 | Gunrunning | |
Weathered Oni | $12415 | Gunrunning | |
Obsidian Oni | $11890 | Gunrunning | |
Black Ornate Skull | $15525 | Import/Export | |
White Ornate Skull | $13550 | Import/Export | |
Teal Ornate Skull | $13305 | Import/Export | |
Blue Ornate Skull | $12990 | Import/Export | |
Silver Ornate Skull | $14700 | Import/Export | |
Red Ornate Skull | $14515 | Import/Export | |
Green Oni | $17960 | Import/Export | |
Gold Oni | $22000 | Import/Export | |
Black Oni | $19125 | Import/Export | |
White Oni | $18445 | Import/Export | |
Blue Oni | $17190 | Import/Export | |
Red Oni | $18640 | Import/Export | |
Fashion Hockey | $10000 | Business Update | |
Tourist Hockey | $7400 | Business Update | |
Vinewood Hockey | $6450 | Business Update | |
Green Carnival | $8000 | / | |
Blue Carnival | $8500 | / | |
Black Carnival | $1210 | / | |
White Carnival | $1265 | / |
Festive | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Latino Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Black Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
White Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Badass Bad Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Gangsta Bad Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Rebel Bad Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
High Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Smashed Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Wasted Mrs Claus | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Burnt Turkey | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Cooked Turkey | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Raw Turkey | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Light Pudding | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Dark Pudding | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Purple Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Red Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
White Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Black Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Dark Green Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Green Festive Luchador | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Filthy Bad Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Grumpy Bad Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Bruised Bad Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Brown Crazy Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Blue Crazy Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Pink Crazy Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Angry Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Mad Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Manic Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise 2015 | |
Latino Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Black Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
White Elf | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Gingerbread | FREE | Festive Surprise
Penguin | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Snowman Mask | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Reindeer Mask | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Latino Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
Black Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise | |
White Santa | FREE | Festive Surprise |
Neck Gaiter | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Blue Flowers Neck Gaiter | $13450 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Mauve Flowers Neck Gaiter | $13400 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Pink Tiger Neck Gaiter | $14025 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Cream Tiger Neck Gaiter | $13925 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Magenta Fish Neck Gaiter | $14850 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Cream Fish Neck Gaiter | $14300 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Pink Volcanic Neck Gaiter | $14100 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Volcanic Neck Gaiter | $14200 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Orange Butterfly Neck Gaiter | $13700 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Butterfly Neck Gaiter | $13625 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Orange Ocean Neck Gaiter | $13775 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Ocean Neck Gaiter | $13850 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Navy Painted Neck Gaiter | $14400 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Painted Neck Gaiter | $14975 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Neck Gaiter | $13250 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Flamingo Neck Gaiter | $15500 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Palms Neck Gaiter | $13350 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Aqua Palms Neck Gaiter | $13300 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Cream Floral Neck Gaiter | $14500 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Floral Neck Gaiter | $15100 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Orange Blooming Neck Gaiter | $13550 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Blooming Neck Gaiter | $13500 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Blossom Neck Gaiter | $15225 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Blossom Neck Gaiter | $14625 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Botanical Neck Gaiter | $15350 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Botanical Neck Gaiter | $14725 | The Cayo Perico Heist |
Gas | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Crosshatch Respirator | $18700 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Viper Respirator | $19910 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Contrast Respirator | $19400 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Cobble Respirator | $19275 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Woodland Respirator | $18915 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Brushstroke Respirator | $19530 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Green Digital Respirator | $19170 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Moss Striped Respirator | $19085 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tiger Striped Respirator | $20060 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Splinter Respirator | $18635 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter Respirator | $19655 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Aqua Camo Respirator | $18830 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Digital Respirator | $18765 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Flecktarn Respirator | $19785 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Respirator | $19000 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Orange Industrial Gas Mask | $24140 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Yellow Industrial Gas Mask | $24565 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Industrial Gas Mask | $24330 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Skull Gas Mask | $24780 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Woodland Digital Gas Mask | $23760 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Peach Camo Gas Mask | $23100 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Moss Striped Gas Mask | $23420 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Striped Gas Mask | $22675 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Splinter Gas Mask | $22800 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter Gas Mask | $23930 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Aqua Camo Gas Mask | $22950 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tan Digital Gas Mask | $23250 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Carbon Gas Mask | $23590 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Gas Mask | $22570 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gas Mask | $4250 | Heists |
Headscarves | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Jolly Roger Snood | $6275 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Flecktarn Snood | $6170 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brushstroke Snood | $6050 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Camo Snood | $5970 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Weapon Pattern Snood | $6230 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Pattern Snood | $6250 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Snood | $5615 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Pattern Snood | $6355 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Snood | $5515 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Purple Pattern Snood | $6570 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Pattern Snood | $6485 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Woodland Snood | $5970 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fall Snood | $5410 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Digital Snood | $5280 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Pattern Snood | $6625 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Red Pattern Snood | $6140 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Snood | $5300 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Turquoise Snood | $6175 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Snood | $4405 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Snood | $5070 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Teal Snood | $4970 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Snood | $5050 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Purple Pattern Wrapped | $7080 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Flecktarn Wrapped | $6680 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brushstroke Wrapped | $6560 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Camo Wrapped | $6480 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Pattern Wrapped | $7135 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Red Pattern Wrapped | $6650 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Wrapped | $6125 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Pattern Wrapped | $6685 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Wrapped | $6025 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Pattern Wrapped | $6995 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Weapon Pattern Wrapped | $6740 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Woodland Wrapped | $6480 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fall Wrapped | $5920 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Digital Wrapped | $5790 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Jolly Roger Wrapped | $6785 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Pattern Wrapped | $6760 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Wrapped | $5810 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Turquoise Wrapped | $6865 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Wrapped | $4915 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Wrapped | $5580 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Teal Wrapped | $5480 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Wrapped | $5560 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Weapon Pattern Loose | $6945 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Flecktarn Loose | $6545 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brushstroke Loose | $6425 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Camo Loose | $6345 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Jolly Roger Loose | $7000 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Purple Pattern Loose | $6515 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Loose | $5990 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Pattern Loose | $6550 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Loose | $5890 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Pattern Loose | $6860 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Pattern Loose | $6605 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Woodland Loose | $6345 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fall Loose | $5785 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Digital Loose | $5655 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Red Pattern Loose | $6650 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Pattern Loose | $6625 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Loose | $5675 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Turquoise Loose | $6730 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Loose | $4780 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Loose | $5445 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Teal Loose | $5345 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Loose | $5425 | Smuggler’s Run |
Intimidation | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
White Mandible | $12895 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Zebra Mandible | $15250 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Mandible | $12820 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Striped Mandible | $12915 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Moss Striped Mandible | $12280 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Striped Mandible | $12400 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Light Woodland Mandible | $15750 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Flecktarn Mandible | $14700 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brushstroke Mandible | $14405 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Camo Mandible | $13440 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Cobble Mandible | $14980 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Contrast Camo Mandible | $14100 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Mandible | $15505 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Camo Mandible | $13775 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Mandible | $13095 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Crosshatch Mandible | $12610 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Woodland Mandible | $15975 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fall Mandible | $12915 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Digital Mandible | $12690 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Mandible | $12765 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Digital Mandible | $12515 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Mandible | $12865 | Smuggler’s Run | |
White Robo | $19540 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Zebra Robo | $23105 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Yellow Robo | $19425 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange Striped Robo | $19565 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Moss Striped Robo | $18605 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Striped Robo | $18790 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Light Woodland Robo | $23860 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Flecktarn Robo | $22270 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brushstroke Robo | $21825 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Peach Camo Robo | $20365 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Cobble Robo | $22700 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Contrast Camo Robo | $21360 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Splinter Robo | $23490 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Aqua Camo Robo | $20870 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Woodland Robo | $19840 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Crosshatch Robo | $19105 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Dark Woodland Robo | $24205 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Fall Robo | $19570 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Green Digital Robo | $19230 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Brown Digital Robo | $19340 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Digital Robo | $18960 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Robo | $19490 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Wooden Warrior | $8500 | Business Update | |
Lightning Warrior | $7750 | Business Update | |
Stone Warrior | $8000 | Business Update | |
Deadeye Warrior | $8250 | Business Update | |
Carbon Warrior | $12500 | Business Update | |
Neon Warrior | $8750 | Business Update | |
Molten Warrior | $9000 | Business Update | |
Circuit Warrior | $11250 | Business Update | |
Metal Warrior | $10500 | Business Update | |
Bear Hockey | $7250 | Business Update | |
Beast Hockey | $7550 | Business Update | |
Wolf Hockey | $7300 | Business Update | |
Hound Hockey | $7350 | Business Update | |
Bullet Hockey | $6500 | Business Update | |
White Hockey | $510 | / | |
Black Bloody Hockey | $5500 | / |
Monsters | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Dark Spiked Skull | $30600 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Mossy Spiked Skull | $29800 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Fleshy Spiked Skull | $31500 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Plain Spiked Skull | $31000 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Yellow Stitched Wire | $27200 | Los Santos Tuners | |
White Stitched Wire | $27950 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Red Stitched Wire | $28950 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Orange Stitched Wire | $28700 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Weathered Horned Skull | $33750 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Aged Horned Skull | $32900 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Dark Horned Skull | $32500 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Clean Horned Skull | $34900 | Los Santos Tuners | |
Striped Skull | $17370 | Gunrunning | |
Terracotta Skull | $18700 | Gunrunning | |
Leather Solar-Eyed Skull | $17650 | Gunrunning | |
Orange Swirl-Eyed Skull | $18875 | Gunrunning | |
Mustard Painted Skull | $17385 | Gunrunning | |
Green Painted Skull | $17475 | Gunrunning | |
Pink Painted Skull | $17560 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Painted Skull | $17440 | Gunrunning | |
Tattooed Skull | $18350 | Gunrunning | |
Wide-Eyed Skull | $17735 | Gunrunning | |
Possessed Skull | $19505 | Gunrunning | |
Orange Open-Eyed Skull | $19890 | Gunrunning | |
Chocolate Leather Skull | $17150 | Gunrunning | |
Tan Leather Skull | $17110 | Gunrunning | |
Stained Skull | $20665 | Gunrunning | |
Inked Skull | $18525 | Gunrunning | |
Sand Skull | $17100 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Skull | $17080 | Gunrunning | |
Fleshy Skull | $21330 | Gunrunning | |
Fresh Skull | $21505 | Gunrunning | |
Venom Skull | $21855 | Gunrunning | |
Aged Skull | $18175 | Gunrunning | |
Weathered Skull | $18000 | Gunrunning | |
Clean Skull | $17825 | Gunrunning | |
Infernal Sea Beast | $23730 | Import/Export | |
Deity Sea Beast | $21750 | Import/Export | |
Otherworldly Sea Beast | $21815 | Import/Export | |
Reptilian Sea Beast | $24990 | Import/Export | |
Alien Sea Beast | $21575 | Import/Export | |
Amphibian Sea Beast | $22270 | Import/Export | |
Black Bearded Lucifer | $27250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Orange Bearded Lucifer | $27000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Bearded Lucifer | $26750 | Halloween Surprise | |
White Haggard Witch | $23500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Gray Haggard Witch | $23250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Yellow Haggard Witch | $23000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Hypnotic Alien | $29500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Green Hypnotic Alien | $29250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Blue Hypnotic Alien | $29000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Black Sack Slasher | $25750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Bloody Sack Slasher | $25500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Classic Sack Slasher | $25250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Black Classic Lucifer | $26500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Orange Classic Lucifer | $26250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Classic Lucifer | $26000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Scabby Sewer Creature | $28000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Rotten Sewer Creature | $27750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Dirty Sewer Creature | $27500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Purple Toxic Insect | $22750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Toxic Insect | $22500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Green Toxic Insect | $22250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Gray Lycanthrope | $28750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Dark Lycanthrope | $28500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Pale Lycanthrope | $28250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Cream Skull Burst | $22000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Skull Burst | $21750 | Halloween Surprise | |
White Skull Burst | $21500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Gray Flayed Demon | $25000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Green Flayed Demon | $24750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Red Flayed Demon | $24500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Black Scalded Psycho | $24250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Bloody Scalded Psycho | $24000 | Halloween Surprise | |
White Scalded Psycho | $23750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Rotten Butler | $20500 | Halloween Surprise | |
Dead Butler | $20250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Creepy Butler | $20000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Nasty Watermelon | $21250 | Halloween Surprise | |
Rotten Pumpkin | $21000 | Halloween Surprise | |
Evil Pumpkin | $20750 | Halloween Surprise | |
Gray Frank | $12000 | Heists | |
Pale Frank | $12000 | Heists | |
Blue Vampyr | $14500 | Heists | |
White Vampyr | $14500 | Heists | |
Green Mummy | $10000 | Heists | |
White Mummy | $10000 | Heists | |
Brown Infected | $11500 | Heists | |
Pink Infected | $11500 | Heists | |
Green Skeletal | $10500 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Tan Skeletal | $10350 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Charcoal Skeletal | $10200 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Gray Skeletal | $10150 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Black Skeletal | $10000 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Pale Stitched Hockey | $5600 | Business Update | |
Stitched Hockey | $5650 | Business Update | |
Skull Hockey | $7700 | Business Update | |
Electric Skull Hockey | $5750 | Business Update | |
Nightmare Skull Hockey | $5800 | Business Update | |
Flame Skull Hockey | $5850 | Business Update | |
Rotten Zombie Hockey | $6900 | Business Update | |
Vile Zombie Hockey | $6950 | Business Update | |
Silver Skull | $1185 | / | |
Gray Skull | $1115 | / | |
Black Skull | $1105 | / | |
Bone Skull | $15000 | / | |
Green Monster | $2360 | / | |
Red Monster | $22500 | / | |
Black Monster | $2375 | / | |
White Monster | $2485 | / |
Paper Bags | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Blackout Paper Bag | $1500 | Heists | |
Love Paper Bag | $1600 | Heists | |
Modernist Paper Bag | $2700 | Heists | |
Sticker Paper Bag | $2950 | Heists | |
Dapper Paper Bag | $1450 | Heists | |
The Bird Paper Bag | $2500 | Heists | |
Puzzle Paper Bag | $1150 | Heists | |
Help Me Paper Bag | $1300 | Heists | |
Alien Paper Bag | $1250 | Heists | |
Pink Paper Bag | $2650 | Heists | |
Dog Paper Bag | $1900 | Heists | |
Skull Paper Bag | $2200 | Heists | |
Zigzag Paper Bag | $1100 | Heists | |
Fury Paper Bag | $1250 | Heists | |
Monster Paper Bag | $1300 | Heists | |
Cop Paper Bag | $2500 | Heists | |
Diabolic Paper Bag | $2600 | Heists | |
Kill Me Paper Bag | $2350 | Heists | |
Burger Shot Paper Bag | $2700 | Heists | |
Shy Paper Bag | $800 | Heists | |
Mouth Paper Bag | $1250 | Heists | |
Fat Cat Paper Bag | $2550 | Heists | |
Happy Paper Bag | $1100 | Heists | |
Sad Paper Bag | $1000 | Heists | |
Manic Paper Bag | $2150 | Heists | |
Up-n-Atom Paper Bag | $1500 | Heists |
Ski Masks | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Yellow Camo Face | $13445 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Trickster Face | $13790 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Trickster Face | $13615 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Pattern Face | $14215 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Pattern Face | $14000 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Gray VDG Face | $13110 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow VDG Face | $13275 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Bigness Logo Face | $14430 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Bigness Logo Face | $14650 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Pink Camo Spec Ski | $3315 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Violet Spec Ski | $3225 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Shard Spec Ski | $3720 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Purple Splash Spec Ski | $3625 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Splash Spec Ski | $3670 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Moss Spec Ski | $3150 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Pink Spec Ski | $3130 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Spec Ski | $3110 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Spec Ski | $3070 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Spec Ski | $3090 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Rust Spec Ski | $3200 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Field Camo Spec Ski | $3580 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Grass Camo Spec Ski | $3350 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Rock Camo Spec Ski | $3285 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Camo Spec Ski | $3540 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Forest Camo Spec Ski | $3500 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Desert Camo Spec Ski | $3255 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Gray Camo Spec Ski | $3385 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Brown Camo Spec Ski | $3420 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Digital Spec Ski | $3460 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Cream Spec Ski | $3010 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Dark Red Spec Ski | $3040 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Spec Ski | $3175 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Ash Spec Ski | $3020 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
White Spec Ski | $3030 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Black Spec Ski | $3055 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Camo Bigness Tight Ski | $7185 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Bold Abstract Tight Ski | $7945 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black & Red Tight Ski | $8300 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Stars & Stripes Tight Ski | $6780 | Smuggler’s Run | |
SA Republic Tight Ski | $6350 | Smuggler’s Run | |
White Skull Tight Ski | $5445 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Black Skull Tight Ski | $5910 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Stars & Stripes Tight Ski | $7575 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Mustard Tight Ski | $4615 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Blue Bigness Tight Ski | $4870 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Vibrant Tight Ski | $8635 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Orange & Red Tight Ski | $4750 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Gray Bigness Tight Ski | $5055 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Red Stripe Tight Ski | $5120 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Tropical Xero Tight Ski | $5210 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Lime Xero Tight Ski | $5200 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Multicolor Leaves Tight Ski | $5170 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skate Tight Ski | $4975 | Smuggler’s Run | |
Skull Tactical Ski | $22000 | Gunrunning | |
Olive Tactical Ski | $18995 | Gunrunning | |
Sand Tactical Ski | $18840 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Tactical Ski | $18935 | Gunrunning | |
Light Woodland Tactical Ski | $19865 | Gunrunning | |
Flecktarn Tactical Ski | $19950 | Gunrunning | |
Brushstroke Tactical Ski | $19530 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Camo Tactical Ski | $19610 | Gunrunning | |
Cobble Tactical Ski | $20195 | Gunrunning | |
Contrast Camo Tactical Ski | $20245 | Gunrunning | |
Splinter Tactical Ski | $20475 | Gunrunning | |
Aqua Camo Tactical Ski | $19835 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Woodland Tactical Ski | $19660 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Digital Tactical Ski | $19725 | Gunrunning | |
Crosshatch Tactical Ski | $19640 | Gunrunning | |
Dark Woodland Tactical Ski | $19910 | Gunrunning | |
Fall Tactical Ski | $19740 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Digital Tactical Ski | $19125 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Digital Tactical Ski | $19135 | Gunrunning | |
Green Digital Tactical Ski | $19235 | Gunrunning | |
Brown Digital Tactical Ski | $19170 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Digital Tactical Ski | $19145 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Camo Bigness Face | $12000 | Import/Export | |
Gray Leopard Bigness Face | $12635 | Import/Export | |
Gray Abstract Bigness Face | $12605 | Import/Export | |
Pale Abstract Bigness Face | $12075 | Import/Export | |
Bold Abstract Bigness Face | $13590 | Import/Export | |
Zebra Bigness Face | $12990 | Import/Export | |
Black Bigness Face | $13500 | Import/Export | |
Geo Camo Bigness Face | $13000 | Import/Export | |
Gray Camo Bigness Face | $12720 | Import/Export | |
Camo Bigness Face | $13860 | Import/Export | |
Gray Bigness Face | $11800 | Import/Export | |
Fall Bigness Face | $12885 | Import/Export | |
Yellow Bigness Face | $11200 | Import/Export | |
Magenta Bigness Face | $11985 | Import/Export | |
Blue Bigness Face | $11110 | Import/Export | |
Orange Bigness Face | $11315 | Import/Export | |
Khaki Toggle Ski | $2650 | Heists | |
Charcoal Toggle Ski | $3000 | Heists | |
Skull Hooded Ski | $6850 | Heists | |
Urban Hooded Ski | $4500 | Heists | |
Forest Hooded Ski | $4450 | Heists | |
Charcoal Hooded Ski | $4200 | Heists | |
Khaki Hooded Ski | $4100 | Heists | |
Green Hooded Ski | $4050 | Heists | |
White Hooded Ski | $4000 | Heists | |
Gray Hooded Ski | $4150 | Heists | |
Black Hooded Ski | $4850 | Heists | |
Skull Tight Ski | $6500 | Heists | |
Yellow Tight Ski | $4200 | Heists | |
Blue Tight Ski | $3900 | Heists | |
Urban Tight Ski | $4150 | Heists | |
Forest Tight Ski | $4100 | Heists | |
Charcoal Tight Ski | $3850 | Heists | |
Khaki Tight Ski | $3750 | Heists | |
Green Tight Ski | $3700 | Heists | |
White Tight Ski | $3650 | Heists | |
Gray Tight Ski | $3800 | Heists | |
Black Tight Ski | $4500 | Heists |
Sports | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Pink Grin Tech Mask | $8190 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Blue Grin Tech Mask | $8315 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Orange Grin Tech Mask | $8580 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Green Grin Tech Mask | $8445 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Pink T Tech Mask | $7450 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Blue T Tech Mask | $7515 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Orange T Tech Mask | $7650 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Green T Tech Mask | $7580 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Black & Pink Tech Mask | $7260 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Black & Blue Tech Mask | $7300 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Black & Orange Tech Mask | $7395 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Black & Green Tech Mask | $7345 | Los Santos Summer Special | |
Orange Fall Hockey | $5910 | After Hours | |
Fall Hockey | $5930 | After Hours | |
Wild Hockey | $5790 | After Hours | |
Harlequin Bigness SN Hockey | $5750 | After Hours | |
Zebra Hockey | $6240 | After Hours | |
Gray Digital Hockey | $6020 | After Hours | |
Blue Digital Hockey | $6140 | After Hours | |
Geometric Hockey | $4790 | After Hours | |
Abstract Hockey | $4650 | After Hours | |
Woodland Camo Hockey | $5460 | After Hours | |
Purple Camo Hockey | $4990 | After Hours | |
Light Camo Hockey | $4820 | After Hours | |
Dark Camo Hockey | $5200 | After Hours | |
Purple Bigness SN Hockey | $5720 | After Hours | |
Light Bigness SN Hockey | $4820 | After Hours | |
Blue Bigness SN Hockey | $5200 | After Hours | |
Dark Bigness SN Hockey | $5720 | After Hours | |
Crossed Rampage Hockey | $5550 | Business Update | |
Royal Hockey | $6850 | Business Update | |
Striped Rampage Hockey | $5100 | Business Update | |
Dust Devils Hockey | $5150 | Business Update | |
Red Hockey | $530 | / | |
Dust Devils Hockey | $535 | / |
Tactical | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Black Tribal Painted | $20950 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
White Tribal Painted | $20600 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Tribal Painted | $20750 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Yellow Grin Painted | $21850 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Grin Painted | $22600 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Green Grin Painted | $22200 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Palm Print Painted | $23800 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Island Painted | $21150 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Flames Painted | $21350 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Red Flames Painted | $21550 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Blue Grotesque Painted | $23400 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Brown Grotesque Painted | $23000 | The Cayo Perico Heist | |
Skull Night Vision | $52980 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Camo Night Vision | $49340 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Moss Striped Night Vision | $46780 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Cobble Night Vision | $50740 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Contrast Camo Night Vision | $50020 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Crosshatch Night Vision | $43920 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Woodland Night Vision | $47400 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Woodland Night Vision | $52220 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Brown Digital Night Vision | $48660 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Dazzle Night Vision | $46200 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter Night Vision | $51460 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Green Digital Night Vision | $48020 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Digital Night Vision | $45200 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Camo Night Vision | $44320 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Aqua Camo Night Vision | $45660 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Brown Camo Night Vision | $43160 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Moss Night Vision | $42800 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tan Night Vision | $41880 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Blue Night Vision | $42480 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Night Vision | $42160 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Night Vision | $43520 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Night Vision | $44740 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Opera Spec Ops | $9380 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Striped Spec Ops | $9500 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Ornate Skull Spec Ops | $10010 | The Doomsday Heist | |
LSPD Spec Ops | $9620 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Electric Skull Spec Ops | $10150 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Dark Woodland Spec Ops | $9870 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Woodland Spec Ops | $9180 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Mono Splinter Spec Ops | $9090 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter Spec Ops | $9740 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Aqua Camo Spec Ops | $9010 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Tan Digital Spec Ops | $9280 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Scale Spec Ops | $8790 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Carbon Spec Ops | $8930 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Spec Ops | $8860 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Fall Ballistic | $74300 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Brown Digital Ballistic | $74450 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Red Ballistic | $74600 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Off White & Red Ballistic | $74750 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Stripe Ballistic | $74150 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Red Stripe Ballistic | $74950 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White & Black Ballistic | $73350 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Orange & Black Ballistic | $73150 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Yellow & Black Ballistic | $73450 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Blue & Black Ballistic | $73250 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Red & Black Ballistic | $73550 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Splinter Ballistic | $74050 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Flecktarn Ballistic | $73900 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Cranial Ballistic | $75100 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Sand Carbon Ballistic | $72900 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Carbon Ballistic | $73800 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Red Goggled Ballistic | $73650 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Sand Goggled Ballistic | $73000 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Sand Mono Ballistic | $72850 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Mono Ballistic | $72950 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Gray Mono Ballistic | $72800 | The Doomsday Heist | |
Black Mono Ballistic | $73100 | The Doomsday Heist | |
White Snake Skull | $21450 | Gunrunning | |
Red Snake Skull | $22550 | Gunrunning | |
Sand Snake Skull | $17490 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Snake Skull | $17585 | Gunrunning | |
Light Woodland Snake Skull | $18515 | Gunrunning | |
Flecktarn Snake Skull | $18600 | Gunrunning | |
Brushstroke Snake Skull | $18180 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Camo Snake Skull | $18260 | Gunrunning | |
Cobble Snake Skull | $18845 | Gunrunning | |
Contrast Camo Snake Skull | $18895 | Gunrunning | |
Splinter Snake Skull | $19125 | Gunrunning | |
Aqua Camo Snake Skull | $18485 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Woodland Snake Skull | $18310 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Digital Snake Skull | $18375 | Gunrunning | |
Crosshatch Snake Skull | $18290 | Gunrunning | |
Dark Woodland Snake Skull | $18560 | Gunrunning | |
Fall Snake Skull | $18390 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Digital Snake Skull | $17775 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Digital Snake Skull | $17785 | Gunrunning | |
Green Digital Snake Skull | $17885 | Gunrunning | |
Brown Digital Snake Skull | $17820 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Digital Snake Skull | $17795 | Gunrunning | |
Forest Combat Mask | $7450 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Tan Combat Mask | $7330 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Charcoal Combat Mask | $7220 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Gray Combat Mask | $7140 | Last Team Standing Update | |
Black Combat Mask | $7000 | Last Team Standing Update |
Valentines | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Cupid | $15000 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
Black & Gold Masquerade | $17500 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
Silver Masquerade | $15000 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
Bronze Masquerade | $12500 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
Black Mysterious | $2500 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
Red Mysterious | $2750 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special | |
White Mysterious | $2250 | Valentine’s Day Massacre Special |
Zombies | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Moss Camo Putrefied Zombie | $24310 | Gunrunning | |
Woodland Putrefied Zombie | $24240 | Gunrunning | |
Green Putrefied Zombie | $24325 | Gunrunning | |
Stone Putrefied Zombie | $24420 | Gunrunning | |
Slate Putrefied Zombie | $24735 | Gunrunning | |
Black Putrefied Zombie | $25400 | Gunrunning | |
Sand Zombie | $24085 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Zombie | $24180 | Gunrunning | |
Light Woodland Zombie | $25110 | Gunrunning | |
Flecktarn Zombie | $25195 | Gunrunning | |
Brushstroke Zombie | $24775 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Camo Zombie | $24855 | Gunrunning | |
Cobble Zombie | $25440 | Gunrunning | |
Contrast Camo Zombie | $25490 | Gunrunning | |
Splinter Zombie | $25720 | Gunrunning | |
Aqua Camo Zombie | $25080 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Woodland Zombie | $24905 | Gunrunning | |
Moss Digital Zombie | $24970 | Gunrunning | |
Crosshatch Zombie | $24885 | Gunrunning | |
Dark Woodland Zombie | $25155 | Gunrunning | |
Fall Zombie | $24985 | Gunrunning | |
Peach Digital Zombie | $24370 | Gunrunning | |
Gray Digital Zombie | $24380 | Gunrunning | |
Green Digital Zombie | $24480 | Gunrunning | |
Brown Digital Zombie | $24415 | Gunrunning | |
Blue Digital Zombie | $24390 | Gunrunning |
Casino Store | |||
Image | Name | Price | Update |
Jack of Diamonds | 34400 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Jack of Clubs | 33100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Jack of Hearts | 35700 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Jack of Spades | 33500 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Queen of Clubs | 35400 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Queen of Diamonds | 35700 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Queen of Hearts | 36500 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Queen of Spades | 37700 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
King of Spades | 39500 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
King of Diamonds | 41100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
King of Clubs | 42500 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
King of Hearts | 40100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Ace of Diamonds | 60555 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Ace of Clubs | 59444 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Ace of Hearts | 61666 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Ace of Spades | 62777 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Purple Joker | 38500 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Green Joker | 36600 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Red Joker | 40100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Blue Joker | 37300 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Lucky Seven Mask | 44400 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Cherries Mask | 42100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Pineapple Mask | 40000 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Grape Mask | 38100 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Lemon Mask | 36600 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort | |
Strawberry Mask | 35200 Chips | The Diamond Casino & Resort |
Special Masks | ||
Image | Name | Notes |
Stocking |
Please Stop Me Hockey |
Abominable Snowman |
Unicorn Mask |
Odious Krampus |
Heinous Krampus |
Hideous Krampus |
Fearsome Krampus |
Impotent Rage Eye Mask |
Pink Dot Tech Mask |
Green Dot Tech Mask |
Orange Dot Tech Mask |
Blue Dot Tech Mask |
Vibrant Stitch Emissive Mask |
Neon Stitch Emissive Mask |
Neon Skull Emissive Mask |
Dark X-Ray Emissive Mask |
Bearsy |
Orange Skull Emissive Mask |
Clownfish |
Brown Sea Lion |
Blue Stitch Emissive Mask |
Orange Tech Demon |
Grimy Stitched |
Gray Cracked Puppet |
War |
Gray Vintage Frank |
Conquest |
Brown Vintage Frank |
Dark Green Vintage Vampire |
Horror Pumpkin |
Famine |
Green Vintage Mummy |
Death |
Pale Vintage Mummy |
Green Vintage Frank |
Orange & Gray Tech Demon |
The Gooch |
White Bigness Ski |
Black Bigness Ski |
Noh Painted Rabbit |
Traditional Painted Rabbit |
Twilight Painted Rabbit |
Purple X-Ray Emissive Mask |
Painted Tiger |
Pink Floral Tech Demon |
Teal Enema Flourish Ski |
Black Enema Flourish Ski |
Toni using a mask in GTA Liberty City Stories.
The Clown Face mask in GTA Online.
- The Clown Face mask added in the Heists Update bears an uncanny resemblance to The Joker’s mask at the opening bank robbery scene of The Dark Knight. It may also be a reference to the clown masks featured in another game, Payday 2, as most crew members use clown masks.
- The Don mask bears a striking resemblance to the iconic Guy Fawkes mask from the graphic novel and film V For Vendetta, albeit with a wider shape and the absence of the upper-lip mustache and broad grin of the original.
- One of the new masks added in the Import/Export update is of an eerie looking octopus creature, a clear reference to H.P Lovecraft’s Cthulhu monster.
- The white Hockey mask originally resembled Jason Voorhees’ hockey mask, as it had the same red streaks on the sides. However, an update changed it so instead of a straight line, the red streaks became zigzagged.
В игру «ГТА 5» добавлено огромное множество мелочей, которых не было в предыдущих частях игры. Различные виды одежды, много видов обуви, прически, грим, аксессуары – это все добавляет дополнительный интерес к игре. В одиночной и сетевой версиях «ГТА 5» есть миссии, в которых совершаются ограбления. Для того чтобы выполнить некоторые из них, потребуется специальное оборудование. Маска в «ГТА 5» РП – это неотъемлемый элемент ограбления.
Где можно купить маску в «GTA 5»
Этот элемент гардероба можно приобрести в специализированном магазине. Расположен он на Веспуччи-Бич, в юго-восточном районе Лос-Сантоса. Откройте карту, этот район находится рядом с пляжем, неподалеку от аттракционов. Значок магазина нарисован в форме маски.
Магазин Movie Masks станет доступен тогда, когда персонажи будут заниматься подготовкой к миссии «Блиц-игра» (ограбление инкассаторского грузовика).
Ассортимент масок
Ассортимент палатки очень широк. Для того чтобы получить золото, при покупке перед миссией «Блиц-игра» нужно выбрать 3 маски хоккейного вратаря. В сочетании с формой уборщика внешний вид напоминает маньяка Джексона (фильм «Пятница 13»). Именно поэтому золотое достижение называется «Клише».
Также в ассортименте элементы стиля в форме: обезьяны, свиньи, зомби, Франкенштейна, хоккейные, различные балаклавы, банданы, черепа, головные платки. Это что касается одиночного режима.
В «GTA 5-онлайн» ассортимент гораздо шире. В сетевом режиме игроки, в основном, используют эти предметы гардероба для придания себе индивидуальности. В «GTA-online» вы сможете приобрести такие маски:
- животные;
- для ограблений;
- клоуны;
- жулик;
- байкеры;
- тактические;
- персонажи.
В этом режиме стоимость их гораздо выше, чем в «одиночке». Цена одной штуки может достигать 13 000$.
Некоторые из них купить нельзя, потому что они достаются бонусом, после получения определенных достижений. Также некоторые из них разработчики предоставляют бесплатно на различные праздники. Например, голова единорога досталась пользователям на День святого Валентина.
Как купить
Одними из самых популярных масок к игре являются: енота, стратегические, жулика, зебры и филина. Для того чтобы приобрести эти и другие предметы гардероба данной категории, нужно:
- Найти нужный магазин на карте.
- Добраться до места.
- На PC нажать клавишу «Е», на консолях (PS3, PS4, Xbox One) – клавиша «влево».
- Выбрать нужную модель.
- Подтвердить покупку.
Все, теперь в аксессуарах игрока можно найти этот предмет.
Эти предметы выполняют роль не только интересной части гардероба, но и носят практический характер. Находясь в розыске, сменив одну на другую, игрок может потерять до двух звезд.
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