Гта сан андреас как найти устриц


Устрица в GTA San Andreas

Устрицы (англ. Oysters) — животные и предмет коллекционирования в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


Во всём Сан-Андреасе насчитывается 50 устриц, беспорядочно разбросанных по штату, а точнее — по водной территории. Устрицы обычно находятся под водой вдоль береговых линий, под мостами через водоёмы, а иногда — в бассейнах отелей или особняков. Из-за их расположения игроку обычно нужно нырять под воду, чтобы собрать их.


Устрица в Истер-Бейсин

Чтобы достать устрицы как можно скорее, игрок может использовать Sea Sparrow, Leviathan или Skimmer, хотя также рекомендуется взять быструю лодку, чтобы безопасно собрать устриц вблизи военно-морской базы Истер Бейсин и сохраниться в ранчо Торено или в убежище в Форт Карсоне или собрать их во время миссии «Vertical Bird», когда уровень розыска отключен. В процессе коллекционирования навыки игрока повышаются, что делает плавание под водой гораздо более эффективным и позволяет оставаться под водой гораздо дольше.

Сбор одной устрицы, как и других предметов коллекционирования в игре, даст игроку 100 $. За сбор всех 50 устриц игрок получит награду в размере 100 000 $, максимальный объём легких, а также игрок сможет начать знакомится с новыми девушками независимо от того, какой у игрока внешний вид или сексуальность. Однако это не повлияет на обычных женщин, которые будут реагировать на его нынешнюю сексуальность как на обычную. Кроме того, если подруга бросит вас во время игры, сбор всех пятидесяти устриц позволит вам снова встречаться с ней, в то время как ни каким другим способом это не представляется возможным. Девушек можно будет найти в их исходных местах появления. Сбор всех 50 устриц требуется для завершения игры на 100%.

Распространённым заблуждением является то, что объём легких игрока напрямую зависит от сбора устриц до сбора всех 50 устриц. На самом деле, увеличение объёма легких зависит от времени нахождения игрока под водой для сбора устриц; чем дольше он собирает устрицы под водой, тем больше повышается объём легких игрока. Повышение объёма легких сделает легче сбор устриц, глубже находящихся в воде, без потери здоровья или риска смерти.


  • Неосведомлённый игрок не обратит внимание на то, что после сбора всех устриц мёртвые девушки Карла оживают а бывшие девушки становятся доступными к знакомству заново. А всё потому, что в игре нет оповещения об этом, хотя оно явно задумывалось так, как в gxt-банке текстовых строк есть то самое оповещение. На оригинальном английском языке оно выглядит так:
OYST100		// All oysters collected! Katie, Helena, Barbara and Michelle will always want you back, no matter how undesirable you are!



Расположение устриц


  1. Плайя-дель-Севиль (1 штука);
  2. Океанские доки (3 штуки);
  3. Международный аэропорт Лос-Сантос (1 штука);
  4. Вёрдант-Блаффс (1 штука);
  5. Санта-Мария-Бич (1 штука);
  6. Верона-Бич (1 штука);
  7. Канал Марина (1 штука);
  8. Глен-Парк (1 штука);
  9. Малхолланд (1 штука).

Округ Ред

  1. Блуберри (1 штука);
  2. Паломино-Крик (2 штуки);
  3. Мост Фредерик (1 штука) (не район Лос-Сантоса, но находится в округе Ред, недалеко от Ханки-Панки-Пойнт).


  1. Мост Гант (2 штуки);
  2. Сан-Фиерро-Бэй (4 штуки);
  3. Мост Гарвер (1 штука);
  4. Истер-Бейсин (2 штуки);
  5. Международный аэропорт Истер-Бэй (1 штука).

Уэтстоун и округ Флинт

  • Паноптикум (1 штука);
  • Флинт-Уотер (3 штуки);
  • Лос-Сантос-Инлет (1 штука);
  • Бэк-о-Бейонд (2 штуки);
  • Шэди-Крикс (1 штука);
  • Гора Чилиад (1 штука).


  • Рока-Эскаланте (1 штука);
  • The Visage (1 штука);
  • Pirates in Men’s Pants (1 штука);
  • Пилигрим (1 штука);
  • Come-A-Lot (1 штука);
  • Поле для гольфа «Йеллоу-Белл» (1 штука);
  • K.A.C.C. (1 штука).

Тьерра-Робада и округ Боун

  • Бэйсайд-Марина (1 штука);
  • Лас-Барранкас (1 штука);
  • Водохранилище Шермана (2 штуки);
  • Валле-Окультадо (1 штука).



GTA San Andreas — 50 Oysters Guide

GTA: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition — олдскульные экшен/игры, в которых Rockstar начала оттачивать свое мастерство по созданию невыполнимых испытаний. Многие олдфаги содрогаются, когда им припоминают миссию с вертолетиком в GTA: Vice City. Но были и другие задания, которые пройти было не так просто. В серии гайдов мы рассказываем, как это сделать в обновленной версии трилогии GTA.

Устрицы — коллекционный предмет в GTA: San Andreas. Насчитывает 50 устриц, что разбросаны по всему штату, а точнее по его водной территории. Обычно их можно найти вдоль береговых линий, у водоемов, иногда в бассейнах. Чаще всего приходится нырять под воду, чтобы найти их. Сбор устриц необходим, чтобы завершить игру на 100%. 

Гдей найти устриц


  1. Плайя-дель-Севиль (1 штука);
  2. Океанские доки (3 штуки);
  3. Международный аэропорт Лос-Сантос (1 штука);
  4. Вёрдант-Блаффс (1 штука);
  5. Санта-Мария-Бич (1 штука);
  6. Верона-Бич (1 штука);
  7. Канал Марина (1 штука);
  8. Глен-Парк (1 штука);
  9. Малхолланд (1 штука).

Округ Ред

  1. Блуберри (1 штука);
  2. Паломино-Крик (2 штуки);
  3. Мост Фредерик (1 штука) (не район Лос-Сантоса, но находится в округе Ред, недалеко от Ханки-Панки-Пойнт).


  1. Мост Гант (2 штуки);
  2. Сан-Фиерро-Бэй (4 штуки);
  3. Мост Гарвер (1 штука);
  4. Истер-Бейсин (2 штуки);
  5. Международный аэропорт Истер-Бэй (1 штука).

Уэтстоун и округ Флинт

  • Паноптикум (1 штука);
  • Флинт-Уотер (3 штуки);
  • Лос-Сантос-Инлет (1 штука);
  • Бэк-о-Бейонд (2 штуки);
  • Шэди-Крикс (1 штука);
  • Гора Чилиад (1 штука).


  • Рока-Эскаланте (1 штука);
  • The Visage (1 штука);
  • Pirates in Men’s Pants (1 штука);
  • Пилигрим (1 штука);
  • Come-A-Lot (1 штука);
  • Поле для гольфа «Йеллоу-Белл» (1 штука);
  • K.A.C.C. (1 штука).

Тьерра-Робада и округ Боун

  • Бэйсайд-Марина (1 штука);
  • Лас-Барранкас (1 штука);
  • Водохранилище Шермана (2 штуки);
  • Валле-Окультадо (1 штука).

За сбор всех устриц дают 100 000 долларов. Игрок сможет знакомиться с девушками, игнорируя их требования к внешнему виду. 

Другие руководства по игре:


An oyster in GTA San Andreas.

Oysters are animals and a form of collectible in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.


A total of 50 oysters are dotted across the state of San Andreas, where they are usually found underwater along shorelines, underneath bridges crossing bodies of water, and occasionally pools by hotels or mansions. Because of their locations, the player is usually required to dive underwater to obtain them.


Oyster at Easter Basin.

A quick way to get to oysters is using a Sea Sparrow, Leviathan or Skimmer, although a speedboat is recommended to safely obtain the oysters near the Easter Basin Naval Station and save at Toreno’s Ranch or the Fort Carson Safehouse, or during certain missions where the wanted level is disabled, such as Vertical Bird. A Vortex, given its amphibious capabilities, is especially useful.

Collecting an oyster grants $100 each. Collecting all 50 oysters gives the player a $100,000 reward, maximum lung capacity, and a perk where Carl Johnson can begin dating any girlfriend regardless of his appearance or sex appeal. However, female pedestrians are not affected by collecting all oysters and react to his current sex appeal like normal. In addition, if a girlfriend dumps him or is killed during the game, collecting all fifty oysters will allow the player to date her again, whereas normally this is not possible; girlfriends can be refound in their original spawn locations. Collection of all 50 oysters is required for 100% completion.

A common misconception is that the player’s lung capacity is directly influenced by the collection of oysters prior to collecting all 50 oysters. In reality, the increase in lung capacity depends mainly on the time the player spends underwater to reach oysters; the more time CJ stays underwater, the further his lung capacity increases. Improved lung capacity makes it easier to collect oysters deeper in the water without losing health or risking death.



Oysters’ locations

Los Santos
  1. Ocean Docks (3)
  2. Playa del Seville (1)
  3. Los Santos International Airport (1)
  4. Verdant Bluffs (1)
  5. Santa Maria Beach (1)
  6. Verona Beach (1)
  7. Marina (1)
  8. Vinewood (1)
  9. Glen Park (1)
  10. Mulholland (1)
Red County
  1. Blueberry (2)
  2. Palomino Creek (1)
  3. Fisher’s Lagoon (1)
  4. Frederick Bridge (1)
  5. The Panopticon (1)
Whetstone and Flint County
  1. Flint Water (3)
  2. Oram Bridge (1)
  3. Los Santos Inlet (1)
  4. Flint Bridge (1)
  5. Back o Beyond (2)
  6. Shady Creeks (1)
  7. Mount Chiliad (1)
San Fierro
  1. Gant Bridge (2)
  2. San Fierro Bay (1)
  3. Garver Bridge (1)
  4. Easter Basin (2)
  5. Easter Bay Airport (1)
Tierra Robada and Bone County
  1. Bayside Marina (1)
  2. San Fierro Bay (3)
  3. Las Barrancas (1)
  4. Sherman Reservoir (2)
  5. Valle Ocultado (1)
Las Venturas
  1. Roca Escalante (1)
  2. The Visage (1)
  3. Pirates in Men’s Pants (1)
  4. Pilgrim (1)
  5. Come-A-Lot (1)
  6. Yellow Bell Golf Course (1)
  7. K.A.C.C. (1)



GTA San Andreas — Oysters


v  d  e



Kill Frenzies | Insane Stunts | Power-ups

GTA London 1969 & 1961

Kill Frenzies | Power-ups (1969) | Power-ups (1961)


Special Tokens | Kill Frenzies | Insane Stunts | GT-A1 (Wang Cars List) | Power-ups


Hidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps

GTA Vice City

Hidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Jumps

GTA Advance

Hidden Packages | Rampages

GTA San Andreas

Tags | Snapshots | Horseshoes | Oysters | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps

GTA Liberty City Stories

Hidden Packages | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps

GTA Vice City Stories

Red Balloons | Rampages | Unique Stunt Jumps

Grand Theft Auto IV

Flying Rats | Stunt Jumps

GTA Episodes From Liberty City


GTA Chinatown Wars

Security Cameras | Rampages | Riding Shotgun | Stunt Jumps


Hidden Packages | Knife Flights | Letter Scraps | Monkey Mosaics | Nuclear Waste | Peyote Plants | Spaceship Parts | Stunt Jumps | Submarine Pieces | Under the Bridge | Epsilon Tracts

GTA Online

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v  d  e

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


State of San Andreas (Los Santos | San Fierro | Las Venturas | Red County | Flint County | Whetstone | Tierra Robada | Bone County)


Carl «CJ» Johnson | Sean «Sweet» Johnson | Kendl Johnson | Melvin «Big Smoke» Harris | Lance «Ryder» Wilson | Cesar Vialpando | Frank Tenpenny | Wu Zi Mu | Mike Toreno | Ken Rosenberg


Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Assets | Characters | Clothing | Tattoo Parlors | Radio Stations | Gang Warfare


100% Completion | Achievements/Trophies | Weapon Stats | Player’s Stats | Cheats | Trailers | Artworks


Руководство создано для сбора 50 ракушек, в связи с чем, это задание способствует к прохождению игры на 100%


Для прохождения игры на 100% нужно собрать 50 ракушек, которые разбросаны, практически во всех заливах, морях/океанах игры.
Для этого вам поможет карта местонахождения ракушек.
За использование карты спасибо пользователю Dark52


1. Seville Boulevard / Los Santos
2. Ocean Docks (Port) / Los Santos
3. Ocean Docks (Port) / Los Santos
4. Ocean Docks / Los Santos
5. Green Cliff Observatory / Los Santos
6. Verdant Bluffs / Los Santos
7. Verona Beach / Los Santos
8. Marina Beach / Los Santos
9. Santa Maria Beach / Los Santos “Beacon”
10. Flint County / Los Santos
11. Los Santos / Richman
12. Flint County / Los Santos
13. Red County / Foggy District
14. Fisher’s lagoon / Red County
15. Red County / Foggy District
16. Foggy Disctrict / Red County
17. Foggy Disctrict
18. Foggy Disctrict
19. Glen Park / Los Santos
20. Mulholland / Los Santos
21. Flint County
22. Flint County
23. Flint County
24. Whetstone


25. Mount Chiliad
26. Easter Basin / San Fierro
27. Easter Basin / San Fierro
28. San Fierro / Easter Basin
29. Easter Bay Airport / San Fierro
30. Easter Bay Airport / San Fierro
31. Garver Bridge / San Fierro
32. The bay San Fierro
33. The bay San Fierro
34. Gant Bridge / San Fierro
35. Gant Bridge / San Fierro
36. Tierra Robada
37. Tierra Robada
38. Tierra Robada
39. Tierra Robada
40. Tierra Robada
41. The Sherman Damb / Tierra Robada
42. Tierra Robada
43. Tierra Robada
44. Desert District
45. Las Venturas
46. Roca Escalante / Las Venturas
47. Starfish Casino / Las Venturas
48. Pirates In Men’s Pants / Las Venturas
49. Casino Pilgrim / Las Venturas
50. Casino Come-A-Lot / Las Venturas
В награду мы получаем 100.000$ Reward 100.000$


Спасибо что просмотрели мое новое руководство! Кому не сложно, добавьте в избранное и поставьте лайк) Кому не жалко можно и выдать скромную награду))
Thank you for watching my new guide! If you don’t mind, add it to your favorites and like it)
Who is not sorry and you can give a modest reward))

Quick Links

  • What Are Oysters, And Why Collect Them?
  • Los Santos Oysters
  • San Fierro Oysters
  • Flint County Oysters
  • Whetstone Oysters
  • Red County Oysters
  • Las Venturas Oysters
  • Tierra Robada And Bone County Oysters

GTA San Andreas has many optional side quests for the player to perform as they party the streets of San Andreas. Oysters are a valuable commodity in the real world, but they also have some value in the Grand Theft Auto universe as well.

Whether you are after the 100 percent completion trophy for the game, or you just want the oysters for the rewards they give, this article has the information for you. The following guide will outline what Oysters are, the benefits of collecting them, and the location of all 50 scattered around the map.

Feel free to use the Table of Contents to quickly navigate to specific sections, as the locations will be broken down by the county the Oysters are found in.

What Are Oysters, And Why Collect Them?

Oyster GTA San Andreas 1A

Oysters are a collectible item that can be found in the waters of San Andreas. There are 50 in all, and they are required for 100 percent completion of the game. They are scattered across the whole map, but they are always found in water.

The prospect of picking up dozens of collectibles can seem daunting and even a bit boring, especially given the clunky swimming mechanics of GTA San Andreas. That said, there are many benefits for the player for collecting the mollusks, aside from a feeling of achievement. Each Oyster gives the player $100 for picking it up, and an extra $100,000 for collecting every last one. That’s a grand total of $150,000 for any of you out there counting.

Furthermore, the Oysters grant boons to the player outside monetary value. After collecting all 50 Oysters, the player can hold their breath for double the normal amount of time. Additionally, Oysters are a known aphrodisiac, and you will become instantly irresistible to the ladies of San Andreas. This may sound like a joke, but having all the Oysters allows the player to date any girlfriend regardless of sex appeal. It also lets you reconcile with an ex-girlfriend and date them again. Finally, having all Oysters allows the player to revive dead girlfriends other than Millie and Denise.

Los Santos Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map Los Santos Highlight

Santa Maria Beach Oyster

GTA San Andreas Santa Maria Beach Oyster 2

Head to the lighthouse, west of the Santa Maria Beach Pier. The Oyster is in the sea, close to shore, just behind the lighthouse.

Marina Oyster

GTA San Andreas Marina Oyster

Head to the waterway that cuts through the city in Marina. There, look for a large brick bridge close to the blue building with the small dock. Jump off of the bridge, and the Oyster is directly under the center of the bridge.

Playa De Seville Oyster

GTA San Andreas Playa Del Seville Oyster 1

Head to the Los Santos Forum, and go to the beach southeast from here. Look for the concrete pier in Playa De Seville. You should see a large ship to the west. At the end of the pier is the Oyster.

Ocean Docks Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks Oyster 1

Go over to the big cargo ship mentioned in the last entry. At the tip of the ship, there is a large orange crane, and a stairway leading down. Take the stairs down, and follow the brick path, and you should see the Oyster just to the right of the path.

Ocean Docks Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks Oyster 2

Check beneath the southern bridge in this area.

Ocean Docks Oyster 3

GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks Oyster 3

Just east from the previous Oyster.

Los Santos International Oyster

GTA San Andreas Los Santos International Airport Oyster 1

Head to the southwesternmost part of the Los Santos International Airport. Before you enter the freeway tunnel you should see three streetlamps. Use the first one as a marker, and turn left onto the sandy section of the beach. The oyster is directly out in the ocean.

Verdant Bluffs Oyster

GTA San Andreas Verdant Bluffs Oyster

Take the freeway that leaves the Los Santos International Airport going west. Before you enter the tunnel on this road, you should see the sea to your left. Use the blank billboard as a marker to enter the ocean, and you should find the Oyster in this section of water.

Verona Beach Oyster

GTA San Andreas Verona Beach Oyster 1A

Head to the pier in Verona Beach and make your way west. You should come across three tiny bridges crossing a channel of water. The Oyster is in this channel between the bridges.

Los Santos Oyster

GTA San Andreas Los Santos Oyster

From the Trucking mission in Flint County, head north. Look for a railroad bridge. It can be identified on the minimap as it appears as a red line running through a body of water. Jump off the bridge and into the water, and you will find the Oyster.

Glen Park Bridge

GTA San Andreas Glen Park Oyster (1)

Go to the center of Glen Park. Here you will find a bridge crossing a small pond. The Oyster is in the pond.

Mulholland Oyster

GTA San Andreas Mulholland Oyster

Go to Madd Dogg’s mansion. The Oyster is in the pool.

San Fierro Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map San Fierro Highlight

San Fierro Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas San Fierro Oyster 1

Find the Avispa Country Club. South of the entrance is a small pond. The Oyster is in the pond.

San Fierro Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas San Fierro Oyster 2

Go to the Garver Bridge. Follow the road north from there until you see a large cargo ship. The Oyster is in the water at the bow of the ship.

San Fierro Bay Oyster

GTA San Andreas San Fierro Bay Oyster

Head west from the boat mentioned in the previous entry. There is another cargo ship close to Gant Bridge. The Oyster is at the back of the ship that is closest to the bridge.

Gant Bridge Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Gant Bridge Oyster

Keep going exactly to the east from the previous Oyster. This one is directly underneath Gant Bridge.

Gant Bridge Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Gant Bridge Oyster 2

Head north from the last Oyster. The Oyster is near the bridge in between a rock face and support arch.

Garver Bridge Oyster

GTA San Andreas Garver Bridge Oyster

Head to the northern side of Garver Bridge. The Oyster is underneath the bridge in between two support pillars.

Easter Bay Airport Oyster

GTA San Andreas Easter Airport Oyster

Go to the Easter Bay Airport as the name would suggest. Follow the airstrip all the way to the end past the grass patch. The Oyster is in the water past the grass patch.

Easter Basin Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Easter Basin Oyster 1

Head to Easter Bay Airport. Once here, look for a docked ship to the east. The Oyster is in the water at the stern of the ship.

Easter Basin Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Easter Bay Oyster 2

Go north of the ship mentioned in the last entry. On the minimap you should see three large buildings jutting into the water. Approach these buildings and enter through the middle entrance. The Oyster will be in the water as soon as you enter the building.

Getting near this building earns you a five-star wanted level.

Easter Basin Oyster 3

GTA San Andreas Easter Bay Oyster 3

From the building mentioned in the last entry, head to the north side of the property. Look for the military ship. The Oyster is in the water at the prow of the ship.

Getting close to this ship will also give you a five-star wanted level.

Flint County Oysters

GTA San Andreas Flint County

Flint Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Flint Oyster 1

From the Trucking mission in Flint, head south. Go to the two bridges that lead in and out of Los Santos. The Oyster is in the channel under the bridges.

Flint Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Flint Oyster 2

From the Trucking mission in the last entry, head along the road north. Soon, you will see a bridge that veers to the east. The Oyster is in the water beneath this bridge.

Flint Oyster 3

GTA San Andreas Flint Oyster 3

From the Flint intersection, head south. Keep following the road until you notice that it curves around a body of water. On the minimap, you can see a patch of lighter-colored grass. Stop just before the patch of this grass, and jump into the water to find the Oyster.

Flint Oyster 4

GTA San Andreas Flint Oyster 4

From Angel Pines head southeast. You should come to a bridge. The Oyster is under the bridge.

Flint Oyster 5

GTA San Andreas Flint Oyster 6

Go north from the bridge mentioned in the last entry. Along this road, you should come onto a wooden bridge. The Oyster is underneath the bridge.

Whetstone Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map Whetstone Highlight

Whetstone Oyster

GTA San Andreas Whetstone Oyster 1

From the wooden bridge in the last entry, head north. You should eventually find another bridge made of concrete. This bridge will have a divider, and the Oyster is on the left side of the divider.

Mount Chiliad Oyster

GTA San Andreas Mount Chiliad Oyster

Head north along the river from the bridge mentioned in the last entry. You will cross another bridge, and the Oyster is beneath this bridge.

Red County Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map Red County Highlight

Red County Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Red County Oyster 1

From Flint Oyster 2, keep heading north along the road. The Oyster will be under the next bridge you pass over.

Red County Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Red County Oyster 2

From the previous entry, head east along the road. Take a left at the four-way intersection. This road should take you to another four-way intersection with a body of water just south of it. This intersection will have a large bridge and a small wooden one. The Oyster is in the body of water under the smaller wooden bridge that is a part of the intersection.

The Panopticon Oyster

GTA San Andreas The Panopticon Oyster

Take the same road you took to find the Mount Chiliad Oyster. This time, instead of crossing the bridge where that Oyster was found, take a left at the turnpike with a cluster of trees nearby. Follow that road and take the next right. Keep going until you see the wooden fence in the sand.

Lastly, follow the fence until you reach a gap. Once at the gap, head towards the water where you will find the Oyster.

Fisher’s Lagoon Oyster

GTA San Andreas Fisher's Lagoon Oyster

Head to Palomino Creek. At the very southwest corner of the city, you can see a small beach on the map. That is where you are headed.

On the beach, you can find an old wooden dock with a wheelchair on it. The Oyster is at the end of the dock.

Palomino Creek Oyster

GTA San Andreas Palomino Creek Oyster

From the property you can buy in this area, head west. You will soon come to two bridges. The Oyster is under the small bridge closer to the broken wooden bridge.

Frederick Bridge Oyster

GTA San Andreas Frederick Bridge Oyster

Head northeast out of Palomino Creek. The bridge you are looking for is on the far east side of the map, and it is drawn in red on the map. The Oyster is under the middle of the bridge.

Las Venturas Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map Las Venturas Highlight

Las Venturas Oyster

GTA San Andreas Las Venturas Oyster

Head to the furthest corner of the map in the northeast. Swim out from the corner of the map here, and the Oyster is at the tip of an underwater rock right at the edge of the map.

Roca Escalante

GTA San Andreas Roca Escalante Oyster

Go to the Rock Hotel. The hotel has a guitar-shaped pool on the side of the property. The Oyster is under the diving board in the pool.

The Visage Oyster

GTA San Andreas The Visage Oyster

The Visage is a water park directly north of the property you can buy in this area. The Oyster is underneath a waterfall at the entrance of the facility.

Pirates In Men’s Pants Oyster

GTA San Andreas Pirate in Mens Pants Oyster 1A

Directly south from the property you can buy here is a casino called the Pirates in Men’s Pants. The casino has a fountain in the front where the Oyster lies.

Pilgrim Oyster

GTA San Andreas Pilgrim Oyster

From the previous Oyster, take the street south and take the first turn to the east. Keep going along this road, and you should find a casino called the Pilgrim. This casino also has a pool outside it which holds the Oyster.

Come-A-Lot Oyster

GTA San Andreas ComeALot Oyster

From the Pirates in Men’s Pants casino, follow the street south. You should find the Come-A-Lot casino on this street. The Oyster is in the pool near the entrance of the building.

Tierra Robada And Bone County Oysters

GTA San Andreas Full Map Bone County Highlight

Tierra Robada Oyster 1

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 1

Head to the boat school in Tierra Robada. While standing on the docks, you should be able to see a green peninsula on your map to the southeast. Swim over tho the land and the Oyster is at the tip of the peninsula.

Tierra Robada Oyster 2

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 2

From the location where you found the San Fierro Oyster at the front of the ship, swim north until you hit land. Follow the coast west, and you will find the Oyster close to shore.

Tierra Robada Oyster 3

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 3

Go to Gant Bridge. From there, make your way to the smaller bridge just to the south. It is marked in red on the map. At the eastern end of this bridge, you will see a small inlet of water surrounded by land on three sides. The Oyster is in this inlet.

Tierra Robada Oyster 4

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 4

From the Oyster in the previous entry, follow the road south. Do not take the bridge. Instead, veer off to the north. This Oyster can be found along the coast just inside a small concrete dock.

Tierra Robada Oyster 5

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 5

From the Oyster in the last entry, keep following the coast north until you find a bridge. The Oyster is under the bridge.

Tierra Robada Oyster 6

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 6

Go to the Sherman Dam. Cross it heading west, and then follow the coast north. Eventually, you will hit a bridge heading toward El Quebrados. The Oyster is under this bridge.

Tierra Robada Oyster 7

GTA San Andreas Tierra Robada Oyster 7

From the Oyster in the previous entry, follow the road north. Turn east onto the bridge that heads toward the airplane graveyard in Verdant Meadows. As soon as you get off the bridge, follow the coast south.

Eventually, you will find some Skimmer airplanes on the water. The Oyster is under one of the planes.

Sherman Dam Oyster

GTA San Andreas Sherman Dam Oyster

Head to the westernmost tower on the dam. From there, jump into the water, and the Oyster can be found between two towers and under the bridge.

Bone County Oyster

GTA San Andreas Bone County Oyster

Go to the Verdant Meadows airfield and head north to the coast. Once at the coast, head east. Look for the two long horizontal cracks in the map. The Oyster is directly north of them, close to the Bone County/Las Venturas border.

Next: GTA San Andreas: All Gang Tag Locations

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