Как исправить дрифт стиков на xbox one

У геймпадов для консолей PlayStation, Xbox и Nintendo Switch со временем может появиться ложное срабатывание стика — когда персонаж или камера начинают двигаться, даже если вы не трогаете геймпад. Этот эффект называется дрифтом стиков.

Обычно он начинается, когда на контакты у основания стиков попадает пыль, грязь и внутренняя смазка геймпада. Можно его разобрать и почистить контакты с помощью ватной палочки и чистого спирта. Но без опыта в ремонте подобной техники лучше за это не браться: повредите шлейф и останетесь без контроллера. Есть более простой способ исправить эту проблему.

Воспользоваться очистителем контактов WD-40

В интернете для «лечения» дрифта стиков советуют использовать смазочную жидкость WD-40. Она действительно помогает, если есть проблемы с механическими деталями — например, нужно открутить заржавевший болт. Но для электроники это средство не подходит, потому что масляная часть смазки не испаряется и остается внутри геймпада. Если залить слишком много жидкости, она подсохнет и начнет собирать всю грязь на себя, из-за чего снизится токопроводимость контактов кнопок и курков, они начнут плохо работать или вовсе откажут.

Вместо обычной смазочной жидкости WD-40 лучше использовать очиститель контактов от того же производителя или любого другого бренда — состав этого средства не вредит электронике и быстро испаряется, не оставляя масляных следов. Перед покупкой проверьте, чтобы на банке был логотип WD-40 и надпись «Очиститель контактов» зелеными буквами.

Смазка LIQUI MOLY Electronic-Spray, противокоррозийная, 0.2л [8047]

Как чистить

  1. Выключите геймпад, возьмите банку очистителя и через трубочку из комплекта побрызгайте жидкостью у основания стика со всех сторон. В составе нет веществ, которые могут повредить контакты и другие детали геймпада, поэтому можно не бояться, что она попадет внутрь.
  2. Подвигайте стик в разные стороны и покрутите его несколько раз по часовой и против часовой стрелки, чтобы жидкость равномерно распределилась.
  3. Включите геймпад и протестируйте стики в играх. Если ложные срабатывания не пропадут, повторите процедуру с очистителем еще 2-3 раза.

Обратитесь в сервисный центр

Если очиститель контактов не помог, лучше отдать геймпад в официальный сервисный центр, особенно если на него еще действует гарантия. Или найти ближайшего мастера, который занимается ремонтом электроники.

Если гарантия еще действует, производитель должен бесплатно отремонтировать геймпад или заменить новым. Обычно производители дают гарантию на технику один год, но в России встречается расширение до двух лет, об этом написано в характеристиках в пункте «Гарантия».

Для ремонта по гарантии понадобится чек из магазина, где вы покупали сам геймпад или консоль, к которой он шел в комплекте. Оставить заявку или найти ближайший официальный сервисный центр можно на сайте производителей: Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo.

Если гарантия закончилась, найдите ближайший сервисный центр, где ремонтируют смартфоны и другую электронику. Мастер за 10 минут разберет геймпад, почистит контакты или заменит стик. Возможно, придется пару недель подождать доставку запчасти, если ее нет в наличии. Такой ремонт обычно стоит около 500–1 000 ₽ — дешевле, чем покупать новый геймпад.

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Are you having a problem with stick drift on your Xbox controller? Stick drift happens when one of your analog sticks starts to move by itself without you pressing it. Before long, your games become unplayable because the camera or your characters start to move on their own. Before you consider purchasing a new controller, there are a few things you can try to salvage your controller. This wikiHow article will go over troubleshooting steps and how to repair your controller.

  1. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 1


    Push and pull on the joysticks lightly. When the problem first starts, try leaning the sticks in different directions and pressing down on them so that they click. You can also try pressing on the base of the joystick with your finger. If that doesn’t work, you can try pulling up on the stick and clicking it in place.

  2. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 2


    Restart the controller. To do so, press and hold the Xbox button in the center of the controller until it turns off. Wait a few seconds, and then press and hold the Xbox button to turn it back on.


  3. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 3


    Restart the Xbox One. Restarting your system can fix any errors that just started occurring. Use the following steps to restart your Xbox One:

    • Press the Xbox button in the center of the controller to open the Guide.
    • Select the Profile & System tab.
    • Select Power.
    • Select Turn off console.
    • Wait 5 minutes.
    • Press the Xbox button on the front of the console.
    • See if the problem continues.
  4. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 4


    Change the batteries. In some cases, low battery levels can cause issues with the controller. Try replacing the batteries and see if the problem persists.

  5. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 5


    Resync the controller. If there is a connection problem with your controller, resyncing it may reestablish a connection and fix any connection issues you are having. Use the following steps to resync your Xbox controller with your Xbox console:[1]

    • Press the Connect button on the left side of your Xbox console.
    • Press and hold the connect button on the top, center-right side of the controller.
    • Continue holding the Connect button until the Xbox button flashes.
  6. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 6


    Update your Xbox controller. Updating the firmware of the controller may fix certain issues you are having with the controller. Use the following steps to update your Xbox controller:[2]

    • Connect your controller to the Xbox using a USB cable.
    • Press the Xbox button on the controller to open the Guide.
    • Select the Gear/Settings tab.
    • Select Settings.
    • Select Kinect & devices.
    • Select Devices & accessories.
    • Select More options.
    • Select Firmware version.
    • Select Update now.
  7. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 7


    Clean the sticks with compressed air. First, make sure you have the batteries removed. Press the stick in one direction and spray the base of the stick on the opposite side. Use quick, short bursts of air. Continue pressing the stick in all directions while spraying the opposite side of the base. Let the controller sit for a while before putting the batteries back in. See if the problem continues.[3]

    • Be sure to keep the can of compressed air level to avoid spraying moisture into the controller that could damage the circuitry.
  8. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 8


    Clean the stick with alcohol. Again, make sure the batteries are removed from the controller. Lightly soak a cotton swab with Isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Use it to clean the base of the joystick. Press the joystick in all directions to expose more of the base and clean as much of it as you can. Wait for the alcohol to completely dry before reinserting the batteries and powering it back on.[4]

  9. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 9


    Change the deadzone. The deadzone is the area you can move the stick without moving. If you are having problems with the joystick leaning slightly on its own, expanding the deadzone may prevent unwanted movement during a game. Use the following steps to change the deadzone:[5]

    • Press the Xbox button on the controller to open the Guide.
    • Select the Gear/Settings tab.
    • Select Settings.
    • Select Kinect & devices.
    • Select Devices & accessories.
    • Select your controller and press the Menu button.
    • Select Adjustments.
    • Use the slider bar below «Deadzone» to increase the deadzone.
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  1. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 10


    Make sure your controller isn’t under warranty. If all the standard troubleshooting steps don’t fix the stick drift problem, you will need to take the controller apart and attempt a physical repair. This will void your warranty. If your controller is less than a year old, contact Microsoft and see if you qualify for a warranty exchange.[6]

    • If you do qualify for a warranty exchange, ask for a controller that has the newer stick modules that last longer.
    • If you are not comfortable attempting a physical repair, you can take it to an electronic repair shop and see if they are able to fix it for you.
  2. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 11


    Remove the batteries. You’ll need to remove the batteries in order to access one of the screws needed to take the controller apart. Remove the batteries from the controller on the back.

  3. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 12


    Remove the plastic covers from the back sides. You can either use a flathead screwdriver or your fingernails to pry lose the plastic covers on the back left and right of the controller below the trigger buttons.

    • Be careful not to apply too much pressure so that you don’t break the plastic covers.
  4. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 13


    Use a Torx screwdriver to remove the screws from the back. There are two screws on the left and right sides under the plastic cover and one in the center of the battery compartment. Use a Torx screwdriver to remove the screws.

    • If you don’t have a Torx screwdriver, you can use a small flathead screwdriver. You’ll have to place it in at an angle against one of the triangle sides.
    • You may need to peel off the warranty stick from inside the battery compartment to access the screw.
  5. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 14


    Remove the faceplate of the controller. Once the screws are removed from the back, turn the controller over. The front faceplate should lift right off. If it does not, you may need to pry it lose with your fingernails or a flathead screwdriver.

  6. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 15


    Remove the joysticks. The rubber joystick pieces slide right on top of the joystick modules. Just pull them off to expose the modules below the stick.

  7. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 16


    Remove the grey plastic holder on the left side of the module. The purpose of this plastic piece is to hold the module in place. Once you put the faceplate on, it’s not really needed. A lot of times, the plastic piece comes lose and starts to rise. This could be what is causing the drift, so removing the grey plastic piece on the side of the module may fix the drift problem.

    • Do not glue the plastic piece down. If you get glue inside the module, it will ruin your controller.
  8. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 17


    Clean out the joystick modules. Use compressed air to clean out any dust and debris that might have gotten stuck in the joystick modules. You can also use a cotton swab slightly damp with Isopropyl rubbing alcohol to clean it out. Just make sure you let the alcohol completely dry before putting the controller back together.

    • Be sure to hold the can of condensed air level to avoid getting any moisture inside the modules.
  9. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 18


    Test the controller. Go ahead and put the joysticks back on the modules and put the faceplate back on. Put the batteries back in and go ahead and test the controller. If it’s working properly, go ahead and put the screws back in. If not, go ahead and take it apart again. There are still a couple more things you can try.

  10. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 19


    Take apart the controller and remove the backplate. If you are still having problems with the controller, go ahead and remove the faceplate and the rubber thumbstick from the modules. Then grab the motors on the left and separate the controller boards from the backplate of the controller. You may need to pry the backplate lose with your fingernails or a flathead screwdriver.

  11. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 20


    Tape the motors down. Right now, the motors are lose. To keep them from flopping around, it’s recommended you tape the motors down with some electrical tape or something that’s not too sticky. You should be able to turn the controller over without the motors falling out.

  12. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 21


    Turn the controller over and remove the screws from behind the motors. These are the screws that are holding the motherboard in place. You’ll need to use a slightly smaller Torx screwdriver than the one you used to remove the screws that hold the controller faceplate in place.

  13. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 22


    Move the motherboard forward and prop it on the trigger buttons. It’s the larger circuit board. Be careful not to touch any of the metal parts on the circuit board. Place your index finger on the top of the board and your thumb on the bottom. Wiggle it gently until you are able to remove the circuit board. Use the trigger buttons as a prop so that the circuit board rests tilting towards you.

  14. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 23


    Turn the black piece on the side of the joystick module. Use a flathead screwdriver to turn the black piece on the left side of the joystick module you are having problems with. If the stick is drifting up, turn it counterclockwise. If it is drifting down, turn it clockwise. Give it two or three full turns. Then wiggle the stick inside the module and give the black piece a few more turns. Repeat a couple of times.

    • While you have the controller disassembled, see if the insides need any cleaning. Use condensed air to clean out any dust or debris inside the controller.
  15. Image titled Fix Stick Drift Xbox One Step 24


    Test the controller. Go ahead and reassemble the controller. First, reattach the motherboard and put the controller back in the backplate. Put the rubber joysticks back on the modules and then place the faceplate back on. Don’t reinsert the 5 screws on the back until you are sure the controller is working. Go ahead and test the controller. If it is not working, take it apart again and give the black piece on the side of the module a few more turns. Repeat until the controller is working.

    • If you are not able to get the stick drift to stop, you may need to replace the joystick modules. You can purchase Xbox One controller parts online, but it is not recommended you try to replace the modules yourself unless you are skilled at soldering and desoldering. You may want to take it to a repair shop, or just get a new controller.[7]
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Don’t throw your controller away, it may be salvageable

Updated on April 18, 2022

When an Xbox One controller starts suffering from drift, you’ll typically notice unwanted movement while playing games. It’s called controller drift, or analog stick drift, because one or both thumbsticks will drift, or move, in an undesired direction even when you aren’t touching them.

To fix Xbox One controller drift, you need to take the controller apart and repair or replace one or more components related to the analog sticks.

What Is Xbox One Controller Drift?

The most common situation involves drift in the left analog stick, which usually manifests in your character constantly looking up in first-person games. However, the right stick can also suffer from drift issues. You may also notice that when you move one of the analog sticks in any direction, it will continue registering that movement even after taking your thumb off the stick.

When Xbox One controller drift occurs, there are three main causes:

  • Worn out thumbstick pad: Each thumbstick consists of a boxy sensor component with a moveable shaft on top and a rubber or plastic component that snaps onto the shaft. If the rubber or plastic piece becomes worn, replacing or repairing it will fix your drift issue. In some cases, a similar issue can be caused by dirty thumbstick pads.
  • Worn out springs: Each thumbstick sensor component has two springs that help snap it back to the center whenever you remove your thumb. When one or both springs wear out, you’ll notice drift. Replacing the springs fixes that problem.
  • Bad thumbstick unit: Each thumbstick consists of a boxy sensor component that’s soldered to the controller circuit board. This component can fail internally, in which case the only possible fix is to replace it with a new part.

How to Fix Worn Out Thumbstick Pads

If you notice that your Xbox One controller is suffering from thumbstick drift, you’ll want to start with the easiest fixes and continue from there. While dirty or worn out thumbstick pads don’t represent the most common source of this problem, this is the best place to start since it’s the easiest and fastest thing to try out.

To perform this fix, you’ll need:

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
  • Prying tool
  • T-8 or T-9 safety Torx
  • Shim of your choosing or replacement thumbstick pads

Once you’ve gathered those items, here’s how to perform the fix:

  1. Apply isopropyl alcohol to a cotton swab.

     Jeremy Laukkonen
  2. Pry back the thumbstick, and carefully wipe the rounded surface with alcohol.

    Jeremy Laukkonen 
  3. Rotate the thumbstick incrementally, carefully cleaning the entire thing.

     Jeremy Laukkonen
  4. Check to make sure that you’ve fully cleaned the thumbstick, and test operation.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  5. If the thumbstick still sticks or drifts, disassemble your Xbox One controller using a pry tool and T-8 or T-9 safety Torx.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  6. Check the thumbsticks to see if they’re positioned correctly, and try wiggling them to see if they’re loose.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  7. If the thumbstick pads feel loose, remove them.

     Jeremy Laukkonen
  8. Replace the thumbstick pads with new ones, or reinstall with a shim like a sliver of paper or plastic, and check to see if they feel loose.

     Jeremy Laukkonen
  9. Reassemble the controller and test operation.

How to Fix Worn Out Xbox One Controller Thumbstick Springs

If you still experience drift after attempting to fix your thumbstick pads or determine that they were neither dirty nor loose, then the next easiest fix is to replace your thumbstick springs. If only one thumbstick is giving you trouble, only replace the springs on that thumbstick.

To perform this fix, you’ll need:

  • Prying tool
  • T-8 safety Torx
  • Analog stick springs
  • Tweezers

A lot of controllers, including Xbox 360 controllers, use the same analog stick component as the Xbox One controllers, so you can take springs from an old controller. You can also buy a replacement analog stick and take the springs from that.

Here’s how to replace the springs in an Xbox One controller analog stick:

  1. Disassemble your controller using a pry tool and T-8 or T-9 safety Torx.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  2. Carefully pry off the green plastic covers on the bottom and right side of the thumbstick assembly.

     Jeremy Laukkonen

    If you break either plastic cap, you will have to replace the entire analog stick module, which requires soldering.

  3. Remove the springs.

     Jeremy Laukkonen

    Use tweezers if you’re having trouble removing the spring.

  4. Replace with new springs, or springs taken from another controller.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  5. Snap the green plastic covers back into place.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  6. Reassemble your controller and test operation. 

How to Replace an Xbox One Controller Analog Stick

In some cases, you’ll find that one or both of your analog sticks are just worn out and need to be replaced. This is an even more complicated repair, and you shouldn’t attempt it if you aren’t comfortable with desoldering and soldering.

Don’t attempt this fix if you don’t have experience desoldering components from a circuit board. Any mistakes with the desoldering tool or soldering iron could easily ruin your controller.

If you want to attempt this fix, you’ll need:

  • Prying tool
  • T-8 or T-9 safety Torx
  • T-7 Torx
  • Desoldering tool
  • Soldering tool
  • Solder
  • Replacement analog stick assembly

Here’s how to replace an Xbox One controller analog stick:

  1. Disassemble your controller using a pry tool and T-8 or T-9 safety Torx to take apart the case and a T-7 Torx to remove the circuit board.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  2. Use a desoldering tool to remove the old analog stick assembly from the circuit board.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  3. Insert the new analog stick assembly, and solder it in place.

    Jeremy Laukkonen
  4. Reassemble the controller and test operation.

If these tips aren’t resolving the issue(s), it might be time to spring for a new controller. At least you’ll know you gave it your best shot.


  • How do I fix sticky buttons on an Xbox One controller?

    If you’re experiencing sticky buttons on an Xbox One controller, unplug the controller and dip a cotton swab into rubbing alcohol. Gently clean the area where the button is sticky, carefully accessing all the nooks and crannies you can reach.

  • How do I fix an Xbox One controller that won’t turn on?

    To fix an Xbox controller that won’t turn on, try installing new batteries. Check the battery contacts, which should extend at an angle. Use a prying tool if you need to bend one back out. Also, check your cables and update your Xbox One controller firmware.

  • How do I update an Xbox One controller?

    To update an Xbox One controller’s firmware, turn it on and sign in to the Xbox Network. Press the Xbox One button to open the guide and go to System > Settings > Kinect & devices > Devices & accessories. Select More (three dots) > Firmware version > Update now.

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