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Главная » Проблемы » Во время демонстрации экрана в Зуме появилась ошибка 105035
Использование технологий для проведения видеоконференций набирает большую популярность. Одной из таких облачных платформ является Zoom. На сегодняшний день при работе с приложением возникают некоторые ошибки, которые связывают с новыми выходящими обновлениями или несовместимостями операционной системы. Одной из распространенных выступает ошибка 105035. Что означает эта ошибка и как её давайте разбираться.
В большинстве случаев с этой ошибкой сталкиваются при попытке демонстрации экрана во время видеоконференции. Текст появляющегося сообщения следующий: «Screen sharing has failed to start. Please try again later. Error Code: 105035», что означает невозможность запустить демонстрацию, и призыв повторить попытку позже. Эта ошибка может возникать по следующим причинам:
- установленное обновление мешает корректной работе;
- комплект средств разработки и файлы клиента программы используют общие ресурсы компьютера;
- программа не может найти нужные файлы, так как они были переименованы.
Как исправить проблему и убрать ошибку
Ошибка 105035 при демонстрации экрана в zoom исправляется последовательностью выполнения следующих шагов:
- Если в данный момент в приложении открыто соединение, то необходимо прервать видео-сеанс. Для этого нажать красный крестик в право верхнем углу. Это действие закончит встречу.
- Перейти в меню «Пуск», выбрать пункт «Панель управления», «Программы» и перейти к программам и компонентам.
- В списке программ найти «Zoom», выделить, а затем кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши «Удалить/Изменить» и нажать кнопку «Uninstall».
- После этого зайти в браузер Google Chrome и в строке поиска набрать «zoom app for google chrome». Начать поиск.
- После появления результатов поиска перейти по первой ссылке «Zoom – Google Chrome». Выполнится переход на страницу интернет-магазина.
- В открытом окне нажать на кнопку «Установить» (или «Запустить») и после «Установить приложение». Если установка произведена раннее, то приложение запустится без установки.
- Если ошибки больше нет — готово, доступ к экрану открыт.
Если не удалось избавиться от ошибки, то необходимо выполнить проверку файлов приложения на компьютере — они могут быть изменены или переименованы. Перечень файлов для проверки:
- контролирующий файл приложения;
- файл для организации работы серверной части приложения;
- инициирующий файл;
- файл активации службы;
- библиотека методов работы с приложения;
- динамическая библиотека методов облачной платформы;
- динамическая библиотека расширения;
- служба серверной части приложения 64-х разрядной версии.
С четвертой версии приложения, имена приведенных файлов могут иметь вид:
- файл для организации работы серверной части приложения переименован в zcscpthost.exe;
- инициирующий файл переименован в zCSCptService.exe.
Zoom демонстрация экрана ошибка 105035 возникает на разных устройствах, из-за чего универсальный подход к исправлению проблемы может быть не эффективным. Для решения проблемы под определенное программное оборудование необходимо обратиться за официальной поддержкой на сайте разработчика приложения.
( 1 оценка, среднее 5 из 5 )
Технологичные сервисы для проведения видеоконференций набирают большую популярность. Одно из облачных решений Зум, только за годы пандемии почти вдвое увеличило число своих пользователей. Но при работе с приложением периодически возникают затруднения, связанные с выходом новых обновлений, или несовместимостью операционных систем. В Zoom ошибка 105035 достаточно распространенная. Она означает проблему демонстрации экрана. Вы просто не можете предоставить общий доступ к трансляции вашего видео.
Причина ошибки 105035 в Zoom
В большинстве случаев с такой проблемой сталкиваются пользователи при попытке продемонстрировать видео другим со своего монитора. Вместе с кодом ошибки добавляется текстовое сообщение, предлагающее совершить попытку позже.
Но зачем ждать, если нужно сразу же все решать. Выяснив причину, будет проще устранить проблему, и продолжить вещание. Источниками неполадки могут быть:
- Обновление, которое у вас установлено, мешает корректной работе.
- Программа не находит нужных файлов.
Обратите внимание! Один из действенных способов справиться с ошибкой 105035 – обновить версию Zoom.
Официальная поддержка предлагает основное решение, которое исправляет ситуацию в 99 из 100 случаев. Просто обновитесь до последней версии. Выполняется это по готовой инструкции, которая достаточно простая:
- Прервите видеосеанс, если он был запущен, наддав на красный крестик в верхнем углу справа.
- В меню выберите кнопку «Пуск», перейдите в раздел «Панель управление/Программы».
- Откройте раздел с компонентами.
- Выберите приложение «Zoom», кликните правой кнопкой мыши «Удалить», тапните по надписи «Uninstall».
- Перейдите в браузер, если работаете в Гуле, наберите «zoom app for google chrome», и отправьте запрос на поиск.
- На выдаче выберите «Zoom – Google Chrome», и перейдите в этот магазин.
- Выполнится переход на страницу интернет-магазина.
- В ранее открытом окне тапните «Установить приложение».
После окончания процесс, и обновления, приложение запустится уже в новой версии, и вам откроется доступ к экрану для его демонстрации.
Community Champion | Zoom Employee
First suggestion would be to use the Clean Uninstall Utility to uninstall and then reinstall.
You can find the link to the uninstall tool here: Clean Zoom
If this was helpful, please click Accept as Solution below!
I’ve had the same issue — i went to uninstall and reinstall — still not working
please help
Hi, many people in my organisation are getting the same message (the past week) and we can’t fix it. Can you help please?
This is still a lingering issue for us too and it’s not specific to any hardware. @Zoom, is there a fix identified yet?
Hello, I have the same issue. My hardware is an iMac 27″ with macOS Catalina, version 10.15.7 and I am using a desktop client of Zoom (Version 5.11.1 (8356)). I’ve tried to unistall and reinstall but the problem remains the same. The CleanZomm above is an .exe file, so it doesn’t work on Mac. Please, I have some urgency to fix this…
Out tech guy was able to fix it. I’m sorry I don’t know how. Uninstalling etc didn’t do anything. There is a glitch in the latest update. I will ask our guy to give me something I can share.
in the meantime, a workaround is to pin yourself to the screen when presenting. And ask participants to do the same (little three dots on your image top RHS — pin you to screen). Not ideal but it works.
im pretty pissed off with Zoom — very slow to resolve it and are not coming forward with solutions. Shitty service…
Same issue. Closing and updating Zoom does not resolve it.
Same issue — Mac user and the uninstall hasn’t worked…
I have the same issue as well, on an iMac. Never had it before today!
Hi everyone! Please try the following when uninstalling:
Uninstall the Zoom client, empty the Mac trash, click on the apple logo located at the top left-hand corner, click on About Mac, click on software update (apply if any), reboot the device, re install the Zoom client. let me know if these steps help resolve the issue.
Zoom Community Team
Dear CarlaA,
I’s using Windows10 Pro, and recently can’t share from Zoom and show error code 105035.
I’ve tried to re-install and it didn’t work.
Please help to tell if has other solution.
Thank you.
same here!! please a solution
Hi @Jessie_Jessie and @JLHA70 , please try the following:
- Open Task Manager and go to Detail > Cptservice
- End the Cptservice process
- Open Zoom Client and try to start screen sharing. Note: cptservice should start immediately.
Let me know if that helps!
Zoom Community Team
didn’t work, I unninstall, install a non updated zoom version that was on my downloads and voila!! my screen sharing works again
Hi @JLHA70 , I’m sorry to hear that did not work. Would you be able to try something else? Once you have updated to the newest version of Zoom, kindly check if you’re using Apple File System Case-sensitive via Disk Utility.
If yes, please navigate to the following path: Applications/zoom.us.app
When you go to Applications > Zoom > Kindly right-click on the Zoom icon and choose «Show Package Contents».
Then click on Contents folder > Frameworks folder then modify the folder name from “CptHost.app” to “cpthost.app”.
If that does not work, please let me know!
Zoom Community Team
Hi Carla,
Does the Zoom Support/Dev team know what could be the potential source of this issue and why file names are being changed and then needing to be reverted? What is the source of this glitch?
Has a viable solution been found?
Many thanks!
Just got this error today. Tried all the above and nothing works. REALLY not cool as I was running a client meeting and couldn’t share my screen. Grrrr.
Hi Guys, you may update the latest version of Zoom software, I just did that, it works perfectly for me now.
@Nikkadimis As @yeoalice329 mentioned this issue was due to a bug which has been fixed after version 5.11.3. Our devs have informed our community team that users should not have to change the file name anymore as long as you have a version > 5.11.3. Please update your Zoom client to resolve this issue.
Thank you both for your contributions!
Zoom Community Team
Please click Accept as Solution if you found this reply helpful. Thank you!
Hi, I just got this message today in the middle of a class I was teaching; I am running version 5.11.6 — so apparently this fix did not help. Do you have ideas — it is REALLY disruptive.
I still have the error 105035 occurring today. Any help?
5.11.6 (9890) this error start after I brake up the rooms. Now I cant share my screem. How can I fix?
Hi @anagsoares @rebeccavich I found out that this type of issue may also be caused if the Cptservice is not be running properly.
Please try these recommended troubleshooting steps.
Open Task Manager and go to Detail > Cptservice
- End the Cptservice process
- Open Zoom Client and try to start screen sharing. Note: cptservice should start immediately.
Let me know how it goes!
Zoom Community Team
Please click Accept as Solution if you found this reply helpful. Thank you!
I’m use macOS how can I finish the ctpservice? This not show on my taskmanager
When I restart my computer the problem solve.. and then, happens again… I think this is serious BUG and needs to be fix Urgently, because I’m trainer and I need to share my screen all day. And if the root cause is not resolved, many people will have to switch platform.
Im very sorry to hear that, we will make sure to update our devs with this issue. In the meantime, on a Mac, you can navigate to the following path Applications/zoom.us.app/Contents/Frameworks/ then modify the folder name from “CptHost.app” to “cpthost.app” — see image.
I appreciate your patience as we investigate further.
Thank you.
Thanks. I followed the instructions and I’ll test tomorrow..
I’ve tried all the steps listed and have updated my Zoom client to 5.12.2 on MacOS 13. Should be no issue with MacOS since Google Meet can share my screen with no issues. Please advice, I will have to use another service for my team in the interim.
Hi @solceure!
Please uninstall and reinstall the Zoom desktop client by following these steps:
Open Applications > right-click on the Zoom application > Show package contents > open Contents > open Frameworks > use the ZoomUninstaller file.
Then reinstall Zoom from Zoom.us/download and attempt to sign in and start a test meeting to check if the issue still persists.
I got this error code 105035 while I am trying to share my screen in this two weeks.
and I have reinstall my client version as 5.12.2(9281). but the issus is still there, not sloved………
Hi @Owen9916! Can you try checking to see if you are using Apple File System Case-sensitive via Disk Utility?
If you are, please navigate to the following path Applications/zoom.us.app/Contents/Frameworks/ then modify the folder name from “CptHost.app” to “cpthost.app”.
Let me know if that works!
Zoom Community Team
Could you speak normal speak? I am getting error code 105035 all the time now. Never did before in four years of zoom use. What changed?????
All participants can screen share, but not me — the host! What’s up?
Hi @jayjr49, I am so sorry for the delayed response! The easiest way I have found for locating the file path is to open the Finder and then type Command + Shift + G while in any Finder window. You will then paste /Applications/zoom.us.app/Contents/Frameworks
Select this option and locate CptHost.app.
Hope this helps!
Zoom Community Team
No Apple IOS, I am using Win10….
and I didnot find the cpthost.exe process as well…
Hi @Owen9916 , I believe the directions I stated above are unique to Mac systems. Are you also receiving error 105035?
Keep me updated!
Hello, I am using Windows 10 OS, and I found this below , What shall I do now?
Once I found the path, it worked!
This did not work, do I need to restart Zoom ? Re-boot ?
- What Is Error Code 105035 in Windows 10?
- How to Fix “Zoom Screen Sharing Not Working” Issues
- Solution 1: Reconfigure Zoom Settings
- Solution 2: Change the Preferred Graphics Processor
- To try it out; follow these steps:
- Solution 3: Update Your Graphics Driver
- Solution 4: Enable App Permissions in Windows
- Solution 5: Reinstall Zoom
What if the Zoom screen share is not working when trying to make a video call? Well, you’re not the only one having a bad day!
This year didn’t turn out as many expected. With the pandemic, we’ve seen lockdowns, businesses shutting down, and others shifting to remote working and telecommuting. The one thing that has kept businesses and families going? Online meetings. Zoom, in particular, has made it easy for people to connect from all over the world.
Thanks to its screen sharing capabilities, coworkers, clients, and bosses can easily collaborate with each other to check the progress of their projects. This allows for accuracy and efficiency.
But, like most software, Zoom has its share of bugs. One that’s particularly troublesome is the error code 105035 when trying to share the screen. The error, which reads in full: “Screen sharing has failed to start. Please try later. Error Code: 105035”, prevents participants from sharing their work.
Luckily, this error is fixable. Below we’ve gathered a few workarounds that you can try to fix ‘Zoom screen sharing not working’ issues on your Windows PC.
What Is Error Code 105035 in Windows 10?
The error code 105035 appears when Zoom’s screen sharing feature fails to work. Participants in your video call can only see a blank screen when you’re trying to present your projects on the other end.
At other times, during Zoom screen sharing, the audio goes mute, and no one can hear what you’re saying.
- This error could be driver-related. You see, when your graphics driver is not functioning as required, the relay of information between the system and the corresponding hardware or software is severed. This could be caused by corrupted, missing, or outdated drivers.
- The error could also be triggered by misconfigured settings in Zoom.
How to Fix “Zoom Screen Sharing Not Working” Issues
It goes without saying that to enjoy smooth Zoom calls, you need to have a solid internet connection. Video calls can take up a lot of bandwidth, and if you’re on a limited or unstable network, you might have some issues.
If you’ve established that your internet connectivity is not to blame, try one of the solutions below.
Solution 1: Reconfigure Zoom Settings
If you’ve improperly configured Zoom settings, you might run into the “Zoom Share Screen not working” issue. To fix this, try to adjust Zoom settings.
- First, you need to exit your Zoom call. Excuse yourself and then click the End button followed by “End Meeting for All”. But don’t stop there. Go to your system tray on the Taskbar, locate the Zoom icon, right-click on it, and select Exit. This process helps to clear some temporary caches that might have affected the Zoom app.
- Once you’ve made sure that you have closed Zoom completely, locate the Zoom shortcut on your desktop and double-click on it to launch it afresh.
- Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner to open Zoom Settings.
- On the left pane, click on the Share Screen tab and check the “Enable the remote control of all applications” checkbox on the right pane. If this option is grayed out, exit Zoom, right-click its icon on your desktop, and select “Run as administrator”. You should now be able to enable this option.
- Still on the Settings window, click on the Advanced option at the bottom of the page to display additional settings.
- Check the “Limit your screen share to (_) frames-per-second” checkbox and input a value below 10 from the dropdown list.
- Exit Zoom Settings and relaunch the Zoom videoconferencing app.
Try to initiate the Zoom Share Screen again to see if it works. If you’re still getting the error, try the next fix below.
Solution 2: Change the Preferred Graphics Processor
If you’re using a laptop, automatic switching between GPUs is turned on by default to extend battery life. However, it could the culprit behind the “Zoom Share Screen not working” issue. Several users reported that disabling this setting resolved the error.
To try it out; follow these steps:
- Press the Win + S key combination, type in “NVIDIA Control Panel” (without quotes), and hit the Enter key. Alternatively, right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select “NVIDIA Control Panel”.
- Once the NVIDIA Control Panel window opens, click on the Manage 3D settings link in the left pane.
- Switch to the Programs Settings tab under the “I would like to use the following 3D setting:” section, and select Add.
- Click on the Browse button near the bottom of the page, and navigate to Zoom’s installation directory, which by default, should in C:/> Users> USERNAME> AppData> Roaming.
- Once there, locate the Zoom > bin folder, select exe and click on Open. Or, simply double-click on the CptHost.exe executable to add the file.
- You’ll be taken back to the Manage 3D Settings section, and the file you just selected should be displayed under “Select a program to customize:”.
- Under the “Select the preferred graphics processor for the program:” dropdown menu, choose “Integrated graphics”.
- Click Apply to save your changes and close all open windows.
- Restart your Windows PC and check if modifying the graphics settings worked to resolve the Zoom Share Screen error code 105035.
Solution 3: Update Your Graphics Driver
For you to make video calls, your graphics driver should be up to date and free of errors. If you keep getting the black screen display, it’s probably because your graphics driver is outdated or damaged. The best way out is to update it.
For people who know their way around computers, you can try to manually install the latest driver version for your graphics driver. To do so, you’ll need to find and download the appropriate driver version from your GPU manufacturer’s website. While this might sound easy, you must be careful not to download the wrong driver model and version. Otherwise, you risk running into compatibility issues.
But there’s a better, safer way to do this – using a reliable third-party program like Auslogics Driver Updater. This program will automatically detect your OS and all the device drivers installed on your PC. After running the diagnostics, Driver Updater will display the details of the drivers, showing you the ones that are outdated or missing.
It does all the hard work for you, so you don’t need to worry about searching for drivers that are compatible with your system. Plus, you don’t have to stress about installing the wrong drivers. The tool works with precision and accuracy to ensure that only the latest, official drivers are installed.
With the free version, your options are limited – you can only update a driver after a certain time period elapses. To enjoy all the benefits, opt for the Pro version. In both versions, you can schedule automatic maintenance to keep the device drivers up-to-date, and you can back up and restore your drivers as you wish.
Solution 4: Enable App Permissions in Windows
Have you confirmed if you’ve allowed the Zoom app to access your camera or microphone? It could be the source of your problem. The Zoom screen sharing feature depends on other components and resources on your Windows system to function correctly.
To verify these settings, follow the steps below:
- Open the Windows Settings using the Win + I shortcut keys.
- Select Privacy and scroll down to find the Camera setting under “App permissions” on the left pane.
- Be sure the “Allow access to the camera on this device” and “Allow apps to access your camera” options are turned on.
- Additionally, check if the “Allow desktop apps to access your camera” option is turned on and that Zoom Meetings appears under this section.
- Repeat the same steps with all the necessary permissions, like Microphone.
Solution 5: Reinstall Zoom
You’ve probably tried this option already. But, if you haven’t, let us guide you:
- Close the Zoom application and exit the program from the system tray.
- Use the Win + Q key combination to bring up the search bar, type in “Control Panel” (without quotes), and press Enter.
- Click on the “Uninstall a program” link under Programs and locate the Zoom application in the list of installed programs and features.
- Once you find the app, right-click on it, and select Uninstall.
- Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the uninstallation process.
- After you’re done, open your browser and go to the official Zoom download page to get a fresh copy of the Zoom app.
After installing Zoom, the Screen Sharing feature should function as required.
We hope the solutions in this post help you to fix the ‘Zoom screen sharing not working’ issue. If you have additional information regarding this error, feel free to share it with our community by commenting below.
Solution for screen sharing error 105035 in Widows 7
For the first time in my life, I couldn’t find any solution for this apparently documented error #105035 on the Google.
The symptom: when you try to start a screen share in Zoom Cloud Meeting in Windows 7, the applicatin return almost instantely the error message: «Screen sharing has failed to start. Please try again later. Error Code: 105035». This «later» never comes.
At Google search, the only fews mentions to this error code was about some Zoom SDK DLL registers, something that have nothing about with us, end users of Zoom Cloud Meeting client.
The solution I found is very simple: in Zoom Cloud Meetings main screen, click Settings, than Share Screen item and check the option «Enable the remote controle of all aplications». It will ask for administrator credentials to register the Zoom sharing service to the Windows system.
I don’t know why this happens to some users in Windows 7 (I have none complaining from Windows 10 users by now).
I hope it may be useful for someone.