Одной из главных особенностей VRChat является возможность появиться в виртуальном мире практически в любом образе, начиная от кавайной аниме девочки и заканчивая гигантским прямоходящим фруктом. Увидеть здесь два одинаковых аватара крайне сложно (Наклзы являются исключением из правил), так как эта игра располагает огромной базой скинов и позволяет игрокам самостоятельно создавать себе аватары. Однако новичкам бывает довольно трудно сразу же разобраться в системе смены, создания и добавления аватаров, поэтому мы решили помочь, написав данное руководство.
Как сменить аватар в VRChat
Если вы не хотите углубляться в процесс создания модов и не гонитесь за оригинальностью своего образа, то можете просто выбрать себе скин из базового набора, который тоже может предложить немало интересных вариантов. Сделать это довольно просто – нажмите на «Esc», наведите на вкладку «Миры» (Worlds), а затем нажмите на надпись «Поиск» (Search), находящуюся справа. Возникнет окошко для набора символов. Введите в нем «avatar» (без кавычек).
Вы увидите список миров с большим количеством самых разнообразных аватаров. Выберите любой из них и кликните по нему, чтобы совершить прыжок. Подождите, пока не загрузится новый уровень, который чаще всего представляет собой своеобразную гардеробную комнату.
Затем начните выбор моделей. Подойдите к понравившемуся вам скину и нажмите на него ПКМ (или правым джойстиком). Далее примените аватар на своего героя. После этого можете взглянуть в зеркало, чтобы рассмотреть свой новый облик.
Где можно скачать аватары для VRChat
Не нашли ничего интересного среди стоковых скинов, но все еще не хотите возиться с графическими редакторами и прочими инструментами мододелов? Тогда можете попробовать скачать аватары из специализированных интернет-ресурсов, а именно:
- Sketchfab – одна из крупнейших баз 3Д-моделей, большинство которых распространяются совершенно бесплатно.
- Deviantart – еще один сайт с большим количеством скинов для VRChat. Найдя ту или иную модель, нажмите на кнопочку, расположенную в верхнем правом уголке, чтобы скачать ее.
- Models-resource.com – старый, но проверенный портал, на котором можно найти модели из игр вашего детства.
- Unity Asset Sore – этот сайт рекомендуют сами создатели VRChat, так как в нем представлены сотни разнообразных моделей, которые отлично настроены под игру, то есть вам даже не придется в них ничего изменять.
Про добавление скаченных аватаров можете прочитать чуть ниже в разделе о создании собственных скинов.
Как создать собственный аватар в VRChat
Если вы чувствуете в себе творческую жилку и хотите иметь по-настоящему уникальный скин, то вам предстоит создать его самостоятельно. Да, на это может уйти немало времени, однако разработка собственных аватаров для VRChat не настолько сложный процесс, как может показаться поначалу, поэтому освоить его может практически любой.
Итак, прежде чем начать создавать свои виртуальные образы, вам нужно будет скачать Unity. Просто выберите нужного помощника по загрузке редактора «Юнити» – Windows или Mac OS, что затем загрузить все необходимые файлы.
Помимо Unity вам также нужно будет скачать SDK с официального сайта VRChat. Обратите внимание, что для этого может потребоваться создание нового аккаунта, если ранее вы заходили в игру с помощью учетной записи Steam.
Ничего не делайте с SDK-файлом. Вместо этого откройте Unity и запустите новый проект. Выберите «3D» в правой части окошка, дайте имя своему проекту (например, что-то вроде VRChat Custom Avatar) и нажмите на надпись «Создать проект» (Create project).
Далее тут же закройте созданный проект, перейдите в директорию, куда вы скачали SDK файл и дважды кликните по нему (после установки Unity, SDK должен иметь его иконку).
Теперь кликните на название своего проекта в меню. В появившемся окошке нажмите на «Импорт» (Import). Все данные SDK будут автоматически импортированы в ваш пустой проект. На это может уйти несколько минут (все зависит от производительности вашего компьютера).
После этого вам нужно будет войти в SDK с помощью данных своего аккаунта VRChat (не путайте с аккаунтом Unity). Откройте раздел VRChat SDK в верхнем меню и выберите Settings. Далее введите имя учетной записи и пароль для VRChat.
Создание собственного аватара с использованием готовой модели
Новичкам стоит начать с уже готовых моделей, а не пытаться создать собственные. Все же во втором случае необходимо обладать значительным опытом в 3D-моделировании. Вы можете заняться этим позднее, когда разберетесь с азами модостроения. Выше мы уже отметили, где вы можете найти большое количество различных моделек.
Лучшим выбором на данный момент является Unity Asset Store, так как все модели там уже заранее «обкатаны», то есть вам не нужно будет выполнять лишнюю работу для того, чтобы их конечности двигались правильно. В этом магазине имеются как платные, так и бесплатные персонажи самого разного помола.
Найдите понравившуюся модель, а затем кликните на надпись «Скачать» (Download). Обязательно нажмите на опцию «Открыть в Unity» (Open in Unity), чтобы она автоматически добавилась в ваш проект. После этого в «Юнити» появится тот же экран загрузки, что и в вашем браузере. В нем снова кликните на «Скачать» и выберите «Импорт» (Import) во всплывающем окошке, чтобы установить все данные модельки в свой проект.
Если вы решили использовать модели из других источников, то отройте меню «Активы» (Assets) в верхней части программы, а после выберите опцию «Импорт новых активов» (Import New Asset). Затем вам нужно будет указать расположение скаченной модели на жестком диске.
В нижней части экрана рядом с папкой VRCSDK в окне «Активы» появится имя вашей модели. Дважды кликните на папку модели, а после такое же количество раз щелкните по кнопке Testscene, имеющей иконку Unity, чтобы открыть модель в сцене (если кнопочка отсутствует, то просто выберите имя модели, а затем потяните ее вверх).
Под заголовком Testscene в окошке «Иерархии» (Hierarchy), расположенном в левой части экрана, выберите название своей модели. Далее перейдите с вкладки «Службы» (Services) на вкладку «Инспекция» (Inspector) в правой части экрана.
Тут появится целая куча информации, которая поначалу покажется вам бессмысленной, но не беспокойтесь, так как вам придется использовать лишь малую часть этих данных. Теперь нажмите на кнопку «Добавить компонент» (Add Component), находящуюся под опциями, и введите «VR» в поле поиска, чтобы отобразить список нужных компонентов. Кликните на VRC_Avatar Descriptor, чтобы получить информацию, которая поможет вам убедиться в том, что модель подходит под все спецификации VRChat.
Проверьте работоспособность своего аватара
Технически вы можете сразу же добавить свой аватар в VRChat, однако вам наверняка предстоит внести в него несколько изменений. Снова откройте меню VRChatSDK и выберите опцию «Показать панель управления» (Show Build Control Panel), чтобы получить полезную информацию, которая поможет вам исправить модель. К примеру, желтые треугольники могут показать, что модель обладает слишком большим количеством полигонов или у нее не оптимизированы углы между костями.
Тут можно столкнуться с множеством неожиданных проблем, которые попросту невозможно описать в одной статье, поэтому вам наверняка понадобится руководство по моделированию в Unity. Хотя некоторые недочеты можно попробовать исправить самостоятельно на интуитивном уровне.
Если ваша модель оказалась слишком большой, то перейдите во вкладку «Инспекция» (Inspector) и поменяйте числа в настройках масштаба, чтобы поменять ее фигуру (к примеру, укажите 0,5 на оси X или Y, чтобы уменьшить высоту или обхват модели в два раза).
После внесения всех необходимых изменений, кликните на кнопку «Автоматическое обнаружение» (Auto Detect), чтобы убедиться, что все настроено под VRChat. Далее кликните на «Создание & Добавление» (Build & Publish) в окне «Панели управления». Опять же этот процесс может занять немало времени на слабых компьютерах.
Добавление собственного аватара в VRChat
Как только процесс создания скина будет завершен, центральная игровая панель Unity перенесет вас на экран Нового аватара, где вы сможете дать ему имя, добавить описание и пометить флажки напротив параметров жестокого контента.
Обратите внимание, что вам стоит обязательно установить флажок, показывающий, что у вас имеются права на загружаемых персонажей. При загрузке бесплатных или платных моделей с магазина Unity вы вряд ли когда-нибудь столкнетесь с проблемами, связанными с авторскими правами – они могут возникнуть лишь в том случае, если вы будете использовать известных персонажей Sony, Nintendo и других правообладателей.
Впрочем, вы наверняка уже заметили, что большинство пользователей игнорируют это правило и заявляются в игре в образе Бэтмена или Человека-Паука. Пока что администрация смотрит на это спустя рукава, однако в будущем у VRChat вполне могут возникнуть проблемы на этом поприще, поэтому мы все же не советуем вам нарушать чьи-либо права.
Разобравшись с этой проблемой, нажмите на кнопку «Загрузить» (Upload), чтобы добавить свой новый аватар в виртуальный мир. Далее закройте Unity, войдите в VRChat под теми же данными, которые вы использовали при создании скина и наслаждайтесь своим новым улетным образом.
Image via VRChat
VRChat provides a wide range of customizable 3D avatars, most of which can be cloned depending on the settings a chosen avatar has applied. While online markets such as the Unity Store and Fiverr offer unique skins and add-ons at a fixed price, many users often enable in-game cloning, meaning outfits can be replicated in a few simple steps.
Related: How to play Freeze Tag and Zombie Tag in VRChat
How to copy someone else’s avatar in VRChat
- If you like another user’s appearance and wish to save it, or simply clone it, then you can do so by hitting ESC (PC), or Menu (VR) to open your Quick Menu.
- In the Quick Menu tab, simply select the user that you wish to clone.
- If the selected user has Allow Avatar Cloning enabled, then the option to Clone Public Avatar will be lit up. Simply select this option and the skin will be transferred to your avatar.
If you wish to keep your avatar locked to you and you only, then you can uncheck Allow Avatar Cloning in your Quick Menu settings. Having the box ticked, of course, means your creation is available to anyone who finds you in one of VRChat’s many in-game worlds.
You can find more guides and news on all things VR right here on Pro Game Guides.
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Last Updated on January 4, 2022
VRChat is currently one of the most popular VR games in the entire world as it literally lets you create a complete online persona for yourself. From just chilling with some friends to playing multiple mini-games and interacting with thousands of people, you can do almost anything in this game.
Being such a broad game with so many features, of course, VRChat also provides you with limitless options when it comes to picking your avatar.
In this short and detailed guide, I would teach you everything you need to know about finding new avatars for yourself.
If you are completely new to VRChat and don’t even know how to change your avatar, then you should check out our other article in which we talk in detail about how you can easily change your avatar at any time.
1. Choose One of the Public Avatars
If you are not really planning on spending any kind of real money, then you can simply select any free publicly available avatar from the avatar menu.
2. Hire a VRChat avatar artist
If you want your avatar to look exactly like you want it to, then I’d suggest hiring an avatar artist.
You can hire any 3D modeler online and ask them to make an avatar for you. Generally, a good VRChat avatar will cost around 50 USD.
In my opinion, Fiverr is the best website for finding good VRChat avatar artists. You’ll have to properly do your research and find just the right freelancer with awesome reviews if you want the best quality.
3. Clone Someone Else’s Avatar
Like the avatar of someone in the game? If their avatar is public and the user has enabled the avatar cloning option, then you can open the user’s profile and clone their avatar super easily.
4. Make a Custom Avatar
Don’t want to spend money, but still want to look different from the other players? Well, there are plenty of ways to make your own Avatar from scratch for free. You can either do this the easy way by using applications like Tafi and ReadyPlayerMe. Tafi will give you a lot of customization options for creating a cartoonish character, while ReadyPlayerMe literally lets you take a picture of yourself and turn that into an avatar.
If you want to really make your character your own then you can use a professional 3D modeling application like Blender or Vroid Studio. Of course, these software are pretty hard to use, but you can find some great tutorials online.
5. Buy a ready-made VRChat avatar
If you are down to spend some money, then you can buy any cool avatar online. There are multiple online stores that sell thousands of avatars of different characters. The downside of buying an avatar like this is that you don’t really get any customization options. Two best sites for buying avatars are SketchFab and the Unity Store.
You can also find some free avatars on these websites!
Visiting VRChat avatar worlds is the best way to collect new avatars to enable you to customize your look and play as your favorite characters. These VRChat worlds contain collections of avatars that you can change into and keep as favorites. I’ve picked out some of the best VRChat avatar worlds to showcase the wide selection of quality avatars available.
I’ve tried to pick VRChat avatar worlds that appeal to a variety of people, to help you find your perfect avatar. There is a good selection of meme, serious, and pop culture VRChat avatars included, and a mix of PC VR and Quest compatible options.
The best way to get to each of these worlds is to search for the name of the world in the search box within VRChat. I’m aware that the search function within VRChat isn’t the best, but I’ve tested to ensure that all these VRChat avatar worlds can be found in this way.
Toga And Ikita Avatars
Toga and Ikita Avatar is a hugely impressive VRChat avatar world that has been lovingly made by two excellent avatar creators. It feels bright and airy, with high ceilings and a modern aesthetic. It’s a bit like a cross between a spaceport and a really modern shopping mall, with two rows of advertising boards on either side highlighting the avatars on offer.
There are a good number of very well-made female avatars, with fantastic attention to detail and a range of cool animations. Each avatar is well-themed, with cool clothes and accessories. These are absolutely the type of avatars that you would want to use as an online identity within VRChat and some of the best designed and made avatars that I have seen.
It really is a pleasure to spend time in Toga and Ikita’s VRChat avatar world, and it seems to be really popular, with loads of other people present every time I visit. I’m really impressed by the creativity and artistic skill required to make this VRChat avatar world and the avatars themselves.
If you’re looking for a really professional female avatar, you’ll need to look for a long time before finding anything better than those produced by these talented VRChat avatar creators.
Pasta Alfredo Avatars
Pasta Alfredo is a brilliant VRChat avatar world you should check out. It has loads of pop-culture avatars and there were loads that I added to my favorites list. The selection includes Star Wars, Penguins of Madagascar, Sonic, Team Fortress 2, Barack Obama, JFK, Kermit the Frog, and many more.
This world has weird, but really catchy background music that made the whole experience really enjoyable. It was fun seeing and chatting with other people as I browsed the avatars, and compared notes about which ones they thought were best.
Mirrors at either end of the room are handy to check your appearance, although they aren’t positioned as conveniently as I would like. As I am running up against the limit of favorite avatars I can save, I had to keep running back and forth to change avatars and then check my appearance.
This is a world to visit if you want to play as a character, but not if you are looking for a more generic avatar to represent your real-world self in the game.
Mids AVA World
This VRChat avatar world has a large collection of anime avatars and a selection of others characters from popular shows and games. Kirito from Sword Art Online, Pikachu, Link, Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch, and Samurai Megazord from Power Rangers are all present. I was delighted to find Clementine from The Walking Dead here, as this is one of my all-time favorite PC games.
As well as normal-sized avatars, there is a collection of some of the most enormous avatars I’ve ever seen in VRChat. Megazord, for example, is available in three different sizes, the largest of which towers above the world when you change into him. This one definitely made my favorites list, but I’ll have to be careful which worlds I use it on, as he needs a lot of space.
This is a really well laid-out VRChat avatar world, allowing you to easily see what is on offer, and you’re not going to miss picking up any of your favorites. There’s also an enormous mirror that runs the entire length of the main room that can be toggled on and off by the long blue button at the base of the wall. This is a really helpful feature that let me decide which of the many, many avatars to keep as favorites.
Big Al’s Avatar Corridors
Big Al’s Avatar Corridors are like a series of subterranean tunnels that are full of a massive selection of avatars from popular shows and movies. The selection includes characters from The Simpsons, Disney movies, Ghostbusters, Angry Birds, South Park, Futurama, Star Wars, Toy Story, The Smurfs, and loads more.
Each avatar is clearly displayed and labeled, so you can see at a glance what each avatar is. This is an improvement on many other avatar worlds, which don’t have their avatars labeled. All the avatars are good quality, many are compatible with both PC VR and Quest, and many have custom emotes and animations.
You do need to spend a little time wandering around to see all the avatars on offer, and the layout of the corridors means it can be difficult to be sure that you have seen everything, but this is a minor inconvenience in what is otherwise one of the best VRChat avatar worlds available.
This is very much a VRChat avatar world to visit if you want to play as a fun character, rather than pick up a serious digital avatar, but I found myself clearing space in my favorites list to add quite a number of these avatars to my collection.
PsychoUpdates’s Avatars
This VRChat avatar world is one of the coolest I’ve seen in a while. It’s themed like a cross between a club and a high-end urban clothes boutique, with a purple theme and a great soundtrack. After you go down the stairs, you can enter a large dressing room on the right where there is a large selection of human avatars of multiple ethnicities, with a good choice of clothing options.
The avatars are laid out in a well-organized grid around the changing room, and there is a handy mirror in the corner of the dressing room, so you can just turn around to see how you look as you try each avatar on.
Once you have chosen your look, you can come out of the changing room and enjoy the rest of PsychoUpdate’s awesome world, while admiring your look in the enormous mirror down the stairs. There is also a seating area to chill out, so it’s a good place if you want to meet up with friends and try on some cool VRChat avatars.
Hidden4Loves Avatar Forest
This is a really impressive avatar world with hundreds of female avatars to choose from. It’s bright and cheerful, with rows and rows of female avatars with loads of different clothing, hair, and style options. If you’re looking for a female avatar, Hidden4Love’s Avatar Forest has so many different options to choose from, enabling you to find an avatar that looks just how you want.
The avatars are very well arranged, and you can teleport between rows of avatars making navigation around this world very easy. You can also teleport to and from a mirror room, so you can check out your appearance with ease, without having to run back and forth.
The avatars are toggled by pressing well-labeled buttons, which is great as this decreases the graphical demands when you arrive in the world. The only downside is that most of the avatars are currently marked as being compatible with PC, and not with standalone Quest.
The forest theme is pretty cool, with lots of trees and toadstools, and you can teleport yourself up to “cloud heaven” to get a great view of the world from above or relax at the elevated seating area.
All of the avatars are of a similar style, so you will either find this VRChat avatar world to be perfect for you, or you’ll skip past it fairly quickly. What everyone will agree on is that the creator of this world, Lily (Hidden4Love), deserves a lot of credit for creating one of the best VRChat avatar worlds I have found.
Genshin Impact Avatar World
This beautiful world has a great selection of Genshin Impact avatars. All are compatible with PC VR and Quest and have full-body tracking. The selection here is amazing, and all avatars have great animations, so there are endless options to express yourself while using them with your friends.
The quality of this recreation of Mondstadt Cathedral is outstanding, and the visuals are breathtaking. This is an avatar world that is worth visiting just to relax and enjoy the ambiance of a fantastic location, never mind the top-quality avatars on offer. If you like this world, you may like to read this article covering some other stunningly beautiful VRChat worlds.
This is a really popular VRChat avatar world, and every time I have visited, there has been a good crowd of people hanging out, chatting, and enjoying themselves. Even if you aren’t a big fan of Genshin Impact, this is a great VRChat avatar world to visit just to see what is possible in this amazing VR game.
Rum Ham’s Avatar World
Run Ham’s Avatar World has a huge selection of avatars from a selection of creators. From the moment you arrive in Run Ham’s avatar world, it’s clear that the emphasis is on fun and amusement, rather than trying to find the perfect digital representation of your personality.
The selection mainly consists of meme and pop culture characters, and although the quality ranges from reasonable to terrible, there are a lot of cool characters that I really enjoyed browsing through. I’ve added quite a few to my favorites list to put on at the right time for some laughs
The drawback of this VRChat avatar world is that the avatars aren’t labeled, and the preview images aren’t great, so you really need to try them out and look in the nearby mirror to see whether you like each one. There are also portals to a range of other avatar worlds, so it is a good way to see plenty of avatars in a short period of time.
V & K Avatars
V&K Avatars is a really well-built and themed world with a selection of anime girl avatars. This neon-pink city apartment is perfectly themed, with fantastic detailing and lighting, and there is a reasonable selection of avatars that are all variations of the same theme.
These avatars are really well made and they each have a number of changeable clothing options, but no custom animations. They are quite risque, so won’t be to everyone’s taste, but I know a lot of people will really love these quality avatars.
100 Avatars
This is a great VRChat avatar world if you want an amusing avatar that will make you and your friends laugh. Most of the avatars here are cross-platform, and whilst fairly basic, were well worth taking a look at.
The selection includes garden gnomes, aliens, humans of all shapes and sizes, food, shapes, snowmen, and many other random avatars. There are actually many more than 100 VRChat avatars here, despite the name of the world.
The world is laid out very nicely, with different sections for each type of avatar, and easy access to mirrors to check out how you look. The theme is delightful, with brightly colored grass, hills, and water, and small rivers and bridges separating each area. Whilst there are better quality avatars to be found elsewhere, this is a really nice VRChat avatar world if you want to pick up some fun and amusing avatars.
Pokemon Avatars
This world is simply called Pokemon Avatars, made by pixelplayer17, and has a selection of hundreds of Pokemon avatars that are compatible with PCVR and standalone Quest headsets. All of the Pokemon have good animations and attention to detail.
The world itself is fairly basic, but if you’re looking for good Pokemon avatars for VRChat, then this is a great place to visit. The avatars are arranged neatly and there is a mirror right behind where you choose the avatars, so you can check out how they look very easily.
There are only Pokemon in this world, but no trainers or other characters, so I’ve included a second Pokemon VRChat avatar world below.
Tyson’s Pokemon Avatars
Following on from the last VRChat avatar world, Tyson’s Pokemon Avatars is a really well-made world that has a great selection of characters from the pokemon universe. All the avatars are laid out around a large statue, and you can simply walk around and browse for your favorite avatar.
The quality of avatars was generally very good, and all were compatible with PC VR and Quest. With the exception of having a custom avatar made, I think these are some of the best Pokemon avatars you will find in VRChat.
The world surrounding these avatars has been created with care and attention to detail and is a fun place to explore. There are a number of other Pokemon avatar worlds to explore, and I would encourage you to explore some of them, as you are likely to be able to find exactly the avatar you want.
Collin’s Avatar World
Collin’s Avatar World is set in a delightfully cheerful town center, with all the available avatars neatly arranged in the town square. The focus is predominantly focused on anime avatars, but there are also a few other random characters. I was able to get a fantastic avatar of The Rock that I’m really pleased with.
Most of the avatars are compatible with PCVR and Quest and most have a few animations to keep you entertained. There are also portals to a number of other interesting avatar worlds that have avatars of a similar theme.
Snowdin Town Avatar Hub
This really nicely themed avatar hub has a good selection of Undertale and Deltarune avatars that are compatible with PCVR and Quest. If you are a fan of these games, this is a great place to get some great VRChat avatars and also to hang out.
The attention to detail of this VRChat avatar world is great, and it’s been a pleasure spending time exploring the town and talking to other visitors. Snowdin Town Avatar Hub is well worth a visit for anyone looking to meet nice people and find some cool avatars. Bear in mind that there aren’t any other avatars in this world, so if you’re not much of a fan of these games, you may want to visit somewhere else.
Cross Platform Avatars
This is a simple VRChat avatar world that has a selection of approximately 30 cross-platform avatars. There are animals, anime characters, superheroes, an alien, and a few Minecraft characters. There are also portals to two other popular avatar worlds, Big Al’s Avatar Corridors, and 100 Avatars.
Although there aren’t loads of avatars here, it is still well worth a visit as it provides a reasonable selection of quality avatars that are fully compatible with PC VR and standalone Quest headsets.
Snazzy Jazzy JoJo Avatars
I absolutely love this VRChat avatar world. The coffee shop setting is really pleasant and the art style of the avatars is brilliant. Unfortunately, they are mostly PC only at present, but each avatar is really well made, and most have a few emotes and effects to keep you entertained.
I’m so impressed that so much time and attention to detail has gone into making these avatars. A lot of VRChat avatars can have quite a narrow stylistic focus, but I felt that JoJo’s avatars were a breath of fresh air, with styles and characters that aren’t seen too frequently in VRChat. This is quite a popular VRChat avatar world, and there was a steady stream of other players to chat to.
Minecraft Dream SMP World
I love this VRChat avatar world that is built with such care and attention to detail. As soon as you enter this world, you are in Minecraft, with the surroundings handcrafted to maintain the theme. There are about 50 Minecraft-themed VRChat avatars in this world, neatly laid out in a grid, with a mirror behind you that makes it easy to check your appearance.
There are a few custom emotes, including the club penguin dance, that made me laugh. You can also equip a number of swords, shields, and a pickaxe, to really get immersed in the Minecraft theme. Not only can you try out a range of PCVR and Quest compatible avatars, but you can spend time exploring this detailed world and chatting with some of the many other visitors to this world.
Why Can’t I Search For VRChat Avatars?
VRChat was never designed for people to collect avatars and they were linked to the individual user account of the person who made them. Originally, users could put their avatars on display for other users who visited their world, and you could try on these avatars, but not save them. Over time, additional functionality has been added, and you can now save any avatars that you try on, as favorites.
Part of the appeal of VRChat is creating or searching for the perfect avatar to use to interact with other users. Whilst I’m sure it would be possible to create a searchable database of all the avatars, this possibly removes some of the appeal of finding or creating a unique or special avatar.
Currently, the best way to collect avatars is to look in VRChat avatar worlds that have a similar theme to the type of avatar you are looking for.
Last Word
I’ve spent countless hours exploring hundreds of VRChat avatar worlds and these are the best ones I’ve found so far. Bear in mind that there are loads more high-quality avatar worlds that I haven’t included, so you should go and explore to see what you can find.
Whether you’re after a digital representation of your real-world self, a stylish and attractive avatar for socializing, or just some fun avatars to entertain your friends, there is probably a VRChat avatar world out there for you. There are worlds themed on virtually every popular show and game for you to visit, many of which will have appropriately themed avatars.
If you have your heart set on getting an avatar of a particular character, it is often best to search for a world themed around your favorite show or game, and see if there are any avatars available within it.
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A VRChat avatar is a 3D character that is used in the game VRChat. VRChat is a social platform that can be used through Windows or Oculus Quest. Avatars can be found within “worlds” inside the game or be uploaded to the game. These characters can be customized to look like anyone or anything.
Best VRChat Avatars
In addition to the skins you can find in avatar worlds within the VRChat game, here are a few places where you can get your own custom VRChat Avatars:
Our pick for finding the best custom character modeling designs is Fiverr. If you really want to stand out and own a 3d model that is totally unique there is no better marketplace of artists. Prices range from $5-$350 depending on what you want to have created. Always specify with the seller first that you intend to use the design in VRChat to make sure it is a compatible format.
Many VRChat designers on Fiverr have basic templates already made and can change things to resemble you or whatever you wish your VR character to be. This option is generally more affordable than purchasing a fully custom character outright.
You can browse the work of hundreds of world-class designers and commissioning your own avatar is as simple as signing up, choosing your artist, and filling out a design brief. We recommend contacting the seller first with your idea so they can quote you a price and let you know how long it will take to complete.
One of the easiest ways to get a VRChat Avatar is to download something premade from the Unity Asset Store. You must search for a 3D character model but can refine your search to different types of characters. Generally, these are already set up to be downloaded and imported to your game. You need to make sure that there are fewer than 70,000 triangles (or 10k for the VRChat game if you are playing on Oculus Quest) or you will not be able to upload the asset.
Sketchfab is one of the leading platforms to purchase 3D and AR graphics on the internet. The platform allows artists to create portfolios of their designs to sell as well as allow buyers to collaborate with them on new models. You can search for and find hundreds of avatars in almost any genre, allowing you to get the perfect model for your VRChat persona.
Sketchfab’s 3D model viewer allows you to look at each design in 3D, scrolling around the scene so that you can see them from all angles to ensure that it is exactly what you want. They also have tags that you can use to narrow down your search if you are merely browsing.
Do you want an avatar based on your personal looks? Check out ReadyPlayerMe. This platform allows you to upload a photo to their platform and build out an avatar from it. After uploading your photo, you will have a chance to edit your model’s hair, eyes, clothes, and accessories to create a character you are proud to show off. Your avatar can be used on several different games, including VRChat.
The VRC Traders Discord is a server designed to network VRChat designers with users who want to commission work. The server is set up very well and has a channel full of reviews that you can browse to find out what it is like to work with a particular designer. You can also commission VRChat items, 2D art, logos, and many other designs through this server.
How to Create Your Own VRChat Avatar
To create your own VRChat avatar, you must first find or create a 3D character, then ensure that it is the right size in Unity.
3D Software Options for VRchat Character Design
Blender is a free, open-source software has several tutorials on YouTube. While there is definitely a learning curve, this is a good software to begin your avatar-making journey.
Houdini was created by SideFX, this is professional software that is intuitive and based on nodes that are “wired” to create specific outcomes.
Maya 3D
Maya 3D was created by Autodesk, this premium software uses advanced tools to create realistic characters, worlds, and objects.
If you are just starting, we recommend using Blender. There are several tutorials available on YouTube on how to create a 3D Anime character. Raymond Cripps does a very good job of giving an overview of each step. He also points you in the direction of where he learned his techniques. His first video goes over creating the basic geometry of the animated character:
He has three other videos that explain the process further. After watching them, you may have an idea of whether or not you want to tackle learning to create your own 3D character.
Make Sure it is the Right Size in Unity
There is no way to upload content to VRChat without Unity. You will need the version: 2017.4.28f1 or you can use the Unity Hub to manage installed versions.
The following YouTube video by Morris covers how you can prepare a 3D model for VRChat using Unity. Be sure to also read his description for information that he inadvertently left out in the filming.
What to Do if Your VRChat Avatar Isn’t Loading
If you are receiving the loading error, there are a couple of things you can try to fix it. You can either change your default world on startup or clear your cache.
Change Default World
To change the default world on startup, complete the following steps:
Step 1
Open your game library on steam.
Step 2
Right-click the VRChat game and select “Properties” from the menu.
Step 3
Right-click on the “Set Launch” options.
Step 4
Paste this link in launch options: vrchat://launch?id=wrld_d0b62423-fd59-48f7-9e4b-e6fece81b7ed.
Step 5
Finalize by clicking “okay.”
Clear Cache
To clear the cache of your game, follow these steps:
Step 1
Type “run” into the Windows search function.
Step 2
Click on the desktop app “Run” to open it.
Step 3
Type “AppData” in the provided space, then click “Okay.”
Step 4
A folder should open with files. Open the “LocalLow” file, then the “VRChat” file.
Step 5
Delete the “vrchat” file from within the parent “VRChat” folder.
Step 6
Relaunch the game.
About the Author
Luci is a novelist, freelance writer, and active blogger. A journalist at heart, she loves nothing more than interviewing the outliers of the gaming community who are blazing a trail with entertaining original content. When she’s not penning an article, coffee in hand, she can be found gearing her shieldmaiden or playing with her son at the beach.