Встречайте наш Гайд и прохождение игры Milfy City на русском . В нем мы дадим пару советов по игре, а также коснемся непосредственно прохождения и расскажем что делать по игре. Сразу скажем, что сами мы только начали проходить игру, а поэтому этот гайд будет постепенно пополняться.
Гайд и прохождение игры Milfy City на русском
Для начала пару советов по прохождению Milfy City:
— Если вы хотите использовать предмет, вы должны сначала выбрать его в инвентаре, а затем использовать его на нужный объект.
— Карта обычно активна, когда вы находитесь снаружи или в начале каждой локации.
— Если вы застряли во время прохождения, попробуйте поговорить с нужным человеком несколько раз в разное время дня.
— Кнопка пропуска времени работает только тогда, когда вы находитесь на экране карты.
— Недостаточно средств? Попробуйте мини-игру на ПК ???? (Вы можете работать и в магазине одежды Кэролайн!)
— Чтобы шпионить за кем-то в ванной, вам нужно купить «Шпионскую камеру» в магазине. После — используйте это на двери ванной.
Ну а теперь коснемся наших девушек и прохождения.
Linda: Relation Level – 1
— Попробуй поговорить с ней в любое время дня.
— Попроси у её мужа 3 раза денег.
— Проверьте книгу на полке в ее спальне.
— Используйте «Шпионскую камеру», чтобы проверить ее в ванной.
— Посетить ее на рабочем месте не менее двух раз. (+ Деньги)
Linda: Relation Level – 2
— Поговори с ней утром.
— Сделайте уборку днем.
— Следи за ней ночью.
— Поговори с ней о ночи утром.
— Следи за ней ночью снова.
— Сделайте уборку днем.
— Поговори с ней утром.
— Поговорите дважды с Зури на рабочем месте Боба. Повторите на следующий день и спросите о выходных.
— Поговори с Линдой утром о выходных.
— Идите и купите красное вино в магазине.
— Дождитесь пятницы и выберите «Событие выходного дня».
Sara: Relation Level – 1
— Играй в игры с ней вечером.
— После нескольких разговоров утром проверь ее ящик.
— Купи дешевый контроллер и поставь в её спальне(Поиграй с ней снова вечером.)
— Поговори с ней в школе.
Caroline: Relation Level – 1
— Поговори с ней несколько раз утром
— Работайте в ее магазине одежды. (+ Деньги) — чаевые. Если у вас есть небольшая сумма денег, попробуйте надевать каждый раз новый наряд
— Открой окно на своем рабочем месте и идите туда ночью.
— Используйте запасной ключ Кэролайн в ее спальне. (Ночью)
— Камера доступна в магазине.
Caroline: Relation Level – 2
— Поговори с ней утром / вечером.
— Поиграй с ней в косплееные мини-игры 4 раза. (Вся одежда)
— Иди к ней на работу днем.
— Поговори с ней вечером.
— Иди к ней на работу и подбирай лак для ногтей.
— Поговори с ней об этом вечером.
— Отправляйся в Темную Аллею.
— Поговори с ней дважды утром в своей спальне.
— Выйди из дома и поговори с ней ночью.
Celia: Relation Level – 1
— Возьми ее ключ в классе, пока ее нет рядом.
— В комнате отдыха Учителя возьмите ее записку с паролем.
— Используйте пароль на своем компьютере. (Пароль = Ossa36)
— Поговорите с терапевтом Джуди и возьмите ее конверт. (Используйте его в своем шкафчике)
— Вы можете положить вещи в ее шкафчик в комнате отдыха Учителя. (Конверт, кое что из Секс Шопа)
— Купить программное обеспечение веб-камеры в магазине и установить его на компьютер. (Поговорите с ней вечером много раз и получайте удовольствие.)
— Позже вы можете начать отдавать ей приказы по веб-камере, что она должна делать в школе.
Добро пожаловать в Milfy City – руководство по прохождению! Наша цель — предоставить экспертные советы и секреты, которые помогут вам достичь самых высоких уровней всех отношений, доступных в игре. Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы опытным игроком или новичком в игре, наш гид поможет вам сориентироваться в перипетиях Милфи-Сити и добиться успеха в ваших романтических занятиях. Итак, будьте готовы повысить уровень своей игры и открыть для себя все скрытые жемчужины, которые предлагает Milfy City!
Прохождение Milfy City Guide — Консольная команда за деньги
В игре есть несколько способов заработать деньги, например, работая в магазине одежды Кэролайн или играя в мини-игру на ПК. Однако, если вы ищете быстрый и простой способ получить дополнительные деньги, нет ничего лучше, чем консольная команда чит на деньги. Введите команду «inventory.money=X» где X — ваши желаемые деньги, и вуаля! Мгновенные средства в вашем распоряжении. Если вы хотите обновить свой гардероб, произвести впечатление на своего любимого персонажа или насладиться всем, что предлагает Milfy City, этот чит вам обязательно пригодится.
Пошаговое руководство Milfy City Guide — Маршрут Линды
Готовы ли вы принять ваши отношения с Линда на следующий уровень? Следуйте нашему пошаговому руководству, чтобы раскрыть все секреты ее маршрута. Если вам нужны полезные советы, вот что вам нужно сделать:
Уровень Линды – 1
- Говорите с Линдой при каждом удобном случае
- Попроси у мужа денег три раза
- Проверьте книгу на полке в ее спальне
- Используйте шпионскую камеру, чтобы шпионить за ней, когда она в ванной.
- Посетите ее на работе хотя бы дважды, чтобы заработать немного денег
Уровень Линды – 2
- Поговорите с Линдой утром
- Выполняйте уборку во второй половине дня
- Шпионить за ней ночью
- Поговорите с ней снова на следующий день и расскажите ей о прошлой ночи.
- Шпионить за ней снова следующей ночью
- Делайте уборку снова во второй половине дня
- Поговори с ней снова утром
- Посетите рабочее место Боба и поговорите с Зури дважды в дни подряд.
- На второй день спросите Зури о выходных
- Поговорите с Линдой на следующее утро и спросите ее о выходных.
- Купить красное вино в магазине
- Наконец, в следующую пятницу выберите событие выходного дня.
Разблокируйте отношения Зури, подняв уровень отношений Линды выше 2.
Прохождение Milfy City Guide — Путь Зури и Сури
Готов раскрыть все секреты Зури и Сури маршрут? Следуйте нашему полному пошаговому руководству, чтобы разблокировать все скрытые жемчужины. Если вам нужны быстрые советы, вот что вам нужно сделать:
Уровень Зури – 0
- Говорите с Зури столько раз, сколько сможете, независимо от времени суток.
- Иди к ней домой
- Проверьте записку на столе в офисе Боба.
- Поговорите с Зури снова
- Вернитесь в ее дом и найдите ее ящик, возьмите записку, откройте сейф (под столом), оставьте записку и снова поговорите с ней.
- Идите к ней домой на следующий день и сначала поговорите с ней, затем поговорите с Бобом и, наконец, снова встретитесь с Зури.
- Иди к ней домой
- Через три дня вы получите от нее смс. Затем идите к ней домой. Но имейте в виду, что есть две возможные сцены в зависимости от того, решите ли вы сказать правду или солгать.
Пошаговое руководство Milfy City Guide — Маршрут Сары
Готовы ли вы приступить к Сара проложить маршрут и открыть его секреты? Следуйте нашему полному пошаговому руководству, чтобы разблокировать все скрытые жемчужины. Если вам нужны полезные советы, вот что вам нужно сделать:
Уровень Сары – 1
- Поиграй с ней в игры вечером
- Поговори с ней утром несколько раз, сначала
- Проверьте ее ящик
- Купите дешевый контроллер и включите его в ее спальне.
- Сыграй с ней в игры на следующий вечер
- Наконец, идите в школу и поговорите с ней.
Пошаговое руководство Milfy City Guide — Путь Кэролайн
Готовы ли вы принять ваши отношения с Каролина на следующий уровень? Следуйте нашему полному пошаговому руководству, чтобы раскрыть скрытые секреты ее маршрута. Если вам нужны полезные советы, вот что вам нужно сделать:
Кэролайн Уровень – 1
- Поговорите с Кэролайн утром
- Работайте в магазине одежды Кэролайн и заработайте немного денег. Если у вас уже есть немного денег, сделайте каждую часть наряда несколько раз перед последней.
- Открой окно на ее рабочем месте и зайди туда ночью
- Используйте запасной ключ, чтобы войти в спальню Кэролайн ночью (камеру можно купить в магазине).
Кэролайн Уровень – 2
- Разговаривайте с Кэролайн утром и вечером
- Сыграйте в ее косплей как минимум четыре раза (со всей одеждой)
- Посетите ее на ее рабочем месте во второй половине дня
- Поговори с ней вечером
- Снова подойдите к ее рабочему месту и возьмите лак для ногтей.
- Приходи к ней вечером и расскажи ей о лаке для ногтей.
- Идите в Темный переулок
- Поговорите с Кэролайн дважды утром в своей спальне.
- Наконец, выйдите из дома и поговорите с ней ночью.
Пошаговое руководство Milfy City Guide — Маршрут Селии
Готов раскрыть все секреты Селия маршрут? Следуйте нашему полному пошаговому руководству, чтобы разблокировать все скрытые жемчужины. Если вам нужны полезные советы, вот что вам нужно сделать:
Уровень Селии – 1
- Возьми ключ Селии, пока ее нет в классе.
- Идите в комнату отдыха Учителя и возьмите ее записку паролем.
- Используйте пароль (Ossa36) на компьютере.
- Поговорите с терапевтом Джуди, возьмите ее конверт и используйте его в своем шкафчике.
- Теперь вы можете положить вещи в шкафчик Селии (комната отдыха учителя), например, конверт и предметы из секс-шопа.
- Установите на компьютер программное обеспечение для веб-камеры (ее можно купить в магазине) и разговаривайте с ней вечером, пока вам обоим не будет весело.
- После кам-шоу вы можете отдавать ей приказы с помощью веб-камеры
Прохождение Milfy City Guide — Маршрут Лизы и Язмин
Готовы ли вы раскрыть все секреты Лиза и Язмин маршрут? Следуйте нашему полному пошаговому руководству, чтобы разблокировать все скрытые жемчужины.
Разблокируйте все секретные карты и смотрите секретные сцены со знаком (✌) в верхней части компьютера. Есть более 80 секретные карты и секретные сцены отпереть. Найдите их расположение в руководстве по секретным картам.
Прохождение руководства Milfy City — Рождественский эпизод
В рождественском эпизоде вы должны найти ключи и конфеты, чтобы разблокировать сцены. Чтобы найти их местонахождение, ознакомьтесь с Рождественское руководство и прохождение.
Если вы нашли наше прохождение Milfy City Guide полезным в своем игровом путешествии, сообщите нам об этом, оставив комментарий. Ваши отзывы важны для нас, и мы ценим любые предложения или исправления, которые могут вам понадобиться для улучшения нашего руководства.
Благодарим вас за использование нашего руководства Milfy City Guide, и мы надеемся, что оно помогло вам раскрыть все скрытые жемчужины и секреты, которые может предложить игра!
Рекомендуется для вас:
- Все Милфи Сити Список сообщений
Welcome to our Milfy City Walkthrough & Endings guide. Of course, and as in different video video games of the genre, in Milfy City it’ll be feasible to discover lots of versions in history, that allows you to rely on the selections you’re making.
You can check out our other adult game guide Treasure of Nadia Walkthrough.
4 May, 2023: Milfy City walkthrough updated!
Then, we go away you our Milfy City Walkthrough so you do now no longer have issues at some stage in your hours of play and turn out to be the seducer which you need so much.
Before beginning with this Milfy City manual it’s far vital which you recognize the context wherein the videogame activities will take place. In this tale you may encompass a younger college student, who movements to a brand new metropolis to start his studies. After arriving, you may start to stay in a house complete of putting characters and your tale will start after a annoying event. After seeking to make an appointment with one in every of your instructors and being brutally rejected, it’ll be time to take manage and display that you may now no longer sink with that love failure.
We invite you to very well evaluate our Milfy City manual and revel in this flashy and wonderful online game to the fullest.
Linda Walkthrough
Linda Level 1
- Talk with her every time you can
- Ask her husband 3 times for money
- Go to her bedroom and check the book on the shelf
- When she is in the bathroom use the Spy Camera to spy her
- Go to her workplace to visit her at least twice, you will also earn some money
Linda Level 2
- Talk to her in the morning
- Then in the afternoon do the cleaning job
- At night spy her
- Talk to her again next morning and tell about the night
- Next night spy on her
- In the next afternoon do the cleaning job again
- In the morning talk to her again
- Go to Bob’s workplace and talk with Zuri Twice (2 consecutive days), and the second day ask about the weekend
- Next morning talk to Linda and ask her about the weekend
- Go to the shop and buy red wine
- Finally the next friday choose Weekend event
- Linda relation level higher than 2 unlocks Zuri Relation
Bob’s office
- Morning: Go to Bob’s office > meet zuri > meet bob > ask for a job > ask for the magnetic card > ask zuri for the magnetic card > Bob cabin > red jaguar > car keys > Open the car and take the red diary > put back the car key
- Afternoon: Go to Bob’s office > click the bookcase (near the headless statue) > use the red diary > find something on the 2nd shelve (gap) > Sit on his chair > diary on the tabe > Click the number (Doc Left corner 4 times) > Ask bob for money = You have unlocked work at Bob’s office
- Morning: Ask Zuri about Bob trip (Unlock Zuri & Suri Path)
- Morning: Talk to Linda about the trip and buy red wine
- Friday: Click on bed > Weekend event > Linda weekend event > up to you
- Night: Her bedroom, choose Wake
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: Talk to Bob in his bedroom, and repeat it every day until you run out of options
- Evening: Meet her and Sata in the Kitchen
- Morning: Talk to Bob and also to Linda
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom 2 days in a row
- Afternoon: Work for Linda
- Morning: Talk to Zudy
- Morning: Talk to the principal (2) and click on the door
- Afternoon: Talk to Bob (trip)
Milfy City Linda Endings
- Night: Go to sleep to start the Linda Event
Linda Beach Event
- Bag = 38$
- Cliff jumping
- Buy an ice cream at the beach shop and give it yo her
Massage - Click on her, at night go to her bedroom and click on the chair
(For this recipe you need 2 secret cards > Secret Cards Locations) - Living room > Bedroom > Bed > bathroom > Living room > Morning: Living room >
- Bathroom (click Linda) > Living room (clik Linda)
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: your bedroom
- Night: Her bedroom
- Morning: Her bedroom
- Night: Go to sleep to get the last scene
Celia Walkthrough
Next, we depart you all the facts approximately the evolution of this plot, in conjunction with the tremendous choices that you can have at your fingertips and the impact they will have even as developing your courting with her.
Celia First Sight
- Morning: Meet her in her classroom
- Afternoon: Her classroom > Black desk > get the keys (left) > Teacher’s break room > Left Locker > Top right drawer > Take Money & Note > Teacher’s office > Computer password: Ossa36 > Talk to Therapist > Take the envelope (cupboard) > Locker (heart) > backpack > envelope > pen holder > Teacher’s break room > Left locker > place the letter
- Morning: Buy a webcam > PC > Install it (CD button)
- Evening: webcam > accept celia > chat (pc), repeat this in the following days
Presents – Milfy City Walkthrough & Endings 100%
- Evening: Buy pink toy
- Afternoon: Place it inside Celia’s locker
- Evening: Ask her (chat) about your present
- Evening: Buy hot costume
- Afternoon: Place it inside Celia’s locker
- Evening: get off your clothes and try new cloth
- Evening: Buy remote toy
- Afternoon: Place it inside Celia’s locker
- Evening: Chat with her
- Morning: Go to her class and click on her
Celia Endings
- Evening: Chat with her > Make out with your name
- Afternoon: Go to school > Toilet > Toilet cabin
- Evening: Chat with celia
- Afternoon: Go to school > Toilet > Toilet cabin
- Morning: go to school > Celia’s office, click on Celia
Celia V0.6B – Milfy City
- Night> Map > Celia’s Home
- Next day Night> Map > Celia’s Home > Apartment 53
- Morning/Day > School > Security Room
- Morning: School Entrance > Celia
- Morning: School Entrance > Security Cameras Room
- Morning: School Entrance > Celia
- Order Blow*Jo (Night: MC’s Pc , webcam, Blow*jo using…)
- Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glory
- Next-day Morning: Teachers Office
- Order Blo*wJo (Night: MC’s Pc, webcam, Puss* using)
- Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glory
- Night> Map > Celia’s Home
- Evening: MC’s bedroom > Celia
- Morning: Teachers Office
- Day > School > Toilet Cabin
- Day/Morning: School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Ask for help with Celia”)
- Night: Celia’s Home
- Day/Morning: School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Tell Judy what did you figure out about Celia.”)
- Buy electro- di*do (shop)
- Wait for an SMS from Celia
- Weekend event (last scene)
- Wait 2 days for an SMS from Celia
Suri and Zuri Walkthrough
Next, we go away you all of the information about the evolution of this plot, which include the exclusive selections that you’ll have at your fingertips and the effect they’ll have while growing your courting with her.
Suri and Zuri First Sight
Requirement: To unlock Zuri’s Path, you have to progress through Linda’s path until you ask Zuri about Bob’s trip
Zuri Level – 0
- Talk to her as many times you can, the time of the day doesn’t matter
- Go to her house
- Go to Bob’s office and check the note on the desk
- Talk to her after that
- Go to her house again
- Find her drawer, take the note, open the safe (below the desk), leave the note and finally go talk to her
- Go to her house
- Next morning first talk to her, then talk to Bob and finally go meet Zuri again
- Go to her house
- Finally, after 3 days you will receive an SMS from her, then go to her house. But there are 2 possible scenes depending on the Lie or True choice.
Proposal – Milfy City Walkthrough & Endings 100%
Morning: Go to Bob’s office and talk to Zuri about the proposal, of course, choose YES
Truth or Lie
- Afternoon: Go to bob’s office, sit on his chair & click on the reports, finally go back to Zuri and tell the truth or lie (you have to keep your choice and each one of them have different scenes, so it is not a bad idea to save)
- Evening: Go to Zuri’s house
- Afternoon: Go to bob’s office > Click on the table (near the statue) > get the safe note > Sit on his chair > use the safe note with the safe (below the table) to get the company name > Place the safe note inside the table > go back to where Zuri is > Truth or Lie (Same choice as before)
- Evening: Meet Zuri & Suri in their house and click on them
- Morning: Talk to Zuri at Bob’s office > Ask Bob about the company name at his cabin. Go back to Zuri > Truth or Lie (Same choice as before)
- Evening: Meet Zuri & Suri in their house and click on them
Sara Walkthrough
In this a part of Milfy City Walkthrough we can recognition at the records of Sara. Next, we go away you all of the information about the evolution of this plot, which include the exclusive selections that you’ll have at your fingertips and the effect they’ll have while growing your courting with her.
Sara First Sight
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her next to your locker
- Evening: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Night: Go to her bedroom and choose whatever you want
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Evening: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and steal her panties (drawer)
- Evening: Go to her bedroom and play with her (scene)
Sara Buy the Console
- Evening: Meet her, she will challenge you. Wait untill next day, go to the shop, buy the cheap console and place it in her bedroom (shelves below the TV), but when she is not there
- Morning: Use the spy cam on bathroom
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her next to your locker
- Evening: Play games with her in her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her next to your locker (enjoy)
Sara Weekend Event
- Night (Friday): Click on the bed and choose Weekend Event, Go with Sara to the swiming pool, Swim with Sara, Water Slide, Drink Lemonade, Go to Jacuzzi
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at Classroom 2
- Night: Go to yout bedroom and click on her
Sara Endings
- Evening: Sex Shop and click on the sales women
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to yout bedroom and click on her
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Evening: Click on the Webcam (PC) and accept Sara’s invitation. If there is no invitation, try next days
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to the garage and meet her
- Evening: Go to the Sex Shop and buy the “a*nal lub*e”
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to yout bedroom and click on her
Milfy City Caroline Walkthrough
Next, we go away you all of the information about the evolution of this plot, which include the exclusive selections that you’ll have at your fingertips and the effect they’ll have while growing your courting with her.
Milfy City Caroline First Sight
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom 3 consecutive days, the third one you will get a job
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and buy the camera she wants
- Afternoon: Go to her shop > white door > open the window > yes
- Night: Go to her shop find the key to her bedroom, then go to her bedroom’s door, open it with the key and choose what ever you want
Caroline Some Photos
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take 6 photos
- Evening: Go to your bedroom and click on her, then, after thar but still in the evening, click on Violet / Caroline
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom
- Evening: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Wait her in your bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and choose whatever you want
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take some photos
- Night: Now you can choose Wake, do it and enjoy
- Evening: Talk to her in the living room until you don’t have more options
- Afternoon: Go to her shop, clean it (also inside the office) and talk to her
- Night: After the message (mobile) meet her in her bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop, interact with the glass bottle (left shelves) and talk to her
Caroline Dark Alley
- Evening: Ask her about Violet in the living room (dark alley unlocked)
- Morning: Caroline will be in your bedroom, but if you don’t have 200 don’t click on her. She will come back the following mornings and you will just need 150, so go to earn some money if For this recipe you need it
- Afternoon: Go to Dark Alley and meet Violet
Caroline Endings
- Evening: Go outside your house and enjoy with her
- Morning: At your bedroom (if you want to cancel the deal, click on her)
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Morning: Go outside your house and click on her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and enjoy
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Afternoon: Go to dark alley and tell Violet Carolin wants to meet her
- Evening: Go to the kitchen and drink with Caroline
- Morning: Talk to her at her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take some photos
- Night: Go to her bedroom and click on her
- Afternoon: Meet her in her shop 2 consecutive days until you get a date
Caroline Weekend Event
- Friday: Your bed > event with Caroline > click on the Nightclub > Caroline > Ebony girl > Charles > girl with blue top > whatever you want > choose 1st option when going home
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Evening: Go to the her bedroom
- Night: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and take the di*ldo
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop and choose the outfit
- Night: Meet her at her bedroom
- Morning: Meet her at her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and choose the last outfit
- Night: Use the Wake choice in her bedrrom
- Morning: Once you wake up you will meet Caroline
Caroline V0.6b
- Morning: Caroline’s Bedroom
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Night: MC’s Bedroom > Bed > “Meet with Caroline.”
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Evening: Caroline’s Bedroom (green)
- Night: Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional scenes)
- Afternoon: Clothes shop > mingame (3x)
- Steal Necklace
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Night: Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)
- Night: Nightclub>Corridor> Security
- Nightclub > Cindy talk
- Morning: Map > Nightclub > Menu: Warehouse
- Steal “Pink box”
- Night: Nightclub > Cindy
- Nightclub > Security
- Next day Night: Nightclub > BossOffice
- Nightclub >Sexroom > Cindy (optional)
- Morning/Afternoon: Charles Home (His last scene, optional)
- Afternoon: Clothes Shop
- Weekend Event (Last scene)
Milfy City Jazmin and Liza Walkthrough
Next, we go away you all of the information about the evolution of this plot, such as the distinct selections that you’ll have at your fingertips and the effect they may have whilst growing your courting with her.
Milfy City Yazmin and Liza First Sight
Requirement: To unlock Liza’s Path, you have to progress through Linda’s path until you meet her in Linda’s Kitchen
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to Liza’s house, meet Yazmin (pool), go to the front door, enter the house, get to the garage and take the bucket
Clean the Pool
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to her pool, click on the bucket (highlighted – backpack) and click the pool. To clean the pool press left, press right a repeat it untill the green bar is full. Repeat this the following days until you finish your job
- Afternoon or Morning: Talk to Liza in her house, then go to her office to talk to Yazmin also. Repeat this the following days until you have no options
- Morning or Afternoon: When the pool is clean, tell Liza
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to the pool and meet Liza
- Afternoon or Morning: Click on Liza’s door, if you don’t get an scene, try the following days
Yazmin and Liza Climbing
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb > click on hands (right/left) when the filler is between the 4 arrows – Yellow > Peep
- Morning: Go to Liza’s Kitchen
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb again
Milfy City Yazmin and Liza Endings
- Morning: Go to Liza’s pool, then to her kitchen > refrigerator > beer > Yazmin office > take the key (plant pot) > meet them and enjoy the scene
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb again > Lock Icon > Up arrow
- Morning: First go with Yazmin (Pool) and then to the bathroom
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and go to the beedroom
Milfy City Console Command Money
There are methods to earn money in the game, you can wot in Caroline’s Clothes Shop, or you can also play the minigame on the PC.
But if you want instant money, nothing better than the console command cheat for money: inventory.money=X, where X is the amount of money you want.
In the occasion which you nevertheless have doubts approximately a way to pass ahead in Milfy City and need to ensure you get all of the viable endings, then we go away you a video that honestly and definitely indicates a way to attain all of your goals.
Visitors: 5,093
This is Milfy City Version: 0.71 Walkthrough and guide. A guide of Milfy City, helps you to understand what you have to choose or do in the game. It will help you to unlock or explore all the scenes and honey scenes and get all the benefits of this game.
– If you want to use an item you have to first select it in the inventory and then use it on the desired object.
– The map is usually active when you are outside or when you’re at the beginning of each location.
– If you’re stuck during the story, try to talk with the desired person a few times at different times of the day.
– The time skip button only works while you’re on the map screen.
– Not enough money? Try the minigames on the PC.
– To spy on someone in the bathroom you need to buy a “Spy Camera” in the shop. Then use it on the bathroom door.
Linda – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation Level – 1 (Milfy City Guide)
– Visit her in the morning in the living room (3 Times)
– Clean the dishes in the kitchen in the morning
– Use “Spy Camera” to check her in the bathroom in the evening. (3 times, optional)
– The Spy Camera is available in the shop.
– Ask her husband 3 times for money.
– Get the money from Bob three times, so you can get to Linda’s office.
– Talk to her in the morning/afternoon in her bedroom.
– Spy on her at night. (2 times)
– Visit her in the morning in the living room
– Visit her in the morning in the kitchen (Liza story unlocked!)
– Check the book on the shelf in her bedroom in the evening. (Optional, afterward – Spy on her at night x2 times)
– Speak within her in her bedroom. (Required – Ask her husband 3 times for money. )
– Wait one day
– Visit her in her workplace. (+Money afternoon)
– Talk to her in her bedroom in the morning. (New message at night from Linda )
– Wait one day.
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon. (New message in the evening from Linda )
– Visit her in your bedroom. (Night, relation +1, new message in the morning from Linda, night scenes unlocked )
Relation Level – 2 (Milfy City Guide)
– Visit her in the morning (Green option: talk with her 3 times, ask about the kiss, her bedroom, bye option yes she will visit you in the night scenes.)
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon.
– Visit her in the kitchen (Evening)
– Wait one day
– Visit her in her bedroom (Evening, new Judy dialogue option unlocked!)
– Do the cleaning job in the afternoon.
– Go into the garage and click the car. (Restaurant event, a new message from Linda at night.)
– Spy on her at night.
– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob).
– Spy on her at night again.
– Talk to her in the morning (Green option: talk about Bob again, Bob’s workplace unlocked/Zuri’s story).
– Talk twice with Zuri at Bob’s workplace. The second time on the next day and ask about the weekend.
– Talk with Linda in the morning about the weekend.
– Go buy red wine in the shop.
– Wait for Friday and select “Weekend Event”(Relation +1, night visit event in Linda’s bedroom unlocked).
Relation Level – 3 (Milfy City Guide)
-in the morning visit Linda and Bob in their bedroom
– next day, morning – talk with Linda in her bedroom 2 or 3 times on different days (green dialogue option, Bob is optional)
– Optional – Evening – Linda and Sara in the kitchen.
– afternoon – talk with Linda at her workplace (minigame)
– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with Judy about an exemption from the college in her office.
– next day, afternoon/morning: talk with the headmaster in his office (Two times if you haven’t spoken with him before.)
– afternoon – talk with bob in his bedroom (green dialogue option)
– Go to sleep – beach event
– spy on them at the night
– speak with Linda in the morning about the beach.
– speak with Linda in the afternoon in your bedroom.
– go to sleep x2 times
Sara – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (Milfy City Guide)
– Talk with her in the morning (Her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University entrance, optional)
– Visit her in the night (Her bedroom, night visits unlocked at next night)
– Talk with her in the morning again (Her bedroom, green option: Up to anything exciting today)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University entrance, optional)
– Click her drawer (her bedroom, new message from Sara – night)
– Play games with her in the evening. (New message from Sara the next day in the evening)
– Spy on her in the morning (Go to the kitchen. Open your inventory > Select “Spycam” > Bathroom’s door). (optional)
– Talk with her in the evening again. (Her bedroom)
– Buy cheap controller and switch it in her bedroom. (When she isn’t in the room, have it activated in your inventory and click on the other controller.)
– Play with her again in the evening. (Her bedroom)
– Click on her and Lily in the afternoon (University entrance)
– Sleep until next day (Sara will visit you)
– Talk with her and Lily in the afternoon again (University entrance, relation +1, new message from Sara at night, new night scenes unlocked)
Relation 2 (Milfy City Guide)
– Sleep until next day (Sara will visit you again, weekend event with sara unlocked)
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Entrance, optional)
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, )
– Talk with her in the afternoon (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom, select all subject)
– Talk with her in the night (your bedroom)
– Visit Se*x Shop (talk with saleswoman, Buy a “Vibrator” – 80$).
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara – morning)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the evening (your bedroom, Use Computer > Live Camera > Accept > Click on Sara – required webcam software installed, new message from Sara – night )
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night(Entrance – Between Home and Garage)
– Visit Se*x Shop (evening, Buy “Lube” – 50$)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (University Corridor – Sara’s Classroom)
– Talk with her in the night again (your bedroom, new message from Sara in the morning, relation +1)
v0.71b (Milfy City Guide)
– Wait for an SMS from Sara (a few days)
– Evening -> Sara’s Bedroom
– MC’s room -> Weekend event menu
– Bathroom
– Shopping centre – > Sara
– Shopping centre -> Stairs -> Ice Cream Van
– Ice cream shop -> Salesman
– Ice cream shop -> Table
– Sara’s Bedroom -> Sara
– Sara’s Bedroom -> Bed and Couch
– Bathroom
– Sara’s Bedroom
– Morning -> Sara’s Bedroom
Caroline – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (Milfy City Guide)
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom)
– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional)
– Sleep until the next day
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom)
– Sleep until the next day
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, clothes shop unlocked – open only in the afternoon)
– Talk with her in the afternoon(clothes shop)
– To unlock night scenes visit the Clothes Shop, Click the white door next to the counter, then click the window & open it. “YES”, on the same night go to her shop you will find the key to Caroline’s bedroom. At night go to her bedroom and use the key with her bedroom door (the key has to be selected).
– Visit Shop (evening, Buy “Camera” – 80$)
– Talk with her in the afternoon again (clothes shop)
– Play cosplay minigame x2 on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 5th outfit will be unlocked after that )
– Talk with her in the morning again (her bedroom, optional)
– After complete 5th outfit scene talk with her in the evening (your bedroom)
– Wait one day
– In the evening Caroline and Violet will visit you (your bedroom)
– Play the cosplay minigame once (Clothes shop, no matter which one outfit – 6th outfit will be unlocked after that )
– After complete the 6th outfit scene talk with her in the evening (her bedroom)
– Go to your bedroom sleep until the next day – Caroline will visit you (Relation +1, new night scenes unlocked)
Relation 2 (Milfy City Guide)
– Talk with her in the morning (her bedroom, optional)
– Talk with her in the evening (living room, optional)
– Play cosplay minigame 2 times on separate days (clothes shop, no matter which one – 3rd outfit will be unlocked after that )
– Complete 3rd outfit scene (clothes shop, 4th outfit will be unlocked after that)
– Play cosplay minigame -4th outfit (clothes shop, new message in the evening)
– Visit the clothes shop in the afternoon (Talk to her, help clean the shop, then clean the inside office too, then talk with Caroline again.)
– At night you will get a message on phone go see her in her bedroom (optional)
– Talk to her in the morning (her bedroom)
– In the afternoon visit the clothes shop (as you enter there click on the glass bottle lying near the left shelves on the floor click on it.)
– Click the white door and talk with her (clothes shop, optional)
– In the evening talk with Caroline (living room, green option: Do you know where I can find Violet, dark alley unlocked)
– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress story you need 200$)
– In the afternoon go to a dark alley and meet with Violet
– In another morning talk with her (your bedroom, to progress story you need 150$, night new message from Caroline)
– In the night meet with her (entrance your home, relation +1)
Relation 3 (Milfy City Guide)
– In the morning talk with her (your bedroom)
– Next morning talk with her (outside your home,)
– Sleep until the next day
– In the morning talk with her (her bedroom, green option: Have you thought any more about…)
– In the afternoon go to the clothes shop and talk with caroline
– Then meet with Violet in the afternoon (dark alley, green option: Caroline wants to know if… new outfits unlocked)
– Meet with Caroline in the evening (kitchen, new message from Caroline – night, optional)
– At night visit Caroline (her bedroom, optional)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet (cosplay minigame 1st outfit)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 2nd outfit)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline
– Wait 3 days
– After 3 days in the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline (weekend event unlocked)
-Friday: meet with Caroline (weekend event – 200$ required, new night scenes)
– In the evening talk with Caroline (her bedroom, optional)
– At night visit her bedroom
– In the morning/afternoon visit her bedroom (click on her bed, new 3rd outfit unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 3rd outfit)
– At night visit her bedroom again (new 4th outfit unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline and Violet again (cosplay minigame 4th outfit, new night scene unlocked)
– In the afternoon go to clothes shop and talk with Caroline
– Sleep until the next day, Caroline will visit you. (Relation +1, new message from Caroline – night)
Relation 4 (Milfy City Guide)
– Morning > Caroline’s Bedroom
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > MC’s Bedroom > Bed > “Meet with Caroline.”
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Evening > Caroline’s Bedroom (green dialogue option)
– Night > Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional – Doggy, Cowgirl)
– Afternoon > Clothes shop > mingame (3x)
– Steal Necklace
– Afternoon > Clothes shop
– Night > Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)
– Night > Nightclub>Corridor> Security
– Nightclub > Cindy talk
– Morning > Map > Nightclub > Menu: Warehouse
– Steal “Pink box”
– Night > Nightclub > Cindy
– Nightclub > Security
– Next day Night > Nightclub > BossOffice
– Nightclub >Se*xroom > Cindy (optional)
– Morning/Afternoon > Charles Home (His last scene, optional)
– Afternoon > Clothes Shop
– Weekend Event (Last scene)
Celia – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (Milfy City Guide)
– Go talk to her. (Morning, Sara’s classroom, 3 different scenes on separate days, optional)
– Take her key in Sara’s classroom while she’s not around. (afternoon)
– In Teacher’s Break Room, Celia’s locker, take her note with the password. ( Password = Ossa36, to open the doors select Celia’s Key from inventory, then click on the Teacher’s Break Room doors )
– Go to her office and click on her computer, it will tell you that you need a password. (University Corridor – Corridor – Teacher’s Office)
– Use the password on her computer.
– Talk with Therapist Judy (morning/afternoon)
– Take Empty Envelope (Therapist’s Room – cupboard)
– Use Empty Envelope on the pens in your locker (University Entrance, select Envelope from Inventory – open your locker – click on the pens)
– Put Envelope in Celia’s locker (University Corridor – Teacher’s Break Room, select Envelope from Inventory – open locker – put it )
– Buy webcam software from the shop (Morning/Afternoon)
– Install the software (Home – your bedroom – PC – Click CD Icon – Click Webcam Software Icon)
– Talk with her in the evening, keep doing it on a separate day to unlock all events go through every option (click on the webcam software – Accept Celia invite – Chat with her, after that you put things in her locker)
– Go to se*x shop buy a remote vibr*ator in the evening. (dil*do and s*exy costume are optional – they’re unlocked optional events with Celia )
– In the afternoon/morning keep the remote vibr*ator inside Celia locker. (University Corridor – Teacher’s Break Room, also you can put: dil*do and se*xy costume)
– in the Evening after you unlocked option “get n*ude” click it, then option: “Vibr*ator Event”
– after option: “Vibr*ator Event” go to your classroom the next morning and click on Celia.
– in the evening chat with her after you done vibr*ator event you will get the option orders: “Make out with your name”
– next Afternoon go to the University toilet, then click on Toilet cubicle (School Corridor – Toilets)
– in the Evening chat with her again (Orders: “Blo*wjob or An*al to your name”)
– next Afternoon go to University toilets then click on the toilet cubicle (University Corridor – Toilets)
– in the morning after your first blo*wjob/an*al to school a – announcement scene will trigger then go to Teacher’s office click on Celia. (Relation +1, Celia’s House on map unlocked – work in progress)
– Go to se*x shop buy di*ldo in the Evening. (optional)
– In the afternoon keep Dil*do in Celia locker. (optional)
– In the evening Chat with Celia. (optional, option: “Did you get my Present”)
– In the evening Buy se*xy costume from se*x shop (optional)
– In the afternoon Keep Se*xy Cloth inside Celia Locker. (optional)
– In the evening after you get the option get nu*de (optional, option: get nu*de – try new cloth)
Relation 2 (Milfy City Guide)
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Next day Night> Map > Celia’s Home > Apartment 53
– Morning – Security Room
– Morning – School Entrance > Celia
– Morning – Security Corridor Celia/Jake (Security room)
– Morning – School Entrance > Celia
– Order Blo*wJob (Night > MC’s Pc, webcam, “Blow using Glo*ryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glo*ryhole
– Next-day Morning > Teachers Office
– Order PU*SSY (Night > MC’s PC, webcam, “Pu*ssy using Glo*ryhole.”)
– Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glo*ryhole
– Night> Map > Celia’s Home
– Evening > MC’s bedroom > Celia
– Morning > Teachers Office
– Day > School > Toilet Cabin
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Ask for help with Celia”)
– Night > Celia’s Home
– Day/Morning > School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Tell Judy what did you figure out about Celia.”)
– Buy electro-stimulation dildo (se*x shop)
– Wait for an SMS from Celia
– Weekend event (last scene)
– Wait 2 days for an SMS from Celia
Zuri (and Suri) – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (This story is available only when Bob’s workplace is unlocked – to do that you have to progress with Linda’s story):
– Visit reception in the morning and talk with Zuri (Bob’s workplace – Reception)
– Talk with Bob (Bob’s Office, green dialogue option: “Do you have any work for me?” and “Could you give me…” )
– Talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “ Ask her for magnet card…”)
– in the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again, then click “Cancel” other questions are optional (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Ask her when…”, Linda event unlocked, Zuri’s Home unlocked)
– In the evening visit her Home, go inside scene will trigger automatically, after that click on Zuri or couch (Map- Zuri’s Home,)
– In the next morning/afternoon talk with Zuri again,(Bob’s workplace – Reception, green dialogue option: “Talk about Zuri proposition” then “Yes”- if you want to continue her story )
First company name:
-in the afternoon (if “Yes”) go to Bob’s office, sit on chair then click raptors (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about company name.” – you can lie or tell her the truth (If you lie to her more than once you get different last scene with her and different when you tell her the truth ))
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)
Second company name:
– in the next afternoon go to Bob’s office, click on the table next to sofa near the statue and take the note, sit on Bob’s chair, click the safe below the table, use the safe note with the safe take the company name, put the safe note back (Bob’s workplace – Reception – office)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about the company name.”)
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri (Map- Zuri’s Home)
Third company name:
– talk with Zuri again in the morning/afternoon (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about the company name.”)
– in the morning talk with Bob (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask about the company name.)
– talk with Zuri again (Bob’s workplace – Reception, green option: “Talk about the company name.”)
– visit her home again in the evening and click on Zuri and Suri(Map- Zuri’s Home)
Last scene with Zuri – Milfy City Walkthrough
– wait 3 days in the evening you get a message from Zuri
– visit her home again in the evening (Map- Zuri’s Home, relation +1)
– to end Bob’s story talk with him in the morning (Bob’s workplace – Reception – Office, green option: “Ask Bob how work is going.”)
Liza and Yazmin – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (This story is available only when Liza’s Home is unlocked – to do that you must progress with Linda’s story):
– In the morning/afternoon go to the pool, talk to Yazmin (Map – Liza’s Home – Pool)
– Go inside Liza house, get a scene (green option: “Did you want me to come over to take a look at your swimming pool?”)
– Go to garage click on cleaning stuff (bucket and mop)
– You can start pool cleaning from the next day in the morning/afternoon (to start pool cleaning: go to Liza’s pool open inventory, click on cleaning stuff to have it selected, and close out the inventory )
– In the morning/afternoon go inside Liza’s Home, click on her, click on the dialogue option (Liza’s living room, no matter which one if you see the “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional.)
– In the morning/afternoon talk with Yazmin, click on her, click on the dialogue option (Liza’s living room – Office, no matter which one if you see “Bye” option that’s enough – other questions are optional.)
– Now you have to clean the pool 3 times, once per day (note, you might have to open up the inventory and select the cleaning stuff every time.)
– When you are finished, go inside Liza’s Home and talk to her (Liza’s living room, green option: “I finished cleaning the pool.”)
– The next day in the morning/afternoon, go back, click on the pool and you should see Liza swimming, talk to her (Liza’s Home – Pool)
– In the next morning/afternoon go inside Liza house, the scene will start automatically
– At night go to Liza’s Home, there will be a new option to climb the house beside their door, a big circle with a purple guy climbing icon, click on it.
– In the morning/afternoon, go to Liza’s kitchen, you will get a scene automatically (Liza’s Home – Living room – Kitchen)
– After the scene, at night, go back to Liza’s house and climb it again for another scene.
– In the next morning go to LIza’s pool, this time you will see Liza and Yazmin at the pool, click on them then go into the house (Liza’s Home – Pool)
– When in the house, go to the office and get the house key, it will be on the left side on a shelf beside the plant, above the vase(Liza’s Home – Livingroom – Office, if you don’t take the key now, you can take it when you finished the story with them, optional)
– Go to the kitchen, click on the fridge, open it and click on the beer
– Go back outside, go to the pool and click on them again for another scene
– After the scene at the pool, at night time, climb the house again
– In the morning/afternoon, go back to Liza’s house, this time you will find Yazmin at the pool alone, talk to her (Liza’s Home – Pool)
– Talk with Liza (Liza’s Home – Livingroom – Bathroom)
– At night, go to Liza’s Home and walk inside scene will start automatically (Relation +1)
– You can still go inside at night since you have the key and do stuff to them while they are sleeping
Neighbors – Milfy City Walkthrough
Relation 1 (Milfy City Guide)
– Buy binoculars in the shop and use it on the window at the house in the afternoon
– Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Next-day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home (optional)
– Morning >Map > School > Gym > Changing room
– Next day Morning >Map > Neighbor’s Home
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Fence
– Night > Neighbor’s Home > Fence (Night Visits, optional)
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room
– Evening > Neighbor’s Home > Doors
– Morning > School > Gym > Changing room (last scene)
Update: Milfy City v0.71 – Full Walkthrough
Milfy City is filled with tons of possible ways and scenarios that you will end up on based on the choices that you make. While you may get stuck or find a path that you would be best to choose. Becoming the best seducer takes quite some time since the game is very huge and may take hours of your playing time. And in order to help you have the best development, we have decided to help you with Milfy City Walkthrough & Ending in this article. Get the complete guide and understanding of the game while you play and enjoy it.
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Milfy City Complete Guide
Before you get comfortable and all set to begin playing the game it is best to first understand the game. The events that will be taking place will become very vital information for you to take the best course of action. According to the game’s storyline, you will be playing as a young university student, who moves to a new city to begin his studies.
Once you have moved to the new city you will be living in a residence full of striking characters. The game starts with a traumatic and shocking event. While you are under rejection by your teacher you will decide to man up and show who has the upper hand. This starts your journey to take control and show that you will not sink with that love failure. The game is not only entertaining but is also quite flashy. Let’s not wait and dive directly into the game’s walkthrough.
Milfy City Walkthrough – Celia
This Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Celia. We will also be focusing on the history of Celia and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with her.
Celia – First Steps
- Morning: Meet her in her classroom
- Afternoon: Her classroom > Black desk > get the keys (left) > Teacher’s break room > Left Locker > Top right drawer > Take Money & Note > Teacher’s office > Computer password: Ossa36 > Talk to Therapist > Take the envelope (cupboard) > Locker (heart) > backpack > envelope > pen holder > Teacher’s break room > Left locker > place the letter
- Morning: Buy a webcam > PC > Install it (CD button)
- Evening: webcam > accept Celia > chat (pc), repeat this in the following days
- Evening: Buy a pink toy
- Afternoon: Place the pink toy under Celia’s locker
- Evening: Ask her over chat about your present
- Evening: Buy a hot costume for her
- Afternoon: Place the hot costume inside Celia’s locker
- Evening: Take your clothes off and try a new clothing
- Evening: Buy a remote toy
- Afternoon: Place the remote toy inside Celia’s locker
- Evening: Chat with her in the evening
- Morning: Go to her class & click on her
Celia – Endings
- Evening: Chat with her > Make out with your name
- Afternoon: Go to school > Toilet > Toilet cabin
- Evening: Chat with Celia
- Afternoon: Go to school > Toilet > Toilet cabin
- Morning: Go to school > Celia’s office & Click on Celia
Celia – V0.6B
- Night> Map > Celia’s Home
- Next day Night> Map > Celia’s Home > Apartment 53
- Morning/Day > School > Security Room
- Morning: School Entrance > Celia
- Morning: School Entrance > Security Cameras Room
- Morning: School Entrance > Celia
- Order Blow*Jo (Night: MC’s Pc, webcam, Blowj** using…)
- Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glory
- Next-day Morning: Teachers Office
- Order Blowj** (Night: MC’s Pc, webcam, Puss* using)
- Day > School Toilets > Toilet Cabin > Glory
- Night> Map > Celia’s Home
- Evening: MC’s bedroom > Celia
- Morning: Teachers Office
- Day > School > Toilet Cabin
- Day/Morning: School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Ask for help with Celia”)
- Night: Celia’s Home
- Day/Morning: School > Therapist’s room > Judy (“Tell Judy what did you figure out about Celia.”)
- Buy electro- dil*do (shop)
- Wait for an SMS from Celia
- Weekend event (last scene)
- Wait 2 days for an SMS from Celia.
Walkthrough – Zuri & Suri
This Milfy City Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Zuri & Suri. We will also be focusing on the history of Suri and Zuri and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with them.
Zuri & Suri – First Steps
NOTE: In order to unlock Zuri’s Path, you will first have to go through Linda’s path where you will get the opportunity to ask Zuri about Bob’s trip.
- Evening: Go to Zuri’s house
- Morning: Go to Bob’s office and take this chance to ask Zuri about the proposal. And make sure that you choose YES.
Truth or lie
- Afternoon: Go to bob’s office, sit on his chair & click on the reports, Later go back to Zuri and tell the truth or lie (It is best that you save the scene since after making a choice between the truth and lie you will experience two different scenarios)
- Evening: Go to Zuri’s house
- Afternoon: Go to bob’s office > Click on the table (near the statue) > get the safe note > Sit on his chair > use the safe note with the safe (below the table) to get the company name > Place the safe note inside the table > go back to where Zuri is > Truth or Lie (Make the same choice as before)
- Evening: Meet Zuri & Suri in their house and click on them
- Morning: Talk to Zuri at Bob’s office > Ask Bob about the company name at his cabin. Go back to Zuri > Truth or Lie (Make the same choice as before)
- Evening: Meet Zuri & Suri in their house and click on them
Zuri & Suri – Endings
- 4 days later: After you receive a message Meet Zuri & Suri in their house
- Go back home > PC > Scene Gallery > third Zuri & Suri photo. Change your choice (Truth or Lie) if your want to change the scene.
Milfy City Walkthrough – Sara
This Milfy City Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Sara We will also be focusing on the history of Sara and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with her.
Sara – First Steps
- Morning: Go to her bedroom & meet her
- Afternoon: Go to the school & find her next to your locker
- Evening: Go to her bedroom & meet her
- Night: Go to her bedroom & Make your choice from the options
- Morning: Go to her bedroom & meet her
- Evening: Go to her bedroom & meet her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom & steal her panties from her bedroom drawer
- Evening: Go to her bedroom & play with her
Buy the console
- Evening: Meet her, You will be challenged by her. Wait till the next day, Go to the shop, buy the cheapest console you find and place it in her bedroom (shelves below the TV), Make sure that she is not present at the moment.
- Morning: Use the spy cam inside the bathroom
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her next to your locker
- Evening: Play games with her in her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her next to your locker and have a wonderful afternoon.
Weekend Event
- Night (Friday): Click on the bed and choose Weekend Event, Go with Sara to the swimming pool, Swim with Sara, Water Slide, Drink Lemonade, Go to the Jacuzzi
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and meet her
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her in Classroom 2
- Night: Go to your bedroom and click on her
Sara – Endings
- Evening: S*ex Shop and click on the saleswomen
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to your bedroom and click on her
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Evening: Click on the Webcam (PC) and accept Sara’s invitation. If there is no invitation, try a few days later.
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to the garage and meet her
- Evening: Go to the S*ex Shop and buy the “a*nal lub*e”
- Afternoon: Go to the school and find her at her Classroom
- Night: Go to your bedroom and click on her
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Walkthrough – Caroline
This Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Caroline We will also be focusing on the history of Caroline and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with her.
Caroline – First Steps
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom for 3 consecutive days, the third one you will get a blow**
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and buy the camera she wants
- Afternoon: Go to her shop > white door > open the window > yes
- Night: Go to her shop find the key to her bedroom, then go to her bedroom’s door, open it with the key and choose whatever you want
Some photos
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take 6 photos
- Evening: Go to your bedroom and click on her, then, after this in the evening, click on Violet / Caroline
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom
- Evening: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Wait for her in your bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and choose whatever you want
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take some photos
- Night: Now you can choose Wake, do it and enjoy
- Evening: Talk to her in the living room until you don’t have more options
- Afternoon: Go to her shop, clean it (also inside the office) and talk to her
- Night: After the message meet with her in her bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop, interact with the glass bottle (left shelves), and talk to her.
Dark Alley
- Evening: Ask her about Violet in the living room (dark alley unlocked)
- Morning: Caroline will be in your bedroom, but if you don’t have 200 don’t click on her. She will come back the following mornings and you will just need 150, so go to earn some money.
- Afternoon: Go to Dark Alley and meet Violet
Caroline – Endings
- Evening: Go outside your house and enjoy yourself with her
- Morning: In your bedroom (if you want to cancel the deal, click on her)
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Morning: Go outside your house and click on her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and enjoy
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Afternoon: Go to the dark alley and tell Violet Carolin wants to meet her
- Evening: Go to the kitchen and drink with Caroline
- Morning: Talk to her in her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and take some photos
- Night: Go to her bedroom and click on her
- Afternoon: Meet her in her shop 2 consecutive days until you get a date
Weekend Event
- Friday: Your bed > event with Caroline > click on the Nightclub > Caroline > Ebony girl > Charles > girl with blue top > whatever you want > choose 1st option when going home
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop
- Evening: Go to her bedroom
- Night: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and take the di*ldo
- Afternoon: Talk to her at her shop and choose an outfit
- Night: Meet her in her bedroom
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her shop and choose the last outfit
- Night: Use the Wake choice in her bedroom
- Morning: Once you wake up you will meet Caroline
Caroline – V0.6b
- Morning: Caroline’s Bedroom
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Night: MC’s Bedroom > Bed > “Meet with Caroline.”
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Evening: Caroline’s Bedroom (green)
- Night: Caroline’s Bedroom (2x, optional scenes)
- Afternoon: Clothes shop > mingame (3x)
- Steal Necklace
- Afternoon: Clothes shop
- Night: Charles Home > Window (crowbar – Home>Garage)
- Night: Nightclub>Corridor> Security
- Nightclub > Cindy talk
- Morning: Map > Nightclub > Menu: Warehouse
- Steal “Pink box”
- Night: Nightclub > Cindy
- Nightclub > Security
- Next day Night: Nightclub > BossOffice
- Nightclub >Se*xroom > Cindy (optional)
- Morning/Afternoon: Charles Home (His last scene, optional)
- Afternoon: Clothes Shop
- Weekend Event (Last scene)
Walkthrough – Linda
This Milfy City Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Linda We will also be focusing on the history of Linda and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with her.
Linda – First Steps
- Morning: Find her in the Living room
- Afternoon: Ask Bob for money 3 times each on different days, you will unlock working with Linda
- Night: Find her in her bedroom
- Morning: Find her in the Living room, then go to her bedroom and interact with the book (Shelve)
- Evening: Use the spycam in the bathroom
- Night: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Find her in the Living room
- Morning: Go to the Kitchen (you will unlock Liza’s House & Liza & Yazmin’s Route)
- Next morning: Go to her bedroom and sneak up on her
- Afternoon: Do the cleaning job at her office
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: Go to her office
- Night: She will be in your room, click on her
- Morning: Go to her bedroom and tell her to come again (do it several times until you unlock all the scenes)
- Evening: Find her in the kitchen
- Night: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Talk to her about last night fight
- Afternoon: Go to her office
- Night: Go to her bedroom
- Morning: Talk to her in her bedroom
- Evening: Go to her bedroom again
- Afternoon: Go to her office, if she is still busy keep trying. Do the cleaning job, click on the car and choose whatever option you want
- Morning: Talk to her in her bedroom
Bob’s office
- Morning: Go to Bob’s office > meet zuri > meet bob > ask for a job > ask for the magnetic card > ask zuri for the magnetic card > Bob cabin > red jaguar > car keys > Open the car and take the red diary > put back the car key
- Afternoon: Go to Bob’s office > click the bookcase (near the headless statue) > use the red diary > find something on the 2nd shelve (gap) > Sit on his chair > diary on the table > Click the number (Doc Left corner 4 times) > Ask bob for money = You have unlocked work at Bob’s office
- Morning: Ask Zuri about Bob trip (Unlock Zuri & Suri Path)
- Morning: Talk to Linda about the trip and buy red wine
- Friday: Click on bed > Weekend event > Linda weekend event > up to you
- Night: Her bedroom, choose Wake
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: Talk to Bob in his bedroom, and repeat it every day until you run out of options
- Evening: Meet her and Sara in the Kitchen
- Morning: Talk to Bob and also to Linda
- Morning: Meet her in her bedroom 2 days in a row
- Afternoon: Work for Linda
- Morning: Talk to Judy
- Morning: Talk to the principal (2) and click on the door
- Afternoon: Talk to Bob (trip)
Linda – Endings
- Night: Go to sleep to start the Linda Event
Linda Event – Beach
- Beach:
- Bag = 38$
- Cliff jumping
- Buy an ice cream at the beach shop and give it to her
- Massage
- Click on her, at night go to her bedroom and click on the chair
- (For this recipe you need 2 secret cards > Secret Cards Locations)
- Living room > Bedroom > Bed > bathroom > Living room > Morning: Living room > Bathroom (click Linda) > Living room (clik Linda)
- Morning: Go to her bedroom
- Afternoon: your bedroom
- Night: Her bedroom
- Morning: Her bedroom
- Night: Go to sleep to get the last scene
Walkthrough – Liza & Yazmin
This Milfy City Walkthrough will help you understand the complete route, interests, and statistics of Liza & Yazmin. We will also be focusing on the history of Liza and Yazmin and will also give you complete details about the evolution of this plot, including the different decisions. With these tips and tricks, it will be easy to develop your relationship with them.
Liza & Yazmin – First Steps
NOTE: In order to unlock Zuri’s Path, you will first have to go through Linda’s path where meet her in Linda’s Kitchen
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to Liza’s house, meet Yazmin (pool), go to the front door, enter the house, get to the garage and take the bucket
Clean the pool
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to her pool, click on the bucket (highlighted – backpack), and click the pool. To clean the pool press left, press right a repeat it until the green bar is full. Repeat this the following days until you finish your job
- Afternoon or Morning: Talk to Liza in her house, then go to her office to talk to Yazmin also. Repeat this the following days until you have no other options
- Morning or Afternoon: When the pool is clean, tell Liza
- Morning or Afternoon: Go to the pool and meet Liza
- Afternoon or Morning: Click on Liza’s door, if you don’t get a scene, try aging the next day.
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb > click on hands (right/left) when the filler is between the 4 arrows – Yellow > Peep
- Morning: Go to Liza’s Kitchen
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb again
Liza & Yazmin – Endings
- Morning: Go to Liza’s pool, then to her kitchen > refrigerator > beer > Yazmin office > take the key (plant pot) > meet them and enjoy the scene
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and climb again > Lock Icon > Up arrow
- Morning: First go with Yazmin (Pool) and then to the bathroom
- Night: Go to Liza’s house and go to the bedroom
While reading all the instructions we have given above can be a hassle for many we have included a video in this article to get a proper understanding of Milfy City Walkthrough. Hope you liked our guide keep following us more with such guides and updates.