Как найти эссенцию биома

Amber This page describes a removed feature.
This feature used to be in the mod but has since been removed.
Notes: Removed in Biomes O’ Plenty 1.13.2

A Biome Essence is an item that you can craft with a Biome Finder to help you find the location of a desired biome. 


  • As of the 1.8.9 update, Biome Essence Ore can be mined in the End to acquire Biome Essence. The Biome Essence Ore drops 1-2 random Biome Essences.
  • It can also be found in loot chests in dungeons and mineshafts [needs verification]
  • It can be summoned by using the command /give @p biomesoplenty:biome_essence 1 0 {biomeID:###} Replace the ### with the proper ID of the biome you wish to find.


Biome Essence Ore generates in veins in the End with a vein size of 1-2. They generate near the bottom of the central island where you fight the dragon. They will also generate on the Outer Islands in the End Highlands biome.

Image 2022-05-20 205635214

2016-06-16 20.06

Distribution pattern as seen with X-Ray mods


Once crafted with a Biome Finder, the Finder becomes permanently fixed to locate the biome indicated by the Essence. The Biome Essence must have a specified biome or else the Finder cannot be crafted. The Biome Essence provided in Creative mode does not have a biome specified and will not work.

Fixed Biome Finder

A Biome Essence used to create a fixed Biome Finder


Once crafted, the Biome Finder will point you to the nearest biome of the type contained in the Essence. However, it doesn’t always lead you to the nearest biome, it only locates biomes within a 14,000 block radius. Similar to a compass, if you turn so that the purple light is at the top and go in that direction, you will find the aforementioned biome. If there is no matching biome within 14,000 blocks, the light will not turn on.

2016-06-16 17.41

A Biome Finder in use


When it was first added, it had a different texture, resembling a yin yang. This was changed to dust in 1.8. It was removed in 1.13.2 and higher.


Old Biome essence single

The old look for the Biome Essence


  Blocks in Biomes O’ Plenty (1.12)[Show/Hide]

Dirt & Grass Blocks • Spectral Moss • Overgrown Stone • Loamy Grass • Sandy Grass • Silty Grass • Origin Grass • Mycelial Netherrack • Overgrown Netherrack • Flowering Grass Block • Loamy Dirt (• Coarse Loamy Dirt) • Sandy Dirt (• Coarse Sandy Dirt) • Silty Dirt (• Coarse Silty Dirt)
Stone & Sand Blocks • Dried Sand • Ash Block • Mud • Mud Bricks (• Mud Bricks Stairs • Mud Bricks Slab) • White Sand (•White Sandstone)
Gem Blocks • Celestial Crystal • Biome Essence Ore • Ender Amethyst Ore( • Block of Amethyst) • Ruby Ore • (Block of Ruby) • Peridot Ore( • Block of Peridot) • Topaz Ore( • Block of Topaz) • Tanzanite Ore( • Block of Tanzanite) • Malachite Ore( • Block of Malachite) • Sapphire Ore( • Block of Sapphire) • Amber Ore( • Block of Amber)
Wooden Blocks • Bamboo Thatching • Sacred Oak Wood • Cherry Wood • Umbran Wood (• Dark Wood) • Fir Wood • Ethereal Wood • Magic Wood • Mangrove Wood • Palm Wood • Redwood Wood • Willow Wood • Pine Wood • Hellbark Wood • Jacaranda Wood • Mahogany Wood • Ebony Wood • Eucalyptus Wood • Dead Wood
Other Blocks • Hardened Ice • Flesh • Hive Block • Honeycomb Block (• Empty Honeycomb Block • Filled Honeycomb Block) • Honey Block • Bramble
Liquids • Quicksand • Hot Spring Water • Liquid Blood • Liquid Honey • Poisonous Liquid
Removed Blocks • Acacia Wood • Altar Frame • Ash Stone • Bone Segments • Celestial Lens • Cloud Block • Crag Rock • Dried Dirt • Hardened Dirt • Hardened Sand • Jelled Poison • Limestone (• Polished Limestone) • Loftwood Wood • Purified Dirt • Purified Grass • Red Rock • Red Rock Cobblestone • Sacrificial Focus • Shale (• Polished Shale) • Siltstone (• Polished Siltstone) • Skystone • Skystone Cobblestone • Skystone Bricks • Smoldering Grass Block


  Blocks, Biomes, and Items in Biomes O’ Plenty (1.19)[Show/Hide]

Overworld Biomes Auroral Garden • Bamboo Grove • Bayou • Bog • Cherry Blossom Grove • Clover Patch • Cold Desert • Coniferous Forest • Crag • Dead Forest • Dryland • Dune Beach • Field • Floodplain • Forested Field • Fir Clearing • Fungal Jungle • Grassland • Highland • Highland Moor • Jade Cliffs • Lavender Field • Lavender Forest • Lush Desert • Lush Savanna • Maple Woods • Marsh • Mediterranean Forest • Muskeg • Mystic Grove • Old Growth Dead Forest • Old Growth Woodland • Ominous Woods • Orchard • Origin Valley • Pasture • Prairie • Pumpkin Patch • Rainforest • Redwood Forest • Rocky Rainforest • Rocky Shrubland • Scrubland • Seasonal Forest • Seasonal Orchard • Shrubland • Snowy Coniferous Forest • Snowy Fir Clearing • Snowy Maple Woods • Tropics • Tundra • Volcanic Plains • Volcano • Wasteland • Wasteland Steppe • Wetland • Woodland
Nether Biomes Crystalline Chasm • Erupting Inferno • Undergrowth • Visceral Heap • Withered Abyss
Cave Biomes Glowing Grotto • Spider Nest
Abiotic Blocks White Sand • (White Sandstone — stairs, slab, wall, smooth, smooth stairs, smooth slab, smooth wall, cut, cut slab, chiseled) • Orange Sand • (Orange Sandstone — stairs, slab, wall, smooth, smooth stairs, smooth slab, smooth wall, cut, cut slab, chiseled) • Black Sand • (Black Sandstone — stairs, slab, wall, smooth, smooth stairs, smooth slab, smooth wall, cut, cut slab, chiseled) • Dried Salt • (Flesh — porous) • Brimstone • Brimstone Fumarole • Block of Rose QuartzGlowworm SilkHanging Cobweb • Stringy Cobweb • WebbingBrimstone BudBrimstone ClusterRose Quartz ClusterLarge Rose Quartz BudMedium Rose Quartz BudSmall Rose Quartz BudBlackstone SpinesBlackstone Bulb
Biotic Blocks Origin Grass Block • Rooted Sand • (Flesh — porous) • Toadstool BlockGlowshroom BlockGlowing Moss Carpet • Glowing Moss Block • Spider Egg • Origin LeavesFlowering Oak LeavesRainbow Birch LeavesYellow Autumn LeavesOrange Autumn LeavesMaple Leaves • (Fir Log — wood, stripped, stripped wood, planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, boat, chest boat, leaves) • (Redwood Log — wood, stripped, stripped wood, planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, boat, chest boat, leaves) • (Cherry Log — wood, stripped, stripped wood, planks, stairs, slab, fence, fence gate, door, trapdoor, button, boat, chest boat, pink blossoms, white blossoms) (Saplings — origin, flowering oak, rainbow birch, yellow autumn, orange autumn, maple, fir, redwood, white cherry, pink cherry, mahogany, jacaranda, palm, willow, dead, magic, umbran, hellbark) • Rose • Violet • Lavender • Wildflower • Orange Cosmos • Pink Daffodil • Pink Hibiscus • Glowflower • Wilted Lily • Burning Blossom • Blue Hydrangea • Goldenrod • Willow Vine • Spanish Moss• Sprout • Bush • Clover • Huge Clover Petal • Dune Grass • Desert Grass • Dead Grass • Cattail • Barley • Sea Oats • Reed • Watergrass • Dead Branch • Bramble • Toadstool • Glowshroom • Pus BubbleFlesh TendonsHair
Items Rose Quartz Shard • WandererBlood Bucket

Эссенции остаются после смерти противников в определённых биомах или при смерти босса, когда мир перейдёт в сложный режим. Их можно использовать как материалы для мощных инструментов и аксессуаров. Из-за волшебной природы эссенций, на них не действует сила тяжести, они парят в воздухе до тех пор, пока не будут подобраны игроком для дальнейшего использования.


Эссенция Вид выпадения Источник Подсказка Макс. в стопке Продажа
Эссенция полёта Эссенция полёта

Внутренний ID предмета: 575

Противник Виверна, архививерна «Эссенция могущественных летающих созданий» 9999 2
Эссенция света Эссенция света

Внутренний ID предмета: 520

Биом С противников в подземном освящении
Шанс 20*1/5 (20%) / 33.33*1/3 (33,33%)
«Эссенция созданий света» 9999 2
Эссенция ночи Эссенция ночи

Внутренний ID предмета: 521

Биом С противников в подземной порче/подземном багрянце
Шанс 20*1/5 (20%) / 33.33*1/3 (33,33%)
«Эссенция созданий тьмы» 9999 2
Эссенция могущества Эссенция могущества

Внутренний ID предмета: 548

Босс Уничтожитель, Заяц «Эссенция уничтожителя» 9999 80
Эссенция прозрения Эссенция прозрения

Внутренний ID предмета: 549

Босс Близнецы «Эссенция всеведущих наблюдателей» 9999 80
Эссенция ужаса Эссенция ужаса

Внутренний ID предмета: 547

Босс Скелетрон Прайм «Эссенция чистейшего зла» 9999 80
Эссенция отравления Эссенция отравления

Внутренний ID предмета: 5017

Босс Окрам Эссенция отравленных существ [sic] 999 2


  • Вид эссенции, которую после смерти оставит противник (эссенции света или ночи) зависит от биома, в котором находится игрок. Не важно, в каком биоме появился этот противник.


Hi guys, Rainbowgal090 here!

Today i will be talking to you about my recommended seeds, and how to find specific biomes o’ plenty biomes!





Here, i will have my recommended seeds, i will add more as i find ones that interest me and possibly you!!

1: Have you ever had trouble finding the cherry blossom grove? Look no further! this Seed is for 1.9 and possibly below! the cherry blossom grove is located on X -3179 Y 64.00000 and Z 2582.949 . This Seed Requires Biomes o’ plenty for the Cherry blossom grove.

Seed: 6671780692870515

2: Ah, The holy Ice Spikes. One of the RARER biomes in the game. Have You Ever Wanted To Spawn Right InFrount of One? Oh, Oops! Spoilers! D: Well, This is a seed for 1.8.9 and Possibly over! And it ALSO Requires biomes o’ Plenty Though It may not. Just Type in the Seed BELOW! Get Your Ice Spike Spawn TODAY!!!!!!!!

Seed: -4598629137099577115





And here, is where i shall show you, How to find biomes easily. ( DUN DUN DUNNNNN :P )

Step one: Craft/cheat the BIOME FINDER. Follow the crafting recipe below to craft it, ORRRRR Visit the cheat fairy, cause this is very Expensive.

I have been testing around with recipes for the biome finder and haven’t found any luck. the normal recipe is an emerald in the middle of each side, and redstone dust in the middle. though, they may have changed it, So sadly, its a thing that possibly is only obtainable in creative mode, if you find out the crafting recipe, lemme know. A picture of the previous recipe will be in the attachments.

Step Two: Go to the END and if you haven’t already, defeat the ender dragon.

Once you defeat the majestic dragon, you can roam around the end where there will be new biomes for it, and an ore called BIOME ESSENCE ORE. You will need this later.

Step 3: Combine the BIOME FINDER with the BIOME ESSENCE.

So, you got your BIOME ESSENCE, Right? What about the BIOME FINDER? If you got both, your ready!

TIP: You get different BIOME ESSENCE from each BIOME ESSENCE ORE. For example, you might get some for the tropical rainforest, or one for the sacred springs. also, you sometimes get two BIOME ESSENCE!

Now, go to a crafting table, and put your desired BIOME ESSENCE with your BIOME FINDER. and BAM! you got a biome finder for that biome! now, just right click, and it will check if you have the biome in your world, and where it is!

Also, its reusable! you can change the biome your looking for by combining your BIOME FINDER with a different BIOME ESSENCE! It also has unlimited durability!


Thank you guys for seeing this, and i hope i helped you out!

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  • #1

Подскажите, где найти эссенцию биомов, радар ведь без нее бесполезен?


  • #2

Эссенцию биомов нельзя добыть на наших серверах.

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