Как найти фантом дерево

Lumber Tycoon 2 вики

Фантомное дерево


Вот так выглядит Дерево


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Phantom Wood, also known as End Times Wood or Lone Cave Tree is a species of wood that was added during the 2016 End Times Update. It is located in the Lone Cave and is the highest value wood in the game when sold at the Wood Dropoff.


It has an institutional white sand texture for its bark, and previously had a light yellow smooth plastic texture for its interior, before being changed to the institutional white foil texture. On lower render qualities, the foil texture will be toned down until being entirely removed, rendering it as a smooth plastic material. Its leaves have a toothpaste neon texture. It is roughly 1×0.5 studs in size, similar to that of the Test Wood tree. It is one of four woods that has an interior with a different material type.

The tree’s overall structure is a dense mix of leaves and intertwining branches that thicken as it matures. The tree also grows extraordinarily fast during its primary growth stages if it is not generated on Server Initialization.

Only a maximum of 1 tree can grow at one time, so after being harvested the player must server-hop to find another tree. Despite the misconception that the tree only grows «once» per server, within the code it is proven that it can grow again after a player waits 7200 minutes or 120 hours after the tree had been initially planted and the previous tree had died or been cut down.

The End Times Axe is the only axe that can cut the wood, as using other axes will make it fall out of the player’s hand in a similar effect to when the Candy Cane Axe is used on any wood. The Chop Saw also does not do any damage to the wood’s log. Surprisingly, Dynamite can do damage to the tree, but it is incredibly minimal and should not be used as a method of harvesting or cutting in general.


Before proceeding, the player is required to have these items:

  • A Preserved Enlarged Ostrich Eye (Obtained through trading, used to be sold at Bob’s Shack for $400,306 Money)
  • An End Times Axe (Obtained through Rukiryaxe quest on Halloween or trading)

It is also recommended to have the following things:

  • A Worklight (For visibility, as the cave is very dark)
  • A Vehicle (For efficiency)
  • At least $300 Money (For extending the bridge time for about 10 minutes)

Once the required items have been acquired, the player must follow these steps to have a successful and effective harvest:

  1. Position the eye in the circular hole in one of the Bridge Booths, and agree to pay to lower the Bridge.
    • The circular holes are located on the glass panes on the booths’ front sides. Once the eye is balanced and motionless, the player must talk to either bridge operators, Seranok or Merely to pay for the bridge. To know if placing the eye was successful, Merely will say «OH, THANKS!», while Seranok will say «WOW THANKS!»
    • If the player wishes to have more time, they can extend it for 3 more minutes by paying $100 each time. This can be extended forever assuming a player has an infinite amount of money. Although keep in mind that you will start taking damage after about 25 minutes of a player being in the cave.
  2. Stay on the Bridge’s platform and wait for it to lower until it connects with the rusty bridge connector in the Lone Cave.
    • The Bridge will start to lower beyond the water and through the ground, eventually entering the Lone Cave. While lowering, vehicles may glitch and it is advisable to refrain from moving the vehicle. The Bridge will continue lowering until it has reached the rusty bridge connector, and will remain idle there until the bridge’s timer expires.
  3. Follow the right side path, which will lead to the tree’s location.
    • The path splits into two, with the left going to a teleporter that teleports players into the Safari Hole once fallen into, and the right leading to the Lone Cave Tree.
    • Halfway through the path, it will begin to narrow until it becomes unsafe for most vehicles to cross. It is advisable to use a worklight to lighten up the path.
  4. Strategically chop the tree by cutting the branches first and bringing it back to the vehicle or bridge.
    • The player should analyze the desired branch on how and where it will fall. It is safest to chop a branch where it is guaranteed to land on the ground, as other branches may fall into the void.
    • Because the branches can be intertwined with each other, the player should take caution as branches can violently shake, flinging players and/or vehicles into the void along with itself.
    • Cutting the tree from its base may cause the entire tree to fall into the void, effectively wasting the efforts the player put in to lower the bridge.
  5. Chop the wood into smaller pieces and stack the wood efficiently.
    • The player should chop the branches into straight individual pieces, as the bridge can glitch and fling the wood anywhere, mostly into the void. It can also clip through the vehicle and bridge if the player is not paying attention, thus it is recommended to keep moving the vehicle back and forth when the bridge rises until it has completely surfaced.
    • Players can also bring the wood into the teleporter hole.
  6. The player must be sure to finish their harvesting trip as quick as possible, as the player will begin to lose health after about 25 minutes of being in the cave.

Private servers are the best places to harvest Phantom Trees, as on public servers the tree may have already been harvested or other players might intentionally extend the bridge time. It should be noted that using Phantom Wood as a source of income is generally impractical as the costs of the necessary items for harvesting, the required allocation of time, and the uncertain outcome heavily outweighs the actual monetary value one can get from selling the planks at the Wood Dropoff.

Nonetheless, this wood can be frustrating to harvest sometimes, more so to an inexperienced player. Some tips below may help you successfully bring the precious wood out from the cave.

  • It is recommended that you drive back and forth to prevent your car and wood from glitching under the bridge and falling into the void.
  • There is currently a bug where the bridge will not lower into the lone cave if someone with the Super Bridge Gamepass lowers the bridge, even when presented with an eye. If you own this gamepass, you will need a friend or alt account without the gamepass to lower the bridge for you.
  • Keep a player at the toll booth to extend bridge time when needed.

A growing Phantom Tree

A growing Phantom Tree

Phantom Tree in Roblox Studio

Phantom Tree in Roblox Studio

Phantom Tree in the dark

Phantom Tree in the dark

Common Oak • Cherry • Elm • Birch • Lava • Walnut • Koa • Fir • Pine • Gold • Zombie • Frost • Cavecrawler
Rare Palm • Spook • Sinister • Phantom • Snowglow
Misc. Test • Grey • Pink

Заключительная серия про Лесоруба — Roblox Lumber Tycoon 2!
Мы нашли дерево под землей, оно находится в пещере и обладает голубым свечением! Мы его кое как срубили, но….
🐼Я В VK — https://vk.com/realbekst
🤗ГРУППА В VK — https://vk.com/club131784306
🎼Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!
Список сайтов для мониторинга игр:
Любимые игры:
Игра Clone Drone in the Danger Zone — http://clonedroneinthedangerzone.com/

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56 Trol

Привет , меня зовут Давид , и я являюсь автором данного канала. Здесь вы увидите прохождения ивентов, обзоры на обновления , гайды , туториалы и много чего еще связанного с Роблоксом.

Дискорд — 🤍discord.gg/veGksqZfGa

Телеграм — 🤍t.me/YT56Trol

Игра — 🤍🤍roblox.com/games/13822889/Lumber-Tycoon-2

Дискорд Никиты — TihanHonda#0437

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Комментарии пользователей:

Дамик Канаметов

2023-05-27 19:36:16

Давид? если да меня тоже Давид зовут


2023-05-20 20:58:16

Если честно, то это очень качественный ролик

Мария Бутько

2023-04-29 07:50:40

… Ты дурак?


2023-04-28 15:07:08

А сколько можно находится в локации дерева фантома?


2023-04-27 15:28:47

Если тачка не едет то сначало поедь назад и прямо и всё роботает



2023-03-19 10:27:22

почему у меня глаз не исчезает


2023-03-12 18:24:44



2023-03-07 21:19:06

Я помню раньше если мост там Поднимаеться обратно то ты умерал тип хп забирало как в вулкане


2023-02-28 12:48:50

Довольно глупый тиммейт у тебя :D

Станислав Алалыкин

2023-02-23 14:14:14



2023-01-17 18:37:21

Привет будет розыгрыш на глаз

Mr. Lick

2022-12-27 08:23:49

Подскажите как сделать так что бы после перезахода оставались топоры, деревья и прочее

ꑇĢøõđ Âňımäťøřꑇ

2022-10-31 20:06:51

А я просрал все дерево, потому что я почему то начал сдыхать на мосте, просрал топоры и все дерево

ꑇĢøõđ Âňımäťøřꑇ

2022-10-31 20:03:15

Продам розовые тачки, в наличии 16 шт, цену предлагайте сами


2022-10-30 20:19:28

Дашь денег пожалуйста

Master TV

2022-10-22 19:33:21

Машина не едет из-за бага дерева )
Надо сесть в машину и когда она заведется тыкнуть на дерево которое находится ближе к тебе , тыкнуть тип на макро секунду взять его в руки и отпустить вот как это происходит , и тогда машина будет ехать , но будь готов ведь то дерево на которое ты тыкнул может выпадать с машины так же из-за бага

Master TV

2022-10-22 19:26:32

Мда опустить мост в начале на 3 минуты ? Гений

Tiktok Zuz

2022-10-22 16:51:45

Зачем так много выкинул 😭

КАК ДОБЫТЬ ФАНТОМ ДЕРЕВО В Lumber Tycoon 2 | Roblox

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