Как найти флаг в wireshark

Check whether a field or protocol exists

The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or
field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the
filter would be «ip» (without the quotation marks). To see all packets
that contain a Token-Ring RIF field, use «tr.rif».

Whenever a protocol or field appears as the argument of a function in a filter,
an exists operator for that protocol or field implicitly appears.

Values and operators

Each field has a value, and that value can be used in operations with
comparable values (which may be literals, other fields, or function results).
The value of a field is not necessarily what appears in the Wireshark
display or TShark output. For example, a protocol is semantically
equivalent to the sequence of bytes that it spans, not its displayed text
in the protocol tree.

Comparison operators

The comparison operators can be expressed either through English-like
abbreviations or through C-like symbols:

eq, ==    Equal
ne, !=    Not Equal
gt, >     Greater Than
lt, <     Less Than
ge, >=    Greater than or Equal to
le, <=    Less than or Equal to

The ordering depends on the value type in the usual way (e.g., lexicographic
for strings and arithmetic for integers.) A field may appear more than once
in a given frame. In that case equality can be strict (all fields must match
the condition) or not (any field must match the condition). The inequality is
the logical negation of equality. The following table contains all equality
operators, their aliases and meaning:

eq, any_eq, ==    Any field must be equal
ne, all_ne, !=    All fields must be not equal
    all_eq, ===   All fields must be equal
    any_ne, !==   Any fields must be not equal

The operators «any» or «all» can be used with any comparison operator to make
the test match any or all fields:

The «any» and «all» modifiers take precedence over comparison operators such
as «===» and «any_eq».

Search and match operators

Additional operators exist expressed only in English, not C-like syntax:

contains     Does the protocol, field or slice contain a value
matches, ~   Does the string match the given case-insensitive
             Perl-compatible regular expression

The «contains» operator allows a filter to search for a sequence of
characters, expressed as a string, or bytes, expressed as a byte array.
The type of the left hand side of the «contains» operator must be comparable to
that of the right hand side after any implicit or explicit conversions.

For example, to search for a given HTTP
URL in a capture, the following filter can be used:

http contains "https://www.wireshark.org"

The «contains» operator cannot be used on atomic fields,
such as numbers or IP addresses.

The «matches» or «~» operator allows a filter to apply to a specified
Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE2). The regular expression must
be a double quoted string. The left hand side of the «matches» operator
must be a string, which can be a non-stringlike field implicitly or
explicitly converted to a string. Matches are case-insensitive by default.
For example, to search for a given WAP WSP User-Agent, you can write:

wsp.header.user_agent matches "cldc"

This would match «cldc», «CLDC», «cLdC» or any other combination of upper
and lower case letters.

You can force case sensitivity using

wsp.header.user_agent matches "(?-i)cldc"

This is an example of PCRE2’s (?option) construct. (?-i) performs a
case-sensitive pattern match but other options can be specified as well. More
information can be found in the
pcre2pattern(3)|https://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2pattern.html man page.


The filter language has the following functions:

upper(string-field) - converts a string field to uppercase
lower(string-field) - converts a string field to lowercase
len(field)          - returns the byte length of a string or bytes field
count(field)        - returns the number of field occurrences in a frame
string(field)       - converts a non-string field to string
max(f1,...,fn)      - return the maximum value
min(f1,...,fn)      - return the minimum value
abs(field)          - return the absolute value of numeric fields

upper() and lower() are useful for performing case-insensitive string
comparisons. For example:

upper(ncp.nds_stream_name) contains "MACRO"
lower(mount.dump.hostname) == "angel"

string() converts a field value to a string, suitable for use with operators like
«matches» or «contains». Integer fields are converted to their decimal representation.
It can be used with IP/Ethernet addresses (as well as others), but not with string or
byte fields. For example:

string(frame.number) matches "[13579]$"

gives you all the odd packets.

max() and min() take any number of arguments and returns one value, respectively
the largest/smallest. The arguments must all have the same type.

Protocol field types

Each protocol field is typed. The types are:

ASN.1 object identifier, plain or relative
AX.25 address
Byte sequence
Character string
Character, 1 byte
Date and time
Ethernet or other MAC address
EUI64 address
Fibre Channel WWN
Floating point, single or double precision
Frame number
Globally Unique Identifier
IEEE-11073 floating point, 16 or 32 bits
IPv4 address
IPv6 address
IPX network number
OSI System-ID
Signed integer, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 bytes
Time offset
Unsigned integer, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 bytes
VINES address

An integer may be expressed in decimal, octal, hexadecimal or binary notation,
or as a C-style character constant. The following seven display filters
are equivalent:

frame.len > 10
frame.len > 012
frame.len > 0xa
frame.len > 0b1010
frame.len > 'n'
frame.len > 'x0a'
frame.len > '12'

Boolean values are either true or false. In a display filter expression
testing the value of a Boolean field, true is expressed as the word «True»
or «TRUE» (without quotes) or any non-zero number. False is expressed as
«False» or «FALSE» or the number zero. For example, a token-ring packet’s
source route field is Boolean. To find any source-routed packets, a display
filter would be any of the following:

tr.sr == 1
tr.sr == True
tr.sr == TRUE

Non source-routed packets can be found with:

tr.sr == 0
tr.sr == False
tr.sr == FALSE

Ethernet addresses and byte arrays are represented by hex
digits. The hex digits may be separated by colons, periods, or hyphens:

eth.dst eq ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
aim.data == 0.1.0.d
fddi.src == aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
echo.data == 7a

IPv4 addresses can be represented in either dotted decimal notation or
by using the hostname:

ip.src ==
ip.dst eq www.mit.edu

IPv4 addresses can be compared with the same logical relations as numbers:
eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, and le. The IPv4 address is stored in host order,
so you do not have to worry about the endianness of an IPv4 address
when using it in a display filter.

Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation can be used to test if an
IPv4 address is in a certain subnet. For example, this display filter
will find all packets in the 129.111 network:

ip.addr ==

Remember, the number after the slash represents the number of bits used
to represent the network. CIDR notation can also be used with
hostnames, as in this example of finding IP addresses on the same
network as ‘sneezy’ (requires that ‘sneezy’ resolve to an IP address for filter to be valid):

The CIDR notation can only be used on IP addresses or hostnames, not in
variable names. So, a display filter like «ip.src/24 == ip.dst/24» is
not valid (yet).

Transaction and other IDs are often represented by unsigned 16 or 32 bit integers
and formatted as a hexadecimal string with «0x» prefix:

(dhcp.id == 0xfe089c15) || (ip.id == 0x0373)

Strings are enclosed in double quotes:

http.request.method == "POST"

Inside double quotes, you may use a backslash to embed a double quote
or an arbitrary byte represented in either octal or hexadecimal.

browser.comment == "An embedded " double-quote"

Use of hexadecimal to look for «HEAD»:

http.request.method == "x48EAD"

Use of octal to look for «HEAD»:

http.request.method == "110EAD"

This means that you must escape backslashes with backslashes inside
double quotes.

smb.path contains "\\SERVER\SHARE"

looks for \SERVERSHARE in «smb.path». This may be more conveniently written

smb.path contains r"\SERVERSHARE"

String literals prefixed with ‘r’ are called «raw strings». Such strings treat
backslash as a literal character. Double quotes may still be escaped with
backslash but note that backslashes are always preserved in the result.

The following table lists all escape sequences supported with strings
and character constants:

'          single quote
"          double quote
\          backslash
a          audible bell
b          backspace
f          form feed
n          line feed
r          carriage return
t          horizontal tab
v          vertical tab
NNN        arbitrary octal value
xNN        arbitrary hexadecimal value
uNNNN      Unicode codepoint U+NNNN
UNNNNNNNN  Unicode codepoint U+NNNNNNNN

Date and time values can be given in ISO 8601 format or using a legacy
month-year-time format:

"Sep 26, 2004 23:18:04.954975"

The ‘T’ separator in ISO 8601 can be omitted. ISO 8601 supports timezone
designators as UTC or an offset from UTC. Legacy formats can append the
value «UTC» at the end to specify time in Coordinated Universal Time.
Otherwise date and time values are interpreted as local time.

The slice operator

You can take a slice of a field if the field is a text string or a
byte array.
For example, you can filter on
the vendor portion of an ethernet address (the first three bytes) like

Another example is:

http.content_type[0:4] == "text"

You can use the slice operator on a protocol name, too.
The «frame» protocol can be useful, encompassing all the data captured
by Wireshark or TShark.

token[0:5] ne
llc[0] eq aa
frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"

The following syntax governs slices:

[i:j]    i = start_offset, j = length
[i-j]    i = start_offset, j = end_offset, inclusive.
[i]      i = start_offset, length = 1
[:j]     start_offset = 0, length = j
[i:]     start_offset = i, end_offset = end_of_field

Offsets can be negative, in which case they indicate the
offset from the end of the field. The last byte of the field is at offset
-1, the last but one byte is at offset -2, and so on.
Here’s how to check the last four bytes of a frame:


A slice can always be compared against either a string or a byte sequence.

Slices can be combined. You can concatenate them using the comma operator:

ftp[1,3-5,9:] == 01:03:04:05:09:0a:0b

This concatenates offset 1, offsets 3-5, and offset 9 to the end of the ftp

The layer operator

A field can be restricted to a certain layer in the protocol stack using the
layer operator (#), followed by a decimal number:

ip.addr#2 ==

matches only the inner (second) layer in the packet.
Layers use simple stacking semantics and protocol layers are counted sequentially starting from 1.
For example, in a packet that contains two IPv4 headers, the outer (first) source address can be matched with «ip.src#1» and the inner (second) source address can be matched with «ip.src#2».

For more complicated ranges the same syntax used with slices is valid:

means layers number 2, 3 or 4 inclusive. The hash symbol is required to
distinguish a layer range from a slice.

The membership operator

A field may be checked for matches against a set of values simply with the
membership operator. For instance, you may find traffic on common HTTP/HTTPS
ports with the following filter:

tcp.port in {80,443,8080}

as opposed to the more verbose:

tcp.port == 80 or tcp.port == 443 or tcp.port == 8080

To find HTTP requests using the HEAD or GET methods:

http.request.method in {"HEAD", "GET"}

The set of values can also contain ranges:

tcp.port in {443, 4430..4434}
ip.addr in { ..,}
frame.time_delta in {10 .. 10.5}

Implicit type conversions

Fields which are sequences of bytes, including protocols, are implicitly
converted to strings for comparisons against (double quoted) literal strings
and raw strings.

So, for instance, the following filters are equivalent:

tcp.payload contains "GET"
tcp.payload contains 47.45.54

As noted above, a slice can also be compared in either way:

frame[60:2] gt 50.51
frame[60:2] gt "PQ"

The inverse does not occur; stringlike fields are not implicitly converted to
byte arrays. (Some operators allow stringlike fields to be compared with
unquoted literals, which are then treated as strings; this is deprecated in
general and specifically disallowed by the «matches» operator.
Literal strings should be double quoted for clarity.)

A hex integer that is 0xff or less (which means it fits inside one byte)
can be implicitly converted to a byte string. This is not allowed for
hex integers greater than one byte, because then one would need to specify
the endianness of the multi-byte integer. Also, this is not allowed for
decimal or octal numbers, since they would be confused with the hex numbers
that make up byte string literals. Nevertheless, single-byte hex integers
can be convenient:

frame[4] == 0xff
frame[1:4] contains 0x02

Bitwise operators

It is also possible to define tests with bitwise operations. Currently the
following bitwise operator is supported:

bitwise_and, &	Bitwise AND

The bitwise AND operation allows masking bits and testing to see if one or
more bits are set. Bitwise AND operates on integer protocol fields and slices.

When testing for TCP SYN packets, you can write:

That expression will match all packets that contain a «tcp.flags» field
with the 0x02 bit, i.e. the SYN bit, set.

To match locally administered unicast ethernet addresses you can use:

When using slices, the bit mask must be specified as a byte string, and it must
have the same number of bytes as the slice itself, as in:

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic expressions are supported with the usual operators:

+   Addition
-   Subtraction
*   Multiplication
/   Division
%   Modulo (integer remainder)

For example it is possible to filter for UDP destination ports greater or
equal by one to the source port with the expression:

udp.dstport >= udp.srcport + 1

It is possible to group arithmetic expressions using curly brackets (parenthesis
will not work for this):

tcp.dstport >= 4 * {tcp.srcport + 3}

Do not confuse this usage of curly brackets with set membership.

An unfortunate quirk in the filter syntax is that the subtraction operator
must be preceded by a space character, so «A-B» must be written as «A -B»
or «A — B».

Protocol field references

A variable using a sigil with the form ${some.proto.field} is called a field
reference. A field reference is a field value read from the currently
selected frame in the GUI. This is useful to build dynamic filters such as,
frames since the last five minutes to the selected frame:

frame.time_relative >= ${frame.time_relative} - 300

Field references share a similar notation to macros but are distinct
syntactical elements in the filter language.

Logical expressions

Tests can be combined using logical expressions.
These too are expressible in C-like syntax or with English-like
abbreviations. The following table lists the logical operators from
highest to lowest precedence:

not, !    Logical NOT   (right-associative)
and, &&   Logical AND   (left-associative)
or,  ||   Logical OR    (left-associative)

The evaluation is always performed left to right. Expressions can be grouped
by parentheses as well. The expression «A and B or not C or D and not E or F»
is read:

(A and B) or (not C) or (D and (not E)) or F

It’s usually better to be explicit about grouping using parenthesis.
The following are all valid display filter expressions:

tcp.port == 80 and ip.src ==
not llc
http and frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"
(ipx.src.net == 0xbad && ipx.src.node == || ip

Remember that whenever a protocol or field name occurs in an expression, the
«exists» operator is implicitly called. The «exists» operator has the highest
priority. This means that the first filter expression must be read as «show me
the packets for which tcp.port exists and equals 80, and ip.src exists and
equals». The second filter expression means «show me the packets
where not exists llc», or in other words «where llc does not exist» and hence
will match all packets that do not contain the llc protocol.
The third filter expression includes the constraint that offset 199 in the
frame exists, in other words the length of the frame is at least 200.

Each comparison has an implicit exists test for any field value. Care must
be taken when using the display filter to remove noise from
the packet trace. If, for example, you want to filter out all IP
multicast packets to address, then using:

may be too restrictive. This is the same as writing:

ip.dst and ip.dst ne

The filter selects only frames that have the «ip.dst» field. Any
other frames, including all non-IP packets, will not be displayed. To
display the non-IP packets as well, you can use one of the following
two expressions:

not ip.dst or ip.dst ne
not ip.dst eq

The first filter uses «not ip.dst» to include all non-IP packets and then
lets «ip.dst ne» filter out the unwanted IP packets. The
second filter also negates the implicit existance test and so is
a shorter way to write the first.

1. Фильтры захвата

Анализаторы трафика являются полезным и эффективным инструментом в жизни администратора сети, они позволяют «увидеть» то что на самом деле передается в сети, чем упрощают диагностику разнообразных проблем или же изучение принципов работы тех или иных протоколов и технологий.
Однако в сети зачастую передается достаточно много разнообразных блоков данных, и если заставить вывести на экран все, что проходит через сетевой интерфейс, выделить то, что действительно необходимо, бывает проблематично.
Для решения этой проблемы в анализаторах трафика реализованы фильтры, которые разделены на два типа: фильтры захвата и фильтры отображения. Сегодня пойдет речь о первом типе фильтров – о фильтрах захвата.
Фильтры захвата, это разновидность фильтров, позволяющая ограничить захват кадров только теми, которые необходимы для анализа, уменьшив, таким образом, нагрузку на вычислительные ресурсы компьютера, а также упростив процесс анализа трафика.

2. Синтаксис фильтров захвата

Выражение фильтра захвата состоит из набора специальных примитивов, которые строятся из так называемых классификаторов и идентификаторов объекта (адреса, имена объектов сети, номера портов).

Внимание: все классификаторы регистрозависимы и должны писаться только маленькими буквами.

Давайте разберемся с ними подробней.
Классификаторы могут быть следующих разновидностей:

  • type – тип объекта
    • host – узел (тип по умолчанию, если тип не задан, предполагается что это host)
    • net – сеть
    • port – порт

host – захват трафика в котором в качестве адреса (отправителя или получателя) стоит IP
net – захват трафика в котором в качестве адреса (отправителя или получателя) стоит IP из сети (точнее находится в диапазоне от до, при этом, так как это всего лишь фильтр поиска совпадающих адресов, совершенно не важно какая настроена маска на интерфейсе, и вас не должно смущать что по маске /16 это номер сети, мы совершенно не знаем какая маска настроена на интерфейсе, и формально, такой адрес узла допустим.
port 80 – захват трафика в котором есть данные принадлежащие порту 80 (udp или tcp) – захват трафика в котором в качестве адреса (отправителя или получателя) стоит IP, классификатор host не указан, но он предполагается по умолчанию.

  • dir – направление по отношению к объекту (direction)
    • src – объект является отправителем
    • dst – объект является получателем

src host – захват трафика в котором в качестве адреса отправителя (не получателя) стоит IP
dst net – захват трафика в котором в качестве адреса получателя (не отправителя) стоит IP из сети (точнее находится в диапазоне от до

  • proto – протокол взаимодействия
    • ether – базовая сетевая технология Ethernet, как правило указывает на то что в фильтре используется аппаратный MAC адрес
    • ip – протокол IPv4
    • ip6 – протокол IPv6
    • arp – протокол ARP
    • tcp – протокол TCP
    • udp – протокол UDP
    • если протокол не указан, то считается что должен захватываться весь трафик, совместимый с типом объекта

src ether host 00:11:22:33:44:55 – захват трафика в котором в качестве MAC адреса отправителя используется 00:11:22:33:44:55.
ip icmp – захват ICMP пакетов.
tcp port 80 – захват трафика в котором есть данные принадлежащие TCP порту 80

Кроме идентификаторов и классификаторов объекта фильтры могут содержать ключевые слова gateway, broadcast, multicast, less, greater а так же арифметические выражения.

ip multicast – захват ip пакетов, содержащих адреса из класса D.
less 1000 – захват кадров, у которых размер менее 1000 байт.

Связка нескольких условий может происходить с помощью логических операций:

  • «И» – and (&&)
  • «ИЛИ» – or (||)
  • «НЕ» – not (!) – инверсия значения

При этом приоритет этих операций следующий:

  • наивысшим приоритетом обладает операция инверсии
  • потом логическое «И»
  • наименьшим приоритетом обладает операция «ИЛИ».

Как и в обычных математических выражениях, приоритет можно менять с использованием круглых скобочек (), действия в которых выполняются в первую очередь.

net and tcp port 21 – захват трафика принадлежащего сети (диапазону) (или отправитель или получатель) и передающего данные по протоколу TCP и использующего порт 21.
host or host – захват трафика принадлежащего или хосту или хосту (при чем не важно кто отправитель, кто получатель и так же достаточно выполнения одно из двух условий, что бы хотя бы один из этих адресов присутствовал в кадре)
host or host and tcp port 22 – захват или любого трафика принадлежащего хосту или трафика протокола TCP и использующего порт 22 принадлежащего хосту
(host or host and tcp port 22 – захват трафика протокола TCP и использующего порт 22 принадлежащего хосту или хосту (любому из них, или обоим сразу).
(host || host && not tcp port 22 – захват любого трафика кроме трафика протокола TCP и использующего порт 22 принадлежащего хосту или хосту (любому из них, или обоим сразу).

Если в фильтре есть несколько одинаковых повторяющихся классификаторов, то для сокращения записи их можно не писать.

net and (tcp port 21 or tcp port 20 or tcp port 25 or tcp port 80 or tcp port 110)
можно сократить до
net and (tcp port 21 or 20 or 25 or 80 or 110)

Выражение исключающее пакеты, в которых есть адреса и
not (host and host
Можно сократить как:
not (host and
Но не как:
not host and – в этом случае будут показаны пакеты в которых нет первого адреса и есть второй.
И не так
not ( host or – в этом случае будут исключены пакеты в которых есть хотя бы один из указанных двух адресов.

Список основных примитивов, которые могут быть использованы для написания фильтров захвата, показан в таблице 2-1.

Таблица 2-1. Список основных примитивов, которые могут быть использованы для написания фильтров захвата.

Примитив Описание
dst host ip_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса получателя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес узла
src host ip_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес узла
host ip_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя или получателя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес узла.
Эквивалентен фильтру:
ether proto ip and host ip_address
ether dst mac_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса получателя заголовка канального уровня содержит заданный MAC адрес узла
ether src mac_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя заголовка канального уровня содержит заданный MAC адрес узла
ether host mac_address Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя или получателя заголовка канального уровня содержит заданный MAC адрес узла
dst net network Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса получателя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес, принадлежащий диапазону указанной классовой сети
src net network Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес, принадлежащий диапазону указанной классовой сети
net network Выбирает все пакеты IPv4/IPv6, содержащие адреса из указанной сети в поле отправителя или получателя
net network mask mask Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя или получателя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес, принадлежащий диапазону указанной сети
net network/mask_length Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле адреса отправителя или получателя заголовка IPv4/IPv6 содержит заданный адрес, принадлежащий диапазону указанной сети
dst port port Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле порт получателя заголовка UDP или TCP содержит заданный номер порта
src port port Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле порт отправителя заголовка UDP или TCP содержит заданный номер порта
port port Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле порт отправителя заголовка UDP или TCP содержит заданный номер порта
less length Захватывать кадры, размер которых не больше указанного значения
greater length Захватывать кадры, размер которых не меньше указанного значения
ip proto protocol Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле «Protocol» заголовка IPv4, содержится идентификатор указанного протокола. При этом можно указывать не только численные значения протоколов, но и их стандартные имена (icmp, igmp, igrp, pim, ah, esp, vrrp, udp, tcp и другие). Однако следует учитывать, что tcp, udp и icmp используются также в качестве ключевых слов, поэтому перед этими символьными идентификаторами следует помешать символ обратного слэша («»)
ip6 proto protocol Захватывать кадры, в которых в поле «Protocol» заголовка IPv4, содержится идентификатор указанного протокола. При этом можно указывать не только численные значения протоколов, но и их стандартные имена (icmp6, igmp, igrp, pim, ah, esp, vrrp, udp, tcp и другие). Однако следует учитывать, что tcp, udp и icmp6 используются также в качестве ключевых слов, поэтому перед этими символьными идентификаторами следует помешать символ обратного слэша («»)
ether broadcast Захватывать все широковещательные кадры Ethernet. Ключевое слово ether может быть опущено
ip broadcast Захватывать кадры, содержащие широковещательные адреса в заголовке пакета IPv4. При этом для определения, является ли адрес широковещательным, используется маски подсети для интерфейса, который используется для захвата пакетов. Так же захватывает пакеты, отправленные на ограниченный широковещательный адрес
ether multicast Захватывать все групповые кадры Ethernet. Ключевое слово ether может быть опущено
ip multicast Захватывать кадры, содержащие групповые адреса в заголовке пакета IPv4
ip6 multicast Захватывать кадры, содержащие групповые адреса в заголовке пакета IPv6
ether proto protocol_type Захватывать кадры Ethernet с заданным типом протокола. Протокол может быть указан по номеру или имени (ip, ip6, arp, rarp, atalk, aarp, decnet, sca, lat, mopdl, moprc, iso, stp, ipx, netbeui)
ip, ip6, arp, rarp, atalk, aarp, decnet, iso, stp, ipx, netbeui, tcp, udp, icmp Захватывать кадры передающие данные указанного протокола. Используются в качестве сокращения для:
ether proto protocol
vlan [vlan_id] Захватывать кадры соответствующе стандарту IEEE 802.1Q. Если при этом указан номер vlan_id, то захватываются только кадры принадлежащие указанному VLAN

3. Расширенные примеры фильтров захвата

Кроме простых указаний адресов и протоколов в фильтрах захвата можно использовать и более сложные конструкции, позволяющие производить более тонкий анализ заголовков.
Для этого используются выражения возвращающее логическое значение следующего формата:

expression операция expression

В котором в качестве expression могут быть константы, результаты арифметических (+, -, *, /) или двоичных побитовых операций (& — «И», | — «ИЛИ», << — сдвиг влево, >> — сдвиг вправо), оператор длинны offset, данные или поля заголовков кадра. В качестве операции могут быть применены символы «>» (больше), «<» (меньше), «>=» (больше равно), «<=» (меньше равно), «=» (равно), «!=» (не равно). Таким образом, можно выполнять проверку на совпадение или не совпадение определенных полей или байт кадра с необходимыми значениями, сравнивать разные поля заголовков между собой, а также выполнять над ними некоторые арифметические и логические операции и сравнивать результаты этих операций с определенными значениями.
Простейшим примером использования расширенного фильтра будет «5 = 3+1», где «5» и «3+1» — expression, а «=» — операция. В результате вычисления этой строки будет возвращено логическое значение, в данном случае false.

Для получения данных или заголовков кадра используется примитив proto[offset:size].

Внимание: квадратные скобочки в данном случае элемент синтаксиса, а не признак необязательного поля.

Параметр proto содержит название протокола, из заголовка которого необходимо выбрать определенные данные (ether, fddi, tr, wlan, ppp, slip, link, ip, arp, rarp, tcp, udp, icmp, ip6 и другие).
Параметр offset указывает на смещение в байтах относительно начала заголовка указанного протокола, нумерация байт начинается с нуля: ip[0] – первый байт от начала IP пакета, tcp[1] – второй байт от начала TCP сегмента, ether[3] – четвертый байт от начала Ethernet кадра.
Параметр size указывает на количество байт, которое необходимо взять, начиная с байта, указанного в смещении (offset), поле size является не обязательным, и если оно отсутствует, то считается что необходимо взять 1 байт: ip[2:2] – третий и четвертый байты от начала IP пакета, tcp[4] – пятый байт от начала TCP сегмента, ether[6-6] – байты с седьмого по двенадцатый, от начала Ethernet кадра.
Если в поле offset установить отрицательное значение, то будут выбраны байты предыдущего заголовка, идущие до заголовка протокола, указанного в параметре proto. Но при этом будет обязательно требоваться наличие в кадре заголовка протокола, указанного в примитиве proto. Таким образом, фильтры ether[11]=0x37 (взять 12-й байт кадра Ethernet и сравнить его со значением 0x37) и ip[-3] = 0x37 (взять 3-й байт с конца заголовка, идущего перед заголовком IP, и сравнить его со значением 0x37) не являются идентичными. В первом будут пропускаться все кадры, в которых MAC адрес отправителя заканчивается на 37, а во втором так же будет требоваться наличие протокола IP, а кадры не содержащие IP протокол, например, ARP кадры, захватываться не будут.

Выражения ip[1:1] и ip[1] приведут к одному и тому же результату – будет выбрано значение второго байта заголовка IPv4
Выражение tcp[8:2] выберет девятый и десятый байты (поле Source Port) заголовка TCP.
Выражение ip[-3] = 0x37 выберет все IPv4 пакеты, MAC адрес отправителя которых заканчивается на «0x37».

Следует учитывать, что при выборе данных с помощью конструкции proto [offset:size] для протоколов TCP и UDP, учитывается фрагментация IP пакетов. В результате tcp[0] всегда будет означать первый байт заголовка TCP, и никогда не приведет к выбору первого байта данных пакетов, передающих не первый фрагмент из цепочки фрагментов.
Для некоторых протоколов определенные поля и значения смещений могут задаваться не только числами, но и именами. Например, для протокола ICMP поддерживается параметр icmptype, который может принимать значения icmp-echoreply, icmp-unreach, icmp-sourcequench, icmp-redirect, icmp-echo, icmp-routeradvert, icmp-routersolicit, icmp-timxceed, icmp-paramprob, icmp-tstamp, icmp-tstam-preply, icmp-ireq, icmp-ireqreply, icmp-maskreq, icmp-maskreply. Для анализа флагов TCP можно использовать параметр tcpflags идентификаторы tcp-fin, tcp-syn, tcp-rst, tcp-push, tcp-ack и tcp-urg.

Выражение tcp[tcpflags]&(tcp-syn|tcp-fin) != 0 выберет все кадры, содержащие TCP сегменты в которых открывается или завершается сессия.
Выражение icmp[icmptype]!=icmp-echo and icmp[icmptype]!=icmp-echoreply выберет все кадры, содержащие ICMP протокол, кроме эхо запросов и эхо ответов.

Могут быть ситуации, в которых необходимо анализировать только часть бит, определенного байта. Для решения этих задач используется битовая операция «И» (&). С ее помощью можно сохранить только определенные биты байта, а остальные обнулить.
Например, нам необходимо выделить только те кадры, которые передаются на канальном уровне широковещательными или групповыми кадрами. Мы знаем, что определить тип MAC адреса можно по его старшему байту:

Тип адреса Значение старшего байта в 16-й системе Значение старшего байта в 2-й системе
НаправленныеUnicast 00 00000000
ГрупповыеMulticast 01 00000001
Административно назначенныеAdmin ID 01 00000010
ШироковещательныеBroadcast FF 11111111

Исходя из этой информации, можно сделать вывод о том, то в широковещательных или групповых адресах младший бит старшего байта адреса равен единице, а в остальных – нулю. Если мы возьмем старший байта адреса, обнулим все его биты кроме самого младшего, и при этом значение байта станет равным единице, то этот адрес был или широковещательным, или групповым, если значение байта станет равным нулю, то этот адрес были или направленным, или административно заданным. В результате для выполнения данной проверки необходимо использоваться следующее выражение: ether[0]&1 = 1, где ether[0] – получает значение первого байта Ethernet заголовка, а &1 — битовая операция логическое «И», обнуляющая все биты этого байта, кроме младшего, «= 1» — проверка результата на совпадение с единицей.
Разберем еще один пример более подробно.
Нам нужно получить содержимое поля Type Of Service (ToS) заголовка IPv4. Для этого обратившись к RFC-791 мы увидим, что это поле является однобайтовым полем, и вторым байтом заголовка:

3.1.  Internet Header Format
  A summary of the contents of the internet header follows:
    0                   1                   2                   3   
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |Version|  IHL  |Type of Service|          Total Length         |
   |         Identification        |Flags|      Fragment Offset    |
   |  Time to Live |    Protocol   |         Header Checksum       |
   |                       Source Address                          |
   |                    Destination Address                        |
   |                    Options                    |    Padding    |

Для того что бы получить его значение нам необходимо воспользоваться следующим примитивом:
ip[1:1] – получить один байт заголовка IP начиная с байта номер 1 (нумерация байт начинается с нуля).
Теперь мы можем строить фильтры, основываясь на содержимом этого поля.
Если мы хотим, чтобы отображались все кадры, содержащие заголовок IPv4, в котором поле ToS равно нулю необходимо написать следующее: ip[1:1] = 0.
Если мы хотим что бы отображались все кадры, содержащие заголовок IPv4, в котором поле ToS не равно нулю необходимо написать следующее: ip[1:1] != 0.
Но можно пойти дальше, согласно RFC-791 поле ToS является составным полем и имеет следующую структуру:

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
      |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  0  |  0  |
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
      Bits 0-2:  Precedence.
      Bit    3:  0 = Normal Delay,      1 = Low Delay.
      Bits   4:  0 = Normal Throughput, 1 = High Throughput.
      Bits   5:  0 = Normal Relibility, 1 = High Relibility.
      Bit  6-7:  Reserved for Future Use.

Первые три бита – предпочтительность, четвертый описывает требования к задержкам, пятый описывает требования к пропускной способности, шестой описывает требования к надежности линии связи, седьмой и восьмой – зарезервированы для будущего использования.
Если обратиться к более новым стандартам (RFC1349), значение седьмого бита уже определено – требования по цене – «Cost» (денежный эквивалент).
И вот, допустим, мы хотим определить есть ли в сети кадры, в которых в IPv4 заголовке установлен седьмой бит поля ToS. Как это сделать? Для решения этой задачи нам понадобиться вспомнить (или выучить:D) двоичную систему исчисления. В байте каждый бит имеет свой вес, который начинается с единицы, и увеличивается, справа налево каждый раз умножаясь на два.

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
      |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  С  |  0  |
      |  0     0     0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  1  |  0  |
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1

Получается, что вес интересующего нас бита равен 2.
Что если мы сравним значение поля ToS c двойкой?
ip[1:1] = 2
Получим ли мы ответ на вопрос, присутствует ли в этом заголовке интересующий нас бит? С одной стороны, да, но с другой стороны и нет.
Например, если у нас в поле ToS есть кроме бита «Cost» еще и другие биты, установленные в единицу? Допустим это будет бит отвечающий за требования к пропускной способности – «Throughput».

         0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
      |   PRECEDENCE    |  D  |  T  |  R  |  С  |  0  |
      |  0     0     0  |  0  |  1  |  0  |  1  |  0  |
      |                 |     |     |     |     |     |
        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1

В результате значение этого байта будет уже не 2, а 10, и простым сравнением нельзя получить ответ на вопрос, установлен ли определенный бит в интересующем нас поле.
Что же нам мешает получить интересующий нас ответ? Нам мешает значение других, возможно также установленных в единицу битов. Соответственно надо от них избавиться. Для решения этой задачи воспользуемся операцией побитового логического «И» (иногда называется логическое умножение), обозначается символом «&». Как известно, в логической операции «И» на выходе будет только тогда единица, когда и первый операнд и второй равны единице. Соответственно если мы произведем побитовое умножение значения поля ToS на специальную маску, в которой будет установлен в единицу только тот бит, который находится на позиции интересующего нас бита в поле ToS, то мы исключим из результата все остальные биты:

Поле ToS :00001010=10
Маска    :00000010=2

Каким бы ни было значение остальных бит, при накладывании этой маски в результат попадет только значение интересующего нас поля. Даже если мы установим все биты в единицу, это не повлияет на результат:

Поле ToS :11111111=255
Маска    :00000010=2

И только лишь, если интересующий нас бит, равен нулю, в результате наложения маски будет так же ноль.

Поле ToS :11111101=253
Маска    :00000010=1

Таким образом, если интересующий нас бит равен единице, в результате наложения маски мы получим вес этого бита, если он равен нулю, то мы получим ноль.
Исходя из этого, для решения этой задачи нам необходимо применить следующий фильтр:
ip[1:1] & 2 = 2

Он будет брать значение второго байта, накладывать на него маску «вырезающую» значение определенного бита и сравнивать результат с весом этого бита.

Можно привести еще один пример на основании анализа поля Type Of Service заголовка IP: нам нужно увидеть все кадры, в которых в заголовке IPv4 в поле ToS значение битов Precedence (предпочтительность) не равна нулю. Для этого применим маску, в который единичками выделим те биты, которые отвечают за Precedence:

Поле ToS :10111101=189
Маска    :11100000=224

Результат не равен нулю, и это говорит о том, что поле Precedence так же не равно нулю.

Поле ToS :00011111=31
Маска    :11100000=224

Результат равен нулю, и это говорит о том, что поле Precedence так же равно нулю.

В результате, проверка на ненулевое значение поля ToS в заголовке IPv4 будет выглядеть следующим образом:
ip[1:1] & 224 != 0
или же тоже самое, но используя шестнадцатеричный вариант:
ip[1:1] & 0xe0 != 0

Рассмотрим пример с другим протоколом. Возьмем протокол TCP.
Например, нам нужно захватить все кадры, которые передают TCP сегменты с опциями. Для того что бы понять, что нужно искать и где обратимся к RFC-793.

  TCP Header Format
    0                   1                   2                   3   
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |          Source Port          |       Destination Port        |
   |                        Sequence Number                        |
   |                    Acknowledgment Number                      |
   |  Data |           |U|A|P|R|S|F|                               |
   | Offset| Reserved  |R|C|S|S|Y|I|            Window             |
   |       |           |G|K|H|T|N|N|                               |

   |           Checksum            |         Urgent Pointer        |
   |                    Options                    |    Padding    |
   |                             data                              |

Для определения есть ли в сегменте опции, используется поле «Data Offset», оно показывается длину заголовка в четырехбайтовых словах. Минимальная длина заголовка TCP сегмента – 20 байт, а это 5 четырехбайтовых слов. Соответственно, если в заголовке TCP сегмента есть опции, то значение этого поля будет больше 5.
Для того, чтобы получить значение этого поля необходимо воспользоваться примитивом tcp[12:1]. Правда, учитывая то что минимальный кусок, который мы можем взять это один байт, а нам нужно всего 4 бита, придется немного подумать.
Применив примитив tcp[12:1] мы получили следующий кусок заголовка:

   |  Data |           
   | Offset| Reserved  
   |       |           

Если бы поле «Data Offset» было в младшей части байта, то число «5» в двоичном представлении выглядело бы следующим образом:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     1     0     1 = 5

Но интересующие нас биты находятся не в левой, младшей, а в правой, старшей его части, поэтому, для получения десятичного эквивалента переносим их в правую часть байта:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
          0    1     0     1     0     0     0     0 = 80 (0x50 в шестнадцатеричном виде)

Для выделения старших бит необходимо наложить маску:

Поле Data Offset :01010000=80
Маска            :11110000=240
Результат        :01010000=80

Если в заголовке все же есть опции, то значение «Data Offset» будет больше 5. Например, если в заголовке будет одна восьмибайтовая опция, то значение этого поля будет 7 (5 четырехбайтовых слов фиксированной части заголовка, и 2 четырехбайтовых слова опции):

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     1     1     1 = 7

Перенеся соответствующие биты в старшую часть получаем:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
          0    1     1     1     0     0     0     0 = 112 (0x70 в шестнадцатеричном виде)

Выделяем старшие биты накладывая маску:

Поле Data Offset :01110000=112
Маска            :11110000=240
Результат        :01110000=112

Таким образом, получается, что если в результате получается значение больше 80, то в TCP заголовке есть опции. В принципе тут маску можно было и не накладывать, так как лишние биты все равно резервные, и всегда должны быть равны нулю, но мало ли, что может измениться, и чтобы не переписывать фильтр, если вдруг стандарт измениться, мы лучше их обрежем маской.
Результирующий фильтр, который покажет те TCP сегменты, в которых длина TCP заголовка больше 5 четырехбайтовых слов, получился следующий:
tcp[12:1] & 240 != 80
tcp[12:1] & 240 > 80
tcp[12:1] & 0xf0 > 80
Также давайте рассмотрим возможность работы с TCP флагами. Их можно выделять таким же методом с помощью маски, но также можно использовать символьные классификаторы, которые приводились выше.
Например, для того что бы захватить кадры содержащие сегменты с флагами SYN или FIN, необходимо написать следующий фильтр:
tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn|tcp-fin) != 0
Я думаю он вполне читаем и не требует особых пояснений.
Реализация подобной задачи через биты и маски привела бы к такому формату фильтра:
tcp[13:1] & 2 != 0 or tcp[13:1] & 1 != 0
В качестве закрепления понимания темы попробуйте самостоятельно разобраться с тем, как этот вариант фильтра будет работать.

Выражение ether[0]&1 != 0 выберет все широковещательные кадры.
Выражение ether[0] & 1 = 0 and ip [16]>= 244 выберет все широковещательные или групповые IP пакеты, в которых на канальном уровне не используется широковещательный или групповой MAC адрес.
Выражение ip[0]&0xf = 5 выберет все IP пакеты, в которых нет опций.
Выражение ip[6:2]&0x1fff = 0 выберет все не фрагментированные IP пакеты, и первые фрагменты фрагментированных пакетов.
Выражение ip[-3]&0xff = 0x37 выберет все IP пакеты, MAC адрес отправителя которых заканчивается на «0x37».

Еще одним интересным набором битовых операций является операции битового сдвига. Эти операции обозначаются символами «пара стрелочек»: «<<» — сдвиг влево и «>>»- сдвиг вправо.
Как они работают?
Возьмем произвольный байт, для простоты возьмем единицу, и запишем ее значение в двоичной системе исчисления:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
          0    0     0     0     0     0     0     1 = 1

Теперь произведем операцию битового сдвига влево, смещая значения всех бит на одну позицию, и поставляя ноль в младший освободившийся разряд:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     0     1     <<

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     0     1     0 = 2

В результате значение байта стала равно двойке, то есть увеличилось в два раза. И еще раз применим эту операцию:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     1     0     <<

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     0     0     0     0     1     0     0 = 4

В результате значение байта стала равно четверке, то есть опять увеличилось в два раза. Таким образом, можно сделать вывод, что операция битового сдвига влево, эквивалентна умножению значения байта на два (так как мы работаем с двоичной системой исчисления).
Давайте проверим действительность этого правила на более сложном числе, например, 100. Запишем его в двоичном виде:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
          0    1     1     0     0     1     0     0 = 100

А теперь произведем операцию сдвига влево:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         1     1     0     0     1     0     0     <<

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         1     1     0     0     1     0     0     0 = 200

В результате значение байта стала равно 200 – увеличилось в два раза.
Соответственно можно сразу сделать вывод о том, что битовый сдвиг вправо эквивалентен делению числа на два.
Например, число 240:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
          1    1     1     1     0     0     0     0 = 240

Произведем операцию сдвига вправо:

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         >>    1    1     1      1     0     0     0

        128   64    32    16     8     4     2     1
         0     1    1     1      1     0     0     0 = 120

Значение байта стала равно 120 – уменьшилось в два раза.
Как эту операцию мы можем использовать? Давайте вспомним, что поле IHL (Internet Header Length) заголовка IP указывает длину заголовка не в байтах, а в четырехбайтовых словах, и для того что бы проверить, содержит ли пакет опции мы применяли следующую операцию:
ip[0]&0xf = 5
То есть сравнивали не с реальным значением, а со значением, разделенным на четыре (20 байт это 5 четырехбайтовых слов). Если по каким-то причинам удобней работать с длиной заголовка в байтах (например, если это значение надо впоследствии вычесть из общей длины пакета), то его необходимо умножить на 4. Для того что бы умножить число на 4, его нужно дважды умножить на два, то есть провести операцию битового сдвига влево дважды, после чего сравнить с необходимой длинной IP заголовка в байтах:
ip[0]<<2 = 20

Ну и конечно же все это можно объединять в составные наборы правил:
(icmp[icmptype] != icmp-echo and icmp[icmptype] != icmp-echoreply) or (udp and udp port not 67 and ip[16] < 224) or (tcp[0:2]<1024 and tcp[2:2]<1024)
С этим фильтром программа будет захватывать только те кадры, которые подходят под одно из трех описаний:

  • Содержат ICMP сообщения, кроме echo и echoreply (использующиеся утилитой ping)
  • Передают UDP дейтаграммы, кроме тех, что используют в качестве порта отправителя или порта получателя порт 67 и кроме тех, которые передаются на групповые адреса и на ограниченный широковещательный адрес
  • Передают TCP сегменты, в которых и порт отправителя, и порт получателя находятся в диапазоне «Хорошо известных портов»

4. Задание для самопроверки :D

Для закрепления работы со сложными фильтрами захвата попробуйте понять, что описывает и как работает этот фильтр:
tcp port 80 and (ip[2:2] — ip[0]&0xf<<2 — tcp[12]&0xf0>>2 != 0)

Это один из стандартных примеров, и при необходимости вы легко сможете проверить себя, попользовавшись поиском в интернет, но все же попробуйте приложить усилия и самостоятельно с ним разобраться.

Удачного снифинга)

Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут участвовать в опросе. Войдите, пожалуйста.

Каким анализатором трафика вы пользуетесь чаще всего?

Проголосовали 989 пользователей.

Воздержались 246 пользователей.

Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут участвовать в опросе. Войдите, пожалуйста.

Кто Вы, пользователи сетевых анализаторов?

Я Администратор, и я использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Администратор, и я не использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Сетевой инженер (Дизайнер сети), и я использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Сетевой инженер (Дизайнер сети), и я не использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Программист, и я использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Программист, и я не использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Аудитор (Служба безопасности), и я использую сетевые анализаторы

Я Аудитор (Служба безопасности), и я не использую сетевые анализаторы

Проголосовали 370 пользователей.

Воздержались 85 пользователей.

Любой анализатор протоколов должен иметь возможность не только захватить трафик, но и помочь эффективно его проанализировать

Любой анализатор протоколов должен иметь возможность не только захватить трафик, но и помочь эффективно его проанализировать. Основное отличие коммерческого анализатора протоколов от бесплатного – наличие встроенной экспертной системы, которая позволит быстро разобрать буфер по сервисам или типам ошибок. Что позволит существенно ускорить время локализации проблемы и работать с уже отсортированной и предварительно оцененной для вас информацией. Тут можно обратить внимание на решения от VIAVI Solutions под названием Observer или на ClearSight Analyzer от компании Netscout.

В случае если не выделяют бюджет, а проблемы есть, то остается запастись терпением и кофе и установить себе Wireshark. В сетях передачи данный на скоростях 1 Гбит/сек и выше буфер захвата трафика заполняется мгновенно и на выходе получается достаточно большой массив данных. Этот массив данных, понимая взаимодействие между различными устройствами в сети можно отфильтровать по разным параметрам. Для этого Wireshark имеет несколько возможностей:

  • Цветовая кодировка ошибочных пакетов — можно настроить под себя. Пакеты, которые несут в себе ошибку, будут выделены в буфере специальным цветом.

  • Фильтр через строку фильтрации. Вы имеете большой опыт в работе с Wireshark и протоколами и можете ввести фильтр самостоятельно. Большой выбор фильтров можно найти здесь.

  • Выделение любой области в пакете, правый клик мыши и «Применить как фильтр». Метод для начинающих: очень удобно, так как не надо ломать голову.

Выделение любой области в пакете, правый клик мыши и «Применить как фильтр»

Какие основные фильтры существуют для отображения трафика?

Wireshark фильтр по протоколу

Достаточно в строке фильтра ввести название протокола и нажать ввод. На экране останутся пакеты, которые относятся к искомому протоколу. Таким образом, фильтр выглядит:


 На экране останутся пакеты, которые относятся к искомому протоколу

Если буфер захвата необходимо отфильтровать по нескольким протоколам, то необходимо перечислить все желаемые протоколы и разделить их знаком ||. Например:

arp || http || icmp

Если буфер захвата необходимо отфильтровать по нескольким протоколам, то необходимо перечислить все желаемые протоколы и разделить их знаком ||

Wireshark фильтр по IP адресу и фильтр по MAC

В зависимости от направления трафика фильтр будет немного отличаться. Например, мы хотим отфильтровать по IP адресу отправителя


Например, мы хотим отфильтровать по IP адресу отправителя

По получателю фильтр будет выглядеть ip.dst == x.x.x.x, а если хотим увидеть пакеты в независимости от направления трафика, то достаточно ввести:


В случае если нам необходимо исключить какой то адрес из поля отбора, то необходимо добавить != . Пример:


В случае если нам необходимо исключить какой то адрес из поля отбора, то необходимо добавить !=

Если мы анализируем трафик внутри локальной сети и знаем MAC адрес пользователя, то можно указать в качестве фильтра Wireshark его MAC адрес, например:

eth.addr == AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

Wireshark фильтр по номеру порта

При анализе трафика мы можем настроить фильтр по номеру порта, по которому осуществляет передачу трафика тот или иной протокол. Номера всех зарегистрированных портов можно узнать здесь. Пример:


Так же как и с адресами IP и MAС мы можем отдельно фильтровать по портам получения или отправления tcp.srcport и tcp.dstport. Кроме указания номеров портов Wireshark дает отличную возможность отфильтровать буфер по флагам в TCP протоколе. Например, если мы хотим увидеть TCP пакеты с флагом SYN (установление соединения между устройствами), то вводим в строке поиска:


мы хотим увидеть TCP пакеты с флагом SYN (установление соединения между устройствами)

Популярные фильтры

В таблице ниже приведены наиболее популярные фильтры для отображения содержимого буфера захвата:

Фильтр для отображения


Пример написания


MAC адрес отправителя или получателя

eth.addr == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


MAC-адрес оправителя

eth.src == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


MAC-адрес получателя

eth.dst == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


Протокол ARP – MAC адрес получателя

arp.dst.hw_mac == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


Протокол ARP – IP адрес версии 4 получателя

arp.dst.proto_ipv4 ==


Протокол ARP – MAC адрес отправителя

arp.src.hw_mac == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


Протокол ARP – IP адрес версии 4 отправителя

arp.src.proto_ipv4 ==


Идентификатор VLAN

vlan.id == 16


IP адрес версии 4 получателя или отправителя

ip.addr ==


IP адрес версии 4 получателя

ip.addr ==


IP адрес версии 4 отправителя

ip.src ==


IP protocol (decimal)

ip.proto == 1


IP адрес версии 6 получателя или отправителя

ipv6.addr == 2001::5


IP адрес версии 6 отправителя

ipv6.addr == 2001::5


IP адрес версии 6 получателя

ipv6.dst == 2001::5


TCP порт получателя или отправителя

tcp.port == 20


TCP порт получателя

tcp.dstport == 80


TCP порт отправителя

tcp.srcport == 60234


UDP порт получателя или отправителя

udp.port == 513


UDP порт получателя

udp.dstport == 513


UDP порт отправителя

udp.srcport == 40000



vtp.vlan_info.vlan_name == TEST


Идентификатор BGP (Адрес IPv4)

bgp.originator_id ==


Следующий хоп BGP (Адрес IPv4)

bgp.next_hop ==


RIP IPv4 address

rip.ip ==


Идентификатор маршрутизатора по протоколу OSPF

ospf.advrouter ==


Номер автономной системы EIGRP

eigrp.as == 100


Виртуальный IP адрес по протоколу HSRP

hsrp.virt_ip ==


Виртуальный IP адрес по протоколу VRRP

vrrp.ip_addr ==


MAC адрес отправителя или получателя Wi-Fi

wlan.addr == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


MAC-адрес оправителя Wi-Fi

wlan.sa == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb


MAC-адрес получателя Wi-Fi

wlan.da == 00:1a:6b:ce:fc:bb

А какие фильтры чаще всего используете в своей работе вы?

Всегда на связи, Игорь Панов

См. также:

  • Как настроить фильтры для захвата трафика в WireShark? Примеры!
  • Диагностика сети и приложений с помощью OptiView XG
  • Что такое Network Performance Monitoring (NPM)?
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Last edited by Jaap Keuter
Nov 28, 2022
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������������� ������� ��������� ��������� ���������� (man-��)

wireshark-filter (4)

  • >> wireshark-filter (4) ( Linux man: ����������� ����� /dev/* )


    wireshark-filter - Wireshark filter syntax and reference


    wireshark [other options]
    -R «filter expression» ]

    tshark [other options]
    -R «filter expression» ]


    Wireshark and TShark share a powerful filter engine that helps remove
    the noise from a packet trace and lets you see only the packets that interest
    you. If a packet meets the requirements expressed in your filter, then it
    is displayed in the list of packets. Display filters let you compare the
    fields within a protocol against a specific value, compare fields against
    fields, and check the existence of specified fields or protocols.

    Filters are also used by other features such as statistics generation and
    packet list colorization (the latter is only available to Wireshark). This
    manual page describes their syntax and provides a comprehensive reference of
    filter fields.



    Check whether a field or protocol exists

    The simplest filter allows you to check for the existence of a protocol or
    field. If you want to see all packets which contain the IP protocol, the
    filter would be «ip» (without the quotation marks). To see all packets
    that contain a Token-Ring RIF field, use «tr.rif».

    Think of a protocol or field in a filter as implicitly having the «exists»

    Note: all protocol and field names that are available in Wireshark and
    TShark filters are listed in the comprehensive FILTER PROTOCOL
    REFERENCE (see below).

    Comparison operators

    Fields can also be compared against values. The comparison operators
    can be expressed either through English-like abbreviations or through
    C-like symbols:

        eq, ==    Equal
        ne, !=    Not Equal
        gt, >     Greater Than
        lt, <     Less Than
        ge, >=    Greater than or Equal to
        le, <=    Less than or Equal to


    Search and match operators

    Additional operators exist expressed only in English, not C-like syntax:

        contains  Does the protocol, field or slice contain a value
        matches   Does the protocol or text string match the given Perl
                  regular expression

    The «contains» operator allows a filter to search for a sequence of
    characters, expressed as a string (quoted or unquoted), or bytes,
    expressed as a byte array. For example, to search for a given HTTP
    URL in a capture, the following filter can be used:

        http contains "http://www.wireshark.org"

    The «contains» operator cannot be used on atomic fields,
    such as numbers or IP addresses.

    The «matches» operator allows a filter to apply to a specified
    Perl-compatible regular expression (PCRE). The «matches» operator is only
    implemented for protocols and for protocol fields with a text string
    representation. For example, to search for a given WAP WSP User-Agent,
    you can write:

        wsp.user_agent matches "(?i)cldc"

    This example shows an interesting PCRE feature: pattern match options have to
    be specified with the (?option) construct. For instance, (?i) performs
    a case-insensitive pattern match. More information on PCRE can be found in the
    pcrepattern(3) man page (Perl Regular Expressions are explained in

    Note: the «matches» operator is only available if Wireshark or TShark
    have been compiled with the PCRE library. This can be checked by running:

        wireshark -v
        tshark -v

    or selecting the «About Wireshark» item from the «Help» menu in Wireshark.


    The filter language has the following functions:

        upper(string-field) - converts a string field to uppercase
        lower(string-field) - converts a string field to lowercase

    upper() and lower() are useful for performing case-insensitive string
    comparisons. For example:

        upper(ncp.nds_stream_name) contains "MACRO"
        lower(mount.dump.hostname) == "angel"


    Protocol field types

    Each protocol field is typed. The types are:

        Unsigned integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit)
        Signed integer (8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit)
        Ethernet address (6 bytes)
        Byte array
        IPv4 address
        IPv6 address
        IPX network number
        Text string
        Double-precision floating point number

    An integer may be expressed in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal notation.
    The following three display filters are equivalent:

        frame.pkt_len > 10
        frame.pkt_len > 012
        frame.pkt_len > 0xa

    Boolean values are either true or false. In a display filter expression
    testing the value of a Boolean field, «true» is expressed as 1 or any
    other non-zero value, and «false» is expressed as zero. For example, a
    token-ring packet’s source route field is Boolean. To find any
    source-routed packets, a display filter would be:

        tr.sr == 1

    Non source-routed packets can be found with:

        tr.sr == 0

    Ethernet addresses and byte arrays are represented by hex
    digits. The hex digits may be separated by colons, periods, or hyphens:

        eth.dst eq ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        aim.data == 0.1.0.d
        fddi.src == aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa
        echo.data == 7a

    IPv4 addresses can be represented in either dotted decimal notation or
    by using the hostname:

        ip.dst eq www.mit.edu
        ip.src ==

    IPv4 addresses can be compared with the same logical relations as numbers:
    eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, and le. The IPv4 address is stored in host order,
    so you do not have to worry about the endianness of an IPv4 address
    when using it in a display filter.

    Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR) notation can be used to test if an
    IPv4 address is in a certain subnet. For example, this display filter
    will find all packets in the 129.111 Class-B network:

        ip.addr ==

    Remember, the number after the slash represents the number of bits used
    to represent the network. CIDR notation can also be used with
    hostnames, as in this example of finding IP addresses on the same Class C
    network as ‘sneezy’:

        ip.addr eq sneezy/24

    The CIDR notation can only be used on IP addresses or hostnames, not in
    variable names. So, a display filter like «ip.src/24 == ip.dst/24» is
    not valid (yet).

    IPX networks are represented by unsigned 32-bit integers. Most likely
    you will be using hexadecimal when testing IPX network values:

        ipx.src.net == 0xc0a82c00

    Strings are enclosed in double quotes:

        http.request.method == "POST"

    Inside double quotes, you may use a backslash to embed a double quote
    or an arbitrary byte represented in either octal or hexadecimal.

        browser.comment == "An embedded " double-quote"

    Use of hexadecimal to look for «HEAD»:

        http.request.method == "x48EAD"

    Use of octal to look for «HEAD»:

        http.request.method == "110EAD"

    This means that you must escape backslashes with backslashes inside
    double quotes.

        smb.path contains "\\SERVER\SHARE"

    looks for \SERVERSHARE in «smb.path».

    The slice operator

    You can take a slice of a field if the field is a text string or a
    byte array.
    For example, you can filter on
    the vendor portion of an ethernet address (the first three bytes) like

        eth.src[0:3] == 00:00:83

    Another example is:

        http.content_type[0:4] == "text"

    You can use the slice operator on a protocol name, too.
    The «frame» protocol can be useful, encompassing all the data captured
    by Wireshark or TShark.

        token[0:5] ne
        llc[0] eq aa
        frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"

    The following syntax governs slices:

        [i:j]    i = start_offset, j = length
        [i-j]    i = start_offset, j = end_offset, inclusive.
        [i]      i = start_offset, length = 1
        [:j]     start_offset = 0, length = j
        [i:]     start_offset = i, end_offset = end_of_field

    Offsets can be negative, in which case they indicate the
    offset from the end of the field. The last byte of the field is at offset
    -1, the last but one byte is at offset -2, and so on.
    Here’s how to check the last four bytes of a frame:

        frame[-4:4] ==


        frame[-4:] ==

    You can concatenate slices using the comma operator:

        ftp[1,3-5,9:] == 01:03:04:05:09:0a:0b

    This concatenates offset 1, offsets 3-5, and offset 9 to the end of the ftp

    Type conversions

    If a field is a text string or a byte array, it can be expressed in whichever
    way is most convenient.

    So, for instance, the following filters are equivalent:

        http.request.method == "GET"
        http.request.method == 47.45.54

    A range can also be expressed in either way:

        frame[60:2] gt 50.51
        frame[60:2] gt "PQ"


    Bit field operations

    It is also possible to define tests with bit field operations. Currently the
    following bit field operation is supported:

        bitwise_and, &      Bitwise AND

    The bitwise AND operation allows testing to see if one or more bits are set.
    Bitwise AND operates on integer protocol fields and slices.

    When testing for TCP SYN packets, you can write:

        tcp.flags & 0x02

    That expression will match all packets that contain a «tcp.flags» field
    with the 0x02 bit, i.e. the SYN bit, set.

    Similarly, filtering for all WSP GET and extended GET methods is achieved with:

        wsp.pdu_type & 0x40

    When using slices, the bit mask must be specified as a byte string, and it must
    have the same number of bytes as the slice itself, as in:

        ip[42:2] & 40:ff


    Logical expressions

    Tests can be combined using logical expressions.
    These too are expressable in C-like syntax or with English-like

        and, &&   Logical AND
        or,  ||   Logical OR
        not, !    Logical NOT

    Expressions can be grouped by parentheses as well. The following are
    all valid display filter expressions:

        tcp.port == 80 and ip.src ==
        not llc
        http and frame[100-199] contains "wireshark"
        (ipx.src.net == 0xbad && ipx.src.node == || ip

    Remember that whenever a protocol or field name occurs in an expression, the
    «exists» operator is implicitly called. The «exists» operator has the highest
    priority. This means that the first filter expression must be read as «show me
    the packets for which tcp.port exists and equals 80, and ip.src exists and
    equals». The second filter expression means «show me the packets
    where not (llc exists)», or in other words «where llc does not exist» and hence
    will match all packets that do not contain the llc protocol.
    The third filter expression includes the constraint that offset 199 in the
    frame exists, in other words the length of the frame is at least 200.

    A special caveat must be given regarding fields that occur more than
    once per packet. «ip.addr» occurs twice per IP packet, once for the
    source address, and once for the destination address. Likewise,
    «tr.rif.ring» fields can occur more than once per packet. The following
    two expressions are not equivalent:

            ip.addr ne
        not ip.addr eq

    The first filter says «show me packets where an ip.addr exists that
    does not equal». That is, as long as one ip.addr in the
    packet does not equal, the packet passes the display
    filter. The other ip.addr could equal and the packet would
    still be displayed.
    The second filter says «don’t show me any packets that have an
    ip.addr field equal to». If one ip.addr is,
    the packet does not pass. If neither ip.addr field is,
    then the packet is displayed.

    It is easy to think of the ‘ne’ and ‘eq’ operators as having an implict
    «exists» modifier when dealing with multiply-recurring fields. «ip.addr
    ne» can be thought of as «there exists an ip.addr that does
    not equal». «not ip.addr eq» can be thought of as
    «there does not exist an ip.addr equal to».

    Be careful with multiply-recurring fields; they can be confusing.

    Care must also be taken when using the display filter to remove noise
    from the packet trace. If, for example, you want to filter out all IP
    multicast packets to address, then using:

        ip.dst ne

    may be too restrictive. Filtering with «ip.dst» selects only those
    IP packets that satisfy the rule. Any other packets, including all
    non-IP packets, will not be displayed. To display the non-IP
    packets as well, you can use one of the following two expressions:

        not ip or ip.dst ne
        not ip.addr eq

    The first filter uses «not ip» to include all non-IP packets and then
    lets «ip.dst ne» filter out the unwanted IP packets. The
    second filter has already been explained above where filtering with
    multiply occuring fields was discussed.


    Each entry below provides an abbreviated protocol or field name. Every
    one of these fields can be used in a display filter. The type of the
    field is also given.

    3Com XNS Encapsulation (3comxns)

        3comxns.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    3GPP2 A11 (a11)

        a11.ackstat  Reply Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            A11 Registration Ack Status.
        a11.auth.auth  Authenticator
            Byte array
        a11.auth.spi  SPI
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Authentication Header Security Parameter Index.
        a11.b  Broadcast Datagrams
            Broadcast Datagrams requested
        a11.coa  Care of Address
            IPv4 address
            Care of Address.
        a11.code  Reply Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            A11 Registration Reply code.
        a11.d  Co-located Care-of Address
            MN using Co-located Care-of address
        a11.ext.apptype  Application Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Application Type.
        a11.ext.ase.key  GRE Key
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            GRE Key.
        a11.ext.ase.len  Entry Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Entry Length.
        a11.ext.ase.pcfip  PCF IP Address
            IPv4 address
            PCF IP Address.
        a11.ext.ase.ptype  GRE Protocol Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            GRE Protocol Type.
        a11.ext.ase.srid  Service Reference ID (SRID)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Reference ID (SRID).
        a11.ext.ase.srvopt  Service Option
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Option.
        a11.ext.auth.subtype  Gen Auth Ext SubType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mobile IP Auth Extension Sub Type.
        a11.ext.canid  CANID
            Byte array
        a11.ext.code  Reply Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDSN Code.
        a11.ext.dormant  All Dormant Indicator
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            All Dormant Indicator.
        a11.ext.fqi.dscp  Forward DSCP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow DSCP.
        a11.ext.fqi.entrylen  Entry Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Entry Length.
        a11.ext.fqi.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow Entry Flags.
        a11.ext.fqi.flowcount  Forward Flow Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow Count.
        a11.ext.fqi.flowid  Forward Flow Id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow Id.
        a11.ext.fqi.flowstate  Forward Flow State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow State.
        a11.ext.fqi.graqos  Granted QoS
            Byte array
            Forward Granted QoS.
        a11.ext.fqi.graqoslen  Granted QoS Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Granted QoS Length.
        a11.ext.fqi.reqqos  Requested QoS
            Byte array
            Forward Requested QoS.
        a11.ext.fqi.reqqoslen  Requested QoS Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Requested QoS Length.
        a11.ext.fqi.srid  SRID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward Flow Entry SRID.
        a11.ext.fqui.flowcount  Forward QoS Update Flow Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forward QoS Update Flow Count.
        a11.ext.fqui.updatedqos  Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob
            Byte array
            Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob.
        a11.ext.fqui.updatedqoslen  Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Foward Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length.
        a11.ext.key  Key
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session Key.
        a11.ext.len  Extension Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Mobile IP Extension Length.
        a11.ext.mnsrid  MNSR-ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        a11.ext.msid  MSID(BCD)
        a11.ext.msid_len  MSID Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            MSID Length.
        a11.ext.msid_type  MSID Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            MSID Type.
        a11.ext.panid  PANID
            Byte array
        a11.ext.ppaddr  Anchor P-P Address
            IPv4 address
            Anchor P-P Address.
        a11.ext.ptype  Protocol Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Protocol Type.
        a11.ext.qosmode  QoS Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            QoS Mode.
        a11.ext.rqi.entrylen  Entry Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Flow Entry Length.
        a11.ext.rqi.flowcount  Reverse Flow Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Flow Count.
        a11.ext.rqi.flowid  Reverse Flow Id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Flow Id.
        a11.ext.rqi.flowstate  Flow State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Flow State.
        a11.ext.rqi.graqos  Granted QoS
            Byte array
            Reverse Granted QoS.
        a11.ext.rqi.graqoslen  Granted QoS Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Granted QoS Length.
        a11.ext.rqi.reqqos  Requested QoS
            Byte array
            Reverse Requested QoS.
        a11.ext.rqi.reqqoslen  Requested QoS Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Requested QoS Length.
        a11.ext.rqi.srid  SRID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Flow Entry SRID.
        a11.ext.rqui.flowcount  Reverse QoS Update Flow Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse QoS Update Flow Count.
        a11.ext.rqui.updatedqos  Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob
            Byte array
            Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob.
        a11.ext.rqui.updatedqoslen  Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reverse Updated QoS Sub-Blob Length.
        a11.ext.sidver  Session ID Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Session ID Version
        a11.ext.sqp.profile  Subscriber QoS Profile
            Byte array
            Subscriber QoS Profile.
        a11.ext.sqp.profilelen  Subscriber QoS Profile Length
            Byte array
            Subscriber QoS Profile Length.
        a11.ext.srvopt  Service Option
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Option.
        a11.ext.type  Extension Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mobile IP Extension Type.
        a11.ext.vid  Vendor ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Vendor ID.
        a11.extension  Extension
            Byte array
        a11.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        a11.g  GRE
            MN wants GRE encapsulation
        a11.haaddr  Home Agent
            IPv4 address
            Home agent IP Address.
        a11.homeaddr  Home Address
            IPv4 address
            Mobile Node's home address.
        a11.ident  Identification
            Byte array
            MN Identification.
        a11.life  Lifetime
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            A11 Registration Lifetime.
        a11.m  Minimal Encapsulation
            MN wants Minimal encapsulation
        a11.nai  NAI
        a11.s  Simultaneous Bindings
            Simultaneous Bindings Allowed
        a11.t  Reverse Tunneling
            Reverse tunneling requested
        a11.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            A11 Message type.
        a11.v  Van Jacobson
            Van Jacobson


    3com Network Jack (njack)

        njack.getresp.unknown1  Unknown1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.magic  Magic
        njack.set.length  SetLength
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        njack.set.salt  Salt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        njack.setresult  SetResult
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.addtagscheme  TlvAddTagScheme
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.authdata  Authdata
            Byte array
        njack.tlv.contermode  TlvTypeCountermode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.data  TlvData
            Byte array
        njack.tlv.devicemac  TlvTypeDeviceMAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        njack.tlv.dhcpcontrol  TlvTypeDhcpControl
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.length  TlvLength
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.maxframesize  TlvTypeMaxframesize
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.portingressmode  TlvTypePortingressmode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.powerforwarding  TlvTypePowerforwarding
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.scheduling  TlvTypeScheduling
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.snmpwrite  TlvTypeSnmpwrite
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.type  TlvType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        njack.tlv.typeip  TlvTypeIP
            IPv4 address
        njack.tlv.typestring  TlvTypeString
        njack.tlv.version  TlvFwVersion
            IPv4 address
        njack.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    802.1Q Virtual LAN (vlan)

        vlan.cfi  CFI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        vlan.etype  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        vlan.id  ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        vlan.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        vlan.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        vlan.trailer  Trailer
            Byte array
            VLAN Trailer


    802.1X Authentication (eapol)

        eapol.keydes.data  WPA Key
            Byte array
            WPA Key Data
        eapol.keydes.datalen  WPA Key Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            WPA Key Data Length
        eapol.keydes.id  WPA Key ID
            Byte array
            WPA Key ID(RSN Reserved)
        eapol.keydes.index.indexnum  Index Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Index number
        eapol.keydes.index.keytype  Key Type
            Key Type (unicast/broadcast)
        eapol.keydes.key  Key
            Byte array
        eapol.keydes.key_info  Key Information
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            WPA key info
        eapol.keydes.key_info.encr_key_data  Encrypted Key Data flag
            Encrypted Key Data flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.error  Error flag
            Error flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.install  Install flag
            Install flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.key_ack  Key Ack flag
            Key Ack flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.key_index  Key Index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Key Index (0-3) (RSN: Reserved)
        eapol.keydes.key_info.key_mic  Key MIC flag
            Key MIC flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.key_type  Key Type
            Key Type (Pairwise or Group)
        eapol.keydes.key_info.keydes_ver  Key Descriptor Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Key Descriptor Version Type
        eapol.keydes.key_info.request  Request flag
            Request flag
        eapol.keydes.key_info.secure  Secure flag
            Secure flag
        eapol.keydes.key_iv  Key IV
            Byte array
            Key Initialization Vector
        eapol.keydes.key_signature  Key Signature
            Byte array
            Key Signature
        eapol.keydes.keylen  Key Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Key Length
        eapol.keydes.mic  WPA Key MIC
            Byte array
            WPA Key Message Integrity Check
        eapol.keydes.nonce  Nonce
            Byte array
            WPA Key Nonce
        eapol.keydes.replay_counter  Replay Counter
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Replay Counter
        eapol.keydes.rsc  WPA Key RSC
            Byte array
            WPA Key Receive Sequence Counter
        eapol.keydes.type  Descriptor Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Descriptor Type
        eapol.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        eapol.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        eapol.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    AAL type 2 signalling protocol (Q.2630) (alcap)

        alcap.acc.level  Congestion Level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.alc.bitrate.avg.bw  Average Backwards Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.alc.bitrate.avg.fw  Average Forward Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.alc.bitrate.max.bw  Maximum Backwards Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.alc.bitrate.max.fw  Maximum Forward Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.alc.sdusize.avg.bw  Average Backwards CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.alc.sdusize.avg.fw  Average Forward CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.alc.sdusize.max.bw  Maximum Backwards CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.alc.sdusize.max.fw  Maximum Forward CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.cau.coding  Cause Coding
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.cau.diag  Diagnostic
            Byte array
        alcap.cau.diag.field_num  Field Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.cau.diag.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Diagnostics Length
        alcap.cau.diag.msg  Message Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.cau.diag.param  Parameter Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.cau.value  Cause Value (ITU)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ceid.cid  CID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ceid.pathid  Path ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.compat  Message Compatibility
            Byte array
        alcap.compat.general.ii  General II
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Instruction Indicator
        alcap.compat.general.sni  General SNI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Send Notificaation Indicator
        alcap.compat.pass.ii  Pass-On II
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Instruction Indicator
        alcap.compat.pass.sni  Pass-On SNI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Send Notificaation Indicator
        alcap.cp.level  Level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.dnsea.addr  Address
            Byte array
        alcap.dsaid  DSAID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Destination Service Association ID
        alcap.fbw.bitrate.bw  CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.fbw.bitrate.fw  CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.fbw.bucket_size.bw  Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.fbw.bucket_size.fw  Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.fbw.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.fbw.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.hc.codepoint  Codepoint
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.leg.cause  Leg's cause value in REL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.leg.cid  Leg's channel id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.leg.dnsea  Leg's destination NSAP
        alcap.leg.dsaid  Leg's ECF OSA id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.leg.msg  a message of this leg
            Frame number
        alcap.leg.onsea  Leg's originating NSAP
        alcap.leg.osaid  Leg's ERQ OSA id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.leg.pathid  Leg's path id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.leg.sugr  Leg's SUGR
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.onsea.addr  Address
            Byte array
        alcap.osaid  OSAID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Originating Service Association ID
        alcap.param  Parameter
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Id
        alcap.param.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Length
        alcap.pfbw.bitrate.bw  CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pfbw.bitrate.fw  CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pfbw.bucket_size.bw  Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pfbw.bucket_size.fw  Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pfbw.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pfbw.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.plc.bitrate.avg.bw  Average Backwards Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.plc.bitrate.avg.fw  Average Forward Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.plc.bitrate.max.bw  Maximum Backwards Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.plc.bitrate.max.fw  Maximum Forward Bit Rate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.plc.sdusize.max.bw  Maximum Backwards CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.plc.sdusize.max.fw  Maximum Forward CPS SDU Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.cas  CAS
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Channel Associated Signalling
        alcap.pssiae.cmd  Circuit Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.dtmf  DTMF
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.fax  Fax
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.lb  Loopback
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.mfr1  Multi-Frequency R1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.mfr2  Multi-Frequency R2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.oui  OUI
            Byte array
            Organizational Unique Identifier
        alcap.pssiae.pcm  PCM Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.profile.id  Profile Id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.profile.type  Profile Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            I.366.2 Profile Type
        alcap.pssiae.rc  Rate Conctrol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssiae.syn  Syncronization
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Transport of synchronization of change in SSCS operation
        alcap.pssime.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssime.lb  Loopback
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pssime.max  Max Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pssime.mult  Multiplier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pt.codepoint  QoS Codepoint
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.bitrate.bw  Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.bitrate.fw  Peak CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.bucket_size.bw  Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.bucket_size.fw  Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pvbws.stt  Source Traffic Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.bitrate.bw  Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.bitrate.fw  Peak CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.bucket_size.bw  Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.bucket_size.fw  Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.pvbwt.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.cas  CAS
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Channel Associated Signalling
        alcap.ssia.cmd  Circuit Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.dtmf  DTMF
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.fax  Fax
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.max_fmdata_len  Max Len of FM Data
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.mfr1  Multi-Frequency R1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.mfr2  Multi-Frequency R2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.oui  OUI
            Byte array
            Organizational Unique Identifier
        alcap.ssia.pcm  PCM Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.profile.id  Profile Id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssia.profile.type  Profile Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            I.366.2 Profile Type
        alcap.ssiae.cas  CAS
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Channel Associated Signalling
        alcap.ssiae.cmd  Circuit Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.dtmf  DTMF
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.fax  Fax
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.lb  Loopback
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.mfr1  Multi-Frequency R1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.mfr2  Multi-Frequency R2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.oui  OUI
            Byte array
            Organizational Unique Identifier
        alcap.ssiae.pcm  PCM Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.profile.id  Profile Id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.profile.type  Profile Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            I.366.2 Profile Type
        alcap.ssiae.rc  Rate Conctrol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssiae.syn  Syncronization
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Transport of synchronization of change in SSCS operation
        alcap.ssim.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssim.max  Max Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssim.mult  Multiplier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssime.frm  Frame Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssime.lb  Loopback
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssime.max  Max Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssime.mult  Multiplier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_sdu_len.bw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Backwards
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_sdu_len.fw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_uu_len.bw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Backwards
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssisa.sscop.max_uu_len.fw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.ssisa.sssar.max_len.fw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.ssisu.sssar.max_len.fw  Maximum Len of SSSAR-SDU Forward
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.ssisu.ted  Transmission Error Detection
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.suci  SUCI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Served User Correlation Id
        alcap.sugr  SUGR
            Byte array
            Served User Generated Reference
        alcap.sut.sut_len  SUT Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.sut.transport  SUT
            Byte array
            Served User Transport
        alcap.unknown.field  Unknown Field Data
            Byte array
        alcap.vbws.bitrate.bw  CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.bitrate.fw  CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.bucket_size.bw  Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.bucket_size.fw  Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.vbws.stt  Source Traffic Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.bitrate.bw  Peak CPS Backwards Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.bitrate.fw  Peak CPS Forward Bitrate
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.bucket_size.bw  Peak Backwards CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.bucket_size.fw  Peak Forward CPS Bucket Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.max_size.bw  Backwards CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alcap.vbwt.max_size.fw  Forward CPS Packet Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ACP133 Attribute Syntaxes (acp133)

        acp133.ACPLegacyFormat  ACPLegacyFormat
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.ACPPreferredDelivery  ACPPreferredDelivery
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.ALType  ALType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.AddressCapabilities  AddressCapabilities
            No value
        acp133.Addressees  Addressees
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.Addressees_item  Item
        acp133.Capability  Capability
            No value
        acp133.Classification  Classification
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.Community  Community
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.DLPolicy  DLPolicy
            No value
        acp133.DLSubmitPermission  DLSubmitPermission
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.DistributionCode  DistributionCode
        acp133.JPEG  JPEG
            Byte array
        acp133.Kmid  Kmid
            Byte array
        acp133.MLReceiptPolicy  MLReceiptPolicy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.MonthlyUKMs  MonthlyUKMs
            No value
        acp133.OnSupported  OnSupported
            Byte array
        acp133.RIParameters  RIParameters
            No value
        acp133.Remarks  Remarks
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.Remarks_item  Item
        acp133.acp127-nn  acp127-nn
        acp133.acp127-pn  acp127-pn
        acp133.acp127-tn  acp127-tn
        acp133.address  address
            No value
        acp133.algorithm_identifier  algorithm-identifier
            No value
        acp133.capabilities  capabilities
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.capabilities_item  Item
            No value
        acp133.classification  classification
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.content_types  content-types
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.content_types_item  Item
        acp133.conversion_with_loss_prohibited  conversion-with-loss-prohibited
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.date  date
        acp133.description  description
        acp133.disclosure_of_other_recipients  disclosure-of-other-recipients
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.edition  edition
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.encoded_information_types_constraints  encoded-information-types-constraints
            No value
        acp133.encrypted  encrypted
            Byte array
        acp133.further_dl_expansion_allowed  further-dl-expansion-allowed
        acp133.implicit_conversion_prohibited  implicit-conversion-prohibited
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.inAdditionTo  inAdditionTo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.inAdditionTo_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.individual  individual
            No value
        acp133.insteadOf  insteadOf
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.insteadOf_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.kmid  kmid
            Byte array
        acp133.maximum_content_length  maximum-content-length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.member_of_dl  member-of-dl
            No value
        acp133.member_of_group  member-of-group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.minimize  minimize
        acp133.none  none
            No value
        acp133.originating_MTA_report  originating-MTA-report
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.originator_certificate_selector  originator-certificate-selector
            No value
        acp133.originator_report  originator-report
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.originator_requested_alternate_recipient_removed  originator-requested-alternate-recipient-removed
        acp133.pattern_match  pattern-match
            No value
        acp133.priority  priority
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.proof_of_delivery  proof-of-delivery
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.rI  rI
        acp133.rIType  rIType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.recipient_certificate_selector  recipient-certificate-selector
            No value
        acp133.removed  removed
            No value
        acp133.replaced  replaced
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.report_from_dl  report-from-dl
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.report_propagation  report-propagation
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acp133.requested_delivery_method  requested-delivery-method
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.return_of_content  return-of-content
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.sHD  sHD
        acp133.security_labels  security-labels
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.tag  tag
            No value
        acp133.token_encryption_algorithm_preference  token-encryption-algorithm-preference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.token_encryption_algorithm_preference_item  Item
            No value
        acp133.token_signature_algorithm_preference  token-signature-algorithm-preference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.token_signature_algorithm_preference_item  Item
            No value
        acp133.ukm  ukm
            Byte array
        acp133.ukm_entries  ukm-entries
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acp133.ukm_entries_item  Item
            No value
        acp133.unchanged  unchanged
            No value


    AIM Administrative (aim_admin)

        aim_admin.acctinfo.code  Account Information Request Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_admin.acctinfo.permissions  Account Permissions
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_admin.confirm_status  Confirmation status
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM Advertisements (aim_adverts)


    AIM Buddylist Service (aim_buddylist)

        aim_buddylist.userinfo.warninglevel  Warning Level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM Chat Navigation (aim_chatnav)


    AIM Chat Service (aim_chat)


    AIM Directory Search (aim_dir)


    AIM E-mail (aim_email)


    AIM Generic Service (aim_generic)

        aim_generic.client_verification.hash  Client Verification MD5 Hash
            Byte array
        aim_generic.client_verification.length  Client Verification Request Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.client_verification.offset  Client Verification Request Offset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.evil.new_warn_level  New warning level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.ext_status.data  Extended Status Data
            Byte array
        aim_generic.ext_status.flags  Extended Status Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_generic.ext_status.length  Extended Status Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_generic.ext_status.type  Extended Status Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.idle_time  Idle time (seconds)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.migrate.numfams  Number of families to migrate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.motd.motdtype  MOTD Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.privilege_flags  Privilege flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.privilege_flags.allow_idle  Allow other users to see idle time
        aim_generic.privilege_flags.allow_member  Allow other users to see how long account has been a member
        aim_generic.ratechange.msg  Rate Change Message
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.alertlevel  Alert Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.clearlevel  Clear Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.currentlevel  Current Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.curstate  Current State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.disconnectlevel  Disconnect Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.id  Class ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.lasttime  Last Time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.limitlevel  Limit Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.maxlevel  Max Level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.numpairs  Number of Family/Subtype pairs
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.class.window_size  Window Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfo.numclasses  Number of Rateinfo Classes
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.rateinfoack.class  Acknowledged Rate Class
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.selfinfo.warn_level  Warning level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_generic.servicereq.service  Requested Service
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM ICQ (aim_icq)

        aim_icq.chunk_size  Data chunk size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_icq.offline_msgs.dropped_flag  Dropped messages flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_icq.owner_uid  Owner UID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_icq.request_seq_number  Request Sequence Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_icq.request_type  Request Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_icq.subtype  Meta Request Subtype
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM Invitation Service (aim_invitation)


    AIM Location (aim_location)

        aim_location.buddyname  Buddy Name
        aim_location.buddynamelen  Buddyname len
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_location.snac.request_user_info.infotype  Infotype
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_location.userinfo.warninglevel  Warning Level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM Messaging (aim_messaging)

        aim_messaging.channelid  Message Channel ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.clientautoresp.client_caps_flags  Client Capabilities Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_messaging.clientautoresp.protocol_version  Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.clientautoresp.reason  Reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.evil.new_warn_level  New warning level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.evil.warn_level  Old warning level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.evilreq.origin  Send Evil Bit As
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.channel  Channel to setup
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.flags  Message Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.flags.auto  Auto Message
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.flags.normal  Normal Message
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.priority_code  Priority Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.status_code  Status Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.text  Text
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.text_length  Text Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.extended_data.message.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.flags  Message Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.max_receiver_warnlevel  max receiver warn level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.max_sender_warn-level  Max sender warn level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.max_snac  Max SNAC Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.min_msg_interval  Minimum message interval (seconds)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbm.rendezvous.extended_data.message.flags.multi  Multiple Recipients Message
        aim_messaging.icbm.unknown  Unknown parameter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.icbmcookie  ICBM Cookie
            Byte array
        aim_messaging.notification.channel  Notification Channel
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.notification.cookie  Notification Cookie
            Byte array
        aim_messaging.notification.type  Notification Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_messaging.rendezvous.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM OFT (aim_oft)


    AIM Popup (aim_popup)


    AIM Privacy Management Service (aim_bos)

        aim_bos.data  Data
            Byte array
        aim_bos.userclass  User class
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    AIM Server Side Info (aim_ssi)

        aim_ssi.fnac.bid  SSI Buddy ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.buddyname  Buddy Name
        aim_ssi.fnac.buddyname_len  SSI Buddy Name length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.data  SSI Buddy Data
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.gid  SSI Buddy Group ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.last_change_time  SSI Last Change Time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.numitems  SSI Object count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.tlvlen  SSI TLV Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.type  SSI Buddy type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_ssi.fnac.version  SSI Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    AIM Server Side Themes (aim_sst)

        aim_sst.icon  Icon
            Byte array
        aim_sst.icon_size  Icon Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_sst.md5  MD5 Hash
            Byte array
        aim_sst.md5.size  MD5 Hash Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim_sst.ref_num  Reference Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_sst.unknown  Unknown Data
            Byte array


    AIM Signon (aim_signon)

        aim_signon.challenge  Signon challenge
        aim_signon.challengelen  Signon challenge length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim_signon.infotype  Infotype
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AIM Statistics (aim_stats)


    AIM Translate (aim_translate)


    AIM User Lookup (aim_lookup)

        aim_lookup.email  Email address looked for
            Email address


    AMS (ams)

        ams.ads_adddn_req  ADS Add Device Notification Request
            No value
        ams.ads_adddn_res  ADS Add Device Notification Response
            No value
        ams.ads_cblength  CbLength
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_cbreadlength  CBReadLength
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_cbwritelength  CBWriteLength
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_cmpmax  Cmp Mad
            No value
        ams.ads_cmpmin  Cmp Min
            No value
        ams.ads_cycletime  Cycle Time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_data  Data
            No value
        ams.ads_deldn_req  ADS Delete Device Notification Request
            No value
        ams.ads_deldn_res  ADS Delete Device Notification Response
            No value
        ams.ads_devicename  Device Name
        ams.ads_devicestate  DeviceState
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.ads_dn_req  ADS Device Notification Request
            No value
        ams.ads_dn_res  ADS Device Notification Response
            No value
        ams.ads_indexgroup  IndexGroup
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_indexoffset  IndexOffset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_invokeid  InvokeId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_maxdelay  Max Delay
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_noteattrib  InvokeId
            No value
        ams.ads_noteblocks  InvokeId
            No value
        ams.ads_noteblockssample  Notification Sample
            No value
        ams.ads_noteblocksstamp  Notification Stamp
            No value
        ams.ads_noteblocksstamps  Count of Stamps
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_notificationhandle  NotificationHandle
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_read_req  ADS Read Request
            No value
        ams.ads_read_res  ADS Read Respone
            No value
        ams.ads_readdinfo_req  ADS Read Device Info Request
            No value
        ams.ads_readdinfo_res  ADS Read Device Info Response
            No value
        ams.ads_readstate_req  ADS Read State Request
            No value
        ams.ads_readstate_res  ADS Read State Response
            No value
        ams.ads_readwrite_req  ADS ReadWrite Request
            No value
        ams.ads_readwrite_res  ADS ReadWrite Response
            No value
        ams.ads_samplecnt  Count of Stamps
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_state  AdsState
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.ads_timestamp  Time Stamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        ams.ads_transmode  Trans Mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_version  ADS Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.ads_versionbuild  ADS Version Build
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.ads_versionrevision  ADS Minor Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ams.ads_versionversion  ADS Major Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ams.ads_write_req  ADS Write Request
            No value
        ams.ads_write_res  ADS Write Response
            No value
        ams.ads_writectrl_req  ADS Write Ctrl Request
            No value
        ams.ads_writectrl_res  ADS Write Ctrl Response
            No value
        ams.adsresult  Result
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.cbdata  cbData
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.cmdid  CmdId
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.data  Data
            No value
        ams.errorcode  ErrorCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.invokeid  InvokeId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ams.sendernetid  AMS Sender Net Id
        ams.senderport  AMS Sender port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.state_adscmd  ADS COMMAND
        ams.state_broadcast  BROADCAST
        ams.state_highprio  HIGH PRIORITY COMMAND
        ams.state_initcmd  INIT COMMAND
        ams.state_noreturn  NO RETURN
        ams.state_response  RESPONSE
        ams.state_syscmd  SYSTEM COMMAND
        ams.state_timestampadded  TIMESTAMP ADDED
        ams.state_udp  UDP COMMAND
        ams.stateflags  StateFlags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ams.targetnetid  AMS Target Net Id
        ams.targetport  AMS Target port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    ANSI A-I/F BSMAP (ansi_a_bsmap)

        ansi_a_bsmap.a2p_bearer_ipv4_addr  A2p Bearer IP Address
            IPv4 address
        ansi_a_bsmap.a2p_bearer_ipv6_addr  A2p Bearer IP Address
            IPv6 address
        ansi_a_bsmap.a2p_bearer_udp_port  A2p Bearer UDP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.anchor_pdsn_ip_addr  Anchor PDSN Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        ansi_a_bsmap.anchor_pp_ip_addr  Anchor P-P Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        ansi_a_bsmap.cell_ci  Cell CI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.cell_lac  Cell LAC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.cell_mscid  Cell MSCID
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.cld_party_ascii_num  Called Party ASCII Number
        ansi_a_bsmap.cld_party_bcd_num  Called Party BCD Number
        ansi_a_bsmap.clg_party_ascii_num  Calling Party ASCII Number
        ansi_a_bsmap.clg_party_bcd_num  Calling Party BCD Number
        ansi_a_bsmap.dtap_msgtype  DTAP Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.elem_id  Element ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.esn  ESN
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.imsi  IMSI
        ansi_a_bsmap.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.meid  MEID
        ansi_a_bsmap.min  MIN
        ansi_a_bsmap.msgtype  BSMAP Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_a_bsmap.none  Sub tree
            No value
        ansi_a_bsmap.pdsn_ip_addr  PDSN IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        ansi_a_bsmap.s_pdsn_ip_addr  Source PDSN Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address


    ANSI A-I/F DTAP (ansi_a_dtap)


    ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Teleservice Layer (ansi_637_tele)

        ansi_637_tele.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_637_tele.msg_id  Message ID
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        ansi_637_tele.msg_rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        ansi_637_tele.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        ansi_637_tele.subparam_id  Teleservice Subparam ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ANSI IS-637-A (SMS) Transport Layer (ansi_637_trans)

        ansi_637_trans.bin_addr  Binary Address
            Byte array
        ansi_637_trans.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_637_trans.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        ansi_637_trans.param_id  Transport Param ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ANSI IS-683-A (OTA (Mobile)) (ansi_683)

        ansi_683.for_msg_type  Forward Link Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_683.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_683.none  Sub tree
            No value
        ansi_683.rev_msg_type  Reverse Link Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ANSI IS-801 (Location Services (PLD)) (ansi_801)

        ansi_801.for_req_type  Forward Request Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.for_rsp_type  Forward Response Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.for_sess_tag  Forward Session Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.rev_req_type  Reverse Request Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.rev_rsp_type  Reverse Response Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.rev_sess_tag  Reverse Session Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_801.sess_tag  Session Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ANSI Mobile Application Part (ansi_map)

        ansi_map.CDMABandClassList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMAChannelNumberList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMACodeChannelList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMAConnectionReferenceList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMAPSMMList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMAServiceOptionList_item  Item
            Byte array
        ansi_map.CDMATargetMAHOList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CDMATargetMeasurementList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.CallRecoveryIDList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.DataAccessElementList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.DataUpdateResultList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.ModificationRequestList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.ModificationResultList_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.PACA_Level  PACA Level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PACA Level
        ansi_map.ServiceDataAccessElementList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.ServiceDataResultList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.TargetMeasurementList_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_map.TerminationList_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.aCGDirective  aCGDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.aKeyProtocolVersion  aKeyProtocolVersion
            Byte array
        ansi_map.accessDeniedReason  accessDeniedReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.acgencountered  acgencountered
            Byte array
        ansi_map.actionCode  actionCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.addService  addService
            No value
        ansi_map.addServiceRes  addServiceRes
            No value
        ansi_map.alertCode  alertCode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.alertResult  alertResult
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.alertcode.alertaction  Alert Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Alert Action
        ansi_map.alertcode.cadence  Cadence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.alertcode.pitch  Pitch
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.allOrNone  allOrNone
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.analogRedirectInfo  analogRedirectInfo
            Byte array
        ansi_map.analogRedirectRecord  analogRedirectRecord
            No value
        ansi_map.analyzedInformation  analyzedInformation
            No value
        ansi_map.analyzedInformationRes  analyzedInformationRes
            No value
        ansi_map.announcementCode1  announcementCode1
            Byte array
        ansi_map.announcementCode2  announcementCode2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.announcementList  announcementList
            No value
        ansi_map.announcementcode.class  Tone
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.announcementcode.cust_ann  Custom Announcement
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Custom Announcement
        ansi_map.announcementcode.std_ann  Standard Announcement
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Standard Announcement
        ansi_map.announcementcode.tone  Tone
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.authenticationAlgorithmVersion  authenticationAlgorithmVersion
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationCapability  authenticationCapability
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.authenticationData  authenticationData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationDirective  authenticationDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForward  authenticationDirectiveForward
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveForwardRes  authenticationDirectiveForwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationDirectiveRes  authenticationDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationFailureReport  authenticationFailureReport
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationFailureReportRes  authenticationFailureReportRes
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationRequest  authenticationRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationRequestRes  authenticationRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationResponse  authenticationResponse
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationResponseBaseStation  authenticationResponseBaseStation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationResponseReauthentication  authenticationResponseReauthentication
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge  authenticationResponseUniqueChallenge
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authenticationStatusReport  authenticationStatusReport
            No value
        ansi_map.authenticationStatusReportRes  authenticationStatusReportRes
            No value
        ansi_map.authorizationDenied  authorizationDenied
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.authorizationPeriod  authorizationPeriod
            Byte array
        ansi_map.authorizationperiod.period  Period
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.availabilityType  availabilityType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.baseStationChallenge  baseStationChallenge
            No value
        ansi_map.baseStationChallengeRes  baseStationChallengeRes
            No value
        ansi_map.baseStationManufacturerCode  baseStationManufacturerCode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.baseStationPartialKey  baseStationPartialKey
            Byte array
        ansi_map.bcd_digits  BCD digits
            BCD digits
        ansi_map.billingID  billingID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.blocking  blocking
            No value
        ansi_map.borderCellAccess  borderCellAccess
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.bsmcstatus  bsmcstatus
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.bulkDeregistration  bulkDeregistration
            No value
        ansi_map.bulkDisconnection  bulkDisconnection
            No value
        ansi_map.callControlDirective  callControlDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.callControlDirectiveRes  callControlDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.callHistoryCount  callHistoryCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.callHistoryCountExpected  callHistoryCountExpected
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.callRecoveryIDList  callRecoveryIDList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.callRecoveryReport  callRecoveryReport
            No value
        ansi_map.callStatus  callStatus
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.callTerminationReport  callTerminationReport
            No value
        ansi_map.callingFeaturesIndicator  callingFeaturesIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingPartyCategory  callingPartyCategory
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingPartyName  callingPartyName
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits1  callingPartyNumberDigits1
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingPartyNumberDigits2  callingPartyNumberDigits2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString1  callingPartyNumberString1
            No value
        ansi_map.callingPartyNumberString2  callingPartyNumberString2
            No value
        ansi_map.callingPartySubaddress  callingPartySubaddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.3wcfa  Three-Way Calling FeatureActivity, 3WC-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Three-Way Calling FeatureActivity, 3WC-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ahfa  Answer Hold: FeatureActivity AH-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Answer Hold: FeatureActivity AH-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ccsfa  CDMA-Concurrent Service:FeatureActivity. CCS-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CDMA-Concurrent Service:FeatureActivity. CCS-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cdfa  Call Delivery: FeatureActivity, CD-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Delivery: FeatureActivity, CD-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfbafa  Call Forwarding Busy FeatureActivity, CFB-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Forwarding Busy FeatureActivity, CFB-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfnafa  Call Forwarding No Answer FeatureActivity, CFNA-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Forwarding No Answer FeatureActivity, CFNA-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cfufa  Call Forwarding Unconditional FeatureActivity, CFU-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Forwarding Unconditional FeatureActivity, CFU-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip1fa  One number (network-provided only) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP1-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            One number (network-provided only) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP1-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnip2fa  Two number (network-provided and user-provided) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP2-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Two number (network-provided and user-provided) Calling Number Identification Presentation: FeatureActivity CNIP2-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cnirfa  Calling Number Identification Restriction: FeatureActivity CNIR-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Calling Number Identification Restriction: FeatureActivity CNIR-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cniroverfa  Calling Number Identification Restriction Override FeatureActivity CNIROver-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cpdfa  CDMA-Packet Data Service: FeatureActivity. CPDS-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CDMA-Packet Data Service: FeatureActivity. CPDS-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.ctfa  Call Transfer: FeatureActivity, CT-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Transfer: FeatureActivity, CT-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.cwfa  Call Waiting: FeatureActivity, CW-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Call Waiting: FeatureActivity, CW-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.dpfa  Data Privacy Feature Activity DP-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Data Privacy Feature Activity DP-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.epefa  TDMA Enhanced Privacy and Encryption:FeatureActivity.TDMA EPE-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TDMA Enhanced Privacy and Encryption:FeatureActivity.TDMA EPE-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.pcwfa  Priority Call Waiting FeatureActivity PCW-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Priority Call Waiting FeatureActivity PCW-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfmsfa  USCF divert to mobile station provided DN:FeatureActivity.USCFms-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            USCF divert to mobile station provided DN:FeatureActivity.USCFms-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.uscfvmfa  USCF divert to voice mail: FeatureActivity USCFvm-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            USCF divert to voice mail: FeatureActivity USCFvm-FA
        ansi_map.callingfeaturesindicator.vpfa  Voice Privacy FeatureActivity, VP-FA
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Voice Privacy FeatureActivity, VP-FA
        ansi_map.cancellationDenied  cancellationDenied
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cancellationType  cancellationType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.carrierDigits  carrierDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData  cdma2000HandoffInvokeIOSData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData  cdma2000HandoffResponseIOSData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaBandClass  cdmaBandClass
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaBandClassList  cdmaBandClassList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaCallMode  cdmaCallMode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaChannelData  cdmaChannelData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber  cdmaChannelNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumber2  cdmaChannelNumber2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaChannelNumberList  cdmaChannelNumberList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannel  cdmaCodeChannel
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaCodeChannelList  cdmaCodeChannelList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReference  cdmaConnectionReference
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation  cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation
            No value
        ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2  cdmaConnectionReferenceInformation2
            No value
        ansi_map.cdmaConnectionReferenceList  cdmaConnectionReferenceList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity  cdmaMSMeasuredChannelIdentity
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaMobileCapabilities  cdmaMobileCapabilities
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaMobileProtocolRevision  cdmaMobileProtocolRevision
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaNetworkIdentification  cdmaNetworkIdentification
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaPSMMCount  cdmaPSMMCount
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaPSMMList  cdmaPSMMList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaPilotPN  cdmaPilotPN
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaPilotStrength  cdmaPilotStrength
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator  cdmaPowerCombinedIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask  cdmaPrivateLongCodeMask
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaRedirectRecord  cdmaRedirectRecord
            No value
        ansi_map.cdmaSearchParameters  cdmaSearchParameters
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaSearchWindow  cdmaSearchWindow
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord  cdmaServiceConfigurationRecord
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaServiceOption  cdmaServiceOption
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier  cdmaServiceOptionConnectionIdentifier
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaServiceOptionList  cdmaServiceOptionList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaServingOneWayDelay  cdmaServingOneWayDelay
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaServingOneWayDelay2  cdmaServingOneWayDelay2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaSignalQuality  cdmaSignalQuality
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaSlotCycleIndex  cdmaSlotCycleIndex
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaState  cdmaState
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark  cdmaStationClassMark
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaStationClassMark2  cdmaStationClassMark2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmaTargetMAHOList  cdmaTargetMAHOList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaTargetMAHOList2  cdmaTargetMAHOList2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaTargetMeasurementList  cdmaTargetMeasurementList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmaTargetOneWayDelay  cdmaTargetOneWayDelay
            Byte array
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cdma  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls1  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls10  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls2  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls3  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls4  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls5  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls6  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls7  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls8  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.cls9  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmacallmode.namps  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.band_cls  Band Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Band Class
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.cdma_ch_no  CDMA Channel Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CDMA Channel Number
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.frameoffset  Frame Offset
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Offset
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b1  Long Code Mask LSB(byte 1)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask (byte 1)LSB
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b2  Long Code Mask (byte 2)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask (byte 2)
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b3  Long Code Mask (byte 3)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask (byte 3)
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b4  Long Code Mask (byte 4)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask (byte 4)
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b5  Long Code Mask (byte 5)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask (byte 5)
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.lc_mask_b6  Long Code Mask (byte 6) MSB
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long Code Mask MSB (byte 6)
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nominal_pwr  Nominal Power
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Nominal Power
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.np_ext  NP EXT
            NP EXT
        ansi_map.cdmachanneldata.nr_preamble  Number Preamble
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number Preamble
        ansi_map.cdmaserviceoption  CDMAServiceOption
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dmi  Dual-mode Indicator(DMI)
            Dual-mode Indicator(DMI)
        ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.dtx  Analog Transmission: (DTX)
            Analog Transmission: (DTX)
        ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.pc  Power Class(PC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Power Class(PC)
        ansi_map.cdmastationclassmark.smi   Slotted Mode Indicator: (SMI)
             Slotted Mode Indicator: (SMI)
        ansi_map.change  change
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.changeFacilities  changeFacilities
            No value
        ansi_map.changeFacilitiesRes  changeFacilitiesRes
            No value
        ansi_map.changeService  changeService
            No value
        ansi_map.changeServiceAttributes  changeServiceAttributes
            Byte array
        ansi_map.changeServiceRes  changeServiceRes
            No value
        ansi_map.channelData  channelData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.channeldata.chno  Channel Number (CHNO)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Channel Number (CHNO)
        ansi_map.channeldata.dtx  Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Discontinuous Transmission Mode (DTX)
        ansi_map.channeldata.scc  SAT Color Code (SCC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SAT Color Code (SCC)
        ansi_map.channeldata.vmac  Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Voice Mobile Attenuation Code (VMAC)
        ansi_map.checkMEID  checkMEID
            No value
        ansi_map.checkMEIDRes  checkMEIDRes
            No value
        ansi_map.conditionallyDeniedReason  conditionallyDeniedReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.conferenceCallingIndicator  conferenceCallingIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.confidentialityModes  confidentialityModes
            Byte array
        ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.dp  DataPrivacy (DP) Confidentiality Status
            DataPrivacy (DP) Confidentiality Status
        ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.se  Signaling Message Encryption (SE) Confidentiality Status
            Signaling Message Encryption (SE) Confidentiality Status
        ansi_map.confidentialitymodes.vp  Voice Privacy (VP) Confidentiality Status
            Voice Privacy (VP) Confidentiality Status
        ansi_map.connectResource  connectResource
            No value
        ansi_map.connectionFailureReport  connectionFailureReport
            No value
        ansi_map.controlChannelData  controlChannelData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.controlChannelMode  controlChannelMode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.controlNetworkID  controlNetworkID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.controlType  controlType
            Byte array
        ansi_map.controlchanneldata.cmac  Control Mobile Attenuation Code (CMAC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Control Mobile Attenuation Code (CMAC)
        ansi_map.controlchanneldata.dcc  Digital Color Code (DCC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Digital Color Code (DCC)
        ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc1  Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC1)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC1)
        ansi_map.controlchanneldata.ssdc2  Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC2)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Supplementary Digital Color Codes (SDCC2)
        ansi_map.countRequest  countRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.countRequestRes  countRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.countUpdateReport  countUpdateReport
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.dataAccessElement1  dataAccessElement1
            No value
        ansi_map.dataAccessElement2  dataAccessElement2
            No value
        ansi_map.dataAccessElementList  dataAccessElementList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.dataID  dataID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dataKey  dataKey
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dataPrivacyParameters  dataPrivacyParameters
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dataResult  dataResult
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.dataUpdateResultList  dataUpdateResultList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.dataValue  dataValue
            Byte array
        ansi_map.databaseKey  databaseKey
            Byte array
        ansi_map.deniedAuthorizationPeriod  deniedAuthorizationPeriod
            Byte array
        ansi_map.deniedauthorizationperiod.period  Period
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.denyAccess  denyAccess
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.deregistrationType  deregistrationType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.destinationAddress  destinationAddress
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.destinationDigits  destinationDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.digitCollectionControl  digitCollectionControl
            Byte array
        ansi_map.digits  digits
            No value
        ansi_map.digits_Carrier  digits-Carrier
            No value
        ansi_map.digits_Destination  digits-Destination
            No value
        ansi_map.digits_carrier  digits-carrier
            No value
        ansi_map.digits_dest  digits-dest
            No value
        ansi_map.displayText  displayText
            Byte array
        ansi_map.displayText2  displayText2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dmd_BillingIndicator  dmd-BillingIndicator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.dmh_AccountCodeDigits  dmh-AccountCodeDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dmh_AlternateBillingDigits  dmh-AlternateBillingDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dmh_BillingDigits  dmh-BillingDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dmh_ChargeInformation  dmh-ChargeInformation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dmh_RedirectionIndicator  dmh-RedirectionIndicator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.dmh_ServiceID  dmh-ServiceID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.dropService  dropService
            No value
        ansi_map.dropServiceRes  dropServiceRes
            No value
        ansi_map.dtxIndication  dtxIndication
            Byte array
        ansi_map.edirectingSubaddress  edirectingSubaddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.electronicSerialNumber  electronicSerialNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.emergencyServicesRoutingDigits  emergencyServicesRoutingDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.enc  Encoding
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.executeScript  executeScript
            No value
        ansi_map.extendedMSCID  extendedMSCID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.extendedSystemMyTypeCode  extendedSystemMyTypeCode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.extendedmscid.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.facilitiesDirective  facilitiesDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2  facilitiesDirective2
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitiesDirective2Res  facilitiesDirective2Res
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitiesDirectiveRes  facilitiesDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitiesRelease  facilitiesRelease
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitiesReleaseRes  facilitiesReleaseRes
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailable  facilitySelectedAndAvailable
            No value
        ansi_map.facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes  facilitySelectedAndAvailableRes
            No value
        ansi_map.failureCause  failureCause
            Byte array
        ansi_map.failureType  failureType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.featureIndicator  featureIndicator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.featureRequest  featureRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.featureRequestRes  featureRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.featureResult  featureResult
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.flashRequest  flashRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.gapDuration  gapDuration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.gapInterval  gapInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.generalizedTime  generalizedTime
        ansi_map.geoPositionRequest  geoPositionRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.geographicAuthorization  geographicAuthorization
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.geographicPosition  geographicPosition
            Byte array
        ansi_map.globalTitle  globalTitle
            Byte array
        ansi_map.groupInformation  groupInformation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.handoffBack  handoffBack
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffBack2  handoffBack2
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffBack2Res  handoffBack2Res
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffBackRes  handoffBackRes
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest  handoffMeasurementRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2  handoffMeasurementRequest2
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequest2Res  handoffMeasurementRequest2Res
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffMeasurementRequestRes  handoffMeasurementRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffReason  handoffReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.handoffState  handoffState
            Byte array
        ansi_map.handoffToThird  handoffToThird
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffToThird2  handoffToThird2
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffToThird2Res  handoffToThird2Res
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffToThirdRes  handoffToThirdRes
            No value
        ansi_map.handoffstate.pi  Party Involved (PI)
            Party Involved (PI)
        ansi_map.horizontal_Velocity  horizontal-Velocity
            Byte array
        ansi_map.ia5_digits  IA5 digits
            IA5 digits
        ansi_map.idno  ID Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ID Number
        ansi_map.ilspInformation  ilspInformation
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.imsi  imsi
            Byte array
        ansi_map.informationDirective  informationDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.informationDirectiveRes  informationDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.informationForward  informationForward
            No value
        ansi_map.informationForwardRes  informationForwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.information_Record  information-Record
            Byte array
        ansi_map.interMSCCircuitID  interMSCCircuitID
            No value
        ansi_map.interMessageTime  interMessageTime
            Byte array
        ansi_map.interSwitchCount  interSwitchCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.interSystemAnswer  interSystemAnswer
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPage  interSystemPage
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPage2  interSystemPage2
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPage2Res  interSystemPage2Res
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPageRes  interSystemPageRes
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequest  interSystemPositionRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForward  interSystemPositionRequestForward
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes  interSystemPositionRequestForwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemPositionRequestRes  interSystemPositionRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemSetup  interSystemSetup
            No value
        ansi_map.interSystemSetupRes  interSystemSetupRes
            No value
        ansi_map.intersystemTermination  intersystemTermination
            No value
        ansi_map.invokingNEType  invokingNEType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.lcsBillingID  lcsBillingID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.lcsParameterRequest  lcsParameterRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.lcsParameterRequestRes  lcsParameterRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.lcs_Client_ID  lcs-Client-ID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.lectronicSerialNumber  lectronicSerialNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.legInformation  legInformation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.lirAuthorization  lirAuthorization
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.lirMode  lirMode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.localTermination  localTermination
            No value
        ansi_map.locationAreaID  locationAreaID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.locationRequest  locationRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.locationRequestRes  locationRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.mSCIdentificationNumber  mSCIdentificationNumber
            No value
        ansi_map.mSIDUsage  mSIDUsage
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.mSInactive  mSInactive
            No value
        ansi_map.mSStatus  mSStatus
            Byte array
        ansi_map.marketid  MarketID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_map.meid  meid
            Byte array
        ansi_map.meidStatus  meidStatus
            Byte array
        ansi_map.meidValidated  meidValidated
            No value
        ansi_map.messageDirective  messageDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationCount  messageWaitingNotificationCount
            Byte array
        ansi_map.messageWaitingNotificationType  messageWaitingNotificationType
            Byte array
        ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.mwi  Message Waiting Indication (MWI)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Message Waiting Indication (MWI)
        ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.nomw  Number of Messages Waiting
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Messages Waiting
        ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationcount.tom  Type of messages
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of messages
        ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.apt  Alert Pip Tone (APT)
            Alert Pip Tone (APT)
        ansi_map.messagewaitingnotificationtype.pt  Pip Tone (PT)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Pip Tone (PT)
        ansi_map.mobileDirectoryNumber  mobileDirectoryNumber
            No value
        ansi_map.mobileIdentificationNumber  mobileIdentificationNumber
            No value
        ansi_map.mobilePositionCapability  mobilePositionCapability
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mobileStationIMSI  mobileStationIMSI
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mobileStationMIN  mobileStationMIN
            No value
        ansi_map.mobileStationMSID  mobileStationMSID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.mobileStationPartialKey  mobileStationPartialKey
            Byte array
        ansi_map.modificationRequestList  modificationRequestList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.modificationResultList  modificationResultList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.modify  modify
            No value
        ansi_map.modifyRes  modifyRes
            No value
        ansi_map.modulusValue  modulusValue
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mpcAddress  mpcAddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mpcAddress2  mpcAddress2
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mpcAddressList  mpcAddressList
            No value
        ansi_map.mpcid  mpcid
            Byte array
        ansi_map.msLocation  msLocation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.msc_Address  msc-Address
            Byte array
        ansi_map.mscid  mscid
            Byte array
        ansi_map.msid  msid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.mslocation.lat  Latitude in tenths of a second
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Latitude in tenths of a second
        ansi_map.mslocation.long  Longitude in tenths of a second
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Switch Number (SWNO)
        ansi_map.mslocation.res  Resolution in units of 1 foot
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Resolution in units of 1 foot
        ansi_map.na  Nature of Number
            Nature of Number
        ansi_map.nampsCallMode  nampsCallMode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.nampsChannelData  nampsChannelData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.nampscallmode.amps  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.nampscallmode.namps  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.nampschanneldata.ccindicator  Color Code Indicator (CCIndicator)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Color Code Indicator (CCIndicator)
        ansi_map.nampschanneldata.navca  Narrow Analog Voice Channel Assignment (NAVCA)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Narrow Analog Voice Channel Assignment (NAVCA)
        ansi_map.navail  Numer available indication
            Numer available indication
        ansi_map.networkTMSI  networkTMSI
            Byte array
        ansi_map.networkTMSIExpirationTime  networkTMSIExpirationTime
            Byte array
        ansi_map.newMINExtension  newMINExtension
            Byte array
        ansi_map.newNetworkTMSI  newNetworkTMSI
            Byte array
        ansi_map.newlyAssignedIMSI  newlyAssignedIMSI
            Byte array
        ansi_map.newlyAssignedMIN  newlyAssignedMIN
            No value
        ansi_map.newlyAssignedMSID  newlyAssignedMSID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.noAnswerTime  noAnswerTime
            Byte array
        ansi_map.nonPublicData  nonPublicData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.np  Numbering Plan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Numbering Plan
        ansi_map.nr_digits  Number of Digits
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Digits
        ansi_map.numberPortabilityRequest  numberPortabilityRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.oAnswer  oAnswer
            No value
        ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusy  oCalledPartyBusy
            No value
        ansi_map.oCalledPartyBusyRes  oCalledPartyBusyRes
            No value
        ansi_map.oDisconnect  oDisconnect
            No value
        ansi_map.oDisconnectRes  oDisconnectRes
            No value
        ansi_map.oNoAnswer  oNoAnswer
            No value
        ansi_map.oNoAnswerRes  oNoAnswerRes
            No value
        ansi_map.oTASPRequest  oTASPRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.oTASPRequestRes  oTASPRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.ocdmacallmode.amps  Call Mode
            Call Mode
        ansi_map.oneTimeFeatureIndicator  oneTimeFeatureIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.op_code  Operation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Operation Code
        ansi_map.op_code_fam  Operation Code Family
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Operation Code Family
        ansi_map.originationIndicator  originationIndicator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.originationRequest  originationRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.originationRequestRes  originationRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.originationTriggers  originationTriggers
            Byte array
        ansi_map.originationrestrictions.default  DEFAULT
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.originationrestrictions.direct  DIRECT
        ansi_map.originationrestrictions.fmc  Force Message Center (FMC)
            Force Message Center (FMC)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.all  All Origination (All)
            All Origination (All)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.dp  Double Pound (DP)
            Double Pound (DP)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.ds  Double Star (DS)
            Double Star (DS)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.eight  8 digits
            8 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.eleven  11 digits
            11 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.fifteen  15 digits
            15 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.fivedig  5 digits
            5 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourdig  4 digits
            4 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.fourteen  14 digits
            14 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.ilata  Intra-LATA Toll (ILATA)
            Intra-LATA Toll (ILATA)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.int  International (Int'l )
            International (Int'l )
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.nine  9 digits
            9 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.nodig  No digits
            No digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.olata  Inter-LATA Toll (OLATA)
            Inter-LATA Toll (OLATA)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.onedig  1 digit
            1 digit
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.pa  Prior Agreement (PA)
            Prior Agreement (PA)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.pound  Pound
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.rvtc  Revertive Call (RvtC)
            Revertive Call (RvtC)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.sevendig  7 digits
            7 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.sixdig  6 digits
            6 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.star  Star
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.ten  10 digits
            10 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.thirteen  13 digits
            13 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.threedig  3 digits
            3 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.thwelv  12 digits
            12 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.twodig  2 digits
            2 digits
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.unrec  Unrecognized Number (Unrec)
            Unrecognized Number (Unrec)
        ansi_map.originationtriggers.wz  World Zone (WZ)
            World Zone (WZ)
        ansi_map.otasp_ResultCode  otasp-ResultCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.outingDigits  outingDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pACAIndicator  pACAIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pC_SSN  pC-SSN
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation  pSID-RSIDInformation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pSID_RSIDInformation1  pSID-RSIDInformation1
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pSID_RSIDList  pSID-RSIDList
            No value
        ansi_map.pacaindicator_pa  Permanent Activation (PA)
            Permanent Activation (PA)
        ansi_map.pageCount  pageCount
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pageIndicator  pageIndicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.pageResponseTime  pageResponseTime
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pagingFrameClass  pagingFrameClass
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.parameterRequest  parameterRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.parameterRequestRes  parameterRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.pc_ssn  pc-ssn
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pdsnAddress  pdsnAddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pdsnProtocolType  pdsnProtocolType
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pilotBillingID  pilotBillingID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pilotNumber  pilotNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.positionEventNotification  positionEventNotification
            No value
        ansi_map.positionInformation  positionInformation
            No value
        ansi_map.positionInformationCode  positionInformationCode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.positionRequest  positionRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.positionRequestForward  positionRequestForward
            No value
        ansi_map.positionRequestForwardRes  positionRequestForwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.positionRequestRes  positionRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.positionRequestType  positionRequestType
            Byte array
        ansi_map.positionResult  positionResult
            Byte array
        ansi_map.positionSource  positionSource
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_HorizontalPosition  pqos-HorizontalPosition
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_HorizontalVelocity  pqos-HorizontalVelocity
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_MaximumPositionAge  pqos-MaximumPositionAge
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_PositionPriority  pqos-PositionPriority
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_ResponseTime  pqos-ResponseTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.pqos_VerticalPosition  pqos-VerticalPosition
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pqos_VerticalVelocity  pqos-VerticalVelocity
            Byte array
        ansi_map.preferredLanguageIndicator  preferredLanguageIndicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.primitiveValue  primitiveValue
            Byte array
        ansi_map.privateSpecializedResource  privateSpecializedResource
            Byte array
        ansi_map.pstnTermination  pstnTermination
            No value
        ansi_map.qosPriority  qosPriority
            Byte array
        ansi_map.qualificationDirective  qualificationDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.qualificationInformationCode  qualificationInformationCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.qualificationRequest  qualificationRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.qualificationRequestRes  qualificationRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.randValidTime  randValidTime
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randc  randc
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randomVariable  randomVariable
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randomVariableBaseStation  randomVariableBaseStation
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randomVariableReauthentication  randomVariableReauthentication
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randomVariableRequest  randomVariableRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.randomVariableRequestRes  randomVariableRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.randomVariableSSD  randomVariableSSD
            Byte array
        ansi_map.randomVariableUniqueChallenge  randomVariableUniqueChallenge
            Byte array
        ansi_map.range  range
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.reasonList  reasonList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.reauthenticationReport  reauthenticationReport
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.receivedSignalQuality  receivedSignalQuality
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.record_Type  record-Type
            Byte array
        ansi_map.redirectingNumberDigits  redirectingNumberDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.redirectingNumberString  redirectingNumberString
            Byte array
        ansi_map.redirectingPartyName  redirectingPartyName
            Byte array
        ansi_map.redirectingSubaddress  redirectingSubaddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.redirectionDirective  redirectionDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.redirectionReason  redirectionReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.redirectionRequest  redirectionRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.registrationCancellation  registrationCancellation
            No value
        ansi_map.registrationCancellationRes  registrationCancellationRes
            No value
        ansi_map.registrationNotification  registrationNotification
            No value
        ansi_map.registrationNotificationRes  registrationNotificationRes
            No value
        ansi_map.releaseCause  releaseCause
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.releaseReason  releaseReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirective  remoteUserInteractionDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes  remoteUserInteractionDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.reportType  reportType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.reportType2  reportType2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.requiredParametersMask  requiredParametersMask
            Byte array
        ansi_map.reserved_bitED  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.reserved_bitFED  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.reserved_bitH  Reserved
        ansi_map.reserved_bitHG  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.reserved_bitHGFE  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.resetCircuit  resetCircuit
            No value
        ansi_map.resetCircuitRes  resetCircuitRes
            No value
        ansi_map.restrictionDigits  restrictionDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.resumePIC  resumePIC
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest  roamerDatabaseVerificationRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes  roamerDatabaseVerificationRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.roamingIndication  roamingIndication
            Byte array
        ansi_map.routingDigits  routingDigits
            Byte array
        ansi_map.routingRequest  routingRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.routingRequestRes  routingRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sCFOverloadGapInterval  sCFOverloadGapInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackward  sMSDeliveryBackward
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryBackwardRes  sMSDeliveryBackwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForward  sMSDeliveryForward
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryForwardRes  sMSDeliveryForwardRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPoint  sMSDeliveryPointToPoint
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes  sMSDeliveryPointToPointRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSNotification  sMSNotification
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSNotificationRes  sMSNotificationRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSRequest  sMSRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.sMSRequestRes  sMSRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.sOCStatus  sOCStatus
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sRFDirective  sRFDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.sRFDirectiveRes  sRFDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.scriptArgument  scriptArgument
            Byte array
        ansi_map.scriptName  scriptName
            Byte array
        ansi_map.scriptResult  scriptResult
            Byte array
        ansi_map.search  search
            No value
        ansi_map.searchRes  searchRes
            No value
        ansi_map.segcount  Segment Counter
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Segment Counter
        ansi_map.seizeResource  seizeResource
            No value
        ansi_map.seizeResourceRes  seizeResourceRes
            No value
        ansi_map.seizureType  seizureType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.senderIdentificationNumber  senderIdentificationNumber
            No value
        ansi_map.serviceDataAccessElementList  serviceDataAccessElementList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.serviceDataResultList  serviceDataResultList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.serviceID  serviceID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.serviceIndicator  serviceIndicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.serviceManagementSystemGapInterval  serviceManagementSystemGapInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.serviceRedirectionCause  serviceRedirectionCause
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.serviceRedirectionInfo  serviceRedirectionInfo
            Byte array
        ansi_map.serviceRequest  serviceRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.serviceRequestRes  serviceRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.servicesResult  servicesResult
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.servingCellID  servingCellID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.setupResult  setupResult
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sharedSecretData  sharedSecretData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.si  Screening indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Screening indication
        ansi_map.signalQuality  signalQuality
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionKey  signalingMessageEncryptionKey
            Byte array
        ansi_map.signalingMessageEncryptionReport  signalingMessageEncryptionReport
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sms_AccessDeniedReason  sms-AccessDeniedReason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sms_Address  sms-Address
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_BearerData  sms-BearerData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_CauseCode  sms-CauseCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sms_ChargeIndicator  sms-ChargeIndicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sms_DestinationAddress  sms-DestinationAddress
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_MessageCount  sms-MessageCount
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_MessageWaitingIndicator  sms-MessageWaitingIndicator
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_NotificationIndicator  sms-NotificationIndicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationAddress  sms-OriginalDestinationAddress
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_OriginalDestinationSubaddress  sms-OriginalDestinationSubaddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingAddress  sms-OriginalOriginatingAddress
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_OriginalOriginatingSubaddress  sms-OriginalOriginatingSubaddress
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_OriginatingAddress  sms-OriginatingAddress
            No value
        ansi_map.sms_OriginationRestrictions  sms-OriginationRestrictions
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_TeleserviceIdentifier  sms-TeleserviceIdentifier
            Byte array
        ansi_map.sms_TerminationRestrictions  sms-TerminationRestrictions
            Byte array
        ansi_map.specializedResource  specializedResource
            Byte array
        ansi_map.spiniTriggers  spiniTriggers
            Byte array
        ansi_map.spinipin  spinipin
            Byte array
        ansi_map.ssdUpdateReport  ssdUpdateReport
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ansi_map.ssdnotShared  ssdnotShared
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.stationClassMark  stationClassMark
            Byte array
        ansi_map.statusRequest  statusRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.statusRequestRes  statusRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.subaddr_odd_even  Odd/Even Indicator
            Odd/Even Indicator
        ansi_map.subaddr_type  Type of Subaddress
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Subaddress
        ansi_map.suspiciousAccess  suspiciousAccess
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.swno  Switch Number (SWNO)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Switch Number (SWNO)
        ansi_map.systemAccessData  systemAccessData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.systemAccessType  systemAccessType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.systemCapabilities  systemCapabilities
            Byte array
        ansi_map.systemMyTypeCode  systemMyTypeCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.systemOperatorCode  systemOperatorCode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.auth  Authentication Parameters Requested (AUTH)
            Authentication Parameters Requested (AUTH)
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.cave  CAVE Algorithm Capable (CAVE)
            CAVE Algorithm Capable (CAVE)
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.dp  Data Privacy (DP)
            Data Privacy (DP)
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.se  Signaling Message Encryption Capable (SE )
            Signaling Message Encryption Capable (SE )
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.ssd  Shared SSD (SSD)
            Shared SSD (SSD)
        ansi_map.systemcapabilities.vp  Voice Privacy Capable (VP )
            Voice Privacy Capable (VP )
        ansi_map.tAnswer  tAnswer
            No value
        ansi_map.tBusy  tBusy
            No value
        ansi_map.tBusyRes  tBusyRes
            No value
        ansi_map.tDisconnect  tDisconnect
            No value
        ansi_map.tDisconnectRes  tDisconnectRes
            No value
        ansi_map.tMSIDirective  tMSIDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.tMSIDirectiveRes  tMSIDirectiveRes
            No value
        ansi_map.tNoAnswer  tNoAnswer
            No value
        ansi_map.tNoAnswerRes  tNoAnswerRes
            No value
        ansi_map.targetCellID  targetCellID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.targetCellID1  targetCellID1
            Byte array
        ansi_map.targetCellIDList  targetCellIDList
            No value
        ansi_map.targetMeasurementList  targetMeasurementList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.tdmaBandwidth  tdmaBandwidth
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.tdmaBurstIndicator  tdmaBurstIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaCallMode  tdmaCallMode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaChannelData  tdmaChannelData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator  tdmaDataFeaturesIndicator
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaDataMode  tdmaDataMode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaServiceCode  tdmaServiceCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.tdmaTerminalCapability  tdmaTerminalCapability
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaVoiceCoder  tdmaVoiceCoder
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdmaVoiceMode  tdmaVoiceMode
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdma_MAHORequest  tdma-MAHORequest
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdma_MAHO_CELLID  tdma-MAHO-CELLID
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdma_MAHO_CHANNEL  tdma-MAHO-CHANNEL
            Byte array
        ansi_map.tdma_TimeAlignment  tdma-TimeAlignment
            Byte array
        ansi_map.teleservice_Priority  teleservice-Priority
            Byte array
        ansi_map.temporaryReferenceNumber  temporaryReferenceNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.terminalType  terminalType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationAccessType  terminationAccessType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationList  terminationList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationRestrictionCode  terminationRestrictionCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationTreatment  terminationTreatment
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationTriggers  terminationTriggers
            Byte array
        ansi_map.terminationtriggers.busy  Busy
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.terminationtriggers.na  No Answer (NA)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            No Answer (NA)
        ansi_map.terminationtriggers.npr  No Page Response (NPR)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            No Page Response (NPR)
        ansi_map.terminationtriggers.nr  None Reachable (NR)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            None Reachable (NR)
        ansi_map.terminationtriggers.rf  Routing Failure (RF)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Routing Failure (RF)
        ansi_map.tgn  Trunk Group Number (G)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Trunk Group Number (G)
        ansi_map.timeDateOffset  timeDateOffset
            Byte array
        ansi_map.timeOfDay  timeOfDay
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.trans_cap_ann  Announcements (ANN)
            Announcements (ANN)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_busy  Busy Detection (BUSY)
            Busy Detection (BUSY)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_multerm  Multiple Terminations
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Multiple Terminations
        ansi_map.trans_cap_nami  NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI)
            NAME Capability Indicator (NAMI)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_ndss  NDSS Capability (NDSS)
            NDSS Capability (NDSS)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_prof  Profile (PROF)
            Profile (PROF)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_rui  Remote User Interaction (RUI)
            Remote User Interaction (RUI)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_spini  Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI)
            Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_tl  TerminationList (TL)
            TerminationList (TL)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_uzci  UZ Capability Indicator (UZCI)
            UZ Capability Indicator (UZCI)
        ansi_map.trans_cap_waddr  WIN Addressing (WADDR)
            WIN Addressing (WADDR)
        ansi_map.transactionCapability  transactionCapability
            Byte array
        ansi_map.transferToNumberRequest  transferToNumberRequest
            No value
        ansi_map.transferToNumberRequestRes  transferToNumberRequestRes
            No value
        ansi_map.triggerAddressList  triggerAddressList
            No value
        ansi_map.triggerCapability  triggerCapability
            Byte array
        ansi_map.triggerList  triggerList
            No value
        ansi_map.triggerListOpt  triggerListOpt
            No value
        ansi_map.triggerType  triggerType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.triggercapability.all  All_Calls (All)
            All_Calls (All)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.at  Advanced_Termination (AT)
            Advanced_Termination (AT)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.cdraa  Called_Routing_Address_Available (CdRAA)
            Called_Routing_Address_Available (CdRAA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.cgraa  Calling_Routing_Address_Available (CgRAA)
            Calling_Routing_Address_Available (CgRAA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.init  Introducing Star/Pound (INIT)
            Introducing Star/Pound (INIT)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.it  Initial_Termination (IT)
            Initial_Termination (IT)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.kdigit  K-digit (K-digit)
            K-digit (K-digit)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.oaa  Origination_Attempt_Authorized (OAA)
            Origination_Attempt_Authorized (OAA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.oans  O_Answer (OANS)
            O_Answer (OANS)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.odisc  O_Disconnect (ODISC)
            O_Disconnect (ODISC)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.ona  O_No_Answer (ONA)
            O_No_Answer (ONA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.pa  Prior_Agreement (PA)
            Prior_Agreement (PA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.rvtc  Revertive_Call (RvtC)
            Revertive_Call (RvtC)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.tans  T_Answer (TANS)
            T_Answer (TANS)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.tbusy  T_Busy (TBusy)
            T_Busy (TBusy)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.tdisc  T_Disconnect (TDISC) 
            T_Disconnect (TDISC)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.tna  T_No_Answer (TNA)
            T_No_Answer (TNA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.tra  Terminating_Resource_Available (TRA)
            Terminating_Resource_Available (TRA)
        ansi_map.triggercapability.unrec  Unrecognized_Number (Unrec)
            Unrecognized_Number (Unrec)
        ansi_map.trunkStatus  trunkStatus
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.trunkTest  trunkTest
            No value
        ansi_map.trunkTestDisconnect  trunkTestDisconnect
            No value
        ansi_map.type_of_digits  Type of Digits
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Digits
        ansi_map.type_of_pi  Presentation Indication
            Presentation Indication
        ansi_map.unblocking  unblocking
            No value
        ansi_map.uniqueChallengeReport  uniqueChallengeReport
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.unreliableCallData  unreliableCallData
            No value
        ansi_map.unreliableRoamerDataDirective  unreliableRoamerDataDirective
            No value
        ansi_map.unsolicitedResponse  unsolicitedResponse
            No value
        ansi_map.unsolicitedResponseRes  unsolicitedResponseRes
            No value
        ansi_map.updateCount  updateCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_map.userGroup  userGroup
            Byte array
        ansi_map.userZoneData  userZoneData
            Byte array
        ansi_map.value   Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.vertical_Velocity  vertical-Velocity
            Byte array
        ansi_map.voiceMailboxNumber  voiceMailboxNumber
            Byte array
        ansi_map.voiceMailboxPIN  voiceMailboxPIN
            Byte array
        ansi_map.voicePrivacyMask  voicePrivacyMask
            Byte array
        ansi_map.voicePrivacyReport  voicePrivacyReport
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ansi_map.wINOperationsCapability  wINOperationsCapability
            Byte array
        ansi_map.wIN_TriggerList  wIN-TriggerList
            Byte array
        ansi_map.winCapability  winCapability
            No value
        ansi_map.winoperationscapability.ccdir  CallControlDirective(CCDIR)
        ansi_map.winoperationscapability.conn  ConnectResource (CONN)
            ConnectResource (CONN)
        ansi_map.winoperationscapability.pos  PositionRequest (POS)
            PositionRequest (POS)


    ANSI Transaction Capabilities Application Part (ansi_tcap)

        ansi_tcap.ComponentSequence_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.UserInformation_item  Item
            No value
        ansi_tcap.abort  abort
            No value
        ansi_tcap.abortCause  abortCause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.applicationContext  applicationContext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.causeInformation  causeInformation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.componentID  componentID
            Byte array
        ansi_tcap.componentIDs  componentIDs
            Byte array
        ansi_tcap.componentPortion  componentPortion
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.confidentiality  confidentiality
            No value
        ansi_tcap.confidentialityId  confidentialityId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.conversationWithPerm  conversationWithPerm
            No value
        ansi_tcap.conversationWithoutPerm  conversationWithoutPerm
            No value
        ansi_tcap.dialogPortion  dialogPortion
            No value
        ansi_tcap.dialoguePortion  dialoguePortion
            No value
        ansi_tcap.errorCode  errorCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.identifier  identifier
            Byte array
        ansi_tcap.integerApplicationId  integerApplicationId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.integerConfidentialityId  integerConfidentialityId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.integerSecurityId  integerSecurityId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.invokeLast  invokeLast
            No value
        ansi_tcap.invokeNotLast  invokeNotLast
            No value
        ansi_tcap.national  national
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.objectApplicationId  objectApplicationId
        ansi_tcap.objectConfidentialityId  objectConfidentialityId
        ansi_tcap.objectSecurityId  objectSecurityId
        ansi_tcap.operationCode  operationCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.paramSequence  paramSequence
            No value
        ansi_tcap.paramSet  paramSet
            No value
        ansi_tcap.parameter  parameter
            Byte array
        ansi_tcap.private  private
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.queryWithPerm  queryWithPerm
            No value
        ansi_tcap.queryWithoutPerm  queryWithoutPerm
            No value
        ansi_tcap.reject  reject
            No value
        ansi_tcap.rejectProblem  rejectProblem
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.response  response
            No value
        ansi_tcap.returnError  returnError
            No value
        ansi_tcap.returnResultLast  returnResultLast
            No value
        ansi_tcap.returnResultNotLast  returnResultNotLast
            No value
        ansi_tcap.securityContext  securityContext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.srt.begin  Begin Session
            Frame number
            SRT Begin of Session
        ansi_tcap.srt.duplicate  Request Duplicate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.srt.end  End Session
            Frame number
            SRT End of Session
        ansi_tcap.srt.session_id  Session Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ansi_tcap.srt.sessiontime  Session duration
            Time duration
            Duration of the TCAP session
        ansi_tcap.unidirectional  unidirectional
            No value
        ansi_tcap.userInformation  userInformation
            No value
        ansi_tcap.version  version
            Byte array


    AOL Instant Messenger (aim)

        aim.buddyname  Buddy Name
        aim.buddynamelen  Buddyname len
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim.channel  Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim.cmd_start  Command Start
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim.data  Data
            Byte array
        aim.datalen  Data Field Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.addr  Internal IP address
            IPv4 address
        aim.dcinfo.auth_cookie  Authorization Cookie
            Byte array
        aim.dcinfo.client_futures  Client Futures
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.last_ext_info_update  Last Extended Info Update
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.last_ext_status_update  Last Extended Status Update
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.last_info_update  Last Info Update
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.proto_version  Protocol Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.tcpport  TCP Port
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.unknown  Unknown
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.dcinfo.webport  Web Front Port
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.fnac.family  FNAC Family ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.fnac.flags  FNAC Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.fnac.flags.contains_version  Contains Version of Family this SNAC is in
        aim.fnac.flags.next_is_related  Followed By SNAC with related information
        aim.fnac.id  FNAC ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aim.fnac.subtype  FNAC Subtype ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.infotype  Infotype
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.charset  Block Character set
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.charsubset  Block Character subset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.features  Features
            Byte array
        aim.messageblock.featuresdes  Features
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.featureslen  Features Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.info  Block info
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.length  Block length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.messageblock.message  Message
        aim.seqno  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.signon.challenge  Signon challenge
        aim.signon.challengelen  Signon challenge length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.snac.error  SNAC Error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.tlvcount  TLV Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.userclass.administrator  AOL Administrator flag
        aim.userclass.away  AOL away status flag
        aim.userclass.commercial  AOL commercial account flag
        aim.userclass.icq  ICQ user sign
        aim.userclass.noncommercial  ICQ non-commercial account flag
        aim.userclass.staff  AOL Staff User Flag
        aim.userclass.unconfirmed  AOL Unconfirmed user flag
        aim.userclass.unknown100  Unknown bit
        aim.userclass.unknown200  Unknown bit
        aim.userclass.unknown400  Unknown bit
        aim.userclass.unknown800  Unknown bit
        aim.userclass.wireless  AOL wireless user
        aim.userinfo.warninglevel  Warning Level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aim.version  Protocol Version
            Byte array


    ARCNET (arcnet)

        arcnet.dst  Dest
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Dest ID
        arcnet.exception_flag  Exception Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Exception flag
        arcnet.offset  Offset
            Byte array
        arcnet.protID  Protocol ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Proto type
        arcnet.sequence  Sequence
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Sequence number
        arcnet.split_flag  Split Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Split flag
        arcnet.src  Source
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source ID


    ASN.1 decoding (asn1)


    ATAoverEthernet (aoe)

        aoe.aflags.a  A
            Whether this is an asynchronous write or not
        aoe.aflags.d  D
        aoe.aflags.e  E
            Whether this is a normal or LBA48 command
        aoe.aflags.w  W
            Is this a command writing data to the device or not
        aoe.ata.cmd  ATA Cmd
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ATA command opcode
        aoe.ata.status  ATA Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ATA status bits
        aoe.cmd  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AOE Command
        aoe.err_feature  Err/Feature
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aoe.error  Error
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Error code
        aoe.lba  Lba
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Lba address
        aoe.major  Major
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Major address
        aoe.minor  Minor
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Minor address
        aoe.response  Response flag
            Whether this is a response PDU or not
        aoe.response_in  Response In
            Frame number
            The response to this packet is in this frame
        aoe.response_to  Response To
            Frame number
            This is a response to the ATA command in this frame
        aoe.sector_count  Sector Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Sector Count
        aoe.tag  Tag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Command Tag
        aoe.time  Time from request
            Time duration
            Time between Request and Reply for ATA calls
        aoe.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version of the AOE protocol


    ATM (atm)

        atm.aal  AAL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        atm.cid  CID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        atm.vci  VCI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        atm.vpi  VPI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    ATM AAL1 (aal1)


    ATM AAL3/4 (aal3_4)


    ATM LAN Emulation (lane)


    ATM OAM AAL (oamaal)


    AVS WLAN Capture header (wlancap)

        wlancap.antenna  Antenna
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.datarate  Data rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.drops  Known Dropped Frames
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.encoding  Encoding Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.frequency  Frequency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.hosttime  Host timestamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        wlancap.length  Header length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.mactime  MAC timestamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        wlancap.magic  Header magic
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.padding  Padding
            Byte array
        wlancap.phytype  PHY type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.preamble  Preamble
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.receiver_addr  Receiver Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Receiver Hardware Address
        wlancap.sequence  Receive sequence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.ssi_noise  SSI Noise
            Signed 32-bit integer
        wlancap.ssi_signal  SSI Signal
            Signed 32-bit integer
        wlancap.ssi_type  SSI Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        wlancap.version  Header revision
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    AX/4000 Test Block (ax4000)

        ax4000.chassis  Chassis Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ax4000.crc  CRC (unchecked)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ax4000.fill  Fill Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ax4000.index  Index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ax4000.port  Port Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ax4000.seq  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ax4000.timestamp  Timestamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Active Directory Setup (dssetup)

        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_GUID_PRESENT  Ds Role Primary Domain Guid Present
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DS_MIXED_MODE  Ds Role Primary Ds Mixed Mode
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_PRIMARY_DS_RUNNING  Ds Role Primary Ds Running
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleFlags.DS_ROLE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS  Ds Role Upgrade In Progress
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation.info  Info
            No value
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation.level  Level
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.basic  Basic
            No value
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.opstatus  Opstatus
            No value
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleInfo.upgrade  Upgrade
            No value
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleOpStatus.status  Status
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.dns_domain  Dns Domain
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.domain  Domain
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.domain_guid  Domain Guid
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.forest  Forest
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRolePrimaryDomInfoBasic.role  Role
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleUpgradeStatus.previous_role  Previous Role
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dssetup.dssetup_DsRoleUpgradeStatus.upgrading  Upgrading
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dssetup.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dssetup.werror  Windows Error
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol (aodv)

        aodv.dest_ip  Destination IP
            IPv4 address
            Destination IP Address
        aodv.dest_ipv6  Destination IPv6
            IPv6 address
            Destination IPv6 Address
        aodv.dest_seqno  Destination Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Destination Sequence Number
        aodv.destcount  Destination Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unreachable Destinations Count
        aodv.ext_length  Extension Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Extension Data Length
        aodv.ext_type  Extension Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Extension Format Type
        aodv.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aodv.flags.rerr_nodelete  RERR No Delete
        aodv.flags.rrep_ack  RREP Acknowledgement
        aodv.flags.rrep_repair  RREP Repair
        aodv.flags.rreq_destinationonly  RREQ Destination only
        aodv.flags.rreq_gratuitous  RREQ Gratuitous RREP
        aodv.flags.rreq_join  RREQ Join
        aodv.flags.rreq_repair  RREQ Repair
        aodv.flags.rreq_unknown  RREQ Unknown Sequence Number
        aodv.hello_interval  Hello Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Hello Interval Extension
        aodv.hopcount  Hop Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Hop Count
        aodv.lifetime  Lifetime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        aodv.orig_ip  Originator IP
            IPv4 address
            Originator IP Address
        aodv.orig_ipv6  Originator IPv6
            IPv6 address
            Originator IPv6 Address
        aodv.orig_seqno  Originator Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Originator Sequence Number
        aodv.prefix_sz  Prefix Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Prefix Size
        aodv.rreq_id  RREQ Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            RREQ Id
        aodv.timestamp  Timestamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Timestamp Extension
        aodv.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AODV packet type
        aodv.unreach_dest_ip  Unreachable Destination IP
            IPv4 address
            Unreachable Destination IP Address
        aodv.unreach_dest_ipv6  Unreachable Destination IPv6
            IPv6 address
            Unreachable Destination IPv6 Address
        aodv.unreach_dest_seqno  Unreachable Destination Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Unreachable Destination Sequence Number


    Adaptive Multi-Rate (amr)

        amr.fqi  FQI
            Frame quality indicator bit
        amr.if1.sti  SID Type Indicator
            SID Type Indicator
        amr.if2.sti  SID Type Indicator
            SID Type Indicator
        amr.nb.cmr  CMR
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            codec mode request
        amr.nb.if1.ft  Frame Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Type
        amr.nb.if1.modeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.nb.if1.modereq  Mode Type request
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type request
        amr.nb.if1.stimodeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.nb.if2.ft  Frame Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Type
        amr.nb.if2.stimodeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.nb.toc.ft  FT bits
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame type index
        amr.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reserved bits
        amr.toc.f  F bit
            F bit
        amr.toc.q  Q bit
            Frame quality indicator bit
        amr.wb.cmr  CMR
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            codec mode request
        amr.wb.if1.ft  Frame Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Type
        amr.wb.if1.modeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.wb.if1.modereq  Mode Type request
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type request
        amr.wb.if1.stimodeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.wb.if2.ft  Frame Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Type
        amr.wb.if2.stimodeind  Mode Type indication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Type indication
        amr.wb.toc.ft  FT bits
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame type index


    Address Resolution Protocol (arp)

        arp.dst.atm_num_e164  Target ATM number (E.164)
        arp.dst.atm_num_nsap  Target ATM number (NSAP)
            Byte array
        arp.dst.atm_subaddr  Target ATM subaddress
            Byte array
        arp.dst.hlen  Target ATM number length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.dst.htype  Target ATM number type
        arp.dst.hw  Target hardware address
            Byte array
        arp.dst.hw_mac  Target MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        arp.dst.pln  Target protocol size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.dst.proto  Target protocol address
            Byte array
        arp.dst.proto_ipv4  Target IP address
            IPv4 address
        arp.dst.slen  Target ATM subaddress length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.dst.stype  Target ATM subaddress type
        arp.hw.size  Hardware size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.hw.type  Hardware type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        arp.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        arp.packet-storm-detected  Packet storm detected
            No value
        arp.proto.size  Protocol size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.proto.type  Protocol type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        arp.src.atm_num_e164  Sender ATM number (E.164)
        arp.src.atm_num_nsap  Sender ATM number (NSAP)
            Byte array
        arp.src.atm_subaddr  Sender ATM subaddress
            Byte array
        arp.src.hlen  Sender ATM number length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.src.htype  Sender ATM number type
        arp.src.hw  Sender hardware address
            Byte array
        arp.src.hw_mac  Sender MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        arp.src.pln  Sender protocol size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.src.proto  Sender protocol address
            Byte array
        arp.src.proto_ipv4  Sender IP address
            IPv4 address
        arp.src.slen  Sender ATM subaddress length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        arp.src.stype  Sender ATM subaddress type


    Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (amqp)

        amqp.channel  Channel
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Channel ID
        amqp.header.body-size  Body size
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Body size
        amqp.header.class  Class ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Class ID
        amqp.header.properties  Properties
            No value
            Message properties
        amqp.header.property-flags  Property flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Property flags
        amqp.header.weight  Weight
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.init.id_major  Protocol ID Major
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol ID major
        amqp.init.id_minor  Protocol ID Minor
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol ID minor
        amqp.init.protocol  Protocol
            Protocol name
        amqp.init.version_major  Version Major
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol version major
        amqp.init.version_minor  Version Minor
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol version minor
        amqp.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Length of the frame
        amqp.method.arguments  Arguments
            No value
            Method arguments
        amqp.method.arguments.active  Active
        amqp.method.arguments.arguments  Arguments
            No value
        amqp.method.arguments.auto_delete  Auto-Delete
        amqp.method.arguments.capabilities  Capabilities
        amqp.method.arguments.challenge  Challenge
            Byte array
        amqp.method.arguments.channel_id  Channel-Id
            Byte array
        amqp.method.arguments.channel_max  Channel-Max
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.class_id  Class-Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.client_properties  Client-Properties
            No value
        amqp.method.arguments.cluster_id  Cluster-Id
        amqp.method.arguments.consume_rate  Consume-Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.consumer_count  Consumer-Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.consumer_tag  Consumer-Tag
        amqp.method.arguments.content_size  Content-Size
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.delivery_tag  Delivery-Tag
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.dtx_identifier  Dtx-Identifier
        amqp.method.arguments.durable  Durable
        amqp.method.arguments.exchange  Exchange
        amqp.method.arguments.exclusive  Exclusive
        amqp.method.arguments.filter  Filter
            No value
        amqp.method.arguments.frame_max  Frame-Max
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.global  Global
        amqp.method.arguments.heartbeat  Heartbeat
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.host  Host
        amqp.method.arguments.identifier  Identifier
        amqp.method.arguments.if_empty  If-Empty
        amqp.method.arguments.if_unused  If-Unused
        amqp.method.arguments.immediate  Immediate
        amqp.method.arguments.insist  Insist
        amqp.method.arguments.internal  Internal
        amqp.method.arguments.known_hosts  Known-Hosts
        amqp.method.arguments.locale  Locale
        amqp.method.arguments.locales  Locales
            Byte array
        amqp.method.arguments.mandatory  Mandatory
        amqp.method.arguments.mechanism  Mechanism
        amqp.method.arguments.mechanisms  Mechanisms
            Byte array
        amqp.method.arguments.message_count  Message-Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.meta_data  Meta-Data
            No value
        amqp.method.arguments.method_id  Method-Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.multiple  Multiple
        amqp.method.arguments.no_ack  No-Ack
        amqp.method.arguments.no_local  No-Local
        amqp.method.arguments.nowait  Nowait
        amqp.method.arguments.out_of_band  Out-Of-Band
        amqp.method.arguments.passive  Passive
        amqp.method.arguments.prefetch_count  Prefetch-Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.prefetch_size  Prefetch-Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.queue  Queue
        amqp.method.arguments.read  Read
        amqp.method.arguments.realm  Realm
        amqp.method.arguments.redelivered  Redelivered
        amqp.method.arguments.reply_code  Reply-Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.reply_text  Reply-Text
        amqp.method.arguments.requeue  Requeue
        amqp.method.arguments.response  Response
            Byte array
        amqp.method.arguments.routing_key  Routing-Key
        amqp.method.arguments.server_properties  Server-Properties
            No value
        amqp.method.arguments.staged_size  Staged-Size
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.ticket  Ticket
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.type  Type
        amqp.method.arguments.version_major  Version-Major
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.version_minor  Version-Minor
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.arguments.virtual_host  Virtual-Host
        amqp.method.arguments.write  Write
        amqp.method.class  Class
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Class ID
        amqp.method.method  Method
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Method ID
        amqp.method.properties.app_id  App-Id
        amqp.method.properties.broadcast  Broadcast
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.properties.cluster_id  Cluster-Id
        amqp.method.properties.content_encoding  Content-Encoding
        amqp.method.properties.content_type  Content-Type
        amqp.method.properties.correlation_id  Correlation-Id
        amqp.method.properties.data_name  Data-Name
        amqp.method.properties.delivery_mode  Delivery-Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.properties.durable  Durable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.properties.expiration  Expiration
        amqp.method.properties.filename  Filename
        amqp.method.properties.headers  Headers
            No value
        amqp.method.properties.message_id  Message-Id
        amqp.method.properties.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amqp.method.properties.proxy_name  Proxy-Name
        amqp.method.properties.reply_to  Reply-To
        amqp.method.properties.timestamp  Timestamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        amqp.method.properties.type  Type
        amqp.method.properties.user_id  User-Id
        amqp.payload  Payload
            Byte array
            Message payload
        amqp.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame type


    AgentX (agentx)

        agentx.c.reason  Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            close reason
        agentx.flags  Flags          
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            header type
        agentx.gb.mrepeat  Max Repetition
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            getBulk Max repetition
        agentx.gb.nrepeat  Repeaters
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            getBulk Num. repeaters
        agentx.n_subid  Number subids 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number subids
        agentx.o.timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            open timeout
        agentx.oid  OID
        agentx.oid_include  OID include   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            OID include
        agentx.oid_prefix  OID prefix    
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            OID prefix
        agentx.ostring  Octet String
            Octet String
        agentx.ostring_len  OString len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Octet String Length
        agentx.packet_id  PacketID       
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Packet ID
        agentx.payload_len  Payload length 
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Payload length
        agentx.r.error  Resp. error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            response error
        agentx.r.index  Resp. index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            response index
        agentx.r.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Register Priority
        agentx.r.range_subid  Range_subid
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Register range_subid
        agentx.r.timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Register timeout
        agentx.r.upper_bound  Upper bound
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Register upper bound
        agentx.r.uptime  sysUpTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        agentx.session_id  sessionID      
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session ID
        agentx.transaction_id  TransactionID  
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Transaction ID
        agentx.type  Type           
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            header type
        agentx.u.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unegister Priority
        agentx.u.range_subid  Range_subid
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unegister range_subid
        agentx.u.timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unregister timeout
        agentx.u.upper_bound  Upper bound
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Register upper bound
        agentx.v.tag  Variable type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        agentx.v.val32  Value(32)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        agentx.v.val64  Value(64)
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        agentx.version  Version        
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            header version


    Aggregate Server Access Protocol (asap)

        asap.cause_code  Cause code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.cause_info  Cause info
            Byte array
        asap.cause_length  Cause length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.cause_padding  Padding
            Byte array
        asap.cookie  Cookie
            Byte array
        asap.h_bit  H bit
        asap.ipv4_address  IP Version 4 address
            IPv4 address
        asap.ipv6_address  IP Version 6 address
            IPv6 address
        asap.message_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        asap.message_length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.message_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        asap.parameter_length  Parameter length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.parameter_padding  Padding
            Byte array
        asap.parameter_type  Parameter Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.parameter_value  Parameter value
            Byte array
        asap.pe_checksum  PE checksum
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pe_identifier  PE identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_element_home_enrp_server_identifier  Home ENRP server identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_element_pe_identifier  PE identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_element_registration_life  Registration life
            Signed 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_handle_pool_handle  Pool handle
            Byte array
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_degradation  Policy degradation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_load  Policy load
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_priority  Policy priority
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_type  Policy type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_value  Policy value
            Byte array
        asap.pool_member_slection_policy_weight  Policy weight
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.r_bit  R bit
        asap.sctp_transport_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.server_identifier  Server identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        asap.tcp_transport_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.transport_use  Transport use
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.udp_transport_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        asap.udp_transport_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        enrp.dccp_transport_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        enrp.dccp_transport_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        enrp.dccp_transport_service_code  Service code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        enrp.udp_lite_transport_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        enrp.udp_lite_transport_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Alert Standard Forum (asf)

        asf.iana  IANA Enterprise Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ASF IANA Enterprise Number
        asf.len  Data Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ASF Data Length
        asf.tag  Message Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ASF Message Tag
        asf.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ASF Message Type


    Alteon — Transparent Proxy Cache Protocol (tpcp)

        tpcp.caddr  Client Source IP address
            IPv4 address
        tpcp.cid  Client indent
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpcp.cport  Client Source Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpcp.flags.redir  No Redirect
            Don't redirect client
        tpcp.flags.tcp  UDP/TCP
            Protocol type
        tpcp.flags.xoff  XOFF
        tpcp.flags.xon  XON
        tpcp.rasaddr  RAS server IP address
            IPv4 address
        tpcp.saddr  Server IP address
            IPv4 address
        tpcp.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU type
        tpcp.vaddr  Virtual Server IP address
            IPv4 address
        tpcp.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TPCP version


    Andrew File System (AFS) (afs)

        afs.backup  Backup
            Backup Server
        afs.backup.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.backup.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos  BOS
            Basic Oversee Server
        afs.bos.baktime  Backup Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Backup Time
        afs.bos.cell  Cell
        afs.bos.cmd  Command
        afs.bos.content  Content
        afs.bos.data  Data
            Byte array
        afs.bos.date  Date
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.bos.error  Error
        afs.bos.file  File
        afs.bos.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.host  Host
        afs.bos.instance  Instance
        afs.bos.key  Key
            Byte array
        afs.bos.keychecksum  Key Checksum
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Checksum
        afs.bos.keymodtime  Key Modification Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Key Modification Time
        afs.bos.keyspare2  Key Spare 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Spare 2
        afs.bos.kvno  Key Version Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Version Number
        afs.bos.newtime  New Time
            Date/Time stamp
            New Time
        afs.bos.number  Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.oldtime  Old Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Old Time
        afs.bos.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.parm  Parm
        afs.bos.path  Path
        afs.bos.size  Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.spare1  Spare1
        afs.bos.spare2  Spare2
        afs.bos.spare3  Spare3
        afs.bos.status  Status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        afs.bos.statusdesc  Status Description
            Status Description
        afs.bos.type  Type
        afs.bos.user  User
        afs.cb  Callback
        afs.cb.callback.expires  Expires
            Date/Time stamp
        afs.cb.callback.type  Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.cb.callback.version  Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.cb.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.cb.fid.uniq  FileID (Uniqifier)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (Uniqifier)
        afs.cb.fid.vnode  FileID (VNode)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (VNode)
        afs.cb.fid.volume  FileID (Volume)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (Volume)
        afs.cb.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.error  Error
        afs.error.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs  File Server
            File Server
        afs.fs.acl.a  _A_dminister
        afs.fs.acl.count.negative  ACL Count (Negative)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of Negative ACLs
        afs.fs.acl.count.positive  ACL Count (Positive)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of Positive ACLs
        afs.fs.acl.d  _D_elete
        afs.fs.acl.datasize  ACL Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ACL Data Size
        afs.fs.acl.entity  Entity (User/Group)
            ACL Entity (User/Group)
        afs.fs.acl.i  _I_nsert
        afs.fs.acl.k  _L_ock
        afs.fs.acl.l  _L_ookup
        afs.fs.acl.r  _R_ead
        afs.fs.acl.w  _W_rite
        afs.fs.callback.expires  Expires
            Time duration
        afs.fs.callback.type  Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.callback.version  Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.cps.spare1  CPS Spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CPS Spare1
        afs.fs.cps.spare2  CPS Spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CPS Spare2
        afs.fs.cps.spare3  CPS Spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CPS Spare3
        afs.fs.data  Data
            Byte array
        afs.fs.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.fs.fid.uniq  FileID (Uniqifier)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (Uniqifier)
        afs.fs.fid.vnode  FileID (VNode)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (VNode)
        afs.fs.fid.volume  FileID (Volume)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File ID (Volume)
        afs.fs.flength  FLength
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.flength64  FLength64
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        afs.fs.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.length64  Length64
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        afs.fs.motd  Message of the Day
            Message of the Day
        afs.fs.name  Name
        afs.fs.newname  New Name
            New Name
        afs.fs.offlinemsg  Offline Message
            Volume Name
        afs.fs.offset  Offset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.offset64  Offset64
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        afs.fs.oldname  Old Name
            Old Name
        afs.fs.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.anonymousaccess  Anonymous Access
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Anonymous Access
        afs.fs.status.author  Author
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.calleraccess  Caller Access
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Caller Access
        afs.fs.status.clientmodtime  Client Modification Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Client Modification Time
        afs.fs.status.dataversion  Data Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Data Version
        afs.fs.status.dataversionhigh  Data Version (High)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Data Version (High)
        afs.fs.status.filetype  File Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File Type
        afs.fs.status.group  Group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.interfaceversion  Interface Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Interface Version
        afs.fs.status.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.linkcount  Link Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Link Count
        afs.fs.status.mask  Mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.mask.fsync  FSync
        afs.fs.status.mask.setgroup  Set Group
            Set Group
        afs.fs.status.mask.setmode  Set Mode
            Set Mode
        afs.fs.status.mask.setmodtime  Set Modification Time
            Set Modification Time
        afs.fs.status.mask.setowner  Set Owner
            Set Owner
        afs.fs.status.mask.setsegsize  Set Segment Size
            Set Segment Size
        afs.fs.status.mode  Unix Mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Unix Mode
        afs.fs.status.owner  Owner
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.fs.status.parentunique  Parent Unique
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Parent Unique
        afs.fs.status.parentvnode  Parent VNode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Parent VNode
        afs.fs.status.segsize  Segment Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Segment Size
        afs.fs.status.servermodtime  Server Modification Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Server Modification Time
        afs.fs.status.spare2  Spare 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 2
        afs.fs.status.spare3  Spare 3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 3
        afs.fs.status.spare4  Spare 4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 4
        afs.fs.status.synccounter  Sync Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Sync Counter
        afs.fs.symlink.content  Symlink Content
            Symlink Content
        afs.fs.symlink.name  Symlink Name
            Symlink Name
        afs.fs.timestamp  Timestamp
            Date/Time stamp
        afs.fs.token  Token
            Byte array
        afs.fs.viceid  Vice ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Vice ID
        afs.fs.vicelocktype  Vice Lock Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Vice Lock Type
        afs.fs.volid  Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume ID
        afs.fs.volname  Volume Name
            Volume Name
        afs.fs.volsync.spare1  Volume Creation Timestamp
            Date/Time stamp
            Volume Creation Timestamp
        afs.fs.volsync.spare2  Spare 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 2
        afs.fs.volsync.spare3  Spare 3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 3
        afs.fs.volsync.spare4  Spare 4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 4
        afs.fs.volsync.spare5  Spare 5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 5
        afs.fs.volsync.spare6  Spare 6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 6
        afs.fs.xstats.clientversion  Client Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Client Version
        afs.fs.xstats.collnumber  Collection Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Collection Number
        afs.fs.xstats.timestamp  XStats Timestamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            XStats Timestamp
        afs.fs.xstats.version  XStats Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            XStats Version
        afs.kauth  KAuth
            Kerberos Auth Server
        afs.kauth.data  Data
            Byte array
        afs.kauth.domain  Domain
        afs.kauth.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.kauth.kvno  Key Version Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Version Number
        afs.kauth.name  Name
        afs.kauth.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.kauth.princ  Principal
        afs.kauth.realm  Realm
        afs.prot  Protection
            Protection Server
        afs.prot.count  Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.prot.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.prot.flag  Flag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.prot.gid  Group ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Group ID
        afs.prot.id  ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.prot.maxgid  Maximum Group ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Group ID
        afs.prot.maxuid  Maximum User ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum User ID
        afs.prot.name  Name
        afs.prot.newid  New ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            New ID
        afs.prot.oldid  Old ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Old ID
        afs.prot.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.prot.pos  Position
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.prot.uid  User ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User ID
        afs.repframe  Reply Frame
            Frame number
            Reply Frame
        afs.reqframe  Request Frame
            Frame number
            Request Frame
        afs.rmtsys  Rmtsys
        afs.rmtsys.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.time  Time from request
            Time duration
            Time between Request and Reply for AFS calls
        afs.ubik  Ubik
        afs.ubik.activewrite  Active Write
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Active Write
        afs.ubik.addr  Address
            IPv4 address
        afs.ubik.amsyncsite  Am Sync Site
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Am Sync Site
        afs.ubik.anyreadlocks  Any Read Locks
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Any Read Locks
        afs.ubik.anywritelocks  Any Write Locks
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Any Write Locks
        afs.ubik.beaconsincedown  Beacon Since Down
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Beacon Since Down
        afs.ubik.currentdb  Current DB
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Current DB
        afs.ubik.currenttran  Current Transaction
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Current Transaction
        afs.ubik.epochtime  Epoch Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Epoch Time
        afs.ubik.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.ubik.file  File
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.interface  Interface Address
            IPv4 address
            Interface Address
        afs.ubik.isclone  Is Clone
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Is Clone
        afs.ubik.lastbeaconsent  Last Beacon Sent
            Date/Time stamp
            Last Beacon Sent
        afs.ubik.lastvote  Last Vote
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Last Vote
        afs.ubik.lastvotetime  Last Vote Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Last Vote Time
        afs.ubik.lastyesclaim  Last Yes Claim
            Date/Time stamp
            Last Yes Claim
        afs.ubik.lastyeshost  Last Yes Host
            IPv4 address
            Last Yes Host
        afs.ubik.lastyesstate  Last Yes State
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Last Yes State
        afs.ubik.lastyesttime  Last Yes Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Last Yes Time
        afs.ubik.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.lockedpages  Locked Pages
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Locked Pages
        afs.ubik.locktype  Lock Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Lock Type
        afs.ubik.lowesthost  Lowest Host
            IPv4 address
            Lowest Host
        afs.ubik.lowesttime  Lowest Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Lowest Time
        afs.ubik.now  Now
            Date/Time stamp
        afs.ubik.nservers  Number of Servers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of Servers
        afs.ubik.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.position  Position
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.recoverystate  Recovery State
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Recovery State
        afs.ubik.site  Site
            IPv4 address
        afs.ubik.state  State
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.synchost  Sync Host
            IPv4 address
            Sync Host
        afs.ubik.syncsiteuntil  Sync Site Until
            Date/Time stamp
            Sync Site Until
        afs.ubik.synctime  Sync Time
            Date/Time stamp
            Sync Time
        afs.ubik.tidcounter  TID Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            TID Counter
        afs.ubik.up  Up
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.version.counter  Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.ubik.version.epoch  Epoch
            Date/Time stamp
        afs.ubik.voteend  Vote Ends
            Date/Time stamp
            Vote Ends
        afs.ubik.votestart  Vote Started
            Date/Time stamp
            Vote Started
        afs.ubik.votetype  Vote Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Vote Type
        afs.ubik.writelockedpages  Write Locked Pages
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Write Locked Pages
        afs.ubik.writetran  Write Transaction
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Write Transaction
        afs.update  Update
            Update Server
        afs.update.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.vldb  VLDB
            Volume Location Database Server
        afs.vldb.bkvol  Backup Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Read-Only Volume ID
        afs.vldb.bump  Bumped Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Bumped Volume ID
        afs.vldb.clonevol  Clone Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Clone Volume ID
        afs.vldb.count  Volume Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume Count
        afs.vldb.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.vldb.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.vldb.flags.bkexists  Backup Exists
            Backup Exists
        afs.vldb.flags.dfsfileset  DFS Fileset
            DFS Fileset
        afs.vldb.flags.roexists  Read-Only Exists
            Read-Only Exists
        afs.vldb.flags.rwexists  Read/Write Exists
            Read/Write Exists
        afs.vldb.id  Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume ID
        afs.vldb.index  Volume Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume Index
        afs.vldb.name  Volume Name
            Volume Name
        afs.vldb.nextindex  Next Volume Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Next Volume Index
        afs.vldb.numservers  Number of Servers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of Servers
        afs.vldb.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afs.vldb.partition  Partition
        afs.vldb.rovol  Read-Only Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Read-Only Volume ID
        afs.vldb.rwvol  Read-Write Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Read-Only Volume ID
        afs.vldb.server  Server
            IPv4 address
        afs.vldb.serverflags  Server Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Server Flags
        afs.vldb.serverip  Server IP
            IPv4 address
            Server IP
        afs.vldb.serveruniq  Server Unique Address
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Server Unique Address
        afs.vldb.serveruuid  Server UUID
            Byte array
            Server UUID
        afs.vldb.spare1  Spare 1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 1
        afs.vldb.spare2  Spare 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 2
        afs.vldb.spare3  Spare 3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 3
        afs.vldb.spare4  Spare 4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 4
        afs.vldb.spare5  Spare 5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 5
        afs.vldb.spare6  Spare 6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 6
        afs.vldb.spare7  Spare 7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 7
        afs.vldb.spare8  Spare 8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 8
        afs.vldb.spare9  Spare 9
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Spare 9
        afs.vldb.type  Volume Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume Type
        afs.vol  Volume Server
            Volume Server
        afs.vol.count  Volume Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume Count
        afs.vol.errcode  Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Error Code
        afs.vol.id  Volume ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume ID
        afs.vol.name  Volume Name
            Volume Name
        afs.vol.opcode  Operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Apache JServ Protocol v1.3 (ajp13)

        ajp13.code  Code
            Type Code
        ajp13.data  Data
        ajp13.hname  HNAME
            Header Name
        ajp13.hval  HVAL
            Header Value
        ajp13.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Data Length
        ajp13.magic  Magic
            Byte array
            Magic Number
        ajp13.method  Method
            HTTP Method
        ajp13.nhdr  NHDR
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Num Headers
        ajp13.port  PORT
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ajp13.raddr  RADDR
            Remote Address
        ajp13.reusep  REUSEP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reuse Connection?
        ajp13.rhost  RHOST
            Remote Host
        ajp13.rlen  RLEN
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Requested Length
        ajp13.rmsg  RSMSG
            HTTP Status Message
        ajp13.rstatus  RSTATUS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            HTTP Status Code
        ajp13.srv  SRV
        ajp13.sslp  SSLP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Is SSL?
        ajp13.uri  URI
            HTTP URI
        ajp13.ver  Version
            HTTP Version


    Apple Filing Protocol (afp)

        afp.AFPVersion  AFP Version
            Client AFP version
        afp.UAM  UAM
            User Authentication Method
        afp.access  Access mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fork access mode
        afp.access.deny_read  Deny read
            Deny read
        afp.access.deny_write  Deny write
            Deny write
        afp.access.read  Read
            Open for reading
        afp.access.write  Write
            Open for writing
        afp.access_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Bitmap (reserved)
        afp.ace_applicable  ACE
            Byte array
            ACE applicable
        afp.ace_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ACE flags
        afp.ace_flags.allow  Allow
            Allow rule
        afp.ace_flags.deny  Deny
            Deny rule
        afp.ace_flags.directory_inherit  Dir inherit
            Dir inherit
        afp.ace_flags.file_inherit  File inherit
            File inherit
        afp.ace_flags.inherited  Inherited
        afp.ace_flags.limit_inherit  Limit inherit
            Limit inherit
        afp.ace_flags.only_inherit  Only inherit
            Only inherit
        afp.ace_rights  Rights
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ACE flags
        afp.acl_access_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ACL access bitmap
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.append_data  Append data/create subdir
            Append data to a file / create a subdirectory
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.change_owner  Change owner
            Change owner
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.delete  Delete
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.delete_child  Delete dir
            Delete directory
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.execute  Execute/Search
            Execute a program
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_all  Generic all
            Generic all
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_execute  Generic execute
            Generic execute
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_read  Generic read
            Generic read
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.generic_write  Generic write
            Generic write
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_attrs  Read attributes
            Read attributes
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_data  Read/List
            Read data / list directory
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_extattrs  Read extended attributes
            Read extended attributes
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.read_security  Read security
            Read access rights
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.synchronize  Synchronize
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_attrs  Write attributes
            Write attributes
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_data  Write/Add file
            Write data to a file / add a file to a directory
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_extattrs  Write extended attributes
            Write extended attributes
        afp.acl_access_bitmap.write_security  Write security
            Write access rights
        afp.acl_entrycount  Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of ACL entries
        afp.acl_flags  ACL flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            ACL flags
        afp.acl_list_bitmap  ACL bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL control list bitmap
        afp.acl_list_bitmap.ACL  ACL
        afp.acl_list_bitmap.GRPUUID  GRPUUID
            Group UUID
        afp.acl_list_bitmap.Inherit  Inherit
            Inherit ACL
        afp.acl_list_bitmap.REMOVEACL  Remove ACL
            Remove ACL
        afp.acl_list_bitmap.UUID  UUID
            User UUID
        afp.actual_count  Count
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Number of bytes returned by read/write
        afp.afp_login_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Login flags
        afp.appl_index  Index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Application index
        afp.appl_tag  Tag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Application tag
        afp.backup_date  Backup date
            Date/Time stamp
            Backup date
        afp.cat_count  Cat count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of structures returned
        afp.cat_position  Position
            Byte array
        afp.cat_req_matches  Max answers
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Maximum number of matches to return.
        afp.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AFP function
        afp.comment  Comment
            File/folder comment
        afp.create_flag  Hard create
            Soft/hard create file
        afp.creation_date  Creation date
            Date/Time stamp
            Creation date
        afp.data_fork_len  Data fork size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Data fork size
        afp.did  DID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Parent directory ID
        afp.dir_ar  Access rights
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Directory access rights
        afp.dir_ar.blank  Blank access right
            Blank access right
        afp.dir_ar.e_read  Everyone has read access
            Everyone has read access
        afp.dir_ar.e_search  Everyone has search access
            Everyone has search access
        afp.dir_ar.e_write  Everyone has write access
            Everyone has write access
        afp.dir_ar.g_read  Group has read access
            Group has read access
        afp.dir_ar.g_search  Group has search access
            Group has search access
        afp.dir_ar.g_write  Group has write access
            Group has write access
        afp.dir_ar.o_read  Owner has read access
            Owner has read access
        afp.dir_ar.o_search  Owner has search access
            Owner has search access
        afp.dir_ar.o_write  Owner has write access
            Gwner has write access
        afp.dir_ar.u_owner  User is the owner
            Current user is the directory owner
        afp.dir_ar.u_read  User has read access
            User has read access
        afp.dir_ar.u_search  User has search access
            User has search access
        afp.dir_ar.u_write  User has write access
            User has write access
        afp.dir_attribute.backup_needed  Backup needed
            Directory needs to be backed up
        afp.dir_attribute.delete_inhibit  Delete inhibit
            Delete inhibit
        afp.dir_attribute.in_exported_folder  Shared area
            Directory is in a shared area
        afp.dir_attribute.invisible  Invisible
            Directory is not visible
        afp.dir_attribute.mounted  Mounted
            Directory is mounted
        afp.dir_attribute.rename_inhibit  Rename inhibit
            Rename inhibit
        afp.dir_attribute.set_clear  Set
            Clear/set attribute
        afp.dir_attribute.share  Share point
            Directory is a share point
        afp.dir_attribute.system  System
            Directory is a system directory
        afp.dir_bitmap  Directory bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Directory bitmap
        afp.dir_bitmap.UTF8_name  UTF-8 name
            Return UTF-8 name if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.access_rights  Access rights
            Return access rights if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.attributes  Attributes
            Return attributes if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.backup_date  Backup date
            Return backup date if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.create_date  Creation date
            Return creation date if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.did  DID
            Return parent directory ID if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.fid  File ID
            Return file ID if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.finder_info  Finder info
            Return finder info if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.group_id  Group id
            Return group id if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.long_name  Long name
            Return long name if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.mod_date  Modification date
            Return modification date if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.offspring_count  Offspring count
            Return offspring count if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.owner_id  Owner id
            Return owner id if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.short_name  Short name
            Return short name if directory
        afp.dir_bitmap.unix_privs  UNIX privileges
            Return UNIX privileges if directory
        afp.dir_group_id  Group ID
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Directory group ID
        afp.dir_offspring  Offspring
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Directory offspring
        afp.dir_owner_id  Owner ID
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Directory owner ID
        afp.dt_ref  DT ref
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Desktop database reference num
        afp.ext_data_fork_len  Extended data fork size
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Extended (>2GB) data fork length
        afp.ext_resource_fork_len  Extended resource fork size
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Extended (>2GB) resource fork length
        afp.extattr.data  Data
            Byte array
            Extendend attribute data
        afp.extattr.len  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Extended attribute length
        afp.extattr.name  Name
            Extended attribute name
        afp.extattr.namelen  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Extended attribute name length
        afp.extattr.reply_size  Reply size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Reply size
        afp.extattr.req_count  Request Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Request Count.
        afp.extattr.start_index  Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Start index
        afp.extattr_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Extended attributes bitmap
        afp.extattr_bitmap.create  Create
            Create extended attribute
        afp.extattr_bitmap.nofollow  No follow symlinks
            Do not follow symlink
        afp.extattr_bitmap.replace  Replace
            Replace extended attribute
        afp.file_attribute.backup_needed  Backup needed
            File needs to be backed up
        afp.file_attribute.copy_protect  Copy protect
            copy protect
        afp.file_attribute.delete_inhibit  Delete inhibit
            delete inhibit
        afp.file_attribute.df_open  Data fork open
            Data fork already open
        afp.file_attribute.invisible  Invisible
            File is not visible
        afp.file_attribute.multi_user  Multi user
            multi user
        afp.file_attribute.rename_inhibit  Rename inhibit
            rename inhibit
        afp.file_attribute.rf_open  Resource fork open
            Resource fork already open
        afp.file_attribute.set_clear  Set
            Clear/set attribute
        afp.file_attribute.system  System
            File is a system file
        afp.file_attribute.write_inhibit  Write inhibit
            Write inhibit
        afp.file_bitmap  File bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            File bitmap
        afp.file_bitmap.UTF8_name  UTF-8 name
            Return UTF-8 name if file
        afp.file_bitmap.attributes  Attributes
            Return attributes if file
        afp.file_bitmap.backup_date  Backup date
            Return backup date if file
        afp.file_bitmap.create_date  Creation date
            Return creation date if file
        afp.file_bitmap.data_fork_len  Data fork size
            Return data fork size if file
        afp.file_bitmap.did  DID
            Return parent directory ID if file
        afp.file_bitmap.ex_data_fork_len  Extended data fork size
            Return extended (>2GB) data fork size if file
        afp.file_bitmap.ex_resource_fork_len  Extended resource fork size
            Return extended (>2GB) resource fork size if file
        afp.file_bitmap.fid  File ID
            Return file ID if file
        afp.file_bitmap.finder_info  Finder info
            Return finder info if file
        afp.file_bitmap.launch_limit  Launch limit
            Return launch limit if file
        afp.file_bitmap.long_name  Long name
            Return long name if file
        afp.file_bitmap.mod_date  Modification date
            Return modification date if file
        afp.file_bitmap.resource_fork_len  Resource fork size
            Return resource fork size if file
        afp.file_bitmap.short_name  Short name
            Return short name if file
        afp.file_bitmap.unix_privs  UNIX privileges
            Return UNIX privileges if file
        afp.file_creator  File creator
            File creator
        afp.file_flag  Dir
            Is a dir
        afp.file_id  File ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            File/directory ID
        afp.file_type  File type
            File type
        afp.finder_info  Finder info
            Byte array
            Finder info
        afp.flag  From
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Offset is relative to start/end of the fork
        afp.fork_type  Resource fork
            Data/resource fork
        afp.group_ID  Group ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Group ID
        afp.grpuuid  GRPUUID
            Byte array
            Group UUID
        afp.icon_index  Index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Icon index in desktop database
        afp.icon_length  Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Size for icon bitmap
        afp.icon_tag  Tag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Icon tag
        afp.icon_type  Icon type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Icon type
        afp.last_written  Last written
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Offset of the last byte written
        afp.last_written64  Last written
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Offset of the last byte written (64 bits)
        afp.lock_from  End
            Offset is relative to the end of the fork
        afp.lock_len  Length
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Number of bytes to be locked/unlocked
        afp.lock_len64  Length
            Signed 64-bit integer
            Number of bytes to be locked/unlocked (64 bits)
        afp.lock_offset  Offset
            Signed 32-bit integer
            First byte to be locked
        afp.lock_offset64  Offset
            Signed 64-bit integer
            First byte to be locked (64 bits)
        afp.lock_op  unlock
            Lock/unlock op
        afp.lock_range_start  Start
            Signed 32-bit integer
            First byte locked/unlocked
        afp.lock_range_start64  Start
            Signed 64-bit integer
            First byte locked/unlocked (64 bits)
        afp.long_name_offset  Long name offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Long name offset in packet
        afp.map_id  ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User/Group ID
        afp.map_id_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Map ID type
        afp.map_name  Name
            User/Group name
        afp.map_name_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Map name type
        afp.message  Message
        afp.message_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Message bitmap
        afp.message_bitmap.requested  Request message
            Message Requested
        afp.message_bitmap.utf8  Message is UTF8
            Message is UTF8
        afp.message_length  Len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Message length
        afp.message_type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Type of server message
        afp.modification_date  Modification date
            Date/Time stamp
            Modification date
        afp.newline_char  Newline char
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Value to compare ANDed bytes with when looking for newline
        afp.newline_mask  Newline mask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Value to AND bytes with when looking for newline
        afp.offset  Offset
            Signed 32-bit integer
        afp.offset64  Offset
            Signed 64-bit integer
            Offset (64 bits)
        afp.ofork  Fork
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Open fork reference number
        afp.ofork_len  New length
            Signed 32-bit integer
            New length
        afp.ofork_len64  New length
            Signed 64-bit integer
            New length (64 bits)
        afp.pad  Pad
            No value
            Pad Byte
        afp.passwd  Password
        afp.path_len  Len
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Path length
        afp.path_name  Name
            Path name
        afp.path_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of names
        afp.path_unicode_hint  Unicode hint
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Unicode hint
        afp.path_unicode_len  Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Path length (unicode)
        afp.random  Random number
            Byte array
            UAM random number
        afp.reply_size  Reply size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reply size
        afp.reply_size32  Reply size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Reply size
        afp.req_count  Req count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum number of structures returned
        afp.reqcount64  Count
            Signed 64-bit integer
            Request Count (64 bits)
        afp.request_bitmap  Request bitmap
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Request bitmap
        afp.request_bitmap.UTF8_name  UTF-8 name
            Search UTF-8 name
        afp.request_bitmap.attributes  Attributes
            Search attributes
        afp.request_bitmap.backup_date  Backup date
            Search backup date
        afp.request_bitmap.create_date  Creation date
            Search creation date
        afp.request_bitmap.data_fork_len  Data fork size
            Search data fork size
        afp.request_bitmap.did  DID
            Search parent directory ID
        afp.request_bitmap.ex_data_fork_len  Extended data fork size
            Search extended (>2GB) data fork size
        afp.request_bitmap.ex_resource_fork_len  Extended resource fork size
            Search extended (>2GB) resource fork size
        afp.request_bitmap.finder_info  Finder info
            Search finder info
        afp.request_bitmap.long_name  Long name
            Search long name
        afp.request_bitmap.mod_date  Modification date
            Search modification date
        afp.request_bitmap.offspring_count  Offspring count
            Search offspring count
        afp.request_bitmap.partial_names  Match on partial names
            Match on partial names
        afp.request_bitmap.resource_fork_len  Resource fork size
            Search resource fork size
        afp.reserved  Reserved
            Byte array
        afp.resource_fork_len  Resource fork size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Resource fork size
        afp.response_in  Response in
            Frame number
            The response to this packet is in this packet
        afp.response_to  Response to
            Frame number
            This packet is a response to the packet in this frame
        afp.rw_count  Count
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Number of bytes to be read/written
        afp.rw_count64  Count
            Signed 64-bit integer
            Number of bytes to be read/written (64 bits)
        afp.server_time  Server time
            Date/Time stamp
            Server time
        afp.session_token  Token
            Byte array
            Session token
        afp.session_token_len  Len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session token length
        afp.session_token_timestamp  Time stamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session time stamp
        afp.session_token_type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Session token type
        afp.short_name_offset  Short name offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Short name offset in packet
        afp.start_index  Start index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            First structure returned
        afp.start_index32  Start index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            First structure returned
        afp.struct_size  Struct size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Sizeof of struct
        afp.struct_size16  Struct size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Sizeof of struct
        afp.time  Time from request
            Time duration
            Time between Request and Response for AFP cmds
        afp.unicode_name_offset  Unicode name offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Unicode name offset in packet
        afp.unix_privs.gid  GID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Group ID
        afp.unix_privs.permissions  Permissions
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        afp.unix_privs.ua_permissions  User's access rights
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User's access rights
        afp.unix_privs.uid  UID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User ID
        afp.user  User
        afp.user_ID  User ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User ID
        afp.user_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            User Info bitmap
        afp.user_bitmap.GID  Primary group ID
            Primary group ID
        afp.user_bitmap.UID  User ID
            User ID
        afp.user_bitmap.UUID  UUID
        afp.user_flag  Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            User Info flag
        afp.user_len  Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            User name length (unicode)
        afp.user_name  User
            User name (unicode)
        afp.user_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of user name
        afp.uuid  UUID
            Byte array
        afp.vol_attribute.acls  ACLs
            Supports access control lists
        afp.vol_attribute.blank_access_privs  Blank access privileges
            Supports blank access privileges
        afp.vol_attribute.cat_search  Catalog search
            Supports catalog search operations
        afp.vol_attribute.extended_attributes  Extended Attributes
            Supports Extended Attributes
        afp.vol_attribute.fileIDs  File IDs
            Supports file IDs
        afp.vol_attribute.inherit_parent_privs  Inherit parent privileges
            Inherit parent privileges
        afp.vol_attribute.network_user_id  No Network User ID
            No Network User ID
        afp.vol_attribute.no_exchange_files  No exchange files
            Exchange files not supported
        afp.vol_attribute.passwd  Volume password
            Has a volume password
        afp.vol_attribute.read_only  Read only
            Read only volume
        afp.vol_attribute.unix_privs  UNIX access privileges
            Supports UNIX access privileges
        afp.vol_attribute.utf8_names  UTF-8 names
            Supports UTF-8 names
        afp.vol_attributes  Attributes
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Volume attributes
        afp.vol_backup_date  Backup date
            Date/Time stamp
            Volume backup date
        afp.vol_bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Volume bitmap
        afp.vol_bitmap.attributes  Attributes
            Volume attributes
        afp.vol_bitmap.backup_date  Backup date
            Volume backup date
        afp.vol_bitmap.block_size  Block size
            Volume block size
        afp.vol_bitmap.bytes_free  Bytes free
            Volume free bytes
        afp.vol_bitmap.bytes_total  Bytes total
            Volume total bytes
        afp.vol_bitmap.create_date  Creation date
            Volume creation date
        afp.vol_bitmap.ex_bytes_free  Extended bytes free
            Volume extended (>2GB) free bytes
        afp.vol_bitmap.ex_bytes_total  Extended bytes total
            Volume extended (>2GB) total bytes
        afp.vol_bitmap.id  ID
            Volume ID
        afp.vol_bitmap.mod_date  Modification date
            Volume modification date
        afp.vol_bitmap.name  Name
            Volume name
        afp.vol_bitmap.signature  Signature
            Volume signature
        afp.vol_block_size  Block size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume block size
        afp.vol_bytes_free  Bytes free
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Free space
        afp.vol_bytes_total  Bytes total
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Volume size
        afp.vol_creation_date  Creation date
            Date/Time stamp
            Volume creation date
        afp.vol_ex_bytes_free  Extended bytes free
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Extended (>2GB) free space
        afp.vol_ex_bytes_total  Extended bytes total
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Extended (>2GB) volume size
        afp.vol_flag_passwd  Password
            Volume is password-protected
        afp.vol_flag_unix_priv  Unix privs
            Volume has unix privileges
        afp.vol_id  Volume id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Volume id
        afp.vol_modification_date  Modification date
            Date/Time stamp
            Volume modification date
        afp.vol_name  Volume
            Volume name
        afp.vol_name_offset  Volume name offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Volume name offset in packet
        afp.vol_signature  Signature
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Volume signature


    Apple IP-over-IEEE 1394 (ap1394)

        ap1394.dst  Destination
            Byte array
            Destination address
        ap1394.src  Source
            Byte array
            Source address
        ap1394.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    AppleTalk Session Protocol (asp)

        asp.attn_code  Attn code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            asp attention code
        asp.error  asp error
            Signed 32-bit integer
            return error code
        asp.function  asp function
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            asp function
        asp.init_error  Error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            asp init error
        asp.seq  Sequence
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            asp sequence number
        asp.server_addr.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Address length.
        asp.server_addr.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Address type.
        asp.server_addr.value  Value
            Byte array
            Address value
        asp.server_directory  Directory service
            Server directory service
        asp.server_flag  Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Server capabilities flag
        asp.server_flag.copyfile  Support copyfile
            Server support copyfile
        asp.server_flag.directory  Support directory services
            Server support directory services
        asp.server_flag.fast_copy  Support fast copy
            Server support fast copy
        asp.server_flag.no_save_passwd  Don't allow save password
            Don't allow save password
        asp.server_flag.notify  Support server notifications
            Server support notifications
        asp.server_flag.passwd  Support change password
            Server support change password
        asp.server_flag.reconnect  Support server reconnect
            Server support reconnect
        asp.server_flag.srv_msg  Support server message
            Support server message
        asp.server_flag.srv_sig  Support server signature
            Support server signature
        asp.server_flag.tcpip  Support TCP/IP
            Server support TCP/IP
        asp.server_flag.utf8_name  Support UTF8 server name
            Server support UTF8 server name
        asp.server_icon  Icon bitmap
            Byte array
            Server icon bitmap
        asp.server_name  Server name
            Server name
        asp.server_signature  Server signature
            Byte array
            Server signature
        asp.server_type  Server type
            Server type
        asp.server_uams  UAM
        asp.server_utf8_name  Server name (UTF8)
            Server name (UTF8)
        asp.server_utf8_name_len  Server name length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            UTF8 server name length
        asp.server_vers  AFP version
            AFP version
        asp.session_id  Session ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            asp session id
        asp.size  size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            asp available size for reply
        asp.socket  Socket
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            asp socket
        asp.version  Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            asp version
        asp.zero_value  Pad (0)
            Byte array


    AppleTalk Transaction Protocol packet (atp)

        atp.bitmap  Bitmap
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Bitmap or sequence number
        atp.ctrlinfo  Control info
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            control info
        atp.eom  EOM
        atp.fragment  ATP Fragment
            Frame number
            ATP Fragment
        atp.fragments  ATP Fragments
            No value
            ATP Fragments
        atp.function  Function
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            function code
        atp.reassembled_in  Reassembled ATP in frame
            Frame number
            This ATP packet is reassembled in this frame
        atp.segment.error  Desegmentation error
            Frame number
            Desegmentation error due to illegal segments
        atp.segment.multipletails  Multiple tail segments found
            Several tails were found when desegmenting the packet
        atp.segment.overlap  Segment overlap
            Segment overlaps with other segments
        atp.segment.overlap.conflict  Conflicting data in segment overlap
            Overlapping segments contained conflicting data
        atp.segment.toolongsegment  Segment too long
            Segment contained data past end of packet
        atp.sts  STS
            Send transaction status
        atp.tid  TID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction id
        atp.treltimer  TRel timer
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TRel timer
        atp.user_bytes  User bytes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            User bytes
        atp.xo  XO
            Exactly-once flag


    Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol (aarp)

        aarp.dst.hw  Target hardware address
            Byte array
        aarp.dst.hw_mac  Target MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        aarp.dst.proto  Target protocol address
            Byte array
        aarp.dst.proto_id  Target ID
            Byte array
        aarp.hard.size  Hardware size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aarp.hard.type  Hardware type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aarp.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aarp.proto.size  Protocol size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aarp.proto.type  Protocol type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        aarp.src.hw  Sender hardware address
            Byte array
        aarp.src.hw_mac  Sender MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        aarp.src.proto  Sender protocol address
            Byte array
        aarp.src.proto_id  Sender ID
            Byte array


    Application Configuration Access Protocol (acap)

        acap.request  Request
            TRUE if ACAP request
        acap.response  Response
            TRUE if ACAP response


    Architecture for Control Networks (acn)

        acn.acn_reciprocal_channel  Reciprocal Channel Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reciprocal Channel
        acn.acn_refuse_code  Refuse Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.association  Association
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.channel_number  Channel Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.cid  CID
        acn.client_protocol_id  Client Protocol ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.dmp_address  Address
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_address_data_pairs  Address-Data Pairs
            Byte array
            More address-data pairs
        acn.dmp_adt  Address and Data Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_adt_a  Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_adt_d  Data Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_adt_r  Relative
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_adt_v  Virtual
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_adt_x  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_data  Data
            Byte array
        acn.dmp_data16  Addr
            Signed 16-bit integer
        acn.dmp_data24  Addr
            Signed 24-bit integer
        acn.dmp_data32  Addr
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acn.dmp_data8  Addr
            Signed 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_reason_code  Reason Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmp_vector  DMP Vector
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.dmx.count  Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DMX Count
        acn.dmx.increment  Increment
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DMX Increment
        acn.dmx.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DMX Priority
        acn.dmx.seq_number  Seq No
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DMX Sequence Number
        acn.dmx.source_name  Source
            DMX Source Name
        acn.dmx.start_code  Start Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DMX Start Code
        acn.dmx.universe  Universe
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DMX Universe
        acn.dmx_vector  Vector
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            DMX Vector
        acn.expiry  Expiry
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.first_member_to_ack  First Member to ACK
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.first_missed_sequence  First Missed Sequence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.ip_address_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.ipv4  IPV4
            IPv4 address
        acn.ipv6  IPV6
            IPv6 address
        acn.last_member_to_ack  Last Member to ACK
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.last_missed_sequence  Last Missed Sequence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.mak_threshold  MAK Threshold
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.member_id  Member ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.nak_holdoff  NAK holdoff (ms)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.nak_max_wait  NAK Max Wait (ms)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.nak_modulus  NAK Modulus
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.nak_outbound_flag  NAK Outbound Flag
        acn.oldest_available_wrapper  Oldest Available Wrapper
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.packet_identifier  Packet Identifier
        acn.pdu  PDU
            No value
        acn.pdu.flag_d  Data
            Data flag
        acn.pdu.flag_h  Header
            Header flag
        acn.pdu.flag_l  Length
            Length flag
        acn.pdu.flag_v  Vector
            Vector flag
        acn.pdu.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU Flags
        acn.port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.postamble_size  Size of postamble
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Postamble size in bytes
        acn.preamble_size  Size of preamble
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Preamble size in bytes
        acn.protocol_id  Protocol ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.reason_code  Reason Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.reliable_sequence_number  Reliable Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        acn.sdt_vector  STD Vector
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        acn.session_count  Session Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        acn.total_sequence_number  Total Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Art-Net (artnet)

        artner.tod_control  ArtTodControl packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtTodControl packet
        artnet.address  ArtAddress packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtAddress packet
        artnet.address.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.address.long_name  Long Name
            Long Name
        artnet.address.short_name  Short Name
            Short Name
        artnet.address.subswitch  Subswitch
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.address.swin  Input Subswitch
            No value
            Input Subswitch
        artnet.address.swin_1  Input Subswitch of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 1
        artnet.address.swin_2  Input Subswitch of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 2
        artnet.address.swin_3  Input Subswitch of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 3
        artnet.address.swin_4  Input Subswitch of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 4
        artnet.address.swout  Output Subswitch
            No value
            Output Subswitch
        artnet.address.swout_1  Output Subswitch of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 1
        artnet.address.swout_2  Output Subswitch of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 2
        artnet.address.swout_3  Output Subswitch of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 3
        artnet.address.swout_4  Output Subswitch of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Ouput Subswitch of Port 4
        artnet.address.swvideo  SwVideo
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.filler  filler
            Byte array
        artnet.firmware_master  ArtFirmwareMaster packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtFirmwareMaster packet
        artnet.firmware_master.block_id  Block ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Block ID
        artnet.firmware_master.data  data
            Byte array
        artnet.firmware_master.length  Lentgh
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        artnet.firmware_master.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Ports
        artnet.firmware_reply  ArtFirmwareReply packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtFirmwareReply packet
        artnet.firmware_reply.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Ports
        artnet.header  Descriptor Header
            No value
            Art-Net Descriptor Header
        artnet.header.id  ID
            ArtNET ID
        artnet.header.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Art-Net message type
        artnet.header.protver  ProVer
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Protcol revision number
        artnet.input  ArtInput packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtInput packet
        artnet.input.input  Port Status
            No value
            Port Status
        artnet.input.input_1  Status of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Status of Port 1
        artnet.input.input_2  Status of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Status of Port 2
        artnet.input.input_3  Status of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Status of Port 3
        artnet.input.input_4  Status of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Status of Port 4
        artnet.input.num_ports  Number of Ports
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Ports
        artnet.ip_prog  ArtIpProg packet
            No value
            ArtNET ArtIpProg packet
        artnet.ip_prog.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_enable  Enable Programming
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Enable Programming
        artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_ip  Program IP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Program IP
        artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_port  Program Port
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Program Port
        artnet.ip_prog.command_prog_sm  Program Subnet Mask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Program Subnet Mask
        artnet.ip_prog.command_reset  Reset parameters
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reset parameters
        artnet.ip_prog.command_unused  Unused
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.ip_prog.ip  IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        artnet.ip_prog.port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        artnet.ip_prog.sm  Subnet mask
            IPv4 address
            IP Subnet mask
        artnet.ip_prog_reply  ArtIpProgReplay packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtIpProgReply packet
        artnet.ip_prog_reply.ip  IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        artnet.ip_prog_reply.port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        artnet.ip_prog_reply.sm  Subnet mask
            IPv4 address
            IP Subnet mask
        artnet.output  ArtDMX packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtDMX packet
        artnet.output.data  DMX data
            No value
            DMX Data
        artnet.output.data_filter  DMX data filter
            Byte array
            DMX Data Filter
        artnet.output.dmx_data  DMX data
            No value
            DMX Data
        artnet.output.length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        artnet.output.physical  Physical
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.output.sequence  Sequence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.output.universe  Universe
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        artnet.poll  ArtPoll packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtPoll packet
        artnet.poll.talktome  TalkToMe
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll.talktome_reply_dest  Reply destination
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reply destination
        artnet.poll.talktome_reply_type  Reply type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reply type
        artnet.poll.talktome_unused  unused
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply  ArtPollReply packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtPollReply packet
        artnet.poll_reply.esta_man  ESTA Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ESTA Code
        artnet.poll_reply.good_input  Input Status
            No value
            Input Status
        artnet.poll_reply.good_input_1  Input status of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input status of Port 1
        artnet.poll_reply.good_input_2  Input status of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input status of Port 2
        artnet.poll_reply.good_input_3  Input status of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input status of Port 3
        artnet.poll_reply.good_input_4  Input status of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input status of Port 4
        artnet.poll_reply.good_output  Output Status
            No value
            Port output status
        artnet.poll_reply.good_output_1  Output status of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output status of Port 1
        artnet.poll_reply.good_output_2  Output status of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output status of Port 2
        artnet.poll_reply.good_output_3  Output status of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output status of Port 3
        artnet.poll_reply.good_output_4  Output status of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Outpus status of Port 4
        artnet.poll_reply.ip_address  IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        artnet.poll_reply.long_name  Long Name
            Long Name
        artnet.poll_reply.mac  MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        artnet.poll_reply.node_report  Node Report
            Node Report
        artnet.poll_reply.num_ports  Number of Ports
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Ports
        artnet.poll_reply.oem  Oem
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply.port_info  Port Info
            No value
            Port Info
        artnet.poll_reply.port_nr  Port number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Port Number
        artnet.poll_reply.port_types  Port Types
            No value
            Port Types
        artnet.poll_reply.port_types_1  Type of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Port 1
        artnet.poll_reply.port_types_2  Type of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Port 2
        artnet.poll_reply.port_types_3  Type of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Port 3
        artnet.poll_reply.port_types_4  Type of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of Port 4
        artnet.poll_reply.short_name  Short Name
            Short Name
        artnet.poll_reply.status  Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply.subswitch  SubSwitch
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Subswitch version
        artnet.poll_reply.swin  Input Subswitch
            No value
            Input Subswitch
        artnet.poll_reply.swin_1  Input Subswitch of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 1
        artnet.poll_reply.swin_2  Input Subswitch of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 2
        artnet.poll_reply.swin_3  Input Subswitch of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 3
        artnet.poll_reply.swin_4  Input Subswitch of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Input Subswitch of Port 4
        artnet.poll_reply.swmacro  SwMacro
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply.swout  Output Subswitch
            No value
            Output Subswitch
        artnet.poll_reply.swout_1  Output Subswitch of Port 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 1
        artnet.poll_reply.swout_2  Output Subswitch of Port 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 2
        artnet.poll_reply.swout_3  Output Subswitch of Port 3
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Output Subswitch of Port 3
        artnet.poll_reply.swout_4  Output Subswitch of Port 4
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Ouput Subswitch of Port 4
        artnet.poll_reply.swremote  SwRemote
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply.swvideo  SwVideo
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.poll_reply.ubea_version  UBEA Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            UBEA version number
        artnet.poll_reply.versinfo  Version Info
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Version info
        artnet.poll_server_reply  ArtPollServerReply packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtPollServerReply packet
        artnet.rdm  ArtRdm packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtRdm packet
        artnet.rdm.address  Address
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.rdm.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.spare  spare
            Byte array
        artnet.tod_control.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.tod_data  ArtTodData packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtTodData packet
        artnet.tod_data.address  Address
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.tod_data.block_count  Block Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Block Count
        artnet.tod_data.command_response  Command Response
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Command Response
        artnet.tod_data.port  Port
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.tod_data.tod  TOD
            Byte array
        artnet.tod_data.uid_count  UID Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            UID Count
        artnet.tod_data.uid_total  UID Total
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            UID Total
        artnet.tod_request  ArtTodRequest packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtTodRequest packet
        artnet.tod_request.ad_count  Address Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Address Count
        artnet.tod_request.address  Address
            Byte array
        artnet.tod_request.command  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_data  ArtVideoData packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtVideoData packet
        artnet.video_data.data  Video Data
            Byte array
            Video Data
        artnet.video_data.len_x  LenX
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_data.len_y  LenY
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_data.pos_x  PosX
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_data.pos_y  PosY
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_palette  ArtVideoPalette packet
            No value
            Art-Net ArtVideoPalette packet
        artnet.video_palette.colour_blue  Colour Blue
            Byte array
            Colour Blue
        artnet.video_palette.colour_green  Colour Green
            Byte array
            Colour Green
        artnet.video_palette.colour_red  Colour Red
            Byte array
            Colour Red
        artnet.video_setup  ArtVideoSetup packet
            No value
            ArtNET ArtVideoSetup packet
        artnet.video_setup.control  control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        artnet.video_setup.first_font  First Font
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            First Font
        artnet.video_setup.font_data  Font data
            Byte array
            Font Date
        artnet.video_setup.font_height  Font Height
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Font Height
        artnet.video_setup.last_font  Last Font
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Last Font
        artnet.video_setup.win_font_name  Windows Font Name
            Windows Font Name


    Aruba — Aruba Discovery Protocol (adp)

        adp.id  Transaction ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ADP transaction ID
        adp.mac  MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            MAC address
        adp.switch  Switch IP
            IPv4 address
            Switch IP address
        adp.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ADP type
        adp.version  Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ADP version


    Async data over ISDN (V.120) (v120)

        v120.address  Link Address
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control  Control Field
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control.f  Final
        v120.control.ftype  Frame type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control.n_r  N(R)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control.n_s  N(S)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control.p  Poll
        v120.control.s_ftype  Supervisory frame type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        v120.control.u_modifier_cmd  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        v120.control.u_modifier_resp  Response
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        v120.header  Header Field


    Asynchronous Layered Coding (alc)

        alc.fec  Forward Error Correction (FEC) header
            No value
        alc.fec.encoding_id  FEC Encoding ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.fec.esi  Encoding Symbol ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.fec.fti  FEC Object Transmission Information
            No value
        alc.fec.fti.encoding_symbol_length  Encoding Symbol Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.fec.fti.max_number_encoding_symbols  Maximum Number of Encoding Symbols
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.fec.fti.max_source_block_length  Maximum Source Block Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.fec.fti.transfer_length  Transfer Length
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        alc.fec.instance_id  FEC Instance ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.fec.sbl  Source Block Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.fec.sbn  Source Block Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alc.lct  Layered Coding Transport (LCT) header
            No value
        alc.lct.cci  Congestion Control Information
            Byte array
        alc.lct.codepoint  Codepoint
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.lct.ert  Expected Residual Time
            Time duration
        alc.lct.ext  Extension count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.lct.flags  Flags
            No value
        alc.lct.flags.close_object  Close Object flag
        alc.lct.flags.close_session  Close Session flag
        alc.lct.flags.ert_present  Expected Residual Time present flag
        alc.lct.flags.sct_present  Sender Current Time present flag
        alc.lct.fsize  Field sizes (bytes)
            No value
        alc.lct.fsize.cci  Congestion Control Information field size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.lct.fsize.toi  Transport Object Identifier field size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.lct.fsize.tsi  Transport Session Identifier field size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.lct.hlen  Header length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        alc.lct.sct  Sender Current Time
            Time duration
        alc.lct.toi  Transport Object Identifier (up to 64 bites)
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        alc.lct.toi_extended  Transport Object Identifier (up to 112 bits)
            Byte array
        alc.lct.tsi  Transport Session Identifier
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        alc.lct.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alc.payload  Payload
            No value
        alc.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    AudioCodes TPNCP (TrunkPack Network Control Protocol) (tpncp)

        aal2_protocol_type  aal2_protocol_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aal2_rx_cid  aal2_rx_cid
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aal2_tx_cid  aal2_tx_cid
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aal2cid  aal2cid
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        aal_type  aal_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        abtsc  abtsc
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ac_isdn_info_elements_buffer  ac_isdn_info_elements_buffer
        ac_isdn_info_elements_buffer_length  ac_isdn_info_elements_buffer_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack1  ack1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack2  ack2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack3  ack3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack4  ack4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack_param1  ack_param1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack_param2  ack_param2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack_param3  ack_param3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack_param4  ack_param4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ack_req_ind  ack_req_ind
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acknowledge_error_code  acknowledge_error_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acknowledge_status  acknowledge_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        acknowledge_table_index1  acknowledge_table_index1
        acknowledge_table_index2  acknowledge_table_index2
        acknowledge_table_index3  acknowledge_table_index3
        acknowledge_table_index4  acknowledge_table_index4
        acknowledge_table_name  acknowledge_table_name
        acknowledge_type  acknowledge_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        action  action
            Signed 32-bit integer
        activate  activate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        activation_direction  activation_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        activation_option  activation_option
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        active  active
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_fiber_link  active_fiber_link
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_links_no  active_links_no
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_on_board  active_on_board
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_port_id  active_port_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        active_redundant_ter  active_redundant_ter
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_energy_threshold  active_speaker_energy_threshold
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_list_0  active_speaker_list_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_list_1  active_speaker_list_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_list_2  active_speaker_list_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_notification_enable  active_speaker_notification_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speaker_notification_min_interval  active_speaker_notification_min_interval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speakers_energy_level_0  active_speakers_energy_level_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speakers_energy_level_1  active_speakers_energy_level_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_speakers_energy_level_2  active_speakers_energy_level_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        active_voice_prompt_repository_index  active_voice_prompt_repository_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        activity_status  activity_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        actual_routes_configured  actual_routes_configured
            Signed 32-bit integer
        add  add
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_0  additional_info_0_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_1  additional_info_0_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_10  additional_info_0_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_11  additional_info_0_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_12  additional_info_0_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_13  additional_info_0_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_14  additional_info_0_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_15  additional_info_0_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_16  additional_info_0_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_17  additional_info_0_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_18  additional_info_0_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_19  additional_info_0_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_2  additional_info_0_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_3  additional_info_0_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_4  additional_info_0_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_5  additional_info_0_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_6  additional_info_0_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_7  additional_info_0_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_8  additional_info_0_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_0_9  additional_info_0_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_0  additional_info_1_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_1  additional_info_1_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_10  additional_info_1_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_11  additional_info_1_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_12  additional_info_1_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_13  additional_info_1_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_14  additional_info_1_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_15  additional_info_1_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_16  additional_info_1_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_17  additional_info_1_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_18  additional_info_1_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_19  additional_info_1_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_2  additional_info_1_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_3  additional_info_1_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_4  additional_info_1_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_5  additional_info_1_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_6  additional_info_1_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_7  additional_info_1_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_8  additional_info_1_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_info_1_9  additional_info_1_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        additional_information  additional_information
            Signed 32-bit integer
        addr  addr
            Signed 32-bit integer
        address_family  address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        admin_state  admin_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        administrative_state  administrative_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        agc_cmd  agc_cmd
            Signed 32-bit integer
        agc_enable  agc_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ais  ais
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_bit_map  alarm_bit_map
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_cause_a_line_far_end_loop_alarm  alarm_cause_a_line_far_end_loop_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_a_shelf_alarm  alarm_cause_a_shelf_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_b_line_far_end_loop_alarm  alarm_cause_b_line_far_end_loop_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_b_shelf_alarm  alarm_cause_b_shelf_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_c_line_far_end_loop_alarm  alarm_cause_c_line_far_end_loop_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_c_shelf_alarm  alarm_cause_c_shelf_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_d_line_far_end_loop_alarm  alarm_cause_d_line_far_end_loop_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_d_shelf_alarm  alarm_cause_d_shelf_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_framing  alarm_cause_framing
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_major_alarm  alarm_cause_major_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_minor_alarm  alarm_cause_minor_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_p_line_far_end_loop_alarm  alarm_cause_p_line_far_end_loop_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_cause_power_miscellaneous_alarm  alarm_cause_power_miscellaneous_alarm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        alarm_code  alarm_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_indication_signal  alarm_indication_signal
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_insertion_signal  alarm_insertion_signal
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_report_cause  alarm_report_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alarm_type  alarm_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alcap_instance_id  alcap_instance_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        alcap_reset_cause  alcap_reset_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alcap_status  alcap_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alert_state  alert_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        alert_type  alert_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        align  align
        alignment  alignment
        alignment2  alignment2
        alignment3  alignment3
        alignment_1  alignment_1
        alignment_2  alignment_2
        all_trunks  all_trunks
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        allowed_call_types  allowed_call_types
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amd_activation_mode  amd_activation_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        amd_decision  amd_decision
            Signed 32-bit integer
        amr_coder_header_format  amr_coder_header_format
            Signed 32-bit integer
        amr_coders_enable  amr_coders_enable
        amr_delay_hysteresis  amr_delay_hysteresis
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amr_delay_threshold  amr_delay_threshold
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        amr_frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis  amr_frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis
        amr_frame_loss_ratio_threshold  amr_frame_loss_ratio_threshold
        amr_hand_out_state  amr_hand_out_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        amr_number_of_codec_modes  amr_number_of_codec_modes
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        amr_rate  amr_rate
        amr_redundancy_depth  amr_redundancy_depth
            Signed 32-bit integer
        amr_redundancy_level  amr_redundancy_level
        analog_board_type  analog_board_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_device_version_return_code  analog_device_version_return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_if_disconnect_state  analog_if_disconnect_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_if_flash_duration  analog_if_flash_duration
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_if_polarity_state  analog_if_polarity_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_if_set_loop_back  analog_if_set_loop_back
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_line_voltage_reading  analog_line_voltage_reading
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_ring_voltage_reading  analog_ring_voltage_reading
            Signed 32-bit integer
        analog_voltage_reading  analog_voltage_reading
            Signed 32-bit integer
        anic_internal_state  anic_internal_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        announcement_buffer  announcement_buffer
        announcement_sequence_status  announcement_sequence_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        announcement_string  announcement_string
        announcement_type_0  announcement_type_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        answer_detector_cmd  answer_detector_cmd
            Signed 32-bit integer
        answer_tone_detection_direction  answer_tone_detection_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        answer_tone_detection_origin  answer_tone_detection_origin
            Signed 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detection_direction  answering_machine_detection_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param1  answering_machine_detector_decision_param1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param2  answering_machine_detector_decision_param2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param3  answering_machine_detector_decision_param3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param4  answering_machine_detector_decision_param4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param5  answering_machine_detector_decision_param5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_decision_param8  answering_machine_detector_decision_param8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        answering_machine_detector_sensitivity  answering_machine_detector_sensitivity
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_alarm_0  apb_timing_clock_alarm_0
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_alarm_1  apb_timing_clock_alarm_1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_alarm_2  apb_timing_clock_alarm_2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_alarm_3  apb_timing_clock_alarm_3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_enable_0  apb_timing_clock_enable_0
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_enable_1  apb_timing_clock_enable_1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_enable_2  apb_timing_clock_enable_2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_enable_3  apb_timing_clock_enable_3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_source_0  apb_timing_clock_source_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_source_1  apb_timing_clock_source_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_source_2  apb_timing_clock_source_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        apb_timing_clock_source_3  apb_timing_clock_source_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        app_layer  app_layer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        append  append
            Signed 32-bit integer
        append_ch_rec_points  append_ch_rec_points
            Signed 32-bit integer
        asrtts_speech_recognition_error  asrtts_speech_recognition_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
        asrtts_speech_status  asrtts_speech_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        assessed_seconds  assessed_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
        associated_cid  associated_cid
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_15  au3_number_15
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_16  au3_number_16
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_17  au3_number_17
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_18  au3_number_18
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_19  au3_number_19
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_20  au3_number_20
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_21  au3_number_21
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_22  au3_number_22
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_23  au3_number_23
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_24  au3_number_24
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_25  au3_number_25
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_26  au3_number_26
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_27  au3_number_27
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_28  au3_number_28
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_29  au3_number_29
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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        au3_number_30  au3_number_30
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_31  au3_number_31
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_32  au3_number_32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_33  au3_number_33
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_34  au3_number_34
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_35  au3_number_35
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_36  au3_number_36
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_37  au3_number_37
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_38  au3_number_38
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_39  au3_number_39
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_4  au3_number_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_40  au3_number_40
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_41  au3_number_41
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_42  au3_number_42
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_43  au3_number_43
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_44  au3_number_44
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_45  au3_number_45
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_46  au3_number_46
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_47  au3_number_47
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_48  au3_number_48
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_49  au3_number_49
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_50  au3_number_50
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_51  au3_number_51
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_52  au3_number_52
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_53  au3_number_53
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_54  au3_number_54
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_55  au3_number_55
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_56  au3_number_56
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_57  au3_number_57
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_58  au3_number_58
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_59  au3_number_59
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_6  au3_number_6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_60  au3_number_60
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_61  au3_number_61
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_62  au3_number_62
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_63  au3_number_63
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_64  au3_number_64
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_65  au3_number_65
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_66  au3_number_66
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_67  au3_number_67
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_68  au3_number_68
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_69  au3_number_69
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_7  au3_number_7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_70  au3_number_70
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_71  au3_number_71
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_72  au3_number_72
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_73  au3_number_73
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_74  au3_number_74
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_75  au3_number_75
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_76  au3_number_76
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_77  au3_number_77
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_78  au3_number_78
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_79  au3_number_79
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_8  au3_number_8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_80  au3_number_80
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_81  au3_number_81
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_82  au3_number_82
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_83  au3_number_83
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au3_number_9  au3_number_9
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        au_number  au_number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        auto_est  auto_est
            Signed 32-bit integer
        autonomous_signalling_sequence_type  autonomous_signalling_sequence_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        auxiliary_call_state  auxiliary_call_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        available  available
            Signed 32-bit integer
        average  average
            Signed 32-bit integer
        average_burst_density  average_burst_density
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        average_burst_duration  average_burst_duration
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        average_gap_density  average_gap_density
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        average_gap_duration  average_gap_duration
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        average_round_trip  average_round_trip
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        avg_rtt  avg_rtt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        b_channel  b_channel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        backward_key_sequence  backward_key_sequence
        barge_in  barge_in
            Signed 16-bit integer
        base_board_firm_ware_ver  base_board_firm_ware_ver
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bcc_protocol_data_link_error  bcc_protocol_data_link_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bchannel  bchannel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bearer_establish_fail_cause  bearer_establish_fail_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bearer_release_indication_cause  bearer_release_indication_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bell_modem_transport_type  bell_modem_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bind_id  bind_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bit_error  bit_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bit_error_counter  bit_error_counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bit_result  bit_result
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bit_type  bit_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bit_value  bit_value
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bits_clock_reference  bits_clock_reference
            Signed 32-bit integer
        blast_image_file  blast_image_file
            Signed 32-bit integer
        blind_participant_id  blind_participant_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        block  block
            Signed 32-bit integer
        block_origin  block_origin
            Signed 32-bit integer
        blocking_status  blocking_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_analog_voltages  board_analog_voltages
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_flash_size  board_flash_size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_handle  board_handle
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_hardware_revision  board_hardware_revision
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_id_switch  board_id_switch
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_ip_addr  board_ip_addr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        board_ip_address  board_ip_address
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        board_params_tdm_bus_clock_source  board_params_tdm_bus_clock_source
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_params_tdm_bus_fallback_clock  board_params_tdm_bus_fallback_clock
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_ram_size  board_ram_size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_sub_net_address  board_sub_net_address
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        board_temp  board_temp
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_temp_bit_return_code  board_temp_bit_return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        board_type  board_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        boot_file  boot_file
        boot_file_length  boot_file_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bootp_delay  bootp_delay
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bootp_retries  bootp_retries
            Signed 32-bit integer
        broken_connection_event_activation_mode  broken_connection_event_activation_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        broken_connection_event_timeout  broken_connection_event_timeout
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        broken_connection_period  broken_connection_period
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        buffer  buffer
        buffer_length  buffer_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bursty_errored_seconds  bursty_errored_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bus  bus
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bytes_processed  bytes_processed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bytes_received  bytes_received
            Signed 32-bit integer
        c_bit_parity  c_bit_parity
            Signed 32-bit integer
        c_dummy  c_dummy
        c_message_filter_enable  c_message_filter_enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        c_notch_filter_enable  c_notch_filter_enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        c_pci_geographical_address  c_pci_geographical_address
            Signed 32-bit integer
        c_pci_shelf_geographical_address  c_pci_shelf_geographical_address
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cadenced_ringing_type  cadenced_ringing_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        call_direction  call_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        call_handle  call_handle
            Signed 32-bit integer
        call_identity  call_identity
        call_progress_tone_generation_interface  call_progress_tone_generation_interface
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        call_progress_tone_index  call_progress_tone_index
            Signed 16-bit integer
        call_state  call_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        call_type  call_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        called_line_identity  called_line_identity
        caller_id_detection_result  caller_id_detection_result
            Signed 32-bit integer
        caller_id_generation_status  caller_id_generation_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        caller_id_standard  caller_id_standard
            Signed 32-bit integer
        caller_id_transport_type  caller_id_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        caller_id_type  caller_id_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        calling_answering  calling_answering
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_relay_mode  cas_relay_mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cas_relay_transport_mode  cas_relay_transport_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_table_index  cas_table_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        cas_table_name_length  cas_table_name_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_1  cas_value_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_10  cas_value_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_12  cas_value_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_13  cas_value_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_14  cas_value_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_15  cas_value_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_16  cas_value_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_17  cas_value_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_18  cas_value_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_19  cas_value_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_20  cas_value_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_21  cas_value_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_22  cas_value_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_23  cas_value_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_24  cas_value_24
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_25  cas_value_25
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_26  cas_value_26
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_27  cas_value_27
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_28  cas_value_28
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_29  cas_value_29
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_30  cas_value_30
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_31  cas_value_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_32  cas_value_32
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_33  cas_value_33
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_34  cas_value_34
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_35  cas_value_35
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_36  cas_value_36
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_37  cas_value_37
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_38  cas_value_38
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_39  cas_value_39
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_40  cas_value_40
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_41  cas_value_41
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_42  cas_value_42
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_43  cas_value_43
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_44  cas_value_44
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_45  cas_value_45
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_46  cas_value_46
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_47  cas_value_47
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_48  cas_value_48
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_8  cas_value_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cas_value_9  cas_value_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_number_1  ch_number_1
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_number_12  ch_number_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        ch_number_17  ch_number_17
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_13  ch_status_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_14  ch_status_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_15  ch_status_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_16  ch_status_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_17  ch_status_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_18  ch_status_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_20  ch_status_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_21  ch_status_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_22  ch_status_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_23  ch_status_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_24  ch_status_24
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_25  ch_status_25
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_26  ch_status_26
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_27  ch_status_27
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_28  ch_status_28
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ch_status_29  ch_status_29
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        ch_status_30  ch_status_30
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        ch_status_31  ch_status_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        ch_status_8  ch_status_8
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        cid_list_101  cid_list_101
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        cid_list_102  cid_list_102
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        cid_list_103  cid_list_103
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        cid_list_104  cid_list_104
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        cid_list_105  cid_list_105
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        cid_list_106  cid_list_106
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        cid_list_107  cid_list_107
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        cid_list_108  cid_list_108
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        cid_list_109  cid_list_109
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        cid_list_110  cid_list_110
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        cid_list_111  cid_list_111
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        cid_list_112  cid_list_112
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        cid_list_113  cid_list_113
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        cid_list_114  cid_list_114
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        cid_list_115  cid_list_115
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        cid_list_116  cid_list_116
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        cid_list_117  cid_list_117
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        cid_list_118  cid_list_118
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        cid_list_119  cid_list_119
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        cid_list_120  cid_list_120
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        cid_list_121  cid_list_121
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        cid_list_122  cid_list_122
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        cid_list_123  cid_list_123
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        cid_list_124  cid_list_124
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        cid_list_125  cid_list_125
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        cid_list_126  cid_list_126
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        cid_list_127  cid_list_127
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        cid_list_128  cid_list_128
            Signed 16-bit integer
        cid_list_129  cid_list_129
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        cid_list_13  cid_list_13
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        cid_list_130  cid_list_130
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        cid_list_131  cid_list_131
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        cid_list_132  cid_list_132
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        cid_list_133  cid_list_133
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        cid_list_134  cid_list_134
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        cid_list_135  cid_list_135
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        cid_list_136  cid_list_136
            Signed 16-bit integer
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        cid_list_35  cid_list_35
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        cid_list_37  cid_list_37
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        cid_list_57  cid_list_57
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        cid_list_58  cid_list_58
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        cid_list_59  cid_list_59
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        cid_list_60  cid_list_60
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        cid_list_61  cid_list_61
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        cid_list_62  cid_list_62
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        cid_list_63  cid_list_63
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        cid_list_64  cid_list_64
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        cid_list_65  cid_list_65
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        cid_list_66  cid_list_66
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        cid_list_67  cid_list_67
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        cid_list_68  cid_list_68
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        cid_list_69  cid_list_69
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        cid_list_70  cid_list_70
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        cid_list_71  cid_list_71
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        cid_list_72  cid_list_72
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        cid_list_73  cid_list_73
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        cid_list_74  cid_list_74
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        cid_list_75  cid_list_75
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        cid_list_76  cid_list_76
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        cid_list_77  cid_list_77
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        cid_list_78  cid_list_78
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        cid_list_79  cid_list_79
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        cid_list_80  cid_list_80
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        cid_list_81  cid_list_81
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        cid_list_82  cid_list_82
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        cid_list_83  cid_list_83
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        cid_list_84  cid_list_84
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        cid_list_85  cid_list_85
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        cid_list_86  cid_list_86
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        cid_list_87  cid_list_87
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        cid_list_88  cid_list_88
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        cid_list_89  cid_list_89
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        cid_list_90  cid_list_90
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        cid_list_91  cid_list_91
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        cid_list_92  cid_list_92
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        cid_list_93  cid_list_93
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        cid_list_94  cid_list_94
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        cid_list_95  cid_list_95
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        cid_list_96  cid_list_96
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        cid_list_97  cid_list_97
            Signed 16-bit integer
        cid_list_98  cid_list_98
            Signed 16-bit integer
        cid_list_99  cid_list_99
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        concentrator_field_c8  concentrator_field_c8
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        control_ip_address_1  control_ip_address_1
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        control_ip_address_4  control_ip_address_4
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        control_ip_address_5  control_ip_address_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        control_vlan_id_1  control_vlan_id_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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        control_vlan_id_3  control_vlan_id_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        control_vlan_id_4  control_vlan_id_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        control_vlan_id_5  control_vlan_id_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        controlled_slip_seconds  controlled_slip_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        cpspdu_threshold  cpspdu_threshold
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        crc_error_rx_counter  crc_error_rx_counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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        date_time_provider  date_time_provider
            Signed 32-bit integer
        day  day
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_fax  dbg_rec_filter_type_fax
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_ibs  dbg_rec_filter_type_ibs
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_modem  dbg_rec_filter_type_modem
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_rtcp  dbg_rec_filter_type_rtcp
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_rtp  dbg_rec_filter_type_rtp
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_filter_type_voice  dbg_rec_filter_type_voice
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_cas  dbg_rec_trigger_type_cas
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_err  dbg_rec_trigger_type_err
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_fax  dbg_rec_trigger_type_fax
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_ibs  dbg_rec_trigger_type_ibs
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_modem  dbg_rec_trigger_type_modem
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_no_trigger  dbg_rec_trigger_type_no_trigger
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_rtcp  dbg_rec_trigger_type_rtcp
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_silence  dbg_rec_trigger_type_silence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dbg_rec_trigger_type_stop  dbg_rec_trigger_type_stop
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_17  digit_on_time_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_19  digit_on_time_19
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_27  digit_on_time_27
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_28  digit_on_time_28
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_29  digit_on_time_29
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_30  digit_on_time_30
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_31  digit_on_time_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_33  digit_on_time_33
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_34  digit_on_time_34
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_35  digit_on_time_35
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_36  digit_on_time_36
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_37  digit_on_time_37
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_38  digit_on_time_38
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_39  digit_on_time_39
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_5  digit_on_time_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_6  digit_on_time_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        digit_on_time_8  digit_on_time_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        digit_on_time_9  digit_on_time_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        disable_soft_ip_loopback  disable_soft_ip_loopback
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        dj_buf_min_delay  dj_buf_min_delay
            Signed 32-bit integer
        dj_buf_opt_factor  dj_buf_opt_factor
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        do_not_use_defaults_with_ini  do_not_use_defaults_with_ini
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        dsp_bit_return_code_1  dsp_bit_return_code_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        dsp_boot_kernel_ver  dsp_boot_kernel_ver
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        dummy_4  dummy_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_17  duration_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_31  duration_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_33  duration_33
            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_34  duration_34
            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_35  duration_35
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_8  duration_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        duration_9  duration_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        element_id_17  element_id_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        element_id_18  element_id_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        emergency_call_calling_geodetic_location_information_size  emergency_call_calling_geodetic_location_information_size
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        enable_mfr2_forward  enable_mfr2_forward
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_16  error_counter_16
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_17  error_counter_17
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_18  error_counter_18
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_19  error_counter_19
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_20  error_counter_20
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_21  error_counter_21
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_22  error_counter_22
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_23  error_counter_23
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_24  error_counter_24
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_25  error_counter_25
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        error_counter_8  error_counter_8
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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        error_description_buffer_len  error_description_buffer_len
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        evrc_rate  evrc_rate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        evrc_smart_blanking_max_sid_gap  evrc_smart_blanking_max_sid_gap
            Signed 16-bit integer
        evrc_smart_blanking_min_sid_gap  evrc_smart_blanking_min_sid_gap
            Signed 16-bit integer
        evrcb_avg_rate_control  evrcb_avg_rate_control
            Signed 32-bit integer
        evrcb_avg_rate_target  evrcb_avg_rate_target
            Signed 32-bit integer
        evrcb_operation_point  evrcb_operation_point
            Signed 32-bit integer
        exclusive  exclusive
            Signed 32-bit integer
        exists  exists
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ext_high_seq  ext_high_seq
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        extra_digit_timer  extra_digit_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        facility_net_cause  facility_net_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        facility_sequence_num  facility_sequence_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
        facility_sequence_number  facility_sequence_number
            Signed 32-bit integer
        failed_board_id  failed_board_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        failed_clock  failed_clock
            Signed 32-bit integer
        failure_reason  failure_reason
            Signed 32-bit integer
        failure_status  failure_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        far_end_receive_failure  far_end_receive_failure
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_detection_origin  fax_detection_origin
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_modem_bypass_coder_type  fax_modem_bypass_coder_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_modem_bypass_dj_buf_min_delay  fax_modem_bypass_dj_buf_min_delay
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_modem_bypass_m  fax_modem_bypass_m
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_modem_relay_rate  fax_modem_relay_rate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_modem_relay_volume  fax_modem_relay_volume
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_relay_ecm_enable  fax_relay_ecm_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_relay_max_rate  fax_relay_max_rate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_relay_redundancy_depth  fax_relay_redundancy_depth
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_session_result  fax_session_result
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fax_transport_type  fax_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fiber_group_link  fiber_group_link
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fiber_id  fiber_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        file_name  file_name
        fill_zero  fill_zero
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        filling  filling
        first_call_line_identity  first_call_line_identity
        first_digit_country_code  first_digit_country_code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        first_digit_timer  first_digit_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        first_tone_duration  first_tone_duration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        first_voice_prompt_index  first_voice_prompt_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        flash_bit_return_code  flash_bit_return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        flash_hook_transport_type  flash_hook_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        flash_ver  flash_ver
            Signed 32-bit integer
        force_voice_prompt_repository_release  force_voice_prompt_repository_release
            Signed 32-bit integer
        forward_key_sequence  forward_key_sequence
        fraction_lost  fraction_lost
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fragmentation_needed_and_df_set  fragmentation_needed_and_df_set
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_1  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_2  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_3  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_4  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_5  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_6  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_7  frame_loss_ratio_hysteresis_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_1  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_2  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_3  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_4  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_5  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_6  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frame_loss_ratio_threshold_7  frame_loss_ratio_threshold_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        framing_bit_error_counter  framing_bit_error_counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        framing_error_counter  framing_error_counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        framing_error_received  framing_error_received
            Signed 32-bit integer
        free_voice_prompt_buffer_space  free_voice_prompt_buffer_space
            Signed 32-bit integer
        free_voice_prompt_indexes  free_voice_prompt_indexes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frequency  frequency
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frequency_0  frequency_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        frequency_1  frequency_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        from_entity  from_entity
            Signed 32-bit integer
        from_fiber_link  from_fiber_link
            Signed 32-bit integer
        from_trunk  from_trunk
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fullday_average  fullday_average
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_0  future_expansion_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_1  future_expansion_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_2  future_expansion_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_3  future_expansion_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_4  future_expansion_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_5  future_expansion_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_6  future_expansion_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        future_expansion_7  future_expansion_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_1  fxo_anic_version_return_code_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_10  fxo_anic_version_return_code_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_11  fxo_anic_version_return_code_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_12  fxo_anic_version_return_code_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_13  fxo_anic_version_return_code_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_14  fxo_anic_version_return_code_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_15  fxo_anic_version_return_code_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_16  fxo_anic_version_return_code_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_17  fxo_anic_version_return_code_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_18  fxo_anic_version_return_code_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_19  fxo_anic_version_return_code_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_2  fxo_anic_version_return_code_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_20  fxo_anic_version_return_code_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_21  fxo_anic_version_return_code_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_22  fxo_anic_version_return_code_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_23  fxo_anic_version_return_code_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_3  fxo_anic_version_return_code_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_4  fxo_anic_version_return_code_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_5  fxo_anic_version_return_code_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_6  fxo_anic_version_return_code_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_7  fxo_anic_version_return_code_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_8  fxo_anic_version_return_code_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxo_anic_version_return_code_9  fxo_anic_version_return_code_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_0  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_1  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_10  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_11  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_12  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_13  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_14  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_15  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_16  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_17  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_18  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_19  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_20  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_21  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_22  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_23  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_3  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_4  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_5  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_6  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_7  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_8  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_9  fxs_codec_validation_bit_return_code_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_1  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_10  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_11  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_12  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_13  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_14  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_15  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_16  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_17  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_18  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_19  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_19
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        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_20  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_21  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_22  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_23  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_3  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_4  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_5  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_6  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_7  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_8  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_duslic_version_return_code_9  fxs_duslic_version_return_code_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_line_voltage_reading  fxs_line_voltage_reading
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxs_ring_voltage_reading  fxs_ring_voltage_reading
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_0  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_1  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_10  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_11  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_12  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_13  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_14  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_15  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_16  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_17  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_18  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_19  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_2  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_20  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_21  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_22  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_23  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_3  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_4  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_5  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_6  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_7  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_8  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_9  fxscram_check_sum_bit_return_code_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        g729ev_local_mbs  g729ev_local_mbs
            Signed 32-bit integer
        g729ev_max_bit_rate  g729ev_max_bit_rate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        g729ev_receive_mbs  g729ev_receive_mbs
            Signed 32-bit integer
        gain_slope  gain_slope
            Signed 32-bit integer
        gap_count  gap_count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_0  gateway_address_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_1  gateway_address_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_2  gateway_address_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_3  gateway_address_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_4  gateway_address_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gateway_address_5  gateway_address_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        gauge_id  gauge_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        generate_caller_id_message_extension_size  generate_caller_id_message_extension_size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        generation_timing  generation_timing
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        generic_event_family  generic_event_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        geographical_address  geographical_address
            Signed 32-bit integer
        graceful_shutdown_timeout  graceful_shutdown_timeout
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ground_key_polarity  ground_key_polarity
            Signed 32-bit integer
        header_only  header_only
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hello_time_out  hello_time_out
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hidden_participant_id  hidden_participant_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hide_mode  hide_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        high_threshold  high_threshold
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ho_alarm_status_0  ho_alarm_status_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ho_alarm_status_1  ho_alarm_status_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ho_alarm_status_2  ho_alarm_status_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hook  hook
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hook_state  hook_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        host_unreachable  host_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hour  hour
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hpfe  hpfe
            Signed 32-bit integer
        http_client_error_code  http_client_error_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        hw_sw_version  hw_sw_version
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        i_dummy_1  i_dummy_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        i_dummy_2  i_dummy_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        i_pv6_address_1  i_pv6_address_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        i_pv6_address_2  i_pv6_address_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        i_pv6_address_3  i_pv6_address_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ibs_tone_generation_interface  ibs_tone_generation_interface
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ibsd_redirection  ibsd_redirection
            Signed 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_fragmentation_needed_and_df_set  icmp_code_fragmentation_needed_and_df_set
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_host_unreachable  icmp_code_host_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_net_unreachable  icmp_code_net_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_port_unreachable  icmp_code_port_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_protocol_unreachable  icmp_code_protocol_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_code_source_route_failed  icmp_code_source_route_failed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        icmp_type  icmp_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        icmp_unreachable_counter  icmp_unreachable_counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        idle_alarm  idle_alarm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        idle_time_out  idle_time_out
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        if_add_seq_required_avp  if_add_seq_required_avp
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        include_return_key  include_return_key
            Signed 16-bit integer
        incoming_t38_port_option  incoming_t38_port_option
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index  index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_0  index_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_1  index_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_10  index_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_11  index_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_12  index_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_13  index_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_14  index_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_15  index_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_16  index_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_17  index_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_18  index_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_19  index_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_2  index_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_20  index_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_21  index_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_22  index_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_23  index_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        index_24  index_24
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        inter_cas_time_15  inter_cas_time_15
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        inter_cas_time_16  inter_cas_time_16
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        inter_cas_time_17  inter_cas_time_17
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        inter_cas_time_19  inter_cas_time_19
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        inter_cas_time_20  inter_cas_time_20
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        inter_cas_time_21  inter_cas_time_21
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        inter_cas_time_22  inter_cas_time_22
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        inter_cas_time_23  inter_cas_time_23
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        inter_cas_time_24  inter_cas_time_24
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        inter_cas_time_25  inter_cas_time_25
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        inter_cas_time_26  inter_cas_time_26
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        inter_cas_time_27  inter_cas_time_27
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        inter_cas_time_29  inter_cas_time_29
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        inter_cas_time_30  inter_cas_time_30
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        inter_cas_time_31  inter_cas_time_31
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        inter_cas_time_32  inter_cas_time_32
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        inter_cas_time_33  inter_cas_time_33
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        inter_cas_time_34  inter_cas_time_34
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        inter_cas_time_35  inter_cas_time_35
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        inter_cas_time_36  inter_cas_time_36
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        inter_cas_time_37  inter_cas_time_37
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        inter_cas_time_39  inter_cas_time_39
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        inter_cas_time_41  inter_cas_time_41
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        inter_cas_time_42  inter_cas_time_42
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        inter_cas_time_43  inter_cas_time_43
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        inter_cas_time_44  inter_cas_time_44
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        inter_cas_time_45  inter_cas_time_45
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        inter_cas_time_46  inter_cas_time_46
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        inter_cas_time_47  inter_cas_time_47
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        inter_cas_time_48  inter_cas_time_48
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        inter_cas_time_49  inter_cas_time_49
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        inter_cas_time_6  inter_cas_time_6
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        inter_cas_time_7  inter_cas_time_7
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        inter_cas_time_8  inter_cas_time_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        inter_cas_time_9  inter_cas_time_9
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        inter_digit_time_1  inter_digit_time_1
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        inter_digit_time_15  inter_digit_time_15
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        inter_digit_time_16  inter_digit_time_16
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        inter_digit_time_17  inter_digit_time_17
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        inter_digit_time_19  inter_digit_time_19
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        inter_digit_time_20  inter_digit_time_20
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        inter_digit_time_21  inter_digit_time_21
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        inter_digit_time_22  inter_digit_time_22
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        inter_digit_time_23  inter_digit_time_23
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        inter_digit_time_24  inter_digit_time_24
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        inter_digit_time_25  inter_digit_time_25
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        inter_digit_time_26  inter_digit_time_26
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        inter_digit_time_27  inter_digit_time_27
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        inter_digit_time_28  inter_digit_time_28
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        inter_digit_time_29  inter_digit_time_29
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        inter_digit_time_31  inter_digit_time_31
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        inter_digit_time_32  inter_digit_time_32
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        inter_digit_time_33  inter_digit_time_33
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        inter_digit_time_34  inter_digit_time_34
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        inter_digit_time_35  inter_digit_time_35
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        inter_digit_time_36  inter_digit_time_36
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        inter_digit_time_37  inter_digit_time_37
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        inter_digit_time_38  inter_digit_time_38
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        inter_digit_time_39  inter_digit_time_39
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        inter_digit_time_5  inter_digit_time_5
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        inter_digit_time_7  inter_digit_time_7
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        inter_digit_time_8  inter_digit_time_8
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        inter_digit_time_9  inter_digit_time_9
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        ipv6_addr_2  ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ipv6_addr_3  ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        is_active  is_active
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        is_available  is_available
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        is_data_flow_control  is_data_flow_control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        is_duplex_1  is_duplex_1
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        is_duplex_3  is_duplex_3
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        is_duplex_4  is_duplex_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        is_duplex_5  is_duplex_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        is_enable_listener_only_participants  is_enable_listener_only_participants
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        is_link_up_4  is_link_up_4
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        is_link_up_5  is_link_up_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_1  is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_4  is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_5  is_multiple_ip_addresses_enabled_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        is_single_tunnel_required  is_single_tunnel_required
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        is_threshold_alarm_active  is_threshold_alarm_active
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        is_tunnel_auth_required  is_tunnel_auth_required
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        is_tunnel_security_required  is_tunnel_security_required
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        is_vlan_enabled_3  is_vlan_enabled_3
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        is_vlan_enabled_4  is_vlan_enabled_4
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        jb_nom_delay  jb_nom_delay
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        lo_alarm_status_37  lo_alarm_status_37
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        lo_alarm_status_42  lo_alarm_status_42
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        lo_alarm_status_46  lo_alarm_status_46
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        lo_alarm_status_51  lo_alarm_status_51
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        lo_alarm_status_53  lo_alarm_status_53
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        lo_alarm_status_54  lo_alarm_status_54
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        lo_alarm_status_55  lo_alarm_status_55
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        lo_alarm_status_56  lo_alarm_status_56
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        lo_alarm_status_57  lo_alarm_status_57
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        lo_alarm_status_58  lo_alarm_status_58
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        lo_alarm_status_59  lo_alarm_status_59
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        lo_alarm_status_70  lo_alarm_status_70
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_71  lo_alarm_status_71
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_72  lo_alarm_status_72
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_73  lo_alarm_status_73
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_74  lo_alarm_status_74
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_76  lo_alarm_status_76
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_77  lo_alarm_status_77
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_78  lo_alarm_status_78
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_79  lo_alarm_status_79
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_81  lo_alarm_status_81
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_82  lo_alarm_status_82
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lo_alarm_status_83  lo_alarm_status_83
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        loop_back_port_state_1  loop_back_port_state_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        loop_back_port_state_8  loop_back_port_state_8
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        loop_back_port_state_9  loop_back_port_state_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        loop_direction  loop_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        loop_type  loop_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        lop  lop
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        los_port_state_1  los_port_state_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        los_port_state_2  los_port_state_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        los_port_state_3  los_port_state_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        los_port_state_4  los_port_state_4
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        los_port_state_8  los_port_state_8
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        los_port_state_9  los_port_state_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        lost_crc4multiframe_sync  lost_crc4multiframe_sync
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        mac_addr_lsb_4  mac_addr_lsb_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        mac_addr_msb_4  mac_addr_msb_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        mac_addr_msb_5  mac_addr_msb_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        maintenance_field_m2  maintenance_field_m2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        maintenance_field_m3  maintenance_field_m3
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        matched_map_index  matched_map_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        matched_map_num  matched_map_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_dial_string_length  max_dial_string_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_dtmf_digits_in_caller_id_string  max_dtmf_digits_in_caller_id_string
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        max_end_dial_timer  max_end_dial_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_long_inter_digit_timer  max_long_inter_digit_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_num_of_indexes  max_num_of_indexes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_participants  max_participants
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_rtt  max_rtt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        max_short_inter_digit_timer  max_short_inter_digit_timer
            Signed 16-bit integer
        max_simultaneous_speakers  max_simultaneous_speakers
            Signed 32-bit integer
        max_start_timer  max_start_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        measurement_mode  measurement_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        media_gateway_address_1  media_gateway_address_1
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_ip_address_1  media_ip_address_1
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_ip_address_3  media_ip_address_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_ip_address_4  media_ip_address_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_subnet_mask_address_4  media_subnet_mask_address_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_subnet_mask_address_5  media_subnet_mask_address_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        media_vlan_id_1  media_vlan_id_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_vlan_id_3  media_vlan_id_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_vlan_id_4  media_vlan_id_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        media_vlan_id_5  media_vlan_id_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        message_id  message_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        message_length  message_length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        message_waiting_indication  message_waiting_indication
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        mgci_paddr_0  mgci_paddr_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        mgci_paddr_1  mgci_paddr_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        mgci_paddr_2  mgci_paddr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        mgci_paddr_3  mgci_paddr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        mgci_paddr_4  mgci_paddr_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        min_gap_size  min_gap_size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        min_inter_digit_len  min_inter_digit_len
            Signed 32-bit integer
        min_long_event_timer  min_long_event_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        min_rtt  min_rtt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        minutes  minutes
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        mlpp_domain_1  mlpp_domain_1
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        mlpp_domain_4  mlpp_domain_4
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        muted_participants_handle_list_131  muted_participants_handle_list_131
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        muted_participants_handle_list_137  muted_participants_handle_list_137
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        muted_participants_handle_list_138  muted_participants_handle_list_138
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        muted_participants_handle_list_139  muted_participants_handle_list_139
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        muted_participants_handle_list_141  muted_participants_handle_list_141
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        muted_participants_handle_list_142  muted_participants_handle_list_142
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        muted_participants_handle_list_146  muted_participants_handle_list_146
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        muted_participants_handle_list_147  muted_participants_handle_list_147
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        muted_participants_handle_list_148  muted_participants_handle_list_148
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_51  participants_handle_list_51
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_52  participants_handle_list_52
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_53  participants_handle_list_53
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_54  participants_handle_list_54
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_55  participants_handle_list_55
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_56  participants_handle_list_56
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_57  participants_handle_list_57
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_58  participants_handle_list_58
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_59  participants_handle_list_59
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_60  participants_handle_list_60
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_61  participants_handle_list_61
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_62  participants_handle_list_62
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_63  participants_handle_list_63
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_65  participants_handle_list_65
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_66  participants_handle_list_66
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_67  participants_handle_list_67
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_68  participants_handle_list_68
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_69  participants_handle_list_69
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_7  participants_handle_list_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_70  participants_handle_list_70
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_71  participants_handle_list_71
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_72  participants_handle_list_72
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_73  participants_handle_list_73
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_74  participants_handle_list_74
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_75  participants_handle_list_75
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_76  participants_handle_list_76
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_77  participants_handle_list_77
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_78  participants_handle_list_78
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_79  participants_handle_list_79
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_80  participants_handle_list_80
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_81  participants_handle_list_81
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_82  participants_handle_list_82
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_83  participants_handle_list_83
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_84  participants_handle_list_84
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_85  participants_handle_list_85
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_86  participants_handle_list_86
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_87  participants_handle_list_87
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_88  participants_handle_list_88
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_89  participants_handle_list_89
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_9  participants_handle_list_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_90  participants_handle_list_90
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_91  participants_handle_list_91
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_92  participants_handle_list_92
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_93  participants_handle_list_93
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_94  participants_handle_list_94
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_96  participants_handle_list_96
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_97  participants_handle_list_97
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_98  participants_handle_list_98
            Signed 32-bit integer
        participants_handle_list_99  participants_handle_list_99
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        payload_type_1  payload_type_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        payload_type_2  payload_type_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        payload_type_3  payload_type_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        payload_type_4  payload_type_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        peer_info_udp_dst_port  peer_info_udp_dst_port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        performance_monitoring_element  performance_monitoring_element
            Signed 32-bit integer
        performance_monitoring_enable  performance_monitoring_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        performance_monitoring_interval  performance_monitoring_interval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        performance_monitoring_state  performance_monitoring_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        physical_link_status  physical_link_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        physical_link_type  physical_link_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        play_timing  play_timing
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        playing_time  playing_time
            Signed 32-bit integer
        plm  plm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        polarity_status  polarity_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_activity_mode_1  port_activity_mode_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_activity_mode_2  port_activity_mode_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_activity_mode_3  port_activity_mode_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_activity_mode_4  port_activity_mode_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_activity_mode_5  port_activity_mode_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        port_id_0  port_id_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        port_id_1  port_id_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        port_id_3  port_id_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        port_id_4  port_id_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        port_id_5  port_id_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_speed_1  port_speed_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_speed_2  port_speed_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_speed_3  port_speed_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_speed_4  port_speed_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_speed_5  port_speed_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_unreachable  port_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_user_mode_1  port_user_mode_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_user_mode_2  port_user_mode_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_user_mode_3  port_user_mode_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_user_mode_4  port_user_mode_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        port_user_mode_5  port_user_mode_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        pre_speech_timer  pre_speech_timer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        prerecorded_tone_hdr  prerecorded_tone_hdr
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        primary_clock_source_status  primary_clock_source_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        profile_group  profile_group
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        progress_ind_description  progress_ind_description
            Signed 32-bit integer
        progress_ind_location  progress_ind_location
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
        protection_dl1_error  protection_dl1_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
        protection_dl2_error  protection_dl2_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
        protocol_parameter_duration_type  protocol_parameter_duration_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        protocol_parameter_signal_type  protocol_parameter_signal_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_14  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_14
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        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_15  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_15
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        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_28  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_28
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        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_6  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_6
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_8  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_9  pstn_trunk_bchannels_status_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        pulsed_signal_signal_type  pulsed_signal_signal_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        qcelp8_rate  qcelp8_rate
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        rate_6  rate_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        rear_io_id  rear_io_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        received_digit_ack_req_ind  received_digit_ack_req_ind
            Signed 32-bit integer
        received_octets  received_octets
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        redirecting_number_plan  redirecting_number_plan
            Signed 32-bit integer
        redirecting_number_pres  redirecting_number_pres
            Signed 32-bit integer
        redirecting_number_reason  redirecting_number_reason
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        redundancy_level_1  redundancy_level_1
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        redundancy_level_3  redundancy_level_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        redundancy_level_4  redundancy_level_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        redundancy_level_5  redundancy_level_5
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        redundancy_level_7  redundancy_level_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        remote_ip_addr_1  remote_ip_addr_1
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        remote_ip_addr_11  remote_ip_addr_11
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        remote_ip_addr_15  remote_ip_addr_15
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        remote_ip_addr_16  remote_ip_addr_16
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        remote_ip_addr_17  remote_ip_addr_17
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        remote_ip_addr_18  remote_ip_addr_18
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        remote_ip_addr_19  remote_ip_addr_19
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        remote_ip_addr_20  remote_ip_addr_20
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        remote_ip_addr_21  remote_ip_addr_21
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        remote_ip_addr_22  remote_ip_addr_22
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        remote_ip_addr_23  remote_ip_addr_23
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        remote_ip_addr_24  remote_ip_addr_24
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_25  remote_ip_addr_25
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        remote_ip_addr_26  remote_ip_addr_26
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_27  remote_ip_addr_27
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_28  remote_ip_addr_28
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_29  remote_ip_addr_29
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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        remote_ip_addr_30  remote_ip_addr_30
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_31  remote_ip_addr_31
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_ip_addr_5  remote_ip_addr_5
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        remote_ip_addr_6  remote_ip_addr_6
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        remote_ip_addr_7  remote_ip_addr_7
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        remote_ip_addr_8  remote_ip_addr_8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_17  remote_port_17
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_25  remote_port_25
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_26  remote_port_26
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_27  remote_port_27
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_28  remote_port_28
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_29  remote_port_29
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_3  remote_port_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_30  remote_port_30
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_31  remote_port_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_4  remote_port_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_5  remote_port_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_6  remote_port_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_7  remote_port_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_8  remote_port_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_port_9  remote_port_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_add_address_family  remote_rtcpip_add_address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_0  remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_1  remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_2  remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_3  remote_rtcpip_add_ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_addr_address_family  remote_rtcpip_addr_address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_1  remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_2  remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_3  remote_rtcpip_addr_ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtp_port  remote_rtp_port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        remote_rtpip_addr_address_family  remote_rtpip_addr_address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_0  remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_1  remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_2  remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_3  remote_rtpip_addr_ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_session_id  remote_session_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_session_seq_num  remote_session_seq_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_t38_port  remote_t38_port
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_t38ip_addr_address_family  remote_t38ip_addr_address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_0  remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_2  remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_3  remote_t38ip_addr_ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remotely_inhibited  remotely_inhibited
            Signed 32-bit integer
        repeat  repeat
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        repeated_dial_string_total_duration  repeated_dial_string_total_duration
            Signed 32-bit integer
        repeated_string_total_duration  repeated_string_total_duration
            Signed 32-bit integer
        report_lbc  report_lbc
            Signed 32-bit integer
        report_reason  report_reason
            Signed 32-bit integer
        report_type  report_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        report_ubc  report_ubc
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reporting_pulse_count  reporting_pulse_count
            Signed 32-bit integer
        request  request
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        reserve1  reserve1
        reserve2  reserve2
        reserve3  reserve3
        reserve4  reserve4
        reserve_0  reserve_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reserve_1  reserve_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reserve_2  reserve_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reserve_3  reserve_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reserve_4  reserve_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reserve_5  reserve_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_11  reserved_11
            Signed 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_5  reserved_5
            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_6  reserved_6
            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_7  reserved_7
            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_8  reserved_8
            Signed 16-bit integer
        reserved_9  reserved_9
            Signed 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        reset_mode  reset_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reset_source_report_bit_return_code  reset_source_report_bit_return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reset_total  reset_total
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        residual_echo_return_loss  residual_echo_return_loss
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        response_code  response_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        restart_key_sequence  restart_key_sequence
        restart_not_ok  restart_not_ok
            Signed 32-bit integer
        resume_call_action_code  resume_call_action_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        resynchronized  resynchronized
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ret_cause  ret_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        retrc  retrc
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        return_code  return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        return_key_sequence  return_key_sequence
        rev_num  rev_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
        reversal_polarity  reversal_polarity
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        rfc2833_rtp_rx_payload_type  rfc2833_rtp_rx_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rfc2833_rtp_tx_payload_type  rfc2833_rtp_tx_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ria_crc  ria_crc
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ring  ring
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ring_splash  ring_splash
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ring_state  ring_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ring_type  ring_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        round_trip  round_trip
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        route_set_event_cause  route_set_event_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        route_set_name  route_set_name
        route_set_no  route_set_no
            Signed 32-bit integer
        routesets_per_sn  routesets_per_sn
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_0  rs_alarms_status_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_1  rs_alarms_status_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_2  rs_alarms_status_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_3  rs_alarms_status_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_4  rs_alarms_status_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_5  rs_alarms_status_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_6  rs_alarms_status_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_7  rs_alarms_status_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_8  rs_alarms_status_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rs_alarms_status_9  rs_alarms_status_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rsip_reason  rsip_reason
            Signed 16-bit integer
        rt_delay  rt_delay
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        rtcp_authentication_algorithm  rtcp_authentication_algorithm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtcp_bye_reason  rtcp_bye_reason
        rtcp_bye_reason_length  rtcp_bye_reason_length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        rtcp_encryption_algorithm  rtcp_encryption_algorithm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtcp_encryption_key  rtcp_encryption_key
        rtcp_encryption_key_size  rtcp_encryption_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtcp_extension_msg  rtcp_extension_msg
        rtcp_icmp_received_data_icmp_type  rtcp_icmp_received_data_icmp_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        rtcp_icmp_received_data_icmp_unreachable_counter  rtcp_icmp_received_data_icmp_unreachable_counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtcp_mac_key  rtcp_mac_key
        rtcp_mac_key_size  rtcp_mac_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtcp_mean_tx_interval  rtcp_mean_tx_interval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtcp_peer_info_ip_dst_addr  rtcp_peer_info_ip_dst_addr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtcp_peer_info_udp_dst_port  rtcp_peer_info_udp_dst_port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        rtp_authentication_algorithm  rtp_authentication_algorithm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_encryption_algorithm  rtp_encryption_algorithm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_encryption_key  rtp_encryption_key
        rtp_encryption_key_size  rtp_encryption_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtp_init_key  rtp_init_key
        rtp_init_key_size  rtp_init_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtp_mac_key  rtp_mac_key
        rtp_mac_key_size  rtp_mac_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtp_no_operation_payload_type  rtp_no_operation_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_redundancy_depth  rtp_redundancy_depth
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_redundancy_rfc2198_payload_type  rtp_redundancy_rfc2198_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_reflector_mode  rtp_reflector_mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        rtp_sequence_number_mode  rtp_sequence_number_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_silence_indicator_coefficients_number  rtp_silence_indicator_coefficients_number
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_silence_indicator_packets_enable  rtp_silence_indicator_packets_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtp_time_stamp  rtp_time_stamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rtpdtmfrfc2833_payload_type  rtpdtmfrfc2833_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rtpssrc_mode  rtpssrc_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        rx_bytes  rx_bytes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rx_config  rx_config
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        rx_config_zero_fill  rx_config_zero_fill
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        rx_dtmf_hang_over_time  rx_dtmf_hang_over_time
            Signed 16-bit integer
        rx_dumped_pckts_cnt  rx_dumped_pckts_cnt
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        rx_rtp_payload_type  rx_rtp_payload_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        s_nname  s_nname
        sample_based_coders_rtp_packet_interval  sample_based_coders_rtp_packet_interval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sce  sce
            Signed 32-bit integer
        scr  scr
            Signed 32-bit integer
        screening  screening
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sdh_lp_mappingtype  sdh_lp_mappingtype
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sdh_sonet_mode  sdh_sonet_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sdram_bit_return_code  sdram_bit_return_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second  second
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_digit_country_code  second_digit_country_code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_plan  second_redirecting_number_plan
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_pres  second_redirecting_number_pres
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_reason  second_redirecting_number_reason
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_screen  second_redirecting_number_screen
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_size  second_redirecting_number_size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_number_type  second_redirecting_number_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        second_redirecting_phone_num  second_redirecting_phone_num
        second_tone_duration  second_tone_duration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        secondary_clock_source  secondary_clock_source
            Signed 32-bit integer
        secondary_clock_source_status  secondary_clock_source_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        secondary_language  secondary_language
            Signed 32-bit integer
        seconds  seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        security_cmd_offset  security_cmd_offset
            Signed 32-bit integer
        segment  segment
            Signed 32-bit integer
        seized_line  seized_line
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_alarm_operation  send_alarm_operation
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_dummy_packets  send_dummy_packets
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        send_each_digit  send_each_digit
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_event_board_started_flag  send_event_board_started_flag
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_once  send_once
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_rtcp_bye_packet_mode  send_rtcp_bye_packet_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        send_silence_dummy_packets  send_silence_dummy_packets
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sending_complete  sending_complete
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sending_mode  sending_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sensor_id  sensor_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        seq_number  seq_number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sequence_response  sequence_response
            Signed 32-bit integer
        serial_id  serial_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        serial_num  serial_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
        server_id  server_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        service_change_delay  service_change_delay
            Signed 32-bit integer
        service_change_reason  service_change_reason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        service_error_type  service_error_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        service_report_type  service_report_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        service_status  service_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        service_type  service_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        session_id  session_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        set_mode_action  set_mode_action
            Signed 32-bit integer
        set_mode_code  set_mode_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        severely_errored_framing_seconds  severely_errored_framing_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
        severely_errored_seconds  severely_errored_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
        severity  severity
            Signed 32-bit integer
        si  si
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signal_generation_enable  signal_generation_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signal_level  signal_level
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signal_level_decimal  signal_level_decimal
            Signed 16-bit integer
        signal_level_integer  signal_level_integer
            Signed 16-bit integer
        signal_lost  signal_lost
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        signal_type  signal_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_detectors_control  signaling_detectors_control
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_input_connection_bus  signaling_input_connection_bus
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_input_connection_occupied  signaling_input_connection_occupied
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_input_connection_port  signaling_input_connection_port
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_input_connection_time_slot  signaling_input_connection_time_slot
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system  signaling_system
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_0  signaling_system_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_1  signaling_system_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_10  signaling_system_10
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_11  signaling_system_11
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_12  signaling_system_12
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_13  signaling_system_13
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_14  signaling_system_14
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_15  signaling_system_15
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_16  signaling_system_16
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_17  signaling_system_17
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_18  signaling_system_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_19  signaling_system_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_2  signaling_system_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_20  signaling_system_20
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_21  signaling_system_21
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_22  signaling_system_22
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_23  signaling_system_23
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_24  signaling_system_24
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_25  signaling_system_25
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_26  signaling_system_26
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_27  signaling_system_27
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_28  signaling_system_28
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_29  signaling_system_29
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_3  signaling_system_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_30  signaling_system_30
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_31  signaling_system_31
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_32  signaling_system_32
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_33  signaling_system_33
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_34  signaling_system_34
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_35  signaling_system_35
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_36  signaling_system_36
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_37  signaling_system_37
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_38  signaling_system_38
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_39  signaling_system_39
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_4  signaling_system_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_5  signaling_system_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_6  signaling_system_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_7  signaling_system_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_8  signaling_system_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        signaling_system_9  signaling_system_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        silence_length_between_iterations  silence_length_between_iterations
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        single_listener_participant_id  single_listener_participant_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        single_vcc  single_vcc
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        size  size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        skip_interval  skip_interval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        slave_temperature  slave_temperature
            Signed 32-bit integer
        slc  slc
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sli  sli
            Signed 32-bit integer
        slot_name  slot_name
        sls  sls
            Signed 32-bit integer
        smooth_average_round_trip  smooth_average_round_trip
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        sn  sn
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sn_event_cause  sn_event_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sn_timer_sets  sn_timer_sets
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sns_per_card  sns_per_card
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_category  source_category
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_cid  source_cid
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_direction  source_direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_ip_address_family  source_ip_address_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        source_ip_ipv6_addr_1  source_ip_ipv6_addr_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        source_ip_ipv6_addr_2  source_ip_ipv6_addr_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        source_ip_ipv6_addr_3  source_ip_ipv6_addr_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        source_number_non_notification_reason  source_number_non_notification_reason
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_number_plan  source_number_plan
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_number_pres  source_number_pres
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_number_screening  source_number_screening
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_number_type  source_number_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_phone_num  source_phone_num
        source_phone_sub_num  source_phone_sub_num
        source_route_failed  source_route_failed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        source_sub_address_format  source_sub_address_format
            Signed 32-bit integer
        source_sub_address_type  source_sub_address_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sp_stp  sp_stp
            Signed 32-bit integer
        speed  speed
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        ss7_config_text  ss7_config_text
        ss7_mon_msg  ss7_mon_msg
        ss7_mon_msg_size  ss7_mon_msg_size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sscf_state  sscf_state
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        sscop_state  sscop_state
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        ssf_spare  ssf_spare
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ssrc  ssrc
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ssrc_sender  ssrc_sender
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        start  start
            Signed 32-bit integer
        start_channel_id  start_channel_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        start_end_testing  start_end_testing
            Signed 32-bit integer
        start_event  start_event
            Signed 32-bit integer
        start_index  start_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        static_mapped_channels_count  static_mapped_channels_count
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status  status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_0  status_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_1  status_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_2  status_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_3  status_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_4  status_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        status_flag  status_flag
            Signed 32-bit integer
        steady_signal  steady_signal
            Signed 32-bit integer
        stm_number  stm_number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        stop_mode  stop_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        stream_id  stream_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        su_type  su_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sub_add_odd_indicator  sub_add_odd_indicator
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sub_add_type  sub_add_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sub_generic_event_family  sub_generic_event_family
            Signed 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask  subnet_mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask_address_1  subnet_mask_address_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask_address_2  subnet_mask_address_2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask_address_3  subnet_mask_address_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask_address_4  subnet_mask_address_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subnet_mask_address_5  subnet_mask_address_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        subtype  subtype
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        sum_additional_ts_enable  sum_additional_ts_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sum_rtt  sum_rtt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        summation_detection_origin  summation_detection_origin
            Signed 32-bit integer
        supp_ind  supp_ind
            Signed 32-bit integer
        suppress_end_event  suppress_end_event
            Signed 32-bit integer
        suspend_call_action_code  suspend_call_action_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        switching_option  switching_option
            Signed 32-bit integer
        sync_not_possible  sync_not_possible
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        t1e1_span_code  t1e1_span_code
            Signed 32-bit integer
        t38_fax_relay_ecm_mode  t38_fax_relay_ecm_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        t38_fax_relay_protection_mode  t38_fax_relay_protection_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_fragmentation_needed_and_df_set  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_fragmentation_needed_and_df_set
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_host_unreachable  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_host_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_net_unreachable  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_net_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_port_unreachable  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_port_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_protocol_unreachable  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_protocol_unreachable
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_source_route_failed  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_code_source_route_failed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_type  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_unreachable_counter  t38_icmp_received_data_icmp_unreachable_counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_peer_info_ip_dst_addr  t38_icmp_received_data_peer_info_ip_dst_addr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_icmp_received_data_peer_info_udp_dst_port  t38_icmp_received_data_peer_info_udp_dst_port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        t38_peer_info_ip_dst_addr  t38_peer_info_ip_dst_addr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        t38_peer_info_udp_dst_port  t38_peer_info_udp_dst_port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        talker_participant_id  talker_participant_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tar_file_url  tar_file_url
        target_addr  target_addr
            Signed 32-bit integer
        target_energy  target_energy
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_in  tdm_bus_in
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_input_channel  tdm_bus_input_channel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_input_port  tdm_bus_input_port
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_out  tdm_bus_out
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_output_channel  tdm_bus_output_channel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_output_disable  tdm_bus_output_disable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_output_port  tdm_bus_output_port
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_bus_type  tdm_bus_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tdm_connection_mode  tdm_connection_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        temp  temp
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ter_type  ter_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        termination_cause  termination_cause
            Signed 32-bit integer
        termination_result  termination_result
            Signed 32-bit integer
        termination_state  termination_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        test_mode  test_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        test_result  test_result
            Signed 32-bit integer
        test_results  test_results
            Signed 32-bit integer
        test_tone_enable  test_tone_enable
            Signed 32-bit integer
        text_to_speak  text_to_speak
        tfc  tfc
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tftp_server_ip  tftp_server_ip
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        third_digit_country_code  third_digit_country_code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        third_tone_duration  third_tone_duration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        time_above_high_threshold  time_above_high_threshold
            Signed 16-bit integer
        time_below_low_threshold  time_below_low_threshold
            Signed 16-bit integer
        time_between_high_low_threshold  time_between_high_low_threshold
            Signed 16-bit integer
        time_milli_sec  time_milli_sec
            Signed 16-bit integer
        time_out_value  time_out_value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        time_sec  time_sec
            Signed 32-bit integer
        time_slot  time_slot
            Signed 32-bit integer
        time_slot_number  time_slot_number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        time_stamp  time_stamp
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        timer_idx  timer_idx
            Signed 32-bit integer
        timeslot  timeslot
            Signed 32-bit integer
        to_entity  to_entity
            Signed 32-bit integer
        to_fiber_link  to_fiber_link
            Signed 32-bit integer
        to_trunk  to_trunk
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tone_component_reserved  tone_component_reserved
        tone_component_reserved_0  tone_component_reserved_0
        tone_component_reserved_1  tone_component_reserved_1
        tone_duration  tone_duration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tone_generation_interface  tone_generation_interface
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        tone_index  tone_index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tone_level  tone_level
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tone_number  tone_number
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tone_reserved  tone_reserved
        tone_type  tone_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        total  total
            Signed 32-bit integer
        total_duration_time  total_duration_time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        total_remote_file_length  total_remote_file_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        total_vaild_dsp_channels_left  total_vaild_dsp_channels_left
            Signed 32-bit integer
        total_voice_prompt_length  total_voice_prompt_length
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tpncp.channel_id  Channel ID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tpncp.command_id  Command ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tpncp.event_id  Event ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tpncp.length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpncp.old_command_id  Command ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpncp.old_event_seq_number  Sequence number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tpncp.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpncp.seq_number  Sequence number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpncp.version  Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        tpncp_port  tpncp_port
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tpncpip  tpncpip
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tr08_alarm_format  tr08_alarm_format
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_field  tr08_field
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_group_id  tr08_group_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_last_line_switch_received  tr08_last_line_switch_received
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_line_switch  tr08_line_switch
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_line_switch_state  tr08_line_switch_state
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_maintenance_info_detection  tr08_maintenance_info_detection
            Signed 32-bit integer
        tr08_member  tr08_member
            Signed 32-bit integer
        trace_level  trace_level
            Signed 32-bit integer
        traffic_type  traffic_type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        transaction_id  transaction_id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_0  transceiver_port_state_0
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_1  transceiver_port_state_1
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_2  transceiver_port_state_2
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_3  transceiver_port_state_3
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_4  transceiver_port_state_4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_5  transceiver_port_state_5
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_6  transceiver_port_state_6
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_7  transceiver_port_state_7
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_8  transceiver_port_state_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transceiver_port_state_9  transceiver_port_state_9
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transcode  transcode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        transcoding_mode  transcoding_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transfer_cap  transfer_cap
            Signed 32-bit integer
        transmitted  transmitted
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        transport_media  transport_media
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        trigger_on_duration  trigger_on_duration
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        trunk_blocking_mode_status  trunk_blocking_mode_status
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_1  trunk_number_1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_10  trunk_number_10
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_11  trunk_number_11
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_12  trunk_number_12
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_13  trunk_number_13
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_14  trunk_number_14
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_15  trunk_number_15
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_16  trunk_number_16
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_17  trunk_number_17
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_18  trunk_number_18
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_19  trunk_number_19
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_20  trunk_number_20
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_21  trunk_number_21
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_22  trunk_number_22
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_23  trunk_number_23
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_24  trunk_number_24
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_25  trunk_number_25
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_26  trunk_number_26
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_27  trunk_number_27
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_28  trunk_number_28
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_29  trunk_number_29
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_3  trunk_number_3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_30  trunk_number_30
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_31  trunk_number_31
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_32  trunk_number_32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_33  trunk_number_33
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_34  trunk_number_34
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_35  trunk_number_35
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_36  trunk_number_36
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_37  trunk_number_37
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_38  trunk_number_38
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_39  trunk_number_39
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_4  trunk_number_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_40  trunk_number_40
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_41  trunk_number_41
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_42  trunk_number_42
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_43  trunk_number_43
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_44  trunk_number_44
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_45  trunk_number_45
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_46  trunk_number_46
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_47  trunk_number_47
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_48  trunk_number_48
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_49  trunk_number_49
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_5  trunk_number_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_50  trunk_number_50
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_51  trunk_number_51
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_52  trunk_number_52
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_53  trunk_number_53
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_54  trunk_number_54
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_55  trunk_number_55
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_56  trunk_number_56
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_57  trunk_number_57
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_58  trunk_number_58
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_59  trunk_number_59
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_60  trunk_number_60
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_61  trunk_number_61
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_62  trunk_number_62
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_63  trunk_number_63
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_64  trunk_number_64
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_65  trunk_number_65
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_66  trunk_number_66
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_67  trunk_number_67
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_68  trunk_number_68
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_69  trunk_number_69
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_7  trunk_number_7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_70  trunk_number_70
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_71  trunk_number_71
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_72  trunk_number_72
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_73  trunk_number_73
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_74  trunk_number_74
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_75  trunk_number_75
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_76  trunk_number_76
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_77  trunk_number_77
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_78  trunk_number_78
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_79  trunk_number_79
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_80  trunk_number_80
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_81  trunk_number_81
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_82  trunk_number_82
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_83  trunk_number_83
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        trunk_number_9  trunk_number_9
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        trunk_pack_software_fix_num  trunk_pack_software_fix_num
            Signed 32-bit integer
        trunk_pack_software_minor_ver  trunk_pack_software_minor_ver
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        trunk_pack_software_ver  trunk_pack_software_ver
            Signed 32-bit integer
        trunk_pack_software_version_string  trunk_pack_software_version_string
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tu_digit_27  tu_digit_27
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_10  tug2_digit_10
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_12  tug2_digit_12
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_13  tug2_digit_13
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_15  tug2_digit_15
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_16  tug2_digit_16
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_17  tug2_digit_17
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_18  tug2_digit_18
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_19  tug2_digit_19
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        tug2_digit_21  tug2_digit_21
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_23  tug2_digit_23
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_24  tug2_digit_24
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_25  tug2_digit_25
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_26  tug2_digit_26
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_27  tug2_digit_27
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_28  tug2_digit_28
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_29  tug2_digit_29
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_30  tug2_digit_30
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_31  tug2_digit_31
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_32  tug2_digit_32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_33  tug2_digit_33
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_34  tug2_digit_34
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_35  tug2_digit_35
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_36  tug2_digit_36
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_37  tug2_digit_37
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_38  tug2_digit_38
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_39  tug2_digit_39
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_4  tug2_digit_4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_40  tug2_digit_40
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_41  tug2_digit_41
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_42  tug2_digit_42
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_43  tug2_digit_43
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_44  tug2_digit_44
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_45  tug2_digit_45
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_46  tug2_digit_46
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_47  tug2_digit_47
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_48  tug2_digit_48
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_49  tug2_digit_49
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_5  tug2_digit_5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_50  tug2_digit_50
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_51  tug2_digit_51
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_52  tug2_digit_52
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_53  tug2_digit_53
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_54  tug2_digit_54
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_55  tug2_digit_55
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_56  tug2_digit_56
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_57  tug2_digit_57
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_58  tug2_digit_58
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_59  tug2_digit_59
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_6  tug2_digit_6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_60  tug2_digit_60
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_61  tug2_digit_61
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_62  tug2_digit_62
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_63  tug2_digit_63
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_64  tug2_digit_64
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_65  tug2_digit_65
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_66  tug2_digit_66
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_67  tug2_digit_67
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_68  tug2_digit_68
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_69  tug2_digit_69
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_7  tug2_digit_7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_70  tug2_digit_70
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_71  tug2_digit_71
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_72  tug2_digit_72
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_73  tug2_digit_73
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_74  tug2_digit_74
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_75  tug2_digit_75
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_76  tug2_digit_76
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_77  tug2_digit_77
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_78  tug2_digit_78
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_79  tug2_digit_79
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_8  tug2_digit_8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_80  tug2_digit_80
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_81  tug2_digit_81
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_82  tug2_digit_82
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_83  tug2_digit_83
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug2_digit_9  tug2_digit_9
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tug_number  tug_number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        tunnel_id  tunnel_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        tx_dtmf_hang_over_time  tx_dtmf_hang_over_time
            Signed 16-bit integer
        tx_over_run_cnt  tx_over_run_cnt
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        type_of_forwarded_call  type_of_forwarded_call
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        type_of_number  type_of_number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        un_available_seconds  un_available_seconds
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        uni_directional_pci_mode  uni_directional_pci_mode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        uni_directional_rtp  uni_directional_rtp
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        up_down  up_down
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        up_iu_deliver_erroneous_sdu  up_iu_deliver_erroneous_sdu
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        up_local_rate  up_local_rate
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        up_pcm_coder  up_pcm_coder
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        up_pdu_type  up_pdu_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        up_remote_rate  up_remote_rate
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        up_rfci_values  up_rfci_values
        up_support_mode_type  up_support_mode_type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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        use_channel_id_as_dsp_handle  use_channel_id_as_dsp_handle
            Signed 32-bit integer
        use_end_dial_key  use_end_dial_key
            Signed 32-bit integer
        use_ni_or_pci  use_ni_or_pci
            Signed 32-bit integer
        user_data  user_data
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        user_info_l1_protocol  user_info_l1_protocol
            Signed 32-bit integer
        user_port_id  user_port_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        user_port_type  user_port_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        v22_modem_transport_type  v22_modem_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        v23_modem_transport_type  v23_modem_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        v32_modem_transport_type  v32_modem_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        v34_fax_transport_type  v34_fax_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        v34_modem_transport_type  v34_modem_transport_type
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        v5_interface_trunk_group_id  v5_interface_trunk_group_id
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        v5_variant_not_equal  v5_variant_not_equal
            Signed 32-bit integer
        v5id_check_time_out_error  v5id_check_time_out_error
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 16-bit integer
        vbr_coder_dtx_min  vbr_coder_dtx_min
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        vcc_params_vpi  vcc_params_vpi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        video_broken_connection_event_timeout  video_broken_connection_event_timeout
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        video_decoder_customized_height  video_decoder_customized_height
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        video_decoder_customized_width  video_decoder_customized_width
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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        video_encoder_customized_width  video_encoder_customized_width
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        video_jitter_buffer_min_delay  video_jitter_buffer_min_delay
            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Unsigned 8-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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        video_participant_view_at_location_12  video_participant_view_at_location_12
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        video_participant_view_at_location_13  video_participant_view_at_location_13
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        video_participant_view_at_location_14  video_participant_view_at_location_14
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        video_participant_view_at_location_15  video_participant_view_at_location_15
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        video_participant_view_at_location_7  video_participant_view_at_location_7
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            Signed 32-bit integer
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        voltage_current_bit_return_code_14  voltage_current_bit_return_code_14
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_15  voltage_current_bit_return_code_15
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_17  voltage_current_bit_return_code_17
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_18  voltage_current_bit_return_code_18
            Signed 32-bit integer
        voltage_current_bit_return_code_19  voltage_current_bit_return_code_19
            Signed 32-bit integer
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_20  voltage_current_bit_return_code_20
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_4  voltage_current_bit_return_code_4
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_5  voltage_current_bit_return_code_5
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_6  voltage_current_bit_return_code_6
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_7  voltage_current_bit_return_code_7
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        voltage_current_bit_return_code_8  voltage_current_bit_return_code_8
            Signed 32-bit integer
        voltage_current_bit_return_code_9  voltage_current_bit_return_code_9
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            Signed 32-bit integer
        zero_fill  zero_fill
        zero_fill1  zero_fill1
        zero_fill2  zero_fill2
        zero_fill3  zero_fill3
        zero_fill_padding  zero_fill_padding
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    AudioCodes Trunk Trace (actrace)

        actrace.cas.bchannel  BChannel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        actrace.cas.conn_id  Connection ID
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Connection ID
        actrace.cas.curr_state  Current State
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Current State
        actrace.cas.event  Event
            Signed 32-bit integer
            New Event
        actrace.cas.function  Function
            Signed 32-bit integer
        actrace.cas.next_state  Next State
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Next State
        actrace.cas.par0  Parameter 0
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Parameter 0
        actrace.cas.par1  Parameter 1
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Parameter 1
        actrace.cas.par2  Parameter 2
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Parameter 2
        actrace.cas.source  Source
            Signed 32-bit integer
        actrace.cas.time  Time
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Capture Time
        actrace.cas.trunk  Trunk Number
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Trunk Number
        actrace.isdn.dir  Direction
            Signed 32-bit integer
        actrace.isdn.length  Length
            Signed 16-bit integer
        actrace.isdn.trunk  Trunk Number
            Signed 16-bit integer
            Trunk Number


    Authentication Header (ah)

        ah.icv  AH ICV
            Byte array
            IP Authentication Header Integrity Check Value
        ah.sequence  AH Sequence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            IP Authentication Header Sequence Number
        ah.spi  AH SPI
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            IP Authentication Header Security Parameters Index


    BACnet Virtual Link Control (bvlc)

        bvlc.bdt_ip  IP
            IPv4 address
            BDT IP
        bvlc.bdt_mask  Mask
            Byte array
            BDT Broadcast Distribution Mask
        bvlc.bdt_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            BDT Port
        bvlc.fdt_ip  IP
            IPv4 address
            FDT IP
        bvlc.fdt_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            FDT Port
        bvlc.fdt_timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Foreign Device Timeout (seconds)
        bvlc.fdt_ttl  TTL
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Foreign Device Time To Live
        bvlc.function  Function
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BVLC Function
        bvlc.fwd_ip  IP
            IPv4 address
            FWD IP
        bvlc.fwd_port  Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            FWD Port
        bvlc.length  BVLC-Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of BVLC
        bvlc.reg_ttl  TTL
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Foreign Device Time To Live
        bvlc.result  Result
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Result Code
        bvlc.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    BCTP Q.1990 (bctp)

        bctp.bvei  BVEI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            BCTP Version Error Indicator
        bctp.bvi  BVI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            BCTP Version Indicator
        bctp.tpei  TPEI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Tunnelled Protocol Error Indicator
        bctp.tpi  TPI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Tunnelled Protocol Indicator


    BEA Tuxedo (tuxedo)

        tuxedo.magic  Magic
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            TUXEDO magic
        tuxedo.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            TUXEDO opcode


    BSSAP/BSAP (bssap)

        bsap.dlci.cc  Control Channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bsap.dlci.rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bsap.dlci.sapi  SAPI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bsap.pdu_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.Gs_cause_ie  Gs Cause IE
            No value
            Gs Cause IE
        bssap.Tom_prot_disc  TOM Protocol Discriminator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TOM Protocol Discriminator
        bssap.cell_global_id_ie  Cell global identity IE
            No value
            Cell global identity IE
        bssap.cn_id  CN-Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bssap.dlci.cc  Control Channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.dlci.sapi  SAPI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.dlci.spare  Spare
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.dlink_tnl_pld_cntrl_amd_inf_ie  Downlink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE
            No value
            Downlink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE
        bssap.emlpp_prio_ie  eMLPP Priority IE
            No value
            eMLPP Priority IE
        bssap.erroneous_msg_ie  Erroneous message IE
            No value
            Erroneous message IE
        bssap.extension  Extension
        bssap.global_cn_id  Global CN-Id
            Byte array
            Global CN-Id
        bssap.global_cn_id_ie  Global CN-Id IE
            No value
            Global CN-Id IE
        bssap.gprs_loc_upd_type  eMLPP Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            eMLPP Priority
        bssap.ie_data  IE Data
            Byte array
            IE Data
        bssap.imei  IMEI
        bssap.imei_ie  IMEI IE
            No value
            IMEI IE
        bssap.imeisv  IMEISV
        bssap.imesiv  IMEISV IE
            No value
            IMEISV IE
        bssap.imsi  IMSI
        bssap.imsi_det_from_gprs_serv_type  IMSI detach from GPRS service type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IMSI detach from GPRS service type
        bssap.imsi_ie  IMSI IE
            No value
            IMSI IE
        bssap.info_req  Information requested
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Information requested
        bssap.info_req_ie  Information requested IE
            No value
            Information requested IE
        bssap.length  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.loc_area_id_ie  Location area identifier IE
            No value
            Location area identifier IE
        bssap.loc_inf_age  Location information age IE
            No value
            Location information age IE
        bssap.loc_upd_type_ie  GPRS location update type IE
            No value
            GPRS location update type IE
        bssap.mm_information  MM information IE
            No value
            MM information IE
        bssap.mobile_id_ie  Mobile identity IE
            No value
            Mobile identity IE
        bssap.mobile_station_state  Mobile station state
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mobile station state
        bssap.mobile_station_state_ie  Mobile station state IE
            No value
            Mobile station state IE
        bssap.mobile_stn_cls_mrk1_ie  Mobile station classmark 1 IE
            No value
            Mobile station classmark 1 IE
        bssap.msi_det_from_gprs_serv_type_ie  IMSI detach from GPRS service type IE
            No value
            IMSI detach from GPRS service type IE
        bssap.msi_det_from_non_gprs_serv_type_ie  IMSI detach from non-GPRS servic IE
            No value
            IMSI detach from non-GPRS servic IE
        bssap.number_plan  Numbering plan identification
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Numbering plan identification
        bssap.pdu_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap.plmn_id  PLMN-Id
            Byte array
        bssap.ptmsi  PTMSI
            Byte array
        bssap.ptmsi_ie  PTMSI IE
            No value
            PTMSI IE
        bssap.reject_cause_ie  Reject cause IE
            No value
            Reject cause IE
        bssap.sgsn_number  SGSN number
            SGSN number
        bssap.tmsi  TMSI
            Byte array
        bssap.tmsi_ie  TMSI IE
            No value
            TMSI IE
        bssap.tmsi_status  TMSI status
            TMSI status
        bssap.tmsi_status_ie  TMSI status IE
            No value
            TMSI status IE
        bssap.tunnel_prio  Tunnel Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Tunnel Priority
        bssap.type_of_number  Type of number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of number
        bssap.ulink_tnl_pld_cntrl_amd_inf_ie  Uplink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE
            No value
            Uplink Tunnel Payload Control and Info IE
        bssap.vlr_number  VLR number
            VLR number
        bssap.vlr_number_ie  VLR number IE
            No value
            VLR number IE
        bssap_plus.iei  IEI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssap_plus.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Message Type


    Banyan Vines ARP (vines_arp)


    Banyan Vines Echo (vines_echo)


    Banyan Vines Fragmentation Protocol (vines_frp)


    Banyan Vines ICP (vines_icp)


    Banyan Vines IP (vines_ip)

        vines_ip.protocol  Protocol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Vines protocol


    Banyan Vines IPC (vines_ipc)


    Banyan Vines LLC (vines_llc)


    Banyan Vines RTP (vines_rtp)


    Banyan Vines SPP (vines_spp)


    Base Station Subsystem GPRS Protocol (bssgp)

        bssgp.appid  Application ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Application ID
        bssgp.bvci  BVCI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bssgp.ci  CI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Cell Identity
        bssgp.ie_type  IE Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Information element type
        bssgp.iei.nacc_cause  NACC Cause
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            NACC Cause
        bssgp.imei  IMEI
        bssgp.imeisv  IMEISV
        bssgp.imsi  IMSI
        bssgp.lac  LAC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bssgp.mcc  MCC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssgp.mnc  MNC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssgp.nri  NRI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bssgp.nsei  NSEI
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bssgp.pdu_type  PDU Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssgp.rac  RAC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bssgp.rad  Routing Address Discriminator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Routing Address Discriminator
        bssgp.ran_inf_req_pdu_type_ext  PDU Type Extension
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU Type Extension
        bssgp.ran_req_pdu_type_ext  PDU Type Extension
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU Type Extension
        bssgp.rcid  Reporting Cell Identity
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Reporting Cell Identity
        bssgp.rrc_si_type  RRC SI type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            RRC SI type
        bssgp.tlli  TLLI
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bssgp.tmsi_ptmsi  TMSI/PTMSI
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Basic Encoding Rules (ASN.1 X.690) (ber)

        ber.arbitrary  arbitrary
            Byte array
        ber.bitstring.empty  Empty
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            This is an empty bitstring
        ber.bitstring.padding  Padding
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of unsused bits in the last octet of the bitstring
        ber.constructed.OCTETSTRING  OCTETSTRING
            Byte array
            This is a component of an constructed OCTETSTRING
        ber.data_value_descriptor  data-value-descriptor
        ber.direct_reference  direct-reference
        ber.encoding  encoding
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ber.id.class  Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Class of BER TLV Identifier
        ber.id.pc  P/C
            Primitive or Constructed BER encoding
        ber.id.tag  Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Tag value for non-Universal classes
        ber.id.uni_tag  Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Universal tag type
        ber.indirect_reference  indirect-reference
            Signed 32-bit integer
        ber.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Length of contents
        ber.octet_aligned  octet-aligned
            Byte array
        ber.real_binary_encoding  Real binary encoding
            Binary or decimal encoding
        ber.real_decimal_encoding  Real decimal encoding type
            Decimal encoding type
        ber.single_ASN1_type  single-ASN1-type
            No value
        ber.unknown.BITSTRING  BITSTRING
            Byte array
            This is an unknown BITSTRING
        ber.unknown.BMPString  BMPString
            This is an unknown BMPString
        ber.unknown.BOOLEAN  BOOLEAN
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            This is an unknown BOOLEAN
        ber.unknown.ENUMERATED  ENUMERATED
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            This is an unknown ENUMERATED
            This is an unknown GRAPHICSTRING
        ber.unknown.GeneralString  GeneralString
            This is an unknown GeneralString
        ber.unknown.GeneralizedTime  GeneralizedTime
            This is an unknown GeneralizedTime
        ber.unknown.IA5String  IA5String
            This is an unknown IA5String
        ber.unknown.INTEGER  INTEGER
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            This is an unknown INTEGER
        ber.unknown.NumericString  NumericString
            This is an unknown NumericString
        ber.unknown.OCTETSTRING  OCTETSTRING
            Byte array
            This is an unknown OCTETSTRING
        ber.unknown.OID  OID
            This is an unknown Object Identifier
        ber.unknown.PrintableString  PrintableString
            This is an unknown PrintableString
        ber.unknown.TeletexString  TeletexString
            This is an unknown TeletexString
        ber.unknown.UTCTime  UTCTime
            This is an unknown UTCTime
        ber.unknown.UTF8String  UTF8String
            This is an unknown UTF8String
        ber.unknown.UniversalString  UniversalString
            This is an unknown UniversalString
        ber.unknown.VisibleString  VisibleString
            This is an unknown VisibleString


    Bearer Independent Call Control (bicc)

        bicc.cic  Call identification Code (CIC)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Control Message (bfd)

        bfd.auth.key  Authentication Key ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The Authentication Key ID, identifies which password is in use for this packet
        bfd.auth.len  Authentication Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The length, in bytes, of the authentication section
        bfd.auth.password  Password
            The simple password in use on this session
        bfd.auth.seq_num  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The Sequence Number is periodically incremented to prevent replay attacks
        bfd.auth.type  Authentication Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The type of authentication in use on this session
        bfd.desired_min_tx_interval  Desired Min TX Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The minimum interval to use when transmitting BFD Control packets
        bfd.detect_time_multiplier  Detect Time Multiplier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The transmit interval multiplied by this value is the failure detection time
        bfd.diag  Diagnostic Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            This field give the reason for a BFD session failure
        bfd.flags  Message Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bfd.flags.a  Authentication Present
            The Authentication Section is present
        bfd.flags.c  Control Plane Independent
            If set, the BFD implementation is implemented in the forwarding plane
        bfd.flags.d  Demand
        bfd.flags.f  Final
        bfd.flags.h  I hear you
        bfd.flags.m  Multipoint
            Reserved for future point-to-multipoint extensions
        bfd.flags.p  Poll
        bfd.message_length  Message Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Length of the BFD Control packet, in bytes
        bfd.my_discriminator  My Discriminator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bfd.required_min_echo_interval  Required Min Echo Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The minimum interval between received BFD Echo packets that this system can support
        bfd.required_min_rx_interval  Required Min RX Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The minimum interval between received BFD Control packets that this system can support
        bfd.sta  Session State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The BFD state as seen by the transmitting system
        bfd.version  Protocol Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The version number of the BFD protocol
        bfd.your_discriminator  Your Discriminator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    BitTorrent (bittorrent)

        bittorrent.azureus_msg  Azureus Message
            No value
        bittorrent.bdict  Dictionary
            No value
        bittorrent.bdict.entry  Entry
            No value
        bittorrent.bint  Integer
            Signed 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.blist  List
            No value
        bittorrent.bstr  String
        bittorrent.bstr.length  String Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.info_hash  SHA1 Hash of info dictionary
            Byte array
        bittorrent.jpc.addr  Cache Address
        bittorrent.jpc.addr.length  Cache Address Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.jpc.port  Port
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.jpc.session  Session ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.length  Field Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.msg  Message
            No value
        bittorrent.msg.aztype  Message Type
        bittorrent.msg.bitfield  Bitfield data
            Byte array
        bittorrent.msg.length  Message Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.msg.prio  Message Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bittorrent.msg.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bittorrent.msg.typelen  Message Type Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.peer_id  Peer ID
            Byte array
        bittorrent.piece.begin  Begin offset of piece
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.piece.data  Data in a piece
            Byte array
        bittorrent.piece.index  Piece index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.piece.length  Piece Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bittorrent.protocol.name  Protocol Name
        bittorrent.protocol.name.length  Protocol Name Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bittorrent.reserved  Reserved Extension Bytes
            Byte array


    Bitswapped ITU-T Recommendation H.223 (h223_bitswapped)


    Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (beep)

        beep.ansno  Ansno
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.channel  Channel
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.end  End
        beep.more.complete  Complete
        beep.more.intermediate  Intermediate
        beep.msgno  Msgno
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.req  Request
        beep.req.channel  Request Channel Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.rsp  Response
        beep.rsp.channel  Response Channel Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.seq  Sequence
        beep.seq.ackno  Ackno
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.seq.channel  Sequence Channel Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.seq.window  Window
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.seqno  Seqno
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.size  Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        beep.status.negative  Negative
        beep.status.positive  Positive
        beep.violation  Protocol Violation


    Blubster/Piolet MANOLITO Protocol (manolito)

        manolito.checksum  Checksum
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Checksum used for verifying integrity
        manolito.dest  Destination IP Address
            IPv4 address
            Destination IPv4 address
        manolito.options  Options
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Packet-dependent data
        manolito.seqno  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Incremental sequence number
        manolito.src  Forwarded IP Address
            IPv4 address
            Host packet was forwarded from (or 0)


    Bluetooth HCI ACL Packet (bthci_acl)

        btacl.bc_flag  BC Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Broadcast Flag
        btacl.chandle  Connection Handle
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Connection Handle
        btacl.continuation_to  This is a continuation to the PDU in frame
            Frame number
            This is a continuation to the PDU in frame #
        btacl.data  Data
            No value
        btacl.length  Data Total Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Data Total Length
        btacl.pb_flag  PB Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Boundary Flag
        btacl.reassembled_in  This PDU is reassembled in frame
            Frame number
            This PDU is reassembled in frame #


    Bluetooth HCI Command (bthci_cmd)

        bthci_cmd.afh_ch_assessment_mode  AFH Channel Assessment Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AFH Channel Assessment Mode
        bthci_cmd.afh_ch_classification  Channel Classification
            No value
            Channel Classification
        bthci_cmd.air_coding_format  Air Coding Format
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Air Coding Format
        bthci_cmd.allow_role_switch  Allow Role Switch
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Allow Role Switch
        bthci_cmd.auth_enable  Authentication Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Authentication Enable
        bthci_cmd.auth_requirements  Authentication Requirements
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Authentication Requirements
        bthci_cmd.auto_accept_flag  Auto Accept Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Class of Device of Interest
        bthci_cmd.bd_addr  BD_ADDR: 
            No value
            Bluetooth Device Address
        bthci_cmd.beacon_max_int  Beacon Max Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots between consecutive beacons.
        bthci_cmd.beacon_min_int  Beacon Min Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots between consecutive beacons.
        bthci_cmd.class_of_device  Class of Device
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            Class of Device
        bthci_cmd.class_of_device_mask  Class of Device Mask
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            Bit Mask used to determine which bits of the Class of Device parameter are of interest.
        bthci_cmd.clock_offset  Clock Offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Bit 2-16 of the Clock Offset between CLKmaster-CLKslave
        bthci_cmd.clock_offset_valid  Clock_Offset_Valid_Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates if clock offset is valid
        bthci_cmd.connection_handle  Connection Handle
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Connection Handle
        bthci_cmd.delay_variation  Delay Variation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Delay Variation, in microseconds
        bthci_cmd.delete_all_flag  Delete All Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Delete All Flag
        bthci_cmd.device_name  Device Name
            Userfriendly descriptive name for the device
        bthci_cmd.eir_data  Data
            Byte array
            EIR Data
        bthci_cmd.eir_data_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Data Type
        bthci_cmd.eir_struct_length  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Structure Length
        bthci_cmd.encrypt_mode  Encryption Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encryption Mode
        bthci_cmd.encryption_enable  Encryption Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encryption Enable
        bthci_cmd.err_data_reporting  Erroneous Data Reporting
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Erroneous Data Reporting
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_00  Inquiry Complete                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Inquiry Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_01  Inquiry Result                     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Inquiry Result Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_02  Connect Complete                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Connection Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_03  Connect Request                    
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Connect Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_04  Disconnect Complete                
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Disconnect Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_05  Auth Complete                      
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auth Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_06  Remote Name Req Complete           
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Remote Name Req Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_07  Encrypt Change                     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encrypt Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_10  Change Connection Link Key Complete
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Change Connection Link Key Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_11  Master Link Key Complete           
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Master Link Key Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_12  Read Remote Supported Features     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Read Remote Supported Features Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_13  Read Remote Ver Info Complete      
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Read Remote Ver Info Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_14  QoS Setup Complete                 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            QoS Setup Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_17  Hardware Error                     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Hardware Error Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_20  Flush Occurred                     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flush Occurred Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_21  Role Change                        
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Role Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_23  Mode Change                        
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mode Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_24  Return Link Keys                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Return Link Keys Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_25  PIN Code Request                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PIN Code Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_26  Link Key Request                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Key Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_27  Link Key Notification              
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Key Notification Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_30  Loopback Command                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Loopback Command Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_31  Data Buffer Overflow               
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Data Buffer Overflow Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_32  Max Slots Change                   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max Slots Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_33  Read Clock Offset Complete         
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Read Clock Offset Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_34  Connection Packet Type Changed     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Connection Packet Type Changed Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_35  QoS Violation                      
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            QoS Violation Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_36  Page Scan Mode Change              
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Mode Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_37  Page Scan Repetition Mode Change   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Repetition Mode Change Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_40  Flow Specification Complete        
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Specification Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_41  Inquiry Result With RSSI           
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Inquiry Result With RSSI Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_42  Read Remote Ext. Features Complete 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Read Remote Ext. Features Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_53  Synchronous Connection Complete    
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Synchronous Connection Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_54  Synchronous Connection Changed     
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Synchronous Connection Changed Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_55  Sniff Subrate                      
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Sniff Subrate Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_56  Extended Inquiry Result            
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Extended Inquiry Result Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_57  Encryption Key Refresh Complete    
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encryption Key Refresh Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_60  IO Capability Request              
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IO Capability Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_61  IO Capability Response             
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IO Capability Response Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_62  User Confirmation Request          
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            User Confirmation Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_63  User Passkey Request               
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            User Passkey Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_64  Remote OOB Data Request            
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Remote OOB Data Request Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_65  Simple Pairing Complete            
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Simple Pairing Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_67  Link Supervision Timeout Changed   
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Supervision Timeout Changed Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_70  Enhanced Flush Complete            
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Enhanced Flush Complete Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_72  User Passkey Notification          
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            User Passkey Notification Bit
        bthci_cmd.evt_mask_73  Keypress Notification              
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Keypress Notification Bit
        bthci_cmd.fec_required  FEC Required
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            FEC Required
        bthci_cmd.filter_condition_type  Filter Condition Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Filter Condition Type
        bthci_cmd.filter_type  Filter Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Filter Type
        bthci_cmd.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.flow_contr_enable  Flow Control Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Control Enable
        bthci_cmd.flow_control  SCO Flow Control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SCO Flow Control
        bthci_cmd.flush_packet_type  Packet Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Packet Type
        bthci_cmd.hash_c  Hash C
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Hash C
        bthci_cmd.hold_mode_inquiry  Suspend Inquiry Scan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_cmd.hold_mode_max_int  Hold Mode Max Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots to wait in Hold Mode.
        bthci_cmd.hold_mode_min_int  Hold Mode Min Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots to wait in Hold Mode.
        bthci_cmd.hold_mode_page  Suspend Page Scan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_cmd.hold_mode_periodic  Suspend Periodic Inquiries
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_cmd.input_coding  Input Coding
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Authentication Enable
        bthci_cmd.input_data_format  Input Data Format
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Input Data Format
        bthci_cmd.input_sample_size  Input Sample Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Input Sample Size
        bthci_cmd.inq_length  Inquiry Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Inquiry Length (*1.28s)
        bthci_cmd.inq_scan_type  Scan Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Scan Type
        bthci_cmd.interval  Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.io_capability  IO Capability
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IO Capability
        bthci_cmd.key_flag  Key Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Flag
        bthci_cmd.lap  LAP
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            LAP for the inquiry access code
        bthci_cmd.latency  Latecy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Latency, in microseconds
        bthci_cmd.lin_pcm_bit_pos  Linear PCM Bit Pos
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            # bit pos. that MSB of sample is away from starting at MSB
        bthci_cmd.link_key  Link Key
            Byte array
            Link Key for the associated BD_ADDR
        bthci_cmd.link_policy_hold  Enable Hold Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Hold Mode
        bthci_cmd.link_policy_park  Enable Park Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Park Mode
        bthci_cmd.link_policy_sniff  Enable Sniff Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Sniff Mode
        bthci_cmd.link_policy_switch  Enable Master Slave Switch
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Master Slave Switch
        bthci_cmd.loopback_mode  Loopback Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Loopback Mode
        bthci_cmd.max_data_length_acl  Host ACL Data Packet Length (bytes)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max Host ACL Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept
        bthci_cmd.max_data_length_sco  Host SCO Data Packet Length (bytes)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max Host SCO Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept
        bthci_cmd.max_data_num_acl  Host Total Num ACL Data Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total Number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host
        bthci_cmd.max_data_num_sco  Host Total Num SCO Data Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total Number of HCI SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host
        bthci_cmd.max_latency  Max. Latency
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max. Latency in baseband slots
        bthci_cmd.max_latency_ms  Max. Latency (ms)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max. Latency (ms)
        bthci_cmd.max_period_length  Max Period Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum amount of time specified between consecutive inquiries.
        bthci_cmd.min_local_timeout  Min. Local Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Min. Local Timeout in baseband slots
        bthci_cmd.min_period_length  Min Period Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Minimum amount of time specified between consecutive inquiries.
        bthci_cmd.min_remote_timeout  Min. Remote Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Min. Remote Timeout in baseband slots
        bthci_cmd.notification_type  Notification Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Notification Type
        bthci_cmd.num_broad_retran  Num Broadcast Retran
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Broadcast Retransmissions
        bthci_cmd.num_compl_packets  Number of Completed Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Completed HCI Data Packets
        bthci_cmd.num_curr_iac  Number of Current IAC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of IACs which are currently in use
        bthci_cmd.num_handles  Number of Handles
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Handles
        bthci_cmd.num_responses  Num Responses
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Responses
        bthci_cmd.ocf  ocf
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Opcode Command Field
        bthci_cmd.ogf  ogf
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Opcode Group Field
        bthci_cmd.oob_data_present  OOB Data Present
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            OOB Data Present
        bthci_cmd.opcode  Command Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            HCI Command Opcode
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_2dh1  Packet Type 2-DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 2-DH1
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_2dh3  Packet Type 2-DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 2-DH3
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_2dh5  Packet Type 2-DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 2-DH5
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_3dh1  Packet Type 3-DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 3-DH1
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_3dh3  Packet Type 3-DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 3-DH3
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_3dh5  Packet Type 3-DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 3-DH5
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh1  Packet Type DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DH1
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh3  Packet Type DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DH3
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dh5  Packet Type DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DH5
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm1  Packet Type DM1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DM1
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm3  Packet Type DM3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DM3
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_dm5  Packet Type DM5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type DM5
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv1  Packet Type HV1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV1
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv2  Packet Type HV2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV2
        bthci_cmd.packet_type_hv3  Packet Type HV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV3
        bthci_cmd.page_number  Page Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Number
        bthci_cmd.page_scan_mode  Page Scan Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Mode
        bthci_cmd.page_scan_period_mode  Page Scan Period Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Period Mode
        bthci_cmd.page_scan_repetition_mode  Page Scan Repetition Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Repetition Mode
        bthci_cmd.param_length  Parameter Total Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Total Length
        bthci_cmd.params  Command Parameters
            Byte array
            Command Parameters
        bthci_cmd.passkey  Passkey
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.peak_bandwidth  Peak Bandwidth
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Peak Bandwidth, in bytes per second
        bthci_cmd.pin_code  PIN Code
            PIN Code
        bthci_cmd.pin_code_length  PIN Code Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PIN Code Length
        bthci_cmd.pin_type  PIN Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PIN Types
        bthci_cmd.power_level  Power Level (dBm)
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Power Level (dBm)
        bthci_cmd.power_level_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.randomizer_r  Randomizer R
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Randomizer R
        bthci_cmd.read_all_flag  Read All Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Read All Flag
        bthci_cmd.reason  Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.retransmission_effort  Retransmission Effort
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Retransmission Effort
        bthci_cmd.role  Role
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.rx_bandwidth  Rx Bandwidth (bytes/s)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Rx Bandwidth
        bthci_cmd.scan_enable  Scan Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Scan Enable
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_2ev3  Packet Type 2-EV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 2-EV3
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_2ev5  Packet Type 2-EV5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 2-EV5
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_3ev3  Packet Type 3-EV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 3-EV3
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_3ev5  Packet Type 3-EV5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type 3-EV5
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_ev3  Packet Type EV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type EV3
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_ev4  Packet Type EV4
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type EV4
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_ev5  Packet Type EV5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type EV5
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_hv1  Packet Type HV1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV1
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_hv2  Packet Type HV2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV2
        bthci_cmd.sco_packet_type_hv3  Packet Type HV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Type HV3
        bthci_cmd.service_class_uuid128  UUID
            Byte array
            128-bit Service Class UUID
        bthci_cmd.service_class_uuid16  UUID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            16-bit Service Class UUID
        bthci_cmd.service_class_uuid32  UUID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            32-bit Service Class UUID
        bthci_cmd.service_type  Service Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Type
        bthci_cmd.simple_pairing_debug_mode  Simple Pairing Debug Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Simple Pairing Debug Mode
        bthci_cmd.simple_pairing_mode  Simple Pairing Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Simple Pairing Mode
        bthci_cmd.sniff_attempt  Sniff Attempt
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Baseband receive slots for sniff attempt.
        bthci_cmd.sniff_max_int  Sniff Max Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximal acceptable number of Baseband slots between each sniff period.
        bthci_cmd.sniff_min_int  Sniff Min Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Minimum acceptable number of Baseband slots between each sniff period.
        bthci_cmd.status  Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_cmd.timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Baseband slots for timeout.
        bthci_cmd.token_bucket_size  Available Token Bucket Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Token Bucket Size in bytes
        bthci_cmd.token_rate  Available Token Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Token Rate, in bytes per second
        bthci_cmd.tx_bandwidth  Tx Bandwidth (bytes/s)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Tx Bandwidth
        bthci_cmd.which_clock  Which Clock
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Which Clock
        bthci_cmd.window  Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bthci_cmd_num_link_keys  Number of Link Keys
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Link Keys


    Bluetooth HCI Event (bthci_evt)

        bthci_evt.afh_ch_assessment_mode  AFH Channel Assessment Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AFH Channel Assessment Mode
        bthci_evt.afh_channel_map  AFH Channel Map
            AFH Channel Map
        bthci_evt.afh_mode  AFH Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AFH Mode
        bthci_evt.air_mode  Air Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Air Mode
        bthci_evt.auth_enable  Authentication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Authentication Enable
        bthci_evt.auth_requirements  Authentication Requirements
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Authentication Requirements
        bthci_evt.bd_addr  BD_ADDR: 
            No value
            Bluetooth Device Address
        bthci_evt.class_of_device  Class of Device
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            Class of Device
        bthci_evt.clock  Clock
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bthci_evt.clock_accuracy  Clock
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bthci_evt.clock_offset  Clock Offset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Bit 2-16 of the Clock Offset between CLKmaster-CLKslave
        bthci_evt.code  Event Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Event Code
        bthci_evt.com_opcode  Command Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Command Opcode
        bthci_evt.comp_id  Manufacturer Name
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Manufacturer Name of Bluetooth Hardware
        bthci_evt.connection_handle  Connection Handle
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Connection Handle
        bthci_evt.country_code  Country Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Country Code
        bthci_evt.current_mode  Current Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Current Mode
        bthci_evt.delay_variation  Available Delay Variation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Available Delay Variation, in microseconds
        bthci_evt.device_name  Device Name
            Userfriendly descriptive name for the device
        bthci_evt.encryption_enable  Encryption Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encryption Enable
        bthci_evt.encryption_mode  Encryption Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Encryption Mode
        bthci_evt.err_data_reporting  Erroneous Data Reporting
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Erroneous Data Reporting
        bthci_evt.failed_contact_counter  Failed Contact Counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Failed Contact Counter
        bthci_evt.fec_required  FEC Required
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            FEC Required
        bthci_evt.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_evt.flow_direction  Flow Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Direction
        bthci_evt.hardware_code  Hardware Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Hardware Code (implementation specific)
        bthci_evt.hash_c  Hash C
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Hash C
        bthci_evt.hci_vers_nr  HCI Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version of the Current HCI
        bthci_evt.hold_mode_inquiry  Suspend Inquiry Scan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_evt.hold_mode_page  Suspend Page Scan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_evt.hold_mode_periodic  Suspend Periodic Inquiries
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Device can enter low power state
        bthci_evt.input_coding  Input Coding
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Authentication Enable
        bthci_evt.input_data_format  Input Data Format
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Input Data Format
        bthci_evt.input_sample_size  Input Sample Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Input Sample Size
        bthci_evt.inq_scan_type  Scan Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Scan Type
        bthci_evt.interval  Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Interval - Number of Baseband slots
        bthci_evt.io_capability  IO Capability
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IO Capability
        bthci_evt.key_flag  Key Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Flag
        bthci_evt.key_type  Key Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Type
        bthci_evt.latency  Available Latecy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Available Latency, in microseconds
        bthci_evt.link_key  Link Key
            Byte array
            Link Key for the associated BD_ADDR
        bthci_evt.link_policy_hold  Enable Hold Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Hold Mode
        bthci_evt.link_policy_park  Enable Park Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Park Mode
        bthci_evt.link_policy_sniff  Enable Sniff Mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Sniff Mode
        bthci_evt.link_policy_switch  Enable Master Slave Switch
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Enable Master Slave Switch
        bthci_evt.link_quality  Link Quality
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Quality (0x00 - 0xFF Higher Value = Better Link)
        bthci_evt.link_supervision_timeout  Link Supervision Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Link Supervision Timeout
        bthci_evt.link_type  Link Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Type
        bthci_evt.link_type_2dh1  ACL Link Type 2-DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 2-DH1
        bthci_evt.link_type_2dh3  ACL Link Type 2-DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 2-DH3
        bthci_evt.link_type_2dh5  ACL Link Type 2-DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 2-DH5
        bthci_evt.link_type_3dh1  ACL Link Type 3-DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 3-DH1
        bthci_evt.link_type_3dh3  ACL Link Type 3-DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 3-DH3
        bthci_evt.link_type_3dh5  ACL Link Type 3-DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type 3-DH5
        bthci_evt.link_type_dh1  ACL Link Type DH1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DH1
        bthci_evt.link_type_dh3  ACL Link Type DH3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DH3
        bthci_evt.link_type_dh5  ACL Link Type DH5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DH5
        bthci_evt.link_type_dm1  ACL Link Type DM1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DM1
        bthci_evt.link_type_dm3  ACL Link Type DM3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DM3
        bthci_evt.link_type_dm5  ACL Link Type DM5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            ACL Link Type DM5
        bthci_evt.link_type_hv1  SCO Link Type HV1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SCO Link Type HV1
        bthci_evt.link_type_hv2  SCO Link Type HV2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SCO Link Type HV2
        bthci_evt.link_type_hv3  SCO Link Type HV3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SCO Link Type HV3
        bthci_evt.lmp_feature  3-slot packets
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            3-slot packets
        bthci_evt.lmp_handle  LMP Handle
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            LMP Handle
        bthci_evt.lmp_sub_vers_nr  LMP Subversion
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Subversion of the Current LMP
        bthci_evt.lmp_vers_nr  LMP Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version of the Current LMP
        bthci_evt.local_supported_cmds  Local Supported Commands
            Byte array
            Local Supported Commands
        bthci_evt.loopback_mode  Loopback Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Loopback Mode
        bthci_evt.max_data_length_acl  Host ACL Data Packet Length (bytes)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max Host ACL Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept
        bthci_evt.max_data_length_sco  Host SCO Data Packet Length (bytes)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max Host SCO Data Packet length of data portion host is able to accept
        bthci_evt.max_data_num_acl  Host Total Num ACL Data Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total Number of HCI ACL Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host
        bthci_evt.max_data_num_sco  Host Total Num SCO Data Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total Number of HCI SCO Data Packets that can be stored in the data buffers of the Host
        bthci_evt.max_num_keys  Max Num Keys
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total Number of Link Keys that the Host Controller can store
        bthci_evt.max_page_number  Max. Page Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max. Page Number
        bthci_evt.max_rx_latency  Max. Rx Latency
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max. Rx Latency
        bthci_evt.max_slots  Maximum Number of Slots
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Maximum Number of slots allowed for baseband packets
        bthci_evt.max_tx_latency  Max. Tx Latency
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max. Tx Latency
        bthci_evt.min_local_timeout  Min. Local Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Min. Local Timeout
        bthci_evt.min_remote_timeout  Min. Remote Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Min. Remote Timeout
        bthci_evt.notification_type  Notification Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Notification Type
        bthci_evt.num_broad_retran  Num Broadcast Retran
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Broadcast Retransmissions
        bthci_evt.num_command_packets  Number of Allowed Command Packets
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Allowed Command Packets
        bthci_evt.num_compl_packets  Number of Completed Packets
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            The number of HCI Data Packets that have been completed
        bthci_evt.num_curr_iac   Num Current IAC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Num of IACs currently in use to simultaneously listen
        bthci_evt.num_handles  Number of Connection Handles
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Connection Handles and Num_HCI_Data_Packets parameter pairs
        bthci_evt.num_keys  Number of Link Keys
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Link Keys contained
        bthci_evt.num_keys_deleted  Number of Link Keys Deleted
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Link Keys Deleted
        bthci_evt.num_keys_read  Number of Link Keys Read
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Link Keys Read
        bthci_evt.num_keys_written  Number of Link Keys Written
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Link Keys Written
        bthci_evt.num_responses  Number of responses
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Responses from Inquiry
        bthci_evt.num_supp_iac   Num Support IAC
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Num of supported IAC the device can simultaneously listen
        bthci_evt.numeric_value  Numeric Value
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Numeric Value
        bthci_evt.ocf  ocf
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Opcode Command Field
        bthci_evt.ogf  ogf
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Opcode Group Field
        bthci_evt.oob_data_present  OOB Data Present
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            OOB Data Present
        bthci_evt.page_number  Page Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Number
        bthci_evt.page_scan_mode  Page Scan Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Mode
        bthci_evt.page_scan_period_mode  Page Scan Period Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Period Mode
        bthci_evt.page_scan_repetition_mode  Page Scan Repetition Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Page Scan Repetition Mode
        bthci_evt.param_length  Parameter Total Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Total Length
        bthci_evt.params  Event Parameter
            No value
            Event Parameter
        bthci_evt.passkey  Passkey
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bthci_evt.peak_bandwidth  Available Peak Bandwidth
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Available Peak Bandwidth, in bytes per second
        bthci_evt.pin_type  PIN Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PIN Types
        bthci_evt.power_level_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_evt.randomizer_r  Randomizer R
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Randomizer R
        bthci_evt.reason  Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_evt.remote_name  Remote Name
            Userfriendly descriptive name for the remote device
        bthci_evt.ret_params  Return Parameter
            No value
            Return Parameter
        bthci_evt.role  Role
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_evt.rssi  RSSI (dB)
            Signed 8-bit integer
            RSSI (dB)
        bthci_evt.scan_enable  Scan
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Scan Enable
        bthci_evt.sco_flow_cont_enable  SCO Flow Control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SCO Flow Control Enable
        bthci_evt.service_type  Service Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Type
        bthci_evt.simple_pairing_mode  Simple Pairing Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Simple Pairing Mode
        bthci_evt.status  Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bthci_evt.sync_link_type  Link Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Type
        bthci_evt.sync_rtx_window  Retransmit Window
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Retransmit Window
        bthci_evt.sync_rx_pkt_len  Rx Packet Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Rx Packet Length
        bthci_evt.sync_tx_interval  Transmit Interval
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Transmit Interval
        bthci_evt.sync_tx_pkt_len  Tx Packet Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Tx Packet Length
        bthci_evt.timeout  Timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of Baseband slots for timeout.
        bthci_evt.token_bucket_size  Token Bucket Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Token Bucket Size (bytes)
        bthci_evt.token_rate  Available Token Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Available Token Rate, in bytes per second
        bthci_evt.transmit_power_level  Transmit Power Level (dBm)
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Transmit Power Level (dBm)
        bthci_evt.window  Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bthci_evt_curr_role  Current Role
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Current role for this connection handle


    Bluetooth HCI H4 (hci_h4)

        hci_h4.direction  Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            HCI Packet Direction Sent/Rcvd
        hci_h4.type  HCI Packet Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            HCI Packet Type


    Bluetooth HCI SCO Packet (bthci_sco)

        btsco.chandle  Connection Handle
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Connection Handle
        btsco.data  Data
            No value
        btsco.length  Data Total Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Data Total Length


    Bluetooth L2CAP Packet (btl2cap)

        btl2cap.cid  CID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            L2CAP Channel Identifier
        btl2cap.cmd_code  Command Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            L2CAP Command Code
        btl2cap.cmd_data  Command Data
            No value
            L2CAP Command Data
        btl2cap.cmd_ident  Command Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            L2CAP Command Identifier
        btl2cap.cmd_length  Command Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            L2CAP Command Length
        btl2cap.command  Command
            No value
            L2CAP Command
        btl2cap.conf_param_option  Configuration Parameter Option
            No value
            Configuration Parameter Option
        btl2cap.conf_result  Result
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Configuration Result
        btl2cap.continuation  Continuation Flag
            Continuation Flag
        btl2cap.dcid  Destination CID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination Channel Identifier
        btl2cap.info_mtu  Remote Entity MTU
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Remote entitiys acceptable connectionless MTU
        btl2cap.info_result  Result
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Information about the success of the request
        btl2cap.info_type  Information Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Type of implementation-specific information
        btl2cap.length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            L2CAP Payload Length
        btl2cap.option_dealyvar  Delay Variation (microseconds)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Difference between maximum and minimum delay (microseconds)
        btl2cap.option_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flags - must be set to 0 (Reserved for future use)
        btl2cap.option_flushto  Flush Timeout (ms)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flush Timeout in milliseconds
        btl2cap.option_latency  Latency (microseconds)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximal acceptable dealy (microseconds)
        btl2cap.option_length  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of octets in option payload
        btl2cap.option_mtu  MTU
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum Transmission Unit
        btl2cap.option_peakbandwidth  Peak Bandwidth (bytes/s)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Limit how fast packets may be sent (bytes/s)
        btl2cap.option_servicetype  Service Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Level of service required
        btl2cap.option_tokenbsize  Token Bucket Size (bytes)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Size of the token bucket (bytes)
        btl2cap.option_tokenrate  Token Rate (bytes/s)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Rate at which traffic credits are granted (bytes/s)
        btl2cap.option_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of option
        btl2cap.payload  Payload
            Byte array
            L2CAP Payload
        btl2cap.psm  PSM
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Protocol/Service Multiplexor
        btl2cap.rej_reason  Reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        btl2cap.result  Result
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        btl2cap.scid  Source CID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Channel Identifier
        btl2cap.sig_mtu  Maximum Signalling MTU
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum Signalling MTU
        btl2cap.status  Status
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Bluetooth RFCOMM Packet (btrfcomm)

        btrfcomm.cr  C/R Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Command/Response flag
        btrfcomm.credits  Credits
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow control: number of UIH frames allowed to send
        btrfcomm.dlci  DLCI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            RFCOMM DLCI
        btrfcomm.ea  EA Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            EA flag (should be always 1)
        btrfcomm.error_recovery_mode  Error Recovery Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Error Recovery Mode
        btrfcomm.fcs  Frame Check Sequence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Checksum over frame
        btrfcomm.frame_type  Frame type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Command/Response flag
        btrfcomm.len  Payload length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Frame length
        btrfcomm.max_frame_size  Max Frame Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum Frame Size
        btrfcomm.max_retrans  Max Retrans
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Maximum number of retransmissions
        btrfcomm.mcc.cmd  C/R Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Command/Response flag
        btrfcomm.mcc.cr  C/R Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Command/Response flag
        btrfcomm.mcc.ea  EA Flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            EA flag (should be always 1)
        btrfcomm.mcc.len  MCC Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of MCC data
        btrfcomm.msc.bl  Length of break in units of 200ms
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Length of break in units of 200ms
        btrfcomm.msc.dv  Data Valid (DV)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Data Valid
        btrfcomm.msc.fc  Flow Control (FC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Control
        btrfcomm.msc.ic  Incoming Call Indicator (IC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Incoming Call Indicator
        btrfcomm.msc.rtc  Ready To Communicate (RTC)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Ready To Communicate
        btrfcomm.msc.rtr  Ready To Receive (RTR)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Ready To Receive
        btrfcomm.pf  P/F flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Poll/Final bit
        btrfcomm.pn.cl  Convergence layer
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Convergence layer used for that particular DLCI
        btrfcomm.pn.i  Type of frame
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Type of information frames used for that particular DLCI
        btrfcomm.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Bluetooth SDP (btsdp)

        btsdp.error_code  ErrorCode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Code
        btsdp.len  ParameterLength
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        btsdp.pdu  PDU
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU type
        btsdp.ssares.byte_count  AttributeListsByteCount
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            count of bytes in attribute list response
        btsdp.ssr.current_count  CurrentServiceRecordCount
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            count of service records in this message
        btsdp.ssr.total_count  TotalServiceRecordCount
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Total count of service records
        btsdp.tid  TransactionID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction ID


    Boardwalk (brdwlk)

        brdwlk.drop  Packet Dropped
        brdwlk.eof  EOF
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        brdwlk.error  Error
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        brdwlk.error.crc  CRC
        brdwlk.error.ctrl  Ctrl Char Inside Frame
        brdwlk.error.ef  Empty Frame
        brdwlk.error.ff  Fifo Full
        brdwlk.error.jumbo  Jumbo FC Frame
        brdwlk.error.nd  No Data
        brdwlk.error.plp  Packet Length Present
        brdwlk.error.tr  Truncated
        brdwlk.pktcnt  Packet Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        brdwlk.plen  Original Packet Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        brdwlk.sof  SOF
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        brdwlk.vsan  VSAN
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Boot Parameters (bootparams)

        bootparams.domain  Client Domain
            Client Domain
        bootparams.fileid  File ID
            File ID
        bootparams.filepath  File Path
            File Path
        bootparams.host  Client Host
            Client Host
        bootparams.hostaddr  Client Address
            IPv4 address
        bootparams.procedure_v1  V1 Procedure
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            V1 Procedure
        bootparams.routeraddr  Router Address
            IPv4 address
            Router Address
        bootparams.type  Address Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Address Type


    Bootstrap Protocol (bootp)

        bootp.client_id_uuid  Client Identifier (UUID)
            Client Machine Identifier (UUID)
        bootp.client_network_id_major  Client Network ID Major Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Client Machine Identifier, Major Version
        bootp.client_network_id_minor  Client Network ID Minor Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Client Machine Identifier, Major Version
        bootp.cookie  Magic cookie
            IPv4 address
        bootp.dhcp  Frame is DHCP
        bootp.file  Boot file name
        bootp.flags  Bootp flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bootp.flags.bc  Broadcast flag
        bootp.flags.reserved  Reserved flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bootp.fqdn.e  Encoding
            If true, name is binary encoded
        bootp.fqdn.mbz  Reserved flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bootp.fqdn.n  Server DDNS
            If true, server should not do any DDNS updates
        bootp.fqdn.name  Client name
            Byte array
            Name to register via DDNS
        bootp.fqdn.o  Server overrides
            If true, server insists on doing DDNS update
        bootp.fqdn.rcode1  A-RR result
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Result code of A-RR update
        bootp.fqdn.rcode2  PTR-RR result
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Result code of PTR-RR update
        bootp.fqdn.s  Server
            If true, server should do DDNS update
        bootp.hops  Hops
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bootp.hw.addr  Client hardware address
            Byte array
        bootp.hw.len  Hardware address length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bootp.hw.mac_addr  Client MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        bootp.hw.type  Hardware type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bootp.id  Transaction ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bootp.ip.client  Client IP address
            IPv4 address
        bootp.ip.relay  Relay agent IP address
            IPv4 address
        bootp.ip.server  Next server IP address
            IPv4 address
        bootp.ip.your  Your (client) IP address
            IPv4 address
        bootp.option.length  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Bootp/Dhcp option length
        bootp.option.type  Option
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Bootp/Dhcp option type
        bootp.option.value  Value
            Byte array
            Bootp/Dhcp option value
        bootp.secs  Seconds elapsed
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bootp.server  Server host name
        bootp.type  Message type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bootp.vendor  Bootp Vendor Options
            Byte array
        bootp.vendor.alu.tftp1  Spatial Redundancy TFTP1
            IPv4 address
        bootp.vendor.alu.tftp2  Spatial Redundancy TFTP2
            IPv4 address
        bootp.vendor.alu.vid  Voice VLAN ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Alcatel-Lucent VLAN ID to define Voice VLAN
        bootp.vendor.docsis.cmcap_len  CM DC Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DOCSIS Cable Modem Device Capabilities Length
        bootp.vendor.pktc.mtacap_len  MTA DC Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable MTA Device Capabilities Length


    Border Gateway Protocol (bgp)

        bgp.aggregator_as  Aggregator AS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.aggregator_origin  Aggregator origin
            IPv4 address
        bgp.as_path  AS Path
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.cluster_identifier  Cluster identifier
            IPv4 address
        bgp.cluster_list  Cluster List
            Byte array
        bgp.community_as  Community AS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.community_value  Community value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.local_pref  Local preference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bgp.mp_nlri_tnl_id  MP Reach NLRI Tunnel Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.mp_reach_nlri_ipv4_prefix  MP Reach NLRI IPv4 prefix
            IPv4 address
        bgp.mp_unreach_nlri_ipv4_prefix  MP Unreach NLRI IPv4 prefix
            IPv4 address
        bgp.multi_exit_disc  Multiple exit discriminator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        bgp.next_hop  Next hop
            IPv4 address
        bgp.nlri_prefix  NLRI prefix
            IPv4 address
        bgp.origin  Origin
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        bgp.originator_id  Originator identifier
            IPv4 address
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_Unused  Unused
            Unused Flags
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_cookie  Cookie
            Byte array
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_cookie_len  Cookie Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Cookie Length
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_pref  Preference
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_s  Sequencing bit
            Sequencing S-bit
        bgp.ssa_l2tpv3_session_id  Session ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session ID
        bgp.ssa_len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SSA Length
        bgp.ssa_t  Transitive bit
            SSA Transitive bit
        bgp.ssa_type  SSA Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SSA Type
        bgp.ssa_value  Value
            Byte array
            SSA Value
        bgp.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BGP message type
        bgp.withdrawn_prefix  Withdrawn prefix
            IPv4 address


    Building Automation and Control Network APDU (bacapp)

        bacapp.LVT  Length Value Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Length Value Type
        bacapp.NAK  NAK
            negativ ACK
        bacapp.SA  SA
            Segmented Response accepted
        bacapp.SRV  SRV
        bacapp.abort_reason  Abort Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Abort Reason
        bacapp.application_tag_number  Application Tag Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Application Tag Number
        bacapp.confirmed_service  Service Choice
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Choice
        bacapp.context_tag_number  Context Tag Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Context Tag Number
        bacapp.extended_tag_number  Extended Tag Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Extended Tag Number
        bacapp.instance_number  Instance Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Instance Number
        bacapp.invoke_id  Invoke ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Invoke ID
        bacapp.max_adpu_size  Size of Maximum ADPU accepted
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Size of Maximum ADPU accepted
        bacapp.more_segments  More Segments
            More Segments Follow
        bacapp.named_tag  Named Tag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Named Tag
        bacapp.objectType  Object Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Object Type
        bacapp.pduflags  PDU Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU Flags
        bacapp.processId  ProcessIdentifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Process Identifier
        bacapp.reject_reason  Reject Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reject Reason
        bacapp.response_segments  Max Response Segments accepted
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max Response Segments accepted
        bacapp.segmented_request  Segmented Request
            Segmented Request
        bacapp.sequence_number  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Sequence Number
        bacapp.string_character_set  String Character Set
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            String Character Set
        bacapp.tag  BACnet Tag
            Byte array
            BACnet Tag
        bacapp.tag_class  Tag Class
            Tag Class
        bacapp.tag_value16  Tag Value 16-bit
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Tag Value 16-bit
        bacapp.tag_value32  Tag Value 32-bit
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Tag Value 32-bit
        bacapp.tag_value8  Tag Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Tag Value
        bacapp.type  APDU Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            APDU Type
        bacapp.unconfirmed_service  Unconfirmed Service Choice
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unconfirmed Service Choice
        bacapp.variable_part  BACnet APDU variable part:
            No value
            BACnet APDU variable part
        bacapp.window_size  Proposed Window Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Proposed Window Size


    Building Automation and Control Network NPDU (bacnet)

        bacnet.control  Control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_dest  Destination Specifier
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_expect  Expecting Reply
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_net  NSDU contains
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_prio_high  Priority
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_prio_low  Priority
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_res1  Reserved
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_res2  Reserved
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.control_src  Source specifier
            BACnet Control
        bacnet.dadr_eth  Destination ISO 8802-3 MAC Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination ISO 8802-3 MAC Address
        bacnet.dadr_mstp  DADR
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Destination MS/TP or ARCNET MAC Address
        bacnet.dadr_tmp  Unknown Destination MAC
            Byte array
            Unknown Destination MAC
        bacnet.dlen  Destination MAC Layer Address Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Destination MAC Layer Address Length
        bacnet.dnet  Destination Network Address
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination Network Address
        bacnet.hopc  Hop Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Hop Count
        bacnet.mesgtyp  Network Layer Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Network Layer Message Type
        bacnet.perf  Performance Index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Performance Index
        bacnet.pinfolen  Port Info Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Port Info Length
        bacnet.portid  Port ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Port ID
        bacnet.rejectreason  Reject Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reject Reason
        bacnet.rportnum  Number of Port Mappings
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Port Mappings
        bacnet.sadr_eth  SADR
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source ISO 8802-3 MAC Address
        bacnet.sadr_mstp  SADR
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source MS/TP or ARCNET MAC Address
        bacnet.sadr_tmp  Unknown Source MAC
            Byte array
            Unknown Source MAC
        bacnet.slen  Source MAC Layer Address Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source MAC Layer Address Length
        bacnet.snet  Source Network Address
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Network Address
        bacnet.term_time_value  Termination Time Value (seconds)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Termination Time Value
        bacnet.vendor  Vendor ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Vendor ID
        bacnet.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BACnet Version


    CCSDS (ccsds)

        ccsds.apid  APID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Represents APID
        ccsds.checkword  checkword indicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            checkword indicator
        ccsds.dcc  Data Cycle Counter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Data Cycle Counter
        ccsds.length  packet length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            packet length
        ccsds.packtype  packet type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Packet Type - Unused in Ku-Band
        ccsds.secheader  secondary header
            secondary header present
        ccsds.seqflag  sequence flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            sequence flags
        ccsds.seqnum  sequence number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            sequence number
        ccsds.time  time
            Byte array
        ccsds.timeid  time identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            time identifier
        ccsds.type  type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ccsds.version  version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        ccsds.vid  version identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            version identifier
        ccsds.zoe  ZOE TLM
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    CDS Clerk Server Calls (cds_clerkserver)

        cds_clerkserver.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    CFM EOAM 802.1ag/ITU Protocol (cfm)

        cfm.ais.pdu  CFM AIS PDU
            No value
        cfm.all.tlvs  CFM TLVs
            No value
        cfm.aps.data  APS data
            Byte array
        cfm.aps.pdu  CFM APS PDU
            No value
        cfm.ccm.itu.t.y1731  Defined by ITU-T Y.1731
            No value
        cfm.ccm.ma.ep.id  Maintenance Association End Point Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cfm.ccm.maid  Maintenance Association Identifier (MEG ID)
            No value
        cfm.ccm.maid.padding  Zero-Padding
            No value
        cfm.ccm.pdu  CFM CCM PDU
            No value
        cfm.ccm.seq.num  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cfm.dmm.dmr.rxtimestampb  RxTimestampb
            Byte array
        cfm.dmm.dmr.txtimestampb  TxTimestampb
            Byte array
        cfm.dmm.pdu  CFM DMM PDU
            No value
        cfm.dmr.pdu  CFM DMR PDU
            No value
        cfm.exm.pdu  CFM EXM PDU
            No value
        cfm.exr.pdu  CFM EXR PDU
            No value
        cfm.first.tlv.offset  First TLV Offset
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.ccm.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.fwdyes  FwdYes
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.interval  Interval Field
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.ltm.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.ltr.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.ltr.terminalmep  TerminalMEP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.period  Period
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.rdi  RDI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.flags.usefdbonly  RDI
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.itu.reserved  Reserved
            Byte array
        cfm.itu.rxfcb  RxFCb
            Byte array
        cfm.itu.txfcb  TxFCb
            Byte array
        cfm.itu.txfcf  TxFCf
            Byte array
        cfm.lb.transaction.id  Loopback Transaction Identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cfm.lbm.pdu  CFM LBM PDU
            No value
        cfm.lbr.pdu  CFM LBR PDU
            No value
        cfm.lck.pdu  CFM LCK PDU
            No value
        cfm.lmm.lmr.rxfcf  RxFCf
            Byte array
        cfm.lmm.lmr.txfcb  TxFCb
            Byte array
        cfm.lmm.lmr.txfcf  TxFCf
            Byte array
        cfm.lmm.pdu  CFM LMM PDU
            No value
        cfm.lmr.pdu  CFM LMR PDU
            No value
        cfm.lt.transaction.id  Linktrace Transaction Identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cfm.lt.ttl  Linktrace TTL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.ltm.orig.addr  Linktrace Message: Original Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.ltm.pdu  CFM LTM PDU
            No value
        cfm.ltm.targ.addr  Linktrace Message:   Target Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.ltr.pdu  CFM LTR PDU
            No value
        cfm.ltr.relay.action  Linktrace Reply Relay Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.maid.ma.name  Short MA Name
        cfm.maid.ma.name.format  Short MA Name (MEG ID) Format
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.maid.ma.name.length  Short MA Name (MEG ID) Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.maid.md.name  MD Name (String)
        cfm.maid.md.name.format  MD Name Format
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.maid.md.name.length  MD Name Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.maid.md.name.mac  MD Name (MAC)
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.maid.md.name.mac.id  MD Name (MAC)
            Byte array
        cfm.mcc.data  MCC data
            Byte array
        cfm.mcc.pdu  CFM MCC PDU
            No value
        cfm.md.level  CFM MD Level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.odm.dmm.dmr.rxtimestampf  RxTimestampf
            Byte array
        cfm.odm.dmm.dmr.txtimestampf  TxTimestampf
            Byte array
        cfm.odm.pdu  CFM 1DM PDU
            No value
        cfm.opcode  CFM OpCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.chassis.id  Chassis ID
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.chassis.id.length  Chassis ID Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.chassis.id.subtype  Chassis ID Sub-type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.data.value  Data Value
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.length  TLV Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.ltm.egress.id.mac  Egress Identifier - MAC of LT Initiator/Responder
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.tlv.ltm.egress.id.ui  Egress Identifier - Unique Identifier
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.ltr.egress.last.id.mac  Last Egress Identifier - MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.tlv.ltr.egress.last.id.ui  Last Egress Identifier - Unique Identifier
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.ltr.egress.next.id.mac  Next Egress Identifier - MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.tlv.ltr.egress.next.id.ui  Next Egress Identifier - Unique Identifier
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.ma.domain  Management Address Domain
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.ma.domain.length  Management Address Domain Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.management.addr  Management Address
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.management.addr.length  Management Address Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.org.spec.oui  OUI
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.org.spec.subtype  Sub-Type
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.org.spec.value  Value
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.port.interface.value  Interface Status value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.port.status.value  Port Status value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.reply.egress.action  Egress Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.reply.egress.mac.address  Egress MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.tlv.reply.ingress.action  Ingress Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.reply.ingress.mac.address  Ingress MAC address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        cfm.tlv.tst.crc32  CRC-32
            Byte array
        cfm.tlv.tst.test.pattern  Test Pattern
            No value
        cfm.tlv.tst.test.pattern.type  Test Pattern Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tlv.type  TLV Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.tst.pdu  CFM TST PDU
            No value
        cfm.tst.sequence.num  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cfm.version  CFM Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cfm.vsm.pdu  CFM VSM PDU
            No value
        cfm.vsr.pdu  CFM VSR PDU
            No value


    CRTP (crtp)

        crtp.cid  Context Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            The context identifier of the compressed packet.
        crtp.cnt  Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The count of the context state packet.
        crtp.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The flags of the full header packet.
        crtp.gen  Generation
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The generation of the compressed packet.
        crtp.invalid  Invalid
            The invalid bit of the context state packet.
        crtp.seq  Sequence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The sequence of the compressed packet.


    CSM_ENCAPS (csm_encaps)

        csm_encaps.channel  Channel Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Channel Number
        csm_encaps.class  Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Class
        csm_encaps.ctrl  Control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Control
        csm_encaps.ctrl.ack  Packet Bit
            Message Packet/ACK Packet
        csm_encaps.ctrl.ack_suppress  ACK Suppress Bit
            ACK Required/ACK Suppressed
        csm_encaps.ctrl.endian  Endian Bit
            Little Endian/Big Endian
        csm_encaps.function_code  Function Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Function Code
        csm_encaps.index  Index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Index
        csm_encaps.length  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Length
        csm_encaps.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Opcode
        csm_encaps.param  Parameter
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter
        csm_encaps.param1  Parameter 1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 1
        csm_encaps.param10  Parameter 10
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 10
        csm_encaps.param11  Parameter 11
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 11
        csm_encaps.param12  Parameter 12
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 12
        csm_encaps.param13  Parameter 13
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 13
        csm_encaps.param14  Parameter 14
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 14
        csm_encaps.param15  Parameter 15
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 15
        csm_encaps.param16  Parameter 16
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 16
        csm_encaps.param17  Parameter 17
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 17
        csm_encaps.param18  Parameter 18
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 18
        csm_encaps.param19  Parameter 19
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 19
        csm_encaps.param2  Parameter 2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 2
        csm_encaps.param20  Parameter 20
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 20
        csm_encaps.param21  Parameter 21
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 21
        csm_encaps.param22  Parameter 22
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 22
        csm_encaps.param23  Parameter 23
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 23
        csm_encaps.param24  Parameter 24
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 24
        csm_encaps.param25  Parameter 25
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 25
        csm_encaps.param26  Parameter 26
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 26
        csm_encaps.param27  Parameter 27
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 27
        csm_encaps.param28  Parameter 28
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 28
        csm_encaps.param29  Parameter 29
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 29
        csm_encaps.param3  Parameter 3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 3
        csm_encaps.param30  Parameter 30
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 30
        csm_encaps.param31  Parameter 31
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 31
        csm_encaps.param32  Parameter 32
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 32
        csm_encaps.param33  Parameter 33
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 33
        csm_encaps.param34  Parameter 34
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 34
        csm_encaps.param35  Parameter 35
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 35
        csm_encaps.param36  Parameter 36
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 36
        csm_encaps.param37  Parameter 37
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 37
        csm_encaps.param38  Parameter 38
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 38
        csm_encaps.param39  Parameter 39
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 39
        csm_encaps.param4  Parameter 4
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 4
        csm_encaps.param40  Parameter 40
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 40
        csm_encaps.param5  Parameter 5
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 5
        csm_encaps.param6  Parameter 6
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 6
        csm_encaps.param7  Parameter 7
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 7
        csm_encaps.param8  Parameter 8
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 8
        csm_encaps.param9  Parameter 9
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Parameter 9
        csm_encaps.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Reserved
        csm_encaps.seq_num  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Sequence Number
        csm_encaps.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CSM_ENCAPS Type


    Calculation Application Protocol (calcappprotocol)

        calcappprotocol.message_completed  Completed
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        calcappprotocol.message_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        calcappprotocol.message_jobid  JobID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        calcappprotocol.message_jobsize  JobSize
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        calcappprotocol.message_length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        calcappprotocol.message_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Camel (camel)

        camel.ApplyChargingArg  ApplyChargingArg
            No value
        camel.ApplyChargingGPRSArg  ApplyChargingGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.ApplyChargingReportArg  ApplyChargingReportArg
            Byte array
        camel.ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg  ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.AssistRequestInstructionsArg  AssistRequestInstructionsArg
            No value
        camel.CAMEL_AChBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-AChBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_CallResult  CAMEL-CAMEL_CallResult
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-FCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-FCISMSBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAMEL_SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics  CAMEL-SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CAP_GPRS_ReferenceNumber  CAP-GPRS-ReferenceNumber
            No value
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CallGapArg  CallGapArg
            No value
        camel.CallInformationReportArg  CallInformationReportArg
            No value
        camel.CallInformationRequestArg  CallInformationRequestArg
            No value
        camel.CancelArg  CancelArg
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.CancelGPRSArg  CancelGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength  CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength
            Byte array
        camel.ChangeOfPositionControlInfo_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ConnectArg  ConnectArg
            No value
        camel.ConnectGPRSArg  ConnectGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.ConnectSMSArg  ConnectSMSArg
            No value
        camel.ConnectToResourceArg  ConnectToResourceArg
            No value
        camel.ContinueGPRSArg  ContinueGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.ContinueWithArgumentArg  ContinueWithArgumentArg
            No value
        camel.DestinationRoutingAddress_item  Item
            Byte array
        camel.DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg  DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg
            No value
        camel.DisconnectLegArg  DisconnectLegArg
            No value
        camel.EntityReleasedArg  EntityReleasedArg
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.EntityReleasedGPRSArg  EntityReleasedGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg  EstablishTemporaryConnectionArg
            No value
        camel.EventReportBCSMArg  EventReportBCSMArg
            No value
        camel.EventReportGPRSArg  EventReportGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.EventReportSMSArg  EventReportSMSArg
            No value
        camel.Extensions_item  Item
            No value
        camel.FurnishChargingInformationArg  FurnishChargingInformationArg
            Byte array
        camel.FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg  FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg
            Byte array
        camel.FurnishChargingInformationSMSArg  FurnishChargingInformationSMSArg
            Byte array
        camel.GenericNumbers_item  Item
            Byte array
        camel.InitialDPArg  InitialDPArg
            No value
        camel.InitialDPGPRSArg  InitialDPGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.InitialDPSMSArg  InitialDPSMSArg
            No value
        camel.InitiateCallAttemptArg  InitiateCallAttemptArg
            No value
        camel.InitiateCallAttemptRes  InitiateCallAttemptRes
            No value
        camel.InvokeId_present  InvokeId.present
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.MetDPCriteriaList_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.MoveLegArg  MoveLegArg
            No value
        camel.PAR_cancelFailed  PAR-cancelFailed
            No value
        camel.PAR_requestedInfoError  PAR-requestedInfoError
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.PAR_taskRefused  PAR-taskRefused
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.PDPAddress_IPv4  PDPAddress IPv4
            IPv4 address
            IPAddress IPv4
        camel.PDPAddress_IPv6  PDPAddress IPv6
            IPv6 address
            IPAddress IPv6
        camel.PDPTypeNumber_etsi  ETSI defined PDP Type Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ETSI defined PDP Type Value
        camel.PDPTypeNumber_ietf  IETF defined PDP Type Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IETF defined PDP Type Value
        camel.PlayAnnouncementArg  PlayAnnouncementArg
            No value
        camel.PlayToneArg  PlayToneArg
            No value
        camel.PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg  PromptAndCollectUserInformationArg
            No value
        camel.RP_Cause  RP Cause
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            RP Cause Value
        camel.ReceivedInformationArg  ReceivedInformationArg
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ReleaseCallArg  ReleaseCallArg
            Byte array
        camel.ReleaseGPRSArg  ReleaseGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.ReleaseSMSArg  ReleaseSMSArg
            Byte array
        camel.RequestReportBCSMEventArg  RequestReportBCSMEventArg
            No value
        camel.RequestReportGPRSEventArg  RequestReportGPRSEventArg
            No value
        camel.RequestReportSMSEventArg  RequestReportSMSEventArg
            No value
        camel.RequestedInformationList_item  Item
            No value
        camel.RequestedInformationTypeList_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ResetTimerArg  ResetTimerArg
            No value
        camel.ResetTimerGPRSArg  ResetTimerGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.ResetTimerSMSArg  ResetTimerSMSArg
            No value
        camel.SendChargingInformationArg  SendChargingInformationArg
            No value
        camel.SendChargingInformationGPRSArg  SendChargingInformationGPRSArg
            No value
        camel.SpecializedResourceReportArg  SpecializedResourceReportArg
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.SplitLegArg  SplitLegArg
            No value
        camel.UnavailableNetworkResource  UnavailableNetworkResource
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.aChBillingChargingCharacteristics  aChBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Byte array
        camel.aChChargingAddress  aChChargingAddress
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.aOCAfterAnswer  aOCAfterAnswer
            No value
        camel.aOCBeforeAnswer  aOCBeforeAnswer
            No value
        camel.aOCGPRS  aOCGPRS
            No value
        camel.aOCInitial  aOCInitial
            No value
        camel.aOCSubsequent  aOCSubsequent
            No value
        camel.aOC_extension  aOC-extension
            No value
        camel.absent  absent
            No value
        camel.accessPointName  accessPointName
        camel.active  active
        camel.additionalCallingPartyNumber  additionalCallingPartyNumber
            Byte array
        camel.alertingPattern  alertingPattern
            Byte array
        camel.allAnnouncementsComplete  allAnnouncementsComplete
            No value
        camel.allRequests  allRequests
            No value
        camel.appendFreeFormatData  appendFreeFormatData
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.applicationTimer  applicationTimer
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.argument  argument
            No value
        camel.assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress  assistingSSPIPRoutingAddress
            Byte array
        camel.attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation  attachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.attributes  attributes
            Byte array
        camel.audibleIndicator  audibleIndicator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.automaticRearm  automaticRearm
            No value
        camel.bCSM_Failure  bCSM-Failure
            No value
        camel.backwardServiceInteractionInd  backwardServiceInteractionInd
            No value
        camel.basicGapCriteria  basicGapCriteria
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.bcsmEvents  bcsmEvents
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.bcsmEvents_item  Item
            No value
        camel.bearerCap  bearerCap
            Byte array
        camel.bearerCapability  bearerCapability
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.bearerCapability2  bearerCapability2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.bor_InterrogationRequested  bor-InterrogationRequested
            No value
        camel.bothwayThroughConnectionInd  bothwayThroughConnectionInd
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.burstInterval  burstInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.burstList  burstList
            No value
        camel.bursts  bursts
            No value
        camel.busyCause  busyCause
            Byte array
        camel.cAI_GSM0224  cAI-GSM0224
            No value
        camel.cGEncountered  cGEncountered
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.callAcceptedSpecificInfo  callAcceptedSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.callAttemptElapsedTimeValue  callAttemptElapsedTimeValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.callCompletionTreatmentIndicator  callCompletionTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.callConnectedElapsedTimeValue  callConnectedElapsedTimeValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.callDiversionTreatmentIndicator  callDiversionTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.callForwarded  callForwarded
            No value
        camel.callForwardingSS_Pending  callForwardingSS-Pending
            No value
        camel.callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry  callLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry
            No value
        camel.callReferenceNumber  callReferenceNumber
            Byte array
        camel.callSegmentFailure  callSegmentFailure
            No value
        camel.callSegmentID  callSegmentID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.callSegmentToCancel  callSegmentToCancel
            No value
        camel.callStopTimeValue  callStopTimeValue
        camel.calledAddressAndService  calledAddressAndService
            No value
        camel.calledAddressValue  calledAddressValue
            Byte array
        camel.calledPartyBCDNumber  calledPartyBCDNumber
            Byte array
        camel.calledPartyNumber  calledPartyNumber
            Byte array
        camel.callingAddressAndService  callingAddressAndService
            No value
        camel.callingAddressValue  callingAddressValue
            Byte array
        camel.callingPartyNumber  callingPartyNumber
            Byte array
        camel.callingPartyRestrictionIndicator  callingPartyRestrictionIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.callingPartysCategory  callingPartysCategory
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        camel.callingPartysNumber  callingPartysNumber
            Byte array
        camel.cancelDigit  cancelDigit
            Byte array
        camel.carrier  carrier
            Byte array
        camel.cause  cause
            Byte array
        camel.cause_indicator  Cause indicator
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        camel.cellGlobalId  cellGlobalId
            Byte array
        camel.cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI  cellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI
            Byte array
        camel.changeOfLocationAlt  changeOfLocationAlt
            No value
        camel.changeOfPositionControlInfo  changeOfPositionControlInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.chargeIndicator  chargeIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.chargeNumber  chargeNumber
            Byte array
        camel.chargingCharacteristics  chargingCharacteristics
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.chargingID  chargingID
            Byte array
        camel.chargingResult  chargingResult
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.chargingRollOver  chargingRollOver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.collectInformationAllowed  collectInformationAllowed
            No value
        camel.collectedDigits  collectedDigits
            No value
        camel.collectedInfo  collectedInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.collectedInfoSpecificInfo  collectedInfoSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.compoundGapCriteria  compoundGapCriteria
            No value
        camel.conferenceTreatmentIndicator  conferenceTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.connectedNumberTreatmentInd  connectedNumberTreatmentInd
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.continueWithArgumentArgExtension  continueWithArgumentArgExtension
            No value
        camel.controlType  controlType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.correlationID  correlationID
            Byte array
        camel.criticality  criticality
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.cug_Index  cug-Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.cug_Interlock  cug-Interlock
            Byte array
        camel.cug_OutgoingAccess  cug-OutgoingAccess
            No value
        camel.cwTreatmentIndicator  cwTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.dTMFDigitsCompleted  dTMFDigitsCompleted
            Byte array
        camel.dTMFDigitsTimeOut  dTMFDigitsTimeOut
            Byte array
        camel.date  date
            Byte array
        camel.destinationAddress  destinationAddress
            Byte array
        camel.destinationReference  destinationReference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.destinationRoutingAddress  destinationRoutingAddress
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.destinationSubscriberNumber  destinationSubscriberNumber
            Byte array
        camel.detachSpecificInformation  detachSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.digit_value  Digit Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Digit Value
        camel.digitsResponse  digitsResponse
            Byte array
        camel.disconnectFromIPForbidden  disconnectFromIPForbidden
        camel.disconnectSpecificInformation  disconnectSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.dpSpecificCriteria  dpSpecificCriteria
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.dpSpecificCriteriaAlt  dpSpecificCriteriaAlt
            No value
        camel.dpSpecificInfoAlt  dpSpecificInfoAlt
            No value
        camel.duration  duration
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.e1  e1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e2  e2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e3  e3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e4  e4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e5  e5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e6  e6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.e7  e7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ectTreatmentIndicator  ectTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.elapsedTime  elapsedTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.elapsedTimeRollOver  elapsedTimeRollOver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.elementaryMessageID  elementaryMessageID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.elementaryMessageIDs  elementaryMessageIDs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.elementaryMessageIDs_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.endOfReplyDigit  endOfReplyDigit
            Byte array
        camel.endUserAddress  endUserAddress
            No value
        camel.enhancedDialledServicesAllowed  enhancedDialledServicesAllowed
            No value
        camel.enteringCellGlobalId  enteringCellGlobalId
            Byte array
        camel.enteringLocationAreaId  enteringLocationAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.enteringServiceAreaId  enteringServiceAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.errcode  errcode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.errorTreatment  errorTreatment
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.error_code_local  local
            Signed 32-bit integer
            ERROR code
        camel.eventSpecificInformationBCSM  eventSpecificInformationBCSM
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.eventSpecificInformationSMS  eventSpecificInformationSMS
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.eventTypeBCSM  eventTypeBCSM
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.eventTypeSMS  eventTypeSMS
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ext_basicServiceCode  ext-basicServiceCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ext_basicServiceCode2  ext-basicServiceCode2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.extensionContainer  extensionContainer
            No value
        camel.extension_code_local  local
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Extension local code
        camel.extensions  extensions
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.fCIBCCCAMELsequence1  fCIBCCCAMELsequence1
            No value
        camel.failureCause  failureCause
            Byte array
        camel.firstAnnouncementStarted  firstAnnouncementStarted
            No value
        camel.firstDigitTimeOut  firstDigitTimeOut
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.forwardServiceInteractionInd  forwardServiceInteractionInd
            No value
        camel.forwardedCall  forwardedCall
            No value
        camel.forwardingDestinationNumber  forwardingDestinationNumber
            Byte array
        camel.freeFormatData  freeFormatData
            Byte array
        camel.gGSNAddress  gGSNAddress
            Byte array
        camel.gPRSCause  gPRSCause
            Byte array
        camel.gPRSEvent  gPRSEvent
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.gPRSEventSpecificInformation  gPRSEventSpecificInformation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.gPRSEventType  gPRSEventType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.gPRSEvent_item  Item
            No value
        camel.gPRSMSClass  gPRSMSClass
            No value
        camel.gapCriteria  gapCriteria
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.gapIndicators  gapIndicators
            No value
        camel.gapInterval  gapInterval
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.gapOnService  gapOnService
            No value
        camel.gapTreatment  gapTreatment
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.general  general
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.genericNumbers  genericNumbers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.geographicalInformation  geographicalInformation
            Byte array
        camel.global  global
        camel.gmscAddress  gmscAddress
            Byte array
        camel.gprsCause  gprsCause
            Byte array
        camel.gsmSCFAddress  gsmSCFAddress
            Byte array
        camel.highLayerCompatibility  highLayerCompatibility
            Byte array
        camel.highLayerCompatibility2  highLayerCompatibility2
            Byte array
        camel.holdTreatmentIndicator  holdTreatmentIndicator
            Byte array
        camel.iMEI  iMEI
            Byte array
        camel.iMSI  iMSI
            Byte array
        camel.iPSSPCapabilities  iPSSPCapabilities
            Byte array
        camel.inbandInfo  inbandInfo
            No value
        camel.informationToSend  informationToSend
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.initialDPArgExtension  initialDPArgExtension
            No value
        camel.initiatingEntity  initiatingEntity
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.initiatorOfServiceChange  initiatorOfServiceChange
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.integer  integer
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.interDigitTimeOut  interDigitTimeOut
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.interDigitTimeout  interDigitTimeout
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.inter_MSCHandOver  inter-MSCHandOver
            No value
        camel.inter_PLMNHandOver  inter-PLMNHandOver
            No value
        camel.inter_SystemHandOver  inter-SystemHandOver
            No value
        camel.inter_SystemHandOverToGSM  inter-SystemHandOverToGSM
            No value
        camel.inter_SystemHandOverToUMTS  inter-SystemHandOverToUMTS
            No value
        camel.interruptableAnnInd  interruptableAnnInd
        camel.interval  interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.invoke  invoke
            No value
        camel.invokeID  invokeID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.invokeId  invokeId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ipRoutingAddress  ipRoutingAddress
            Byte array
        camel.leavingCellGlobalId  leavingCellGlobalId
            Byte array
        camel.leavingLocationAreaId  leavingLocationAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.leavingServiceAreaId  leavingServiceAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.legActive  legActive
        camel.legID  legID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legIDToMove  legIDToMove
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legOrCallSegment  legOrCallSegment
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legToBeConnected  legToBeConnected
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legToBeCreated  legToBeCreated
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legToBeReleased  legToBeReleased
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.legToBeSplit  legToBeSplit
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.linkedId  linkedId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.local  local
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.locationAreaId  locationAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.locationInformation  locationInformation
            No value
        camel.locationInformationGPRS  locationInformationGPRS
            No value
        camel.locationInformationMSC  locationInformationMSC
            No value
        camel.locationNumber  locationNumber
            Byte array
        camel.long_QoS_format  long-QoS-format
            Byte array
        camel.lowLayerCompatibility  lowLayerCompatibility
            Byte array
        camel.lowLayerCompatibility2  lowLayerCompatibility2
            Byte array
        camel.mSISDN  mSISDN
            Byte array
        camel.maxCallPeriodDuration  maxCallPeriodDuration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.maxElapsedTime  maxElapsedTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.maxTransferredVolume  maxTransferredVolume
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.maximumNbOfDigits  maximumNbOfDigits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.maximumNumberOfDigits  maximumNumberOfDigits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.messageContent  messageContent
        camel.messageID  messageID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.metDPCriteriaList  metDPCriteriaList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.metDPCriterionAlt  metDPCriterionAlt
            No value
        camel.midCallControlInfo  midCallControlInfo
            No value
        camel.midCallEvents  midCallEvents
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.minimumNbOfDigits  minimumNbOfDigits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.minimumNumberOfDigits  minimumNumberOfDigits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.miscCallInfo  miscCallInfo
            No value
        camel.miscGPRSInfo  miscGPRSInfo
            No value
        camel.monitorMode  monitorMode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.ms_Classmark2  ms-Classmark2
            Byte array
        camel.mscAddress  mscAddress
            Byte array
        camel.naOliInfo  naOliInfo
            Byte array
        camel.natureOfServiceChange  natureOfServiceChange
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.negotiated_QoS  negotiated-QoS
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.negotiated_QoS_Extension  negotiated-QoS-Extension
            No value
        camel.newCallSegment  newCallSegment
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.nonCUGCall  nonCUGCall
            No value
        camel.none  none
            No value
        camel.number  number
            Byte array
        camel.numberOfBursts  numberOfBursts
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.numberOfDigits  numberOfDigits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.numberOfRepetitions  numberOfRepetitions
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.numberOfTonesInBurst  numberOfTonesInBurst
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.oAbandonSpecificInfo  oAbandonSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oAnswerSpecificInfo  oAnswerSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oCSIApplicable  oCSIApplicable
            No value
        camel.oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo  oCalledPartyBusySpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo  oChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oDisconnectSpecificInfo  oDisconnectSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oMidCallSpecificInfo  oMidCallSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oNoAnswerSpecificInfo  oNoAnswerSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oServiceChangeSpecificInfo  oServiceChangeSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.oTermSeizedSpecificInfo  oTermSeizedSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.o_smsFailureSpecificInfo  o-smsFailureSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.o_smsSubmissionSpecificInfo  o-smsSubmissionSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.offeredCamel4Functionalities  offeredCamel4Functionalities
            Byte array
        camel.opcode  opcode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.operation  operation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.or_Call  or-Call
            No value
        camel.originalCalledPartyID  originalCalledPartyID
            Byte array
        camel.originationReference  originationReference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.pDPAddress  pDPAddress
            Byte array
        camel.pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation  pDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation  pDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.pDPID  pDPID
            Byte array
        camel.pDPInitiationType  pDPInitiationType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.pDPTypeNumber  pDPTypeNumber
            Byte array
        camel.pDPTypeOrganization  pDPTypeOrganization
            Byte array
        camel.parameter  parameter
            No value
        camel.partyToCharge  partyToCharge
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.pdpID  pdpID
            Byte array
        camel.pdp_ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation  pdp-ContextchangeOfPositionSpecificInformation
            No value
        camel.present  present
            Signed 32-bit integer
        camel.price  price
            Byte array
        camel.problem  problem
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.qualityOfService  qualityOfService
            No value
        camel.rO_TimeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch  rO-TimeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.rO_TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch  rO-TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch
            No value
        camel.rO_TimeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch  rO-TimeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.rO_TimeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval  rO-TimeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.rO_VolumeIfNoTariffSwitch  rO-VolumeIfNoTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.rO_VolumeIfTariffSwitch  rO-VolumeIfTariffSwitch
            No value
        camel.rO_VolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch  rO-VolumeSinceLastTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.rO_VolumeTariffSwitchInterval  rO-VolumeTariffSwitchInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.receivingSideID  receivingSideID
            Byte array
        camel.redirectingPartyID  redirectingPartyID
            Byte array
        camel.redirectionInformation  redirectionInformation
            Byte array
        camel.reject  reject
            No value
        camel.releaseCause  releaseCause
            Byte array
        camel.releaseCauseValue  releaseCauseValue
            Byte array
        camel.releaseIfdurationExceeded  releaseIfdurationExceeded
        camel.requestAnnouncementCompleteNotification  requestAnnouncementCompleteNotification
        camel.requestAnnouncementStartedNotification  requestAnnouncementStartedNotification
        camel.requestedInformationList  requestedInformationList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.requestedInformationType  requestedInformationType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.requestedInformationTypeList  requestedInformationTypeList
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.requestedInformationValue  requestedInformationValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.requested_QoS  requested-QoS
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.requested_QoS_Extension  requested-QoS-Extension
            No value
        camel.resourceAddress  resourceAddress
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.result  result
            No value
        camel.returnError  returnError
            No value
        camel.returnResult  returnResult
            No value
        camel.routeNotPermitted  routeNotPermitted
            No value
        camel.routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo  routeSelectFailureSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.routeingAreaIdentity  routeingAreaIdentity
            Byte array
        camel.routeingAreaUpdate  routeingAreaUpdate
            No value
        camel.sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics  sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Byte array
        camel.sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics  sCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics
            Byte array
        camel.sGSNCapabilities  sGSNCapabilities
            Byte array
        camel.sMSCAddress  sMSCAddress
            Byte array
        camel.sMSEvents  sMSEvents
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.sMSEvents_item  Item
            No value
        camel.sai_Present  sai-Present
            No value
        camel.scfID  scfID
            Byte array
        camel.secondaryPDP_context  secondaryPDP-context
            No value
        camel.selectedLSAIdentity  selectedLSAIdentity
            Byte array
        camel.sendingSideID  sendingSideID
            Byte array
        camel.serviceAreaId  serviceAreaId
            Byte array
        camel.serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo  serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo
            No value
        camel.serviceKey  serviceKey
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.sgsn_Number  sgsn-Number
            Byte array
        camel.short_QoS_format  short-QoS-format
            Byte array
        camel.smsReferenceNumber  smsReferenceNumber
            Byte array
        camel.srfConnection  srfConnection
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.srt.deltatime  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between Request and Response
        camel.srt.deltatime22  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between EventReport(Disconnect) and Release Call
        camel.srt.deltatime31  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between InitialDP and Continue
        camel.srt.deltatime35  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between ApplyCharginReport and ApplyCharging
        camel.srt.deltatime65  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between InitialDPSMS and ContinueSMS
        camel.srt.deltatime75  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between InitialDPGPRS and ContinueGPRS
        camel.srt.deltatime80  Service Response Time
            Time duration
            DeltaTime between EventReportGPRS and ContinueGPRS
        camel.srt.duplicate  Request Duplicate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.srt.reqframe  Requested Frame
            Frame number
            SRT Request Frame
        camel.srt.request_number  Request Number
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        camel.srt.rspframe  Response Frame
            Frame number
            SRT Response Frame
        camel.srt.session_id  Session Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.srt.sessiontime  Session duration
            Time duration
            Duration of the TCAP session
        camel.startDigit  startDigit
            Byte array
        camel.subscribed_QoS  subscribed-QoS
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.subscribed_QoS_Extension  subscribed-QoS-Extension
            No value
        camel.subscriberState  subscriberState
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.supplement_to_long_QoS_format  supplement-to-long-QoS-format
            Byte array
        camel.supportedCamelPhases  supportedCamelPhases
            Byte array
        camel.suppressOutgoingCallBarring  suppressOutgoingCallBarring
            No value
        camel.suppress_D_CSI  suppress-D-CSI
            No value
        camel.suppress_N_CSI  suppress-N-CSI
            No value
        camel.suppress_O_CSI  suppress-O-CSI
            No value
        camel.suppress_T_CSI  suppress-T-CSI
            No value
        camel.suppressionOfAnnouncement  suppressionOfAnnouncement
            No value
        camel.tAnswerSpecificInfo  tAnswerSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tBusySpecificInfo  tBusySpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo  tChangeOfPositionSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tDisconnectSpecificInfo  tDisconnectSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tMidCallSpecificInfo  tMidCallSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tNoAnswerSpecificInfo  tNoAnswerSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tPDataCodingScheme  tPDataCodingScheme
            Byte array
        camel.tPProtocolIdentifier  tPProtocolIdentifier
            Byte array
        camel.tPShortMessageSpecificInfo  tPShortMessageSpecificInfo
            Byte array
        camel.tPValidityPeriod  tPValidityPeriod
            Byte array
        camel.tServiceChangeSpecificInfo  tServiceChangeSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.t_smsDeliverySpecificInfo  t-smsDeliverySpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.t_smsFailureSpecificInfo  t-smsFailureSpecificInfo
            No value
        camel.tariffSwitchInterval  tariffSwitchInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.text  text
            No value
        camel.time  time
            Byte array
        camel.timeAndTimeZone  timeAndTimeZone
            Byte array
        camel.timeAndTimezone  timeAndTimezone
            Byte array
        camel.timeDurationCharging  timeDurationCharging
            No value
        camel.timeDurationChargingResult  timeDurationChargingResult
            No value
        camel.timeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch  timeGPRSIfNoTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch  timeGPRSIfTariffSwitch
            No value
        camel.timeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch  timeGPRSSinceLastTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval  timeGPRSTariffSwitchInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timeIfNoTariffSwitch  timeIfNoTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timeIfTariffSwitch  timeIfTariffSwitch
            No value
        camel.timeInformation  timeInformation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timeSinceTariffSwitch  timeSinceTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timerID  timerID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.timervalue  timervalue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.tone  tone
        camel.toneDuration  toneDuration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.toneID  toneID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.toneInterval  toneInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.transferredVolume  transferredVolume
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.transferredVolumeRollOver  transferredVolumeRollOver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.type  type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.uu_Data  uu-Data
            No value
        camel.value  value
            No value
        camel.variableMessage  variableMessage
            No value
        camel.variableParts  variableParts
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.variableParts_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.voiceBack  voiceBack
        camel.voiceInformation  voiceInformation
        camel.volumeIfNoTariffSwitch  volumeIfNoTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.volumeIfTariffSwitch  volumeIfTariffSwitch
            No value
        camel.volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch  volumeSinceLastTariffSwitch
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.volumeTariffSwitchInterval  volumeTariffSwitchInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        camel.warningPeriod  warningPeriod
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Cast Client Control Protocol (cast)

        cast.DSCPValue  DSCPValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.MPI  MPI
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.ORCStatus  ORCStatus
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The status of the opened receive channel.
        cast.RTPPayloadFormat  RTPPayloadFormat
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.activeConferenceOnRegistration  ActiveConferenceOnRegistration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.activeStreamsOnRegistration  ActiveStreamsOnRegistration
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.annexNandWFutureUse  AnnexNandWFutureUse
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.audio  AudioCodec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The audio codec that is in use.
        cast.bandwidth  Bandwidth
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.bitRate  BitRate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.callIdentifier  Call Identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Call identifier for this call.
        cast.callInstance  CallInstance
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.callSecurityStatus  CallSecurityStatus
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.callState  CallState
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.callType  Call Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            What type of call, in/out/etc
        cast.calledParty  CalledParty
            The number called.
        cast.calledPartyName  Called Party Name
            The name of the party we are calling.
        cast.callingPartyName  Calling Party Name
            The passed name of the calling party.
        cast.cdpnVoiceMailbox  CdpnVoiceMailbox
        cast.cgpnVoiceMailbox  CgpnVoiceMailbox
        cast.clockConversionCode  ClockConversionCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.clockDivisor  ClockDivisor
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Clock Divisor.
        cast.confServiceNum  ConfServiceNum
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.conferenceID  Conference ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The conference ID
        cast.customPictureFormatCount  CustomPictureFormatCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.dataCapCount  DataCapCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.data_length  Data Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of bytes in the data portion.
        cast.directoryNumber  Directory Number
            The number we are reporting statistics for.
        cast.echoCancelType  Echo Cancel Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Is echo cancelling enabled or not
        cast.firstGOB  FirstGOB
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.firstMB  FirstMB
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.format  Format
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.g723BitRate  G723 BitRate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The G723 bit rate for this stream/JUNK if not g723 stream
        cast.h263_capability_bitfield  H263_capability_bitfield
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.ipAddress  IP Address
            IPv4 address
            An IP address
        cast.isConferenceCreator  IsConferenceCreator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.lastRedirectingParty  LastRedirectingParty
        cast.lastRedirectingPartyName  LastRedirectingPartyName
        cast.lastRedirectingReason  LastRedirectingReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.lastRedirectingVoiceMailbox  LastRedirectingVoiceMailbox
        cast.layout  Layout
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.layoutCount  LayoutCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.levelPreferenceCount  LevelPreferenceCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.lineInstance  Line Instance
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The display call plane associated with this call.
        cast.longTermPictureIndex  LongTermPictureIndex
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.marker  Marker
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Marker value should ne zero.
        cast.maxBW  MaxBW
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.maxBitRate  MaxBitRate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.maxConferences  MaxConferences
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.maxStreams  MaxStreams
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            32 bit unsigned integer indicating the maximum number of simultansous RTP duplex streams that the client can handle.
        cast.messageid  Message ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The function requested/done with this message.
        cast.millisecondPacketSize  MS/Packet
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The number of milliseconds of conversation in each packet
        cast.minBitRate  MinBitRate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.miscCommandType  MiscCommandType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.modelNumber  ModelNumber
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.numberOfGOBs  NumberOfGOBs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.numberOfMBs  NumberOfMBs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.originalCalledParty  Original Called Party
            The number of the original calling party.
        cast.originalCalledPartyName  Original Called Party Name
            name of the original person who placed the call.
        cast.originalCdpnRedirectReason  OriginalCdpnRedirectReason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.originalCdpnVoiceMailbox  OriginalCdpnVoiceMailbox
        cast.passThruPartyID  PassThruPartyID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The pass thru party id
        cast.payloadCapability  PayloadCapability
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The payload capability for this media capability structure.
        cast.payloadType  PayloadType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.payload_rfc_number  Payload_rfc_number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.pictureFormatCount  PictureFormatCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.pictureHeight  PictureHeight
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.pictureNumber  PictureNumber
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.pictureWidth  PictureWidth
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.pixelAspectRatio  PixelAspectRatio
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.portNumber  Port Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            A port number
        cast.precedenceDm  PrecedenceDm
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Precedence Domain.
        cast.precedenceLv  PrecedenceLv
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Precedence Level.
        cast.precedenceValue  Precedence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Precedence value
        cast.privacy  Privacy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.protocolDependentData  ProtocolDependentData
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.recoveryReferencePictureCount  RecoveryReferencePictureCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.requestorIpAddress  RequestorIpAddress
            IPv4 address
        cast.serviceNum  ServiceNum
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.serviceNumber  ServiceNumber
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.serviceResourceCount  ServiceResourceCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.stationFriendlyName  StationFriendlyName
        cast.stationGUID  stationGUID
        cast.stationIpAddress  StationIpAddress
            IPv4 address
        cast.stillImageTransmission  StillImageTransmission
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.temporalSpatialTradeOff  TemporalSpatialTradeOff
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability  TemporalSpatialTradeOffCapability
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.transmitOrReceive  TransmitOrReceive
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.transmitPreference  TransmitPreference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cast.version  Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The version in the keepalive version messages.
        cast.videoCapCount  VideoCapCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Catapult DCT2000 packet (dct2000)

        dct2000.context  Context
            Context name
        dct2000.context_port  Context Port number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Context port number
        dct2000.direction  Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame direction (Sent or Received)
        dct2000.dissected-length  Dissected length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of bytes dissected by subdissector(s)
        dct2000.encapsulation  Wireshark encapsulation
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Wireshark frame encapsulation used
        dct2000.ipprim  IPPrim Addresses
            IPPrim Addresses
        dct2000.ipprim.addr  Address
            IPv4 address
            IPPrim IPv4 Address
        dct2000.ipprim.addrv6  Address
            IPv6 address
            IPPrim IPv6 Address
        dct2000.ipprim.conn-id  Conn Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim Connection ID
        dct2000.ipprim.dst  Destination Address
            IPv4 address
            IPPrim IPv4 Destination Address
        dct2000.ipprim.dstv6  Destination Address
            IPv6 address
            IPPrim IPv6 Destination Address
        dct2000.ipprim.src  Source Address
            IPv4 address
            IPPrim IPv4 Source Address
        dct2000.ipprim.srcv6  Source Address
            IPv6 address
            IPPrim IPv6 Source Address
        dct2000.ipprim.tcp.dstport  TCP Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim TCP Destination Port
        dct2000.ipprim.tcp.port  TCP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim TCP Port
        dct2000.ipprim.tcp.srcport  TCP Source Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim TCP Source Port
        dct2000.ipprim.udp.dstport  UDP Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim UDP Destination Port
        dct2000.ipprim.udp.port  UDP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim UDP Port
        dct2000.ipprim.udp.srcport  UDP Source Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPPrim UDP Source Port
        dct2000.outhdr  Out-header
            DCT2000 protocol outhdr
        dct2000.protocol  DCT2000 protocol
            Original (DCT2000) protocol name
        dct2000.timestamp  Timestamp
            Double-precision floating point
            File timestamp
        dct2000.tty  tty contents
            No value
            tty contents
        dct2000.tty-line  tty line
            tty line
        dct2000.unparsed_data  Unparsed protocol data
            Byte array
            Unparsed DCT2000 protocol data
        dct2000.variant  Protocol variant
            DCT2000 protocol variant


    Certificate Management Protocol (cmp)

        cmp.CAKeyUpdateInfoValue  CAKeyUpdateInfoValue
            No value
        cmp.CAProtEncCertValue  CAProtEncCertValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.CRLAnnContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.CertConfirmContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.ConfirmWaitTimeValue  ConfirmWaitTimeValue
        cmp.CurrentCRLValue  CurrentCRLValue
            No value
        cmp.DHBMParameter  DHBMParameter
            No value
        cmp.EncKeyPairTypesValue  EncKeyPairTypesValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.EncKeyPairTypesValue_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.GenMsgContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.GenRepContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.ImplicitConfirmValue  ImplicitConfirmValue
            No value
        cmp.KeyPairParamRepValue  KeyPairParamRepValue
            No value
        cmp.KeyPairParamReqValue  KeyPairParamReqValue
        cmp.OrigPKIMessageValue  OrigPKIMessageValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.PBMParameter  PBMParameter
            No value
        cmp.PKIFreeText_item  Item
        cmp.PKIMessages_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.POPODecKeyChallContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.POPODecKeyRespContent_item  Item
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.PollRepContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.PollReqContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.PreferredSymmAlgValue  PreferredSymmAlgValue
            No value
        cmp.RevPassphraseValue  RevPassphraseValue
            No value
        cmp.RevReqContent_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.SignKeyPairTypesValue  SignKeyPairTypesValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.SignKeyPairTypesValue_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.SuppLangTagsValue  SuppLangTagsValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.SuppLangTagsValue_item  Item
        cmp.UnsupportedOIDsValue  UnsupportedOIDsValue
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.UnsupportedOIDsValue_item  Item
        cmp.addInfoNotAvailable  addInfoNotAvailable
        cmp.badAlg  badAlg
        cmp.badCertId  badCertId
        cmp.badCertTemplate  badCertTemplate
        cmp.badDataFormat  badDataFormat
        cmp.badMessageCheck  badMessageCheck
        cmp.badPOP  badPOP
        cmp.badRecipientNonce  badRecipientNonce
        cmp.badRequest  badRequest
        cmp.badSenderNonce  badSenderNonce
        cmp.badSinceDate  badSinceDate
        cmp.badTime  badTime
        cmp.body  body
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.caCerts  caCerts
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.caCerts_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.caPubs  caPubs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.caPubs_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.cann  cann
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.ccp  ccp
            No value
        cmp.ccr  ccr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.certConf  certConf
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.certConfirmed  certConfirmed
        cmp.certDetails  certDetails
            No value
        cmp.certHash  certHash
            Byte array
        cmp.certId  certId
            No value
        cmp.certOrEncCert  certOrEncCert
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.certReqId  certReqId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.certRevoked  certRevoked
        cmp.certificate  certificate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.certifiedKeyPair  certifiedKeyPair
            No value
        cmp.challenge  challenge
            Byte array
        cmp.checkAfter  checkAfter
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.ckuann  ckuann
            No value
        cmp.cp  cp
            No value
        cmp.cr  cr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.crlDetails  crlDetails
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.crlEntryDetails  crlEntryDetails
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.crlann  crlann
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.crls  crls
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.crls_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.duplicateCertReq  duplicateCertReq
        cmp.encryptedCert  encryptedCert
            No value
        cmp.error  error
            No value
        cmp.errorCode  errorCode
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.errorDetails  errorDetails
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.extraCerts  extraCerts
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.extraCerts_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.failInfo  failInfo
            Byte array
        cmp.freeText  freeText
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.generalInfo  generalInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.generalInfo_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.genm  genm
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.genp  genp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.hashAlg  hashAlg
            No value
        cmp.hashVal  hashVal
            Byte array
        cmp.header  header
            No value
        cmp.incorrectData  incorrectData
        cmp.infoType  infoType
        cmp.infoValue  infoValue
            No value
        cmp.ip  ip
            No value
        cmp.ir  ir
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.iterationCount  iterationCount
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.keyPairHist  keyPairHist
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.keyPairHist_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.krp  krp
            No value
        cmp.krr  krr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.kup  kup
            No value
        cmp.kur  kur
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.mac  mac
            No value
        cmp.messageTime  messageTime
        cmp.missingTimeStamp  missingTimeStamp
        cmp.nested  nested
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.newSigCert  newSigCert
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.newWithNew  newWithNew
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.newWithOld  newWithOld
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.next_poll_ref  Next Polling Reference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.notAuthorized  notAuthorized
        cmp.oldWithNew  oldWithNew
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.owf  owf
            No value
        cmp.pKIStatusInfo  pKIStatusInfo
            No value
        cmp.pkiconf  pkiconf
            No value
        cmp.pollRep  pollRep
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.pollReq  pollReq
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.poll_ref  Polling Reference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.popdecc  popdecc
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.popdecr  popdecr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.privateKey  privateKey
            No value
        cmp.protection  protection
            Byte array
        cmp.protectionAlg  protectionAlg
            No value
        cmp.publicationInfo  publicationInfo
            No value
        cmp.pvno  pvno
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.rann  rann
            No value
        cmp.reason  reason
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.recipKID  recipKID
            Byte array
        cmp.recipNonce  recipNonce
            Byte array
        cmp.recipient  recipient
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.response  response
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.response_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.revCerts  revCerts
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.revCerts_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.rm  Record Marker
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Record Marker  length of PDU in bytes
        cmp.rp  rp
            No value
        cmp.rr  rr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.rspInfo  rspInfo
            Byte array
        cmp.salt  salt
            Byte array
        cmp.sender  sender
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.senderKID  senderKID
            Byte array
        cmp.senderNonce  senderNonce
            Byte array
        cmp.signerNotTrusted  signerNotTrusted
        cmp.status  status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cmp.statusInfo  statusInfo
            No value
        cmp.statusString  statusString
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cmp.status_item  Item
            No value
        cmp.systemFailure  systemFailure
        cmp.systemUnavail  systemUnavail
        cmp.timeNotAvailable  timeNotAvailable
        cmp.transactionID  transactionID
            Byte array
        cmp.transactionIdInUse  transactionIdInUse
        cmp.ttcb  Time to check Back
            Date/Time stamp
        cmp.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PDU Type
        cmp.type.oid  InfoType
            Type of InfoTypeAndValue
        cmp.unacceptedExtension  unacceptedExtension
        cmp.unacceptedPolicy  unacceptedPolicy
        cmp.unsupportedVersion  unsupportedVersion
        cmp.willBeRevokedAt  willBeRevokedAt
        cmp.witness  witness
            Byte array
        cmp.wrongAuthority  wrongAuthority
        cmp.wrongIntegrity  wrongIntegrity
        cmp.x509v3PKCert  x509v3PKCert
            No value


    Certificate Request Message Format (crmf)

        crmf.Attributes_item  Item
            No value
        crmf.CertId  CertId
            No value
        crmf.CertReqMessages_item  Item
            No value
        crmf.CertRequest  CertRequest
            No value
        crmf.Controls_item  Item
            No value
        crmf.EncKeyWithID  EncKeyWithID
            No value
        crmf.PBMParameter  PBMParameter
            No value
        crmf.ProtocolEncrKey  ProtocolEncrKey
            No value
        crmf.UTF8Pairs  UTF8Pairs
        crmf.action  action
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.agreeMAC  agreeMAC
            No value
        crmf.algId  algId
            No value
        crmf.algorithmIdentifier  algorithmIdentifier
            No value
        crmf.archiveRemGenPrivKey  archiveRemGenPrivKey
        crmf.attributes  attributes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.authInfo  authInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.certReq  certReq
            No value
        crmf.certReqId  certReqId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.certTemplate  certTemplate
            No value
        crmf.controls  controls
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.dhMAC  dhMAC
            Byte array
        crmf.encSymmKey  encSymmKey
            Byte array
        crmf.encValue  encValue
            Byte array
        crmf.encryptedKey  encryptedKey
            No value
        crmf.encryptedPrivKey  encryptedPrivKey
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.encryptedValue  encryptedValue
            No value
        crmf.envelopedData  envelopedData
            No value
        crmf.extensions  extensions
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.generalName  generalName
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.identifier  identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.intendedAlg  intendedAlg
            No value
        crmf.issuer  issuer
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.issuerUID  issuerUID
            Byte array
        crmf.iterationCount  iterationCount
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.keyAgreement  keyAgreement
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.keyAlg  keyAlg
            No value
        crmf.keyEncipherment  keyEncipherment
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.keyGenParameters  keyGenParameters
            Byte array
        crmf.mac  mac
            No value
        crmf.notAfter  notAfter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.notBefore  notBefore
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.owf  owf
            No value
        crmf.popo  popo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.poposkInput  poposkInput
            No value
        crmf.privateKey  privateKey
            No value
        crmf.privateKeyAlgorithm  privateKeyAlgorithm
            No value
        crmf.pubInfos  pubInfos
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.pubInfos_item  Item
            No value
        crmf.pubLocation  pubLocation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.pubMethod  pubMethod
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.publicKey  publicKey
            No value
        crmf.publicKeyMAC  publicKeyMAC
            No value
        crmf.raVerified  raVerified
            No value
        crmf.regInfo  regInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.regInfo_item  Item
            No value
        crmf.salt  salt
            Byte array
        crmf.sender  sender
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.serialNumber  serialNumber
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.signature  signature
            No value
        crmf.signingAlg  signingAlg
            No value
        crmf.string  string
        crmf.subject  subject
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        crmf.subjectUID  subjectUID
            Byte array
        crmf.subsequentMessage  subsequentMessage
            Signed 32-bit integer
        crmf.symmAlg  symmAlg
            No value
        crmf.thisMessage  thisMessage
            Byte array
        crmf.type  type
        crmf.type.oid  Type
            Type of AttributeTypeAndValue
        crmf.validity  validity
            No value
        crmf.value  value
            No value
        crmf.valueHint  valueHint
            Byte array
        crmf.version  version
            Signed 32-bit integer


    Check Point High Availability Protocol (cpha)

        cpha.cluster_number  Cluster Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Cluster Number
        cpha.dst_id  Destination Machine ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination Machine ID
        cpha.ethernet_addr  Ethernet Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Ethernet Address
        cpha.filler  Filler
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cpha.ha_mode  HA mode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            HA Mode
        cpha.ha_time_unit  HA Time unit
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            HA Time unit (ms)
        cpha.hash_len  Hash list length
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Hash list length
        cpha.id_num  Number of IDs reported
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of IDs reported
        cpha.if_trusted  Interface Trusted
            Interface Trusted
        cpha.ifn  Interface Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cpha.in_assume_up  Interfaces assumed up in the Inbound
            Signed 8-bit integer
        cpha.in_up  Interfaces up in the Inbound
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Interfaces up in the Inbound
        cpha.ip  IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        cpha.machine_num  Machine Number
            Signed 16-bit integer
            Machine Number
        cpha.magic_number  CPHAP Magic Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CPHAP Magic Number
        cpha.opcode  OpCode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cpha.out_assume_up  Interfaces assumed up in the Outbound
            Signed 8-bit integer
        cpha.out_up  Interfaces up in the Outbound
            Signed 8-bit integer
        cpha.policy_id  Policy ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Policy ID
        cpha.random_id  Random ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Random ID
        cpha.reported_ifs  Reported Interfaces
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Reported Interfaces
        cpha.seed  Seed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cpha.slot_num  Slot Number
            Signed 16-bit integer
            Slot Number
        cpha.src_id  Source Machine ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Machine ID
        cpha.src_if  Source Interface
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Interface
        cpha.status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cpha.version  Protocol Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CPHAP Version


    Checkpoint FW-1 (fw1)

        fw1.chain  Chain Position
            Chain Position
        fw1.direction  Direction
        fw1.interface  Interface
        fw1.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fw1.uuid  UUID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Cisco Auto-RP (auto_rp)

        auto_rp.group_prefix  Prefix
            IPv4 address
            Group prefix
        auto_rp.holdtime  Holdtime
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            The amount of time in seconds this announcement is valid
        auto_rp.mask_len  Mask length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Length of group prefix
        auto_rp.pim_ver  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            RP's highest PIM version
        auto_rp.prefix_sign  Sign
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Group prefix sign
        auto_rp.rp_addr  RP address
            IPv4 address
            The unicast IP address of the RP
        auto_rp.rp_count  RP count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of RP addresses contained in this message
        auto_rp.type  Packet type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auto-RP packet type
        auto_rp.version  Protocol version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auto-RP protocol version


    Cisco Discovery Protocol (cdp)

        cdp.checksum  Checksum
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cdp.checksum_bad  Bad 
            True: checksum doesn't match packet content; False: matches content or not checked
        cdp.checksum_good  Good
            True: checksum matches packet content; False: doesn't match content or not checked
        cdp.tlv.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cdp.tlv.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cdp.ttl  TTL
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cdp.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Cisco Group Management Protocol (cgmp)

        cgmp.count  Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cgmp.gda  Group Destination Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Group Destination Address
        cgmp.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cgmp.usa  Unicast Source Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Unicast Source Address
        cgmp.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Cisco HDLC (chdlc)

        chdlc.address  Address
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        chdlc.protocol  Protocol
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Cisco Hot Standby Router Protocol (hsrp)

        hsrp.adv.activegrp  Adv active groups
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Advertisement active group count
        hsrp.adv.passivegrp  Adv passive groups
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Advertisement passive group count
        hsrp.adv.reserved1  Adv reserved1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Advertisement tlv length
        hsrp.adv.reserved2  Adv reserved2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Advertisement tlv length
        hsrp.adv.state  Adv state
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Advertisement tlv length
        hsrp.adv.tlvlength  Adv length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Advertisement tlv length
        hsrp.adv.tlvtype  Adv type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Advertisement tlv type
        hsrp.auth_data  Authentication Data
            Contains a clear-text 8 character reused password
        hsrp.group  Group
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            This field identifies the standby group
        hsrp.hellotime  Hellotime
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The approximate period between the Hello messages that the router sends
        hsrp.holdtime  Holdtime
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Time that the current Hello message should be considered valid
        hsrp.md5_ip_address  Sender's IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address of the sender interface
        hsrp.opcode  Op Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The type of message contained in this packet
        hsrp.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Used to elect the active and standby routers. Numerically higher priority wins vote
        hsrp.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        hsrp.state  State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The current state of the router sending the message
        hsrp.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The version of the HSRP messages
        hsrp.virt_ip  Virtual IP Address
            IPv4 address
            The virtual IP address used by this group
        hsrp2._md5_algorithm  MD5 Algorithm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Hash Algorithm used by this group
        hsrp2._md5_flags  MD5 Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        hsrp2.active_groups  Active Groups
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Active group number which becomes the active router myself
        hsrp2.auth_data  Authentication Data
            Contains a clear-text 8 character reused password
        hsrp2.group  Group
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            This field identifies the standby group
        hsrp2.group_state_tlv  Group State TLV
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Group State TLV
        hsrp2.hellotime  Hellotime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            The approximate period between the Hello messages that the router sends
        hsrp2.holdtime  Holdtime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Time that the current Hello message should be considered valid
        hsrp2.identifier  Identifier
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            BIA value of a sender interafce
        hsrp2.interface_state_tlv  Interface State TLV
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Interface State TLV
        hsrp2.ipversion  IP Ver.
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The IP protocol version used in this hsrp message
        hsrp2.md5_auth_data  MD5 Authentication Data
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            MD5 digest string is contained.
        hsrp2.md5_auth_tlv  MD5 Authentication TLV
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            MD5 Authentication TLV
        hsrp2.md5_key_id  MD5 Key ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            This field contains Key chain ID
        hsrp2.opcode  Op Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The type of message contained in this packet
        hsrp2.passive_groups  Passive Groups
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Standby group number which doesn't become the acitve router myself
        hsrp2.priority  Priority
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Used to elect the active and standby routers. Numerically higher priority wins vote
        hsrp2.state  State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The current state of the router sending the message
        hsrp2.text_auth_tlv  Text Authentication TLV
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Text Authentication TLV
        hsrp2.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The version of the HSRP messages
        hsrp2.virt_ip  Virtual IP Address
            IPv4 address
            The virtual IP address used by this group
        hsrp2.virt_ip_v6  Virtual IPv6 Address
            IPv6 address
            The virtual IPv6 address used by this group


    Cisco ISL (isl)

        isl.addr  Source or Destination Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source or Destination Hardware Address
        isl.bpdu  BPDU
            BPDU indicator
        isl.crc  CRC
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CRC field of encapsulated frame
        isl.dst  Destination
            Byte array
            Destination Address
        isl.dst_route_desc  Destination route descriptor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Route descriptor to be used for forwarding
        isl.esize  Esize
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame size for frames less than 64 bytes
        isl.explorer  Explorer
        isl.fcs_not_incl  FCS Not Included
            FCS not included
        isl.hsa  HSA
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            High bits of source address
        isl.index  Index
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Port index of packet source
        isl.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        isl.src  Source
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source Hardware Address
        isl.src_route_desc  Source-route descriptor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Route descriptor to be used for source learning
        isl.src_vlan_id  Source VLAN ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Virtual LAN ID
        isl.trailer  Trailer
            Byte array
            Ethernet Trailer or Checksum
        isl.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        isl.user  User
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            User-defined bits
        isl.user_eth  User
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Priority (for Ethernet)
        isl.vlan_id  VLAN ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Virtual LAN ID


    Cisco Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (igrp)

        igrp.as  Autonomous System
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Autonomous System number
        igrp.update  Update Release
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Update Release number


    Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX (cflow)

        cflow.aggmethod  AggMethod
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CFlow V8 Aggregation Method
        cflow.aggversion  AggVersion
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CFlow V8 Aggregation Version
        cflow.bgpnexthop  BGPNextHop
            IPv4 address
            BGP Router Nexthop
        cflow.bgpnexthopv6  BGPNextHop
            IPv6 address
            BGP Router Nexthop
        cflow.count  Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Count of PDUs
        cflow.data_datarecord_id  DataRecord (Template Id)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DataRecord with corresponding to a template Id
        cflow.data_flowset_id  Data FlowSet (Template Id)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Data FlowSet with corresponding to a template Id
        cflow.direction  Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cflow.dstaddr  DstAddr
            IPv4 address
            Flow Destination Address
        cflow.dstaddrv6  DstAddr
            IPv6 address
            Flow Destination Address
        cflow.dstas  DstAS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination AS
        cflow.dstmask  DstMask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Destination Prefix Mask
        cflow.dstmaskv6  DstMask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv6 Destination Prefix Mask
        cflow.dstport  DstPort
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow Destination Port
        cflow.dstprefix  DstPrefix
            IPv4 address
            Flow Destination Prefix
        cflow.engine_id  EngineId
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Slot number of switching engine
        cflow.engine_type  EngineType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow switching engine type
        cflow.exporttime  ExportTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Time when the flow has been exported
        cflow.flags  Export Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CFlow Flags
        cflow.flow_active_timeout  Flow active timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow active timeout
        cflow.flow_class  FlowClass
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Class
        cflow.flow_exporter  FlowExporter
            Byte array
            Flow Exporter
        cflow.flow_inactive_timeout  Flow inactive timeout
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow inactive timeout
        cflow.flows  Flows
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Flows Aggregated in PDU
        cflow.flowset_id  FlowSet Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            FlowSet Id
        cflow.flowset_length  FlowSet Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            FlowSet length
        cflow.flowsexp  FlowsExp  
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Flows exported
        cflow.forwarding_code  ForwdCode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forwarding Code
        cflow.forwarding_status  ForwdStat
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Forwarding Status
        cflow.icmp_ipv4_code  IPv4 ICMP Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv4 ICMP code
        cflow.icmp_ipv4_type  IPv4 ICMP Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv4 ICMP type
        cflow.icmp_ipv6_code  IPv6 ICMP Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv6 ICMP code
        cflow.icmp_ipv6_type  IPv6 ICMP Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv6 ICMP type
        cflow.icmp_type  ICMP Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            ICMP type
        cflow.if_descr  IfDescr
            SNMP Interface Description
        cflow.if_name  IfName
            SNMP Interface Name
        cflow.igmp_type  IGMP Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IGMP type
        cflow.inputint  InputInt
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow Input Interface
        cflow.ip_dscp  DSCP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP DSCP
        cflow.ip_header_words  IPHeaderLen
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cflow.ip_tos  IP TOS
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP type of service
        cflow.ip_total_length  IP Total Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP total length
        cflow.ip_ttl  IP TTL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP time to live
        cflow.ip_version  IPVersion
            Byte array
            IP Version
        cflow.ipv4_ident  IPv4Ident
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IPv4 Identifier
        cflow.is_multicast  IsMulticast
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Is Multicast
        cflow.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of PDUs
        cflow.length_max  MaxLength
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Length Max
        cflow.length_min  MinLength
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Packet Length Min
        cflow.muloctets  MulticastOctets
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Count of multicast octets
        cflow.mulpackets  MulticastPackets
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Count of multicast packets
        cflow.nexthop  NextHop
            IPv4 address
            Router nexthop
        cflow.nexthopv6  NextHop
            IPv6 address
            Router nexthop
        cflow.octets  Octets
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Count of bytes
        cflow.octets64  Octets
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Count of bytes
        cflow.octets_squared  OctetsSquared  
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Octets Squared
        cflow.octetsexp  OctetsExp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Octets exported
        cflow.option_length  Option Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Option length
        cflow.option_map  OptionMap
            Byte array
            Option Map
        cflow.option_scope_length  Option Scope Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Option scope length
        cflow.options_flowset_id  Options FlowSet
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Options FlowSet
        cflow.outputint  OutputInt
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow Output Interface
        cflow.packets  Packets
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Count of packets
        cflow.packets64  Packets
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Count of packets
        cflow.packetsexp  PacketsExp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Packets exported
        cflow.packetsout  PacketsOut
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Count of packets going out
        cflow.peer_dstas  PeerDstAS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Peer Destination AS
        cflow.peer_srcas  PeerSrcAS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Peer Source AS
        cflow.protocol  Protocol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP Protocol
        cflow.routersc  Router Shortcut
            IPv4 address
            Router shortcut by switch
        cflow.sampler_mode  SamplerMode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow Sampler Mode
        cflow.sampler_name  SamplerName
            Sampler Name
        cflow.sampler_random_interval  SamplerRandomInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Flow Sampler Random Interval
        cflow.samplerate  SampleRate
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Sample Frequency of exporter
        cflow.sampling_algorithm  Sampling algorithm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Sampling algorithm
        cflow.sampling_interval  Sampling interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Sampling interval
        cflow.samplingmode  SamplingMode
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Sampling Mode of exporter
        cflow.scope  Scope Unknown
            Byte array
            Option Scope Unknown
        cflow.scope_cache  ScopeCache
            Byte array
            Option Scope Cache
        cflow.scope_field_length  Scope Field Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Scope field length
        cflow.scope_field_type  Scope Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Scope field type
        cflow.scope_interface  ScopeInterface
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Option Scope Interface
        cflow.scope_linecard  ScopeLinecard
            Byte array
            Option Scope Linecard
        cflow.scope_system  ScopeSystem
            IPv4 address
            Option Scope System
        cflow.scope_template  ScopeTemplate
            Byte array
            Option Scope Template
        cflow.section_header  SectionHeader
            Byte array
            Header of Packet
        cflow.section_payload  SectionPayload
            Byte array
            Payload of Packet
        cflow.sequence  FlowSequence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Sequence number of flows seen
        cflow.source_id  SourceId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Identifier for export device
        cflow.srcaddr  SrcAddr
            IPv4 address
            Flow Source Address
        cflow.srcaddrv6  SrcAddr
            IPv6 address
            Flow Source Address
        cflow.srcas  SrcAS
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source AS
        cflow.srcmask  SrcMask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source Prefix Mask
        cflow.srcmaskv6  SrcMask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IPv6 Source Prefix Mask
        cflow.srcnet  SrcNet
            IPv4 address
            Flow Source Network
        cflow.srcport  SrcPort
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flow Source Port
        cflow.srcprefix  SrcPrefix
            IPv4 address
            Flow Source Prefix
        cflow.sysuptime  SysUptime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Time since router booted (in milliseconds)
        cflow.tcp_windows_size  TCP Windows Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP Windows size
        cflow.tcpflags  TCP Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TCP Flags
        cflow.template_field_count  Field Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Template field count
        cflow.template_field_length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Template field length
        cflow.template_field_type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Template field type
        cflow.template_flowset_id  Template FlowSet
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Template FlowSet
        cflow.template_id  Template Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Template Id
        cflow.timedelta  Duration
            Time duration
            Duration of flow sample (end - start)
        cflow.timeend  EndTime
            Time duration
            Uptime at end of flow
        cflow.timestamp  Timestamp
            Date/Time stamp
            Current seconds since epoch
        cflow.timestart  StartTime
            Time duration
            Uptime at start of flow
        cflow.toplabeladdr  TopLabelAddr
            IPv4 address
            Top MPLS label PE address
        cflow.toplabeltype  TopLabelType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Top MPLS label Type
        cflow.tos  IP ToS
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            IP Type of Service
        cflow.ttl_max  MaxTTL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TTL maximum
        cflow.ttl_min  MinTTL
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TTL minimum
        cflow.udp_length  UDP Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            UDP length
        cflow.unix_nsecs  CurrentNSecs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Residual nanoseconds since epoch
        cflow.unix_secs  CurrentSecs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Current seconds since epoch
        cflow.version  Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            NetFlow Version


    Cisco SLARP (slarp)

        slarp.address  Address
            IPv4 address
        slarp.mysequence  Outgoing sequence number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        slarp.ptype  Packet type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        slarp.yoursequence  Returned sequence number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Cisco Session Management (sm)

        sm.bearer  Bearer ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.channel  Channel ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.context  Context
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        sm.eisup_message_id  Message id
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Message id(guesswork!)
        sm.ip_addr  IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
        sm.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.msg_type  Message Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.msgid  Message ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.protocol  Protocol Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        sm.sm_msg_type  SM Message Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        sm.tag  Tag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Cisco Wireless IDS Captures (cwids)

        cwids.caplen  Capture length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Captured bytes in record
        cwids.channel  Channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Channel for this capture
        cwids.reallen  Original length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Original num bytes in frame
        cwids.unknown1  Unknown1
            Byte array
            1st Unknown block - timestamp?
        cwids.unknown2  Unknown2
            Byte array
            2nd Unknown block
        cwids.unknown3  Unknown3
            Byte array
            3rd Unknown block
        cwids.version  Capture Version
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Version or format of record


    Cisco Wireless LAN Context Control Protocol (wlccp)

        wlccp.80211_apsd_flag  APSD flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            APSD Flag
        wlccp.80211_capabilities  802.11 Capabilities Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            802.11 Capabilities Flags
        wlccp.80211_cf_poll_req_flag  CF Poll Request flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CF Poll Request Flag
        wlccp.80211_cf_pollable_flag  CF Pollable flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CF Pollable Flag
        wlccp.80211_chan_agility_flag  Channel Agility flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Channel Agility Flag
        wlccp.80211_ess_flag  ESS flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on by APs in Beacon or Probe Response
        wlccp.80211_ibss_flag  IBSS flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on by STAs in Beacon or Probe Response
        wlccp.80211_pbcc_flag  PBCC flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PBCC Flag
        wlccp.80211_qos_flag  QOS flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            QOS Flag
        wlccp.80211_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        wlccp.80211_short_preamble_flag  Short Preamble flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Short Preamble Flag
        wlccp.80211_short_time_slot_flag  Short Time Slot flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Short Time Slot Flag
        wlccp.80211_spectrum_mgmt_flag  Spectrum Management flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Spectrum Management Flag
        wlccp.aaa_auth_type  AAA Authentication Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AAA Authentication Type
        wlccp.aaa_keymgmt_type  AAA Key Management Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AAA Key Management Type
        wlccp.aaa_msg_type  AAA Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AAA Message Type
        wlccp.ack_required_flag  Ack Required flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on to require an acknowledgement
        wlccp.age  Age
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Time since AP became a WDS master
        wlccp.apnodeid  AP Node ID
            No value
            AP Node ID
        wlccp.apnodeidaddress  AP Node Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            AP Node Address
        wlccp.apnodetype  AP Node Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            AP Node Type
        wlccp.apregstatus  Registration Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            AP Registration Status
        wlccp.auth_type  Authentication Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Authentication Type
        wlccp.base_message_type  Base message type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Base message type
        wlccp.beacon_interval  Beacon Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Beacon Interval
        wlccp.bssid  BSS ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Basic Service Set ID
        wlccp.cca_busy  CCA Busy
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CCA Busy
        wlccp.channel  Channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        wlccp.cisco_acctg_msg  Cisco Accounting Message
            Byte array
            Cisco Accounting Message
        wlccp.client_mac  Client MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Client MAC
        wlccp.dest_node_id  Destination node ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination node ID
        wlccp.dest_node_type  Destination node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination node type
        wlccp.destination_node_type  Destination node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Node type of the hop destination
        wlccp.dsss_dlyd_block_ack_flag  Delayed Block Ack Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Delayed Block Ack Flag
        wlccp.dsss_imm_block_ack_flag  Immediate Block Ack Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Immediate Block Ack Flag
        wlccp.dsss_ofdm_flag  DSSS-OFDM Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSSS-OFDM Flag
        wlccp.dstmac  Dst MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination MAC address
        wlccp.duration  Duration
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        wlccp.eap_msg  EAP Message
            Byte array
            EAP Message
        wlccp.eap_pkt_length  EAP Packet Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            EAPOL Type
        wlccp.eapol_msg  EAPOL Message
            No value
            EAPOL Message
        wlccp.eapol_type  EAPOL Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            EAPOL Type
        wlccp.eapol_version  EAPOL Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            EAPOL Version
        wlccp.element_count  Element Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Element Count
        wlccp.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        wlccp.framereport_elements  Frame Report Elements
            No value
            Frame Report Elements
        wlccp.hops  Hops
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of WLCCP hops
        wlccp.hopwise_routing_flag  Hopwise-routing flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            On to force intermediate access points to process the message also
        wlccp.hostname  Hostname
            Hostname of device
        wlccp.inbound_flag  Inbound flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Message is inbound to the top of the topology tree
        wlccp.interval  Interval
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        wlccp.ipv4_address  IPv4 Address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
        wlccp.key_mgmt_type  Key Management type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Management type
        wlccp.key_seq_count  Key Sequence Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Sequence Count
        wlccp.length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of WLCCP payload (bytes)
        wlccp.mfp_capability  MFP Capability
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            MFP Capability
        wlccp.mfp_config  MFP Config
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            MFP Config
        wlccp.mfp_flags  MFP Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            MFP Flags
        wlccp.mic_flag  MIC flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            On in a message that must be authenticated and has an authentication TLV
        wlccp.mic_length  MIC Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            MIC Length
        wlccp.mic_msg_seq_count  MIC Message Sequence Count
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            MIC Message Sequence Count
        wlccp.mic_value  MIC Value
            Byte array
            MIC Value
        wlccp.mode  Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        wlccp.msg_id  Message ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Sequence number used to match request/reply pairs
        wlccp.nm_capability  NM Capability
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            NM Capability
        wlccp.nm_version  NM Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            NM Version
        wlccp.nmconfig  NM Config
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            NM Config
        wlccp.nonce_value  Nonce Value
            Byte array
            Nonce Value
        wlccp.numframes  Number of frames
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Frames
        wlccp.originator  Originator
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Originating device's MAC address
        wlccp.originator_node_type  Originator node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Originating device's node type
        wlccp.outbound_flag  Outbound flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Message is outbound from the top of the topology tree
        wlccp.parent_ap_mac  Parent AP MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Parent AP MAC
        wlccp.parenttsf  Parent TSF
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Parent TSF
        wlccp.path_init_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        wlccp.path_length  Path Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Path Length
        wlccp.period  Period
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Interval between announcements (seconds)
        wlccp.phy_type  PHY Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PHY Type
        wlccp.priority  WDS priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            WDS priority of this access point
        wlccp.radius_username  RADIUS Username
            RADIUS Username
        wlccp.refresh_request_id  Refresh Request ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Refresh Request ID
        wlccp.reg_lifetime  Reg. LifeTime
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reg. LifeTime
        wlccp.relay_flag  Relay flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Signifies that this header is immediately followed by a relay node field
        wlccp.relay_node_id  Relay node ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Node which relayed this message
        wlccp.relay_node_type  Relay node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Type of node which relayed this message
        wlccp.requ_node_type  Requestor node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Requesting device's node type
        wlccp.request_reply_flag  Request Reply flag
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Set on to request a reply
        wlccp.requestor  Requestor
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Requestor device's MAC address
        wlccp.responder  Responder
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Responding device's MAC address
        wlccp.responder_node_type  Responder node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Responding device's node type
        wlccp.response_request_flag  Response request flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on to request a reply
        wlccp.retry_flag  Retry flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on for retransmissions
        wlccp.rm_flags  RM Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            RM Flags
        wlccp.root_cm_flag  Root context manager flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set to on to send message to the root context manager of the topology tree
        wlccp.rpi_denisty  RPI Density
            Byte array
            RPI Density
        wlccp.rss  RSS
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Received Signal Strength
        wlccp.sap  SAP
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Access Point
        wlccp.sap_id  SAP ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Access Point ID
        wlccp.sap_version  SAP Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Access Point Version
        wlccp.scan_mode  Scan Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Scan Mode
        wlccp.scmattach_state  SCM Attach State 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SCM Attach State
        wlccp.scmstate_change  SCM State Change
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SCM State Change
        wlccp.scmstate_change_reason  SCM State Change Reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SCM State Change Reason
        wlccp.session_timeout  Session Timeout
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Session Timeout
        wlccp.source_node_id  Source node ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source node ID
        wlccp.source_node_type  Source node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source node type
        wlccp.srcidx  Source Index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source Index
        wlccp.srcmac  Src MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source MAC address
        wlccp.station_mac  Station MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Station MAC
        wlccp.station_type  Station Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Station Type
        wlccp.status  Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        wlccp.subtype  Subtype
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Message Subtype
        wlccp.supp_node_id  Supporting node ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Supporting node ID
        wlccp.supp_node_type  Destination node type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination node type
        wlccp.targettsf  Target TSF
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Target TSF
        wlccp.time_elapsed  Elapsed Time
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Elapsed Time
        wlccp.timestamp  Timestamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Registration Timestamp
        wlccp.tlv  WLCCP TLV
            No value
            WLCCP TLV
        wlccp.tlv80211  802.11 TLV Value
            Byte array
            802.11 TLV Value
        wlccp.tlv_container_flag  TLV Container Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on if the TLV is a container
        wlccp.tlv_encrypted_flag  TLV Encrypted Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on if the TLV is encrypted
        wlccp.tlv_flag  TLV flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set to indicate that optional TLVs follow the fixed fields
        wlccp.tlv_flags  TLV Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TLV Flags, Group and Type
        wlccp.tlv_length  TLV Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TLV Length
        wlccp.tlv_request_flag  TLV Request Flag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Set on if the TLV is a request
        wlccp.tlv_reserved_bit  Reserved bits
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        wlccp.tlv_unknown_value  Unknown TLV Contents
            Byte array
            Unknown TLV Contents
        wlccp.token  Token
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        wlccp.token2  2 Byte Token
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            2 Byte Token
        wlccp.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Message Type
        wlccp.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol ID/Version
        wlccp.wds_reason  Reason Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reason Code
        wlccp.wids_msg_type  WIDS Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            WIDS Message Type
        wlccp.wlccp_null_tlv  NULL TLV
            Byte array
            NULL TLV
        wlccp.wlccp_tlv_group  TLV Group
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TLV Group ID
        wlccp.wlccp_tlv_type  TLV Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TLV Type ID


    Clearcase NFS (clearcase)

        clearcase.procedure_v3  V3 Procedure
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            V3 Procedure


    Cluster TDB (ctdb)

        ctdb.callid  Call Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Call ID
        ctdb.clientid  ClientId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.ctrl_flags  CTRL Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.ctrl_opcode  CTRL Opcode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.data  Data
            Byte array
        ctdb.datalen  Data Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.dbid  DB Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Database ID
        ctdb.dmaster  Dmaster
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.dst  Destination
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.error  Error
            Byte array
        ctdb.errorlen  Error Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.generation  Generation
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.hopcount  Hopcount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.id  Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Transaction ID
        ctdb.immediate  Immediate
            Force migration of DMASTER?
        ctdb.key  Key
            Byte array
        ctdb.keyhash  KeyHash
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.keylen  Key Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.len  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Size of CTDB PDU
        ctdb.magic  Magic
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.node_flags  Node Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.node_ip  Node IP
            IPv4 address
        ctdb.num_nodes  Num Nodes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.opcode  Opcode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CTDB command opcode
        ctdb.pid  PID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.process_exists  Process Exists
        ctdb.recmaster  Recovery Master
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.recmode  Recovery Mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.request_in  Request In
            Frame number
        ctdb.response_in  Response In
            Frame number
        ctdb.rsn  RSN
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        ctdb.src  Source
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.srvid  SrvId
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        ctdb.status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.time  Time since request
            Time duration
        ctdb.version  Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.vnn  VNN
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        ctdb.xid  xid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    CoSine IPNOS L2 debug output (cosine)

        cosine.err  Error Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cosine.off  Offset
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cosine.pri  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cosine.pro  Protocol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cosine.rm  Rate Marking
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Common Image Generator Interface (cigi)

        cigi.aerosol_concentration_response  Aerosol Concentration Response
            Aerosol Concentration Response Packet
        cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.aerosol_concentration  Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3)
            Identifies the concentration of airborne particles
        cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.layer_id  Layer ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the weather layer whose aerosol concentration is being described
        cigi.aerosol_concentration_response.request_id  Request ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds
        cigi.animation_stop_notification  Animation Stop Notification
            Animation Stop Notification Packet
        cigi.animation_stop_notification.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity ID of the animation that has stopped
        cigi.art_part_control  Articulated Parts Control
            Articulated Parts Control Packet
        cigi.art_part_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the entity to which this data packet will be applied
        cigi.art_part_control.part_enable  Articulated Part Enable
            Determines whether the articulated part submodel should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph
        cigi.art_part_control.part_id  Articulated Part ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies which articulated part is controlled with this data packet
        cigi.art_part_control.part_state  Articulated Part State
            Indicates whether an articulated part is to be shown in the display
        cigi.art_part_control.pitch  Pitch (degrees)
            Specifies the pitch of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system
        cigi.art_part_control.pitch_enable  Pitch Enable
            Identifies whether the articulated part pitch enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.art_part_control.roll  Roll (degrees)
            Specifies the roll of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system
        cigi.art_part_control.roll_enable  Roll Enable
            Identifies whether the articulated part roll enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.art_part_control.x_offset  X Offset (m)
            Identifies the distance along the X axis by which the articulated part should be moved
        cigi.art_part_control.xoff  X Offset (m)
            Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its X axis
        cigi.art_part_control.xoff_enable  X Offset Enable
            Identifies whether the articulated part x offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.art_part_control.y_offset  Y Offset (m)
            Identifies the distance along the Y axis by which the articulated part should be moved
        cigi.art_part_control.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            Specifies the yaw of this part with respect to the submodel coordinate system
        cigi.art_part_control.yaw_enable  Yaw Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the articulated part yaw enable in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.art_part_control.yoff  Y Offset (m)
            Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its Y axis
        cigi.art_part_control.yoff_enable  Y Offset Enable
            Identifies whether the articulated part y offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.art_part_control.z_offset  Z Offset (m)
            Identifies the distance along the Z axis by which the articulated part should be moved
        cigi.art_part_control.zoff  Z Offset (m)
            Specifies the distance of the articulated part along its Z axis
        cigi.art_part_control.zoff_enable  Z Offset Enable
            Identifies whether the articulated part z offset in this data packet is manipulated from the host
        cigi.atmosphere_control  Atmosphere Control
            Atmosphere Control Packet
        cigi.atmosphere_control.air_temp  Global Air Temperature (degrees C)
            Specifies the global air temperature of the environment
        cigi.atmosphere_control.atmospheric_model_enable  Atmospheric Model Enable
            Specifies whether the IG should use an atmospheric model to determine spectral radiances for sensor applications
        cigi.atmosphere_control.barometric_pressure  Global Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa)
            Specifies the global atmospheric pressure
        cigi.atmosphere_control.horiz_wind  Global Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)
            Specifies the global wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane
        cigi.atmosphere_control.humidity  Global Humidity (%)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the global humidity of the environment
        cigi.atmosphere_control.vert_wind  Global Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)
            Specifies the global vertical wind speed
        cigi.atmosphere_control.visibility_range  Global Visibility Range (m)
            Specifies the global visibility range through the atmosphere
        cigi.atmosphere_control.wind_direction  Global Wind Direction (degrees)
            Specifies the global wind direction
        cigi.byte_swap  Byte Swap
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Used to determine whether the incoming data should be byte-swapped
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control  Celestial Sphere Control
            Celestial Sphere Control Packet
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date  Date (MMDDYYYY)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Specifies the current date within the simulation
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.date_time_valid  Date/Time Valid
            Specifies whether the Hour, Minute, and Date parameters are valid
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.ephemeris_enable  Ephemeris Model Enable
            Controls whether the time of day is static or continuous
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.hour  Hour (h)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the current hour of the day within the simulation
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.minute  Minute (min)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the current minute of the day within the simulation
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.moon_enable  Moon Enable
            Specifies whether the moon is enabled in the sky model
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_enable  Star Field Enable
            Specifies whether the start field is enabled in the sky model
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.star_intensity  Star Field Intensity (%)
            Specifies the intensity of the star field within the sky model
        cigi.celestial_sphere_control.sun_enable  Sun Enable
            Specifies whether the sun is enabled in the sky model
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def  Collision Detection Segment Definition
            Collision Detection Segment Definition Packet
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.collision_mask  Collision Mask
            Byte array
            Indicates which environment features will be included in or excluded from consideration for collision detection testing
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity to which this collision detection definition is assigned
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.material_mask  Material Mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in or excluded from consideration for collision testing
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_enable  Segment Enable
            Indicates whether the defined segment is enabled for collision testing
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.segment_id  Segment ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates which segment is being uniquely defined for the given entity
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x1  X1 (m)
            Specifies the X offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x2  X2 (m)
            Specifies the X offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_end  Segment X End (m)
            Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the X-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.x_start  Segment X Start (m)
            Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the X-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y1  Y1 (m)
            Specifies the Y offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y2  Y2 (m)
            Specifies the Y offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_end  Segment Y End (m)
            Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the Y-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.y_start  Segment Y Start (m)
            Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the Y-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z1  Z1 (m)
            Specifies the Z offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z2  Z2 (m)
            Specifies the Z offset of one endpoint of the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_end  Segment Z End (m)
            Specifies the ending point of the collision segment in the Z-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_def.z_start  Segment Z Start (m)
            Specifies the starting point of the collision segment in the Z-axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification  Collision Detection Segment Notification
            Collision Detection Segment Notification Packet
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.contacted_entity_id  Contacted Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity with which the collision occurred
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity to which the collision detection segment belongs
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.intersection_distance  Intersection Distance (m)
            Indicates the distance along the collision test vector from the source endpoint to the point of intersection
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.material_code  Material Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the material code of the surface at the point of collision
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.segment_id  Segment ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the ID of the collision detection segment along which the collision occurred
        cigi.coll_det_seg_notification.type  Collision Type
            Indicates whether the collision occurred with another entity or with a non-entity object
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response  Collision Detection Segment Response
            Collision Detection Segment Response Packet
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_x  Collision Point X (m)
            Specifies the X component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_y  Collision Point Y (m)
            Specifies the Y component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.collision_z  Collision Point Z (m)
            Specifies the Z component of a vector, which lies along the defined segment where the segment intersected a surface
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contact  Entity/Non-Entity Contact
            Indicates whether another entity was contacted during this collision
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.contacted_entity  Contacted Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which entity was contacted during the collision
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which entity experienced a collision
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.material_type  Material Type
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Specifies the material type of the surface that this collision test segment contacted
        cigi.coll_det_seg_response.segment_id  Segment ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the collision segment
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def  Collision Detection Volume Definition
            Collision Detection Volume Definition Packet
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.depth  Depth (m)
            Specifies the depth of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity to which this collision detection definition is assigned
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.height  Height (m)
            Specifies the height of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.pitch  Pitch (degrees)
            Specifies the pitch of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.radius_height  Radius (m)/Height (m)
            Specifies the radius of the sphere or specifies the length of the cuboid along its Z axis
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.roll  Roll (degrees)
            Specifies the roll of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_enable  Volume Enable
            Indicates whether the defined volume is enabled for collision testing
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_id  Volume ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates which volume is being uniquely defined for a given entity
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.volume_type  Volume Type
            Specified whether the volume is spherical or cuboid
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.width  Width (m)
            Specifies the width of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x  X (m)
            Specifies the X offset of the center of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.x_offset  Centroid X Offset (m)
            Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the X axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y  Y (m)
            Specifies the Y offset of the center of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.y_offset  Centroid Y Offset (m)
            Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the Y axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            Specifies the yaw of the cuboid with respect to the entity's coordinate system
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z  Z (m)
            Specifies the Z offset of the center of the volume
        cigi.coll_det_vol_def.z_offset  Centroid Z Offset (m)
            Specifies the offset of the volume's centroid along the Z axis with respect to the entity's reference point
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification  Collision Detection Volume Notification
            Collision Detection Volume Notification Packet
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_entity_id  Contacted Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity with which the collision occurred
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.contacted_volume_id  Contacted Volume ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the ID of the collision detection volume with which the collision occurred
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity to which the collision detection volume belongs
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.type  Collision Type
            Indicates whether the collision occurred with another entity or with a non-entity object
        cigi.coll_det_vol_notification.volume_id  Volume ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the ID of the collision detection volume within which the collision occurred
        cigi.coll_det_vol_response  Collision Detection Volume Response
            Collision Detection Volume Response Packet
        cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact  Entity/Non-Entity Contact
            Indicates whether another entity was contacted during this collision
        cigi.coll_det_vol_response.contact_entity  Contacted Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which entity was contacted with during the collision
        cigi.coll_det_vol_response.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which entity experienced a collision
        cigi.coll_det_vol_response.volume_id  Volume ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the collision volume corresponding to the associated Collision Detection Volume Request
        cigi.component_control  Component Control
            Component Control Packet
        cigi.component_control.component_class  Component Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the class the component being controlled is in
        cigi.component_control.component_id  Component ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the component of a component class and instance ID this packet will be applied to
        cigi.component_control.component_state  Component State
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the commanded state of a component
        cigi.component_control.component_val1  Component Value 1
            Identifies a continuous value to be applied to a component
        cigi.component_control.component_val2  Component Value 2
            Identifies a continuous value to be applied to a component
        cigi.component_control.data_1  Component Data 1
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.data_2  Component Data 2
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.data_3  Component Data 3
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.data_4  Component Data 4
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.data_5  Component Data 5
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.data_6  Component Data 6
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.component_control.instance_id  Instance ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the instance of the a class the component being controlled belongs to
        cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control  Conformal Clamped Entity Control
            Conformal Clamped Entity Control Packet
        cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity to which this packet is applied
        cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the entity's geodetic latitude
        cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the entity's geodetic longitude
        cigi.conformal_clamped_entity_control.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            Specifies the instantaneous heading of the entity
        cigi.destport  Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination Port
        cigi.earth_ref_model_def  Earth Reference Model Definition
            Earth Reference Model Definition Packet
        cigi.earth_ref_model_def.equatorial_radius  Equatorial Radius (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the semi-major axis of the ellipsoid
        cigi.earth_ref_model_def.erm_enable  Custom ERM Enable
            Specifies whether the IG should use the Earth Reference Model defined by this packet
        cigi.earth_ref_model_def.flattening  Flattening (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the flattening of the ellipsoid
        cigi.entity_control  Entity Control
            Entity Control Packet
        cigi.entity_control.alpha  Alpha
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the explicit alpha to be applied to the entity's geometry
        cigi.entity_control.alt  Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Identifies the altitude position of the reference point of the entity in meters
        cigi.entity_control.alt_zoff  Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the entity's altitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's Z axis
        cigi.entity_control.animation_dir  Animation Direction
            Specifies the direction in which an animation plays
        cigi.entity_control.animation_loop_mode  Animation Loop Mode
            Specifies whether an animation should be a one-shot
        cigi.entity_control.animation_state  Animation State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the state of an animation
        cigi.entity_control.attach_state  Attach State
            Identifies whether the entity should be attach as a child to a parent
        cigi.entity_control.coll_det_request  Collision Detection Request
            Determines whether any collision detection segments and volumes associated with this entity are used as the source in collision testing
        cigi.entity_control.collision_detect  Collision Detection Request
            Identifies if collision detection is enabled for the entity
        cigi.entity_control.effect_state  Effect Animation State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the animation state of a special effect
        cigi.entity_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the entity motion system
        cigi.entity_control.entity_state  Entity State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the entity's geometry state
        cigi.entity_control.entity_type  Entity Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the type for the entity
        cigi.entity_control.ground_ocean_clamp  Ground/Ocean Clamp
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether the entity should be clamped to the ground or water surface
        cigi.entity_control.inherit_alpha  Inherit Alpha
            Specifies whether the entity's alpha is combined with the apparent alpha of its parent
        cigi.entity_control.internal_temp  Internal Temperature (degrees C)
            Specifies the internal temperature of the entity in degrees Celsius
        cigi.entity_control.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Identifies the latitude position of the reference point of the entity in degrees
        cigi.entity_control.lat_xoff  Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the entity's geodetic latitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's X axis
        cigi.entity_control.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Identifies the longitude position of the reference point of the entity in degrees
        cigi.entity_control.lon_yoff  Longitude (°)/Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the entity's geodetic longitude or the distance from the parent's reference point along its parent's Y axis
        cigi.entity_control.opacity  Percent Opacity
            Specifies the degree of opacity of the entity
        cigi.entity_control.parent_id  Parent Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the parent to which the entity should be attached
        cigi.entity_control.pitch  Pitch (degrees)
            Specifies the pitch angle of the entity
        cigi.entity_control.roll  Roll (degrees)
            Identifies the roll angle of the entity in degrees
        cigi.entity_control.type  Entity Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the type of the entity
        cigi.entity_control.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            Specifies the instantaneous heading of the entity
        cigi.env_cond_request  Environmental Conditions Request
            Environmental Conditions Request Packet
        cigi.env_cond_request.alt  Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the geodetic altitude at which the environmental state is requested
        cigi.env_cond_request.id  Request ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the environmental conditions request
        cigi.env_cond_request.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the geodetic latitude at which the environmental state is requested
        cigi.env_cond_request.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the geodetic longitude at which the environmental state is requested
        cigi.env_cond_request.type  Request Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the desired response type for the request
        cigi.env_control  Environment Control
            Environment Control Packet
        cigi.env_control.aerosol  Aerosol (gm/m^3)
            Controls the liquid water content for the defined atmosphere
        cigi.env_control.air_temp  Air Temperature (degrees C)
            Identifies the global temperature of the environment
        cigi.env_control.date  Date (MMDDYYYY)
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Specifies the desired date for use by the ephemeris program within the image generator
        cigi.env_control.ephemeris_enable  Ephemeris Enable
            Identifies whether a continuous time of day or static time of day is used
        cigi.env_control.global_visibility  Global Visibility (m)
            Identifies the global visibility
        cigi.env_control.hour  Hour (h)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the hour of the day for the ephemeris program within the image generator
        cigi.env_control.humidity  Humidity (%)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the global humidity of the environment
        cigi.env_control.minute  Minute (min)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the minute of the hour for the ephemeris program within the image generator
        cigi.env_control.modtran_enable  MODTRAN
            Identifies whether atmospherics will be included in the calculations
        cigi.env_control.pressure  Barometric Pressure (mb)
            Controls the atmospheric pressure input into MODTRAN
        cigi.env_control.wind_direction  Wind Direction (degrees)
            Identifies the global wind direction
        cigi.env_control.wind_speed  Wind Speed (m/s)
            Identifies the global wind speed
        cigi.env_region_control  Environmental Region Control
            Environmental Region Control Packet
        cigi.env_region_control.corner_radius  Corner Radius (m)
            Specifies the radius of the corner of the rounded rectangle
        cigi.env_region_control.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the geodetic latitude of the center of the rounded rectangle
        cigi.env_region_control.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the geodetic longitude of the center of the rounded rectangle
        cigi.env_region_control.merge_aerosol  Merge Aerosol Concentrations
            Specifies whether the concentrations of aerosols found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap
        cigi.env_region_control.merge_maritime  Merge Maritime Surface Conditions
            Specifies whether the maritime surface conditions found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap
        cigi.env_region_control.merge_terrestrial  Merge Terrestrial Surface Conditions
            Specifies whether the terrestrial surface conditions found within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap
        cigi.env_region_control.merge_weather  Merge Weather Properties
            Specifies whether atmospheric conditions within this region should be merged with those of other regions within areas of overlap
        cigi.env_region_control.region_id  Region ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the environmental region to which the data in this packet will be applied
        cigi.env_region_control.region_state  Region State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether the region should be active or destroyed
        cigi.env_region_control.rotation  Rotation (degrees)
            Specifies the yaw angle of the rounded rectangle
        cigi.env_region_control.size_x  Size X (m)
            Specifies the length of the environmental region along its X axis at the geoid surface
        cigi.env_region_control.size_y  Size Y (m)
            Specifies the length of the environmental region along its Y axis at the geoid surface
        cigi.env_region_control.transition_perimeter  Transition Perimeter (m)
            Specifies the width of the transition perimeter around the environmental region
        cigi.event_notification  Event Notification
            Event Notification Packet
        cigi.event_notification.data_1  Event Data 1
            Byte array
            Used for user-defined event data
        cigi.event_notification.data_2  Event Data 2
            Byte array
            Used for user-defined event data
        cigi.event_notification.data_3  Event Data 3
            Byte array
            Used for user-defined event data
        cigi.event_notification.event_id  Event ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which event has occurred
        cigi.frame_size  Frame Size (bytes)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of bytes sent with all cigi packets in this frame
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response  HAT/HOT Extended Response
            HAT/HOT Extended Response Packet
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat  HAT
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the height of the test point above the terrain
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hat_hot_id  HAT/HOT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HAT/HOT response
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.hot  HOT
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the height of terrain above or below the test point
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.material_code  Material Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the material code of the terrain surface at the point of intersection with the HAT/HOT test vector
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth  Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees)
            Indicates the azimuth of the normal unit vector of the surface intersected by the HAT/HOT test vector
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation  Normal Vector Elevation (degrees)
            Indicates the elevation of the normal unit vector of the surface intersected by the HAT/HOT test vector
        cigi.hat_hot_ext_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether the remaining parameters in this packet contain valid numbers
        cigi.hat_hot_request  HAT/HOT Request
            HAT/HOT Request Packet
        cigi.hat_hot_request.alt_zoff  Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the Z offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made
        cigi.hat_hot_request.coordinate_system  Coordinate System
            Specifies the coordinate system within which the test point is defined
        cigi.hat_hot_request.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity relative to which the test point is defined
        cigi.hat_hot_request.hat_hot_id  HAT/HOT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HAT/HOT request
        cigi.hat_hot_request.lat_xoff  Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the X offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made
        cigi.hat_hot_request.lon_yoff  Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitude from which the HAT/HOT request is being made or specifies the Y offset of the point from which the HAT/HOT request is being made
        cigi.hat_hot_request.type  Request Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Determines the type of response packet the IG should return for this packet
        cigi.hat_hot_response  HAT/HOT Response
            HAT/HOT Response Packet
        cigi.hat_hot_response.hat_hot_id  HAT/HOT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HAT or HOT response
        cigi.hat_hot_response.height  Height
            Double-precision floating point
            Contains the requested height
        cigi.hat_hot_response.type  Response Type
            Indicates whether the Height parameter represent Height Above Terrain or Height Of Terrain
        cigi.hat_hot_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether the Height parameter contains a valid number
        cigi.hat_request  Height Above Terrain Request
            Height Above Terrain Request Packet
        cigi.hat_request.alt  Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude from which the HAT request is being made
        cigi.hat_request.hat_id  HAT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HAT request
        cigi.hat_request.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position from which the HAT request is being made
        cigi.hat_request.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position from which the HAT request is being made
        cigi.hat_response  Height Above Terrain Response
            Height Above Terrain Response Packet
        cigi.hat_response.alt  Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Represents the altitude above or below the terrain for the position requested
        cigi.hat_response.hat_id  HAT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HAT response
        cigi.hat_response.material_type  Material Type
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the HAT test vector
        cigi.hat_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid
        cigi.hot_request  Height of Terrain Request
            Height of Terrain Request Packet
        cigi.hot_request.hot_id  HOT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HOT request
        cigi.hot_request.lat  Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position from which the HOT request is made
        cigi.hot_request.lon  Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position from which the HOT request is made
        cigi.hot_response  Height of Terrain Response
            Height of Terrain Response Packet
        cigi.hot_response.alt  Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Represents the altitude of the terrain for the position requested in the HOT request data packet
        cigi.hot_response.hot_id  HOT ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the HOT response corresponding to the associated HOT request
        cigi.hot_response.material_type  Material Type
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the HOT test segment
        cigi.hot_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid
        cigi.ig_control  IG Control
            IG Control Packet
        cigi.ig_control.boresight  Tracking Device Boresight
            Used by the host to enable boresight mode
        cigi.ig_control.db_number  Database Number
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Identifies the number associated with the database requiring loading
        cigi.ig_control.frame_ctr  Frame Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Identifies a particular frame
        cigi.ig_control.ig_mode  IG Mode Change Request
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Commands the IG to enter its various modes
        cigi.ig_control.time_tag  Timing Value (microseconds)
            Identifies synchronous operation
        cigi.ig_control.timestamp  Timestamp (microseconds)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the number of 10 microsecond "ticks" since some initial reference time
        cigi.ig_control.timestamp_valid  Timestamp Valid
            Indicates whether the timestamp contains a valid value
        cigi.ig_control.tracking_enable  Tracking Device Enable
            Identifies the state of an external tracking device
        cigi.image_generator_message  Image Generator Message
            Image Generator Message Packet
        cigi.image_generator_message.message  Message
            Image generator message
        cigi.image_generator_message.message_id  Message ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Uniquely identifies an instance of an Image Generator Response Message
        cigi.los_ext_response  Line of Sight Extended Response
            Line of Sight Extended Response Packet
        cigi.los_ext_response.alpha  Alpha
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the alpha component of the surface at the point of intersection
        cigi.los_ext_response.alt_zoff  Altitude (m)/Z Offset(m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic altitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's Z axis
        cigi.los_ext_response.blue  Blue
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the blue color component of the surface at the point of intersection
        cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity with which a LOS test vector or segment intersects
        cigi.los_ext_response.entity_id_valid  Entity ID Valid
            Indicates whether the LOS test vector or segment intersects with an entity
        cigi.los_ext_response.green  Green
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the green color component of the surface at the point of intersection
        cigi.los_ext_response.intersection_coord  Intersection Point Coordinate System
            Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the intersection point is specified
        cigi.los_ext_response.lat_xoff  Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic latitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's X axis
        cigi.los_ext_response.lon_yoff  Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic longitude of the point of intersection along the LOS test segment or vector or specifies the offset of the point of intersection of the LOS test segment or vector along the intersected entity's Y axis
        cigi.los_ext_response.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS response
        cigi.los_ext_response.material_code  Material Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the material code of the surface intersected by the LOS test segment of vector
        cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_azimuth  Normal Vector Azimuth (degrees)
            Indicates the azimuth of a unit vector normal to the surface intersected by the LOS test segment or vector
        cigi.los_ext_response.normal_vector_elevation  Normal Vector Elevation (degrees)
            Indicates the elevation of a unit vector normal to the surface intersected by the LOS test segment or vector
        cigi.los_ext_response.range  Range (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the distance along the LOS test segment or vector from the source point to the point of intersection with an object
        cigi.los_ext_response.range_valid  Range Valid
            Indicates whether the Range parameter is valid
        cigi.los_ext_response.red  Red
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the red color component of the surface at the point of intersection
        cigi.los_ext_response.response_count  Response Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the total number of Line of Sight Extended Response packets the IG will return for the corresponding request
        cigi.los_ext_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether this packet contains valid data
        cigi.los_ext_response.visible  Visible
            Indicates whether the destination point is visible from the source point
        cigi.los_occult_request  Line of Sight Occult Request
            Line of Sight Occult Request Packet
        cigi.los_occult_request.dest_alt  Destination Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the destination point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lat  Destination Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position for the destination point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_occult_request.dest_lon  Destination Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position of the destination point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_occult_request.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS request
        cigi.los_occult_request.source_alt  Source Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the source point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_occult_request.source_lat  Source Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position of the source point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_occult_request.source_lon  Source Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position of the source point for the LOS request segment
        cigi.los_range_request  Line of Sight Range Request
            Line of Sight Range Request Packet
        cigi.los_range_request.azimuth  Azimuth (degrees)
            Specifies the azimuth of the LOS vector
        cigi.los_range_request.elevation  Elevation (degrees)
            Specifies the elevation for the LOS vector
        cigi.los_range_request.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS request
        cigi.los_range_request.max_range  Maximum Range (m)
            Specifies the maximum extent from the source position specified in this data packet to a point along the LOS vector where intersection testing will end
        cigi.los_range_request.min_range  Minimum Range (m)
            Specifies the distance from the source position specified in this data packet to a point along the LOS vector where intersection testing will begin
        cigi.los_range_request.source_alt  Source Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the source point of the LOS request vector
        cigi.los_range_request.source_lat  Source Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position of the source point of the LOS request vector
        cigi.los_range_request.source_lon  Source Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position of the source point of the LOS request vector
        cigi.los_response  Line of Sight Response
            Line of Sight Response Packet
        cigi.los_response.alt  Intersection Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the point of intersection of the LOS request vector with an object
        cigi.los_response.count  Response Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the total number of Line of Sight Response packets the IG will return for the corresponding request
        cigi.los_response.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity with which an LOS test vector or segment intersects
        cigi.los_response.entity_id_valid  Entity ID Valid
            Indicates whether the LOS test vector or segment intersects with an entity or a non-entity
        cigi.los_response.lat  Intersection Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitudinal position of the intersection point of the LOS request vector with an object
        cigi.los_response.lon  Intersection Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitudinal position of the intersection point of the LOS request vector with an object
        cigi.los_response.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS response corresponding tot he associated LOS request
        cigi.los_response.material_type  Material Type
            Signed 32-bit integer
            Specifies the material type of the object intersected by the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_response.occult_response  Occult Response
            Used to respond to the LOS occult request data packet
        cigi.los_response.range  Range (m)
            Used to respond to the Line of Sight Range Request data packet
        cigi.los_response.valid  Valid
            Indicates whether the response is valid or invalid
        cigi.los_response.visible  Visible
            Indicates whether the destination point is visible from the source point
        cigi.los_segment_request  Line of Sight Segment Request
            Line of Sight Segment Request Packet
        cigi.los_segment_request.alpha_threshold  Alpha Threshold
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the minimum alpha value a surface may have for an LOS response to be generated
        cigi.los_segment_request.destination_alt_zoff  Destination Altitude (m)/ Destination Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Z offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.destination_coord  Destination Point Coordinate System
            Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test segment destination endpoint is specified
        cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lat_xoff  Destination Latitude (degrees)/ Destination X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the X offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.destination_lon_yoff  Destination Longitude (degrees)/Destination Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitude of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Y offset of the destination endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity relative to which the test segment endpoints are defined
        cigi.los_segment_request.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS request
        cigi.los_segment_request.material_mask  Material Mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in or excluded from consideration for the LOS segment testing
        cigi.los_segment_request.response_coord  Response Coordinate System
            Specifies the coordinate system to be used in the response
        cigi.los_segment_request.source_alt_zoff  Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Z offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.source_coord  Source Point Coordinate System
            Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test segment source endpoint is specified
        cigi.los_segment_request.source_lat_xoff  Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the X offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.source_lon_yoff  Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitude of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment or specifies the Y offset of the source endpoint of the LOS test segment
        cigi.los_segment_request.type  Request Type
            Determines what type of response the IG should return for this request
        cigi.los_vector_request  Line of Sight Vector Request
            Line of Sight Vector Request Packet
        cigi.los_vector_request.alpha  Alpha Threshold
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the minimum alpha value a surface may have for an LOS response to be generated
        cigi.los_vector_request.azimuth  Azimuth (degrees)
            Specifies the horizontal angle of the LOS test vector
        cigi.los_vector_request.elevation  Elevation (degrees)
            Specifies the vertical angle of the LOS test vector
        cigi.los_vector_request.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity relative to which the test segment endpoints are defined
        cigi.los_vector_request.los_id  LOS ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the LOS request
        cigi.los_vector_request.material_mask  Material Mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Specifies the environmental and cultural features to be included in LOS segment testing
        cigi.los_vector_request.max_range  Maximum Range (m)
            Specifies the maximum range along the LOS test vector at which intersection testing should occur
        cigi.los_vector_request.min_range  Minimum Range (m)
            Specifies the minimum range along the LOS test vector at which intersection testing should occur
        cigi.los_vector_request.response_coord  Response Coordinate System
            Specifies the coordinate system to be used in the response
        cigi.los_vector_request.source_alt_zoff  Source Altitude (m)/Source Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the altitude of the source point of the LOS test vector or specifies the Z offset of the source point of the LOS test vector
        cigi.los_vector_request.source_coord  Source Point Coordinate System
            Indicates the coordinate system relative to which the test vector source point is specified
        cigi.los_vector_request.source_lat_xoff  Source Latitude (degrees)/Source X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the latitude of the source point of the LOS test vector
        cigi.los_vector_request.source_lon_yoff  Source Longitude (degrees)/Source Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Specifies the longitude of the source point of the LOS test vector
        cigi.los_vector_request.type  Request Type
            Determines what type of response the IG should return for this request
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control  Maritime Surface Conditions Control
            Maritime Surface Conditions Control Packet
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id  Entity ID/Region ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity to which the surface attributes in this packet are applied or specifies the region to which the surface attributes are confined
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.scope  Scope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether this packet is applied globally, applied to region, or assigned to an entity
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.sea_surface_height  Sea Surface Height (m)
            Specifies the height of the water above MSL at equilibrium
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_clarity  Surface Clarity (%)
            Specifies the clarity of the water at its surface
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_conditions_enable  Surface Conditions Enable
            Determines the state of the specified surface conditions
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.surface_water_temp  Surface Water Temperature (degrees C)
            Specifies the water temperature at the surface
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_control.whitecap_enable  Whitecap Enable
            Determines whether whitecaps are enabled
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response  Maritime Surface Conditions Response
            Maritime Surface Conditions Response Packet
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.request_id  Request ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.sea_surface_height  Sea Surface Height (m)
            Indicates the height of the sea surface at equilibrium
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_clarity  Surface Clarity (%)
            Indicates the clarity of the water at its surface
        cigi.maritime_surface_conditions_response.surface_water_temp  Surface Water Temperature (degrees C)
            Indicates the water temperature at the sea surface
        cigi.motion_tracker_control  Motion Tracker Control
            Motion Tracker Control Packet
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.boresight_enable  Boresight Enable
            Sets the boresight state of the external tracking device
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.pitch_enable  Pitch Enable
            Used to enable or disable the pitch of the motion tracker
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.roll_enable  Roll Enable
            Used to enable or disable the roll of the motion tracker
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_enable  Tracker Enable
            Specifies whether the tracking device is enabled
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.tracker_id  Tracker ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the tracker whose state the data in this packet represents
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_id  View/View Group ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the view or view group to which the tracking device is attached
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.view_group_select  View/View Group Select
            Specifies whether the tracking device is attached to a single view or a view group
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.x_enable  X Enable
            Used to enable or disable the X-axis position of the motion tracker
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.y_enable  Y Enable
            Used to enable or disable the Y-axis position of the motion tracker
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.yaw_enable  Yaw Enable
            Used to enable or disable the yaw of the motion tracker
        cigi.motion_tracker_control.z_enable  Z Enable
            Used to enable or disable the Z-axis position of the motion tracker
        cigi.packet_id  Packet ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the packet's id
        cigi.packet_size  Packet Size (bytes)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the number of bytes in this type of packet
        cigi.port  Source or Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source or Destination Port
        cigi.pos_request  Position Request
            Position Request Packet
        cigi.pos_request.coord_system  Coordinate System
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the desired coordinate system relative to which the position and orientation should be given
        cigi.pos_request.object_class  Object Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the type of object whose position is being requested
        cigi.pos_request.object_id  Object ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the entity, view, view group, or motion tracking device whose position is being requested
        cigi.pos_request.part_id  Articulated Part ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the articulated part whose position is being requested
        cigi.pos_request.update_mode  Update Mode
            Specifies whether the IG should report the position of the requested object each frame
        cigi.pos_response  Position Response
            Position Response Packet
        cigi.pos_response.alt_zoff  Altitude (m)/Z Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic altitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the Z offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view, or view group
        cigi.pos_response.coord_system  Coordinate System
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the coordinate system in which the position and orientation are specified
        cigi.pos_response.lat_xoff  Latitude (degrees)/X Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic latitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the X offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view or view group
        cigi.pos_response.lon_yoff  Longitude (degrees)/Y Offset (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic longitude of the entity, articulated part, view, or view group or indicates the Y offset from the parent entity's origin to the child entity, articulated part, view, or view group
        cigi.pos_response.object_class  Object Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the type of object whose position is being reported
        cigi.pos_response.object_id  Object ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the entity, view, view group, or motion tracking device whose position is being reported
        cigi.pos_response.part_id  Articulated Part ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the articulated part whose position is being reported
        cigi.pos_response.pitch  Pitch (degrees)
            Indicates the pitch angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group
        cigi.pos_response.roll  Roll (degrees)
            Indicates the roll angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group
        cigi.pos_response.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            Indicates the yaw angle of the specified entity, articulated part, view, or view group
        cigi.rate_control  Rate Control
            Rate Control Packet
        cigi.rate_control.apply_to_part  Apply to Articulated Part
            Determines whether the rate is applied to the articulated part specified by the Articulated Part ID parameter
        cigi.rate_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity to which this data packet will be applied
        cigi.rate_control.part_id  Articulated Part ID
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Identifies which articulated part is controlled with this data packet
        cigi.rate_control.pitch_rate  Pitch Angular Rate (degrees/s)
            Specifies the pitch angular rate for the entity being represented
        cigi.rate_control.roll_rate  Roll Angular Rate (degrees/s)
            Specifies the roll angular rate for the entity being represented
        cigi.rate_control.x_rate  X Linear Rate (m/s)
            Specifies the x component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented
        cigi.rate_control.y_rate  Y Linear Rate (m/s)
            Specifies the y component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented
        cigi.rate_control.yaw_rate  Yaw Angular Rate (degrees/s)
            Specifies the yaw angular rate for the entity being represented
        cigi.rate_control.z_rate  Z Linear Rate (m/s)
            Specifies the z component of the velocity vector for the entity being represented
        cigi.sensor_control  Sensor Control
            Sensor Control Packet
        cigi.sensor_control.ac_coupling  AC Coupling
            Indicates the AC Coupling decay rate for the weapon sensor option
        cigi.sensor_control.auto_gain  Automatic Gain
            When set to "on," cause the weapons sensor to automatically adjust the gain value to optimize the brightness and contrast of the sensor display
        cigi.sensor_control.gain  Gain
            Indicates the gain value for the weapon sensor option
        cigi.sensor_control.level  Level
            Indicates the level value for the weapon sensor option
        cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout  Line-by-Line Dropout
            Indicates whether the line-by-line dropout feature is enabled
        cigi.sensor_control.line_dropout_enable  Line-by-Line Dropout Enable
            Specifies whether line-by-line dropout is enabled
        cigi.sensor_control.noise  Noise
            Indicates the detector-noise gain for the weapon sensor option
        cigi.sensor_control.polarity  Polarity
            Indicates whether this sensor is showing white hot or black hot
        cigi.sensor_control.response_type  Response Type
            Specifies whether the IG should return a Sensor Response packet or a Sensor Extended Response packet
        cigi.sensor_control.sensor_enable  Sensor On/Off
            Indicates whether the sensor is turned on or off
        cigi.sensor_control.sensor_id  Sensor ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the sensor to which this packet should be applied
        cigi.sensor_control.sensor_on_off  Sensor On/Off
            Specifies whether the sensor is turned on or off
        cigi.sensor_control.track_mode  Track Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates which track mode the sensor should be
        cigi.sensor_control.track_polarity  Track White/Black
            Identifies whether the weapons sensor will track wither white or black
        cigi.sensor_control.track_white_black  Track White/Black
            Specifies whether the sensor tracks white or black
        cigi.sensor_control.view_id  View ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Dictates to which view the corresponding sensor is assigned, regardless of the view group
        cigi.sensor_ext_response  Sensor Extended Response
            Sensor Extended Response Packet
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity ID of the target
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.entity_id_valid  Entity ID Valid
            Indicates whether the target is an entity or a non-entity object
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.frame_ctr  Frame Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the IG's frame counter at the time that the IG calculates the gate and line-of-sight intersection data
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_pos  Gate X Position (degrees)
            Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's X axis
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_x_size  Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's X axis
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_pos  Gate Y Position (degrees)
            Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's Y axis
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.gate_y_size  Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's Y axis
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_id  Sensor ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the sensor to which the data in this packet apply
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.sensor_status  Sensor Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the current tracking state of the sensor
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_alt  Track Point Altitude (m)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic altitude of the point being tracked by the sensor
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lat  Track Point Latitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic latitude of the point being tracked by the sensor
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.track_lon  Track Point Longitude (degrees)
            Double-precision floating point
            Indicates the geodetic longitude of the point being tracked by the sensor
        cigi.sensor_ext_response.view_id  View ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the view that represents the sensor display
        cigi.sensor_response  Sensor Response
            Sensor Response Packet
        cigi.sensor_response.frame_ctr  Frame Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the IG's frame counter at the time that the IG calculates the gate and line-of-sight intersection data
        cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_pos  Gate X Position (degrees)
            Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's X axis
        cigi.sensor_response.gate_x_size  Gate X Size (pixels or raster lines)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's X axis
        cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_pos  Gate Y Position (degrees)
            Specifies the gate symbol's position along the view's Y axis
        cigi.sensor_response.gate_y_size  Gate Y Size (pixels or raster lines)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the gate symbol size along the view's Y axis
        cigi.sensor_response.sensor_id  Sensor ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the sensor response corresponding to the associated sensor control data packet
        cigi.sensor_response.sensor_status  Sensor Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the current tracking state of the sensor
        cigi.sensor_response.status  Sensor Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the current sensor mode
        cigi.sensor_response.view_id  View ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the sensor view
        cigi.sensor_response.x_offset  Gate X Offset (degrees)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the target's horizontal offset from the view plane normal
        cigi.sensor_response.x_size  Gate X Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the target size in the X direction (horizontal) in pixels
        cigi.sensor_response.y_offset  Gate Y Offset (degrees)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the target's vertical offset from the view plane normal
        cigi.sensor_response.y_size  Gate Y Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the target size in the Y direction (vertical) in pixels
        cigi.short_art_part_control  Short Articulated Part Control
            Short Articulated Part Control Packet
        cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_1  DOF 1
            Specifies either an offset or an angular position for the part identified by Articulated Part ID 1
        cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_2  DOF 2
            Specifies either an offset or an angular position for the part identified by Articulated Part ID 2
        cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_1  DOF Select 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the degree of freedom to which the value of DOF 1 is applied
        cigi.short_art_part_control.dof_select_2  DOF Select 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the degree of freedom to which the value of DOF 2 is applied
        cigi.short_art_part_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity to which the articulated part(s) belongs
        cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_1  Articulated Part Enable 1
            Determines whether the articulated part submodel specified by Articulated Part ID 1 should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph
        cigi.short_art_part_control.part_enable_2  Articulated Part Enable 2
            Determines whether the articulated part submodel specified by Articulated Part ID 2 should be enabled or disabled within the scene graph
        cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_1  Articulated Part ID 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies an articulated part to which the data in this packet should be applied
        cigi.short_art_part_control.part_id_2  Articulated Part ID 2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies an articulated part to which the data in this packet should be applied
        cigi.short_component_control  Short Component Control
            Short Component Control Packet
        cigi.short_component_control.component_class  Component Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the type of object to which the Instance ID parameter refers
        cigi.short_component_control.component_id  Component ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the component to which the data in this packet should be applied
        cigi.short_component_control.component_state  Component State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies a discrete state for the component
        cigi.short_component_control.data_1  Component Data 1
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.short_component_control.data_2  Component Data 2
            Byte array
            User-defined component data
        cigi.short_component_control.instance_id  Instance ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the object to which the component belongs
        cigi.sof  Start of Frame
            Start of Frame Packet
        cigi.sof.db_number  Database Number
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Indicates load status of the requested database
        cigi.sof.earth_reference_model  Earth Reference Model
            Indicates whether the IG is using a custom Earth Reference Model or the default WGS 84 reference ellipsoid for coordinate conversion calculations
        cigi.sof.frame_ctr  IG to Host Frame Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Contains a number representing a particular frame
        cigi.sof.ig_mode  IG Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies to the host the current operating mode of the IG
        cigi.sof.ig_status  IG Status Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the error status of the IG
        cigi.sof.ig_status_code  IG Status Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the operational status of the IG
        cigi.sof.time_tag  Timing Value (microseconds)
            Contains a timing value that is used to time-tag the ethernet message during asynchronous operation
        cigi.sof.timestamp  Timestamp (microseconds)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the number of 10 microsecond "ticks" since some initial reference time
        cigi.sof.timestamp_valid  Timestamp Valid
            Indicates whether the Timestamp parameter contains a valid value
        cigi.special_effect_def  Special Effect Definition
            Special Effect Definition Packet
        cigi.special_effect_def.blue  Blue Color Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the blue component of a color to be applied to the effect
        cigi.special_effect_def.burst_interval  Burst Interval (s)
            Indicates the time between successive bursts
        cigi.special_effect_def.color_enable  Color Enable
            Indicates whether the red, green, and blue color values will be applied to the special effect
        cigi.special_effect_def.duration  Duration (s)
            Indicates how long an effect or sequence of burst will be active
        cigi.special_effect_def.effect_count  Effect Count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates how many effects are contained within a single burst
        cigi.special_effect_def.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which effect is being modified
        cigi.special_effect_def.green  Green Color Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the green component of a color to be applied to the effect
        cigi.special_effect_def.red  Red Color Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the red component of a color to be applied to the effect
        cigi.special_effect_def.separation  Separation (m)
            Indicates the distance between particles within a burst
        cigi.special_effect_def.seq_direction  Sequence Direction
            Indicates whether the effect animation sequence should be sequence from beginning to end or vice versa
        cigi.special_effect_def.time_scale  Time Scale
            Specifies a scale factor to apply to the time period for the effect's animation sequence
        cigi.special_effect_def.x_scale  X Scale
            Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's X axis
        cigi.special_effect_def.y_scale  Y Scale
            Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's Y axis
        cigi.special_effect_def.z_scale  Z Scale
            Specifies a scale factor to apply along the effect's Z axis
        cigi.srcport  Source Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source Port
        cigi.terr_surface_cond_response  Terrestrial Surface Conditions Response
            Terrestrial Surface Conditions Response Packet
        cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.request_id  Request ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds
        cigi.terr_surface_cond_response.surface_id  Surface Condition ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Indicates the presence of a specific surface condition or contaminant at the test point
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control  Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control
            Terrestrial Surface Conditions Control Packet
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.coverage  Coverage (%)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Determines the degree of coverage of the specified surface contaminant
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.entity_region_id  Entity ID/Region ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the environmental entity to which the surface condition attributes in this packet are applied
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.scope  Scope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Determines whether the specified surface conditions are applied globally, regionally, or to an environmental entity
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.severity  Severity
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Determines the degree of severity for the specified surface contaminant(s)
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_enable  Surface Condition Enable
            Specifies whether the surface condition attribute identified by the Surface Condition ID parameter should be enabled
        cigi.terrestrial_surface_conditions_control.surface_condition_id  Surface Condition ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies a surface condition or contaminant
        cigi.trajectory_def  Trajectory Definition
            Trajectory Definition Packet
        cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration  Acceleration Factor (m/s^2)
            Indicates the acceleration factor that will be applied to the Vz component of the velocity vector over time to simulate the effects of gravity on the object
        cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_x  Acceleration X (m/s^2)
            Specifies the X component of the acceleration vector
        cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_y  Acceleration Y (m/s^2)
            Specifies the Y component of the acceleration vector
        cigi.trajectory_def.acceleration_z  Acceleration Z (m/s^2)
            Specifies the Z component of the acceleration vector
        cigi.trajectory_def.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates which entity is being influenced by this trajectory behavior
        cigi.trajectory_def.retardation  Retardation Rate (m/s)
            Indicates what retardation factor will be applied to the object's motion
        cigi.trajectory_def.retardation_rate  Retardation Rate (m/s^2)
            Specifies the magnitude of an acceleration applied against the entity's instantaneous linear velocity vector
        cigi.trajectory_def.terminal_velocity  Terminal Velocity (m/s)
            Indicates what final velocity the object will be allowed to obtain
        cigi.unknown  Unknown
            Unknown Packet
        cigi.user_definable  User Definable
            User definable packet
        cigi.user_defined  User-Defined
            User-Defined Packet
        cigi.version  CIGI Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the version of CIGI interface that is currently running on the host
        cigi.view_control  View Control
            View Control Packet
        cigi.view_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Indicates the entity to which this view should be attached
        cigi.view_control.group_id  Group ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the view group to which the contents of this packet are applied
        cigi.view_control.pitch  Pitch (degrees)
            The rotation about the view's Y axis
        cigi.view_control.pitch_enable  Pitch Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the pitch parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_control.roll  Roll (degrees)
            The rotation about the view's X axis
        cigi.view_control.roll_enable  Roll Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the roll parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_control.view_group  View Group Select
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies which view group is to be controlled by the offsets
        cigi.view_control.view_id  View ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies which view position is associated with offsets and rotation specified by this data packet
        cigi.view_control.x_offset  X Offset (m)
            Defines the X component of the view offset vector along the entity's longitudinal axis
        cigi.view_control.xoff  X Offset (m)
            Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the X axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter
        cigi.view_control.xoff_enable  X Offset Enable
            Identifies whether the x offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_control.y_offset  Y Offset
            Defines the Y component of the view offset vector along the entity's lateral axis
        cigi.view_control.yaw  Yaw (degrees)
            The rotation about the view's Z axis
        cigi.view_control.yaw_enable  Yaw Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the yaw parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_control.yoff  Y Offset (m)
            Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the Y axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter
        cigi.view_control.yoff_enable  Y Offset Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the y offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_control.z_offset  Z Offset
            Defines the Z component of the view offset vector along the entity's vertical axis
        cigi.view_control.zoff  Z Offset (m)
            Specifies the position of the view eyepoint along the Z axis of the entity specified by the Entity ID parameter
        cigi.view_control.zoff_enable  Z Offset Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies whether the z offset parameter should be applied to the specified view or view group
        cigi.view_def  View Definition
            View Definition Packet
        cigi.view_def.bottom  Bottom (degrees)
            Specifies the bottom half-angle of the view frustum
        cigi.view_def.bottom_enable  Field of View Bottom Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view bottom value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.far  Far (m)
            Specifies the position of the view's far clipping plane
        cigi.view_def.far_enable  Field of View Far Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view far value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.fov_bottom  Field of View Bottom (degrees)
            Defines the bottom clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.fov_far  Field of View Far (m)
            Defines the far clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.fov_left  Field of View Left (degrees)
            Defines the left clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.fov_near  Field of View Near (m)
            Defines the near clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.fov_right  Field of View Right (degrees)
            Defines the right clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.fov_top  Field of View Top (degrees)
            Defines the top clipping plane for the view
        cigi.view_def.group_id  Group ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the group to which the view is to be assigned
        cigi.view_def.left  Left (degrees)
            Specifies the left half-angle of the view frustum
        cigi.view_def.left_enable  Field of View Left Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view left value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.mirror  View Mirror
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies what mirroring function should be applied to the view
        cigi.view_def.mirror_mode  Mirror Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the mirroring function to be performed on the view
        cigi.view_def.near  Near (m)
            Specifies the position of the view's near clipping plane
        cigi.view_def.near_enable  Field of View Near Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view near value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.pixel_rep  Pixel Replication
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies what pixel replication function should be applied to the view
        cigi.view_def.pixel_replication  Pixel Replication Mode
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the pixel replication function to be performed on the view
        cigi.view_def.projection_type  Projection Type
            Specifies whether the view projection should be perspective or orthographic parallel
        cigi.view_def.reorder  Reorder
            Specifies whether the view should be moved to the top of any overlapping views
        cigi.view_def.right  Right (degrees)
            Specifies the right half-angle of the view frustum
        cigi.view_def.right_enable  Field of View Right Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view right value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.top  Top (degrees)
            Specifies the top half-angle of the view frustum
        cigi.view_def.top_enable  Field of View Top Enable
            Identifies whether the field of view top value is manipulated from the Host
        cigi.view_def.tracker_assign  Tracker Assign
            Specifies whether the view should be controlled by an external tracking device
        cigi.view_def.view_group  View Group
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the view group to which the view is to be assigned
        cigi.view_def.view_id  View ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the view to which this packet should be applied
        cigi.view_def.view_type  View Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the view type
        cigi.wave_control  Wave Control
            Wave Control Packet
        cigi.wave_control.breaker_type  Breaker Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the type of breaker within the surf zone
        cigi.wave_control.direction  Direction (degrees)
            Specifies the direction in which the wave propagates
        cigi.wave_control.entity_region_id  Entity ID/Region ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the surface entity for which the wave is defined or specifies the environmental region for which the wave is defined
        cigi.wave_control.height  Wave Height (m)
            Specifies the average vertical distance from trough to crest produced by the wave
        cigi.wave_control.leading  Leading (degrees)
            Specifies the phase angle at which the crest occurs
        cigi.wave_control.period  Period (s)
            Specifies the time required fro one complete oscillation of the wave
        cigi.wave_control.phase_offset  Phase Offset (degrees)
            Specifies a phase offset for the wave
        cigi.wave_control.scope  Scope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether the wave is defined for global, regional, or entity-controlled maritime surface conditions
        cigi.wave_control.wave_enable  Wave Enable
            Determines whether the wave is enabled or disabled
        cigi.wave_control.wave_id  Wave ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the wave to which the attributes in this packet are applied
        cigi.wave_control.wavelength  Wavelength (m)
            Specifies the distance from a particular phase on a wave to the same phase on an adjacent wave
        cigi.wea_cond_response  Weather Conditions Response
            Weather Conditions Response Packet
        cigi.wea_cond_response.air_temp  Air Temperature (degrees C)
            Indicates the air temperature at the requested location
        cigi.wea_cond_response.barometric_pressure  Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa)
            Indicates the atmospheric pressure at the requested location
        cigi.wea_cond_response.horiz_speed  Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)
            Indicates the local wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane
        cigi.wea_cond_response.humidity  Humidity (%)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the humidity at the request location
        cigi.wea_cond_response.request_id  Request ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Identifies the environmental conditions request to which this response packet corresponds
        cigi.wea_cond_response.vert_speed  Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)
            Indicates the local vertical wind speed
        cigi.wea_cond_response.visibility_range  Visibility Range (m)
            Indicates the visibility range at the requested location
        cigi.wea_cond_response.wind_direction  Wind Direction (degrees)
            Indicates the local wind direction
        cigi.weather_control  Weather Control
            Weather Control Packet
        cigi.weather_control.aerosol_concentration  Aerosol Concentration (g/m^3)
            Specifies the concentration of water, smoke, dust, or other particles suspended in the air
        cigi.weather_control.air_temp  Air Temperature (degrees C)
            Identifies the local temperature inside the weather phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.barometric_pressure  Barometric Pressure (mb or hPa)
            Specifies the atmospheric pressure within the weather layer
        cigi.weather_control.base_elevation  Base Elevation (m)
            Specifies the altitude of the base of the weather layer
        cigi.weather_control.cloud_type  Cloud Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the type of clouds contained within the weather layer
        cigi.weather_control.coverage  Coverage (%)
            Indicates the amount of area coverage a particular phenomenon has over the specified global visibility range given in the environment control data packet
        cigi.weather_control.elevation  Elevation (m)
            Indicates the base altitude of the weather phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.entity_id  Entity ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the entity's ID
        cigi.weather_control.entity_region_id  Entity ID/Region ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Specifies the entity to which the weather attributes in this packet are applied
        cigi.weather_control.horiz_wind  Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)
            Specifies the local wind speed parallel to the ellipsoid-tangential reference plane
        cigi.weather_control.humidity  Humidity (%)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the humidity within the weather layer
        cigi.weather_control.layer_id  Layer ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies the weather layer to which the data in this packet are applied
        cigi.weather_control.opacity  Opacity (%)
            Identifies the opacity of the weather phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.phenomenon_type  Phenomenon Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Identifies the type of weather described by this data packet
        cigi.weather_control.random_lightning_enable  Random Lightning Enable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether the weather layer exhibits random lightning effects
        cigi.weather_control.random_winds  Random Winds Aloft
            Indicates whether a random frequency and duration should be applied to the winds aloft value
        cigi.weather_control.random_winds_enable  Random Winds Enable
            Specifies whether a random frequency and duration should be applied to the local wind effects
        cigi.weather_control.scope  Scope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Specifies whether the weather is global, regional, or assigned to an entity
        cigi.weather_control.scud_enable  Scud Enable
            Indicates whether there will be scud effects applied to the phenomenon specified by this data packet
        cigi.weather_control.scud_frequency  Scud Frequency (%)
            Identifies the frequency for the scud effect
        cigi.weather_control.severity  Severity
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates the severity of the weather phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.thickness  Thickness (m)
            Indicates the vertical thickness of the weather phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.transition_band  Transition Band (m)
            Indicates a vertical transition band both above and below a phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.vert_wind  Vertical Wind Speed (m/s)
            Specifies the local vertical wind speed
        cigi.weather_control.visibility_range  Visibility Range (m)
            Specifies the visibility range through the weather layer
        cigi.weather_control.weather_enable  Weather Enable
            Indicates whether the phenomena specified by this data packet is visible
        cigi.weather_control.wind_direction  Winds Aloft Direction (degrees)
            Indicates local direction of the wind applied to the phenomenon
        cigi.weather_control.wind_speed  Winds Aloft Speed
            Identifies the local wind speed applied to the phenomenon


    Common Industrial Protocol (cip)

        cip.attribute  Attribute
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cip.class  Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cip.connpoint  Connection Point
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Connection Point
        cip.devtype  Device Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Device Type
        cip.epath  EPath
            Byte array
        cip.fwo.cmp  Compatibility
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Compatibility bit
        cip.fwo.consize  Connection Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Connection size
        cip.fwo.dir  Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Direction
        cip.fwo.f_v  Connection Size Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Fixed or variable connection size
        cip.fwo.major  Major Revision
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Major Revision
        cip.fwo.owner  Owner
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Redundant owner bit
        cip.fwo.prio  Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Connection priority
        cip.fwo.transport  Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Transport Class
        cip.fwo.trigger  Trigger
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Production trigger
        cip.fwo.type  Connection Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Fwd Open: Connection type
        cip.genstat  General Status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            General Status
        cip.instance  Instance
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cip.linkaddress  Link Address
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Link Address
        cip.port  Port
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Port Identifier
        cip.rr  Request/Response
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Request or Response message
        cip.sc  Service
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Code
        cip.symbol  Symbol
            ANSI Extended Symbol Segment
        cip.vendor  Vendor ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Vendor ID


    Common Open Policy Service (cops)

        cops.accttimer.value  Contents: ACCT Timer Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Accounting Timer Value in AcctTimer object
        cops.c_num  C-Num
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            C-Num in COPS Object Header
        cops.c_type  C-Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            C-Type in COPS Object Header
        cops.client_type  Client Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Client Type in COPS Common Header
        cops.context.m_type  M-Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            M-Type in COPS Context Object
        cops.context.r_type  R-Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            R-Type in COPS Context Object
        cops.cperror  Error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error in Error object
        cops.cperror_sub  Error Sub-code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Sub-code in Error object
        cops.decision.cmd  Command-Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Command-Code in Decision/LPDP Decision object
        cops.decision.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Flags in Decision/LPDP Decision object
        cops.epd.int  EPD Integer Data
            Signed 64-bit integer
        cops.epd.integer64  EPD Inetger64 Data
            Signed 64-bit integer
        cops.epd.ipv4  EPD IPAddress Data
            IPv4 address
        cops.epd.null  EPD Null Data
            Byte array
        cops.epd.octets  EPD Octet String Data
            Byte array
        cops.epd.oid  EPD OID Data
        cops.epd.opaque  EPD Opaque Data
            Byte array
        cops.epd.timeticks  EPD TimeTicks Data
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        cops.epd.unknown  EPD Unknown Data
            Byte array
        cops.epd.unsigned32  EPD Unsigned32 Data
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        cops.epd.unsigned64  EPD Unsigned64 Data
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        cops.error  Error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error in Error object
        cops.error_sub  Error Sub-code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Sub-code in Error object
        cops.errprid.instance_id  ErrorPRID Instance Identifier
        cops.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flags in COPS Common Header
        cops.gperror  Error
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error in Error object
        cops.gperror_sub  Error Sub-code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Sub-code in Error object
        cops.in-int.ipv4  IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address in COPS IN-Int object
        cops.in-int.ipv6  IPv6 address
            IPv6 address
            IPv6 address in COPS IN-Int object
        cops.in-out-int.ifindex  ifIndex
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            If SNMP is supported, corresponds to MIB-II ifIndex
        cops.integrity.key_id  Contents: Key ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key ID in Integrity object
        cops.integrity.seq_num  Contents: Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Sequence Number in Integrity object
        cops.katimer.value  Contents: KA Timer Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Keep-Alive Timer Value in KATimer object
        cops.lastpdpaddr.ipv4  IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address in COPS LastPDPAddr object
        cops.lastpdpaddr.ipv6  IPv6 address
            IPv6 address
            IPv6 address in COPS LastPDPAddr object
        cops.msg_len  Message Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Message Length in COPS Common Header
        cops.obj.len  Object Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Object Length in COPS Object Header
        cops.op_code  Op Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Op Code in COPS Common Header
        cops.out-int.ipv4  IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address in COPS OUT-Int object
        cops.out-int.ipv6  IPv6 address
            IPv6 address
            IPv6 address in COPS OUT-Int
        cops.pc_activity_count  Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cops.pc_algorithm  Algorithm
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cops.pc_bcid  Billing Correlation ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Billing Correlation ID
        cops.pc_bcid_ev  BDID Event Counter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            BCID Event Counter
        cops.pc_bcid_ts  BDID Timestamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            BCID Timestamp
        cops.pc_close_subcode  Reason Sub Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reason Sub Code
        cops.pc_cmts_ip  CMTS IP Address
            IPv4 address
            CMTS IP Address
        cops.pc_cmts_ip_port  CMTS IP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            CMTS IP Port
        cops.pc_delete_subcode  Reason Sub Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reason Sub Code
        cops.pc_dest_ip  Destination IP Address
            IPv4 address
            Destination IP Address
        cops.pc_dest_port  Destination IP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination IP Port
        cops.pc_dfccc_id  CCC ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            CCC ID
        cops.pc_dfccc_ip  DF IP Address CCC
            IPv4 address
            DF IP Address CCC
        cops.pc_dfccc_ip_port  DF IP Port CCC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DF IP Port CCC
        cops.pc_dfcdc_ip  DF IP Address CDC
            IPv4 address
            DF IP Address CDC
        cops.pc_dfcdc_ip_port  DF IP Port CDC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DF IP Port CDC
        cops.pc_direction  Direction
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cops.pc_ds_field  DS Field (DSCP or TOS)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DS Field (DSCP or TOS)
        cops.pc_gate_command_type  Gate Command Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Gate Command Type
        cops.pc_gate_id  Gate Identifier
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Gate Identifier
        cops.pc_gate_spec_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        cops.pc_key  Security Key
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Security Key
        cops.pc_max_packet_size  Maximum Packet Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Packet Size
        cops.pc_min_policed_unit  Minimum Policed Unit
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Minimum Policed Unit
        cops.pc_mm_amid_am_tag  AMID Application Manager Tag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia AMID Application Manager Tag
        cops.pc_mm_amid_application_type  AMID Application Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia AMID Application Type
        cops.pc_mm_amrtrps  Assumed Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Packet Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Assumed Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate Packet Size
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_action  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Action
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_activation_state  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Activation State
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dscp  DSCP/TOS Field
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier DSCP/TOS Field
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dscp_mask  DSCP/TOS Mask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifer DSCP/TOS Mask
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_addr  Destination address
            IPv4 address
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Destination IP Address
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_mask  Destination address
            IPv4 address
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Destination Mask
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_port  Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_dst_port_end  Destination Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port End
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_id  Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier ID
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_priority  Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Priority
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_proto_id  Protocol ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Protocol ID
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_addr  Source address
            IPv4 address
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source IP Address
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_mask  Source mask
            IPv4 address
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Mask
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_port  Source Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port
        cops.pc_mm_classifier_src_port_end  Source Port End
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Classifier Source Port End
        cops.pc_mm_docsis_scn  Service Class Name
            PacketCable Multimedia DOCSIS Service Class Name
        cops.pc_mm_envelope  Envelope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Envelope
        cops.pc_mm_error_ec  Error-Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia PacketCable-Error Error-Code
        cops.pc_mm_error_esc  Error-code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia PacketCable-Error Error Sub-code
        cops.pc_mm_fs_envelope  Envelope
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Flow Spec Envelope
        cops.pc_mm_fs_svc_num  Service Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Flow Spec Service Number
        cops.pc_mm_gpi  Grants Per Interval
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Grants Per Interval
        cops.pc_mm_gs_dscp  DSCP/TOS Field
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec DSCP/TOS Field
        cops.pc_mm_gs_dscp_mask  DSCP/TOS Mask
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec DSCP/TOS Mask
        cops.pc_mm_gs_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Flags
        cops.pc_mm_gs_reason  Reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Gate State Reason
        cops.pc_mm_gs_scid  SessionClassID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID
        cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_conf  SessionClassID Configurable
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Configurable
        cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_preempt  SessionClassID Preemption
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Preemption
        cops.pc_mm_gs_scid_prio  SessionClassID Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec SessionClassID Priority
        cops.pc_mm_gs_state  State
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Gate State
        cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t1  Timer T1
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T1
        cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t2  Timer T2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T2
        cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t3  Timer T3
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T3
        cops.pc_mm_gs_timer_t4  Timer T4
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia GateSpec Timer T4
        cops.pc_mm_gti  Gate Time Info
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Gate Time Info
        cops.pc_mm_gui  Gate Usage Info
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Gate Usage Info
        cops.pc_mm_mdl  Maximum Downstream Latency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Maximum Downstream Latency
        cops.pc_mm_mrtr  Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Minimum Reserved Traffic Rate
        cops.pc_mm_msg_receipt_key  Msg Receipt Key
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Msg Receipt Key
        cops.pc_mm_mstr  Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate
        cops.pc_mm_mtb  Maximum Traffic Burst
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Maximum Traffic Burst
        cops.pc_mm_ngi  Nominal Grant Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Nominal Grant Interval
        cops.pc_mm_npi  Nominal Polling Interval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Nominal Polling Interval
        cops.pc_mm_psid  PSID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia PSID
        cops.pc_mm_rtp  Request Transmission Policy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Traffic Priority
        cops.pc_mm_synch_options_report_type  Report Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Synch Options Report Type
        cops.pc_mm_synch_options_synch_type  Synch Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Synch Options Synch Type
        cops.pc_mm_tbul_ul  Usage Limit
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Time-Based Usage Limit
        cops.pc_mm_tgj  Tolerated Grant Jitter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Tolerated Grant Jitter
        cops.pc_mm_tp  Traffic Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Committed Envelope Traffic Priority
        cops.pc_mm_tpj  Tolerated Poll Jitter
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Tolerated Poll Jitter
        cops.pc_mm_ugs  Unsolicited Grant Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Unsolicited Grant Size
        cops.pc_mm_vbul_ul  Usage Limit
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Volume-Based Usage Limit
        cops.pc_mm_vi_major  Major Version Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Major Version Number
        cops.pc_mm_vi_minor  Minor Version Number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PacketCable Multimedia Minor Version Number
        cops.pc_packetcable_err_code  Error Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Code
        cops.pc_packetcable_sub_code  Error Sub Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Error Sub Code
        cops.pc_peak_data_rate  Peak Data Rate
            Peak Data Rate
        cops.pc_prks_ip  PRKS IP Address
            IPv4 address
            PRKS IP Address
        cops.pc_prks_ip_port  PRKS IP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PRKS IP Port
        cops.pc_protocol_id  Protocol ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol ID
        cops.pc_reason_code  Reason Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reason Code
        cops.pc_remote_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        cops.pc_remote_gate_id  Remote Gate ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Remote Gate ID
        cops.pc_reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cops.pc_session_class  Session Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Session Class
        cops.pc_slack_term  Slack Term
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Slack Term
        cops.pc_spec_rate  Rate
        cops.pc_src_ip  Source IP Address
            IPv4 address
            Source IP Address
        cops.pc_src_port  Source IP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source IP Port
        cops.pc_srks_ip  SRKS IP Address
            IPv4 address
            SRKS IP Address
        cops.pc_srks_ip_port  SRKS IP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SRKS IP Port
        cops.pc_subscriber_id4  Subscriber Identifier (IPv4)
            IPv4 address
            Subscriber Identifier (IPv4)
        cops.pc_subscriber_id6  Subscriber Identifier (IPv6)
            IPv6 address
            Subscriber Identifier (IPv6)
        cops.pc_subtree  Object Subtree
            No value
            Object Subtree
        cops.pc_t1_value  Timer T1 Value (sec)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Timer T1 Value (sec)
        cops.pc_t7_value  Timer T7 Value (sec)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Timer T7 Value (sec)
        cops.pc_t8_value  Timer T8 Value (sec)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Timer T8 Value (sec)
        cops.pc_token_bucket_rate  Token Bucket Rate
            Token Bucket Rate
        cops.pc_token_bucket_size  Token Bucket Size
            Token Bucket Size
        cops.pc_transaction_id  Transaction Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction Identifier
        cops.pdp.tcp_port  TCP Port Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            TCP Port Number of PDP in PDPRedirAddr/LastPDPAddr object
        cops.pdprediraddr.ipv4  IPv4 address
            IPv4 address
            IPv4 address in COPS PDPRedirAddr object
        cops.pdprediraddr.ipv6  IPv6 address
            IPv6 address
            IPv6 address in COPS PDPRedirAddr object
        cops.pepid.id  Contents: PEP Id
            PEP Id in PEPID object
        cops.pprid.prefix_id  Prefix Identifier
        cops.prid.instance_id  PRID Instance Identifier
        cops.reason  Reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reason in Reason object
        cops.reason_sub  Reason Sub-code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Reason Sub-code in Reason object
        cops.report_type  Contents: Report-Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Report-Type in Report-Type object
        cops.s_num  S-Num
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            S-Num in COPS-PR Object Header
        cops.s_type  S-Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            S-Type in COPS-PR Object Header
        cops.ver_flags  Version and Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version and Flags in COPS Common Header
        cops.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version in COPS Common Header


    Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) Browsing Protocol (cups)

        cups.ptype  Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cups.state  State
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    Component Status Protocol (componentstatusprotocol)

        componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_duration  Duration
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_ppid  PPID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_protocolid  ProtocolID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentassociation_receiverid  ReceiverID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_AssociationArray  AssociationArray
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_associations  Associations
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_location  Location
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_reportinterval  ReportInterval
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_status  Status
        componentstatusprotocol.componentstatusreport_workload  Workload
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_length  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_senderid  SenderID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_sendertimestamp  SenderTimeStamp
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        componentstatusprotocol.message_version  Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Compressed Data Type (cdt)

        cdt.CompressedData  CompressedData
            No value
        cdt.algorithmID_OID  algorithmID-OID
        cdt.algorithmID_ShortForm  algorithmID-ShortForm
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cdt.compressedContent  compressedContent
            Byte array
        cdt.compressedContentInfo  compressedContentInfo
            No value
        cdt.compressionAlgorithm  compressionAlgorithm
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cdt.contentType  contentType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cdt.contentType_OID  contentType-OID
        cdt.contentType_ShortForm  contentType-ShortForm
            Signed 32-bit integer


    Compuserve GIF (image-gif)

        image-gif.end  Trailer (End of the GIF stream)
            No value
            This byte tells the decoder that the data stream is finished.
        image-gif.extension  Extension
            No value
        image-gif.extension.label  Extension label
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Extension label.
        image-gif.global.bpp  Image bits per pixel minus 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of bits per pixel is one plus the field value.
        image-gif.global.color_bpp  Bits per color minus 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of bits per color is one plus the field value.
        image-gif.global.color_map  Global color map
            Byte array
            Global color map.
        image-gif.global.color_map.ordered  Global color map is ordered
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates whether the global color map is ordered.
        image-gif.global.color_map.present  Global color map is present
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates if the global color map is present
        image-gif.global.pixel_aspect_ratio  Global pixel aspect ratio
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Gives an approximate value of the aspect ratio of the pixels.
        image-gif.image  Image
            No value
        image-gif.image.code_size  LZW minimum code size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Minimum code size for the LZW compression.
        image-gif.image.height  Image height
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Image height.
        image-gif.image.left  Image left position
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Offset between left of Screen and left of Image.
        image-gif.image.top  Image top position
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Offset between top of Screen and top of Image.
        image-gif.image.width  Image width
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Image width.
        image-gif.image_background_index  Background color index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Index of the background color in the color map.
        image-gif.local.bpp  Image bits per pixel minus 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of bits per pixel is one plus the field value.
        image-gif.local.color_bpp  Bits per color minus 1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of bits per color is one plus the field value.
        image-gif.local.color_map  Local color map
            Byte array
            Local color map.
        image-gif.local.color_map.ordered  Local color map is ordered
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates whether the local color map is ordered.
        image-gif.local.color_map.present  Local color map is present
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Indicates if the local color map is present
        image-gif.screen.height  Screen height
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Screen height
        image-gif.screen.width  Screen width
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Screen width
        image-gif.version  Version
            GIF Version


    Computer Interface to Message Distribution (cimd)

        cimd.aoi  Alphanumeric Originating Address
            CIMD Alphanumeric Originating Address
        cimd.ce  Cancel Enabled
            CIMD Cancel Enabled
        cimd.chksum  Checksum
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD Checksum
        cimd.cm  Cancel Mode
            CIMD Cancel Mode
        cimd.da  Destination Address
            CIMD Destination Address
        cimd.dcs  Data Coding Scheme
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD Data Coding Scheme
        cimd.dcs.cf  Compressed
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Compressed Flag
        cimd.dcs.cg  Coding Group
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Coding Group
        cimd.dcs.chs  Character Set
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Character Set
        cimd.dcs.is  Indication Sense
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Indication Sense
        cimd.dcs.it  Indication Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Indication Type
        cimd.dcs.mc  Message Class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Message Class
        cimd.dcs.mcm  Message Class Meaning
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD DCS Message Class Meaning Flag
        cimd.drmode  Delivery Request Mode
            CIMD Delivery Request Mode
        cimd.dt  Discharge Time
            CIMD Discharge Time
        cimd.errcode  Error Code
            CIMD Error Code
        cimd.errtext  Error Text
            CIMD Error Text
        cimd.fdta  First Delivery Time Absolute
            CIMD First Delivery Time Absolute
        cimd.fdtr  First Delivery Time Relative
            CIMD First Delivery Time Relative
        cimd.gpar  Get Parameter
            CIMD Get Parameter
        cimd.mcount  Message Count
            CIMD Message Count
        cimd.mms  More Messages To Send
            CIMD More Messages To Send
        cimd.oa  Originating Address
            CIMD Originating Address
        cimd.oimsi  Originating IMSI
            CIMD Originating IMSI
        cimd.opcode  Operation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD Operation Code
        cimd.ovma  Originated Visited MSC Address
            CIMD Originated Visited MSC Address
        cimd.passwd  Password
            CIMD Password
        cimd.pcode  Code 
            CIMD Parameter Code
        cimd.pi  Protocol Identifier
            CIMD Protocol Identifier
        cimd.pnumber  Packet Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            CIMD Packet Number
        cimd.priority  Priority
            CIMD Priority
        cimd.rpath  Reply Path
            CIMD Reply Path
        cimd.saddr  Subaddress
            CIMD Subaddress
        cimd.scaddr  Service Center Address
            CIMD Service Center Address
        cimd.scts  Service Centre Time Stamp
            CIMD Service Centre Time Stamp
        cimd.sdes  Service Description
            CIMD Service Description
        cimd.smsct  SMS Center Time
            CIMD SMS Center Time
        cimd.srr  Status Report Request
            CIMD Status Report Request
        cimd.stcode  Status Code
            CIMD Status Code
        cimd.sterrcode  Status Error Code
            CIMD Status Error Code
        cimd.tclass  Tariff Class
            CIMD Tariff Class
        cimd.ud  User Data
            CIMD User Data
        cimd.udb  User Data Binary
            CIMD User Data Binary
        cimd.udh  User Data Header
            CIMD User Data Header
        cimd.ui  User Identity
            CIMD User Identity
        cimd.vpa  Validity Period Absolute
            CIMD Validity Period Absolute
        cimd.vpr  Validity Period Relative
            CIMD Validity Period Relative
        cimd.ws  Window Size
            CIMD Window Size


    Configuration Test Protocol (loopback) (loop)

        loop.forwarding_address  Forwarding address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        loop.function  Function
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        loop.receipt_number  Receipt number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        loop.skipcount  skipCount
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    Connectionless Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (cldap)


    Coseventcomm Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-coseventcomm)


    Cosnaming Dissector Using GIOP API (giop-cosnaming)


    Cross Point Frame Injector (cpfi)

        cfpi.word_two  Word two
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cpfi.EOFtype  EOFtype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            EOF Type
        cpfi.OPMerror  OPMerror
            OPM Error?
        cpfi.SOFtype  SOFtype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            SOF Type
        cpfi.board  Board
            Byte array
        cpfi.crc-32  CRC-32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cpfi.dstTDA  dstTDA
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Source TDA (10 bits)
        cpfi.dst_board  Destination Board
            Byte array
        cpfi.dst_instance  Destination Instance
            Byte array
        cpfi.dst_port  Destination Port
            Byte array
        cpfi.frmtype  FrmType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Frame Type
        cpfi.fromLCM  fromLCM
            from LCM?
        cpfi.instance  Instance
            Byte array
        cpfi.port  Port
            Byte array
        cpfi.speed  speed
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            SOF Type
        cpfi.srcTDA  srcTDA
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Source TDA (10 bits)
        cpfi.src_board  Source Board
            Byte array
        cpfi.src_instance  Source Instance
            Byte array
        cpfi.src_port  Source Port
            Byte array
        cpfi.word_one  Word one
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    Cryptographic Message Syntax (cms)

        cms.AuthAttributes_item  Item
            No value
        cms.AuthenticatedData  AuthenticatedData
            No value
        cms.CertificateRevocationLists_item  Item
            No value
        cms.CertificateSet_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.ContentInfo  ContentInfo
            No value
        cms.ContentType  ContentType
        cms.Countersignature  Countersignature
            No value
        cms.DigestAlgorithmIdentifiers_item  Item
            No value
        cms.DigestedData  DigestedData
            No value
        cms.EncryptedData  EncryptedData
            No value
        cms.EnvelopedData  EnvelopedData
            No value
        cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber  IssuerAndSerialNumber
            No value
        cms.MessageDigest  MessageDigest
            Byte array
        cms.RC2CBCParameters  RC2CBCParameters
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.RC2WrapParameter  RC2WrapParameter
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cms.RecipientEncryptedKeys_item  Item
            No value
        cms.RecipientInfos_item  Item
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.SMIMECapabilities  SMIMECapabilities
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.SMIMECapabilities_item  Item
            No value
        cms.SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference  SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.SignedAttributes_item  Item
            No value
        cms.SignedData  SignedData
            No value
        cms.SignerInfos_item  Item
            No value
        cms.SigningTime  SigningTime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.UnauthAttributes_item  Item
            No value
        cms.UnprotectedAttributes_item  Item
            No value
        cms.UnsignedAttributes_item  Item
            No value
        cms.algorithm  algorithm
            No value
        cms.attrCert  attrCert
            No value
        cms.attrType  attrType
        cms.attrValues  attrValues
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.attrValues_item  Item
            No value
        cms.attributes  attributes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.authenticatedAttributes  authenticatedAttributes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.capability  capability
        cms.certificate  certificate
            No value
        cms.certificates  certificates
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.certs  certs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.content  content
            No value
        cms.contentEncryptionAlgorithm  contentEncryptionAlgorithm
            No value
        cms.contentInfo.contentType  contentType
        cms.contentType  contentType
        cms.crls  crls
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.date  date
        cms.digest  digest
            Byte array
        cms.digestAlgorithm  digestAlgorithm
            No value
        cms.digestAlgorithms  digestAlgorithms
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.eContent  eContent
            Byte array
        cms.eContentType  eContentType
        cms.encapContentInfo  encapContentInfo
            No value
        cms.encryptedContent  encryptedContent
            Byte array
        cms.encryptedContentInfo  encryptedContentInfo
            No value
        cms.encryptedKey  encryptedKey
            Byte array
        cms.extendedCertificate  extendedCertificate
            No value
        cms.extendedCertificateInfo  extendedCertificateInfo
            No value
        cms.generalTime  generalTime
        cms.issuer  issuer
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.issuerAndSerialNumber  issuerAndSerialNumber
            No value
        cms.iv  iv
            Byte array
        cms.kari  kari
            No value
        cms.kekid  kekid
            No value
        cms.kekri  kekri
            No value
        cms.keyAttr  keyAttr
            No value
        cms.keyAttrId  keyAttrId
        cms.keyEncryptionAlgorithm  keyEncryptionAlgorithm
            No value
        cms.keyIdentifier  keyIdentifier
            Byte array
        cms.ktri  ktri
            No value
        cms.mac  mac
            Byte array
        cms.macAlgorithm  macAlgorithm
            No value
        cms.originator  originator
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.originatorInfo  originatorInfo
            No value
        cms.originatorKey  originatorKey
            No value
        cms.other  other
            No value
        cms.parameters  parameters
            No value
        cms.publicKey  publicKey
            Byte array
        cms.rKeyId  rKeyId
            No value
        cms.rc2CBCParameter  rc2CBCParameter
            No value
        cms.rc2ParameterVersion  rc2ParameterVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cms.rc2WrapParameter  rc2WrapParameter
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cms.recipientEncryptedKeys  recipientEncryptedKeys
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.recipientInfos  recipientInfos
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.recipientKeyId  recipientKeyId
            No value
        cms.rid  rid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.serialNumber  serialNumber
            Signed 32-bit integer
        cms.sid  sid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.signature  signature
            Byte array
        cms.signatureAlgorithm  signatureAlgorithm
            No value
        cms.signedAttrs  signedAttrs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.signerInfos  signerInfos
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.subjectAltKeyIdentifier  subjectAltKeyIdentifier
            Byte array
        cms.subjectKeyIdentifier  subjectKeyIdentifier
            Byte array
        cms.ukm  ukm
            Byte array
        cms.unauthenticatedAttributes  unauthenticatedAttributes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.unprotectedAttrs  unprotectedAttrs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.unsignedAttrs  unsignedAttrs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        cms.utcTime  utcTime
        cms.version  version
            Signed 32-bit integer


    DCE DFS Basic Overseer Server (bossvr)

        bossvr.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer



        ubikdisk.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE DFS FLDB UBIKVOTE (ubikvote)

        ubikvote.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE DFS File Exporter (fileexp)

        afsNetAddr.data  IP Data
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        afsNetAddr.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fileexp.NameString_principal  Principal Name
        fileexp.TaggedPath_tp_chars  AFS Tagged Path
        fileexp.TaggedPath_tp_tag  AFS Tagged Path Name
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.accesstime_msec  fileexp.accesstime_msec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.accesstime_sec  fileexp.accesstime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.acl_len  Acl Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.aclexpirationtime  fileexp.aclexpirationtime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.acltype  fileexp.acltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.afsFid.Unique  Unique
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Unique
        fileexp.afsFid.Vnode  Vnode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Vnode
        fileexp.afsFid.cell_high  Cell High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Cell High
        fileexp.afsFid.cell_low  Cell Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Cell Low
        fileexp.afsFid.volume_high  Volume High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Volume High
        fileexp.afsFid.volume_low  Volume Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            afsFid Volume Low
        fileexp.afsTaggedPath_length  Tagged Path Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.afsacl_uuid1  AFS ACL UUID1
        fileexp.afserrortstatus_st  AFS Error Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.afsreturndesc_tokenid_high  Tokenid High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.afsreturndesc_tokenid_low  Tokenid low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.agtypeunique  fileexp.agtypeunique
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.anonymousaccess  fileexp.anonymousaccess
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.author  fileexp.author
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.beginrange  fileexp.beginrange
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.beginrangeext  fileexp.beginrangeext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.blocksused  fileexp.blocksused
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchkeepalive_spare1  BulkFetch KeepAlive spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchkeepalive_spare2  BulkKeepAlive spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchstatus_size  BulkFetchStatus Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchvv_numvols  fileexp.bulkfetchvv_numvols
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchvv_spare1  fileexp.bulkfetchvv_spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkfetchvv_spare2  fileexp.bulkfetchvv_spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.bulkkeepalive_numexecfids  BulkKeepAlive numexecfids
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.calleraccess  fileexp.calleraccess
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.cellidp_high  cellidp high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.cellidp_low  cellidp low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.changetime_msec  fileexp.changetime_msec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.changetime_sec  fileexp.changetime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.clientspare1  fileexp.clientspare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.dataversion_high  fileexp.dataversion_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.dataversion_low  fileexp.dataversion_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.defaultcell_uuid  Default Cell UUID
        fileexp.devicenumber  fileexp.devicenumber
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.devicenumberhighbits  fileexp.devicenumberhighbits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.endrange  fileexp.endrange
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.endrangeext  fileexp.endrangeext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.expirationtime  fileexp.expirationtime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.fetchdata_pipe_t_size  FetchData Pipe_t size
        fileexp.filetype  fileexp.filetype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.flags  DFS Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.fstype  Filetype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.gettime.syncdistance  SyncDistance
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.gettime_secondsp  GetTime secondsp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.gettime_syncdispersion  GetTime Syncdispersion
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.gettime_usecondsp  GetTime usecondsp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.group  fileexp.group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.himaxspare  fileexp.himaxspare
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.interfaceversion  fileexp.interfaceversion
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_end_pos  fileexp.l_end_pos
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_end_pos_ext  fileexp.l_end_pos_ext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_fstype  fileexp.l_fstype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_pid  fileexp.l_pid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_start_pos  fileexp.l_start_pos
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_start_pos_ext  fileexp.l_start_pos_ext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_sysid  fileexp.l_sysid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_type  fileexp.l_type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.l_whence  fileexp.l_whence
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.length  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.length_high  fileexp.length_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.length_low  fileexp.length_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.linkcount  fileexp.linkcount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.lomaxspare  fileexp.lomaxspare
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.minvvp_high  fileexp.minvvp_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.minvvp_low  fileexp.minvvp_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.mode  fileexp.mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.modtime_msec  fileexp.modtime_msec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.modtime_sec  fileexp.modtime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.nextoffset_high  next offset high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.nextoffset_low  next offset low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.objectuuid  fileexp.objectuuid
        fileexp.offset_high  offset high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fileexp.owner  fileexp.owner
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.parentunique  fileexp.parentunique
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.parentvnode  fileexp.parentvnode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.pathconfspare  fileexp.pathconfspare
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.position_high  Position High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.position_low  Position Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.principalName_size  Principal Name Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.principalName_size2  Principal Name Size2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.readdir.size  Readdir Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.returntokenidp_high  return token idp high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.returntokenidp_low  return token idp low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.servermodtime_msec  fileexp.servermodtime_msec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.servermodtime_sec  fileexp.servermodtime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.setcontext.parm7  Parm7:
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.setcontext_clientsizesattrs  ClientSizeAttrs:
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.setcontext_rqst_epochtime  EpochTime:
            Date/Time stamp
        fileexp.setcontext_secobjextid  SetObjectid:
        fileexp.spare4  fileexp.spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.spare5  fileexp.spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.spare6  fileexp.spare6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.st  AFS4Int Error Status Code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_accesstime_sec  fileexp.storestatus_accesstime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_accesstime_usec  fileexp.storestatus_accesstime_usec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_changetime_sec  fileexp.storestatus_changetime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_changetime_usec  fileexp.storestatus_changetime_usec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_clientspare1  fileexp.storestatus_clientspare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_cmask  fileexp.storestatus_cmask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_devicenumber  fileexp.storestatus_devicenumber
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_devicenumberhighbits  fileexp.storestatus_devicenumberhighbits
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_devicetype  fileexp.storestatus_devicetype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_group  fileexp.storestatus_group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_length_high  fileexp.storestatus_length_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_length_low  fileexp.storestatus_length_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_mask  fileexp.storestatus_mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_mode  fileexp.storestatus_mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_modtime_sec  fileexp.storestatus_modtime_sec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_modtime_usec  fileexp.storestatus_modtime_usec
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_owner  fileexp.storestatus_owner
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare1  fileexp.storestatus_spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare2  fileexp.storestatus_spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare3  fileexp.storestatus_spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare4  fileexp.storestatus_spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare5  fileexp.storestatus_spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_spare6  fileexp.storestatus_spare6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_trunc_high  fileexp.storestatus_trunc_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_trunc_low  fileexp.storestatus_trunc_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.storestatus_typeuuid  fileexp.storestatus_typeuuid
        fileexp.string  String 
        fileexp.tn_length  fileexp.tn_length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fileexp.tn_size  String Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.tn_tag  fileexp.tn_tag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.tokenid_hi  fileexp.tokenid_hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.tokenid_low  fileexp.tokenid_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.type_hi  fileexp.type_hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.type_high  Type high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.type_low  fileexp.type_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.typeuuid  fileexp.typeuuid
        fileexp.uint  fileexp.uint
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.unique  fileexp.unique
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.uuid  AFS UUID
        fileexp.vnode  fileexp.vnode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.volid_hi  fileexp.volid_hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.volid_low  fileexp.volid_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.volume_high  fileexp.volume_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.volume_low  fileexp.volume_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vv_hi  fileexp.vv_hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vv_low  fileexp.vv_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vvage  fileexp.vvage
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vvpingage  fileexp.vvpingage
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vvspare1  fileexp.vvspare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fileexp.vvspare2  fileexp.vvspare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_afsconnparams_mask  hf_afsconnparams_mask
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_afsconnparams_values  hf_afsconnparams_values
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DCE DFS Fileset Location Server (fldb)

        fldb.NameString_principal  Principal Name
        fldb.afsnetaddr.data  IP Data
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        fldb.afsnetaddr.type  Type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fldb.createentry_rqst_key_size  Volume Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.createentry_rqst_key_t  Volume
        fldb.creationquota  creation quota
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.creationuses  creation uses
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.deletedflag  deletedflag
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.deleteentry_rqst_fsid_high  FSID deleteentry Hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.deleteentry_rqst_fsid_low  FSID deleteentry Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.deleteentry_rqst_voloper  voloper
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.deleteentry_rqst_voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.error_st  Error Status 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.flagsp  flagsp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyid_rqst_fsid_high  FSID deleteentry Hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyid_rqst_fsid_low  FSID getentrybyid Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyid_rqst_voloper  voloper
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyid_rqst_voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_high  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_low  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_cloneid_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_defaultmaxreplat  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_defaultmaxreplat
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_flags  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_hardmaxtotlat  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_hardmaxtotlat
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_key_size  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_key_t  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_key_t
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_maxtotallat  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_maxtotallat
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_minpouncedally  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_minpouncedally
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_numservers  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_numservers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_reclaimdally  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_reclaimdally
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_sitecookies  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitecookies
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_siteflags  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_siteflags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_sitemaxreplat  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitemaxreplat
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_sitepartition  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_sitepartition
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_spare1  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_spare2  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_spare3  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_spare4  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_test  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_test
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_volid_high  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_volid_low  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volid_low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_voltype  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_volumetype  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_volumetype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_resp_whenlocked  fldb_getentrybyname_resp_whenlocked
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_rqst_key_size  getentrybyname
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.getentrybyname_rqst_var1  getentrybyname var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_resp_count  Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_resp_key_size  Key Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_resp_key_size2  key_size2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_resp_key_t  Volume
        fldb.listentry_resp_key_t2  Server
        fldb.listentry_resp_next_index  Next Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_resp_voltype  VolType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_rqst_previous_index  Previous Index
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.listentry_rqst_var1  Var 1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.namestring_size  namestring size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.nextstartp  nextstartp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.numwanted  number wanted
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        fldb.principalName_size  Principal Name Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.principalName_size2  Principal Name Size2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.releaselock_rqst_fsid_high  FSID releaselock Hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.releaselock_rqst_fsid_low  FSID releaselock Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.releaselock_rqst_voloper  voloper
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.releaselock_rqst_voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_resp_st  Error
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_resp_st2  Error
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_rqst_fsid_high  FSID replaceentry Hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_rqst_fsid_low  FSID  replaceentry Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_rqst_key_size  Key Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.replaceentry_rqst_key_t  Key
        fldb.replaceentry_rqst_voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_resp_st  Error
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_resp_st2  Error
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_rqst_fsid_high  FSID setlock Hi
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_rqst_fsid_low  FSID setlock Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_rqst_voloper  voloper
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.setlock_rqst_voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.spare5  spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.uuid_objid  objid
        fldb.uuid_owner  owner
        fldb.vlconf.cellidhigh  CellID High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.cellidlow  CellID Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.hostname  hostName
        fldb.vlconf.name  Name
        fldb.vlconf.numservers  Number of Servers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.spare1  Spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.spare2  Spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.spare3  Spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.spare4  Spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vlconf.spare5  Spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.afsflags  AFS Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.charspares  Char Spares
        fldb.vldbentry.cloneidhigh  CloneID High
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.cloneidlow  CloneID Low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.defaultmaxreplicalatency  Default Max Replica Latency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.hardmaxtotallatency  Hard Max Total Latency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.lockername  Locker Name
        fldb.vldbentry.maxtotallatency  Max Total Latency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.minimumpouncedally  Minimum Pounce Dally
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.nservers  Number of Servers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.reclaimdally  Reclaim Dally
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.siteflags  Site Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.sitemaxreplatency  Site Max Replica Latench
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.siteobjid  Site Object ID
        fldb.vldbentry.siteowner  Site Owner
        fldb.vldbentry.sitepartition  Site Partition
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.siteprincipal  Principal Name
        fldb.vldbentry.spare1  Spare 1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.spare2  Spare 2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.spare3  Spare 3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.spare4  Spare 4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.volidshigh  VolIDs high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.volidslow  VolIDs low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.voltypes  VolTypes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.volumename  VolumeName
        fldb.vldbentry.volumetype  VolumeType
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.vldbentry.whenlocked  When Locked
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.volid_high  volid high
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.volid_low  volid low
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        fldb.voltype  voltype
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DCE DFS ICL RPC (icl_rpc)

        icl_rpc.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE DFS Replication Server (rep_proc)

        rep_proc.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE DFS Token Server (tkn4int)

        tkn4int.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE Distributed Time Service Local Server (dtsstime_req)

        dtsstime_req.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE Distributed Time Service Provider (dtsprovider)

        dtsprovider.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dtsprovider.status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Return code, status of executed command


    DCE Name Service (rs_pgo)

        hf_error_status_t  hf_error_status_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_acct_user_flags_t  hf_rgy_acct_user_flags_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_size  hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_t  hf_rgy_get_rqst_key_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_get_rqst_name_domain  hf_rgy_get_rqst_name_domain
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_get_rqst_var  hf_rgy_get_rqst_var
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_get_rqst_var2  hf_rgy_get_rqst_var2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1_size  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key1_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2_size  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_key2_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var1  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var2  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var3  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var4  hf_rgy_is_member_rqst_var4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var1  hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var2  hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var3  hf_rgy_key_transfer_rqst_var3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_name_domain  hf_rgy_name_domain
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_max_len  hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_max_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t  hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t_size  hf_rgy_sec_rgy_name_t_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_pgo_id_key_t  hf_rs_pgo_id_key_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_pgo_query_key_t  hf_rs_pgo_query_key_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_pgo_query_result_t  hf_rs_pgo_query_result_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_pgo_query_t  hf_rs_pgo_query_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_pgo_unix_num_key_t  hf_rs_pgo_unix_num_key_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_quota  hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_quota
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_unix_num  hf_rs_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t_unix_num
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_rs_timeval  hf_rs_timeval
            Time duration
        hf_rs_uuid1  hf_rs_uuid1
        hf_rs_var1  hf_rs_var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_handle  hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_handle
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_valid  hf_sec_attr_component_name_t_valid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_passwd_type_t  hf_sec_passwd_type_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_passwd_version_t  hf_sec_passwd_version_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_acct_admin_flags  hf_sec_rgy_acct_admin_flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_acct_auth_flags_t  hf_sec_rgy_acct_auth_flags_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_acct_key_t  hf_sec_rgy_acct_key_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_domain_t  hf_sec_rgy_domain_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_name_t_principalName_string  hf_sec_rgy_name_t_principalName_string
        hf_sec_rgy_name_t_size  hf_sec_rgy_name_t_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_pgo_flags_t  hf_sec_rgy_pgo_flags_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t  hf_sec_rgy_pgo_item_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_principalName_string  hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_principalName_string
        hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_size  hf_sec_rgy_pname_t_size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_group  hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_org  hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_org
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_person  hf_sec_rgy_unix_sid_t_person
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_sec_timeval_sec_t  hf_sec_timeval_sec_t
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_pgo.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE RPC (dcerpc)

        dcerpc.array.actual_count  Actual Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Actual Count: Actual number of elements in the array
        dcerpc.array.buffer  Buffer
            Byte array
            Buffer: Buffer containing elements of the array
        dcerpc.array.max_count  Max Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Count: Number of elements in the array
        dcerpc.array.offset  Offset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Offset for first element in array
        dcerpc.auth_ctx_id  Auth Context ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.auth_level  Auth level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.auth_pad_len  Auth pad len
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.auth_rsrvd  Auth Rsrvd
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.auth_type  Auth type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_ack_reason  Ack reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_ack_result  Ack result
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_ack_trans_id  Transfer Syntax
        dcerpc.cn_ack_trans_ver  Syntax ver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_alloc_hint  Alloc hint
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_assoc_group  Assoc Group
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_auth_len  Auth Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_bind_abstract_syntax  Abstract Syntax
            No value
        dcerpc.cn_bind_if_ver  Interface Ver
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_bind_if_ver_minor  Interface Ver Minor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_bind_to_uuid  Interface UUID
        dcerpc.cn_bind_trans  Transfer Syntax
            No value
        dcerpc.cn_bind_trans_id  ID
        dcerpc.cn_bind_trans_ver  ver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_call_id  Call ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_cancel_count  Cancel count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_ctx_id  Context ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_ctx_item  Ctx Item
            No value
        dcerpc.cn_deseg_req  Desegmentation Required
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_flags  Packet Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_flags.cancel_pending  Cancel Pending
        dcerpc.cn_flags.dne  Did Not Execute
        dcerpc.cn_flags.first_frag  First Frag
        dcerpc.cn_flags.last_frag  Last Frag
        dcerpc.cn_flags.maybe  Maybe
        dcerpc.cn_flags.mpx  Multiplex
        dcerpc.cn_flags.object  Object
        dcerpc.cn_flags.reserved  Reserved
        dcerpc.cn_frag_len  Frag Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_max_recv  Max Recv Frag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_max_xmit  Max Xmit Frag
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_num_ctx_items  Num Ctx Items
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_num_protocols  Number of protocols
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_num_results  Num results
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_num_trans_items  Num Trans Items
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_protocol_ver_major  Protocol major version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_protocol_ver_minor  Protocol minor version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_reject_reason  Reject reason
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_sec_addr  Scndry Addr
        dcerpc.cn_sec_addr_len  Scndry Addr len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.cn_status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_act_id  Activity
        dcerpc.dg_ahint  Activity Hint
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_auth_proto  Auth proto
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_cancel_id  Cancel ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_cancel_vers  Cancel Version
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_flags1  Flags1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_broadcast  Broadcast
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_frag  Fragment
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_idempotent  Idempotent
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_last_frag  Last Fragment
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_maybe  Maybe
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_nofack  No Fack
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_rsrvd_01  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags1_rsrvd_80  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2  Flags2
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_cancel_pending  Cancel Pending
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_01  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_04  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_08  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_10  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_20  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_40  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_flags2_rsrvd_80  Reserved
        dcerpc.dg_frag_len  Fragment len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_frag_num  Fragment num
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_if_id  Interface
        dcerpc.dg_if_ver  Interface Ver
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_ihint  Interface Hint
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_seqnum  Sequence num
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_serial_hi  Serial High
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_serial_lo  Serial Low
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.dg_server_boot  Server boot time
            Date/Time stamp
        dcerpc.dg_status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.drep  Data Representation
            Byte array
        dcerpc.drep.byteorder  Byte order
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.drep.character  Character
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.drep.fp  Floating-point
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_max_frag_size  Max Frag Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_max_tsdu  Max TSDU
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_selack  Selective ACK
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_selack_len  Selective ACK Len
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_serial_num  Serial Num
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_vers  FACK Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.fack_window_size  Window Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.fragment  DCE/RPC Fragment
            Frame number
            DCE/RPC Fragment
        dcerpc.fragment.error  Defragmentation error
            Frame number
            Defragmentation error due to illegal fragments
        dcerpc.fragment.multipletails  Multiple tail fragments found
            Several tails were found when defragmenting the packet
        dcerpc.fragment.overlap  Fragment overlap
            Fragment overlaps with other fragments
        dcerpc.fragment.overlap.conflict  Conflicting data in fragment overlap
            Overlapping fragments contained conflicting data
        dcerpc.fragment.toolongfragment  Fragment too long
            Fragment contained data past end of packet
        dcerpc.fragments  Reassembled DCE/RPC Fragments
            No value
            DCE/RPC Fragments
        dcerpc.krb5_av.auth_verifier  Authentication Verifier
            Byte array
        dcerpc.krb5_av.key_vers_num  Key Version Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.krb5_av.prot_level  Protection Level
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.nt.acb.autolock  Account is autolocked
            If this account has been autolocked
        dcerpc.nt.acb.disabled  Account disabled
            If this account is enabled or disabled
        dcerpc.nt.acb.domtrust  Interdomain trust account
            Interdomain trust account
        dcerpc.nt.acb.homedirreq  Home dir required
            Is homedirs required for this account?
        dcerpc.nt.acb.mns  MNS logon user account
            MNS logon user account
        dcerpc.nt.acb.normal  Normal user account
            If this is a normal user account
        dcerpc.nt.acb.pwnoexp  Password expires
            If this account expires or not
        dcerpc.nt.acb.pwnotreq  Password required
            If a password is required for this account?
        dcerpc.nt.acb.svrtrust  Server trust account
            Server trust account
        dcerpc.nt.acb.tempdup  Temporary duplicate account
            If this is a temporary duplicate account
        dcerpc.nt.acb.wstrust  Workstation trust account
            Workstation trust account
        dcerpc.nt.acct_ctrl  Acct Ctrl
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Acct CTRL
        dcerpc.nt.attr  Attributes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcerpc.nt.close_frame  Frame handle closed
            Frame number
            Frame handle closed
        dcerpc.nt.count  Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number of elements in following array
        dcerpc.nt.domain_sid  Domain SID
            The Domain SID
        dcerpc.nt.guid  GUID
            GUID (uuid for groups?)
        dcerpc.nt.logonhours.divisions  Divisions
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of divisions for LOGON_HOURS
        dcerpc.nt.open_frame  Frame handle opened
            Frame number
            Frame handle opened
        dcerpc.nt.str.len  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of string in short integers
        dcerpc.nt.str.size  Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Size of string in short integers
        dcerpc.nt.unknown.char  Unknown char
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Unknown char. If you know what this is, contact wireshark developers.
        dcerpc.obj_id  Object
        dcerpc.op  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.opnum  Opnum
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcerpc.pkt_type  Packet type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.reassembled_in  Reassembled PDU in frame
            Frame number
            The DCE/RPC PDU is completely reassembled in the packet with this number
        dcerpc.referent_id  Referent ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Referent ID for this NDR encoded pointer
        dcerpc.request_in  Request in frame
            Frame number
            This packet is a response to the packet with this number
        dcerpc.response_in  Response in frame
            Frame number
            This packet will be responded in the packet with this number
        dcerpc.server_accepting_cancels  Server accepting cancels
        dcerpc.time  Time from request
            Time duration
            Time between Request and Response for DCE-RPC calls
        dcerpc.unknown_if_id  Unknown DCERPC interface id
        dcerpc.ver  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcerpc.ver_minor  Version (minor)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    DCE Security ID Mapper (secidmap)

        secidmap.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/DFS BUDB (budb)

        budb.AddVolume.vol  vol
            No value
        budb.AddVolumes.cnt  cnt
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.AddVolumes.vol  vol
            No value
        budb.CreateDump.dump  dump
            No value
        budb.DbHeader.cell  cell
        budb.DbHeader.created  created
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.dbversion  dbversion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.lastDumpId  lastDumpId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.lastInstanceId  lastInstanceId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.lastTapeId  lastTapeId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbHeader.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DbVerify.host  host
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DbVerify.orphans  orphans
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DbVerify.status  status
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DeleteDump.id  id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.DeleteTape.tape  tape
            No value
        budb.DeleteVDP.curDumpId  curDumpId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DeleteVDP.dsname  dsname
        budb.DeleteVDP.dumpPath  dumpPath
        budb.DumpDB.charListPtr  charListPtr
            No value
        budb.DumpDB.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.DumpDB.maxLength  maxLength
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.FindClone.cloneSpare  cloneSpare
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.FindClone.clonetime  clonetime
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.FindClone.dumpID  dumpID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.FindClone.volName  volName
        budb.FindDump.beforeDate  beforeDate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.FindDump.dateSpare  dateSpare
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.FindDump.deptr  deptr
            No value
        budb.FindDump.volName  volName
        budb.FindLatestDump.dname  dname
        budb.FindLatestDump.dumpentry  dumpentry
            No value
        budb.FindLatestDump.vsname  vsname
        budb.FinishDump.dump  dump
            No value
        budb.FinishTape.tape  tape
            No value
        budb.FreeAllLocks.instanceId  instanceId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.FreeLock.lockHandle  lockHandle
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.dbUpdate  dbUpdate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.dumps  dumps
            No value
        budb.GetDumps.end  end
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.index  index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.majorVersion  majorVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.name  name
        budb.GetDumps.nextIndex  nextIndex
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetDumps.start  start
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetInstanceId.instanceId  instanceId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.GetLock.expiration  expiration
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetLock.instanceId  instanceId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.GetLock.lockHandle  lockHandle
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.GetLock.lockName  lockName
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetServerInterfaces.serverInterfacesP  serverInterfacesP
            No value
        budb.GetTapes.dbUpdate  dbUpdate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.end  end
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.index  index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.majorVersion  majorVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.name  name
        budb.GetTapes.nextIndex  nextIndex
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.start  start
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTapes.tapes  tapes
            No value
        budb.GetText.charListPtr  charListPtr
            No value
        budb.GetText.lockHandle  lockHandle
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetText.maxLength  maxLength
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetText.nextOffset  nextOffset
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetText.offset  offset
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetText.textType  textType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTextVersion.textType  textType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetTextVersion.tversion  tversion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.dbUpdate  dbUpdate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.end  end
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.index  index
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.majorVersion  majorVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.name  name
        budb.GetVolumes.nextIndex  nextIndex
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.start  start
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.GetVolumes.volumes  volumes
            No value
        budb.RestoreDbHeader.header  header
            No value
        budb.SaveText.charListPtr  charListPtr
            No value
        budb.SaveText.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.SaveText.lockHandle  lockHandle
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.SaveText.offset  offset
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.SaveText.textType  textType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.T_DumpDatabase.filename  filename
        budb.T_DumpHashTable.filename  filename
        budb.T_DumpHashTable.type  type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.T_GetVersion.majorVersion  majorVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.UseTape.new  new
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.UseTape.tape  tape
            No value
        budb.charListT.charListT_len  charListT_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.charListT.charListT_val  charListT_val
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.clone  clone
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.dbVolume.dump  dump
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.id  id
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.incTime  incTime
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.dbVolume.nBytes  nBytes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.nFrags  nFrags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.name  name
        budb.dbVolume.partition  partition
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.position  position
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.seq  seq
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.server  server
        budb.dbVolume.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.startByte  startByte
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dbVolume.tape  tape
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.interface_uuid  interface_uuid
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare0  spare0
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare5  spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare6  spare6
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare7  spare7
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare8  spare8
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spare9  spare9
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.spareText  spareText
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_major  vers_major
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_minor  vers_minor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceDescription.vers_provider  vers_provider
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceList.dfs_interfaceList_len  dfs_interfaceList_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dfs_interfaceList.dfs_interfaceList_val  dfs_interfaceList_val
            No value
        budb.dumpEntry.created  created
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.dumpEntry.dumpPath  dumpPath
        budb.dumpEntry.dumper  dumper
            No value
        budb.dumpEntry.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.id  id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.incTime  incTime
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.dumpEntry.level  level
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.nVolumes  nVolumes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.name  name
        budb.dumpEntry.parent  parent
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpEntry.tapes  tapes
            No value
        budb.dumpEntry.volumeSetName  volumeSetName
        budb.dumpList.dumpList_len  dumpList_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.dumpList.dumpList_val  dumpList_val
            No value
        budb.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        budb.principal.cell  cell
        budb.principal.instance  instance
        budb.principal.name  name
        budb.principal.spare  spare
        budb.principal.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.principal.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.principal.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.principal.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.rc  Return code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.size  size
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.structversion  structversion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.structDumpHeader.type  type
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.dump  dump
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.expires  expires
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.tapeEntry.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.mediaType  mediaType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.nBytes  nBytes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.nFiles  nFiles
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.nMBytes  nMBytes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.nVolumes  nVolumes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.name  name
        budb.tapeEntry.seq  seq
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.tapeid  tapeid
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.useCount  useCount
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeEntry.written  written
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.tapeList.tapeList_len  tapeList_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeList.tapeList_val  tapeList_val
            No value
        budb.tapeSet.a  a
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.b  b
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.format  format
        budb.tapeSet.id  id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.maxTapes  maxTapes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.tapeSet.tapeServer  tapeServer
        budb.volumeEntry.clone  clone
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.volumeEntry.dump  dump
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.id  id
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.incTime  incTime
            Date/Time stamp
        budb.volumeEntry.nBytes  nBytes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.nFrags  nFrags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.name  name
        budb.volumeEntry.partition  partition
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.position  position
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.seq  seq
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.server  server
        budb.volumeEntry.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.startByte  startByte
            Signed 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeEntry.tape  tape
        budb.volumeList.volumeList_len  volumeList_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        budb.volumeList.volumeList_val  volumeList_val
            No value


    DCE/RPC BUTC (butc)

        butc.BUTC_AbortDump.dumpID  dumpID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_EndStatus.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_GetStatus.statusPtr  statusPtr
            No value
        butc.BUTC_GetStatus.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_LabelTape.label  label
            No value
        butc.BUTC_LabelTape.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_PerformDump.dumpID  dumpID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_PerformDump.dumps  dumps
            No value
        butc.BUTC_PerformDump.tcdiPtr  tcdiPtr
            No value
        butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.dumpID  dumpID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.dumpSetName  dumpSetName
        butc.BUTC_PerformRestore.restores  restores
            No value
        butc.BUTC_ReadLabel.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_RequestAbort.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_RestoreDb.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_SaveDb.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_ScanDumps.addDbFlag  addDbFlag
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_ScanDumps.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.statusPtr  statusPtr
            No value
        butc.BUTC_ScanStatus.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.BUTC_TCInfo.tciptr  tciptr
            No value
        butc.Restore_flags.TC_RESTORE_CREATE  TC_RESTORE_CREATE
        butc.Restore_flags.TC_RESTORE_INCR  TC_RESTORE_INCR
        butc.afsNetAddr.data  data
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        butc.afsNetAddr.type  type
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        butc.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        butc.rc  Return code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpArray.tc_dumpArray  tc_dumpArray
            No value
        butc.tc_dumpArray.tc_dumpArray_len  tc_dumpArray_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.cloneDate  cloneDate
            Date/Time stamp
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.date  date
            Date/Time stamp
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.hostAddr  hostAddr
            No value
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.name  name
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.partition  partition
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpDesc.vid  vid
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpLevel  dumpLevel
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpName  dumpName
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.dumpPath  dumpPath
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.parentDumpId  parentDumpId
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.tapeSet  tapeSet
            No value
        butc.tc_dumpInterface.volumeSetName  volumeSetName
        butc.tc_dumpStat.bytesDumped  bytesDumped
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.dumpID  dumpID
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.flags  flags
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.numVolErrs  numVolErrs
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_dumpStat.volumeBeingDumped  volumeBeingDumped
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreArray.tc_restoreArray_len  tc_restoreArray_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreArray.tc_restoreArray_val  tc_restoreArray_val
            No value
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.frag  frag
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.hostAddr  hostAddr
            No value
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.newName  newName
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.oldName  oldName
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.origVid  origVid
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.partition  partition
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.position  position
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.realDumpId  realDumpId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.tapeName  tapeName
        butc.tc_restoreDesc.vid  vid
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.label  label
            No value
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.none  none
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.spare5  spare5
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitch.vol  vol
            No value
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchLabel.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchLabel.tapeLabel  tapeLabel
            No value
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.nKBytes  nKBytes
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.volsFailed  volsFailed
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_statusInfoSwitchVol.volumeName  volumeName
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.name  name
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.nameLen  nameLen
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.size  size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.size_ext  size_ext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeLabel.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.a  a
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.b  b
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.expDate  expDate
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.expType  expType
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.format  format
        butc.tc_tapeSet.id  id
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.maxTapes  maxTapes
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tapeSet.tapeServer  tapeServer
        butc.tc_tcInfo.spare1  spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tcInfo.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tcInfo.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tcInfo.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tc_tcInfo.tcVersion  tcVersion
            Signed 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.flags  flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.info  info
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.lastPolled  lastPolled
            Date/Time stamp
        butc.tciStatusS.spare2  spare2
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.spare3  spare3
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.spare4  spare4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.taskId  taskId
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        butc.tciStatusS.taskName  taskName


    DCE/RPC CDS Solicitation (cds_solicit)

        cds_solicit.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Conversation Manager (conv)

        conv.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        conv.status  Status
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        conv.who_are_you2_resp_casuuid  Client's address space UUID
        conv.who_are_you2_resp_seq  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        conv.who_are_you2_rqst_actuid  Activity UID
        conv.who_are_you2_rqst_boot_time  Boot time
            Date/Time stamp
        conv.who_are_you_resp_seq  Sequence Number
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        conv.who_are_you_rqst_actuid  Activity UID
        conv.who_are_you_rqst_boot_time  Boot time
            Date/Time stamp


    DCE/RPC Directory Acl Interface (rdaclif)

        rdaclif.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper (epm)

        epm.ann_len  Annotation length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        epm.ann_offset  Annotation offset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        epm.annotation  Annotation
        epm.hnd  Handle
            Byte array
            Context handle
        epm.if_id  Interface
        epm.inq_type  Inquiry type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        epm.max_ents  Max entries
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        epm.max_towers  Max Towers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum number of towers to return
        epm.num_ents  Num entries
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        epm.num_towers  Num Towers
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Number number of towers to return
        epm.object  Object
        epm.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        epm.proto.http_port  TCP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP Port where this service can be found
        epm.proto.ip  IP
            IPv4 address
            IP address where service is located
        epm.proto.named_pipe  Named Pipe
            Name of the named pipe for this service
        epm.proto.netbios_name  NetBIOS Name
            NetBIOS name where this service can be found
        epm.proto.tcp_port  TCP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP Port where this service can be found
        epm.proto.udp_port  UDP Port
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            UDP Port where this service can be found
        epm.rc  Return code
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            EPM return value
        epm.replace  Replace
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Replace existing objects?
        epm.tower  Tower
            Byte array
            Tower data
        epm.tower.len  Length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Length of tower data
        epm.tower.lhs.len  LHS Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of LHS data
        epm.tower.num_floors  Number of floors
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Number of floors in tower
        epm.tower.proto_id  Protocol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Protocol identifier
        epm.tower.rhs.len  RHS Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length of RHS data
        epm.uuid  UUID
        epm.ver_maj  Version Major
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        epm.ver_min  Version Minor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        epm.ver_opt  Version Option
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Endpoint Mapper v4 (epm4)


    DCE/RPC Kerberos V (krb5rpc)

        hf_krb5rpc_krb5  hf_krb5rpc_krb5
            Byte array
        hf_krb5rpc_opnum  hf_krb5rpc_opnum
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_keysize  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_keysize
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_len  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_len
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_max  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_max
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_spare1  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_st  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_resp_st
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_keysize  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_keysize
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_spare1  hf_krb5rpc_sendto_kdc_rqst_spare1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DCE/RPC NCS 1.5.1 Local Location Broker (llb)

        llb.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Operations between registry server replicas (rs_repmgr)

        rs_repmgr.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Prop Attr (rs_prop_attr)

        rs_prop_attr.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC RS_ACCT (rs_acct)

        rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_key_size  Var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_key_t  Var1
        rs_acct.get_projlist_rqst_var1  Var1
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_acct.lookup_rqst_key_size  Key Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_acct.lookup_rqst_var  Var
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_acct.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        rs_lookup.get_rqst_key_t  Key


    DCE/RPC RS_BIND (rs_bind)

        rs_bind.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC RS_MISC (rs_misc)

        rs.misc_login_get_info_rqst_key_t  Key
        rs_misc.login_get_info_rqst_key_size  Key Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_misc.login_get_info_rqst_var  Var
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        rs_misc.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC RS_PROP_ACCT (rs_prop_acct)

        rs_prop_acct.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC RS_UNIX (rs_unix)

        rs_unix.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Registry Password Management (rs_pwd_mgmt)

        rs_pwd_mgmt.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Registry Server Attributes Schema (rs_attr_schema)

        rs_attr_schema.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface — ACLs. (rs_prop_acl)

        rs_prop_acl.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface — PGO items (rs_prop_pgo)

        rs_prop_pgo.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Registry server propagation interface — properties and policies (rs_prop_plcy)

        rs_prop_plcy.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Remote Management (mgmt)

        mgmt.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC Repserver Calls (rs_replist)

        rs_replist.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCE/RPC UpServer (dce_update)

        dce_update.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCOM (dcom)

        dcom.actual_count  ActualCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.array_size  (ArraySize)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.byte_length  ByteLength
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.clsid  CLSID
        dcom.dualstringarray.network_addr  NetworkAddr
        dcom.dualstringarray.num_entries  NumEntries
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.dualstringarray.security  SecurityBinding
            No value
        dcom.dualstringarray.security_authn_svc  AuthnSvc
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.dualstringarray.security_authz_svc  AuthzSvc
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.dualstringarray.security_offset  SecurityOffset
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.dualstringarray.security_princ_name  PrincName
        dcom.dualstringarray.string  StringBinding
            No value
        dcom.dualstringarray.tower_id  TowerId
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.extent  Extension
            No value
        dcom.extent.array_count  Extension Count
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.extent.array_res  Reserved
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.extent.id  Extension Id
        dcom.extent.size  Extension Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.hresult  HResult
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.ifp  InterfacePointer
            No value
        dcom.iid  IID
        dcom.ip_cnt_data  CntData
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.ipid  IPID
        dcom.max_count  MaxCount
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.nospec  No Specification Available
            Byte array
        dcom.objref  OBJREF
            No value
        dcom.objref.cbextension  CBExtension
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Size of extension data
        dcom.objref.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.objref.resolver_address  ResolverAddress
            No value
        dcom.objref.signature  Signature
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.objref.size  Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.offset  Offset
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.oid  OID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        dcom.oxid  OXID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        dcom.pointer_val  (PointerVal)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa  SAFEARRAY
            No value
        dcom.sa.bound_elements  BoundElements
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa.dims16  Dims16
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.sa.dims32  Dims32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa.element_size  ElementSize
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa.elements  Elements
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa.features  Features
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.sa.features_auto  AUTO
        dcom.sa.features_bstr  BSTR
        dcom.sa.features_dispatch  DISPATCH
        dcom.sa.features_embedded  EMBEDDED
        dcom.sa.features_fixedsize  FIXEDSIZE
        dcom.sa.features_have_iid  HAVEIID
        dcom.sa.features_have_vartype  HAVEVARTYPE
        dcom.sa.features_record  RECORD
        dcom.sa.features_static  STATIC
        dcom.sa.features_unknown  UNKNOWN
        dcom.sa.features_variant  VARIANT
        dcom.sa.locks  Locks
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.sa.low_bound  LowBound
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.sa.vartype  VarType32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.stdobjref  STDOBJREF
            No value
        dcom.stdobjref.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.stdobjref.public_refs  PublicRefs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.that.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.this.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.this.res  Reserved
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.this.uuid  Causality ID
        dcom.this.version_major  VersionMajor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.this.version_minor  VersionMinor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.tobedone  To Be Done
            Byte array
        dcom.variant  Variant
            No value
        dcom.variant_rpc_res  RPC-Reserved
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.variant_size  Size
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.variant_type  VarType
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.variant_type32  VarType32
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcom.variant_wres  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.version_major  VersionMajor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.version_minor  VersionMinor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.vt.bool  VT_BOOL
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.vt.bstr  VT_BSTR
        dcom.vt.byref  BYREF
            No value
        dcom.vt.date  VT_DATE
            Double-precision floating point
        dcom.vt.dispatch  VT_DISPATCH
            No value
        dcom.vt.i1  VT_I1
            Signed 8-bit integer
        dcom.vt.i2  VT_I2
            Signed 16-bit integer
        dcom.vt.i4  VT_I4
            Signed 32-bit integer
        dcom.vt.i8  VT_I8
            Signed 64-bit integer
        dcom.vt.r4  VT_R4
        dcom.vt.r8  VT_R8
            Double-precision floating point
        dcom.vt.ui1  VT_UI1
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcom.vt.ui2  VT_UI2
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcom.vt.ui4  VT_UI4
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DCOM IDispatch (dispatch)

        dispatch_arg  Argument
            No value
        dispatch_arg_err  ArgErr
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_args  Args
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_code  Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dispatch_deferred_fill_in  DeferredFillIn
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_description  Description
        dispatch_dispparams  DispParams
            No value
        dispatch_excepinfo  ExcepInfo
            No value
        dispatch_flags  Flags
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_flags_method  Method
        dispatch_flags_propget  PropertyGet
        dispatch_flags_propput  PropertyPut
        dispatch_flags_propputref  PropertyPutRef
        dispatch_help_context  HelpContext
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_help_file  HelpFile
        dispatch_id  DispID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_itinfo  TInfo
            No value
        dispatch_lcid  LCID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_named_args  NamedArgs
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_names  Names
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dispatch_reserved16  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dispatch_reserved32  Reserved
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_riid  RIID
        dispatch_scode  SCode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_source  Source
        dispatch_tinfo  TInfo
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_varref  VarRef
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_varrefarg  VarRef
            No value
        dispatch_varrefidx  VarRefIdx
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dispatch_varresult  VarResult
            No value
        hf_dispatch_name  Name


    DCOM IRemoteActivation (remact)

        hf_remact_oxid_bindings  OxidBindings
            No value
        remact_authn_hint  AuthnHint
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remact_client_impl_level  ClientImplLevel
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remact_interface_data  InterfaceData
            No value
        remact_interfaces  Interfaces
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remact_mode  Mode
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        remact_object_name  ObjectName
        remact_object_storage  ObjectStorage
            No value
        remact_opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        remact_prot_seqs  ProtSeqs
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        remact_req_prot_seqs  RequestedProtSeqs
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DCOM OXID Resolver (oxid)

        dcom.oxid.address  Address
            No value
        oxid.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid5.unknown1  unknown 8 bytes 1
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        oxid5.unknown2  unknown 8 bytes 2
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        oxid_addtoset  AddToSet
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_authn_hint  AuthnHint
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        oxid_bindings  OxidBindings
            No value
        oxid_delfromset  DelFromSet
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_ipid  IPID
        oxid_oid  OID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        oxid_oxid  OXID
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
        oxid_ping_backoff_factor  PingBackoffFactor
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_protseqs  ProtSeq
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_requested_protseqs  RequestedProtSeq
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_seqnum  SeqNum
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        oxid_setid  SetId
            Unsigned 64-bit integer


    DCP Application Framing Layer (dcp-af)

        dcp-af.crc  CRC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dcp-af.crc_ok  CRC OK
            AF CRC OK
        dcp-af.crcflag  crc flag
            Frame is protected by CRC
        dcp-af.len  length
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            length in bytes of the payload
        dcp-af.maj  Major Revision
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Major Protocol Revision
        dcp-af.min  Minor Revision
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Minor Protocol Revision
        dcp-af.pt  Payload Type
            T means Tag Packets, all other values reserved
        dcp-af.seq  frame count
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Logical Frame Number


    DCP Protection, Fragmentation & Transport Layer (dcp-pft)

        dcp-pft.addr  Addr
            When set the optional transport header is present
        dcp-pft.cmax  C max
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum number of RS chunks sent
        dcp-pft.crc  header CRC
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PFT Header CRC
        dcp-pft.crc_ok  PFT CRC OK
            PFT Header CRC OK
        dcp-pft.dest  dest addr
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PFT destination identifier
        dcp-pft.fcount  Fragment Count
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            Number of fragments produced from this AF Packet
        dcp-pft.fec  FEC
            When set the optional RS header is present
        dcp-pft.findex  Fragment Index
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
            Index of the fragment within one AF Packet
        dcp-pft.fragment  Message fragment
            Frame number
        dcp-pft.fragment.error  Message defragmentation error
            Frame number
        dcp-pft.fragment.multiple_tails  Message has multiple tail fragments
        dcp-pft.fragment.overlap  Message fragment overlap
        dcp-pft.fragment.overlap.conflicts  Message fragment overlapping with conflicting data
        dcp-pft.fragment.too_long_fragment  Message fragment too long
        dcp-pft.fragments  Message fragments
            No value
        dcp-pft.len  fragment length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            length in bytes of the payload of this fragment
        dcp-pft.payload  payload
            Byte array
            PFT Payload
        dcp-pft.pt  Sub-protocol
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Always AF
        dcp-pft.reassembled.in  Reassembled in
            Frame number
        dcp-pft.rs_corrected  RS Symbols Corrected
            Signed 16-bit integer
            Number of symbols corrected by RS decode or -1 for failure
        dcp-pft.rs_ok  RS decode OK
            successfully decoded RS blocks
        dcp-pft.rsk  RSk
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The length of the Reed Solomon data word
        dcp-pft.rsz  RSz
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            The number of padding bytes in the last Reed Solomon block
        dcp-pft.rxmin  Rx min
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Minimum number of fragments needed for RS decode
        dcp-pft.seq  Sequence No
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PFT Sequence No
        dcp-pft.source  source addr
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            PFT source identifier


    DCP Tag Packet Layer (dcp-tpl)

        dcp-tpl.ptr  Type
            Protocol Type & Revision
        dcp-tpl.tlv  tag
            Byte array
            Tag Packet


    DEC DNA Routing Protocol (dec_dna)

        dec_dna.ctl.acknum  Ack/Nak
            No value
            ack/nak number
        dec_dna.ctl.blk_size  Block size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Block size
        dec_dna.ctl.elist  List of router states
            No value
            Router states
        dec_dna.ctl.ename  Ethernet name
            Byte array
            Ethernet name
        dec_dna.ctl.fcnval  Verification message function value
            Byte array
            Routing Verification function
        dec_dna.ctl.id  Transmitting system ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Transmitting system ID
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.blkreq  Blocking requested
            Blocking requested?
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.mta  Accepts multicast traffic
            Accepts multicast traffic?
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.node_type  Node type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Node type
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.rej  Rejected
            Rejected message
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.verf  Verification failed
            Verification failed?
        dec_dna.ctl.iinfo.vrf  Verification required
            Verification required?
        dec_dna.ctl.prio  Routing priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Routing priority
        dec_dna.ctl.reserved  Reserved
            Byte array
        dec_dna.ctl.router_id  Router ID
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Router ID
        dec_dna.ctl.router_prio  Router priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Router priority
        dec_dna.ctl.router_state  Router state
            Router state
        dec_dna.ctl.seed  Verification seed
            Byte array
            Verification seed
        dec_dna.ctl.segment  Segment
            No value
            Routing Segment
        dec_dna.ctl.test_data  Test message data
            Byte array
            Routing Test message data
        dec_dna.ctl.tiinfo  Routing information
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Routing information
        dec_dna.ctl.timer  Hello timer(seconds)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Hello timer in seconds
        dec_dna.ctl.version  Version
            No value
            Control protocol version
        dec_dna.ctl_neighbor  Neighbor
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Neighbour ID
        dec_dna.dst.address  Destination Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination address
        dec_dna.dst_node  Destination node
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Destination node
        dec_dna.flags  Routing flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DNA routing flag
        dec_dna.flags.RQR  Return to Sender Request
            Return to Sender
        dec_dna.flags.RTS  Packet on return trip
            Packet on return trip
        dec_dna.flags.control  Control packet
            Control packet
        dec_dna.flags.discard  Discarded packet
            Discarded packet
        dec_dna.flags.intra_eth  Intra-ethernet packet
            Intra-ethernet packet
        dec_dna.flags.msglen  Long data packet format
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Long message indicator
        dec_dna.nl2  Next level 2 router
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_dna.nsp.delay  Delayed ACK allowed
            Delayed ACK allowed?
        dec_dna.nsp.disc_reason  Reason for disconnect
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Disconnect reason
        dec_dna.nsp.fc_val  Flow control
            No value
            Flow control
        dec_dna.nsp.flow_control  Flow control
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Flow control(stop, go)
        dec_dna.nsp.info  Version info
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Version info
        dec_dna.nsp.msg_type  DNA NSP message
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            NSP message
        dec_dna.nsp.segnum  Message number
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Segment number
        dec_dna.nsp.segsize  Maximum data segment size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max. segment size
        dec_dna.nsp.services  Requested services
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Services requested
        dec_dna.proto_type  Protocol type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_dna.rt.msg_type  Routing control message
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Routing control
        dec_dna.sess.conn  Session connect data
            No value
            Session connect data
        dec_dna.sess.dst_name  Session Destination end user
            Session Destination end user
        dec_dna.sess.grp_code  Session Group code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Session group code
        dec_dna.sess.menu_ver  Session Menu version
            Session menu version
        dec_dna.sess.obj_type  Session Object type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Session object type
        dec_dna.sess.rqstr_id  Session Requestor ID
            Session requestor ID
        dec_dna.sess.src_name  Session Source end user
            Session Source end user
        dec_dna.sess.usr_code  Session User code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Session User code
        dec_dna.src.addr  Source Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source address
        dec_dna.src_node  Source node
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Source node
        dec_dna.svc_cls  Service class
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_dna.visit_cnt  Visit count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Visit count
        dec_dna.vst_node  Nodes visited ty this package
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Nodes visited


    DEC Spanning Tree Protocol (dec_stp)

        dec_stp.bridge.mac  Bridge MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        dec_stp.bridge.pri  Bridge Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dec_stp.flags  BPDU flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.flags.short_timers  Use short timers
        dec_stp.flags.tc  Topology Change
        dec_stp.flags.tcack  Topology Change Acknowledgment
        dec_stp.forward  Forward Delay
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.hello  Hello Time
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.max_age  Max Age
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.msg_age  Message Age
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.port  Port identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.protocol  Protocol Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.root.cost  Root Path Cost
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dec_stp.root.mac  Root MAC
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
        dec_stp.root.pri  Root Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dec_stp.type  BPDU Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dec_stp.version  BPDU Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    DG Gryphon Protocol (gryphon)

        gryph.cmd.cmd  Command
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        gryph.dest  Destination
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        gryph.dstchan  Destination channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        gryph.src  Source
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        gryph.srcchan  Source channel
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        gryph.type  Frame type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    DHCP Failover (dhcpfo)

        dhcpfo.additionalheaderbytes  Additional Header Bytes
            Byte array
        dhcpfo.addressestransferred  addresses transferred
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.assignedipaddress  assigned ip address
            IPv4 address
        dhcpfo.bindingstatus  Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.clienthardwareaddress  Client Hardware Address
            Byte array
        dhcpfo.clienthardwaretype  Client Hardware Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.clientidentifier  Client Identifier
        dhcpfo.clientlasttransactiontime  Client last transaction time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.dhcpstyleoption  DHCP Style Option
            No value
        dhcpfo.ftddns  FTDDNS
        dhcpfo.graceexpirationtime  Grace expiration time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.hashbucketassignment  Hash bucket assignment
            Byte array
        dhcpfo.leaseexpirationtime  Lease expiration time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.length  Message length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dhcpfo.maxunackedbndupd  Max unacked BNDUPD
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.mclt  MCLT
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.message  Message
        dhcpfo.messagedigest  Message digest
        dhcpfo.optioncode  Option Code
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dhcpfo.optionlength  Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        dhcpfo.payloaddata  Payload Data
            No value
        dhcpfo.poffset  Payload Offset
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.potentialexpirationtime  Potential expiration time
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.protocolversion  Protocol version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.receivetimer  Receive timer
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.rejectreason  Reject reason
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.sendingserveripaddress  sending server ip-address
            IPv4 address
        dhcpfo.serverstatus  server status
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.starttimeofstate  Start time of state
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dhcpfo.time  Time
            Date/Time stamp
        dhcpfo.type  Message Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpfo.vendorclass  Vendor class
        dhcpfo.vendoroption  Vendor option
            No value
        dhcpfo.xid  Xid
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DHCPv6 (dhcpv6)

        dhcpv6.msgtype  Message type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpv6.msgtype.n  N
        dhcpv6.msgtype.o  O
        dhcpv6.msgtype.reserved  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dhcpv6.msgtype.s  S


    DICOM (dcm)

        dcm.data.ctx  Data Context
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.data.flags  Flags
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.data.len  DATA LENGTH
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcm.data.tag  Tag
            Byte array
        dcm.max_pdu_len  MAX PDU LENGTH
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        dcm.pdi.async  Asynch
        dcm.pdi.ctxt  Presentation Context
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.pdi.impl  Implementation
        dcm.pdi.name  Application Context
        dcm.pdi.result  Presentation Context result
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.pdi.syntax  Abstract Syntax
        dcm.pdi.version  Version
        dcm.pdu  PDU
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.pdu.pdi  Item
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        dcm.pdu_detail  PDU Detail
        dcm.pdu_len  PDU LENGTH
            Unsigned 32-bit integer


    DLT User (user_dlt)


    DNS Control Program Server (cprpc_server)

        cprpc_server.opnum  Operation
            Unsigned 16-bit integer


    DOCSIS 1.1 (docsis)

        docsis.bpi_en  Encryption
            BPI Enable
        docsis.ehdr.act_grants  Active Grants
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Active Grants
        docsis.ehdr.keyseq  Key Sequence
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Sequence
        docsis.ehdr.len  Length
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TLV Len
        docsis.ehdr.minislots  MiniSlots
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mini Slots Requested
        docsis.ehdr.phsi  Payload Header Suppression Index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Payload Header Suppression Index
        docsis.ehdr.qind  Queue Indicator
            Queue Indicator
        docsis.ehdr.rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Reserved Byte
        docsis.ehdr.said  SAID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Security Association Identifier
        docsis.ehdr.sid  SID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier
        docsis.ehdr.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TLV Type
        docsis.ehdr.value  Value
            Byte array
            TLV Value
        docsis.ehdr.ver  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis.ehdron  EHDRON
            Extended Header Presence
        docsis.fcparm  FCParm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Field
        docsis.fctype  FCType
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Frame Control Type
        docsis.frag_first  First Frame
            First Frame
        docsis.frag_last  Last Frame
            Last Frame
        docsis.frag_rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis.frag_seq  Fragmentation Sequence #
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fragmentation Sequence Number
        docsis.hcs  Header check sequence
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Header check sequence
        docsis.lensid  Length after HCS (bytes)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Length or SID
        docsis.macparm  MacParm
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Mac Parameter Field
        docsis.toggle_bit  Toggle


    DOCSIS Appendix C TLV‘s (docsis_tlv)

        docsis_tlv.auth_block  30 Auth Block
            Byte array
            Auth Block
        docsis_tlv.bpi  17 Baseline Privacy Encoding
            Byte array
            Baseline Privacy Encoding
        docsis_tlv.bpi_en  29 Privacy Enable
            Privacy Enable
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.actstate  .6 Activation State
            Classifier Activation State
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.dot1q  .11 802.1Q Classifier Encodings
            Byte array
            802.1Q Classifier Encodings
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.dot1q.ethertype  ..2 VLAN id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            VLAN Id
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.dot1q.userpri  ..1 User Priority
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            User Priority
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.dot1q.vendorspec  ..43 Vendor Specific Encodings
            Byte array
            Vendor Specific Encodings
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.dscact  .7 DSC Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Dynamic Service Change Action
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.err  .8 Error Encodings
            Byte array
            Error Encodings
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.err.code  ..2 Error Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            TCP/UDP Destination Port End
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.err.msg  ..3 Error Message
            Error Message
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.err.param  ..1 Param Subtype
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Subtype
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.eth  .10 Ethernet Classifier Encodings
            Byte array
            Ethernet Classifier Encodings
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.eth.dmac  ..1 Dest Mac Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination Mac Address
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.eth.ethertype  ..3 Ethertype
            Unsigned 24-bit integer
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.eth.smac  ..2 Source Mac Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source Mac Address
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.id  .2 Classifier ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Classifier ID
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip  .9 IP Classifier Encodings
            Byte array
            IP Classifier Encodings
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.dmask  ..6 Destination Mask
            IPv4 address
            Destination Mask
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.dportend  ..10 Dest Port End
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP/UDP Destination Port End
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.dportstart  ..9 Dest Port Start
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP/UDP Destination Port Start
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.dst  ..4 Destination Address
            IPv4 address
            Destination Address
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.ipproto  ..2 IP Protocol
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IP Protocol
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.smask  ..5 Source Mask
            IPv4 address
            Source Mask
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.sportend  ..8 Source Port End
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP/UDP Source Port End
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.sportstart  ..7 Source Port Start
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            TCP/UDP Source Port Start
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.src  ..3 Source Address
            IPv4 address
            Source Address
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ip.tosmask  ..1 Type Of Service Mask
            Byte array
            Type Of Service Mask
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.ref  .1 Classifier Ref
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Classifier Reference
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.rulepri  .5 Rule Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Rule Priority
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.sflowid  .4 Service Flow ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Flow ID
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.sflowref  .3 Service Flow Ref
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Flow Reference
        docsis_tlv.clsfr.vendor  .43 Vendor Specific Encodings
            Byte array
            Vendor Specific Encodings
        docsis_tlv.cmmic  6 CM MIC
            Byte array
            Cable Modem Message Integrity Check
        docsis_tlv.cmtsmic  7 CMTS MIC
            Byte array
            CMTS Message Integrity Check
        docsis_tlv.cos  4 COS Encodings
            Byte array
            4 COS Encodings
        docsis_tlv.cos.id  .1 Class ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Class ID
        docsis_tlv.cos.maxdown  .2 Max Downstream Rate (bps)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Max Downstream Rate
        docsis_tlv.cos.maxup  .3 Max Upstream Rate (bps)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Max Upstream Rate
        docsis_tlv.cos.maxupburst  .6 Maximum Upstream Burst
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Maximum Upstream Burst
        docsis_tlv.cos.mingrntdup  .5 Guaranteed Upstream Rate
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Guaranteed Minimum Upstream Data Rate
        docsis_tlv.cos.privacy_enable  .7 COS Privacy Enable
            Class of Service Privacy Enable
        docsis_tlv.cos.sid  .2 Service ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service ID
        docsis_tlv.cos.upchnlpri  .4 Upstream Channel Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Upstream Channel Priority
        docsis_tlv.cosign_cvc  33 Co-Signer CVC
            Byte array
            Co-Signer CVC
        docsis_tlv.cpe_ether  14 CPE Ethernet Addr
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            CPE Ethernet Addr
        docsis_tlv.downclsfr  23 Downstream Classifier
            Byte array
            23 Downstream Classifier
        docsis_tlv.downfreq  1 Downstream Frequency
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Downstream Frequency
        docsis_tlv.downsflow  25 Downstream Service Flow
            Byte array
            25 Downstream Service Flow
        docsis_tlv.hmac_digest  27 HMAC Digest
            Byte array
            HMAC Digest
        docsis_tlv.key_seq  31 Key Sequence Number
            Byte array
            Key Sequence Number
        docsis_tlv.map.docsver  .2 Docsis Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DOCSIS Version
        docsis_tlv.maxclass  28 Max # of Classifiers
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max # of Classifiers
        docsis_tlv.maxcpe  18 Max # of CPE's
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Max Number of CPE's
        docsis_tlv.mcap  5 Modem Capabilities
            Byte array
            Modem Capabilities
        docsis_tlv.mcap.concat  .1 Concatenation Support
            Concatenation Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.dcc  .12 DCC Support
            DCC Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.dot1pfiltering  .9 802.1P Filtering Support
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            802.1P Filtering Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.dot1qfilt  .9 802.1Q Filtering Support
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            802.1Q Filtering Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.downsaid  .7 # Downstream SAIDs Supported
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Downstream Said Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.frag  .3 Fragmentation Support
            Fragmentation Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.igmp  .5 IGMP Support
            IGMP Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.numtaps  .11 # Xmit Equalizer Taps
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Transmit Equalizer Taps
        docsis_tlv.mcap.phs  .4 PHS Support
            PHS Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.privacy  .6 Privacy Support
            Privacy Support
        docsis_tlv.mcap.tapspersym  .10 Xmit Equalizer Taps/Sym
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Transmit Equalizer Taps per Symbol
        docsis_tlv.mcap.upsid  .8 # Upstream SAIDs Supported
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Upstream SID Support
        docsis_tlv.mfgr_cvc  32 Manufacturer CVC
            Byte array
            Manufacturer CVC
        docsis_tlv.modemaddr  12 Modem IP Address
            IPv4 address
            Modem IP Address
        docsis_tlv.netaccess  3 Network Access
            Network Access TLV
        docsis_tlv.phs  26 PHS Rules
            Byte array
            PHS Rules
        docsis_tlv.phs.classid  .2 Classifier Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Classifier Id
        docsis_tlv.phs.classref  .1 Classifier Reference
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Classifier Reference
        docsis_tlv.phs.dscaction  .5 DSC Action
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Dynamic Service Change Action
        docsis_tlv.phs.err  .6 Error Encodings
            Byte array
            Error Encodings
        docsis_tlv.phs.err.code  ..2 Error Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Error Code
        docsis_tlv.phs.err.msg  ..3 Error Message
            Error Message
        docsis_tlv.phs.err.param  ..1 Param Subtype
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Subtype
        docsis_tlv.phs.phsf  .7 PHS Field
            Byte array
            PHS Field
        docsis_tlv.phs.phsi  .8 PHS Index
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PHS Index
        docsis_tlv.phs.phsm  .9 PHS Mask
            Byte array
            PHS Mask
        docsis_tlv.phs.phss  .10 PHS Size
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            PHS Size
        docsis_tlv.phs.phsv  .11 PHS Verify
            PHS Verify
        docsis_tlv.phs.sflowid  .4 Service flow Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Flow Id
        docsis_tlv.phs.sflowref  .3 Service flow reference
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Flow Reference
        docsis_tlv.phs.vendorspec  .43 PHS Vendor Specific
            Byte array
            PHS Vendor Specific
        docsis_tlv.rng_tech  Ranging Technique
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Ranging Technique
        docsis_tlv.sflow.act_timeout  .12 Timeout for Active Params (secs)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Timeout for Active Params (secs)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.adm_timeout  .13 Timeout for Admitted Params (secs)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Timeout for Admitted Params (secs)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.assumed_min_pkt_size  .11 Assumed Min Reserved Packet Size
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Assumed Minimum Reserved Packet Size
        docsis_tlv.sflow.cname  .4 Service Class Name
            Service Class Name
        docsis_tlv.sflow.err  .5 Error Encodings
            Byte array
            Error Encodings
        docsis_tlv.sflow.err.code  ..2 Error Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Error Code
        docsis_tlv.sflow.err.msg  ..3 Error Message
            Error Message
        docsis_tlv.sflow.err.param  ..1 Param Subtype
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Parameter Subtype
        docsis_tlv.sflow.grnts_per_intvl  .22 Grants Per Interval
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Grants Per Interval
        docsis_tlv.sflow.id  .2 Service Flow Id
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Service Flow Id
        docsis_tlv.sflow.iptos_overwrite  .23 IP TOS Overwrite
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            IP TOS Overwrite
        docsis_tlv.sflow.max_down_lat  .14 Maximum Downstream Latency (usec)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Downstream Latency (usec)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.maxburst  .9 Maximum Burst (bps)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Burst (bps)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.maxconcat  .14 Max Concat Burst
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Max Concatenated Burst
        docsis_tlv.sflow.maxtrafrate  .8 Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate (bps)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Maximum Sustained Traffic Rate (bps)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.mintrafrate  .10 Minimum Traffic Rate (bps)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Minimum Traffic Rate (bps)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.nom_grant_intvl  .20 Nominal Grant Interval (usec)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Nominal Grant Interval (usec)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.nominal_polling  .17 Nominal Polling Interval(usec)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Nominal Polling Interval(usec)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.qos  .6 QOS Parameter Set
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            QOS Parameter Set
        docsis_tlv.sflow.ref  .1 Service Flow Ref
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Flow Reference
        docsis_tlv.sflow.reqxmitpol  .16 Request/Transmission Policy
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Request/Transmission Policy
        docsis_tlv.sflow.schedtype  .15 Scheduling Type
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Scheduling Type
        docsis_tlv.sflow.sid  .3 Service Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier
        docsis_tlv.sflow.tol_grant_jitter  .21 Tolerated Grant Jitter (usec)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Tolerated Grant Jitter (usec)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.toler_jitter  .18 Tolerated Poll Jitter (usec)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Tolerated Poll Jitter (usec)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.trafpri  .7 Traffic Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Traffic Priority
        docsis_tlv.sflow.ugs_size  .19 Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Unsolicited Grant Size (bytes)
        docsis_tlv.sflow.ugs_timeref  .24 UGS Time Reference
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            UGS Time Reference
        docsis_tlv.sflow.vendorspec  .43 Vendor Specific Encodings
            Byte array
            Vendor Specific Encodings
        docsis_tlv.snmp_access  10 SNMP Write Access
            Byte array
            SNMP Write Access
        docsis_tlv.snmp_obj  11 SNMP Object
            Byte array
            SNMP Object
        docsis_tlv.snmpv3  34 SNMPv3 Kickstart Value
            Byte array
            SNMPv3 Kickstart Value
        docsis_tlv.snmpv3.publicnum  .2 SNMPv3 Kickstart Manager Public Number
            Byte array
            SNMPv3 Kickstart Value Manager Public Number
        docsis_tlv.snmpv3.secname  .1 SNMPv3 Kickstart Security Name
            SNMPv3 Kickstart Security Name
        docsis_tlv.subsfltrgrps  37 Subscriber Management Filter Groups
            Byte array
            Subscriber Management Filter Groups
        docsis_tlv.subsipentry  Subscriber Management CPE IP Entry
            IPv4 address
            Subscriber Management CPE IP Entry
        docsis_tlv.subsiptable  36 Subscriber Management CPE IP Table
            Byte array
            Subscriber Management CPE IP Table
        docsis_tlv.subsmgmtctrl  35 Subscriber Management Control
            Byte array
            Subscriber Management Control
        docsis_tlv.svcunavail  13 Service Not Available Response
            Byte array
            Service Not Available Response
        docsis_tlv.svcunavail.classid  Service Not Available: (Class ID)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Not Available (Class ID)
        docsis_tlv.svcunavail.code  Service Not Available (Code)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Not Available (Code)
        docsis_tlv.svcunavail.type  Service Not Available (Type)
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Not Available (Type)
        docsis_tlv.sw_upg_file  9 Software Upgrade File
            Software Upgrade File
        docsis_tlv.sw_upg_srvr  21 Software Upgrade Server
            IPv4 address
            Software Upgrade Server
        docsis_tlv.tftp_time  19 TFTP Server Timestamp
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            TFTP Server TimeStamp
        docsis_tlv.tftpmodemaddr  20 TFTP Server Provisioned Modem Addr
            IPv4 address
            TFTP Server Provisioned Modem Addr
        docsis_tlv.upchid  2 Upstream Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Service Identifier
        docsis_tlv.upclsfr  22 Upstream Classifier
            Byte array
            22 Upstream Classifier
        docsis_tlv.upsflow  24 Upstream Service Flow
            Byte array
            24 Upstream Service Flow
        docsis_tlv.vendorid  8 Vendor ID
            Byte array
            Vendor Identifier
        docsis_tlv.vendorspec  43 Vendor Specific Encodings
            Byte array
            Vendor Specific Encodings


    DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Attributes (docsis_bpkmattr)

        docsis_bpkmattr.auth_key  7 Auth Key
            Byte array
            Auth Key
        docsis_bpkmattr.bpiver  22 BPI Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BPKM Attributes
        docsis_bpkmattr.cacert  17 CA Certificate
            Byte array
            CA Certificate
        docsis_bpkmattr.cbciv  14 CBC IV
            Byte array
            Cypher Block Chaining
        docsis_bpkmattr.cmcert  18 CM Certificate
            Byte array
            CM Certificate
        docsis_bpkmattr.cmid  5 CM Identification
            Byte array
            CM Identification
        docsis_bpkmattr.crypto_suite_lst  21 Cryptographic Suite List
            Byte array
            Cryptographic Suite
        docsis_bpkmattr.cryptosuite  20 Cryptographic Suite
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Cryptographic Suite
        docsis_bpkmattr.dispstr  6 Display String
            Display String
        docsis_bpkmattr.dnld_params  28 Download Parameters
            Byte array
            Download Parameters
        docsis_bpkmattr.errcode  16 Error Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Error Code
        docsis_bpkmattr.hmacdigest  11 HMAC Digest
            Byte array
            HMAC Digest
        docsis_bpkmattr.ipaddr  27 IP Address
            IPv4 address
            IP Address
        docsis_bpkmattr.keylife  9 Key Lifetime (s)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Key Lifetime (s)
        docsis_bpkmattr.keyseq  10 Key Sequence Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Key Sequence Number
        docsis_bpkmattr.macaddr  3 Mac Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Mac Address
        docsis_bpkmattr.manfid  2 Manufacturer Id
            Byte array
            Manufacturer Id
        docsis_bpkmattr.rsa_pub_key  4 RSA Public Key
            Byte array
            RSA Public Key
        docsis_bpkmattr.sadescr  23 SA Descriptor
            Byte array
            SA Descriptor
        docsis_bpkmattr.said  12 SAID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Security Association ID
        docsis_bpkmattr.saquery  25 SA Query
            Byte array
            SA Query
        docsis_bpkmattr.saquery_type  26 SA Query Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SA Query Type
        docsis_bpkmattr.satype  24 SA Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SA Type
        docsis_bpkmattr.seccap  19 Security Capabilities
            Byte array
            Security Capabilities
        docsis_bpkmattr.serialnum  1 Serial Number
            Serial Number
        docsis_bpkmattr.tek  8 Traffic Encryption Key
            Byte array
            Traffic Encryption Key
        docsis_bpkmattr.tekparams  13 TEK Parameters
            Byte array
            TEK Parameters
        docsis_bpkmattr.vendordef  127 Vendor Defined
            Byte array
            Vendor Defined


    DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Request (docsis_bpkmreq)

        docsis_bpkmreq.code  BPKM Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BPKM Request Message
        docsis_bpkmreq.ident  BPKM Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BPKM Identifier
        docsis_bpkmreq.length  BPKM Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            BPKM Length


    DOCSIS Baseline Privacy Key Management Response (docsis_bpkmrsp)

        docsis_bpkmrsp.code  BPKM Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BPKM Response Message
        docsis_bpkmrsp.ident  BPKM Identifier
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            BPKM Identifier
        docsis_bpkmrsp.length  BPKM Length
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            BPKM Length


    DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Acknowledge (docsis_dccack)

        docsis_dccack.hmac_digest  HMAC-DigestNumber 
            Byte array
        docsis_dccack.key_seq_num  Auth Key Sequence Number 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auth Key Sequence Number
        docsis_dccack.tran_id  Transaction ID 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction ID


    DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Request (docsis_dccreq)

        docsis_dccreq.cmts_mac_addr  CMTS Mac Address 
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            CMTS Mac Address
        docsis_dccreq.ds_chan_id  Downstream Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Downstream Channel ID
        docsis_dccreq.ds_freq  Frequency 
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
        docsis_dccreq.ds_intlv_depth_i  Interleaver Depth I Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Interleaver Depth I Value
        docsis_dccreq.ds_intlv_depth_j  Interleaver Depth J Value
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Interleaver Depth J Value
        docsis_dccreq.ds_mod_type  Modulation Type 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Modulation Type
        docsis_dccreq.ds_sym_rate  Symbol Rate
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Symbol Rate
        docsis_dccreq.ds_sync_sub  SYNC Substitution
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            SYNC Substitution
        docsis_dccreq.hmac_digest  HMAC-DigestNumber 
            Byte array
        docsis_dccreq.init_tech  Initialization Technique
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Initialization Technique
        docsis_dccreq.key_seq_num  Auth Key Sequence Number 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auth Key Sequence Number
        docsis_dccreq.said_sub_cur  SAID Sub - Current Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SAID Sub - Current Value
        docsis_dccreq.said_sub_new  SAID Sub - New Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SAID Sub - New Value
        docsis_dccreq.sf_sfid_cur  SF Sub - SFID Current Value
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            SF Sub - SFID Current Value
        docsis_dccreq.sf_sfid_new  SF Sub - SFID New Value
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            SF Sub - SFID New Value
        docsis_dccreq.sf_sid_cur  SF Sub - SID Current Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SF Sub - SID Current Value
        docsis_dccreq.sf_sid_new  SF Sub - SID New Value
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            SF Sub - SID New Value
        docsis_dccreq.sf_unsol_grant_tref  SF Sub - Unsolicited Grant Time Reference 
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            SF Sub - Unsolicited Grant Time Reference
        docsis_dccreq.tran_id  Transaction ID 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction ID
        docsis_dccreq.ucd_sub  UCD Substitution 
            Byte array
            UCD Substitution
        docsis_dccreq.up_chan_id  Up Channel ID 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Up Channel ID


    DOCSIS Downstream Channel Change Response (docsis_dccrsp)

        docsis_dccrsp.cm_jump_time_length  Jump Time Length 
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Jump Time Length
        docsis_dccrsp.cm_jump_time_start  Jump Time Start 
            Unsigned 64-bit integer
            Jump Time Start
        docsis_dccrsp.conf_code  Confirmation Code 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dccrsp.hmac_digest  HMAC-DigestNumber 
            Byte array
        docsis_dccrsp.key_seq_num  Auth Key Sequence Number 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Auth Key Sequence Number
        docsis_dccrsp.tran_id  Transaction ID 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction ID


    DOCSIS Downstream Channel Descriptor (docsis_dcd)

        docsis_dcd.cfg_chan  DSG Configuration Channel
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            DSG Configuration Channel
        docsis_dcd.cfg_tdsg1  DSG Initialization Timeout (Tdsg1) 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Initialization Timeout (Tdsg1)
        docsis_dcd.cfg_tdsg2  DSG Operational Timeout (Tdsg2) 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Operational Timeout (Tdsg2)
        docsis_dcd.cfg_tdsg3  DSG Two-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg3) 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Two-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg3)
        docsis_dcd.cfg_tdsg4  DSG One-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg4) 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG One-Way Retry Timer (Tdsg4)
        docsis_dcd.cfg_vendor_spec  DSG Configuration Vendor Specific Parameters
            Byte array
            DSG Configuration Vendor Specific Parameters
        docsis_dcd.cfr_id  Downstream Classifier Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier Id
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_dest_addr  Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address
            IPv4 address
            Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_dest_mask  Downstream Classifier IP Destination Mask
            IPv4 address
            Downstream Classifier IP Destination Address
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_source_addr  Downstream Classifier IP Source Address
            IPv4 address
            Downstream Classifier IP Source Address
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_source_mask  Downstream Classifier IP Source Mask
            IPv4 address
            Downstream Classifier IP Source Mask
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_dstport_end  Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port End
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port End
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_dstport_start  Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port Start
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Destination Port Start
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_srcport_end  Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port End
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port End
        docsis_dcd.cfr_ip_tcpudp_srcport_start  Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port Start
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier IP TCP/UDP Source Port Start
        docsis_dcd.cfr_rule_pri  Downstream Classifier Rule Priority
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Downstream Classifier Rule Priority
        docsis_dcd.clid_app_id  DSG Rule Client ID Application ID 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Rule Client ID Application ID
        docsis_dcd.clid_ca_sys_id  DSG Rule Client ID CA System ID 
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Rule Client ID CA System ID
        docsis_dcd.clid_known_mac_addr  DSG Rule Client ID Known MAC Address 
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            DSG Rule Client ID Known MAC Address
        docsis_dcd.config_ch_cnt  Configuration Change Count
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Configuration Change Count
        docsis_dcd.frag_sequence_num  Fragment Sequence Number
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Fragment Sequence Number
        docsis_dcd.num_of_frag  Number of Fragments
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Number of Fragments
        docsis_dcd.rule_cfr_id  DSG Rule Classifier ID
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            DSG Rule Classifier ID
        docsis_dcd.rule_id  DSG Rule Id 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DSG Rule Id
        docsis_dcd.rule_pri  DSG Rule Priority 
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            DSG Rule Priority
        docsis_dcd.rule_tunl_addr  DSG Rule Tunnel MAC Address 
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            DSG Rule Tunnel MAC Address
        docsis_dcd.rule_ucid_list  DSG Rule UCID Range 
            Byte array
            DSG Rule UCID Range
        docsis_dcd.rule_vendor_spec  DSG Rule Vendor Specific Parameters
            Byte array
            DSG Rule Vendor Specific Parameters


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Acknowledge (docsis_dsaack)

        docsis_dsaack.confcode  Confirmation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dsaack.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Request (docsis_dsareq)

        docsis_dsareq.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction Id


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Addition Response (docsis_dsarsp)

        docsis_dsarsp.confcode  Confirmation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dsarsp.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Acknowledgement (docsis_dscack)

        docsis_dscack.confcode  Confirmation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dscack.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Request (docsis_dscreq)

        docsis_dscreq.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction Id


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Change Response (docsis_dscrsp)

        docsis_dscrsp.confcode  Confirmation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dscrsp.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Request (docsis_dsdreq)

        docsis_dsdreq.rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
        docsis_dsdreq.sfid  Service Flow ID
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Service Flow Id
        docsis_dsdreq.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction Id


    DOCSIS Dynamic Service Delete Response (docsis_dsdrsp)

        docsis_dsdrsp.confcode  Confirmation Code
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Confirmation Code
        docsis_dsdrsp.rsvd  Reserved
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis_dsdrsp.tranid  Transaction Id
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Transaction Id


    DOCSIS Initial Ranging Message (docsis_intrngreq)

        docsis_intrngreq.downchid  Downstream Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Downstream Channel ID
        docsis_intrngreq.sid  Service Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier
        docsis_intrngreq.upchid  Upstream Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Upstream Channel ID


    DOCSIS Mac Management (docsis_mgmt)

        docsis_mgmt.control  Control [0x03]
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis_mgmt.dsap  DSAP [0x00]
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Destination SAP
        docsis_mgmt.dst  Destination Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Destination Address
        docsis_mgmt.msglen  Message Length - DSAP to End (Bytes)
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Message Length
        docsis_mgmt.rsvd  Reserved [0x00]
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis_mgmt.src  Source Address
            6-byte Hardware (MAC) Address
            Source Address
        docsis_mgmt.ssap  SSAP [0x00]
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Source SAP
        docsis_mgmt.type  Type
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
        docsis_mgmt.version  Version
            Unsigned 8-bit integer


    DOCSIS Range Request Message (docsis_rngreq)

        docsis_rngreq.downchid  Downstream Channel ID
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Downstream Channel ID
        docsis_rngreq.pendcomp  Pending Till Complete
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Upstream Channel ID
        docsis_rngreq.sid  Service Identifier
            Unsigned 16-bit integer
            Service Identifier


    DOCSIS Ranging Response (docsis_rngrsp)

        docsis_rngrsp.chid_override  Upstream Channel ID Override
            Unsigned 8-bit integer
            Upstream Channel ID Override
        docsis_rngrsp.freq_over  Downstream Frequency Override (Hz)
            Unsigned 32-bit integer
            Downstream Frequency Override
        docsis_rngrsp.freqadj  Offset Freq Adjust (Hz)
            Signed 16-bit integer
            Frequency Adjust
        docsis_rngrsp.poweradj  Power Level Adjust (0.25dB units)
            Signed 8-bit integer
            Power LSegmentation fault (core dumped)

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