Как найти грибного червя в террарии

" Крайне редкий и неуловимый светящийся червь. Одно могущественное морское создание проявляет к нему ненасытный аппетит. "

Трюфельный червь (Truffle Worm) — нейтральное животное (ID:374-375) (и одноимённый предмет-наживка), добавленное в версии 1.2.4. Встречается в подземном грибном биоме в хардмоде, может быть пойман сачком.

Интересные факты

  • Трюфельные черви могут использоваться как наживка и имеют 666% мощности, при использовании в океане будет вызван Герцог Рыброн (с версии призывается с вероятностью 100%). Для ловли рыбы использовать нельзя.
  • Как только вы приблизитесь, червь начнёт очень быстро уползать от игрока игнорируя блоки, что затрудняет его поимку.
  • Рекомендуется использовать водяную свечу для повышения шанса появления, а так же лучше всего ловить их вне воды, быстро подбегая или падая сверху.
  • Число 666 также известно как Число Зверя, что является, вероятно, намёком на то, что использование Трюфельного червя приведёт к вызову босса, Герцога Рыброна.
  • Если вместе с Трюфельным червём в инвентаре будет находиться Карманная инструкция рыбака, то вместо уровня навыка рыбной ловли будет надпись «Warning!».
  • Отображается на Анализаторе форм жизни и его производных как редкое существо.
  • С версии 1.4 лучший способ фарма трюфельных червей осуществляется Крюком Диссонанса и ровной плоскостью в грибном биоме, уходящую достаточно далеко за экран.
  • С версии может быть помещён в террариум.


Простая ферма трюфельных червей

Простая ферма трюфельных червей

Трюфельный червь в натуральной среде

Трюфельный червь в натуральной среде

демонстрация ловли Трюфельного червя

демонстрация ловли Трюфельного червя

Truffle WormHardmode exclusive

Truffle Worm (NPC)

  • Internal NPC ID: 374

Truffle WormburrowingHardmode exclusive

Truffle Worm2 (NPC)

  • Internal NPC ID: 375
Truffle Worm (demo)

Truffle Worm animation

Truffle Worm Uncaught

A Truffle Worm as it appears before being caught.

The Truffle Worm is a rare critter that spawns in the underground Glowing Mushroom biome during Hardmode. It is solely used to summon the Duke Fishron boss. In order to use it, it must be caught (e.g. with a Bug Net) and used as bait with a fishing pole in an Ocean biome. Desktop onlyConsole versionOld-gen console version It only spawns in the Cavern layer and below, so it will not appear in surface Glowing Mushroom biomes. If the Truffle worm is caught in water it will be named «Thirsty Worm» and if its stacked with other Truffle worms its name will return to normal.

The Truffle Worm is more difficult to catch than other critters, as it burrows away when a player comes too close. It must be approached quickly in order to successfully catch it.

Unlike most critters, the Truffle Worm cannot be used for ordinary fishing, as it is used to spawn Duke Fishron. When attempting to use it as bait, the bobber will simply sit in the water indefinitely, unless fishing in an Ocean.

The Truffle Worm will always be consumed upon summoning Duke Fishron. Items that reduce the chance of bait consumption such as the Tackle Box will have no effect.

On the Old Chinese version Old Chinese version and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, Truffle Worms can be killed by enemies.

It is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.


Used in[]

Result Ingredients Crafting station
Truffle Worm CageTruffle Worm Cage
  • TerrariumTerrarium
  • Truffle WormTruffle Worm
By Hand


  • The Truffle Worm is internally considered an enemy rather than a critter, despite not posing any threat.
    • Therefore, its spawn rate is increased by effects like those of the Blood Moon.
    • However, the Hunter Potion will highlight it in green, like other critters, instead of red. Furthermore, other enemies can still damage and kill it.
    • This also means that most of the the usual critter-farming methods will backfire – it can only be caught in dangerous territory.
    • Furthermore, the Guide To Critter Companionship will prevent the player from killing the worm accidentally.
  • Truffle Worms follow the Worm AI even in their passive state on Nintendo 3DS version.
  • 100 tiles of Mushroom blocks are not necessary for Truffle Worms to spawn. Mushroom enemies and Truffle Worms will spawn wherever there is Mushroom grass, without requiring that the area is actually considered a Glowing Mushroom biome.


Truffle Worm Farming

Using the Underground Jungle to farm Truffle Worms (having four at the same time was just lucky).

Truffle Worm Farm

A multi-level farm is useful for both Truffle Worms and Glowing Mushrooms.

Underground Truffle Worm Farm

This is another multi-level farm, also useful for Truffle Worms and Glowing Mushrooms.


  • Since the Truffle Worm is not considered a critter, NPCs should not be used as a means to increase the proportion of critters in the total number of creatures spawned.
    • Each existing enemy may reduce the spawn rate of the next. Getting rid of excess enemies will give the Truffle Worm more opportunities to spawn.
    • Water Candles and/or Battle Potions will increase its spawn rate. However, they will also greatly increase the likelihood of it dying to additional enemies (not to mention the hazard for the player).
  • Despite being considered an enemy, other enemies can kill the Truffle Worm. This includes all enemies present in an Underground Glowing Mushroom biome. If simply using a flattened stretch of Mushroom grass, be wary of other enemies, as they can make catching even a single Truffle Worm an aggravating task. Instead of just flat ground, a platform can be built below the grassy blocks, with most of the space above the Mushroom grass blocked off and leaving only a one-block high corridor to keep the worms safe from other enemies. The worms can then be collected up by swinging a net through the blocks from below.
  • One way to increase the chances of finding Truffle Worms is to convert a large section of the Underground Jungle into an Underground Glowing Mushroom biome, using the Clentaminator with Dark Blue Solution. A slower alternative would be to use Mushroom Grass Seeds on plain mud blocks.
  • A simple (but perhaps slow) way to farm them is to move away from and back to a Glowing Mushroom biome repeatedly, causing new enemies to spawn and potentially a Truffle Worm.
    • The Portal Gun can be used to make an infinite falling loop. If it is high enough, going in can cause other enemies to despawn, allowing the Truffle Worm to have more chances to spawn.


  • Truffle Worms will burrow themselves (eventually despawning) if the player is near them for about 1 second, so the use of a speed-enhancing item is suggested. Hooks, wings, or Lightning Boots grant speed improvements; Tabi, Master Ninja Gear, a full set of Crystal Assassin armor, or Shield of Cthulhu (though this item deals damage and thus may be less suitable) allow dashing.
    • If a Truffle Worm is let free by a player, it will also burrow, and despawn almost immediately if approached or stood near to for more than a few seconds.
    • It should be noted that, if the Truffle Worm burrows offscreen, it will despawn as soon as it is offscreen. If it falls, however, like a normal enemy and the same way a worm would, it will follow normal NPC despawning rules, and can be followed for more distance.
  • Using an Invisibility Potion will make catching a Truffle Worm much easier as it will wait longer before it runs away. Note that taking any damage will cancel the buff, however.
  • The Truffle Worm can be caught even while burrowing. If the Truffle Worm is in a small pit where it is impossible or very difficult to catch from above, and there is a cave below it, a player can jump up directly under it and swing the Bug Net to catch it as it tries to burrow downward.
  • Summoned minions do not directly target the Truffle Worm, but can inadvertently kill it.
  • A Rod of Discord makes catching Truffle Worms easier, since it greatly facilitates getting near them.
  • A Golden Bug Net has a longer reach and swings faster than a regular Bug Net, making the catch easier.
  • Since the Lifeform Analyzer can announce the presence of a Truffle Worm, it is highly recommended to carry it.
    • Furthermore, since enemies despawn further than the Lifeform Analyzer’s reach, one can estimate the location of the Truffle Worm and accelerating the process of hunting it.


  • The number 666 in the Truffle Worm’s «666% bait power» is a reference to the number of the beast, commonly associated with Satan. This alludes to its ability to spawn Duke Fishron.
  • When carrying the Truffle Worm as the first bait (top- and leftmost in the inventory), the Fisherman’s Pocket Guide (and its upgrades, the Fish Finder, PDA, and Cell Phone) will display a player’s fishing power simply as «Warning!«, due to the fact that Duke Fishron will spawn when using this as bait in an Ocean biome and no fish will be caught when not in an Ocean biome.
  • Any liquid a player fishes in using a Truffle Worm will summon Duke Fishron as long as they are in the Ocean biome.
  • The combination of truffle and worm represented by the Truffle Worm ties in with the combined fish-and-pig-like nature of Duke Fishron.
    • Traditionally, pigs have been utilized for the extraction of edible truffles (a highly prized food).
    • This is also referenced by the Truffle’s quote «You haven’t seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.«, as well as how the Pigron and Cute Fishron mounts’ summoning items are all Truffles.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Truffle Worm: «An extremely rare, difficult to catch glowworm. A specific, powerful sea creature is insatiably attracted to these.«


  • Desktop Truffle Worms no longer take damage from hostile NPCs or projectiles.
  • Desktop Now used to craft Truffle Worm Cages.
  • Desktop Fixed Truffle Worm not spawning.
  • Desktop Truffle Worms can now be killed by monsters.
  • Desktop Fixed a bug where trying to use multiple Truffle Worms while the line is pulled would make numerous Duke Fishrons appear. Fixed issues where the Truffle Worm would be consumed without summoning Duke Fishron.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.


  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria‘s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.

Terraria — это приключенческая игра-песочница, в которой вам предстоит исследовать, создавать, строить, рисовать и сражаться с различными существами. Игроки могут использовать трюфельного червя, чтобы призвать босса Герцога Фишрона в Террарии.

Это редкое существо нельзя использовать для рыбалки. Он будет израсходован, как только игроки воспользуются им для призыва Герцога Фишрона. Его довольно сложно поймать по сравнению с другими тварями в игре. Более того, трюфельный червь имеет тенденцию закапываться, когда игроки приближаются к нему.

Поэтому игрокам нужно быть немного изобретательными, пытаясь найти и поймать трюфельного червя в Террарии.

Как найти и поймать трюфельного червя в Террарии

Трюфельный червь находится в подземном биоме светящихся грибов во время сложного режима. Это редкое существо появляется только на уровне пещеры и ниже. Он не появится в поверхностных биомах светящихся грибов.

Игроки могут купить сеть у торговца, чтобы поймать трюфельного червя. Кроме того, использование водяной свечи при поиске этих тварей также может увеличить шансы на их появление. Тем не менее, игроки должны держаться подальше от лучших, чтобы иметь больше шансов поймать трюфельного червя в Terraria.

Как только трюфельный червь заметит игроков, он быстро убежит от них. Лучший вариант — использовать скрытность и попытаться захватить его сверху и на большой скорости.

Как призвать босса Герцога Фишрона с помощью трюфельного червя

Как только игроки успешно поймают трюфельного червя, они могут использовать его для вызова босса Герцога Фишрона. Однако некоторые игроки могут не понять, как это сделать, поскольку это существо не работает как обычная приманка.

Чтобы вызвать босса, игрокам нужно будет использовать трюфельного червя в качестве приманки на удочке в биоме океана. Это единственный биом, где будет работать трюфельный червь. В других ситуациях абсолютно ничего не произойдет.

Ферма трюфельных червей

Truffle WormHardmode exclusive

Truffle Worm (NPC).png

  • Internal NPC ID: 374

Truffle WormburrowingHardmode exclusive

Truffle Worm2 (NPC).png

  • Internal NPC ID: 375

Truffle Worm animation

A Truffle Worm as it appears before being caught.

The Truffle Worm is a rare critter that spawns in the underground Glowing Mushroom biome during Hardmode. It is solely used to summon the Duke Fishron boss. Desktop versionConsole versionOld-gen console version It only spawns in the Underground layer and below, so it will not appear in surface Glowing Mushroom biomes.

On the Desktop version Desktop version, Console version Console version, and Mobile version Mobile version, Truffle Worms do not take damage from enemies.

The Truffle Worm can be caught with any Bug Net, however it is more difficult to catch than other critters, as it burrows away when a player comes too close. It must be approached quickly in order to successfully catch it. After being caught, it can be carried around in the inventory and released later, or crafted into animated decorative furniture (Truffle Worm Cage). Once crafted, the Truffle Worm cannot be released again.

Despite having a bait power of 666%, the Truffle Worm cannot be used for ordinary fishing, and can only be used to summon the Duke Fishron by fishing in the Ocean biome. When attempting to use it as bait elsewhere, the bobber will simply sit in the water indefinitely.

The Truffle Worm will always be consumed upon summoning Duke Fishron. Items that reduce the chance of bait consumption such as the Tackle Box will have no effect.

It is one of the few entities that can be detected by the Lifeform Analyzer or its upgrades.


Used in

Result Ingredients Crafting station
Truffle Worm CageTruffle Worm Cage
  • TerrariumTerrarium
  • Truffle WormTruffle Worm
By Hand


  • When the Truffle Worm is used for fishing, the Fisherman’s Pocket Guide (and its upgrades) will display «Warning!» instead of fishing power.
  • The Truffle Worm is internally considered an enemy rather than a critter, despite not posing any threat.
    • They do not take damage from enemies.
    • However, the Hunter Potion will highlight it in green, like other critters, instead of red.
    • Furthermore, the Guide to Critter Companionship will prevent the player from killing it accidentally.
  • Truffle Worms follow the Worm AI even in their passive state on Nintendo 3DS version.
  • 100 tiles of Mushroom blocks are not necessary for Truffle Worms to spawn. Mushroom enemies and Truffle Worms will spawn wherever there is Mushroom grass, without requiring that the area is actually considered a Glowing Mushroom biome.
    • On Mushroom grass, each enemy spawn has a 2/3 chance of being a mushroom-themed enemy or critter. Each time this happens, there is a 1/7 chance (1/5 as of that the mushroom-themed character is a Truffle Worm. Considering the maximum spawn rate (1/60 per tick[1]), the maximum expected Truffle Worm spawns is 343 per hour (2/3*1/7*3600) (480 as of


Achievement Like a Boss.png


Using the Underground Jungle to farm Truffle Worms (having four at the same time was just lucky).

A multi-level farm is useful for both Truffle Worms and Glowing Mushrooms.

This is another multi-level farm, also useful for Truffle Worms and Glowing Mushrooms.


  • Since the Truffle Worm is not considered a critter, NPCs should not be used as a means to increase the proportion of critters in the total number of creatures spawned.
    • Each existing enemy may reduce the spawn rate of the next. Getting rid of excess enemies will give the Truffle Worm more opportunities to spawn.
    • Water Candles and/or Battle Potions will increase its spawn rate.
  • One way to increase the chances of finding Truffle Worms is to convert a large section of the Underground Jungle into an Underground Glowing Mushroom biome, using the Clentaminator with Dark Blue Solution. A slower alternative would be to use Mushroom Grass Seeds on plain mud blocks.
  • A simple (but perhaps slow) way to farm them is to move away from and back to a Glowing Mushroom biome repeatedly, causing new enemies to spawn and potentially a Truffle Worm.
    • The Portal Gun can be used to make an infinite falling loop. If it is high enough, going in can cause other enemies to despawn, allowing the Truffle Worm to have more chances to spawn.


  • Truffle Worms will burrow themselves (eventually despawning) if the player is near them for about 1 second, so the use of a speed-enhancing item is suggested. Hooks, wings, or Lightning Boots grant speed improvements; Tabi, Master Ninja Gear, a full set of Crystal Assassin armor, or Shield of Cthulhu (though this item deals damage and thus may be less suitable) allow dashing.
    • If a Truffle Worm is let free by a player, it will also burrow, and despawn almost immediately if approached or stood near to for more than a few seconds.
    • It should be noted that, if the Truffle Worm burrows offscreen, it will despawn as soon as it is offscreen. If it falls, however, like a normal enemy and the same way a worm would, it will follow normal NPC despawning rules, and can be followed for more distance.
  • The Truffle Worm can be caught even while burrowing. If the Truffle Worm is in a small pit where it is impossible or very difficult to catch from above, and there is a cave below it, a player can jump up directly under it and swing the Bug Net to catch it as it tries to burrow downward.
  • Summoned minions do not directly target the Truffle Worm but can inadvertently kill it.
  • A Rod of Discord makes catching Truffle Worms easier, since it greatly facilitates getting near them.
  • A Golden Bug Net has a longer reach and swings faster than a regular Bug Net, making the catch easier.
  • Since the Lifeform Analyzer can announce the presence of a Truffle Worm, it is highly recommended to carry it.
    • Furthermore, since enemies despawn further than the Lifeform Analyzer’s reach, one can estimate the location of the Truffle Worm and accelerating the process of hunting it.
  • The Guide to Peaceful Coexistence lets the player be able to go near a Truffle Worm without it burrowing. Verify


  • The number 666 in the Truffle Worm’s «666% bait power» is a reference to the number of the beast, commonly associated with Satan. This alludes to its ability to spawn Duke Fishron.
  • The combination of truffle and worm represented by the Truffle Worm ties in with the combined pig-and-fish-like nature of Duke Fishron.
    • Traditionally, pigs have been utilized for the extraction of edible truffles (a highly prized food).
    • This is also referenced by the Truffle’s quote «You haven’t seen any pigs around here have you? My brother lost his leg to one.«, as well as how the Pigron and Cute Fishron mounts’ summoning items are all Truffles.
  • The BestiaryBestiary entry for the Truffle Worm: «An extremely rare, difficult to catch glowworm. A specific, powerful sea creature is insatiably attracted to these.«


  • Desktop Now grants the «Like a Boss» achievement.
  • Desktop 1.4.4: Spawn rates are now impacted by Luck.
  • Desktop Truffle Worms no longer take damage from hostile NPCs or projectiles.
  • Desktop Now used to craft Truffle Worm Cages.
  • Desktop Fixed Truffle Worm not spawning.
  • Desktop Truffle Worms can now be killed by enemies.
  • Desktop Fixed a bug where trying to use multiple Truffle Worms while the line is pulled would make numerous Duke Fishrons appear. Fixed issues where the Truffle Worm would be consumed without summoning Duke Fishron.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.


  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria‘s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.

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