Как найти игрушку для 7 лет

В возрасте семи лет у детей меняется поведение, проявляются бунтарские черты характера, они становятся более требовательным к себе и окружающим. Совсем скоро мальчик или девочка приобретут новый статус ученика (ученицы), у них поменяется ритм жизни, появится много дополнительных обязанностей. Это их начинает очень волновать. С этой минуты в жизни ребёнка происходит переломный момент, которые психологи называют кризисом. В этот период родители должны, как никогда, поддержать своё чадо.

Это могут быть совместные прогулки на природе, задушевные дружеские беседа, просмотр художественных фильмов тематического характера, например: «Приключение Электорника», «Где это видано, где это слыхано», «Внимание черепаха». Не надо забывать и об игрушках, которые влияют на эмоциональный фон ребят. Многое, чем увлекался ребёнок (конструкторы, куклы, игровые и творческие наборы) по-прежнему продолжает интересовать его, но вот степень сложности и значимости игровых предметов возрастает. Какие игрушки нужны ребёнку в 7 лет?

Игрушки для мальчика 7 лет

Игрушки для детей 7 лет

Игрушки для детей 7 лет по возрасту выбрать не так уж и сложно. Стоит только учесть, чем ваш ребёнок интересуется, а также обратить внимание на «подсказку» производителя. Он указывает рекомендуемый возраст детей на упаковке, в нашем случае на коробке будет стоять значок «7+». Есть ряд игрушек, которые подходят как для мальчиков, так и для девочек. 1. Гаджеты технические новинки, предназначенные для выполнения небольшого круга задач. В их число входят детские планшеты, домашние мини проекторы со встроенной памятью, трекер активности, умные часы, смартфоны, ноутбуки, микроскопы, 3D ручки, умные игрушки.

  1. Детские наборы для экспериментов и опытов, например, физические и химические.
  2. Наборы фокусника.
  3. Средства передвижения: велосипеды, роликовые коньки, скейты (мотоскейты), самокаты (электросамакаты), сигвеи, фетбайки, гироскутеры, моноколёса, лыжи, коньки, ватрушки, санки.
  4. Игрушки для игры на улице: теннис, бадминтон, волейбол, баскетбол, городки, боулинг, кольцеброс, дартс.
  5. Театр (куклы-перчатки).
  6. Электровикторины – это развивающие задания на общую или конкретную тему в интерактивной форме в сопровождении свето-звуковых эффектов.
  7. Архитектурное моделирование – это создание прототипов реально существующих объектов (достопримечательности всего мира).
  8. Наборы для лепки и рисования.
  9. Развивающие и обучающие наборы.

Конструктор от Лего

Игрушки мальчику

Рассмотрим список игрушек, которые могут заинтересовать конкретно мальчиков:

  1. Конструкторы: на солнечных батарейках, блочные, электронные, электромеханические, деревянные, металлические.
  2. Машинки и транспорт, в том числе радиоуправляемые.
  3. Роботы, тоботы, трансформеры, роботы-трансформеры.
  4. Игрушки для активного отдыха (футбольный мяч, клюшка с шайбой, тир).
  5. Настольные игры (хоккей, футбол).
  6. Оружие (бластер, пистолеты, винтовки, автоматы, снаряжение для проведения постановочных исторических сражений).
  7. Коллекционные фигурки, солдатики, герои любимых мультсериалов.
  8. Интерактивные игрушки: игрушки с ИК-управлением, с парогенератором, проекционные бластеры, говорящие фигурки, двигающие драконы и динозавры, роботизированные руки, шлемы.
  9. Творческие наборы (выжигание, вырезание по дереву).
  10. Моделирование создание прототипов реально существующих объектов: кораблей, самолётов, машин, поездов и т.д.
  11. . Конструирование – это создание, каких-либо конструкций определённого назначения
  12. . Сюжетно-ролевые и тематические комплекты (супергерои, пираты, автомойка и шиномонтаж).

Игрушки девочке 6-7 лет

Игрушки девочке

Девочке точно придутся по душе:

  1. Куклы (растущие куклы Blume, куклы LOL, коллекционные, интерактивные, куклы-модели, Барби).
  2. Кукольные домики: одноэтажные, многоэтажные, из пластика, бумаги, дерева, стационарные, сборные, для росписи.
  3. Кукольная одежда и аксессуары – это могут быть наборы одежды для праздника, для разных мероприятий, для прогулок, занятий спортом.
  4. Кукольная мебель (из древесины, бумаги, пластика, резины, сборные, для росписи).
  5. Кукольный транспорт (лимузины, самолёты).
  6. Интерактивные игрушки (питомцы на радиоуправлении).
  7. Настольные игры с определённым сюжетом (сказки, волшебные приключения).
  8. Сюжетно-ролевые и тематические наборы (семья, салон красоты, магазин).
  9. Коллекционные фигурки (куклы в исторических костюмах).
  10. Мягкие игрушки любого размера.
  11. Игрушки для активного отдыха: мячи, хула-хуп, скакалка, классики.
  12. Творческие наборы: бисероплетение, квиллинг, вязание, шитьё, декупаж, мыловарение.
  13. Конструкторы для девочек блочные. Элементы представлены в нежных тонах (фиолетовом, жёлтом, розовом, светло-зелёном, голубом).
  14. Слаймы – это желеобразная масса, имеющая свойство неньютоновской жидкости.
  15. Шоколадная ручка. С помощью неё можно украшать торты и пирожное.

Игрушки для детей 7 лет

У родителей не должно возникать вопроса о нужности игрушек ребятам в семилетнем возрасте. Если они идут в школу, то это не значит, что детство уже закончилось, а вместо игрушек на полках должны стоять только учебники и дидактические пособия. Даже взрослые до старости остаются детьми, коллекционируя разные фигурки, моделируя, занимаясь творческим ремеслом. Не стоит лишать малышей радости игры. При выборе игрушки всегда нужно учитывать желания ребёнка. Если мальчик хочет попробовать сшить игрушку, а девочка мечтает поработать отвёрткой, не стоит им в этом отказывать. Пусть пробуют себя, получают навыки, расширяют общие знания об окружающем мире.

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    699 ₽1 999 ₽

    Настольная игра Hasbro Games Дженга

    Рейтинг: 5



    449 ₽699 ₽

    Игра Attivio Викторина Первоклассник 3085

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    1 999 ₽3 199 ₽

    Игра настольная Monopoly Монополия Россия B7512

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    1 999 ₽2 499 ₽

    Игра настольная Attivio Хоккей 40-0007

    Рейтинг: 5



    2 369 ₽3 109 ₽

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    999 ₽2 999 ₽

    Игра настольная Spin Master Танцующий червячок 6036368

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 289 ₽1 399 ₽

    Настольная игра Hobby World Воображарий Junior

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 799 ₽2 999 ₽

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    Рейтинг: 5



    2 969 ₽4 999 ₽

    Игра настольная Ravensburger Кукарача 22257

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    869 ₽1 399 ₽

    Магнитная игра Bondibon для путешествий СЫРНЫЕ ЛАЗЕЙКИ арт.SGT 250 RU

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 399 ₽1 999 ₽

    Игра настольная Scrabble (русская версия) Y9618

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 229 ₽2 419 ₽

    Игра Hasbro Games Twister 98831E76

    Рейтинг: 4



    959 ₽1 139 ₽

    Игра логическая Bondibon IQ-Элемент ВВ0941

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 199 ₽1 699 ₽

    Игра настольная UNO Deluxe K0888

    Рейтинг: 5



    399 ₽599 ₽

    Игра настольная UNO W2087

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 499 ₽1 999 ₽

    Игра настольная Scrabble (детский) Y9736

    Рейтинг: 5


    1 799 ₽2 749 ₽

    Настольная игра Hasbro Games Акулья охота

    Рейтинг: 3.5



    439 ₽899 ₽

    Электровикторина Attivio Живая природа 02104

    Рейтинг: 5



    399 ₽599 ₽

    Игра настольная UNO Flip GDR44

    Рейтинг: 5



    649 ₽929 ₽

    Словодел Десятое королевство магнитный

    Рейтинг: 4


    489 ₽

    Настольная игра Hobby World Соображарий

    Рейтинг: 5



    499 ₽879 ₽

    Дорожная игра Hasbro Games Собери 4

    Рейтинг: 5



    719 ₽899 ₽

    Набор игр Step Puzzle 55 лучших игр мира

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 999 ₽2 859 ₽

    Настольная игра Hasbro Games Операция Обновленная B2176121

    Рейтинг: 4.5



    599 ₽899 ₽

    Электровикторина Attivio Логика 02096

    Рейтинг: 5



    599 ₽899 ₽

    Электровикторина Attivio Познаем мир 02097

    Рейтинг: 5


    879 ₽

    Дорожная игра Hasbro Games Угадай, кто?

    Рейтинг: 3.5



    379 ₽599 ₽

    Игра настольная UNO BGY49

    Рейтинг: 5


    339 ₽

    Игра Selfie media Верю не верю

    Рейтинг: 5



    279 ₽339 ₽

    Игра настольная Selfie media Котики 44408

    Рейтинг: 4.5


    209 ₽599 ₽

    Игра настольная UNO Dos FRM36

    Рейтинг: 4.5

    1 289 ₽

    Игра Hobby World Мачи Коро

    Рейтинг: 5



    1 489 ₽1 789 ₽

    Игра Hobby World Манчкин. Тащи сокровища

    Рейтинг: 5

    989 ₽

    Игра Hobby World Бэнг! (3-е рус. изд.)

    Рейтинг: 5


    1 299 ₽2 599 ₽

    Игра настольная Spin Master L.O.L. Задания-сюрпризы 6042059

    Рейтинг: 5


    599 ₽879 ₽

    Дорожная игра Hasbro Games Морской бой

    Рейтинг: 4


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    Verywell Family / Lecia Landis

    Seven-year-old kiddos are in a bit of a limbo state—some days they may still love to dress up for imaginative play, while other days they may be acting like tweens. While this is an exciting period of change to watch your little one experience, it can make shopping for them a little tricky.

    By age 7, children are marking important developmental milestones, like showing more independence and wanting to play with friends. No matter the stage of your 7-year-old, there’s a toy out there that they will love. 

    Whether it’s a toy they can play with alone or with a crowd, choose something that is fun, easy to use, and fits the family’s lifestyle. We carefully considered toy safety, design, material, ease of use and assembly, and value when reviewing products.

    Here are the best toys for the 7-year-old in your life.

    VTech Kidizoom DUO Camera


    The VTech Kidizoom Duo Selfie Camera earned a top spot on our list because this real digital camera allows children to take photos, play games, and create photo collages. The kid-friendly design means that it’s sturdy and durable, so it will hold up to the inevitable drops and bumps. It uses four AA batteries and photos can be downloaded to a computer via the included mini USB cord.

    Price at time of publication: $80

    Kid Made Modern Enchanting Craft Kit

    Courtesy of Amazon

    Perfect for a rainy day or quiet crafting moment, this kit is stocked with more than 250 pieces. From felt to sequins to pom poms, kids will have everything they need to craft an entire village of enchanting characters. Your kiddo will unlock their creative side as they craft fairies, ghouls, and other magical creatures that they can imagine. 

    Price at time of publication: $22

    Novie, Interactive Smart Robot


    Kids simply need to wave a hand in a variety of gestures to get this interactive robot to perform over 75 actions, including a 360-degree spin. The robot, which is available in several colors, also learns 12 unique tricks and celebrates with silly noises. Kiddos can choose between three stages of play—beginner, intermediate, and advanced—so the toy can grow with them. 

    TeeTurtle Reversible Octopus Plushie Dark and Light Pink


    Basically two plushies in one, this viral TikTok toy will be an instant hit with your kiddo. On one side, the plushie is happy, but with a quick flip, the plushie is a different color and may be featuring a smile, frown, or something in between. Adorable and a fun fidget toy, this plushie will be their favorite thing.

    Price at time of publication: $15



    UNO! This fast-paced card game is great for a crowd and is a classic family game for good reason. Portable, with quick gameplay, there’s no reading required so it’s appropriate for younger siblings too. If your kid is familiar with classic UNO, check out some of the themed card decks for a fun spin on the favorite.

    Price at time of publication: $11

    Doodle Hog Alpaca Squishies Paint Kit


    Combine squishy toys and an art project and you’ll get this innovative kit. Kids will love painting their very own alpaca, cactus, and smiling sun squishy. Along with the blank squishies, the set includes four colors of paint, two brushes, and decorating accessories.

    Price at time of publication: $19

    Blingle DIY Gem Friendship Bracelet

    Courtesy of Amazon

    Remember making friendship bracelets with your besties? Well, this gem-filled DIY kit is just like those vintage bracelets, but way better. Each pod is filled with five fun bracelets to get your mini designer started.

    The best part is that each kit comes with three surprise designs to help your little one create the perfect bracelet. Packaged in a handy kit, the pod can be used as storage for the gemstones and is a convenient carrying case to take the set to the next sleepover.

    Price at time of publication: $10

    Splat Planet Color-In Superhero T-Shirt


    Kids can customize their own clothes with this cool T-shirt, which allows them to color in a superhero scene with the included non-toxic markers. The best part? When the shirt is washed, the color rinses out, so kids can enjoy coloring it over and over again.

    Price at time of publication: $17

    Schleich Sunny Day Farm Stand

    Courtesy of Amazon

    Inspire imaginative play with this high-quality set of farm stand characters. Fun alone or with other sets, this farm stand includes 21 realistic pieces including two humans, a horse, some food, and lots of other items.

    Price at time of publication: $40

    Modi Toys Baby Krishna Plush

    Courtesy of Modi Toys

    Part playful, part naughty, this Baby Krishna plush is cute, huggable, and can even be personalized with your child’s name. The battery-operated plush sings five mantras that will inspire kids to sing along, and the company will even add a Bluetooth speaker to the toy for an additional cost. Created by a family-owned business, the goal is to educate kids about Indian culture in an engaging way that they will love. 

    Price at time of publication: $33

    Huggaroo Weighted Plushie

    Courtesy of Amazon

    For chilling at home, traveling, calming down in the classroom, or anywhere else, Huggaroos are weighted stuffed animals that relax and soothe your kiddo. The machine-washable stuffed animal, which weighs 3.6 pounds, provides gentle pressure and stimulation that are fantastic for soothing kids’ sensory needs.

    Price at time of publication: $50

    PLUS PLUS Travel Case and Blocks

    Courtesy of Amazon

    The joy of PLUS PLUS blocks is that they empower kids to explore while building fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, and STEM thinking. This set includes 100 pieces, a base plate, and, to the joy of parents, a convenient case that holds up to 500 blocks. Kids can choose to create a 3D masterpiece or a flat design with the same set of pieces.

    Price at time of publication: $23

    I See Me

    Courtesy of Maisonette

    Little football fans will cheer for this personalized book that puts them at the center of the story. Choose from a number of popular college football teams, pick a skin tone that matches your child, and add your kiddo’s name for a custom book that’s truly one of a kind.

    Price at time of publication: $35

    ThinkFun Zingo Sight Words Award Winning Early Reading Game


    Just like bingo, Zingo Sight Words is perfect for early readers, using the Bingo game format to reinforce the importance of sight words. To play, kids will use the zinger to deal tokens with sight words printed on them, then race each other to match the tokens to the words on their boards. Easy, fun, and fast-paced, most 7-year-olds will be able to play without the help of an adult.

    Price at time of publication: $22

    Stomp Rocket Ultra, 4 Rockets

     Courtesy of Walmart

    Head outside and start stomping! This kid-powered toy is simple and super fun. The set comes with a stomp launcher and four foam-topped rockets. Great for year-round fun, these rockets will get kids outside.

    Price at time of publication: $18

    Klee Naturals Play Makeup

    Courtesy of Klee Naturals

    Feel good about makeup with this nontoxic collection from a mom-made company. Crafted in the USA, the butterfly fairy the set includes two lip shimmers, blush, and eye shadow. The makeup is gentle and safe for young kids.

    Price at time of publication: $28

    Melissa & Doug African Safari 100 Piece Puzzle

    Courtesy of Amazon

    Just challenging enough for kids to do alone or with a friend, this jumbo floor puzzle has 100 pieces and is over four feet long when it’s built. Sturdy pieces mean it’s long-lasting and kids will love spotting their favorite safari animals once the puzzle is complete.

    Price at time of publication: $17

    Retevis RT628 Walkie Talkies for Kids,Walky Talky,Key Lock,VOX Crystal Voice,Easy to Use, Birthday Gifts for Boys Girls Kids Outdoor Toys(Black,2 Pack)


    Real, working walkie-talkies encourage kids to communicate with each other while exploring the world around them. This affordable model is kid-friendly but made by a company that manufactures walkie-talkies and radios for grown-up outdoor enthusiasts and professionals. Kids can communicate using one of 22 available channels at a range of up to 1 mile (depending on the terrain). It also feature a non-slip handle, a belt clip, a backlit LCD display, a low battery indicator, and superb sound quality.

    Price at time of publish: $25

    Melissa & Doug Chef Dress Up Costume

    Courtesy of Amazon

    Many 7-year-olds still relish creative play, making Melissa & Doug’s well-made costumes an imaginative addition to any dress-up closet or corner. This costume will inspire make-believe meals that little chefs can serve to parents, siblings, or even pets. Bonus: The chef’s hat and coat are machine washable.

    Price at time of publication: $38



    Join Stephanie and her crew as they embark on a sea-faring adventure aboard the ship Hope. This brightly-colored kit has all kinds of fun accessories to get little ones’ imaginations going, including a tablet, walkie-talkies, binoculars, a drone, and, of course, three life vests to keep the LEGO Friends safe. In addition to the LEGO blocks, pieces include a flexible sail and a turnable wheel for interactive play.

    Price at time of publication: $40



    Whether your little one wants to practice their skills from their youth sports league or just likes to run around, soccer nets are a great way for 7-year-olds to get outside and stay active. These soccer nets are collapsible, so they can easily be stowed in the trunk for trips to the park, though they’re also small enough to fit in the backyard. The nets come with a carrying bag as well as stakes and rods for anchoring them to the ground.

    Price at time of publication: $45



    Seven-year-olds will love “destroying” this hands-on STEM book, which features pages they can rip out, cut, glue, and draw on. In a fun, age-appropriate way, they’ll learn about scientific concepts like the Hermann grid illusion, color in an Albert Einstein bobblehead, and so much more.

    Price at time of publication: $15

    Moose Toys Magic Mixies Magical Misting Crystal Ball

    Moose Toys

    Kids will love this whimsical toy, which lets them cast a creation spell, flourish a wand, and watch as a Magic Mixie plushie rises out of the crystal ball in a cloud of mist. The fun doesn’t stop there, though: Kiddos can also ask their new friend questions in fortune-telling mode, enter game mode to interact with the plushie, and use the crystal ball as a night light that glows for 30 minutes before automatically shutting off.

    For extended fun, the Magical Mist Refill Pack can be purchased separately. 

    Price at time of publication: $85

    3Doodler Start + 3D Pen Set


    Young artists can bring their doodles to life with this 3D pen, which lets out flexible PCL plastic that kids can shape into clever creations. The pen not only helps 7-year-olds express themselves, but they’ll learn useful STEM concepts along the way. Included with the pen are several colors of plastic filaments and a transparent mat for getting started.

    Price at time of publication: $50

    Junie B. Jones's First Boxed Set Ever!


    At age 7, many young readers are ready to try out chapter books. These classic stories are a great introduction to chapter books, and Junie B. Jones is sure to entertain with her sassy antics. The set of four covers topics like the first day of school, becoming a big sibling, making mistakes, and more. 

    Price at time of publication: $20



    Make bathtime fun with this soap-making kit from Klutz, which helps 7-year-olds melt and mold 10 soaps from scratch. The soap molds come in fun shapes like stars, cats, and cupcakes, and kids can add glitter, coconut papaya scent, stickers, and colors to customize their creations.

    Price at time of publication: $22



    With this indoor basketball hoop set, young hoopsters can practice their shooting from the comfort of their own room. The set includes a steel-rim basket, net, backboard, air pump, four colorful rubber basketballs, and all necessary mounting hardware.

    Price at time of publication: $31



    Kids become authors with this clever kit, which includes everything they need to make their own 18-page, professionally-printed comic book. The thorough guidebook leads the young author through creating characters, settings, and artwork on the included template. When they’re done, send the pages off to the company and your 7-year-old will receive a physical copy of their comic book.

    Price at time of publication: $30

    Throw Throw Burrito Game


    Seven-year-olds will dodge and throw squishy burrito toys as they try to match cards without getting hit. Designed for two to six players, the game includes two foam burritos, 120 game cards, and stickers. (Note to grown-ups: Make sure there are no fragile items in the line of fire!)

    Price at time of publication: $25



    Slime is all the rage with elementary school kids, and this ice cream-themed kit is sure to take your 7-year-old’s slime game to the next level. Kiddos can make fluffy, brightly-colored slime with the included ingredients, then pop their slime into a plastic ice cream cone and top it with sprinkles and a cherry.

    Price at time of publication: $40

    What to Look for in Toys for 7-Year-Olds


    By the time a kid is 7 years old, they are likely in a transition period where their interests are becoming more mature. They may be less interested in imaginative play and, instead, be drawn to games with strategy and critical thinking or video/online games. 

    This transition can be tricky to navigate, so if you’re in doubt, opt for a toy that may be slightly more advanced for a 7-year-old rather than something that they’ll grow out of quickly (or scoff at as «too babyish»). Just like with clothes, buying a toy that they can grow into extends the life of the product, which makes it a better investment.


    Part of the reason a 7-year-old’s interests are tough to pin down is because of their developmental stage. Pediatrician David L. Hill, MD, FAAP, explains that developmental milestones in the first five years of life are very well mapped, but “they tend to cluster from ages 5 and 10.” Outside factors play a big part in that progression, such as where they are academically and their social circle.

    Kids are still meeting expected and identifiable milestones at this time, but pacing varies more than it did when they were younger. At this age, kids are working on skills like those listed below and may enjoy toys that support this growth.

    • Strategic thinking: The Plus Plus Travel block set is a great activity for 7-year-olds as they become more curious and enjoy more complex challenges.
    • Social skills: By 7 years old, friendships and teamwork become increasingly more important to kids, and the Retevis RT628 Walkie Talkies offer an excellent opportunity to play with friends and go on “missions” as a group.
    • Math skills: Most 7-year-olds have either mastered basic math or are well on their way to doing so, and games that involve simple math skills, like Uno, are fun while also offering some addition and subtraction practice.

    Entertainment Value

    Much like their interests and general development, there is no one way to be sure a toy will be entertaining for a 7-year-old because of the period of change they are in. However, you can get a clue by looking at where they are academically. “As kids develop reading skills, the books, games, and puzzles they enjoy [will] grow in complexity,” says Dr. Hill, adding that the same is true as math and motor skills strengthen as well.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • How many toys should a 7-year-old have?

      While your 7-year-old may suggest otherwise, there’s no minimum number of toys they need for cognitive development, entertainment, or life satisfaction. In fact, promising research on toddlers suggests that fewer toys actually lead to longer periods of play per toy, greater focus, and more creative play—a perfectly good argument to share with an older child who has a bottomless wish list.

    • How do toys influence a child’s development?

      Toys can provide new opportunities for children to practice skills like problem-solving, imaginative play, and critical thinking, all depending on the toy. That said, it’s often play that fosters all of these skills, not toys themselves. So rest assured that your child’s toy collection won’t make or break their academic, social, or emotional success.

    • How do I choose a toy my child would want?

      When purchasing a toy for a 7-year-old child, a good place to begin is to ask them what toys they wish they had at home. They may seek inspiration from commercials or playdates where they’ve played with friends’ toys. If you’d prefer to surprise them, consider your child’s interests and choose a toy that speaks to them and is age-appropriate.

    Why Trust Verywell Family?

    Maya Polton is a former marketing manager and current freelance writer who covers food, home, and parenting. She’s also the mom of a 10-year-old son, a 7-year-old son, and a 3-year-old daughter. Her kids are super active, so she’s always looking for toys that get them outside and playing for as long as possible. She’s found that chalk, scooters, and stomp rockets are perfect for one-size-fits-all fun.

    Phoebe Sklansky is Verywell Family’s Associate Commerce Editor. She particularly loves craft kits for their sensory and creative benefits. Plus, there’s nothing better than watching a little one proudly display what they’ve made!

    Additional reporting by Ashley Ziegler

    More Toys and Gifts for Kids

    When it comes to toys and gifts for kids, our team has you covered. The Verywell Family team of editors (who are parents or have nieces and nephews of their own) have tested, gifted, and personally recommend every item we feature. Find more of our top gift and toy picks for every age and stage here:

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