Как найти интеграл sin3x

bold{mathrm{Basic}} bold{alphabetagamma} bold{mathrm{ABGamma}} bold{sincos} bold{gedivrightarrow} bold{overline{x}spacemathbb{C}forall} bold{sumspaceintspaceproduct} bold{begin{pmatrix}square&square\square&squareend{pmatrix}} bold{H_{2}O}
square^{2} x^{square} sqrt{square} nthroot[msquare]{square} frac{msquare}{msquare} log_{msquare} pi theta infty int frac{d}{dx}
ge le cdot div x^{circ} (square) |square| (f:circ:g) f(x) ln e^{square}
left(squareright)^{‘} frac{partial}{partial x} int_{msquare}^{msquare} lim sum sin cos tan cot csc sec
alpha beta gamma delta zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu
nu xi pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
A B Gamma Delta E Z H Theta K Lambda M
N Xi Pi P Sigma T Upsilon Phi X Psi Omega
sin cos tan cot sec csc sinh cosh tanh coth sech
arcsin arccos arctan arccot arcsec arccsc arcsinh arccosh arctanh arccoth arcsech
begin{cases}square\squareend{cases} begin{cases}square\square\squareend{cases} = ne div cdot times < > le ge
(square) [square] ▭:longdivision{▭} times twostack{▭}{▭} + twostack{▭}{▭} — twostack{▭}{▭} square! x^{circ} rightarrow lfloorsquarerfloor lceilsquarerceil
overline{square} vec{square} in forall notin exist mathbb{R} mathbb{C} mathbb{N} mathbb{Z} emptyset
vee wedge neg oplus cap cup square^{c} subset subsete superset supersete
int intint intintint int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} sum prod
lim lim _{xto infty } lim _{xto 0+} lim _{xto 0-} frac{d}{dx} frac{d^2}{dx^2} left(squareright)^{‘} left(squareright)^{»} frac{partial}{partial x}
(2times2) (2times3) (3times3) (3times2) (4times2) (4times3) (4times4) (3times4) (2times4) (5times5)
(1times2) (1times3) (1times4) (1times5) (1times6) (2times1) (3times1) (4times1) (5times1) (6times1) (7times1)
mathrm{Радианы} mathrm{Степени} square! ( ) % mathrm{очистить}
arcsin sin sqrt{square} 7 8 9 div
arccos cos ln 4 5 6 times
arctan tan log 1 2 3
pi e x^{square} 0 . bold{=} +

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  • x^{2}-x-6=0

  • -x+3gt 2x+1

  • линия:(1,:2),:(3,:1)

  • f(x)=x^3

  • доказывать:tan^2(x)-sin^2(x)=tan^2(x)sin^2(x)

  • frac{d}{dx}(frac{3x+9}{2-x})

  • (sin^2(theta))’

  • sin(120)

  • lim _{xto 0}(xln (x))

  • int e^xcos (x)dx

  • int_{0}^{pi}sin(x)dx

  • sum_{n=0}^{infty}frac{3}{2^n}

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int sin(3x)dx


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    Integral of sin 3x is given by (-1/3) cos 3x + C. The integral of sin 3x is called the anti-derivative of sin 3x as integration is the reverse process differentiation. Sin 3x is an important trigonometric formula that is used to solve various problems in trigonometry. The integral of sin 3x can be calculated using the substitution method and using the sin 3x formula.

    In this article, we will calculate the integral of sin 3x, prove it using the substitution method and sin 3x formula and determine the definite integral of sin 3x using different limits.

    1. What is Integral of Sin 3x?
    2. Integral of Sin 3x Formula
    3. Integral of Sin 3x Using Substitution Method
    4. Integral of Sin 3x Using Sin 3x Formula
    5. Definite Integral of Sin 3x
    6. FAQs on Integral of Sin 3x

    What is Integral of Sin 3x?

    The integral of sin 3x can be calculated using the formula for the integral of sin ax which is given by ∫sin (ax) dx = (-1/a) cos ax + C. Mathematically, the integral of sin 3x is written as ∫sin 3x dx = (-1/3) cos 3x + C, where C is the constant of integration, dx denotes that the integration of sin 3x is with respect to x, ∫ is the symbol for integration. The integral of sin 3x can also be evaluated using the substitution method and sin 3x formula.

    Integral of Sin 3x Formula

    Sin 3x formula is given by sin 3x = 3 sin x — 4 sin3x and the formula for the integral of sin 3x is given by, ∫sin 3x dx = (-1/3) cos 3x + C, where C is the constant of integration.

    Integral of sin 3x

    Integral of Sin 3x Using Substitution Method

    Now, we know that the integral of sin 3x is (-1/3) cos 3x + C, where C is the constant of integration. Let us prove this using the substitution method. We will use the following formulas of integration and differentiation:

    • ∫sin x dx = -cos x + C
    • d(ax)/dx = a

    Assume 3x = u, then differentiating 3x = u with respect to x, we have 3dx = du ⇒ dx = (1/3)du. Using the above formulas, we have

    ∫sin 3x dx = ∫sin u (du/3)

    ⇒ ∫sin 3x dx = (1/3) ∫sin u du

    ⇒ ∫sin 3x dx = (1/3) (-cos u + C) [Because ∫sin x dx = -cos x + C]

    ⇒ ∫sin 3x dx = (-1/3) cos u + C/3

    ⇒ ∫sin 3x dx = (-1/3) cos 3x + K, where K = C/3

    Hence, we have derived the integral of sin 3x using the substitution method.

    Integral of Sin 3x Using Sin 3x Formula

    We know that the sin 3x formula is sin 3x = 3 sin x — 4 sin3x. Next, we will prove that the integration of sin 3x is given by (-1/3) cos 3x + C using the sin 3x formula. Before proving the integral of sin 3x, we will derive the integral of sin cube x, that is, sin3x. We will use the following formulas to prove the integral of sin3x:

    • cos2x + sin2x = 1 ⇒ sin2x = 1 — cos2x
    • ∫sin x dx = -cos x dx

    ∫sin3x dx = ∫sin x. sin2x dx

    = ∫sin x.(1 — cos2x) dx

    = ∫sin x dx — ∫sin x. cos2x dx — (1)

    = I1 — I2 , where I1 = ∫sin x dx and I2 = ∫sin x. cos2x dx

    Now, I1 = ∫sin x dx = -cos x + C1, where C1 is the constant of integration —- (2)

    For I2 = ∫sin x. cos2x dx, assume cos x = u ⇒ -sin x dx = du ⇒ sin x dx = -du

    I2 = ∫sin x. cos2x dx

    = ∫u2 (-du)

    = — ∫u2 du

    = — u3/3 + C2, where C2 is the constant of integration

    = (-1/3) cos3x + C2 —- (3)

    Subsitute the values from (2) and (3) in (1),

    ∫sin3x dx = (-cos x + C1) — ((-1/3) cos3x + C2)

    = -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C1 — C2

    = -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C, where C = C1 — C2

    ⇒ ∫sin3x dx = -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C — (4)

    Now that we have derived the integral of sin3x, we will use this formula along with some other formulas to derive the integral of sin 3x:

    • ∫sin x dx = -cos x dx
    • ∫sin3x dx = -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C
    • sin 3x = 3 sin x — 4 sin3x
    • cos 3x = 4cos3x — 3 cos x

    Using the above formulas, we have

    ∫sin 3x dx = ∫(3 sin x — 4 sin3x) dx

    = 3 ∫sin x dx — 4 ∫sin3x dx

    = 3(-cos x) — 4(-cos x + (1/3) cos3x) + C, where C is the constant of integration

    = -3 cos x + 4 cos x — (4/3)cos3x + C

    = cos x — (4/3)cos3x + C

    = (1/3)(3cos x — 4cos3x + 3C)

    = (1/3)(-cos 3x + 3C) [Because cos 3x = 4cos3x — 3 cos x]

    = (-1/3) cos 3x + C

    Hence, we have derived the integration of sin 3x using the sin 3x formula.

    Definite Integral of Sin 3x

    We have proved that the integral of sin 3x is (-1/3) cos 3x + C. Now, we will determine the values of the definite integral of sin 3x with different limits. First, we will take the limits from 0 to π/3.

    Definite Integral of Sin 3x From 0 to π/3

    (begin{align}int_{0}^{frac{pi}{3}}sin 3x dx &= left [ -frac{1}{3}cos 3x+C right ]_0^frac{pi}{3}\&=left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3frac{pi}{3}+C right )-left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3(0)+Cright )\&=-frac{1}{3}cos pi+C + frac{1}{3}cos 0-C\&= -frac{1}{3}(-1)+frac{1}{3}(1)\&=frac{2}{3}end{align})

    Hence the value of the definite integral of sin 3x with limits from 0 to π/3 is equal to 2/3.

    Definite Integral of Sin 3x From 0 to Pi

    (begin{align}int_{0}^{pi}sin 3x dx &= left [ -frac{1}{3}cos 3x+C right ]_0^pi\&=left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3pi+C right )-left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3(0)+Cright )\&=-frac{1}{3}cos 3pi+C + frac{1}{3}cos 0-C\&= -frac{1}{3}(-1)+frac{1}{3}(1)\&=frac{2}{3}end{align})

    Hence the value of the definite integral of sin 3x with limits from 0 to π is equal to 2/3.

    Definite Integral of Sin 3x From 0 to Pi/2

    (begin{align}int_{0}^{frac{pi}{2}}sin 3x dx &= left [ -frac{1}{3}cos 3x+C right ]_0^frac{pi}{2}\&=left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3frac{pi}{2}+C right )-left ( -frac{1}{3}cos 3(0)+Cright )\&=-frac{1}{3}cos frac{3pi}{2}+C + frac{1}{3}cos 0-C\&= -frac{1}{3}(0)+frac{1}{3}(1)\&=frac{1}{3}end{align})

    Hence the value of the definite integration of sin 3x with limits from 0 to π/2 is equal to 1/3.

    Important Notes on Integral of Sin 3x

    • The easiest way to determine the integral of sin 3x is using the formula ∫sin (ax) dx = (-1/a) cos ax + C.
    • The integral of sin 3x is (-1/3) cos 3x + C and the integral of sin cube x is ∫sin3x dx -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C.

    Related Topics

    • Integral of Tan 2x
    • Cos 3x
    • Sin 3x

    FAQs on Integral of Sin 3x

    What is Integral of Sin 3x in Trigonometry?

    In trigonometry, the integral of sin 3x is written as ∫sin 3x dx = (-1/3) cos 3x + C, where C is the constant of integration.

    How to Find the Integral of Sin 3x?

    The integral of sin 3x can be calculated using the formula for the integral of sin ax which is given by ∫sin (ax) dx = (-1/a) cos ax + C. It can also be calculated using the substitution method and sin 3x formula.

    What is the Definite Integral of Sin 3x from 0 to pi?

    The value of the definite integral of sin 3x with limits from 0 to π is equal to 2/3.

    What is the Integration of Sin3x?

    The integral of sin cube x is given by ∫sin3x dx = -cos x + (1/3) cos3x + C.

    What is the Integral of Sin 2x?

    The integral of sin 2x dx is written as ∫ sin 2x dx = -(cos 2x)/2 + C, where C is the integration constant.

    Integrate sin^3x

    To integrate sin^3x, also written as ∫sin3x
    dx, sin cubed x, sin^3(x), and (sin x)^3, we start by using standard trig identities to
    simplify the integral.

    Factoring out

    If we take one of the factors out, then we can express the integration in a
    different form, yet it means the same thing.

    Pythagorean trig identity.

    We then recall this Pythagorean trig identity.

    Rearranging trig identity.

    We rearrange it for sin2x.

    Substituting trig identity.

    We substitute the rearranged trig identity for sin2x
    in our integration problem to give a new expression that means the same thing.

    u substitution

    Let u = cosx.


    Then du/dx = -sinx

    Expression for du

    We rearrange it to give an expression for du.

    New integration expression.

    As you can see, our expression for du is almost the same as that in our
    integration problem, except du has a negative sign. We can solve this issue with
    a mathematical trick as shown below.

    Changing the signs.

    If we were to multiply -1 with -1 then the result is +1 and we have not
    changed anything. That is exactly what we are doing here. We place a -1 outside
    the integral and another inside the integral. As you can see, we now have -sinx
    dx, and therefore we can do a straight swap with du.

    Integration in terms of u.

    We can now rewrite the whole integration in terms of u, by replacing cosx
    with u.

    Integrate each term separately.

    The -1 that was behind the integral can be multiplied out, thereby reversing
    the signs on the LHS. This is the same as the expression on the RHS where we
    integrate each term separately w.r.t. du.

    Solution in terms of u

    Hence our integration solution is in terms of u is as shown above, and C is
    the final integration constant.

    Final Solution

    We replace u with cosx to give the final solution.

    Неопределенный интеграл от синуса в кубеРассмотрим решение задачи по нахождению неопределенного интеграла от синуса в кубе, т.е.

    displaystyle intsin^3 x;dx.

    Прежде всего заметим, что синус в третьей степени  sin^3 x=sin xsin^2 x forall xin{mathbb R} и sin^2x=1-cos^2x forall xin{mathbb R},  а значит,

     displaystyle intsin^3 x;dx= displaystyle int sin^2 x sin x;dx= displaystyle int (1-cos^2x)sin x;dx.

    Далее воспользуемся тем, что sin x={}-(cos x)^{prime};;forall xin{mathbb R} и f^{prime}(x);dx=df(x):

    displaystyle intsin^3 x;dx=ldots= displaystyle int (1-cos^2x)sin x;dx=

    displaystyle ={}-int(1-cos^2x)(cos x)^{prime};dx= displaystyle {}-int(1-cos^2x);dcos x=

    displaystyle ={}-int dcos x+intcos^2x;dcos x= displaystyle -cos x+dfrac{1}{3}cos^3x+C quad forall xin{mathbb R},

    где C — произвольная вещественная постоянная.

    Здесь при нахождении неопределенного интеграла от «синуса в кубе» также было использовано свойство линейности неопределенного интеграла:

    displaystyle int (lambda f(x)+mu g(x))dx= displaystyle lambdaint f(x);dx+muint g(x)dx;

    и то, что

    displaystyle int dF(x)=F(x)+C, quad displaystyle int u^{alpha} du=dfrac{u^{alpha+1}}{alpha+1}+C  (alphane{}-1).

    Таким образом

    displaystyle intsin^3 x;dx={}-cos x+dfrac{1}{3}cos^3x+C quad displaystyle forall xin{mathbb R},

    где C — произвольная вещественная постоянная.

    В следующем видео продемонстрировано нахождение неопределенного интеграла от синуса в третьей степени. Пояснения и комментарии помогут разобраться с ходом решения задачи и сформировать навык нахождения подобных интегралов.

    Калькулятор интегралов

    Некорректное выражение: ‘sin3’

    Калькулятор Интегралов вычисляет неопределенный интеграл (первообразную) от функции по заданной переменной с использованием аналитического интегрирования. Также он позволяет построить график функции и её интеграла.

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