Как найти ip для terraria


If you plan on playing Terraria with some friends, you may be hoping to host a server on your PC for everyone to play on. As a little tip, the best person to host the server is the person with the best PC, and who is closest to everyone else in the group to ensure everyone has the best possible connection.

For the most part, this is as simple as going into Multiplayer, then clicking on the option to Host. However, You will need to know your IP as your friends will need to connect directly to the IP address.

To find out what your IP address, you can use a website like WhatsMyIp. The site will tell you your IP address at the top, and you can then give it to your friends. 

Hosting a Terraria server can be a surprisingly complex, or incredibly easy, it depends on how deep you want to get into things. Hosting it on your PC is a great option, but remember that your friends will only be able to play while your PC is turned on. You can, if you wish, set up a dedicated server.

For a full walkthrough on the details you need to host a server, we suggest you check out this article on the Terraria Gamepedia. They have a complete and very detailed write up on everything you need to know to host your own Terraria server, especially if you want to get into complicated areas like configuration files.

A Terraria server provides a platform for players to connect over the internet or other network for multiplayer games. Windows installations of Terraria include its server software. For running on a Linux distribution, you must download the server files. See the Downloads section.

A server can also be used for standalone single-player gameplay. This offers the ability to adjust the in-game time at will.

Before You Host

The server runs on TCP port 7777 by default. If you are behind NAT (e.g. residential user), the port used must be port-forwarded in order for other players be able to join. If one can’t forward a port, one may choose to use a VPN service like Hamachi or Radmin VPN instead (although in those cases, every player needs to install the VPN software). The default max players is 8 (16 as of, but this can be changed during server start-up, as well as within the server configuration file (serverconfig.txt). Non-NAT connections(e.g. business or data center user) typically do not need port forwarding, but may need to allow the port through a firewall.

If running on a cloud service provider such as AWS or GCP, ensure port 7777 on TCP and UDP is open to allow connections to the server.

Public servers

Servers can be found via these server lists:

  • Server forum at Official Terraria Forum
  • https://www.tserverweb.com
  • https://topg.org/terraria-servers/
  • http://terraria-servers.com
  • https://terraria.21yunbox.com

Joining Servers

A server can be joined by selecting the Multiplayer option on the main menu, selecting a character, and then entering the server’s IP and port.

Often different servers have different requirements for a player to join. Some servers will require the player to have a Softcore or Mediumcore player to play, and some may require that players be at a certain level of the game before joining. Often a public server will have a /register and /login system where the player must have a character with both a unique name and password.

Public servers also usually are run by a group of Administrators and/or Moderators who enforce or regulate rules. Often these rules will disallow mods and hacks, impersonation, and the like. Some servers may also have the capability to allow a player to play online with their singleplayer character without losing their singleplayer inventory.

A list of servers you have recently played will be saved under «Join via IP» in Multiplayer.

How to (Windows)

  • By default, on a 32-bit Windows installation of Terraria, TerrariaServer.exe can be found at: %programfiles%Steamsteamappscommonterraria
  • On a 64-bit Windows installation, it can be found at: %programfiles(x86)%Steamsteamappscommonterraria
  • If you cannot find it in paths above, open steam and right click Terraria in your library, then hit «Properties» > «LOCAL FILES» > «BROWSE LOCAL FILES…» to open the folder.
  • If you do not have steam: %programfiles(x86)%terraria or %programfiles%terraria
  • If you use GOG: GOG Gamesterraria

A player then may join the server from the game menu by choosing the Multiplayer option.

How to (Linux)


First we will install the tools we need to run the server. These are likely preinstalled on your distribution.

For a Debian based system (Ubuntu), run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget tmux unzip

Starting the server

  1. See the Downloads section to get the link to the latest download. Then download the file: wget the_latest_link_here
  2. Unzip the file: unzip terraria-server*
  3. Navigate into the directory you just unzipped. As of the directory is called ‘1412’. This may change for future versions: cd 1412
  4. Navigate to the Linux directory: cd Linux
  5. Add executable permissions to the server binary: chmod +x TerrariaServer.bin.x86*
  6. Launch the server. The 64 bit version is TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64, the 32 bit version is TerrariaServer.bin.x86: ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
  7. Place your world files in the following location for the server to find them: ~/.local/share/Terraria/Worlds/

Launching in the background

Tmux is a modern version of screen that allows multiple virtual terminal instances. We will use it to launch the server in the background.

  1. Launch the server in a tmux session: tmux
  2. In the tmux session, launch the server: ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
  3. Now the server should start up as normal. To detatch from the tmux instance, leaving the server running in the background, use the following key combination: <Ctrl+b> d
  4. You should now be back at the previous terminal instance. You can see that the tmux session is running in the background with tmux list
  5. To re-attach to the instance to edit or shut it down, just run tmux attach


  • In some cases it is needed to export TERM variable in this way: export TERM=xterm

How to (RPI / Others OSes)

If you are using an operating system (Such as Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) or FreeBSD) that does not come with a prebuilt executable, you could use mono to start the server. This could be useful if you want to host a server on a device such as a Raspberry Pi, or any device that does not run on the x86 architecture.


NOTE: If you are using a non-x86 Linux-based operating system (Such as Raspberry Pi OS), the first few instructions should be the same as the one found here, up until the chmod command. You would need to install mono and and any other required libraries (such as sqlite or screen) if it does not come preinstalled on your system.

Launching the server

  1. Download and extract the Terraria files following your system specifications. (For Raspberry Pi Users Follow The Linux Guide)
  2. Navigate to the Linux directory.
  3. Launch the server by using the following mono command: mono --server --gc=sgen -O=all ./TerrariaServer.exe

The server should run as expected.


If you encounter an error saying «Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync.», navigate within the Terraria directory and remove monoconfig, mscorlib.dll, and any files that begin with «Mono» or «System».

Example instructions with Linux:

rm System*
rm Mono*
rm monoconfig
rm mscorlib.dll

WindowsBase.dll and FNA.dll should be the only .dll files in the directory

NOTE: This procedure will delete any other files starting with «Mono» or «System», so keep that in mind!


The vanilla Terraria server software is included with the regular Terraria package (see above), but can also be downloaded:

  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server 1.4.3
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server 1.4.4
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server

Dedicated Server GUI is a third-party add-on for the vanilla server that offers graphical controls (the server is normally a command-line program):

  • Dedicated Server GUI.

Tshock and TDSM are third-party server packages that offer additional functionality, such as in-game commands, whitelists, player passwords, and a plugin interface for added features (such as factions):

  • Tshock
  • TDSM (Latest version; No longer maintained.)

Server files

The Windows server consists of these files:

  • TerrariaServer.exe — The main server file. Can be run stand-alone.
  • serverconfig.txt — The server config files. Defines all parameters for the server (see below).
  • start-server.bat — A Windows Batch file which starts the server using the serverconfig.txt file. Also contains a loopback to restart the server if it should crash.
  • start-server-steam-friends.bat — functions as «Host & Play» would, but through the console. steam friends will be able to join your game through this.

List of console commands

Once a dedicated server is running, the following commands can be run:

  • help — Displays a list of commands.
  • playing — Shows the list of players. This can be used in-game by typing /playing into the chat.
  • clear — Clear the console window.
  • exit — Shutdown the server and save.
  • exit-nosave — Shutdown the server without saving.
  • save — Save the game world.
  • kick <player name> — Kicks a player from the server.
  • ban <player name> — Bans a player from the server.
  • password — Show password.
  • password <pass> — Change password.
  • version — Print version number.
  • time — Display game time.
  • port — Print the listening port.
  • maxplayers — Print the max number of players.
  • say <message> — Send a message to all players. They will see the message in yellow prefixed with <server> in the chat.
  • motd — Print MOTD.
  • motd <message> — Change MOTD.
  • dawn — Change time to dawn (4:30 AM).
  • noon — Change time to noon (12:00 PM).
  • dusk — Change time to dusk (7:30 PM).
  • midnight — Change time to midnight (12:00 AM).
  • settle — Settle all water.

Note that a forward-slash / is not required to precede the command, as some command interfaces require. For a list of Tshock commands, refer to the TShock readme.

Command line parameters

The following is a list of parameters that can be entered when running TerrariaServer initially:

  • -config <file path> — Specifies a configuration file to use (see Server config file below).
  • -port <number> — Specifies the port to listen on.
  • -players <number> / -maxplayers <number> — Sets the max number of players.
  • -pass <password> / -password <password> — Sets the server password.
  • -motd <text> — Set the server motto of the day text.
  • -world <file path> — Load a world and automatically start the server.
  • -autocreate <number> — Creates a world if none is found in the path specified by -world. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
  • -banlist <file path> — Specifies the location of the banlist. Defaults to «banlist.txt» in the working directory.
  • -worldname <world name> — Sets the name of the world when using -autocreate.
  • -secure — Adds additional cheat protection to the server.
  • -noupnp — Disables automatic universal plug and play.
  • -steam — Enables Steam support.
  • -lobby friends / -lobby private — Allows only friends to join the server or sets it to private if Steam is enabled.
  • -ip <ip address> — Sets the IP address for the server to listen on
  • -forcepriority <priority> — Sets the process priority for this task. If this is used the «priority» setting below will be ignored.
  • -disableannouncementbox — Disables the text announcements Announcement Box makes when pulsed from wire.
  • -announcementboxrange <number> — Sets the announcement box text messaging range in pixels, -1 for serverwide announcements.
  • -seed <seed> — Specifies the world seed when using -autocreate

Server config file

It is possible to start the dedicated server using a configuration file that enters the above parameters automatically. The config file must be called using the -config parameter. The file can have any name, but must be in the same folder as TerrariaServer.exe. If a server config file is defined and the file is not located during the server boot, then the server will ask the user to input the parameters as it would if run without a defined config file.

The following is a list of available config commands:

  • world=C:UsersDefaultsMy DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorldsworld1.wld — Load a world and automatically start the server.
  • autocreate=3 — Creates a new world if none is found. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
  • seed=AwesomeSeed — Sets the world seed when using autocreate
  • worldname=World — Sets the name of the world when using autocreate
  • difficulty=0 — Sets world difficulty when using -autocreate. Options: 0(normal), 1(expert), 2(master), 3(journey) [Note: Mobile Servers require 1 to be added to the difficulty (e.g. 2 is expert for mobile terraria servers).]
  • maxplayers=8 — Sets the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255
  • port=7777 — Set the port number
  • password=p@55w0rd* — Set the server password
  • motd=Please don’t cut the purple trees! — Set the message of the day
  • worldpath=C:UsersDefaultsMy DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorlds — Sets the folder where world files will be stored
  • banlist=banlist.txt — The location of the banlist. Defaults to «banlist.txt» in the working directory.
  • secure=1 — Adds additional cheat protection.
  • language — Sets the server language from its language code. Available codes:
    • en-US = English
    • de-DE = German
    • it-IT = Italian
    • fr-FR = French
    • es-ES = Spanish
    • ru-RU = Russian
    • zh-Hans = Chinese
    • pt-BR = Portuguese
    • pl-PL = Polish
  • upnp=1 — Automatically forward ports with uPNP.
  • npcstream=60 — Reduces enemy skipping but increases bandwidth usage. The lower the number the less skipping will happen, but more data is sent. 0 is off.
  • priority=1 — Default system priority 0:Realtime, 1:High, 2:AboveNormal, 3:Normal, 4:BelowNormal, 5:Idle
  • Journey Mode power permissions for every individual power. 0: Locked for everyone, 1: Can only be changed by host, 2: Can be changed by everyone
    • journeypermission_time_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_time_setdawn=2
    • journeypermission_time_setnoon=2
    • journeypermission_time_setdusk=2
    • journeypermission_time_setmidnight=2
    • journeypermission_godmode=2
    • journeypermission_wind_setstrength=2
    • journeypermission_rain_setstrength=2
    • journeypermission_time_setspeed=2
    • journeypermission_rain_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_wind_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_increaseplacementrange=2
    • journeypermission_setdifficulty=2
    • journeypermission_biomespread_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_setspawnrate=2

Comment lines can be included using the hash symbol (#). Lines that begin with # will be skipped entirely.

Banning and un-banning

The command ban <player> will ban the indicated player from the server. A banned player, when they try to login, will be displayed the message:You are banned for [duration]: [reason]- [modname]. A banned player may then be un-banned by editing the file «banlist.txt,» which is located in the Terraria folder. This document contains a list of all currently banned players. To un-ban a player, delete the player’s name and IP address from the list.

System requirements

  • Windows Operating System
  • 500 MB free RAM for a small world (RAM depends on world size and number of players)
  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • XNA Framework

An easy method of installing .NET and XNA is to simply install the Terraria client, which should install both as part of its regular installation.


  • The server will auto-save the world now and then, but will only save on shutdown when using the exit command. That said, consider saving manually prior to shutdown.
  • When no players are online the server hibernates. Time only passes when players are connected.
  • When you launch a server, it will ask if you want to auto port forward, however this doesn’t always work.
  • Servers are often set up using Hamachi. This removes the need of having to port-forward, but relies on a third party program.
  • Some servers will boost health, If a server is in expert mode, the destroyer may have 1,000,000+ health / hp (hitpoints)


Below are instructions for a very basic LAN party setup. At the very least, all computers must be connected to the same network for this to work. If you feel so inclined, you can set the server to have a static LAN IP address, but that’s not really necessary. Note that these instructions are targeted at people who have little to no networking experience, and just want to play games.

  1. Make sure that all computers are connected to the same network
    • Connect the computers to the network via ethernet if possible, since ethernet is almost always faster than wireless.
    • If you have a regular home router and want to connect many players, you can connect more computers to the network via ethernet by use of a switch. Simply plug any port of the switch into the router, and plug the rest of the computers (and the server) into the switch. If you don’t have a switch, try to at least connect the computer running the server to the network via ethernet. If you can’t do that, just make sure all computers are connected to the same wifi connection and it will probably work, just a bit more slowly.
  2. Get server information
    • First, make sure that the server is connected to the internet, or at least connected to your router. To test router connectivity, you can try logging into your router via web panel. Usually the router login information is printed on a sticker on the back of the router. If the page loads, great — just make sure the other computers are connected to the same network.
    • Windows:
      • Open Command Prompt and run «ipconfig» to get information about your network. Record the IP address that appears after «IPV4 Address……» It should be something like, This is the IP address you will use for joining on terraria. If the IP address starts with 127, look for one that doesn’t. If it starts with 169, you’re doing something wrong.
    • MacOS:
      • Open System Preferences > Network and record the IP Address. See above for what the IP should look like.
    • GNU/Linux:
      • Run «ifconfig» or «ip a» from a terminal window to get your local IP. See above for what the IP should look like.
  3. Connect the clients to the server
    • Open Terraria, click multiplayer, and connect to the IP address that you recorded from the second step.
    • You should be connected to the server!
  4. Troubleshooting (if something doesn’t work)
    • Make sure that the firewall on the computer running the server is disabled, or at least allows traffic through on port 7777. Be sure to re-enable the firewall once again when you have the chance.
    • If your local IP address does start with 169, you should check your network settings to get connected to the internet.
    • The IP of the server may change, especially if the router restarts. If you are unable to connect to the server, go through step 2 once again to see if the IP has changed.
      • If this becomes a recurring problem, you should look up «setting a static IP on (OS Name)», where OS Name is the name of the server’s operating system.
    • If you set the port of the Terraria server to something other than the default of 7777, make sure that the clients are connecting to whatever port the server is configured to use.


  • Desktop
    • New difficulty values: 2 for master mode, 3 for journey mode.
    • A bunch of configuration file options have been added for controlling journey mode power permissions.
  • Desktop
    • Dedicated servers can now be launched with -forcepriority to override server settings file’s process priority.
    • Dedicated server can now use -ip again to set their local IP address.
  • Desktop You should now have an easier time reporting errors if they happen on a server.
  • Desktop
    • You will now be able to enter the password every time when entering or creating a server.
    • Many issues with the dedicated server and its configurations have been resolved.
    • Fixed an issue where users would be unable to invite each other when in «Invite Only» mode.
  • Desktop Fixed crashes when starting the dedicated server in a language other than English.
  • Desktop 1.0.2:
    • Servers now listen to all IP addresses on the hosting PC, regardless of how many network connections are active.
    • Typing «localhost» instead of your own local IP address will connect to your own same-PC server.
    • Game default port changed from 31337 to 7777.
    • Client will now resolve a hostname into its IP address, for example, if randomsite.org ran a server, you could type randomsite.org as the IP address and be able to connect.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
  • Console-Release: Introduced.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.

Terraria — это экшн, приключения и игра-песочница, разработанная Re-Logic и изданная 505 Games. Первоначально игра была выпущена для Microsoft Windows, но из-за популярности игра была перенесена на другие платформы, а также на консоли. Кроме того, поддерживаемые платформы включали Play Station 3, Play Station 4, Xbox One, Windows Phone и Android. Он также доступен на других портативных устройствах. Глядя на огромную популярность игры, игроки задаются новым вопросом: как они могут найти IP-адрес для использования в Terraria.

Говоря об игровом процессе, если вы планируете играть в Terraria со своими друзьями, то вы, несомненно, надеетесь разместить игровой сервер на своем ПК, чтобы все ваши друзья могли играть вместе. Поскольку это руководство прольет свет на поиск IP-адреса для размещения игры, мы хотели бы сказать, что лучший игрок для размещения игры — это искать игрока с лучшей конфигурацией ПК. Кроме того, вы также должны следить за игроком, который находится в центре или ближе всего ко всем остальным. Вы также должны убедиться, что у всех игроков должно быть наилучшее подключение к Интернету. Итак, не теряя времени, давайте начнем с руководства.

Как исправить ошибку исключения метода отсутствия в системе Terraria

Как найти свой IP-адрес для использования в Terraria?

По большей части поиск IP-адреса и размещение игрового сервера незаметно ассоциируется с многопользовательской игрой. Но чтобы организовать многопользовательскую игру, вам нужно знать свой IP-адрес. Зная, что все ваши друзья должны подключиться к одному и тому же IP-адресу, а затем напрямую подключиться к игре с тем же адресом.

Теперь самая важная и самая естественная часть — знать свой IP-адрес. Просто поищите в Google: Какой у меня IP-адрес, или перейдите по этой ссылке: WhatsMyIP. Этот веб-сайт сообщит вам как IPv4, так и IPv6-адрес, который вы также можете использовать для подключения своих игровых серверов. Теперь, когда вы получите IP-адрес, поделитесь им с друзьями и начните свой матч.

Иногда размещение сервера Terraria может быть очень сложным или невероятно простым. Это просто зависит от того, насколько хорошо вы хотите вникнуть в вещи. Хостинг игры на вашем компьютере, хотя и отличный вариант, но есть некоторые ограничения, например, возможность играть только тогда, когда ваш главный компьютер включен. Более того, при желании вы даже можете настроить свой выделенный сервер для игры.

Это руководство было призвано помочь игрокам Terrair, которые хотят знать свой IP-адрес, чтобы провести многопользовательский матч на своем ПК. После прочтения нашего руководства они смогут сделать это легко, и их работа будет выполнена в кратчайшие сроки. Надеемся, это руководство вам помогло. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или отзывы, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии ниже, указав свое имя и адрес электронной почты. Точно так же ознакомьтесь с нашими Советы и хитрости iPhone, Советы и хитрости для ПК, а также Советы и хитрости для Android для получения дополнительных советов и рекомендаций. Мы призываем вас принять участие в розыгрыше $ 150, подписавшись на нашу YouTube канал. Удачной игры!

Другие руководства по Terraria

  • Исправить сбои обновления Terraria 1.4: System. Ошибка InvalidOperationException
  • Как исправить ошибку исключения метода отсутствия в системе Terraria
  • Элементы управления параметром параллакса: настройка параллакса в Terraria

Анубхав Рой — студент, изучающий компьютерные науки, инженеры, который проявляет огромный интерес к миру компьютеров, Android и других вещей, происходящих в мире информации и технологий. Он обучен машинному обучению, науке о данных и является программистом на языке Python с Django Framework.

A Terraria server provides a platform for players to connect over the internet or other network for multiplayer games. Windows installations of Terraria include its server software. For running on a Linux distribution, you must download the server files. See the Downloads section.

A server can also be used for standalone single-player gameplay. This offers the ability to adjust the in-game time at will.

Before You Host

The server runs on TCP port 7777 by default. If you are behind NAT (e.g. residential user), the port used must be port-forwarded in order for other players be able to join. If one cannot forward a port, one may choose to use a VPN service like Hamachi or Radmin VPN instead (although in those cases, every player needs to install the VPN software). The default max players is 8 (16 as of, but this can be changed during server start-up, as well as within the server configuration file (serverconfig.txt). Non-NAT connections(e.g. business or data center user) typically do not need port forwarding, but may need to allow the port through a firewall.

If running on a cloud service provider such as AWS or GCP, ensure port 7777 on TCP and UDP is open to allow connections to the server.

Public servers

Servers can be found via these server lists:

  • Server forum at Official Terraria Forum
  • https://www.tserverweb.com
  • https://topg.org/terraria-servers/
  • http://terraria-servers.com
  • https://terraria.21yunbox.com

Joining Servers

A server can be joined by selecting the Multiplayer option on the main menu, selecting a character, and then entering the server’s IP and port.

Often different servers have different requirements for a player to join. Some servers will require the player to have a Softcore or Mediumcore player to play, and some may require that players be at a certain level of the game before joining. Often a public server will have a /register and /login system where the player must have a character with both a unique name and password.

Public servers also usually are run by a group of Administrators and/or Moderators who enforce or regulate rules. Often these rules will disallow mods and hacks, impersonation, and the like. Some servers may also have the capability to allow a player to play online with their singleplayer character without losing their singleplayer inventory.

A list of servers you have recently played will be saved under «Join via IP» in Multiplayer.

How to (Windows)

  • By default, on a 32-bit Windows installation of Terraria, TerrariaServer.exe can be found at: %programfiles%Steamsteamappscommonterraria
  • On a 64-bit Windows installation, it can be found at: %programfiles(x86)%Steamsteamappscommonterraria
  • If you cannot find it in paths above, open Steam and right click Terraria in your library, then hit «Properties» > «LOCAL FILES» > «BROWSE LOCAL FILES…» to open the folder.
  • If you do not have Steam: %programfiles(x86)%terraria or %programfiles%terraria
  • If you use GOG: GOG Gamesterraria

A player then may join the server from the game menu by choosing the Multiplayer option.

How to (Linux)


First we will install the tools we need to run the server. These are likely preinstalled on your distribution.

For a Debian based system (Ubuntu), run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y wget tmux unzip

For an Arch based system (Manjaro), run: sudo pacman -Sy wget tmux unzip

Starting the server

  1. Download the file: wget https://terraria.org/api/download/pc-dedicated-server/terraria-server-1449.zip. See the Downloads section for links to other versions.
  2. Unzip the file: unzip terraria-server-1449.zip
  3. Navigate into the directory you just unzipped: cd 1449
  4. Navigate to the Linux directory: cd Linux
  5. Add executable permissions to the server binary: chmod +x TerrariaServer.bin.x86*
  6. Launch the server. The 64 bit version is TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64, the 32 bit version is TerrariaServer.bin.x86: ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
  7. Place your world files in the following location for the server to find them: ~/.local/share/Terraria/Worlds/

Launching in the background

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows multiple virtual terminal instances. We will use it to launch the server in the background.

  1. Launch the server in a tmux session: tmux
  2. In the tmux session, launch the server: ./TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
  3. Now the server should start up as normal. To detatch from the tmux instance, leaving the server running in the background, use the following key combination: <Ctrl+b> d
  4. You should now be back at the previous terminal instance. You can see that the tmux session is running in the background with tmux list
  5. To re-attach to the instance to edit or shut it down, just run tmux attach


  • In some cases it is needed to export TERM variable in this way: export TERM=xterm

How to (RPI / Others OSes)

If you are using an operating system (Such as Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) or FreeBSD) that does not come with a prebuilt executable, you could use mono to start the server. This could be useful if you want to host a server on a device such as a Raspberry Pi, or any device that does not run on the x86 architecture.


NOTE: If you are using a non-x86 Linux-based operating system (Such as Raspberry Pi OS), the first few instructions should be the same as the one found here, up until the chmod command. You would need to install mono and and any other required libraries (such as sqlite or screen) if it does not come preinstalled on your system.

Launching the server

  1. Download and extract the Terraria files following your system specifications. (For Raspberry Pi Users Follow The Linux Guide)
  2. Navigate to the Linux directory.
  3. Launch the server by using the following mono command: mono --server --gc=sgen -O=all ./TerrariaServer.exe

The server should run as expected.


If you encounter an error saying «Your mono runtime and class libraries are out of sync.», navigate within the Terraria directory and remove monoconfig, mscorlib.dll, and any files that begin with «Mono» or «System».

Example instructions with Linux:

rm System*
rm Mono*
rm monoconfig
rm mscorlib.dll

WindowsBase.dll and FNA.dll should be the only .dll files in the directory

NOTE: This procedure will delete any other files starting with «Mono» or «System», so keep that in mind!


The vanilla Terraria server software is included with the regular Terraria package (see above), but can also be downloaded:

  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server 1.4.3
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server 1.4.4
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server
  • Terraria Server

Dedicated Server GUI is a third-party add-on for the vanilla server that offers graphical controls (the server is normally a command-line program):

  • Dedicated Server GUI.

Tshock and TDSM are third-party server packages that offer additional functionality, such as in-game commands, whitelists, player passwords, and a plugin interface for added features (such as factions):

  • Tshock
  • TDSM (Latest version; No longer maintained.)

Server files

The Windows server consists of these files:

  • TerrariaServer.exe — The main server file. Can be run stand-alone.
  • serverconfig.txt — The server config files. Defines all parameters for the server (see below).
  • start-server.bat — A Windows Batch file which starts the server using the serverconfig.txt file. Also contains a loopback to restart the server if it should crash.
  • start-server-steam-friends.bat — functions as «Host & Play» would, but through the console. Steam friends will be able to join your game through this.

List of console commands

Once a dedicated server is running, the following commands can be run:

  • help — Displays a list of commands.
  • playing — Shows the list of players. This can be used in-game by typing /playing into the chat.
  • clear — Clear the console window.
  • exit — Shutdown the server and save.
  • exit-nosave — Shutdown the server without saving.
  • save — Save the game world.
  • kick <player name> — Kicks a player from the server.
  • ban <player name> — Bans a player from the server.
  • password — Show password.
  • password <pass> — Change password.
  • version — Print version number.
  • time — Display game time.
  • port — Print the listening port.
  • maxplayers — Print the max number of players.
  • say <message> — Send a message to all players. They will see the message in yellow prefixed with <server> in the chat.
  • motd — Print MOTD.
  • motd <message> — Change MOTD.
  • dawn — Change time to dawn (4:30 AM).
  • noon — Change time to noon (12:00 PM).
  • dusk — Change time to dusk (7:30 PM).
  • midnight — Change time to midnight (12:00 AM).
  • settle — Settle all water.
  • death — Shows the number of deaths for the player.
  • pvpdeath — Shows the number of PVP-related deaths for the player.
  • alldeath — Shows the number of deaths for all players in the server.
  • allpvpdeath — Shows the number of PVP-related deaths for all players in the server.

Note that a forward-slash / is not required to precede the command, as some command interfaces require. For a list of Tshock commands, refer to the TShock readme.

Command-line parameters

This content is transcluded from Command-line parameters § Server.The following command-line parameters are available for Terraria’s server application, TerrariaServer:

  • -config <file path> — Specifies a configuration file to use (see Server § Server config file).
  • -port <number> — Specifies the port to listen on.
  • -players <number> / -maxplayers <number> — Sets the max number of players.
  • -pass <password> / -password <password> — Sets the server password.
  • -motd <text> — Set the server motto of the day text.
  • -world <file path> — Load a world and automatically start the server.
  • -autocreate <number> — Creates a world if none is found in the path specified by -world. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
  • -banlist <file path> — Specifies the location of the banlist. Defaults to «banlist.txt» in the working directory.
  • -worldname <world name> — Sets the name of the world when using -autocreate.
  • -secure — Adds additional cheat protection to the server.
  • -noupnp — Disables automatic universal plug and play.
  • -steam — Enables Steam support.
  • -lobby friends / -lobby private — Allows only friends to join the server or sets it to private if Steam is enabled.
  • -ip <ip address> — Sets the IP address for the server to listen on
  • -forcepriority <priority> — Sets the process priority for this task. If this is used the «priority» setting below will be ignored.
  • -disableannouncementbox — Disables the text announcements Announcement Box makes when pulsed from wire.
  • -announcementboxrange <number> — Sets the announcement box text messaging range in pixels, -1 for serverwide announcements.
  • -seed <seed> — Specifies the world seed when using -autocreate

Server config file

It is possible to start the dedicated server using a configuration file that enters the above parameters automatically. The config file must be called using the -config parameter. The file can have any name, but must be in the same folder as TerrariaServer.exe. If a server config file is defined and the file is not located during the server boot, then the server will ask the user to input the parameters as it would if run without a defined config file.

The following is a list of available config commands:

  • world=C:UsersDefaultsMy DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorldsworld1.wld — Load a world and automatically start the server.
  • autocreate=3 — Creates a new world if none is found. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(medium), and 3(large).
  • seed=AwesomeSeed — Sets the world seed when using autocreate
  • worldname=World — Sets the name of the world when using autocreate
  • difficulty=0 — Sets world difficulty when using -autocreate. Options: 0(normal), 1(expert), 2(master), 3(journey) [Note: Mobile Servers require 1 to be added to the difficulty (e.g. 2 is expert for mobile terraria servers).]
  • maxplayers=8 — Sets the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255
  • port=7777 — Set the port number
  • [email protected]* — Set the server password
  • motd=Please don’t cut the purple trees! — Set the message of the day
  • worldpath=C:UsersDefaultsMy DocumentsMy GamesTerrariaWorlds — Sets the folder where world files will be stored
  • banlist=banlist.txt — The location of the banlist. Defaults to «banlist.txt» in the working directory.
  • secure=1 — Adds additional cheat protection.
  • language — Sets the server language from its language code. Available codes:
    • en-US = English
    • de-DE = German
    • it-IT = Italian
    • fr-FR = French
    • es-ES = Spanish
    • ru-RU = Russian
    • zh-Hans = Chinese
    • pt-BR = Portuguese
    • pl-PL = Polish
  • upnp=1 — Automatically forward ports with uPNP.
  • npcstream=60 — Reduces enemy skipping but increases bandwidth usage. The lower the number the less skipping will happen, but more data is sent. 0 is off.
  • priority=1 — Default system priority 0:Realtime, 1:High, 2:AboveNormal, 3:Normal, 4:BelowNormal, 5:Idle
  • Journey Mode power permissions for every individual power. 0: Locked for everyone, 1: Can only be changed by host, 2: Can be changed by everyone
    • journeypermission_time_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_time_setdawn=2
    • journeypermission_time_setnoon=2
    • journeypermission_time_setdusk=2
    • journeypermission_time_setmidnight=2
    • journeypermission_godmode=2
    • journeypermission_wind_setstrength=2
    • journeypermission_rain_setstrength=2
    • journeypermission_time_setspeed=2
    • journeypermission_rain_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_wind_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_increaseplacementrange=2
    • journeypermission_setdifficulty=2
    • journeypermission_biomespread_setfrozen=2
    • journeypermission_setspawnrate=2

Comment lines can be included using the hash symbol (#). Lines that begin with # will be skipped entirely.

Banning and un-banning

The command ban <player> will ban the indicated player from the server. A banned player, when they try to login, will be displayed the message:You are banned for [duration]: [reason]- [modname]. A banned player may then be un-banned by editing the file «banlist.txt,» which is located in the Terraria folder. This document contains a list of all currently banned players. To un-ban a player, delete the player’s name and IP address from the list.

System requirements

  • Windows Operating System
  • 500 MB free RAM for a small world (RAM depends on world size and number of players)
  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • XNA Framework

An easy method of installing .NET and XNA is to simply install the Terraria client, which should install both as part of its regular installation.


  • The server will auto-save the world now and then, but will only save on shutdown when using the exit command. That said, consider saving manually prior to shutdown.
  • When no players are online the server hibernates. Time only passes when players are connected.
  • When you launch a server, it will ask if you want to auto port forward, however this doesn’t always work.
  • Servers are often set up using Hamachi. This removes the need of having to port-forward, but relies on a third party program.
  • Some servers will boost health, If a server is in expert mode, the destroyer may have 1,000,000+ health / hp (hitpoints)


Below are instructions for a very basic LAN party setup. At the very least, all computers must be connected to the same network for this to work. If you feel so inclined, you can set the server to have a static LAN IP address, but that’s not really necessary. Note that these instructions are targeted at people who have little to no networking experience, and just want to play games.

  1. Make sure that all computers are connected to the same network
    • Connect the computers to the network via ethernet if possible, since ethernet is almost always faster than wireless.
    • If you have a regular home router and want to connect many players, you can connect more computers to the network via ethernet by use of a switch. Simply plug any port of the switch into the router, and plug the rest of the computers (and the server) into the switch. If you don’t have a switch, try to at least connect the computer running the server to the network via ethernet. If you cannot do that, just make sure all computers are connected to the same wifi connection and it will probably work, just a bit more slowly.
  2. Get server information
    • First, make sure that the server is connected to the internet, or at least connected to your router. To test router connectivity, you can try logging into your router via web panel. Usually the router login information is printed on a sticker on the back of the router. If the page loads, great — just make sure the other computers are connected to the same network.
    • Windows:
      • Open Command Prompt and run «ipconfig» to get information about your network. Record the IP address that appears after «IPV4 Address……» It should be something like, This is the IP address you will use for joining on terraria. If the IP address starts with 127, look for one that doesn’t. If it starts with 169, you’re doing something wrong.
    • MacOS:
      • Open System Preferences > Network and record the IP Address. See above for what the IP should look like.
    • GNU/Linux:
      • Run «ifconfig» or «ip a» from a terminal window to get your local IP. See above for what the IP should look like.
  3. Connect the clients to the server
    • Open Terraria, click multiplayer, and connect to the IP address that you recorded from the second step.
    • You should be connected to the server!
  4. Troubleshooting (if something doesn’t work)
    • Make sure that the firewall on the computer running the server is disabled, or at least allows traffic through on port 7777. Be sure to re-enable the firewall once again when you have the chance.
    • If your local IP address does start with 169, you should check your network settings to get connected to the internet.
    • The IP of the server may change, especially if the router restarts. If you are unable to connect to the server, go through step 2 once again to see if the IP has changed.
      • If this becomes a recurring problem, you should look up «setting a static IP on (OS Name)», where OS Name is the name of the server’s operating system.
    • If you set the port of the Terraria server to something other than the default of 7777, make sure that the clients are connecting to whatever port the server is configured to use.


  • Desktop 1.4.4: The game now tracks deaths, and they can be viewed with the /death and /pvpdeath commands. Additionally includes the /alldeath and /allpvpdeath for server-wide numbers.
  • Desktop
    • New difficulty values: 2 for master mode, 3 for journey mode.
    • A bunch of configuration file options have been added for controlling journey mode power permissions.
  • Desktop
    • Dedicated servers can now be launched with -forcepriority to override server settings file’s process priority.
    • Dedicated server can now use -ip again to set their local IP address.
  • Desktop You should now have an easier time reporting errors if they happen on a server.
  • Desktop
    • You will now be able to enter the password every time when entering or creating a server.
    • Many issues with the dedicated server and its configurations have been resolved.
    • Fixed an issue where users would be unable to invite each other when in «Invite Only» mode.
  • Desktop Fixed crashes when starting the dedicated server in a language other than English.
  • Desktop 1.0.2:
    • Servers now listen to all IP addresses on the hosting PC, regardless of how many network connections are active.
    • Typing «localhost» instead of your own local IP address will connect to your own same-PC server.
    • Game default port changed from 31337 to 7777.
    • Client will now resolve a hostname into its IP address, for example, if randomsite.org ran a server, you could type randomsite.org as the IP address and be able to connect.
  • Desktop-Release: Introduced.
  • Console-Release: Introduced.
  • Mobile-Release: Introduced.
  • 3DS-Release: Introduced.

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Как посмотреть айпи сервера в террарии?

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  1. ma_tv

    Узнать ip сервера Terraria очень просто, и я сейчас расскажу 2 способа как это сделать.

    Нам необходимо открыть (можно написать в поиске windows) интернет соединения, затем мы переходим в раздел «Сведения», и там мы увидим ip адрес.

    Второй способ более простой, нам нужно в поисковике набрать следующий текст: «Узнать свой IP адрес». Переходим на любой предложений нам сайт и нам покажут наш  ip адрес.

    • Спасибо
    • Не нравится


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Для создания ткацкого станка в игре Terraria вам нужно сначала добыть 12 деревянных досок, 8 шерстяных нитей и 2 железных цепей. Затем вы должны использовать стол для создания, чтобы создать ткацкий станок из этих материалов. 
Для использования ткацкого станка вы должны сначала поместить его … Читать далее

Самым последним боссом в игре Terraria является Лунный Лорд (Moon Lord). Чтобы вызвать его, необходимо выполнить ряд условий и победить несколько других боссов, включая Императрицу света (Empress of Light) и Механических боссов. Лунный Лорд является одним из самых сложных и опасных боссов в игре и … Читать далее

Вопрос достаточно неоднозначный, ведь после паучьей брони идут сразу три, находящиеся примерно на одном этапе: Запретная, Святая и Броня Тики. Запретная и Святая проигрывают в уроне и количестве слотов под миньонов, но дают преимущество в защите, особенно последняя, с её обновлённым баффом — … Читать далее

Чел выше дал какой-то дико длинный ответ, если ты хочешь модного денег, то в процессе игры собирай весь хлам и продавай :)  

Эттерианский кристал можно купить у Трактирщика, который, в свою очередь, появляется после убийства босса искажения (Мозг Ктулху или Пожиратель миров), он стоит : Дохардмод — 25 сер. монет, после убийства первого Механического босса (Близнецы, Уничтожитель или Скелетрон Прайм) — 1 золотая монета … Читать далее

Обсидиановый щит крафтится на столе инженера из кобальтового щита который можно найти в сундуках темницы (скелетрона) и Обсидианового черепа который в свою очередь крафтится на верстаке из 20-ти обсидиана. Обсидиан же можно получить, если вода и лава столкнутся.

В такой прекрасной игре как ТЕРРАРИЯ чтобы получить эктоплазму нужно:

перейти в хардмод(убить стену плоти)
уже в хардмоде хорошенько подкачаться(например походить в спортзал, недельки так две)
уничтожить тюльпанчик из которого вылезет зеленое чудовище, которое хочет вас убить.
убить это … Читать далее

День в террарий идет 24 минуты это можно проверить с помощью часов например платиновых или можно найти в аду обсидиановые часы.

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