Улыбочку! В Fallout 76 с 16 апреля появится работающая камера. Этот новый предмет можно держать в руках как оружие, только он не стреляет, а фотографирует просторы Аппалачии. С его помощью вы быстро наполните снимками свою галерею! На камеру можно устанавливать разные линзы, а еще с ней связаны новые испытания и задание. Разумеется, сначала вам придется заполучить эту камеру.
Вести из Убежища от 4 апреля 2019 года: что будет после восьмого обновления
Камера «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» (англ. ProSnap Deluxe camera) — оружие Wild Appalachia обновления для Fallout 76.
Довоенный фотоаппарат который ценился туристами посещавшими Аппалачию. Завершив квест «список желаний», эту камеру можно создать на верстаке и делать фотографии в игре. В отличии от фоторежима, в режиме камеры нельзя использовать различные фоторамки.
Материалы: | Требования: | Продукция: | ||
Сломанная камера «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» (1) Алюминий (5) Стекло (2) Клей (3) Серебро (5) Пружина (3) |
Ремонтный верстак |
Камера «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» (1) |
Модификация | Описание | Эффекты | Ресурсы | Стоим. | Base ID |
Обычный объектив «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» | Стандарт | Нет | Стекло x2 Пластмасса x3 |
— | 0046f483 |
105-мм объектив «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» | Улучшенная кратность. | ? | Алюминий x5 Кристалл x3 Стекло x2 Клей x3 Серебро x5 |
? | 0016e9c9 |
Объектив для ночной съёмки «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» | Ночное видение. | ? | Алюминий x5 Кристалл x3 Стекло x2 Клей x3 Серебро x5 |
? | 0046f486 |
200-мм объектив «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» | Очень высокая кратность. | ? | Алюминий x5 Кристалл x3 Стекло x2 Клей x3 Серебро x5 |
? | 0046f486 |
Целеуказательный объектив «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» |
Подсветка живых целей. | Прицельный интерфейс камеры | Алюминий x5 Кристалл x3 Стекло x2 Клей x3 Серебро x5 |
? | 003f1227 |
ОКРАСКА | |||||
Стандартная окраска | Обычная конфигурация. | Нет | Без материалов | — | 0037d0c1 |
Окраска для камеры «Молерот» | Окраска для камеры «Молерот» добавит загадочности вашим снимкам! | Нет | Масло x1 | 300 |
00420fe2 |
Окраска для камеры «Белый крокодил» | В крокодиловой коже все выглядит изящнее. Измените облик своей камеры с помощью окраски «Белый крокодил»! | Нет | Кожа x1 | 300 |
00420fe8 |
Gardening Camera Paint | Capture every beautiful moment with the Gardening Camera Paint! | Нет | Масло x1 | 300 |
005562b4 |
Причудливая окраска для камеры «Саммерсвилл» | Украсьте свою камеру мертвыми животными с окраской «Саммерсвилл»! | Нет | Кожа x1 | 300 |
00420fea |
Окраска для камеры «Уэйви Уиллард» | Делайте стильные снимки с окраской для камеры «Уэйви Уиллард»! | Нет | Масло x1 | 300 |
00420fec |
Окраска для камеры «Крот-шахтер» | Камера с окраской «Крот-шахтер» отлично подойдет для документирования ваших приключений в пещерах. | Нет | Медь x1 | 300 |
00536b8c |
Окраска для камеры «Под дерево» | Окраска для камеры «Под дерево» создана вручную с заботой, любовью и использованием редких пород древесины. Она идеально дополнит вашу камеру. | Нет | Дерево x1 | 300 |
00420fef |
- Если сфотографировать Рыцаря Шина, а также послушников Норланда и Хьюсен, во время выполнения квеста Покаяние рыцаря, когда Хьюсен предлагает сфотографироваться, члены отряда выдадут уникальную реплику.
Камера «Про-Щёлк Делюкс» появляется только в Wild Appalachia.
Предрелизные скриншоты
Предрелизные скриншоты
Предрелизные скриншоты
Окраска для камеры «Молерот»
Окраска для камеры «Молерот»
Окраска для камеры «Молерот»
Окраска для камеры «Молерот»
Окраска для камеры «Крот-шахтер»
Причудливая окраска для камеры «Саммерсвилл»
Окраска для камеры «Под дерево»
Cameras are a unqiue tool in which players can use to take pictures in Fallout 76, and they are also used in a bucket list quest where the player must take photographs all over the wasteland to complete it.
That said if you are trying to complete the said quest or just trying to get a cool little camera, you will first need to search for dead tourists in the following locations.
- Miners Monument
- Colonel Kelly Monument
- Whitespring resort
- Wavy Willard’s Water Park
- Tyler County Fairgrounds
- The Giant Teapot
- Landview
- Palace of the Winding Path
- Bolton Greens
- Mothman Museum
At these locations in the game, you will need to search for the body of either Anne Litzinger or Ansel Abrahms. On their bodies will be a broken ProSnap camera, and once you get this camera, you will be able to craft a new one at a weapons bench with two glass and three plastic.
Related: Fallout 76 wolf locations – Where to find?
Getting the broken camera will also start the My Bucket list quest, where you will need to take pictures of the following locations in the game.
- Berkeley Sands Castle
- Valley Galleria Skylight
- Pumpkin House
- Red Rocket Mega Stop Sign
- Freddy Fear’s House of Scares Storefront
- Harpers Ferry Armory Courtyard
- Dolly Sods Campground Cabins
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Fallout 76 has had a pretty nifty Photo Mode since the game launched last year, but it can be difficult to open it and take good pictures while under attack by giant wasps, Scorched ghouls, or Yao Guai. Thankfully, as of the latest update to the game called Wild Appalachia patch 8.5, Fallout 76 finally gets a proper camera that you can equip to take photos directly. But you have to find it first, so you’ll need to know the Fallout 76 camera location.
It can actually be really difficult to get hold of the new Pro Snap Deluxe Camera, simply because it’s a little reliant on luck and whether the dead tourist you need to find spawns in. What do you need to get the camera? Where are the camera locations and dead tourists? How do you make a camera? Are there any special quests you can access once you get a working camera, meaning that there’s more reason to get one than just taking pretty pictures? How do you work the thing anyway? We’ve got the answers to all these questions. But we won’t tell you what “film” is, youngster.
What do you need to get the new Pro Snap Deluxe Camera?
In order to get the new Fallout 76 Pro Snap Deluxe Camera that everyone’s talking about, you have to be able to build one. You can’t buy them in any stores (not yet, anyway), and you can’t find a working camera anywhere in the West Virginia wasteland (again, not as of this moment anyway). So yes, you’ll have to build a camera yourself, and in order to do that you have to find a broken camera first. These are located on the bodies of dead tourists. But where can these dead tourists be found?
Fallout 76 Camera Location | Where can I find a dead tourist with a broken camera?
There are many different places where dead tourists with broken cameras can be found in Fallout 76, and to find them you just have to employ a little common sense. Check the map, and try to decide: if you were a tourist seeing the sights of West Virginia, where would you go? In all likelihood, wherever you name will probably have the possibility of a tourist and their broken camera spawning there.
Tourist bodies can be easily identified, because they have names such as “Anne” and “Ansel” and they’re dressed in tourist-y clothes, like baseball caps. Here are the current confirmed Fallout 76 camera locations where dead tourists have been spotted so far. A lot of them are based in the northern part of the map, but it’s entirely possible other tourist bodies will be found elsewhere on in Fallout 76.
- Philippi Battlefield Cemetery – in the graveyard area, on the path.
- Colonel Kelly Monument – at the top of the hill.
- Wavy Willard’s Water Park – leaning against a car in the parking lot.
- Prickett’s Fort
- Miners Monument
- Tyler County Fairgrounds
- Camden Park? – unconfirmed, seems likely
- Mothman Museum? – unconfirmed, seems likely
Here’s the crucial part, however: while players have confirmed that all of these locations contain dead tourists with their broken cameras, they may not spawn immediately, or at all. Some players have reported having to wait around for a little while for the tourist’s corpse to spawn, and for others (including ourselves) they simply haven’t spawned at all. The simplest and probably quickest way to force a dead tourist to spawn is to go to one of these locations, and then server hop by exiting to the main menu and re-entering. Hopefully then the tourist will appear, although you may have to do this a few times before it works.
How do I make a working Pro Snap Deluxe Camera?
Once you’ve finally found a dead tourist, raid the broken camera from them and you’ll gain the ability to craft a new one. You’ll also get a special quest line (which we’ll go into below), but you don’t need to complete this to get the camera. Head to any Tinker’s Workbench and you now should have the plans for a Pro Snap Deluxe Camera in the crafting list, so you can put one together yourself.
How do I use the Pro Snap Deluxe Camera?
The Pro Snap Deluxe Camera can be equipped just like a weapon, and can be found in the same list in your inventory. Equip it, and then simply use the “aim” button to look through the camera lens, and then the “attack” button to take a picture. The camera isn’t infinite use, however, and uses Film as ammo. The Perk card “Ammosmith,” which allows you to craft more rounds when making ammo, works with Film, so that’s a useful tip. One neat part about the camera is that, while aiming, it will actually identify known landmarks and creatures, which is a neat touch.
Are there any special quests you need the camera for?
The Pro Snap Deluxe Camera is useful for more than just taking lovely pictures of the surrounding wasteland, however, since there’s a special quest line just for it. You’ll get this quest when taking the broken camera from the dead tourist, at which point the pop-up for the “Bucket List” quest will appear. To complete this quest you’ll have to complete the tourist’s photo album, so you’ll have to travel around the wasteland taking pictures of specific landmarks. You’ll need to craft the camera before you undertake it, of course. There are also some Camera-related Challenges too, just to keep things interesting.
Fallout 76 got a new update that lets players find ProSnap Cameras around Appalachia. In this guide, we’ll offer several different locations for the camera and explain how to complete its associated Bucket List quest.
Fallout 76 ProSnap Tourist Camera Locations
The hardest part of actually starting the Bucket List quest is finding the Broken ProSnap Camera to trigger it. ProSnap Cameras can be found on the bodies of tourists that look like this. They generally have odd names like Anne or Ansel.
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
Broken ProSnap Cameras can be found at a number of high-profile locations including:
- Wavy Willard’s Waterpark
- Landview Lighthouse
- Camden Park
- Giant Teapot
- Kanawha Nuka Cola Plant Lobby
- Uncanny Caverns
- Tyler County Fairgrounds
- Point Pleasant Mothman Museum
- Ohio River Adventures Dock
- Phillipi Graveyard
- Miner’s Monument
- Point Pleasant
- Colonel Kelly Monument
- Palace of the Winding Path
- Beckley Workshop
Finding a ProSnap Camera is a very tedious process, so our best advice is to choose one of these locales and server hop until a tourist spawns. The good news is, once you find the camera the first time, you can always buy another one from a vendor.
Bucket List Quest Walkthrough
Once you find a tourist, loot its Broken ProSnap Deluxe Camera and Bucket List to trigger the Bucket List quest. To start the quest you’ll need to craft the Camera and at least one roll of Camera Film.
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
Supplies crafted, open My Bucket List from the Notes section of your inventory. The goal of the quest is to take pictures of the seven locations not listed as DONE in the note. You’ll notice that, once you open the map, each of these spots is highlighted like so. Just go to the area and follow the objective marker to the location.
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
The ProSnap Deluxe Camera is equipped like a weapon. Use the left trigger to zoom and right trigger to take the photo. Take each photo in the locations shown below. If progress doesn’t trigger, try taking multiple photos or unequipping and re-equipping the camera. The feature is new, so it can be a little wonky.
1) Harper’s Ferry Old Armory
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
2) Freddy’s House of Scares
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
3) Red Rocket Mega Stop Sign
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
4) Pumpkin House
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
5) Dolly Sods Campground Welcome Center
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
6) Valley Galleria Skylight
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
7) Berkeley Springs Castle
Bethesda Softworks/Miz Tracey @ YouTube
Take all seven photos with your camera, and you’ll get the PhotoSnap Deluxe 105mm Lens as well as a plan for a Postcard Collage Poster. That’s all you need to know about the Bucket List quest in Fallout 76.
Fallout 76 is available now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
What are your thoughts on the ProSnap Camera and the Bucket List Quest in Fallout 76? Are there any big locations we missed? Tell us in the comments section!
How to Get the Camera (ProSnap Deluxe Camera) in Fallout 76
Despite some hiccups upon the game’s release, Bethesda is still hard at work updating Fallout 76. Following a slight delay, players can now access the ProSnap Deluxe Camera.
While it may seem odd to add a camera to a game that already features a photo mode, the ProSnap Deluxe Camera does bring some interesting content along with it. Here is everything you need to know about how to get the ProSnap Deluxe Camera in Fallout 76.
The Bucket List
The first thing you’ll need to know about the ProSnap Deluxe Camera is that it is a part of a quest line known as the Bucket List. For this quest, you’ll find a camera that belonged to a tourist that perished just after the Great War.
Due to their death, the tourist was unable to complete their dream of taking scenic photos of Appalachia, requiring you to do it in their memory. In order to do this, you’ll need to find the camera first.
To find the ProSnap Deluxe Camera, players will need to scope out touristy areas and find a dead body. The tourists are pretty easy to spot and are usually named Anne or Ansel.
We were able to find the camera against a car in the parking lot of Wavy Willard’s Water Park. Now that you’ve found the camera, you’ll have to get it fixed first.
How to Fix the Camera
When you pick up the broken ProSnap Deluxe Camera from the tourist, you will also receive a recipe to create a functioning version. All you have to do is head back to any Tinker’s Workbench and craft the item with the necessary resources.
Now that the ProSnap Deluxe Camera is up and running, the new Fallout 76 quest line that comes along with it is now available.
Just like the other quests in Fallout 76, the Bucket List will detail where you have to visit in order to complete the mission. The tourist’s photo album will require you to travel all around Appalachia, photographing the designated landmarks.
While that might sound simple and straightforward, do keep in mind that this camera requires film, similar to ammo for weapons. Film can be crafted just like ammo, but we also recommend using the Ammosmith card in order to make more rounds.
That is everything you need to know about how to get the ProSnap Deluxe Camera in Fallout 76. For more helpful information, be sure to check out our ever-growing Fallout 76 guides wiki.
About the author
Andrew McMahon
Andrew was Twinfinite’s Features Editor from 2020 through until March 2023 and wrote for the site from 2018. He has wandered around with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications sitting in his back pocket for a while now, all the while wondering what he is going to do for a career. Luckily, video games have always been there, especially as his writing career progresses.