Lazy Fairy is a sub-quest in World 1 — Kanterbury Forest.
After rescuing the White Beast from its cage in 1-2 Forest Entrance, the player will see a flower field with some butterflies that will start flying once the player gets close to them. If the player follows the butterflies, they will lead the player down a secret path that has a map for another secret passage. Picking up the map will unlock Hidden Flower Garden, where the player can find the sub-quest.
The Lazy Fairy can be found snoozing in the Hidden Flower Garden. She will be extremely reluctant to wake up. The player has to interact multiple times with her before she finally gets so annoyed, she’ll just tell the player to be useful and get some comic books for her, in an attempt to make the player just leave her alone. She has no real expectations of the player to actually retrieve all the books.
The first book, Legend of Hyper is located in 2-2 Marianne’s Lab. It will sit on a table of the house on the top right corner of the map. It will be in the rightmost room with the button just next to the soup bowl.
For the second book, the player will need to have collected at least 10 followers on SNS. Go to 3-5 Magic School 4th floor to the rightmost room, past the torch maze and through a secret passageway to the north. Solve the torch puzzle with buttons to open the room to the right. An otaku will be there, excited to talk to the player if the player has over 10 followers. He will consider the player a celebrity and will gift the player Ann and the Secret Chamber.
The third book Kaden Chronicles will be found in World 5 Treasure Cave. While the player can clear the stage without defeating all the enemies, if the player defeats the ones on the left side and go past them, the player will see a table with the comic book on top.
The player can now return to the fairy. She’ll be reluctant to talk to the player, but after multiple attempts, she’ll ask the player how the player managed to get their hands on them. The player tells her each book’s location before she finally decides that she wants to join the party. At this point, the player has finished the quest and will receive all the rewards for it.
Давайте разберемся как решить квест Ленивая Фея в Guardian Tales и разблокировать персонажа Аоба «Фея Листьев», найдя три комикса.
Ленивую фею можно найти дремлющей в Скрытом цветочном саду . Она будет крайне неохотно просыпаться. Вы должны взаимодействовать с ней несколько раз, прежде чем она, наконец, разозлится и скажет вам принести ей несколько комиксов, пытаясь заставить вас просто оставить ее в покое. Она не ожидает, что вы вернете ей все книги.
Попасть в скрытый цветочный сад можно следуя за бабочками из 1-2 входа в лес, они приведут вас к карте, которая покажет расположение локации.
Первая книга Legend of Hyper находится в 2-2 Лаборатории Марианны (Marianne’s Lab) . Он будет находиться на столе дома в правом верхнем углу карты. Он будет в самой правой комнате с кнопкой рядом с тарелкой с супом.
Для второй книги у вас должно быть не менее 10 подписчиков (последователей) в социальных сетях FaceBreak . Идите в крайнюю правую комнату. Пройдите лабиринт с факелами и пройдите секретный проход на север. Решите загадку с факелом с помощью кнопок, чтобы открыть комнату справа. Там будет отаку, который будет рад поговорить с вами, если у вас будет более 10 последователей. Он посчитает вас знаменитостью и подарит вам Энн и Тайная Комната (Ann and the Secret Chamber)
Третью книгу Kaden Chronicles можно найти в Мир 5 Пещера сокровищ Treasure Cave (пещера сокровищ). Хотя вы можете очистить сцену, не побеждая всех врагов, если вы победите тех, которые слева, и пройдете мимо них, вы увидите стол с комиксом, который вы можете подобрать.
Теперь вы можете вернуться к фее. Она не захочет снова поговорить с вами, но она также будет впечатлена тем, как вам удалось заполучить их. Она будет спрашивать вас по каждой книге, прежде чем окончательно решит, что она хочет присоединиться к вечеринке. Вы завершите квест и получите за него все награды.
В конце видео есть карта с расположением всех фиолетовых монет, звездных кубов, сокровищ, мистических табличек, комиксов и видео записей.
Цифра показывает число фиол. монет в локации, чтобы вы легко могли найти недостающие.
- Цифра Фиол.: Фиолетовые монеты
- Цифра Желт.: Звездные кубы
- Цифра Серая с Синей рамкой: Мистические таблички
- CB: Комиксы
- VR: Видео записи
- * (Звездочка): Открытие новой карты
- F: Подписчики
- Сундук: Главная награда / Сокровище
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News Post
SEP 2. 2021
Calling all artists! In celebration of Guardian Tales’ first anniversary, we want to create a comic book! Using our template, create a 1-page comic of one of your favorite moments in Guardian Tales or create your own story using your favorite heroes! We will put up our favorite submissions in a community vote and the Top 20 winners will have their comic made into an actual comic book!
Event Schedule
Submission Period:
August 9 — 22 (14 days)August 9 — 29 (21 days) -
CM Review:
August 23 — 26 (4 days)August 30 — September 2 (4 days) -
Community Voting Period:
August 26 -30 (5 days)September 2 — 6 (5 days) -
Winners Announcement:
September 2September 9 -
In-Game Reward Distribution:
September 2September 9
Using the provided template (please go to the Template section below), create a 1-page comic of your favorite story from Guardian Tales or make up your own story using your favorite heroes from Guardian Tales.
Submit your entry by uploading your comic with the “Aoba’s Comic Book Contest submission” subject and providing the information requested. [SUBMISSIONS CLOSED]
Include your User Number and Region (NA, EU, OC, or LA).
You can find your region by looking at the top right corner before you tap to start the game.
You can find your User Number in the game under Options (gear icon at the top right corner) > Account Settings. -
Once all entries have been received, the CM Team will review all entries and select 40 of their favorite comics.
During the voting period, vote for your favorite comics, and at the end of the voting period, the top 25 comics with the most votes will be selected as the winners.
Please use the following template to create your design: [HERE]
The first cell is mandatory as the title cell. Please use text to title your work in the title cell. You are free to add as many cells in any shape or form within the remaining space provided.
Please submit your design with the following restrictions:
In one of the following formats: JPG, PNG, TIFF, or PDF
Please use the following file naming convention: UserNumber_Region.jpg or UserNumber_Region.png or UserNumber_Region.pdf
For example: 123456789012_NA.jpg or 123456789012_NA.png or 123456789012_NA.pdf - Width: 9in x Height: 7in or
Width: 23cm x Height:18cm or
Width: 2700 px x Height: 2100 px -
Resolution: 300 Pixel/Inch (DPI). Please make sure that your file is at a printing standard of 300 DPI resolution with a Color Mode: CMYK 8 bit.
To start a new project in Photoshop: File > New > Resolution 300 Pixels/Inch and Color Mode: CMYK 8 bit. Please see below. -
To Export in Photoshop: File > Save As > Dropdown box to JPG, PDF, or TIFF
or to export in PNG: File > Save For Web > PNG-24 and uncheck Convert to sRGBTo check what resolution your file is in: in Photoshop go to Image > Image Size > Resolution should say 300 Pixels/Inch
Panel Stroke: 10px
Please do not exceed 100MB in file size
20 Winners will receive:
Comic Book (Physical Copy)
3,000 Gems
10 Runner-Ups will receive:
1,500 Gems
50 randomly selected participants will receive:
500 Gems
You may turn in multiple submissions, but only 2 of your submissions may be eligible to receive rewards
In fairness, if your artwork was already featured on our social media as part of the Content Creation Program, it will not be eligible for this contest
Eligible submissions must include all of the aforementioned requirements in the [Instructions] and [Template] sections in English
This event is only open to players in the following regions: North America, Europe, Oceania, Latin America
Winners will be asked to show proof of ownership
Top 40 winners will be selected during internal screening by the Community Manager Team here at Kakao Games EU B.V and Kakao Games USA Inc.
Designs with inappropriate, trolling, abusive, inflammatory or violent content against our terms and policies and/or breached online conduct will be rejected
Plagiarism is not allowed! Your submission will be disqualified if they are copied (any elements of others’ creations cannot be used), so please submit your original work
If your account was deleted or banned for violating the game policies during the event/reward period, you will be disqualified from the event. You will not be able to receive any rewards even under a new account
Rules and event specs are subject to change
By submitting your comic book design or artwork («Entry»), you are agreeing to give the Intellectual Property and Publicity Rights of your unique work to Guardian Tales. In detail, by submitting an Entry, you hereby grant to Kakao Games USA Inc., Kakao Games Europe B.V., Kong Studios, and each of its affiliated companies, a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free license to use your name, e-mail address, city and state of residence, or other information supplied by you (“Personal Information”) to identify your Entry in the Uses, without any obligation of attribution or compensation to you. As used herein, “Uses” shall mean the uploading and posting of your Entry (or derivative works thereof) on the Guardian Tales Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Discord pages, Guardian Tales official website, and otherwise the exploitation of your Entry (or derivative works thereof) in any format or medium now or later developed, including, but not limited to, merchandising, events, and other promotional activities. You understand that the Uses licensed to Kakao Games USA Inc., Kakao Games Europe B.V., and Kong Studios may include: public display of your Entry on Guardian Tales and unrelated websites; creation of Entry collection including your Entry and the photos, video, and text of other Entrants for commercial sale; and incorporation of your Entry into Guardian Tales mobile game products.
Adventurers Assemble!
The Guardian Tales Team
Обновлено: 27.05.2023
Lazy Fairy
Unlock the Hidden Flower Garden stage from 1-2 Forest Entrance
Starting NPC
Starting Location
Find the three comic books and give them to the Leaf Fairy.
Leaf Fairy joined the party saying she wants to reside in Heavenhold.
The Lazy Fairy can be found snoozing in Hidden Flower Garden. She will be extremely reluctant to wake up. You have to interact multiple times with her before she finally gets so annoyed, she’ll just tell you to be useful and get some comic books for her, in an attempt to make you just leave her alone. She has no real expectations of you to actually retrieve all the books.
The first book Legend of Hyper is located in 2-2 Marianne’s Lab. It will sit on a table of the house on the top right corner of the map. It will be in the rightmost room with the button just next to the soup bowl.
For the second book, you’ll need to have collected at least 10 followers on SNS. Go to 3-5 Magic School 4th floor to the rightmost room. Past the torch maze and trough a secret passageway to the north. Solve the torch puzzle with buttons to open the room to the right. An otaku will be there, excited to talk to you if you have over 10 followers. He will consider you a celebrity and will gift you Ann and the Secret Chamber.
The third book Kaden Chronicles will be found in World 5 Treasure Cave. While you can clear the stage without defeating all the enemies, if you defeat the ones on the left side and go past them, you’ll see a table with the comic book on top.
You can now return to the fairy. She’ll be reluctant to talk to you, but after multiple attempts, she’ll ask you how you managed to get your hands on them. You’ll tell her each book’s location before she finally decides that she wants to join the party. You’ll have finished the quest and receive all the rewards for it.
Aoba is one of the playable Earth Heroes in the game Guardian Tales. She is assigned to the Ranged class and uses a Bow.
Profile [ ]
Aoba is a leaf fairy that protects flowers of Kanterbury forest.
Half an hour of her touch does more wonder to flowers than hours of work from any other fairy. She would be the greatest leaf fairy of her generation — if she was not a natural born slacker. Instead of taking care of flowers all day, she invented magical sprinklers and automated her entire job. She now spends time taking naps and reading comic books from the human world.
By her own account, she is not lazy per se. She’s just efficient.
Appearance [ ]
How to obtain [ ]
Hero Summon
The hero can be pulled in the Hero Summon.
Upon completion of the World 1 — Kanterbury Forest Lazy Fairy quest, the hero will join the party as a reward.
Ability [ ]
Table is incomplete. You might want to help out by filling in!
Денис Херкун
Сергей, а как там на него попасть
Нравится Показать список оценивших
Денис, на ютубе глянь прохождение
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Денис, собрать комикс фее. Там три комикса из следующих миров
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Или может квест вампирши не выполнил ,.если это в этом мире ,точно не помню )
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Я выполнил все квесты и с лабиринт ом и с вампиршей но все равно 98%
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Тут квест с ленивой феей это по всем мирам ходить и собирать журналы
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Квест с лабиринтом ( в лаберинте верх верх вниз вниз влево право влево право) открывается подэтап
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Rinat, надо бы проверить
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Ксения Шкирдова
Видео руководства как пройти все миры на 3 звезды и найти все секреты.
Мир 13. Полное прохождение на русском (от 1st1)
Полное русское прохождение 13 мира (1-9 Главы) на 3 звезды от 1st1.
Глава 13-9. Офис Лилит. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-9.
Глава 13-8. Аварийный проход 4. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-8.
Глава 13-7. Верхний этаж башни Лилит. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-7.
Глава 13-6. Аварийный проход 3. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-6.
Глава 13-5. Офисный этаж 2. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-5.
Глава 13-4. Аварийный проход 2. Прохождение (3★) (2 части)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-4.
Глава 13-3. Офисный этаж. Прохождение (3★) (2 части)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-3.
Глава 13-2. Аварийный проход 1. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Глава: 13-2.
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды. Скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 13-1.
Глава 12-9. Башня Лилит. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды, скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 12-9.
Глава 12-8. Убежище Тьюринга. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды, скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 12-8.
Глава 12-6. Район 51. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды, скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 12-6.
Глава 12-7. Банк демонов. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды, скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 12-7.
Глава 12-5. Ресторанная улица. Прохождение (3★)
Полное прохождение уровня на 3 звезды, скрытые квесты и секреты. Глава: 12-5.
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