Как найти лимитки в роблокс

Получить неограниченное количество лимиток (лимитированных вещей) в Роблокс может любой игрок абсолютно бесплатно. Нужно лишь обладать достаточным количеством времени и иметь быструю реакцию. В этой статье рассмотрим все самые эффективные способы получения лимиток в Роблокс, каналы с оповещениями и инструменты которые сделают вашу охоту за лимитками более эффективной и повысят шанс на их получение.

Как получать лимитки

Лимитки — это вещи выпущенные издателем в ограниченном количестве. При публикации такого рода вещей, издатели бесплатно раздают определенное количество вещей из тиража что бы привлечь покупателей.

Для того что бы получить лимитную вещь, нужно лишь зайти на страницу с ней и нажать кнопку Buy. Те кто смогут сделать это быстрее всех, смогут получить вещь абсолютно бесплатно.

Лимитная вещь

Важно! Так как количество вещей ограничено, нет смысла пытаться получить вещь со слишком маленьким тиражом (менее 10 000 копий), вы просто не успеете это сделать из за большого количество участников и ботов забирающих вещи автоматически.

Где найти лимитки

Самый популярный сайт на котором ежеминутно появляются лимитки — rolimons.com.

Что бы найти на нем каталог с последними, опубликованными лимитным вещами, необходимо перейти на сайт, открыть вкладку меню «Trading» и выбрать «UGC Limiteds»

После чего отсортировать вещи по времени добавления выбрав в фильтре «Newest Added»

сайт rolimons.com

Вам нужно лишь выбрать вещь с большим тиражом которая была добавлена недавно и перейти на ее страницу, кликнув по изображению.

Когда выходят новые лимитки

Что бы не сидеть перед каталогом днями на пролет (хотя в этом есть некий азарт =) необходимо пользоваться системами оповещения, в которых публикуется актуальная информация с точным временем публикации лимиток.

На том же сайте rolimons.com есть ссылки на их discord и twitter в которых публикуются посты с информацией о дате, времени и количестве вещей для той или иной лимитки. Просто переходи по ссылке и выбирай вещи которые хотелось бы получить.

В discord нужно будет пройти простую верификацию и перейти в чат upcoming-free-ugc или free-ugc-limiteds





Помимо этих двух источников, можно черпать информацию с discord сервера блогера Red Cat. Там можно найти актуальную информацию о лимитках в чате roblox-news-lite который можно найти в разделе полезное.

Дискорд ред кет

Фишки и лайфхаки

Лайфхак №1 Для обновления страницы используйте специальное расширение для браузера RoSeal — Augmented Roblox Experience которое будет обновлять не саму страницу, а только необходимые мета данные. Таким образом вы сможете в несколько раз ускорить обновление страницы и тем самым повысить вероятность получения лимитки.

RoSeal - Augmented Roblox Experience

Просто установи расширение, перейди на страницу лимитки и нажимай кнопку обновить что бы обновить страницу ускоренным способом (смотри скриншот).

Ускоренное обновление страницы

Лайфхак №2 При попытке забрать лимитированную вещь, не ограничивайтесь одним нажатием кнопки Buy. Жмите столько раз, сколько позволит Вам система. Из за большой нагрузки на сервер во время розыгрыша, ваше единичное нажатие может потеряться и не дойти, поэтому не ограничивайтесь в попытках, ведь лучше получить 2-3 вещи, чем не получить ничего.

Не удачное нажатие (вы не получите вещь)

Не удачное нажатие (вы не получите вещь)

Удачное нажатие (вы получите вещь)

Удачное нажатие (вы получите вещь)

Лайфхак №3 Ставь уведомления о получении постов с информацией о лимитках и используй несколько источников получения информации. Так например в сети есть множество сайтов и групп в социальных сетях, публикующих актуальные посты о выходе лимитированных вещей. Один из них rblx.trade. На нем изредка появляется информация о выходе новых лим. вещей в разделе «Limiteds — Upcoming Free UGC Limiteds«.






Hair Accessories

Face Accessories

Jacket Accessories

Sweater Accessories

Neck Accessories

Shoulder Accessories

Front Accessories

Back Accessories

Waist Accessories

Dress Skirt Accessories













Only Rares

Only Hyped

Only Projecteds



Item details are not updated in real time. Best price and other standard details are usually updated approximately every half-hour

Что такое аксессуары Limited 2.0 в Roblox? Как получить, обменять и многое другое

Аксессуары Roblox Limited 2.0 — это виртуальные предметы, доступные на игровой онлайн-платформе. Они редки, ценны и могут быть приобретены, а также проданы. Аксессуары Limited 2.0 — это более новая версия Limited Items, которые впервые были представлены на платформе в 2013 году. Новые аксессуары уникальны тем, что продаются только в течение ограниченного времени и в ограниченном количестве, что делает их очень востребованными. Они также довольно дороги.

Игроки, которые покупают и обменивают эти предметы, часто считаются экспертами в экономике Roblox, и члены сообщества смотрят на них с уважением. Кроме того, можно заработать значительное количество Robux с помощью аксессуаров платформы Limited 2.0.

Игроки Roblox могут зарабатывать деньги, перепродавая Аксессуары Limited 2.0 на платформе

Из трех аксессуаров Limited 2.0 доступны только Shiny Bling и Glossy Red Baseball Cap; Вскоре можно будет получить очень блестящую блестящую курицу. Вот простые шаги, чтобы купить первые два предмета:

  1. Войдите в свою учетную запись Roblox на официальном сайте или в приложении Roblox.
  2. Перейдите в раздел «Магазин» на веб-сайте или в приложении, нажав на пункт «Магазин аватаров» в верхнем меню.
  3. В магазине аватаров вы можете искать предметы Shiny Bling и Glossy Red Baseball Cap, введя их названия в строке поиска и нажав Enter.
  4. Найдя предметы, нажмите на соответствующие изображения, чтобы просмотрите их детали.
  5. На странице сведений вы увидите цену предмета в Robux. Блестящая побрякушка доступна за 1000 робаксов, а глянцевая красная бейсболка — за 75.
  6. Если в вашей учетной записи достаточно Robux, вы можете нажать кнопку «Купить», чтобы приобрести предмет. Если у вас недостаточно этой валюты, вы можете нажать кнопку «Получить Robux», чтобы купить ее за реальные деньги.

После завершения покупки предмет будет добавлен в вашу учетную запись. инвентарь. Вы можете найти его, щелкнув пункт «Инвентарь» в верхнем меню.

Как обменять эти предметы

Нет ограничений на количество аксессуаров Limited 2.0, которые вы можете купить, и их можно продается после 30-дневного периода владения. Вы можете найти шаги для торговли в Roblox ниже:

  1. Откройте Roblox и войдите в свою учетную запись.
  2. Нажмите «Еще» в правом нижнем углу экрана.
  3. Выберите «Инвентарь» в появившемся меню.
  4. >

  5. Найдите предмет, который хотите обменять, и нажмите на него, чтобы выбрать.
  6. Нажмите на значок с тремя точками, который появляется в правом верхнем углу значка предмета.
  7. Выберите «Предмет обмена» в раскрывающемся меню.
  8. Введите имя пользователя игрока, с которым хотите обменять, в строку поиска.
  9. Найдя игрока, нажмите на его имя пользователя, чтобы открыть его профиль.
  10. Нажмите кнопку «Предметы обмена», расположенную в профиле игрока.
  11. Выберите предмет, который хотите предложить для обмена, нажав на него.
  12. >

  13. Нажмите кнопку «Добавить», чтобы подтвердить выбор.
  14. Игрок получит уведомление о запросе на обмен и может принять или отклонить его со своей стороны.

Для торговли предметами в Roblox требуется премиум-членство. Если у вас его нет, вы не сможете инициировать процесс.


The current limited label.


The old limited label.

Limited is the label given to Avatar Shop items available in finite quantities. They are initially regular items that are sold by Roblox for a set price until they are taken off-sale, or in the case of a limited unique item, until there are no more available copies. When this occurs, they will become limited items, which can be traded or resold for Robux by owners of the item with an active Roblox Premium subscription.


Limited items are classed as ‘collectibles’ by Roblox, which means that multiple copies of a specific Limited item can be attained and stored in a user’s inventory. They are a quintessential part of the trading system, and because of their ability to be traded and resold, they are a very large part of the Roblox economy in general.

The Recent Average Price (or ‘RAP’) of an item shows the average sale price for the item in question over a recent period in time. This value can fluctuate heavily; for example, one day the Beautiful Hair for Beautiful Space People may have a RAP of over 8,000 Robux, and other days it may drop to lower than 6,000 Robux. A limited item’s demand can be determined by monitoring its RAP.


Main article: Trade System



Sell Collectible menu

After purchasing or trading for a limited item, users can resell the item for Robux. This feature allows users to sell back unwanted items. Item selling can be done through the item page itself by clicking the dropdown in the top right hand side of the page and then clicking Sell. Only users with an active Roblox Premium subscription can sell items.

When selling items, keep the lowest current price in mind. When looking to get Robux quickly, a limited item is typically sold for lower than the lowest current price. If the item is speculated to raise soon, it can be put on sale at a higher price; then, when the item raises, it will be bought for the higher price.

Limited unique

Limited U Label

Limited Unique

Example of a Limited unique

Limited unique (LimitedU) items are those which are sold in specific quantities with a fixed price upon release and immediately become available for resale or tradable once sold out, compared to limited items which generally go offsale as regular items until they are manually selected to become limited. There are also serial numbers attached to the item depending on when the item was purchased. Limited unique items are often seen as more valuable than regular limited items, and this is amplified by demand for certain serial numbers, which also signify when the unique copy was purchased (#1, #14, #42, #1337, etc.).


The old limited unique label.

Limited 2.0

Limited 2.0 items, also known as UGC Limiteds and otherwise Collectibles, are a term used to refer to the new version of Roblox limited unique items which began releasing in 2023, an example being Shiny Bling. As of April 2023, there are many differences between limited uniques and limited 2.0 items, although it is speculated additional changes will continue to be made to the concept. Some of these differences include the lack of RAP (Recent Average Price), and a 30-day holding period based on when you bought the item in which the item cannot be resold during that period, the inability to be traded, and all limited 2.0 items becoming resellable after a month if they do not sell out within that period, preventing instances like the Infernal Undead Immortal Sword, which released in October of 2018 and has only sold around a third of its stock after nearly five years. However, an item can still be sold for its original price until it sells out, essentially becoming a price ceiling as resellers would have to compete with that immovable price by selling it for lower, which may end up making the item take an even longer time to fully sell out, but regardless, still able to be moved around.

The maximum initial price a UGC Limited appears to be 10,000, the minimum being 0, while the maximum stock seems to be limitless, with the Hazem Shoulder Pal having a stock of 1,000,000 copies, and the minimum being only 1.


The oversaturation of the limited market is a common concern, as even if there is an upload limit of one collectible per day, the large amount of UGC creators on the platform still means dozens will release every day.

As of May 5 2023 (29 days after UGC limiteds were launched), there are 615 UGC Limiteds with a stock of 100 or lower (110 of which having a stock of 20 or lower), compared to the 217 non-UGC limiteds with the same criteria. The minimum quantity a UGC limited can have is 1, meaningIt is also believed to have been caused by the fact that the amount of copies is a factor in the price to upload a UGC limited, which would make items with lower copies cheaper to upload than more common items, incentivizing uploading rare limiteds rather than more common ones.

This issue extends to more common items as well, as there would be so many limiteds on the Catalog, and almost all of them will perform poorly, as the holding period of an item will diminish any excitement for it, as they also get overshadowed by the hundreds of limiteds that release every week, meaning possibly only a few UGC limiteds will be able to go anywhere.


When UGC Limiteds were finally launched for UGC Creators, there was initially a 30% marketplace tax as well as a 30% tax for the creator on resells, meaning reselling the item would only give you 40% of what you sold it for unlike 70% for regular limiteds. Once the test Limited 2.0 items finally went past their holding period however, they had a 50% tax, so it is likely that the amount the creator got from resells was reduced to 20%. While lower, it is still higher compared to normal limited’s 30%, and so for the purposes of buying and reselling, it is better to buy normal limiteds. This also makes it much more difficult to profit from UGC Limiteds, as for a normal limited that costs 1,000 robux, you’d need to sell it for 1,428 to break even, but for UGC limiteds, you’d need to sell it for 2,000 to break even. With the issue of oversaturation as well, many players avoid most UGC limiteds if they want to seek out profit, usually going for extremely rare (yet cheap) ones or free ones.


When an item releases, especially a free one, it may sell out within seconds, as a result of a combination of the amount of people who want a free limited with the amount of bots, as there is no limit as to how many copies a person can buy of a UGC limited before it sells out (at one point it was restricted to 4, although that restriction seems to have been removed as of late). This can cause issues for Star Creators releasing free limiteds for their fans, as they may not be able to get the item without help from an extension or a bot when competing against other users looking for free limiteds as it would sell out incredibly quickly.


Limited unique


The amount of bots (or ‘item snipers’), purchasing limited unique items as soon as they come out, or buying up multiple copies of an existing limited at the same time, has caused a large amount of backlash. It is a prominent issue with low-stock items such as the Immortal Swords due to their much higher chance of skyrocketing in value for the owners.


Some issues arose from the release of certain limited items in late 2018 and early 2019. A few examples of these are Horns of the Creature, Torque the Blue Orc and the Wanwood Autumn King Crown. Eventually this resulted in Roblox placing the release of new limited unique items on hold until further notice. The most recent bug, which allowed players to obtain limited items for free while others have already spent Robux on them, has been speculated as one of the main causes of the drought of new limiteds, since many items that had these bugs lost its original value.


It took nearly 2 years for more limiteds to be released after the Ice Valkyrie and the Viridian Domino Crown, namely sponsored items like the Gucci Dionysus Bag. After UGC was announced, Roblox noted in a Frequently Asked Question response that UGC creators would be able to make limited items sometime in the future, and that limited and limited unique items made by Roblox would return as soon as the issues with them were fixed.[1]

On May 7, 2022, the first non-sponsored limited item came out since Ice Valkyrie and the Viridian Domino Crown, being Sinister S.. Many other items have gone limited since then. Around late May 2022, several limited items have gone limited in a short span of time, including notable items such as Silverthorn Antlers, Immortal Sword: Vlad’s Lament, and the Blizzard Beast Mode Bandana, coinciding with Memorial Day, however a sale remains unconfirmed and as speculation.



In certain times (usually on Christmas or Black Friday), Limited items shoot up in price very quickly, and takes long to go down back to its original prices. This is from the higher amounts of Robux being purchased to purchase limiteds. Many traders and players dislike this certain time due to «cheap» items like the Shaggy originally being sold for a reasonable price, but then shooting up to 2-5 times the original price once inflation begins to take effect on the market. (images below for more reference)

Shaggy 2016

Shaggy’s price on September 10th 2016.

Shaggy 2021

Now inflation has made shaggy worth over 1,100 robux!


Although limited items follow the general rule of supply and demand, many players still dislike this because of instances such as an item being sold for 50 Robux rising to 50,000 in a short span of time. Many players also dislike instances where there are no resellers for an item, making it impossible to get until someone puts a copy on sale. This issue is exacerbated by ‘hoarders’, a term used to describe users who buy or trade for a high quantity of a specific Limited item in order to take those copies out of circulation with the end goal of increasing the item’s value to be resold or traded at a hefty profit.

Another issue arises from price-warring, which begins with two or more users wanting to sell a copy of a limited item, and continuing to lower the price so that their copy is sold first. In large magnitudes, this issue can greatly impact the value and RAP of a limited item, which also hinders others from selling copies at a reasonable price.

Glitches (Limiteds)

In early 2021, there was a catalog glitch with prices and limited items being unpurchasable, but in March 2021, the problem was mostly fixed, until April, where certain items have a pricing glitch if sold under RAP. most items that experience this are the recent Gucci Garden items, as competitive pricing causes items to be sold under RAP, making the items glitched until someone purchases the item with the right amount of Robux. In 2022 there was a glitch where people could buy resold limiteds for free. This was an issue because the resellers wouldn’t get any Robux when this happened.


As with all online games that have trade systems, there are users who seek illegitimate gains through scamming. Since Roblox introduced trading in 2012, there have been many deceptive tricks that users have employed (such as the infamous ‘double-trade’ scam) in order to con others out of their limiteds.

In some cases, malicious users may obtain a poisoned limited on purpose, attempt to quickly trade it off to someone else, with the intended result of the recipient being terminated. Users have called on Roblox to be more careful when reviewing these incidents.

Deleted Copies

Roblox has sometimes removed limited items from terminated players’ inventories, even though they are already considered to be deleted forever when the user is initially terminated. This is often for players that use the «One Time Rollback» feature. One known example was ContentCool in 2016; due to Linkmon99 getting compromised several times and ContentCool purchasing his ‘stolen’ limiteds, almost all of ContentCool’s items were taken after his termination.

Since Roblox does not automatically resell or redistribute a terminated player’s limiteds in most instances, they are usually considered to be gone forever, and this has led to concerns from many users because of the effects on the limited economy as well as the site’s history.

Special terms


Wings of Liberty

An example of a rare limited, Wings of Liberty.

Users consider an item rare when it has a low stock (usually less than 100 copies in existence). Due to the low stock, the recent average prices (also known as RAP) may be low, and the item is thus perceived of less value, however may be traded for amounts much larger than its RAP due to its rarity. Rare items are the most expensive items in the catalog and the reason for their low RAP is because hardly any copies of them are ever sold.

High demand

Improved Valkyrie Helm

An example of a high demand limited, the Valkyrie Helm.

A limited with high demand is wanted by a large number of people, which is why many of these items have moderate stocks but are worth considerably more than you would expect. These types of limiteds commonly sell daily and have ascending prices. An item can be high demand mostly when it has a high stock and is bought several times a day.


Price Chart pro1

Example of a projection. The sudden spike in RAP and quantity purchased on that day compared to the usual pattern indicates that a user or multiple users have intentionally bought the item at a high price in order to inflate the Recent Average Price.

A limited that is projected is intentionally sold for a very high price while the RAP dramatically rises extremely high. They mostly vary with low stock (around 10,000 or less) and are not sold as much by users. Once a limited is projected, it will start to sell under RAP due to the unexpected price change and rapidly descend to its original selling price and RAP. These limiteds are not as favored by the community and are considered to be ‘foul’ or ‘scamming’ items, although some may attempt to take advantage of the price illusion.


LPPing (LPP meaning Lowest Price Possible) is the opposite of projecting, and is usually done in an attempt to lower an item’s value. For example, if a limited with 100,000 RAP that had barely sold in the last 30 days was suddenly put up for only 1 Robux and purchased, the RAP would be decreased ~10%.



Example of a trade containing poisoned items. The fact that the user is being offered an astronomically higher value of items for what the other party wants in return is a red flag that those items may be poisoned.

A poisoned item is one that has been stolen from a user’s account. These items contain the risk of the owner being banned without awareness. They are not commonly traded around but can be traded for without notice. Bans from harboring a poisoned item can be appealed, but it depends if the owner intentionally or unintentionally traded for the item (often judged by whether they offered lower or higher value in RAP for the item).


Lady of the Federation

An example of a Limited Item where only 2 remain in circulation. The Lady of the Federation, It was sold for 250,000 Robux. If the 2 remaining owners delete the item or are terminated, this item will be completely unobtainable.

Unobtainable Limited’s are Limited Items that are completely unobtainable to the Roblox player base because every owner of this item have eventually been terminated or the player deleted the item from the inventory. Unlike non-limited items that have been off-sale with many owners. Unobtainable Limited’s were once items where owners could sell and were extremely rare items. Overtime in a few years, owners of the items eventually delete the item from their inventory or become terminated until it narrows down to the last owner of the item still active. When that player deletes the item from their account or is terminated, the Limited becomes completely out of reach as any owner of the account couldn’t sell the item because they deleted the item or their account was terminated.


This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

Spam Sold

Example of catalog spam

  • Some users with at least 10 copies or more of the same limited item may spam the «Private Sales» section of the limited item’s page, with each copy usually costing the same price.
  • When a user purchases a limited item, it will appear next to the last item the user bought after it became a limited item.
  • Although users can only purchase one copy of a limited unique item per account while it is still in stock, some have used methods to purchase more than one on the same account. These accounts are usually terminated by Roblox shortly afterward.


  1. coefficients (n.d.) . UGC Catalog is Now Live!. Accessed June 28, 2021. Archived from the original on May 12, 2021.


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