Как найти люсию в скайриме

Ref ID: XX003F5E Base ID: XX003F5F



Уровень 1

Здоровье/прочность 50 Магия 0 Запас сил 50
Раса Имперец
Фракция Вайтран, дети
Услуги Удочерение
Локация Вайтран, Гарцующая кобыла

Люсия (ориг. Lucia) — персонаж в дополнении The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire.


Люсия — очень хозяйственная девочка, которую можно удочерить. Её можно найти в Вайтране днём, сидящую у Златолиста, вечером — в таверне «Гарцующая кобыла», а глубокой ночью — спящей прямо на земле у задней стены этого заведения. При диалоге она попросит у Довакина септим (по её словам, этому её научил Бренуин). Люсия расскажет, что она осиротела, а её ферму заняли дядя и тётя, которые выгнали Люсию, считая её бесполезной.

Как и другие девочки Скайрима, Люсия любит собак и, если с героем путешествует Мико или Зоркий, то в том случае, если она не завела ещё домашнего питомца, Люсия попросит Довакина оставить собаку себе, и та будет жить в его доме. При этом собака будет находиться в состоянии ожидания, и герой всегда сможет вновь взять её с собой. По неясным причинам Люсия может также начать обзываться на собаку: «Тупая псина».

Люсия может привести в дом детёныша дикого животного (обычного лисёнка по кличке Кит, снежного по кличке Викс, или маленького кролика по кличке Пушок). Если Довакин случайно или намеренно убьёт её питомца, будет очень на него обижена.

Как и другие взятые под опеку Довакином дети, она может убирать в доме, если ей об этом сказать, несвоевременно ложиться спать и капризничать, уморительно топая ножкой. Однако дар убеждения Довакина достаточен при общении с ней.

Из подарков предпочитает куклы и платья, но и с радостью примет в дар любой кинжал и с большой прилежностью станет оттачивать мастерство боя на детском манекене, а сам подарок всегда носить с собой на поясе.

Люсия может делать дорогие подарки Довакину (дорогую одежду, украшения и драгоценные камни) в случае, если тот сам не пожалел ей денег на карманные расходы.


  • В The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard после налёта группы вампиров на поместье может стать вампиром. Не нападает.

For other uses, see Lucia.

Lucia is an Imperial child found sitting on a bench in Whiterun near the Gildergreen tree. As she is an orphan, she can be adopted.


Quest all Beggars Have[]

Giving her Gold will grant the Dragonborn the Gift of Charity. It will also allow many small items in the Bannered Mare to be picked up without being considered stealing.


«I played with Lucia in the park today. I feel sorry for her.»
―Children in Whiterun[src]

Lucia is one of the orphans in Skyrim who can be adopted by the Dragonborn. To initiate this, she must be given a septim and asked why she is begging. She will explain that her mother died, and her aunt and uncle kicked her out when they took over her mother’s farm. She then arrived in Whiterun, and took to the streets, where Brenuin showed care for her, and told her to ask the townsfolk for septims. She can be adopted if the conditions for adoption (owning a home with a furnished child’s bedroom) are met.


Quote Condition
«Just one gold. Please?» General
«Could you spare a coin?»
«I’m so hungry.»
«Jarl Balgruuf didn’t even acknowledge the flowers I gave him.»
«Oh, thank you. Divines bless your kind heart.» After given a gold piece
«You’re the best! Can you be my mother/father?»
«It’s… it’s what Brenuin said I should do. He’s the only one that’s been nice to me since… since mama…Since she died. My aunt and uncle took over our farm and threw me out. Said I wasn’t good for anything. I wound up here, but… I.. I don’t know what to do. I miss her so much…» When asked why she is begging
«Yea! Thanks! I promise I’ll be the best daughter ever! I need to get my things and say goodbye to everyone. I’ll meet you at home. Thanks! Thanks so much!» If she is told she will be adopted
«It’s… it’s everything I could have hoped for. I… I know it’s not much, but… I’ve found a few pretty things. They’re in the chest in my room. If you see anything you like, please, take it! You’ve done so much for me. It’s… the least I can do.» When spoken to at home just after being adopted
«Really mama/papa? You’ve got me something? What is it?!…Ooh, stop teasing me!» When told a gift is awaiting her
«That big tree in the park looks so sad… I feel sorry for it.» If adopted, living in Whiterun, before finishing «The Blessings of Nature»
«I like living here. The tree in the park is so pretty.» If adopted, living in Whiterun, after finishing «The Blessings of Nature»
«Braith is a big meanie. She keeps telling Lars ‘n me what to do. I don’t wanna play with her anymore!» If adopted and living in Whiterun
«I like living here. The lake is so pretty.» If living in Lakeview Manor
«Do you think I could be a Bard? I really like singing.» If living in Proudspire Manor
«The Palace looks so pretty. I wish they’d let me inside…»
«I saw a Thalmor the other day. He was really scary!» If adopted and living in a city
«The Argonians at the docks say they can breathe underwater. I wish I could do that…» If living in Hjerim
«Rolff says I shouldn’t go to the Gray Quarter anymore. He said it’s not safe there.»
«Banning said I could come play with his dogs. I want a dog.» If living in Vlindrel Hall
«I climbed all the way up to the temple, but they said I wasn’t old enough to get in. They’re just mean.»
«Look at all the snow! I want to go sledding! Or skating!» If living in Heljarchen Hall
«This place is scary. There are monsters in the swamp. I just know it If living in Windstad Manor
«You’re back! I got you a present, mama/papa! I hope you like it!» When arriving home, on occasion
«Could you give me an allowance?» or «Could I get a few gold to spend? Please?»
«You’re back! Did you bring me anything?»
«I’d… I’d really like a dolly. Or maybe a pretty new dress?» When asked what kind of gift she would like
«A doggy! Papa/Mama, I didn’t know you had a doggy! He’s so cute… Could I keep him? Please?» If a Dog follower is brought home
«Look, Papa/Mama! I have a new friend! Could I keep him? Please?» Random occurrence when she finds a small animal


  • Once adopted, some of the things she may do when her new parent comes home include: ask for an allowance, present some flowers she picked or other gift, ask the Dragonborn to play with her, ask if there are any gifts for her or ask if she can keep a pet.
  • If Lucia is adopted along with another child, the children will interact with each other, playing or verbally fighting.
  • She can be adopted without having to go through Constance Michel, and therefore without having to kill Grelod the Kind.
  • Lucia says that Brenuin is the only person in Whiterun who has been kind to her, and that he advised her to take up begging, but Brenuin doesn’t mention her.
  • After nightfall, but prior to when she goes to sleep, she can often be found in The Bannered Mare, sitting and mingling with the clientele as well as cleaning and doing other tasks as if she worked there (occasionally it appears that she is actually drinking along with the adult patrons). Around 12:00–12:05 AM, she leaves the Bannered Mare and wanders to the back of the building, where she sleeps on the ground by its southeast corner. All of this seems to suggest that she has a similar arrangement with the Bannered Mare as Blaise has with Katla’s Farm and Alesan has with the Windpeak Inn.
  • Lucia has remarks related to Whiterun which she will make from time to time, like other adopted children. For instance, she will remark on playing with Lars Battle-Born, Braith and Mila Valentia, citing she doesn’t want to play with Braith anymore because she is a bully to her and Lars.
  • If the Dragonborn steals from The Bannered Mare, Lucia may send hired thugs to get revenge, despite her being a child and despite being too poor to spend money on such things.
  • If adopted, Lucia may sometimes say «I played with Lucia in the park today. I feel sorry for her.»


This section contains bugs related to Lucia (Skyrim). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  •  360   When dialog is initiated with her in Lakeview Manor, it is possible to become locked in conversation, where Lucia’s dialogue does not occur. It is impossible to exit.
  •  360   Lucia may disappear from the world (seen in Windstad Manor). Reloading to a previous save where she was present or getting married if you adopted her are the only known fixes.
  •  360   If Lucia resists when she is told to do something, i.e. do her chores or play outside, and a female Dragonborn lets her get away with it, she may respond by calling them ‘pa’ instead of ‘ma’.
  •  PC   360   PS3   After being given a new dress, Lucia may have no dress equipped the next time the Dragonborn returns home. After that, she will equip whatever dress given her, but will be in her underwear again the next time they return home.
  • If dialogue with Lucia is initiated while she is walking, she may continue walking, which will eventually just exit out of the conversation. This can also lead to her entering a new zone.
  •  PC   When Lucia enters Breezehome she may get stuck near the fire. When approached or talked to, she only says «I can’t wait.» This can be solved by typing the following into the console:
stopquest BYOHRelationshipAdoptable
resetquest BYOHRelationshipAdoptable
setstage BYOHRelationshipAdoptable 0
stopquest BYOHRelationshipAdoptableOrphanage
resetquest BYOHRelationshipAdoptableOrphanage
setstage BYOHRelationshipAdoptableOrphanage 0
setstage BYOHRelationshipAdoptableOrphanage 100

Then, while console is up, click on Lucia, and type (xx refers to the load order of Hearthfire):

SetFactionRank xx004290 1
  •  PS3   If Lakeview Manor is owned and a child’s bedroom is crafted, the option to adopt Lucia during conversation with her may not be available.


  • The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire

This is what UESP has to say about her whereabouts:

Lucia wakes up at 8am and heads to the area outside the Temple of Kynareth, where she wanders around, begging all day. At 8pm, she goes to the Bannered Mare, where she stays inside for four hours. Then at midnight, she goes out behind the inn and sleeps on the ground. She gets up again at 8am the next morning and repeats the same schedule.

If you’re playing on PC, you can use player.moveto xx003F5E to teleport to her, where xx is the load order # of Hearthfire, most likely 01 or 02.

Спасите-помогите! Усыновленная Люсия, видимо, вошла в переходный возраст и начала откалывать номера. Прихожу я как-то в Вайтран, а ее нет ни дома, ни на улице. К ночи она тоже не вернулась. В итоге довакинша обнаружила свою несовершеннолетнюю дочь в «Гарцующей кобыле» в компании наемников, алкашей и прочих сомнительных личностей с пивной кружкой в руках. О_о Конечно, лучше всего было бы ее выпороть, но игра такой возможности отчего-то не предусматривает. На диалоговые команды «пора домой», «пора в кровать» и т.д. Люсия отвечает «Да, мама» и остается в таверне.

Стоит Скайрим, SKSE 1.7 + все официальные дополнения + куча модов (не очень большая). Но на детей стоят только реплейсеры. Моды, меняющие систему усыновления, добавляющие детей и т.д., я не использовала. К тому же еще пару дней назад все было ок со всеми установленными модами, а новых с тех пор я не ставила.

Что пробовала:
читать дальше

Кстати, в обсуждении на вики кто-то писал, что у него Люсия «пропала» после вступления ГГ в Темное братство. А я как раз перед этим была возможно, спойлер. И, кажется, в Вайтран не заглядывала с тех пор. А как пришла, там уже вот такое вот. Решения проблемы на вики не дали.

У кого-то было такое? Что еще-то сделать можно?

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