Как найти моды в dead island


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Модификации на “Курорт”

1.Модификация “Гвозди“.
Кровотечение ур.1
Выдаст Джон Синамой после выполнения первого задания под названием “Жизненно важный отпуск”

2.Модификация “Яд убийцы“.
Яд ур.3
Только для кастетов.
После выполнения задания “Жизненно важный отпуск” сверните направо от хижины. И увидите островной бар, в котором будет лежать эта модификация.

3.Модификация “Утяжеление“.
Силовая модификация.
В бункере к югу от башни спасателя. До освобождения башни спасателя доступ в бункер будет закрыт.

4.Модификация “Разрывающие когти“.
Кровотечение ур.3
Только для кастетов.
На столе в юго-восточном конце Серебряных бунгало. Неподалеку от подвала с трансформаторами, которые должны быть включены во время задания “Луч надежды”.

5.Модификация “Винты и гайки“.
Кровотечение ур.1
Выдается за нахождения плюшевого медведя для Анны Снидер.

6.Модификация “Кровавая бомба“.
После взрыва наносит урон кровотечением.
Находится напротив маяка, на пляже рядом с шезлонгом.

7.Модификация “Тяжесть“.
Силовая модификация.
Выдается в награду от Дженнифер Снидер из бриллиантовых бунгало за нахождение ее сестры, Анны.

8.Модификация “Бомба из баллона“.
При взрыве наносит урон врагам и поджигает их.
Выдаст Мик Флер с маяка, после выполнения его задания.

9.Модификация “Факел“.
Поджигание ур.1
Выдается Джеймсом Стэйном после того, как вы доделаете незавершенное слово “HELP” рядом с маяком.

10.Модификация “Шок“.
Шок ур.1
Джон Синамой выдает чертеж, как награду за нахождения места крушения вертолёта.

11.Модификация “Коктейль молотого“.
ОТЕЛЬ.В комнате с компьютерами, где нужно перезагрузить сервер по просьбе охранника.Можно получить модификацию только во время выполнения ГЛАВНОГО ЗАДАНИЯ.

Модификации на “Арена”

1.Модификация “Раскаленный клинок“.
Поджигание ур.1. Только для мачете.
На столе в фойе арены.

2.Модификация “Нож теслы“.
Секция A. Встаньте спиной к верстаку и идите в пещеру слева.

3.Модификация “Оглушающая бомба“.
Секция B. В одном из проходов с окровавленными телами.

4.Модификация “Ядовитая бомба“.
Секция C. Неподалеку от верстака.

5.Модификация “Контузящая бомба“.
Секция D. В хижине напротив входа.

Модификации в “Город Морсби”

1.Модификация “Токсин“.
Яд ур.3
Выдается за прекращения звона колоколов в Церкви. Лежит в комнате с громилой.

2.Модификация “Стекло“.
Кровотечение ур.2
Лежит на кровати около Алисии Джейкобс в заброшенном доме рядом со складом Саймона в городе.

3.Модификация “Рукавицы колосса“.
Импульс 3 уровня. Экзотические кулаки.
На базаре, который находится к юго-западу от склада Саймона.

4.Модификация “Раскалённый металл“.
Поджигание 4 уровня. Только для мачете.
Возле парадного входа в здание полицейского участка, на столе рядом с забором.

5.Модификация “Тяжёлый металл“.
Импульс 5 уровня. Только для металлической дубинки-канабо.
В магазине электроники, где вы собираете детали для Карла в квесте “Радио Га-Га”.

6.Модификация “Импульс“.
Импульс ур.1
Выдается за развешивание всех плакатов для Говарда Крейгсона в городе.

7.Модификация “Парализирующий удар“.
Яд ур.1
Выдается в награду за выполнение задания Джека из склада Саймона в городе.

8.Модификация “Кровопускание“.
Кровотечение 4 уровня. Только для канабо.
В доме Стэна Дарта во время задания “Все-или ничего”. На маленьком столике рядом с диваном.
Внимание! Получить мод можно только во время прохождения задания.

9.Модификация “Высокое напряжение“.
Шок ур.2
Можно найти в насосной станции города.

10.Модификация “Бомба липучка“.
Выдается от Антонио Маргарете на насосной станции.

11.Модификация “Банка с мясом“.
Метательное.Привлекает зомби в определенном радиусе, а после взрывается.
Выдается после восстановления подачи воды в церковь.

12.Модификация “Пиранья“.
Силовая модификация.
Награда от Гаррета Гранта после того, как вы включите передатчики в центре города.

13.Модификация “Меркадер“.
Шок 4 уровня. Только для кирки.
В доме, где вы убили дочь и жену Мугамбе во время квеста “Хладнокровно”.
Внимание! Получить мод можно только во время прохождения задания.

Модификации от 14 до 17 можно найти только после возвращения из ратуши, а 18 после возвращения из лаборатории.

14.Модификация “Ружье гордости“.
Выдается в награду за выполнение задания Тима из церкви.

15.Модификация “Короткое замыкание“.
Шок ур.3
Перед тем, как отвозить продовольствие к башне спасателей, выполните задание Тима из церкви и принесите ему оружие.

16.Модификация “Молния“.
Импульс ур.2
Выдается в награду за выполнение задания Ванг Чи из юго-западной части города.
17.Модификация “Искра“.
Шок ур.4
Выдает Ник после выполнения задания “Игра в шпиона”.

18.Модификация “Штурмовой дробовик“.
Приплыв на катере вместе с Моуэном обратно в город, отправляйтесь в оружейный магазин. Джаред Майлс выдаст второстепенное задание “Крепкий орешек”. Модификация будет внутри здания.

Модификации в “Канализация”

1.Модификация “Штурмовое ружье“.
Перед тем как открыть шлюзы, обыщите комнату рядом с пультом управления. Лежит на верстаке.

2.Модификация “Яд“.
Яд ур.2
Откройте шлюзы и разберитесь с первым утопленником. Затем бегите по указателю, пока не увидите значок верстака на мини-карте. Чертеж в комнате рядом с ним.

Модификации в “Супермаркет”

1.Модификация “Колючка“.
Кровотечение ур.1
Проберитесь через канализацию, убейте утопленника и поверните в комнату слева. Лежит на верстаке.

2.Модификация “Ударное ружье“.
На складе, перед тем как передвинуть тележку, найдите верстак. Лежит недалеко от него на куче чемоданов.

Модификации в “Ратуша”

Эти модификации можно найти после возвращения из “Супермаркет“.
1.Модификация “Волшебная палочка“.
Импульс ур.3
Лежит в офисе мэра на столе.

2.Модификация “Дробовик гордости“.
Спуститесь во внутренний двор ратуши, где бродит таран. Лежит в разбитом и перевернутом шкафу.

Модификации в “Полицейский участок”

1.Чертёж “Патроны для пистолета“.
В комнате охраны рядом с рабочим столом.

2.Чертёж “Патроны для дробовика“.
Этажом выше, напротив комнаты с главарем мародеров. Доступно после взятия квеста Тима из церкви.

Модификации в “Джунгли”

1.Модификация “Ударный дробовик“.
Северо-западнее от деревни у реки найдите бункер с Сэмом внутри. Выдаётся за квест “Раненный судила”.

2.Модификация “Правосудие“.
Импульс ур.3. Только для тяжелого молота.
Северо-западнее от деревни у реки найдите бункер с Сэмом внутри. На верхнем уровне бункера.
3.Модификация “Старый добрый ломик“.
Шок ур.4. Только для фомки.
В хижине Матутеро на полке рядом с верстаком.
4.Модификация “Кувалда“.
Шок ур.3. Только для киянки.
В бункере к западу от проклятой деревни, где вы впервые увидите мясника.
5.Модификация “Бритва“.
Кровотечение ур.3
Около передатчика, с которого вам нужно вызвать подмогу для Николая.

6.Модификация “Феникс“.
Поджигание ур.2
В домике, где находится украденная лодка для Матутеро.

7.Модификация “Винтовка гордости“.
Южнее лагеря на перевале на мосту, где вы спасали Оту Канту от зомби. Рядом с ним есть горный проход, в котором лагерь мародеров. Лежит на скамейке у костра.
8.Модификация “Топор-бензопила“.
Кровотечение ур.4
Награда за квест “Вторая помощь”.
9.Модификация “Детокс винтовка“.
Выдаёт Аманда из лагеря на перевале за выполнение задания “Шоу должно продолжаться”.
10.Чертеж “Патроны для винтовки“.
Выдаёт Клэр из лагеря на перевале.
11.Модификация “Акула“.
Силовая модификация.
Выдаётся в награду от Сэма Картера из деревни у реки, после того, как вы отомстите за его убитую жену.

Модификации в “Лаборатория”

1.Модификация “Кровавая Мэри”.
Кровотечение ур.4
В туалетной кабинке.

2.Модификация “Телесные повреждения”.
Шок ур.3
На складе, где находятся предохранители в ходе выполнения задания “Заложники электричества”. Модификация на одном из столов в комнате.
3.Модификация “Тесла”.
Импульс ур.4
В генераторной лаборатории.

4.Модификация “Оглушительный успех”.
Кровотечение ур.3
В лаборатории недалеко от входа, на столе рядом с верстаком.

5.Модификация “Штурмовая винтовка”.
Выдает Вилли за выполнение задания “Заложники электричества”.

6.Модификация “Скорпион”.
Яд ур.4
Выдает Фрэнк за выполнение задания “Важные вещества”.

7.Модификация “Шредер”.
Кровотечение ур.5
На крыше дома, куда вас послали собрать образцы зараженной мышечной ткани для квеста “Гниющая плоть”.
8.Модификация “Детокс дробовик”.
В обваливающемся домике над пропастью в ходе квеста “Где мои данные”.
9.Модификация “Детокс ружье”.
Выдает Лаханс за выполнение задания “Репеллент от насекомых”.
10.Модификация “Ударная винтовка”.
В тюрьме на столе в оружейной по ходу квеста “Запертый арсенал”.

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Refine results Found 37 results.
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    Nearly Unlimited Durability

    • 2KB
    • 365
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    Dead Island Definitive mod menu

    Dead Island Definitive mod menu

    Dead Island has always been my favorite game probably due to the fun I had on it back in 2012 playing with a good friend and I’m proud to announce dead island Ultimate edition. This mod menu adds a whole host of options to choose from check the mod page for more info

    • 100.2MB
    • 328

    Dead Island Definitive mod menu

    Dead Island has always been my favorite game probably due to the fun I had on it back in 2012 playing with a good friend and I’m proud to announce dead island Ultimate edition. This mod menu adds a whole host of options to choose from check the mod page for more info

  • Skills Leveling and Gameplay Overhaul — DIDE

    This mod increases the level cap from 60 to 100, incorporates proper health increases, buffs many skills for Xian and Perna to make them actually useful, and adds several quality of life changes to make the game much more enjoyable.

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    DI(R)DE Dev Menu

    • 213KB
    • 298
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    Essential Fix removes most Blur Bloom Glow Lens Flare Chromatic Aberration Sun Rays and has tweaked Field of View and Movement

    • 14KB
    • 217
  • Movement Overhaul

    Makes the game’s floaty and unresponsive movement more responsive, making it feel more modern, while staying true to the original feeling and style.

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    Chromatic Aberration Remover

    • 3.9MB
    • 161
  • Massive Backpack

    This expands the backpack up to 200, Based on my backpack mod for Dying Light.

  • Skills Leveling and Gameplay Overhaul — DIRDE

    Based on the mod by TheFlayer. Raises level cap from 70 to 110, increases health every 5 levels, and buffs the character’s skills. Adds other changes made by TheFlayer in their mod for the original Definitive Edition.

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    Dead Island Definitive Collection XTREME LOW END PC MOD

    • 35KB
    • 110
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    Vanilla Plus

    • 59KB
    • 106
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    Dead Island Classic Color ReShade

    • 3KB
    • 95
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    Better UI immersion

    Better UI immersion

    No crosshair, pose indicators, no annoying achievements pop-ups, break doors indicators, target indicators by throwing weapons, no radar, WITHOUT or WITH stamina indicator moved to the top left of the screen.
    Now with transparent healthbar and enemy HP. (optional)
    Compatible also with DIDE Riptide

    • 3.9MB
    • 92

    Better UI immersion

    No crosshair, pose indicators, no annoying achievements pop-ups, break doors indicators, target indicators by throwing weapons, no radar, WITHOUT or WITH stamina indicator moved to the top left of the screen.
    Now with transparent healthbar and enemy HP. (optional)
    Compatible also with DIDE Riptide

  • Better Purna

    Purna can carry more ammo and have a bigger backpack! more health!
    Also Riptide Version!

  • NoRunners

    No running and climbing Infected anymore!
    Riptide Version: Include Infected and Drowners!

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    Dead Island Definitive Edition Fov Fix

    • 3.9MB
    • 60
  • Alternative Dead Island

    Make such mod because this game are interesting and therefore want feel himself in her comfortable in play time :) and that some other users now also can try him

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    Guaranteed Legendaries

    • 2KB
    • 46
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    Glowing sun and god rays fix

    • 2.5MB
    • 44
  • Dead Island — Addition Edition (NOT FOR DEFINITIVE EDITION)

    !!!!!!!THIS MOD WILL NOT WORK FOR DEFINITIVE EDITION!!!!!!! ONLY for the original 2011 Dead Island (though i will get to Riptide, DIDE and DIRDE (DEAD ISLAND RIPTIDE DEFINITIVE EDITION) eventually). So basically i modded the fuck out of this game. Please read the full description or Read me file in the WinRAR for further detail. Thank you


Sam B standing in front of a mod table

Mods are used to upgrade and modify weapons in Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide. There are multiple blueprints throughout the game which the player can obtain to modify existing weapons to increase stats and add elemental effects. There are also blueprints existing to allow the Hero to make grenades, molotovs, and ammunition.

Melee Mods

Bleeding Mods

<h3=>Nail’d Mod</h3=>

Main article: Nail’d Mod


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Thanks to a couple of nails you’ll turn any kind of wooden club into a deadly mace. Just follow the instructions below and you will have a chance to put holes in many human flesh mongers.
In Dead Island, the Mod is given by John Sinamoi after completing the main quest Passport to Life.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found on a table in Paradise Survival Camp next to the bridge blown up in the main quest Back to Reality.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Nail’d Mod

    • Mace
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Cudgel
    • Kanabo
    • Hanbo
    • Home Run
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Morning Star
    • Bronze Knuckles (Riptide)
    • Shillelagh (Riptide)
    • Meat Mallet (Riptide)
    • Wrench (Riptide)
    • Staff (Riptide)
    • Golf Club (Riptide)

    • Nails x 2

$220 (Dead Island)
$200 (Riptide)

    • Damage + 5% (Dead Island)
    • Damage + 4% (Riptide)
    • Bleed Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 2% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Nuts & Bolts Mod</h3=>

Main article: Nuts & Bolts Mod


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If you’re in possession of several large, heavy bolts and a sturdy club (ideally a metal one) then you will be able to assemble a mace that will come in handy in the current circumstances. A blow with this appliance should be a painful experience for whoever is at the business end of it.
In Dead Island, the mod is given by as a reward by Anne Snider upon completing her side quest Toy Story.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located north of the Santa Maria Mission, on a small island with a caravan on it.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Nuts & Bolts Mod

    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Heavy Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Cudgel (Riptide)
    • Bolts x 2


    • Damage + 100%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 3% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Barbed Wire Mod</h3=>

Main article: Barbed Wire Mod


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Here is a simple way to use the barbed wire as an addition to various types of clubs. Thanks to that easy procedure you’ll be able to seriously mutilate anyone unlucky enough to be wounded with it.
In Dead Island, the mod is located in the cellars of the Supermarket on a table next to the workbench during the main Quest Supermarket Journey.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the large warehouse at the back of Marik’s Marina.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Barbed Wire Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Heavy Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Police Baton
    • Cudgel
    • Flanged Mace
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Hanbo
    • Home Run
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Claws (Riptide)
    • Scottish Dirk (Riptide)
    • Chinese War Sword (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Staff (Riptide)

    • Barbed Wire x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Glazed Mod</h3=>

Main article: Glazed Mod


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The idea is straight like the piece of stick you’ll wrap the rag around. Add some glue and most importantly — broken glass. A guy hit with that thing will bleed like a slaughtered piglet. Just be careful not to cut yourself with the glass shards when you are gluing them to the rag…
In Dead Island, the mod is found on the bed in Alicia Jacobs house during the side quest Uninvited Guests.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found at the end of the pier at the Pinai Ferry Station, on a table.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Glazed Mod

    • Baseball Bat (Dead Island)
    • Big Baseball Bat (Dead Island)
    • Metal Baseball Bat (Dead Island}
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Heavy Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Police Baton
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Home Run
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Scottish Dirk (Riptide)
    • Chinese War Sword (Riptide)

    • Glue x 2
    • Rag x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 30%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Rending Claws Mod</h3=>

Main article: Rending Claws Mod


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Regular brass knuckles may not suffice to handle someone who doesn’t feel a thing and the only thing they want is to eat your face. One needs something more. The inspiration for my upgraded brass knuckles was a certain superhero — after mounting a couple sizeable blades you will level the battlefield when you’re confronted with one of those freaks. I can only wish you luck, friend.
In Dead Island, the mod is on a table next to the stairs down to the Lighthouse generator that needs to be activated during the main quest A Ray of Hope.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the main building of Jimmy’s Workshop at Marik’s Marina in the Flooded jungle.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Rending Claws Mod

    • Spiked Brass Knuckles
    • Badass Brass Knuckles
    • Brutal Brass Knuckles
    • Blade x 4
    • Bolts x 4
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Devastating Home Run Mod</h3=>

Main article: Devastating Home Run Mod


Edit This Mod

A baseball bat with a hint of blades and barb wire is a simple and cost-effective way to increase the chances of survival in a battle against the living dead. Just because their bodies are rotting doesn’t mean they cannot bleed, right? And when treated with a bat such as this they will BLEED. Rest assured.
In Dead Island, the mod is Found in the Laboratory on the desk beside the Workbench where Will stands.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located down an alleyway just North-West of The Fort of Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Devastating Home Run Mod

    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Blade x 2
    • Bolts x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Barbed Wire x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Medieval Mod</h3=>

Main article: Medieval Mod


Edit This Mod

By following my guidelines you will make your Kanabo able to not only smash bones and crack skulls but also gut the veins out, literally. I’m not kidding, you’ll hit a guy with this and he will be spilling blood as if shot with a shotgun.
In Dead Island, the mod is located in Stan Dart’s House in Moresby during Grasp All, Lose All. It is on a small table near the couch.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the Japanese Tunnels behind some boxes just after initially entering the area.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Medieval Mod

    • Kanabo
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Phone x 2
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Barbed Wire x 2
    • Nails x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Bloody Mary Mod</h3=>

Main article: Bloody Mary Mod


Edit This Mod

Considering the circumstances we found ourselves in we have to cope with whatever we can. Thus, decided to devise the most effective weapon I could make from the parts I had handy. The result of my efforts is a metal club wrapped in to a barb wire and a couple other gadgets so thoughtfully that every poor bastard that finds himself on the business end of it is literally pissing blood.
In Dead Island, the mod is found in the Laboratory bathroom in the right-hand stall.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in a square just north of Stan’s House in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Bloody Mary Mod

    • Heavy Baton
    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Phone x 2
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Glue x 2
    • Rag x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Saw Disc Axe Mod</h3=>

Main article: Saw Disc Axe Mod


Edit This Mod

Follow my instructions carefully. I know it may sound complicated, but in the end you’ll be rewarded with a vicious weapon that will allow you to slaughter the undead like helpless cattle.
In Dead Island, the mod is obtained from Paul at the Overpass Camp as a reward for completing the side quest Second Aid.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located inside the Safe House that unlocks at the Henderson Ferry Station after completing the main quest The Ferry.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Saw Disc Axe Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Kanabo
    • Hanbo
    • Home Run
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Shovel (Riptide)
    • Shillelagh (Riptide)
    • Circular Blade x 1
    • Bolts x 2
    • Steel Rod x 1
    • Clamp x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 6% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 8% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Shredder Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shredder Mod


Edit This Mod

Below I described how to turn a regular baseball bat into a small, handy sawmill. You put together various sharp junk and tools and then combine them to maximize the destructive force of such a club. The unfortunate punk who gets hit by something like that will bleed out before he hits the ground.
In Dead Island, the mod is located on the roof of the warehouse at the Laboratory which is visited in the side quest Rotting Flesh.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is purchased from Alex in Henderson for $2,750 after completing his side quest Rescue Alex.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shredder Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Circular Blade
    • Bolts x 2
    • Steel Rod
    • Clamp x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Glue x 2
    • Rag x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 5
    • Critical Chance + 10%
    • Critical Damage + 75%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Meat Cutter Mod</h3=>

Main article: Meat Cutter Mod


Edit This Mod

Heads will roll, limbs will fall, and blood will boil.
The mod is obtained in the Infested Apartment Dead Zone in Henderson. The mod is found on a table in the final room of the dead zone.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Meat Cutter Mod

    • Scottish Dirk
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Crowbar
    • Flanged Mace
    • Exotic Mace
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Kanabo
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Pick of Destiny

    • Belt x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Blade x 2
    • Circular Blade x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 5%

<h3=>Ripper Mod</h3=>

Main article: Ripper Mod


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Would you look at that — a baseball bat, a circular saw and a motor; all combined into a killer tool of doom! If you make it the right way you will be able to start massacring those lousy living dead.
In Dead Island, the mod is obtained either through the Special Edition game code, owning the Game of the Year Edition or having Dead Island Definitive Collection.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located on a very small island treehouse north of the Zimakani Rest, just south of the drug dealer’s house visited in the side quest White Line.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Ripper Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Home Run
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Belt
    • Large Battery
    • Circular Blade
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 3%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 5%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Razor Mod</h3=>

Main article: Razor Mod


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Provided you can find some sharp pieces of iron and some bolts you’ll be able to turn most of the clubs into a killer mace straight from the middle ages. Bountiful Bleeding guaranteed!
In Dead Island, the mod is located in the Russian’s Bunker in the Jungle in Act III, next to the radio on the table in the turret.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the Catacombs of The Fort of Henderson, accessible during the main quest The Crash.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Razor Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Hanbo
    • Heavy Baton
    • Home Run
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baton
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Police Baton
    • Stick
    • Tonfa
    • Wooden Baton
    • Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Scottish Dirk (Riptide)
    • Shovel (Riptide)
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Staff (Riptide)
    • Bronze Knuckles (Riptide)
    • Cudgel (Riptide)

    • Blade x 2
    • Bolts x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Bleed Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Slash Mod</h3=>

Main article: Slash Mod


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Blades mounted horizontally on a club will turn it into a weapon causing so much bleeding you’ll need protective goggles to keep your eyes safe from all the gore spurting out of your enemies.
The mod is located in the Metzger Sloat’s Hideout Dead Zone in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Slash Mod

    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Hanbo
    • Home Run
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Tonfa
    • Wooden Baton
    • Bronze Knuckles

    • Blade x 3
    • Bolts x 2
    • Gears x 2


    • Bleed Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 7%

<h3=>Diamond Edge Mod</h3=>

Main article: Diamond Edge Mod


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Diamonds are a girl’s best friend… but they’re also great for making a kickass weapon.
On a box opposite the Workshop at the Zimakani Rest
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Diamond Edge Mod

    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Crowbar
    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Wooden Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Tonfa
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Italian Plumber
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Ban
    • M.C.
    • Bouncer’s Pal

    • Glue x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Large Nail x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 3


    • Bleed Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 3%
    • Critical Duration + 400%

<h3=>Sharp Edge Mod</h3=>

Main article: Sharp Edge Mod


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Occam’s Razor states that the simplest solution is the best.
The mod is found in the Mataka Village Bungalow Dead Zone in the Flooded jungle.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Sharp Edge Mod

    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Baseball Bat
    • Wooden Baton
    • Stick
    • Tonfa
    • Pickaxe
    • Italian Plumber
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Home Run
    • M.C.

    • Bolts x 2
    • Large Nail x2
    • Circular Blade x2


    • Bleed Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 2%

Critical Mods

<h3=>Weighted Mod</h3=>

Main article: Weighted Mod


Edit This Mod

Look through the manual I prepared and you will learn how to quickly and easily make your weapon into a strong crushing tool. More crushing that it already was, that is…
In Dead Island, the mod is located on a table in the back room of Bunker 06 at the Resort, accessible after saving Jose Garcia.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located at the base of the leftmost entrance cave to the Helicopter Wreck in the Flooded jungle.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Weighted Mod

    • Hammer
    • Nail Hammer
    • Heavy Hammer
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Pickaxe
    • Crowbar
    • Hanbo
    • Ban
    • M.C.
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer

    • Weight Plate x 1
    • Clamp x 2


    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 25%

<h3=>Heavy Mod</h3=>

Main article: Heavy Mod


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Weight is the foundations I’ve been always saying this. Especially in the case of the blunt weapons. By means of a simple trick (that I described below) you will make your darling crush the skulls of those damn maniacs like putrid watermelons.
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Jennifer Snider for completing her side quest Two Hearts.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located at the Pinai Ferry Station inside the warehouse that Jayden is locked inside.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Heavy Mod

    • Hammer
    • Nail Hammer
    • Heavy Hammer
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Pickaxe
    • Crowbar
    • Hanbo
    • Ban
    • M.C.
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer

    • Weight Plate x 1
    • Gears x 1
    • Clamp x 2


    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 33%

<h3=>Piranha Mod</h3=>

Main article: Piranha Mod


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I designed (and was even able to test in action) a clever tool to exterminate these monsters plaguing our beautiful island. Well, it will require collecting several special elements to be combined into one deadly whole that — provided you are strong enough — will allow you to survive the darkest hour.
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Garett Grant for completing his last side quest The Third Head of Cerberus.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found inside the Geoffrey Nape’s Warehouse Dead Zone in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Piranha Mod

    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Pickaxe
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Weight Plate
    • Gears
    • Blade
    • Clamp x 2


    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%

<h3=>Shark Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shark Mod


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The thing I managed to compile is a dream of every homegrown designer with killer inclinations (or rather every murderer with an affinity to DIY). As God is my witness, I wished you didn’t have to use that toy but it’s out of my hands… Using it will turn those bastards into bloody scraps. (Dead Island description)
Occam’s Razor states that the simplest solution is always the best. (Dead Island: Riptide description)
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Carter at the River Village for completing his side quest Death Wish.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the storeroom/workshop at Mataka Village on a metal shelf near the double doors, accessible during the side quest Electrifying.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shark Mod

    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Weight Plate
    • Gears
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Clamp x 2
    • Blade x 3


    • Critical Chance + 6%
    • Critical Damage + 50%

Fire Mods

<h3=>Torch Mod</h3=>

Main article: Torch Mod


Edit This Mod

Do you know how a torch works? Below you’ll find a simple way to make one. If you get a good strike in on one of these bloodthirsty madmen, he’ll light up like a Roman candle. Plus, it’s always an additional source of light for the darkest hour…
In Dead Island, the mod is given by James Stein upon finishing his side quest Counsel of Despair.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is given by Henry Boyle for completing the first level of his Team Quest Jury-rigging for Henry.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Torch Mod

    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Cudgel
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Home Run
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Shovel (Riptide)
    • Shillelagh (Riptide)
    • Chinese War Sword (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Staff (Riptide)
    • Wrench (Riptide)
    • Heavy Morning Star (Riptide)

    • Rag x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Glue x 2
    • Gas for Lighter x 2
    • Lighter x 2 (Riptide)


    • Damage + 5%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Red Hot Blade Mod</h3=>

Main article: Red Hot Blade Mod


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«While it is true that it’s usually very warm on the island, and recently the climate is exceptionally hot, I decided to up the temperature even more. The idea to build this device came to me when I was boiling water using the heater. The effect comes in the shape of a red hot blade that will warm up even a cold, dead body. Try it out yourself.»
The mod is on a table in the Bloodbath Arena Lobby.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Red Hot Blade Mod

    • Machete
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Bushmaster
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 1
    • Belt x 1
    • Large Battery x 1
    • Metal Scrap x 1


    • Damage + 3%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 5%
    • Critical Damage + 50%

<h3=>Phoenix Mod</h3=>

Main article: Phoenix Mod


Edit This Mod

This may seem ironic but I developed a way to transform a fire axe into a weapon that sets the enemies on fire! Embed it deep into the rotting body of a walking enemy and you’ll turn it into a walking column of fire. Made well, this can be a really deadly weapon.
In Dead Island, the mod if found on a table next to the boat you collect from the Smugglers’ Marina after killing Afran in the main quest Soldier of Fortune.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in an isolated building at the very south end of Henderson, directly west of The Fort of Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Phoenix Mod

    • Big Splitting Axe (Dead Island)
    • Big Universal Axe (Dead Island)
    • Fire Axe (Dead Island)
    • Viking of the South (Dead Island)
    • Shillelagh (Riptide)
    • Barbed Wire
    • Wire x 2
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Steel Rod x 2
    • Belt
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Flares


    • Damage + 5%
    • Fire Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 6%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 20%

<h3=>Hot Rod Mod</h3=>

Main article: Hot Rod Mod


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The instruction below will allow you to heat up the blade of a machete to a temperature so high you will be able to cut through the flesh of the walking dead like butter. I advise you to be cautious while using — it can cause serious burns.
In Dead Island, the mod is found in front of the Police Station in Moresby, on the desk beside the fence.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is given by Miya for completing her side quest Surplus.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Hot Rod Mod

    • Machete
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Bushmaster
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Belt
    • Large Battery
    • LP4000 Battery


    • Damage + 5%
    • Fire Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 10%
    • Critical Damage + 100%

Main article: BBQ Mod


Edit This Mod

Looks like a hell of a weapon and does not disappoint.
The mod is automatically placed into the inventory once the player has purchased the Survivor Pack DLC.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats


    • Shovel
    • Blade
    • Duct Tape x 4
    • Wire x 4
    • Gas for Lighter x 3
    • Belt x 3
    • Large Battery x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 3


    • Damage + 3%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 3%
    • Critical Duration + 400%

Impact Mods

<h3=>Impact Mod</h3=>

Main article: Impact Mod


Edit This Mod

Have you ever prepared escalopes? Did you happen to pound the meat with an electrocution hammer? You will have the chance now, provided you manage to put together such a tool in the way I described in the instructions below. It works!
In Dead Island, the mod is received from Howard Craigson after completing the side quest, Last Chance on the Wall.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is received from the first level of Harlow Jordan’s Team Quest Jury-rigging for Harlow Jordan.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Impact Mod

    • Hammer
    • Nail Hammer
    • Heavy Hammer
    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Wrench
    • Heavy Wrench
    • Pickaxe
    • Mace
    • Cudgel
    • Morning Star
    • Flanged Mace
    • Heavy Morning Star
    • Exotic Mace
    • Italian Plumber
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Home Run
    • Ban
    • M.C.
    • Shovel (Riptide)
    • Meat Mallet (Riptide)
    • Shillelagh (Riptide)
    • Staff (Riptide)
    • Bronze Knuckles (Riptide)

    • Duct Tape x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Wire x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Battery x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2 (Riptide)
    • Barbed Wire x 2 (Riptide)


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 33%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 90%

<h3=>Lightning Mod</h3=>

Main article: Lightning Mod


Edit This Mod

What you’ve got here is a relatively simple way to turn a blunt tool into a percussive weapon. An electrified hammer or some club will make then rotting freaks jump back after every blow as if hit by a train.
In Dead Island, the mod can be obtained by completing Vang Chi’s side quest Heroes and Villains.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is obtained from Zoey’s side quest Electrifying.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Lightning Mod

    • Hammer
    • Nail Hammer
    • Heavy Hammer
    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Wrench
    • Heavy Wrench
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Pickaxe
    • Crowbar
    • Mace
    • Cudgel
    • Morning Star
    • Flanged Mace
    • Heavy Morning Star
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Italian Plumber
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Pick of Destiny
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Ban
    • Home Run
    • M.C.
    • Bouncer’s Pal

    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 120%

<h3=>Magic Wand Mod</h3=>

Main article: Magic Wand Mod


Edit This Mod

I’m a wizard! I figured out how to make a real magic (oh fine!, electric) wand that will knock those fuckers down with a single swat. Try to do everything as described in the instructions and — if you don’t electrify yourself — you’ll topple enemies like a freakin’ sorcerer.
In Dead Island, the mod is found when returning to the Town Hall during the main quest Bitter Return. The mod is found in Todd Tanis’ office.
In Dead Island: Riptide, it is given by Henry Boyle for completing the second level of his Team Quest, Jury-rigging for Henry.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Magic Wand Mod

    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Sledgehammer
    • Construction Hammer
    • Maul
    • Pickaxe
    • Crowbar
    • Mace
    • Cudgel
    • Morning Star
    • Flanged Mace
    • Heavy Morning Star
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Pick of Destiny

    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Phone x 2
    • Electronic Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 140%

<h3=>Juggernaut Gauntlets Mod</h3=>

Main article: Juggernaut Gauntlets Mod


Edit This Mod

«I figured out how to upgrade the brass knuckles to make every user of the toy a KO expert. I assure you I made one of those for myself and tested in real-life environment. Let the fact that I lived to write down this manual be the proof of the weapon’s efficiency.»
Found in Moresby in an abandoned market, on the ground beside a desk, near the middle of the west wall. The market is at the large intersection south / south-west of the Warehouse.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Juggernaut Gauntlets Mod

    • Exotic Brass Knuckles
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Phone x 2
    • Belt x 2
    • LP4000 Battery x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 200%

<h3=>Pick-and-ohm Mod</h3=>

Main article: Pick-and-ohm Mod


Edit This Mod

«In short — the description in front of you will teach you how to improve a regular pickaxe and change it into a tool of destruction. Attach batteries here, put some additional weight there — you’ll find the details below. Simple, smart and deadly.»
In Dead Island, the mod is found in Moresby, in Mugambe’s house during the side quest In Cold Blood. It’s on a desk next to the fridge in the kitchen.
In Dead Island: Riptide, it is given by Harlow Jordan for completing the second level of her Team Quest, Jury-rigging for Harlow Jordan.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Pick-and-ohm Mod

    • Pickaxe
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Weight Plate
    • Gears
    • Clamp x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 140%

<h3=>Shocking Sledge Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shocking Sledge Mod


Edit This Mod

A large, double-handed hammer itself is quite a weapon against the plague of those salivating tramps. If you add some load to it, throw in a couple gimmicks and run an electric charge through the head your enemies will launch on impact as if from a catapult.
In Dead Island, the mod is found in the Ghost Town Bunker, in the back room on a desk.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the Motel «Safe Haven» Dead Zone in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shocking Sledge Mod

    • Maul
    • Battery x 3
    • Clamp x 2
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Gears
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Weight Plate
    • Wire x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 140%

<h3=>Justice Mod</h3=>

Main article: Justice Mod


Edit This Mod

You surely have access to a hammer. It just takes some looking around and playing MacGyver to change the simplest tool into a makeshift weapon capable of crushing and knocking down the largest thugs you come across. In other words — the dream of every handyman.
In Dead Island, the mod is found on the floor at the top of the ladder in Sam’s Bunker in the Jungle.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the lifeguard shack on the beach at the Pinai Ferry Station where Kayden is found.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Justice Mod

    • Heavy Hammer
    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Weight Plate
    • Gears
    • Clamp x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 140%

<h3=>Tesla Mod</h3=>

Main article: Tesla Mod


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«Do you happen to have a useless phone on you? If not, get one, a sledgehammer (and some other things) and assemble them all together. The weapon you’ll get will literally toss your enemies into the air. If only you had enough stamina in these hands of yours to make a meaningful swing with it…»
This mod is found in the generator room, Laboratory area during Act III. In Dead Island Riptide, it is given by Harlow after you complete Jury-rigging for Harlow Jordan II
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Tesla Mod

    • Construction Hammer (Dead Island)
    • Maul (Dead Island)
    • Sledgehammer (Dead Island)
    • Shovel (Dead Island: Riptide)
    • Staff (Dead Island: Riptide)
    • Gabriel’s Sledgehammer
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x3
    • Phone x 2
    • Belt x 2
    • Engine Parts


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 6%
    • Critical Damage + 75%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 200%

<h3=>Shocking Crowbar Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shocking Crowbar Mod


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What will result from a combination of a sturdy crowbar, weight plates and electricity? Follow the instructions below and you will have a chance to see for yourself. There’s not much effort you’ll need to put into this and the effect you get will be a blast, I swear.
In Dead Island, the mod is located in the River Village in Matutero’s hut on the shelf next to the Workbench.
In Ryder White’s Campaign, the mod is located just after starting the DLC. It’s on a wooden walkway the other side of the crashed van used to reach the street after leaving the helicopter crash.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located on a wooden walkway next to the main entrance to the Quarantine Zone.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shocking Crowbar Mod

    • Crowbar
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 3
    • Phone x 2
    • Belt x 2
    • Weight Plate x 2
    • Bolts x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 75%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 200%

<h3=>Heavy Duty Mod</h3=>

Main article: Heavy Duty Mod


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Do you know what a Kanabo is? It’s a goddamn heavy piece of metal club straight from Japan. In the hands of a strong enough person it makes for a truly destructive weapon. Now imagine such a club with blades and a strong electronic charge added to it. The effects? Total annihilation. Check it for yourself.
In Dead Island, the mod is located in Moresby, on the floor in front of the counter in the electronics shop where you collect the transformer and some cable for Carl during the side quest Radio Ga Ga.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is given by Henry Boyle for completing the final level of his Team Quest Jury-rigging for Henry.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Heavy Duty Mod

    • Metal Kanabo
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 2
    • LP4000 Battery
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Blade x 2
    • Bolts x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Impact Effect Rank 5
    • Critical Chance + 10%
    • Critical Damage + 100%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 200%

<h3=>Stun Gun (Dead Island)</h3=>

Main article: Stun Gun (Dead Island)


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An electric stun weapon that shoots electrodes generating high voltage with low intensity electric current. A hit with the electrodes results in strong pain and disruption of the nervous system and in consequence a complete temporary stunning of the victim.
The mod is located in Prison during the main quest Get the Power Back On. The mod is located in a corridor where you first fight Rebels after turning on the power in the Prison Basement.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Stun Gun (Dead Island)

    • LP4000 Battery x 1


    • Critical Chance + 100%

Poison Mods

<h3=>Paralyzing Strike Mod</h3=>

Main article: Paralyzing Strike Mod


Edit This Mod

Okay if you want a weapon that will make the fucker wounded with it puke his guts out follow the instructions in my notes. The assembly shouldn’t be too difficult provided you gather the right components. Good luck.
In Dead Island it is the reward for the side quest Picture of Bliss
In Dead Island: Riptide it is found after unlocking Halai Village sitting on the Workbench.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Paralyzing Strike Mod

    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Knife
    • Cleaver
    • Tanto
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Double Blade
    • Homemade Double Blade
    • Wicked Double Blade
    • Exotic Double Blade
    • Battle Double Blade
    • Reaper
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Master Chef
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Assassin’s Greed
    • Throwing Knife (Riptide)

    • Oleander x 2
    • Bleach x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Poison Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 3% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Venom Mod</h3=>

Main article: Venom Mod


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You will need various seaweeds and plants and detergents. Well you’ll also need a bladed weapon you can use it with. A poisoned blade is always better than an untainted one, I know a thing or two about it… Just make sure you follow the procedure carefully.
In Dead Island, the mod is found in a workbench room in the Sewers while travelling to the Town Hall.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in an open cave down a path to the waterways left of Dr. Kessler’s Biosphere in the Flooded jungle.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Venom Mod

    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Knife
    • Cleaver
    • Tanto
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Double Blade
    • Homemade Double Blade
    • Wicked Double Blade
    • Exotic Double Blade
    • Battle Double Blade
    • Reaper
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Master Chef
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Assassin’s Greed
    • Throwing Knife (Riptide)

    • Oleander x 2
    • Bleach x 2
    • Algae x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Soap x 2 (Riptide)
    • Flexible Hose x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Poison Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 33%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Toxic Mod</h3=>

Main article: Toxic Mod


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Try and use the flesh of those exploding poor things according to the given recipe (you will need to obtain several more things, which should not cause you a big deal of trouble) and you will get a venomous weapon that will make sending all these half-dead wretches to their graves all that easier.
In Dead Island, the mod is found on Mother Helen’s desk at the back of Saint Christopher’s Church during the main quest Sacred Silence.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found at the Villa Henderson in Henderson on some scaffolding at the rear of the villa.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Toxic Mod

    • Machete
    • Katana
    • Sickle
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Knife
    • Cleaver
    • Tanto
    • Wakizashi
    • Double Blade
    • Homemade Double Blade
    • Wicked Double Blade
    • Exotic Double Blade
    • Battle Double Blade
    • Reaper
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Master Chef
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Assassin’s Greed
    • Throwing Knife (Riptide)

    • Oleander x 3
    • Bleach x 3
    • Suicider Meat x 2
    • Lemon Juice x 2
    • Flexible Hose x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Poison Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 15%

<h3=>Deathstalker Mod</h3=>

Main article: Deathstalker Mod


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I developed a simple poison that can turn a sharp weapon into something that will make the undead spew out their own internal organs. A sight to see, believe you me. All you have to do is follow the guidelines below.
In Dead Island, the mod is received after completing the side quest Substance of Matter.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found at the same balcony that Damien is found in Henderson for his side quest Memories.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Deathstalker Mod

    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Knife
    • Cleaver
    • Tanto
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Double Blade
    • Homemade Double Blade
    • Wicked Double Blade
    • Exotic Double Blade
    • Battle Double Blade
    • Reaper
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Master Chef
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Assassin’s Greed
    • Throwing Knife (Riptide)

    • Oleander x 3
    • Bleach x 3
    • Floater Meat x 2
    • Soap x 2
    • Flexible Hose x 2
    • Stingray Tail


    • Damage + 5%
    • Poison Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 6%
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 20%

<h3=>Assassin’s Poison Mod</h3=>

Main article: Assassin’s Poison Mod


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Brass Knuckles, a couple blades and poison thorns — that is my answer to the urgent demand born within the couple last days. Put all of them together according to the description below and don’t hesitate to use it when you come across a living dead. You have to be quick and determined — leave the rest to my super brass knuckles…
In Dead Island, the mod is found inside the southern most island bar, behind a locked door, on the counter in the Resort.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found south of the Old Town Cinema in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Assassin’s Poison Mod

    • Spiked Brass Knuckles
    • Badass Brass Knuckles
    • Brutal Brass Knuckles
    • Oleander x 3
    • Bleach x 3
    • Suicider Meat x 2
    • Lemon Juice x 2
    • Flexible Hose x 2
    • Blade x 4
    • Bolts x 4
    • Metal Scrap x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Poison Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

Shock Mods

<h3=>Shock Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shock Mod


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I found that a piece of blade and some electricity is enough to stun one half-dead son of a bitch. All you have to do is use insulating tape to stick a battery and some wires to a shiv and… voila! – We’ve got a fancy toy.
In Dead Island, the mod is given by John Sinamoi upon finishing the main quest Black Hawk Down.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located inside the Ocean View Bungalows Dead Zone in Halai Village.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shock Mod

    • Sickle
    • Katana
    • Machete
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Wakizashi
    • Tanto
    • Katana
    • Cane Knife
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Exotic Cane Knife
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Viking of the South
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Meat Mallet (Riptide)
    • Flanged Mace (Riptide)
    • Exotic Mace (Riptide)
    • Claws (Riptide)
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Police Baton (Riptide)
    • Metal Baton (Riptide)
    • Heavy Baton (Riptide)

    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>High Voltage Mod</h3=>

Main article: High Voltage Mod


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As my papa used to say — the only thing better than a battery are two batteries. And two batteries fastened to a solid blade should give quite a shock to any living corpse. Tried and tested!.
In Dead Island, the mod is found in the pump station in Moresby city.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod can be obtained inside the Japanese Tunnels.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

High Voltage Mod

    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Axe
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Tanto
    • Cane Knife
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Exotic Cane Knife
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Viking of the South
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Claws (Riptide)
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Police Baton (Riptide)
    • Metal Baton (Riptide)
    • Heavy Baton (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Exotic Mace (Riptide)

    • Duct Tape x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Battery x 3
    • Electronic Scrap x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Phone x 2 (Riptide)


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 33%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Short-Circuit Mod</h3=>

Main article: Short-Circuit Mod


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A High dose of electricity running through a well sharpened piece of metal is — as it turns out — a fucking good way to give those dumb fucks a serious reason for epileptic dance routines. Follow the instructions below and you won’t regret it…
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Tim as a reward for finishing his side quest Judgement Day.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in a shop in Henderson just after going over the footbridge from the Bank of Henderson. The mod is the top shelf behind the counter in a shop to the right.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Short-Circuit Mod

    • Axe
    • Banisher
    • Bushmaster
    • Cane Knife
    • Eviscerator
    • Katana
    • Kukri
    • Machete
    • Sickle
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Tanto
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Viking of the South
    • Wakizashi
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Police Baton (Riptide)
    • Metal Baton (Riptide)
    • Heavy Baton (Riptide)
    • Cudgel (Riptide)
    • Heavy Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Exotic Mace (Riptide)

    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Magnet x 2
    • Wire x 3


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 4%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 15%
    • DeathEffect (1)

<h3=>Old Smoky Mod</h3=>

Main article: Old Smoky Mod


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I figured out a way to administer to those rotting crazies a dose of electrocution they will not soon forget… If they’re capable of remembering anything in the first place. I made a list of several required elements; all you need to do is put them together with a sound machete and you’ll get really awesome spark-crackling shiv!
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Nick as a reward for completing his side quest Spy Game.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found inside the Joel Chubalba’s Motel Dead Zone.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Old Smoky Mod

    • Machete (Dead Island)
    • Tijuana Machete (Dead Island)
    • Bushmaster (Dead Island)
    • Axe (Riptide)
    • Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Flanged Mace (Riptide)
    • Golf Club (Riptide)
    • Cudgel (Riptide)
    • Heavy Morning Star (Riptide)
    • Mace (Riptide)
    • Exotic Mace (Riptide)

    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • LP4000 Battery
    • Magnet x 2
    • Belt x 2
    • Blade x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 6% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 7% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 50%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 20%
    • DeathEffect (0)

<h3=>Bodily Harm Mod</h3=>

Main article: Bodily Harm Mod


Edit This Mod

Provided you manage to combine everything as shown in the instruction you will receive a homemade electric club, which makes it a better model when compared to its commercial version, as it comes equipped with additional features. First you need to find a piece of wooden rod and then follow the description below. Good luck.
In Dead Island, the mod is located in the Laboratory, in the warehouse where the fuses are found during the main quest Power Slaves. The mod is on one of the desks in the room.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the main building at Oil Storage in the Flooded jungle.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Bodily Harm Mod

    • Tonfa
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Phone x 2
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Nails x 2
    • Clamp x 2


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Damage + 41%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Bluntly Shocked Mod</h3=>

Main article: Bluntly Shocked Mod


Edit This Mod

This is a truly epic version of the electric club. It crushes, squashes, wounds and, on top of that, causes convulsions. It’s simply a magic club like the ones you see in some fantasy movies, only real. Necessity is the mother of invention, right?
In Dead Island, the mod is unlocked upon completing the Ryder White’s Campaign DLC.
In the Dead Island Definitive Collection, the mod is automatically given to the player at the start of the game.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located at the top of the stairs to the left of the entrance to The Fort of Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Bluntly Shocked Mod

    • Heavy Morning Star
    • Barbed Wire x 2
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Electronic Scrap x 2
    • Large Battery x 2
    • LP4000 Battery
    • Magnet x 2
    • Wire x 3


    • Damage + 5%
    • Shock Effect Rank 5
    • Critical Chance + 10%
    • Critical Damage + 75%
    • Critical Duration + 500%

<h3=>Electrotherapy Mod</h3=>

Main article: Electrotherapy Mod


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Enhance your ability to incapacitate your enemies with electricity.
Received from Damien for completing his side quest Memories.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Electrotherapy Mod

    • Axe
    • Cane Knife
    • Machete
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Katana
    • Wakizashi
    • Tanto
    • Sickle
    • Capacitor x 1
    • Electric Coil x 1
    • Spark Gap x 1


    • Shock Effect Rank 4
    • Critical Chance + 5%

Area of Effect Mods

<h3=>Electric Storm Mod</h3=>

Main article: Electric Storm Mod


Edit This Mod

Create a powerful weapon capable of killing multiple enemies at once.
On a shelf next to the entrance to the Henderson Military Base.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Electric Storm Mod

    • Axe
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Machete
    • Sickle
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Wakizashi
    • Tanto
    • Cane Knife
    • Katana
    • Exotic Cane Knife
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator

    • Duct Tape x 4
    • Wire x 4
    • Battery x 4


    • Shock Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%

<h3=>Liquid Fire Mod</h3=>

Main article: Liquid Fire Mod


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Turn your enemies into porridge!
During the main quest Where the Dead Live, it is found inside the Dead Zone where the player must retrieve the toolbox. It is resting on a metal shelf next to one of the Secret Files.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Liquid Fire Mod

    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Cudgel
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Home Run
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Shovel
    • Shillelagh
    • Chinese War Sword
    • Golf Club
    • Mace
    • Staff
    • Wrench
    • Morning Star
    • Heavy Morning Star

    • Lighter x 2
    • Steel Rod x 2
    • Clamp x 1
    • Belt x 1
    • Large Battery x 1
    • Metal Scrap x 1


    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 3%

<h3=>Inferno Mod</h3=>

Main article: Inferno Mod


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Become a lord of hellfire and send your enemies to perdition.
The mod is sold by Alex in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Inferno Mod

    • Police Baton
    • Metal Baton
    • Heavy Baton
    • Baseball Bat
    • Big Baseball Bat
    • Metal Baseball Bat
    • Stick
    • Wooden Baton
    • Tonfa
    • Cudgel
    • Exotic Mace
    • Kanabo
    • Metal Kanabo
    • Blunt Speaker
    • Home Run
    • Bouncer’s Pal
    • Shovel
    • Shillelagh
    • Chinese War Sword
    • Golf Club
    • Staff
    • Wrench
    • Morning Star
    • Heavy Morning Star

    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Soap x 3
    • Belt x 3
    • Large Battery x 3
    • Metal Scrap x 3


    • Damage + 6%
    • Fire Effect Rank 3
    • Critical Chance + 8%
    • Critical Duration + 400%
    • Critical Damage + 1%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Lightning Storm Mod</h3=>

Main article: Lightning Storm Mod


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This modification creates a powerful electric field around your weapon. Each blow can cause damage to multiple enemies.
The mod is found inside the Chief Smuggler’s room near the end of the Japanese Tunnels.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Lightning Storm Mod

    • Axe
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Tanto
    • Cane Knife
    • Exotic Cane Knife
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator
    • Bronze Knuckles

    • Lighter x 2
    • Steel Rod x 2
    • Clamp x 1
    • Belt x 1
    • Large Battery x 1
    • Metal Scrap x1


    • Shock Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 5%

<h3=>Shockwave Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shockwave Mod


Edit This Mod

Want to kill more than one enemy with one hit? Then try this recipe.
The mod is found in a warehouse opposite the ferry terminal at the Pinai Ferry Station.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shockwave Mod

    • Axe
    • Sugar Cane Knife
    • Tijuana Machete
    • Sickle
    • Machete
    • Two-Handed Axe
    • Wakizashi
    • Katana
    • Tanto
    • Cane Knife
    • Exotic Cane Knife
    • Zed’s Demise
    • Viking of the South
    • Bushmaster
    • Banisher
    • Eviscerator

    • Battery x 3
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3


    • Shock Effect Rank 2
    • Critical Chance + 10%

<h3=>Solar Flare Mod</h3=>

Main article: Solar Flare Mod


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Don’t look directly into the sun!
At the end of the alleyway just south of the Motel «Safe Haven» Dead Zone in the south west of Henderson
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Solar Flare Mod

    • Shillelagh
    • Duct Tape x 3
    • Wire x 3
    • Deodorant x 1
    • Belt x 2
    • Large Battery x 2
    • Metal Scrap x2


    • ???

Firearm Mods

Explosive Mods

<h3=>Pride Gun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Pride Gun Mod


Edit This Mod

Follow my method and you can turn your gun into something even more explosive. Just try not to make any mistakes while putting it together, as it may be the last mistake you ever make.
In Dead Island, the mod is given as a quest reward by Tim for completing his side quest Matter of Justice.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is sold by Alex after rescuing him in his side quest Rescue Alex.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Pride Gun Mod

    • Pistol
    • Heavy Pistol
    • McCall’s 9mm
    • Deodorant x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Gas for Lighter x 2


    • Damage + 1%
    • Impact Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 2%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 100%

<h3=>Pride Rifle Mod</h3=>

Main article: Pride Rifle Mod


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«If you carefully follow the instructions provided below you will be able to turn your rifle into an ass kicking tool!»
In Dead Island, the mod is found in the Mingende Jungle, in a small Jungle Mugger hideout at one end of the gully under the bridge where Otha Cantu is found for her side quest Bridge Too Far. There is a collection of tents and the mod is found next to one of them, where the campfire is found.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the Catacombs of The Fort of Henderson in Henderson during the main quest The Crash, in a storeroom with a Workbench.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Pride Rifle Mod

    • Single Shot Rifle
    • Burst Rifle
    • Auto Rifle
    • Defender of the Motherland
    • Deodorant x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Gas for Lighter x 2


    • Damage + 1%
    • Impact Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 100%

<h3=>Pride Shotgun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Pride Shotgun Mod


Edit This Mod

«If you want to make your shotgun even more effective, carefully read the instructions I prepared below.»
In Dead Island, the mod is found at the Town Hall in Moresby upon returning to it during the main quest Bitter Return, after visiting the Supermarket. The mod is found in the courtyard of the Town Hall on a knocked over podium.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in the Japanese Tunnels on the lower levels, next to some toxic chemical barrels and a Wrestler corpse.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Pride Shotgun Mod

    • Shotgun
    • Short Shotgun
    • Crowd Pleaser
    • Deodorant x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Wire x 2
    • Gas for Lighter x 2


    • Damage + 1%
    • Impact Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Physics Damage + 100%

Fire Mods

<h3=>Striker Gun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Striker Gun Mod


Edit This Mod

«The instruction below turns a handgun into a small flame-thrower… or something of the like. In any case, if you put enough effort into creating it you’ll be able to set fire to the marauder you meet. Good luck!»
In Dead Island, the mod is found in the Supermarket in the warehouse at the back of the shop, where you must fight Wolf and Zipper. In the far left corner of the room is a stack of wooden boxes and the mod is located on them.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found inside the Dead Zone George Serero’s Apartment in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Striker Gun Mod

    • Pistol
    • Heavy Pistol
    • McCall’s 9mm
    • Nail Gun (Riptide)
    • Gas for Lighter x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Glue x 2
    • Bleach x 2


    • Damage + 3%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 2%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Striker Rifle Mod</h3=>

Main article: Striker Rifle Mod


Edit This Mod

«If you want to experience truly blazing fun with your rifle, take advantage of my idea. Step by step you’ll turn your gun into a portable dragon.»
In Dead Island, the mod can be found in the Prison in Cell Block A during the side quest Locked Armory. The mod is found inside the armory on a table.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in a shop in Henderson south of the Villa Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Striker Rifle Mod

    • Single Shot Rifle
    • Burst Rifle
    • Auto Rifle
    • Defender of the Motherland
    • Nail Gun (Riptide)
    • Gas for Lighter x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Glue x 2
    • Bleach x 2


    • Damage + 2%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Striker Shotgun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Striker Shotgun Mod


Edit This Mod

«The method I developed can make a specifically-tweaked shotgun simply spit fire! Follow the instructions and check out the invention in actionyourself.»
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Sam at Sam’s Bunker in the Mingende Jungle for completing his side quest A Wounded Crank.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found inside the Catacombs of The Fort of Henderson during the main quest The Crash. The mod is in the first room entered in the catacombs.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Striker Shotgun Mod

    • Shotgun
    • Short Shotgun
    • Crowd Pleaser
    • Gas for Lighter x2
    • Metal Scrap x2
    • Glue x2
    • Bleach x2


    • Damage + 2%
    • Fire Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

Poison Mods

<h3=>Detox Gun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Detox Gun Mod


Edit This Mod

«A gun that can poison the enemy? I worked out a way to achieve that and tested its effectiveness. You’ll find the detailed recipe below. If you get it to work, you will gain a truly useful weapon.»
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Lachance at the Laboratory as a reward for completing his side quest Insect Repellent.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in Henderson in an upper balcony accessible by a ladder just south of the Villa Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Detox Gun Mod

    • Pistol
    • Heavy Pistol
    • McCall’s 9mm
    • Oleander x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach x 2
    • Flexible Hose


    • Damage + 3%
    • Poison Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 2%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Detox Rifle Mod</h3=>

Main article: Detox Rifle Mod


Edit This Mod

«A highly poisonous plant and a couple of ingredients will turn your rifle in the modern equivalent of a bow that fires poisonous arrows. Follow my instructions for a very effective weapon.»
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Amanda in the Overpass Camp for completing her side Quest Show Must Go On.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is sold by Alex in Henderson after completing his rescue quest Rescue Alex.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Detox Rifle Mod

    • Single Shot Rifle
    • Burst Rifle
    • Auto Rifle
    • Defender of the Motherland
    • Oleander x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach x 2
    • Flexible Hose


    • Damage + 2%
    • Poison Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Detox Shotgun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Detox Shotgun Mod


Edit This Mod

«Below you’ll find the instructions to my new invention: a shotgun that will poison every son of a bitch who catches one bit of buckshot. While they’re puking their guts out, you can reload.»
In Dead Island, the mod is found inside of Dr. Nguyen’s bungalow at the Laboratory during his side quest Where is my Pineapple?, on an overturned armchair.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is sold by Alex in Henderson after completing his rescue quest Rescue Alex.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Detox Shotgun Mod

    • Shotgun
    • Short Shotgun
    • Crowd Pleaser
    • Oleander x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach x 2
    • Flexible Hose


    • Damage + 2%
    • Poison Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

Shock Mods

<h3=>Shock Gun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shock Gun Mod


Edit This Mod

This gun will stupefy every undead out there when you test its improved effect on them. It will literally strike them with electricity. The recipe below is, in all, pretty simple, — check it out yourself and give it a try.
In Dead Island, the mod found on a shelf near a workbench in the Sewers, right before the entrance to Town Hall.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in a medical tent at the Henderson Military Base in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shock Gun Mod

    • Pistol
    • McCall’s 9mm
    • Heavy Pistol
    • Harpoon (Riptide)
    • Nail Gun (Riptide)
    • Battery x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Magnet x 2


    • Damage + 3%
    • Shock Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 2%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Shock Rifle Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shock Rifle Mod


Edit This Mod

I made something up that I don’t have a name for yet… maybe an electric rifle? I don’t know about that… But getting to the point — a weapon modified this way is capable of electrocuting in addition to dealing the usual damage. I strongly advise to make use of it if you want to deal with the zombie plague more effectively.
In Dead Island, the mod is given out by Will at the Laboratory for completing the side quest Power Slaves.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is found in Henderson Military Base in Henderson, on a raised wooden platform.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shock Rifle Mod

    • Single Shot Rifle
    • Burst Rifle
    • Auto Rifle
    • Defender of the Motherland
    • Harpoon (Riptide)
    • Battery x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Magnet x 2


    • Damage + 2%
    • Shock Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1%
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%

<h3=>Shock Shotgun Mod</h3=>

Main article: Shock Shotgun Mod


Edit This Mod

Read the below instructions carefully, they will teach you how to make your gun not only spread clouds of pellets but also electrocute those who stand in your way. There’s no need to thank me…
In Dead Island, the mod can be found on a shelf just after entering the gun shop for the side quest A Tough Nut to Crack.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod can be found inside the café at the Villa Henderson in Henderson.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shock Shotgun Mod

    • Shotgun
    • Short Shotgun
    • Crowd Pleaser
    • Battery x 2
    • Metal Scrap x 2 (Dead Island)
    • Electronic Scrap x 2 (Riptide)
    • Magnet x 2


    • Damage + 2%
    • Shock Effect Rank 1
    • Critical Chance + 1% (Dead Island)
    • Critical Chance + 3% (Riptide)
    • Critical Damage + 25%
    • Critical Duration + 500%
    • Propagate Prob + 10%


Pistol Ammo

Main article: Pistol Ammo


Edit This Mod

Below I wrote down a relatively easy way to create pistol ammo. It really requires little effort and the effect is more than worth it.
In Dead Island, the blueprint is located in the cells control room of the Police Station, on a table next to the Workbench
In Dead Island: Riptide, the blueprint is location at the Pinai Ferry Station inside a wrecked car, next to the warehouse that Jayden is located inside.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Pistol Ammo

    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach


    • +10 Pistol Ammo

Rifle Ammo

Main article: Rifle Ammo


Edit This Mod

I would like to share the knowledge I gained years ago and that unfortunately may have vital application under the current circumstances. The notes you will find below will allow you to crate rifle rounds. I’m aware that you probably won’t find much of it on the island but still…
In Dead Island, the mod is given by Claire at the Overpass Camp as a reward for completing her side quest Little Prince.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is on a table in the comms centre of the Henderson Military Base, the room where the radio is located that allows you to contact Frank Serpo at the end of the main quest Militarized Zone.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Rifle Ammo

    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach


    • +15 Rifle Ammo

Shotgun Ammo

Main article: Shotgun Ammo


Edit This Mod

Manufacture your own shotgun ammo using the guidelines I provide. It’s simple, and under the current circumstances, undoubtedly necessary.
In Dead Island, the blueprint is found in upper floor of the Police Station in what appears to be the Records room, on top of a shelf in the middle of the room.
In Dead Island: Riptide, the mod is located in the armoury of the Henderson Military Base that opens up after contacting Frank Serpo during the main quest Militarized Zone. The armoury only opens up after completing this part of the quest.
Blueprint Base Item Needed Required Material Cost Stats

Shotgun Ammo

    • Metal Scrap x 2
    • Bleach


    • +5 Shotgun Ammo

Thrown Mods

Mods/Thrown Mods

Mods/Developer’s Craft Mods

Хардкорный мод для Dead Island (Основано на «DeadIsland STARVING ZOMBIES Multiplayer» «the D A Y of R E C K O N I N G») | Dead Island моды

Хардкорный мод для Dead Island (Основано на «DeadIsland STARVING ZOMBIES Multiplayer» «the D A Y of R E C K O N I N G»)

Требуемая версия игры 1.3.0

Все моды загружены с сайта www.moddb.com

Что изменяет данная сборка модов?

Самое главное геймплейное нововведение! Есть демонстрационное видео на странице мода!

Dead Island — Left 4 Dead Island / 28 Days Later | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Left 4 Dead Island / 28 Days Later

Этот мод для Dead Island внесет некоторые изменения в игру:

* Amputator-Tots: ампутирует или ломает конечности.
* Decapitator-Tots: При попадании зомби в голову она взрывается.
* No Taunts — …

Dead Island — Amputator-Tots | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Amputator-Tots

Amputator-Tots MOD — модификация для Dead island которая позволит вам ломать/отрубать конечности любым оружием в игре. Если вы в душе мясник, и вас забавляет такое зрелище — эта модификация для Вас …

Dead Island — Новые текстуры зомби | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Новые текстуры зомби

Это новые текстуры зомби для Dead Island — более четкие и высокого разрешения.


Извлеките архив с текстурами в любую папку
Запустите Texmod и кликните по иконке с папкой в левом …

Dead Island — Редактор сохранений | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Редактор сохранений

Эта программа позволит вам редактировать свои сохранения в игре DeadIsland. Если вы застряли на какой то части, или просто потеряли свое сохранение — эта программа вам поможет. Ну или если …

Dead Island — HD текстуры дорог и тропинок | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — HD текстуры дорог и тропинок

Текстуры для Dead island заменяющие стандартный вид дорог и тропинок на более реалистичный.


Извлеките архив с текстурами в папку
Запустите Texmod и кликните по иконке с папкой …

Dead island — HD текстуры | Dead Island моды

Dead island — HD текстуры

Новые HD текстуры для Dead island — изменению подверглись некоторые объекты 1го острова: крыши домов, деревья, песок, дороги, камни и т.п.


Извлеките архив с текстурами в папку

Dead Island — Больше крови! | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Больше крови!

Вам не достает крови в игре? Этот мод исправит это недоразумение! Теперь количество крови в игре будет увеличено в несколько раз. Больше крови — больше фана ;)

Установка: Поместите файл …

Dead Island — Реализм мод (выстрел в голову — смерть) | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Реализм мод (выстрел в голову — смерть)

Этот мод делает игру Dead Island чуть-чуть более реалистичной, после его установки для того что бы убить врага будет достаточно 1 раз выстрелить ему в голову. Это вполне логично — не ясно почему …

Dead Island — Сборник модов | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — Сборник модов

Данный мод вносит в игру Dead island множество изменений. Это своего рода чит-мод, ведь если его под настроить можно сделать все что угодно. Но и в стандартной конфигурации мод делает игру dead …

Dead island: Bloodbath Arena запуск дополнения | Dead Island моды

Dead island: Bloodbath Arena запуск дополнения

Первое дополнение для Dead island: Bloodbath Arena  будет доступно для всех уже в ближайшее время, и стоить будет  $10.00 или 800 Microsoft Points. Но для всех тех кто покупал игру по предзаказу оно …

Dead island — Мод изменяющий характеристики оружия | Dead Island моды

Dead island — Мод изменяющий характеристики оружия

Данный мод заменит практически все характеристики оружия.

Особенности мода:

-Бесконечный срок службы всего оружия.
— Супер быстрая скорость стрельбы из всех орудий
— Бесконечные патроны для …

Dead Island — увеличиваем количество стакающихся предметов | Dead Island моды

Dead Island — увеличиваем количество стакающихся предметов

Этот мод поможет вам увеличить вместимость инвентаря в Dead Island. После его установки максимальное количество предметов в 1 ячейке будет равно 9999.

Инструкция по установке мода:

1. Перейдите …

Несмотря на немного проблемный релиз, у Dead Island быстро появились легионы фанатов, главное удовольствие которых — сносить зомби головы в открытом игровом мире острова. Нам это тоже нравится. Спустя лишь недолгое время после выхода игра вошла в пятерку самых продаваемых в Steam и быстро получила впечатляющее количество модификаций.

Отчасти это было связано с тем, что процесс моддинга здесь достаточно простой, а отчасти – с тем, что на момент выхода игра была не до конца доработана. Нужно просто открыть PAK-файлы в WinRAR и изменить в блокноте определенные настройки на свой вкус. Благодаря такой простоте появились моды с самыми разнообразными эффектами – от отваливающихся при каждом попадании конечностей зомби до изменения игры до такой степени, что она стала больше похожа на Crysis.

Для начала неплохо сделать резервную копию своего профиля Dead Island и сохраненных игр. По умолчанию они находятся в C:Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata91310remoteoutprofile sdefault.pro и C:Program Files (x86)Steamuserdata91310remoteoutsavesav_0.sav. По всей видимости, игра разрабатывалась с учетом перспектив моддинга, так что с этого момента остается только разместить необходимые файлы в C:UsersDocumentsDeadIslandout. Но если вам лень делать всю черновую работу, для включения и выключения модификаций можно воспользоваться Dead Island Helper.

Есть один нюанс – если вы будете играть с модами на сервере с VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat), вас могут забанить. Поэтому убедитесь, что VAC выключен в настройках игры у вас и у всех, с кем вы играете.

Теперь можно смело открывать свою папку Dead Island и приступать к моддингу.

Still Alive Parkour

Этот Still Alive — скорее, отсылка к моду из Mirros’s Edge, а не одноименной песне для Portal. Как вы можете предположить из названия, он добавляет бег, прыжки, регенерацию здоровья и сбивание с ног нападающих врагов. В сущности Still Alive превращает Dead Island в гонки от первого лица с ногами вместо колес, как Mirror’s Edge, так что вам придется научиться работать газом и тормозом, не падая со скал.

Улучшенные текстуры

Старый добрый Benjamin318 (Неужели родители правда так его назвали? Он что, 318-й в серии Бенджаминов?) улучшил грязноватые текстуры Dead Island до более высокого разрешения. По его словам, это не HD-текстуры, но они все равно гораздо лучше оригинала. А еще он не может понять «ПОЧЕМУ ВСЕ ВЫГЛЯДИТ ТАКИМ ИЗНОШЕННЫМ И СТАРЫМ?»



Соединительная ткань зомби всегда выглядит слишком прочной для тех, кто был долгое время мертв. К счастью, с этой модификацией у зомби при соответствующих попаданиях будут отрываться конечности. Как было бы в реальной жизни.



Этот мод портирует любимый многими красивый, но поверхностный научно-фантастический военный шутер в Dead Island. Он превращает персонажа игрока в чуть полноватого монохромного Человека-паука из Crysis, не забыв о способностях бросать врагов на безумные расстояния и ломать их пополам голыми руками.


George Romero

Фильм Джорджа Ромеро 1968 года «Ночь живых мертвецов» во многом задал канон и атмосферу современных произведений про зомби. Если вы хотите стать нежитью, то его просмотр входит в обязательную программу. Мод George Romero пытается воссоздать правила живых мертвецов на острове мертвых, так что вам предстоит столкнуться с медленными, хромающими зомби, которых можно убить только выстрелом в голову.


Fists of Rage

Этот забавный мод для рукопашного боя изменяет параметры физики. Он дарит вам быстрые и безжалостные руки, удары которых могут отправить зомби в полет через весь уровень.


Dawn of the Dead Island

Так же, как и мод Ромеро, Dawn of the Dead Island добавляет реализма и делает игру «больше похожей на Stalker в плане геймплея». Уровней больше нет, главное – просто выжить под напором зомби. Они здесь тоже более медлительные, но все равно смертельно опасны, а еще мод добавляет множество улучшений игры и персонажей.


Director’s Cut

Первая версия этой модификации была направлена на переработку баланса боя, деревьев навыков и снаряжения для лучшего темпа игры и большей точности стрельбы в голову. С тех пор каждое обновление слегка шлифует и без того великолепную модификацию.


Таков наш выбор, но модификаций для игры еще великое множество! Предлагайте свои любимые в комментариях!

Источник: www.pcgamer.com

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