Как найти нод при помощи алгоритма евклида

Как найти НОД двух чисел по алгоритму Евклида


  • Что такое алгоритм Евклида
  • Понятие НОД
  • Основная суть алгоритма Евклида

    • Последовательность нахождения НОД при помощи деления:
    • Последовательность нахождения НОД при помощи вычитания:
  • Примеры решения задач с алгоритмом Евклида

Что такое алгоритм Евклида

Алгоритм Евклида — один из наиболее ранних численных алгоритмов в истории. Название было дано в честь греческого математика Евклида, который впервые дал ему описание в книгах «Начала». Изначально назывался «взаимным вычитанием», так как его принцип заключался в последовательном вычитании из большего числа меньшего, пока в результате не получится ноль. Сегодня чаще используется взятие остатка от деления вместо вычитания, но суть метода сохранилась.

Алгоритм Евклида — это алгоритм, основная функция которого заключается в поиске наибольшего общего делителя (НОД) для двух целых чисел.

Простейшим случаем применения данного алгоритма является поиск наибольшего общего делителя для пары положительных целых чисел. Евклид, автор этого метода, предполагал его использование только для натуральных чисел и геометрических величин. Но позже алгоритм был обобщен и для других групп математических объектов, что привело к появлению такого понятия, как евклидово кольцо.

Осторожно! Если преподаватель обнаружит плагиат в работе, не избежать крупных проблем (вплоть до отчисления). Если нет возможности написать самому, закажите тут.

Понятие НОД

Аббревиатура НОД расшифровывается как «наибольший общий делитель».

Наибольший общий делитель — делитель, который делит без остатка два числа, при этом сам делится без остатка на любой другой делитель исходных двух чисел. То есть это самое большое число, на которое без остатка можно разделить пару чисел, для которых подбирается НОД.

Основная суть алгоритма Евклида

Суть алгоритма заключается в построении ряда следующего вида (при условии, что a больше b):

a, b, x1, x2, x3, … xn.

В нем каждое последующее число — это остаток от деления двух предыдущих, ряд заканчивается, когда остаток от деления становится равным 0 — при условии использования деления.

В нем каждое последующее число является результатом вычитания двух предыдущих, ряд заканчивается, когда частное становится равным 0 — при условии использования вычитания.

Последовательность нахождения НОД при помощи деления:

  1. Большее число делится на меньшее.
  2. Если результат деления:
  • без остатка, то меньшее число и есть НОД;
  • с остатком, тогда большее число заменяется на остаток.
  1. Переход к пункту 1.

Пример №1

60 / 36 = 1 (остаток 24)

36 / 24 = 1 (остаток 12)

24 / 12 = 2 (остаток 0)

НОД для 60 и 36 равен 12 (делитель).

Последовательность нахождения НОД при помощи вычитания:

  1. Из большего числа вычитается меньшее.
  2. Если результат вычитания:
  • равен 0, то числа равны друг другу и являются НОД;
  • не равен 0, в таком случае большее число заменяется на результат вычитания.
  1. Переход к пункту 1.

Пример №2

60 — 36 = 24

36 — 24 = 12

24 — 12 = 12

12 — 12 = 0

НОД для 60 и 36 равен 12 (уменьшаемое, вычитаемое)

Примеры решения задач с алгоритмом Евклида

Задача №1

Найти наибольший общий делитель для чисел 128 и 96.


128 — 96 = 32

96 — 32 = 64

64 — 32 = 32

32 — 32 = 0


128 / 96 = 1 (остаток 32)

96 / 32 = 3

Ответ: 32

Задача №2

Найти наибольший общий делитель для чисел 37 и 17.


37 / 17 = 2 (остаток 3)

17 / 3 = 5 (остаток 2)

3 / 2 = 1 (остаток 1)

2 / 1 = 2 (остаток 0)


37 — 17= 20

20 — 17 = 3

17 — 3 = 14

14 — 3 = 11

11 — 3 = 8

8 — 3 = 5

5 — 3 = 2

3 — 2 = 1

2 — 1 = 1

1 — 1 = 0

Числа 37 и 17 являются простыми, соответственно, их НОД — единица. Совет: перед вычислениями проверяйте таблицу простых чисел.

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This article is about an algorithm for the greatest common divisor. For the mathematics of space, see Euclidean geometry. For other uses of «Euclidean», see Euclidean (disambiguation).

Euclid’s method for finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two starting lengths BA and DC, both defined to be multiples of a common «unit» length. The length DC being shorter, it is used to «measure» BA, but only once because the remainder EA is less than DC. EA now measures (twice) the shorter length DC, with remainder FC shorter than EA. Then FC measures (three times) length EA. Because there is no remainder, the process ends with FC being the GCD. On the right Nicomachus’s example with numbers 49 and 21 resulting in their GCD of 7 (derived from Heath 1908:300).

In mathematics, the Euclidean algorithm,[note 1] or Euclid’s algorithm, is an efficient method for computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers (numbers), the largest number that divides them both without a remainder. It is named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, who first described it in his Elements (c. 300 BC).
It is an example of an algorithm, a step-by-step procedure for performing a calculation according to well-defined rules,
and is one of the oldest algorithms in common use. It can be used to reduce fractions to their simplest form, and is a part of many other number-theoretic and cryptographic calculations.

The Euclidean algorithm is based on the principle that the greatest common divisor of two numbers does not change if the larger number is replaced by its difference with the smaller number. For example, 21 is the GCD of 252 and 105 (as 252 = 21 × 12 and 105 = 21 × 5), and the same number 21 is also the GCD of 105 and 252 − 105 = 147. Since this replacement reduces the larger of the two numbers, repeating this process gives successively smaller pairs of numbers until the two numbers become equal. When that occurs, they are the GCD of the original two numbers. By reversing the steps or using the extended Euclidean algorithm, the GCD can be expressed as a linear combination of the two original numbers, that is the sum of the two numbers, each multiplied by an integer (for example, 21 = 5 × 105 + (−2) × 252). The fact that the GCD can always be expressed in this way is known as Bézout’s identity.

The version of the Euclidean algorithm described above (and by Euclid) can take many subtraction steps to find the GCD when one of the given numbers is much bigger than the other. A more efficient version of the algorithm shortcuts these steps, instead replacing the larger of the two numbers by its remainder when divided by the smaller of the two (with this version, the algorithm stops when reaching a zero remainder). With this improvement, the algorithm never requires more steps than five times the number of digits (base 10) of the smaller integer. This was proven by Gabriel Lamé in 1844 (Lamé’s Theorem),[1][2] and marks the beginning of computational complexity theory. Additional methods for improving the algorithm’s efficiency were developed in the 20th century.

The Euclidean algorithm has many theoretical and practical applications. It is used for reducing fractions to their simplest form and for performing division in modular arithmetic. Computations using this algorithm form part of the cryptographic protocols that are used to secure internet communications, and in methods for breaking these cryptosystems by factoring large composite numbers. The Euclidean algorithm may be used to solve Diophantine equations, such as finding numbers that satisfy multiple congruences according to the Chinese remainder theorem, to construct continued fractions, and to find accurate rational approximations to real numbers. Finally, it can be used as a basic tool for proving theorems in number theory such as Lagrange’s four-square theorem and the uniqueness of prime factorizations.

The original algorithm was described only for natural numbers and geometric lengths (real numbers), but the algorithm was generalized in the 19th century to other types of numbers, such as Gaussian integers and polynomials of one variable. This led to modern abstract algebraic notions such as Euclidean domains.

Background: greatest common divisor[edit]

The Euclidean algorithm calculates the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two natural numbers a and b. The greatest common divisor g is the largest natural number that divides both a and b without leaving a remainder. Synonyms for GCD include greatest common factor (GCF), highest common factor (HCF), highest common divisor (HCD), and greatest common measure (GCM). The greatest common divisor is often written as gcd(ab) or, more simply, as (ab),[3] although the latter notation is ambiguous, also used for concepts such as an ideal in the ring of integers, which is closely related to GCD.

If gcd(ab) = 1, then a and b are said to be coprime (or relatively prime).[4] This property does not imply that a or b are themselves prime numbers.[5] For example, 6 and 35 factor as 6 = 2 × 3 and 35 = 5 × 7, so they are not prime, but their prime factors are different, so 6 and 35 are coprime, with no common factors other than 1.

"Tall, slender rectangle divided into a grid of squares. The rectangle is two squares wide and five squares tall."

A 24×60 rectangle is covered with ten 12×12 square tiles, where 12 is the GCD of 24 and 60. More generally, an a×b rectangle can be covered with square tiles of side-length c only if c is a common divisor of a and b.

Let g = gcd(ab). Since a and b are both multiples of g, they can be written a = mg and b = ng, and there is no larger number G > g for which this is true. The natural numbers m and n must be coprime, since any common factor could be factored out of m and n to make g greater. Thus, any other number c that divides both a and b must also divide g. The greatest common divisor g of a and b is the unique (positive) common divisor of a and b that is divisible by any other common divisor c.[6]

The greatest common divisor can be visualized as follows.[7] Consider a rectangular area a by b, and any common divisor c that divides both a and b exactly. The sides of the rectangle can be divided into segments of length c, which divides the rectangle into a grid of squares of side length c. The GCD g is the largest value of c for which this is possible. For illustration, a 24×60 rectangular area can be divided into a grid of: 1×1 squares, 2×2 squares, 3×3 squares, 4×4 squares, 6×6 squares or 12×12 squares. Therefore, 12 is the GCD of 24 and 60. A 24×60 rectangular area can be divided into a grid of 12×12 squares, with two squares along one edge (24/12 = 2) and five squares along the other (60/12 = 5).

The greatest common divisor of two numbers a and b is the product of the prime factors shared by the two numbers, where each prime factor can be repeated as many times as divides both a and b.[8] For example, since 1386 can be factored into 2 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 11, and 3213 can be factored into 3 × 3 × 3 × 7 × 17, the GCD of 1386 and 3213 equals 63 = 3 × 3 × 7, the product of their shared prime factors (with 3 repeated since 3 × 3 divides both). If two numbers have no common prime factors, their GCD is 1 (obtained here as an instance of the empty product), in other words they are coprime. A key advantage of the Euclidean algorithm is that it can find the GCD efficiently without having to compute the prime factors.[9][10] Factorization of large integers is believed to be a computationally very difficult problem, and the security of many widely used cryptographic protocols is based upon its infeasibility.[11]

Another definition of the GCD is helpful in advanced mathematics, particularly ring theory.[12] The greatest common divisor g  of two nonzero numbers a and b is also their smallest positive integral linear combination, that is, the smallest positive number of the form ua + vb where u and v are integers. The set of all integral linear combinations of a and b is actually the same as the set of all multiples of g (mg, where m is an integer). In modern mathematical language, the ideal generated by a and b is the ideal generated by g alone (an ideal generated by a single element is called a principal ideal, and all ideals of the integers are principal ideals). Some properties of the GCD are in fact easier to see with this description, for instance the fact that any common divisor of a and b also divides the GCD (it divides both terms of ua + vb). The equivalence of this GCD definition with the other definitions is described below.

The GCD of three or more numbers equals the product of the prime factors common to all the numbers,[13] but it can also be calculated by repeatedly taking the GCDs of pairs of numbers.[14] For example,

gcd(abc) = gcd(a, gcd(bc)) = gcd(gcd(ab), c) = gcd(gcd(ac), b).

Thus, Euclid’s algorithm, which computes the GCD of two integers, suffices to calculate the GCD of arbitrarily many integers.



The Euclidean algorithm proceeds in a series of steps, with the output of each step used as the input for the next. Track the steps using an integer counter k, so the initial step corresponds to k = 0, the next step to k = 1, and so on.

Each step begins with two nonnegative remainders rk−2 and rk−1, with rk−2 > rk−1. The kth step performs division-with-remainder to find the quotient qk and remainder rk so that:

{displaystyle r_{k-2}=q_{k}r_{k-1}+r_{k} {text{ with }} r_{k-1}>r_{k}geq 0.}

That is, multiples of the smaller number rk−1 are subtracted from the larger number rk−2 until the remainder rk is smaller than rk−1. Then the algorithm proceeds to the (k+1)th step starting with rk−1 and rk.

In the initial step k = 0, the remainders are set to r−2 = a and r−1 = b, the numbers for which the GCD is sought. In the next step k = 1, the remainders are r−1 = b and the remainder r0 of the initial step, and so on. The algorithm proceeds in a sequence of equations

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}a&=q_{0}b+r_{0}\b&=q_{1}r_{0}+r_{1}\r_{0}&=q_{2}r_{1}+r_{2}\r_{1}&=q_{3}r_{2}+r_{3}\&,,,vdots end{aligned}}}

The algorithm need not be modified if a < b: in that case, the initial quotient is q0 = 0, the first remainder is r0 = a, and henceforth rk−2 > rk−1 for all k ≥ 1.

Since the remainders are non-negative integers that decrease with every step, the sequence {displaystyle r_{-1}>r_{0}>r_{1}>r_{2}>cdots geq 0} cannot be infinite, so the algorithm must eventually fail to produce the next step; but the division algorithm can always proceed to the (N+1)th step provided rN > 0. Thus the algorithm must eventually produce a zero remainder rN = 0.[15] The final nonzero remainder is the greatest common divisor of a and b:

{displaystyle r_{N-1}=gcd(a,b).}

Proof of validity[edit]

The validity of the Euclidean algorithm can be proven by a two-step argument.[16] In the first step, the final nonzero remainder rN−1 is shown to divide both a and b. Since it is a common divisor, it must be less than or equal to the greatest common divisor g. In the second step, it is shown that any common divisor of a and b, including g, must divide rN−1; therefore, g must be less than or equal to rN−1. These two opposite inequalities imply rN−1 = g.

To demonstrate that rN−1 divides both a and b (the first step), rN−1 divides its predecessor rN−2

rN−2 = qN rN−1

since the final remainder rN is zero. rN−1 also divides its next predecessor rN−3

rN−3 = qN−1 rN−2 + rN−1

because it divides both terms on the right-hand side of the equation. Iterating the same argument, rN−1 divides all the preceding remainders, including a and b. None of the preceding remainders rN−2, rN−3, etc. divide a and b, since they leave a remainder. Since rN−1 is a common divisor of a and b, rN−1 ≤ g.

In the second step, any natural number c that divides both a and b (in other words, any common divisor of a and b) divides the remainders rk. By definition, a and b can be written as multiples of c : a = mc and b = nc, where m and n are natural numbers. Therefore, c divides the initial remainder r0, since r0 = a − q0b = mc − q0nc = (m − q0n)c. An analogous argument shows that c also divides the subsequent remainders r1, r2, etc. Therefore, the greatest common divisor g must divide rN−1, which implies that g ≤ rN−1. Since the first part of the argument showed the reverse (rN−1 ≤ g), it follows that g = rN−1. Thus, g is the greatest common divisor of all the succeeding pairs:[17][18]

g = gcd(a, b) = gcd(b, r0) = gcd(r0, r1) = … = gcd(rN−2, rN−1) = rN−1.

Worked example[edit]

Animation in which progressively smaller square tiles are added to cover a rectangle completely.

Subtraction-based animation of the Euclidean algorithm. The initial rectangle has dimensions a = 1071 and b = 462. Squares of size 462×462 are placed within it leaving a 462×147 rectangle. This rectangle is tiled with 147×147 squares until a 21×147 rectangle is left, which in turn is tiled with 21×21 squares, leaving no uncovered area. The smallest square size, 21, is the GCD of 1071 and 462.

For illustration, the Euclidean algorithm can be used to find the greatest common divisor of a = 1071 and b = 462. To begin, multiples of 462 are subtracted from 1071 until the remainder is less than 462. Two such multiples can be subtracted (q0 = 2), leaving a remainder of 147:

1071 = 2 × 462 + 147.

Then multiples of 147 are subtracted from 462 until the remainder is less than 147. Three multiples can be subtracted (q1 = 3), leaving a remainder of 21:

462 = 3 × 147 + 21.

Then multiples of 21 are subtracted from 147 until the remainder is less than 21. Seven multiples can be subtracted (q2 = 7), leaving no remainder:

147 = 7 × 21 + 0.

Since the last remainder is zero, the algorithm ends with 21 as the greatest common divisor of 1071 and 462. This agrees with the gcd(1071, 462) found by prime factorization above. In tabular form, the steps are:

Step k Equation Quotient and remainder
0 1071 = q0 462 + r0 q0 = 2 and r0 = 147
1 462 = q1 147 + r1 q1 = 3 and r1 = 21
2 147 = q2 21 + r2 q2 = 7 and r2 = 0; algorithm ends


The Euclidean algorithm can be visualized in terms of the tiling analogy given above for the greatest common divisor.[19] Assume that we wish to cover an a×b rectangle with square tiles exactly, where a is the larger of the two numbers. We first attempt to tile the rectangle using b×b square tiles; however, this leaves an r0×b residual rectangle untiled, where r0 < b. We then attempt to tile the residual rectangle with r0×r0 square tiles. This leaves a second residual rectangle r1×r0, which we attempt to tile using r1×r1 square tiles, and so on. The sequence ends when there is no residual rectangle, i.e., when the square tiles cover the previous residual rectangle exactly. The length of the sides of the smallest square tile is the GCD of the dimensions of the original rectangle. For example, the smallest square tile in the adjacent figure is 21×21 (shown in red), and 21 is the GCD of 1071 and 462, the dimensions of the original rectangle (shown in green).

Euclidean division[edit]

At every step k, the Euclidean algorithm computes a quotient qk and remainder rk from two numbers rk−1 and rk−2

rk−2 = qk rk−1 + rk

where the rk is non-negative and is strictly less than the absolute value of rk−1. The theorem which underlies the definition of the Euclidean division ensures that such a quotient and remainder always exist and are unique.[20]

In Euclid’s original version of the algorithm, the quotient and remainder are found by repeated subtraction; that is, rk−1 is subtracted from rk−2 repeatedly until the remainder rk is smaller than rk−1. After that rk and rk−1 are exchanged and the process is iterated. Euclidean division reduces all the steps between two exchanges into a single step, which is thus more efficient. Moreover, the quotients are not needed, thus one may replace Euclidean division by the modulo operation, which gives only the remainder. Thus the iteration of the Euclidean algorithm becomes simply

rk = rk−2 mod rk−1.


Implementations of the algorithm may be expressed in pseudocode. For example, the division-based version may be programmed as[21]

function gcd(a, b)
    while b ≠ 0
        t := b
        b := a mod b
        a := t
    return a

At the beginning of the kth iteration, the variable b holds the latest remainder rk−1, whereas the variable a holds its predecessor, rk−2. The step b := a mod b is equivalent to the above recursion formula rkrk−2 mod rk−1. The temporary variable t holds the value of rk−1 while the next remainder rk is being calculated. At the end of the loop iteration, the variable b holds the remainder rk, whereas the variable a holds its predecessor, rk−1.

(If negative inputs are allowed, or if the mod function may return negative values, the last line must be changed into return max(a, −a).)

In the subtraction-based version, which was Euclid’s original version, the remainder calculation (b := a mod b) is replaced by repeated subtraction.[22] Contrary to the division-based version, which works with arbitrary integers as input, the subtraction-based version supposes that the input consists of positive integers and stops when a = b:

function gcd(a, b)
    while a ≠ b 
        if a > b
            a := a − b
            b := b − a
    return a

The variables a and b alternate holding the previous remainders rk−1 and rk−2. Assume that a is larger than b at the beginning of an iteration; then a equals rk−2, since rk−2 > rk−1. During the loop iteration, a is reduced by multiples of the previous remainder b until a is smaller than b. Then a is the next remainder rk. Then b is reduced by multiples of a until it is again smaller than a, giving the next remainder rk+1, and so on.

The recursive version[23] is based on the equality of the GCDs of successive remainders and the stopping condition gcd(rN−1, 0) = rN−1.

function gcd(a, b)
    if b = 0
        return a
        return gcd(b, a mod b)

(As above, if negative inputs are allowed, or if the mod function may return negative values, the instruction «return a» must be changed into «return max(a, −a)».)

For illustration, the gcd(1071, 462) is calculated from the equivalent gcd(462, 1071 mod 462) = gcd(462, 147). The latter GCD is calculated from the gcd(147, 462 mod 147) = gcd(147, 21), which in turn is calculated from the gcd(21, 147 mod 21) = gcd(21, 0) = 21.

Method of least absolute remainders[edit]

In another version of Euclid’s algorithm, the quotient at each step is increased by one if the resulting negative remainder is smaller in magnitude than the typical positive remainder.[24][25] Previously, the equation

rk−2 = qk rk−1 + rk

assumed that |rk−1| > rk > 0. However, an alternative negative remainder ek can be computed:

rk−2 = (qk + 1) rk−1 + ek

if rk−1 > 0 or

rk−2 = (qk − 1) rk−1 + ek

if rk−1 < 0.

If rk is replaced by ek. when |ek| < |rk|, then one gets a variant of Euclidean algorithm such that

|rk| ≤ |rk−1| / 2

at each step.

Leopold Kronecker has shown that this version requires the fewest steps of any version of Euclid’s algorithm.[24][25] More generally, it has been proven that, for every input numbers a and b, the number of steps is minimal if and only if qk is chosen in order that left|{frac {r_{k+1}}{r_{k}}}right|<{frac {1}{varphi }}sim 0.618, where varphi is the golden ratio.[26]

Historical development[edit]

"Depiction of Euclid as a bearded man holding a pair of dividers to a tablet."

The Euclidean algorithm was probably invented before Euclid, depicted here holding a compass in a painting of about 1474.

The Euclidean algorithm is one of the oldest algorithms in common use.[27] It appears in Euclid’s Elements (c. 300 BC), specifically in Book 7 (Propositions 1–2) and Book 10 (Propositions 2–3). In Book 7, the algorithm is formulated for integers, whereas in Book 10, it is formulated for lengths of line segments. (In modern usage, one would say it was formulated there for real numbers. But lengths, areas, and volumes, represented as real numbers in modern usage, are not measured in the same units and there is no natural unit of length, area, or volume; the concept of real numbers was unknown at that time.) The latter algorithm is geometrical. The GCD of two lengths a and b corresponds to the greatest length g that measures a and b evenly; in other words, the lengths a and b are both integer multiples of the length g.

The algorithm was probably not discovered by Euclid, who compiled results from earlier mathematicians in his Elements.[28][29] The mathematician and historian B. L. van der Waerden suggests that Book VII derives from a textbook on number theory written by mathematicians in the school of Pythagoras.[30] The algorithm was probably known by Eudoxus of Cnidus (about 375 BC).[27][31] The algorithm may even pre-date Eudoxus,[32][33] judging from the use of the technical term ἀνθυφαίρεσις (anthyphairesis, reciprocal subtraction) in works by Euclid and Aristotle.[34]

Centuries later, Euclid’s algorithm was discovered independently both in India and in China,[35] primarily to solve Diophantine equations that arose in astronomy and making accurate calendars. In the late 5th century, the Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata described the algorithm as the «pulverizer»,[36] perhaps because of its effectiveness in solving Diophantine equations.[37] Although a special case of the Chinese remainder theorem had already been described in the Chinese book Sunzi Suanjing,[38] the general solution was published by Qin Jiushao in his 1247 book Shushu Jiuzhang (數書九章 Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections).[39] The Euclidean algorithm was first described numerically and popularized in Europe in the second edition of Bachet’s Problèmes plaisants et délectables (Pleasant and enjoyable problems, 1624).[36] In Europe, it was likewise used to solve Diophantine equations and in developing continued fractions. The extended Euclidean algorithm was published by the English mathematician Nicholas Saunderson,[40] who attributed it to Roger Cotes as a method for computing continued fractions efficiently.[41]

In the 19th century, the Euclidean algorithm led to the development of new number systems, such as Gaussian integers and Eisenstein integers. In 1815, Carl Gauss used the Euclidean algorithm to demonstrate unique factorization of Gaussian integers, although his work was first published in 1832.[42] Gauss mentioned the algorithm in his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (published 1801), but only as a method for continued fractions.[35] Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet seems to have been the first to describe the Euclidean algorithm as the basis for much of number theory.[43] Lejeune Dirichlet noted that many results of number theory, such as unique factorization, would hold true for any other system of numbers to which the Euclidean algorithm could be applied.[44] Lejeune Dirichlet’s lectures on number theory were edited and extended by Richard Dedekind, who used Euclid’s algorithm to study algebraic integers, a new general type of number. For example, Dedekind was the first to prove Fermat’s two-square theorem using the unique factorization of Gaussian integers.[45] Dedekind also defined the concept of a Euclidean domain, a number system in which a generalized version of the Euclidean algorithm can be defined (as described below). In the closing decades of the 19th century, the Euclidean algorithm gradually became eclipsed by Dedekind’s more general theory of ideals.[46]

«[The Euclidean algorithm] is the granddaddy of all algorithms, because it is the oldest nontrivial algorithm that has survived to the present day.»

Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd edition (1981), p. 318.

Other applications of Euclid’s algorithm were developed in the 19th century. In 1829, Charles Sturm showed that the algorithm was useful in the Sturm chain method for counting the real roots of polynomials in any given interval.[47]

The Euclidean algorithm was the first integer relation algorithm, which is a method for finding integer relations between commensurate real numbers. Several novel integer relation algorithms have been developed, such as the algorithm of Helaman Ferguson and R.W. Forcade (1979)[48] and the LLL algorithm.[49][50]

In 1969, Cole and Davie developed a two-player game based on the Euclidean algorithm, called The Game of Euclid,[51] which has an optimal strategy.[52] The players begin with two piles of a and b stones. The players take turns removing m multiples of the smaller pile from the larger. Thus, if the two piles consist of x and y stones, where x is larger than y, the next player can reduce the larger pile from x stones to xmy stones, as long as the latter is a nonnegative integer. The winner is the first player to reduce one pile to zero stones.[53][54]

Mathematical applications[edit]

Bézout’s identity[edit]

Bézout’s identity states that the greatest common divisor g of two integers a and b can be represented as a linear sum of the original two numbers a and b.[55] In other words, it is always possible to find integers s and t such that g = sa + tb.[56][57]

The integers s and t can be calculated from the quotients q0, q1, etc. by reversing the order of equations in Euclid’s algorithm.[58] Beginning with the next-to-last equation, g can be expressed in terms of the quotient qN−1 and the two preceding remainders, rN−2 and rN−3:

g = rN−1 = rN−3qN−1 rN−2 .

Those two remainders can be likewise expressed in terms of their quotients and preceding remainders,

rN−2 = rN−4qN−2 rN−3 and
rN−3 = rN−5qN−3 rN−4 .

Substituting these formulae for rN−2 and rN−3 into the first equation yields g as a linear sum of the remainders rN−4 and rN−5. The process of substituting remainders by formulae involving their predecessors can be continued until the original numbers a and b are reached:

r2 = r0q2 r1
r1 = bq1 r0
r0 = aq0 b.

After all the remainders r0, r1, etc. have been substituted, the final equation expresses g as a linear sum of a and b, so that g = sa + tb.

The Euclidean algorithm, and thus Bezout’s identity, can be generalized to the context of Euclidean domains.

Principal ideals and related problems[edit]

Bézout’s identity provides yet another definition of the greatest common divisor g of two numbers a and b.[12] Consider the set of all numbers ua + vb, where u and v are any two integers. Since a and b are both divisible by g, every number in the set is divisible by g. In other words, every number of the set is an integer multiple of g. This is true for every common divisor of a and b. However, unlike other common divisors, the greatest common divisor is a member of the set; by Bézout’s identity, choosing u = s and v = t gives g. A smaller common divisor cannot be a member of the set, since every member of the set must be divisible by g. Conversely, any multiple m of g can be obtained by choosing u = ms and v = mt, where s and t are the integers of Bézout’s identity. This may be seen by multiplying Bézout’s identity by m,

mg = msa + mtb.

Therefore, the set of all numbers ua + vb is equivalent to the set of multiples m of g. In other words, the set of all possible sums of integer multiples of two numbers (a and b) is equivalent to the set of multiples of gcd(a, b). The GCD is said to be the generator of the ideal of a and b. This GCD definition led to the modern abstract algebraic concepts of a principal ideal (an ideal generated by a single element) and a principal ideal domain (a domain in which every ideal is a principal ideal).

Certain problems can be solved using this result.[59] For example, consider two measuring cups of volume a and b. By adding/subtracting u multiples of the first cup and v multiples of the second cup, any volume ua + vb can be measured out. These volumes are all multiples of g = gcd(ab).

Extended Euclidean algorithm[edit]

The integers s and t of Bézout’s identity can be computed efficiently using the extended Euclidean algorithm. This extension adds two recursive equations to Euclid’s algorithm[60]

sk = sk−2qksk−1
tk = tk−2qktk−1

with the starting values

s−2 = 1, t−2 = 0
s−1 = 0, t−1 = 1.

Using this recursion, Bézout’s integers s and t are given by s = sN and t = tN, where N+1 is the step on which the algorithm terminates with rN+1 = 0.

The validity of this approach can be shown by induction. Assume that the recursion formula is correct up to step k − 1 of the algorithm; in other words, assume that

rj = sj a + tj b

for all j less than k. The kth step of the algorithm gives the equation

rk = rk−2qkrk−1.

Since the recursion formula has been assumed to be correct for rk−2 and rk−1, they may be expressed in terms of the corresponding s and t variables

rk = (sk−2 a + tk−2 b) − qk(sk−1 a + tk−1 b).

Rearranging this equation yields the recursion formula for step k, as required

rk = sk a + tk b = (sk−2qksk−1) a + (tk−2qktk−1) b.

Matrix method[edit]

The integers s and t can also be found using an equivalent matrix method.[61] The sequence of equations of Euclid’s algorithm

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}a&=q_{0}b+r_{0}\b&=q_{1}r_{0}+r_{1}\&,,,vdots \r_{N-2}&=q_{N}r_{N-1}+0end{aligned}}}

can be written as a product of 2×2 quotient matrices multiplying a two-dimensional remainder vector

{displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}a\bend{pmatrix}}={begin{pmatrix}q_{0}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}b\r_{0}end{pmatrix}}={begin{pmatrix}q_{0}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}q_{1}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}r_{0}\r_{1}end{pmatrix}}=cdots =prod _{i=0}^{N}{begin{pmatrix}q_{i}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}r_{N-1}\0end{pmatrix}},.}

Let M represent the product of all the quotient matrices

mathbf {M} ={begin{pmatrix}m_{11}&m_{12}\m_{21}&m_{22}end{pmatrix}}=prod _{i=0}^{N}{begin{pmatrix}q_{i}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}={begin{pmatrix}q_{0}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}q_{1}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}}cdots {begin{pmatrix}q_{N}&1\1&0end{pmatrix}},.

This simplifies the Euclidean algorithm to the form

{begin{pmatrix}a\bend{pmatrix}}=mathbf {M} {begin{pmatrix}r_{N-1}\0end{pmatrix}}=mathbf {M} {begin{pmatrix}g\0end{pmatrix}},.

To express g as a linear sum of a and b, both sides of this equation can be multiplied by the inverse of the matrix M.[61][62] The determinant of M equals (−1)N+1, since it equals the product of the determinants of the quotient matrices, each of which is negative one. Since the determinant of M is never zero, the vector of the final remainders can be solved using the inverse of M

{begin{pmatrix}g\0end{pmatrix}}=mathbf {M} ^{-1}{begin{pmatrix}a\bend{pmatrix}}=(-1)^{N+1}{begin{pmatrix}m_{22}&-m_{12}\-m_{21}&m_{11}end{pmatrix}}{begin{pmatrix}a\bend{pmatrix}},.

Since the top equation gives

g = (−1)N+1 ( m22 am12 b),

the two integers of Bézout’s identity are s = (−1)N+1m22 and t = (−1)Nm12. The matrix method is as efficient as the equivalent recursion, with two multiplications and two additions per step of the Euclidean algorithm.

Euclid’s lemma and unique factorization[edit]

Bézout’s identity is essential to many applications of Euclid’s algorithm, such as demonstrating the unique factorization of numbers into prime factors.[63] To illustrate this, suppose that a number L can be written as a product of two factors u and v, that is, L = uv. If another number w also divides L but is coprime with u, then w must divide v, by the following argument: If the greatest common divisor of u and w is 1, then integers s and t can be found such that

1 = su + tw .

by Bézout’s identity. Multiplying both sides by v gives the relation

v = suv + twv = sL + twv .

Since w divides both terms on the right-hand side, it must also divide the left-hand side, v. This result is known as Euclid’s lemma.[64] Specifically, if a prime number divides L, then it must divide at least one factor of L. Conversely, if a number w is coprime to each of a series of numbers a1, a2, …, an, then w is also coprime to their product, a1 × a2 × … × an.[64]

Euclid’s lemma suffices to prove that every number has a unique factorization into prime numbers.[65] To see this, assume the contrary, that there are two independent factorizations of L into m and n prime factors, respectively

L = p1p2pm = q1q2qn .

Since each prime p divides L by assumption, it must also divide one of the q factors; since each q is prime as well, it must be that p = q. Iteratively dividing by the p factors shows that each p has an equal counterpart q; the two prime factorizations are identical except for their order. The unique factorization of numbers into primes has many applications in mathematical proofs, as shown below.

Linear Diophantine equations[edit]

"A diagonal line running from the upper left corner to the lower right. Fifteen circles are spaced at regular intervals along the line. Perpendicular x-y coordinate axes have their origin in the lower left corner; the line crossed the y-axis at the upper left and crosse the x-axis at the lower right."

Diophantine equations are equations in which the solutions are restricted to integers; they are named after the 3rd-century Alexandrian mathematician Diophantus.[66] A typical linear Diophantine equation seeks integers x and y such that[67]

ax + by = c

where a, b and c are given integers. This can be written as an equation for x in modular arithmetic:

axc mod b.

Let g be the greatest common divisor of a and b. Both terms in ax + by are divisible by g; therefore, c must also be divisible by g, or the equation has no solutions. By dividing both sides by c/g, the equation can be reduced to Bezout’s identity

sa + tb = g

where s and t can be found by the extended Euclidean algorithm.[68] This provides one solution to the Diophantine equation, x1 = s (c/g) and y1 = t (c/g).

In general, a linear Diophantine equation has no solutions, or an infinite number of solutions.[69] To find the latter, consider two solutions, (x1y1) and (x2y2), where

ax1 + by1 = c = ax2 + by2

or equivalently

a(x1x2) = b(y2y1).

Therefore, the smallest difference between two x solutions is b/g, whereas the smallest difference between two y solutions is a/g. Thus, the solutions may be expressed as

x = x1bu/g
y = y1 + au/g.

By allowing u to vary over all possible integers, an infinite family of solutions can be generated from a single solution (x1y1). If the solutions are required to be positive integers (x > 0, y > 0), only a finite number of solutions may be possible. This restriction on the acceptable solutions allows some systems of Diophantine equations with more unknowns than equations to have a finite number of solutions;[70] this is impossible for a system of linear equations when the solutions can be any real number (see Underdetermined system).

Multiplicative inverses and the RSA algorithm[edit]

A finite field is a set of numbers with four generalized operations. The operations are called addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have their usual properties, such as commutativity, associativity and distributivity. An example of a finite field is the set of 13 numbers {0, 1, 2, …, 12} using modular arithmetic. In this field, the results of any mathematical operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) is reduced modulo 13; that is, multiples of 13 are added or subtracted until the result is brought within the range 0–12. For example, the result of 5 × 7 = 35 mod 13 = 9. Such finite fields can be defined for any prime p; using more sophisticated definitions, they can also be defined for any power m of a prime p m. Finite fields are often called Galois fields, and are abbreviated as GF(p) or GF(p m).

In such a field with m numbers, every nonzero element a has a unique modular multiplicative inverse, a−1 such that aa−1 = a−1a ≡ 1 mod m. This inverse can be found by solving the congruence equation ax ≡ 1 mod m,[71] or the equivalent linear Diophantine equation[72]

ax + my = 1.

This equation can be solved by the Euclidean algorithm, as described above. Finding multiplicative inverses is an essential step in the RSA algorithm, which is widely used in electronic commerce; specifically, the equation determines the integer used to decrypt the message.[73] Although the RSA algorithm uses rings rather than fields, the Euclidean algorithm can still be used to find a multiplicative inverse where one exists. The Euclidean algorithm also has other applications in error-correcting codes; for example, it can be used as an alternative to the Berlekamp–Massey algorithm for decoding BCH and Reed–Solomon codes, which are based on Galois fields.[74]

Chinese remainder theorem[edit]

Euclid’s algorithm can also be used to solve multiple linear Diophantine equations.[75] Such equations arise in the Chinese remainder theorem, which describes a novel method to represent an integer x. Instead of representing an integer by its digits, it may be represented by its remainders xi modulo a set of N coprime numbers mi:[76]

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}x_{1}&equiv x{pmod {m_{1}}}\x_{2}&equiv x{pmod {m_{2}}}\&,,,vdots \x_{N}&equiv x{pmod {m_{N}}},.end{aligned}}}

The goal is to determine x from its N remainders xi. The solution is to combine the multiple equations into a single linear Diophantine equation with a much larger modulus M that is the product of all the individual moduli mi, and define Mi as

{displaystyle M_{i}={frac {M}{m_{i}}}.}

Thus, each Mi is the product of all the moduli except mi. The solution depends on finding N new numbers hi such that

{displaystyle M_{i}h_{i}equiv 1{pmod {m_{i}}},.}

With these numbers hi, any integer x can be reconstructed from its remainders xi by the equation

{displaystyle xequiv (x_{1}M_{1}h_{1}+x_{2}M_{2}h_{2}+cdots +x_{N}M_{N}h_{N}){pmod {M}},.}

Since these numbers hi are the multiplicative inverses of the Mi, they may be found using Euclid’s algorithm as described in the previous subsection.

Stern–Brocot tree[edit]

The Euclidean algorithm can be used to arrange the set of all positive rational numbers into an infinite binary search tree, called the Stern–Brocot tree.
The number 1 (expressed as a fraction 1/1) is placed at the root of the tree, and the location of any other number a/b can be found by computing gcd(a,b) using the original form of the Euclidean algorithm, in which each step replaces the larger of the two given numbers by its difference with the smaller number (not its remainder), stopping when two equal numbers are reached. A step of the Euclidean algorithm that replaces the first of the two numbers corresponds to a step in the tree from a node to its right child, and a step that replaces the second of the two numbers corresponds to a step in the tree from a node to its left child. The sequence of steps constructed in this way does not depend on whether a/b is given in lowest terms, and forms a path from the root to a node containing the number a/b.[77] This fact can be used to prove that each positive rational number appears exactly once in this tree.

For example, 3/4 can be found by starting at the root, going to the left once, then to the right twice:

The Stern–Brocot tree, and the Stern–Brocot sequences of order i for i = 1, 2, 3, 4

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}&gcd(3,4)&leftarrow \={}&gcd(3,1)&rightarrow \={}&gcd(2,1)&rightarrow \={}&gcd(1,1).end{aligned}}}

The Euclidean algorithm has almost the same relationship to another binary tree on the rational numbers called the Calkin–Wilf tree. The difference is that the path is reversed: instead of producing a path from the root of the tree to a target, it produces a path from the target to the root.

Continued fractions[edit]

The Euclidean algorithm has a close relationship with continued fractions.[78] The sequence of equations can be written in the form

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}{frac {a}{b}}&=q_{0}+{frac {r_{0}}{b}}\{frac {b}{r_{0}}}&=q_{1}+{frac {r_{1}}{r_{0}}}\{frac {r_{0}}{r_{1}}}&=q_{2}+{frac {r_{2}}{r_{1}}}\&,,,vdots \{frac {r_{k-2}}{r_{k-1}}}&=q_{k}+{frac {r_{k}}{r_{k-1}}}\&,,,vdots \{frac {r_{N-2}}{r_{N-1}}}&=q_{N},.end{aligned}}}

The last term on the right-hand side always equals the inverse of the left-hand side of the next equation. Thus, the first two equations may be combined to form

{displaystyle {frac {a}{b}}=q_{0}+{cfrac {1}{q_{1}+{cfrac {r_{1}}{r_{0}}}}},.}

The third equation may be used to substitute the denominator term r1/r0, yielding

{displaystyle {frac {a}{b}}=q_{0}+{cfrac {1}{q_{1}+{cfrac {1}{q_{2}+{cfrac {r_{2}}{r_{1}}}}}}},.}

The final ratio of remainders rk/rk−1 can always be replaced using the next equation in the series, up to the final equation. The result is a continued fraction

{displaystyle {frac {a}{b}}=q_{0}+{cfrac {1}{q_{1}+{cfrac {1}{q_{2}+{cfrac {1}{ddots +{cfrac {1}{q_{N}}}}}}}}}=[q_{0};q_{1},q_{2},ldots ,q_{N}],.}

In the worked example above, the gcd(1071, 462) was calculated, and the quotients qk were 2, 3 and 7, respectively. Therefore, the fraction 1071/462 may be written

{displaystyle {frac {1071}{462}}=2+{cfrac {1}{3+{cfrac {1}{7}}}}=[2;3,7]}

as can be confirmed by calculation.

Factorization algorithms[edit]

Calculating a greatest common divisor is an essential step in several integer factorization algorithms,[79] such as Pollard’s rho algorithm,[80] Shor’s algorithm,[81] Dixon’s factorization method[82] and the Lenstra elliptic curve factorization.[83] The Euclidean algorithm may be used to find this GCD efficiently. Continued fraction factorization uses continued fractions, which are determined using Euclid’s algorithm.[84]

Algorithmic efficiency[edit]

"A set of colored lines radiating outwards from the origin of an x-y coordinate system. Each line corresponds to a set of number pairs requiring the same number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm."

Number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm for gcd(x,y). Lighter (red and yellow) points indicate relatively few steps, whereas darker (violet and blue) points indicate more steps. The largest dark area follows the line y = Φx, where Φ is the golden ratio.

The computational efficiency of Euclid’s algorithm has been studied thoroughly.[85] This efficiency can be described by the number of division steps the algorithm requires, multiplied by the computational expense of each step. The first known analysis of Euclid’s algorithm is due to A. A. L. Reynaud in 1811,[86] who showed that the number of division steps on input (u, v) is bounded by v; later he improved this to v/2  + 2. Later, in 1841, P. J. E. Finck showed[87] that the number of division steps is at most 2 log2 v + 1, and hence Euclid’s algorithm runs in time polynomial in the size of the input.[88] Émile Léger, in 1837, studied the worst case, which is when the inputs are consecutive Fibonacci numbers.[88] Finck’s analysis was refined by Gabriel Lamé in 1844,[89] who showed that the number of steps required for completion is never more than five times the number h of base-10 digits of the smaller number b.[90][91]

In the uniform cost model (suitable for analyzing the complexity of gcd calculation on numbers that fit into a single machine word), each step of the algorithm takes constant time, and Lamé’s analysis implies that the total running time is also O(h). However, in a model of computation suitable for computation with larger numbers, the computational expense of a single remainder computation in the algorithm can be as large as O(h2).[92] In this case the total time for all of the steps of the algorithm can be analyzed using a telescoping series, showing that it is also O(h2). Modern algorithmic techniques based on the Schönhage–Strassen algorithm for fast integer multiplication can be used to speed this up, leading to quasilinear algorithms for the GCD.[93][94]

Number of steps[edit]

The number of steps to calculate the GCD of two natural numbers, a and b, may be denoted by T(ab).[95] If g is the GCD of a and b, then a = mg and b = ng for two coprime numbers m and n. Then

T(a, b) = T(m, n)

as may be seen by dividing all the steps in the Euclidean algorithm by g.[96] By the same argument, the number of steps remains the same if a and b are multiplied by a common factor w: T(a, b) = T(wa, wb). Therefore, the number of steps T may vary dramatically between neighboring pairs of numbers, such as T(a, b) and T(ab + 1), depending on the size of the two GCDs.

The recursive nature of the Euclidean algorithm gives another equation

T(a, b) = 1 + T(b, r0) = 2 + T(r0, r1) = … = N + T(rN−2, rN−1) = N + 1

where T(x, 0) = 0 by assumption.[95]


If the Euclidean algorithm requires N steps for a pair of natural numbers a > b > 0, the smallest values of a and b for which this is true are the Fibonacci numbers FN+2 and FN+1, respectively.[97] More precisely, if the Euclidean algorithm requires N steps for the pair a > b, then one has a ≥ FN+2 and b ≥ FN+1. This can be shown by induction.[98] If N = 1, b divides a with no remainder; the smallest natural numbers for which this is true is b = 1 and a = 2, which are F2 and F3, respectively. Now assume that the result holds for all values of N up to M − 1. The first step of the M-step algorithm is a = q0b + r0, and the Euclidean algorithm requires M − 1 steps for the pair b > r0. By induction hypothesis, one has b ≥ FM+1 and r0 ≥ FM. Therefore, a = q0b + r0 ≥ b + r0 ≥ FM+1 + FM = FM+2,
which is the desired inequality.
This proof, published by Gabriel Lamé in 1844, represents the beginning of computational complexity theory,[99] and also the first practical application of the Fibonacci numbers.[97]

This result suffices to show that the number of steps in Euclid’s algorithm can never be more than five times the number of its digits (base 10).[100] For if the algorithm requires N steps, then b is greater than or equal to FN+1 which in turn is greater than or equal to φN−1, where φ is the golden ratio. Since b ≥ φN−1, then N − 1 ≤ logφb. Since log10φ > 1/5, (N − 1)/5 < log10φ logφb = log10b. Thus, N ≤ 5 log10b. Thus, the Euclidean algorithm always needs less than O(h) divisions, where h is the number of digits in the smaller number b.


The average number of steps taken by the Euclidean algorithm has been defined in three different ways. The first definition is the average time T(a) required to calculate the GCD of a given number a and a smaller natural number b chosen with equal probability from the integers 0 to a − 1[95]

{displaystyle T(a)={frac {1}{a}}sum _{0leq b<a}T(a,b).}

However, since T(ab) fluctuates dramatically with the GCD of the two numbers, the averaged function T(a) is likewise «noisy».[101]

To reduce this noise, a second average τ(a) is taken over all numbers coprime with a

{displaystyle tau (a)={frac {1}{varphi (a)}}sum _{begin{smallmatrix}0leq b<a\gcd(a,b)=1end{smallmatrix}}T(a,b).}

There are φ(a) coprime integers less than a, where φ is Euler’s totient function. This tau average grows smoothly with a[102][103]

{displaystyle tau (a)={frac {12}{pi ^{2}}}ln 2ln a+C+O(a^{-1/6-varepsilon })}

with the residual error being of order a−(1/6) + ε, where ε is infinitesimal. The constant C in this formula is called Porter’s constant[104] and equals

{displaystyle C=-{frac {1}{2}}+{frac {6ln 2}{pi ^{2}}}left(4gamma -{frac {24}{pi ^{2}}}zeta '(2)+3ln 2-2right)approx 1.467}

where γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant and ζ’ is the derivative of the Riemann zeta function.[105][106] The leading coefficient (12/π2) ln 2 was determined by two independent methods.[107][108]

Since the first average can be calculated from the tau average by summing over the divisors d of a[109]

{displaystyle T(a)={frac {1}{a}}sum _{dmid a}varphi (d)tau (d)}

it can be approximated by the formula[110]

{displaystyle T(a)approx C+{frac {12}{pi ^{2}}}ln 2left(ln a-sum _{dmid a}{frac {Lambda (d)}{d}}right)}

where Λ(d) is the Mangoldt function.[111]

A third average Y(n) is defined as the mean number of steps required when both a and b are chosen randomly (with uniform distribution) from 1 to n[110]

{displaystyle Y(n)={frac {1}{n^{2}}}sum _{a=1}^{n}sum _{b=1}^{n}T(a,b)={frac {1}{n}}sum _{a=1}^{n}T(a).}

Substituting the approximate formula for T(a) into this equation yields an estimate for Y(n)[112]

{displaystyle Y(n)approx {frac {12}{pi ^{2}}}ln 2ln n+0.06.}

Computational expense per step[edit]

In each step k of the Euclidean algorithm, the quotient qk and remainder rk are computed for a given pair of integers rk−2 and rk−1

rk−2 = qk rk−1 + rk.

The computational expense per step is associated chiefly with finding qk, since the remainder rk can be calculated quickly from rk−2, rk−1, and qk

rk = rk−2qk rk−1.

The computational expense of dividing h-bit numbers scales as O(h(+1)), where is the length of the quotient.[92]

For comparison, Euclid’s original subtraction-based algorithm can be much slower. A single integer division is equivalent to the quotient q number of subtractions. If the ratio of a and b is very large, the quotient is large and many subtractions will be required. On the other hand, it has been shown that the quotients are very likely to be small integers. The probability of a given quotient q is approximately ln |u/(u − 1)| where u = (q + 1)2.[113] For illustration, the probability of a quotient of 1, 2, 3, or 4 is roughly 41.5%, 17.0%, 9.3%, and 5.9%, respectively. Since the operation of subtraction is faster than division, particularly for large numbers,[114] the subtraction-based Euclid’s algorithm is competitive with the division-based version.[115] This is exploited in the binary version of Euclid’s algorithm.[116]

Combining the estimated number of steps with the estimated computational expense per step shows that the Euclid’s algorithm grows quadratically (h2) with the average number of digits h in the initial two numbers a and b. Let h0, h1, …, hN−1 represent the number of digits in the successive remainders r0, r1, …, rN−1. Since the number of steps N grows linearly with h, the running time is bounded by

{displaystyle O{Big (}sum _{i<N}h_{i}(h_{i}-h_{i+1}+2){Big )}subseteq O{Big (}hsum _{i<N}(h_{i}-h_{i+1}+2){Big )}subseteq O(h(h_{0}+2N))subseteq O(h^{2}).}

Alternative methods[edit]

Euclid’s algorithm is widely used in practice, especially for small numbers, due to its simplicity.[117] For comparison, the efficiency of alternatives to Euclid’s algorithm may be determined.

One inefficient approach to finding the GCD of two natural numbers a and b is to calculate all their common divisors; the GCD is then the largest common divisor. The common divisors can be found by dividing both numbers by successive integers from 2 to the smaller number b. The number of steps of this approach grows linearly with b, or exponentially in the number of digits. Another inefficient approach is to find the prime factors of one or both numbers. As noted above, the GCD equals the product of the prime factors shared by the two numbers a and b.[8] Present methods for prime factorization are also inefficient; many modern cryptography systems even rely on that inefficiency.[11]

The binary GCD algorithm is an efficient alternative that substitutes division with faster operations by exploiting the binary representation used by computers.[118][119] However, this alternative also scales like O(h²). It is generally faster than the Euclidean algorithm on real computers, even though it scales in the same way.[93] Additional efficiency can be gleaned by examining only the leading digits of the two numbers a and b.[120][121] The binary algorithm can be extended to other bases (k-ary algorithms),[122] with up to fivefold increases in speed.[123] Lehmer’s GCD algorithm uses the same general principle as the binary algorithm to speed up GCD computations in arbitrary bases.

A recursive approach for very large integers (with more than 25,000 digits) leads to quasilinear integer GCD algorithms,[124] such as those of Schönhage,[125][126] and Stehlé and Zimmermann.[127] These algorithms exploit the 2×2 matrix form of the Euclidean algorithm given above. These quasilinear methods generally scale as O(h (log h)2 (log log h)).[93][94]


Although the Euclidean algorithm is used to find the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers (positive integers), it may be generalized to the real numbers, and to other mathematical objects, such as polynomials,[128] quadratic integers[129] and Hurwitz quaternions.[130] In the latter cases, the Euclidean algorithm is used to demonstrate the crucial property of unique factorization, i.e., that such numbers can be factored uniquely into irreducible elements, the counterparts of prime numbers. Unique factorization is essential to many proofs of number theory.

Rational and real numbers[edit]

Euclid’s algorithm can be applied to real numbers, as described by Euclid in Book 10 of his Elements. The goal of the algorithm is to identify a real number g such that two given real numbers, a and b, are integer multiples of it: a = mg and b = ng, where m and n are integers.[28] This identification is equivalent to finding an integer relation among the real numbers a and b; that is, it determines integers s and t such that sa + tb = 0. If such an equation is possible, a and b are called commensurable lengths, otherwise they are incommensurable lengths.[131][132]

The real-number Euclidean algorithm differs from its integer counterpart in two respects. First, the remainders rk are real numbers, although the quotients qk are integers as before. Second, the algorithm is not guaranteed to end in a finite number N of steps. If it does, the fraction a/b is a rational number, i.e., the ratio of two integers

{displaystyle {frac {a}{b}}={frac {mg}{ng}}={frac {m}{n}},}

and can be written as a finite continued fraction [q0; q1, q2, …, qN]. If the algorithm does not stop, the fraction a/b is an irrational number and can be described by an infinite continued fraction [q0; q1, q2, …].[133] Examples of infinite continued fractions are the golden ratio φ = [1; 1, 1, …] and the square root of two, 2 = [1; 2, 2, …].[134] The algorithm is unlikely to stop, since almost all ratios a/b of two real numbers are irrational.[135]

An infinite continued fraction may be truncated at a step k [q0; q1, q2, …, qk] to yield an approximation to a/b that improves as k is increased. The approximation is described by convergents mk/nk; the numerator and denominators are coprime and obey the recurrence relation

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}m_{k}&=q_{k}m_{k-1}+m_{k-2}\n_{k}&=q_{k}n_{k-1}+n_{k-2},end{aligned}}}

where m−1 = n−2 = 1 and m−2 = n−1 = 0 are the initial values of the recursion. The convergent mk/nk is the best rational number approximation to a/b with denominator nk:[136]

{displaystyle left|{frac {a}{b}}-{frac {m_{k}}{n_{k}}}right|<{frac {1}{n_{k}^{2}}}.}


Polynomials in a single variable x can be added, multiplied and factored into irreducible polynomials, which are the analogs of the prime numbers for integers. The greatest common divisor polynomial g(x) of two polynomials a(x) and b(x) is defined as the product of their shared irreducible polynomials, which can be identified using the Euclidean algorithm.[128] The basic procedure is similar to that for integers. At each step k, a quotient polynomial qk(x) and a remainder polynomial rk(x) are identified to satisfy the recursive equation

{displaystyle r_{k-2}(x)=q_{k}(x)r_{k-1}(x)+r_{k}(x),}

where r−2(x) = a(x) and r−1(x) = b(x). Each quotient polynomial is chosen such that each remainder is either zero or has a degree that is smaller than the degree of its predecessor: deg[rk(x)] < deg[rk−1(x)]. Since the degree is a nonnegative integer, and since it decreases with every step, the Euclidean algorithm concludes in a finite number of steps. The last nonzero remainder is the greatest common divisor of the original two polynomials, a(x) and b(x).[137]

For example, consider the following two quartic polynomials, which each factor into two quadratic polynomials

{displaystyle {begin{aligned}a(x)&=x^{4}-4x^{3}+4x^{2}-3x+14=(x^{2}-5x+7)(x^{2}+x+2)qquad {text{and}}\b(x)&=x^{4}+8x^{3}+12x^{2}+17x+6=(x^{2}+7x+3)(x^{2}+x+2).end{aligned}}}

Dividing a(x) by b(x) yields a remainder r0(x) = x3 + (2/3)x2 + (5/3)x − (2/3). In the next step, b(x) is divided by r0(x) yielding a remainder r1(x) = x2 + x + 2. Finally, dividing r0(x) by r1(x) yields a zero remainder, indicating that r1(x) is the greatest common divisor polynomial of a(x) and b(x), consistent with their factorization.

Many of the applications described above for integers carry over to polynomials.[138] The Euclidean algorithm can be used to solve linear Diophantine equations and Chinese remainder problems for polynomials; continued fractions of polynomials can also be defined.

The polynomial Euclidean algorithm has other applications, such as Sturm chains, a method for counting the zeros of a polynomial that lie inside a given real interval.[139] This in turn has applications in several areas, such as the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion in control theory.[140]

Finally, the coefficients of the polynomials need not be drawn from integers, real numbers or even the complex numbers. For example, the coefficients may be drawn from a general field, such as the finite fields GF(p) described above. The corresponding conclusions about the Euclidean algorithm and its applications hold even for such polynomials.[128]

Gaussian integers[edit]

"A set of dots lying within a circle. The pattern of dots has fourfold symmetry, i.e., rotations by 90 degrees leave the pattern unchanged. The pattern can also be mirrored about four lines passing through the center of the circle: the vertical and horizontal axes, and the two diagonal lines at ±45 degrees."

Distribution of Gaussian primes u + vi in the complex plane, with norms u2 + v2 less than 500

The Gaussian integers are complex numbers of the form α = u + vi, where u and v are ordinary integers[note 2] and i is the square root of negative one.[141] By defining an analog of the Euclidean algorithm, Gaussian integers can be shown to be uniquely factorizable, by the argument above.[42] This unique factorization is helpful in many applications, such as deriving all Pythagorean triples or proving Fermat’s theorem on sums of two squares.[141] In general, the Euclidean algorithm is convenient in such applications, but not essential; for example, the theorems can often be proven by other arguments.

The Euclidean algorithm developed for two Gaussian integers α and β is nearly the same as that for ordinary integers,[142] but differs in two respects. As before, we set r−2 = α and r−1 = β, and the task at each step k is to identify a quotient qk and a remainder rk such that

{displaystyle r_{k}=r_{k-2}-q_{k}r_{k-1},}

where every remainder is strictly smaller than its predecessor: |rk| < |rk−1|. The first difference is that the quotients and remainders are themselves Gaussian integers, and thus are complex numbers. The quotients qk are generally found by rounding the real and complex parts of the exact ratio (such as the complex number α/β) to the nearest integers.[142] The second difference lies in the necessity of defining how one complex remainder can be «smaller» than another. To do this, a norm function f(u + vi) = u2 + v2 is defined, which converts every Gaussian integer u + vi into an ordinary integer. After each step k of the Euclidean algorithm, the norm of the remainder f(rk) is smaller than the norm of the preceding remainder, f(rk−1). Since the norm is a nonnegative integer and decreases with every step, the Euclidean algorithm for Gaussian integers ends in a finite number of steps.[143] The final nonzero remainder is gcd(α, β), the Gaussian integer of largest norm that divides both α and β; it is unique up to multiplication by a unit, ±1 or ±i.[144]

Many of the other applications of the Euclidean algorithm carry over to Gaussian integers. For example, it can be used to solve linear Diophantine equations and Chinese remainder problems for Gaussian integers;[145] continued fractions of Gaussian integers can also be defined.[142]

Euclidean domains[edit]

A set of elements under two binary operations, denoted as addition and multiplication, is called a Euclidean domain if it forms a commutative ring R and, roughly speaking, if a generalized Euclidean algorithm can be performed on them.[146][147] The two operations of such a ring need not be the addition and multiplication of ordinary arithmetic; rather, they can be more general, such as the operations of a mathematical group or monoid. Nevertheless, these general operations should respect many of the laws governing ordinary arithmetic, such as commutativity, associativity and distributivity.

The generalized Euclidean algorithm requires a Euclidean function, i.e., a mapping f from R into the set of nonnegative integers such that, for any two nonzero elements a and b in R, there exist q and r in R such that a = qb + r and f(r) < f(b).[148] Examples of such mappings are the absolute value for integers, the degree for univariate polynomials, and the norm for Gaussian integers above.[149][150] The basic principle is that each step of the algorithm reduces f inexorably; hence, if f can be reduced only a finite number of times, the algorithm must stop in a finite number of steps. This principle relies on the well-ordering property of the non-negative integers, which asserts that every non-empty set of non-negative integers has a smallest member.[151]

The fundamental theorem of arithmetic applies to any Euclidean domain: Any number from a Euclidean domain can be factored uniquely into irreducible elements. Any Euclidean domain is a unique factorization domain (UFD), although the converse is not true.[151] The Euclidean domains and the UFD’s are subclasses of the GCD domains, domains in which a greatest common divisor of two numbers always exists.[152] In other words, a greatest common divisor may exist (for all pairs of elements in a domain), although it may not be possible to find it using a Euclidean algorithm. A Euclidean domain is always a principal ideal domain (PID), an integral domain in which every ideal is a principal ideal.[153] Again, the converse is not true: not every PID is a Euclidean domain.

The unique factorization of Euclidean domains is useful in many applications. For example, the unique factorization of the Gaussian integers is convenient in deriving formulae for all Pythagorean triples and in proving Fermat’s theorem on sums of two squares.[141] Unique factorization was also a key element in an attempted proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem published in 1847 by Gabriel Lamé, the same mathematician who analyzed the efficiency of Euclid’s algorithm, based on a suggestion of Joseph Liouville.[154] Lamé’s approach required the unique factorization of numbers of the form x + ωy, where x and y are integers, and ω = e2/n is an nth root of 1, that is, ωn = 1. Although this approach succeeds for some values of n (such as n = 3, the Eisenstein integers), in general such numbers do not factor uniquely. This failure of unique factorization in some cyclotomic fields led Ernst Kummer to the concept of ideal numbers and, later, Richard Dedekind to ideals.[155]

Unique factorization of quadratic integers[edit]

"A set of dots lying within a circle. The pattern of dots has sixfold symmetry, i.e., rotations by 60 degrees leave the pattern unchanged. The pattern can also be mirrored about six lines passing through the center of the circle: the vertical and horizontal axes, and the four diagonal lines at ±30 and ±60 degrees."

Distribution of Eisenstein primes u + in the complex plane, with norms less than 500. The number ω is a cube root of 1.

The quadratic integer rings are helpful to illustrate Euclidean domains. Quadratic integers are generalizations of the Gaussian integers in which the imaginary unit i is replaced by a number ω. Thus, they have the form u + , where u and v are integers and ω has one of two forms, depending on a parameter D. If D does not equal a multiple of four plus one, then

{displaystyle omega ={sqrt {D}}.}

If, however, D does equal a multiple of four plus one, then

{displaystyle omega ={frac {1+{sqrt {D}}}{2}}.}

If the function f corresponds to a norm function, such as that used to order the Gaussian integers above, then the domain is known as norm-Euclidean. The norm-Euclidean rings of quadratic integers are exactly those where D is one of the values −11, −7, −3, −2, −1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 29, 33, 37, 41, 57, or 73.[156][157] The cases D = −1 and D = −3 yield the Gaussian integers and Eisenstein integers, respectively.

If f is allowed to be any Euclidean function, then the list of possible values of D for which the domain is Euclidean is not yet known.[158] The first example of a Euclidean domain that was not norm-Euclidean (with D = 69) was published in 1994.[158] In 1973, Weinberger proved that a quadratic integer ring with D > 0 is Euclidean if, and only if, it is a principal ideal domain, provided that the generalized Riemann hypothesis holds.[129]

Noncommutative rings[edit]

The Euclidean algorithm may be applied to some noncommutative rings such as the set of Hurwitz quaternions.[clarification needed][130] Let α and β represent two elements from such a ring. They have a common right divisor δ if α = ξδ and β = ηδ for some choice of ξ and η in the ring. Similarly, they have a common left divisor if α = and β = for some choice of ξ and η in the ring. Since multiplication is not commutative, there are two versions of the Euclidean algorithm, one for right divisors and one for left divisors.[130] Choosing the right divisors, the first step in finding the gcd(α, β) by the Euclidean algorithm can be written

{displaystyle rho _{0}=alpha -psi _{0}beta =(xi -psi _{0}eta )delta ,}

where ψ0 represents the quotient and ρ0 the remainder.[clarification needed] This equation shows that any common right divisor of α and β is likewise a common divisor of the remainder ρ0. The analogous equation for the left divisors would be

{displaystyle rho _{0}=alpha -beta psi _{0}=delta (xi -eta psi _{0}).}

With either choice, the process is repeated as above until the greatest common right or left divisor is identified. As in the Euclidean domain, the «size» of the remainder ρ0 (formally, its norm) must be strictly smaller than β, and there must be only a finite number of possible sizes for ρ0, so that the algorithm is guaranteed to terminate.[159]

Most of the results for the GCD carry over to noncommutative numbers.[clarification needed] For example, Bézout’s identity states that the right gcd(α, β) can be expressed as a linear combination of α and β.[160] In other words, there are numbers σ and τ such that

{displaystyle Gamma _{text{right}}=sigma alpha +tau beta .}

The analogous identity for the left GCD is nearly the same:

{displaystyle Gamma _{text{left}}=alpha sigma +beta tau .}

Bézout’s identity can be used to solve Diophantine equations. For instance, one of the standard proofs of Lagrange’s four-square theorem, that every positive integer can be represented as a sum of four squares, is based on quaternion GCDs in this way.[159]

See also[edit]

  • Euclidean rhythm, a method for using the Euclidean algorithm to generate musical rhythms


  1. ^ Some widely used textbooks, such as I. N. Herstein’s Topics in Algebra and Serge Lang’s Algebra, use the term «Euclidean algorithm» to refer to Euclidean division
  2. ^ The phrase «ordinary integer» is commonly used for distinguishing usual integers from Gaussian integers, and more generally from algebraic integers.


  1. ^ Lamé, Gabriel (1844). «Note sur la limite du nombre des divisions dans la recherche du plus grand commun diviseur entre deux nombres entiers». Comptes rendus des séances du l’Académie des Sciences (in French). 19: 867–870.
  2. ^ Shallit, Jeffrey (1994-11-01). «Origins of the analysis of the Euclidean algorithm». Historia Mathematica. 21 (4): 401–419. doi:10.1006/hmat.1994.1031. ISSN 0315-0860.
  3. ^ Stark 1978, p. 16
  4. ^ Stark 1978, p. 21
  5. ^ LeVeque 1996, p. 32
  6. ^ LeVeque 1996, p. 31
  7. ^ Grossman, J. W. (1990). Discrete Mathematics. New York: Macmillan. p. 213. ISBN 0-02-348331-8.
  8. ^ a b Schroeder 2005, pp. 21–22
  9. ^ Schroeder 2005, p. 19
  10. ^ Ogilvy, C. S.; Anderson, J. T. (1966). Excursions in number theory. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 27–29.
  11. ^ a b Schroeder 2005, pp. 216–219
  12. ^ a b LeVeque 1996, p. 33
  13. ^ Stark 1978, p. 25
  14. ^ Ore 1948, pp. 47–48
  15. ^ Stark 1978, p. 18
  16. ^ Stark 1978, pp. 16–20
  17. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 320
  18. ^ Lovász, L.; Pelikán, J.; Vesztergombi, K. (2003). Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 100–101. ISBN 0-387-95584-4.
  19. ^ Kimberling, C. (1983). «A Visual Euclidean Algorithm». Mathematics Teacher. 76: 108–109.
  20. ^ Dummit, David S.; Foote, Richard M. (2004). Abstract Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. pp. 270–271. ISBN 978-0-471-43334-7.
  21. ^ Knuth 1997, pp. 319–320
  22. ^ Knuth 1997, pp. 318–319
  23. ^ Stillwell 1997, p. 14
  24. ^ a b Ore 1948, p. 43
  25. ^ a b Stewart, B. M. (1964). Theory of Numbers (2nd ed.). New York: Macmillan. pp. 43–44. LCCN 64010964.
  26. ^ Lazard, D. (1977). «Le meilleur algorithme d’Euclide pour K[X] et Z«. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences (in French). 284: 1–4.
  27. ^ a b Knuth 1997, p. 318
  28. ^ a b Weil, A. (1983). Number Theory. Boston: Birkhäuser. pp. 4–6. ISBN 0-8176-3141-0.
  29. ^ Jones, A. (1994). «Greek mathematics to AD 300». Companion encyclopedia of the history and philosophy of the mathematical sciences. New York: Routledge. pp. 46–48. ISBN 0-415-09238-8.
  30. ^ van der Waerden, B. L. (1954). Science Awakening. translated by Arnold Dresden. Groningen: P. Noordhoff Ltd. pp. 114–115.
  31. ^ von Fritz, K. (1945). «The Discovery of Incommensurability by Hippasus of Metapontum». Annals of Mathematics. 46 (2): 242–264. doi:10.2307/1969021. JSTOR 1969021.
  32. ^ Heath, T. L. (1949). Mathematics in Aristotle. Oxford Press. pp. 80–83.
  33. ^ Fowler, D. H. (1987). The Mathematics of Plato’s Academy: A New Reconstruction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 31–66. ISBN 0-19-853912-6.
  34. ^ Becker, O. (1933). «Eudoxus-Studien I. Eine voreuklidische Proportionslehre und ihre Spuren bei Aristoteles und Euklid». Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik B. 2: 311–333.
  35. ^ a b Stillwell 1997, p. 31
  36. ^ a b Tattersall 2005, p. 70
  37. ^ Rosen 2000, pp. 86–87
  38. ^ Ore 1948, pp. 247–248
  39. ^ Tattersall 2005, pp. 72, 184–185
  40. ^ Saunderson, Nicholas (1740). The Elements of Algebra in Ten Books. University of Cambridge Press. Retrieved 1 November 2016.
  41. ^ Tattersall 2005, pp. 72–76
  42. ^ a b Gauss, C. F. (1832). «Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum». Comm. Soc. Reg. Sci. Gött. Rec. 4. Reprinted in Gauss, C. F. (2011). «Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum commentatio prima». Werke. Vol. 2. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 65–92. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139058230.004. ISBN 9781139058230. and Gauss, C. F. (2011). «Theoria residuorum biquadraticorum commentatio secunda». Werke. Vol. 2. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 93–148. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139058230.005. ISBN 9781139058230.
  43. ^ Stillwell 1997, pp. 31–32
  44. ^ Lejeune Dirichlet 1894, pp. 29–31
  45. ^ Richard Dedekind in Lejeune Dirichlet 1894, Supplement XI
  46. ^ Stillwell 2003, pp. 41–42
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  49. ^ Peterson, I. (12 August 2002). «Jazzing Up Euclid’s Algorithm». ScienceNews.
  50. ^ Cipra, Barry Arthur (16 May 2000). «The Best of the 20th Century: Editors Name Top 10 Algorithms» (PDF). SIAM News. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 33 (4). Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 September 2016. Retrieved 19 July 2016.
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  64. ^ a b Ore 1948, p. 44
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  84. ^ Knuth 1997, pp. 380–384
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  88. ^ a b Shallit 1994.
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  92. ^ a b Knuth 1997, pp. 257–261
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  96. ^ Ore 1948, p. 45
  97. ^ a b Knuth 1997, p. 343
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  99. ^ LeVeque 1996, p. 35
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  104. ^ Knuth, Donald E. (1976). «Evaluation of Porter’s constant». Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2 (2): 137–139. doi:10.1016/0898-1221(76)90025-0.
  105. ^ Porter, J. W. (1975). «On a Theorem of Heilbronn». Mathematika. 22: 20–28. doi:10.1112/S0025579300004459.
  106. ^ Knuth, D. E. (1976). «Evaluation of Porter’s Constant». Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2 (2): 137–139. doi:10.1016/0898-1221(76)90025-0.
  107. ^ Dixon, J. D. (1970). «The Number of Steps in the Euclidean Algorithm». J. Number Theory. 2 (4): 414–422. Bibcode:1970JNT…..2..414D. doi:10.1016/0022-314X(70)90044-2.
  108. ^ Heilbronn, H. A. (1969). «On the Average Length of a Class of Finite Continued Fractions». In Paul Turán (ed.). Number Theory and Analysis. New York: Plenum. pp. 87–96. LCCN 76016027.
  109. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 354
  110. ^ a b Norton, G. H. (1990). «On the Asymptotic Analysis of the Euclidean Algorithm». Journal of Symbolic Computation. 10: 53–58. doi:10.1016/S0747-7171(08)80036-3.
  111. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 355
  112. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 356
  113. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 352
  114. ^ Wagon, S. (1999). Mathematica in Action. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 335–336. ISBN 0-387-98252-3.
  115. ^ Cohen 1993, p. 14
  116. ^ Cohen 1993, pp. 14–15, 17–18
  117. ^ Sorenson, Jonathan P. (2004). «An analysis of the generalized binary GCD algorithm». High primes and misdemeanours: lectures in honour of the 60th birthday of Hugh Cowie Williams. Fields Institute Communications. Vol. 41. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society. pp. 327–340. ISBN 9780821887592. MR 2076257. The algorithms that are used the most in practice today [for computing greatest common divisors] are probably the binary algorithm and Euclid’s algorithm for smaller numbers, and either Lehmer’s algorithm or Lebealean’s version of the k-ary GCD algorithm for larger numbers.
  118. ^ Knuth 1997, pp. 321–323
  119. ^ Stein, J. (1967). «Computational problems associated with Racah algebra». Journal of Computational Physics. 1 (3): 397–405. Bibcode:1967JCoPh…1..397S. doi:10.1016/0021-9991(67)90047-2.
  120. ^ Knuth 1997, p. 328
  121. ^ Lehmer, D. H. (1938). «Euclid’s Algorithm for Large Numbers». The American Mathematical Monthly. 45 (4): 227–233. doi:10.2307/2302607. JSTOR 2302607.
  122. ^ Sorenson, J. (1994). «Two fast GCD algorithms». J. Algorithms. 16: 110–144. doi:10.1006/jagm.1994.1006.
  123. ^ Weber, K. (1995). «The accelerated GCD algorithm». ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 21: 111–122. doi:10.1145/200979.201042. S2CID 14934919.
  124. ^ Aho, A.; Hopcroft, J.; Ullman, J. (1974). The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms. New York: Addison–Wesley. pp. 300–310. ISBN 0-201-00029-6.
  125. ^ Schönhage, A. (1971). «Schnelle Berechnung von Kettenbruchentwicklungen». Acta Informatica (in German). 1 (2): 139–144. doi:10.1007/BF00289520. S2CID 34561609.
  126. ^ Cesari, G. (1998). «Parallel implementation of Schönhage’s integer GCD algorithm». In G. Buhler (ed.). Algorithmic Number Theory: Proc. ANTS-III, Portland, OR. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 1423. New York: Springer-Verlag. pp. 64–76.
  127. ^ Stehlé, D.; Zimmermann, P. (2005). «Gal’s accurate tables method revisited». Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH-17). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press.
  128. ^ a b c Lang, S. (1984). Algebra (2nd ed.). Menlo Park, CA: Addison–Wesley. pp. 190–194. ISBN 0-201-05487-6.
  129. ^ a b Weinberger, P. (1973). «On Euclidean rings of algebraic integers». Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 24: 321–332. doi:10.1090/pspum/024/0337902. ISBN 9780821814246.
  130. ^ a b c Stillwell 2003, pp. 151–152
  131. ^ Boyer, C. B.; Merzbach, U. C. (1991). A History of Mathematics (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley. pp. 116–117. ISBN 0-471-54397-7.
  132. ^ Cajori, F (1894). A History of Mathematics. New York: Macmillan. p. 70. ISBN 0-486-43874-0.
  133. ^ Joux, Antoine (2009). Algorithmic Cryptanalysis. CRC Press. p. 33. ISBN 9781420070033.
  134. ^ Fuks, D. B.; Tabachnikov, Serge (2007). Mathematical Omnibus: Thirty Lectures on Classic Mathematics. American Mathematical Society. p. 13. ISBN 9780821843161.
  135. ^ Darling, David (2004). «Khintchine’s constant». The Universal Book of Mathematics: From Abracadabra to Zeno’s Paradoxes. John Wiley & Sons. p. 175. ISBN 9780471667001.
  136. ^ Williams, Colin P. (2010). Explorations in Quantum Computing. Springer. pp. 277–278. ISBN 9781846288876.
  137. ^ Cox, Little & O’Shea 1997, pp. 37–46
  138. ^ Schroeder 2005, pp. 254–259
  139. ^ Grattan-Guinness, Ivor (1990). Convolutions in French Mathematics, 1800-1840: From the Calculus and Mechanics to Mathematical Analysis and Mathematical Physics. Volume II: The Turns. Science Networks: Historical Studies. Vol. 3. Basel, Boston, Berlin: Birkhäuser. p. 1148. ISBN 9783764322380. Our subject here is the ‘Sturm sequence’ of functions defined from a function and its derivative by means of Euclid’s algorithm, in order to calculate the number of real roots of a polynomial within a given interval
  140. ^ Hairer, Ernst; Nørsett, Syvert P.; Wanner, Gerhard (1993). «The Routh–Hurwitz Criterion». Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems. Springer Series in Computational Mathematics. Vol. 8 (2nd ed.). Springer. pp. 81ff. ISBN 9783540566700.
  141. ^ a b c Stillwell 2003, pp. 101–116
  142. ^ a b c Hensley, Doug (2006). Continued Fractions. World Scientific. p. 26. ISBN 9789812564771.
  143. ^ Dedekind, Richard (1996). Theory of Algebraic Integers. Cambridge Mathematical Library. Cambridge University Press. pp. 22–24. ISBN 9780521565189.
  144. ^ Johnston, Bernard L.; Richman, Fred (1997). Numbers and Symmetry: An Introduction to Algebra. CRC Press. p. 44. ISBN 9780849303012.
  145. ^ Adams, William W.; Goldstein, Larry Joel (1976). Introduction to Number Theory. Prentice-Hall. Exercise 24, p. 205. ISBN 9780134912820. State and prove an analogue of the Chinese remainder theorem for the Gaussian integers.
  146. ^ Stark 1978, p. 290
  147. ^ Cohn 1962, pp. 104–105
  148. ^ Lauritzen, Niels (2003). Concrete Abstract Algebra: From Numbers to Gröbner Bases. Cambridge University Press. p. 130. ISBN 9780521534109.
  149. ^ Lauritzen (2003), p. 132
  150. ^ Lauritzen (2003), p. 161
  151. ^ a b Sharpe, David (1987). Rings and Factorization. Cambridge University Press. p. 55. ISBN 9780521337182.
  152. ^ Sharpe (1987), p. 52
  153. ^ Lauritzen (2003), p. 131
  154. ^ Lamé, G. (1847). «Mémoire sur la résolution, en nombres complexes, de l’équation An + Bn + Cn = 0″. J. Math. Pures Appl. (in French). 12: 172–184.
  155. ^ Edwards, H. (2000). Fermat’s last theorem: a genetic introduction to algebraic number theory. Springer. p. 76.
  156. ^ Cohn 1962, pp. 104–110
  157. ^ LeVeque, W. J. (2002) [1956]. Topics in Number Theory, Volumes I and II. New York: Dover Publications. pp. II:57, 81. ISBN 978-0-486-42539-9. Zbl 1009.11001.
  158. ^ a b Clark, D. A. (1994). «A quadratic field which is Euclidean but not norm-Euclidean». Manuscripta Mathematica. 83: 327–330. doi:10.1007/BF02567617. S2CID 895185. Zbl 0817.11047.
  159. ^ a b Davidoff, Giuliana; Sarnak, Peter; Valette, Alain (2003). «2.6 The Arithmetic of Integer Quaternions». Elementary Number Theory, Group Theory and Ramanujan Graphs. London Mathematical Society Student Texts. Vol. 55. Cambridge University Press. pp. 59–70. ISBN 9780521531436.
  160. ^ Ribenboim, Paulo (2001). Classical Theory of Algebraic Numbers. Universitext. Springer-Verlag. p. 104. ISBN 9780387950709.


  • Cohen, H. (1993). A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-55640-0.
  • Cohn, H. (1962). Advanced Number Theory. New York: Dover. ISBN 0-486-64023-X.
  • Cox, D.; Little, J.; O’Shea, D. (1997). Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (2nd ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-94680-2.
  • Crandall, R.; Pomerance, C. (2001). Prime Numbers: A Computational Perspective (1st ed.). New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-94777-9.
  • Lejeune Dirichlet, P. G. (1894). Dedekind, Richard (ed.). Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie (Lectures on Number Theory) (in German). Braunschweig: Vieweg. LCCN 03005859. OCLC 490186017.. See also Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie
  • Knuth, D. E. (1997). The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms (3rd ed.). Addison–Wesley. ISBN 0-201-89684-2.
  • LeVeque, W. J. (1996) [1977]. Fundamentals of Number Theory. New York: Dover. ISBN 0-486-68906-9.
  • Mollin, R. A. (2008). Fundamental Number Theory with Applications (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC. ISBN 978-1-4200-6659-3.
  • Ore, O. (1948). Number Theory and Its History. New York: McGraw–Hill.
  • Rosen, K. H. (2000). Elementary Number Theory and its Applications (4th ed.). Reading, MA: Addison–Wesley. ISBN 0-201-87073-8.
  • Schroeder, M. (2005). Number Theory in Science and Communication (4th ed.). Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-15800-6.
  • Stark, H. (1978). An Introduction to Number Theory. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-69060-8.
  • Stillwell, J. (1997). Numbers and Geometry. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-98289-2.
  • Stillwell, J. (2003). Elements of Number Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-95587-9.
  • Tattersall, J. J. (2005). Elementary Number Theory in Nine Chapters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-85014-8.

External links[edit]

  • Demonstrations of Euclid’s algorithm
  • Weisstein, Eric W. «Euclidean Algorithm». MathWorld.
  • Euclid’s Algorithm at cut-the-knot
  • Euclid’s algorithm at PlanetMath.
  • The Euclidean Algorithm at MathPages
  • Euclid’s Game at cut-the-knot
  • Music and Euclid’s algorithm

Алгоритм Евклида — нахождение наибольшего общего делителя

Алгоритм Евклида – это алгоритм нахождения наибольшего общего делителя (НОД) пары целых чисел.

Наибольший общий делитель (НОД) – это число, которое делит без остатка два числа и делится само без остатка на любой другой делитель данных двух чисел. Проще говоря, это самое большое число, на которое можно без остатка разделить два числа, для которых ищется НОД.

Решение задачи на языке программирования Python

Алгоритм нахождения НОД делением

  1. Большее число делим на меньшее.
  2. Если делится без остатка, то меньшее число и есть НОД (следует выйти из цикла).
  3. Если есть остаток, то большее число заменяем на остаток от деления.
  4. Переходим к пункту 1.

Найти НОД для 30 и 18.
30 / 18 = 1 (остаток 12)
18 / 12 = 1 (остаток 6)
12 / 6 = 2 (остаток 0)
Конец: НОД – это делитель 6.
НОД (30, 18) = 6

a = int(input())
b = int(input())
while a != 0 and b != 0:
    if a > b:
        a = a % b
        b = b % a
print(a + b)

В цикле в переменную a или b записывается остаток от деления. Цикл завершается, когда хотя бы одна из переменных равна нулю. Это значит, что другая содержит НОД. Однако какая именно, мы не знаем. Поэтому для определения НОД находим сумму этих переменных. Поскольку в одной из переменных ноль, он не оказывает влияние на результат.

Если условием завершения цикла является равенство хотя бы одной из переменных нулю (a == 0 or b == 0), то условием продолжения его работы является обратное этому условие — обе переменные должны иметь отличные от нуля значения (a != 0 and b != 0).

Блок-схема алгоритма Евклида

Для того, чтобы вышеприведенная программа могла обрабатывать отрицательные числа, в логическом выражении при if должны сравниваться модули значений переменных: if abs(a) > abs(b):. Иначе большим числом может оказаться меньшее по модулю. В этом случае интерпретатор Питона в качестве остатка от деления выдает вещественное число. В результате это приводит к зацикливанию, так как низвести переменные до нуля становится как минимум маловероятным.

Алгоритм нахождения НОД вычитанием

  1. Из большего числа вычитаем меньшее.
  2. Если получается 0, значит, числа равны друг другу и являются НОД (следует выйти из цикла).
  3. Если результат вычитания не равен 0, то большее число заменяем на результат вычитания.
  4. Переходим к пункту 1.

Найти НОД для 30 и 18.
30 — 18 = 12
18 — 12 = 6
12 — 6 = 6
6 — 6 = 0
Конец: НОД – это уменьшаемое или вычитаемое.
НОД (30, 18) = 6

a = int(input())
b = int(input())
while a != b:
    if a > b:
        a = a - b
        b = b - a

Функция, вычисляющая НОД

def gcd(m, n):
    while m != n:
        if m > n:
            m = m - n
            n = n - m
    return n
a = int(input())
b = int(input())
print(gcd(a, b))

Функция gcd модуля math

В модуле math языка программирования Python есть функция gcd, вычисляющая наибольший общий делитель двух чисел.

>>> import math
>>> math.gcd(30, 18)

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Сергей Евгеньевич Грамотинский

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Существуют разные способы поиска НОД. Одним из наиболее эффективных из них является алгоритм Евклида для вычисления наибольшего общего делителя.
Рассмотрим его подробнее.

Определение 1

Алгоритм Евклида для нахождения НОД — это последовательное деление с остатком.

На каждом этапе нахождения НОД с помощью алгоритма Евклида производится деление большего из пары двух чисел на меньшее, а остаток записывается и используется при дальнейших вычислениях в качестве нового делителя для предыдущего.

Вычисление остатка производят до тех пор, пока он не будет равен нулю, тогда последний использованный делитель и будет являться наибольшим общим делителем, полученным через алгоритм Евклида.

Пусть даны два числа a=$f_0$ и $b=f_1$, причём $f_0≥f_1$ и оба этих числа не равны нулю. Тогда если предположить, что $f_1$ равно нулю, то НОД этих двух чисел будет равен $f_0$. Рассмотрим теперь случай, когда $f_1$ не равно нулю. В этом случае остаток от деления $f_0$ на $f_1$ пусть будет $f_2$, тогда справедливо равенство:

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$НОД(f_0, f_1)= НОД(f_1, f_2)$

Пусть $a$ будет частным от деления $f$ на $g$, тогда при любом целом $a$, числа $f_0$ и $f_1$ имеют те же общие делители, что и числа $f_1$ и $f_2=(f_0-acdot f_1)$.

Замечание 1

То есть применение алгоритма Евклида для нахождения наибольшего общего делителя есть не что иное, как последовательная цепочка вычислений остатков и частных от деления.

Цепочку вычисления НОД с помощью алгоритма Евклида можно записать так:

$f_0=a_1 cdot f_1 + f_2$;

$f_1=a_2 cdot f_2 + f_3$;


$f_n=a_n cdot f_{n+1} + f_{n+2}$.

Вычисления продолжаются до тех пор пока остаток $f_{n+2}$ не станет равным нулю, тогда за НОД принимается $f_{n+1}$.

Определение 2

Каждое последовательное вычисление нового остатка называется итерацией.

Алгоритм Евклида: блок-схема. Автор24 — интернет-биржа студенческих работ

Рисунок 1. Алгоритм Евклида: блок-схема. Автор24 — интернет-биржа студенческих работ

«Алгоритм Евклида » 👇

Рассмотрим пример на получение НОД через алгоритм Евклида.

Пример 1

Осуществите вычисление НОД с помощью алгоритма Евклида для пары $(39; 15)$

При вычислении НОД получаем последовательно пары чисел:





$НОД(3;0)$ — последняя пара является конечной, так как остаток равен нулю. Значит, наибольшим общим делителем для чисел $39$ и $15$ является число $3$.

Алгоритм Евклида: доказательство

Докажем корректность алгоритма Евклида с помощью двух этапов.

Сначала рассмотрим последний остаток $f_{n-1}$, не равный нулю.

Этот остаток является делителем обоих чисел $a$ и $b$. Так как этот остаток является общим делителем, то он должен быть меньше или равен некоторому $НОД=g$.

Для того чтобы показать, что $f_{n-1}$ является делителем $a$ и $b$, запишем предыдущий остаток через $f_{n-1}$:


Так как последний остаток $f_{n-1}=0$, то$ f_{n-1}$ также должен быть делителем $f_{n-3}$:

$f_{n-3}=q_{n-1}f_{n-2}+f_{n-1}$, так как он является делителем обоих слагаемых в правой части равенства.

Проведя последующие итерации, получается, что $f_{n-1}$ является делителем всех предыдущих остатков, включая $a$ и $b$.

При этом ни один из предыдущих остатков не является делителем $a$ и $b$, так как деление на них происходит с остатком.

Поэтому $f_{n-1}$ является общим делителем $a$ и $b$, при этом меньшим, либо равным $g$.

На втором этапе показываем, что любой общий делитель $a$ и $b$, в том числе и $g$, должен делиться на $f_{n-1}$.

Возьмём любое число $c$, являющееся делителем $a$ и $b$, также оно должно быть делителем любого получающегося остатка $f_k$.

Соответственно, числа $a$ и $b$ можно представить как $a=mc$ и $b=lc$, причём $l, m$ — натуральные числа.

Получается, что $c$ является делителем $f_1$, так как $f_1=a-q_0lc=(m-q_0l)c$.

Используя аналогичные рассуждения, можно доказать, что $c$ является делителем всех остатков.

Таким образом, получается, что $НОД=g$ должен быть делителем $f_{n-1}$, что значит, что $g≤f_{n-1}$.

Также $g$ должен быть меньше или равен $r_{n-1}$. Это и предыдущее заключение что $f_{n-1}≤g$ противоречат друг другу во всех случаях, кроме $f{n-1}=g$, следовательно, $g=f_{n-1}$.

То есть $f_{n-1}$ является НОД, полученным через алгоритм Евклида.

НОД: расширенный алгоритм Евклида

Расширенный алгоритм Евклида рассматривает НОД через линейную комбинацию этих чисел с некоторыми целыми коэффициентами.

Здесь остатки вычисляются по следующим формулам:




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Поиск по теме

Алгоритмы над целыми числами. Проверка на простоту, разложение на множители. Наибольший общий
делитель и наименьшее общее кратное: алгоритм Евклида. Признак Паскаля. Расширенный алгоритм Евклида

Алгоритмы над целыми числами применяются при решении множества задач: для сокращения дробей, разложения на

Алгоритм Евклида для нахождения НОД

Свой алгоритм Евклид (древнегреческий математик, живший примерно в 300 г. до
н.э.) придумал для решения задачи о соизмеримости двух отрезков. Общей мерой
(единицей измерения) отрезков с длинами $L_1$ и $L_2$ является отрезок
с наибольшей возможной длиной $L$, который можно уложить без остатка как в
первом отрезке, так и во втором. Например, для отрезков 10 и 15 такой общей мерой будет отрезок с длиной 5 (им
пользоваться как единицей измерения для обоих отрезков). При этом 5 будет наибольшим общим

10 и 15.

В общем случае, алгоритм Евклида — это метод нахождения
наибольшего общего делителя (НОД) нескольких чисел.

Целое число $a$ делится на целое число $b$ ($b ne 0$), если
существует целое число $k$, такое что $a=kb$. В таком случае $b$ называют делителем
числа $a$; число $a$ называют кратным числа $b$.

Если $a$ и $b$ делятся на $c$,
то их сумма $a+b$ и их разность $a-b$ делятся на $c$.

Если $a$ делится на $c$, а $b$ делится на $d$, то их
произведение $a*b$ делится на $c*d$.

$a$ и $b$ – положительные целые числа, $c$ — является общим делителем
чисел $a$ и $b$, если $a$ делится на $c$ и $b$ делится на $c$.

Среди общих делителей чисел $a$ и $b$ (не равных одновременно нулю) есть наибольший общий

(по-английски Greatest common divisor — GCD), обозначаемый НОД($a,b$) или $GCD(a,b)$.

Если $a$ делится на $b$, то $GCD(a,b) = b$. Например: $GCD(50,10)=10$.

$GCD(a,a)=a$. Например: $GCD(32,32)=32$.

Если $a gt b$, то $GCD(a,b)=GCD(a-b,b)$.

Если $GCD(a,b)=1$, то числа $a$ и $b$ — взаимно простые.

Алгоритм Евклида с вычитаниями

Последовательно вычитая из большего числа меньшее до тех пор, пока они не станут равными, придем к НОД этих

Пример: Найти НОД двух чисел 264 и 192.

НОД(264, 192) = НОД(72, 192) = НОД(72, 120) = НОД(72, 48) =
НОД(24, 48) = НОД(24, 24) = 24

Задача. Найти НОД двух натуральных чисел $a$ и $b$.

Используем для решения задачи алгоритм Евклида с вычитаниями.

Реализация на Pascal:

function GCD( a,b:integer ):integer; { определение НОД двух чисел }
  while a <> b do
    if a > b then a:=a-b else b:=b-a;
  GCD := b;

begin { Пример использования }
  writeln(GCD(10,15)); { Выведет 5 }

Реализация на С/C++:

#include <stdio.h>

int GCD( int a, int b ){ // определение НОД двух чисел
  while(a != b)
    if (a > b) a-=b; else b-=a;
  return b;

int main(){ // Пример использования
  printf("%d",GCD(10,15)); // Выведет 5
  return 0;

Алгоритм Евклида с делением

Если применить алгоритм Евклида с вычитаниями к паре чисел $(1,10^{20})$, то будет выполнено около $10^{20}$
вычитаний, это слишком долго!

Можно за один раз вычитать из $a$ $b$ столько раз, сколько можно. Алгоритм Евклида с делением основан на том, что
если $a=bq+r$, где $r$ — остаток от деления $a$ на $b$ ($0 le r < b$), то $GCD(a,b) = GCD(r,b)$.

применяя это утверждение можно понять, что НОД двух чисел – это последний не
равный нулю остаток от деления большего числа на меньшее.

Пример: найти НОД двух чисел 6069 и 663.


6069 = 663*9+102 НОД(6069, 663) = НОД
(663, 102)
663 = 102*6+51 НОД(663, 102) = НОД
(102, 51)
102 = 51*2+0 НОД(102, 51) = 51
(согласно утверждению 3)

Следовательно, 51 = НОД(102, 51) = НОД(663, 102) = НОД(6069, 663)

Демонстрационная Flash-программа показывает вычисление НОД любых 2 чисел:

Рассмотрим алгоритм и процедуру-функцию к решению задачи 1.1, используя для нахождения НОД двух
чисел алгоритм Евклида с делением.


Функция Вычисление_НОД(целое a, целое b)
  Пока (b <> 0)
    r := a по модулю b  (остаток от деления a на b), r - временная переменная (буфер)
    a := b
    b := r
  конец цикла
  Вывод результата - a
Конец функции

Реализация на Pascal:

function GCD( a,b:int64 ):int64; { Функция для вычисления НОД при помощи деления }
if b = 0 then { Если b = 0 }
GCD := a { следовательно a=НОД }
else { Пока b <> 0 }
GCD := GCD(b,a mod b); { Вычисляем остаток от деления a на b, а заменяем на b, b заменяем на r } end; begin writeln(GCD(264, 192)); { Выведет: 24 } end.

Реализация на Python:

def GCD(a,b): # Функция для вычисления НОД при помощи деления
  return a if b == 0 else GCD(b,a%b) # Вычисляем остаток от деления a на b, а заменяем на b, b заменяем на r=a mod b
  # НОД = a если b = 0 иначе НОД=НОД(b,r), r - остаток от деления a на b

print GCD(264, 192) # Выведет: 24 

Вычислить НОД трех натуральных чисел $a$, $b$ и $c$ можно так:


В общем случае, справедлива следующая рекуррентная формула:

$GCD(a_1,a_2,…,a_n) = GCD(GCD(a_1,a_2,…,a_{n-1}), a_n)$.

Ниже приведена функция нахождения НОД для массива натуральных чисел $a(1..n)$ с использованием цикла.

function GCD( ... )...

function GCDM( a : array of int64 ):int64;
var d : int64; i : integer;
  d := a[0];
  for i:= 1 to length(a)-1 do
    d := GCD(d, a[i]);
  GCDM := d;

begin { Пример вызова }

Диофантовы уравнения, расширенный алгоритм Евклида

С помощью алгоритма Евклида можно доказать одно важное свойство НОД.

Если $GCD(a,b)=d$, то можно найти такие целые числа $x$ и $y$, что $ax+by=d$.

Важным частным случаем этого утверждения является:

Если числа $a$ и $b$ взаимно просты ($GCD(a,b) = 1$), то найдутся такие целые числа $x$ и $y$,
что $ax + by = 1$.

Решение в целых числах уравнения $ax + by = c$ для любого
целого $c$ получается из решения предыдущего уравнения умножением на $c$.

Уравнение вида $ax+by=c$, разрешимое в целых числах, называется диофантовым уравнением (по имени
древнегреческого математика Диофанта).

Существует несколько типов задач, которые сводятся к решению диофантовых уравнений. К таким, например, относятся:

  • задачи по размену суммы денег купюрами определенного достоинства;
  • задачи на переливание.

Критерий разрешимости диофантова уравнения:

Чтобы уравнение $ax+by=c$ имело решение в целых числах $(x,y)$, необходимо и достаточно, чтобы $c$
делилось на $d=GCD(a,b)$.

Если это условие выполнено и $(x_0,y_0)$ – одно из решений этого уравнения, то все целочисленные
решения выглядят так:

$x = x_0 + {b_1}{t}$

$y = y_0 — {a_1}{t}$, где $t$ — целое число;

$a_1=a/d$, $b_1=b/d$.

Способ решения уравнения $ax + by = d$ основан на алгоритме Евклида: определяя $GCD(a,b)$
методом последовательного деления, на каждом шаге выражаем остаток от деления через исходные числа $a$, $b$ до тех
пор, пока остаток не станет нулем. Следовательно, на предыдущем шаге остаток равен $GCD(a,b)$, и мы одновременно
получаем одно из решений уравнения.

$a = {b}{q_1}+{r_1}$; $r_1=a-{b}{q_1} = {a}{x_1}+{b}{y_1}$

$b = {r_1}{q_2}+{r_2}$; ${r_2}=b-{r_1}{q_2}=a(-{x_1}{q_2})+b(1-{y_1}{q_2}) = a{x_2}+ b{y_2}$;

$r_1={r_2}{q_3}+{r_3}$; ${r_3}={r_1}-{r_2}{q_3}=a({x_1}-{x_2}{q_3})+b(y_1-{y_2}{q_3})= a{x_3}+b{y_3}$

$r_{n-2}=r_{n-1}{q_n}+{r_n}$; ${r_n}=a(x_{n-2}-{x_{n-1}}{q_n})+b(y_{n-2}-y_{n-1}{q_n})= a{x_n}+b{y_n}$

$r_{n-1}$ делится на $r_n$ без остатка

Следовательно, $r_n=GCD(a,b)$, а $(x_n,y_n)$ – искомое решение уравнения $ax + by = d$;

Рекуррентные формулы определения решения, как видно из выкладок, имеют следующий вид:
(для запоминания: начальная “1” — для первого параметра в функции НОД)

$x_{-1}=1$; $y_{-1}=0$; ($a = {a}cdot{1} + {b}cdot{0}$ — представление числа $a$)

$x_0=0$; $y_0=1$; ($b = {a}cdot{0} + {b}cdot{1}$ — представление числа $b$)


$x_n=x_{n-2}-x_{n-1}{q_n}$; $y_n=y_{n-2}-y_{n-1}{q_n}$; $n ge 1$

Достаточно рассмотреть одно рекуррентное соотношение, например, для вычисления
$x$, так как можно использовать исходное уравнение для определения $y=(d–ax)/b$.

Пример 1.3:
Найти целочисленное решение уравнения $258x + 114y = 6$



258 = 114 · 2
+ 30; $q_1 = 2$;

114 = 30 · 3
+ 24; $q_2 = 3$;

30 = 24 · 1
+ 6; $q_3 = 1$;

24 = 6 · 4; НОД(258,114) = 6

x3 = 4; y3
= -9 (таблица вычислений на рис.1.1);

Проверка: ${258}*{4} – {114}*{9} = 6$

Алгоритм для решения в целых числах уравнения $ax+by=c$.

1. Найдем по алгоритму Евклида с делениями $d=GCD(a,b)$.
Одновременно определяем решение уравнения $ax_0+by_0=d$ по вышеизложенным рекуррентным формулам.

2. Проверим, делится ли число $c$ на $GCD(a,b)$. Если нет, то решений в целых числах не существует.

3. Если делится, то делим на $d$ коэффициенты в правой и левой части уравнения $ax+by=c$.
Получим эквивалентное уравнение ${a_1}{x}+{b_1}{y}={c_1}$,
где $a_1=a/d$, $b_1=b/d$, $c_1=c/d$.

4. Найденная пара чисел $(x_0,y_0)$ – частное решение уравнения ${a_1}x+{b_1}y=1$, общее
решение этого уравнения находится по формулам:
$x = x_0+{b_1}t$ и
$у = y_0-{a_1}t$,
где $x_h={b_1}t$,
$y_h=-{a_1}t$ ($t$ – любое целое число) являются общим решением однородного
уравнения ${a_1}x+{b_1}y=0$.

5. Частное решение исходного уравнения $ax+by=c$ получается
умножением пары $(x_0,y_0)$ на $c_1$. Общее решение уравнения $ax+by=c$
получается сложением частного решения и общего решения однородного уравнения
$ax+by=0$ (или эквивалентного ${a_1}x+{b_1}y=0$).

Достоинство данного алгоритма в том, что решение уравнения определяется одновременно с нахождением
$GCD(a,b)$ без дополнительных массивов. Алгоритм справедлив также при $a lt b$.

Целочисленное решение уравнения $ax_0+by_0=GCD(a,b)$

function dioph2( a,b:int64; var x0,y0:int64 ):int64;
var x1,y1,q,r,x,y:int64;
  x0 := 1; y0 := 0;
  x1 := 0; y1 := 1;
  while b <> 0 do begin
    q := a div b; { Частное }
    r := a mod b; { Остаток }
    a := b;
    b := r;
    x := x0 - x1 * q; y := y0 - y1 * q;
    x0 := x1; y0 := y1;
    x1 := x; y1 := y;
  dioph2 := a; { НОД(a,b) }

var a,b,x0,y0,GCD : int64;
  test : integer;
  for test := 1 to 1000000 do begin { Прогоняем тесты }
    a := random(2000)+1; { Генерируем 2 случайных числа }
    b := random(2000)+1;
    GCD := dioph2(a,b,x0,y0);
    assert( a*x0+b*y0 = GCD ); { Проверка что ответ верный! }

Решение общего линейного диофантова уравнения.

Диофантово уравнение общего вида:
${a_1}{x_1} + {a_2} {x_2} + … + {a_n} {x_n} = c$,
где $a_1, a_2, …, a_n, c$ — целые числа, а $GCD(a_1,…,a_n)$ — наибольший общий делитель чисел $a_i$, где
$1 le i le n$ и не все числа $a_i$ равны нулю.

С помощью алгоритма Евклида можно доказать, что диофантово
уравнение ${a_1}{x_1}+{a_2}{x_2}+…+{a_n}{x_n} = GCD(a_1,a_2,…,a_n)$
всегда разрешимо, следовательно, критерий разрешимости:
для существования решения в целых числах этого уравнения необходимо и достаточно,
чтобы число $с$ делилось на $GCD(a_1,a_2,…,a_n)$.

Рассмотрим алгоритм решения на частном примере.

Пример: найти решение уравнения $18x+42y+10z=14$ в целых числах.


Для принятых выше обозначений $a_1=18$, $a_2=42$, $a_3=10$, $c=14$.

Легко угадывается решение: $(x = 0; y = 2; z = -7)$.

Если любому целому числу, представимому левой частью уравнения, сопоставить конкретный набор $(x,y,z)$, то действия с
такими числами
(сложение, вычитание, умножение на любое целое число) эквивалентны аналогичным
действиям с соответствующими наборами (поэлементно). В частности, для
коэффициентов уравнения числу 18 можно сопоставить набор $(1,0,0)$, т.к. 18 · 1 +
42 · 0 +10
· 0 = 18, для
числа 42 — набор (0,1,0),
а для числа 10 — набор (0,0,1).

Найдем число $d=GCD(18,42,10)$ и целочисленное решение уравнения $18x+42y+10z=d$

Используем свойства:

для последовательного определения НОД чисел;

$GCD(a,b)=GCD(b,r)$, где $r$ — остаток
целочисленного деления $a$ на $b$, причем $0 ≤ r < |b |$.

Представим обобщенный алгоритм Евклида для решения
диофантова уравнения в табличном виде (рис.1.2).

Знак ↑ пределяет выражение, как в ячейке выше и для
наглядности таблицы используется в пассивных столбцах, не участвующих в
текущих вычислениях. В каждой строке подчеркивается текущий найденный набор.

$a_1$ набор $a_2$ набор $a_3$ набор примечание
18 (1,0,0) 42 (0,1,0) 10 (0,0,1) $GCD(a,b)=GCD(b,r)$
$r=a-bq$; $0 le r < |b|$
6 (-2,1,0) 18 (1,0,0) 6 = 42 – 18 · 2

(-2,1,0) = (0,1,0) — (1,0,0) · 2

6 (-2,1,0) 0 (7,-3,0) 0 = 18 – 6 · 3

(7,-3,0) = (1,0,0) — (-2,1,0) · 3

4 (2,-1,1) 6 (-2,1,0) 4 = 10 – 6 · 1

(2,-1,1) = (0,0,1) — (-2,1,0)

2 (-4,2,-1) 4 (2,-1,1) 2 = 6 – 4 · 1

(-4,2,-1) = (-2,1,0)
— (2,-1,1)

2 (-4,2,-
0 (10,-
0 = 4 – 2 · 2

(10,-5,3) = (2,-1,1)
— (-4,2,-1) · 2

2 (-4,2,-1) 0 (7,-
0 (10,-5,3) итоговая строка результатов

Последняя строка таблицы определяет результаты решения диофантова

значение в первом столбце определяет $GCD(18,42,10)=2$. Соответствующий
набор $(x = -4, y = 2, z = -1)$ определяет частное решение уравнения $18x + 42y +
10z=GCD(18, 42,10)$. Правая часть исходного уравнения делится на GCD
коэффициентов, следовательно, частное решение исходного уравнения существует и
определяется умножением на целочисленный коэффициент $c/d=7$, т.е. набор $(x=-28, y=14, z=-7)$ является частным
решение исходного уравнения. Наборы при нулевых результирующих коэффициентах
определяют независимые решения однородного уравнения $18x+42y+10z=0$. Независимость
наборов означает, что нельзя получить соответствующие компоненты одного набора
из другого умножением на какое-либо целое число (это следует из сравнения
третьих компонент в наборах). Очевидно, что решение однородного уравнения можно
умножать на любую целочисленную константу, получая вновь решение.
Следовательно, общее решение уравнения можно записать следующим образом.

x = -28 + 7 t_1 + 10 t_2 \
y = 14 — 3 t_1 — 5 t_2 \
z = -7 + 0 t_1 + 3 t_2 end{cases}$
где $t_1$, $t_2$ — любые целые числа

Легко проверить, что для любых целых $t_1$ и $t_2$ тройки $(x,y,z)$
являются решениями уравнения $18x+42y+10z=14$.

Например, для $t_1=4$ и $t_2=0$ имеем $(x=0; y=2; z=-7)$,
$18 cdot 0 + 42 cdot 2 — 10 cdot 7=14$.

Алгоритм решения диофантова уравнения

Ниже приводится алгоритм решения уравнения ${a_1}{x_1}+{a_2}{x_2}+…+{a_n}{x_n}=GCD(a_1,a_2,…,a_n)$

Функция GCD(n, a(), x())

Задать набор N а_1{1,0,…,0}

Цикл i от 2 до n

Задать набор N а$_i $ {0,…0,1$_i $,0,…,0}

Пока a(i ) ≠ 0

q = a(1)a(i)

t = a(i); Nt
=_ Na$_i $_ { набор
временный }

a(i) = a(1) — q*a(i); Na$_i $_
= Na_1 — q*Na$_i $ { покомпонентно}

a (1) = t
Na _1 = Nt

Конец пока

{набор Na$_i $
содержит решение однородного уравнения}

Конец цикла i

GCD = a(1)
{НОД коэффициентов}

x () = Na _1

{набор Na _1 содержит
частное решение уравнения}

конец функции

Реализация на Pascal:

  TVector = array [1..100] of Integer;

  n, i, a1, ai, tmp: Integer;
  a, x1, xi: TVector;

procedure SetUnitVector(var v: TVector; index: Integer);
  FillChar(v, SizeOf(TVector), 0);
  v[index] := 1;

procedure CalculateVector(var v1, v2: TVector; q: Integer);
var i, tmp: Integer;
  for i := 1 to n do begin
    tmp := v2[i];
    v2[i] := v1[i] - q * v2[i];
    v1[i] := tmp;

  { Ввод исходных данных }
  Write('Введите количество компонент n: '); ReadLn(n);
  Write('Введите компоненты Ai через пробел: ');
  for i := 1 to n do Read(a[i]);
  { Вычисления }
  SetUnitVector(x1, 1);
  a1 := a[1];
  for i := 2 to n do begin
    SetUnitVector(xi, i);
    ai := a[i];
    while ai <> 0 do begin
      CalculateVector(x1, xi, a1 div ai);
      tmp := ai;
      ai := a1 mod ai;
      a1 := tmp;
  { Вывод ответа }
  WriteLn('НОД = ', a1);
  for i := 1 to n do Write(x1[i], ' ');

Разменять 14 рублей “трешками” и “пятерками”.

Задачи переливания

Задача. В ведре 12 литров молока. Как разлить молоко на две
равные части, используя только бидоны 5 и 7 литров?

Покажем, как
эта задача сводится к решению в целых числах уравнения

Следующий алгоритм
(рисунок 4) всегда приводит к решению подобных задач:

1) В
первый сосуд, если он пуст, наливаем (+1 для x)

2) Из
первого сосуда доливаем второй (если возможно)

3) Из второго сосуда, если он полон, выливаем (-1для

пункт алгоритма выполняется, если невозможно выполнить предыдущий пункт.
Каждое действие по отдельному пункту алгоритма составляет шаг переливания с
дальнейшим циклическим возвратом к анализу п.1.

диофантовому уравнению, процесс заканчиваем, когда суммарный объем
жидкости в обоих сосудах станет равным искомому объему.

Как видно из рисунка 4,
достижение нужного объема может произойти раньше (в некоторых случаях, даже
значительно раньше).


количество «наливаний» ($x$ со знаком
«+») для одного сосуда и «выливаний» ($y$
со знаком «-«) для другого, находим решение соответствующего
диофантова уравнения.

7 * 3 + 5
*(-3) = 6; $x$ = 3, $y$ = -3

Решений у такого уравнения бесконечно много. Если выберем сосуд 5 л в качестве
первого – получим решение:

5 * 4 + 7 * (-2) = 6.

Количество шагов переливаний может зависеть от того, какой вместительности сосуд считать
за “первым” (например, если в задаче заменить 5-литровый сосуд 3-литровым).

Для закрепления алгоритма при решении тренировочных задач 1.3 и 1.4 воспользуйтесь
программой «Переливай-ка».

Задача 1.3: Разлить поровну 16 ведер кваса, находящегося в 16-ведерном
бочонке, имея два пустых бочонка по 11 и 6 ведер.

Задача 1.4: Имеются три бочонка вместимостью 6, 3 и 7 ведер. В первом и
третьем содержится 4 и 6 ведер кваса соответственно. Требуется разделить квас
поровну между первым и третьим бочонком (по 5 вёдер).

Простые числа

число называется простым, если оно не имеет делителей кроме единицы и
самого себя.

теорема арифметики.
Любое целое положительное число разлагается на простые
множители и притом единственным образом (докажите самостоятельно).

Задача 1.5.
Определить простые делители натурального числа $n$.


PRINT n; "=";
WHILE (n mod 2 = 0)
  n = n  2
  IF n <> 1 THEN
    PRINT " 2 * ";
    PRINT " 2 ": END
i = 3
WHILE i <= n
  IF n mod i = 0 THEN
    PRINT i;
    n = n  i
    IF n<>1 THEN PRINT "*";
    i = i + 2


Ввести n
Вывести n " ="
Пока n делится на 2:
  n разделить на 2
  Если n ≠ 1 то
    Вывести " 2 * "
    Вывести " 2"
    Закончить программу
i = 3
Пока i ≤ n
  Если n делится на i то
    Вывести i
    n разделить на i
    Если n ≠ 1 то вывести "*"
    i = i + 2


  N : int64;
  i : longint;
  Write(N,' =');
  for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(N)) do { Перебираем все числа до корня из N }
    while N mod i = 0 do begin { Пока N делится на i }
      write(' ',i); { Выводим множитель i }
      N := N div i; { Делим на i }
      if N <> 1 then write(' *'); { Если ещё будут множители, то выводим знак умножения }
  if N<>1 then write(' ',N); { Оставшийся множитель }

Решето Эратосфена для нахождения простых чисел

Найти и вывести на экран простые числа, не превосходящие заданного числа N.

математик Эратосфен (250 – 194 годы до н.э.) записывал все подряд числа на
папирусе, а затем выкалывал составные числа по следующему правилу: сначала
числа, делящиеся на 2, затем на 3, на 5 и т.д., то есть просеивал их как сквозь
решето. В результате чего на папирусе оставались лишь простые числа. Этот
алгоритм нахождения простых чисел носит название решета Эратосфена.


INPUT "Введите N "; N
DIM a(1 TO N)
FOR i = 2 TO N
  IF a(i) = 0 THEN
    h = i
    FOR j = i + h TO N STEP h
      a(j) = 1
    NEXT j
FOR i = 2 TO N
  IF a(i) = 0 THEN PRINT i;


Ввести $N$
Массив ${a_i}$, $i=1,…,N$ (элементы массива нулевые)
Цикл $i = 2 .. n$
Если $a_i = 0$ то

Для j = j + h до n с шагом h

a(j) = 1

конец цикла

конец если

конец цикла

Для от i = 2 до n

Если a(i) = 0 то вывести

конец цикла

Основная идея этой реализации алгоритма заключается в том, что индексы элементов массива представляют собой числа, а
элементы массива – признаки того, являются ли эти числа простыми (значение 0) или составными (значение 1).

{ Решето Эратосфена }
  { Индексы элементов массива simple - числа, а элементы массива simple – признаки того, являются ли эти числа простыми }
  simple : array [2..30000000] of Boolean; { Является ли число простым? }
  N,i,j : Integer;
  { Ввод исходных данных: число N до которого искать простые числа }
  Write('Введите N: '); ReadLn(N);
  { Сначала "выписываем" все числа от 2 до N }
  for i := 2 to N do
    simple[i] := true;
  { Проходим в цикле все числа от 2 до N и выводим из них только простые }
  for i := 2 to N do
    if simple[i] then begin
      { Вывод результата - очередного простого числа }
      Write(i,' ');
      { Для простого числа i вычёркиваем все кратные ему }
      j := 2*i; { Первое кратное - удвоенное число i }
      while j <= N do begin { Если оно попадает в допустимый диапазон }
        simple[j] := false; { то мы его вычёркиваем }
        j := j + i; { и переходим к следующему кратному i числу }

Цепные дроби

Цепная дробь (или непрерывная дробь) — это математическое выражение вида:

$[a_0; a_1, a_2, a_3,cdots] = a_0+frac{1}{a_1+frac{1}{a_2+frac{1}{a_3+ldots}}}$

где a0 где a0 есть целое число и все остальные an
натуральные числа (то есть неотрицательные целые). Любое вещественное число можно представить в виде цепной дроби
(конечной или бесконечной). Число представляется конечной цепной дробью тогда и только тогда, когда оно рационально.
Число представляется периодической цепной дробью тогда и только тогда, когда оно является квадратичной

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