Эта вики была объединена с другой вики Фэндома. Данная вики заархивирована, и мы просим участников и читателей перейти на объединённый проект. |
Осёл — пассивный и приручаемый моб, добавленный в официальной версии 1.6.1.
Выглядит также как и лошадь. Отличается тем, что отсутствует грива, белая морда, длинные уши и серая кожа.
Спавнится осёл в саванне, в пустынях и равнинах.
Поведение осла ничем не отличается от пассивных мобов. В мирное время бесцельно бродит по миру, при атаке игроком, он убегает некоторое время, пока не успокоиться. Осла, как и лошадь можно приручить.
Осла можно приручить. Для этого надо садиться на него до тех пор, пока не появятся сердечки и не откроется его инвентарь. Его можно использовать как транспорт, так и для перевозки сундука. Для этого надо надеть на него сундук. Стоит отметить, что на осла нельзя надеть конскую броню, поэтому его не стоит использовать для битв. Если осёл потеряет здоровье, его можно накормить сахаром, сеном
Осёл — это дружелюбный моб, похожий на лошадь, но меньшего роста. Встречается, как и лошадь, в Саванне и Равнине. Осла можно приручить и надеть на него седло и сундук. Снять сундук уже не получится, причем вместимость инвентаря осла в два раза меньше, чем обычного сундука.
Хитрости и советы
Как сэкономить золото при разведении лошадей и ослов?
- Синонимы: Donkey
- ID: donkey
- Версии Майнкрафт:1.17 / 1.16.5 / 1.16.4 / 1.16.3 / 1.16.2 / 1.16.1 / 1.16
Эффект | Носит сундук |
Здоровье | |
Опыт |
Где найти осла
Здесь указано, где можно найти осла в Майнкрафте, т.е. где можно встретить осла в Minecraft.
Что даёт осёл
Здесь перечислено, что можно получить из осла в Майнкрафте, т.е. дроп из осла в Minecraft.
Амуниция для осла
Здесь указано, что можно применить или одеть на осла в Майнкрафте.
Как разводить ослов
Здесь указано, как нужно разводить ослов в Майнкрафте, т.е. с помощью чего можно размножить ослов в Minecraft.
Команда призыва осла
Здесь указана команда, которая позволяет призвать осла в Майнкрафте, то есть как в Minecraft создать осла.
Осла можно призвать с помощью команды в креативном режиме.. Для этого нужно:
- открыть чат (клавиша «T» английская)
- написать команду
/summon minecraft:donkey
- нажать клавишу «ENTER» (ВВОД)
Также можно указать координаты, по которым будет призываться осёл:
/summon minecraft:donkey ~ ~ ~
текущие координаты вызывающего -
/summon minecraft:donkey 100 ~ 200
координата X = 100, Y = текущая Y-координата вызывающего, координата Z = 200 -
/summon minecraft:donkey ~10 50 ~-2
X = текущая X-координата + 10 блоков, Y = 50, Z = текущая Z-координата — 2 блока
X — координата с запада на восток, Y — высота, Z — координата с юга на север.
Команду можно прописать в командный блок, чтобы она исполнялась при получении сигнала красного камня. Это особенно актуально, если команда призыва осла не помещается в строке чата.
Эффект | Носит сундук |
Здоровье | |
Опыт |
Осёл — это дружелюбный моб, похожий на лошадь, но меньшего роста. Встречается, как и лошадь, в Саванне и Равнине. Осла можно приручить и надеть на него седло и сундук. Снять сундук уже не получится, причем вместимость инвентаря осла в два раза меньше, чем обычного сундука.
- Синонимы: Entity.minecraft.donkey
- Версии Майнкрафт: 11 / 10.5.1 / 1.22 / 1.21 / 1.20 / 1.19.1 / 1.19
- COMMAND: donkey
Дата публикации: 11.01.2020
Дата обновления: 16.10.2022
Как сделать осла
Есть только один рецепт, как сделать осла в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете посмотреть описание данного рецепта: картинка с ингредиентами и пошаговая инструкция, как скрафтить осла в игре Minecraft.
Где найти осла
Есть несколько мест, где можно взять осла в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете найти подробное описание всех этих мест, где можно взять осла в игре Minecraft.
Дроп из осла
Есть только один предмет, который выпадает из осла в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете найти подробное описание данного предмета, который можно получить, убив осла в игре Minecraft.
Как разводить ослов
Есть несколько предметов, с помощью которых можно разводить ослов в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете найти подробное описание данных предметов, которые позволяют размножать ослов в игре Minecraft.
Видео про осла
На сайте есть только одно видео, на котором есть осёл в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете посмотреть данное видео, чтобы лучше представлять как выглядит осёл в игре Minecraft.
Скриншоты осла
На сайте есть несколько скриншотов, на которых есть осёл в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете найти данные скриншоты, чтобы посмотреть на осла в игре Minecraft.
Команда призыва осла
Есть команда, которая позволяет призвать осла в Майнкрафт. Ниже вы можете посмотреть подробное описание данной команды, чтобы научиться создавать осла в игре Minecraft.
Осла можно призвать с помощью команды в креативном режиме. Для этого нужно:
- открыть чат (клавиша «T» английская)
- написать команду
/summon minecraft:donkey
- нажать клавишу «ENTER» (ВВОД)
Также можно указать координаты, по которым будет призываться осёл:
/summon minecraft:donkey ~ ~ ~
текущие координаты вызывающего
/summon minecraft:donkey 100 ~ 200
координата X = 100, Y = текущая Y-координата вызывающего, координата Z = 200
/summon minecraft:donkey ~10 50 ~-2
X = текущая X-координата + 10 блоков, Y = 50, Z = текущая Z-координата — 2 блока
X — координата с запада на восток, Y — высота, Z — координата с юга на север.
Команду можно прописать в командный блок, чтобы она исполнялась при получении сигнала красного камня. Это особенно актуально, если команда призыва осла не помещается в строке чата.
Donkeys are variants of horses that, when tamed, can be ridden and equipped with chests.
1-3 donkeys spawn in plains and only 1 in savannas. Donkeys also spawn in meadows. 20% of the individual donkeys spawn as foals.
Bedrock Edition
2-6 donkeys spawn only in plains at light level 7 or above.[1]
Adult donkeys are 1.4 blocks wide and long, and 1.6 blocks high. Foals start at half the size of adults and in Bedrock Edition, get progressively bigger as they age. Unlike wolves and cats, the appearances of donkeys do not change once they have been tamed, though tamed donkeys may be differentiated by giving them equipment.
Donkeys are smaller all around than the normal horses and sport long, erect ears. Their manes do not protrude, but rather are drawn directly on the back of their heads and necks. All donkeys have gray-brown coats with darker ankles, ears, manes, and tails. Donkeys can be equipped with a simple saddle, not the full covered armor and they can also be equipped with chests to store up to 15 stacks of items.
Unlike almost all other mobs, donkeys with equipped saddles or chests do not render these when under the effect of Invisibility.[2]
Upon death, donkeys drop:
- 0–2 Leather. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 0-5 with Looting III.
- 1–3, when killed by a player or tamed wolf.
If equipped with a chest or saddle, they drop those items. They also drop the contents of the chest.
Upon successful breeding, 1–7 is dropped.
Killing a baby donkey yields no items nor experience.
Tamed and saddled donkeys are some of the fastest means of transportation or hauling in the game, although they are unable to fit through single block-wide openings. They can also be used to climb hills and jump fences, which the player can’t generally.
Donkeys cannot float on water when being controlled by a player. They can be ridden in water up to 2 blocks deep. In deeper water, the player is automatically dismounted.[3]
Donkeys can be equipped with chests and used as pack animals. They can also be pulled along and tied up using a lead.
GUI of a donkey, when equipped with a chest.
Tamed donkeys can have the following slot available:
- Saddle Slot: For equipping a saddle.
- An additional 15 inventory slots, provided the donkey has been equipped with a chest.
Equipment can be placed on a donkey by holding left shift and then using on the donkey, or by accessing its inventory. A donkey’s inventory can be accessed by mounting the donkey and using inventory control, or by sneaking and then using or pressing the «open inventory» button[Bedrock Edition only] on the donkey.
A donkey can be equipped with a chest by using a chest on a donkey. The chest cannot be removed except by killing the donkey, which causes the chest and its contents to drop.
Foals cannot be equipped with anything.
Once a donkey is tamed and saddled, the player can control it with the standard directional controls, jump, and the mouse. The player dismounts using the dismount control. Like riding other entities, it is impossible for a player to use a nether portal or end portal while on a donkey.
A ridden saddled donkey automatically runs up any one block high slope. The donkey and rider can safely fit through a space as low as 2.75 blocks high. Lower clearance risks suffocating the rider if the rider’s head enters a non-transparent block. The donkey itself can enter gaps as low as 1.625 blocks high, but may itself take suffocation damage when clearance is less than 1.75 blocks. They cannot fit through a 1-block-wide gap.
Unlike horses, all spawned donkeys have the same movement speed and jump strength, although speed potions can be used on the donkey and travel via the Nether can make the donkey easily the pack animal with the fastest practical way to travel in Minecraft. Donkeys are slow-moving backward, and about as fast as the player when moving sideways.
Ridden saddled donkeys have the ability of «jumping charging». When the player rides them, the experience bar on HUD is replaced by jumping charging bar. A ridden saddled donkey can be made to jump and holding the control charges for a higher leap. Donkeys are not affected by jump boost beacons or potions.
Donkeys roam around idly, occasionally stopping to rear, swish their tails, or lower their heads as though eating the grass. Unlike sheep, the eating animation does not actually cause any grass to be consumed. A donkey may turn to look at a player who comes near. Any donkey, even a wild one, allows itself to be attached to a lead without protest. However, if the player attempts to saddle an untamed donkey, it rears and flails its front hooves. Donkeys remain passive, even when hit.
Donkeys occasionally emit an audible braying sound.
Donkeys, like most mobs, can ride in a minecart and boat. Unlike other passive mobs, donkeys slowly regenerate health.
Adult donkeys can be tamed. With an empty hand, mount it repeatedly; when it shows hearts and no longer bucks the player, it is tamed. It is necessary to tame a donkey in order to breed it, give it equipment, or ride it for any length of time.
Taming depends on the donkey’s «temper». They begin with a temper of 0 out of 100. When a player is riding the donkey, a random number between 0 and 99 is chosen. The donkey becomes tame if this number is less than the temper, otherwise, the temper is increased by 5 and the player is bucked off. Temper can also be increased by feeding the donkey.
While riding an untamed donkey, a galloping sound is audible, more or less rapid. This gives a general idea of the donkey’s speed. It is unknown whether there is any indication of jump height before taming.
Like all tamed animals, a death message is displayed to their owner if they are killed.[Bedrock Edition only]
Feeding tamed donkeys golden apples or golden carrots activates love mode.
The offspring appear more spindly than their adult versions and grow progressively larger with time until they reach their full size. The offspring do not automatically belong to the player who owns their parents. Rather, it is born as an untamed donkey and must be tamed after it grows into an adult. The foal can be fed to make it mature faster.
Breeding two donkeys creates a donkey foal. Because all donkeys have the same texture, the offspring looks exactly like its parents when it is fully grown.
Cross-breeding a donkey with a horse creates a mule foal. Mules cannot breed.
Feeding a donkey food may alter its behavior and cause it to grow (if it is not yet an adult; foals normally take 20 minutes to fully mature if not fed), and restore its health.
To feed a donkey, hold a valid food item and press use while looking at it. If the food is invalid, the action is treated as an attempt to mount the donkey. Donkeys can be fed only when feeding would have an effect, similar to other animals. The table below lists the effects of the various foods donkeys can consume.
Food | Heals | Speeds growth by | Increases temper | Notes |
Sugar | 1 |
30 sec | +3 | |
Wheat | 2 |
20 sec | +3 | |
Apple | 3 |
1 min | +3 | |
Golden Carrot | 4 |
1 min | +5 | Activates love mode in tamed donkey. |
Golden Apple | 10 |
4 min | +10 | Activates love mode in tamed donkey. Enchanted golden apples also work. |
Hay Bale | 20 |
3 min | N/A | Hay bales cannot be fed to untamed adult donkey. |
All donkeys have three «equine stats» that vary between donkeys: health, (maximum) movement speed, and jump strength. These stats are created once the donkey is born or spawned, and are not affected by food.
Spawned values
When spawned in any way except breeding – for instance, using commands, spawning naturally, spawning as part of a skeleton trap, or using spawn eggs – donkeys are assigned their stats within certain ranges, specific according to their horse type.
Donkey’s health ranges from 15–30, but tends toward the average 22–23. Displayed hearts are health, divided by two, rounded down. A donkey with an odd number of health points (15, 17, 19, etc.) does not display the last half-heart. If the donkey has lost one fewer health point than the inflicted damage and did not regenerate, it has an odd number of health points, otherwise, it has an even number of health points.
Movement speed
A spawned donkey’s speed value is always 0.175, but it only moves at the slightly reduced 7.38 blocks/sec. For reference, the player’s normal walking speed is 0.1, equivalent to 4.3 blocks/sec. and the player’s sprinting speed is equivalent to 5.6 blocks/sec. The speed listed does not include any status effect that affects the speed of a horse or a player.
A bred donkey’s speed value has the same limits as other horses, between 0.1125 and 0.3375. See Horse#Movement speed.
See transportation to compare the speeds of various transportation methods.
Jump strength
A spawned donkey’s jump strength is always 0.5, enough to clear 1 9⁄16 blocks. A bred donkey’s jump strength has the same limits as other horses, between 0.4 and 1.0. See Tutorials/Horses#Speed.
Bred values
When breeding two donkeys, the foal’s stats are determined by averaging both parent’s stats with a third set, randomly determined the same way horses’ stats are. (i.e. add both parents’ stats with the random value and divide by 3). Random values are used for the third set even when the value is not randomized for donkeys spawned naturally or with a spawn egg.
Java Edition:
Donkeys use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.
Sound | Subtitles | Source | Description | Resource location | Translation key | Volume | Pitch | Attenuation distance |
Donkey hee-haws | Friendly Creatures | Randomly | entity.donkey.ambient |
subtitles.entity.donkey.ambient |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) |
16 | |
Donkey neighs | Friendly Creatures | When a player is bucked off by a donkey or fails to interact with a donkey | entity.donkey.angry |
subtitles.entity.donkey.angry |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) |
16 | |
Donkey Chest equips | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey equips a chest | entity.donkey.chest |
subtitles.entity.donkey.chest |
1.0 | 0.8-1.2 | 16 | |
Donkey dies | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey dies | entity.donkey.death |
subtitles.entity.donkey.death |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) |
16 | |
Donkey eats | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey eats an item | entity.donkey.eat |
subtitles.entity.donkey.eat |
1.0 | 0.8-1.2 | 16 | |
Horse jumps[sound 1] | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey begins a leap | entity.horse.jump [sound 1] |
subtitles.entity.horse.jump [sound 1] |
0.4 | 1.0 | 16 | |
Something fell | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey falls from more than 1 block | entity.horse.land |
subtitles.entity.generic.big_fall |
0.4 | 1.0 | 16 | |
Donkey hurts | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey is damaged | entity.donkey.hurt |
subtitles.entity.donkey.hurt |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) |
16 | |
Footsteps | Friendly Creatures | While a donkey is walking | entity.horse.step |
subtitles.generic.block.footsteps |
Block-Dependent | Block-Dependent | 16 | |
Footsteps | Friendly Creatures | While a donkey is walking on wood[sound 2] | entity.horse.step_wood |
subtitles.generic.block.footsteps |
Block-Dependent | Block-Dependent | 16 | |
Saddle equips | Friendly Creatures | When a donkey equips a saddle | entity.horse.saddle |
subtitles.entity.horse.saddle |
0.5 | 1.0 | 16 |
- ↑ a b c MC-98316 — Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction
- ↑ Except for stems, Nether wood, cherry wood, and bamboo wood due to MC-257246[until JE 1.20]
Bedrock Edition:
Sound | Source | Description | Resource location | Volume | Pitch |
Friendly Creatures | Randomly | mob.horse.donkey.idle |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) | |
Friendly Creatures | When a player is bucked off by a donkey | mob.horse.donkey.angry |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) | |
Friendly Creatures | Unused sound event[sound 1] | mob.horse.armor |
0.6 | 1.0 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey equips a chest | mob.horse.armor |
1.0 | 0.8-1.2 | |
Friendly Creatures | Unused sound event[sound 1] | mob.horse.breath |
0.7 | 1.0 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey dies | mob.horse.donkey.death |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey eats an item | mob.horse.eat |
0.5-1.5 | 0.8-1.2 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey begins a leap | mob.horse.jump |
0.4 | 1.0 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey falls from more than 1 block | mob.horse.land |
0.4 | 1.0 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey is damaged | mob.horse.donkey.hit |
0.8 | 0.8-1.2 (Baby: 1.3-1.7) | |
Friendly Creatures | While a donkey is walking | mob.horse.soft |
0.45 | 0.9-1.1 | |
Friendly Creatures | While a donkey is walking on wood[sound 2] | mob.horse.wood |
0.45 | 0.9-1.1 | |
Friendly Creatures | When a donkey equips a saddle | mob.horse.leather |
0.5 | 1.0 |
- ↑ a b These sound events are assigned to the donkey, but are not called by the game
- ↑ Except for stems, Nether wood, cherry wood[upcoming: BE 1.20.0], and bamboo wood[upcoming: BE 1.20.0] due to MCPE-165012
Data values
Java Edition:
Name | Identifier | Translation key |
Donkey | donkey |
entity.minecraft.donkey |
Bedrock Edition:
Name | Identifier | Numeric ID | Translation key |
Donkey | donkey |
24 |
entity.donkey.name |
Entity data
Donkeys have entity data associated with them that contain various properties.
Java Edition:
- Entity data
- ChestedHorse: 1 or 0 (true/false) — true if the horse has chests. A chested horse that is not a donkey or a mule crashes the game.
- Items: List of items. Only exists if ChestedHorse is true.
- An item, including the Slot tag. Slots are numbered 2 to 16 for donkeys and mules, and none exist for all other horses.
- An item, including the Slot tag. Slots are numbered 2 to 16 for donkeys and mules, and none exist for all other horses.
Bedrock Edition:
- See Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format.
Icon | Achievement | In-game description | Actual requirements (if different) | Gamerscore earned | Trophy type (PS4) | |
PS4 | Other | |||||
Saddle Up | Tame a horse. | — | 20G | Bronze | ||
Artificial Selection | Breed a mule from a horse and a donkey. | — | 30G | Bronze |
Icon | Advancement | In-game description | Parent | Actual requirements (if different) | Resource location |
It Spreads |
Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst | Monster Hunter | Kill one of these 68 (70[upcoming: JE 1.20]) mobs near a sculk catalyst:
Mobs that drop no experience are ignored for this advancement. |
adventure/kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst |
The Parrots and the Bats |
Breed two animals together | Husbandry | Breed a pair of any of these 23 (25 [upcoming: JE 1.20]) mobs:
A mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement. |
husbandry/breed_an_animal |
Best Friends Forever |
Tame an animal | Husbandry | Tame one of these tameable mobs:
husbandry/tame_an_animal |
Two by Two |
Breed all the animals! | The Parrots and the Bats | Breed a pair of each of these 22 (24[upcoming: JE 1.20]) mobs:
A trader llama does not count as a llama, and a mule must be the result of breeding a horse and a donkey for this advancement as they are not breed-able together. Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement. |
husbandry/bred_all_animals |
Java Edition | |||||
1.6.1 | 13w16a | ||||
13w16b | Donkeys have been made slower and they have been reduced from gliding so much. | ||||
13w18a | Horse saddles have been removed. Donkeys are now controlled using the saddle. | ||||
13w19a | Access to the donkey inventory by sneaking and interacting has been enabled. | ||||
13w21a | Added a new GUI for donkeys, to control their saddle and inventory. | ||||
13w22a | Added new sound effects for donkeys. | ||||
1.7.2 | 13w36a | Donkeys now spawn in savannas. | |||
1.8 | 14w26c | Donkeys can no longer be fed bread for taming, healing, or growing. | |||
Wheat’s acceleration of baby donkey growth has been reduced. | |||||
1.9 | 15w47b | Added sounds for donkeys eating food given by a player. | |||
1.10 | 16w20a | Added a donkey spawn egg. | |||
pre2 | The donkey spawn egg has been removed. | ||||
1.11 | 16w32a | Donkeys now have a separate ID from horses: donkey .
The donkey spawn egg has been re-added. | |||||
1.13 | 17w45a | ||||
17w46a | |||||
18w03a | |||||
1.14 | 18w43a | ||||
18w43b | |||||
18w44a | |||||
1.16 | 20w15a | Tamed donkeys can now be saddled by dispensers. | |||
Dispensers can now put chests on tamed donkeys. | |||||
1.18 | Experimental Snapshot 1 | Donkeys now spawn in the newly added meadows. | |||
experimental snapshot 2 | Donkeys now spawn less frequently in meadows. | ||||
experimental snapshot 6 | Donkeys now follow players that are holding golden carrots, golden apples, or enchanted golden apples. | ||||
1.19.4 | 23w03a | The texture of the donkey has been changed. | |||
1.20 (Experimental) |
23w07a | Donkey now spawn in cherry groves. | |||
1.19.4-pre1 | Donkey no longer spawn in cherry groves. | ||||
Pocket Edition Alpha | |||||
v0.15.0 | build 1 | ||||
Bedrock Edition | |||||
1.2.6 | beta | ||||
1.2.9 | Donkeys no longer open their mouths when bucking the player off or taking damage. | ||||
1.10.0 | beta | ||||
Legacy Console Edition | |||||
TU19 | CU7 | 1.12 | Patch 1 | 1.0.1 | |
TU22 | CU10 | 1.15 | Added quick move to the donkey inventory. | ||
TU31 | CU19 | 1.22 | Patch 3 | Baby donkey growth can now be accelerated using wheat. | |
TU43 | CU33 | 1.36 | Patch 13 | Added sounds for donkeys. | |
TU60 | CU51 | 1.64 | Patch 30 | 1.0.11 | |
New Nintendo 3DS Edition | |||||
0.1.0 |
Issues relating to «Donkey» are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
- If a player picks up leather dropped by an adult donkey, they receive the «Cow Tipper» achievement. This is due to the achievement being given when a player picks up any piece of leather instead of being given when killing a cow.
- A player riding a donkey is dragged along if the donkey is being pulled by a lead, and can even be lifted up in the air in the same way.
- Using commands, it is possible to make a donkey with no armor slot, but also no way to equip a chest.
- In the Bedrock Edition, the donkey can be transported in a boat by riding the donkey and jumping into the boat then dismounting (leaving the donkey behind in the boat) and activating the boat from underneath/underwater. Attempting to activate the boat to pilot it from above results in the player being mounted on the donkey again rather than being placed inside the boat to pilot it.
The first image of the donkey chest inventory.[5]
A donkey and a mule.
A herd of donkeys and horses spawned next to each other.
In other media
See also
- Horse
- Zombie Horse
- Skeleton Horse
- Mule
- Llama
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ MC-13738 — resolved as «Reopened».
- ↑ MC-72440 — resolved as «Works As Intended».
- ↑ » Also big thanks to @DrZhark, the creator of Mo’ Creatures, that have assisted us to make it happen!» – @jeb_ (Jens Bergensten) on Twitter, April 4, 2013
- ↑ » Do not look at this image.» – @Dinnerbone (Nathan Adams) on Twitter, May 10, 2013
Как найти осла в майнкрафте
Чтобы найти осла в Майнкрафте, следуйте этим шагам:
1. Обзор окружающей местности: осел появляется в пустынных и саванных районах, поэтому попробуйте искать его в таких местах.
2. Используйте золотые яблоки или золотые морковки: осель можно приручить, дав ему золотое яблоко или золотую морковку.
3. Бросайте яблоко или морковку неподалеку: если вы не видите осла, попробуйте бросить золотое яблоко или морковку, чтобы привлечь его в вашу зону видимости.
4. Сделайте ловушку: если вы все еще не можете найти осла, попробуйте построить ловушку, используя блоки и веревку, и поместите золотое яблоко или морковку в ловушку для приручения осла.
— Чтобы получить золотые яблоки или золотые морковки, используйте золото и яблоки или морковь для крафта.
— Если вы приручили осла, вы можете поставить на него сундук и использовать его как мобильное хранилище.