Как найти первообразную cos3x

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Калькулятор интегралов

Интеграл от cos(3*x) по x:
sin(3*x)/3  Нарисовать график     Редактировать LaTeX выражение     Прямая ссылка на страницу

Калькулятор Интегралов вычисляет неопределенный интеграл (первообразную) от функции по заданной переменной с использованием аналитического интегрирования. Также он позволяет построить график функции и её интеграла.

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Integrate cos^3x

To integrate cos^3x, also written as ∫cos3x
dx, cos cubed x, cos^3(x), and (cos x)^3, we start by using standard trig identities to
simplify the integral.

Factorising out one of the cosx terms.

We factorise out one of the cosx terms to get a cosx squared term. As you can
see, it means the same thing.

Trig Identity

We recall the Pythagorean trig identity and rearrange it for the cosx squared

Integration problem.

We can now eliminate the cos squared term by substitution of the rearranged
trig identity.

Substitution of trig identity.

Hence, we get this new expression.


Let u = sinx.


Then, du/dx = cosx.


We rearrange the previous expression for du. As you can see, cosx dx is
exactly like the part outside the brackets in our integration problem. We can
therefore replace it all with du.

u substitution.

On the LHS, we also  replace sin squared term inside the brackets with u
to give a new expression on the RHS. It means the same thing but is in terms of

Integrating each term separately.

We rewrite our integration problem by integrating each term in the brackets
separately. This means the same thing as our original integration problem.

Integration solution in terms of u.

We now integrate to give this intermediate result in terms of u. In the next
step, we replace u with sinx.

Final Answer

Hence, this is the final answer.

  1. Настуня

    3 августа, 20:17


    Z=3x dx=dz/3 1/3∫coszdz=sinz/3+c=sin3x/3+C

    A (0; 0) sin0/3+C=0 0+C=0 C=0

    F (x) = sin3x/3

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  2. Звезда

    3 августа, 22:07


    F (x) = 1/3 * sin (x) + C

    0 = 1/3 * sin 0 + C

    C = 0

    F (x) = 1/3 * sin (x)

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Главная » Алгебра » Помогите решить! Для функции f (x) = cos3x найдите первообразную, график которой проходит через точку А (0; 0)

bold{mathrm{Basic}} bold{alphabetagamma} bold{mathrm{ABGamma}} bold{sincos} bold{gedivrightarrow} bold{overline{x}spacemathbb{C}forall} bold{sumspaceintspaceproduct} bold{begin{pmatrix}square&square\square&squareend{pmatrix}} bold{H_{2}O}
square^{2} x^{square} sqrt{square} nthroot[msquare]{square} frac{msquare}{msquare} log_{msquare} pi theta infty int frac{d}{dx}
ge le cdot div x^{circ} (square) |square| (f:circ:g) f(x) ln e^{square}
left(squareright)^{‘} frac{partial}{partial x} int_{msquare}^{msquare} lim sum sin cos tan cot csc sec
alpha beta gamma delta zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu
nu xi pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
A B Gamma Delta E Z H Theta K Lambda M
N Xi Pi P Sigma T Upsilon Phi X Psi Omega
sin cos tan cot sec csc sinh cosh tanh coth sech
arcsin arccos arctan arccot arcsec arccsc arcsinh arccosh arctanh arccoth arcsech
begin{cases}square\squareend{cases} begin{cases}square\square\squareend{cases} = ne div cdot times < > le ge
(square) [square] ▭:longdivision{▭} times twostack{▭}{▭} + twostack{▭}{▭} — twostack{▭}{▭} square! x^{circ} rightarrow lfloorsquarerfloor lceilsquarerceil
overline{square} vec{square} in forall notin exist mathbb{R} mathbb{C} mathbb{N} mathbb{Z} emptyset
vee wedge neg oplus cap cup square^{c} subset subsete superset supersete
int intint intintint int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} sum prod
lim lim _{xto infty } lim _{xto 0+} lim _{xto 0-} frac{d}{dx} frac{d^2}{dx^2} left(squareright)^{‘} left(squareright)^{»} frac{partial}{partial x}
(2times2) (2times3) (3times3) (3times2) (4times2) (4times3) (4times4) (3times4) (2times4) (5times5)
(1times2) (1times3) (1times4) (1times5) (1times6) (2times1) (3times1) (4times1) (5times1) (6times1) (7times1)
mathrm{Радианы} mathrm{Степени} square! ( ) % mathrm{очистить}
arcsin sin sqrt{square} 7 8 9 div
arccos cos ln 4 5 6 times
arctan tan log 1 2 3
pi e x^{square} 0 . bold{=} +

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Номер Строки


  • int xln(x)dx

  • int sin (2x)dx

  • int frac{x}{x^2+1}dx

  • int cos (sqrt{x})dx

  • int sin ^2(x)+cos ^2(x)dx

  • int :xe^xdx

  • Показать больше


Поэтапное решение первообразной функции



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