Как найти силикон в astroneer

Icon Silicone
Размер Малый
Группа Ресурсы
Тип Очищенный
Редкость Редкий

Силикон — редкий ресурс в Astroneer

В ТИМ есть ошибка перевода, и силикон там называется Кремний


  • 1 Получение
  • 2 Применение
  • 3 Галерея
  • 4 Пустяки


Может быть получен с помощью:

  • Хим. лаборатории:
    • Icon Resin Смола + Icon Methane Метан + Icon Quartz Кварц = Icon Silicone Силикон


ТИМ на Везании — 2шт.

  • Icon Crane Кран
  • Убежище
  • Укладчик
  • Средний контейнер (газы)


  • Silicone Stack.png

    Силикон (0.10.2)

  • Render Silicone.png

    Силикон, отдельно отрендерен (0.10.2)


Он был добавлен с обновлением ресурсов

п · о · рРесурсы

Icon Compound Соединение | Icon Lithium Литий | Icon Resin Смола | Icon Soil Почва | Icon Scrap Металлолом


Icon Organic Органика | Icon Carbon Углерод | Icon Hydrazine Гидразин


Icon Ammonium Аммоний | Icon Clay Глина | Icon Graphite Графит | Icon Hematite Гематит | Icon Laterite Латерит | Icon Malachite Малахит | Icon Quartz Кварц | Icon Sphalerite Сфалерит | Icon Titanite Титанит | Icon Wolframite Вольфрамит|Icon Astronium Астрониум

Переплавление ресурсы

Icon Aluminum Алюминий | Icon Ceramic Керамика | Icon Copper Медь | Icon Glass Стекло | Icon Iron Железо | Icon Titanium Титан | Icon Zinc Цинк | Icon Tungsten Вольфрам

Очищенные ресурсы

Icon Aluminum Alloy Сплав алюминия | Icon Diamond Алмаз | Icon Explosive Powder Порох | Icon Graphene Графен | text=Наноуглеродный сплавНаноуглеродный сплав | Icon Plastic Пластик | Icon Rubber Резина | Icon Silicone Силикон | Icon Steel Сталь | Icon Titanium Alloy Сплав титана | Icon Tungsten Carbide Карбид вольфрама

Атмосферные ресурсы

Icon Argon Аргон | Icon Helium Гелий | Icon Hydrogen Водород | Icon Methane Метан | Icon Nitrogen Азот | Icon Sulfur Сера

Неиспользуемые ресурсы

Лёд | Вода | Бетон | Седимент


СиликонСиликон — это композитный (сложный) ресурс в Astroneer. Получить его можно в химической лаборатории из Смолы, Метана и Кварца. Для этого необходимо установить химическую лабораторию и положить Кварц, Смолу и Метан в слоты для крафта, как только силикон будет готов, он появится в химической лаборатории. При исследовании силикона в камере для исследований вы получите 600 байт. 

Силикон используется для активации ядра Новуса.

Крафт силикона

Обработка Получаемая вещь Нужные ресурсы
 Химическая лаборатория Силикон Силикон Смола Смола
Кварц Кварц
Метан Метан


Обработка Получаемая вещь Нужные ресурсы
 Малый принтер  Большой принтер Силикон Силикон
Графен Графен
 Малый принтер  Укладчик Силикон Силикон
Алюминиевый сплав Алюминиевый сплав
 Малый принтер  Средний контейнер (газы) Силикон Силикон
Стекло Стекло
 Средний принтер  Кран Силикон Силикон
Сталь Сталь
Титан Титан
 Большой принтер  Убежище Силикон Силикон x2
Пластик Пластик x2

Часто задаваемые вопросы

  • Где взять силикон в astroneer? Как скрафтить силикон в астронир?
    Все очень просто. Установите химическую лабораторию, положите в нее Смолу, Метан и Кварц и подождите. Через небольшой промежуток времени вам выедет силикон.

Любопытные факты

  • Если поместить силикон в камеру исследования, при полном его анализе вы получите 600 байт. Скорость исследования будет 240 байт/мин.

Silicone is a composite resource in Astroneer. It appears as a green version of Resin.


Output Input Module
Silicone Resin
Chemistry Lab


Silicone is used to craft the following items:

Module Output Input
Small Printer Field Shelter Silicone
Paver Aluminum Alloy
Medium Gas Canister Silicone
Medium Printer Crane Steel

Tungsten Carbide


Large Printer Shelter Silicone x2
Plastic x2

Information below contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game’s secrets for yourself. Proceed at your own risk.

AstroWiki Warning.svg Spoiler Warning: Information below contains information that may ruin your enjoyment of discovering the game’s secrets for yourself. Proceed at your own risk.

Silicone is used to activate the Gateway Engine on Icon Novus.png Novus. (hover to reveal)


  • Silicone icon

    Silicone icon

v · d · eResources
Natural Resources

Soil  •  Compound  •  Resin  •  Organic  •  Clay  •  Ammonium  •  Graphite  •  Quartz  •  Laterite  •  Malachite  •  Sphalerite  •  Wolframite  •  Lithium  •  Hematite  •  Titanite  •  Astronium

Refined Resources

Carbon  •  Glass  •  Ceramic  •  Aluminum  •  Copper  •  Tungsten  •  Iron  •  Zinc  •  Titanium

Atmospheric Resources

Hydrogen  •  Argon  •  Methane  •  Nitrogen  •  Helium  •  Sulfur

Composite Resources

Rubber  •  Plastic  •  Aluminum Alloy  •  Tungsten Carbide  •  Graphene  •  Diamond  •  Hydrazine  •  Silicone  •  Explosive Powder  •  Steel  •  Titanium Alloy  •  Nanocarbon Alloy

Limited Time Resources

Spookysquash Sample  •  Squasholine  •  Attapetrol  •  Noxothane

Other Resources

Scrap  •  EXO Chip  •  Power  •  Oxygen

astroneer silicone

Silicone is a composite resource in Astroneer. It looks like an emerald version of resin. It is used for quite a few things in this game, no cosmetic surgery, unfortunately.

How Do You Get Silicone?

In order to obtain silicone, you will need to have an atmospheric condenser as one of the crafting ingredients is Methane, a gas that is not present on the starting planet. The atmospheric condenser is also something you will not be able to build until you have more of the advanced materials in the game. You will need to set up an advanced base on another planet to get to the point where you can start reliably crafting this resource. The recipe is listed below.

What Can You Craft With Silicone?

As far as composite resources go, silicone has quite a lot of things that is part of. I can’t provide much insight as to what it relates to in the real world, except it being used as a waterproof sealant. Maybe it will have some more advanced uses someday in the area of water if the game gets to this point.

Module Input Output
Small Printer 1 Silicone, 1 Graphene Field Shelter
1 Aluminum Alloy, 1 Silicone Paver
1 Silicone, 1 Glass Medium Gas Canister
Medium Printer 1 Steel, 1 Silicone, 1 Titanium Crane
Large Printer 2 Silicone, 2 Plastic Shelter

What Does Silicone Look Like?

Silicone looks like a nice emerald green version of composite. Since it does not grow naturally in the environment, you will not be able to mine it as you would with other resources. Resin and quartz are the two natural resources that you will need to find and then on top of this methane, which is going to be the most difficult element for most people to obtain.

where to find silicone

Quartz is the first resource you will need to find. This is pretty easy to find in the caves of Sylva, the starting planet. It looks like large crystals
how to create silicone
Resin is the second resource which is a very common resource that most people will be able to find very easily on any planet in the game.
Astroneer how to get silicone
Methane is the final resource you will need. This requires an atmospheric condenser and comes with difficulties of its own to gather the required resources just to be able to build it. Once you have it, you will need to travel to the planet where you can actually capture it.

How to Make Silicone in Astroneer. Learn how to make Silicone, its uses and how to get all of the ingredients

Silicone, a composite resource, is crafted in the Chemistry Lab. It requires Resin Methane & quartz

Silicone is not easily found. You must make it using the following recipe

Recipe: x1 Resin + x1 Methane + x1 Quartz = x1 Silicone

How do you create a Chemistry Lab?

Requires: Medium Printer Module | Recipe: Chemistry Lab = Tungsten + Glass + Ceramic

Tungsten: Check the Tungsten guide

Ceramic – Check out the Ceramic Guide

Glass – To find Quartz, use Quartz in the smelting oven

Quartz is available on all the Planets.

The Soil Centrifuge can produce 4 Quartz and two full Canisters Of Soil.

Trade Platform provides 2 Quartz per Scrap. Up to 8 total for 4 Scrap.

How do I get Resin, Methane and Quartz?

Resin – Use the Terrain Tool to find deposits on all the Planets.

The Soil Centrifuge makes 8 Resin and two full Soil Canisters.

Trade Platform offers 2 Resin per Scrap, up to 8 total scraps for 8.

Methane can be found on these planets by using the Atmospheric Consdenser.

  • Novus: 75 ppu
  • Approx. 100 ppu

Quartz: is available on all Planets.

The Soil Centrifuge can produce 4 Quartz and two full Canisters Of Soil.

Trade Platform provides 2 Quartz per Scrap. Up to 8 total for 4 Scrap.

Astroneer: How to get Silicone – Uses

These are the items that use Silicone in their recipe:

Small Printer Recipes

You can make everything you need on the Small Printer.

  • Field Shelter = silicone + graphene
  • Paver = Silicone + Aluminum Alloy
  • Medium Gas Canister = Silicone + Glass

Medium Printer Recipes

You can make everything you need on the Medium Printer.

  • Crane = Silicone + Steel + Titanium

Large Printer Recipes

All you can do with the Large Printer and all the resources you will need. Silicone

  • Shelter = Silicone x2 + Plastic x2


This is a spoiler, which may ruin your fun. This is an explosive powder-activated item, so we’ll leave it a few lines down in case you don’t want us to find it.

The Gateway Engine is activated on Novus using silicone

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