Как найти sin 330 градусов




10 лет назад


5 — 9 классы

Найдите a) sin 330 градусов б) sin(-150градусов) в) соs 420 градусов г)соs(-135градусов)

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(3 оценки)



10 лет назад

Светило науки — 34 ответа — 323 помощи

Формула приведения:

a)sin(360-30)= -sin30= -1/2

б)sin(-150)=-sin150= -sin(180-30)=-sin30= -1/2

в)соs450= cos(360+60)=cos60= 1/2

г)сos(-135)= cos135= cos(180-45)=cos(-45)= -√2/2

(3 оценки)


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Задание № 4662

Найдите sin 330°.

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Вам необходимо найти Синус 330 градусов? Он же записывается как sin(330). Чему он равен? Ниже вы можете увидеть готовый ответ:

Синус 330 градусов это -0.5

sin(330) =

Результат для синуса угла 330 градусов был взят из таблицы Брадиса..

Найти любой синус, косинус, тангенс, котангенс:

Еще примеры вычислений синусов разных углов:

Синус 47 градусов = 0.73135370161917.
Синус 105 градусов = 0.96592582628907.
Синус 249 градусов = -0.9335804264972.
Синус 293 градусов = -0.92050485345244.

Другие похожие материалы:

  • Тангенс 236
  • Косинус 191
  • Котангенс 192
  • Косинус 313
  • Тангенс 193
  • Синус 236
  • Косинус 18
  • Косинус 159
sin(330°0′0″) = -0.5 sin(330°20′0″) = -0.4949532353 sin(330°40′0″) = -0.4898897182
sin(330°1′0″) = -0.4997480623 sin(330°21′0″) = -0.4947004559 sin(330°41′0″) = -0.4896361057
sin(330°2′0″) = -0.4994960823 sin(330°22′0″) = -0.4944476346 sin(330°42′0″) = -0.4893824517
sin(330°3′0″) = -0.49924406 sin(330°23′0″) = -0.4941947715 sin(330°43′0″) = -0.4891287564
sin(330°4′0″) = -0.4989919955 sin(330°24′0″) = -0.4939418666 sin(330°44′0″) = -0.4888750196
sin(330°5′0″) = -0.4987398887 sin(330°25′0″) = -0.4936889199 sin(330°45′0″) = -0.4886212415
sin(330°6′0″) = -0.4984877398 sin(330°26′0″) = -0.4934359314 sin(330°46′0″) = -0.488367422
sin(330°7′0″) = -0.4982355486 sin(330°27′0″) = -0.4931829011 sin(330°47′0″) = -0.4881135612
sin(330°8′0″) = -0.4979833153 sin(330°28′0″) = -0.4929298292 sin(330°48′0″) = -0.4878596591
sin(330°9′0″) = -0.4977310399 sin(330°29′0″) = -0.4926767155 sin(330°49′0″) = -0.4876057158
sin(330°10′0″) = -0.4974787224 sin(330°30′0″) = -0.4924235601 sin(330°50′0″) = -0.4873517311
sin(330°11′0″) = -0.4972263627 sin(330°31′0″) = -0.4921703631 sin(330°51′0″) = -0.4870977053
sin(330°12′0″) = -0.496973961 sin(330°32′0″) = -0.4919171244 sin(330°52′0″) = -0.4868436382
sin(330°13′0″) = -0.4967215173 sin(330°33′0″) = -0.4916638441 sin(330°53′0″) = -0.4865895299
sin(330°14′0″) = -0.4964690315 sin(330°34′0″) = -0.4914105222 sin(330°54′0″) = -0.4863353804
sin(330°15′0″) = -0.4962165037 sin(330°35′0″) = -0.4911571587 sin(330°55′0″) = -0.4860811898
sin(330°16′0″) = -0.4959639339 sin(330°36′0″) = -0.4909037536 sin(330°56′0″) = -0.4858269581
sin(330°17′0″) = -0.4957113221 sin(330°37′0″) = -0.490650307 sin(330°57′0″) = -0.4855726852
sin(330°18′0″) = -0.4954586684 sin(330°38′0″) = -0.4903968189 sin(330°58′0″) = -0.4853183713
sin(330°19′0″) = -0.4952059728 sin(330°39′0″) = -0.4901432893 sin(330°59′0″) = -0.4850640163

The value of sin 330 degrees is -0.5. Sin 330 degrees in radians is written as sin (330° × π/180°), i.e., sin (11π/6) or sin (5.759586. . .). In this article, we will discuss the methods to find the value of sin 330 degrees with examples.

  • Sin 330°: -0.5
  • Sin 330° in fraction: -(1/2)
  • Sin (-330 degrees): 0.5
  • Sin 330° in radians: sin (11π/6) or sin (5.7595865 . . .)

What is the Value of Sin 330 Degrees?

The value of sin 330 degrees in decimal is -0.5. Sin 330 degrees can also be expressed using the equivalent of the given angle (330 degrees) in radians (5.75958 . . .).

We know, using degree to radian conversion, θ in radians = θ in degrees × (pi/180°)
⇒ 330 degrees = 330° × (π/180°) rad = 11π/6 or 5.7595 . . .
∴ sin 330° = sin(5.7595) = -(1/2) or -0.5

Sin 330 Degrees


For sin 330 degrees, the angle 330° lies between 270° and 360° (Fourth Quadrant). Since sine function is negative in the fourth quadrant, thus sin 330° value = -(1/2) or -0.5
Since the sine function is a periodic function, we can represent sin 330° as, sin 330 degrees = sin(330° + n × 360°), n ∈ Z.
⇒ sin 330° = sin 690° = sin 1050°, and so on.
Note: Since, sine is an odd function, the value of sin(-330°) = -sin(330°).

Methods to Find Value of Sin 330 Degrees

The sine function is negative in the 4th quadrant. The value of sin 330° is given as -0.5. We can find the value of sin 330 degrees by:

  • Using Unit Circle
  • Using Trigonometric Functions

Sin 330 Degrees Using Unit Circle

value of sin 330

To find the value of sin 330 degrees using the unit circle:

  • Rotate ‘r’ anticlockwise to form a 330° angle with the positive x-axis.
  • The sin of 330 degrees equals the y-coordinate(-0.5) of the point of intersection (0.866, -0.5) of unit circle and r.

Hence the value of sin 330° = y = -0.5

Sin 330° in Terms of Trigonometric Functions

Using trigonometry formulas, we can represent the sin 330 degrees as:

  • ± √(1-cos²(330°))
  • ± tan 330°/√(1 + tan²(330°))
  • ± 1/√(1 + cot²(330°))
  • ± √(sec²(330°) — 1)/sec 330°
  • 1/cosec 330°

Note: Since 330° lies in the 4th Quadrant, the final value of sin 330° will be negative.

We can use trigonometric identities to represent sin 330° as,

  • sin(180° — 330°) = sin(-150°)
  • -sin(180° + 330°) = -sin 510°
  • cos(90° — 330°) = cos(-240°)
  • -cos(90° + 330°) = -cos 420°

☛ Also Check:

  • sin 45 degrees
  • sin 37 degrees
  • sin 50 degrees
  • sin 910 degrees
  • sin 720 degrees
  • sin 660 degrees

FAQs on Sin 330 Degrees

What is Sin 330 Degrees?

Sin 330 degrees is the value of sine trigonometric function for an angle equal to 330 degrees. The value of sin 330° is -(1/2) or -0.5.

What is the Exact Value of sin 330 Degrees?

The exact value of sin 330 degrees is -0.5.

How to Find Sin 330° in Terms of Other Trigonometric Functions?

Using trigonometry formula, the value of sin 330° can be given in terms of other trigonometric functions as:

  • ± √(1-cos²(330°))
  • ± tan 330°/√(1 + tan²(330°))
  • ± 1/√(1 + cot²(330°))
  • ± √(sec²(330°) — 1)/sec 330°
  • 1/cosec 330°

☛ Also check: trigonometric table

How to Find the Value of Sin 330 Degrees?

The value of sin 330 degrees can be calculated by constructing an angle of 330° with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (0.866, -0.5) on the unit circle. The value of sin 330° is equal to the y-coordinate (-0.5). ∴ sin 330° = -0.5.

What is the Value of Sin 330 Degrees in Terms of Cos 330°?

Using trigonometric identities, we can write sin 330° in terms of cos 330° as, sin(330°) = -√(1-cos²(330°)). Here, the value of cos 330° is equal to √3/2.

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