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Арина Листкова

Арина Листкова

1 месяц назад

У меня сбежал маленький улитенок, размером 1 см, без понятия как и где его искать, везде посмотрела, уже не могу сдержаться..

☀ Sun dragon ☀

☀ Sun dragon ☀

1 месяц назад

У меня не получается 😖
Но, всё равно спасибо😭

Tymofii Dudnik

Tymofii Dudnik

7 месяцев назад

Подпешысь пжжж

Сергей Денисенко

Сергей Денисенко

8 месяцев назад

Ночю збежала скажу как найду

Сергей Денисенко

Сергей Денисенко

8 месяцев назад

Не нашол☹️☹️☹️☹️



9 месяцев назад

Спасибо вам дайте вам бог здоровья вы большой молодец помогли 2 дня искали она спала оказывается хех ещё раз спасибо помогли



9 месяцев назад

Пока не обноружила скоро найду



9 месяцев назад

Я положила на пол огурец

Максим Бадрак

Максим Бадрак

1 год назад

😓моя не ношлась

Fan YeosM

Fan YeosM

1 год назад

А что делать если улитка очень маленького размера? Я не могу её найти уже почти сутки(

Sofia Kolyda

Sofia Kolyda

1 год назад

А что делать если не можешь её найти уже около 4 суток?

superbu 0007

superbu 0007

1 год назад

спасибо большое я нашла улитку она была в самом темном угле

Самса Харченко

Самса Харченко

1 год назад

Что делать если её не нашла? Два дня уже ищу и перепробовала эти методы, что мне делать? Подскажите пожалуйста



1 год назад

Большое спасибо , сегодня утром улитка потерялась долго плакала не могла найти , воспользуюсь вашими советами напишу как найду =)

Дарья Спорышева

Дарья Спорышева

1 год назад

У меня тоже убегали улитки. Я их просто на ночь крышкой не закрывала, а теперь закрываю. Тогда я очень напугалась

Данна Перец

Данна Перец

1 год назад

Надеюсь, я своих найду😭

7 Б Сёма Деревянко

7 Б Сёма Деревянко

2 года назад

спасибо огромное

Daniar Tobaniaz

Daniar Tobaniaz

2 года назад

Быстрее ответте пож.

Daniar Tobaniaz

Daniar Tobaniaz

2 года назад

Привет, можеш ответит?! Моя улитка пропала в 2019 году! За 2 года он может умерет?🤔😓 Я поставила капусту куску он может притий или он уже умерь?



2 года назад

Я воспользуюсь. Если найду напишу

Сейчас смотрят

all night.wav
Chaitnya Chopra

2 месяца назад
133 просмотров

all night.wav


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Snails can be annoying pests, particularly if you’re a gardener. However, some people catch snails to keep as pets or to show to young children. Whatever the reason, if you want a snail you will need to seek it out in the right habitat and in the snail’s ideal environmental conditions. Terrestrial and aquatic snails live in very different environments. By learning how to search for and catch snails, you’ll be able to acquire as many of these molluscs as you need.

  1. Image titled Find a Snail Step 1


    Search at the optimal time. Though snails may be out at any time, they are primarily nocturnal. This is because snails are susceptible to drying out in direct sunlight. Most snails go out searching for food when it’s dark out (or at least darker than usual), so that would be the best time to find one.[1]

    • If at all possible, try to go looking for snails in the evening or on dark, overcast days.
  2. Image titled Find a Snail Step 2


    Check common snail habitats. Snails can live in many different places, but most terrestrial snails live in shaded, damp areas. If there isn’t much shade available, many snails will burrow under hard objects that remain cool and damp away from direct sunlight.[2]
    Some common snail habitats include:

    • rocks
    • debris
    • flower pots
    • wooden planks on the ground
    • damp, shaded areas[3]
    • weedy or leafy areas close to the ground


  3. Image titled Find a Snail Step 3


    Look for a slime trail. One telltale sign of a snail is the viscous, sticky trail of slime it leaves in its wake. If you’re having a hard time spotting snails, you might have more luck if you search for their slime trails and follow a sticky streak to the snail itself.[4]

    • Slime is usually left in silvery streaks across dry surfaces.
    • You might see a slime trail on rocks, dirt, pavement, or on vertical surfaces like trees and walls.
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  1. Image titled Find a Snail Step 4


    Seek out ideal conditions. Freshwater snails can live in any aquatic habitat. Some snails do well in polluted waters, but for the most part, snails typically thrive in clean, clear bodies of water.[5]

    • Stable, clean substrates at the bottom of the water are ideal habitats for snails.
    • Clean, clear water that is not murky or full of sediments will house the greatest range of snail species.
    • Look for water bodies with high oxygen concentrations to find the most snails. Fast-moving water bodies with a lot of rapids or falls tend to be the most oxygenated habitats.
  2. Image titled Find a Snail Step 5


    Search river bottoms. While there are many snails that live in standing bodies of water, fast-moving water bodies tend to produce ideal conditions for snails to inhabit. Rivers, creeks, and streams are ideal freshwater snail habitats, with medium- to large-sized rivers yielding the most species of snail.[6]

  3. Image titled Find a Snail Step 6


    Try larger bodies of water. Lakes and ponds are common freshwater snail habitats. However, they do not have the biodiversity or the ease of access that a river/creek/stream bottom has. You may still be able to find snails in a lake or pond, provided that the water is clear enough to allow sunlight and oxygen to reach the bottom.[7]

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  1. Image titled Find a Snail Step 7


    Lure snails out of hiding. If you’re having trouble finding snails in the wild, you might try luring snails out by creating ideal conditions for them. Remember that terrestrial snails like cool, slightly wet environments that are out of direct sunlight.[8]

    • Identify an area that might house snails. You can usually find snails in cool, damp, shaded environments or near food sources like gardens.
    • Water the area late in the afternoon. Try to dampen the soil and leave a mist on any low lying vegetation nearby.
    • Return after dark with a flashlight. If snails inhabit the area you’ve watered, you should see them or their slime trails fairly easily.
  2. Image titled Find a Snail Step 8


    Create a snail hiding place. If there aren’t any ideal snail habitats in your area, you can create your own by leaving objects in and around a garden or field. As you set up your hiding places, consider whether a given object would provide adequate shade and moisture to a soil-dwelling terrestrial snail.[9]

    • Try laying boards of wood, large, flat bricks, stones, or flower pots near an area you believe snails inhabit.
    • You can also use inverted melon rinds, but be aware that these may also attract other insects like ants.
  3. Image titled Find a Snail Step 9


    Build a pitfall trap. Pitfall traps are an excellent way to catch terrestrial invertebrates. Be aware, though, that pitfall traps catch many different kinds of ground-dwelling insects. Your pitfall trap may catch a couple snails, but it will most likely also catch other critters. This will require some sifting through and releasing other insects.[10]

    • Dig a small hole in the ground that is deep and wide enough to hold a cup.
    • Add beer or baking yeast to a 5% sugar and water solution in a pitfall trap. Be sure you only leave a shallow pool of liquid or the snails you catch might drown.
    • Check your trap on a regular basis. You may decide to check every day or you might check the trap multiple times each day, but if you leave your snail for a prolonged period of time it may die.
  4. Image titled Find a Snail Step 10


    Catch aquatic snails. Aquatic snails can be a bit more difficult to catch than terrestrial snails. However, with the right tools you should be able to find and catch some freshwater snails near you. One of the most common ways of catching aquatic snails (and other aquatic invertebrates) is by using a kick-net.[11]

    • Purchase or build a kick-net. A kick-net can be easily made by fastening a long, thin mesh to two wooden poles, creating a net that looks like a giant scroll with handles in the folded ends.
    • Look for an area in the water where there are riffles or falls.
    • Approach the chosen area from downstream to avoid disturbing any snails you might catch.
    • You can use rocks to stabilize the net underwater and downstream, then lift submerged objects to «shake» snails loose. You can also hold the handles of the kick-net so the net is downstream and walk backward upstream, kicking rocks and submerged objects loose.
    • Be aware that a kick-net will catch all kinds of aquatic invertebrates. While some of the invertebrates you catch may be snails, there will probably be many other types of unwanted invertebrates present in the net as well.
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  • Question

    I can’t seem to find a snail or two in my garden. What do you recommend I do?

    Community Answer

    Try building snail shelters and wetting the soil to lure snails to your yard. You can also dig a pitfall trap to catch snails and other ground-dwelling creatures near your home.

  • Question

    What season is good for finding snails?

    Community Answer

    Spring and fall because it’s not too hot or too cold, and they can usually be found roaming around, especially if it’s rainy.

  • Question

    Where can I look besides stores and under rocks for a snail?

    Community Answer

    Try looking in parks, school playgrounds, or even in bushes or hedges along sidewalks.

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  • Look for snails after the rain because they like damp places.

  • Following a snail trail in sunlight or with bright lights will make it easier.

  • Snails like fruit and vegetables, so try putting some out to attract them.

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  • Be careful not to accidentally crush the snails you find. They can have very delicate shells.

  • Always wash your hands after handling snails.



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Article SummaryX

To find a snail, wait to go searching until the evening or when it’s dark out since snails are nocturnal. Then, look for snails in shaded, damp areas, like under rocks, near weeds, under fallen branches, or inside of flower pots. You can also try looking for silvery slime trails, which are the trails that snails leave behind when they travel. If you find a slime trail, look nearby for a snail since there’s probably one around! To learn how to find aquatic snails and how to catch snails, scroll down!

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  • Brianna Humburg

    Brianna Humburg

    Mar 14, 2017

    «I love snails now and I have 2, one my brother found and one I found. I collect 1 or 2 snails at my school. I loved…» more

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