Лего бэтмен 2 все персонажи как найти

Lego Batman 2 Characters

How to unlock all secret Lego Batman 2 characters? That question will be answered in this guide that shows you how and who to unlock to get the full roster of Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes unlockable characters on Wii, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 & PS Vita.

Play Tip: You must first complete the Story Mode before you can change/switch characters in the Gotham City open world hub (although you can do it in Free Play Mode). Note that you’ll lose any suit that your Batman or Robin is wearing when you change/switch characters.

Here’s the funny Lego Batman 2 launch trailer showing off the main characters.

To unlock 50 of all 60 playable characters in the game you basically have to finish the Story Mode levels and explore Gotham City’s open world hub. This goes especially fast if you have access to Superman in between playing levels. — The 10 spots at the bottom of the character select screen (which normally are invisible until unlocked) are reserved for for downloadable content (DLC) characters, which at first will only be available via pre-order, but are sure to be released in two packs sometime after release (one for 5 Heroes and one for 5 Villains). — The 10 last spots on the character select screen’s sides are for the custom characters you can make at the Batcave computer.

Map Tip: To be able to scan for and see character icons on world map, you need to have activated the remote satellite / Bat Computer pad terminal nearby where you can look at the map & choose vehicles. This then unclouds the map and makes characters (like The Riddler) appear where you’re supposed to see them on their in-game location. It’s made obvious by the nearby character (if a Villain) appearing in a short cutscene where they taunt you to come fight them.

How To Find Villains: Villains are located at the red (or blue) beacons that light up the sky in the Gotham City open world hub. Go to the base of those beacons, activate the remote satellite Bat Computer and you should get a short video clip of the nearby villain. Defeat that villain in a brief battle and you then have the option to buy him/her. By way of a freebie, Brainiac is the villain associated with the remote computer located in the central park.

How To Find Heroes: Heroes are behind gold doors. These can be a little tricky to find, but they all ping on a map scan. Then, you have to have the requisite number of gold bricks to build the door. Once the door is built, a hero comes out and you can purchase him/her.

Table of Contents by Alphabet:

  • Page 1: Alfred to Dick Grayson
  • Page 2: General Zod to Nightwing
  • Page 3: Police Officer to Zatanna

Index of Lego Batman 2 Guides:

  • This Page: How To Unlock All Lego Batman 2 Characters
  • Next Page: How To Unlock All Lego Batman 2 Vehicles
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Walkthrough
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Minikits Locations Guide
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Red Bricks Locations Guide
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Gold Bricks Locations Guide
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Citizen in Peril Locations Guide
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Bonus Level
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Codes & Cheats
  • Next Page: Lego Batman 2 Achievements & Trophies Guide
  • For Fun: Lego Batman 2 Wallpaper

How To Unlock Lego Batman 2 Characters

Here’s how to find, unlock & buy hidden characters in this guide for Lego Batman 2.

Again, if your character doesn’t show up in the Gotham City open world hub and looking around the area in a circle doesn’t make him/her show up in front of you. Then most likely the Batcomputer Remote Terminal is not yet activated.

You will earn yourself several achievements or trophies for finding all characters in every level and open world area of Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. They are:
* Team Building (50 Gamerscore / Gold Trophy) — Unlock all characters (Single Player Only).
* Girl Power (20 Gamerscore / Silver Trophy) — Unlock all female heroes and villains. (Single Player Only).
* Justice League (20 Gamerscore / Silver Trophy) — Unlock all Justice League characters (Single Player Only).
* Super-Villain (20 Gamerscore / Silver Trophy) — Unlock all the Bosses (Single Player Only).
* Test Hero (20 Gamerscore / Silver Trophy) — Test a custom character (can be done in the Batcave).

Below we’ve listed the secret characters in alphabetical order. Take the following steps to unlock each one; where available.

We’ll update this list daily.

Lego Batman 2 Unlockable Characters listed on Page 1: Alfred to Dick Grayson

1. Alfred (Civilian)

How to unlock: You must first collect 35 Gold Bricks to do this.
He can be found at the door of the Wayne Manor mansion (North Island) in Gotham City.
Put the bricks together to build gold door 2 that makes him available to buy.
Price: 125,000 studs.

2. Aquaman (Hero)

How to unlock: You must first collect 70 Gold Bricks to do this.
Then go to the open world map to look up Aquaman (by scanning for him), and highlighting him on the map using the red exclamation point marker to know where to go. He can be found on a rooftop in Gotham Central (Middle Island) area of Gotham City.
Put the bricks on the roof together to build gold door 7 that makes him available to buy.
Price: 125,000 studs.

This video guide shows you how Aquaman is unlocked as a playable character:

3. Bane (Villain)

How to unlock: You must first complete the Story Mode up to Level 4: Asylum Assignment.
He can be found at the center of the Gotham City Beach (Middle Island), near the remote satellite bat-computer terminal.
Beat him in a fight to make him available to buy.
Price: 125,000 studs.

4. Batgirl (Hero)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 65 gold bricks already to build gold door 12 that unlocks her.
She can be found on a rooftop in the west part of the Power Station (Central Island) area in Gotham City.
Price: 125,000 studs.

5. Batman (Hero)

Available with: Sensor Suit, Electricity Suit, Power Suit, and Bat Suit.

6. Bizarro (Villain)

Pre-order bonus DLC: Pre-order downloadable content only for now.

7. Black Adam (Villain)

Pre-order bonus DLC: Pre-order downloadable content only for now.

8. Black Canary (Hero)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 150 gold bricks already to build gold door 5 that unlocks her.
She can be found on a rooftop in the south of Metro Station (North Island) area of Gotham City.
Price: 500,000 studs.
Special ability: Shatter Glass, which destroys the glowing Lego brick objects (Her and Batman are part of only a few who can do this).

This video guide shows you how to unlock Black Canary as a playable character:

9. Black Manta (Villain)

Pre-order bonus DLC: Pre-order downloadable content only for now.

10. Brainiac (Villain)

How to unlock: You must first complete the Story Mode up to Level 4: Asylum Assignment.
He can be found in the middle of the Gotham Park (Center Island) area of Gotham City. You can see him just a few feet south-east of the Central Park remote satellite console. For a second reference, it’s slightly north-west of the maze in the middle of Central Park.
Beat him in a fight to make him available to buy.
Price: 500,000 studs.
Special abilities: Flight, Invincibility & Magnetic.

This video guide shows you how to unlock Brainiac as a playable character:

11. Bruce Wayne (Civilian)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 45 gold bricks already to build gold door 15 that unlocks him.
You can find him at the top of Wayne Tower.
Price: 125,000 studs.

12. Captain Boomerang (Villain)

How to unlock: You must first complete the Story Mode up to Level 4: Asylum Assignment.
He can be found at the Arkham Asylum courtyard (North Island), near the remote satellite bat-computer terminal.
Beat Captain Boomerang in a fight to make him available to buy.
Price: 100,000 studs.
Special ability: Throws killer boomerangs. 🙁

13. Captain Cold (Villain)

Pre-order bonus DLC: Pre-order downloadable content only for now.

14. Catwoman (Villain)

How to unlock: You must first complete the Story Mode up to Level 4: Asylum Assignment.
She can be found on the Police Station rooftop (South Island) area of Gotham City.
Beat her in a fight to make her available to buy.
Price: 125,000 studs.
Special ability: Double Jump.

This video guide shows you how to unlock Catwoman as a playable character:

15. Clark Kent (Civilian)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 100 gold bricks already to build gold door 13 that unlocks him.
You can find him on a rooftop north of City Hall (South Island) in Gotham City.
Note: He’s one of two switchable characters you need to complete the Bonus Level (the other is The Penguin). That’s because Clark Kent can go into a phone booth on the far right of the map and then he’ll transform into Superman, who would otherwise not be playable to fly high for studs in that secret level!
Price: 125,000 studs.
Special abilities: Heat Vision, Invincibility & Power Build.

This video guide shows you how to unlock Clark Kent as a playable character:

16. Clayface (Villain)

How to unlock: You must first have completed up to Level 4: Asylum Assignment in the Story Mode.
Then go to the Gotham Bank (South Island) area of Gotham City.
Defeat him to make him available to buy.
Price: 100,000 studs.
Special ability: Super Strength.

This video guide shows you how to unlock Clayface as a playable character:

17. Commissioner Gordon (Civilian)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 30 gold bricks already to build gold door 14 that unlocks him.
You can find him at the Police Station entrance (South Island) in Gotham City.
Price: 125,000 studs.
Special ability: Being Batman’s Friend.

18. Cyborg (Hero)

How to unlock: Cyborg becomes available after you complete Level 14: Tower Defiance.
Special abilities: Laser Eye (similar to Heat Vision), Super Strength & Magnetic.

19. Damian Wayne (Hero)

Pre-order bonus DLC: Pre-order downloadable content only for now.

20. Dick Grayson (Civilian)

How to unlock: You’ll need to have collected 40 gold bricks already to build gold door 4 that unlocks him for purchase.
He can be found on a rooftop in the Harborside Theater (North Island) area of Gotham City.
Price: 125,000 studs.

The Lego Batman 2 Unlockable Characters continue alphabetically on Page 2 with: General Zod to Nightwing!

Continue Reading on: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3

Tags: Lego Batman 2, Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

Categories: 3DS Guides, DS Guides, Guides, News, PC Guides, PS Vita Guides, PS3 Guides, Videos, Wii Guides, Xbox 360 Guides

About the author

Ferry Groenendijk By Ferry Groenendijk: He is the founder and editor of Video Games Blogger. He loved gaming from the moment he got a Nintendo with Super Mario Bros. on his 8th birthday. Learn more about him here and connect with him on Twitter, Facebook and at Google+.

LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes Guide


В этом руководстве вы узнаете – Как пройти игру Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes на 100%.


Чтобы пройти игру на 100% необходимо:

  • 1. Пройти сюжетную линию
  • 2. Получить статус Настоящий Герой во всех миссиях
  • 3. Собрать все мини-наборы
  • 4. Спаси всех жителей
  • 5. Купить все красные блоки
  • 6. Получить все золотые блоки
  • 7. Разблокировать всех персонажей

Сейчас, я расскажу и покажу то, как всё это выполнить.

Сюжетная линия

В данной игре всего 15 уровней:

  • Theatrical Pursuits / Театрализованное представление
  • Harboring a Criminal / Укрывательство преступника
  • Arkham Asylum Antics / Беспорядки в психлечебнице
  • Asylum Assignment / Работенка в психлечебнице
  • Chemical Crisis / Химическая катастрофа
  • Chemical Signature / Химический след
  • Unwelcome Guests / Незваные гости
  • Destination Metropolis / Пункт назначения – Метрополис
  • Research and Development / Исследование и разработка
  • Down to Earth / С небес на землю
  • Underground Retreat / Подземное убежище
  • The Next President / Будущий президент
  • Core Instability / Неустойчивость
  • Tower Defiance / Проникновение в Башню
  • Heroes Unite / Союз героев

На данном этапе вы проходите игру, наслаждаясь ее сюжетом, геймплеем и забавными диалогами главных героев. Также, рекомендую набить на каждом уровне побольше монет (не обязательно на «Настоящий герой», но чем больше тем лучше), чтобы в дальнейшем без проблем купить персонажей и красные блоки.

Настоящий Герой

После прохождения сюжетки, вам нужно будет перепройти её, чтобы получить различные бонусы (Золотые блоки, спасённые жители, мини-наборы).

Настоящего героя можно получить и за первый раз прохождения, но это будет сложно. Советую для начала купить красный блок на умножение монет (местонахождение всех красных блоков будет в одном из следующих разделов).


Чтобы собрать все мини-наборы, нам понадобятся следующие персонажи:

  • -Бэтмен
  • -Робин
  • -Супермен
  • -Зеленый Фонарь
  • -Аквамен
  • -Ядовитый Плющ
  • -Лекс Лютор
  • -Джокер
  • -Риддлер
  • -Пингвин

Первые 5 персонажей откроются после прохождения 15 уровня, остальные 5 в свободном мире. Чтобы они были у вас в выборе персонажей, вам нужно найти их через терминал (красный луч). После победить их и купить.
В нахождении мини-наборов на каждом уровне, вам могут помочь детекторы (красные блоки, гайд по ним в одном из следующих разделов). Но на всякий случай, я оставлю видео-гайды:

Спасти жителей

Все “Жители в беде” отмечены фиолетовым на карте.
Вам просто нужно будет сканировать карту и помогать им.

Красные блоки

Все красные блоки спрятанны в свободном мире. Чтобы было легче, я нашёл и написал тайм-коды на каждый красный блок, чтобы вам было удобнее):

  • Лианы – 1:27 (Джокер)
  • Неуязвимость – 2:30 (Загадочник)
  • Детальки x4 – 2:50
  • Детальки x10 – 4:30
  • Поиск жителей в беде – 4:54
  • Дополнительные Сердечки – 5:30
  • Поиск Красных блоков – 6:10
  • Дополнительное переключение – 6:53
  • Поиск элементов мини-наборов – 7:35
  • Детальки персонажей – 8:30
  • Детальки x6 – 9:19
  • Детальки x2 – 10:03
  • Суперстроительство – 10:56
  • Поиск золотых блоков – 11:20
  • Детальки x8 – 12:27
  • Восстановление Сердец – 12:50
  • Маскировка – 13:20
  • Бип-Бип – 13:48
  • Спасение в падении – 14:43
  • Притягивание деталек – 15:07

Золотые блоки

Северный остров:

Центральный остров:

Южный остров:


Чтобы получить в распоряжение остальных персонажей, найдите их через терминал (красный луч) и победите их, после чего сможете их купить. Также, находите ворота из золотых деталек (они требуют определенное кол-во золотых блоков).


Я надеюсь, что это руководство помогло вам, как и мне в получении 100%. Если вы чувствуете, что это руководство может быть улучшено каким-либо образом, Пожалуйста, скажите об этом в комментариях.

Class 4 article

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Item №:

5001090 (Nintendo 3DS)
5001091 (Nintendo DS)
5001092 (PC)
5001093 (PlayStation 3)
5001094 (PlayStation Vita)
5001095 (Nintendo Wii)
5001096 (Xbox 360)

LEGO Theme:

Super Heroes
    DC Universe


Flag-US $49.99 (Xbox 360 and PS3) / 39.99 (Wii, 3DS) / 29.99 (DS) / 19.99 (PC)
Flag-DE €49.99 (Xbox 360 and PS3) / 39.99 (Wii) / 29.99 (DS and PC)


Traveller’s Tales


Warner Brothers
DC Comics
Feral Interactive (Mac OS X)[1]

Date Released:

June 19, 2012 (US)[2]
June 27, 2012 (Australia) [3]
June 22, 2012(Europe)
May 21, 2013 (Wii U) [4] [source?]


Action-Adventure, Open world


ESRB: E10+, PEGI:7+


Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Mac OS X,[1] PC[4]

This article is about the video game. For the comic book, see LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Comic Book.

«Legends Unite!«
―One of the game’s taglines

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes is a sequel to LEGO Batman: The Videogame, released on June 19, 2012.[2]


The playboy philanthropist Bruce Wayne and presidential candidate Lex Luthor are both nominated for the Man-of-the-Year award. The ceremony takes place in Gotham, and the award goes to Bruce. Five villains (The Joker, The Riddler, Harley Quinn, The Penguin, Two-Face) and their henchmen raid the event and begin stealing from the guests. Bruce exits stage-right and changes into his Batman costume. Joker takes the trophy and begins his «acceptance speech», but is interrupted by Batman and Robin crashing through the stage in the Batboat. Four of the villains exit through the trapdoor, leaving Harley Quinn to cover their flight. She is defeated, and the Dynamic Duo begins hunting the other villains in the theatre. Although they manage to capture The Riddler, Two-Face, and finally The Penguin, The Joker escapes.

Batman and Robin chase him in the Batwing and Robin’s Helicopter, defeating him in Gotham Funland Entrance. After the police haul him off, Superman arrives to greet the Dynamic Duo, apologize to «Bruce» for missing the ceremony, and to scold Batman for making a mess at the theatre.

During the raid, Lex developed an admiration for The Joker, and the two form an alliance later when Lex breaks Joker out of Arkham. With The Deconstructor, they can destroy shiny, black objects (such as the walls of Penguin’s cell), and Lex hints at using it on Batman’s vehicles. While in Luthor’s Mini-VTOL, Joker begins aiming the Deconstructor at different cells and frees Catwoman, The Riddler, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Bane.

Meanwhile, in the Batcave, Bruce Wayne is contacted by Martian Manhunter from the Justice League Watchtower, who informs Bruce of an emergency. Alfred shows Bruce and Dick Grayson (Tim Drake) where it is on a map. They change into Batman and Robin and leave for Arkham Asylum, where they find the villains Joker freed attempting a prison break. Starting with Catwoman, the villains are stopped, and the police arrive. Commissioner Gordon informs the Dynamic Duo that all of the villains have been accounted for, except Joker. Batman notices an electrified brick outside of Joker’s cell. He and Robin go to investigate. They run into Killer Croc and Mr. Freeze, who create obstacles, and also stop The Scarecrow from escaping. They bring a black piece back to the Batmobile and discover it was destroyed with LexCorp technology and conclude that Luthor broke Joker out. Batman, Robin, and Gordon are alerted by a Police Officer that there has been a break-in at Ace Chemicals, and they leave. When Gordon and the Officer look back, they realize that the villains have escaped and that other officers are tied up in their places. Two-Face and Riddler wave at them as they flee in a police van.

At Ace Chemicals, Batman and Robin find that The Joker has already been there and stolen chemicals. They try to escape when a fire begins. Just before they fall into the inferno, they are rescued by Superman. With help from Superman, they leave. Batman tries to find out what Joker is making, realizing it is Kryptonite. He uses the Batcomputer to find nearby locations of Kryptonite and heads Downtown. They follow a large vehicle, the Juggernaut. On the inside, Lex and Joker are creating Kryptonite. Batman and Robin begin firing at it. When the defenses are weakened enough, the Dynamic Duo infiltrates it. Batman takes the Kryptonite, and Lex is subdued. Joker, however, uses his joybuzzer on Batman and Robin to the point where they fall out of the Juggernaut, into their vehicles. Joker aims the Deconstructor at the Batmobile, which falls apart, and the Juggernaut gets away.

Back in the Batcave, Batman analyzes the Kryptonite and finds that it is only similar to true Kryptonite, and is harmless to Kryptonians. However, if there wasn’t actual Kryptonite in the Juggernaut, the Batmobile’s computer shouldn’t have shown it. He and Robin decide that it was just a trick of Joker’s, and put it away with the other Kryptonite they have stored should Superman go evil one day.

Meanwhile in the Juggernaut, Lex and Joker, tracking the location of the false Kryptonite, lose their signal, but then realize that it is directly ahead. They use the Deconstructor to open a cavern and enter the Batcave. A fight ensues, and the Bat-bike, Batwing, and Batboat are destroyed. Batman and Robin flee through the elevator and hang on to the shaft when it falls. Joker and Lex find the Kryptonite vault and leave with it after Joker’s pies explode and a fire begins. At the top of the elevator shaft, Superman arrives to rescue Batman and Robin. Together they escape the Batcave. Batman and Superman head after a LexCorp aircraft while Robin stays and tries to fix the vehicles.

Batman and Superman infiltrate the LexCorp aircraft, but when they reach the control section, Batman is dropped through a trapdoor. Superman rescues him and carries him to LexCorp in Metropolis. From LexCorp, a large Joker-esque Robot appears and heads back to Gotham. Batman (in a LexCorp aircraft) and Superman fire at it, then land on it. Lex emerges with Kryptonite and weakens Superman, who falls. Batman saves him by gliding back to Gotham. Though most of his powers return, Superman is unable to fly and is hunched over.

The Robot hits at them, and they fall through the ground. It continues to make holes in the terrain above the metro, but Superman uses his heat vision to obliterate its left hand.

At the City Hall, Lex begins to give a speech and infects the crowd with a mind-altering gas so that they will vote for him. Superman destroys the gas emitting flower from the Robot.

Robin arrives in a multi-colored Batmobile. The Robot chases Batman and Robin through Gotham City. However, they drive so that the Kryptonite it leaves looks similar to Joker’s face. Martian Manhunter sees this from space, calling the Justice League. Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and The Flash respond.

The Robot attacks Wayne Tower, since Lex despises Bruce, and destroys the foundation. Superman and Wonder Woman keep it in place while Batman, Robin, Green Lantern, and Cyborg enter through the building together. They knock the Robot off of the top, then jump down to conquer the automaton. Green Lantern creates constructs to keep the tower from falling.

Superman is too weak to continue, but Batman, Robin, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and The Flash finish the Robot off. Joker attempts to use his joybuzzer to defeat the heroes and calls upon several of Lex Luthor’s Lex Bots to attack them. However, the robots are defeated, and Joker soon afterward. The heroes begin to celebrate the defeat of Joker, when suddenly Lex rises out of the destroyed Robot in his Power Armor Mech, attempting to kill the Justice League. Lex fires the machine’s gun at Batman, who quickly hides and contacts Martian Manhunter for help. Manhunter then readies the Watch Tower laser and, with the aid of the heroes, fires it upon Lex’s Power Armor, causing it to fall to the ground with Lex trapped inside. Batman then delivers the finishing attacks to the Power Armor Mech and forces Lex down, defeating him.

The police then arrive, arrest Lex and the Joker, and haul them off to prison. The other superheroes stay to help clean up the Batcave.

Meanwhile, Brainiac is viewing Earth, declaring: «I have located it.»

Though not a part of the main story, there are side-missions around Gotham City where the player rescues endangered civilians and locates/defeats hidden villains, such as Bane on the beach or The Penguin in Arctic World.


Character Abilities/Objects Image
  • Silver Platter
Asylum Inmate Asylum Inmate110
Asylum Patient Asylum Patient110
  • Dive[6]
  • Trident (Shoot water)[6]
  • Super strength
Aqua man lego
  • Sword of Sins
  • Wrist weapon(target and shoot multiple objects and enemies)
  • Glide
  • Super-strength[8]
  • Batarang
  • Grapple
  • Martial Arts Expert
Batman [7]
  • Batarang [5][7]
  • Grapple [10]
  • Martial Arts Expert [10]
  • Glide(handheld only)
Batman lb2
  • Batman (Power suit) [11]
  • Launch rockets(Destroy silver LEGO bricks) [11]
  • Super strength [12]
  • Batman (Sensor Suit) [13][5][14]
  • Turn invisible [13][5][12]
  • See through walls [13][12]
  • Remotely activate switches [11]
  • Batman (Electricity suit) [13][11]
  • Travel through electric barriers [13]
  • Absorb electric charge [11]
  • Deploy charge to machinery [11]
  • Batman (Bat suit) (Not on handheld) [15][16]
  • Glide[16]
  • Sonic Gun (Destroy glass LEGO objects)[15]
  • Batman (Classic suit)

Batman (Classic suit)

  • Flight
  • Freeze Breath (Freeze enemies or water and put out fires)
  • Super Breath (Repel enemies)
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Super Strength
  • X-ray vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Build
Black Adam[3]
  • Flight
  • Lightning bolt (Destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Travel through electric barriers
  • Super Build
  • Super strength
  • Invulnerability
Black Mask
  • Bombs (Stick to objects and enemies and destroy silver LEGO bricks)
  • Dual pistols (Target and shoot multiple objects)
Black Mask110
Black Canary[17]
  • Canary Cry(Shatters glass and stuns enemies)[17]
  • Martial Arts Expert
Black Canary
Black Manta[3]
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Fish
  • Dive
  • Super strength
  • Flight
  • Magnetic
  • Super strength
  • Invulnerability
  • Wrist weapon (Target and shoot multiple objects and destroys silver LEGO bricks)
  • Hypno-trick ( Shoots hypnotic mind blasts at enemies and stuns them (handheld only))
Bruce Wayne[14]
  • Use Batman suit signals
Captain Boomerang[19]
  • Boomerang
Captain Cold
  • Freeze gun (freeze water and enemies)
  • Dual ice pistols (target and shoot multiple objects)
Catwoman [7][20]
  • Double Jump[20]
  • Whip[20]
  • Acrobatics[20]
  • Acrobatic Fighting Style
Catwoman 2
Clark Kent[19]
  • Freeze Breath (Freeze enemies or water and put out fires)
  • Super Breath (Repel enemies)
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Super Strength
  • X-ray vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Super strength
  • Regenerate hearts
Commissioner Gordon[18] Commissioner Gordon
  • Laser eye (kills enemies and destroys objects made of gold LEGO bricks)[6]
  • Magnetic [21]
  • Super strength
Damian Wayne[22]
  • Use Robin Suit-signals
  • Grapple
  • Martials Arts Expert
  • Bombs
  • Stealth
  • Dual pistols
DeathstrokeMedia:HNI 0069.jpg
  • Bombs
  • Katana
  • Dual Guns
  • Grapple
  • Stealth
IMG 3968
Diana Prince
  • Super strength
  • Flight
  • Regenerate hearts
Freeze Goon Freeze Goon110
General Zod[18]
  • Flight[21]
  • Freeze Breath (Freeze enemies or water and put out fires)
  • Super Breath (Repel enemies)
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Super Strength
  • X-ray vision
  • Invulnerability[21]
  • Super Build
Gorilla Grodd[3]
  • Super Strength
Green Arrow
  • Bow and Arrow
  • Stealth
Green Lantern [2][23]
  • Flight[2]
  • Construct unique Green LEGO objects[2]
  • Ring( Target multiple objects and destroys silver LEGO bricks)
Green Lantern
Harley Quinn[5][14]
  • Acrobatics
  • Acrobatic Fighting Style
  • Hammer(As a boomerang or to stun enemies)
  • Hammer spin (Spins around with her hammer)
Harley Quinn LB2
  • Flight
  • Mace
  • Super Strength
  • Shuriken
  • Flight[17]
  • Mace[17]
  • Super Strength
  • Shuriken
Hawkman 3
  • Crossbow
  • Stealth
  • Two guns
  • Bombs
  • Stealth
Joker Henchman[7]
  • Clown Goon [7]


  • Mime Goon [7][11]


  • Heavy Joker Goon [7][11]

Heavy Joker Goon110

  • Katana
  • Acrobatics
  • Acrobatic Fighting Style
  • Shuriken
  • Stealth
Killer Croc[13]
  • Dive
  • Super strength
  • Toxic immunity
Killer Croc LB2
Killer Frost
  • Freeze water and enemies
  • Target and shoot multiple objects
Killer Moth [26]
  • Flight
  • Blaster
ZZZZKiller Moth
Lady Shiva
  • Martial Arts Expert
  • Shuriken
  • Stealth
Lady Shiva110
  • Dual blasters
  • Wrist weapon
LexCorp Heavy LexCorp Heavy110
LexCorp Security HNI 0007
Lex Luthor [7]
  • The Deconstructor (pull black LEGO bricks apart)[27]
Lois Lane[19] LoislaneUnlocked
Lucius Fox
  • Bombs
Lucius Fox110
Mad Hatter[19]
  • Gun
  • Hypno-trick (handheld only)
  • Sonic scream (Break glass)
  • Flight
  • Super strength
Martian Manhunter[9][24]
  • Flight
  • Heat Vision
  • Super Strength
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Build
  • Hypno-trick (handheld only)
The Martian Manhunter
Mr. Freeze[7]
  • Super strength
  • Freeze water and enemies[8]
Mr. Zsasz
  • Stealth
  • Dagger
Mr. Zsasz110
  • Escrima sticks[28]
  • Batarang[28]
  • Grapple[28]
  • Acrobatic Fighting style[28]
  • Use Robin suit signals
Nightwing final squarepreview
Penguin Minion
Poison Ivy[25]
  • Vine (As a whip)
  • Travel through flowerbeds[29]
  • Acrobatics
  • Toxin immunity
  • Repel plants
Poison Ivy Goon
  • Repel plants
Poison Ivy Goon110
Police Officer
  • Gun
Batman Police Officer
Ra’s Al Ghul[19]
  • Sword
  • Shuriken
  • Stealth
Ra's Al Ghul
Riddler Goon [30] Riddler Goon110
Skeleton HNI 0006
Red Hood
  • Dual pistols
  • Bombs
Red Hood110
Red Robin
  • Batarang
  • Grapple
  • Martial arts expert
Red Robin110
  • Batarang[7]
  • Grapple[31]
  • Martial Arts Expert
  • Acrobatics (Handheld only
  • Robin (Acrobat Suit)(Not on handheld) [5][7]
  • Acrobatics (Leap and grab on to outcropping poles)[7]
  • Better combos [11]
  • Zorb Ball (Become encased in a ball and knock over enemies and roll ball over switches to activate them)[11][32]
  • Double jump[33]
  • Jump up blue and white LEGO walls[34]


  • Robin (Hazard Suit) [7][14]
  • Hazard cannon (Suck up and any liquid, shoot liquid)[13][35][14][32]
  • Dive[13][35]
  • Immunity from all liquids[35]


  • Robin (Ice Suit) [32]
  • Immunity to icy conditions[32]
  • Ice Cannon (Freeze water/enemies and put out fires)[15][29][36]

Robin Ice Suit

  • Robin (Magnet Suit) [32]
  • Able to walk up blue, shiny metal walls [32]
  • Magnetic


  • Robin (Classic Suit)

LB2 Rbin Classic Suit DS

  • Flight
  • Lightning bolt (Destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Super Build
  • Super strength
  • Travel through electric barriers
  • Invulnerability
  • Flight
  • Ring
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Freeze Breath
  • Flight
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Strength
  • X-ray vision
Supergirl [26]
  • Flight
  • Freeze Breath (Freeze enemies or water and put out fires)
  • Super Breath (Repel enemies)
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)
  • Super Strength
  • X-ray vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Build
Superman [7]
  • Flight [13][7][11]
  • Freeze Breath (Freeze enemies or water and put out fires)[13][7][38]
  • Super Breath (Repel enemies)
  • Heat vision (Kill enemies, heat objects and destroy golden LEGO bricks)[6][7][14]
  • Super Strength[14]
  • X-ray vision[39]
  • Invulnerability[12]
  • Super Build
Talia Al Ghul
  • Katana
  • Shuriken
  • Stealth
Talia Al Ghul110
Tim Drake[19]
  • Use Robin Suit-signals
  • Tim Drake (DS version)

Tim Drake LB2 (DS)-2

The Flash[40][5]
  • Super speed (Faster combat moves)[6]
  • Rebuild some deconstructed objects
  • Super Build
  • Acrobatics
The Joker [7]
  • Immunity to toxic materials and hazards[27]
  • Machine Gun[27]
  • Joker buzzer (Generate electrical power-ups)[27]
  • Open Joker boxes(Not on handheld)
  • The Joker (Tropical)
The Joker (tropical)110
The Penguin[41]
  • Glide
  • Umbrella rifle
  • Deploy explosive Penguin Goons
The Riddler[11][14]
  • «?» Staff(Shoots bullets and uses the Hypno-trick (handheld only))[28]
  • Open Riddler boxes(Not on handheld)
The Scarecrow[41]
  • Fear Gas (Sprays a cloud of Fear gas at enemies to stun them) (handheld only)
  • Dual pistols[28]
  • Two-Face (Classic)
Two-Face Clasic110
Two-Face Henchman[5] T-F H LB2
Vicki Vale[19] VickivaleUnlocked
  • Super Strength
  • Stealth
  • Acrobatic
  • Acrobatic fighting style
Wonder Woman
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Build
  • Regenarate hearts
  • Flight

♣ indicates a character available with downloadable content
♦ indicates a character playable on handheld versions of the game. Several appear on consoles using the «Extra Toggle» Red Power Brick.


Ground Vehicles

Vehicle Abilities
The Batmobile[13][7][23]
  • Lasers
  • Missiles
  • Invulnerability in levels
Bat Bike[42]
  • Lasers
  • Missiles
Robin’s Motorbike [16]
  • Lasers
  • Missiles
Multi-Coloured Batmobile[38]
  • Lasers
  • Missiles
Catwoman’s Catcycle[5]
  • Lasers
Two-Face’s Truck[28]
  • Lasers
  • Missiles
Bane’s Mole Machine[5]
  • Jump
LexCorp Limo[38]
Giant Dodgem
  • Lasers
Harley Quinn’s Monster Truck[5]
  • Giant hammer
  • Missiles
Joker Digger[42]
News reporter Van
Police Assault Truck
  • Holds two players
Bat Dodgem
  • Lasers
Pumpkin Car[42]
Fire Truck[38]
  • Shoots water
Police Car[38]
  • Turn on siren
Harley Quinn Bike
  • Lasers
  • Missles
Harley Quinn’s Monster Truck

Air Vehicles

Mini Two-Face’s Car (Minikit)
LexCorp Juggernaut (Minikit)
Police Car (Minikit)
Batmobile (Minikit)[38]

Water Vehicles

Vehicle Abilities
The Batboat[13][11]
  • Lasers
Robin’s Watercraft
  • Lasers
Batman’s Watercraft
  • Lasers
Robin’s Submarine
  • Lasers
Joker’s Speedboat [7]
  • Lasers
Killer Croc’s Speedboat
  • Lasers
Penguin’s Submarine
  • Lasers
Clown Goon Boat
  • Lasers
Sports Fishing Boat
Joker’s Speedboat (Minikit)
  • Lasers
Police Boat (Minikit)


Gotham City [23]


  • Lasers
Mister Freeze’s Iceberg (Minikit)

Air Vehicles

Vehicle Abilities
Robin’s Helicopter [7]
  • Lasers
  • Missles
  • Lasers
  • Invulnerability in levels
  • Lasers
  • Missles
Whirly Bat
LexCorp Mini-VTOL
  • Lasers
LexCorp Micro-VTOL
  • Missiles
Brainiac’s UFO
  • Lasers
Joker’s Helicopter[7]
  • Lasers
Police Helicopter
  • Lasers
News Helicopter
  • Lasers
Scarecrow’s Biplane (Minikit)
  • Lasers
Joker’s Helicopter (Minikit)
  • Lasers
Batwing (Minikit)
  • Lasers
LexCorp VTOL (Minikit)
  • Lasers
Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet (Minikit)
  • Lasers


Gotham City [23]
Location Hidden character(s) Hidden vehicles
Arkham Asylum [7]
  • Captain Boomerang
  • Police Officer
The Batcave [7]
Ace Chemicals [14]
  • The Joker
  • Joker Digger
  • Joker’s Helicopter
  • News Reporter Van
Harbourside Theatre[11]
  • Mad Hatter
  • Dick Grayson
Wayne Tower[25]
  • Bruce Wayne
  • The Riddler
  • Police Riot Truck
Town Hall[25]
  • Two-Face
  • Clark Kent
  • Two-Face’s Truck
The Observatory[25]
  • Mister Freeze
Yacht Club[25]
  • Lex Luthor
  • Lois Lane
  • LexCorp Limousine
Gotham Cathedral[25]
  • Man-Bat
  • Fire Engine
Botanic Gardens[25]
  • Poison Ivy
Gotham Funland
  • Harley Quinn
  • The Scarecrow
  • Giant Dodgem
  • Harley Quinn’s Monster Truck
Gotham Park[42][25]
  • Brainiac
  • Brainiac’s UFO
Wayne Manor[25]
  • Alfred
Gotham Hospital[25]
  • Hush
  • Ambulance
Metro Stations[18]
  • Ra’s Al Ghul
  • Sinestro
  • General Zod
  • Black Canary
  • Huntress
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Bat Dodgem
  • Police car
Police Station[25]
  • Catwoman
  • Commissioner Gordon
  • Penguin’s Submarine
Gotham Zoo[42]
  • The Penguin
  • Supergirl
Gotham Beach[19]
  • Bane
  • Aquaman
  • Joker’s Speedboat
Power Station
  • Killer Moth
  • Batgirl
  • Speed Boat
Gotham Bank
  • Clayface
  • Vicki Vale
  • LexCorp Juggernaut
Water Works
  • Killer Croc
  • Killer Croc’s Speedboat
  • LexCorp Micro-VTOL


Level Playable Characters Vehicles Enemies Location(s) Boss(es)
Theatrical Pursuits[18]
  • Batman[17][18]
  • Sensor Suit[31]
  • Robin[17][18]
  • Acrobat Suit[33]
  • Joker Henchman[18]
  • Riddler Henchman[31]
  • Two-Face Henchman[33]
  • Penguin Minion[33]
  • Harborside Theatre[18]
  • Harley Quinn [31] (3 hearts)
  • The Riddler[31] (3 hearts)
  • Two-Face[33]
    (4 hearts)
  • The Joker
    (4 hearts)[33]
Harboring a Criminal[18]
  • Batman[17]
  • Power Suit[43]
  • Robin[17]
  • Magnet Suit[43]
  • Robin’s Helicopter[43]
  • Batwing[43]
  • Two-Face Henchman[43]
  • Joker Henchman[43]
  • Joker Henchman Boats[43]
  • Joker Henchman Helicopters[43]
  • Outside the Theatre[43]
  • Harbour[43][18]
  • Gotham Funland[43]
  • The Joker’s Speedboat
    (4 hearts)
  • The Joker
    (3 hearts)

Arkham Asylum Antics[18]

  • Batman[17]
  • Power Suit[15]
  • Bat Suit[15]
  • Robin[17]
  • Acrobat Suit[15]
  • Ice Suit[15]
  • Asylum Inmates[15]
  • Two-Face[15]
  • The Riddler[15]
  • Arkham Asylum maze[18]
  • Catwoman’s Motorbike
  • Two-Face’s Truck
  • Bane’s Mole-machine
Asylum Assignment[18]
  • Batman[35]
  • Electricity Suit[35]
  • Sensor Suit[29]
  • Robin[35]
  • Hazard Suit[35]
  • Ice Suit[35]
  • Acrobat Suit[36]
  • Asylum Inmates[35]
  • Arkham Asylum[18]
  • The Scarecrow[29]
    (9 hearts)
Chemical Crisis[18]
  • Batman[44]
  • Electricity Suit[44]
  • Power Suit[34]
  • Robin[45]
  • Hazard Suit[44]
  • Magnet Suit[44]
  • Acrobat Suit[34]
  • Superman[46]
  • Joker Henchman[44]
  • Ace Chemicals[21]
Chemical Signature[18]
  • Batman[47]
  • Sensor Suit[48]
  • Bat Suit[48]
  • Robin[47]
  • Magnet Suit[47]
  • Batmobile[47]
  • Robin’s Motorbike[47]
  • Joker Henchman Helicopters[47]
  • LexBot[47]
  • Gotham Streets[47]
  • LexCorp Juggernaut
  • LexCorp Juggernaut[47]
    (5 hearts)
Unwelcome Guests[18]
  • Batman[49]
  • Electricity Suit[49]
  • Bat Suit[49]
  • Power Suit[49]
  • Robin[49]
  • Acrobat Suit[49]
  • Superman[49]
  • Bat-bike[49]
  • Batwing[49]
  • Batboat[49]
  • LexBot[49]
  • Joker Henchman[49]
  • Batcave[21]
  • Lex Luthor and The Joker — 4 hearts (Together)
Destination Metropolis[18]
  • Batman
  • Bat Suit
  • Superman
  • Robin’s Helicopter
  • LexBot
  • Joker Henchman
  • LexCorp Pilot
  • Sky between Gotham and Metropolis
  • LexCorp Aircraft
Research and Development[18]
  • Batman
  • Power Suit
  • Sensor Suit
  • Electricity Suit
  • Bat Suit
  • Superman
  • LexBot
  • LexCorp[21]
  • Evil Receptionist
    (3 hearts)
  • LexCorp Prototype Robot
    (4 hearts)
Down to Earth[18]
  • Batman
  • Superman
  • LexCorp Aircraft
  • LexCorp Aircraft
  • Joker Henchman
  • Sky between Gotham and Metropolis
  • Joker Robot
Underground Retreat[18]
  • Batman
  • Electricity Suit
  • Power Suit
  • Sensor Suit
  • Bat Suit
  • Superman
  • Joker Henchman
  • LexBot
  • Metro[21][18]
The Next President[18]
  • Batman[47]
  • Power Suit[48]
  • Electricity Suit[48]
  • Bat Suit[48]
  • Superman[47]
  • Joker Henchman[47]
  • LexBot[47]
  • Outside City Hall[47]
  • City Hall Rooftop
Core Instability[18]
  • Batman[47]
  • Robin[47]
  • Multi-Colored Batmobile[47]
  • Robin’s Motorbike[47]
  • Gotham Streets[47]
Tower Defiance[18]
  • Batman[47]
  • Power Suit[48]
  • Electricity Suit[48]
  • Robin[47]
  • Ice Suit[47]
  • Hazard Suit[47]
  • Cyborg
  • Green Lantern
  • Joker Henchman[47]
  • LexBot[47]
  • Wayne Tower
Heroes Unite[18]
  • Batman[47]
  • Electricity Suit[48]
  • Robin[47]
  • Acrobat Suit[47]
  • Cyborg
  • Green Lantern
  • The Flash
  • Wonder Woman
  • Joker Henchman[47]
  • LexBot[47]
  • Wayne Tower Wreckage
  • The Joker[47]
    (5 hearts)
  • Power Armor Lex[47]
    (4 hearts)

Press Statement

LEGO.com-icon-yellow This is a description taken from LEGO.com. Please do not modify it. (visit this item’s product page)

Summer 2012: Batman is back to save Gotham City and the action will only build from here!

The Highly-Anticipated Sequel to the Best-Selling LEGO® Videogame of All Time Returns with Help from Super Heroes including Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games and The LEGO Group are teaming up once again to announce that LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes will be available beginning Summer 2012 for the Xbox 360® videogame and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Wii™ system, and Windows PC, as well as the Nintendo DS™ hand-held system, Nintendo 3DS™ hand-held system, and PlayStation®Vita handheld entertainment system. The game is the sequel to the best-selling LEGO® Batman™: The Videogame, which to date has sold more than 11 million units worldwide.

LEGO Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes complements the brand new, recently released LEGO® Super Heroes: DC Universe toy collection. The line includes five construction sets, such as The Batcave and three buildable, detailed action figures.

In LEGO Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes, the Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin join other famous super heroes from the DC Universe including Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to save Gotham City from destruction at the hands of the notorious villains Lex Luthor and the Joker. Batman fans of all ages will enjoy a new and original story filled with classic LEGO videogame action and humor as players fight to put the villains back behind bars.

“LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes builds upon the action and cooperative gameplay experience established in our best-selling LEGO videogame to date, LEGO Batman: The Videogame,” said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games. “We’re offering fans a rich and expansive Gotham City environment filled with cool characters, great customization options and plenty of surprises that families, young gamers and DC Universe fans can enjoy together.”

“LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes further extends and combines both the Batman and LEGO videogame experiences to create very fun gameplay,” said Samantha Ryan, Senior Vice President, Development and Production, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “Fans of all ages are going to enjoy the action and light hearted humor that TT Games and LEGO provide.”

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes allows players to explore all new areas of Gotham City utilizing a variety of vehicles including the Batmobile and Batwing. In addition, they’ll be able to fight for justice by mastering new gadgets and suits, such as Batman’s Power Suit and Robins’’Hazard Cannon, and using all-new abilities including flight, super-breath and heat vision.

LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes is being developed by TT Games and will be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

LEGO.com Description

LEGO.com-icon-yellow This is a description taken from LEGO.com. Please do not modify it.

FREE EXCLUSIVE character and stud code with purchase!*

Batman and Robin return in LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes, the highly-anticipated sequel to LEGO Batman™: The Videogame, the best-selling LEGO videogame of all time, which has sold more than 11 million units worldwide.

This time the Dynamic Duo join forces with other famous DC super heroes including Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to stop the notorious villains Lex Luthor and The Joker from destroying Gotham City. Batman fans of all ages will enjoy a new and original story filled with classic LEGO videogame action and humor as players fight to put the bad guys back behind bars.

  • Experience an original LEGO adventure that has Batman and Robin teaming up with Superman to defend Gotham City from The Joker and Lex Luthor
  • Traverse Gotham City’s open realm by walking, flying or unlocking and controlling a variety of cool vehicles including the Batmobile, Batwing and Batboat
  • Master new suits and gadgets, such as Batman’s Power Suit and Robin’s Hazard Suit equipped with a Pressure Cannon that can absorb and dispense hazardous liquids
  • Collect 50 DC Comics characters, including The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and many others.
  • Flex your new super abilities and soar through the air with free-roaming flight, freeze and push objects with Super-Breath, and heat up and cut holes through objects with Heat Vision
  • Create unique super heroes with customizable characters
  • Play with friends and family using easy drop-in/drop-out co-op play that features dynamic split screen


  • Laura Bailey — Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Wonder Woman
  • Troy Baker — Batman, Brainiac, Hawkman, Sinestro, Two-Face
  • Joseph Balderrama — Killer Moth
  • Brian Bloom — Aquaman, Cyborg
  • Steve Blum — Alfred Pennyworth, Bane, Captain Cold, Penguin, Ra’s Al Ghul
  • Clancy Brown — Lex Luthor
  • Cam Clarke — Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Nightwing
  • Townsend Coleman — Commissioner Gordon, General Zod, Mad Hatter, Mr. Freeze
  • Bridget Hoffman — Lois Lane, Supergirl
  • Nolan North — Captain Boomerang, Hush, Scarecrow
  • Rob Paulsen — Riddler
  • Charlie Schlatter — Flash, Robin III, Robin IV
  • Christopher Corey Smith — Joker
  • Fred Tatasciore — Black Adam, Black Manta, Clayface, Killer Croc, Man-Bat
  • Katherine Von Till — Batcomputer, Catwoman
  • Anna Vocino — Katana, Vicki Vale
  • Kari Wahlgren — Batgirl, Black Canary, Hawkgirl, Huntress, Zatanna
  • Travis Willingham — Superman, Bizarro, Captain Marvel, Gorilla Grodd


  • Cam Clarke — Voice Director


  • A sequel to LEGO Batman: The Videogame was foreshadowed in the data section where the last bit of info, which sold for 4,000,000,000 studs, read «The End…?».
  • The PC DEMO files for LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 includes content about LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, listing Batman, Superman, Superman’s flight control, Batcar, Robin, Glide Pack, Tightrope Base and Grapple Point.
  • This is the first LEGO licensed video game (created by Traveller’s Tales) where the characters can talk and have dialogue. However, the way it was advertised is false as past LEGO video games but based on Original themes such as LEGO Island and LEGO Chess have dialogue.[50]
  • This is the second LEGO game on PlayStation Vita, The first being LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.
  • An exclusive pre-order from EB includes downloadable content that allows play with five villains and heroes on Xbox 360 and PS3: Bizarro, Captain Cold, Black Adam, Black Manta, Gorilla Grodd, Nightwing, Shazam, Katana, Zatanna, and Damian Wayne.[3]
  • A physical version of Batman’s Electricity Suit is included with the LEGO Batman: The Visual Dictionary.[25]
  • There are 250 gold bricks to collect.[25]
  • A Collectors’ Edition is currently available through Amazon. In addition to the game, it also includes 30164 Lex Luthor.[51]
  • A pre-order from ShopTo.net includes a LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes comic book downloadable content to unlock the Harley Quinn bike.[52] Harley Quinn’s Motorbike is also available in the Wii version of the game.
  • There are 85 characters in the portable versions of the game.
  • Harley Quinn’s Motorbike can be unlocked by completing the game 100%.
  • This is the first official LEGO game to feature the invention of open world, or «Free Roam», the second being LEGO The Lord of the Rings: The Video Game.
  • The Dinosaur that Cyborg is locking into a cage before he his called to Gotham City is set 4958.
  • There is a reference to the «Back to the Future» movie in the level «The Next President». If you put the City Hall clock into position 10:04, lightning will strike it.
  • Most of the Promotional Artwork is based off of the ones from Batman: Arkham City, which released a year prior.
  • There are a few references to this game in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham and (albeit less) in LEGO DC Super-Villains.
  • This is the only LEGO game to be for both Wii and Wii U (not counting the fact that Wii games are compatible with Wii Us).

Minifigure Included with Preorder


Promotional Images

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Logo)

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Logo)


Lex Luthor

Wonder Woman


Green Lantern

The Joker







Bane holding Robin


Green Lantern

Lex Luthor holding Kryptonite


The Joker with a card

Wonder Woman catching a criminal









Green Lantern

Green Lantern

The Joker

The Joker

Lex Luthor

Lex Luthor





Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

The first officially released promotional image for the game



Pages with information on in-game locations from LEGO Batman: The Visual Dictionary

Advertisement for the game.

Advertisement for the game.

The Harley Quinn bike available with downloadable content from ShopTo.net

The Harley Quinn bike available with downloadable content from ShopTo.net

LB2 Wanted Posters Print Cover 040212


Batman, Superman, and Robin in the game

B2 16

Superman flying

B2 15

Superman using heat vision

Batman and The Joker

B2 12

B2 11

B2 10


Electic Batman

The Joker

Hazard Robin


Lex Luthor

Acrobat Robin

Superman using freeze breath


Robin using the hazard cannon

Robin using the hazard cannon

Superman lb2

Lex Luthor and The Joker

Arkham Asylum

Arkham Asylum

B2 1

The Joker





Lego batman 2 3 605x

Lego batman 2 1 605x

Lego batman 2 2 605x


Lego-batman-2-dc-super-heroes ztwp9.T200

Lego-batman-2-dc-super-heroes -riddler

Lego-batman-2-dc-super-heroes twoface

LB2 Scrren shot 1

LB2 Scrren shot 2

LB2 Scrren shot 3

LB2 Scrren shot 4

LB2 Scrren shot 5

LB2 Scrren shot 6

LB2 Scrren shot 7

LB2 Scrren shot 8

LB2 Scrren shot 9

LB2 Scrren shot 10

LB2 Scrren shot 11

LB2 Scrren shot 12

LB2 Scrren shot 13

LB2 Scrren shot 14

LB2 Scrren shot 15

LB2 Scrren shot 16

LB2 Scrren shot 17

LB2 Scrren shot 18

LB2 Scrren shot 19

LB2 Scrren shot 20

LB2 Scrren shot 21

LB2 Scrren shot 22

LB2 Scrren shot 23

LB2 Scrren shot 24

LB2 Scrren shot 25

LB2 Scrren shot 26

LB2 Scrren shot 27

LB2 Scrren shot 28

LB2 Scrren shot 29

LB2 Scrren shot 30

LB2 Scrren shot 31

LB2 Scrren shot 32

LB2 Scrren shot 33

LB2 Scrren shot 34

LB2 Scrren shot 35

LB2 Scrren shot 36

LB2 Scrren shot 37

LB2 Scrren shot 38

LB2 Scrren shot 39

LB2 Scrren shot 40


Supergirl 01

Supergirl 2

Supergirl 3


Cyborg Superheroes

655773 20120522 640screen001

655773 20120522 640screen002

655773 20120522 640screen005

655773 20120522 640screen012

655773 20120522 640screen013

655773 20120522 640screen014

655776 20120522 640screen003

Lego superman


Hawkman 2

Lego superman killing lex

Some of the character selection

Some of the character selection

The land vehicle selection

The land vehicle selection

Minifigure Maker

Minifigure Maker

Minifigure Maker

Minifigure Maker


LB2 The Riddler

Bat logo on moon LB2

Batman gliding in the Bat Suit

Batman gliding in the Bat Suit

The Batboat on the Character Roster

The Batboat on the Character Roster

Character Roster

Character Roster

The Riddler

Robin and Two-Face Goon with the character roster

The Riddler and The Mayor

A close-up of The Joker

Lex Luthor and The Joker

Electric Batman on Portable Versions

Electric Batman on Portable Versions

Clown Goons

The Justice League Watchtower

The Justice League Watchtower

The Penguin and his Fish

Clark's face

Clark’s face

Clark's body piece (front)

Clark’s body piece (front)

Clark's body piece (back)

Clark’s body piece (back)

Clark iOS front (powers)

Clark iOS front (powers)

Clark iOS back (powers 2)

Clark iOS back (powers 2)

Clark flying (portable)

Clark flying (portable)

Clark flying (portable) 2

Clark flying (portable) 2

Kent in LBM2 (portable)

Kent in LBM2 (portable)

Clark front

Clark front

Clark back

Clark back

Clark flying (iOS)

Clark flying (iOS)

Clark in portable beyond gotham (back)

Clark in portable beyond gotham (back)

Clark in portable beyond gotham (front)

Clark in portable beyond gotham (front)

CK flying

CK flying

CK flying (one arm out)

CK flying (one arm out)

Character pic from portable beyond gotham

Character pic from portable beyond gotham

CK freeze breath

CK freeze breath

Clark heat vision

Clark heat vision

Clark X-Ray

Clark X-Ray

Lois Lane in LBM2 (portable)

Lois Lane in LBM2 (portable)

Lois Lane (portable) - back

Lois Lane (portable) — back

Lois's face

Lois’s face

Lois' LBM2 front body piece

Lois’ LBM2 front body piece

Lois' LBM2 back body piece

Lois’ LBM2 back body piece

Lois skills in LBM2 other than acrobat (chute travel and twirl pole)

Lois skills in LBM2 other than acrobat (chute travel and twirl pole)

Lois pepper spray

Lois pepper spray

vixen's body (with real legs) - front

vixen’s body (with real legs) — front

Vixen's back (with yellow legs)

Vixen’s back (with yellow legs)

IMG E2069

IMG E2070

Vixen stealth mode

Vixen stealth mode

Arrow in LB2 (portable)

Arrow in LB2 (portable)

IMG E1899

Arrow LB2 back

Arrow LB2 back

Arrow bod without the hood

Arrow bod without the hood

Arrow bod back

Arrow bod back

IMG E1981

IMG E1982

GA stealth mode

GA stealth mode

IMG E1986

GA aim and fire (also comes in explosives)

GA aim and fire (also comes in explosives)

Kara's portable outfit

Kara’s portable outfit

Kara;s portable outfit (back)

Kara;s portable outfit (back)

IMG E2039

IMG E2065

IMG E2066

IMG E2063

IMG E2067

IMG E2068



IMG E2061

IMG E2062

IMG E2073

Superman body and face

Superman body and face

Superman back

Superman back

IMG E2173

Freeze breath kal-el

Freeze breath kal-el

Kal-el heat vision

Kal-el heat vision


3DS game case

3DS game case

DS game case

DS game case

PC game case

PC game case

PlayStation3 game case

PlayStation3 game case

PSVITA game case

PSVITA game case

Wii game case

Wii game case

Xbox 360 game case

Xbox 360 game case

Collectors edition Case

Collectors edition Case

Collectors edition contents

Collectors edition contents

Collectors edition cover art

Collectors edition cover art

Wii U Game Case

Wii U Game Case

DLC packs

Legobatman2 ps3 dlc

Legobatman2 xbox dlc


Reveal Trailer

Lego B2 DC Super Heroes Trailer

Reveal Trailer

Open World Trailer

LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes — «Open World» Trailer

Open World Trailer

Talking Mini Figures Trailer

Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Talking Mini Figures Trailer HD

Talking Mini Figures Trailer


  • LA Times
  • Brick Heroes
  • Official LEGO Video Games site

External links

  • LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes for Mac from Feral Interactive

See also

  • LEGO Batman: The Video Game
  • Traveller’s Tales
  • TT Games
  • Feral Interactive


  1. 1.0 1.1 Feral Interactive — LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes for Mac
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 First Look at Green Lantern in LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes PlayStation 3
  4. 4.0 4.1
    [1] Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name «GameStop» defined multiple times with different content
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 LEGO Batman 2 Videos
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Gameinformer
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.26 LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Trailer
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 NextGame
  9. 9.0 9.1 Gamesector.net
  10. 10.0 10.1 LEGO.com
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 Eurogamer.net
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 ComicBookMovie.com
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes gives new life to the franchise (preview) — A+E Interactive
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 ComicBookResources.com
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 YouTube.com
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 ComicBookMovie.com
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 GayGamer.net
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 18.17 18.18 18.19 18.20 18.21 18.22 18.23 18.24 18.25 18.26 [2] XBOX360Achievements»
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 Twitch.tv
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named SFX
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 YouTube.com
  22. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named EBGames2
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named pressRelease
  24. 24.0 24.1 Kotaku.com
  25. 25.00 25.01 25.02 25.03 25.04 25.05 25.06 25.07 25.08 25.09 25.10 25.11 25.12 25.13 LEGO Batman: The Visual Dictionary
  26. 26.0 26.1 [3]
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Wired.com
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 Digital Spy
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 YouTube.com
  30. [4]
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 GameTrailers.com
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.5 Comic Book Resources
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 YouTube.com
  34. 34.0 34.1 34.2 YouTube.com
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 YouTube.com
  36. 36.0 36.1 YouTube.com
  37. YouTube.com
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 38.5 YouTube.com
  39. DC Universe LEGO Batman LEGO Super Heroes Sales News: LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Available For Pre-order — From Bricks To Bothans
  40. USA Today
  41. 41.0 41.1 LEGO.com
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named BntPC
  43. 43.00 43.01 43.02 43.03 43.04 43.05 43.06 43.07 43.08 43.09 43.10 YouTube.com
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 YouTube.com
  45. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Part 10
  46. YouTube.com
  47. 47.00 47.01 47.02 47.03 47.04 47.05 47.06 47.07 47.08 47.09 47.10 47.11 47.12 47.13 47.14 47.15 47.16 47.17 47.18 47.19 47.20 47.21 47.22 47.23 47.24 47.25 47.26 47.27 47.28 47.29 47.30 47.31 YouTube.com
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 48.5 48.6 48.7 YouTube.com
  49. 49.00 49.01 49.02 49.03 49.04 49.05 49.06 49.07 49.08 49.09 49.10 49.11 YouTube.com
  50. [5]
  51. Amazon.com
  52. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named goodies
view · talk · edit DC Super Heroes products
2012 6857 The Dynamic Duo Funhouse Escape 6858 Catwoman Catcycle City Chase 6860 The Batcave 6862 Superman vs. Power Armour Lex 6863 Batwing Battle Over Gotham City 6864 Batmobile and the Two-Face Chase
2013 10937 Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout 76000 Arctic Batman vs. Mr. Freeze: Aquaman on Ice 76001 The Bat vs. Bane: Tumbler Chase 76002 Superman: Metropolis Showdown 76003 Superman: Battle of Smallville 76009 Superman: Black Zero Escape
2014 10543 Superman’s Rescue 10544 The Joker Challenge 10545 Batcave Adventure 10672 Batman: Defend the Batcave 76010 Batman: The Penguin Face Off 76011 Batman: Man-Bat Attack 76012 Batman: The Riddler Chase 76013 Batman: The Joker Steam Roller 76023 The Tumbler
2015 76025 Green Lantern vs. Sinestro 76026 Gorilla Grodd Goes Bananas 76027 Black Manta Deep Sea Strike 76028 Darkseid Invasion 76034 Batboat Harbor Pursuit 76035 Jokerland 76040 Brainiac Attack
2016 76044 Clash of the Heroes 76045 Kryptonite Interception 76046 Heroes of Justice: Sky High Battle 76053 Gotham City Cycle Chase 76054 Batman: Scarecrow Harvest Of Fear 76055 Batman: Killer Croc Sewer Smash 76056 Batman: Rescue from Ra’s al Ghul 76061 Batman vs Catwoman 76062 Robin vs Bane 76063 The Flash vs Captain Cold
2017 76068 Mighty Micros: Superman vs. Bizarro 76069 Mighty Micros: Batman vs. Killer Moth 76070 Mighty Micros: Wonder Woman vs. Doomsday 76075 Wonder Woman Warrior Battle 76085 Battle of Atlantis 76086 Knightcrawler Tunnel Attack 76087 Flying Fox: Batmobile Airlift Attack
2018 76092 Mighty Micros: Batman vs. Harley Quinn 76093 Mighty Micros: Nightwing vs. The Joker 76094 Mighty Micros: Supergirl vs. Brainiac 76095 Black Manta Strike 76096 Superman & Krypto Team-Up 76097 Lex Luthor Mech Takedown 76098 Speed Force Freeze Pursuit 76110 Batman: The Attack of the Talons 76111 Batman: Brother Eye Takedown 76112 App-Controlled Batmobile 853744 Knightmare Batman Accessory Set
2019 76116 Batman Batsub and the Underwater Clash 76117 Batman Mech vs. Poison Ivy Mech 76118 Mr. Freeze Batcycle Battle 76119 Batmobile: Pursuit of the Joker 76120 Batman Batwing and the Riddler Heist 76122 Batcave Clayface Invasion 76137 Batman vs. the Riddler Robbery 76138 Batman and the Joker Escape 76139 1989 Batmobile 211901 Batman 211902 Robin 211903 Superman 211904 The Flash 211905 Joker 211906 Batman
2020 76157 Wonder Woman vs Cheetah 76158 Batboat The Penguin Pursuit 76159 Joker’s Trike Chase 76160 Mobile Bat Base 212007 Mr. Freeze 212008 Batman 212009 The Riddler 212010 Batman 212011 The Joker 76161 1989 Batwing
2021 40453 Batman vs. The Penguin & Harley Quinn 76180 Batman vs. The Joker: Batmobile Chase 76182 Batman Cowl 76188 Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile 76238 Classic TV Series Batman Cowl 76239 Batmobile Tumbler: Scarecrow Showdown 76240 Batmobile Tumbler
2022 30455 Batmobile 76179 Batman & Selina Kyle Motorcycle Pursuit 76181 Batmobile: The Penguin Chase 76183 Batcave: The Riddler Face-Off 76220 Batman versus Harley Quinn
2023 76252 Batcave — Shadow Box 76259 Batman Construction Figure
Video Games LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham LEGO DC Super-Villains
Ultrabuilds 4526 Batman 4527 The Joker 4528 Green Lantern 5000728 DC Universe Super Heroes Collection
BrickHeadz 41490 Superman & Wonder Woman 41491 Batman & The Joker 41496 Supergirl & Martian Manhunter 41585 Batman 41586 Batgirl 41587 Robin 41588 The Joker 41598 The Flash 41599 Wonder Woman 41600 Aquaman 41601 Cyborg 41610 Tactical Batman & Superman
Other 71026 DC Comics Series 71209 DC Wonder Woman Fun Pack 71210 DC Cyborg Fun Pack 71229 DC Team Pack 71236 DC Superman Fun Pack 71237 DC Aquaman Fun Pack 71240 DC Bane Fun Pack 71255 Teen Titans Go! Team Pack 71287 Teen Titans Go! Starfire Fun Pack
Promotional Action Comics #1 Superman Comic-Con Exclusive Batman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Green Lantern Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Shazam! Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Bizarro Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Superman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Black Suit Superman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Green Arrow Giveaway SDCC Arsenal Exclusive SDCC036 Batman of Zur-En-Arrh Comic-Con Exclusive Atom Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Vixen Giveaway 30160 Bat Jetski 30161 Batmobile 30164 Lex Luthor 30166 Robin and Redbird Cycle 30300 The Batman Tumbler 30301 Batwing 30303 The Joker Bumper Car 30623 Shazam! 5001623 Jor-El 71340 Supergirl Polybag 71342 Green Arrow Polybag 77903 The Dark Knight of Gotham City 77906 Wonder Woman
Key Chains 853429 Batman Key Chain 853430 Superman Key Chain 853433 Wonder Woman Key Chain 850815 Arctic Batman Key Chain
Magnets 853431 Batman, Robin, The Joker Magnet Set 853432 Superman, Wonder Woman, Two-Face Magnet Set
Pickable Models Batman and Robin
Games 50003 Batman
view · talk · edit Super Heroes products
DC To see a full list of DC Comics based sets, go here.
Marvel To see a full list of Marvel Comics based sets, go here.
Ultrabuild 4526 Batman 4527 The Joker 4528 Green Lantern 4529 Iron Man 4530 The Hulk 4597 Captain America 5000728 DC Universe Super Heroes Collection 5001135 Marvel Super Heroes Collection
Video Games LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes LEGO Marvel Super Heroes LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham LEGO Marvel’s Avengers LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 LEGO DC Super-Villains
Promotional Comic-Con Exclusive Batman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Green Lantern Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Shazam! Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Bizarro Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Superman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Black Suit Superman Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Green Arrow Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Phoenix Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Black Suit Spider-Man Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Amazing Spider-Man 2 Suit Spider-Man Giveaway Comic-Con Exclusive Spider-Woman Giveaway New York Toy Fair Exclusive Captain America and Iron Man 30160 Bat Jetski 30161 Batmobile 30162 Quinjet 30163 Thor and the Cosmic Cube 30164 Lex Luthor 30165 Hawkeye with Equipment 30166 Robin and Redbird Cycle 30167 Iron Man vs. Fighting Drone 30168 Gun Mounting System 30300 The Batman Tumbler 30301 Batwing 30302 Spider-Man Glider 5001623 Jor-El
Promotional (Cont.) 5002145 Rocket Raccoon 6001095 The Hulk
Key Chains 850507 Spider-Man Key Chain 850529 Loki Key Chain 853429 Batman Key Chain 853430 Superman Key Chain 853433 Wonder Woman Key Chain 850815 Arctic Batman Key Chain
Books LEGO Batman: The Visual Dictionary LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Comic Book LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes: Prima Official Game Guide LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes: Build Your Own Adventure LEGO DC Superheroes: Comic Reader 1 LEGO DC Superheroes: Comic Reader 2
Magnets 850508 Captain America, Iron Man, Magneto Magnet Set 853431 Batman, Robin, The Joker Magnet Set 853432 Superman, Wonder Woman, Two-Face Magnet Set
Pickable Models Batman and Robin
Games 50003 Batman

The LEGO Batman 2 Red Bricks are found throughout Gotham City, and each one you get will unlock a special extra that adds some special perks character abilities. There are 20 Red Bricks to find in LEGO Batman 2, and their effects range from adding glasses and moustaches to all characters, to multiplying the value of all studs you collect. Any Red Brick cheats you unlock can be toggled by going to the Extras Menu. We highly recommend prioritizing the stud multiplier and collectible finder extras to help you get as many Studs as possible and easily achieve 100% completion. If you’re looking for all the LEGO Batman 2 Red Brick locations, we’ve got all the details below.

Before you get started, it’s important to know that each of the hidden Red Bricks needs to be purchased once the crates holding them are opened, and those containers can only be opened by either The Joker, The Riddler, or Lex Luthor. To unlock these characters, you can buy them with studs. The Joker can be found at the Ace Chemical Plant and bought for 250,000 studs, The Riddler can be found on top of Wayne Tower and costs 125,000 studs, and Lex Luthor can be found at the Yacht Club and purchased for 250,000 studs.

1. Beep Beep

Location: Amusement Park
50,000 studs
Makes all car horns have a special sound

The container is located behind the red and black tent next to the citizen in peril. To open the container here, you will need to use the Joker.

2. Fall Rescue

Location: Theatre
50,000 studs
Won’t allow you to take damage when falling from high distance

The container at the Theater is to the right of the building. In the corner of the parking lot, you will need to use The Joker to open it up.

3. Attract Studs

Location: Inside the Batcave
50,000 studs
Will allow studs to be collected without having to walk directly over them

For this Red Brick, you will need to Lex Luthor to open the crate found inside the Batcave. Once inside the Batcave, go to the right side.

4. Regenerate Hearts

Location: A cave beneath the Botanical Gardens
50,000 studs
Causes hearts to refill quickly

This chest can be found in a cave just off the road to the west of the Botanical Garden. Look inside the cave to find the crate that The Riddler can only open.

5. Disguises

Location: Arkham Asylum
50,000 studs
Adds glasses and moustaches to all characters, and even vehicles

At the top of the middle walkway in Arkham Asylum, fly up with Superman and then switch to The Joker to open the crate there that is directly across from the security camera.

6. Studs x8

Location: South of Metro Station North
400,000 studs
Multiplies studs collected by 8

This one can be a bit tricky to find with no large landmarks, but look on the ground level, down a street going south, in an alcove on the west side. For this chest, you will need to use Lex Luthor to open it and throw down a large amount of studs to buy the brick, but it is definitely worth getting early on.

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Уровень сложности трофеев: 2/10
Оффлайновые трофеи: 38 ( 25; 8 ; 4; 1)
Онлайновые трофеи: 0
Примерное время получения платины: 20+ часов
Минимальное количество прохождений до платины: 2+ (сюжет + freeplay)
Глючные трофеи: Нет
Число трофеев, которые легко пропустить: нет
Читы не влияют на трофеи: есть «сюрпризы» — не влияют
Дополнительные девайсы: второй контроллер

Продолжение знаменитого приключенческого бестселлера LEGO Batman: The Videogame для детей и взрослых, разошедшегося по миру тиражом свыше 11 млн экземпляров.

Динамичный дуэт Бэтмена и Робина возвращается в мир LEGO, чтобы продолжить борьбу со злом! На этот раз к ним присоединятся Супермен, Чудо-Женщина, Зеленый Фонарь и другие герои вселенной DC Сomics, а значит, отъявленным злодеям Джокеру и Лексу Лютеру, задумавшим разрушить Готэм, несдобровать.

Добавлю, что мне, как любителю игр LEGO, эта игра очень понравилась: несвойственный серии открытый игровой мир в целом удался, а тот факт, что пластмассовые герои, наконец, заговорили, не может не радовать. Я оцениваю игру на 7,5/10, но если это ваша первая игра серии LEGO и вы фанат вселенной DC, то смело накидывайте еще балл/полтора, ибо игра стоит вашего внимания. Но у нас с вами тут не обзор, а путеводитель, так что перейдем к делу.

Этап 1. Прохождение сюжета.

На данном этапе вы проходите игру, наслаждаясь ее сюжетом, геймплеем и забавными диалогами главных героев. Рекомендую набить на каждом уровне побольше монет (не обязательно на «Супергероя», но чем больше тем лучше).

За этот этап получаем следующие трофеи:

Этап 2. Добивание уровней.

Теперь наша цель: собрать все мини-наборы, спасти всех жителей (в миссиях) и получить звание «Супергерой» на каждом. В первых двух случаях вам могут помочь детекторы (красные блоки, гайд по ним — ниже), в последнем – множители х2, х4, х6, х8, х10.

Есть еще один момент. Чтобы собрать все мини-наборы, нам понадобятся следующие персонажи:

На всякий случай прилагаю видео-гайды:

На этом этапе получаем трофей:

Этап 3. Зачистка Готэма.

Теперь, когда вы собрали все на уровнях, приступайте к сбору всего и вся в городе. Нам нужны:

Все красные блоки

Все золотые блоки

Все жители в беде

В принципе, все легко находится без гидов с соответствующими детекторами, и сложностей возникнуть не должно, но если что, пользуйтесь.

Все персонажи

Не забудьте также про бонусный уровень (становится доступен при 175 золотых блоках, за его прохождение полагается один золотой блок). Сам по себе он долгий, добавлять его полное прохождение не буду, тем более оно есть в подсказке, выложу лишь видео с отдельными хитрыми местами:

Пройдя это этап, получаем:

Этап 4. Заключительный.

Теперь нам осталось добить всего несколько трофеев, они простые и понятные:

Вот и все, после этого получаем заветную:

И остаемся довольны собой!

P.S.: мой первый гайд, не судите строго, здоровая критика приветствуется!)

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