Летай как птица 3 как найти

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  • Обновлено: 06.12.2013
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  • Просмотров: 15 305
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Fly like a bird 3 lite Android – увлекательная и захватывающая игра для Android. Именно поэтому, сегодня мы предоставляем вашему вниманию краткое описание таких замечательных полетов Fly like a bird 3 lite.

Fly like a bird 3 lite

Fly like a bird 3 lite

Fly like a bird 3 lite

Наверняка многие из нас задают себе один и тот же вопрос: «Почему люди не могут лететь как птицы?». У многих из нас в детстве была мечта научиться летать, следовательно, игра Fly like a bird 3 lite было создана на этой почве, ведь с помощью такого замечательного приложения, каждый желающий может почувствовать себя птицей.

Так как данная версия является lite, то соответственно и многие моменты также были урезаны. В игре можно выбрать только двух птиц и всего лишь один городской пейзаж, а все остальные красоты станут доступными только при отдельных покупках рейтинга. Также, следует заметить, что это приложение вмещает в себя две версии, одна из которых одиночная, а другая является мультиплеерной. Управление игры всегда понятное и легкое, поэтому в процессе не возникнет никаких сложностей. Для того чтобы птица взлетела, необходимо нажать кнопку вниз, а для плавного полета – удерживать кнопку вверх, повороты в право и влево осуществляются с помощью боковых кнопок. Как видите, все элементарно и просто.


«Лети Как Птица 3» — это захватывающая 3Д игра, в которой вы станете настоящей птицей и будете доминировать в небесах. В игре есть несколько персонажей птиц, из которых вы можете выбрать себе птицу, а затем отправиться в город, лес или горы, чтобы наслаждаться полетом и видами окрестностей. Если вы любите игры с необычными сюжетами и простым управлением, то эту игру точно стоит попробовать.

Основной задачей в игре является летание и стрельба какашками. Вы можете веселиться, пока гадите на людей и взлетаете в небо. Вы должны управлять птицей, чтобы она летала и избегала опасностей, таких как здания, охотники и автомобили. Кроме того, вам необходимо постоянно подкреплять свою жизненную энергию, чтобы вы могли летать так долго, как вам нужно.

Как играть?

Для начала игры вам нужно выбрать одиночный режим игры, как как многопользовательский пока еще не доступен. После этого нужно выбрать птицу из списка в котором целых 7 разновидностей птиц, а затем выбрать одну из местностей для полетов. Есть такие карты как: город, горы, промышленная зона, острова и снежная местность. На каждой карте свои постройки, рельеф и прочее, так что играть действительно интересно. Управление в игре невероятно простое и интуитивно понятное. Вы можете управлять птицей при помощи клавиш клавиатуры. Просто жмите нужную клавишу, чтобы птица летела вверх, парила или снижалась вниз.

Перед началом игры вы также можете ознакомится с инструкциями. Удачи и крутых полетов как настоящая птица!

Здесь расположена онлайн игра
Лети Как Птица 3, поиграть в нее вы можете бесплатно и прямо сейчас.

Управление в игре:

  • — управление

Информация об игре:

  • Оригинальное название игры — Fly Like a Bird 3.
  • Она получила оценку 4.4 из 5, проголосовало 50 человек(а).
  • Дата релиза: Апрель 2023.
  • Доступна на следующих платформах: Веб браузер (ПК).

Flylikeabird3 logo

The games official Logo

Current version/ updates

The game was officially discontinued by Gamevial, whom gave it as an open source to a new team Raven-Woods to continue running and updating. It can be played through visiting their website


In the current version developed by Raven-Woods, more precisely by Kouga (current version 2.15) are some changes to the original version of Gamevial.

First of all

On our Discord server, which you can find like this and other games on this page https://www.raven-woods.de/, Kouga herself inform the community when a new update has been made usually with the most important information about what exactly was changed.

Of course, the innovations will also be published here. But if you would like to know about the changes before everyone else or just want to join our community, you are cordially invited.

Since playing the game is only possible by registering here https://www.raven-woods.de/ and then starting the game via the «Our Games» tab, there is a change to the previous one versions.
There are no options at the start of the game to enter your own name or to change it at another time

The maps are all still there, with a few small changes. What was formerly known as Snowscape is now called Tundra in-game, Cityscape became City and Hillsscape just became Hills. But it’s still the same maps

In addition, there are no more different rooms per map that you can select. One per environment and due to the network backend’s limits, no counters.

In the case of the birds, there are also only the known ones. The Blue Jay was only included for testing purposes, but did not remain in the game.

One of the biggest changes is that the arrows, that used to show you the location of the different food sources, i.e. Carcass (red), Pizza/Chips (yellow) and Cherries (green), no longer exist. The reason is that the number of food sources has been greatly increased and the compass has become too crowed. Plus, you can now find more than enough food just by flying around.

The usual arrows for twigs (Orange) and, if present, the nest (Purple) still exist.

Also, today, March 30, 2023, there was a small update that increased the number of fish.

As mentioned in the dedicated bin article, the plastic cords have been removed, neutralising the unbalanced effects of bins.

Brightness at night has been increased.


Any of the current information under this section is subject to change.

The gameplay itself was rather simple. The person playing it controls a bird and can fly around a selection of landscapes(see below). Food can be collected to fill the «poo-o-meter» which serves as fuel. Every time a bird moves or poops, the poo-o-meter is slightly drained. Human npcs can be found and pooped on to gain points, as well as other birds in the multiplayer version.

Newer objectives have later been added in, such as nesting and chick rearing which grants lives. These lives can be lost however, by crashing into buildings, getting hit by cars, or caught by humans, along with other various ways.


The game featured multi-player, where people could meet up and chat/play it with each other. This feature became extremely popular during the games run, with the main servers (Cityscape1 etc) being almost always full. In multiplayer, people could poo on each other, as well as build nests and raise chicks together. These days, there is a variety of websites hosting FLAB3, but only Raven-Woods has the actual multiplayer mode.


This includes history on past updates and features. Not all of them still exist in newer versions(see gameplay above), and new stuff may also have been added.

Fly like a bird 3 is a multiplayer game created by Gamevial, a British game developer and publishing team. It was released in 2009, and gained a large playerbase over the years it was online.

The game underwent production in the early 2000’s, and was then released in 2009. It had two predecessors, Flylikeabird 1 and 2, which were much simpler versions. This new version had 2 new birds originally, the seagull and crow, along with the original pigeon model. The cityscape was also adjusted so improvements could be added. The game was semi survival, consisting of the player finding food for themselves, raising chicks in nests, and not losing lives to obstacles. It also has other non survival aspects such as pooping on NPCs for points.

The multiplayer feature was also kept for this game, after it received positive feedback on Flylikeabird2.

Due to the games success, Gamevial decided to add more features, such as new bird models and landscapes. A total of ten birds and 5 landscapes were added over time. New hazards such as power lines and cars were added to the cityscape, and butterflies and fish were added to various landscapes to make it more challenging to collect food.

The game also received an Andriod version (May 7 2012) for a period of time due to popular demand. This version had  free »lite» version, and a »full» version. The Lite version only had two bird species available to use. The Andriod version is no longer available as of now, except for archive sites. Of course, these versions do not support multiplayer mode. If there will be another version, is unclear.


The game had a variety of maps added to it, here is a list of each and the date it was added.

  • Cityscape (now City) — Original landscape
  • Hillscape (now Hills) — 2010?
  • Islands — some time in 2011 — 12?
  • Snowscape (now Tundra) — March. 23 2012
  • Industry — February 27, 2013


Many birds were added to the game over the years. Here is a list of them.

  • Pigeon — Original bird
  • Crow — Original bird
  • Seagull — Original bird
  • Starling — 2010?
  • Eagle — some time in 2010 — 11
  • Robin -March. 7 2012
  • Barn Owl — May 31 2012
  • Ringneck — October 1 2012
  • Macaw — added October 24 2012.
  • Swan — February 2014
  • Blue Jay — August 4 2020 RW

NPC humans and obstacles

  • Traffic wardens — Original
  • Suits — Original
  • Hunter — 2010?
  • Tourists — March 7 2012

These were a threat to players in the game, as they would remove a life if you were «caught» by them. Other obstacles included cars, tall buildings, trees, etc. All of these could remove a live from a player. If all lives were removed out of 5, then the player would depart and had to re join the server.


Nests were a feature unique to this version of Flylikeabird3. The player could collect twigs and build a nest wherever they liked.  Due to popular demand, a later update added chicks that hatched from these nests. Each bird species had a different sized nest/egg size.


Food variety was another new feature Gamevial added to Flylikeabird3. Cherries, Carcass, Chips, and Pizza, were all added to match each in game bird species diets. This made it more challenging as not all species could eat every type of food.  

In a newer update (December 19 2013), Fish and Butterflies were added to some of the landscapes. Both were moving objects and were more challenging to collect than the usual ones.

Poo-cam and poo-o-meter

Poo cam

The poo cam from the original versions of the game

A downwards view was visible in the top left hand corner of the game screen. This helped with navigation as well as landing birds. In this circle were arrows that lead the player to various items. Yellow for pizza/chips, green for cherries, red for carcass, orange for twigs and purple for the players nest.

Located next to this was the «poo-o-meter», which showed the level of food the player currently had.


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Описание игры Fly Like a Bird 3

Fly like a bird 3 — третья часть игры про птиц атакующих жителей города. Выберите себе пернатую личность и летайте в городе, лесу или в горах! Насладитесь полетом и видами окрестностей, вейте гнезда, заводите потомство и гадьте на глупых людишек! Но будьте осторожны вы можете погибнуть врезавшись в дом или попав под колеса автомобиля. Управление в игре невероятно простое и интуитивно понятное.



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Мы работаем над новой версией Fly Like a bird 3

Здесь у нас есть одна интересная игра, в которой вы будете доминировать над небом. Вы станете птицей, и ваша единственная задача — летать и стрелять из кормы. Не забывайте, что активность требует энергии, поэтому вы тоже должны есть. Игра также поддерживает многопользовательскую игру, поэтому вы также можете попробовать полет с друзьями.
Разработчик — Gamevial
Все права принадлежат Gamevial

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