Литий астронир как найти

Icon Lithium
Размер Малый
Группа Ресурсы
Тип Ресурсы
Редкость Редкий

Литий один из редких ресурсов в Astroneer.

Он может быть добыт либо глубоко под землёй, либо на поверхности, в зависимости от планеты. Очень часто, но не всегда, вам потребуется Бур чтобы его добыть.

Вы также можете его найти в упавшем космическом корабле, в результате исследования или купить на торговой площадке.


Литий используется для создания следующих предметов модулей:

  • Средняя батарея
  • РТГ

Планеты с литием[]

  • VesaniaIcon Везания
  • NovusIcon Новус


  • Литий в последних версиях

    Литий в последних версиях

п · о · рРесурсы

Icon Compound Соединение | Icon Lithium Литий | Icon Resin Смола | Icon Soil Почва | Icon Scrap Металлолом


Icon Organic Органика | Icon Carbon Углерод | Icon Hydrazine Гидразин


Icon Ammonium Аммоний | Icon Clay Глина | Icon Graphite Графит | Icon Hematite Гематит | Icon Laterite Латерит | Icon Malachite Малахит | Icon Quartz Кварц | Icon Sphalerite Сфалерит | Icon Titanite Титанит | Icon Wolframite Вольфрамит|Icon Astronium Астрониум

Переплавление ресурсы

Icon Aluminum Алюминий | Icon Ceramic Керамика | Icon Copper Медь | Icon Glass Стекло | Icon Iron Железо | Icon Titanium Титан | Icon Zinc Цинк | Icon Tungsten Вольфрам

Очищенные ресурсы

Icon Aluminum Alloy Сплав алюминия | Icon Diamond Алмаз | Icon Explosive Powder Порох | Icon Graphene Графен | text=Наноуглеродный сплавНаноуглеродный сплав | Icon Plastic Пластик | Icon Rubber Резина | Icon Silicone Силикон | Icon Steel Сталь | Icon Titanium Alloy Сплав титана | Icon Tungsten Carbide Карбид вольфрама

Атмосферные ресурсы

Icon Argon Аргон | Icon Helium Гелий | Icon Hydrogen Водород | Icon Methane Метан | Icon Nitrogen Азот | Icon Sulfur Сера

Неиспользуемые ресурсы

Лёд | Вода | Бетон | Седимент

ЛитийЛитий — природный ресурс в Astroneer. Литий встречается в форме изогнутых трубок напоминающие розово-золотую лапшу. Генерируется в пещерах на Везании и на Новусе в горах и мантии (ближе к ядру в пещерах).

Месторождение лития

Планета / Спутник Наличие
Везания Везания Найдено ✓
Новус Новус Найдено ✓

Дополнительный источник лития

  • С помощью платформы обмена
    Платформа обмена дает 1 литий за 4 металлолом. Максимум 8 металлолома для одного заказа 2 лития.


Обработка Получаемая вещь Нужные ресурсы
 Малый принтер  Средняя батарея Литий Литий
Цинк Цинк
 Малый принтер  РТГ Литий Литий
Наноуглеродный сплав Наноуглеродный сплав

Часто задаваемые вопросы

  • Как получить литий в astroneer?
    Литий можно получить на Везании и Новусе используя инструмент изменения рельефа (пылесос простыми словами). Достаточно навести его на скопление лития и выкопать его. При достаточном скоплении сгустков в инвентаре появится ресурс «Литий».

Любопытные факты

  • Если поместить литий в камеру исследования, при полном его анализе вы получите 200 байт. Скорость исследования будет 80 байт/мин.

Lithium is one of several natural resources found within planets in Astroneer. However, unlike most resources, you can only get it on two planets in the game. 

To get lithium in Astroneer, you will need to travel to either the planets Vesania or Novus. On these planets you must mine curly pink noodle-shaped nodes. On Vesania, you will need to search cave layers in order to find the resource. But on Novus, you will need to explore mountain biomes and mantle layers instead to find lithium. Alternately, you can trade for this resource with scrap via a trade platform that you can make with the following materials.

  • One Tungsten
  • One Iron
  • One Compound

Once you get lithium, you will be able to make two items: a Medium Battery and an RTG, via a small printer. You can make a small printer with one compound using your backpack module. After this, you can make both items with the resources listed below. 

Related: Astroneer: How-to Get Tungsten – Finding Wolframite!

How to make an RTG in Astroneer

An RTG is a power generation item that can supply you with a ton of power, but you will need nanocarbon alloy alongside lithium to make it. You already know how to get lithium, but you will need the following resources inside a chemistry lab to make nanocarbon alloys. 

  • Steel 
  • Helium
  • Titanium Alloy

How to make a Medium Battery in Astroneer

A Medium Battery is a power source in Astroneer, and to make it, you will need both zinc and lithium. Once made, you will be able to use it to power your shuttle. 

For more on Astroneer, we at PGG have you covered with guides like How to get Copper in Astroneer and How to get Aluminum in Astroneer.

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Astroneer Lithium

With the modern world of technology, we all know that lithium is the material that goes into making batteries better. At least for the next few years until Elon Musk creates something better. Lithium is also used for the production of batteries in Astroneer. Unfortunately for us, it is not available on the starting planet. You will have to scavenge for batteries in the early days.

Lithium is one of the more unusual natural resources in the game when it comes to its appearance. It shows up as a strange curly kind of tube that grows in little batches. It is not too uncommon on the planets that it appears on. It is one of the few natural resources in the game that is not refined into something else before it is used for crafting.

Lithium can only be found in the caves on Vesania and in the mountains of Novus. It will appear as a red/orange coloured curly tube that grows out of the ground. It sort of looks like bits of a rib cage sticking out of the soil

Since this is a planet specific resource, it is not possible to obtain this resource using a soil centrifuge. You can obtain it from a trade platform but if you are looking to find Lithium, you will need to travel to Vesana or Novus as these are the only planets that contain this resource.

Structure Input Output
Trade Platform 4 Scrap 1 Lithium

What Planets Contain Lithium?

Lithium can only be found on Vesania and Novus. It is fairly common on these planets but since they are not accessible until you have progressed further into the game, you will not be able to kick off any serious battery production until much later in the game. The table below will list the different planets of the game and give you the rarity of the resource on each one.

Planet Rarity
Sylva Not Found
Desolo Not Found
Glacio Not Found
Calidor Not Found
Atrox Not Found
Vesania Common (In caves)
Novus Common (In Mountains)

What Does Lithium Look Like?

Lithium looks like rib cage bones all mixed up together. The colour is a mix of red that blends into a yellow colour. You will always find it sticking out of rocks and soil. The colour and shape is normally distinctly different from the regular parts of the environments and as a result, you should be able to find it quite easily when you are on either of the planets. The image below will show you what it looks like so you can know what to look out for when searching for it.

where to find lithium astroneer

Lithium can be found below the surface of the planet. Does real lithium look like this? Who knows, but this is what it looks like in Astroneer

Lithium can also appear on hills and is much harder to spot as it can look a lot like plants that grow here. You can see from the image below that it does look quite similar to the plants that are growing on the rocky areas of this planet.

what does lithium look like

Lithium looks more like a plant here. You will need a sharper eye to spot this

What is Lithium Used For?

Lithium is used in the production of power storage and generation items in Astroneer. Since wind and solar are the main sources of renewable energy, players will struggle with power when the sun is gone and the wind is not blowing. Items crafted from Lithium will solve both of these problems? The table below will contain a full list of all structures and items that can be crafted using just this resource or a combination of others.

Creation Method Input Output Item/Structure
Backpack Printer 1 Lithium Small Battery
Small Printer 1 Lithium, 1 Zinc Medium Battery
1 Nanocarbon Alloy, 1 Lithium RTG


25 декабря 2016

Привет, найти литий и титан можно ещё с помощью исследований. Также можно отправлять платформу на продажу с помощью здания: «продать платформу».

А вообще, тебе нужно построить космический корабль и полететь на спутник своей планеты. Там много руды для переплавки в титан и литий.

В этом видео можешь посмотреть как это делается:



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