«Хельсинг» — арбалет в играх Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light и Metro Exodus.
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Изготовлено в кустарных условиях, использует уникальный боеприпас. В первых двух играх встречается редко. Имеет восьмиствольную пневматическую конструкцию, а также встроенный в приклад баллон со сжатым воздухом, помповый насос для подкачки и манометр давления.
Это самое спорное оружие в игре. Боеприпасы к нему встречаются крайне редко, что частично решается возможностью повторного использования, а в патронташ их вмещается крайне мало — всего 24, что сравнимо с винтовочными патронами.
Болтов в магазине ровно 8, и после каждого выстрела настильность ощутимо снижается, что делает Хельсинг малоэффективным в открытом бою с большими скоплениями противников, так как приходится постоянно докачивать воздух и заменять картриджи с болтами. В связи с этим, он очень плохо себя показывает при битве с быстрыми или живучими врагами.
Однако в скрытных операциях всё резко меняется. Помимо гигантской пробивной силы, Хельсинг также полностью бесшумен, плюс большая часть его недостатков не ощущается. Также этот вариант способствует экономии болтов. Использование этого оружия как основного сопряжено с большим количеством проблем, однако если применять его только против людей и только при скрытном прохождении, то можно добиться впечатляющих результатов с нулевым показателем потраченных ресурсов.
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Metro 2033
С прицелом
- Впервые встречается на уровне «Мертвый город 1» на трупе, на втором этаже здания за зданием с тайником Ордена;
- Хельсингом вооружён Хан, однако пользуется им единожды, на уровне «Сухаревская», скрытно помогая игроку;
- На уровне «Павелецкая» в оружейной, до входа в зал, где необходимо надевать противогаз;
- Версия с оптикой продается на Кузнецком Мосту;
- Далее встречается на уровнях «Линия фронта» и «Чёрная станция».
Metro: Last Light
- Впервые встречается на уровне «Заражение»;
- Далее появляется на уровне «Карантин» в оружейном магазине;
- Повсеместно встречается во время путешествия с Маленьким Чёрным по поверхности.
- Можно найти на уровне «Кшатрии» дополнения «Комплект группировок» в Великой Библиотеке у мёртвого кшатрия Григория в туалете.
- В дополнении «Комплект разработчика» на одноимённом уровне, лежит на столе с оружием, также можно выбрать на арене и на стрельбище.
Metro Exodus
- Впервые появляется на уровне «Тайга», закреплён у статуи в пионерском лагере.
- Является основным оружием Детей Леса и Берегового братства.
Metro 2033
- Оптический прицел
Metro: Last Light
- Оптический прицел
- Прицел ночного видения
- Коллиматорный прицел
- Лазерный прицел
- Герметичный клапан
Metro Exodus
Список доступных модификаций | ||||
Слот | Иконка | Название | Эффект | Описание |
Рукоять и приклад |
Лёгкая рукоять и цевьё | Отсутствует | Лёгкая пистолетная рукоятка сделанная из подручных материалов, но позволяет безопасно вести огонь. | |
Штурмовой приклад, рукоятка и цевьё | Стабильность +2 | Лёгкий самодельный приклад. Несколько снижает отдачу. | ||
Снайперский приклад, рукоятка и цевьё | Стабильность +3 | Снайперский деревянный приклад, похоже, снятый с профессиональной винтовки. Значительно снижает отдачу. | ||
Тяжёлый приклад | Стабильность +6 | Отрезок тубы, изогнутый в форме. Значительно повышает стабильность оружия. | ||
Механизм |
Лук с обратным изгибом | Отсутствует | Такой лук запасает больше энергии и обеспечивает более высокую скорость полёта болта по сравнению с обычным. | |
Блочный лук | Урон +1 | В этому луке плечи изгибаются с помощью системы блоков, что позволяет увеличить скорость полёта болта. | ||
Двойной лук | Урон +3 | Компактная и мощная блочная система обеспечивает исключительно высокую скорость болтов. | ||
Пневматический взвод | Скорострельность +3 | Пневматическая система, значительно ускорящая взвод арбалета и тем самым повышающая скорострельность. | ||
Прицел |
Открытый прицел | Отсутствует | Стандартное прицельное приспособление. | |
Коллиматорный прицел | Облегчает прицеливание на ближних и средних дистанциях | Этот прицел довоенного производства значительно облегчает прицеливание на ближних и средних дистанциях, почти не ограничивая поле зрения. | ||
Ночной прицел | Позволяет вести прицельный огонь даже в темноте | Этот прицел ночного видения позволяет вести прицельный огонь даже в полной темноте. | ||
Оптика 4x | Позволяет вести прицельный огонь на средней дистанции | Оптический прицел с 4X увеличением и переменным фокусным расстоянием. | ||
Магазин |
Малый магазин | 1-болтовый магазин | Самый простой магазин, вмещающий всего один болт, но при этом ещё и самый лёгкий. | |
Средний магазин | 3-болтовый магазин | Несколько утяжеляет оружие по сравнению с малым магазином, но вмещает 3 болта. | ||
Увеличенный магазин | 6-болтовый магазин Стабильность -1 |
Этот цилендрический магазин вмещает 6 болтов и заметно превосходит стандартный по весу. | ||
Магазин повышенной ёмкости | Магазин на 8 болтов Стабильность -2 |
Этот огромный цилендрический магазин, вмещающий 8 болтов, гораздо тяжелее всех отсальных, но позволяет реже перезаряжать арбалет. | ||
Гаджеты |
Без гаджета | Отсутствует | Меньше приборов — меньше проблем. | |
Красный лазер | Перекрестие заменено на красную лазерную точку | Этот прицел сделан из лазерной указки, мощность излучения которой значительно повышена в ущерб надёжности. | ||
Зеленый лазер | Перекрестие заменено на зеленую лазерную точку | Сильно модифицированный лазерный прицел повышенной заметности, собранный в специальном корпусе. | ||
ИК-лазер | Перекрестие заменено на инфракрасную лазерную точку с активным ночным видением | Невидимый луч инфракрасного лазерного прицела создает на цели очень небольшое пятно, которое можно заметить только с прибором ночного видения. |
- Высокая мощность выстрела;
- Быстрая перезарядка;
- Болты можно повторно использовать;
- Полностью бесшумное оружие;
- По сравнению с Тихарём, куда более удобная и быстрая накачка баллона;
- Удобная мушка.
- Очень полезен на максимальных сложностях (Выживание и Рейнджер Хардкор)
- Редкое и дорогое оружие;
- Дорогие и редкие боеприпасы;
- Небольшой носимый запас стрел, не дающий право на частые промахи;
- Самая сложная баллистика во всей игре;
- Постоянная потребность в подкачке (частично исправляется установкой герметичного клапана);
- Низкая скорострельность;
- Малая ёмкость магазина;
- Большой разброс при стрельбе от бедра (частично исправляется установкой лцу);
- Невозможность стрельбы при отсутствии давления в баллоне;
- Неэффективен против врагов в тяжелой броне (стрелы сбивают броню и отскакивают).
Связанные достижения
- «Ван Хельсинг» – убейте демона из Хельсинга.
Интересные факты
- Идея оружия взята из фильма «Ван Хельсинг» Стивена Соммерса.
- Из этого оружия очень легко убивать библиотекарей. Потребуется всего 3 попадания в голову в ‘Metro 2033 и 4 — в Metro 2033 Redux.
- После выстрела болт можно подобрать и повторно использовать.
- В умелых руках в игре без дополнений — лучшее оружие для «тяжёлого» слота из-за возможности повторно использовать болты, которыми он стреляет, а также точности и мощности. Но не у каждого получается им владеть.
- Целиться надо очень точно, так как болт может попасть в защищённый участок кожи и стрела просто отлетит.
- Что-то похожее есть в фильме «Охотники на ведьм».
- В Metro 2033 и Metro: Last Light в модели Хельсинга были использованы части револьвера (это особенно видно по стволу и прикладу).
- Полного герметичного баллона Хельсинга хватает ровно на 26 выстрелов, после чего нехватка давления не дает оружию стрелять (Last Light и Redux).
Вид от 1-го лица в Metro: Last Light
Болты для Хельсинга
Подзарядка Хельсинга
Хельсинг в Metro Exodus
Составной лук
Другой ракурс
В дневнике Артёма
«Хельсинг» появляется в играх Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light и Metro Exodus.
п • о • р | Комплект группировок |
Персонажи | Анна • Артём • Маленький Чёрный • Бар • Валера • Командир • Павел • Ульман • Хан • Бугор • Кислый • Янек • Феликс • Щукарь • Карась |
Существа | Стражи • Носачи |
Локации | Московский метрополитен: Новокузнецкая • Станция Судьбы |
Организации | Орден • Красная Линия • Четвёртый Рейх • Бандиты |
Оружие | ВСВ • Вентиль • Превед • Калаш • Убойник • Револьвер • Калаш 2012 • Хельсинг • Ашот • Динамит • Тихарь • Дуплет |
Снаряжение | Фонарь • Зажигалка • Часы • Планшет • Нож • Аптечка • ПНВ • ППМ-88 • Gasmaske GM-44 • М-10 |
Уровни | Анна • Павел • Хан |
Дмитрий Алексеевич Глуховский • 4A Games • Вселенная Метро 2033 |
п • о • р | Комплект группировок |
Персонажи | Алекс • Бар • Ганс • Григорий • Диверсант • Дизель • Крюк • Кузьмич • Кшатрий • Пётр • Снайпер-разведчик • Су • Шаман • Яков |
Существа | Библиотекари • Кикиморы • Носачи • Стражи • Демоны |
Локации | Московский метрополитен: Тверская • Театральная • Арбатская • Великая Библиотека Москва: Форпост Рейха |
Организации | Полис • Четвёртый Рейх • Кшатрии • Красная Линия |
Оружие | Калаш • Подонок • Ашот • Ублюдок • Убойник • Хельсинг • Дуплет • Револьвер • Гатлинг • Рельса • Медвед • Нож • Хлопушка • Метательный нож • ВСВ |
Снаряжение | Протез • Фонарь • РПГ-67 • Динамит • Противогаз • Зарядное устройство • Спартанский шлем • Аптечка • ПНВ • Рюкзак • Респиратор • DRÄGER type GTG RM B |
Уровни | Тяжёлая пехота • Кшатрии • Снайперы |
Дмитрий Алексеевич Глуховский • 4A Games • Вселенная Метро 2033 |
п • о • р | Metro Exodus |
Персонажи | Московский метрополитен: Артём Чёрный • Князь • Алёша • Идиот • Дамир • Анна • Мельник • Тэтэшник • Степан • Сэм • Корбут • Коля • Михалыч • Сашка • Саныч • Кирилл • Наталья |
Существа, растения и явления | Москва: Стражи • Кикиморы • Демоны • Мантакрылы • Овчарки |
Локации | Московский метрополитен: Ботанический Сад • ВДНХ • Цветной бульвар • Театральная Москва: Южное Бутово • Радиоцентр №4 |
Организации | Орден • Содружество ВДНХ • Ганза • Красная Линия • Четвёртый Рейх • Полис • Невидимые Наблюдатели |
Аномалии | Тесла • Электромагнитная аномалия • Призраки |
Транспорт и техника | Дрезина • Аврора • Внедорожник Ганзы |
Оружие | АК-103 • Ашот • Бульдог • Вентиль • Гатлинг • ДШК • Метательный нож • Нож • Приманка • Револьвер • Станковый огнемёт • Тихарь • Ублюдок • Убойник • Хельсинг |
Снаряжение | ARP • Антирадиационный костюм • Аптечка • Бинокль • Граната • Зажигалка-патрон • Защитный шлем рейнджеров • Зелёнка • Коктейль Молотова • Костюм спартанца • Планшет • ППМ-88 • Прибор ночного видения • Ренерган-Ф • Рюкзак • Спартанский наруч • Универсальное зарядное устройство • Фильтр |
Дмитрий Алексеевич Глуховский • 4A Games • Вселенная Метро 2033 |
п • о • р | Оружие |
Пистолеты-пулемёты | СР-2 • ПП-19 • MP 38/40 • ПП-91 • ППШ-41 • ППС • Кипарис |
Автоматы | Ублюдок • АК-74 • АК-103 • АК-47 • СР-3 • АН-94 • Калаш 2012 • ВСВ • FN F2000 • АКСУ • Бульдог • АКМ • АК-105 • Вал |
Карабины | СКС • Сайга-12 |
Дробовики | Ашот • Дуплет • Убойник • Абзац • Велопал • Сайга-12 • ТОЗ-34 • РМО-93 • MP-133 |
Ружья | ИЖ-43 • Бекас • MP-133 |
Ручные пулемёты | ПКП • РПК • РПД • РП-46 • Гатлинг |
Крупнокалиберные пулемёты | ДШК • НСВТ • НСВ • Корд |
Винтовки | Бердана |
Снайперские винтовки | СВД • СВ-98 • Вентиль • Превед • Хлопушка • СВУ • ВСС • СВТ-40 |
Пистолеты | ТТ • АПС • ПМ • Грач • Подонок • ОЦ-33 • Кугуар • СПС • MP-144 • ГШ-18 |
Револьверы | Револьвер • Наган • Кольт Питон • АЕК-906 «Носорог» |
Пневматика | «Тихарь» • Арбалет «Хельсинг» |
Электрооружие | «Рельса» |
Огнемёты | Ручной • Станковый |
Метательное | Охотничий лук • Рогатка • Метательный нож • Игла |
Холодное | Нож • Кукри • Шпага • Катана |
Взрывчатка | Коктейль Молотова • Дымовая граната • Динамит • Ф-1 • Противопехотная мина • Растяжка • Напалм |
Гранатомёты | СЗГ «Заря» • Медвед • АГС-30 |
Вселенная Метро 2033 • Metro 2033 • Metro: Last Light • Metro Exodus |
Chapter 4 «Bourbon» — Lost Tunel: Прогуливаясь по тунелю в компании Бурбона идите по левую сторону — обнаружите поворот. Интересная картина вас ждёт: Две Кикиморы решаются жрать или не жрать тело несчастного, в результате вмешиваемся в «разговор с собственным аргументом», тем самым Дилема решается. Не забываем, что мы не в гостях — следите за движением (lurkers не дремлют).
Далее, Бурбон проводит нас через Сигнализацию, чтоб выйти на «Bridge». Громко «не топайте» в темнате, нам придётся поработать слегка митательными ножичками — Зачищаем бандитский БлокПост.
В «Lost Catacombs» доходим до гермоварот. Смотрим под мост…о да, нам туда. Спускаемся и забираем «оружие, патроны, наркотики». Выстаиваем натиск монстров, вытираем ноги и в «Market».
«Dead City 1» — на выходе ищем трупы и обыскиваем их. В ларьке тоже есть подарочки. Далее, обследуем балкон, но осторожно на входе — Натяжка (АПАСНА1!). По маршруту вход в пятиэтажку…первый этаж — перевёрнутый стол возле лесничной клетки…третий этаж — люк лифта.
Chapter 3 «Khan» — Dry: (Перед встречей с Ханом) Логово неправильных-пендосов выпиливается в стелсе. Розумней былоб вылезти с левой стороны, а дальше по ситуации. (Нюанс) На этой трассе удачная Охота в стелсе даёт интересные моменты. Если всё делать тихо, то мы заслужим помощь Хана — Невидимый охотник будет убирать с нашего пути врагов.
Chapter 4 «War» — Frontline: Проходится в стелсе. На нижнем ярусе моста убиваем ножами солдат (вуаля, мы стали счастливыми обладателями ПНВ), при этом смотрим за патрулём параллельного моста (могут заметить). Все набеги проводим в ПНВ (забудьте про фанарь; преждевременно купленый Винторез нас выручит; револьвер без глушителя выдаст вас). На данной трассе ГГ обзаводится трафейным Шотганом с Штык-Ножом.
«Outpost» — инкомминг лёгок и без единого выстрела (но если вы жадный на наживу, то можите известить о этом всю огругу). Вход на верхний ярус строительных лесов находится слева за ледяными глыбами. Также тихо доползаем до РадиоСтанции на крыше пятиэтажки, далее действуем по ситуации.
«Black Station» — находим генератор и выключаем его. Под перроном пробераемся к эскалатору и последняя дверь слева. Хотя можно попасть внутрь и с канализации.
Chapter 5 «Hope» — Alley: Держим курс на канаву. По трубам — по трубам, разуём глаза и в открытый люк. Вообщем таким путём мы попадаем на смежную сторону дороги, расколотую трещиной.
Когда противников слишком много, чтобы просто перестрелять всех из автомата, можно воспользоваться бесшумным арбалетом «Хельсинг». Но как его получить в Metro Exodus и какие модули больше всего подходят для комфортной игры? Ответы в нашем гайде.
«Хельсинг» — это второе бесшумное оружие в игре, если не считать за оное метательные ножи. Как и пневматическое ружье «Тихарь», этот арбалет не привлекает внимания противников. Преимущества этого оружия были продемонстрированы в одном из роликов разработчиков:
В игре характеристики «Хельсинга» такие:
- Урон: 7;
- Точность: 17;
- Стабильность: 5;
- Скорострельность: 7;
- Магазин: 0 (однозарядный).
Артем находит арбалет во второй половине игры, оказавшись в локации «Долина», сразу после вступительной заставки. Именно там можно получить почти все модули для кастомизации «Хельсинга».
По умолчанию арбалет плохо приспособлен для ведения боя. Необходимость перезарядки после каждого выстрела существенно ограничивает главного героя и вынуждает действовать скрытно. Позже этот недостаток можно компенсировать дополнительными «обвесами».
Как собрать арбалет в Metro Exodus
Каждый выпущенный из «Хельсинга» болт способен мгновенно убить большинство противников в игре, поэтому основной принцип сборки арбалета заключается в том, чтобы повысить его скорострельность. Вот наиболее оптимальный вариант:
- Тяжелый приклад;
- Пневматический взвод;
- Оптика 4X или ночной прицел;
- Магазин повышенной емкости;
- Красный лазер или ИК-лазер.
Сочетание оптики и лазера позволяет использовать «Хельсинг» и на средне-длинных дистанциях, и обстреливать противников вблизи. Итоговые характеристики с этими модификациями выглядят так:
- Урон: 7;
- Точность: 17;
- Стабильность: 7;
- Скорострельность: 10;
- Магазин: 7.
Если же стоит задача сделать из арбалета оружие сугубо для скрытного боя, то стоит заменить барабанный магазин на средний или малый, чтобы повысить стабильность в ущерб скорострельности.
Другие гайды
- Оружие, улучшения и секретные места на «Волге» в Metro Exodus — заброшенный вагон, металлоискатель, подземные туннели и многое другое — гайд
- Оружие, улучшения и секретные места на «Каспии» в Metro Exodus — где найти бронестекло для шлема, детектор движения, улучшенный фонарь и не только — гайд
- Как спасти Князя, Дамира и Алешу в Metro Exodus — гайд по получению достижений: «Князь», «Дамир», «Алеша» и «Полный состав»
- 15 подсказок и советов по Metro Exodus, которые помогут выжить
- Как убить сома (царь-рыбу) в Metro Exodus — гайд
- Где найти настоящего Барона в Metro Exodus — гайд
- Как найти гитару и мишку на уровне «Волга» в Metro Exodus, чтобы получить достижение «Друг экипажа» (Friend of the Crew) — гайд
- Как убить медведя и получить достижение «Хозяин леса» (Master of the Forest) в Metro Exodus — гайд
- Где найти фотографию мамы для Гюль (глава Каспий) в Metro Exodus — гайд
- Хорошая и плохая концовки Metro Exodus (видео) и способы их получения
- Все оружие Metro Exodus — плюсы и минусы пистолета, дробовика, автомата, винтовки, пневматики и арбалета
- Улучшение оружия в Metro Exodus: как прокачать ствол, прицел, приклад, увеличить магазин и чистить оружие — гайд
- Крафт в Metro Exodus: как создавать предметы, патроны, как улучшить броню, шлем и противогаз — гайд
“ | A silent, revolving air gun that shoots metal bolts. Overpressurizing its tank increases power, but the extra pressure vents before long. | „ |
— Last Light in-game description |
The Helsing (Russian: Хельсинг) is a semi-automatic, revolving octuple-barreled, multi-stroke, bolt-firing air gun and an actual (single-shot, repeating or semi-automatic, multi-stroke pneumatic with the appropriate attachments) crossbow that were created from scrap and the Revolver by the Metro dwellers at some point after the Great War of 2013.
Metro 2033 & Metro: Last Light[]
The Helsing is one of the more effective guns available. Silent, powerful, and with ammunition that is near infinitely reusable, the Helsing can make an ideal weapon for stealth. In practice, however, it doesn’t perform perfectly. It works very much in the same way the Tihar does, so the guns are frequently compared to one another, as both are stealth weapons with an emphasis on marksmanship. It hisses just like the Tihar when over-pressurized, and both use a similar pumping mechanism.
The differences between the Helsing and Tihar are numerous.
Unlike the Tihar’s ball bearings, the Helsing fires arrows, which have much more consistent damage than the ball bearings, especially when used for stealth attacks (where the arrows are often lethal). These arrows are reusable provided Artyom can reach them, making them one of the best ammo types for the cost. The Helsing can equip a scope like the Tihar, but this scope is the PK-AV Scope used by the Kalash, not the open-eye optical scope of the Tihar. This can aid mid-range accuracy, and makes the Helsing quite lethal in skilled hands. Over-pressurized, the Helsing’s arrows possess even heavier damage than the Tihar’s bullets, though the difference is not quite overwhelming.
The Helsing suffers some drawbacks at slightly longer ranges; The Helsing’s arrows have a short travel distance as well as a notable dip to their trajectories at extreme range (even fully-pressurized), made worse by a tendency to drift slightly at mid-to-long-range. Hitting a man-sized target at this range is little trouble for a skilled shot with the Helsing, picking that same target at a longer range becomes a lesson in aggravation as shots that would be easily landed by the revolver, Tihar, or VSV are infuriating endeavors for Helsing users. A good example is the light bulb in the small alcove on Black Station — normally, this must be shot out in order to reliably get inside this area to progress, should Artyom be take the Merciful route. This shot is virtually impossible to take with the Helsing; the bulb is too small a target, and even with the Helsing fully-pressurized, you will find yourself habitually unable to shoot out this light with the Helsing. All in all, the Helsing is simply not very good at longer ranges, especially without the scope; up-close and out to medium range is where the Helsing is at its best.
The Helsing has other drawbacks, as well. It tends to go through pressure quicker than the Tihar, and its pump is less efficient than that of its sniper rifle cousin. Due to how the pumping system on the Helsing operates and short ready-time before it can fire, it is extremely easy to accidentally discharge an arrow when trying to over-pressurize the tank. It holds about half as much ammo as the Tihar, and fires and reloads much slower, which means that the Tihar is genuinely better for rapid-firing when the situation intensifies or goes awry. Making the situation a bit more finicky, the Helsing’s pressure gauge is somewhat hard to read compared to the Tihar’s. It is especially prominent on 4:3 displays.
The biggest drawbacks are financial; arrows are extremely expensive ammo because of their re-usability; for the price of 20 military grade rounds, one get as many as 40 rounds of 12-gauge buckshot, 100 5.45mm rounds, or 160 Tihar rounds. Arrows that cannot be recovered are lost, this can happen if Artyom does not scavenge the dead body or fire the arrow to unreachable areas. Arrows are the least common ammo type encountered in Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. The arrows are mostly found on walls, target ranges, or sometimes, windowsills and other Helsings. Moreover, the Helsing is also one of the most expensive weapons in the game, with only the heavy automatic shotgun and Kalash 2012 being worth more, should one wish to buy the scoped version — which is only available in Armory Station in 2033.
Later in the game, Artyom will encounter enemies who carry more pouches and armor. While the Helsing can penetrate pouches and some armor, it will usually cause the item to fall off the enemy. This can be a problem if the item falls out of reach, or if it penetrates an ammo pouch (as picking up the ammo pouch first will cause the arrow to vanish). If the enemy falls over on top of the arrow there is a risk Artyom will not be able to recover it.
Play to its strengths and the Helsing is an incredibly powerful weapon. However, all that power comes with a cost. It’s a true professional’s weapon and one to be respected. The Helsing is one of the most effective stealth weapons in the game. When properly pumped, it’s an instant and completely silent kill weapon except for when aiming for the helmets of armored soldiers. It can best be compared to the throwing knives, but a lot more reliable: carry as many as you can instead of just five, better range, can pierce through armor and easier to aim (on Ranger Mode). Both the scoped and unscoped versions are great, although the scoped version allows a better ranged view although the weapon is not accurate enough to actually make proper use of it.
It’s overpowered to a point where one can reliably murder every single person in levels like Dry, Outpost, Frontline or Black Station without ever raising an alarm or even a bit of suspicion. That, and the reusable ammo make it a very effective weapon on ranger difficulty, the only problem being not being able to carry a shotgun too (though this is no longer a problem in redux version); since it isn’t very useful against mutants. Still, carrying a proper Kalash should be more than enough to take care of any of the mutants, since the game is, even on ranger hardcore, a lot easier than the sequel Metro: Last Light. The librarians, as an exception, are easy kill with the Helsing; a few arrows should do it, it is recommended to take Helsing to the Library if you do not want to run from them. Consider swapping it out only at driving to Sparta, from whereon only heavy fighting with nosalises and the like will occur.
Metro Exodus[]
The Helsing converted into a crossbow
The Helsing makes another appearance in Metro Exodus, where it can now be extensively modified in ways that drastically change how the rifle functions — one option allows Artyom to transform the gun into a full crossbow that can also use arrows with explosive tips.
The Helsing first appears in the Taiga level, found attached to the back of a statue shortly after Artyom awakes following a railcar crash. By default the Helsing comes in the crossbow configuration with a one bolt ammo capacity that must be reloaded and cocked after every shot. This can be upgraded with various magazines that allows 3, 6 or 8 shots respectively before reloading, however the weapon still has to be cocked after every shot. Artyom has the option of upgrading the helsing with a pneumatic system, this changes the Helsing drastically allowing it to fire in semi auto at the expense of a slight decrease in damage as well as having to regularly pump the pneumatic system to keep performance optimal. The crossbow Helsing is the weapon of choice of The Children of the Forest.
Variants and Customization[]
Metro: Last Light[]
The Helsing has two attachment slots and five available attachments in total. Attachments in the misc slot can be equipped both at once, so the Helsing can have up to three different attachments at the same time.
Available attachments | ||||
Slot | Icon | Name | Effect | Description |
Optics |
Reflex sight | Range +25% Accuracy +25% |
This pre-war sight makes aiming the gun at close and medium range easier, without sacrificing much of the field of view. | |
2x sight | Range +50% Accuracy +25% |
This pre-war optical sight facilitates weapon aiming at medium range but limits the field of view, making it hard to use in the confines of tunnels. | ||
IR sight | Range +50% Accuracy +25% |
A piece of pre-war military tech, this Night Vision sight allows for precisely hitting targets in the dark. | ||
Misc |
Airtight valve | Doesn’t lose air if overpressurized | The air bottle fitted with this high-quality valve of pre-war make does not leak air even when overpressurized. | |
Laser sight | Accuracy +25% | A pre-war laser sight facilitates aiming the weapon at close range, making precise snapshots easy to achieve. |
Metro Exodus[]
The Helsing shares stock upgrades with the Valve and the Tikhar. It is able to equip all three laser gadgets and the Reflex Sight, NV Scope, and x4 Scope. The Mechanism and Magazine upgrades are unique to this weapon. Helsing does not have a barrel upgrade, so instead the bow mechanism can be upgraded, increasing bolt damage and the range of the weapon by lowering bolt drop off over distance. The bow can even be replaced with a pneumatic system, which improves rate of fire as it removes the necessity to cock the weapon after each shot. All of the mechanisms and magazines upgrades can be found the Taiga as it is the only chapter it appears in.
List of upgrades | ||||
Slot | Icon | Name | Effect | Description |
Stock |
Light grip and forend | None (default) | Light grip built of readily available materials allows its user to shoot safely. | |
Assault stock, grip and forend | Stability +2 | Handmade light stock. Slightly reduces recoil. | ||
Sniper stock, grip and forend | Stability +3 | Sniper wooden stock that looks like it was salvaged from a professional rifle. Greatly reduces recoil. | ||
Heavy stock | Stability +6 | A piece of pipe fashioned into a stock. Significantly increases weapon stability. | ||
Mechanism |
Recurve bow | None (default) | Recurved limbs can give greater amount of energy and speed to the arrow than the straight-bow equivalent. | |
Compound bow | Damage +1 | Compound bow limbs include a pulley system, providing a substantial increase in bolt speed. | ||
Twin bow | Damage +3 | Compact and powerful pulley system ensures extremely high bolt velocities. | ||
Pneumatic bow system | Rate of fire +3 | Pneumatic bow system speeds up the crossbow reloading process, increasing its rate of fire considerably. | ||
Sights |
Iron sights | Aim with iron sights | Standard sight used to assist in aiming. | |
Reflex sight | Iron sight replaced with reflex sight | This pre-war sight makes aiming the gun at close and medium range easier, without sacrificing much of the field of view. | ||
NV scope | Iron sight replaced with night vision scope | This night-vision scope allows for accurate placement of shots even in complete darkness. | ||
Scope 4x | Iron sight replaced with 4x scope | 4x variable zoom scope. | ||
Magazine |
Small magazine | 1 bolt | The simplest magazine, containing one bolt on the top of the bow, is also the lightest. | |
Medium magazine | 3-bolt magazine | Heavier than the small magazine, but capable of holding 3 bolts. | ||
Extended magazine | 6-bolt magazine Stability -1 |
Big cylindric magazine containing up to 6 bolts. Noticeably heavier. | ||
High capacity magazine | 8-bolt magazine Stability -2 |
Huge cylindric magazine contains 8 bolts. A lot heavier than all the other ones, but allows you to reload less often. | ||
Gadgets |
No gadget | None (default) | Less gadgets, less problems. | |
Red laser | Crosshair replaced with red laser dot | Made from a cheap laser pointer that was heavily modified to increase power output at the cost of reliability. | ||
Green laser | Crosshair replaced with green laser dot | High visibility laser sight reassembled in a custom-made body along with a bunch of modifications. | ||
Infrared laser | Crosshair replaced with IR laser dot with NV active | The IR laser sight’s invisible beam produces a very small dot on the target, which is only detectable with a night vision device. |
Metro 2033[]
There are two versions of this handy weapon that can be picked up.
Helsing: A standard Helsing with no scope. Not sold in stores.
Helsing with Scope: A standard Helsing with a scope.
Metro 2033 Redux:[]
The following is a list of the differences observed with original game with regards to obtaining the Helsing:
- 3 or 4 arrows can be looted in Dry station.
- The Helsing is still available for purchase at Armory. Though the scoped version is no longer for sale, Artyom can purchase the basic model and update it through the regular store upgrade system. Air tight valve attachments are no longer for sale at this station, neither for Helsing or Tihar.
- Helsing can no longer be salvaged on the Frontline level.
- Artyom can take advantage of an ammo stash located next to his seat during the cart ride of the «Depot» level to increase their arrow supply.
- It can be still be salvaged from Hole Station during the «Defense» level in one of the offices upstairs (the one that is surrounded by metal bars). It can be found next to the locked safe.
- Air-tight valves can be purchased at the very end of Defense level, in the little refugee camp next to the doors that lead to Nazi outpost.
- It can be looted from a corpse at the beginning of Outpost, near the Nazi searchlight.
- It can still be looted in Black Station in the train car (comes with an IR sight, one arrow loaded, and 4 other arrows available on other side of train car).
(note this information may not be complete, if you observe anything missing please add it)
Metro: Last Light[]
The Helsing returns in Last Light with a few changes to its animation and sound, but as the same weapon otherwise. It is still an instant kill on any humans, except for the heavily armored Reds during levels like Depot. This weapon is extremely rare to find, due to the fact that you can customize it yourself, the Helsing you find has little or no attachment on it. One should be very careful here, although there is no other weapon in the game that would kill them in one shot either. This still leaves it as one of the best stealth weapons in the game. If one does intend to use it, do not forget to buy some arrows as they are also hard to find.
- The Helsing can only be bought during the «Quarantine» level.
- It can be found in Contagion on a table (unmodded).
- Next to a corpse by a pillar in «The Crossing» (with laser sight, reflex sight).
- One with a laser sight can be found in the room under the playground in «The Dead City».
- In the Faction Pack DLC, during «Kshatriya», one is found on the floor next to a dead body in the bathroom of the Library, near the Balaika. It’s likely the crossbow that Bar and Su mention earlier in the level, owned by the previous stalker, Grisha.
Metro Exodus[]
None of the Hanza Guards in Jamming Outpost or on the Cruiser are equipped with the Helsing, nor is there any found in the environment of Moscow.
In a New Game Plus with the Crossbow modification: Yermak will also give Artyom a Helsing with a Light Grip, a Recurve Bow, Iron Sights, Small Magazine, and No Gadget after the the cutscene inside the Jamming Station control room.
The Volga[]
None of the Bandits, the armed fanatics, and trade caravan guards in the Volga are equipped with the Helsing, nor is there any found in the environment of the Volga. There are sights and gadgets that can be equipped to the Helsing that can be recovered for later use.
- There are eight x4 Scope for the Helsing that can be found in the Volga:
- After escaping the Tsar fish, go to the plane wreckage that Duke points out. Resting against the cockpit hatch. Attached to a Kalash.
- One of the Bandits in the occupied ruins will have a x4 Scope as part of his load-out. Attached to a Revolver.
- In the Bandit occupied ruins, at the the northeast corner of exposed pylons, on the wooden plank next to a zip-line point. Attached to a Revolver.
- One of the Bandits in the occupied gas-station will have a x4 Scope as part of his load-out. Attached to a Revolver.
- Inside the crane to the southeast of the fuel storage containers, after crossing the pipes to reach the main room, next to a corpse. Attached to a Kalash.
- Inside the safe-house in the middle of the rail yard. Attached to a Kalash.
- One of the Bandits in the train shed will have a x4 Scope as part of his load-out. Attached to a Kalash.
- One of the Trade Caravan Guards will have a x4 Scope as part of his load-outs. Attached to a Revolver.
None of the Cannibals in Yamantau are equipped with the Helsing, nor is there any found in the environment of Yamantau. There are sights and gadgets that can be equipped to the Helsing that can be recovered.
- There are two NV Scope for the Helsing that can be found in the environment of Yamantau:
- After passing through the frozen morgue and into the weapon storage room, laying on a table. Attached to a Kalash.
- In the first barracks section, in the last room on the right, propped up in a chair. Attached to a Kalash.
- There are two Infrared Lasers for the Helsing that can be found in the environment of Yamantau:
- In the first barracks section, in the last room on the right, propped up in a chair. Attached to a Kalash.
- After passing through pile of rubble to reach a isolated bunkroom. Climb up the stack of boxes to reach the top of the small room, there on another crate. Attached to Ashot
The Caspian[]
None of the Munai-Bailer in the Caspian are equipped with the Helsing, nor is there any found in the environment of Caspian. There are Stocks, Sights and gadgets that can be equipped to the Helsing that can be recovered for use, along with further upgrades that are available at the workbench in the Aurora as you progress down the story-line.
- There are four Assault Stocks, Grip and Forend for the Helsing that can be found in the Caspian:
- Southwest of Saul’s outpost, at the end on the exposed docks, on a leather seat next to a fire pit. Attached to a Valve.
- One of the Munai-Bailer guards at the shipping crate camp northwest of the boat safe-house will have a Assault Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- In the middle of a lurker nest west of the Aurora, next to a dead tribal. Attached to a Valve.
- One of the Munai-bailer guarding the foot of the crane will have Assault Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- There are three Sniper Stocks, Grip and Forend for the Helsing that can be found in the Caspian:
- One of the Munai-Bailer attacking the Lighthouse will have a Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- Eye the the Munai-Bailer sniper will have a Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- In the cabin of the crane that is used by Eye the Sniper as his hide. On a table next to a workbench Attached to a Valve.
- There are three Heavy Stocks for the Helsing that can be found in the Caspian:
- In the boat safe-house between Saul’s outpost and the Munai-bailer ship breaking camp, on a table inside the main cabin. Attached to a Valve.
- In the bridge of the ship that is the center of the ship breaking camp, on top of a wooden crate. Attached to a Valve.
- After recovering the maps from the communication center, follow the road to the northwest . Once you hit the salt flats, turn east and cross the road and climb the partially collapsed metal elevated road, next to a dead combat slave. Attached to a Valve.
- There are three NV Scopes for the Helsing that can be found in the Caspian:
- In the boat safe-house between Saul’s outpost and the Munai-bailer ship breaking camp, on a table inside the main cabin. Attached to a Valve.
- Following the road along the coast to the northwest, there is a wrecked ship on the north side of the road that is crawling with Humanimals. Inside the hull in the third compartment from the bow, laying against a partial buried wooden crate. Attached to a Shambler.
- One of the Munai-bailer guarding the Prison Hulk will have NV Scope as part of his load-out. Attached to a Kalash.
- There is one x4 Scope for the Helsing that can be found in the Caspian:
- In the middle of the central oil field, there is rock karst with a demon nest at the top, on the south slope next to a dead Munai-bailer. Attached to a Kalash.
- There are two Infrared Lasers for the Shambler that can be found in the Caspian:
- North along the coastal road after leaving the Communication Center, off the east there is a demon nest on top of a rock outcropping. On the western side of the outcropping, next to a dead Munai-bailer. Attached to a Bulldog.
- One of the fake guards for the «Baron» will have a Infrared Laser as part of its load-out. Attached to a Revolver.
- There are three Green Lasers for the Shambler that can be found in the the Caspian:
- Head directly south from the Aurora into a small box canyon. At the end, next to a firepit and some bedding, laying on a wooden crate. Attached to a Ashot.
- At the central crossroads southwest of the central oil field, there is a wrecked van and to the northwest of the van, on the ground next to a dead combat slave. Attached to a Revolver.
- In the abandon helicopter base to the northwest of the map, in the northwest corner past the hangers. There is a shack made from sheet metal, on a table to the left immediately after entering. Attache to a Revolver.
The Taiga[]
The Children of the Forest in the Taiga are equipped with Helsings in a variety of configurations. The Helsing is the most most commonly used weapon by the Children of the Forest and is found commonly in the environment of the Taiga. It doesn’t appear in any other level, but once found, it can be equipped at Aurora’s workbench.
- There are Assault Stocks, Grip and Forend for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- In the island cache, just east of the Forest Court settlement. Laying on a dirt filled wooden crate. Attached to a Helsing.
- Follow the creek outside of the Forest Court settlement to the cliff face to find the entrance to a cave system with a Fire-pit behind Forest Court. Sitting on a chair next to the Fire-pit. Attached to a Helsing.
- Two Pioneers and one Pirates in the Forest Court will have Assault Stocks, Grip and Forend as part of their load-out. All three are attached to Helsing.
- One of the Bandits in the abandoned village will have a Assault Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- In the abandoned village, on a windowsill in the northernmost house in the bandit occupied village. Attached to a Valve.
- One of the Pirates in the Swamp Camp will have a Assault Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are eighteen Sniper Stocks, Grip and Forend for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- At the lower forest tree house with a fire-pit. In the upper level, sitting on a wooden chair. Attached to a Helsing.
- Left behind after the Master of the Forest attacks the two Pirates and two Pioneers while Artyom is stuck in the Net. Attached to a Helsing.
- The Pioneer Sniper on Over-watch just outside of the Forest Court will have a Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Helsing.
- In the top floor of the two story structure in the Forest Court. Hanging on the wall next to the workbench in the classroom. Attached to a Helsing.
- Three of the Pioneers in the Forest Court will have Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of their load-out. All three are attached to a Helsings.
- One of the Bandits in the abandoned village will have a Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of his load-out. Attached to a Valve.
- Head east from the bottom of the bell tower towards a stone cross halfway down the hillside, hanging on the cross. Attached to a Valve.
- In the Gazebo Fire-pit overlooking the Pirate Swamp Camp. Resting against the side of Gazebo. Attached to a Helsing.
- Seven of the Pirates in the Swamp Camp will have Sniper Stock, Grip and Forend as part of their load-out. Five are attached to Valves, and two are attached to a Helsings.
- After rowing out of the Pirate Swamp Camp to the abandon lumber mill. Climb up the wooden planking that surrounds a large tree to reach a zip-line. Use the zip-line to reach the scaffolding outside the lumber mill. Laying next to a dead pirate. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are five Heavy Stocks for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- Two of the Pirates and two of the Pioneers in the Forest Court will have Heavy Stocks as part of their load-out. Three are attached to a Helsing, one is attached to a Valve.
- Inside the storehouse that is in the northwest of the abandon lumber mill. On some shelving. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are six Compound Bows for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- Follow the creek outside of the Forest Court settlement to the cliff face to find the entrance to a cave system with a Fire-pit behind Forest Court. Sitting on a chair next to the Fire-pit. Attached to a Helsing.
- In the top floor of the two story structure in the Forest Court. Hanging on the wall next to the workbench in the classroom. Attached to a Helsing.
- The Pioneer Sniper on Over-watch just outside of the Forest Court will have a Compound Bow as part of his load-out. Attached to a Helsing.
- One of the Pioneers in the Forest Court will have Compound Bow as part of his load-out. Attached to a Helsing.
- In the Bridge of the wrecked boat in the Pirate Swamp Camp. Hanging on the wall. Attached to a Helsing.
- Inside the storehouse that is in the northwest of the abandon lumber mill. On some shelving. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are two Twin Bows for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- After meeting with Olga in the shrine of the Teacher, descend the rope ladder and look at the southwest corner of the bell tower for a doorway to the catacombs underneath the church. In the catacombs, on top of a barrel. Attached to a Helsing.
- After rowing out of the Pirate Swamp Camp to the abandon lumber mill. Climb up the wooden planking that surrounds a large tree to reach a zip-line. Use the zip-line to reach the scaffolding outside the lumber mill. Laying next to a dead pirate. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are fourteen NV Scopes for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- In the attic of the camp admin building, on a small pile of wooden crate. Attached to a Helsing.
- In the basement of the Pirate Water Tower, past a re-bar door and leaning against a wooden crate. Attached to a Helsing.
- Left behind after the Master of the Forest attacks the two Pirates and two Pioneers while Artyom is stuck in the Net. Attached to a Ashot.
- One of the Pioneer reinforcements after the Master of the Forest will have a NV Scopes as part of his load-out. Attached to a Helsing.
- Two Pioneers in the Forest Court will have NV Scopes as part of their load-out. Both are attached to Helsing.
- Two of the Bandits in the abandoned village will have NV Scopes as part of their load out. Both are attached to Ashots.
- Six of the Pirates in the Swamp Camp will have NV Scopes as part of their load-out. Two are attached to Ashots, three are attached to Kalashs, and one is attached to a Helsing.
- There are eleven x4 Scopes for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- In the island cache, just east of the Forest Court settlement. Laying on a dirt filled wooden crate. Attached to a Helsing.
- The Pioneer Sniper on Over-watch just outside of the Forest Court will have a x4 Scope as part of his load out. Attached to a Helsing.
- Three of the Bandits in the abandoned village will have x4 Scopes as part of their load out. All three are attached to Revolver.
- In the Gazebo Fire-pit overlooking the Pirate Swamp Camp. Resting against the side of Gazebo. Attached to a Helsing.
- Five of the Pirates in the Swamp Camp will have x4 Scopes as part of their load-out. Four are attached to Kalashs, one is attached to a Helsing.
- There are six 3-Bolt Medium Magazines for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- In the basement of the Pirate Water Tower, past a re-bar door and leaning against a wooden crate. Attached to a Helsing.
- In the top floor of the two story structure in the Forest Court. Hanging on the wall next to the workbench in the classroom. Attached to a Helsing.
- The Pioneer Sniper on Over-watch just outside of the Forest Court will have a 3-Bolt Medium Magazine as part of his load out. Attached to a Helsing.
- Head east from the bottom of the bell tower towards a stone cross halfway down the hillside, hanging on the cross. Attached to a Valve.
- In the Gazebo Fire-pit overlooking the Pirate Swamp Camp. Resting against the side of Gazebo. Attached to a Helsing.
- After rowing out of the Pirate Swamp Camp to the abandon lumber mill. Climb up the wooden planking that surrounds a large tree to reach a zip-line. Use the zip-line to reach the scaffolding outside the lumber mill. Laying next to a dead pirate. Attached to a Helsing.
- There are two 6-Bolt Extended Magazines for the Helsing that can be found in the Taiga:
- In the Bridge of the wrecked boat in the Pirate Swamp Camp. Hanging on the wall. Attached to a Helsing.
- Inside the storehouse that is in the northwest of the abandon lumber mill. On some shelving. Attached to a Helsing.
The Dead City[]
No Helsings can be found in the environment of Novosibirsk. Any upgrades that can be equipped to the Helsing are found in the environment attached to Shamblers or Kalashs.
- There is one Pneumatic Bow System for the Helsing that can be found in the Novosibirsk:
- At the start of the chapter aboard the Aurora. The Pneumatic Bow System is in the workbench in the Aurora.
- There is one 8-Bolt High Capacity Magazine for the Helsing that can be found in the Novosibirsk:
- At the start of the chapter aboard the Aurora. The 8-Bolt High Capacity Magazine is in the workbench in the Aurora.
- There is one NV Scope for the Helsing that can be found in the Novosibirsk:
- Once you reach Kirill’s room. Miller will leave his Tikhar with an attached NV Scope on a shelf near the workbench.
- There is one x4 Scope for the Helsing that can be found in the Novosibirsk:
- After descending into the hole with crashed T-72B3, follow the underground hallway. On the right there is a bulkhead door which is closed. Further down the hallway is a cyan door. Inside this first room, there is a junction box, jump it with Artyom’s electrical equipment. There is a crawlspace on the left side of the first room, inside the second room there is a lever to open the bulkhead door. In the space between the now open bulkhead and the gated entrance to a station, on some bedding. Attached to a Kalash.
Metro 2033[]
Metro 2033 Redux[]
Metro: Last Light[]
Metro Exodus[]
- The name of this weapon is a reference to the repeating crossbow used by the protagonist in the 2004 movie Van Helsing, which used compressed gas to fire bolts in a similar manner.
- Khan carries the scoped variant, and uses it to help Artyom in Dry Station, if he chooses a stealth approach.
- If Artyom stands idle long enough with the non-scoped version equipped, he will clean the iron sights and adjust the fittings.
- In the twelve-minute E3 preview of Metro: Last Light, the Helsing is seen with a reflex sight attached to it.
- It’s the only weapon that can be found (and not purchased) by the player character in the Kshatriya DLC mission.
- In survival Ranger hardcore, if carrying the Helsing during reloading a checkpoint/dying, all the spare ammo may disappear.
Metro 2033[]
The Helsing equipped with a 2x optical sight
Metro: Last Light[]
In-game Helsing, as seen from the first person perspective
Metro Exodus[]
Crossbow Helsing conversion aimed in first person perspective
Loading the crossbow with explosive projectiles
Picking up the Helsing
Reloading the cylinder magazine-equipped Helsing
Render of the Helsing with several upgrades
Concept art of the Metro Exodus Helsing by Ilya Tolmachev
Concept art of the Helsing with Twin Bow upgrade by Ilya Tolmachev
Concept art of the Helsing with pneumatic system by Ilya Tolmachev
Concept art of the standard Helsing configuration by Ilya Tolmachev
Concept art showing Helsing’s magazine by Ilya Tolmachev
v · d · eWeapons of Metro 2033 | |
Melee |
Trench Knife • Throwing Knives |
Handguns |
Revolver |
Primary Weapons |
Bastard • Kalash (AK-74M) • Kalash 2012 • VSV (VSK-94) |
Secondary Weapons |
Automatic Shotgun (Uboinik) • Duplet • Heavy Automatic Shotgun (Abzats) • Helsing • Tihar • Volt Driver |
Explosives |
Grenade • Sticky Grenade |
Emplacement Weapons |
DShK 12.7mm Machinegun • Flamethrower |
Attachments |
Attachments |
v · d · eWeapons of Metro Last Light and Metro Redux | |
Melee |
Trench Knife • Throwing Knives |
Handguns |
Lolife • Revolver |
Assault Rifles |
AKSU (AKS-74U) • Bastard • Kalash (AK-74M) • Kalash 2012 • RPK (RPK-74) • VSV (VSK-94) |
Sniper Rifles |
Clapper • Hellbreath • Preved • Valve |
Shotguns |
Abzats • Ashot • Bigun • Duplet • Saiga (Saiga-12) • Shambler |
Pneumatic Weapons |
Helsing • Tikhar |
Heavy Weapons |
Flamethrower • Gatling • Medved |
Explosives |
Claymore Mine • Grenade • Incendiary Grenade |
Emplacement Weapons |
DShK 12.7mm Machinegun |
Attachments |
Attachments |
v · d · eWeapons of Metro Exodus | |
Melee |
Throwing Knives • Trench Knife |
Handguns |
Bastard • Revolver • Stallion |
Assault Rifles |
Bulldog • Kalash (AK-74M) • Sammy |
Sniper Rifles |
Valve |
Shotguns |
Ashot • Shambler (Uboinik) |
Pneumatic Weapons |
Helsing • Tikhar |
Heavy Weapons |
Flamethrower • Gatling |
Throwables |
Decoy • Grenade • Molotov Cocktail |
Attachments |
Attachments & Upgrades |
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