Нелот скайрим как найти

Нелот (ориг. Neloth) — персонаж в нескольких играх серии The Elder Scrolls.

Что? Мне готовить себе чай? Да я мастер-волшебник Дома Телванни. И чай мне готовят другие
— Нелот


Нелот — известный долгожитель, один из лордов дома Телванни. Родился, вероятно, в семье одного из членов дома, хотя точных сведений о его родителях нет. Был очень одарённым и амбициозным магом, благодаря чему впоследствии поднялся до вершины иерархии дома, став лордом-магом Совета Телванни.

Характер достаточно скверный, и ещё больше ухудшился с возрастом. Несмотря на это, Нелот очень хозяйственный мер. Об этом можно судить по его городу — Садрит-Мора, который стал столицей дома на Вварденфелле. Заядлый коллекционер. В том числе и дочерей советников дома Редоран, деля сие увлечение с «коллегой по цеху» — Дивайтом Фиром.

В The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

На момент событий The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Нелот вместе со своим Голосом, Арарой Увулас, проживает в башне Тель Нага, что в Садрит Мора. Болен болезнью суставов, что не улучшает и без того скверный характер. Поскольку он коллекционирует редкие вещи, их часто крадут. В частности, Нелот являлся владельцем печально известной Бритвы Мерунеса, которую у него, согласно книге «Постижение акробатики», благополучно «позаимствовали» по заказу его старого соперника архимагистра Готрена. Вражда между двумя членами дома Телванни с тех пор не утихла и потому одним из квестов, что выдаёт Нелот, является «изъятие» зачарованной мантии у одной из помощниц Готрена.

В The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn

Незадолго до Красного Года Нелот посетил Солстхейм и заложил основание будущей новой башни. В покрытой пеплом южной части острова он вырастил новый дом для себя и своих слуг — Тель-Митрин. Приехав на Солстхейм после катастрофы, Нелот начал проводить свои исследования. Причём зачастую подопытными в экспериментах выступали его же собственные ученики. Это подтверждается как словами его нынешнего ученика Талваса Фатриона, так и тем, что произошло с его предыдущей ученицей Илдари Саротрил.

Как выясняется, старого мага привлекли на Солстхейме порождения пепла, которые неожиданно появились там после Красного Года. В любом случае, после завершения своего исследования он планирует вернуться обратно на Вварденфелл. У него также осталось пристрастие к коллекционированию, однако теперь он интересуется Чёрными книгами Хермеуса Моры и посохами, созданными первым теневым магом, Азрой Властитель Ночи.


Квесты Morrowind

Главный сюжет

  • «Наставник Дома Телванни» — Нереварину нужно добиться наречения военным лидером этого Великого дома.

Дом Телванни

  • «Гордость Драка» — необходимо забрать зачарованную мантию у недостойной;
  • «Кольцо Справедливости» — помочь Быстрому Эдди обчистить сокровищницу господина Нелота.

Гильдия магов

  • «Убить советников Дома Телванни» — убить Нелота по безумному распоряжению архимага Требониуса.

Квесты Dragonborn

Побочные квесты

  • «Вскрытие покажет» — изучить для Нелота Изгоя-вересковое сердце;
  • «Исследование Телванни» — исследовать пепел порождений пепла для Нелота;
  • «Посохи Азры» — найти посохи Азры для Нелота;
  • «Проблема с управителем» — отыскать для Нелота нового управителя;
  • «Сердечные камни» — найти месторождения сердечного камня для Нелота;
  • «Старые друзья» — помочь Нелоту распознать и одолеть противника;
  • «Утерянные знания» — найти Чёрную книгу для Нелота;
  • «Ветер и песок» — найти для Нелота книгу «Ветер и песок»;
  • «Подопытный» — помочь Нелоту с экспериментом.


О Морровинде

  • «Есть большой остров Вварденфелл и еще прибережные земли на материке. Дом Телванни имеет собственность на Вварденфелле. Я сам никогда не бывал на материке. Когда город Вивек был разрушен, нам понадобились десятилетия, чтобы прийти в себя. И сегодня мы всё ещё лишь тень своего славного прошлого, но в один прекрасный день мы воскреснем в блеске былой славы.»
  • «Над островом возвышается Красная гора. То и дело здесь падают пепел и обломки от извержения.»
  • «Лишь невежды думают, что там нет ничего, кроме пепла и лавы. Есть и зелёные равнины, и болота, и изумрудные холмы.»
  • «Это родина данмеров. Низшие расы называют нас тёмными эльфами. Мы построили прекрасные города, вроде Вивека и Альд’руна. Большинство из них погибло — во время извержения Красной горы или во время аргонианского вторжения.»
  • «Это единственное место, где можно найти силт-страйдеров. Но мне удалось переселить сюда несколько штук, когда я приехал.»
  • «Тебе слишком мало лет, чтобы помнить Нереварина. Он победил Дагота Ура и спас нас всех от мора.»


  • Довакин:«Можешь обучить меня зачарованию?»
  • Нелот: «Не смеши меня. Конечно, могу. Вопрос в том, надо ли. Но, думаю, если мы хотим сделать всё, как следует, придётся».
    • Если уровень владения Довакина зачарованием 90 и выше: «Мог бы, но не стану. Какой смысл в том, чтобы дать тебе меня превзойти».

  • Довакин: «Что у тебя есть на продажу?»
  • Нелот: «Гм-м. Найдётся несколько посохов, если тебя такие вещи вообшще интересуют».
    • «Думаю, я сумею откопать для тебя парочку посохов».
    • «В основном посохи. Это моя специальность».

  • Довакин: «Что такое эти Чёрные книги? Откуда они вообще взялись?»
  • Нелот: «Хермеус Мора всегда пытался заманить смертных к себе на службу запретными знаниями. Откуда на самом деле взялись Чёрные книги… никто не знает. Некоторые из них были написаны в далёком прошлом, другие, судя по всему. из будущего. Ясно, что если ты даэдрический принц судьбы, время для тебя довольно гибкая штука».

  • Довакин: «Как справляется Дровас?»
  • Нелот: «Чай из собачьего корня он готовит отвратительно. Но хозяйство, похоже, держит в порядке. А-а. Ты на комплимент напрашиваешься? На благодарность? Не трать время зря. Такие вещи — удел слабых и глупых».

  • Довакин: «Что значит быть членом вашего Дома?»
  • Нелот: «Сейчас немногое. Но через несколько десятилетий, когда я вернусь на Вварденфелл, в Морровинде тебя будут причислять к аристократии. А пока что мы здесь будем держать для тебя кровать и сундук».

  • Довакин: «Кто такой Азра Властитель Ночи?»
  • Нелот: «Он был первым теневым магом. Его вклад в развитие магии огромен. Мне известен тот факт, что он был пионером в науке зачарования посохов. Всякий его посох, который мне удавалось найти, позволял продвинуться в изучении. Конечно, на сегодняшний день его методы устарели, но он всё равно гений».


  • В дополнении Dragonborn Нелота озвучивает американский актёр Дуайт Шульц, а в русском дубляже — советский и российский актёр, режиссёр и сценарист Леонид Белозорович.


  1. Поиски
  2. Где найти врага
  3. Вершинная башня
  4. Награда
  5. Особенности
  6. Видео прохождение

“Старые друзья” в Скайриме — это второстепенный квест, дающийся Нелотом в дополнении “Dragonborn”. Перед этим в задании “Вскрытие покажет” довакин узнает, что Тель-Митрин подвергся нападению неизвестных. Порождение пепла убило управляющего Нелота, а часть его магической башни засохло. Разобраться со всеми этими безобразиями предстоит главному герою.

Становится доступно только после выполнения трех предшествующих квестов.


Дабы найти злоумышленников было проще, квестодатель вручает довакину волшебное кольцо, которое должно указать на врага. Остается пробежаться по округе и узнать, куда оно приведет.


— Как работает кольцо?

— Просто надень его. Он осветит Источник, когда ты приблизишься. Я зачаровал кольцо кусочком пепла от последней атаки. Оно может следовать по магической связи обратно к своему призывателю. Связь слабая, так что придется находиться в пределах 3 метров.

Чтобы продвинуться по квесту “Старые друзья” в Скайриме, наденьте кольцо и двигайтесь на северо-восток от Тель-Митрина к побережью. Там вы найдете небольшое кладбище, окруженное ядовитыми колокольчиками, рядом будет стоять одинокая сосна.

Местоположение кладбища на карте в квесте Старые друзья

Местоположение кладбища на карте

Саркофаг светится голубым

При приближении один из гробов начнет светиться ярким сине-белым светом. Заберите оттуда сердечный камень, а затем вернитесь сообщить о своих результатах.

Нелот скажет, что за нападениями стоит его бывшая ученица Илдари Саротрил.

Где найти врага

Квест "Старые друзья" в Скайрим: прохождение, особенности и секреты

Нелот в режиме GPS навигатора.

Кастонув некое заклинание Нелот говорит, что искать бывшую ученицу нужно в Вершинной башне. Так как разговорами тут уже не поможешь, придется ее убить.

Цитата из разговора Нелота и довакина:

— Иди и вырви этот трижды проклятый камень сердца из ее груди. У меня нет времени мотаться по всему Солстхейму.

— Значит, за нее назначена награда?

— Почему все время речь идет о деньгах? Да, да. Я найду здесь что-нибудь, чтобы заплатить тебе.

— Ты сам не пойдешь туда?

— Башня будет наполнена монстрами и ловушками. Для меня гораздо безопаснее рисковать твоей жизнью. Не беспокойся. Если ты умрешь, я найду другой способ позаботиться об Илдари. Обязательно расскажешь мне потом какую-нибудь забавную историю, о том как она умерла.

Вершинная башня

После связи Нелота «с космосом», Драконорожденному нужно отправиться в форт Вершинная башня, чтобы расправится с агрессивной бывшей ученицей данмера.

Квест "Старые друзья" в Скайрим: прохождение, особенности и секреты

Форт Вершинная башня

Путь к двери ведет через неприметную расщелину на северной стороне Кургана. Войдя внутрь спуститесь по лестнице. Если Драконорожденный увлекается добычей драгоценных камней, то при спуске на юго-западе можно отыскать множество жил, включая рубиновые, изумрудные и сапфировые. По этой причине не забудьте прихватить с собой кирку для этих дел.

Ниже, в тюремных камерах, главный герой обнаружит тюрьму, с редгардкой Нийей, сидящей взаперти. Если ее отпустить, она расскажет, что она и другие шахтеры сжалились над Илдари, думая, что она тяжело ранена и помогли, а она напала на них ночью и засадила в тюрьму.

Квест "Старые друзья" в Скайрим: прохождение, особенности и секреты

Бедные шахтеры поплатились за свою доброту

Пройдя дальше вы найдете большую пещеру, в которой Илдари скрывается от чужих глаз в компании пепельных стражей и порождений пепла.

Ее можно убить используя скрытность и стрельбу из лука в самом начале, либо загнать в угол в последней камере пещеры.

Квест "Старые друзья" в Скайрим: прохождение, особенности и секреты

Осталось забрать ее сердце

Битва заканчивается тем, что Драконорожденный вырывает Камень сердца, который поддерживал ее жизнь.  Чтобы завершить квест “Старые друзья” в Skyrim остается вернуться в Тель-Митрин.


Нелот поприветствует довакина следующими словами:

«Ты жив. Ну-ну. Ты оказался более ценным союзником, чем я ожидал. У меня есть посох для тебя, но я также хотел бы сделать тебя членом моей семьи. Член дома Телванни. Не надо меня благодарить. Я знаю, что ты переполнен благодарностью.»

Квест "Старые друзья" в Скайрим: прохождение, особенности и секреты

В итоге все равно остается высокомерным старикашкой

Если спросить, в чем плюсы быть частью Дома, веселый волшебник ответит:

«Пока их не очень много, но через несколько десятилетий, когда я вернусь в Вварденфелл, тебя будут считать знатью Морровинда. А пока мы выделим для тебя кровать и сундук.»

Самое интересное, что несмотря на эти обещания, ни кровати, ни сундука вам не дадут. Разрабы прокомментировали эту нестыковку так: «Нелот весьма эксцентричен и, возможно, безумен, поэтому не стоит верить всему, что он говорит на слово”.


  1. Если во время задания «Проблема с управителем», добыть ключ мертвого управляющего, вы получите доступ к его комнате и таким образом обзаведетесь кроватью, которой можно свободно пользоваться. Однако сундуки в комнате использовать для хранения все равно нельзя, так как вещи в них пропадут через 10 дней.
  2. Вершинная башня всегда охраняется парой отродий пепла, но попасть внутрь можно будет только когда квест “Старые друзья” активен.
  3. Уникальный камень сердца в гробу Илдари не появляется до тех пор, пока квест не взят. Посох в ее гробу, однако, может быть найден в любое время.
  4. Многие заклинания, такие как огненный шар и молния, могут выбить этот камень из гроба. Кольцо слежения Нелота указывает только на гроб Илдари, а не на местонахождение Камня, хотя именно он считается источником атак. Если камушек случайно выбить из гроба чарами, его нужно будет найти “по старинке”, уже без магической помощи.

Видео прохождение

Скайрим - Драконорожденный

  Сторн направит вас к магу Нелоту, который знает многое о Черных Книгах. Найти мага можно  в поселении Тель-Митрин, который находится на юго-западе Солтсхейма. В одном из странных домов, имеющих форму огромных грибов, и живет Нелот, который расскажет очень много интересного и предложит вместе отправиться на поиски еще одной черной книги в двемерские руины Нчардак.

 Эти руины находятся на северо-востоке от Тель-Митрина. Направляйте  туда. Возле входа на вас нападет несколько бандитов. Нелот откроет вход в руины. Заходите внутрь. Капсула с черной книгой недоступна. Чтобы открыть доступ к ней, нужно активировать определенные механизмы. Нелот откроет лифт, который ведет на нижние этажи руин.

 В большом зале вы увидите четыре постамента, которые нужно активировать с помощью управляющих кубов. У вас имеется пока только один такой куб, который Нелот даст вас.   Идем налево от двух верхних пьедесталов,  дверь в мастерскую открывается также с помощью куба. Первый куб находится недалеко слева. После того, как вы заберете куб, в нижнем коридоре пропадет огонь, и проход будет свободен.

 Центральный зал заполнен водой, уровень которой необходимо понизить. Пройдите по каменному мосту и положите один из кубов на пьедестал. С помощью второго куба активируйте лестницу и поднимите мостик у правого прохода. Направляйтесь туда за третьим кубом. Возвращайтесь в главный зал и заберите первый куб. Вода в зале достаточно высока, плывите в левый проход и поднимайтесь наверх. Дорогу вам преградят двемерские механизмы. Четвертый куб находится внизу справа. Забирайте и возвращайтесь, активировав с помощью куба мостик, в большой зал. Ставьте два куба на верхние пьедесталы и направляйтесь за Нелотом в правый Акведук, где находится пятый управляющий куб.

 В Акведуке вначале нужно опустить все мосты, чтобы на другой конец. Здесь находятся три пьедестала. Активировать их нужно в порядке очередности 1-2-3-2. После того, как опустятся мосты, поднимайтесь наверх и опустите уровень воды, установив куб на пьедестал. Нелот останется на месте, чтобы забрать куб. А вы идите вниз и используйте последний куб,  чтобы открыть дверь. В комнате есть ловушка с режущими лезвиями, за которой находится пьедестал, используйте куб для открытия решетки. Забирайте пятый куб, это отключит ловушки, но откроет подачу воды. Плывете назад в большой зал.

 В главном зале снимите первый куб с верхнего пьедестала и расставьте четыре куба на нижних постаментах. В результате, опустится центральный мостик и пробудится центурион-мастер. Расправьтесь с ним и возвращайтесь в читальный зал. Кнопка, поднимающая капсулу с книгой, активна. Нажимайте на нее. Капсула с книгой поднимется, и вы сможете прочитать Черную Книгу.

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For other uses, see Neloth.

Neloth is a master Telvanni wizard-lord and Enchanting trainer. He is said to be one of the oldest and most respected members of House Telvanni and a leading expert on heart stones.[1]

He lives in the main tower of Tel Mithryn with his apprentice, Talvas Fathryon. He also employs various workers within the settlement, including a steward, cook, and mycologist. He wears a set of Telvanni robes and shoes and carries a leveled dagger.


Tel Mithryn

Tel Mithryn.

«I am likely the greatest wizard you will ever meet. Who else do you think could create a staff enchanter?»

During the late Third Era, Neloth lived in Tel Naga, a Telvanni tower located in Sadrith Mora, Vvardenfell.

During this time he served as a clan leader in House Telvanni. Several of his fellow Telvanni councilors were assassinated if the Nerevarine joined the Mages Guild during the events of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.[2] Neloth managed to survive and went on to become the most powerful wizard of House Telvanni. Some even consider him to be the most powerful wizard in all of Morrowind.[1]

At some point before the eruption of Red Mountain in 4E 05, Neloth left the island and moved to Solstheim, where he grew his citadel, Tel Mithryn, and the surrounding buildings with cuttings he brought from Morrowind.[3] He also transplanted a few silt striders when he arrived.[4]

It was around this time he began studying the ash and molten rocks that landed on the shores of Solstheim from Red Mountain. He named them heart stones and learned that they had the capacity to raise Ash Spawn from pieces of bone buried in the nearby ash. Neloth deduced that because they lay next to the Heart of Lorkhan for millennia, some vestige of its power must have seeped into them. It led him to believe they held secrets that have the potential to unlock great power.[4]

Using his knowledge of heart stones, he created a staff enchanter, an exceptional feat beyond the skill of many wizards and mages. Powered by a large heart stone, it was capable of enchanting staves from all schools of magic, providing a heart stone was used in the imbuing process.[4]

Black Book

In addition to his arcane research, Neloth also pursued an interest in acquiring Daedric Artifacts, particularly those attributed to Hermaeus Mora. He spent many years searching for the Oghma Infinium without success; however, he managed to recover a Black Book, one of the many tomes of esoteric knowledge scattered throughout the world. Using the book, he located another in the ruins of Nchardak, a Dwemer Ruin on the east coast of Solstheim. After exploring a small part of the ruins, he discovered the book was sealed within a protective case that he was unable to open. He elected to seal the ruins shut to keep out any meddlers until he could find a way to unlock the case.[5]

Decades later he took on the services of a mycologist named Elynea Mothren, who became responsible for nurturing his tower, and later an apprentice named Ildari Sarothril. Ildari was headstrong with a keen interest in magic; however, her lust for power caused her to continually push Neloth to teach her more.[3][6]

Continuing his research into heart stones, Neloth began performing necropsies on spriggans, which led him to believe that a heart stone could be implanted in a person’s chest, granting them great power. He considered replacing his own heart with a heart stone; however, Ildari was coaxed into becoming his test subject with promises of power and glory.[7] Neloth maintains the idea that Ildari volunteered to let him operate on her first.[6][8] However, it is suggested that she actually had no choice in the matter.[9] In 4E 181, Neloth performed the surgery that resulted in Ildari’s heart being replaced with a heart stone. The experiment failed and Ildari died as a result. Neloth, mildly annoyed by the setback, had her buried in the cemetery behind Tel Mithryn.[3] It was after this he took on Talvas Fathryon as his new apprentice, as he continued his research.[1]


Neloth Over Table 2

«I wonder if a dragon could be captured alive? It would make a fascinating test subject.»

Neloth is an eccentric, self-absorbed, tyrannical taskmaster with little to no regard for the safety of others, including his apprentices or employees. He cares little for sentimentality or manners, not because he deliberately sets out to be malicious, but rather because he sees little value in it; a fact that makes many of his workers disgruntled.

He views gratitude as a tool for the weak and foolish, but is not above rewarding those who perform their duties admirably. In fact, the only thing that seems to garner his attention is when efforts made are not wasted; believing that if a person fails, it is because they simply did not try hard enough.

He almost never accepts responsibility for his own flaws and does not accept the limits of others. He will often blame them for anything that goes wrong, yet is a profound genius at the art of enchanting and many other magical fields. He also has a special skill with enchantment in general; being a staff enchanter himself. He is also a collector of magical staffs, especially those crafted by Azra Nightwielder and has a strong affinity for canis root tea.

Though many view him with disdain, none can deny his mastery over the arcane was a trait that he had earned; entitling him to his arrogance.

Despite his ability, Neloth hints very briefly at a possible insecurity of being bested in a test of ability. If asked for training in Enchanting with a skill of 90 or above, he will say that he will not teach the player further, saying: «It wouldn’t do to have you become better than me after all.»


Neloth Reading

«The ash from Red Mountain holds secrets. Secrets I mean to uncover.»

Neloth is initially found at the Earth Stone, observing the entranced townsfolk of Raven Rock. He will remain here until he is spoken to or once the quest «Dragonborn» has been completed. He then moves to his home in Tel Mithryn where his daily schedule focuses mainly around his work. He often paces back and forth around his laboratory, sits down to read or engages in a brief conversation with his apprentice, Talvas Fathryon. He also casts the Candlelight or Fast Healing spell on himself from time to time.

Despite there being several beds in Tel Mithryn, Neloth never seems to sleep. A trait best summarized by Talvas when he remarks: «I don’t know how he does it, but he never rests for even a moment.»; although on other occasions he reveals that Neloth apparently sleeps with his eyes open.[1]

The only time he breaks this schedule is when he travels with the Dragonborn to Nchardak during the quest «The Path of Knowledge.»




«May I ask what it is you’re doing here?»

If approached at the Earth Stone, he will ask why the Dragonborn is here. If asked about Miraak, he mentions that Miraak has been dead for thousands of years. He then suggests the Temple of Miraak may hold some answers. See Quotes for the full dialogue.

The Path of Knowledge

Neloth Control Panel

«Yes… here we are. This device shows the location of four more cubes in this section of the city.»

Upon completing The Fate of the Skaal, cleansing the Wind Stone and freeing his people, Storn Crag-Strider suggests Neloth may know the location of the Black Book that gave Miraak his power over the dragons. Upon meeting him, the Telvanni wizard reveals his vast knowledge of the tomes of esoteric knowledge created by Hermaeus Mora and explains that one such book is located in the Dwarven ruin of Nchardak and may be related to Miraak in some way. Neloth travels with the Dragonborn to the sunken city to recover the Black Book from its depths.

Heart Stones

Heart Stone

Pursuing his study into the ash from Red Mountain, Neloth explains that he is running low on heart stone and requires the Dragonborn to bring him one. This can happen repeatedly.

Telvanni Research

Neloth reveals he is working on a new spell that would allow him to conjure Ash Spawn. He requires the Dragonborn to obtain a sample of ash from the remains of one such creature using his ash extractor.

Reluctant Steward

Neloth’s steward, Varona Nelas, has gone missing. After some investigation, it is discovered that she was attacked and killed on a supply run to Raven Rock by ash spawn. Neloth, mildly annoyed by the inconvenience, tasks the Dragonborn to find him a suitable candidate from Raven Rock, then expresses mild discontent with the results. It is later revealed that his steward’s death was not merely bad luck, but something more sinister was afoot.

Experimental Subject (Neloth’s Health Boost)

Neloth offers the Dragonborn the opportunity to become a test subject for a new spell that supposedly increases the target’s vigor. Once the spell is cast, he remarks that if any side effects are apparent, he should be notified straight away. The spell itself provides a small permanent boost to health, however, coming into contact with water in turn permanently reduces health a similarly small amount, until Neloth is informed and the spell is reversed.

Briarheart Necropsy

TESV Briar Heart

Attempting to reach a breakthrough in his research into heart stones, Neloth reveals he is having difficulties with his experiments. He explains that a Forsworn Briarheart uses a technique which involves removing their own heart and replacing it with a large briar seed. He believes this puts their life spark in direct connection to the natural forces and grants them great power. Neloth wishes to mimic this deadly procedure with a heart stone, which, he hopes, will be able to connect a living being to the remnants of the Heart of Lorkhan’s power seared into the material of Red Mountain.

In order to learn more about the methods the savage Briarhearts use, he asks the Dragonborn to examine one with the aid of a memory trace spell he casts beforehand. He also requires the Briarheart to be killed so that their heart can be examined properly.

Old Friends

Neloth - Divination

«I call upon the powers of the sun, moons and stars. Ildari Sarothril, reveal yourself!»

Following the death of his steward, recurrent ash spawn assaults, and the withering of his tower, even falsely accusing dragons of purposely attacking him, Neloth asks the Dragonborn to investigate the matter further as he suspects someone deeply hateful of him is responsible. After uncovering the empty grave of his former apprentice, Ildari Sarothril, Neloth discovers that she is indeed still alive and is likely the one behind the attacks.

After casting a divination, Neloth reveals her location and asks the Dragonborn to go kill his former apprentice. Upon completion of the grim task, Neloth honors the Dragonborn by naming them a member of House Telvanni. If asked about what this means, he replies: «For now, not much. But in a few decades when I return to Vvardenfell, you would be seen as Morrowind nobility. In the mean time, we would keep a bed and chest here for you.» The bed and chest is a lie.

Azra’s Staffs

In a break from his research into heart stones and ash spawn, Neloth makes a more personal request. He explains he is a collector of magical staffs, with an especially sentimental value for those made by the legendary Azra Nightwielder. Through some divination, he believes he has located one and would like it retrieved. Once Azra’s staff is retrieved, Neloth rewards the Dragonborn with a staff from his own collection.

Experimental Subject (Silence)

Continuing his research into the arcane, Neloth believes he has discovered a new form of silence and he requires a test subject to test this. Allowing him to precede unexpectedly results in the Dragonborn’s blindness. Eventually, the spell wears off and he rewards the Dragonborn with some gold as a way of thanks.

Wind and Sand


Neloth reveals he has been trying to adapt Redguard magic to his studies of the ashes. He believes the key concept he is missing is recorded in Afa-Saryat’s book, Wind and Sand. According to one of his associates, he has located the book and asks the Dragonborn to retrieve it for him.

After acquiring the book and returning it to Neloth, he will remark that although the book was not the answer he was looking for, he can still adapt the knowledge he has learned into a spell that creates a cloak with the power of a whirlwind. He mentions he will write out the specifics into a spell tome and have Talvas put it out for sale in a few days.

At the Summit of Apocrypha

Once the main questline has been completed and Miraak defeated, visiting Neloth in Tel Mithryn results in him approaching the Dragonborn and holding a conversation.

Lost Knowledge


A mysterious Black Book.

Neloth reveals that he knows of the location of a Black Book. Excitedly, he asks the Dragonborn to retrieve it, hoping it might contain the final secrets of Xarxes.

Once the book has been recovered, Neloth grants a reward and makes a copy for himself, remarking that it is far too dangerous to carry the real book around, allowing the Dragonborn to carry the book instead.


Enchanting training

If asked about Enchanting training, Neloth reveals himself to be a true master of the art. If Enchanting skill level is less than 90, he reluctantly agrees to give a lesson. If skill level is equal to or higher than 90, he becomes defensive and refuses to train the Dragonborn, a sharp contrast to all other skill trainers who, in the same circumstances, simply state that they do not have the knowledge to train the Dragonborn any further.

Staves merchant

«Hmm. I might have a few staffs, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.»

In addition to providing training, Neloth also serves as a magical goods merchant. Most notably, he sells unenchanted staves, in addition to regular enchanted staves and soul gems. Provided he has granted use of his staff enchanter, by finding him a new steward, the unenchanted staves can be enchanted.

He typically carries 1000Gold on hand for trading, but this can be increased to 2000Gold with the Master Trader perk.


Neloth vs Reaver

«Should have known better than to challenge a master wizard of the House Telvanni.»

In battle, Neloth proves himself to be a powerful mage. He typically activates his Whirlwind Cloak and Ebonyflesh as battle begins, and the core of his arsenal consists of shock-related spells, such as Chain Lightning and Thunderbolt, which are 50% more powerful thanks to his Augmented Shock perk. He also conjures a powerful Ash Guardian to aid him, which benefits from his Atromancy and Elemental Potency perks.

For defense, he uses a Greater Ward and heals himself with Fast Healing which is also augmented with the Regeneration perk.

His robes grant him 150% increased magicka regeneration, while his shoes give him a 70% resistance to shock. His passive Magic Resistance perk blocks 20% of incoming spell’s effects. Should his large magicka supply run dry, he switches to his ebony dagger.

Spells and perks

Main Stats
Health-icon Health 450–742
MagickaIcon Magicka 310–543
Stamina 50
Alteration 55
Conjuration 50
Destruction 77
Restoration 67
Sneak 38
Spells Perks
  • Conjure Ash Guardian
  • Conjure Storm Atronach
  • Ebonyflesh
  • Fast Healing
  • Greater Ward
  • Ironflesh
  • Incinerate
  • Steadfast Ward
  • Thunderbolt
  • Whirlwind Cloak
  • Atromancy
  • Augmented Frost
  • Augmented Shock
  • Elemental Potency
  • Impact
  • Light Foot
  • Magic Resistance
  • Muffled Movement
  • Recovery
  • Regeneration
  • Respite
  • Stability
  • Summoner


Show: Dragonborn
At the Earth Stone

«You there… You don’t seem to be in quite the same state as the others here. Very interesting. May I ask what it is you’re doing here?»

What are these people doing? «Building something, clearly. And yet they don’t seem to have much to say about it. I’m very interested to find out what happens when they finish.»
Have you tried to stop this? «Certainly not! Doing so would interfere with whatever is going on, and I would be unable to see how this all turns out.»

When using the Earth Stone:

«That seems inadvisable… oh well.»
«Fascinating. By touching the stone, you appear to have fallen under whatever influence is affecting the others.»
«I wonder how long this effect will last. Perhaps it is permanent as with the others.»
«That would be a shame. You were an interesting exception to the otherwise universal phenomenon.»
«Can you hear me? Do you have any free will left, or are you completely under this outside influence like the others?»
«Hmm. It appears that you were not as unusual after all.»

Show: What can you tell me about Morrowind?
Inside Tel Mithryn:

What can you tell me about Morrowind?

  • «You are too young to remember the Nerevarine. He defeated Dagoth Ur and saved us all from the blight.»
  • «When the city of Vivec was destroyed, it took decades for us to rebuild. We are still but a shadow of our glorious past, but some day we will rise again.»
  • «There is the big island of Vvardenfell, and the coastal mainland. House Telvanni has it’s properties on Vvardenfell. I’ve never been to the mainland myself.»
  • «Red Mountain dominates the island. Every now and then ash and debris from an eruption land on our shores.»
  • «It’s the homeland of the dunmer. The lesser races call us dark elves. We built great works there, like Vivec and Ald’ruhn. Many of them are destroyed now, either by Red Mountain or the argonian invasion.»
  • «The ignorant think it is only a place of ash and lava. It had rolling green plains and swamps and verdant hills too.»
  • «It is the only place where silt striders can be found. Although I managed to transplant a few here when I arrived.»
Show: Tel Mithryn
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«I don’t recall inviting you into my tower. I do hope you make this worth my while.»

What is this building? «This is a Telvanni tower. It’s my citadel, grown from the spores of the giant fungus trees found in Morrowind. Back in the homeland, there are other Telvanni wizards that have them as well.»

Telvanni? What are the Telvanni? «The Telvanni are the master wizards of Morrowind. The greatest of us grow magical towers like this one from the mighty fungus trees. Together we form House Telvanni, one of the great houses of Morrowind. The great houses rule what is left of our once proud nation.»
I’ve heard of the House Telvanni of Morrowind. «Of course you have. Everyone has heard of the master wizards of Morrowind. We are one of the great houses that rule Morrowind.»

You must be a very powerful wizard. «I am likely the greatest wizard you will ever meet. Who else do you think could create a staff enchanter? If you make yourself useful around here, I might just let you use it.»
You must be almost as powerful as Savos Aren of Winterhold. (Questline progress between «Under Saarthal» and «The Staff of Magnus») «Savos? Ha! He wouldn’t be fit to be my apprentice. Of course he does have a knack for wards that would be handy to learn. If you see him, let him know that I might be willing to take him on as my apprentice. For a price of course.»
As the Archmage of Winterhold, you and I should share our secrets. (If «The Eye of Magnus» is completed.) «Winterhold? That small college that is falling into the Sea of Ghosts? You’re the one that recovered the Staff of Magnus. Impressive. Talvas should finish his apprenticeship in a couple of decades. Come see me then. I think I could teach you a trick or two.»
Show: Enchanting training
Inside Tel Mithryn:

Can you train me in Enchanting? «Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I can. The question is, should I? I suppose if it’s going to be done right, I’ll have to do it.»

Can you train me in Enchanting? (Skill above 90) «I could, but I won’t. It wouldn’t do to have you become better than me after all.»
Show: Reluctant Steward
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«Have you seen Varona? I’m hungry.»

No, I haven’t seen Varona: «Well find her. Tell her I want apple cabbage stew, with some canis root tea.»

Why don’t you just make your own tea? «What? Make my own tea? I am a master wizard of the house Telvanni. Other people make tea for me.»
Of course, Master Neloth. As you command. «Finally. Someone who recognises my importance around here.»
Hey, I’m not your servant. «Obviously not, or you would have a cup of tea in your hands. I supposed you want to be asked nicely. Very well. Please, oh hero of Skyrim. Please find Varona. I shall be ever so grateful.»

After finding Varona:

«Have you found Varona yet? I could really use some tea.»

Varona is dead. «Dead? Well that’s annoying. How did she die?»

It looks like an ash spawn attack. «There are more and more of those things showing up around here lately. I suppose you’ll have to find me a new steward. Try Raven Rock. They are in awe of me there. I’m sure almost anyone would be willing to serve me.»

You can’t just order me around. «Well, somebody needs to get me a new steward. It might as well be you. But if you don’t want to help a master wizard of House Telvanni, possibly earning his favor, you’re a fool.»
What kind of person should I look for? «Hmm. Excellent question. Once word gets out, there will be a lot of people to choose from. Someone with a brilliant mind and robust physique that is blindly obedient would be ideal. Oh, and they need to know how to brew tea. Ulves always waters it down.»
What’s in it for me? «So gaining the favor of a Telvanni wizard isn’t enough? I suppose I’ll have to pay you. Heroes. They get greedier every century.»

«Don’t take too long finding me a steward.»

If approached again:

«When you find my new steward, have him report to me. With a cup of canis root tea.»

After finding a new steward:

«Back so soon?»

I’ve found you a new steward. «That Drovas man? I suppose he’ll do. He makes dreadful canis root tea though. But, I should be grateful. Here, take this for your efforts. Oh, and you may use my staff enchanter if you want.»

How is Drovas working out? «The man makes a dreadful cup of canis root tea. However, he seems to run the place well enough. Oh. Were you fishing for a compliment? A sign of gratitude? Don’t waste your time. Those things are for the weak and foolish.»
Show: Briarheart Necropsy
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«Curse these heart stones!»

Is there a problem? «I’ve been having difficulties with my heart stone experiments. Have you heard of the Briarhearts?»

What about them? «They are fierce warriors of the Forsworn tribes. They actually remove their own hearts, and replace them with large briar seeds. It puts their lifesparks in direct connection to the natural forces. I need you to examine one of them. Just investigate as much as you can. I’m going to put this memory trace spell on you, so you won’t have to worry about taking notes. I doubt you could know what was important anyway.»

Where can I find a Briarheart warrior? «The Forsworn live in the hills on the western edge of Skyrim. From there, you’re on your own. I’m given to understand that they are not difficult to find, if you gather my inference.»
What do Briarhearts have to do with Heart Stones? «Well, I’m hoping to do something similar… if I could connect a living being to the forces of the Red Mountain well… that would be formidable. I’ve done some experiments in this area, but, well, my test subjects are far too fragile. I’m hoping to learn some of the Briarheart techniques, their methods. Would venture out myself, but long voyages and dangerous risks are precisely what people like you are for.»

After examining a Briarheart:

I examined a Briarheart warrior. «Oh have you? Well, let me just extract those memories and I’ll see if you found anything useful. I promise that any unrelated memories I run across will be kept in the strictest of confidences. Here, you deserve a bit of reward for your efforts… that was a lengthy trip for you, I’m sure!»

Show: Old Friends
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«There are too many coincidences. Someone must be behind all of my recent troubles.»

Someone is attacking you? «Yes. I have enemies. Legions of them back in Morrowind. However, in this case I have reason to believe it is someone in Solstheim.»

I suppose you want me to kill them. «Not yet. That may come later. First I need to identify the culprit. I’ve enchanted this ring to find the source of the attacks. Here, take it.»
Would I be able to collect a bounty? «Don’t get ahead of yourself. All you are going to do is wear this ring and walk around Tel Mithryn. If you find something, then we can talk about bounties and rewards.»

How does the ring work? «Just wear it. It will light up the source when you get close to it. I enchanted the ring with a bit of ash from the last ash spawn attack. It can follow the magical link back to its summoner.»

How close do I have to be? «The link is weak, so you’ll have to be within about a hundred feet of the source.»
How do you know you are under attack? «Ash spawn keep appearing. One night a part of my tower mysteriously withered. Then my steward was killed. You had to find me a replacement. I’ve even been attacked by dragons! Do I need to go on?»

I’m not sure the dragons are about you. «Maybe not. I hear they’ve been seen over Skyrim too. Even so, there is more than enough evidence that someone is out to get me.»
I saw a dragon once. (Only if Dragon Rising has not been completed) «Really? When this is over, you’ll have to tell me all about it.»

«Try walking around the grounds with the ring on.»

«Don’t lose that ring. It was difficult to make.»

After checking the graveyard:

This heart stone is the source of the attacks. «Hmm. I’ve known for decades that heart stones will animate the ash. But it would have to be very close by. Where exactly did you find this heart stone?»

It was in Ildari Sarothril’s grave. «Ildari? Then it’s my own fault. She was my apprentice before Talvas. She volunteered for one of my experiments involving heart stones. It was quite annoying when she died.»

There wasn’t a body in the grave. Just the heart stone. «What?! That’s impossible. Wait… unless she didn’t actually die! The heart stone could have kept her right at the edge of life and death. Could it be? Could Ildari still be alive? Could she be my nemesis? Wait a moment while I cast a more specific divination.»
Experiment? What did you do to her? «My necropsies of Spriggans led me to believe that a heart stone could be implanted in a person’s chest, granting them great power. I was considering replacing my heart with a heart stone. Fortunately Ildari offered to let me operate on her first. Of course this was before your briarheart expedition. Now I know that I did the surgery all wrong.»

During the divination:

«I call upon the powers of the sun, moon and stars. Idari Sarothril, reveal yourself! She lives. Seek her in Highpoint Tower. So, Ildari does live after all. She thought she could hide from me, but she can’t!»
«She’s holed up in Highpoint Tower. Go rip that thrice cursed heart stone from her chest.»

Why don’t you do this? Why me? «I don’t have time to go traipsing all over Solstheim. If I don’t hear back from you after a while, you’re probably dead. Maybe I’ll send Talvas out next.»
Is there any bounty on her then? «Why is it always about money? Yes, yes. I’ll find something around here to pay you with. Now go.»

«Be sure to bring back an amusing story of how Ildari died.»

After killing Ildari:

«You’re alive. I hope that bodes ill for Ildari.»

Ildari is dead. «Well, well. You have proven to be a more valuable ally than I anticipated. I have a staff for you, but I would also like to make you a member of my household. A member of House Telvanni. No need to thank me. I know you are overwhelmed with gratitude.»

What does it mean to be a member of your house? «For now, not much. But in a few decades when I return to Vvardenfell, you would be seen as Morrowind nobility. In the mean time, we would keep a bed and chest here for you.»
Show: Telvanni Research
Inside Tel Mithryn:

Can I help with your research? «Hmm. I do have a new spell I’m working on. I hope to be able to conjure ash spawn. If I could get a sample of ash from an ash spawn, that would be quite useful. I’ve made this special tool that will extract… well, you don’t need to know the details. Just go harvest a sample. Of course, the creature will have to be dead first, but I trust that’s something you can… bring about.»

Upon retrieving a sample:

I have the ash sample. «Well done. Here are some septims for your troubles. If you come back in a day or two I should have the spell worked out. You can buy it from Talvas.»

Show: Heart Stones
Inside Tel Mithryn:

Can I help with your research? «I’m running low on heart stones. If you have any with you, I’ll buy one. Otherwise, I can tell you where you might find one.»

Where can I find a heart stone? «Every time the Red Mountain belches, more of them land here. Look around for impact craters, exposed rock, that sort of thing. You may need to pick away at it to pry the heart stone itself loose, but you look… strong. Good luck.»

After obtaining the heart stone:

I have a heart stone. «Excellent. I’ll take it. Here. Have some septims.»

Show: The Path of Knowledge
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«You again? Didn’t I see you in Raven Rock?»

I hear you know where to find Black Books. «You refer to the tomes of esoteric knowledge that old Hermaeus Mora has scattered throughout the world? What could you know of them? (Or «Is this somehow connected to your search for Miraak?» if asked about Miraak in Raven Rock)«

I found a Black Book. I need to find more. «Found one? Yes, and you read it, too, didn’t you? Don’t try to deny it, you’ve got the look. I can see it now. Dangerous knowledge is still knowledge and therefore useful. Usually turns out to be the most useful, in my experience.»
The Black Books have something to do with Hermaeus Mora? «You didn’t know? Hmm, I thought it was obvious. Hermaeus Mora has always tried to seduce mortals into his service with the lure of forbidden knowledge. Where the Black Books actually came from… no one really knows. Some appear to have been written in the past, others might be from the future. Apparently time is more malleable if you’re a Daedric Prince of fate and destiny.»
I’ve dealt with Hermaeus Mora before. I’ve read the Oghma Infinium. (Only if Discerning the Transmundane has been compelted) «Have you? The actual Oghma Infinium? That’s… I’ve searched for it myself for many years without success… Well then, you should know better than anyone that Hermaeus Mora is not to be trifled with. But he is subtler than most of the other Daedric Princes, as you would expect of the prince of knowledge and fate. You seem to have escaped the fate of many who find themselves ensnared forever by the lure of his secrets. Or… perhaps not.»
Who is Hermaeus Mora? «If you have to ask that, you’d probably be best leaving his books to wiser heads than yours. Like all Daedric Princes, he’s not to be trifled with. But he is subtler than most of his ilk, appropriate for the prince of knowledge and fate. Many scholars and loremasters have been ensnared by the lure of learning the secrets that only Hermaeus Mora possesses. But don’t worry. I have no intention of joining them in their endless search through the infinite halls of Apocrypha.»

I have to know what Miraak knows if I want to stop him. «Miraak? The one the townfolk are always chanting about?»

Yes. You may have noticed he’s trying to return to Solstheim. «Well, I knew something connected with Hermaeus Mora was spreading its influence across the island. I wasn’t sure that it was in fact the same deity as this legendary namesake of the central temple. Although the villagers seem quite convinced.»

Do you know where I can find another Black Book? «Oh yes. They’re not hard to locate once you know how to look for them. I have one here that I have been using to locate more.»

You have a Black Book? «Yes I haven’t been idle while this fascinating madness engulfed Solstheim. But my book isn’t what you’re looking for. I’m quite sure it is unconnected with this Miraak. But I do know where to find a Black Book that can help you.»

Why won’t the book you have here help me? «Oh, it clearly is not associated with the same power that has overtaken the island. And I’m not talking about Hermaeus Mora. These Black Books are all his, of course. No, what you’re looking for is a specific book. Presumably because Miraak’s power derives from it.»
So you know where to find this Black Book? The one connected with Miraak? «Yes I do. I haven’t been able to get it, though. But maybe together we can unlock the secrets the Dwemer left behind.»

The Dwemer? What do they have to do with this? «Forbidden knowledge was somewhat a specialty of the dwarves, eh? You don’t think they would just leave it alone, do you?»
Just tell me where the book is and I’ll go get it. «I’m afraid it isn’t that simple. If it was, I would have the book already.»
«It seems the ancient Dwemer discovered this book and took it to study. I have found their ‘reading room’ in the ruins of Nchardak. The book is there, but it’s sealed in a protective case which I wasn’t able to open. But perhaps the two of us together will be able to get the book. To Nchardak, then. Follow me.»

If approached again:

«I thought you were in a hurry to get to Nchardak»
«I hope this is important.»

Where are we headed? «Nchardak, an ancient Dwemer city, on the eastern side of Solstheim. It’s largely flooded now, but luckily the main library is still above the water. It seems the dwarves were as interested in the Black Books as we are. They seem to have believed this one to be particularly valuable, as it is secured in a mechanism which I have been unable to open. Yet.»
What are these Black Books? Where do they come from? «Hermaeus Mora has always tried to seduce mortals into his service with the lure of forbidden knowledge. Where the Black Books actually came from… no one really knows. Some appear to have been written in the past, others might be from the future. Apparently time is more malleable if you’re a Daedric Prince of fate and destiny.»
Who is Hermaeus Mora? «If you have to ask that, you’d probably be best leaving his books to wiser heads than yours. Like all Daedric Princes, he’s not to be trifled with. But he is subtler than most of his ilk, appropriate for the prince of knowledge and fate. Many scholars and loremasters have been ensnared by the lure of learning the secrets that only Hermaeus Mora possesses. But don’t worry. I have no intention of joining them in their endless search through the infinite halls of Apocrypha.»

«Let’s be on our way then.»

Near Nchardak:

«The Dwemer certainly knew how to build for the ages. These towers have outlasted their creators by millenia. The book is housed inside that dome. I’ll need to unlock the door for us. Lets get on with it.»
«Here we are. Nchardak. The book we’re after is right inside that dome.»

Where are we headed? «The book is housed inside that dome. I’ll need to unlock the door for us. Lets get on with it.»

«The book is housed inside that dome. I’ll need to unlock the door for us. Lets get on with it.»

At the front gate:

«The Dwemer of Nchardak appear to have been fond of these control pedestals. Luckily I found a cube to operate it inside on my last visit. I sealed the door when I left to keep out ignorant meddlers. Let me unlock it. The book is just inside.»
«Hmm. This place was deserted when I was here last.»

Inside the ruin:

«You can see the book right there. So tantalizingly close… But trust me, no magic will open that. I’d have had the book already if I could. No, we’ll have to do this the hard way. If we can restore the steam supply to this room, I’m certain I can open it. As you’ll see, that’s easier said than done. This way to the boilers.»

If approached again:

«As I said, we need to restore the steam supply to the reading room if we want to get the book.»

After using the lift:

«The last time I was here, I only explored a small part of the ruins. I was here alone then, and I find an assistant is absolutely essential for this kind of dirty, dangerous work. Nchardak, The ‘City of a Hundred Towers’. In its day it was the largest of the great Dwemer Archives and perhaps the most advanced. In the old stories, when the Nords came to conquer it, it’s said the Dwemer sumberged the entire city beneath the sea until the invaders gave up. I have my doubts. But the city was a marvel of Dwemer engineering. Now reduced to this. As you can see, most of the lower levels of the city are flooded. but it isn’t hopeless — the old Dwemer pumps still seem to work. Watch. But the pumps only operate when a cube is in the pedestal. And unfortunately, I have only one cube. These four boilers provide steam to the room upstairs. They’re shut down, but they still respond to the control cubes. So, if we can find four more cubes, we can turn these boilers back on and restore steam power to the room upstairs. Then I should be able to open the book’s protective case. Bring that cube. We’ll need it. Yes… here we are. This device shows the location of four more cubes in this section of the city. It looks like most of the cubes were moved to the lower levels, perhaps to try to control the flooding before the city was abandoned. Interesting. That would suggest that the city must have originally sunk during the first cataclysm of Red Mountain. Or that the Dwemer’s servitors continued to try to preserve the city after their creators’ disappearance. Three of the cubes are through here. This seems like a sensible place to start. You should be able to unseal this door with the control cube I gave you.»
«We need to find enough control cubes to keep the pumps running and to turn on all four boilers.»

Why do we need these cubes? «I thought I made myself clear the first time. The boilers in the Great Hall provide steam to the reading room upstairs, which we need in order to open the book’s protective case. We need a total of five cubes — one to operate the pumps in the Great Hall, the other four to activate the boilers.»

«You should be able to unseal the door with the control cube I gave you.»

After entering the workshop:

«I hope the rest of the cubes are easy to find. Although knowing the Dwemer, I rather doubt it.»
«These must be the «Great Workshops of Nchardak». Impressive even in ruins. In the city’s days of glory, it was reputed to be able to assemble a complete automaton in a single day. Much of the Dwemer army at the Battle of Red Mountain must have come from here. It looks like we’ll need to lower the water levels to make any more progress.»
«Ah, good. Now we can see if we can find a way to get that next cube.»
«Unfortunately, each cube we retrieve shuts down the corresponding pumps, raising the water level. We’ll have to be careful. Let’s see where this leads.»

After entering the aquaduct:

«The last cube is somewhere in here. I hope it won’t require more swimming around in this filth. I’d guess that must be the pump activator up there. But how to reach it? We’ll need to get all three of these bridges down in order to reach the pump control.»
«That’s it! Don’t touch anything else. Quickly now.»
«What a mess. I’m getting tired of wading around in this muck.»
«I have an idea. I’ll wait here and retrieve this cube once you find the last one we need. Good luck!»
«Do you have the cube? Good, good! Then I’ll take this cube and we can be on our way.»
«Watch out, the water’s rising even higher with both pumps shut down.»
«That was easier than expected. I’m glad you were here to do all the hard work. With the cube retrieved from the pumping pedestal, we should now have five cubes — exactly what we need. Now we can finally see about getting those boilers started.»

After clearing the aquaduct:

«Here, I picked up this cube for you.»
«We have the cubes that we need to start the boilers. Let’s not waste any more time.»

Back in the great hall:

«With the cube I retrieved from the pumping pedestal, we should now have five cubes — exactly what we need. Now we can finally see about getting those boilers started. You need to start the four boilers. Then we should be able to open the book’s protective case upstairs.»
«I thought you understood how this worked by now. The water level needs to be lower for the boilers to work at all.»
«I’m quite sure the boilers will not work while they’re under water.»
«As much as I enjoy this place, I’m ready to see if we can actually open the book’s protective case. You do still remember why we’re here?»
«That seems to have done it. Good. It took longer than I’d hoped, but at least it’s finally done. Look out! Another Steam Centurion!»
«I’m going to head back upstairs and see if the reading room has steam. If so, it should be a simple matter to release the book.»

Back in the reading room:

«Yes, it worked! The steam is flowing. Now it should be as simple as… That should do it. At last. I hope it was worth it. Please… be my guest. You deserve the first look. Besides, it could be very dangerous. These books are known to drive many people insane.»
«What’s the worst that could happen? Well, you could have your mind sucked dry by Hermaeus Mora… but that’s supposed to be very rare.»
«Please, go right ahead. I have plenty to occupy me for the moment.»
«Aren’t you going to read it? I thought that was the whole reason you dragged me out here.»
«You should read it. I’d really like to see what happens.»
«Don’t worry, I’ll take careful notes of what happens to you.»
«Aren’t you going to read the book? I didn’t go to all this trouble just to stand around admiring it.»
«Oh good. Be sure to say hello to Hermaeus Mora for me if you see him.»

Show: The Gardener of Men
Inside Nchardak:

«What happened? What did you see? Different people have very different experiences when reading these books.»

I talked to Hermaeus Mora. «You’re still acting surprisingly sane, too. What did he have to say? He must have wanted something from you.»
I learned the second Word of the Bend Will Shout. «No wonder the Dwemer were so interested in that book. It was indeed one that Miraak used to advance his power as Dragonborn. But I assume there’s some bad news? It would be unlike Hermaeus Mora to allow anyone to gain such knowledge without exacting a price.»

He wants the «secrets of the Skaal» in exchange for teaching me the third Word. «Hmph. What secrets could they have worth keeping from old Mora? Sounds like a bargain to me. Hermaeus Mora learns some fascinating new ways to skin a horker and you become the second most powerful Dragonborn that ever lived. Well that gives me a lot to think about. I need to get back to Tel Mithryn. I have some ideas about how to locate more of these Black Books…»

If the Dragonborn died in Apocrypha:

«What happened? What did you see? Different people have very different experiences when reading these books.»

I found myself in another place. «That’s a fairly common experience, at least for those who remain coherent enough to report what they’ve seen. You were in Apocrypha. Or at least your consciousness was — your body remained here of course. You should read the book again until you reach what appears to be the ‘end’ — then you will have fully understood the knowledge it contains.»

Upon being attacked by Krosulhah:

«By Malacath’s toenails, where did that come from?»

Show: At the Summit of Apocrypha
Inside Tel Mithryn:

«Hold still. Let me get a good look at you.»

What are you looking for? «Incipient madness. Loss of self-awareness. Black spots in the whites of the eyes. Any of the documented indications of Hermaeus Mora’s permanent influence. Hmm, no, you look fine. Well, at least no different than when I first saw you.»

You don’t need to worry about me. «I wasn’t worried. Just interested. I don’t get to observe first-hand many people who’ve spoken to Hermaeus Mora.»
Don’t you want to know what happened with Miraak? «Who? Oh him. Well, I assume you killed him. Or Hermaeus Mora turned on him when you looked like the winning bet. Or a bit of both. Miraak’s influence has vanished from Solstheim. So I assumed you had handled things. Why, did something interesting happen?»

No, nothing interesting. I just killed Miraak and saved Solstheim. «Well, that is what you hero types do, isn’t it? I wasn’t expecting anything less.»
You don’t seem very grateful. «I don’t recall asking you to kill Miraak. That was your own project. And now I’m not even mentioning the fact that now we’ll never know what would have happened when Miraak returned. Although… from all indications he could have proved a serious nuisance. So, yes, I am grateful that you dealt with him.»

«Now all that’s left are these Black Books, waiting for another ambitious fool to be lured into Hermaeus Mora’s clutches. Speaking of which… I think I’ve located another book, if you’re interested. Here, let me show you.»

If all the Black Books are found, Neloth will end with:

«Now all that’s left are these Black Books. It’s a shame I haven’t located any more. So much more to be learned.»


First meeting


«May I ask what it is you’re doing here?»

Neloth can be first encountered at the Earth Stone during the quest Dragonborn, where he will give the following dialogue. However, if this first initial meeting is skipped, he can later be met at his home in Tel Mithryn after the first quest has been completed, where his dialogue will vary slightly.

Earth Stone

Neloth (Dragonborn)

«Fascinating! I would not advise touching the stone again.»

Traveling to the Earth Stone, several townsfolk can be seen working on the structure. Neloth, who is observing nearby.

«Ah, so you appear to be able to resist the effect by exerting your will. Fascinating! I would not advise touching the stone again. The effects of repeated contact could be… Unless of course you’d like to contribute to my investigation. It could be very enlightening to observe you.»

Tel Mithryn

Either after the meeting at the Earth Stone or once the quest Dragonborn has been completed, Neloth returns to Tel Mithryn. If he was met during the aforementioned quest he asks: «You again. Didn’t I see you in Raven Rock?» If this is first time meeting him, he will instead remark: «I don’t recall inviting you into my tower. I do hope you make this worth my while.»

The Sun Stone

Visiting Tel Mithryn at night, before completion of the quest «Cleansing the Stones,» reveals everyone in the settlement has gone to work at the Sun Stone, under Miraak’s spell.

Where is everyone? «They are off working on their pillar. Happens every night.»

Can’t you make them stop? «Make them stop? Oh no, certainly not. At least not yet. Not until I’ve figured out what is going on. Imagine the power of being able to command entire villages to do your bidding. Imagine what I could do with that power.»
Heart Stones

During «Old Friends» or «Briarheart Necropsy,» Neloth can be asked about heart stones:

What is a heart stone? «When Red Mountain erupted almost two hundred years ago, it flung ash and rocks for hundreds of miles. Among the debris were heart stones. Even two centuries later, they still smolder with the heat of the mountain. These are the molten rocks that lay next to the Heart of Lorkhan for millennia. Some vestige of its power must have seeped into them. I do know that heart stones sometimes raise ash spawn from the bits of bone buried in the nearby ash.»


Neloth and Talvas occasionally partake in several brief conversations that can be heard when visiting Tel Mithryn. They typically result in Neloth berating his apprentice for one reason or another.

Neloth and Talvas 1

«Your enchanting has improved despite your best efforts.»

Talvas: «I’ve prepared the staff maker like you asked.»
Neloth: «Good, good. As soon as I’m done here, I’ll try it out.»
Talvas: «May I keep this one, master?»
Neloth: «We’ll see. If the power levels aren’t too high you may have it.»

Talvas: «Master, you promised to teach me a new conjuration spell.»
Neloth: «That was before you ruined that staff. Fix the staff and I’ll teach you the spell.»
Talvas: «Yes, master. Thank you, master. I’ll fix it right away.»

Neloth: «Your enchanting has improved despite your best efforts.»
Talvas: «Thank you, master. It’s all because of your brilliant teaching.»
Neloth: «Don’t think your false flattery will work on me, Talvas. You’re still going to give me that skin sample.»
Talvas: «Yes, master.»

Neloth: «Did you fill those soul gems like I asked you?»
Talvas: «Yes, master. Although the grand soul gem only has a common soul in it.»
Neloth: «Idiot! Those are hard to find. Next time don’t fill it at all if you can’t do it properly.»


Neloth’s steward, Varona Nelas will converse with him during the day, however, these conversations can only be heard before the quest «Reluctant Steward» has began.


Once Drovas Relvi becomes Neloth’s new steward, the following conversation can be heard:

Neloth: «Drovas, where’s my tea?»
Drovas: «I’ll go fetch some, Master Neloth. Canis root, right?»
Neloth: «Yes, yes. Canis root tea. And don’t let Ulves water it down.»


Quote Condition
«Do you have a death wish?» Attempting to pickpocket him
«I wouldn’t if I were you. A wizard’s pockets can be more dangerous than a dragon’s mouth.»
«Keep your prying hands away from my secrets.»
«Get your hand out of my pocket!»
«Does stealing make you feel less impotent?» Stealing from Tel Mithryn
«I see you have little in the way of morals.»
«Thief! I’ll teach you.»
«So you think you can steal from me?»
«Clumsy oaf!» Bumping into an object
«Watch out! My equipment is fragile.»
«Watch where you’re going.» Bumping into him
«Stop that!»
«Yes, yes. You’re Dragonborn. We’re all very impressed.» Using a shout
«Was that really necessary?»
«What a waste of a good specimen.» Inspecting a corpse
«Hmm. I’ll have to get someone to bring this to my lab.»
«Well, my pretties. What shall we do today? Maybe see if you can regenerate your fingers?» When near his spriggan room in Tel Mithryn
«There must be a way. I’ll find it if I have to vivisect every spriggan on this island.»
«I admire the Dwemer skill but it can get tiresome.» Encountering/defeating a Dwemer automaton
«Try putting yourself back together now.»
«Another one for the scrap heap of history.»
«More of these things?»
«There seems to be an inexhaustible supply of these Dwemer contraptions.»
«I think they may be rebuilding themselves while we’re not looking.»
«Get out of here before I toss you out.» Trespassing
«Leave, or I’ll be forced to show you the true power of a Telvanni wizard.»
«Does it bother you to be trespassing right now?»
«I’ll make you pay for that!» Assaulting him
«You dare attack me?»
«What do you think you’re doing?» Picking up an object
«That belongs to me.»
«A werewolf? Here?» Transforming into a werewolf
Quest related
Quote Condition
«Now that my tower is healed, I can finish some of my more delicate experiments.» Completion of Healing a House.
«How do you like my new laboratory? I use it to dissect spriggans. I’ve learned so much from them.»
«Talvas, I think I’ll start with the burnt spriggan. They don’t squirm as much.»
«Where is that lazy steward of mine? Varona! No, wait. She’s dead. Drovas!» Completion of Reluctant Steward.
«My new steward is…acceptable. If only he made better tea.»
«First it’s ash spawn attacks. Then my home withers. It’s almost like someone is out to get me.» During Old Friends.
«Everything that can go wrong is going wrong. Ash spawn attacks, my house, and even my steward is assassinated.»
«It’s as if Tel Mithryn is cursed. Spoiled food, ash spawn attacks, my servants constantly getting sick. What’s next?»
«Things have been much calmer since you disposed of Ildari.» Completion of Old Friends.
«It was fascinating to watch those tentacles grow out of your eyes.» Completion of Experimental Subject (Silence).
«All of my people have left to work on that sacred stone. It’s quite fascinating. Annoying, but fascinating.» At night, before completion of Cleansing the Stones.
«It’s good to have everyone not running off to that damn sacred stone every night. I suppose I have you to thank for that.» Completion of Cleansing the Stones.
«By Malacath’s toenails, where did that come from?» Encountering Krosulhah during The Path of Knowledge.
«Miraak was a formidable opponent. I wonder what he would have been like as my apprentice.» Completion of At the Summit of Apocrypha.
«Defeating Miraak was an impressive feat. I’m curious to see if Hermaeus Mora seeks you out because of it.»
«If you’re going to be up here, stay out of my way.»
«Do you need all your toes? I could really use a fresh toe for…nevermind. You aren’t moldy enough.»
«I wonder if a dragon could be captured alive? It would make a fascinating test subject.»
«The ash from Red Mountain holds secrets. Secrets I mean to uncover.»
«Now where did I put…Oh, yeah.»
«Finally. I can get back to work.»
«Are we done? I thought so.»
«That’s that then.»
Quote Condition
«Fire, storm and ice!» When initiating battle
«By the fires of Red Mountain!»
«So you chose today to die…»
«By Malacath’s hairy knuckles, you’ll pay for that!» Upon being hit.
«Uh…now it’s my turn!»
«Ah…damn you!»
«You are no match for my magic!» «Time to die!» Attacking an enemy
«For House Telvanni!» «Die N’wah!»
«I’ve just the spell for you!» «Damn fetcher!»
«Fear my power!» «Learn the power of the Telvanni!»
«Nyyahh!» «Aggghh!»
«Dagon’s eyeballs, but you’re an ugly one, aren’t you?» Taunting an enemy
«I am a master wizard of House Telvanni!»
«You cannot best my magic!»
«The very elements are at my command!»
«So, you are smart enough to surrender to a master wizard of the House Telvanni.» Surrendering to him
«I should kill you anyway, but that would be boring.»
«I command powers you can only dream of!» Fighting a Dragon
«You are no match for me, dragon!»
«You can only hide so long.» Searching for a hidden enemy
«Some sort of trickery is at work here.»
«I’ll find you.»
«You can’t hide from a Telvanni wizard!»
«So you want to play hide and seek, eh?»
«Aha!» Finding a hidden enemy
«Thought you could hide, eh?»
«So that’s where you went!»
«There you are!»
«Just the shadows playing tricks.» «Is someone there?» Hearing a noise when hostile
«Hmm. Nothing, I guess.» «Come out this instant!»
«I could have sworn…oh well.» «Yes? Who’s there?»
«What was that?» «Hmm? Show yourself!»
«Huh?» «What was that?»
«Ha! I guess they fled.» Dismissing a noise when hostile
«Well. Nobody is here now.»
«Must have scared them away.»
«No match for my magic.» Defeating an enemy
«Should have known better than to challenge a master wizard of the House Telvanni.»
«That’s that.»
«Hardly a challenge.»


  • Although he appears as a master enchanter, his in-game Enchanting skill is only level 15.
  • Although Neloth initiates the quest «Wind and Sand» to learn about wind magics and the spell Whirlwind Cloak, he actually already knows the spell, as can be seen if one enters combat with him (before initiating said quest) or he fights with the Lurkers at the Beast Stone when the Dragonborn quest has been started.
  • Neloth never sleeps, even though there are beds in his tower.


This section contains bugs related to Neloth (Dragonborn). Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:

  1. Please reload an old save to confirm if the bug is still happening.
  2. If the bug is still occurring, please post the bug report with the appropriate system template  360  /  XB1  ,  PS3  /  PS4  ,  PC  /  MAC  ,  NX  /  PS5  ,  XS  , depending on which platform(s) the bug has been encountered on.
  3. Be descriptive when listing the bug and fixes, but avoid having conversations in the description and/or using first-person anecdotes: such discussions belong on the appropriate forum board.
  •  PS4   Neloth may fall down the shaft in his tower. Because he is essential, he won’t die, but he can get stuck permanently down by the entrance doors. This will prevent him from performing some scripted sequences, such as the divination spell to locate Ildari, because he won’t use the levitation rune to float back up to the top. Load a save from before entering the tower if this happens.


  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Dialogue with Talvas Fathryon
  2. Events of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Dialogue with Elynea Mothren
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Dialogue with Neloth
  5. Dialogue with Neloth during The Path of Knowledge
  6. 6.0 6.1 Dialogue with Ulves Romoran
  7. Ildari’s Journal, vol. I
  8. Dialogue with Neloth during Old Friends
  9. Director notes from game data relating to the dialogue: «Fortunately Ildari offered to let me operate on her first.» reveal «subtle emphasis on «offered,» indicating that she didn’t really have much choice.»
  • Основная статья: Квесты (Dragonborn)

Проблема с управителем (ориг. Reluctant Steward) — сторонний квест фракции Тель-Митрин в дополнении The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn.

  • в переводе от ESN — «Управляющий по принуждению»

Краткое прохождение

  1. Поговорить с Нелотом в Тель-Митрине.
  2. (Необязательно) Поговорить с Эленеей Мотрен или Улвесом Ромораном.
  3. Найти Варону Нелас.
  4. Сообщить Нелоту о смерти Вароны и получить задание на поиск нового управителя.
  5. Найти нового управителя в Вороньей Скале.
  6. Вернуться к Нелоту за наградой.


Побывав в Тель-Митрине по меньшей мере один раз и придя туда снова, Довакин услышит от Нелота жалобы на Варону – волшебнику хочется поесть и выпить, а управитель куда-то делась и ничего ему не несёт. Если герой заговорит с Нелотом, то маг тут же потребует найти пропавшего управителя. Вне зависимости от ответа, искателю приключений всё же придётся идти и искать Варону. Поскольку не будет подсказки на карте, где же может быть пропавший управитель, то Довакину придётся сначала поспрашивать жителей Тель-Митрина. Спросив Эленею или Улвеса, герой услышит, что Варона отправилась в Воронью Cкалу за припасами, и после этого на карте появится маркер (см. Баги). Протагонист найдёт управителя, скорее всего, неподалёку от Камня Солнца, Варона будет уже мертва, а около тела будут бродить три порождения пепла. Разобравшись с врагами и осмотрев тело, герой может вернуться к Нелоту и рассказать о случившемся.


Местонахождение Вароны

Услышав печальную весть, волшебник будет раздосадован тем, что некому заваривать и проносить ему любимый чай из собачьего корня. Спросив Довакина, как она умерла, и услышав в ответ о порождениях пепла, волшебник проворчит, что в последнее время слишком много всего случается, а затем прикажет герою найти нового управителя. Вновь, как и в прошлый раз, чтобы ни говорил искатель приключений, ему всё же придётся отправиться в Воронью Скалу.

Поспрашивав жителей города, Довакин придёт к выводу, что многие считают Нелота опасным сумасшедшим, и никто не желает у него работать. Поскольку трактирщики обычно в курсе всех событий, то герою стоит спросить Гелдиса Садри, тот и расскажет про Дроваса Релви. Дровас, задолжавший ростовщику Могрулу, согласится на предложение. Получив согласие данмера, герой может возвращаться к Нелоту с докладом.


Услышав хорошие новости, Нелот наградит некоторой суммой золота и ключом от комнаты с зачарователем посохов.


  • Довакин может найти мёртвую Варону и до того, как ему это поручит сделать Нелот, тогда он сразу будет отправлен магом в Воронью Скалу на поиски нового управителя.
  • Если в ходе квеста предложить Бралсе Дрел стать управителем, то она спросит, будут ли ей давать там скуму. Если довакин принесет ей бутылочку скумы, то она возьмет её, но стать управителем откажется, сказав что лучше отказатся от скумы, чем стать управителем у Нелота.


  • Варона может оказаться ещё живой в тот момент, когда герой её найдёт.
    • Решение 1: квест продолжится после её смерти и осмотра тела.
    • Решение 2  PC  : эта ошибка была исправлена в Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.
  • Тело Вароны может провалиться под текстуры либо просто исчезнуть из игры, что помешает герою завершить квест.
    • Решение 1: можно попробовать использовать Крик «Безжалостная сила» на том месте, на которое указывает маркер, в некоторых случаях её тело будет выбито наружу, и станет возможно завершить квест.
    • Решение 2: активировать способность, даруемую Камнем Ритуала, Варона оживёт и сама выберется из того места, где застряла. После этого её нужно вновь убить либо подождать, пока действие способности закончится.
    • Решение 3  PC  : использовать консольные команды: сначала prid XX0177DD, а затем moveto player — тело Вароны окажется рядом с Довакином.
    • Решение 4  PC  : использовать консольную команду: сначала player.moveto XX017E8E — Довакин сам переместится к телу Вароны.
  • Иногда тело Вароны может отображаться без одежды (вся одежда будет у неё в инвентаре).
  • Может быть такое, что после разговора с Улвесом Ромораном Варона появится прямо в поселении (Тель-Митрине).

Стадии квеста

Чтобы перейти к определённому этапу выполнения квеста, введите в консоли:

setstage DLC2TT1 stage

где параметр stage — число, этап квеста (все этапы перечислены ниже).

Проблема с управителем (ID: DLC2TT1)
Этап Запись в дневнике
150 Нелот попросил меня разыскать его управителя, Варону Нелас. Она, скорее всего, находится где-то в окрестностях Тель-Митрина.
(Цель 150): Найти Варону.
170 Нелот попросил меня разыскать его управителя, Варону Нелас. Последний раз, когда её видели, она направлялась в Воронью Скалу.
200 Нелот попросил меня разыскать его управителя, Варону Нелас. Увы, мне удалось найти лишь её мёртвое тело на дороге, ведущей в Воронью Скалу.
(Цель 200): Сообщить Нелоту о смерти Вароны.
210 Мне удалось найти тело Вароны, управителя Нелота. Её убили на дороге, ведущей в Воронью Скалу.
(Цель 200): Сообщить Нелоту о смерти Вароны.
300 Мне удалось найти тело Вароны на дороге, ведущей в Воронью Скалу. Очевидно, её убили порождения пепла. Теперь Нелот просит меня найти в Вороньей Скале человека, который хотел бы работать у него управителем.
(Цель 300): Найти нового управителя.
310 Нелот попросил меня разыскать его управителя, Варону Нелас. Мне удалось найти лишь её мёртвое тело на дороге, ведущей в Воронью Скалу. Теперь Нелот просит меня найти в Вороньей Скале человека, который хотел бы работать у него управителем. Мне сообщили, что стоит поговорить с Дровасом Релви.
400 Нелот попросил меня разыскать его управителя, Варону Нелас. Мне удалось найти лишь её мёртвое тело на дороге, ведущей в Воронью Скалу. Теперь Нелот просит меня найти в Вороньей Скале нового управителя. Дровас Релви явно желает занять это место.
(Цель 400): Вернуться к Нелоту с докладом.
Стадия, обозначенная зелёным, соответствует успешному завершению квеста, а красным — его провалу.

Следующие стадии были опущены, так как не имеют описания и значения: 0, 90, 100.


  • Не все стадии квеста могут отображаться в журнале заданий. Какие из них появятся, а какие нет, зависит от способов прохождения квеста.
  • Стадии не всегда отображаются последовательно. Как правило, такое случается, если квест имеет несколько возможных концовок, а также в том случае, если некоторые из этапов квеста могут быть выполнены в произвольном порядке.
  • Если стадия отмечена зелёным, то есть как завершающая квест, то это означает, что квест исчезает из списка активных заданий в журнале, но новые записи, связанные с квестом, всё ещё могут отобразиться в журнале заданий.
Квесты Dragonborn
Главный квест Драконорождённый • Храм Мирака • Судьба скаалов • Путь знания • Садовод людей • Очищение Камней • На вершине Апокрифа
Квесты Чёрных книг Болезненный регент • Ветры перемен • Нерассказанные легенды • Филамент и филигрань • Скрытый сумрак • Садовод людей
Квесты Вороньей скалы Последний спуск • Марш мертвецов • Месть не терпит суеты • Новый долг
Квесты Скаалов Новый источник сталгрима • Утраченное наследие • Родственные связи
Квесты Тель-Митрин Проблема с управителем • Старые друзья • Утерянные знания • Пепел к пеплу • Ремонт в стиле Телванни • Исследование Телванни • Вскрытие покажет • Подопытный • Посохи Азры • Ветер и песок • Сердечные камни
Другие квесты Вождь Тирска • Освобождение Тирска • Печать Смерти • Эбонитовый воин • Раскопки

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