Not yet installed как исправить

Добрый день!
Установить приложения можно двумя способами.
1. Установить из портов. (это исходники программ, чтобы поставить, их надо собрать)
2. Установить из пакетов. (это готовые установщики программ)

З.Ы. Если у вас не работает pkg, поищите его в /usr/sbin/pkg или
установить из портов /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg командой make install clean
Если портов на машине нет и интернет ограничен, можно их скачать на флешку и установить.

Ставим из пакетов, пакеты можно обновить pkg upgrade:
1. Ищем, что хотим поставить.
pkg search zabbix

py27-pyzabbix-0.7.5 Zabbix API Python Library
py37-pyzabbix-0.7.5 Zabbix API Python Library
zabbix3-agent-3.0.31 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent) LTS
zabbix3-frontend-3.0.31 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend) LTS
zabbix3-java-3.0.31_1 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (java) LTS
zabbix3-libzbxpgsql-1.1.0_3 Zabbix agent module for comprehensive monitoring of PostgreSQL servers
zabbix3-proxy-3.0.31 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy) LTS
zabbix3-server-3.0.31 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server) LTS
zabbix4-agent-4.0.22 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent) LTS
zabbix4-frontend-4.0.22 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend) LTS
zabbix4-java-4.0.22 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (java) LTS
zabbix4-proxy-4.0.22 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy) LTS
zabbix4-server-4.0.22 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server) LTS
zabbix44-agent-4.4.9_1 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent)
zabbix44-frontend-4.4.9_1 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend)
zabbix44-java-4.4.9_2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (java)
zabbix44-proxy-4.4.9_1 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy)
zabbix44-server-4.4.9_1 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server)
zabbix5-agent-5.0.2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (agent) LTS
zabbix5-frontend-5.0.2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (frontend) LTS
zabbix5-java-5.0.2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (java) LTS
zabbix5-proxy-5.0.2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (proxy) LTS
zabbix5-server-5.0.2 Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server) LTS

Далее выбираем что ставить.
pkg install что нужно

Hello everybody,

I am slowly growing extremely unnerved about something that keeps on coming up all the f*&/ time.   I am a scubscriber to Adobe CC Photography Plan.   Again and again, when the CC-App restarts it tells me that Photoshop and Lightroom have not yet been installed.    But they are.   When I re-install them, it tells me that I´m in a test-phase.   I have gone through the process of de- and re-installing the whole and complete CC with every bit and piece but it always keeps on coming up.

I am then supposed to re-register my product.  

After that PS&LR work again but all my previous settings are gone.   I have to completely redo my workspaces again.   Also, the last time this happened (today), suddenly all lens profiles for the auto-lens distortion fix have vanished into nothingness.

I have also done the following things offered by the generic Adobe «support»:  

1.   ran Hosts-file fixer (Result:   «0 Hosts filed repeaired»)

2.   manually fixed Hosts-file folder by deleting everything referring to adobe in it, then replacing the original one with that new one

3.   gone through the procedure of checking the permissions for administrator & users.   They were already in the state that they should be in.

I wonder if this is something that has been occurring to other users and what you did to fix it.   Since it is utterly impossible to reach anyone anywhere in any way connected to an actual «Support», I am slowly but surely moving towards cancelling my subscription.   I have to be able to work on my stuff without constantly fearing that there will be an interruption or that I have to continually start from the beginning agan.   That´s really totally unacceptable and I don´t get it that this happens to such a large player like adobe.

Sooo.. . .

if anyone has a way to offer me assistance since Adobe cannot, I would be really greatful.

in any way,

have a good day.


Столкнувшись с ошибкой:
Your online store is not yet installed.

To activate your installation simply login to your WebAsyst account — this will complete your storefront setup (if you have WebAsyst Shoping Cart application installed).

Полез в инсталлер и в «Диагностика», оказалось, что многие таблицы названы заглавными буквами, а в базе они прописаны строчными.

Как вариант, можно было переименовать все таблицы в дампе и залить его заново, но я решил сделать по другому – в /etc/my.cnf, в секцию «[mysqld]» добавил:

set-variable = lower_case_table_names=1

затем перезапустил mydqld и все заработало.

Ну вот и пришло время, когда игра, которой надо больше 256М видяхи действительно без них не идёт

А на новую в стационарник денег нет… (студенты мы) ((

Зато игра честно пытается работать на выданном в универе (привет, Бонч!) MacBook 13″ (не новее, однако, середины 2009) под win7u, но при этом полностью отключает подсветку экрана, что почти равнозначно выключенному экрану, т.к. что-то увидеть при этом можно только освещая монитор ярким солнцем или яркой лампой (что, в нормальном состоянии, наоборот, слепит) и то с трудом. Можно ли с этим что-нибудь сделать, или, хотя-бы, надеяться, что эту багу исправят?

Hello everybody,

I am slowly growing extremely unnerved about something that keeps on coming up all the f*&/ time.   I am a scubscriber to Adobe CC Photography Plan.   Again and again, when the CC-App restarts it tells me that Photoshop and Lightroom have not yet been installed.    But they are.   When I re-install them, it tells me that I´m in a test-phase.   I have gone through the process of de- and re-installing the whole and complete CC with every bit and piece but it always keeps on coming up.

I am then supposed to re-register my product.  

After that PS&LR work again but all my previous settings are gone.   I have to completely redo my workspaces again.   Also, the last time this happened (today), suddenly all lens profiles for the auto-lens distortion fix have vanished into nothingness.

I have also done the following things offered by the generic Adobe «support»:  

1.   ran Hosts-file fixer (Result:   «0 Hosts filed repeaired»)

2.   manually fixed Hosts-file folder by deleting everything referring to adobe in it, then replacing the original one with that new one

3.   gone through the procedure of checking the permissions for administrator & users.   They were already in the state that they should be in.

I wonder if this is something that has been occurring to other users and what you did to fix it.   Since it is utterly impossible to reach anyone anywhere in any way connected to an actual «Support», I am slowly but surely moving towards cancelling my subscription.   I have to be able to work on my stuff without constantly fearing that there will be an interruption or that I have to continually start from the beginning agan.   That´s really totally unacceptable and I don´t get it that this happens to such a large player like adobe.

Sooo.. . .

if anyone has a way to offer me assistance since Adobe cannot, I would be really greatful.

in any way,

have a good day.


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