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Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request
Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured.
Please notify your administrator.
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Oracle SSO ошибка — не удается обработать запрос
Либо Запрашиваемая страница не был указан в терминах полного имени хоста или OHS Single Sign-On неправильно настроен.
Пожалуйста, сообщите администратору.
данная проблема возникает при попытке войти в модуль отчетности (казначейство клиент) и в других модулях (например Хранилище документов, в госзалупках)
решение простое, необходимо использовать Internet Explorer версии 11 и включаем режим совместимости Сервис — Параметры просмотра в режиме совместимости — kazynashylyk.kz добавляем кнопкой добавить.
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Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request
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I have installed and configured oracle Forms 11g with SSO. At the time of installation my Host name was «HO-AS.com».
Now when i Access FORMS using following URL in local environment, it works fine
But I want to access my application from out side using external domain name like
OSSO after accepting valid user name and password redirects to internal domain name
, so I used to ssoreg.bat to register external domain name, now when i access http://external.com:8090/forms/frmservlet, after providing username and pass sso redirects to followin URL
and displaying following error
Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request
Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured.
Please notify your administrator.
Edited by: Asif Anwar on Apr 28, 2010 2:51 PM
Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured
Today, during a cutover when we were moving one of our ERP instance on Cisco UCS VMware VMs to Exalogic and Exadata, I got a call from Bimal. The extranet iSupplier URL had been configured, but whenever any user logged in, they were seeing the following error instead of the iSupplier OAF Home page:
Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured
A search on support.oracle.com showed many hits. I went through a few of them and ruled out the solutions given. This article sounded promising: Oracle SSO Failure — Unable to process request Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured (Doc ID 1474474.1).
The solution suggested:
There is a hardware load-balancer for a multi-tier environment on place, as well as an SSL accelerator.
For R12, there is a context variable, s_enable_sslterminator, that was set to «#».
This should be null for e-Business R12 using specific hardwarementioned before.
1. Set context variable, s_enable_sslterminator to null,
2. Re-ran autoconfig,
3. Re-test Single sign-ons via IE and Firefox now works as expected.
I asked the DBAs to check the value of s_enable_sslterminator:
grep s_enable_sslterminator
and sure enough the value was #
As per article Enabling SSL or TLS in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 (Doc ID 376700.1), the value of s_enable_sslterminator should be made null if you are using an SSL accelerator. In our case we use SSL certificate on the Load Balancer and never on Web servers.
The DBAs removed the #
Ran autoconfig
Deregistered SSO
Registered SSO
The user was able to login after that.
I’m getting this error when I login to SSO.
The HTTP server and OID is running fine. but if I go to http://localhost:7777/oiddas and tried to login this error comes out.
It also says:
Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured.
I checked my host file and I am using the FQDN which is also used in the creation of my OID.
Other web service like dbconsole, infrastructure and welcome page are working fine but only to this.
note: I am using OIM and my other server is working fine. Can’t see any unusual difference when i compared it.
What seems to be the problem? anyone who can help?
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