Подземный багрянец террария как найти

Подземный багрянец — биом под обычным багрянцем, на уровне пещер. Замещает Подземную порчу.
До убийства Стены плоти подземный багрянец встречается только на самом дне разломов багрянца и не распространяется. Единственный способ остановить распространение подземного багрянца — окружить его биомами освящения или подземного освящения, но это довольно сложно, так как даже следы багрянца могут быстро распространяться под землей.

Подземный багрянец, как и подземное освящение и подземная порча, не создаются в новом мире, а генерируются, когда мир переходит в сложный режим после победы над Стеной плоти. Тем не менее, разлом может быть достаточно глубоким, чтобы считаться подземным багрянцем.

Подземный багрянец не подавляет спаун других монстров подземелья и пещеры.

С каждого убитого здесь врага в сложном режиме может выпасть Эссенция ночи.



  • 1.2.4: Теперь имеет свою фоновую музыку.
  • 1.2.3: Добавлены вариации камня.
  • 1.2: Введен в игру.



An evil biome is a naturally spreading, hazardous biome that has generally negative effects on entities inside or around it. The two evil biomes are The Corruption and The Crimson, only one of which will always spawn in a world. Upon world creation, there is a 50*1/2 (50%) chance for either one to generate. On the PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version, a player can choose whether they want Corruption or Crimson to generate in their world or they can leave it to be determined randomly. On the tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, the player only has this choice if Hardmode has been entered in at least one world.

Corruption or Crimson is saved as the world’s naturally generated evil biome, and determines:

  • whether Shadow Orbs or Crimson Hearts are generated;
  • whether Demon Altars or Crimson Altars are generated;
  • whether a Corruption Chest or Crimson Chest is generated in the Dungeon;
  • whether Underground Corruption or Underground Crimson is created when the Wall of Flesh is defeated;
  • whether some NPCs will sell Corruption- or Crimson-related items during a Blood Moon or Solar Eclipse; and
  • which Biome Mimic is spawned when a Key of Night is placed in a chest.

It is possible to create an artificial Corruption/Crimson, seeding an area with the opposite evil biome. While this is traditionally done with materials brought over from another world, there is another option on the PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, and tModLoader version tModLoader version: If the Dryad is housed in a Graveyard during Hardmode, she will sell grass seeds from the other evil biome’s. This allows, for instance, obtaining the Biome Key / Biome Key Mold of the opposite evil biome, as that is dependent on the biome the enemy is killed in, regardless of whether it is a «natural» biome or «artificial» biome. This will not however provide a Dungeon chest to go with the key.

The evil biome is predominately comprised of chasms made from infected stone (Ebonstone or Crimstone). However, the biome can overlap other biomes, providing corrupted versions of the Forest, Desert, Snow, Jungle, or Ocean biomes. This can be evidenced by the presence of purple/red grass and Ebonwood/Shadewood trees, purple/red Cacti and Ebonsand/Crimsand, Purple Ice/Red Ice, or purple/red Palm Trees. Infected Jungle areas remain muddy, with the grass simply becoming corrupt or crimson mud grass.

While in pre-Hardmode, the only biome capable of spreading the evil biomes is infected surface Forest, via infected grassy blocks (see below for details).

Corruption and Crimson counterparts[]

Certain items are exclusive to either The Corruption or to The Crimson.

The following items are considered counterparts to each other. It should be noted that counterparts do not necessarily share the same stats or behaviors.

The Corruption The Crimson Source
MusketMusket The UndertakerThe Undertaker Shadow Orbs /

Crimson Hearts

VilethornVilethorn Crimson RodCrimson Rod
Ball O' HurtBall O’ Hurt The Rotted ForkThe Rotted Fork
Band of StarpowerBand of Starpower Panic NecklacePanic Necklace
Shadow Orb (item)Shadow Orb (item) Crimson Heart (item)Crimson Heart (item)
Rotten ChunkRotten Chunk VertebraVertebra Corruption /
Crimson enemies
Cursed FlameCursed Flame IchorIchor
Vile MushroomVile Mushroom Vicious MushroomVicious Mushroom Corrupt /
Crimson grass
Demonite OreDemonite Ore Crimtane OreCrimtane Ore also environment,
Eye of Cthulhu
Shadow ScaleShadow Scale Tissue SampleTissue Sample Eater of Worlds /

Brain of Cthulhu

Eater of Worlds MaskEater of Worlds Mask Brain of Cthulhu MaskBrain of Cthulhu Mask
Eater of Worlds TrophyEater of Worlds Trophy Brain of Cthulhu TrophyBrain of Cthulhu Trophy
Eater's BoneEater’s Bone Bone RattleBone Rattle
Worm ScarfWorm Scarf Brain of ConfusionBrain of Confusion (Treasure Bag)
Eater of Worlds RelicEater of Worlds Relic Brain of Cthulhu RelicBrain of Cthulhu Relic Eater of Worlds /

Brain of Cthulhu
in Master Mode

Writhing RemainsWrithing Remains Brain in a JarBrain in a Jar
Dart RifleDart Rifle Dart PistolDart Pistol Corrupt Mimic /

Crimson Mimic

Chain GuillotinesChain Guillotines Fetid BaghnakhsFetid Baghnakhs
Clinger StaffClinger Staff Life DrainLife Drain
Putrid ScentPutrid Scent Flesh KnucklesFlesh Knuckles
Worm HookWorm Hook Tendon HookTendon Hook
Corrupt SeedsCorrupt Seeds Crimson SeedsCrimson Seeds Eye of Cthulhu /


Vile PowderVile Powder Vicious PowderVicious Powder Dryad,

can be crafted

Purple SolutionPurple Solution Red SolutionRed Solution Steampunker
Decay ChamberDecay Chamber Flesh Cloning VatFlesh Cloning Vat
Lesion BlockLesion Block Flesh BlockFlesh Block Crafted
Scourge of the CorruptorScourge of the Corruptor Vampire KnivesVampire Knives Corruption Chest /

Crimson Chest

The Corruption[]

The Corruption presents a purple «corrupted» theme, with purple grass, trees and stone. Thorny Bushes and unique enemies (beginning with Eaters of Souls and Devourers) make the area dangerous and potentially deadly for newer players. The Eater of Worlds can only be summoned in the corruption. The Corruption contains deep vertical chasms (which can easily result in death from fall damage), with cross tunnels well below ground. Shadow Orbs appear deep underground, usually at or near the bottom of chasms. Destroying a world’s first Shadow Orb will always drop a Musket and some Musket Balls, which automatically fulfills the criteria for the Arms Dealer to arrive. Destroying three Shadow Orbs will result in the spawning of the Eater of Worlds.

Corruption contents[]

  • Corruption KeyCorruption Key

    (1/2500 chance, only on )

  • Corruption Key MoldCorruption Key Mold

    (1/2500 chance)

Underground Corruption contents[]

The Crimson[]

In contrast to the Corruption, the Crimson presents more of a red, gory theme, with red grass, stone, and foliage. Unique enemies that only appear in a Crimson world include Blood Crawlers, Face Monsters and Crimeras. The Brain of Cthulhu, the alternative to the Eater of Worlds, can only be summoned in the Crimson. Crimson-infected stone is called Crimstone, and like its Corruption counterpart, can only be mined with a Nightmare Pickaxe/Deathbringer Pickaxe or better. Like the Corruption, the Crimson contains deep chasms, but these are differently shaped: A winding tunnel from the surface leads to a large cavern, with secondary tunnels spreading downward from the cavern. These tunnels look quite like hands. While long falls are less of a hazard here, the area is still quite dangerous. Instead of Shadow Orbs, the Crimson contains Crimson Hearts, placed at or beyond the end of the secondary tunnels. Destroying a world’s first Crimson Heart will drop The Undertaker with some Musket Balls, which, like their Corruption counterparts will fulfill the criteria for the Arms Dealer to arrive. Destroying three Crimson Hearts will result in the spawning of the Brain of Cthulhu.

Crimson contents[]

  • Crimson KeyCrimson Key

    (from any enemy, 1/2500 chance, only on )

  • Crimson Key MoldCrimson Key Mold

    (from any enemy, 1/2500 chance)

Underground Crimson contents[]


Main article: Biome spread

Both the Corruption and the Crimson will spread themselves, similar to the Hallow. This means that they slowly convert certain susceptible tiles that are in the vicinity of existing Corrupt/Crimson blocks. While their spreading capabilities are very limited during pre-Hardmode, they spread much faster and more aggressively after defeating the Wall of Flesh. Defeating Plantera for the first time reduces the overall spread speed of all three biomes by 50*1/2 (50%).

Corrupted and Crimson Deserts[]

Corrupted Desert

A Corrupted Desert.

Crimsoned Desert

A Crimson Desert.

The evil biomes can overlap deserts, and in Hardmode, can spread through them, creating Corrupted and Crimson deserts. In the Corruption, sand is replaced with Ebonsand, and in the Crimson, sand is replaced with Crimsand. Unique enemies not found in the normal Corruption and Crimson can be found in the biome’s desert variant.


Contained Corruption and Hallow World

A properly contained Corruption and Hallow, which, while not considered an evil biome, can eventually spread out of control.

In Hardmode, the Corruption or Crimson (like the Hallow) can spread out of control; without player efforts, the evil biome and Hallow will together take over the entire world.

In pre-Hardmode, players can use Purification Powder to purify small portions of the Corruption/Crimson, and Sunflowers to block spread of infected grass. However, it is not until Hardmode that the spreading biomes become a major issue.

In Hardmode, a good strategy is to dig 3-tile-wide tunnels around the Corruption/Crimson, containing it. However, near the surface Thorny Bushes can spread the Corruption up to 6 tiles, so the tunnels there need to be 6 tiles wide or lined with non-corruptible blocks.

Removing the Corruption or Crimson wholesale, or reversing its spread in Hardmode, effectively requires the Clentaminator. This can be purchased for 2 from the Steampunker, who arrives after at least one mechanical boss has been defeated. Using the Clentaminator with Green Solution (also purchased from the Steampunker) can purify large sections of the evil biomes. However, most players will want to keep some well-contained pockets of the biome, as the enemies there have unique drops (some of which are recommended to advance in the game).

The evil biomes are also blocked by the presence of the Hallow, and vice versa; even before obtaining the Clentaminator, seeding the Hallow is an alternate strategy to limit the spread of Corruption or Crimson. However, this may mean eventually having to deal with an out of control Hallow in the future.


  • On the PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, tModLoader version tModLoader, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy versions, one-half of the world generation progress bar will be green, and the other half purple or red, depending on if the world is to have Corruption or Crimson. The step in world generation in which the Corruption is created is called «Making the world evil«, and the step in world generation in which the Crimson is created is called «Making the world bloody«. Also, a tree at the side of the world name in world selection has one green/normal side, the other purple/red (indicating Corruption/Crimson respectively). In Hardmode, part of the tree will be yellow, representing The Hallow.


  • A drunk world always contains both evil biomes.

Как остановить Освящение Террария?

Бороться со Освящением можно, используя гнусную/порочную пыль (она превращает святую землю в обычную лесную зону) или нечестивую воду/кровавую воду (превращает святую землю в Искажение/Кримзон соответственно), или Очистителем на поздних этапах игры.

Как остановить распространение Багрянца Террария?

Распространение остается нормальным. Чтобы остановить распространение Багрянца в хардмоде, игрок должен создать промежуток шириной как минимум в 3 блока из воздуха или непреобразуемых блоков. Блоки Освящения тоже остановят распространение Багрянца , но будут создавать и распространять Освящение.

Как избавится от Зарожения в Terrarii?

Самый простой способ остановить порчу в хардмоде — при помощи святой воды сделать на границе этого биома святые земли. Но из этого вытекает вторая проблема — остановить святые земли.

Чем стреляет очиститель в Террарии?

При использовании очиститель выпускает 5 струй поочерёдно, тратя только одну единицу раствора. При попадании очистителем в бутон Плантеры, бутон ломается и появляется Плантера. Это происходит из-за смены биома, в котором находился бутон.

Где находится подземное освещение в Террарии?

Подземное освящение начинает встречаться на уровне пещер. Подобно подземной порче, распространяется по соседним нормальным блокам, изменяя их. Исключение составляют пораженные порчей блоки. Биом примечателен обилием кристаллов, естественно образующихся в этой области.

Как остановить распространение порчи?

Итог — часть порчи зарастёт святой травой (можно проделывать тот же способ в святых землях). Самый простой способ остановить порчу в хардмоде — при помощи святой воды сделать на границе этого биома святые земли.

Какие блоки не заражаются искажением?

Блоки которые заражение не может заразить: Древесина, грязь ( не глина ), любая руда, любые кирпичи. Толщина должна быть 4 и больше блоков .

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