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Так как с RAID массивами я можно сказать что новичок еще, точнее по решению проблем с ними если они возникают, т.к раньше
проблем и темболее крушение массива не когда не было, по этому не знаю что делать.
Теперь все по порядку…
Создал RAID 0 на «GigaByte GA-EP45-DS4 rev1.0 (RTL) LGA775» с помощью чипсета «Intel ICH10R» из биоса. В массив входили
3xHDD «WD Caviar Green <WD20EARS>» по 2TB каждый. Но создал не один массив, а 2 массива, RAID 0 на 200GB для системы и
оствшееся место RAID 0 на 5,80TB. Дал им имена RAID_System и RAID_Date. Логика моя была при создании массива такой что один
хрен даже при использование RAID 1 или RAID 10, уверенным на 100% быть нельзя за сохранность в них данных, поэтому решил делать RAID 0 и создавать периодически резервные копии на другие HDD не входящие в данный ПК.
Поставил Windows 7 + драва и софт и игры и т.д…, потом скопировал 3,5Tb все что было на старых моих хардах в RAID_Date и приступил к длительной и утомительной сортировке Фильмов, музыки, софта на RAID_Date, так сказать навел порядок. Но настарых хардах оставил как есть на всякий случай, до бекапа, положил их на полку пока шла сортировка целых месяц. Хочу сказать что RAID 0 работал отлично и система грузилась быстро и скорость работы была на высоте, хотя и использовал весьма медленный и тихий «WD Caviar Green <WD20EARS>», в общем за все это время нареканий на RAID не было не какого.
Не давно купил новые модули памяти более скоростные чем до него стояли. Решил по этому проэкперементировать с разгоном CPU, т.к уже опыт разгона есть, так . Во время разгона как и всегда бывает прежде чем найти стабильный вариант разгона, много раз случались не удачи в плане «перезагрузка, синий экран и т.п…» Но хочу заметить что RAID не разу не ругался на разгон, работал отлично, даже после разновидных сбоев. В общем я нашел оптимальную частоту и напряжение и на CPU и на оперативку и на южный мост. В общем все развевалось по наилучшему сценарию. итог 533*8 = 4,264Ghz. Протестил в течении дня, поиграл в игры, посмотрел HD фильмы все было стабильно, решил так и оставить. В общем потом я решил уже раз все в порядке, закрыл системник и блин забыл совсем что температура то поднимется при закрытом корпусе, т.к разгонял при открытом и хорошо продуваемом месте. В итоге спустя пару жарких часов игры, перегрелся так как потом выяснил южный мост «Intel ICH10R» комп завис. Перезагрузка. пишет что типа нет с чего грузиться. Блин зашел в BIOS, убедился что стаит RAID вместо IDE, т.е настройки BIOS не сбились, сразу выставил все частоты по стандарту (без разгона) дал остыть компу. Потом начал уже смотреть в чем дело…. загрузка компа не к чему не привело, такое ощущение что дики HDD вообще отсутствуют. Зашел в BIOS, смотрю все диски определены и отображаются корректно, далее решил посмотреть, что он там вообще пишет перед загрузкой Windows. Пишет следующие, там где RAID Volumes: был перечень RAID массивов т.е RAID Volumes: RAID_System и RAID_Date, а щас там такой текст RAID Volumes: None defined — типа массивы не найдены. Далее захожу (Ctrl+I) в сам биос райда. Вижу следующую картину, под каждым диском всего их 3шт в параметре Type/Status(Vol ID) написано NON-RAID DisK — типа диск не входит не в один RAID массив. Это что получается RAID рассыпался, распался? Я так понимаю что «Intel ICH10R» в рабочем и можно снова создать заново RAID массивы. Диски все рабочие. В общем, картина выглядит так, что как бут-то только что купил Харды, принес домой, подсоединил и в первый раз запустил RAID Биос. Блин ну инфа там же вся вить целая, просто нужно как-то их заставить снова собраться. Это получается было бы тоже самое если сменить материнскую плату или полный reset BIOS с вытаскиванием батарейки? Как можно все это собрать обратно RAID чтоб снова было как раньше, есть ли способ, я думаю я не первый кто с этим сталкивается. Просто переписывать снова со старых хардов всю инфу и опять сортировать целый месяц рука уже не поднимется.
Посоветуйте как все вернуть? это же просто информация о конфигурации массива слетела, я так понимаю?
Конкретно вытаскивать с него инфу нет смысла, так как копия есть, нужно чтоб все снова заработало, так как на нем все отсортирована и разложено по полочкам было, так как это все готовил для медиа центра.
В БИОСЕ РАЙДА манипуляций нету как кроме — создать, удалить, сброс и выход.
Вот инфа по железу которое стоит.
GigaByte GA-EP45-DS4 rev1.0 (RTL) LGA775
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo E8500
Kingston HyperX <KHX8500D2K2/4G> DDR-II DIMM 4Gb KIT 2*2Gb <PC2-8500> CL5 (2 набора, 8GB)
HDD 2 Tb SATA-II 300 Western Digital Caviar Green <WD20EARS> 64Mb (3ШТ)
Блок питания FSP Epsilon 900W ATX (24+4+6+8пин)
Видуха GTX580
Скрин шоты тоже есть:
перед загрузкой Windows
биос райда
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Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
Background here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=296583&p=1651310#p1651310
Still attempting to install Mint after a week of frustration and failure. I have disabled RAID. So RAID should no longer be an issue.
Reinstalled Vista on one HDD. It is all set up and working perfectly.
I have booted from the DVD (that PC will not boot from USBs). It is the same DVD that I was using before, and which worked, at least to get me part way through the installation process before running into insurmountable problems which may or may not have had something to do with RAID.
My new plan is to install MInt XFCE on one of the other HDDs. Completely separate drive. I was hoping that eliminating the RAID and starting over would allow the installation to complete, but I’m unable to find out because there’s a new problem right at the beginning of the process.
New problem: after the DVD boots into a live session, I click on the ‘Install LInux Mint’ icon. Nothing happens. It does not launch the setup. What does happen is, the mouse becomes very choppy and hard to control. Clicking on the menu items such as Terminal gives me an error message such as
Code: Select all
Failed to execute command "xfce4-terminal". (Input/Output error)
I’ve rebooted it several times but the problem always reproduces itself. This means I can’t even try out any Terminal solutions that I find or that might get suggested. It doesn’t matter if I right click or left click — the icon will not launch setup.
So I can’t even get as far as I got before. Why is this problem happening?
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by deck_luck » Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:19 pm
It wise to use a minimum configuration when troubleshooting this type of problem. I am wondering if the computer is having trouble reading your DVD since it did produce an i/o error when attempting to start a terminal.
If you have another Linux computer you can use it to run the dd utility to read the entire DVD. Check your syslog file or use journalctl to determine if the system reports an error on the DVD device while reading it.
Code: Select all
dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/dev/null bs=8192 iflag=direct
Alternately, you can use the installation DVD integrity check. While booting your XFCE installation DVD hit the escape key to interrupt the grub process. Use your down arrow key to select the Integrity check and hit enter.
🐧Linux Mint 20.3 XFCE (UEFI — Secure Boot Enabled) dual boot with Windows 11
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:27 pm
deck_luck wrote: ⤴Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:19 pm
It wise to use a minimum configuration when troubleshooting this type of problem. I am wondering if the computer is having trouble reading your DVD since it did produce an i/o error when attempting to start a terminal.If you have another Linux computer you can use it to run the dd utility to read the entire DVD. Check your syslog file or use journalctl to determine if the system reports an error on the DVD device while reading it.
Code: Select all
dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/dev/null bs=8192 iflag=direct
Alternately, you can use the installation DVD integrity check. While booting your XFCE installation DVD hit the escape key to interrupt the grub process. Use your down arrow key to select the Integrity check and hit enter.
I ran the integrity check after I noticed this problem. It said
The disk is fine. I checked it in Windows also, and it found no problems. It’s the same disk I’ve been using for the past week attempting to install Mint. There was no problem with the mouse or the icon not working until today. I got rid of the RAID and reinstalled Vista yesterday and was going to try and install Mint again today, but this new problem happened.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by deck_luck » Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:37 pm
Are you able to run a disk verify on the Linux installation target hard disk drive. I am talking about a format with a bad block scan.
As a test have you attempted the Linux installation with only the one disk drive connected while all other storage media is disconnected. Make sure you do not have any USB or SDcards inserted as well.
🐧Linux Mint 20.3 XFCE (UEFI — Secure Boot Enabled) dual boot with Windows 11
Give a friend a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a friend how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime. ✝️
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Fri Jun 28, 2019 5:10 pm
Linux installation target hard disk drive
I haven’t even gotten to the part where I get to choose which drive to install Mint on. It won’t let me get to the point where I choose a target.
There are 3 HDDs. Vista is installed on one of them. That’s the only HDD in use currently and it’s the only disk that shows up. C:. Also the CD/DVD drive shows up in My Computer because the DVD is in there.
I ran CHKDSK on boot. It’s checking C: It’s stuck at 21%. Apparently it can take hours to get past the stick point. There are no other hard drives currently set up. I would like to get to the point where I create a partition and choose which disk/drive to install Mint on, and then see if there’s a problem with that disk, but am not having any success getting there. Everything that has taken place so far has been on the C: drive. Assuming there are no issues with the C: drive, and since the Mint installation disk is fine, and I haven’t even attempted to install Mint onto one of the other HDDs yet, it must be something else causing the problem.
There are no external drives or other external media connected. Right now it’s just internal HDDs and an internal DVD drive. I have not taken the PC apart. They’re internal HDDs. I did not have to remove any of them to install Mint earlier. I simply put the DVD in the drive, booted the PC, chose ‘Compatibility Mode’, and was able to click on the icon to start the install. I was also able to access Terminal to run commands. Now I can’t do those basic things. All I did was remove the RAID array, so it’s a normal PC now, and reinstall Windows. It’s less complicated now, so why is this happening? How is removing the Vista HDD and the other HDD going to help? This should not be necessary. I can picture things going downhill very fast if I do that… The chance of that causing even more problems is high. How would I even find out which is which? I thought the top one was the main drive, but I don’t know for sure. I would want to see some literature or videos on how removing internal HDDs is the way to install Linux before trying it.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by Larry78723 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:19 pm
In your BIOS, ensure that it is set to ahci, not raid.
If you have found the solution to your initial post, please open your original post, click on the pencil, and add (Solved) to the Subject, it helps other users looking for help, and keeps the forum clean.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by deck_luck » Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:49 pm
Barry is right. Some of computers have what is commonly referred to as a Fake RAID setup in the BIOS. It is essentially the meta data used to assemble a software RAID. Was your RAID a software array or a hardware based array?
My new plan is to install MInt XFCE on one of the other HDDs. Completely separate drive. I was hoping that eliminating the RAID and starting over would allow the installation to complete, but I’m unable to find out because there’s a new problem right at the beginning of the process.
I thought you indicated you were using a separate disk to install Linux. So, I was trying to get you to only have that disk installed with nothing else connected.
I ran CHKDSK on boot. It’s checking C: It’s stuck at 21%.
Now, I guess you are telling me you are using the Wndows C: drive to attempt a coresident Linux install, and the chkdsk stalls. Did I misunderstand this?
🐧Linux Mint 20.3 XFCE (UEFI — Secure Boot Enabled) dual boot with Windows 11
Give a friend a fish, and you feed them for a day. Teach a friend how to fish, and you feed them for a lifetime. ✝️
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:41 pm
Now, I guess you are telling me you are using the Wndows C: drive to attempt a coresident Linux install, and the chkdsk stalls. Did I misunderstand this?
I’m running CHKDSK because you suggested I verify the disk. There’s only one disk with anything on it. Only one disk that’s involved in the process so far, C:. I looked up how to run a full CHKDSK on boot. https://smallbusiness.chron.com/check-h … 75580.html
It’s running now, and is stuck. Another site says that’s normal and it could run overnight. If it’s still running tomorrow morning I’ll give up.
I didn’t get the option to check the other disks. But I haven’t even done anything with them. The problem I described at the top of this thread can’t have anything to do with them, because I have not touched them. They are not involved in anything yet. Not sure if you’re getting what I’m trying to say.
There are 3 hard drives on that PC. They are all internal hard drives. There are no external hard drives. Everything is internal. The C: drive has Windows Vista installed on it. The other drives have nothing on them. They are not doing anything. They are not part of the Vista drive. The Vista installation works fine. There is no problem there. I installed it yesterday. Then, today, I was going to install Mint XFCE onto one of the other drives. I assume that would have put the Mint installation onto the D: drive. But I haven’t been able to get started, because something goes wrong when I attempt to start the setup by clicking on the Linux MInt icon.
No, I am not trying to install Linux Mint on the same drive. I tried that before and failed. I want to install it on a different drive, because I spent 5 days failing to install a dual boot whereby Vista and Mint were going to be using the same 3 drives, under RAID. I finally gave up and got rid of the RAID, thinking that would simplify things.
Barry is right. Some of computers have what is commonly referred to as a Fake RAID setup in the BIOS. It is essentially the meta data used to assemble a software RAID. Was your RAID a software array or a hardware based array?
I did not know that. I thought it was a straightforward process, which is how it was explained when I looked it up and asked questions over the past few months. I didn’t start planning this last week. I’ve been planning it for a while. But it seems there are too many gaps in my knowledge so certain questions never occurred to me. «You just go into BIOS and remove the RAID array. Set it to Non-RAID», which is what I did. Had no problems setting up Windows afterwards so I didn’t know there was something else I may have had to do. I never heard of AHCI until a few minutes ago. I have no idea if there’s AHCI in the BIOS on that computer. I’ll look for it after CHKDSK finishes. My understanding is it’s hardware, but I could be completely wrong.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:38 pm
CHKDSK failed to complete. I’m following instructions here: https://www.lifewire.com/when-chkdsk-ge … nt-3974467
Ran diskcleanup and sfc/scannow. Results:
Code: Select all
Windows did not find any integrity violations.
Could not continue because cmd said
. Downloaded this https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/hel … -readiness but after several hours it never stopped ‘searching for update’. I cancelled it with Task Manager. Then I checked to make sure there was no further CHKDSK scheduled.
Since nothing that actually works is finding any damage to the C: drive, although some ‘solutions’ don’t work, I have to go on the assumption that there is nothing wrong with the drive. It installed Vista and Vista is working properly on C:.
In your BIOS, ensure that it is set to ahci, not raid.
Intel (R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v8.0.01039…
In the MAIN MENU, choice 2 is Delete RAID Volume. If I recall, that’s what I did. Choice 3 is Reset Disks to Non-RAID. I don’t think I did choice 3 in addition to choice 2. Is it necessary?
RAID Volumes: None defined. It lists the HDDs. There are 3 HDDs, all listed as Non-RAID Disks.
Booted it again, this time hitting DEL to get to CMOS.
SATA AHCI/RAID MODE was set to RAID. I changed it to AHCI.
Now the computer crashes before startup, and restarts itself. It’s a loop. One time, after I hit F12 repeatedly, it told me to insert the Windows CD, «choose language options, and choose ‘repair your computer’. So I inserted the Windows CD, but I don’t get to choose those options. This is going too fast for me to see everything that’s happening. Somehow the Vista CD/DVD loaded without ever asking me to choose those options «choose language, choose repair», and it seems to want me to reinstall Windows again, over the previous installation. This is not going well.
Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by athi » Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:55 pm
mrniceguy wrote: ⤴Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:38 pm
Intel (R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v8.0.01039…In the MAIN MENU, choice 2 is Delete RAID Volume. If I recall, that’s what I did. Choice 3 is Reset Disks to Non-RAID. I don’t think I did choice 3 in addition to choice 2. Is it necessary?
RAID Volumes: None defined. It lists the HDDs. There are 3 HDDs, all listed as Non-RAID Disks.
Booted it again, this time hitting DEL to get to CMOS.
SATA AHCI/RAID MODE was set to RAID. I changed it to AHCI.
Now the computer crashes before startup, and restarts itself. It’s a loop. One time, after I hit F12 repeatedly, it told me to insert the Windows CD, «choose language options, and choose ‘repair your computer’. So I inserted the Windows CD, but I don’t get to choose those options. This is going too fast for me to see everything that’s happening. Somehow the Vista CD/DVD loaded without ever asking me to choose those options «choose language, choose repair», and it seems to want me to reinstall Windows again, over the previous installation. This is not going well.
Please let us know if you change SATA RAID mode to SATA AHCI mode after Vista installation?
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:03 pm
athi wrote: ⤴Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:55 pm
mrniceguy wrote: ⤴Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:38 pm
Intel (R) Matrix Storage Manager option ROM v8.0.01039…In the MAIN MENU, choice 2 is Delete RAID Volume. If I recall, that’s what I did. Choice 3 is Reset Disks to Non-RAID. I don’t think I did choice 3 in addition to choice 2. Is it necessary?
RAID Volumes: None defined. It lists the HDDs. There are 3 HDDs, all listed as Non-RAID Disks.
Booted it again, this time hitting DEL to get to CMOS.
SATA AHCI/RAID MODE was set to RAID. I changed it to AHCI.
Now the computer crashes before startup, and restarts itself. It’s a loop. One time, after I hit F12 repeatedly, it told me to insert the Windows CD, «choose language options, and choose ‘repair your computer’. So I inserted the Windows CD, but I don’t get to choose those options. This is going too fast for me to see everything that’s happening. Somehow the Vista CD/DVD loaded without ever asking me to choose those options «choose language, choose repair», and it seems to want me to reinstall Windows again, over the previous installation. This is not going well.
Please let us know if you change SATA RAID mode to SATA AHCI mode after Vista installation?
Vista was already installed. I changed it NOW, after Larry78723 said it had to be changed.
Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by athi » Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:33 pm
Changing from RAID mode to AHCI mode breaks the Vista installation, which is why you cannot boot into Vista.
When you deleted the RAID volume with option 2, the HDD are still in RAID mode but not congregated into a RAID volume. You need to run option 3 to take the HDD out of RAID mode into non-RAID mode so you can change them back into AHCI mode.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:41 pm
athi wrote: ⤴Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:33 pm
Changing from RAID mode to AHCI mode breaks the Vista installation, which is why you cannot boot into Vista.When you deleted the RAID volume with option 2, the HDD are still in RAID mode but not congregated into a RAID volume. You need to run option 3 to take the HDD out of RAID mode into non-RAID mode so you can change them back into AHCI mode.
So you’re saying I have to start over completely again. Could you tell me the exact order to do EVERYTHING in?
1. Go into the RAID screen and choose option 3.
2. Go into CMOS and make sure it says AHCI.
3. Format C:.
4. Reinstall Vista again.
5. Insert Mint DVD and attempt to install it on D:.
Is that the correct order? Did I miss anything?
Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by athi » Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:54 pm
mrniceguy wrote: ⤴Sat Jun 29, 2019 3:41 pm
So you’re saying I have to start over completely again. Could you tell me the exact order to do EVERYTHING in?1. Go into the RAID screen and choose option 3.
2. Go into CMOS and make sure it says AHCI.
3. Format C:.
4. Reinstall Vista again.
5. Insert Mint DVD and attempt to install it on D:.
Is that the correct order? Did I miss anything?
Add disabling secure boot to the bios change list and run option 2 to break the RAID volume before running option 3 to reset HDD to non-RAID mode.
After you make all the changes, shut down, restart and check that ALL the changes were saved to bios. Some of these bios requires you to hit specific key (F10 etc.) to saved the changes and the only way to be sure that all changes were saved is to check after a full shutdown.
Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by athi » Sat Jun 29, 2019 4:00 pm
Forgot to add, when you install Mint, make sure that you install the boot loader on the HDD with Vista (option at bottom of installation screen). This way, you will get the GRUB menu when you boot from the Vista HDD.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:00 pm
I kept booting and hitting CTRL-i to get into the RAID settings but it never took me there. Finally it dawned on me that the CTRL-i function wouldn’t be available since the PC has been set to AHCI. So I booted it, went to BIOS and reset it to RAID. Then I booted it again and hit CTRL-i. Chose option
It says
Code: Select all
ERROR: There are no RAID disks that can be reset.
Went to option
I get
Code: Select all
ERROR: There are no volumes available to delete.
Booted again. Went to CMOS. Chose AHCI. Booted again. Since the Windows is broken, I can’t get into it to format C:. Is that going to be a problem? Is there going to be something on C: that will interfere with me reinstalling Vista?
Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by athi » Sat Jun 29, 2019 5:38 pm
Looks like you completely got rid of RAID and are now in AHCI mode.
Since you are installing Vista on its own HDD, you can select Custom (Advanced) when prompted for Installation type, use the Vista installer partition manager to delete all partitions and select the unallocated space for installation. Vista will setup partitions that are required.
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Re: Clicking on ‘Install Linux Mint’ icon does nothing
by mrniceguy » Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:20 pm
Booted from CD/DVD. It says: «Where do you want to install Windows?»
Disk 0 Unallocated Space 931.5GB Free Space 931.5GB
Disk 1 Partition1 931.5GB Free Space 931.2GB Primary
Disk 2 Unallocated Space 931.5GB Free Space 931.5GB
I chose ‘Format’ for Disk 1. Disk 1 now has 931.4GB Free Space but it still says ‘Partition 1’ and ‘Primary’. So it didn’t delete the partition. Do I want Disk 1 to be Primary? Shouldn’t it be Disk 0? Isn’t Disk 1 the equivalent of sdb and Disk 0 = sda?
edit: Wait, there’s a ‘Delete’ tab beside ‘Format’. Does that delete Partition 1? Is that what I should do?
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
- Jun 18, 2021
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Yesterday all of a sudden my Windows 10 computer had a grey screen and nothing worked. After I restarted the pc I got a boot notification «Raid Volumes : None defined«
After that the windows loading screen appears followed by nothing, just a black screen and nothing happens from then on. I already used a system image which changes nothing. I also switched to AHCI in the bios, because I read it somewhere , which leads to the error message «inacessible boot device» while trying to start the pc. I am also pretty convinced that the original setting was raid. Lastly, I tried to create a raid volume after pressing «Ctrl i» which made the notification dissapear but didn’t let the computer start either. As you can See in the picture I am using a samsung ssd as my main drive and a hdd as supplementation for additional space. Both drives are only about Half a year in usage.
I hope someone can help me ,
Best wishes
- Nov 7, 2011
- 70,679
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what is the full system spec? include all the hdd/ssd
- Jun 18, 2021
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Here is most of the System and data
For additional space
- cpu: Intel i7 860
- grafic card: power color radeon r9 270x pcs+
- Nov 7, 2011
- 70,679
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hardware failed. my guess is the gpu or the psu
- Jun 18, 2021
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- Nov 7, 2011
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brand and model of the psu?
bios ok? check the cpu/system temp in there?
- Jun 18, 2021
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- 10
Be quiet L8-500w
Cpu temperature 38 °C
System temperature 34°C
- Nov 7, 2011
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- Jun 18, 2021
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Product: Hp Pavilion 15-bc419ur
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)
How can i ifx problem «raid volumes none defined» while loading my laptop?
Level 20
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The specs of your machine is
It came with FreeDOS 1.2 and NO RAID. The error is yours, what did you do with your machine ? Please start over again.
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0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 16.11.2011 Сообщений: 17 |
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23.03.2012, 11:11. Показов 3862. Ответов 3
Перестал заргужаться компьютер.
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Programming Эксперт 94731 / 64177 / 26122 Регистрация: 12.04.2006 Сообщений: 116,782 |
23.03.2012, 11:11 |
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Почетный модератор 28040 / 15773 / 982 Регистрация: 15.09.2009 Сообщений: 67,752 Записей в блоге: 78 |
23.03.2012, 21:00 |
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возможно проблема с хардом,
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Чувак с пакетом на голове 561 / 382 / 5 Регистрация: 15.03.2011 Сообщений: 1,466 Записей в блоге: 1 |
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Попробовал загрузиться с загрузочного диска (Аспирин 2009) появился BSOD: Попробуйте снять хард с компа и загрузиться с (Аспирин 2009), если опять будут BSODы, значит дело может быть и не только в харде.
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0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 16.11.2011 Сообщений: 17 |
26.03.2012, 10:31 [ТС] |
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C помощью Акрониса удалось восстановить систему. Винда грузится и все вроде работает нормально.
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