Requesting lua files from the server в гмод как исправить

Okay! So, if you have never had the issue, this will probably serve no use to you.
This bug occurs during the loading screen when lua files would normally start being downloaded.

If you have the bug, you will see something to the effect of this during that time.


Simply open your console (shift + escape in the menu) and type net_maxroutable 1260

I also added that command to my garrysmod/cfg/network.cfg for good measure.


фрагмент выше:


[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/npc_naval_turret/init.lua:99: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/npc_naval_turret/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neurotanks/lua/entities/sent_110sf2lars_p/init.lua:474: unexpected symbol near ‘local’
1. unknown — addons/neurotanks/lua/entities/sent_110sf2lars_p/init.lua:0

[AddCSLuaFile] Couldn’t find ‘cl_init.lua’ (@addons/neuroplanes/lua/entities/sent_ec-635_p/init.lua (line 3))

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_lhd-1_p/init.lua:220: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_lhd-1_p/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_pbr_p/init.lua:353: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_pbr_p/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neurotanks/lua/entities/sent_zsu-23-4_p/init.lua:603: ‘)’ expected near ‘|’
1. unknown — addons/neurotanks/lua/entities/sent_zsu-23-4_p/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_aircraft_carrier/init.lua:263: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_aircraft_carrier/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neurotec base addon/lua/entities/sent_boat_aa_system/init.lua:137: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neurotec base addon/lua/entities/sent_boat_aa_system/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_ironclad_p/init.lua:261: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_ironclad_p/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_naval_turret/init.lua:145: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_naval_turret/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_rattack_p/init.lua:315: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_rattack_p/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_maingun/init.lua:64: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_maingun/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_minigun/init.lua:69: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_minigun/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_secgun/init.lua:62: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_secgun/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_sidegun/init.lua:66: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yamato_sidegun/init.lua:0

[ERROR] addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yatch/init.lua:148: ‘)’ expected near ‘&’
1. unknown — addons/neuronaval/lua/entities/sent_yatch/init.lua:0

Unknown command «sv_tags»
Unknown command «sv_tags»
Starting CAF Addons
Loading Level 1 Addons

—> Loading addon Resource Distribution

—> Loaded addon: Resource Distribution

—> Loading addon Spacebuild

Registering Sun
Registering planets
—> Auto Started Addon: Spacebuild

Loading Level 2 Addons

—> Loading addon Life Support Entities

—> Loaded addon: Life Support Entities

—> Loading addon Life Support

—> Loaded addon: Life Support

Loading Level 3 Addons

Loading Level 4 Addons

Loading Level 5 Addons

Couldn’t include file ‘includesmodulesvphysics.lua’ (File not found) (@addons/neurotec base addon/lua/autorun/server/physics.lua (line 111))

[ERROR] addons/neurotec base addon/lua/autorun/server/physics.lua:111: Module not found!
1. require — [C]:-1
2. v — addons/neurotec base addon/lua/autorun/server/physics.lua:111
3. unknown — lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:82

Unknown command «sv_tags»
Unknown command «sv_tags»
Unknown command «sv_tags»
Unknown command «sv_tags»
Garry’s Mod

Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_concrete»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_metal»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_computer»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_grass»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_dirt»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_wood»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_glass»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «svl_explosion»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «blood_impact_blue_01»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «dragonshout»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «dragonshout_icestorm»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «dragonshout_fireball»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «dragon_fire»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «dragon_frost»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «generic_smoke»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «frost_atro_bodyice»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «frost_atro_gpound»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «draugr_eye»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «centurion_steam_arm»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «centurion_steam_head»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «centurion_steam_shout»!
Requesting 2 lua files from the server
Warning: WorldTwoTextureBlend found on a non-displacement surface (material: gm_construct/flatgrass). This wastes perf for no benefit.
clientside lua startup!
Couldn’t include file ‘hullpillstf2.lua’ (File not found) (@addons/parakeet’s pill pack/lua/autorun/sub/hullpills.lua (line 144))
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_concrete»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_concrete»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_metal»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_metal»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_computer»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_computer»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_grass»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_grass»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_dirt»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_dirt»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_wood»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_wood»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_glass»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «impact_glass»!
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
TODO: SavePresets
No custom nodegraph found!
Particles: Missing ‘particles/slv_explosion.pcf’
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «svl_explosion»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «svl_explosion»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «blood_impact_blue_01»!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system «blood_impact_blue_01»!
Error! Flag «$translucent» is multiply defined in material «effects/freeze_overlayeffect01»!
Adding derived addon Skyrim
NeuroNaval Client Loaded

[ERROR] addons/neurotanks/lua/autorun/client/c_neurotanksglobal.lua:623: bad argument #2 to ‘CreateFont’ (table expected, got number)
1. CreateFont — [C]:-1
2. unknown — addons/neurotanks/lua/autorun/client/c_neurotanksglobal.lua:623

Loading: cl_tab.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: module_loader.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: defaults.lua…Sent: Successfully
Loading: lifesupport.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: lifesupport1.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: lifesupport2.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: lsents.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: resdistrib1.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: resdistrib2.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: resourcedistribution.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Loading: spacebuild.lua…Loaded: Successfully
Neuro Planes Heads Up Display Loaded.
Requesting texture value from var «$dummyvar» which is not a texture value (material: NULL material)
Loading CAF Tools
loading stool: ls3_energysystems.lua
sbox_maxls3_energysystems -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
Loading dev type: extra_co2_gens
Loading dev type: extra_fusion_gens
Loading dev type: extra_h_gens
Loading dev type: extra_ln_gens
Loading dev type: extra_n_gens
Loading dev type: extra_o2_gens
Loading dev type: extra_solar_panels
Loading dev type: extra_water_air_extractors
Loading dev type: extra_water_heaters
Loading dev type: extra_water_pumps
loading stool: ls3_environmental_control.lua
sbox_maxls3_environmental_control -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: ls3_other.lua
sbox_maxls3_other -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
Loading dev type: extra_ls_screens
loading stool: ls3_other_lights.lua
sbox_maxls3_other_lights -> 10
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: ls3_receptacles.lua
sbox_maxls3_receptacles -> 20
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
Loading dev type: extra_co2_storage
Loading dev type: extra_energy_storage
Loading dev type: extra_h_storage
Loading dev type: extra_heavy_water_storage
Loading dev type: extra_ln_storage
Loading dev type: extra_n_storage
Loading dev type: extra_o2_storage
Loading dev type: extra_steam_storage
Loading dev type: extra_water_storage
loading stool: pumps.lua
sbox_maxpumps -> 10
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: resourcenodes.lua
sbox_maxresourcenodes -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: sb_dev_plants.lua
sbox_maxsb_dev_plants -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: sb_terraformer.lua
sbox_maxsb_teraformers -> 30
CAF Tool: Loading device defs
loading stool: valves.lua
sbox_maxvalves -> 10
CAF Tool: Loading device defs

Every time I try to join any multiplayer server, I will download the lua files, then it will say » Starting Lua » but never really start. Then when I try to connect again it will say » Requesting [2 or 19] Lua files then get stuck. It seems like my GMOD REFUSES to download specifically 2 or 19 lua files in every server. Some times I might somehow get through without downloading those Lua files but once again, it will get stuck on » Starting Lua » 

Stuck on Requesting Lua files : 

View post on

Stuck on Starting Lua : 

View post on

(Please keep in mind if I attempted to wait for it to load on Starting Lua or Requesting Server files my gmod will just time out while loading and I will be back to server menu. It will never load on Requesting Lua files and will very rarely load on Starting Lua. )

And even if I do manage to connect to the server, I will instantly time out at spawn then lose connection to the server after the timer ends. Example : 

View post on

And also for some reason every time I fail to join a server the gmod logo in the menu screen disappears shown here : 

View post on

Here is the whole list of things I have tried
— Verified Game Cache
— Every launch option that people have been saying online, including client ports.
— Reinstall Gmod
— Complete reinstall of gmod (Files left behind also deleted with the actual game itself)
— Factory Reset of GMod
— Every beta version
— Loading into map single player before hand
— Windows Compatibility mode on Windows 7

Here are my main specs
— Windows 10
— Intel Core i7-6700k @ 4.00 GHZ 
— Radeon RX 480 Graphics
— 8 GB RAM 
— Ethernet

At this point the issue might be with your network configuration or something on your PC (anti viruses, firewalls)

I made sure that GMOD has exclusions on both Windows Defender and Fire Walls, as well as Steam itself.

Then its not Windows Defender. Keep looking. Maybe try a different router/internet connection, for example from your phone (not wifi) over USB, temporarily just to test it.

Well I just connected to a VPN and now I can load into servers just fine, though this cant really be a permanent fix because the VPN I have has a 10 Gigabyte limit, do you have any ideas on what could be causing it to not load unless I have on a VPN?

Could your ISP be blocking stuff? I remember I had the same issue with my ISP and VPN was the only way around it.

Wakka Boi

  • #1

Good Day!

I am a newcomer on Monolith RP and as the server was loading for me, the loading would stay on «requesting 1837 Lua files from the server». The game wouldn’t freeze, the loading message would just stay on «requesting 1837 Lua files from the server» and nothing would happen because I left it overnight.

I searched on youtube, found nothing in regards to that loading message. I subscribed to the monolith server pack, re-installed Gmod, and verified game files. Nothing worked.

The attached file is a screenshot of the loading message it would stay on. As I said, the game wouldn’t freeze, I kept canceling and re-joining the server and it would stay there requesting.

I hope I included the information needed in the right format.

Wakka Boi

  • Garry's Mod Screenshot 2020.03.31 -

    Garry’s Mod Screenshot 2020.03.31 —

    1,022.4 KB
    · Views: 8

Last edited: Mar 31, 2020

Wakka Boi

  • #2

The problem is fixed, did nothing to fix it, it just fixed itself.

Come here often?

📵 Opt-out

If you see this message often, you probably have a dodgy internet connection, firewall, disk, or Garry’s Mod installation.
But do not fear! You can opt-out of gluapack by following these instructions at the bottom of this page.
If this is the first time you’ve seen this message, please try the troubleshooting steps below.


✅ Rejoin

Rejoining the server or restarting your game may fix your issue. Magic ✨

✅ Clear your Lua cache

Delete GarrysMod/cache/lua to clear your Lua cache. This will force your game to download fresh Lua files from the server.

✅ Clear your gluapack cache

Delete GarrysMod/download/data/gluapack to clear your gluapack cache. This will force your game to download fresh packed Lua files from the server.

✅ Change your DNS settings

This may be desirable if your government or ISP is blocking access to the Internet.
I can only recommend, who also provide DNS over HTTP if necessary.

✅ Restart your router

Users have reported that restarting their router has fixed their issue.


✋ Before you go…

By opting out of gluapack, you’ll significantly slow down your join times for any servers that use it.
gluapack speeds up join times by minimizing the «Sending Lua Files» stage of joining a server.
Therefore, it’s recommended that you only opt-out if gluapack is not working for you entirely.

⚠️ This is a new feature!

This feature may not have landed on all servers yet. If you follow these instructions and are still getting this message, please ask the server owner to check if gluapack is up to date.

1. Open your Garry’s Mod files

2. Delete your Lua cache

3. Add  +tv_nochat no_gluapack  to your launch options

4. Restart your game

If your game is open, you’ll need to restart it for the changes to take effect.

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