Rnr motion card not found как исправить

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В комплекте с алиэкспресс прислали диск с программой CNC USB Controller MDK2 и mach3.

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В интернете пишут где как: то ли она бесплатная, то ли нужно активировать. Комп windows7x64. Программа установилась, но при запуске она не распознаёт плату. Может быть нужно поиграть каким-то настройками, но их там не особенно и много-то. В комплекте с программой есть какие-то ключи активации, скриншоты на китайском как её активировать, но без мазы. В окошке нет серийного номера и сама строчка неактивна:

index.png (4.81 КБ) 1819 просмотров

Накатил mach3 с его чудовищным интерфейсом. Плату он тоже не распознаёт.
Поиском в гугле нашёл сайт Drufelcnc.com и на нём скачал программу, которая наконец увидела плату и начала ворочать движками. 64 версия не возвращает в нули, не отслеживает положение в процессе выполнения программы, а 32 версия вроде бы работает.
Потом я нашёл какую-то антирекламу про эту плату, в том числе и где-то на этом форуме, что это подделка, нужно покупать не такую, а другую. Получается, я купил левую плату, поддельную. Но ведь с drufel она работает? Значит не совсем она пропащая?
Почему её не видит мач3 и cnc usb?
Есть ли какие-то ещё программы, с которыми работает эта плата или как заставить мач3 с ней работать? Видите, я уже согласен на мач3, хоть у него и ужасный интерфейс.

Topic: RnR Mtion Card Not Found  (Read 11084 times)

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I have been using a Chinese 60/40 cnc with Mach3 for a year without issue until today. On completion of a job, the software bombed and on restarting gave me the following status message after clicking the RESET button, ‘RnR Motion Card Not Found’. Any ideas on what might have happened?


it sounds like Mach can’t establish communication with the motion card.

The fact that Mach is looking for it confirms that the RnR card is correctly set as the nominated motion controller.
Further I think if Mach can’t find the .dll file which is the plugin for the card it comes up with a different error,
which tends to suggest that the .dll file is found.

One possibility is that the USB connection or its driver is faulty. I believe the USB and drivers are supplied by Windows
not Mach or the RnR plugin. Another possibility is that the RnR plugin is corrupt. Remember that Mach actually
communicates with the plugin and then the plugin communicates to the Windows USB driver.

Do you have a backup copy of the plugin (.dll ) file? If so try substituting it for the potentially corrupt version in
the Mach3/Plugins folder.



‘I enjoy sex at 73…..I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.’

Hi Craig,

Thank you so much for your swift response. I have reinstalled the .dll plugin with no luck. I have also checked the cable and I assume the USB driver is fine as I can still attach drives, keyboards etc.

Could it be a problem with my CNC controller board? I was experiencing some static on my final job and wonder whether the contoller board may have been damaged.

Thanks for taking time to help!




Could it be a problem with my CNC controller board? I was experiencing some static on my final job and wonder whether the contoller board may have been damaged.

Yes, it is possible, even likely. Those boards are cheap and low quality. Very little is known about them.



‘I enjoy sex at 73…..I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.’

You are right Craig, very little indeed.
I’m thinking that I should try using the Gecko system, turning a mishap into a chance to improve my situation. Any suggestions on alternative directions?


a Gecko G540 is a parallel port input device whereas your existing board is a USB input external motion controller,
different animal. Unless your PC is Windows 7 32 bit or earlier then a parallel port is not an option.

If you want an external motion controller to replace what you have then I would recommend US or European made.
Just about all of them are Ethernet connected these days as they are very much preferred over USB in CNC use.
The Ethernet SmoothStepper by Warp9 or a UC300 by CNCDrive are worthy boards.

There are plenty of Chinese boards, many of them USB connected, but they don’t work at all well, if they work at all
and you will get no help from them if you encounter trouble. Don’t go there.



‘I enjoy sex at 73…..I live at 71 so its not too far to walk.’

Thank you Craig, I’ll take a look.


Can you pull the cover off your electronics box (make sure to have mains power of the electronics box unplugged but plug USB cable to another USB port of your computer.
USB ports on computers have individual fuses. But another USB port of the computer may still work.

If no LED of the board is lid, you need to buy another motion card.


«the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord»

Thanks for the advise. No issues with the USB inputs. I have ordered a replacement board which should arrive in a week. Fingers crossed.


A huge thank you to both of you for your wonderful help. I have just swapped out the motion card and the system is up and running. I seriously appreciate you taking time out of your day to help others.
All the best,


Langmuir Systems Forum


Ok, I will check the YL600 documentation Monday 4/3 and provide the answer here.

Additional Information:

Additional Information:
I also received one of these and the button labels do not even match your programming instructions as stated on your web set. Please provide updated instruction to match the model shipped with the correct button names to press in The programming process.

Additional Information:
7/15/17 — I have exact problem. I do not see the solution posted???

Additional Information:
Mine is a 2.2Kw YL-620 connected to a 1.5Kw spindle.

Code Address Function Set Range &Function Explanation Factory Setting User Set Vendor Suggested As shipped Code Address Decimal

P00.00 0 Main Frequency 0-120HZ(400HZ) 50.0HZ  400 60 399.6 P00.0 0

P00.01 1 Start / stop command source 0: Operator board 0 0  0 P00.1 1

1:From external end control Electric machinery,operation panel STOP key effective

2:From external end son control Electric machinery,operation panel STOP key invalid

3:from (Modbus Rs485) control Electric machinery

4:By user application program control Electric machinery

P00.02 2 Reserved   0   0 P00.2 2

P00.03 3 Stopping Mode 0:Decelerating stop 0 0  1 P00.3 3

1:Coasting stop 10

2:DC brake stop 0.2

P00.04 4 VF:Highest output frequency 1.0-120.0HZ(400HZ) 50.0HZ 400 60 400 P00.4 4

P00.05 5 VF:Maximum Voltage Output Frequency 5.0-120.0HZ(400HZ) 50.0HZ 400 60 400 P00.5 5

P00.06 6 VF:Highest output Voltage 10.0%-150.0% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100 P00.6 6

P00.07 7 VF:Middle Frequency 1.0-120.0HZ(400HZ) 3.0Hz 3.5Hz 3.0Hz 3.5 P00.7 7

P00.08 8 VF:Middle Voltage 10.0%-100.0% 10% 20% 10% 10 P00.8 8

P00.09 9 VF:Min Frequency 0-120.0HZ(400HZ) 0.2HZ 0.2Hz 0.2Hz 0.2 P00.9 9

P00.10 10 VF:Min Voltage 0%-100.0% 5% 10.00% 5.00% 5 P00.10 10

P00.11 11 Analog Input quantity 1 Regulation Multistage velocity 0%-100% 100 100 100 100 P00.11 11

P00.12 12 VF :Curve Setting 0-4 0 0 P00.12 12

P00.13 13 Parameter Lock 0: lnvalid 0 0 P00.13 13

1: Valid

10: Restore the factory setting No other function

P00.14 14 Reserved 0 0 P00.14 14

P00.15 15 Power on Time prohibit External end son Start-up 0:Power on time,allow External end input effective level,start-up Electric machinery 0 0 P00.15 15

1:Power on time,Not allow

P00.16 16 0: FWD(X5)yes,Positive run the 0 P00.16 16

1: REV(X6) Determine direction : Open Yes


3: Stop ,FWD(X5) turn off Instantaneous

4: FWD(X5) turn off Instantaneous

5: FWD(X5) turn off Instantaneous

6: Stop ,FWD(X5) turn off Instantaneous

7: REV(X6)When open,FWD(X5)Start-up

P00.17 17 Many function input X1 function Choice ####################################### ####################################### 1 1 P00.17 17

P00.18 18 Many function input X2 function Choice 1.0HZ 1 P00.18 18

P00.19 19 Many function input X3 function Choice 1 P00.19 19

P00.20 20 Many function input X4 function Choice 1 P00.20 20

P00.21 21 External Terminal rise/Slow down increment 0-120HZ(400HZ) 1.0HZ 1 P00.21 21

P00.22 22 External Terminal rise/Slow down time interval 0.2 0.2 P00.22 22

P00.23 23 Physics amount display Proportion constant 0-999.9% 100.00% 100 P00.23 23

P00.24 24 After power supply, display project choice 0: Display current target frequency 0 0 P00.24 24

1:Display Electric machinery run frequency.

2:Display Electric machinery run current.

3:Display input AC voltage

4:Display mother Line voltage

5:Display output voltage

6:Display speed paragraph Number SP x

7:Display inverter temperature t xx

8:Display input signal X1-X3/output signal

9:Display user variable

10:Display user Count value

11:Display temporary debugging variable

12:Display automatic multi segment run step and time

P00.25 25 Display project automatic Return delayed time (10/S) 0:No,Automatic return;1-6delayed 10-60S Back Return 1 1 P00.25 25

P01.00 256 REV Rotation Select 0: Rev Run Enable 0 0 P01.0 256

1: Rev Run Forbidden 0

P01.01 257 Electric machinery Reversing wait for time 0 P01.1 257

P01.02 258 Deceleration Prevention overvoltage setting(%) 130 130 P01.2 258

P01.03 259 Accelerated Prevention overcurrent setting(%) 130 130 P01.3 259

P01.04 260 Overcurrent Set up (%) 200 200 P01.4 260

P01.05 261 Overload protection Set up (%) 130 130 P01.5 261

P01.06 262 Overload protection time Set up (s) 120 120 P01.6 262

P01.07 263 Undervoltage protection Set up (%) 80 80 P01.7 263

P01.08 264 Overvoltage protection Set up (%) 150 150 P01.8 264

P01.09 265 After shutdown, start DC Brake voltage Setup (%) 15 15 P01.9 265

P01.10 266 After shutdown, End DC Brake voltage Setup (%) 0 0 P01.10 266

P01.11 267 After shutdown, DC Braking Time Set up 2 2 P01.11 267

P01.12 268 After shutdown, DC Braking Initial Frequency Set up 0.6 0.6 P01.12 268

P01.13 269 Before start , input DC brake voltage set up (%) 20 20 P01.13 269

P01.14 270 Before start , End DC Brake voltage Set up (%) 15 15 P01.14 270

P01.15 271 Before start , DC Braking Time Set up 3 3 P01.15 271

P01.16 272 Direct start Initial frequency (Improve starting torque ) 100 100 P01.16 272

P01.17 273 Direct start Initial frequency Hold time 0 0 P01.17 273

P01.18 274 power failure frequency decline 80 80 P01.18 274

P01.19 275 The power down frequency decline rate 5 5 P01.19 275

P01.20 276 Restart No load time 10 10 P01.20 276

P01.21 277 Restart voltage rise time 200 200 P01.21 277

P02.00 512 When speed up torque will increased   100  100 100 60 P02.0 512

P02.01 513 Deceleration time — Torque Boost   100  100 100 60 P02.1 513

P02.02 514 Accelerate curve Choice 0  0 P02.2 514

P02.03 515 Deceleration curve Choice 0  0 P02.3 515

P02.04 516 Avoid the f requency 1 20 400 P02.4 516

P02.05 517 Avoid the f requency 2 30 30 P02.5 517

P02.06 518 Avoid the f requency 3   40 40 P02.6 518

P02.07 519 Avoid the f requency Width   0 0 P02.7 519

P02.08 520 Window frequency 1 45 45 P02.8 520

P02.09 521 Window frequency 2 50 50 P02.9 521

P02.10 522 ? 400 P02.10 522

P03.00 768 RS485 Communication Baud Rate 0: 1200Bps 5 4 P03.0 768

1: 2400Bps

2: 4800Bps

3: 9600Bps

4: 19200Bps

5: 38400Bps

6: 57600Bps

P03.01 769 RS485 Communication Addresses 1-254 10 10 P03.1 769

P03.02 770 0: 8 bit data, 1 stop bits, odd parity 2 2 P03.2 770

1: 8 bit data, 1 stop bits, parity check

2: 8 bit data, 1 stop bit, no parity

3: 8 bit data, 2 stop bits, odd parity

4: 8 bit data, 2 stop bits, parity check

5: 8 bit data, 2 stop bit, no parity

P03.03 771 Communication error handling 0 P03.3 771

P03.04 772 Communication error tolerance time 20 P03.4 772

P03.05 773 4-20mA Break detection time 0 P03.5 773

P03.06 774 Panel potentiometer,Lower limit of AD norm 3 P03.6 774

P03.07 775 Panel potentiometer,Upper limit of AD specification 1020 1015 1015 P03.7 775

P03.08 776 Panel potentiometer, frequency given of lower limit 0.0HZ 0 0 P03.8 776

P03.09 777 Panel potentiometer, frequency given of Upper limit 0-120HZ(400HZ) 60.0HZ 400  60Hz 400 P03.9 777

P03.10 778 Analog lnput 1 AD lower limit 0-1023 3.0Hz  60Hz 3 P03.10 778

P03.11 779 Analog lnput 1 AD Upper limit 0-1023 1020 1010 1010 P03.11 779

P03.12 780 Analog lnput 1 frequency given lower limit 0.0HZ 0 P03.12 780

P03.13 781 Analog lnput 1 frequency given Upper limit 60.0HZ 400 400 P03.13 781

P03.14 782 Analog lnput 2 AD lower limit 3.0Hz 3 P03.14 782

P03.15 783 Analog lnput 2 AD Upper limit 1020 1010 1010 P03.15 783

P03.16 784 Analog lnput 2 frequency given lower limit 0.0HZ 0 P03.16 784

P03.17 785 Analog lnput 2 frequency given Upper limit 60.0HZ 60 P03.17 785

P03.18 786 Analog output correlation 0 0 P03.18 786

P03.19 787 Analog output gain setting 100 100 P03.19 787

P04.00 1024 Mo analog multiplier output frequency multiplier 10 10 P04.0 1024

P04.01 1025 Mo1 Function Options 0 0 P04.1 1025

P04.02 1026 Mo2 Function Options 1 1 P04.2 1026

P04.03 1027 Multi-function Relay 1 Function selection 0:fault Yes Electric , otherwise power failure 0 2 2 2 P04.3 1027

P04.04 1028 Multi-function Relay 2 Function selection 1:Running Yes Electric ,otherwise power failure 3 3.0Hz 3 P04.4 1028

2: Reserved

3: Arbitrary frequency arrival Time, have Electric,Related to P02-10 settings

4: , The power down Time,have Electric

5:, low voltage Time, have Electric

6:, Overvoltage Time, have Electric

7: Overcurrent Time, have Electric

8: Nonzero velocity Time,have Electric

9:, DC brake Time, have Electric

10: Over torque Time, have Electric

11: External interrupt fault Time, have

12: Forward Time, have Electric

13: Reversal Time, have Electric

14: Move Time, have Electric

15: Accelerate Time, have Electric

16: Deceleration Time, have Electric

17: Constant speed Time, have Electric

18:X1 close Time, have Electric

19:X2 close Time, have Electric

20:X3 close Time, have Electric

21:X4 close Time, have Electric

22:X5 close Time, have Electric

23:X6 close Time, have Electric

24: Forward and bus voltage greater than 400V Time, have Electric

25: Reverse and bus voltage greater than 400V Time, have Electric

P04.05 1029 Multi-function Relay 1 Action close Delayed 0-65.5 S 0 0 P04.5 1029

P04.06 1030 Multi-function Relay 1 disconnect delay action 0-65.5 S 0 0 P04.6 1030

P04.07 1031 Multi-function Relay 1 Action close Delayed 0-65.5 S 0 0 P04.7 1031

P04.08 1032 Multi-function Relay 1 disconnect delay action 0-65.5 S 0 0 P04.8 1032

P04.09 1033 Stall rotor detection time 0-65.5 S 1 1 P04.9 1033

P04.10 1034 Switch amount (Di) sampling time 0-1000mS 8 24 24 P04.10 1034

P04.11 1035 Stopping Mode 0:Decelerating stop 0 0 P04.11 1035

1:Coasting stop

P05.00 1280 PID Output Upper limit frequency 50 50 P05.0 1280

P05.01 1281 PID Output lower limit frequency 25 25 P05.1 1281

P05.02 1282 PID Given Source 0 0 P05.2 1282

P05.03 1283 PID Values Given 0.2 0.2 P05.3 1283

P05.04 1284 PID Output characteristic(FOR /REV) 0 0 P05.4 1284

P05.05 1285 PID Output characteristic (FOR/REV) 0 0 P05.5 1285

P05.06 1286 PID Proportional Gain 0-100.0 50 50 P05.6 1286

P05.07 1287 PID Integration Time Ti 0-100.0 0-100.0 50 50 P05.7 1287

P05.08 1288 PID Derivative Time Td 0-100.0 0-100.0 50 50 P05.8 1288

P05.09 1289 PID Deviation Limit 0-50.0 5 5 P05.9 1289

P05.10 1290 PID Integral upper limit 50 50 P05.10 1290

P05.11 1291 PID Given Change Time 0-600.0 1 1 P05.11 1291

P05.12 1292 PID Feedback Filter Time 0 0 P05.12 1292

P06.00 1536 Acceleration Time 0  0 P06.0 1536

P06.01 1537 Accel.Time 1 0.1-6553.5 5.0 9  5.0 5 P06.1 1537

P06.02 1538 Decel. Time 1 0.1-6553.5 5.0 8.6  5.0 5 P06.2 1538

P06.03 1539 Accel.Time 2 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.3 1539

P06.04 1540 Decel. Time 2 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.4 1540

P06.05 1541 Accel.Time 3 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.5 1541

P06.06 1542 Decel. Time 3 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.6 1542

P06.07 1543 Accel.Time 4 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.7 1543

P06.08 1544 Decel. Time 4 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.8 1544

P06.09 1545 Accel.Time 5 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.9 1545

P06.10 1546 Decel. Time 5 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.10 1546

P06.11 1547 Accel.Time 6 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.11 1547

P06.12 1548 Decel. Time 6 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.12 1548

P06.13 1549 Accel.Time 7 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.13 1549

P06.14 1550 Decel. Time 7 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.14 1550

P06.15 1551 Accel.Time 8 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.15 1551

P06.16 1552 Decel. Time 8 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.16 1552

P06.17 1553 Jog Acceleration Time 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.17 1553

P06.18 1554 Jog Deceleration Time 0.1-6553.5 0.1-6553.5 2 2 P06.18 1554

P07.00 1792 Frequency 1 0-120HZ(400HZ) 50HZ 50 50 P07.0 1792

P07.01 1793 Frequency 2 50HZ 45 45 P07.1 1793

P07.02 1794 Frequency 3 50HZ 40 40 P07.2 1794

P07.03 1795 Frequency 4 50HZ 35 35 P07.3 1795

P07.04 1796 Frequency 5 50HZ 30 30 P07.4 1796

P07.05 1797 Frequency 6 50HZ 25 25 P07.5 1797

P07.06 1798 Frequency 7 50HZ 20 20 P07.6 1798

P07.07 1799 Frequency 8 50HZ 15 15 P07.7 1799

P07.08 1800 Frequency source selection 1 0: Operator board (parameter: P03.06~P03.09) 0 0 P07.8 1800

P07.09 1801 Frequency source selection 2 1: Pre-set Freq, P00.00 Set frequency value,Operation panel keyboard,Can be set directly 2 2 P07.9 1801

P07.10 1802 Frequency source selection 3 2:No. X paragraph frequency P07.00~P07.07 2 2 P07.10 1802

P07.11 1803 Frequency source selection 4 3: Analog Input. :P03.10~P03.13) 2 2 P07.11 1803

P07.12 1804 Frequency source selection 5 4: external simulation amount 2 (VI2) 2 2 P07.12 1804

P07.13 1805 Frequency source selection 6 5: (Modbus Rs485)Given frequency 2 2 P07.13 1805

P07.14 1806 Frequency source selection 7 6: User application program, given frequency 2 2 P07.14 1806

P07.15 1807 Frequency source selection 8 7:( Pid)Output frequency 2 2 P07.15 1807

Other: Reserved

Note:three control methods (P07.08) 1808 1.The motor speed is controlled by the operating panel P07.16 1808

2.Motor speed control by external terminals (Potentiometer 10K). P00.01 set to 1, P07.08 set to 3

3.Motor speed control by external terminals. P00.01 set to 1,P07.08 set to 1.

P07.16 1809 Jogging Frequency FORWARD 0-120HZ(400HZ) 15.0HZ 15 P07.17 1809

P07.17 2048 Jogging Frequency REV 0-120HZ(400HZ) 15.0HZ 13.0Hz 13 P08.0 2048

P08.00 2049 Automatic many paragraph Running: Running direction Binary data format to set the direction of operation, see (the automatic multi segment operation, the operation of the direction set table) 0  0 P08.1 2049

P08.01 2050 Automatic many paragraph Running: mode Choice 0:Automatic multi segment operation is invalid; 0 0 P08.2 2050

1:After execution complete,Stop;

2:After execution complete,Keep the last running state,Continued running;

3:After execution complete, Repeated execution.

P08.02 2051 Automatic many paragraph Running time Units:S/M 0:S;1:M 0 0 P08.3 2051

P08.03 2052 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.1 paragraph Running time Automatic multi-section run time,Set up Section speed run time。Time units are determined by P08.02 Decision。Set run is 0,Indicates that this section is not executed. 10 1 1 P08.4 2052

P08.04 2053 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.2 paragraph Running time 10 1.5 1.5 P08.5 2053

P08.05 2054 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.3 paragraph Running time 10 1 1 P08.6 2054

P08.06 2055 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.4 paragraph Running time 10 1.5 1.5 P08.7 2055

P08.07 2056 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.5 paragraph Running time 10 1 1 P08.8 2056

P08.08 2057 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.6 paragraph Running time 10 1.5 1.5 P08.9 2057

P08.09 2058 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.7 paragraph Running time 10 1 1 P08.10 2058

P08.10 2304 Automatic many paragraph Running: No.8 paragraph Running time 10 1.5 1.5 P09.0 2304

P09.00 2305 frequency Range(%) 0-200% 0 0 P09.1 2305

P09.01 2306 frequency wave Range(%) 0-400% 200 30 30 P09.2 2306

P09.02 2307 frequency Rise time(S) 0.1-999.9 S 6.0 S 6 P09.3 2307

P09.03 2560 frequency decline time(S) 0.1-999.9 S 5.0 S 5 P10.0 2560

P10.00 2561 Counter reload,value 1000 1000 P10.1 2561

P10.01 2562 Counter current value 0 0 P10.2 2562

P10.02 2563 Timer reload,value 1000 1000 P10.3 2563

P10.03 2816 Timer current value 0 0 P11.0 2816

P11.00 2817 Output Status 1 1 P11.1 2817

P11.01 2818 Output Voltage (V) 0 0 P11.2 2818

P11.02 2819 Output Current (A) 5 5 P11.3 2819

P11.03 2820 Output Frequency (Hz) 50 50 P11.4 2820

P11.04 3072 Current Heatsink Temperature 25 25 P12.0 3072

P12.00 3073 Rated Motor Current 5 5 P12.1 3073

P12.01 3074 Rated Motor Voltage 220 220 P12.2 3074

P12.02 3075 Motor Pole number 2-100 2 2 P12.3 3075

P12.03 3076 Motor no-load current 10 10 P12.4 3076

P12.04 3077 Motor no-load current detection time(S) 10 10 P12.5 3077

P12.05 3078 Converter rated current(A) 5 5 P12.6 3078

P12.06 3079 Converter rated Voltage(V) 220 220 P12.7 3079

P12.07 3080 DC bus output voltage% 140 130 P12.8 3080

P12.08 3081 Heat sink over temperature protection point 70 75 P12.9 3081

P12.09 3082 Radiating fin temperature sensor configuration 1 1 P12.10 3082

P12.10 3083 Abnormal reset implement wait time 120 120 P12.11 3083

P12.11 3084 Fan Function Pattern 0:Motor running tine, start fan; 1 1 P12.12 3084

1:When the fan operating temperature (P12.12) is exceeded,Instant start fan; When the temperature is lower than the fan temperature point,Delay about 1 minutes to close the fan;

2:Unconditional forced start fan;

3:Fan Inoperation;

P12.12 3085 Cooling fan operating temperature 55 45 50 P12.13 3085

P12.13 3086 Fan Testing 0 0 P12.14 3086

P12.14 3087 Bypass relay closed detection 0 0 P12.15 3087

P12.15 3088 Bypass Relay delay time 1.5 1 P12.16 3088

P12.16 3089 Power on delay timer initial value(S) 50 50 P12.17 3089

P12.17 3090 Electric current sensor To configure 1 1 P12.18 3090

P12.18 3091 Automatic stable pressure function Choice 1 1 P12.19 3091

P12.19 3092 PWM Frequency 2.0-15.0KHZ (110V13.0KHZ 220V11.0KHZ 380V6.0KHZ) 8.0KHZ 13.0KHz 13 P12.20 3092

P12.20 3328 SVPWM Pattern 0:Three-phase asynchronous motor, 0 0 P13.0 3328

1:Two-phase asynchronous motor (Single-phase motor, 90 degree phase difference,Starting capacitor)

P13.00 3329 103 P13.1 3329

P13.01 3330 600 P13.2 3330

P13.02 3331 1 P13.3 3331

P13.03 3332 16.24 P13.4 3332

P13.04 3333 1 P13.5 3333

P13.05 3584 0 P14.0 3584

P14.00 3585 35 P14.1 3585

P14.01 3586 0.2 P14.2 3586

P14.02 3587 1 P14.3 3587

P14.03 3588 0 P14.4 3588

P14.04 3589 0 P14.5 3589

P14.05 3590 100 P14.6 3590

P14.06 3591 1900 P14.7 3591

P14.07 3592 2000 P14.8 3592

P14.08 3593 59999 P14.9 3593

P14.09 3594 5 P14.10 3594

P14.10 3595 20 P14.11 3595

P14.11 3596 0 P14.12 3596

P14.12 3597 0 P14.13 3597

P14.13 3598 0 P14.14 3598

P14.14 3599 0 P14.15 3599

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Sorry, that is a paste from a spread sheet, you may have to do some formatting or paste it into a spread sheet to see it better…

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I will definitely do that. Thank you so much for providing the information!!

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I also have this problem with a yl620. Is there a solution?

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Is there a wiring diagram for the 110v units. My came with a 220 volt booklet.

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my unit also came with instructions for a 220 unit. I need a 110 wiring diagram.

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These instructions are lame at best, a friend of mine ordered one of these to install on a knife grinder that I built for him, and I proceeded to setup the unit, upon connecting it to the motor, it runs the motor, but hunt’s at the lower speeds, and the setting I am looking for just isn’t in the list, there’s some settings in the 14’s that don’t say what there for, can anyone help?

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RnR Motion Card not found!

Hi, i have a micro cnc that i built at school last year but now the RNR motion card doesn’t get seen. I have a Alienware M17 with windows 11.

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