Sample offline ableton как исправить


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samples offline- any solutions?

Say you had an acapella and put it in the arrangement view.
You chopped it all up, taking various pieces and slices with ‘split clip- command e»

When you reopen the set the little samples are missing or offline. Possibly a collect all and save failure, but not sure

Is it possible to load the original sample and have the set know what to reference?
Could you open a new set with the full sample and then copy the pieces into it?
Is there a solution using the add folder in the browser?

Thanks, Ara


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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by Angstrom » Tue Jan 17, 2017 12:35 am

if you split the clip with command e , then each clip is just references to the original wave file. If did not do any destructive edit to those clips like consolidate or «crop clips» then the original wave file is wherever you last put it.

File -> Manage Files -> Manage Set -> View files
it will show the missing file
now hover over the word «external» and it will tell you where it thinks that file should be

if you deleted that file you need to get it again, and put it somewhere safe, then hit the hotswap button on the missing file


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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by PG_1111 » Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:25 pm

Where is the hot swap button?


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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by Josh_Cunningham » Mon May 25, 2020 6:07 pm

I had this problem when I archived a project into a zip file and then restored it. When I opened the set, all the samples showed offline. What I did to fix it is go to File>Manage Files>Manage Set>View Files. This will show all your missing files.

Next, open the file window on your computer where you keep your project saved. Drag the project folder into Ableton under the Ableton Browser on the left side of the screen under the «Places» section.

Your missing files should still be listed on the right side of the screen. Click the magnifying glass icon next to a missing file and it should now be able to find it in your Ableton Browser. Click the files in the browser and it will prompt you to automatically search for all the missing files. This should load all your offline samples. For me, there were a few that weren’t caught in the autosearch, but I was able to go one-by-one and find them.

Eric DeHaeseleer

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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by Eric DeHaeseleer » Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:57 am

Josh_Cunningham wrote: ↑

Mon May 25, 2020 6:07 pm

I had this problem when I archived a project into a zip file and then restored it. When I opened the set, all the samples showed offline. What I did to fix it is go to File>Manage Files>Manage Set>View Files. This will show all your missing files.

Next, open the file window on your computer where you keep your project saved. Drag the project folder into Ableton under the Ableton Browser on the left side of the screen under the «Places» section.

Your missing files should still be listed on the right side of the screen. Click the magnifying glass icon next to a missing file and it should now be able to find it in your Ableton Browser. Click the files in the browser and it will prompt you to automatically search for all the missing files. This should load all your offline samples. For me, there were a few that weren’t caught in the autosearch, but I was able to go one-by-one and find them.

Dude you freaking saved me. I thought my two projects that I had spent a MONTH on were gone. Thank you so much for sharing this fix

auddio duck

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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by auddio duck » Sun Sep 20, 2020 12:57 pm

Next, open the file window on your computer where you keep your project saved. Drag the project folder into Ableton under the Ableton Browser on the left side of the screen under the «Places» section

Can you elaborate on this please? I use a Mac. Im not sure which file window your referring to. Also im having trouble locating the places section your referring to. Thank you. Please help.


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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by ozeebaby » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:31 am

Eric DeHaeseleer wrote: ↑

Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:57 am

Josh_Cunningham wrote: ↑

Mon May 25, 2020 6:07 pm

I had this problem when I archived a project into a zip file and then restored it. When I opened the set, all the samples showed offline. What I did to fix it is go to File>Manage Files>Manage Set>View Files. This will show all your missing files.

Next, open the file window on your computer where you keep your project saved. Drag the project folder into Ableton under the Ableton Browser on the left side of the screen under the «Places» section.

Your missing files should still be listed on the right side of the screen. Click the magnifying glass icon next to a missing file and it should now be able to find it in your Ableton Browser. Click the files in the browser and it will prompt you to automatically search for all the missing files. This should load all your offline samples. For me, there were a few that weren’t caught in the autosearch, but I was able to go one-by-one and find them.

Dude you freaking saved me. I thought my two projects that I had spent a MONTH on were gone. Thank you so much for sharing this fix

This is perfect — thanks guys. I installed a plugin to add distortion onto my guitar and when I saved it, the crash occured and I lost everything. I did exactly what you said and all the «sample offline» files just came back…so happy. I have made multiple back ups now. On another note, is this normal? For plugins to cause crashes?!


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Re: samples offline- any solutions?


by Leemoss » Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:16 pm

Josh_Cunningham wrote: ↑

Mon May 25, 2020 6:07 pm

I had this problem when I archived a project into a zip file and then restored it. When I opened the set, all the samples showed offline. What I did to fix it is go to File>Manage Files>Manage Set>View Files. This will show all your missing files.

Next, open the file window on your computer where you keep your project saved. Drag the project folder into Ableton under the Ableton Browser on the left side of the screen under the «Places» section.

Your missing files should still be listed on the right side of the screen. Click the magnifying glass icon next to a missing file and it should now be able to find it in your Ableton Browser. Click the files in the browser and it will prompt you to automatically search for all the missing files. This should load all your offline samples. For me, there were a few that weren’t caught in the autosearch, but I was able to go one-by-one and find them.

THANK YOU SO MUCH haha absolute legend. Saved my ass

Данная статья является частью цикла статей «Ableton Live»

Если при загрузке Live сета его Live клипы или пресеты ссылаются на файлы, которые отсутствуют в месте куда происходит ссылка, то в строке состояния Live (находится в нижней части главного экрана) появится предупреждающее сообщение. Клипы и слоты сэмплов у инструментов которые ссылаются на отсутствующие сэмплы, будут отображаться как Offline (выключенные), и вместо отсутствующих сэмплов, Live будет воспроизводить тишину.

Менеджер файлов Live предоставляет инструменты для исправления этих недостающих ссылок. Чтобы получить к ним доступ нажмите по сообщению в строке состояния. (На самом деле это ярлык для выбора команды Manage Files из меню File, нажмите на кнопку Manage Set, а затем кнопку Locate расположенную в разделе Missing Files (отсутствующие файлы)). Менеджер файлов предоставит список отсутствующих файлов и соответствующие элементы для управления.

Ableton Live File Manager List.jpg

Список отсутствующих файлов в менеджере файлов

Ручное восстановление[править]

Чтобы вручную исправить сломанную ссылку на файл, найдите недостающие файлы в браузере, а затем перетащите их в менеджер файлов на соответствующие строки в списке отсутствующих файлов. Обратите внимание, что Live будет всё равно, действительно ли это тот самый отсутствующий файл.

Автоматическое восстановление[править]

Для восстановление ссылок на файлы Live предлагает удобную функцию автоматического поиска. Чтобы Live отправился в поиск, нажмите кнопку Go в разделе Automatic Search (автоматический поиск). Для раскрытия подробных опций автоматического поиска, нажмите на соседнюю кнопку треугольной формы.

Ableton Live Automatic Repair.jpg

Опции автоматического восстановления в менеджере файлов

  • Search Folder (поиск в папке) — включает поиск в определённой пользователем папке, а также во всех вложенных папках. Чтобы выбрать папку, нажмите на соответствующую кнопку Set Folder (установить папку).
  • Search Project (поиск в проекте) — включает поиск в папке проекта этого сета.
  • Search Library (поиск в библиотеке) — включает поиск в библиотеке Live.

Для каждого недостающего файла, функция автоматического поиска может найти любое количество кандидатов. Давайте рассмотрим следующие случаи:

  • Ни один из кандидатов не найден — вы можете выбрать другую папку, и попробовать снова, или найти сэмпл вручную.
  • Найден один кандидат — Live принимает кандидата и считает, что проблема решена.
  • Найдено несколько кандидатов — Live-у требуется ваша помощь: Нажмите кнопку горячей замены (т.е. левый элемент в каждой строке списка отсутствующих файлов), чтобы получить браузер предоставляющий кандидатов в режиме горячей замены. Теперь вы можете дважды щёлкнуть по кандидатам в браузере файлов, чтобы загрузить их, во время проигрывания музыки, если вам так нравится.

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Next page.jpg

One of the great mysteries for anyone involved in music production is when samples seem to inexplicably disappear from a Live set when using Ableton. 

If this happens to you, do not fear. 

In this article, I explain how to activate offline samples in Ableton, so you can rest easy, knowing your samples are safe and sound.

Step 1: Identify The Offline Sample     

Imagine this: you sit down at your computer and eagerly open a Live set in a moment of inspiration. You know that you’re going to finally finish the song that you have been working on for months, and it is going to be a banger! 

The Live set opens, and you discover on an instrument track that an audio sample of that instrument is showing as ‘Sample Offline (1).’ 

What does that even mean, you wonder? 

Essentially, Ableton has lost track of the sound file. 

If you look to the bottom of your DAW, it says that your “Media Files Are Missing (2)”.

Step Identify the offline sample

So how do we retrieve the audio file? 

Step 2: Click On The Text In That Orange Bar     

Ultimately, the audio file should still be in the project folder. 

Left-click on the text (i.e., words) in the orange bar, where it says, ‘Please click here to learn more (1).’ 

Once you click on the text, a window will appear to the right of the screen. 

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Click Here

Here you will find the name of the missing file and the location, which will appear as ‘Missing,’ (2) which isn’t very helpful… 

Step 2 Click on the text in that orange bar

Step 3: Click On The Little Magnifying Glass   

See that tiny little magnifying glass icon next to the file name? 

Go ahead and left-click on it (1).

Step 3 Click on the little magnifying glass

Once you have clicked on the magnifying glass, you will activate the Hot-Swap mode (2), which will appear on the left of your DAW. 

Hot Swap mode

Here you should see the name of the missing file for your missing sound listed. 

Step 4: Double-Click On The File In Hot-Swap Mode  

Precisely as the header says, go ahead and double-left-click on the file name in the Hot Swap mode

The next step is simple: double-left-click on the file name in the Hot Swap mode. 

Double click on the file in Hot Swap mode

Once you have done that, the file will be uploaded to where it was initially before it mysteriously went missing.

That’s it. nice and simple!

What does it mean when a sample is offline on Ableton? 

It means that the original file is missing. Follow the steps provided above to recover the missing file

How do you recover Ableton files? 

Follow the steps here to recover a file in Ableton. However, if the previous actions do not help you recover the missing file, you may need to search for your sample on your hard drive. To do that, identify roughly where your sample folder is that Ableton is mapped to. That will be the folder where you copy your sample packs too. Search for the file name in that folder or its parent folder (if there is one). If that does not work, search more broadly on your computer or USB drive if attached until you find it, or download the sample again and put it somewhere you can find it. Then, in Ableton Live, scroll to the bottom of the packs’ files on the left side of the DAW to where it says ‘Add Folder’ – click on that, find the folder with your sample in it, then click Select Folder. This will migrate your sample into Ableton Live. Then, follow the steps above to recover the file or drag and drop the sample to the offline sample. 

Where are your samples in Ableton?

It is wherever you download your samples to, i.e., the sample library. I find it helps to keep the sample library in the same directory as other Ableton folders, such as VSTs, etc. Make sure that it is clearly labeled as a sample library to make it easier to find. 

Why do media files go missing in Ableton? 

There are several possible reasons. You could have the sample stored on an external hard drive or USB dongle that has been disconnected or on a cloud platform when your internet connection has dropped out. Saving multiple Live sets in a set folder can cause this issue too. 

How do you fix missing media in Ableton? 

Follow the steps above or the points in the second FAQ, i.e., How do you recover Ableton files?

Ever seen the message that media files were missing? 

Honestly, rarely. This is an issue that I have only really encountered when migrating files from a Live set to another computer or location, such as an external hard drive. 

How do you replace missing files? 

By using the Hot-Swap mode, as detailed in the steps above

If you’d like to learn some more, click here for a guide on how to trigger samples in Ableton.

With Ableton, there are 2 ways you will generally deal with samples. Either through the versatile MIDI format, or the audio format. You can find out various ways to Sample and Resample in Ableton in the linked article. Offline samples can make or break your projects and live performances, and depending on the stakes, you could lose your job, so tread carefully!

What are Offline Samples in Ableton?

Having offline samples generally means that Ableton cannot find your live session’s audio files. This can happen for a myriad of reasons, but do not worry there are several ways we shall go through in this tutorial to retrieve your samples, as well as steps you can take to mitigate this from happening in the future.

When you see that your samples are offline, this will always refer to your audio sample, as MIDI samples are for some reason always automatically saved by Ableton, or rather easily retrievable by Ableton. Your audio samples are usually more bulk and require a root path by Ableton’s algorithm to identify their location on your computer. 

offline samples ableton

When you have samples offline, you will see that Ableton will indicate this on the audio track of the missing sample, as well as the info bar at the bottom of the arrangement view, right below the audio effects rack.

There are 3 main ways you shall be using to retrieve your offline samples, as well as 3 ways you can avoid having your samples go missing, I. E. being offline.

Ways to Retrieve Offline Samples in Ableton

You can retrieve your samples by either:

  1. Dragging and dropping your samples – this will require you to know where your samples are located
  2. Automatic Search – Ableton can locate your samples on your device and making this problem-solving so easy, you will need to only click one button to solve this issue
  3. Select and Search Folder – this option, just as the first will require you know where your samples are located for Ableton to know where to locate your samples, and retrieve them for you.
  4. Hot-Swap Mode – this function helps you resolve you offline samples one at a time, given you have not renamed your samples.

Drag & Drop

This is a more cumbersome but straightforward way to resolve your offline sample issue. This is how you go about resolving offline samples using this method.

Step 1:

Hover you mouse cursor above the header of the missing sample. This will bring information about the sample. This information will be about the start and end of the sample (length), the sample’s audio format (Wav., AIF, mp3 etc.) and most importantly, the location of the sample or where Ableton had the sample last from.

drag and drop method offline samples ableton

Step 2:

Now go to where the sample is located, and drag and drop it into Ableton

dropping sample in Ableton


Remember to consider the different warp algorithms when importing audio into Ableton, as well as the length of the sample. For the different audio warp algorithms check out my break down of these algorithms, as well as their case uses in the article Ableton Sample Editor Tutorial.

Automatic Search

This is the easiest and fastest way to resolve your offline samples issue. With this technique, Ableton will search your computer for the missing samples. This is how you go about it.

Step 1:

The information bar bellow your effects rack will notify you that there are missing samples. When you click on this info bar, it will open the Missing Media Files browser.

automatic search ableton

This browser will highlight the number of missing files, as well as options to help you resolve this issue

Step 2:

Select the Automatic Search option, and select Go. This will prompt Ableton to search your computer and resolve the offline samples issue.

automatic search ableton 2

Select and Search Folder

When you select the Automatic Search option, it may not be able to find your offline samples. This may be because, your samples are stored on an external device (hard drive etc.) this is how you go about it.

Step 1:

In the first technique, I detail that, if you hover above the title of the missing sample, you will find where the sample is located.

select and search ableton

Step 2:

Go to the missing media files browser by clicking on the info bar, then select, Select Folder.

media files browser ableton

This will open a browser where you can choose the folder there the offline samples are.

Step 3:

Choose the folder, and click open.

open folder ableton

Step 4:

Now press go in the missing media files browser, and this should resolve your issue.

Hot-Swap Mode

This is the most rigid way to resolve your offline samples issue. This is how you go about this technique.

Step 1:

Go to your Missing Media Files browser, and select on the magnifying glass icon next to your offline sample.

hot swap ableton

Ableton will search your computer for samples similarly named, and provide you with the option to swap the missing sample with the one on your device.

swap sample ableton

Step 2:

When you select the sample, Ableton will ask you if you want Ableton to search the folder where the swap sample is to resolve the rest of your offline samples. Depending on the case of sample location, you can choose yes or no.

searching folder for offline samples ableton

The loss of samples during a production or right before a live set could make your heart sink. In a high pressure environment such as a live show, not being able to perform, or produce a live set for an artist could cost you your job. During production when working with instrumentalists and artists, loosing samples could cost you money rebooking the performers or even make your performers lose confidence in you. It is therefore imperative that you ensure that your samples are always in you session folder at all times, and I shall show you how to mitigate offline samples.

Preventing Samples from going Offline in Ableton

There are also 3 ways you can go about to prevent finding your sample going offline and making your life easier in future for your productions and live performance. These are;

  1. Save and Back up – develop and “heathy” obsession with saving your project every 5 minutes or so during recording
  2. Collect all and Save – this is step you should take to make sure your project files are well managed and kept together in one place especially when working with multiple devices
  3. Optimize Mac Storage – this is a MacBook specific issue, but will go a long way to save you so many issues with your live performance, or when file sharing between devises.

Save and Back-up

Develop a habit of saving your session every couple of minutes by pressing Cmd + S on Mac, or Ctrl + S on windows. Also, have a trusty hard drive handy to back up your sessions on after you are done so that, in case your laptop crashes or is lost, you will still have your projects. Take this a step further and back up your projects on a cloud storage. You will find a myriad of online cloud storages on the internet.

Collect all and Save

This is how Ableton collect all your samples into your session folder. Some DAWs will ask you if you want to save your audio samples in the session folder on import. This is how you can go about collecting all your samples into your session folder.

Step 1:

When you create and save a project, Ableton does not save your samples unless the samples are recorded or processed in Ableton, saved in the samples folder in your session folder.

collect all and save ableton

Step 2:

Select the File option at the top of your screen on Windows or Mac, and select, collect all and save.

collect all and save 2

This collects all your samples and store them in the sample folder, ensuring your samples will always be in your project folder and not likely to ever go offline.

collect all and store in sample folder ableton

Optimize Mac Storage

This solution is exclusive to MacBook users. Apple has made the automatic back-up feature for their devices in order to save on space. Mac will use your iCloud to back up files that have not been used or opened for a certain period of time  to keep your storage space high. Unfortunately, this will also back up your samples. If you transfer your session files without first downloading these files back onto your computer, you risk having your samples offline when you move your files to another computer. This is how you can turn off, or manage this feature.

Step 1:

Open your system preferences and select iCloud.


Step 2:

Then select iCloud options.

iCloud options

Step 3:

Choose which folders and files you want to back up or even, outright switch this feature off if it provides you no utility

optimize mac storage


In any profession, it is good practice to keep all your files and folders organized for easy access and to prevent damaging losses. Ableton is a tool of trade among musician, producers, editors and performers and has various ways to manage and save your files, as well as recover your missing or misplaced files. I have provided in this tutorial, techniques you can use to retrieve missing offline samples as well as techniques you can use to prevent loosing you samples in future. Have fun!

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Sample Offline..

Just logged back onto a session that I was working as normal yesterday, however when I have gone back on today, most of my samples are offline. I haven’t done anything different to my knowledge. Its the same on a number of projects that I am working on. Anybody got any thoughts?

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