Sims как найти книгу

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 13.8к. Опубликовано 19 июня, 2022

Последний пакет расширения, выпущенный для The Sims 4, позволяет симу игрока стать оборотнем. ожидаемая волчья стая включает в себя возможность заразиться ликантропией и завести целую семью оборотней. Одним из новых предметов, добавленных в этот пакет, являются книги об оборотнях. В ликантропной литературе симы узнают о знаниях об оборотнях и увеличивают свои очки знаний об оборотнях. Узнайте больше о том, как найти книги об оборотнях в Sims 4 ниже!

Чтение книг об оборотнях в The Sims 4

Симам всегда нравилось читать, и они делают это, чтобы скоротать время или получить новые навыки и знания. Книги об оборотнях ничем не отличаются. Игроки могут попросить своих симов прочитать о ликантропии, чтобы повысить уровень своей эволюции.

Книги можно найти в Moonwood Mill — новом мире, добавленном в The Sims 4 с дополнением оборотня. В тихом лесном Township есть 2 жилых участка, библиотека и пустой участок, на котором игроки могут построить собственное здание. Вам нужно отправиться в библиотеку, чтобы найти книги об оборотнях.

Книги об оборотнях можно найти в трех местах:

  • на любой книжной полке в Moonwood Mill
  • Приобретено с помощью компьютера за симолеоны.
  • Выкопано из-под земли с помощью волчьего чутья.

Связано: Sims 4 Werewolf Fated Mates Guide

Чтобы прочитать книгу, вам нужно найти книжную полку или взять книгу, выбрать «Прочитать» и выбрать подходящее название из этого списка:

  • Помимо Big amp; Плохо: переосмысление вредных стереотипов об оборотнях
  • Питер Баркерс: Первая луна
  • Оборотень, пришедший с холода
  • Волк по соседству

Когда ваш сим читает, вы можете заметить, что он натыкается на разделы, в которых целые отрывки написаны на неразборчивом языке. Продолжайте читать книги и узнавать об оборотнях, чтобы расширить свои знания об оборотнях. В конце концов ваш сим поднимется до уровня, когда ему будет разрешено читать секретные проходы, скрытые в волчьем коде.

Это все, что вам нужно знать о чтении книг об оборотнях в The Sims 4 прямо сейчас! Отправляйтесь в библиотеку и начните читать бесплатно, чтобы повысить уровень своего ликантропа.

Список книг, представленный в игре The Sims 3 и дополнениях.

Общие книги[]

Базовая игра[]

Название Иконка Жанр Автор Страницы Стоимость
Пойнт Фармер: История Гранта Родика Book General Autobiography1 Автобиография Вейлон Вилсонофф 546 25 §
Колдун из Палладии Book General Fantasy Фэнтези Мэттью Госс 343 35 §
А где Белла? Book General Childrens Детская книга И.Я.Правый 107 40 §
Приключения Раймундо Book General Childrens Детская книга Рэй Мазза 299 50 §
Убийство в Новосельске Book General Mystery Мистика Александр Гот 391 65 §
Любовь всей жизни Book General Romance Книга для взрослых Грант Родик 310 80 §
Нерешительность Book General Drama Драма Харви Вильямс 407 130 §
Стратегия как шедевр Book General Humor Юмор Выбор 327 135 §
Зомби? Зомби! Book General SciFi Научная фантастика Шон Манкович 1198 180 §
Рассуждения об индейке Book General Fiction Фантастика Сесил Уилсон 413 210 §
Единороги для Одри Book General Fantasy Фэнтези С.С. Бензини 408 210 §
Выход у Пауэлла Book General Humor Сатира Счастливая жизнь 676 230 §
Джи-под Book General SciFi Научная фантастика Уэйн Франт 225 250 §
Экономика Book General Autobiography Политические мемуары Джеймс Макбуквальдс 405 310 §
А кушать хочется всегда Book General NonFiction Документальный роман Хэннон в сером 202 360 §
Игра проколов Book General Mystery Мистика Гай ли Франс 309 405 §
Гордость и предубеждения семьи Толстопятко Book General History Исторический роман Терри Ледор 301 480 §
Я спокоен Book General Humor1 Юмор Леонардо Богаччо 653 535 §
День благоволения Book General Fiction Фантастика Т. Уиллсим 142 580 §
Права лам Book General History1 Исторический роман Питер Сирена 438 610 §
Тайна снежинки Book General Romance Любовный роман Песня грибного дождя 275 705 §
На задворках Book General Humor Сатира Вилли Магнюссон 212 780 §
Взгляд мировоззрение Book General NonFiction Документальный роман Себастиан Приколетти 235 875 §
Не надейтесь на многое Book General Vaudeville Водевиль Чарли Ричардс 299 940 §
Носки: от античности до наших дней Book General Autobiography1 Автобиография Линкус Беккетт 601 1 000 §

Мир приключений[]

Название Иконка Жанр Автор Страницы Стоимость Страна
Гарик Покер и пещера Дракона Book General China1 Детская книга Чин-Хаун-Пинг 142 486 § Китай
Дети и палочки для еды Book General China2 Детская книга Луканжа Войт 178 628 § Китай
Планета Бибо Book General China1 Научная фантастика Ан Ю Шу 408 810 § Китай
Год Ламы Book General China2 Документальный роман Шам Лип 170 933 § Китай
Век Дракона Book General China2 Фэнтези Руй И 350 966 § Китай
Жизнь и эпоха господина Чана Book General China2 Исторический роман Сифу Ли 197 1 210 § Китай
Ли Бинг и принцесса Book General China2 Фантастика Лесли Чуй 140 1 311 § Китай
Тактика императорской армии Book General China1 Документальный роман Ле-Ли Чен 327 1 323 § Китай
Терракотовая армия наносит ответный удар Book General China2 Фантастика Ле-Ли Чен 276 1 355 § Китай
Дракон Раймундо Book General China1 Фэнтези Лесли Чуй 220 1 385 § Китай
Карманный справочник по рису Book General China1 Документальный роман Руй И 180 1 439 § Китай
Как дождь создал мир Book General China1 Исторический роман Шам Лип 222 1 906 § Китай
Стена меж нами Book General China1 Любовный роман По Шин Ванг 175 2 009 § Китай
Безопасные фейерверки: как не лишиться пальцев Book General China2 Документальный роман Чин-Хан Пинг 301 2 135 § Китай
Сим Фу: удары в прыжке Book General China1a Документальный роман Сифу Ли 676 2 224 § Китай
Мемуары Чин-Хана Book General China1 Исторический роман Дингбанг Хо 317 2 297 § Китай
Рыбалка при луне Book General China2 Документальный роман По Шин Ванг 192 2394 § Китай
Энциклопедия жареного риса Book General China2 Документальный роман Ан Ю Шу 255 2 469 § Китай
Лапша и капуста Book General China1 Документальный роман Луканжа Войт 301 2 471 § Китай
Драконья зябь Book General China2 Фэнтези Динбанг 216 2 475 § Китай
Цена сокровища Book General Egypt2 Мистика Сефу Йахия 225 200 § Египет
Ра! Ра! Ра! Book General Egypt1 Фантастика Неф Мбизи 212 355 § Египет
Юг Симары Book General Egypt1 Документальный роман Сефу Йахия 107 462 § Египет
Ты — моя мумия? Book General Egypt1 Юмор Сана Раббани 309 514 § Египет
От покойника до мумии: история целительства Book General Egypt1 Исторический роман Малик Нажам 202 567 § Египет
Ключ-камни и их дубликаты Book General Egypt2 Фантастика Гьями Хамади 413 788 § Египет
Я существую? Book General Egypt2 Сатира Неф Мбизи 310 842 § Египет
Нить к нити Book General Egypt2a Документальный роман Омар Небиби 1198 1 111 § Египет
Сказка о царице Нозилле и царе Найре Book General Egypt1a Драма Хасан Хамуш 653 1 280 § Египет
Как читать по лицу Book General Egypt2a Документальный роман Сана Раббани 546 1 515 § Египет
Расхищение гробниц для самых маленьких Book General Egypt2 Документальный роман Иша Джафар 407 1 544 § Египет
Влюблённая мумия Book General Egypt2 Любовный роман Амон «Джо» Ра 391 1 816 § Египет
Миражи Book General Egypt1a Документальный роман Гьями Хамади 601 1 819 § Египет
Курс выживания в пустыне Book General Egypt2 Документальный роман Малик Нажам 405 1 851 § Египет
Гарик Покер и проклятье мумии Book General Egypt1 Детская книга Омар Небиби 299 2 002 § Египет
Штрафные, свободные и угловые Book General Egypt2 Документальный роман Хасан Хамуш 343 2 210 § Египет
Срывая покровы: история жизни режиссера первого фильма о мумиях Book General Egypt1 Документальный роман Амон «Джо» Ра 275 2 226 § Египет
Животворящая река Book General Egypt1 Документальный роман Ирфан 438 2 253 § Египет
Вкусная шаурма Book General Egypt1 Юмор Иша Джафар 235 2 275 § Египет
Фло и её Кенспа Book General France1 Фантастика Жан-Поль Занон 244 109 § Франция
А как же суп? Book General France1 Юмор Амели Агас 274 164 § Франция
Белый флаг победы Book General France1 Исторический роман Доминик Коллин 146 422 § Франция
Авангардная литература для чайников Book General France2 Фантастика Джером Филиппин 144 484 § Франция
Удивительный мир фотографий Book General France1 Исторический роман Мари Шук 388 487 § Франция
Тень башни Book General France2 Мистика Мари Шук 301 528 § Франция
Франция: от лягушек до поцелуев Book General France2 Сатира Марго Джиджи 171 569 § Франция
Избранные деликатесы Book General France2 Документальный роман Доминик Коллин 120 577 § Франция
Пропавший музей Book General France1 Мистика Марго Джиджи 238 663 § Франция
История Шам ле Сим Book General France1 Документальный роман Мерион Катанья 208 725 § Франция
Мода для отшельников Book General France2 Юмор Мерион Катанья 151 945 § Франция
Дело красного велосипеда Book General France2 Мистика Сьюзи Бретань 288 988 § Франция
Кино «Нуар» или черно-белый фильм? Book General France1 Документальный роман Джером Филиппин 178 1 156 § Франция
Вино и виноград Book General France2 Документальный роман Джилберт Томблер 267 1 350 § Франция
Гарик Покер и кубок нектара Book General France2 Детская книга Амели Агас 218 1 376 § Франция
Нектарные поля Book General France1 Фантастика Джилберт Томбер 304 1 663 § Франция
Памятники Филиппе Book General France2 Исторический роман Дион Поро 401 1 768 § Франция
Запах велосипеда Book General France1 Фантастика Дион Поро 412 1 968 § Франция
Любимый нектар Book General France1 Документальный роман Сьюзи Бретань 364 2 100 § Франция

Карьера (книги из прошлого)[]

Название Иконка Жанр Автор Страницы Стоимость
Братья Карамасимовы Book General Past1 Документальный роман Аргх Мамонтобой 301 751 §
Чума во время пира Book General Past2a Фантастика Сэр Пембрук Пеннингтон 244 1 109 §
Охота или собирательство? Документальный роман Аргх Мамонтобой 288 1 188 §
Симовульф Book General Past1 Детская книга Таг-Таг 218 1 376 §
1000 способов приготовить бронтозавра Book General Past3b Фантастика Тэг 144 1 484 §
Приключения короля Артура в Коннектикуте Book General Past1 Сатира Таг-Таг 171 1 569 §
Леди Вероника Фуфельтон и волшебная струна арфы Book General Past2a Документальный роман Сэр Нардон 120 1 577 §
Война и опять война Book General Past2a Фантастика Сэр Пембрук Пеннингтон 304 1 663 §
Четыре столпа Земли: о слонах Юмор Тэг 151 1 945 §
Гибель Атлантиды Book General Past3a Исторический роман Сэр Нардон 401 2 068 §

Карьера (книги из будущего)[]

Название Иконка Жанр Автор Страницы Стоимость
Плюсы и минусы недвижимости на Марсе Book General Future1a Детская книга Грант Родик XXIV 178 828 §
Опасные двоичные связи Book General Future2a Фэнтези Кандас Уортингтон 350 1 266 §
Максим Симмерер: новое имя в прогрессорстве Book General Future1 Документальный роман Доктор Электрод 170 1 331 §
SimCity 7940 — советы и подсказки Book General Future3a Документальный роман PX2249 Джонс 267 1 552 §
Унесённые солнечным ветром Фантастика Доктор Электрод 140 1611 §
Я — не робот: манифест свободного симбота Документальный роман PX2249 Джонс 234 1 633 §
Восемь миллиардов в будущем Book General Future3 Фантастика Грант Родик XXIV 276 1 655 §
Воспоминания об Интернете: как менялся мир Документальный роман Лорд 50001 192 2 754 §
Как распознать, что вы — клон Документальный роман Кандас Уортингтон 255 2 769 §
Энциклопедия юных джедаев Book General Future2 Фэнтези Лорд 5000 216 2 975 §


Название Иконка Автор Жанр Страницы Стоимость
Один волк, два волка. Где волк? Вот волк! Book General SN1 Ганс Л. Гейзель Детская книга 32 25 §
Баллады Бэллард Book General SN2 Кристина Бэллард Поэзия 120 60 §
Изысканные рыцари Book General SN2 Буч Эндрюс Книга для взрослых 300 65 §
Непристойные сказочки Book General SN2 Буч Эндрюс Книга для взрослых 300 65 §
План 8 из Лунар Лейкс Book General SN2 Вуди Эдвардс Научная фантастика 280 70 §
Барон Графф Ван Голд Book General SN1 Александр Гот Биография 365 75 §
Из волшебной рыбы — волшебная уха Book General SN2 Мел Нильсон Документальный роман 136 90 §
Осада в стане людоедов Book General SN1 Мерседес Салазар Фэнтези 198 95 §
Правдивые истории о феях Book General SN1a Чонси Грин Детская книга 125 100 §
Хайку о белой горе Book General SN2 Фумико Ямаширо Поэзия 75 100 §
Могучий вой Book General SN1 Мел Нильсон Драма 275 100 §
Почему вампиры сосут кровь? Book General SN2 Коул Стокер Документальный роман 162 100 §
Зловещий бутерброд Book General SN1 Говард Лю Фелпс Ужасы 184 100 §
Логические ошибочные заключения, в которые все верят Book General SN2 Арачели Дусе Документальный роман 239 105 §
Бактериологическая война Book General SN1 Общее недомогание Документальный роман 285 115 §
Молчание лам Book General SN2 Гаррисон Д. Томас Ужасы 396 120 §
Сеансы и возможности шестого чувства Book General SN2 Джейн Хьюстон Любовный роман 349 120 §
Таинственная история затерянной Лемурии Book General SN1 Григорий Блавацкий Исторический роман 234 120 §
Пуская ветра Book General SN1 Стивен Майерс Юмор 358 125 §
Что грохочет ночью? Book General SN2 Тофер Стаббс Документальный роман 383 130 §
Пустяки, нюни и вы Book General SN2 Донна ЛеФромаж Поэзия 210 130 §
Отель «Дьябло»: Посыльный из ада Book General SN2 Табита К. Стефанс Ужасы 313 130 §
Собирание унесённого ветра Book General SN2 Петер Рейх Документальный роман 412 135 §
Певец заклинаний: Странствия с волшебной палочкой Book General SN1 Табита К. Стивенс Фантастика 436 135 §
Предсказания будущего Book General SN2 И.Я.Правый Документальный роман 473 140 §
Руководство по заклинаниям Book General SN1 Хритик Диксит Документальный роман 698 150 §
Лоэль и Лола Book General SN1 Луиза С. Робертсон Ужасы 475 150 §
Эпопея изорванных штанов Book General SN2 Еврипид Поэзия 600 150 §
Неуместное поместье Book General SN1 Бриттани Эйрон Мистика 572 155 §
Как выиграть в видеоигре, сильно не стараясь Book General SN2 Генри Райан Документальный роман 720 180 §

Студенческая жизнь[]

Название Иконка Автор Жанр Страницы Стоимость
Основные телесные типы и соответствующие виды спорта Book General Sport7 Билли-Джин Спаркс 260 30 §
Графиттилогия: ритм и поэзия искусства Book General FineArts Кристина Бэллард 648 35 §
Что лучше — перо или карандаш? Это рисунок! Book General FineArts Фрэнсис Паркс 368 40 §
Основное руководство по продвижению сенсаций Book General Communication Стэн Пауэрс 624 45 §
Зелёные гены: информация о посадке Book General Science Херб Гарднер 750 45 §
Компьютер: горячие клавиши и печатные платы Book General Technology Джоб Стефенс 1024 45 §
Мечты Джерома Book General Sport6 Джэйсон Питтлер Спорт 134 50 §
Оды науке Book General Poetry1 Арачели Дусе Поэзия 150 50 §
Создание массовой истерии Book General Communication Бен Глек 139 55 §
Моторология: запустите свой двигатель Book General Technology Шелби Гир 2048 55 §
Понимание силы печатного слова Book General Communication Билл Хирст 190 60 §
Раскрытие своего интеллекта Book General Science Арачели Дусе 500 60 §
Технология для луддитов Book General NonFiction2 Арачели Дусе Документальный роман 180 60 §
Деньги, чтобы делать деньги Book General Business Хьюго Вандербилт 400 65 §
Экспозология: введение в развязку Book General Communication Кэрри Вок 356 70 §
Гимн праздничного камня Book General Poetry2 Элла М. Эфайо Поэзия 210 70 §
Исследование микроскопического мира Book General Science Ишмаэл Смирноф 1000 75 §
Стоящие пассивные игры Book General Sport1 Мартин Макфрид Спорт 234 75 §
Подготовка к профессиональному спорту Book General Sport9 Дюк Хауэлл Спорт 246 75 §
Физическая форма для ничьей Book General NonFiction3 Билли-Джин Спаркс Документальный роман 240 75 §
Светокопия современной технологии Book General Technology Льюис Роджеррс 256 75 §
Принципы избегания расходов Book General Business Пенни Пинчер 500 80 §
Рассекай, веди, рассекай Book General Sport4 Дерек Д. Даблин Спорт 275 80 §
Основной свод смешанных знаний Book General Trashy Буч Эндрюс Книга для взрослый 270 80 §
Аналитические модели: учимся, моделируя Book General Technology Генри Райан 512 80 §
Рефлексология: тренировка сверх мышечной памяти Book General Sport7 Дюк Хауэлл 430 85 §
Космология: эта огромная вселенная Book General Science Тайсон О’Нил 1250 85 §
Гуманитарные науки: форма, мода и функция Book General FineArts Томас Харпер 792 85 §
Материалы курса изобразительного искусства Book General NonFiction4 Фрэнсис Спаркс Документальный роман 300 90 §
Играй умнее: диета и упражнения для зануд Book General Sport7 Джэйсон Питтлер 1370 90 §
Криминология: передовые методы конкурентной экономики Book General Business Дик Ансон 600 95 §
Сокровище мусора: поиск и сохранение искусства Book General FineArts Мел Нильсон 1679 95 §
Как построить серьёзный бизнес в строительном бизнесе Book General Business Честер Рокфеллер 300 95 §
Блоги вампира Book General SciFi1 Дж. Л. Коннерс 333 95 §
Спортивный альманах века Book General Sport3 Джо С. Риббонс Спорт 345 100 §
Дело не в том что, а в том как вы говорите Book General Communication Мартин Арчибальд 725 105 §
Зомби съели мои растения Book General Fantasy1 Херб Гарднер Фэнтези 360 110 §
День из жизни персонажа-растения Book General Horror Лукас Виндам Ужасы 390 120 §
Мир, протест и травы Book General Fiction Донна ЛеФромаж Поэзия 420 130 §
Путешествие игрока Book General Sport2 Сабрина Стар Спорт 423 130 §
Автобиология: знай своё тело Book General NonFiction5 Льюис Роджерс Документальный роман 450 135 §
Тренировка под дождём Book General Sport8 Кэнди Свунсон Спорт 488 140 §
Возьми мяч в дом Book General Sport5 Фрэнсис П. Рувин Спорт 561 145 §
Я основал этот университет Book General History Хьюго Вандербилт Исторический роман 600 160 §
Что вы называете коммуникацией? Book General NonFiction1 Мартин Арчибальд Документальный роман 720 170 §
Торговое право Book General NonFiction6 Честер Рокфеллер Документальный роман 900 180 §


Базовая игра[]

Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Обаяние, том 1: Как завести друзей Book Skills Charisma1 0 180 350 §
Обаяние, том 2: Разговоры на любые темы Book Skills Charisma2 3 201 500 §
Обаяние, том 3: Секрет неотразимости Book Skills Charisma3 6 117 750 §
Кулинария, том 1: Чистка лука Book Skills Cooking1 0 199 50 §
Кулинария, том 2: Для чего нужна духовка Book Skills Cooking2 3 203 500 §
Кулинария, том 3: Пальчики оближешь! Book Skills Cooking3 6 225 750 §
Садоводство, том 1: Работа с лейкой Book Skills Gardening1 0 250 350 §
Садоводство, том 2: Удобрения без запаха Book Skills Gardening2 3 276 500 §
Садоводство, том 3: Деньги на деревьях Book Skills Gardening3 6 281 750 §
Механика, том 1: Отключите рубильник! Book Skills Handiness1 0 200 50 §
Механика, том 2: Перекройте воду! Book Skills Handiness2 3 211 500 §
Механика, том 3: Лежи и электричество — две вещи несовместные Book Skills Handiness3 6 297 750 §
Логика, том 1: Чёт и нечёт Book Skills Logic1 0 299 50 §
Логика, том 2: Бит или не бит? Book Skills Logic2 3 340 500 §
Логика, том 3: Магия числа Пи Book Skills Logic3 6 323 750 §

Мир приключений[]

Данные книги можно найти только на рынке в местах отдыха из дополнения «Мир приключений».

Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость Страна
Боевые искусства, том 1: философия голой пятки Book Skills Martial Arts1 0 199 50 § Китай
Фотография, том 1: снять крышку с объектива Book Skills Photography1 0 199 50 § Египет
Нектар — любовь на век: вводный курс Book Skills Nectar Making1 0 199 50 § Франция
Нектароварение как образ жизни Book Skills Nectar Making2 3 203 500 § Франция
Расширенный курс нектароварения Book Skills Nectar Making3 6 225 750 § Франция


Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Изобретения, том 1: болты и гайки Book Skills Inventing1 0 199 50 §
Изобретения, том 2: творение и разрушение Book Skills Inventing2 3 203 500 §
Изобретения, том 3: самосознание робота Book Skills Inventing3 6 225 750 §

В сумерках[]

Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Азбука коктейлей, том 1: Лить или не лить? Вот в чем вопрос! Book Skills Mixology1 0 199 50 §
Азбука коктейлей, том 2: Взболтать, но не смешивать Book Skills Mixology2 3 203 500 §
Азбука коктейлей, том 3: Стратегии смешивания для профессионалов Book Skills Mixology3 6 225 750 §


Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Верховая езда, том 1: Как удержаться в седле Book Skills Riding1 0 180 50 §
Верховая езда, том 2: Секреты галопа Book Skills Riding2 3 201 500 §
Верховая езда, том 3: Как наслаждаться пейзажами, не слезая с коня Book Skills Riding3 6 177 750 §


Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Алхимия, том 1: Основы алхимии Book Skills Alchemy1 0 199 50 §
Алхимия, том 2: Секретные движения и отличные зелья Book Skills Alchemy2 3 204 500 §
Алхимия, том 3: Омнимустерикон — Главная книга теней Book Skills Alchemy3 6 225 750 §

Студенческая жизнь[]

Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Наука, том 1: Разжёванные факты Book Skills Science1 0 199 50 §
Наука, том 2: Квантовая генетика Book Skills Science2 3 203 500 §
Наука, том 3: Искусственное воспроизведение живой природы Book Skills Science3 6 225 750 §
Социальные сети, том 1: Дзен блоггера Book Skills Social Networking1 0 199 50 §
Социальные сети, том 2: Кибер-преследование и вы Book Skills Social Networking2 3 203 500 §
Социальные сети, том 3: Сугубо сетевые отношения Book Skills Social Networking3 6 225 750 §
Стрит-арт, том 1: Слово на улице Book Skills Street Art1 0 199 50 §
Стрит-арт, том 2: Не говори, а распыляй! Book Skills Street Art2 3 203 500 §
Стрит-арт, том 3: Урбанистические превращения Book Skills Street Art3 6 225 750 §

Вперёд в будущее[]

Название Иконка Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Ботостроение, том 1: Интегральные микросхемы и вы Book Skills BotBuilding1 0 199 50 §
Ботостроение, том 2: Искусственный интеллект для чайников Book Skills BotBuilding2 3 203 500 §
Ботостроение, том 3: Если машины восстанут… Book Skills BotBuilding3 6 225 750 §

Детские книги[]

Название Иконка Навык Страницы Стоимость
Гарик Покер и болотный камень Book Childrens Jimmy Отсутствует 6 50 §
Гарик Покер и комната смеха Book Childrens Jimmy Отсутствует 10 125 §
Гарик Покер и побег из свинарника Book Childrens Jimmy Отсутствует 15 210 §
Правила счёта для начинающих Book Childrens Logic Логика 6 50 §
Квадраты и треугольники Book Childrens Logic Логика 10 125 §
Почему полезно быть умным Book Childrens Logic Логика 15 210 §
Секреты рисования пальцами Book Childrens Art Рисование 6 50 §
Узоры из ладошек Book Childrens Art Рисование 10 125 §
Весёлые картинки Book Childrens Art Рисование 15 210 §
Азы азбуки Book Childrens Writing Писательство 6 50 §
Мама мыла раму Book Childrens Writing Писательство 10 125 §
Где я был, что я написал Book Childrens Writing Писательство 15 210 §

Книги для беременных[]

Название Иконка Жанр Автор Страницы Стоимость
Беременность: сказки для будущих мам Book General Pregnancy1 Документальный роман Шарль Грум-Гром 180 200 §
Ждём малыша: коротко о главном Book General Pregnancy Документальный роман Шарль Грум-Гром 220 300 §


Базовая игра[]

Название Иконка Инструмент Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Уровень игры на гитаре 5: «Я ваш слуга, мадам!» Book Skills Music Guitar Yellow Гитара 5 30 100 §
Уровень игры на гитаре 6: «Страстное фламенко» Book Skills Music Guitar Yellow Гитара 6 60 250 §
Уровень игры на гитаре 7: «Любимые аккорды Гребенькова» Book Skills Music Guitar Red Гитара 7 90 425 §
Уровень игры на гитаре 8: «Божественная импровизация» Book Skills Music Guitar Red Гитара 8 120 600 §
Уровень игры на гитаре 9: «Музыка твоей мечты» Book Skills Music Guitar Blue Гитара 9 150 1 400 §

В сумерках[]

Название Иконка Инструмент Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Уровень 5: «В кузове грузовика» Book Skills Music Bass Yellow Контрабас 5 30 100 §
Уровень 6: «Чунга-симга» Book Skills Music Bass Yellow Контрабас 6 60 250 §
Уровень 7: «Взгляд в метро» Book Skills Music Bass Red Контрабас 7 90 425 §
Уровень 8: «Горечь измены» Book Skills Music Bass Red Контрабас 8 120 600 §
Уровень 9: «Немой транс» Book Skills Music Bass Blue Контрабас 9 150 1 400 §
Уровень 5: «Привет-привет!» Book Skills Music Drum Yellow Контрабас 5 30 100 §
Уровень 6: «Злобные танцы» Book Skills Music Drum Yellow Барабаны 6 60 250 §
Уровень 7: «Если бы я знал» Book Skills Music Drum Red Барабаны 7 90 425 §
Уровень 8: «Он любил блюз» Book Skills Music Drum Red Барабаны 8 120 600 §
Уровень 9: «Волшебная песня» Book Skills Music Drum Blue Барабаны 9 150 1 400 §
Уровень 5: «Мы поедем, мы польстимся» Book Skills Music Piano Yellow Клавишные 5 30 100 §
Уровень 6: «Импровизация Никколо Погребнини» Book Skills Music Piano Yellow Клавишные 6 60 250 §
Уровень 7: «Соната Вилкинсона Бэя» Book Skills Music Piano Red Клавишные 7 90 425 §
Уровень 8: «Кисельные реки, молочные берега» Book Skills Music Piano Red Клавишные 8 120 600 §
Уровень 9: «Роланд Терпимус» Book Skills Music Piano Blue Клавишные 9 150 1 400 §

Вперёд в будущее[]

Название Иконка Инструмент Уровень Страницы Стоимость
Уровень 5: «Лучше увлечённо, чем хорошо» Book Skills Music Laser Purple Лазерный ритм-а-кон 5 30 100 §
Уровень 6: «Ползающий в подземелье» Book Skills Music Laser Brown Лазерный ритм-а-кон 6 60 250 §
Уровень 7: «Попса, попса» Book Skills Music Laser Blue Лазерный ритм-а-кон 7 60 425 §
Уровень 8: «Призрак болот» Book Skills Music Laser Red Лазерный ритм-а-кон 8 60 600 §
Уровень 9: «Танцуй и пой» Book Skills Music Laser Red Лазерный ритм-а-кон 9 60 1 400 §


Базовая игра[]

Название Иконка Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Рататуй Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 1 30 25 §
Рыба и чипсы Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 3 45 50 §
Печенье Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 3 60 100 §
Фруктовое парфе Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 4 75 200 §
Котлета с сыром Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 90 300 §
Пирог Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 6 105 400 §
Фаршированные яйца Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 7 120 580 §
Отбивная Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 8 135 650 §
Фаршированная индейка Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 9 155 800 §
Ангельский пирог Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 10 180 1 000 §
Амброзия Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 10 360 12 000 §

Мир приключений[]

Данные книги можно найти только на рынке в местах отдыха из дополнения «Мир приключений».

Название Иконка Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость Страна
Тарелка сыров Book Skills Cooking Recipe Purple 1 100 100 § Франция
Шаурма Book Skills Cooking Recipe Beige 1 95 325 § Египет
Овощи в кляре Book Skills Cooking Recipe Red 2 95 325 § Китай
Тушёная рыба Book Skills Cooking Recipe Purple 3 100 100 § Франция
Лягушачьи лапки Book Skills Cooking Recipe Purple 3 160 900 § Франция
Фалафель Book Skills Cooking Recipe Beige 5 110 475 § Египет
Жаркое Book Skills Cooking Recipe Red 6 75 200 § Китай
Блины Book Skills Cooking Recipe Purple 8 120 540 § Франция


Название Иконка Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Вегетарианские чипсы Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 3 45 50 §
Горячий бутерброд с арахисовым маслом и бананом Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 90 250 §
Бифштекс из сыра тофу Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 90 300 §
Бифштекс из тофу трёх видов Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 8 135 650 §
Фаршированная индейка из сои Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 9 155 800 §


Название Иконка Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Мясо в остром соусе Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 1 30 25 §
Чили по-вегетариански Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 1 30 25 §
Омлет с грибами Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 2 30 50 §
Остро-кислый суп Book Skills Cooking Recipe Blue 3 45 100 §
Фейерверк из креветок Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 60 300 §
Бифштекс из сыра тофу Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 90 300 §
Фейерверк из тофу Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 60 300 §
Карри Алоо Масала Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 6 75 450 §
Риззото с белыми грибами Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 7 90 580 §
Пирог с картошкой и трюфелями Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 9 120 650 §
Севиче Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 10 150 750 §

Сверхъестественное (алхимия)[]

Название Иконка Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Кулинарная книга «Эликсир деторождения» Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 5 30 75 §
Кулинарная книга «Жидкий усилитель работоспособности» Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 6 30 132 §
Кулинарная книга мощного просвещения Book Skills Cooking Recipe Brown 7 30 187 §
Кулинарная книга «Мощный наладчик характера» Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 8 30 225 §
Кулинарная книга «Фонтан молодости» Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 9 30 471 §
Кулинарная книга мощной зомбификации Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 9 30 607 §
Кулинарная книга «История печального клоуна» Book Skills Cooking Recipe Green 10 30 800 §

Книги по рыболовству[]

Книги по рыболовству помогают изучать новые виды наживок для навыка рыбной ловли.

Базовая игра[]

Название Иконка Автор Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Маленькие, зато в чешуйках: анчоус и карп Book Skills Fishing Bait Purple Макэрмит 1 60 50 §
Сомоводство: сами с усами Book Skills Fishing Bait Purple Клетус Бегворт 1 90 100 §
Не всё то золото, что блестит: о золотой рыбке Book Skills Fishing Bait Grey Хэнк Каствел 1 180 200 §
На крючке: о повадках форели и рыбы-лицедея Book Skills Fishing Bait Purple Ремик Статлер 2 120 300 §
Суши: как поймать тунца, лосося и рыбу-собаку Book Skills Fishing Bait Grey Паркер О’Тул 3 180 400 §
Челюсти: пиранья, акула и рыба-меч Book Skills Fishing Bait Grey Сэмми Старджен 5 180 500 §
Молчание рыб: как ловить рыбу-ангела и омаров Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Аннабель Остин 5 270 750 §
Аквароботехника: ловим роборыбу Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Бейли Бодин 6 360 1 400 §
Из бездны: ловим рыбу-вампира и рыбу-смерть Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Клифф Бодерик 7 360 2 000 §

Мир приключений[]

Данные книги по рыболовству можно найти только на рынке в местах отдыха из дополнения «Мир приключений».

Название Иконка Автор Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость Страна
Чучеловедение: ловля карпов Каваримоно и Дойцу Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Тио Тимотео 0 90 75 § Китай
Французская кухня: ловля лягушек, улиток и лангустов Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Руфус Уэйд 0 120 100 § Франция
Жуткие деликатесы: крокодил и рыба-мумия Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Ларлин Бигсвэлл 2 270 750 § Египет
Ареал карпов кои: очиба и танчо Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Гил Халил 3 180 400 § Китай
Развенчание рыбных мифов: водяные драконы Book Skills Fishing Bait Blue Рикки Пегг 7 270 1 500 § Китай


Название Иконка Автор Требуемый
Страницы Стоимость
Жабы, саламандры и другое: справочник по волшебной рыбалке Book Skills Fishing Bait Red Мел Нильсон 0 75 150 §


Данный вид печатного издания появился с дополнением «Студенческая жизнь».

Название Иконка Автор Страницы Стоимость
(книжный магазин)
(магазин для ботаников)
Истории мороженного кролика Book General Childrens Рой Волтерс 30 3 § 4 §
Путевые заметки ксенофоба Book Comic 14 Говард Лю Фелс 30 5 § 7 §
Прелестная волшебная девочка Майя Book Comic 04 Румико О 30 5 § 7 §
Международная команда альтруистов Book Comic 01 Херб Гарднер 30 5 § 7 §
Человек-ллама Book Comic 08 Кирби Симон 30 5 § 7 §
Быстроног Book Comic 15 Джордж Мортимер 30 5 § 7 §
Фантастическая женщина Book Comic 04 Олив Марсон 30 5 § 7 §
Арчи Арчер Book Comic 02 Джордж Мортимер 30 5 § 7 §
Хозяин рыбы Book Comic 08 Джордж Мортимер 30 5 § 7 §
Роман о сочной мякоти Book Comic 07 Бриттани Эйрон 30 5 § 7 §
Таинственный человек Book Comic 10 Алистер Рудигор 30 5 § 7 §
Полынь и шестизарядники Book Comic 11 Буч Эндрюс 30 5 § 7 §
Доктор Жуть Book Comic 02 Стэн Пауэрс 30 5 § 7 §
Крысокатор Book Comic 05 Роб Тод 30 5 § 7 §
Спортивная команда «Экстрим» Book Comic 13 Армандо Мендоза 30 5 § 7 §
Плазма-жук Book Comic 06 Стэн Пауэрс 30 5 § 7 §
Могучие мутанты Book Comic 12 Стэн Пауэрс 30 5 § 7 §
Вулканомеханика Book Comic 15 Алан Лэйман 30 5 § 7 §
Кошка-оборотень и женщина-крыса Book Comic 01 Иезавель ДюКло 30 5 § 7 §
Оскорбительные приключения Book Comic 09 Леод Макгрегор 30 5 § 7 §
Майор Пэтриот Book Comic 08 Кирби Симон 30 5 § 7 §
Рыцарь Нео нуар Book Comic 03 Вильям Кейн 30 5 § 7 §
Оракул ужаса Book Comic 11 Мел Нильсон 30 5 § 7 §
Шинджику бейбол ката го Book Comic 13 Румико О 30 5 § 7 §
Несъедобная масса Book Comic 12 Стэн Пауэрс 30 5 § 7 §
Барни Аардварк Book Comic 05 Рой Волтерс 30 5 § 7 §
Свободная семейка Book Comic 09 Стэн Пауэрс 30 5 § 7 §
Сущик-самурай Book Comic 10 Бриттани Эйрон 30 5 § 7 §
Кибер-скейтбордист Book Comic 07 Кирби Симон 30 5 § 7 §
Мужчина из высшего общества Book Comic 14 Джерри Шастер 30 5 § 7 §
Месть Белы Book Comic 14 Роб Тод 30 10 § 13 §
Истории рудников Book Comic 05 Кристина Бэллард 30 12 § 15 §
Жабосимы ниндзя Book Comic 11 Кевин Петерс 30 15 § 19 §
Танцовщица фламинго Book Comic 01 Иезавель ДюКло 30 25 § 32 §
Призраки Бриджпорта Book Comic 06 Хритик Диксит 30 50 § 63 §

This is a complete list of books that can be found in The Sims 4.


Covers Genre Description Notes
Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Bar Guide A selection of drinks and instructions on how to make them. Only available as a custom book that Sims at level 9 of the Culinary career (Mixology branch) can write.
Book TS4 Biography Biography Immortalize someone you love! Or someone you hate. You’re the author, after all.
Book TS4 Dollhouse Children’s You know, for kids!
Book TS4 Skill Comedy 2 Comedy Write a book about your routines. It’s just like writing a comedy routine, except you have an editor.. Only available as a custom book.
Book TS4 Skill Cooking 2 Cookbook Recipes, tips, and tricks on how to create tasty food. Only available as a custom book.
Dollhouse Share the stories of your miniature friends. Only available as a custom book.
Book TS4 FantasyBook TS4 Childrens Fantasy Fire-breathing dragons or sparkly vampires. Choose wisely.
Guidebook Chronicle your skill into a guidebook for all! Only available as a custom book. Sims with the Professiorial reward trait from completing the Renaissance Sim aspiration are able to write custom skill manuals of almost any skill they are proficient in.
Book TS4 Emotion Focused Motivational Book Help people become better versions of themselves! Only available as a custom book. Option only appears when Sim is feeling Confident.
Book TS4 Mystery Mystery Who-done-its, relic adventures, cryptic codes, and more!
Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Non-Fiction Remember, it has to be real to be non-fiction.
Book TS4 Emotion Playful Playful Book Life, but only the giddy bits.’ Custom book option is only available when Sim is feeling Playful.
Book TS4 Poetry 1 Poetry It’s alright to rhyme but not all the time. Chime. Dime. Slime.
Book TS4 Romance 1Book TS4 Romance 2 Romance When a romantic mood meets an outpouring of words, the result is a book that can make anyone blush.
Sad Book Misery loves company, or if not company, at least publication. Only available as a custom book. Option only appears when Sim is feeling Sad.
Book TS4 SciFi 1Book TS4 SciFi 2 Sci-Fi Aliens! Llamas in spacesuits! Gnomes on lunar lawns!
Screenplay You could be the next Billy Shakespeare! Only available as a custom book.
Short Story Keep it short. Otherwise, it’s a long story. Only available as a custom book.
Book TS4 Mystery Supernatural Capture a Sim’s life in an epic poem. Sims with the Poetic reward trait from completing the Bestselling Author aspiration are able to write The Book of Life.
Travel Guide Where to go, what to eat, and how many pairs of socks you should pack. Only available as a custom book.
Workout Guide Like stretching before a workout, except in words instead of actual stretches.


Title Author Genre Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1 The Man Behind the Falls Mike Jeffress Biography To behold the splendor of the Sequoia Falls is to gaze upon the greatest beauty that nature has to offer. Or is it? Learn about the fascinating true story of a Sim who succeeded against all odds through the eyes of Mike Jeffress. The story of a Sim who refused to take no for an answer. A Sim that just wouldn’t quit. A Sim that created, and now operates, the world’s grandest man made waterfall. §25

TS4OR Icon

Book TS4 Magic 6 Famous Spellcasters Throughout History Cornelius J. Implorium Biography The history of spellcasting is long and extensive. In this four-thousand page volume, every feat completed and spell casted in the last two-hundred-an… Oh, it doesn’t matter, no one is going to read this book. §25

Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Childrens Chasing the Quadruple Rainbow Biggles Tall Children’s A harrowing account of the search for the most dreaded weather phenomenon. More dangerous than tornados, quad-rainbows lure you in with their beauty and then, like unseen ninjas, totally wreck your face. No one knows how they do this… yet. §20

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Book TS4 Mystery How I Dumped Your Father Genevieve Serene Children’s and Mystery Kids, this story involves corgis, a slap bet, and a convincing Bella Goth imposter. Buckle up! §20

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Book TS4 Childrens My Pizzi-cat-o Polka Elena Bucholz Children’s This piece was written as an homage to Buchholz’s cat, Fiona. She loved music and swayed her tail to the beat whenever Elena played. Whenever Fiona is misbehaving, Buchholz plays this pizzicato. §1

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Book TS4 Magic 2 Darley Porter and the Basement of Shadows U.K. Englishlady Fantasy Follow the adventures of young spellcaster Darley Porter, and her friends Harmony Ginger and Rowan Measley, as they solve the mystery of the shadowy chamber beneath their high school gym. §25

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Book TS4 Fantasy The Adventures of Pink Ruffles Ace Montegue Children’s and Fantasy Shamed by the pirate community solely for his name, Pink Ruffles sailed the seas with his trusty crew. Vitamin C infused cotton candy kept the crew free of scurvy and teeth. Follow Pink Ruffles and crew as they search for treasure and ultimately… redemption. §1

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Book TS4 Childrens The Art of Narwhals George Vandalay Children’s It all began the day that Flippy the Narwhal received her first set of finger paints… §1

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Book TS4 Childrens The First Unicorn Pete Corgi Children’s Imagine the surprise when overnight a horn springs straight up from the middle of a horse’s forehead! The former horse named Moon is now on a quest to find out what happened to her, and to see if there are any others of her kind. §20

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Book TS4 Childrens The Little Train That Couldn’t Batty Typer Children’s I think I can’t» is the motto of this children’s story that will help prepare your child for a life of obstacles, disappointment, and ultimately, failure. A somber reminder that there are only winners because there are losers. §20

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Book TS4 Childrens Lord of the Swings L.E.E. Tompkein Children’s The playground has grown dangerous now that the school bully is back. Everyone is vying for the One Swing: a Swing that swings higher and faster than all others. Can Eduardo and his friends destroy the One Swing before Byron the Bully gets his grubby hands on it? §1

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Book TS4 Werewolf Children 1 Peter Barker’s First Moon A. Wolfe Children’s Book 1 in the Peter Barker series.nJoin Peter Barker as he takes a wild lunar adventure, making new friends and discovering the mysteries of the night. §20


Book TS4 Werewolf Children 2 Peter Barker’s Homecoming Hijinks A. Wolfe Children’s Book 2 in the Peter Barker series. nThings take a mischievous turn as Peter Barker returns home. Follow along as he finds out what it’s all about! §20


Book TS4 Werewolf Children 3 Peter Barker’s Camping Conundrum A. Wolfe Children’s Book 3 in the Peter Barker series.nSchool’s out and summer is on! For Peter Barker and his friends, that means getting ready for Camp Moonwood. But it doesn’t take long for things to take an unexpected turn… §20


Book TS4 Werewolf Children 4 Peter Barker…in Space! A. Wolfe Children’s Book 4 in the Peter Barker series.nPeter Barker is where?! Things are going to get a bit hairy in this new astronomical adventure for sure. §20


Book TS4 Childrens The Travels of Raymundo Peaches Doriek Children’s Raymundo sews himself to a blimp and pilots it into the stratosphere. §25

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 Where the Boardwalk Ends Shelly Silverman Children’s and Poetry A brilliantly light-hearted collection of poems that proves that a kid’s life is a day at the beach. §65

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Book TS4 Magic 7 Which Witch Bewitched Which Witch? Professor Toot Children’s Which witch did switch my ‘wich?? A bewitching switch does make my eye twitch! §25

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Book TS4 CurioShop 1 Avoiding the Watchful Eye [REDACTED] Conspiracy[n 1] 101 tips on avoiding unwanted snoops and spies. §20

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Book TS4 CurioShop 2 Why are We Here? Conspiracy[n 1] The answers to all of life’s greatest mysteries. The true reason you are stuck in this canyon. §20

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Book TS4 CurioShop 3 Crystal Vu’s Top Secret Inventions Conspiracy[n 1] A book containing plans for all of Crystal Vu’s top secret diabolical inventions. Most of these are probably out of date by now, but still worth a read. §20

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Book TS4 CurioShop 4 Untold Mysteries of StrangerVille Conspiracy[n 1] A compilation of all untold mysteries of StrangerVille. There are sure to be some we missed… §20

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Book TS4 CurioShop 5 Fortune Telling for Goofballs Conspiracy[n 1] 7000 Tips and tricks to truly believe you are an effective fortune teller. §20

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Book TS4 Fantasy A Game of Groans Greg Q.Q. Vartin Fantasy An epic fantasy series of feuding kingdoms, fascinating characters, and the complex power struggles to control those kingdoms. Characters groan as one by one they perish, and with the plethora of viewpoints, interwoven storylines, and plot twists, you too will groan as you try to keep it all straight. §25

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Book TS4 Fantasy A Game of Musical Chairs: A Song of Hot and Cold Geoff S.S. Marlin Fantasy A 9-book trilogy, massively abridged into one confusing volume! §55

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Book TS4 Fantasy Dusk Glow Bella Jacobs Fantasy This is the classic that started it all! Supernatural romance at its best! Young Darla must decide between a bad-boy vampire and a nice werewolf boy who is friends with her dad. Guess who she picks!! §25

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Book TS4 Werewolf 7 Dusk Glow 2: Moonrise Bella Jacobs Fantasy How does Darla handle it when her secret-vampire boyfriend suddenly disappears from her life? She doesn’t! She completely shuts down as a person. Read about how she literally sits in a chair and does nothing while months slip by. “A great read for young girls!” says the author. §20

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Book TS4 Werewolf 5 Dusk Glow 3: Shadowmoon Bella Jacobs Fantasy Darla is set to be wed to her bad-boy Vampire when a conflict erupts between the Werewolves and Vampires. With her nice-boy Werewolf ready to join the fray, emotions erupt and one kiss changes it all! Read as she goes back and forth and back and forth again on who she actually likes. Her selection will leave you howling with delight! §20

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Book TS4 Fantasy Point Farmer No More: The Downfall of Grant Rodiek Robin Taylor Fantasy Grant Rodiek falls in love with a Corgi named Peaches, and neglects to farm points. §10

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Book TS4 Fantasy The Frequently Ending Story Mike Trende Fantasy An old warrior and a girl from parallel worlds are out to save the world Unfantastica from an inexplicable power known as The Something. The tale becomes gradually less realistic and frustratingly almost comes to an end on every page. §20

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Book TS4 Mystery Crisis Barn Jim Scuttleson Mystery When humble family man Ira Strauss left the big city to start a farm, he never expected to find a dead French diplomat face-down in the hay. Can Ira’s uncanny nose for detail and way with livestock help catch the killer before the FBI tears his barn apart? First in the epic Ira Strauss mystery series! §1

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Book TS4 Mystery Lucas Dark and The Increasingly Unlikely Series of Coincidences Lucas Dark Mystery This gripping mystery tells the tale of Lucas Dark, an exceedingly attractive author with nothing left to lose but his mind. Written by future award winner Lucas Dark, this—but wait, that’s the main character’s name too! What a coincidence! §1

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Book TS4 Mystery M is for Misdirected Angst Helmuth von Gluck Mystery Things seem fine in the small town of Hergstrom, until the head of the chamber of commerce sends a vaguely worded email to a «frenemy.» Now, the town is aflutter and M may soon stand for Murder…. §20

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Book TS4 Mystery Point, Don’t Stare Helmuth von Gluck Mystery If you see trouble, act upon it and tell the constable. That’s how things are supposed to go in Hergstrom. However, the fog is thick in the town by the bay and devious dealings are afoot. How can you watch for murder when the fog is this thick? §55

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Book TS4 Mystery The All Revealing Selfie Helmuth von Gluck Mystery It’s spring in Hergstrom, which means park outings, going to the beach, and photography. But what happens when a selfie taken with a smart phone reveals more than its owner intended? Murder. Murder is what happens. §60

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Book TS4 Mystery The Bladder Games Island Hatchley Mystery 30 Sims are locked inside a giant mansion with no toilets. Who will come away clean? §25

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Book TS4 Mystery The Cherry Lip Balm Caper Helmuth von Gluck Mystery Red lips sink ships, at least in Hergstrom they do. Can Liz Schultz put the lid on this case before the criminal smears the facts? §60

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Book TS4 Werewolf Mystery 3 Fanged Friends Forever Vulfgang Mulder Mystery As the lunar phase changes, so too does the lives of a group of fanged friends. The real question is, will their friendship last forever? §20


Book TS4 Mystery The Night the Moon Forgot to Shine PJ Ranches Mystery PJ Ranches comes forth with the gripping first installment of the Ranches Family series. A young Sim girl ventured into the wilderness alone on a night the moon forgot to shine. No one knows why she left. No one knows why she never returned. What they do know is that on some nights the moon again forgets to shine, and when it does, terrible things occur. The Ranches family has come to Granite Falls looking for a break from the pains of the modern world, but their pain has only just begun… §25

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Book TS4 Fantasy The Spy Who Loved Measles George Harold Innman Mystery In another heart-pounding international thriller, our favorite secret agent has to navigate hypochondria in order to prevent nuclear war. §70

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Book TS4 Mystery The Swift and the Angriest Dominick VanDeesel Mystery You might think it would be hard to fill 600 pages with stories about two friends fighting crime in race cars, but you’d be so, so wrong. §25

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Book TS4 Werewolf Mystery 1 The Werewolf Who Came in From the Cold Vulfgang Mulder Mystery A page-turning mystery about a lone Werewolf on the hunt for answers. §20


Book TS4 Magic 1 1001 Tricks You Can Teach Your Familiar Non-Fiction All the tricks you could possibly teach your familiar. Too bad they are always so stubborn they never actually learn.

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1 Allegro a la Pernambuco! Aldo Baccarin Non-Fiction This upbeat piece comes from Brazil, much like the wood used to make violin bows. §20

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1 Bangers Are the Wurst Gobias Koffi Non-Fiction A notable hater, Gobias Koffi reviews over a thousand varieties of what he considers the world’s grossest food, sausage. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1 Beyond Big & Bad: Rethinking Harmful Werewolf Stereotypes B. E. Kind Non-Fiction Beyond Big & Bad delves deep into today’s rampant mischaracterization of the Werewolf occult. Even as fantastical entities, the fear and anger Sims place upon these fairy-tale creatures has a negative impact on the psyche of the world’s most beloved animal friend: the dog. B B & B devles deep into why these fears exist and challenges readers to consider that maybe what Sims have been afraid of all along was, in fact, themselves. §20


Book TS4 Magic 4 Cooking With Motes Bro Fiery Non-Fiction Add a little extra «kick» to your boring, weekday recipes! Magical motes might not be the healthiest (or the most edible) ingredient, but nothing takes a dish from bland to BLAM like a little magic. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 1 Elegy for a Fallen Piano Sergio Rockman Non-Fiction A challenging piece that requires clean pedaling in order to make this song sound even halfway decent. Otherwise, it will sound like a pile of mush. §20

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Etude in Double Stops and Other Fancy Things Peter No Hau Non-Fiction What’s one string when you can play on two strings… or three? This piece explores double stops and the want for violinists to play like violists unintentionally do. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Gentleman Corgi: A Memoir Sir Woof Non-Fiction Sir Woof is the World’s Most Gentlemanly Corgi, a title bestowed by the Distinguished Canine Society. Never one to slobber or gobble his food, he always looks elegant in his top hat, bow tie, and well-groomed fur. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 How to Seriously Injure Someone With This Book J.N. Brimley Non-Fiction The pen may be mightier than the sword, but no one expects the ol’ book-to-the-face. Learn about the ol’ book-to-the-face and so much more by reading this book! Go ahead, read it! That’s right, lean in nice and close…. §20

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 I Beg Variations Orville Bryant Non-Fiction Bryant wrote this piece as an homage to his homeless days. The listener gets to explore all of his deep emotions without any of the deep smells. Fabulouse! §20

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Ode to Stimulating Vibrato Larry Von Cookiecrumbs Non-Fiction A smooth piece that encourages the player to experiment with vibrato speed in order to convey the right emotion. Only a true violinist can master this piece. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Orbital Pudding Zachary Quinn Non-Fiction A mountain-sized glob of coconut pudding is lobbed into orbit to study its potential for sustaining life on other planets. §1

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Playing with Your Food Rick Wood Non-Fiction Rick Wood was always a master of innuendos, but one day he takes a turn for the worse. Left with nothing but his wit, observation, and experience to draw on, he must escape a dinner party filled with stone-faced accountants. §20

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Scherzo Shmerzo Harry Mankini Non-Fiction A fast tempo piece that was written as a joke. Embraced by critics, it is now part of standard repertoire for all pianists. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Somewhere, a Frog Just Learned to Jump Rope Emory «Big Boy» Carson Non-Fiction In a trio of satirical essays, Carson goes for the jugular, lampooning politicians, celebrity, and his own mother. §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Sonata a la Grit Veronica Hunkers Non-Fiction An intense piece that keeps much of the contact near the frog of the bow. Ribbit! §25

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Book TS4 Non-Fiction 2 Tickle Your Own Ivories I.M. Smith Non-Fiction An easy piece that helps beginners get a good grasp of piano basics. §20

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 One-Word Poems: An Anthology Mabel Eloise Clift Poetry This tightly edited collection of post-modern verse prizes brevity over the verbosity of longer forms, like haiku. §20

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 The 50 Shades On My Windows George Vandalay Poetry One is light gray. Another is slate. And there’s a charcoal one. Two others are light black and dark white. §25

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 The Impromptu Impromptu Adrian Chappuis Poetry Surprise your listeners with the Impromptu Impromptu! This piece is so scattered and lacking in any coherent theme that it takes impromptus to a whole new level. META! §25

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 The Sunflare Sonata Larry Von Cookiecrumbs Poetry After going blind from staring at the sun, Larry took to the piano and wrote this piece. Sadly it did not make his hearing more acute, as he had suspected. §30

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Book TS4 Poetry 1 Yay, Pork Barrels! Elias South Poetry A collection of delirious poems written by one man after successfully eating a hogshead barrel full of bacon. Not to be mistaken with the political manifesto of the same name. §25

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Book TS4 Romance 1 Love in the Time of Sandwiches Honcho Sorgenson Romance Tiny Tino and Gina are in love, but Gina bends to pressure and marries another. Devastated, Tiny Tino finds solace in a love affair with sandwiches of all shapes, sizes, and flavors. Many years later, Gina becomes a widow. Can she love Tino again? Especially now when he isn’t so tiny? §1

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Book TS4 Werewolf Mystery 4 Packs & Prejudice Vulfgang Mulder Romance Lizo Barknet is perfectly happy running his pack as Alpha leader — his rules, no questions asked. That is until arrogant and haughty Ms. Darcie comes to town. Sparks and fur fly in this delightful comedy as these two young lovers delicately navigate Werewolf society and pack expectations. §20


Book TS4 Romance 1 Polka Dot Rumble Agatha Arlington Romance 1950s housewives face off in this intense back stabbing, passive-aggressive drama. Gossip abounds, and claws come out, but always with a polka dot apron and a smile. §20

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Book TS4 Romance 2 Reel Her In Hank Billabong Romance This multifaceted book gives the ultimate advice for chauvinist fishermen looking to reel in women and fish; both just require the right bait and they fall at your feet! Amazing! §1

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Book TS4 Romance 2 Seduction by the Sea Susie Saltwater Romance The perfect blend of passion and paragraphs. §20

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Book TS4 Romance 2 Seven Course Death Helmuth von Gluck Romance A rainy night. An old mansion. A dinner party for the toast of Hergstrom’s upper crust. It was meant to be a night of good food, drinks, and parlor games. But when certain secrets are revealed the party must contend with an uninvited guest—MURDER! §25

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Book TS4 Romance 1 The Collegno and Richochet Rondo Alberto Peperoncini Romance Who knew the violin could make such music? This piece uses advanced bowing techniques and really grabs the interest of the audience! §25

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Book TS4 Werewolf Mystery 2 The Wolf Next Door Vulfgang Mulder Romance Things heat up fast for Ginger when she meets the mysterious Werewolf next door. It’s not long before she feels the moon’s pull… §20


Book TS4 Romance 2 Twelve or So Swatches of WooHoo Mary Sue Arthur Romance Love! Passion! Unconventional uses for household objects! Are you prepared for the lewd, saucy, tawdry, bawdy, and licentious things a first time author and her trusty thesaurus can make up? If so, read on! §25

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Book TS4 Romance 1 Untamed Treachery of the Heart Leslie Nighttime Romance While parts of this saucy novel contain examples of your more typical treachery, the vast majority of this treachery is completely untamed! §1

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Book TS4 Magic 5 Wands of Desire T.R. Ashy Romance Julie has always been cold when it comes to showing her feelings, but can a dashing old spellcaster melt her heart? Magic is in the air in the first novel of this forty-three volume romantic series. §25

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Book TS4 Magic 3 A World Without Magic Peter K. Dark Sci-Fi The renowed sci-fi author brings to life a terrifying alternate history where magic never existed. §25

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Book TS4 SciFi 1 Atlas Hugged Ryan Brand Sci-Fi Why shrug when you can hug? Illuminating the idea that sharing is caring, people learn that ruining things in the future doesn’t matter when you’re happy now! §25

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Book TS4 SciFi 1 The Chronicles of Rodiek Dominick VanDeesel Sci-Fi The antihero from Total Dark blasts off to a strange new world, encountering an alien race that seems to have a lot of questions for him. §25

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Book TS4 SciFi 2 The Glutton Spiel Thomas Hinkle Sci-Fi In a post-apocalyptic city, 9 teenagers are chosen at random from their cave communities to eat until they are stuffed. Then, they waddle onto the Field of Terrors and fight to the death. Why? THE FUTURE!! §10

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Book TS4 SciFi 1 The Mantis Wars Sean Walsh Sci-Fi World-renowned insect and fiction connoisseur, Sean Walsh, takes us toward the adventures of a brave Sim and her crew in a remote region of the globe where lays a land long forgotten, where giant insects reign supreme. With the Giant Mantis holding the title of King of the Jungle, will the Sim and her crew be able to join with the native ants, beetles, and butterflies to fight off the mantis threat and avoid global destruction? §25

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Book TS4 SciFi 2 The Plunder Games Zane Trollins Sci-Fi It’s another death arena in another near-future apocalypse as a young woman must battle to… Wait a second, how many parodies of this did we make? §25

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Book TS4 SciFi 2 The Sauntering Dead Sin Hartley Sci-Fi The dead have returned, and they are in no particular hurry to eat your brains!! §20

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Book TS4 Magic 8 Broomies! Norm Solomon Screenplay Phil is a practical spellcaster and Oliver studies mischief. They’ve been friends since childhood, but can they handle living together? §25

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Book TS4 Toddler Werewolf A Good Night’s Moon Derek McMillan Toddler Teach your little star to say goodnight to the moon! This book will spark imagination and make them wonder if the moon is in fact cheese, a banana, an egg, or even a sponge! §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 1 Baby Bill and the Bobcat Toddler Journey at night to the woods and the thicket where Baby Bill and the Bobcat are in a sticky wicket. Parents will love BB and the B’s strong use of natural insights and subtle commentary on the modern industrial complex, whereas children will delight at the pages’ fluffy texture. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 2 Charlotte’s Pig Toddler There are times in a farmer’s life when they know that their one pig is not just some pig but the fun pig. Charlotte’s Pig is the charming, triumphant morality tale of a pig who teaches their owner that sometimes, you just need to look around and smell the bacon. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 3 Dog on a Log Toddler In the quiet town of Hannawee, a lonely family finds their hearts swollen with sadness when the rainy seasons begin. But, atop the log on the flooded river, a mysterious Dog on a Log arrives, and none of their lives will ever be the same. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 4 Driving to Mars Toddler Put on your space suit little stumpy moon ranger and hop into the space boat because the whole family is going to Mars! In this charming picture book of our solar system, join along with Mary, Pete, and Squeazy Tom as they explore the Milky Way, and beyond, beginning with Mars in this first installment. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 5 Like You for the Time Being In a world where we’re all unique snowflakes, it’s good to remind toddlers that sometimes they have more in common with others than their differences. Before beautiful hair grows, and muscles form, soft, plushy toddlers are all bald little similarities. Embrace it, at least for now. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 6 MaxisMan Saves the City Toddler Look to the lower atmosphere! What do you see? Is it a choo choo careening off the rails? Or a wanton bear looking for artisanal honey? No, it’s MaxisMan and he’s here to save the day! §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 7 Monkey Brown on the Monkey Bars Toddler Monkey Brown went up the bars and oops he fell and broke his thars. What should Monkey Brown have learned as a result of this handle-barred hiccup, and were the parents to blame? You won’t be able to stop this true crime (or is it a true accident?!) page turner of a toddler thriller. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 8 Princess Plumbob’s Castle Toddler Little Antonio braves the forest to find the long lost Princess Plumbob, but with cherry red emotions he fumes that she isn’t in this castle, but is in another. Where is Princess Plumbob’s castle? Can it be found? Don’t flip forward as you’ll ruin the surprise! §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 9 Rex Treks Toddler Long before the shortly armed bipedal tyrants met their fate at the whims of a fiery rock or icy cold, these reptilian beasts strutted their stuff just beyond the primordial soup. With informative pictures and rhyming scientific names, Rex Treks is a journey to days a million past for children eager to take their first step in the fossil record. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 10 Squares and You Toddler Before the younglings are ready for curves, straight lines, or fewer than four sides, we have Squares…and you! Squares and You is the Award-Winning landmark educational title that knocked Geometry in the Womb off its well-accolated perch and told Rhombus Rompus to take a hike! §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 11 Toy Tales Toddler Imagine a world in which the sandbox isn’t just filled with cold, lifeless toys, but vibrantly alive with ones that speak and emote! It’s all here in Toy Tales, a heartwarming story about how a young girl’s toys tell her how to reach for her dreams. §20

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Book TS4 Toddler 12 When is Winter? Toddler Is it spring? Not now, but soon. Is it fall? Perhaps, by noon? Is it summer? The heat, seems likely. When is winter? Who knows, but it’s coming. §20

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Book TS4 Werewolf Magazine 1 BARK Magazine Every Werewolf’s one stop shop for all the saucy, scandalous news howling through the Werewolf world! Who bit half their neighborhood during their most epic rampage last week? Who’s trying to woo all of their packmates’ Fated Mates? And who faked enjoying the flavor of raw meat for years just to fit in? Find out here! §20


Book TS4 Werewolf Magazine 2 WE’RE Living Magazine Get the low down on all things Werewolf! Guts ‘n glory: who’s sparring with who? Top 100 most beautiful howling spots. Learning to love the beast within. 29 meaty recipes worth trying! §20


Book TS4 Werewolf 1 The Good Boy Book Bruno Finol Kurt is a veteran Werewolf, battle-hardened from years of fending off the vampire threat. Now restless in an era of peace, he seeks to forge a new path for himself. His journey for redemption and fulfillment begins in the most unlikely of places — a vampire daycare. As the daycare’s newest teacher, will he finally find what he was looking for? Or will he fizzle out as a glorified chew toy for extra feisty teething toddlers? §20


Book TS4 Werewolf 2 A History of Moonwood Mill Maria Volkov Though few Sims have heard of the small town of Moonwood Mill, this book is recognized as the world’s go-to source of information on the topic. Naysayers argue that its accounting of history isn’t entirely accurate—though these individuals also cite curses, an occult conflict, and other magical elements as the true root of Moonwood Mill’s origins. §20


Book TS4 Werewolf 3 An Insider’s Guide to Being a Werewolf From what to do when you accidently turn while on a date to removing sticky gum from a furry tail, this book will guide you through life as werewolf! §20


Book TS4 Werewolf 4 The Diary of Greggorius Lunvik Greg Wait, who is Greggorius Lunvik? Why is his diary just laying around Moonwood? §20



Title Author Emotion Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Emotion Flirty A Roadmap to Love Mona Huggins Flirty A quirky novel about a teenager who is separated from her high school sweetheart, only to cross paths and rekindle their romance overseas ten years later. §35

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Book TS4 Emotion Energized E = Energy: Bolster Yourself Emily C. Skwaird Energized Both a personal trainer and a physicist, Emily uses her knowledge to examine what it really takes to get a body in motion. §45

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Book TS4 Emotion Playful Easy Recall Magic Tricks Slip D. Mine Playful Do you aspire to do magic, but can’t remember the tricks? This amazing magic book is packed with easy-to-execute tricks, repeated over and over and over again just in case you forget. Do you aspire to do magic, but can’t remember the tricks? Read this! §45

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Book TS4 Emotion Inspired 2 Embracing the Moment and Inspiring Others Robert Boss Inspired A collection of short stories and inspirational anecdotes that will leave you feeling calm, collected, and crafty! §30

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Book TS4 Emotion Focused Honing Your Mind’s Eye Derek Nygma Focused An autobiographical narrative describing how one overcomes A.D.H.D. without the use of modern medicine. A focused mind is a heightened mind. §45

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Book TS4 Emotion Inspired 1 Inspirational Posters: The Underlying Truth Marlowe Nottacat Inspired «Hanging in There,» «They Can Do It,» «Be the Best Around,» and other popular inspirational posters are examined to find their true meaning in this riveting book about motivation. §30

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Book TS4 Emotion Playful Make Them Laugh ‘Til They Cry! Daniel Chaperone Playful Beginning with «knock-knock» and «yo mama» jokes, Daniel grew from entertaining a playground to having his own special. This story unlocks the secret of getting more than just a chuckle. §30

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Book TS4 Emotion Flirty Pickup Lines for the Flirtatiously Inept Dr. Phyllis Flirty A collection of articles explaining the successes and failures of icebreakers. The author comments on how to react when considering a romantic relationship. §45

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Book TS4 Emotion Energized Sleep Less, Jog More Gladys McLain Energized World-renowned sleep-runner, Gladys McLain, describes how she conquered her insomnia and transformed her sleep disorder into exercise. Each chapter will leave you feeling positively charged and ready to conquer the world! §30

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Book TS4 Emotion Focused Taking Control: The Futility of Trying Max S.D. Zieners Focused Feel like you have no control over your life? Like your successes and failures are due to inexorable outside forces? They just might be, but there’s no need to fret! Learn to go with the flow, even as improbable situations cause your life to crash down around you in a puff of irony! §30

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GameSpot Expert Reviews

The Sims 3: Supernatural Review

The Sims 3 Review


Each skill book has three different volumes. Volume 1 can be read until the Sim has reached Level 4 of the skill; Volume 2 can be read from between Level 4 and Level 7, and Volume 3 can be read after Level 7. If a Sim reads a lower-level volume for a skill they are already good at, they will get the «Amateur Hour» moodlet, and they will get the «What the What?» moodlet if they attempt to read a volume of a higher level than they are at.

Title Author Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Skill Acting 1 Acting Vol 1: Finding Character Seymore Blake Learn to build character while building a character. Seymore tells numerous anecdotes of his experiences pretending to be a sheep for two months so he could closely observe alpine shepherds. This led to his deeply moving portrayal of the character Shepherd Sammy in 1948’s ‘What’s Mutton Got to Do With It?’ §150

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Book TS4 Skill Acting 2 Acting Vol 2: Finding a Voice Ann Chaplét Learn vocal exercises guaranteed to make your monologues stand out. These tips and techniques were perfected by the legend Ann Chaplét during the filming of 1921’s biggest Silent Film hit, ‘The Librarian’s Creed’. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Acting 3 Acting Vol 3: Finding the Drama Chesterfield Cupola Mr. Cupola’s belief is that there is no such thing as a small role. With enough determination you can make any role a big role. He illustrates this with the story of how in 1945’s historical epic ‘Dukes of Burdley Kingdom’. He turned the a single line in role of Stableboy #3 into a 15 minute monologue which led to a Best Leading Man nomination. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Archaeology 1 Archaeology Vol 1: Tiny Brushes and You Brandon Rush Selecting the incorrect brush could lead to millions of years worth of damage. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Archaeology 2 Archaeology Vol 2: Uses for a Bullwhip D.E. Vo Out in the field and in desperate need of a clothesline? Take another look at your trusty bullwhip. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Archaeology 3 Archaeology Vol 3: Rock or Relic? MJ Agger Learn to tell the difference between ancient clay pots and someone’s broken plates. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Baking 1 Baking Vol 1: Mix Bill Barretta Never before has pouring several things into a bowl and stirring with a mixer been as carefully explained as Bill Barretta has done with this instructional book. A must have paperweight for any new baker! §75


Book TS4 Skill Baking 2 Baking Vol 2: Shape Frank Oz Nailing down the ideal shape for a baked good can be a tricky endeavor. Should this cookie be a circle? Triangle? Tetrahedron? Frank Oz explains the optimal shape for a variety of baked goods using a formula he created himself. Read on to discover the mathematical formula that’s rocking the world of modern baking! §150


Book TS4 Skill Baking 3 Baking Vol 3: Bake The Swedish Chef Most expert bakers believe that once the baked good is in the oven, your job is done. What they don’t know is that there is a secret science to the act of waiting for a baked good to finish. A secret only The Swedish Chef knew…until now! Learn more about this amazing secret inside! §250


Book TS4 Skill Charisma 1 Charisma Vol 1: Diplomacy for Dummies Dimitry Hard With some simple exercises and a little bit of reading, even the worst communicator will know what to say after this! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Charisma 2 Charisma Vol 2: The Science of Diplomacy Addison Beryl Charisma can be broken down into components, like a science equation. Soon you’ll know the answers to becoming incredibly persuasive! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Charisma 2 Charisma Vol 3: The Art of Diplomacy Mindy Fox Looking good is an art, and so is speaking well. Become influential, irresistible, and inspiring with Mindy’s tips. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Comedy 1 Comedy Vol 1: Get the Jokes Murphy Edwards Do you know any jokes? No? Well lucky for you this book is packed with jokes! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Comedy 2 Comedy Vol 2: Grab the Mic David Gene Lawrence Studies show that 95% of good comedy routines start with the comedian grabbing the microphone. This book walks through a plethora of mic holding techniques. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Comedy 2 Comedy Vol 3: Show Them the Pain Lou DK This book outlines the secrets of great comedy. Great comedy starts in the gut and travels through the bowels until it can no longer be contained! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Cooking 1 Cooking Vol 1: Let’s Cook! Stan Shady The beginner’s guide to Cooking. This book covers basic techniques and teaches the importance of adding random spices to your dishes. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Cooking 2 Cooking Vol 2: Let’s Keeping Cooking! Stan Shady Learn to quickly and efficiently produce delicious and chemically pure meals that will have the whole neighborhood fiending for more! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Cooking 2 Cooking Vol 3: I’m Here to Cook! Stan Shady This book outlines more advanced cooking techniques with a special section on the importance of food coloring. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 1 Fabrication Vol 1: Thermoplastics and You Prusan Joel Setting up your fabricator is a snap! But once you’ve built your marvelous manufacturing machine the real challenge begins! Getting to know the resins, plastics, and other materials you’ll be using is critical for your first steps. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Fabrication Vol 2: Additive Manufacturing Prusan Joel Planning and preparation are the essential tools for success with fabrication. Where will you place supports? Do you use traditional or tree? Do you use a raft? What is the expansion coefficient tolerance of wood fibers? Read this book and find out! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Fabrication Vol 3: Postprocessing and Finishing Prusan Joel Filaments and resins laid, no clogs or builds coming loose from the bed? If you have perfect first layers, this book is for you. Sanding, annealing, and finishing your great works is the last step toward fabrication mastery! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Fishing 1 Fishing Vol 1: Getting Hooked Ernest Melville So you want to catch a fish? Learn how to tie a simple fishing knot and cast the line with this beginner’s fishing book. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Fishing 2 Fishing Vol 2: Tackles and Techniques Ernest Melville You’re past the basics and now you’ve got some bigger fish to fry! Learn how with this practical guide to buying the right gear and perfecting your methods. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Fishing 2 Fishing Vol 3: See the Fish, Be the Fish Ernest Melville The final step in becoming one of the world’s greatest fishermen is to learn how the fish thinks, only then will you be able to catch all the fish in the sea! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Fitness 1 Fitness Vol 1: Pull Down the Milkshake Ori Warrior Maybe it’s about time you took an interest in your physical fitness? Maybe you don’t need to finish that 3rd milkshake? §75

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Book TS4 Skill Fitness 2 Fitness Vol 2: Be World’s Strongest Python Pudziakowski No, Python is world’s strongest. Maybe after reading this though, you can be second strongest. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Fitness 2 Fitness Vol 3: Pressing Steel Arnold Press This book can teach you the techniques to obtain the body of your dreams and your competitor’s nightmares! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Flower Arranging 1 Flower Arranging Vol. 1: What is a Flower Florista Oliver This book answers the much asked questions: What is a flower? Is flower arranging in your future? What does it mean to your existence? §75

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Book TS4 Skill Flower Arranging 1 Flower Arranging Vol. 2: Arranging for Artistry Florista Oliver Now that you’ve wrestled through the hard, philosophical questions, it’s time to put your petal to the metal! Before you can become a master arranger, you must first lay down the letter of the flower. To do this, you’ll need to read this book. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Flower Arranging 1 Flower Arranging Vol. 3: Blooming Beauty Florista Oliver Blooming Creations. Masterful works of organic art. This book will help you fine-tune your flower arranging skills so Sims everywhere will cry, laugh, rage, and cry some more just by witnessing your work of art. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Gardening 1 Gardening Vol 1: Water, Light and Dirt Wacky Daniel Learn to plant stuff! Why? BECAUSE I’M WAAAAAAACKYY! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Gardening 2 Gardening Vol 2: Getting Your Thumbs Green Wacky Daniel Gardening is important. It can save your life. Never trust a Sim who ignores a plant’s advice. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Gardening 2 Gardening Vol 3: Strange and Forbidden Plant Genetics Dr. T. Cress Learn to use your knowledge of botany and phytotomy to create an army of twisted hybrid superplants! Or apples that taste like peaches. Really either is fine. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Gourmet Cooking 1 Gourmet Cooking Vol 1: Make Food Fancy Martha Brown An introductory look into food garnishing and the aesthetics of drastically reducing your portion size. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Gourmet Cooking 2 Gourmet Cooking Vol 2: Presentation is King Martha Brown Presentation is king, and aroma is queen. Texture is a rook and color palette is a bishop. Oh, and taste is like, a knight maybe? §150

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Book TS4 Skill Gourmet Cooking 2 Gourmet Cooking Vol 3: Can You Eat That? Chef Morimochi Learn to redefine your definition of «food» and fully embrace the gourmet! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Guitar 1 Guitar Vol 1: Intro to Rocking Slim Pickens Do you have what it takes to rock so hard it actually removes your audience’s socks? §75

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Book TS4 Skill Guitar 2 Guitar Vol 2: The Classical Sauce Slim Pickens The secret to a great guitar player is having a strong understanding of classical guitar techniques. That, and having a really awesome guitar. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Guitar 2 Guitar Vol 3: Furious Finger Techniques Slim Pickens While there are some advanced picking techniques covered in this book, the majority focuses on treating your crazy shredding-induced, third-degree finger burns. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Handiness 1 Handiness Vol 1: Try Not to Die! Sparky «Three Fingers» Why pay «experts» to fix your broken appliances? Why buy furniture made by «professionals»? You got this. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Handiness 2 Handiness Vol 2: Sparks are Nature’s Kisses Sparky «Three Fingers» Learn to wield the power of electricity and craft wooden versions of things that really have no business being made of wood! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Handiness 2 Handiness Vol 3: Upgrading the Soul Sparky «Three Fingers» Could the right upgrade ever make a home appliance come to life? Could it learn to love? Sometimes I get lonely. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Herbalism 1 Herbalism Vol 1: Let’s Get Brewing! Harold Patterson Tired of purchasing expensive medicine and sprays to remedy what ails you? Learn the ins and outs of creating your own! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Herbalism 2 Herbalism Vol 2: More to Brew! Michael Wash Move beyond the basics of the art of Herbalism. Become more successful at creating remedies that actually work! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Herbalism 3 Herbalism Vol 3: Herbal Master The Hermit of Granite Falls Okay. Time to take off the kids gloves and brew some remedies that will magically cure any ailment. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Knitting 1 Knitting Vol 1: k2tog & The Basics of Yarn Begin your knitting journey with the Knit and Purl stitches, and master the basics of k2tog. Don’t know what that means? Read this book to find out! §75 32px|center|link=TS4:NK
Book TS4 Skill Knitting 2 Knitting Vol 2: The Diagonal Lace Stripe Stitch & Friends Expand your knitting repertoire with new, advanced stitches, like Honeycomb Brioche and Lacy Heart Stitch. These stitches are not too tricky, but you need to keep an eye on where exactly you are in the pattern. There is nothing worse than getting lost! §150 32px|center|link=TS4:NK
Book TS4 Skill Knitting 3 Knitting Vol 3: Knitting Backwards With Your Eyes Closed For the advanced practitioner of the fiber arts this book offers advice on advance stitches, a history of competitive heavy metal knitting, and tips and tricks on how to sneak your latest yarn purchase into the house without your significant other knowing. §250 32px|center|link=TS4:NK
Book TS4 Skill Logic 1 Logic Vol 1: An Introduction to Reason Stephen McLackney Logic has been studied for thousands of years by some of the most brilliant minds. This book tries to sum it all up in a few chapters. Seem reasonable? §75

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Book TS4 Skill Logic 2 Logic Vol 2: The Reason to Reason Becky Rose A more indepth look at all things deductive, inductive and abductive. Unfortunately, abductive reasoning has nothing to do with aliens. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Logic 2 Logic Vol 3: The Problem with Paradoxes Gary Clyde The sentence you are reading right now is false. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Mischief 1 Mischief Vol 1: What’s Funny, What’s Illegal? Henry Hank This book will teach you the basics of becoming a mischievous prankster! Or was that the first prank!? No it wasn’t. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Mischief 2 Mischief Vol 2: What’s Illegal, What’s Frowned Upon? «Sneaky» Pete Shadow How far is «too far» to take a prank? Do we draw the line at tears? Yeah, tears feels right. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Mischief 2 Mischief Vol 3: The Long Con Lauren Bear The most important part of the long con is not forgetting you’re doing a long con. This book is jam packed with tips and tricks for all your con needs. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 1 Mixology Vol 1: Beverage Basics Alfred Coholic Learn the basics of mixology to impress all your friends with this easy to follow guide. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Mixology Vol 2: A Twist of Lime Alfred Coholic Ready to step up your mixology game? Then this book is for you! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Mixology Vol 3: The Mixologist’s Bible Alfred the Elder This book describes advanced and dangerous Mixology techniques that have been past down in secret for generations. For experienced mixologists only. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Painting 1 Painting Vol 1: The Fundamentals of Painting Siggy Sue Learn some basic brush techniques as well as some pretentious vocabulary to use at art galleries. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Painting 2 Painting Vol 2: The History of Painting Seamus Shanty Study the cave painting of old to the modern paintings of today. The more work you’ve seen the more work you’ll be able to «reference.» §150

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Book TS4 Skill Painting 2 Painting Vol 3: The Painting of Painting Sara DeVere A great painter is defined by their ability to put paint on canvas and then talk about that paint in an emotional way that non-painters don’t understand. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Parenting 1 Parenting Vol 1: Learning to Crawl Dr. PJ Learn the differences between caring for a baby and caring for a cat. Which can’t be left alone? Which likes tuna? All the answers are within. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Parenting 2 Parenting Vol 2: First Steps Dr. PJ As your child grows manipulation becomes more vital. Use empathy and guilt to influence children to follow your rules. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Parenting 2 Parenting Vol 3: Removing the Training Wheels Dr. PJ Read up on the best ways to handle teenage moodswings, the latest happening slang, and what are the coolest socks to give as presents. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Photography 1 Photography Vol 1: Your First Exposure Portrait George Take time and compose your first shot. Fill the frame with the subject and keep it in focus. The most expensive camera in the world can’t make up for a poorly composed photo. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Photography 2 Photography Vol 2: Mastering Composition Portrait George From the rule of fourths to the golden trapezoid, you are ready to master all the best composition techniques. This guide will take your skills from point and shoot to full manual mode. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Piano 1 Piano Vol 1: It’s Pretty Black and White Hamlin Steinkey Whether you’re just generally interested in learning the piano or your parents are forcing you to, this book will teach you the basics. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Piano 2 Piano Vol 2: Sharps, Flats, and Naturals Hamlin Steinkey A comprehensive resource for every budding pianist! Learn all the little details involved with piano playing! §150

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Book TS4 Skill Piano 2 Piano Vol 3: Concertos, Minutes, and Sonatas Hamlin Steinkey Learn to play like a professional and move the audience to tears, smiles, or frowns with your masterful performance! §250

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Book TS4 Skill Programming 1 Programming Vol 1: Turn It Off and On Again James Scott Become a computer wizard! Not a wizard like hat and wand, just someone who can bend computers to their will. Actually, a hat and wand couldn’t hurt. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Programming 2 Programming Vol 2: Maintaining Healthy Semicolons Rich Raken This book will teach you the importance of using fibers to keep your multithreaded code clean, healthy, and ready for anything. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Programming 2 Programming Vol 3: Learn to Talk Robot 1001010110010 00000010000010001011010010010011101001101100010010000010101000000011011010101000010101000010111010011011 §250

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Book TS4 Skill Research & Debate 1 Research & Debate Vol 1: Look it Up Jing Fen A beginner’s guide detailing where to find proper sources for information gathering. The first rule of debate: A Sim shouldn’t argue topics they don’t understand! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Research & Debate 2 Research & Debate Vol 2: Utilizing Information Jing Fen Arm yourself with knowledge and prepare for a battle of wits and charisma! This book covers everything from how to study more efficiently to instructions on how to persuade others to do basic, menial tasks for you. It’s not manipulation—it’s called ‘convincing.’ §150

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Book TS4 Skill Research & Debate 3 Research & Debate Vol 3: Knowledge is Power Jing Fen Knowledge allows a Sim to properly see, analyze, and realize hidden potentials in both word and action. A Sim who can master acquiring and using knowledge is powerful indeed. This book delves deep into such subject matter, making a master of its reader. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Robotics 1 Robotics Vol 1: Getting to Know Circuits Newt C. Speck Before one finds themselves proficient in the design, construction and operation of robots, a cursory knowledge of the components involved is essential. That’s what this book offers, cursory knowledge of the essentials. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Robotics 2 Robotics Vol 2: Building a Better Bot Newt C. Speck Bots have rights. At least they should. One of those rights should involve litigation against shoddy workmanship by subpar inventors. A practical young roboticist would protect themselves by reading this book. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Robotics 3 Robotics Vol 3: Inevitable Singularity Newt C. Speck Bots have rights. At least they should. One of those rights should involve litigation against shoddy workmanship by subpar inventors. A practical young roboticist would protect themselves by reading this book. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Rocket Science 1 Rocket Science Vol 1: So You Want to Be a Rocket Scientist Professor Sprocket An easy introduction into aerospace engineering. It shouldn’t be too hard to learn, after all this isn’t rocket science…oh wait, yes it is. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Rocket Science 2 Rocket Science Vol 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Constructing Your Spacecraft Professor Sprocket Everything you need to know about thrusters, escape velocity, fluid mechanics, and more. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Rocket Science 2 Rocket Science Vol 3: Counting Down to Launch Professor Sprocket This last installment comes with a 100% guarantee that after reading this you’ll be able to construct and launch a spacecraft! §250

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Book TS4 Simple Living Cookbook Simple Living Cookbook This book can be used to gain tremendous amounts of cooking skill! 2500

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Book TS4 Skill Video Games 1 Video Gaming Vol 1: Trolling for n00bs Johnny Primo Learn to dish out an obnoxious blend of profanity and sarcasm to complete strangers all from the comfort and safety of your home! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Video Games 2 Video Gaming Vol 2: The Official Guide to Gaming Johnny Primo Everything you need to know about games, gaming and gamers. Not covered: hygiene, friendship, self control. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Video Games 2 Video Gaming Vol 3: The Game of Life Johnny Primo What if we’re all just characters in some kind of sick, real life video game? §250

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Book TS4 Skill Violin 1 Violin Vol 1: Basic Violinin’ Stringy Banner Interested in learning the violin? Great! If you don’t succeed as a concert violinist, you can always play in the subways for a few bucks on the side! §75

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Book TS4 Skill Violin 2 Violin Vol 2: Classic Techniques Strata This book covers medium to advanced violin head bobbing and the ever-coveted «playing with eyes closed to enhance feeling» technique. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Violin 2 Violin Vol 3: Horsehair High Jinks Cade Noten Sure you can play the violin but have you ever used your power to bring an audience to tears? It’s actually really satisfying. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Wellness 1 Wellness Vol 1: Exploring the Mind-Body Connection Dr. Nu Waverly Learn the basics of creating a new you. Start the path for creating and controlling your own well-being to maintain your health by exploring the connection between your mind and body. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Wellness 2 Wellness Vol 2: Balance Your Emotions, Balance Your Life D.P. Breathern Master your mind, your emotions, your reactions. Learn to hone the art of self-awareness. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Wellness 3 Wellness Vol 3: Transforming Emotional Energy Kerma Kemelion Channel your emotions to work for you. Things come and go, but it is you who remains enlightened. §250

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Book TS4 Skill Writing 1 Writing Vol 1: The Conjugation Conundrum Rosie and Robbie Luteces Live, Lived, Will Live. Die, Died, Will Die. Flummox, Flummoxed, Will Flummox. §75

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Book TS4 Skill Writing 2 Writing Vol 2: The Importance of Punctuation Billy Shakes Did you know you can lengthen your written works by increasing the point size of just your periods? Longer is always better in the literary world. §150

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Book TS4 Skill Writing 2 Writing Vol 3: Let’s Get Weird Edward Falon Toaster This book will teach you to dig into your disturbed subconscious and pull out some really dark stuff. Just be sure to write with the lights on. Spooky! §250

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Vampire Lore[]

These tomes function as skill books for the vampire lore skill, but are purchased from separate menus to the other books.

Title Author Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Vampire Lore 1 Encyclopedia Vampirica Volume 1 Vasmer Balke Origin of the Vampire Species, Early History, Alternate Food Sources. §75

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Book TS4 Vampire Lore 2 Encyclopedia Vampirica Volume 2 Vasmer Balke Known Weaknesses, Known Strengths, Defense Techniques, Favorite Foods. §150

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Book TS4 Vampire Lore 3 Encyclopedia Vampirica Volume 3 Vasmer Balke Sunlight and the Importance of Sunscreen. Known Uses for Plasma Fruit, Garlic and Wolfsbane. Vampire Dental Care Techniques. §250

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Book TS4 Vampire Lore 4a The Ultimate Vampire Compendium Vasmer Balke From anatomy to Zeitgeist. Every detail collected on vampires is compiled here. §1000

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Spell Tomes[]

Spell tomes can be purchased from magic shops or found in the The Magic Realm. Reading a tome will teach the reader the spell or potion recipe it contains. These books are physically much larger than regular books, and their covers indicate the school of magic it teaches.

Title School Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Tome Mixed Low Tome for Low Ranked Spellcasters All Schools A Tome that contains the teachings of low ranked Spellcasters. §20

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Book TS4 Tome Mixed High Tome for High Ranked Spellcasters All Schools A Tome that contains the teachings of high ranked Spellcasters. §20

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Book TS4 Tome Practical Low Tome of Repairio Practical Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell to fix a broken object, or make it higher quality.


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Book TS4 Tome Practical Low Tome of Scruberoo Practical Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell to make something (or someone) squeaky clean.


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Book TS4 Tome Practical Low Tome of Delicioso Practical Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the Reader a Spell to create a tasty meal out of thin air.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Practical Low Tome of Floralorial Practical Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a Spell to help keep your plants healthy and bug free.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Practical High Tome of Copypasto Practical Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a Spell to turn one small object into many.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Practical High Tome of Transportalate Practical Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a Spell to move instantly to another location, regardless of distance.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Practical High Tome of Herbio Practical Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a Spell to create a fully grown plant in even the most fallow of soils.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Practical High Tome of Homewardial Practical Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a Spell to return to The Magic Realm.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief Low Tome of Deliriate Mischief Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell that will allow them to scramble Sim’s thoughts.

Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief Low Tome of Despario Mischief Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell that fills a Sim’s mind with feelings of intense sadness.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief Low Tome of Furio Mischief Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the Reader a Spell to convince two Sims to argue and fight with each other.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief Low Tome of Infatuate Mischief Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a Spell to convince two Sims to get romantic with each other.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief High Tome of Burgliate Mischief Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a Spell to acquire something that doesn’t belong to them.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Mischief High Tome of Morphiate Mischief Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a Spell to transform a hapless Sim into an inanimate object.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed Low Tome of Inferniate Untamed Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell to instantly incinerate your target with the power or fire.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed Low Tome of Zipzap Untamed Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a Spell to harness electrical energy and give something a jolt.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed Low Tome of Necrocall Untamed Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a Spell to summon the dead from their final resting place.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed High Tome of Chillio Untamed Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a Spell to create a blast of cold air that freezes anyone it touches.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed High Tome of Decursify Untamed Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a Spell to free yourself from the effects of a magical curse.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed High Tome of Minionize Untamed Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a Spell to control another Sim’s mind and bend them to your will.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Untamed High Tome of Dedeathify Untamed Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a Spell to restore a ghost to their original physical form.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Good Fortune Alchemy Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a potion to find helpful items while doing everyday activities.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Magical Aura Alchemy Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a potion that will display a Sims magical aura.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Nausea Alchemy Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a potion to annoy an enemy and turn their stomach.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of the Nimble Mind Alchemy Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a potion that will increase the speed your Sim’s gain skills.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Plentiful Needs Alchemy Requires: Rank Apprentice

Teaches the reader a potion to fulfill all of a Sim’s needs.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Alluring Aura Alchemy Requires: Rank Neophyte

Teaches the reader a potion that makes those around the drinker more receptive to romantic conversation.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Emotional Stability Alchemy Requires: Rank Neophyte

Teaches the reader a potion to remove unnecessary emotional baggage.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of Forced Friendship Alchemy Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a potion that unlocks the power of friendly conversation.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy Low Tome of the Perk Purging Alchemy Requires: Rank Acolyte

Teaches the reader a potion that allows a Spellcaster to choose different perks.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of Curse Cleansing Alchemy Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a potion to remove all curses from a Sim.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of Masterful Insults Alchemy Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a potion that unlocks that power of animosity.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of Rejuvenation Alchemy Requires: Rank Adept

Teaches the reader a potion to allow a Sim to remain at their current age.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of Immortality Alchemy Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a potion to prevent death from old age.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of Prompt Resurrection Alchemy Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a potion that will revive them immediately if they die.


Realm of Magic icon

Book TS4 Tome Alchemy High Tome of the Transcendent Charmer Alchemy Requires: Rank Master

Teaches the reader a potion to unlock the power of romantic conversation.


Realm of Magic icon

University course books[]

Title Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Art History Art History — University Course Book Can anyone truly understand art? This course book will attempt to teach you the answer! Leveraging skills such as painting, writing, and charisma, Art History students will be able to expand their cultural horizons and also provide fun facts in art museums forever. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Biology Biology — University Course Book It really is a matter of life and death! This course book will be used in when taking the Biology degree program. Attempt to unlock the mysteries of life through the study of — among other things — the fitness, gardening, and logic skills. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Communications Communications — University Course Book This course book supports students taking the Communications degree program. With an emphasis on building the charisma, writing, and logic skills, the Communications degree is a big help to anyone looking to work effectively in a professional environment. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Computer Science Computer Science — University Course Book Don’t be a hack — read the Computer Science course book while taking the degree, and you’re processor will have enough RAM to take you to the ether… net! §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Culinary Arts Culinary Arts — University Course Book What’s cookin’, good lookin’? Why, you are! The Culinary Arts course book will help students taking the Culinary Arts degree to new flavors! §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Drama Drama — University Course Book Can you REALLY learn drama by reading a course book? Don’t be so dramatic — of course you can! Now get studying. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Economics Economics — University Course Book Sometimes, lectures are long and boring. The professor basically teaches what’s in this book. So give it a good read, and learn about asset turnover ratios and balance of payments. This course book should be used with the Economics degree program. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Fine Arts Fine Arts — University Course Book Studying doesn’t need to be abstract — use this book with the Fine Arts degree program, and you won’t need to use improvisation during the final exam. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 History History — University Course Book Learning about old-timey stuff and things that happened in yore has never been so comprehensive! Use this course book with the History degree program, and you’ll make… history. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Language & Literature Language & Literature — University Course Book This course book should be used for those taking the program for the Language & Literature degree. Read the book for the literature; go to class for the language. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Physics Physics — University Course Book The course book for the Physics degree will accelerate learning and provide a displacement to your perspective. Study it to have less friction during the final exam. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Psychology Psychology — University Course Book The mind works in mysterious ways… fortunately, you have this book to help through these psychological matters. This book supports the Psychology degree program. §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Villainy Villainy — University Course Book So you want to be a bad guy? Well, you have to do good work in this class! The Villainy text book will provide utmost knowledge of how to do things without regard to other Sims — all for your benefit. The world can be yours — get reading! §700

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Soccer Soccer Team Playbook Keep it secret. Keep it safe. It’s the team’s super secret soccer playbook! §100

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon


These books can be found under the Children’s section of the bookstore. They do not function as standard books, however.

Title Description Price Pack
Book TS4 Homework Student Carrier Notebook For portable note taking! §0

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Homework 1 Grade School Homework Doing homework is an important step toward getting good grades. §1

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Homework 2 Homework Doing homework is an important step toward getting good grades. §1

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Homework Student University Homework Doing homework is an important step toward getting good grades. §1

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Homework Teacher Teacher’s Padfolio of Student Homework After student assignments have been turned in and collected, this is where they go! Time for some grading. §150

TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon

Book TS4 Journal 1 Private Journal Contains secret dreams and wishes. Snooping siblings keep away! §28

Parenthood Icon

Book TS4 Journal 2 Private Journal Contains secret dreams and wishes. Snooping siblings keep away! §28

Parenthood Icon

Book TS4 Journal 3 Private Journal Contains secret dreams and wishes. Snooping siblings keep away! §28

Parenthood Icon

Book TS4 Scouting Manual Scouting Manual The Scout’s guide on becoming a well-rounded Sim. From Arts and Crafts to Civic Responsibility, Fitness to Science, it teaches everything a young sim needs to go from Griffon Scout all the way up to Llamacorn Scout. Plus, it has pictures of knots! §20

TS4 Seasons Icon

Unobtainable Books[]

These books are not available for Sims to own. This is because they are either used for specific interactions, used by certain NPCs, or are completely unused.

Title Author Description Notes Price Pack
Book TS4 Dollhouse A Doll’s House The extravagant tales of Areel the Space Pirate and her spunky lover. In this volume: finding the dollhouse of their dreams. Unused dollhouse book.
Book TS4 Design DesignCraft Vol. 1 Book of Basics, you cannot start dipping your toes in Interior Design without DesignCraft… Vol. I.
Learn to navigate your first color palette, your first Client, your first… experimental room.
Template for custom Design written books. §20

TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon

Book TS4 Butler How to Serve and Not Be Served Alfred the Butler A who’s who of butlers with a how to guide to butlering. Discover the origins of butlering in Windenburg, and how the role has adapted to modern butlering in the 21st century. Inspirational quotes from famous butlers will keep you motivated and moving! Generic book. Butlers will read this book when idle. Played Sims are unable to read this book even when made available with cheats. §20

Vintage Glamour Stuff Icon

Book TS4 Skill Piano 2 Piano Bars and You: How to Hold a Note Without a Paper Bag Slim and Karen Bulger The famous songbirds show you how to impress your friends at karaoke or at least stop making their heads hurt. Unused generic book. §20

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Biography The End is Fear Gene Damage In this epic saga of post-apocalyptic survival, a child finds herself alone on a ruined planet, with no one but her fish to comfort her. Unused generic book. §20

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Skill Mixology 2 Baker’s Dozen: 13 Fabulous Flour-filled Recipes Mimi Morebread In the anti-grain age of the gluten free, renowned baker Mimi Morebread reclaims the undeniable power of flour in 13 fabulous recipes that will leave your guests bloated with joy. Unused Cooking skill book, intended as a reward for the Culinary career. Was initially available in the game to purchase, but later disabled with a patch. §2500

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Magazine Charisma How to Be a Successful Socialite Blaire Aparti A complete guide to entertaining and being entertained! Unused Charisma skill book, intended as a reward for the Socialite career. Was initially available in the game to purchase, but later disabled with a patch. §2500

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Magazine Cooking Mmm! What’s that Smell? Julio Kid A culinary master’s inside guide to creating the perfect dish and achieving perfect reviews from the toughest of food critics. Unused Cooking skill book, intended as a reward for the Culinary career. Was initially available in the game to purchase, but later disabled with a patch. §2500

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Skill Charisma 2 Shaken or Stirred: 400 Pretentious Drinks Ginger Rosewater Expand your repertoire and impress your clientele with hundreds of unexpected elixirs from master mixologist Ginger Rosewater. Unused Mixology skill book, intended as a reward for the Mixologist career. Was initially available in the game to purchase, but later disabled with a patch. §150

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Skill WooHoo 1 WooHoo Vol 1: Techniques of an Artist «Design» Just wear a bunch of weird stuff and do magic and insult people. Everyone will want to WooHoo with you, it’s awesome. Unused WooHoo skill book, a remnant of the scrapped WooHoo skill. §75

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Skill WooHoo 1 WooHoo Vol 2: The Sima Sutra Jeff An ancient and mystical tome describing the finer details of courtship, WooHoo and the duties of a lover. Oh, and it’s a picture book! Unused WooHoo skill book, a remnant of the scrapped WooHoo skill. §250

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Vampire Lore 4b The Ultimate Vampire Compendium Vasmer Balke From anatomy to Zeitgeist. Every detail collected on vampires is compiled here. Unused Vampire Lore skill book. Unique purple variation of vampire compendium, but otherwise identical to the red version. §1000

The Sims 4 Vampires Icon

Book TS4 Emotion Playful Artsy Fartsy: It’s a Gas! Cutter Cheese Explore the fabulous world of flatulence! Did you know farting can be an expression of gratitude? Whether you’re going for stealthy stink-bombs or crowd-stopping toots, this easy-to-follow guide can help anyone master the art of the fart. Unused Playful emotion book. Its title is reused as a template name for custom Playful books.

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Emotion Flirty Bawdy Language Meomi Here Body language can be hard to read, so why not learn to send clearer signals? In her sensual and exciting new book, Meomi Here teaches you inviting new poses such as Bye-Bye Booty, Aloha Allure, and Forget-My-Lats Not. Unused Flirty emotion book. Its title is reused as a template name for custom Flirty books.

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Emotion Focused Commando: How to Ensure All Eyes Are On You Donna Trymie From client meetings to one-on-ones with your boss, Trymie delivers the skinny on what (not) to wear, eye contact, backslapping and more for success in the modern workplace. Unused Confident emotion book. Its title is reused as a template name for custom Confident books.

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Emotion Sad Orphan Song Missy Brood Abandoned by her parents, Sara Petit has little hope of ever finding what she dreams of most: a loving home. Until the day she is adopted by a remarkably smothering woman, at which point she misses the orphanage. Unused Sad emotion book, and the only premade one of its kind in the game. Its title is reused as a template name for custom Sad books. §20

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Emotion Energized Sleeping Standing Up Golly Zees Are you chronically tired? Not getting enough sleep? In this new bestseller, Golly Zees discloses the secrets of sleeping standing up. Catch up on rest anytime, anywhere—and tackle each day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Unused Energized emotion book. Its title and the author’s name are both reused as template names for custom Energized books.

TS4 Icon

Book TS4 Instruction Manual Instruction Book Just a book. On instructions. Instructing. What to do. Read by Sims when building home projects. §20

Parenthood Icon

Book TS4 Magazine Magazine Typical magazine found at Spas. Read by staff at Spa venues. §0

TS4SD Icon

Book TS4 City Guide Where Am I? Nothing says “Hey baby, I’m lost” better than the Where Am I? map. Say it without speaking with this stylish accessory. Read by Sims when using a self-interaction in San Myshuno. §305

TS4 City Living Icon

Written Books[]

Sims with the writing skill can write their own books.


These genres gradually become available to Sims as they level up their writing skill.

Biography Children’s Comedy
  • Llama Man, a Secret History
  • Still Life with Garden Hose
  • 12 Years a Knave: Life in the Court of the Queen of Hearts
  • Fashion Victim: The Glamorous Rise and Hard Fall of Supermodel Wiggy
  • The True Story of Granny Raymond and the Cookies That Shook the World
  • Pat the Badger
  • Tigers Don’t Take Naps
  • Goodnight, Night Light
  • One Blue Shoe: A Tale of Lost and Found
  • Never Eat Your Pet Turtle and Other Advice for Kindergarten
  • All My Friends are Fred
  • Jokes from the Punderground
  • …And Another Thing!
Dollhouse Fantasy Interior Design TS4 GP10 Dream Home Decorator Icon
  • A Rabbit’s Tale
  • One Sun, Two Sun, Ahh! Sun
  • The Loneliest Robot
  • These Are My Toes
  • The Acutest Triangle
  • The Werewolf Journals
  • The Raven Headmistress
  • Cat Lord, Cat Counsel
  • Rough-hewn Sword-Maidens and Brawny Warrior Men
  • The Clockwork Carnival
  • To Décor or Not to Décor: The Definitive Decoration Guide
  • Don’t Throw Out Those Tchotchkes!
  • My Space: A Look into the Mind (and Home) of an Interior Decorator
  • Elevated Living on a Budget
Mystery Non-fiction Poetry
  • Two Shoes Gone
  • Every Man in Town
  • Blight
  • The Missing Stair
  • No Way In
  • Life of i: Imaginary Numbers and You
  • The Fox of Park Avenue
  • Lies My Writing Teacher Told Me
  • Heroes of SimCity: Candid Portraits and Tales
  • Poems Lovelier Than Trees
  • Poemics
  • Celestial Pillow Fight
  • Yowl: A Complaint in Rhyme
Romance Sci-fi Screenplay
  • My Heart Beats for You
  • Apocalypse Tomorrow
  • Lender’s Game
  • The Venusian Chronicles
  • Aliens Don’t Need Sunglasses
  • All about Cleve
  • Twilight Boulevard
  • It Happened One Lunch Break
  • Injure Will
Short stories Travel Guide TS4AT Icon
  • Widdershins Ballet and Other Stories
  • Tall Tales for Short Adults
  • Five Metaphysical Overtures and One Ensemble
  • Flashpaper Fiction
  • The Jungle Welcomes You
  • Temple Exploration for Dumb Dumbs
  • Adventure Gear 101
  • Jetsetting to the Omisca Ruins


Sims can write their own emotion books, but only when they are experiencing that emotion themselves.

Confident Energized Flirty
  • Commando: How to Ensure All Eyes Are on You
  • You Rock! A Celebration of You!
  • Puzzle Pleasers
  • Mind Over Muscle
  • Mirror Shmirror
  • Golly Zees
  • Sleeping Standing Up
  • Mind Over Muscle
  • Bawdy Language
  • Brazen Love
  • Love Me Once
  • Tugging Heart Strings like a Puppeteer
  • Bolster Your Heart
Playful Sad
  • Artsy Fartsy: It’s a Gas!
  • The Great Pickle Capers
  • Bear Naked and Stork Raving Fads
  • The Joys of Freeze Tag
  • Palindrome Puns
  • No Exit Ramp
  • Orphan Song
  • All the Sickly Horses
  • One Fell Out of the Cuckoo’s Nest
  • Mama Doesn’t Love You Anymore

Skill Manual[]

Sims with the Professiorial reward trait from completing the Renaissance Sim aspiration are able to write custom skill manuals of any skill they are proficient in. Manuals for baking, flower arranging, herbalism, parenting, photography, wellness, and vampire lore cannot be created however, despite being skills that can be learned from books.

Acting TS4 EP6 GF Icon Archaeology TS4AT Icon Charisma
  • Memoirs of a Movie Star
    (Lessons from a master of film. Guaranteed to improve your ability to cry on demand.)
  • Can You Dig It?
  • Artifact / Artifiction
  • Prehistorical Ain’t Rhetorical
  • Words of Power
  • Master the Art of Personal Magnetism
  • How to Become a Leader in 12 Easy Steps
  • Flirting for Fun and Profit
Comedy Cooking Fabrication TS4 EP9 Eco Lifestyle Icon
  • Everyday Jokes for the Laughing-Impaired
  • A Pun a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
  • Wit Minus Wisdom
  • A Healthy Appetite: 101 Nutrition-Packed Recipes
  • Over Easy: No-Fuss Breakfasts
  • Take the Cake — And Eat It, Too
  • My First Fabricator
  • Making Sense of Making Scents
  • Dyeing to Know You
Fishing Fitness Gardening
  • Hook, Line, and Thinker
  • Bait to the Party
  • Trolling for Answers
  • House of Cardio
  • Get Pumped
  • Winning Workouts
  • The Carrot Whisperer
  • Seeds and Sprouts, Simplified
  • The Dynamics of Dirt
Gourmet cooking Guitar Handiness
  • Molecular Gastronomy for the Bewildered
  • Hot Knives, Cool Chefs: A Culinary Who’s Who
  • Gourmet, Gourmand, Glutton: Testing the Limits of Foodie Culture
  • Guitarobics
  • A Chord a Day the Easy Way
  • Fret No More
  • From Hapless to Handy in 30 Days
  • Handiness Is a Warm (Glue) Gun
  • Handy Guys and Gals
Knitting TS4SP17Icon Logic Mischief
  • Knitting for Your Pets
  • Unraveling the Secrets of Knitting
  • Threading the Needle: Knitting for Thrill Seekers
  • The Pocket Guide to Mathematical Logic
  • Logic Puzzles for a Rainy Day
  • Deduce It, Induce It, Refute It; Logical Shortcuts for the Intrepid
  • The Handbook of Practical Jokes
  • Pranked! And How to Get Even
  • 365 Ways to Win a Bet
Mixology Painting Piano
  • Mastering Potions
  • Curious Concoctions
  • Nothing Is Better than Nectar
  • Composition and Perspective in Urban Landscape Painting
  • Choose Your Weapon: Oil, Acrylic, and Watercolor
  • Art Forgery Tricks and Tips
  • The Big Book of Piano Adventures
  • Teach Your Dog Piano
  • The Piano Tuner’s Handbook
Programming Research & debate TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon Robotics TS4 EP8 Discover University Icon
  • The Art of Quick and Dirty Scripting
  • Ethical Hacking for the Confused
  • The Ninja Worm
  • Daring Debaters
  • Proper Archival Procedures
  • Establishing a Position: Converting Research into Debate
  • Automating Automation
  • Guide to Passing Your Turing Test
  • 01001101 01100001 01101110 01110101 01100001 01101100
Rock climbing TS4 EP10 Snowy Escape Icon Rocket Science Skiing TS4 EP10 Snowy Escape Icon
  • Rock Climbing Manual
  • It’s Not Brain Surgery!
  • Do-It-Yourself Liquid Propellant Engines
  • How to Launch a Mission to Mars
  • Skiing Manual
    (From Bunny Slopes to Pro!)
Snowboarding TS4 EP10 Snowy Escape Icon Video games Violin
  • Snowboarding Skill Book
    (Build Skill with this Snowboarding Skill Book! Cuz it can be tricky to rock a rhyme, rock a rhyme that’s punctual. Seriously…it can be tricky.)
  • The Ultimate Player’s Guide to Absolutely Everything
  • Gaming in the Post-Video Era
  • First-Person Shooter: A Memoir
  • Deathmatch: Violin vs. Fiddle
  • Between the Strings
  • Skipping Strings
  • All You Ever Wanted to Know about Semicolons
  • Myths about Writer’s Block
  • Kill Your Viewpoint Characters: How to Write Fantasy


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Not an actual genre. All conspiracy-themed books actually lack a genre entirely.

Книги в The Sims 4 отличаются огромным разнообразием, причем встречаются даже пародии на реально существующие произведения.

Для того, чтобы обзавестись новыми книгами и восполнить свою виртуальную библиотеку в The Sims 4 вам можно выполнить одно из нескольких действий, которые мы приведем ниже.

Самое простое — купить, для чего нужно попросту кликнуть по книжному шкафу. Также купить можно и в режиме строительства и покупки, пользуясь для этого кодом разработчика. Ну и в некоторых городах есть книжные магазины — можно купить книги еще и в них.

Автор: Марисса Ли Опубликовано 4 минуты назад

Ощутите лунное прозрение в The Sims 4 с этими книгами об оборотнях и откройте для себя массу новых знаний.

У The Sims 4: Werewolves было чуть более двух недель, чтобы поразить игроков до выхода, и до сих пор реакция была неоднозначной. Несмотря на то, что были некоторые (забавные) сбои и смешанные реакции на то, как выглядят оборотни, до сих пор стая была невероятно раскручена. Почему? Потому что лор фантастический.

Наличия лора в The Sims 4 достаточно, чтобы заинтересовать многих игроков, но предыстория в этом наборе невероятно детализирована. От связей с заклинателями и вампирами до происхождения двух новых стай оборотней (и той таинственной фигуры Грега) есть много вещей, которые нужно исследовать, и книги — лучшее место для начала.

Новые книги об оборотнях

 The Sims 4: все книги об оборотнях и как их найти

Изображение Iron Seagull на Youtube.

Sim Guru Morgan опубликовал в Твиттере некоторую предварительную информацию о новых книгах об оборотнях, включенных в пакет, включая всплывающие учебники, обычные (совместимые с базовой игрой) книги и некоторые тайно названные «Другое». Они также намекнули, что одна из этих секретных книг может быть дневником, а может и не быть.


Однако они не раскрыли, где найти эти книги. Как оказалось, есть много способов раскрыть эти новые тома и секреты оборотней, которые они содержат.

Покупка книг об оборотнях

Как и любые другие книги, некоторые названия оборотней можно купить в компьютерном или книжном шкафу. Все книги, совместимые с базовой игрой, доступны таким образом. Вы также можете найти некоторые эксклюзивные книги об оборотнях здесь, но без установленного игрового пакета Werewolves вы не увидите всплывающий текст.

Если вы ищете лунное прозрение, некоторые из этих книги об оборотнях сблизят вас; вам, возможно, придется прочитать их более одного раза, хотя. Как только вы разблокируете Lunar Epiphany, вы получите больше пользы от прочитанных вами книг — наконец, эти специальные символы обретут смысл!

Поиск книг об оборотнях

Уборка мусора — еще одна новая способность оборотня, которую можно разблокировать с помощью способности Мусорщика в дереве способностей. Но чтобы найти настоящее сокровище — секретные вещи, если хотите, — оборотням придется сначала разблокировать способность «Улучшенный запах».

Используйте черту «Улучшенный запах», чтобы “Обнюхать здесь». Над местами, где находится сокровище, появится облако дыма. Нажмите на эти места и выберите “Scavenge Ground” найти сокровище. Вы могли бы найти секретную книгу — может быть, даже дневник? Хотя, может, и нет. Не могу знать наверняка, пока не начнешь копать.

​​Travel Underground

Вокруг Мельницы Мунвуда появляются подземные туннели, и как только вы достаточно освоитесь с системой, вы сможете сэкономить много времени, путешествуя между ними. Исследование этих туннелей похоже на всплывающие окна с предложением выбрать свое приключение, которые появляются, когда вы исследуете новые локации в Сельвадораде или тайные миры в Уиллоу-Крик и Оазис-Спрингс.

Менее известная (но не менее крутая) вещь, которую следует знать, заключается в том, что здесь вы также можете найти книги. Потребуется приличное количество исследований и немного удачи, но способность ночного видения упрощает задачу. Эта способность облегчает видимость ночью, так что вас не будут останавливать туннели с мусором, он не будет слишком ржавым, чтобы просеивать его, и вы действительно сможете найти что-нибудь.

Check In With Your Pack

Повышение рейтинга в выбранном вами пакете также может открыть новую книгу или две. Например, когда Джейкоб Волков достиг ранга Омега в Коллективе Лунного Леса, он получил бесплатную копию The Good Boy.

Поэкспериментируйте с различными наборами и попробуйте повысить уровень игровых персонажей, чтобы увидеть, что вы получите!< /p>

Все книги об оборотнях и где их найти

Ищете список всех новых книг? Надеетесь разблокировать что-то конкретное? Вот полный список всех новых книг в игре и где их можно найти:

< /tr>


Алексей Дунских

Любит классические приключенческие и ролевые игры больше всего на свете, но время от времени он неравнодушен к ФИФА.

Названия книг< /th> Требуется DLC Где их найти
Спокойной ночи&# 39;s Moon Базовая игра Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Beyond Big & Плохо: переосмысление вредных стереотипов об оборотнях Базовая игра Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Dusk Glow Базовая игра Приобрести через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Dusk Glow 2: Moonrise Основная игра Приобрести через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Dusk Glow 3: Shadowmoon Базовая игра Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Fanged Друзья навсегда The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Наборы и amp; Предубеждение The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер, исследовать подземные туннели
Загадка Питера Баркера в кемпинге The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Первая луна Питера Баркера The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
Питер Баркер. ..В космосе? The Sims 4: Werewolves Купить через книжный шкаф или компьютер
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