Синус 750 градусов как найти

Решение тригонометрических примеров

1. Примеры с градусной мерой.

Пример 1.

Найдем sin 750º, cos (-1920º).


1) sin 750º = sin (2 · 360º + 30º) = sin 30º = sin π/6 = 1/2


sin 750º означает, что мы совершили два полных оборота по окружности, затем остановились в точке 30º. То есть 30º и 750º — идентичные величины. А sin 30º равен 1/2.

2) cos (-1920º) = cos 1920º = cos (5 · 360º + 120º) = cos 120º = cos 2π/3 = -1/2.

Пояснение: согласно свойству косинуса, cos (-α) = cos α. Дальнейшие действия объяснены в предыдущем примере.


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Задание № 4441

Найдите sin 750°.

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Синус — функция периодическая [math]T=360^o=2pi[/math]


Ответ: 0,5

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Используя формулу приведения вычислить sin 750 градусов cos 750 градусов sin47 6 π cos47 6 π.

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The value of sin 750 degrees is 0.5. Sin 750 degrees in radians is written as sin (750° × π/180°), i.e., sin (25π/6) or sin (13.089969. . .). In this article, we will discuss the methods to find the value of sin 750 degrees with examples.

  • Sin 750°: 0.5
  • Sin 750° in fraction: 1/2
  • Sin (-750 degrees): -0.5
  • Sin 750° in radians: sin (25π/6) or sin (13.0899693 . . .)

What is the Value of Sin 750 Degrees?

The value of sin 750 degrees in decimal is 0.5. Sin 750 degrees can also be expressed using the equivalent of the given angle (750 degrees) in radians (13.08996 . . .).

We know, using degree to radian conversion, θ in radians = θ in degrees × (pi/180°)
⇒ 750 degrees = 750° × (π/180°) rad = 25π/6 or 13.0899 . . .
∴ sin 750° = sin(13.0899) = 1/2 or 0.5

Sin 750 Degrees


For sin 750°, the angle 750° > 360°. Given the periodic property of the sine function, we can represent it as sin(750° mod 360°) = sin(30°). The angle 750°, coterminal to angle 30°, is located in the First Quadrant(Quadrant I).
Since sine function is positive in the 1st quadrant, thus sin 750 degrees value = 1/2 or 0.5
Similarly, sin 750° can also be written as, sin 750 degrees = (750° + n × 360°), n ∈ Z.
⇒ sin 750° = sin 1110° = sin 1470°, and so on.
Note: Since, sine is an odd function, the value of sin(-750°) = -sin(750°).

Methods to Find Value of Sin 750 Degrees

The sine function is positive in the 1st quadrant. The value of sin 750° is given as 0.5. We can find the value of sin 750 degrees by:

  • Using Unit Circle
  • Using Trigonometric Functions

Sin 750 Degrees Using Unit Circle

value of sin 750

To find the value of sin 750 degrees using the unit circle, represent 750° in the form (2 × 360°) + 30° [∵ 750°>360°] ∵ sine is a periodic function, sin 750° = sin 30°.

  • Rotate ‘r’ anticlockwise to form a 30° or 750° angle with the positive x-axis.
  • The sin of 750 degrees equals the y-coordinate(0.5) of the point of intersection (0.866, 0.5) of unit circle and r.

Hence the value of sin 750° = y = 0.5

Sin 750° in Terms of Trigonometric Functions

Using trigonometry formulas, we can represent the sin 750 degrees as:

  • ± √(1-cos²(750°))
  • ± tan 750°/√(1 + tan²(750°))
  • ± 1/√(1 + cot²(750°))
  • ± √(sec²(750°) — 1)/sec 750°
  • 1/cosec 750°

Note: Since 750° lies in the 1st Quadrant, the final value of sin 750° will be positive.

We can use trigonometric identities to represent sin 750° as,

  • sin(180° — 750°) = sin(-570°)
  • -sin(180° + 750°) = -sin 930°
  • cos(90° — 750°) = cos(-660°)
  • -cos(90° + 750°) = -cos 840°

☛ Also Check:

  • sin 120 degrees
  • sin 60 degrees
  • sin 10 degrees
  • sin 765 degrees
  • sin 585 degrees
  • sin 88 degrees

FAQs on Sin 750 Degrees

What is Sin 750 Degrees?

Sin 750 degrees is the value of sine trigonometric function for an angle equal to 750 degrees. The value of sin 750° is 1/2 or 0.5.

How to Find the Value of Sin 750 Degrees?

The value of sin 750 degrees can be calculated by constructing an angle of 750° with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (0.866, 0.5) on the unit circle. The value of sin 750° is equal to the y-coordinate (0.5). ∴ sin 750° = 0.5.

How to Find Sin 750° in Terms of Other Trigonometric Functions?

Using trigonometry formula, the value of sin 750° can be given in terms of other trigonometric functions as:

  • ± √(1-cos²(750°))
  • ± tan 750°/√(1 + tan²(750°))
  • ± 1/√(1 + cot²(750°))
  • ± √(sec²(750°) — 1)/sec 750°
  • 1/cosec 750°

☛ Also check: trigonometric table

What is the Value of Sin 750° in Terms of Sec 750°?

Since the sine function can be represented using the secant function, we can write sin 750° as √(sec²(750°) — 1)/sec 750°. The value of sec 750° is equal to 1.154701.

What is the Value of Sin 750 Degrees in Terms of Tan 750°?

We know, using trig identities, we can write sin 750° as tan 750°/√(1 + tan²(750°)). Here, the value of tan 750° is equal to 0.577350.

Таблица синусов.

Таблица синусов — это записанные в таблицу посчитанные значения синусов углов от 0° до 360°. Используя таблицу синусов вы сможете провести расчеты даже если под руками не окажется инженерного калькулятора. Чтобы узнать значение синуса от нужного Вам угла достаточно найти его в таблице.

Калькулятор — синус угла

sin(°) = 0

Калькулятор — арксинус угла

arcsin() = 90°

Таблица синусов в радианах

α 0 π6 π4 π3 π2 π 3π2 2π
sin α 0 12 22 32 1 0 -1 0

Таблица синусов углов от 0° до 180°

sin(0°) = 0
sin(1°) = 0.017452
sin(2°) = 0.034899
sin(3°) = 0.052336
sin(4°) = 0.069756
sin(5°) = 0.087156
sin(6°) = 0.104528
sin(7°) = 0.121869
sin(8°) = 0.139173
sin(9°) = 0.156434
sin(10°) = 0.173648
sin(11°) = 0.190809
sin(12°) = 0.207912
sin(13°) = 0.224951
sin(14°) = 0.241922
sin(15°) = 0.258819
sin(16°) = 0.275637
sin(17°) = 0.292372
sin(18°) = 0.309017
sin(19°) = 0.325568
sin(20°) = 0.34202
sin(21°) = 0.358368
sin(22°) = 0.374607
sin(23°) = 0.390731
sin(24°) = 0.406737
sin(25°) = 0.422618
sin(26°) = 0.438371
sin(27°) = 0.45399
sin(28°) = 0.469472
sin(29°) = 0.48481
sin(30°) = 0.5
sin(31°) = 0.515038
sin(32°) = 0.529919
sin(33°) = 0.544639
sin(34°) = 0.559193
sin(35°) = 0.573576
sin(36°) = 0.587785
sin(37°) = 0.601815
sin(38°) = 0.615661
sin(39°) = 0.62932
sin(40°) = 0.642788
sin(41°) = 0.656059
sin(42°) = 0.669131
sin(43°) = 0.681998
sin(44°) = 0.694658
sin(45°) = 0.707107
sin(46°) = 0.71934
sin(47°) = 0.731354
sin(48°) = 0.743145
sin(49°) = 0.75471
sin(50°) = 0.766044
sin(51°) = 0.777146
sin(52°) = 0.788011
sin(53°) = 0.798636
sin(54°) = 0.809017
sin(55°) = 0.819152
sin(56°) = 0.829038
sin(57°) = 0.838671
sin(58°) = 0.848048
sin(59°) = 0.857167
sin(60°) = 0.866025
sin(61°) = 0.87462
sin(62°) = 0.882948
sin(63°) = 0.891007
sin(64°) = 0.898794
sin(65°) = 0.906308
sin(66°) = 0.913545
sin(67°) = 0.920505
sin(68°) = 0.927184
sin(69°) = 0.93358
sin(70°) = 0.939693
sin(71°) = 0.945519
sin(72°) = 0.951057
sin(73°) = 0.956305
sin(74°) = 0.961262
sin(75°) = 0.965926
sin(76°) = 0.970296
sin(77°) = 0.97437
sin(78°) = 0.978148
sin(79°) = 0.981627
sin(80°) = 0.984808
sin(81°) = 0.987688
sin(82°) = 0.990268
sin(83°) = 0.992546
sin(84°) = 0.994522
sin(85°) = 0.996195
sin(86°) = 0.997564
sin(87°) = 0.99863
sin(88°) = 0.999391
sin(89°) = 0.999848
sin(90°) = 1
sin(91°) = 0.999848
sin(92°) = 0.999391
sin(93°) = 0.99863
sin(94°) = 0.997564
sin(95°) = 0.996195
sin(96°) = 0.994522
sin(97°) = 0.992546
sin(98°) = 0.990268
sin(99°) = 0.987688
sin(100°) = 0.984808
sin(101°) = 0.981627
sin(102°) = 0.978148
sin(103°) = 0.97437
sin(104°) = 0.970296
sin(105°) = 0.965926
sin(106°) = 0.961262
sin(107°) = 0.956305
sin(108°) = 0.951057
sin(109°) = 0.945519
sin(110°) = 0.939693
sin(111°) = 0.93358
sin(112°) = 0.927184
sin(113°) = 0.920505
sin(114°) = 0.913545
sin(115°) = 0.906308
sin(116°) = 0.898794
sin(117°) = 0.891007
sin(118°) = 0.882948
sin(119°) = 0.87462
sin(120°) = 0.866025
sin(121°) = 0.857167
sin(122°) = 0.848048
sin(123°) = 0.838671
sin(124°) = 0.829038
sin(125°) = 0.819152
sin(126°) = 0.809017
sin(127°) = 0.798636
sin(128°) = 0.788011
sin(129°) = 0.777146
sin(130°) = 0.766044
sin(131°) = 0.75471
sin(132°) = 0.743145
sin(133°) = 0.731354
sin(134°) = 0.71934
sin(135°) = 0.707107
sin(136°) = 0.694658
sin(137°) = 0.681998
sin(138°) = 0.669131
sin(139°) = 0.656059
sin(140°) = 0.642788
sin(141°) = 0.62932
sin(142°) = 0.615661
sin(143°) = 0.601815
sin(144°) = 0.587785
sin(145°) = 0.573576
sin(146°) = 0.559193
sin(147°) = 0.544639
sin(148°) = 0.529919
sin(149°) = 0.515038
sin(150°) = 0.5
sin(151°) = 0.48481
sin(152°) = 0.469472
sin(153°) = 0.45399
sin(154°) = 0.438371
sin(155°) = 0.422618
sin(156°) = 0.406737
sin(157°) = 0.390731
sin(158°) = 0.374607
sin(159°) = 0.358368
sin(160°) = 0.34202
sin(161°) = 0.325568
sin(162°) = 0.309017
sin(163°) = 0.292372
sin(164°) = 0.275637
sin(165°) = 0.258819
sin(166°) = 0.241922
sin(167°) = 0.224951
sin(168°) = 0.207912
sin(169°) = 0.190809
sin(170°) = 0.173648
sin(171°) = 0.156434
sin(172°) = 0.139173
sin(173°) = 0.121869
sin(174°) = 0.104528
sin(175°) = 0.087156
sin(176°) = 0.069756
sin(177°) = 0.052336
sin(178°) = 0.034899
sin(179°) = 0.017452
sin(180°) = 0

Таблица синусов углов от 181° до 360°

sin(181°) = -0.017452
sin(182°) = -0.034899
sin(183°) = -0.052336
sin(184°) = -0.069756
sin(185°) = -0.087156
sin(186°) = -0.104528
sin(187°) = -0.121869
sin(188°) = -0.139173
sin(189°) = -0.156434
sin(190°) = -0.173648
sin(191°) = -0.190809
sin(192°) = -0.207912
sin(193°) = -0.224951
sin(194°) = -0.241922
sin(195°) = -0.258819
sin(196°) = -0.275637
sin(197°) = -0.292372
sin(198°) = -0.309017
sin(199°) = -0.325568
sin(200°) = -0.34202
sin(201°) = -0.358368
sin(202°) = -0.374607
sin(203°) = -0.390731
sin(204°) = -0.406737
sin(205°) = -0.422618
sin(206°) = -0.438371
sin(207°) = -0.45399
sin(208°) = -0.469472
sin(209°) = -0.48481
sin(210°) = -0.5
sin(211°) = -0.515038
sin(212°) = -0.529919
sin(213°) = -0.544639
sin(214°) = -0.559193
sin(215°) = -0.573576
sin(216°) = -0.587785
sin(217°) = -0.601815
sin(218°) = -0.615661
sin(219°) = -0.62932
sin(220°) = -0.642788
sin(221°) = -0.656059
sin(222°) = -0.669131
sin(223°) = -0.681998
sin(224°) = -0.694658
sin(225°) = -0.707107
sin(226°) = -0.71934
sin(227°) = -0.731354
sin(228°) = -0.743145
sin(229°) = -0.75471
sin(230°) = -0.766044
sin(231°) = -0.777146
sin(232°) = -0.788011
sin(233°) = -0.798636
sin(234°) = -0.809017
sin(235°) = -0.819152
sin(236°) = -0.829038
sin(237°) = -0.838671
sin(238°) = -0.848048
sin(239°) = -0.857167
sin(240°) = -0.866025
sin(241°) = -0.87462
sin(242°) = -0.882948
sin(243°) = -0.891007
sin(244°) = -0.898794
sin(245°) = -0.906308
sin(246°) = -0.913545
sin(247°) = -0.920505
sin(248°) = -0.927184
sin(249°) = -0.93358
sin(250°) = -0.939693
sin(251°) = -0.945519
sin(252°) = -0.951057
sin(253°) = -0.956305
sin(254°) = -0.961262
sin(255°) = -0.965926
sin(256°) = -0.970296
sin(257°) = -0.97437
sin(258°) = -0.978148
sin(259°) = -0.981627
sin(260°) = -0.984808
sin(261°) = -0.987688
sin(262°) = -0.990268
sin(263°) = -0.992546
sin(264°) = -0.994522
sin(265°) = -0.996195
sin(266°) = -0.997564
sin(267°) = -0.99863
sin(268°) = -0.999391
sin(269°) = -0.999848
sin(270°) = -1
sin(271°) = -0.999848
sin(272°) = -0.999391
sin(273°) = -0.99863
sin(274°) = -0.997564
sin(275°) = -0.996195
sin(276°) = -0.994522
sin(277°) = -0.992546
sin(278°) = -0.990268
sin(279°) = -0.987688
sin(280°) = -0.984808
sin(281°) = -0.981627
sin(282°) = -0.978148
sin(283°) = -0.97437
sin(284°) = -0.970296
sin(285°) = -0.965926
sin(286°) = -0.961262
sin(287°) = -0.956305
sin(288°) = -0.951057
sin(289°) = -0.945519
sin(290°) = -0.939693
sin(291°) = -0.93358
sin(292°) = -0.927184
sin(293°) = -0.920505
sin(294°) = -0.913545
sin(295°) = -0.906308
sin(296°) = -0.898794
sin(297°) = -0.891007
sin(298°) = -0.882948
sin(299°) = -0.87462
sin(300°) = -0.866025
sin(301°) = -0.857167
sin(302°) = -0.848048
sin(303°) = -0.838671
sin(304°) = -0.829038
sin(305°) = -0.819152
sin(306°) = -0.809017
sin(307°) = -0.798636
sin(308°) = -0.788011
sin(309°) = -0.777146
sin(310°) = -0.766044
sin(311°) = -0.75471
sin(312°) = -0.743145
sin(313°) = -0.731354
sin(314°) = -0.71934
sin(315°) = -0.707107
sin(316°) = -0.694658
sin(317°) = -0.681998
sin(318°) = -0.669131
sin(319°) = -0.656059
sin(320°) = -0.642788
sin(321°) = -0.62932
sin(322°) = -0.615661
sin(323°) = -0.601815
sin(324°) = -0.587785
sin(325°) = -0.573576
sin(326°) = -0.559193
sin(327°) = -0.544639
sin(328°) = -0.529919
sin(329°) = -0.515038
sin(330°) = -0.5
sin(331°) = -0.48481
sin(332°) = -0.469472
sin(333°) = -0.45399
sin(334°) = -0.438371
sin(335°) = -0.422618
sin(336°) = -0.406737
sin(337°) = -0.390731
sin(338°) = -0.374607
sin(339°) = -0.358368
sin(340°) = -0.34202
sin(341°) = -0.325568
sin(342°) = -0.309017
sin(343°) = -0.292372
sin(344°) = -0.275637
sin(345°) = -0.258819
sin(346°) = -0.241922
sin(347°) = -0.224951
sin(348°) = -0.207912
sin(349°) = -0.190809
sin(350°) = -0.173648
sin(351°) = -0.156434
sin(352°) = -0.139173
sin(353°) = -0.121869
sin(354°) = -0.104528
sin(355°) = -0.087156
sin(356°) = -0.069756
sin(357°) = -0.052336
sin(358°) = -0.034899
sin(359°) = -0.017452
sin(360°) = 0

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