Telling steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds как исправить

Вечно тормозит в игре ,и пишет в консоле вот такое

White lion



Сообщения: 106

Рейтинг: 17

White lion


Сообщения: 106

Рейтинг: 17

RROR: CParticleSnapshot::Unserialize — could not load file 0!
File error loading resource header «materials/effects/fog_world_00.vtex_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header «materials/effects/fow_clouds_00.vtex_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header «particles/econ/events/fall_major_2015/compendium_points_fall_ambient_2015_magic.vpcf_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
No valid vcs file found for shader cables.vfx

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!
CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, «scripts/control_groups.txt» ) -> 0.000655 seconds
Remote Connect (
CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
CDOTA_SF_HTML disabled in Source 2
CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
CL:  Signon traffic «client»:  incoming 170.522 KB [27 pkts], outgoing 24.250 KB [516 pkts]
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
     client[0]:  split packet seq #690 restarting, just received packet 0
     client[0]:  split packet seq #851 restarting, just received packet 0
Creep_Good_Range.PreAttack: Sound event executionlist has exceeded MAX_VOICES. Index 0 : Creep_Good_Range.PreAttack
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds




Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0



Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0

Присоединяюсь к теме. Примерно такая же проблема с доткой.




Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259



Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259

Перепроверьте хэш доты и дефрагментируйте папку стима (хотя бы встроенным дефраг’ером).
CL: Signon traffic «client»: incoming 170.522 KB [27 pkts], outgoing 24.250 KB [516 pkts]

Пока я добрый и полезный:

Мне нужно знать, какие параметры установлены для этих команд. Открой консоль в доте, вводи по очереди эти команды и скинь мне.





Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0



Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0

TocK сказал(а):↑

Перепроверьте хэш доты и дефрагментируйте папку стима (хотя бы встроенным дефраг’ером).

Спойлер: Модерам

Перенесите тему в тех. поддержку плз, дорогие мои)

CL: Signon traffic «client»: incoming 170.522 KB [27 pkts], outgoing 24.250 KB [516 pkts]

Пока я добрый и полезный:

Мне нужно знать, какие параметры установлены для этих команд. Открой консоль в доте, вводи по очереди эти команды и скинь мне.


Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

cl_updaterate 15
cl_cmdrate 15
cl_interp 0.066667
cl_smooth 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0
net_splitrate 1
instant_replay 1
r_frame_sync_enable 1




Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259



Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259

Всё нашёл, а самое важное не написал)

Вот небольшая оптимизация:
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdrate 20
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_interp 0.1
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_interp_threadmodeticks 1
instant_replay 0
r_frame_sync_enable 0

Если будет лагать или подфриживать, пропиши в консоль
net_splitrate 2

И скажи свою скорость и-нета




Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259



Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259

ПЕРЕНЕСИТЕ в тех. поддержку плз, родные, алё! коммент del




Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0



Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0

TocK сказал(а):↑

Всё нашёл, а самое важное не написал)

Вот небольшая оптимизация:
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdrate 20
cl_interp_ratio 2
cl_interp 0.1
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_interp_threadmodeticks 1
instant_replay 0
r_frame_sync_enable 0

Если будет лагать или подфриживать, пропиши в консоль
net_splitrate 2

И скажи свою скорость и-нета

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

rate 80000
Скорость инета разная, так как 3г модем, но в среднем ~1мб/с. Раньше все нормально было, играл без лагов, а теперь вообще невозможно играть…
Сейчас попробую прописать, то что ты предлагаешь.




Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259



Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259

tCape сказал(а):↑

rate 80000
Скорость инета разная, так как 3г модем, но в среднем ~1мб/с. Раньше все нормально было, играл без лагов, а теперь вообще невозможно играть…
Сейчас попробую прописать, то что ты предлагаешь.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Ок, не трогай пока рейт. Хотя в принципе можешь поставить 60000 или 40000, мб пинг получше станет. Но внимательно следи за потерей пакетов. Если будет хотя бы 2% (или значение увеличится, если потеря пакетов для тебя — это норма), меняй на обычный.




Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0



Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0

TocK сказал(а):↑

Ок, не трогай пока рейт. Хотя в принципе можешь поставить 60000 или 40000, мб пинг получше станет. Но внимательно следи за потерей пакетов. Если будет хотя бы 2% (или значение увеличится, если потеря пакетов для тебя — это норма), меняй на обычный.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Немного покапавшись на форуме, я наткнулся на старую тему, в которой ты как раз предлагал для владельцев 3г модемов создать autoexec.cfg с такими командами
cl_allowdownload «0»
cl_allowupload «0»
cl_cmdrate «15»
cl_disable_steam_p2p «1»
cl_forcepreload «1»
cl_interp «0.066667»
cl_interp_ratio «2»
cl_interp_threadmodeticks «1»
cl_lagcompensation «1»
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck «0»
cl_predictweapons «1»
cl_pred_optimize «2»
cl_resend «15»
cl_singleplayernetworkbackdoor «0»
cl_smooth «0»
cl_smoothtime «0.066666»
cl_timeout «15»
cl_updaterate «15»
instant_replay_enable «0»
dota_keybindings_cloud_disable «1»
net_max_network_processing_frame_time_ms «20»
net_queued_packet_thread «1»
net_splitrate «2»
net_threaded_socket_burst_cap «256»
net_threaded_socket_recovery_rate «6400»
net_threaded_socket_recovery_time «60»
rate «30000»
workshop_concurrent_fileinfo_requests «2»

Но только я rate оставил 80000 и прописал еще
instant_replay 0
r_frame_sync_enable 0

В итоге 2 игры пока без лагов, ну хотя было немного, но играть теперь можно




Сообщения: 5666

Рейтинг: 1225



Сообщения: 5666

Рейтинг: 1225

Сбрось настройки на дефолтные.




Сообщения: 63

Рейтинг: 23



Сообщения: 63

Рейтинг: 23

White lion сказал(а):↑

RROR: CParticleSnapshot::Unserialize — could not load file 0!
File error loading resource header «materials/effects/fog_world_00.vtex_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header «materials/effects/fow_clouds_00.vtex_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header «particles/econ/events/fall_major_2015/compendium_points_fall_ambient_2015_magic.vpcf_c» (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
No valid vcs file found for shader cables.vfx

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!

CMaterial2::LoadShadersAndSetupModes(863): Error creating shader cables.vfx for material particles/dev/dev_cables_preview_material.vmat!
CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, «scripts/control_groups.txt» ) -> 0.000655 seconds
Remote Connect (
CL:  CNetworkGameClient::OnSwitchLoopModeFinished( game : success )
CDOTA_SF_HTML disabled in Source 2
CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
CL:  Signon traffic «client»:  incoming 170.522 KB [27 pkts], outgoing 24.250 KB [516 pkts]
CSwapChainBase::QueuePresentAndWait() looped for 21 iterations without a present event.
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
     client[0]:  split packet seq #690 restarting, just received packet 0
     client[0]:  split packet seq #851 restarting, just received packet 0
Creep_Good_Range.PreAttack: Sound event executionlist has exceeded MAX_VOICES. Index 0 : Creep_Good_Range.PreAttack
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Тоже самое




Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259



Сообщения: 796

Рейтинг: 259

tCape сказал(а):↑

В итоге 2 игры пока без лагов, ну хотя было немного, но играть теперь можно

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Это старые настройки еще из соурса 1, так что не уверен в полной работоспособности всех команд. Но основные из них работают.

Перенастрой интерполяцию для 15 пакетов (или вообще отключи):
cl_interp_ratio 3
cl_interp 0.2
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
один раз включи и больше не прописывай. Судя по инфе из некоторых источников он считается читом и не будет работать без sv_cheats 1 на оф серверах, за то ускоряет загрузку кастомок и лобби/тренировки.




Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0



Сообщения: 14

Рейтинг: 0

TocK сказал(а):↑

Это старые настройки еще из соурса 1, так что не уверен в полной работоспособности всех команд. Но основные из них работают.

Перенастрой интерполяцию для 15 пакетов (или вообще отключи):
cl_interp_ratio 3
cl_interp 0.2
cl_smooth 1
cl_smoothtime 0.1
один раз включи и больше не прописывай. Судя по инфе из некоторых источников он считается читом и не будет работать без sv_cheats 1 на оф серверах, за то ускоряет загрузку кастомок и лобби/тренировки.

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Большое спасибо, теперь дота стала играбельная)

White lion



Сообщения: 106

Рейтинг: 17

White lion


Сообщения: 106

Рейтинг: 17

Проблему устронил ,пробавал вс’ фаирвол отключал доту удалял,уйма способов но помог вот такой ,я просто решил удалить стим и установить заново и удалил все папки стим апс и тому подумное ,доту установил на диск C.проблема решена.Большое спасибо тем кто не остались равнодушны к проблеме.

Тема закрыта

  • Заголовок

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  • Twaryna

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    26 May 2023 в 14:36



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    26 May 2023 в 14:35


  • _Sanlin_

    Сообщений: 19
    26 May 2023 в 14:25




  • Zacateca

    Сообщений: 30
    26 May 2023 в 13:57





    Сообщений: 3
    26 May 2023 в 13:51




Go to GlobalOffensive

«Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds» Lag fix

So there’s a bug where your game freezes for around 2 seconds every ~30 seconds when playing competitive matches. There are so many threads about it (most of them archived) but no fix.

Eventually found the solution by looking in the task manager while I got this lag. The disk reads a file in steam called «localconfig.vdf» when it freezes the game. File is found in …Program FilesSteamuserdata(YOURUSERIDHERE)config

The fix is to exit steam, delete the file which is probably over 100MB at this point, steam will create a new one when you log back in which should be a few kb and you will lose some steam settings which are easily reentered.

I’m just putting this here in the hopes that anyone who has this issue can resolve it since I haven’t seen any posts with this fix.

Раза 2-3 за игру начинается автодисконнект,потом через секунд 5 после дисконнекта восстанавливается соединение с дотой/стимом.

В консоли постоянно пишется Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

iTelling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998070%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.997932%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 606.36 KB 95.989815%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.69 KB 99.999901%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 158 220.95 KB 99.983841%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 228 60.56 KB 99.985878%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 8.03 KB 95.989815%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 4.10 KB 99.987755%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999931%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 169 166.69 KB 99.987564%

CMsgDeletePanel 88 2.75 KB 30.708662%

CMsgPushClipLayer 231 81.21 KB 99.988022%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 169 158.44 KB 99.986389%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 153 145.83 KB 99.984344%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 185 47.70 KB 99.988541%

CMsgPopClipLayer 231 5.41 KB 99.988022%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 169 3.96 KB 99.986389%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 118 57.16 KB 99.986504%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 118 2.77 KB 99.986504%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 149 257.55 KB 99.989006%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 68 2.12 KB 96.184067%

CMsgDeleteTexture 148 4.62 KB 57.954544%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%


Total: 1.81 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 3.39 KB

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (589 npc_dota_ward_base_truesight)

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_windrunner/windrunner_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_silencer/silencer_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999321%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 258 534.14 KB 99.771088%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.29 KB 99.986183%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 98 191.41 KB 98.646965%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 129 33.26 KB 98.458412%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 258 8.06 KB 99.771088%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999779%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 151 106.91 KB 99.965851%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 3 888 bytes 98.986488%

CMsgDeletePanel 21 672 bytes 79.411766%

CMsgPushClipLayer 79 27.77 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 199 186.56 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 66 62.91 KB 98.987732%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 79 20.37 KB 98.939308%

CMsgPopClipLayer 79 1.85 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 199 4.66 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 100 134.18 KB 99.977074%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgEndPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 388 12.13 KB 95.005745%

CMsgDeleteTexture 116 3.63 KB 56.060608%


Total: 1.31 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (204 npc_dota_creep_lane)


Allocating new transform texture!



PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.998993%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.115204%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.115204%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990967%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988815%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.119087%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.119087%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990982%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988831%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999519%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.131317%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.131317%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991020%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988869%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.15 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185303%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185303%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185432%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185432%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185570%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185570%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf’ to..

Кто нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой? Уже надоело за игру по 2-3 раза вылетать,а вылетать может в файтах,перед файтом,просто на линии когда фармишь и тд.

Раза 2-3 за игру начинается автодисконнект,потом через секунд 5 после дисконнекта восстанавливается соединение с дотой/стимом.

В консоли постоянно пишется Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

iTelling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998070%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.997932%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 606.36 KB 95.989815%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.69 KB 99.999901%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 158 220.95 KB 99.983841%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 228 60.56 KB 99.985878%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 8.03 KB 95.989815%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 4.10 KB 99.987755%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999931%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 169 166.69 KB 99.987564%

CMsgDeletePanel 88 2.75 KB 30.708662%

CMsgPushClipLayer 231 81.21 KB 99.988022%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 169 158.44 KB 99.986389%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 153 145.83 KB 99.984344%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 185 47.70 KB 99.988541%

CMsgPopClipLayer 231 5.41 KB 99.988022%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 169 3.96 KB 99.986389%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 118 57.16 KB 99.986504%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 118 2.77 KB 99.986504%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 149 257.55 KB 99.989006%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 68 2.12 KB 96.184067%

CMsgDeleteTexture 148 4.62 KB 57.954544%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%


Total: 1.81 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 3.39 KB

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (589 npc_dota_ward_base_truesight)

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_windrunner/windrunner_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_silencer/silencer_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999321%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 258 534.14 KB 99.771088%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.29 KB 99.986183%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 98 191.41 KB 98.646965%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 129 33.26 KB 98.458412%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 258 8.06 KB 99.771088%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999779%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 151 106.91 KB 99.965851%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 3 888 bytes 98.986488%

CMsgDeletePanel 21 672 bytes 79.411766%

CMsgPushClipLayer 79 27.77 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 199 186.56 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 66 62.91 KB 98.987732%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 79 20.37 KB 98.939308%

CMsgPopClipLayer 79 1.85 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 199 4.66 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 100 134.18 KB 99.977074%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgEndPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 388 12.13 KB 95.005745%

CMsgDeleteTexture 116 3.63 KB 56.060608%


Total: 1.31 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (204 npc_dota_creep_lane)


Allocating new transform texture!



PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.998993%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.115204%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.115204%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990967%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988815%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.119087%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.119087%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990982%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988831%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999519%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.131317%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.131317%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991020%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988869%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.15 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185303%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185303%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185432%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185432%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185570%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185570%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf’ to..

Кто нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой? Уже надоело за игру по 2-3 раза вылетать,а вылетать может в файтах,перед файтом,просто на линии когда фармишь и тд.

Your system information

  • System information from steam in a gist:
  • Have you checked for system updates?: [Yes]

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

Last game, I played MM on de_train. After a few minutes CSGO client would freeze and then it would force close. I managed to have a quick look to the console, one of the errors was

"CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing"

and there was also a sound error which unfortunately I didn’t manage to catch.

This happened 5 times during the game. Everytime the game crashed I Verified Game’s Cache, and I also restarted my computer twice, but I had no luck.

I had a similar behavior on other maps once in a while (after the latest update 3/29/2017) while playing MatchMaking, but it only occurred once during a match.

Steps for reproducing this issue:

No means to reproduce the issue cause it’s totally random. Although it seems that’s happening only on MatchMaking. Didn’t have this issue while playing Community Servers or Valves DeathMatch mode.

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