Террария как найти деньги

Фарм денег — механизм, позволяющий заработать довольно большое количество денег.

Вариант №0 от Yarosil (сделана на версии

ВНИМАНИЕ! Предположительно не работает с версии

Ферма на статуях позволяющая в режиме AFK (с зажатой кнопкой мыши) за 5 настоящих часов (не игровых) заработать от 26 до 36 платиновых монет (больше и за меньший срок, если у вас много статуй). Ферма очень простая при условии, что вы уже нашли несколько статуй мирных зверей.

Вам понадобятся:

Статуи рыбок или
птичек или кроликов. Провода, кусачки, ключ, таймер на 1 сек., сачок, рельсы,
платформы. Строим комнату в которой прокладываем рельсы, над ними платформы на
которые устанавливаем статуи, подключаем их к таймеру. Начало и конец рельс (с
помощью молота) переключаем в положение отбойника. Ферма готова.

Ферма денег от Yarosil

Включаем статуи,
садимся в вагонетку и катаемся по рельсам туда-обратно (отскакивая от
отбойника), держа зажатой кнопку мыши – ловим сачком зверей. Потом зверей
продаём торговцу. Стак (999 штук) рыбок стоит 75 золотых монет, другие звери по
55 золотых за стак, в инвентаре 50 ячеек, минус 1 слот занятый сачком,
примерно, 5 статуй за 5 часов заполняют весь инвентарь  – это от 26 до 36 платиновых монет, в зависимости
от того, какие у вас статуи – выгоднее всего статуи рыбок. Советую занять все пустые ячейки инвентаря по одной зверушке, чтобы не подобрать ненужный лут, который займёт ячейку и в итоге будет меньше набранного «товара» для продажи.

Ферма денег от Yrosil 3

Ферма денег от Yrosil 2

Таким образом, за
ночь (настоящую, а не игровую), оставив зажатой кнопку мыши мы получаем от 2600
до 3600 золотых монет. Если персонаж ещё не прокачан, нет механической
вагонетки и пассивных защитных систем, то его может убить событие «Кровавая
луна», когда мирные кролики и рыбки становятся агрессивными и нападают на
персонажа. Такая ферма даёт возможность не только спокойно апгрейдить все свои
вещи на лучшие модификации, но и пользоваться денежной пушкой.

Вариант №1 (сделана на версии

ВНИМАНИЕ! Не работает с версии 1.3.1 !

Ферма не автоматическая, Требуется сачок. Нужно встать в центре фермы и … PROFIT. Позволяет за игровую ночь собрать примерно 2 платиновых монеты.

Приведены 2 варианта — на таймерах и на мобогенераторах. По личному впечатлению ферма на мобогенераторах чуть быстрее.

Первый вариант — на мобогенераторах. Сложнее, интереснее, более ресурсоёмко, более технологично.

GoldFarm clr cr

Слева ферма золота, справа — геля, палок, плавников

GoldFarm wir cr

Тоже самое с проводами

Кнопки на которые нажимают птички и крабы — желтые, продаются у механика. Для управления крабами используются активаторы. Верхний для запирания. Нижний для убивания. Возможно, что количество ловушек с дротиками можно уменьшить вдвое.

Второй вариант — на таймерах. Проще и компактнее.

GoldFarm clr tmr cr

Слева ферма золота, справа — геля, палок. плавников

GoldFarm wir tmr cr

Тоже самое с проводами

Ну тут и объяснять нечего.

Ферма геля, светящихся палочек, плавников — тоже позволяет получать деньги но уж очень мало.

Вариант №2 от Vazilin

См. подробнее здесь.

Вариант №3 (До

Нам понадобятся:

— 200 блоков Грязи, а также Розового льда, Красного льда, Пурпурного льда или Льда, Эбонита, Кримонита и Перлита

— Семя джунглей, Водяная свеча, Костер, Лампа-сердце, Сейф, Свинья-копилка, 7 Платформ, 2 Двери

— Молот, Сломаный Посох слизней, Черепашья броня, Кольцо жадности или Счастливая монетка, Щит Анкх или Обсидиановый щит или Кобальтовый щит

Для защиты в режиме афк нужен миньон: Посох пигмеев, Ксено-посох, Посох смертельной сферы или любой другой прислужник не проходящий сквозь стены и имеющий достаточно урона для вышей защиты.

Чтобы ферма начала работать, достаточно поставить твёрдую платформу на 1 блок ниже уровня моря, ниже отступить 2 блока и на третьем поставить деревянную платформу, слева и справа огородить платформы наклонными блоками. В получившуюся коробку призвать слизня. Далее, после того, как персонаж встанет в воду, к нему поплывут все мобы, и слизень будет каждому наносить по 1 ед. урона 3 раза в секунду, что за счет Счастливой монетки даёт очень быстрый прирост монет. Количество слизней не влияет на количество ударов в секунду, так как все существа в ловушке получают максимальное количество ударов от одного слизня.

Если у вас ещё нет Счастливой монетки, всё равно делайте эту ферму, и за час вам выпадет более десятка Пиратских карт, с помощью которых вы сможете получить ключевой  Аксессуар.

В идеале, чтобы избежать нападений летающих существ, вместо наклонных линий, лучше сделать куб, тогда летающие существа также будут попадать в подводную ловушку.

Использовав при строительстве более 200 блоков грязи и 1 семя джунглей, начнут появляться Арапаимы, у которых 200 здоровья и 30 защиты, а вместе с водяной свечей, они будут появляться в больших количествах.

Если в конструкцию добавить 2 куба из Розового льда и Красного/Пурпурного, тогда в процессе заработка монет появится шанс выбить все 4 ключа от Сундуков биома, а заменив в дальнейшем, например, Красный на Пурпурный, добить оставшийся, пятый ключ.

Если также установить системное время на 15-31 декабря, то можно дополнительным бонусом получать в большом количестве Подарки.

Черепашья броня и щит нужны для большей автономности фермы: по ночам могут прилетать Призраки, и чтобы оставить ферму на несколько часов и не пострадать от них, используется бонус от черепашьей брони, который возвращает 100% урона от касания, а также щит. чтобы вас не отбрасывали от центра конструкции.

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Ферма денег и ключей

Стоит отметить, что при использовании кубов 14х15, получается 210 блоков (что на 10 больше минимального размера), из которых при создании искусственного биома Кримзона или Искажения, следует отступить от стен фермы 4 блока, или срезать на углах по 3 блока, во избежание заражения травы джунглей порчей.

И, напоследок, немного расчетов:

Число Ударов в Секунду, которые наносит Слизень, колеблется на такой ферме от 60 до 100 или немного выше, поэтому возьмём за среднее значение 80 УВС.

Счастливая монетка даёт 20% шанс выбить монету за удар, что равно 16 выпадениям монет в секунду.. Из этих 20%:

  • 89.1% вероятность падения 1-10 медных монет (в среднем 5,5 медных монет)
  • 9.9% вероятность падения 1-10 серебряных монет (в среднем 550 медных монет)
  • 1% вероятность падения 1-10 золотых монет (в среднем 55 000 медных монет)

С учетом процентного шанса выпадения той или иной монеты, 550+54,45+4,9/3=203,12 медных монеты — средняя стоимость одного выпадения, что равно 3 249,87 медным монетам в секунду, или 32,5 серебряным монетам.

Таким образом. по приведённым выше примерным оценкам, в среднем, 1 платиновая монета выбивается 308 секунд, или 5,13 минут.

У фермы, показанной на картинке, конструктивным недостатком является то, что отступ от куба-биома до стен фермы — 3 блока, и необходимо срезать углы во избежание заражения. Главный принципиальный недостаток такой фермы — огромное количество Пиратских карт, Елецов и Амароков, и их нужно периодически убирать из инвентаря в Сейф, Свинью-копилку и в сундуки, чтобы не пропустить ключ, выпадающий 1 раз на 2 500 убийств.

В остальном, если встать на ферме в многопользовательском режиме, выключить звук у игры, то останется только изредка открывать окно игры, очищать инвентарь и наслаждаться богатством без усилий.

 Вариант №4 от kriper2007 (До

ВНИМАНИЕ! Предположительно не работает с версии (проверено на версии !

Самая простейшая ферма денег и одна из самых прибыльных.


  • 1 или более статуй Золотой Рыбки
  • Гаечный ключ и провода Screenshot 2019-10-15-17-35-50-027 com.and.games505
  • 1-секундный таймер
  • Сачок
  • Любые блоки и любые платформы
  1. Первый вариант самый простой, но меньший по прибыли. Вы строите такую коробку как на скриншоте, потом встаёте и собираете выпадающих раз в секунду Золотых Рыбок Сачком, и потом просто их продаёте. Такой вариант приносит 22.5 Screenshot 2019-10-15-17-36-14-058 com.and.games505
    серебра/секунду или 13.5 золота/минуту или 8.1 платины/час.
  2. Второй вариант имбовый. Мы не продаём Золотых Рыбок, а делаем из них Аквариумы. Итак: 1) Копаем пару стаков песка (по 999 штук); 2) Переделываем ВЕСЬ песок в стекло; 3) Крафтим из всего стекла Пустые Банки; 4) Идём с ними к воде, заходим в воду и крафтим из всех пустых банок Банки с водой. 5) И последнее — крафтим из всех ваших нафармленных Золотых Рыбок и банок с водой — Аквариумы. И продаём их.

Такой вариант приносит нам 60 серебра/секунду или 36 золота/минуту или 21.6

Screenshot 2019-10-11-16-52-37-308 com.and.games505


Мощь данной фермы можно увеличить в 2 раза, добавив ещё 3 статуи Золотой Рыбки и ещё 1 секундомер. Соединяем проводом по 3 статуи на каждый секундомер. Таким образом наш доход составит 1.2 золота/секунду или 72 золота/минуту или 43.2 платины/час.

This is a Guide page.

This is a Guide page.
This means the page will walk you through a specific task, strategy, or enemy/boss fight.

Status: Under revision (This Guide is currently being revised or has been revised partially. It hasn’t met all quality standards yet.)

  • Issues:
     • At least some «cheating» methods beyond those noted will have been fixed in 1.4
     • The Statue section needs further testing for the current returns and balances on 1.4
  • MoneyMoneyMoneyMoney is an essential part of Terraria, as it allows the player to buy valuable items from NPCs.

    There are many ways to earn money:

    Update notes[]

    This Guide was originally written for version 1.3.5, while Terraria has since updated to version 1.4. While the general trends may hold, a number of specific exploits have been fixed. In particular:

    • NPC sale and purchase prices are no longer exact, but can vary according to the NPC’s «happiness» status. When your NPC housing is set up properly, this is good — happy NPCs will buy items from you from a higher price, giving more value to your farming or collecting.
    • With the exception of MeteoriteMeteorite and HellstoneHellstone, crafting your ore into bars is no longer needed for higher prices. For all but these, bars sell for the same as the ores that went into them.
    • The sale price of Light Discs has been reduced to slightly more than their materials; the Destroyer’s drops are still fairly valuable, but Light Discs no longer provide a major bonus to their value.
    • The Large Dynasty LanternLarge Dynasty Lantern exploit was fixed while revamping prices in general.
    • Statue farming has been heavily nerfed in general. The Granite Golem StatueGranite Golem Statue and others have had their drop chances reduced. Statue spawns in general no longer drop loot if killed completely by lava, they must take at least some player-caused damage.
    • The Item Frame duplication glitch has been blocked as well as of 1.4. When following the procedure as previously advised, the frames will not stack. The top frame will break into an icon, therefore rendering the glitch sufficiently unusable.
    • On the flip side, with gems now farmable (and sand farming much easier) Stained Glass has become a long-term money-maker, no longer limited by the gems’ former non-renewability. See Gem Farming below, and the Sandgun page.
    • Likewise, catching and selling critters is much more profitable, as many of the common ones are cookable, and once cooked, they share a much-improved 20 sale value.
    • As of version, Stained Glass is now only worth slightly more than the gems that went into it.

    General tips[]

    Remember that the point of a game is to be enjoyable. Especially in 1.4 versions, there are many ways to earn money; pretty much as long as you’re actually playing the game and engaging with it, there will be at least some money coming in. The point of this guide is to tell players about various ways to earn money, but different paths will be appealing to different players, and there’s no «wrong» way to play Terraria. That said, in the game as with life, having extra money can be quite helpful — it lets you buy both useful weapons and tools, and cosmetic items to decorate your character, your base, and your game-world.

    Regularly deposit your money into a Piggy BankPiggy Bank or SafeSafe. This minimizes the loss of coins from Death: When you die you will drop at least half of the coins carried in the inventory, more than that in Expert mode. In Master mode, or if playing Mediumcore difficulty, you will drop all coins you were carrying. You can freely spend money from «personal storage» at any vendor; there are few reasons for you to carry coins in your inventory any longer than needed.

    In general, the standard RPG trope of «collect everything you find» will pay off over time:

    • Accumulate surplus items in chests until there’s enough to be worth selling. Collecting a coin while 99 of that coin’s type are in your inventory will convert the stack from copper to silver, from silver to gold, and from gold to platinum, while platinum can stack to 9999.
    • Some items can be crafted to be more valuable, including monetizing materials that are otherwise worthless.
    • Some stuff really is almost worthless, so feel free to trash it in favor of items that are either useful or saleable for decent money. Whether «decent money» means silver or gold will depend on how far along in the game you are, and how much money you have already. Remember that although a material may be worthless alone, combining it with another material may yield a higher profit. See below for examples.
    • The Skeleton MerchantSkeleton Merchant can offer a chance to unload items without having to go to a base (especially useful for non-stackable items). However, he won’t pay as much for them as a particularly happy town NPC would.
    • Be careful about selling scarce items: A few items found in chests, and some furniture found in special locations (including some of those chests), are found only there, and have a limited supply per world. (See the warning under Collecting for more information)

    There are still ways of making a few gold pieces per minute with little effort or risk, representing different methods of «low effort, high payout». All of them do require investment and game advancement, but can be done well before Hardmode, even before visiting the underworld. These methods include:

    • Fishing in general is fairly profitable, offering many fish selling for 15and up, plus crates, and other high-value catches such as Blue Jellyfish (bait)Jellyfish or Golden CarpGolden Carp. Fishing in Lava is particularly profitable, but requires some grinding (see below).
    • Statue farms have been heavily nerfed, but a few of them can still provide Hooks and other loot. This requires the MechanicMechanic, 10 Gold BarGold/Platinum BarPlatinum Bars for a timer (or purchase from the Mechanic), and statues (which need to be found underground). See below for details.
    • Gem farming (see below) is less continuous but is available from almost the beginning of the game, and can give regular large payoffs. In Hardmode, crystal farming can add some income.
    • Later in the game, another way to farm money quickly is with the Lucky CoinLucky Coin from the Pirate InvasionPirate Invasion event and the Slime StaffSlime Staff with the broken modifier on it. See below for more details.

    Here are a few prominent sales that will yield about 1 platinum before happiness bonuses (which can increase sale price up to a third). See below for more details on many of these.

    • 500 of (any combination): Cooked Critters (including the soups), Fruits, Enchanted Nightcrawlers, Fish Bowls, Shucked Oysters, or Dye plants/drops.
      • 500 looks like a lot, but in all cases the raw materials will trickle in over the course of the game, and many are plentiful or can be made so. This amounts to selling surpluses of many common items which share only their price.
    • 1 stack of Demonite Ore, or 770 Crimtane Ore.
    • 100 gems (except diamonds) and 1000 sand, worth of Stained Glass.
    • 333 Amber or Diamonds, sold straight.
    • 10 Golden Critters, Truffle Worms, and/or Golden Carp. The critters can be caged or even cooked (as Golden Delights).
    • 625 Crystal Shards.
    • 50 Life Fruits.
    • 100 Shroomite Bars (or 111 Chlorophyte Bars).

    Gem Farming[]

    The introduction of craftable Gemcorns in version 1.4 has created one of the best low-effort high-reward methods of money making in the game, accessible very early in the game.

    To create a Gemcorn farm, a player can simply dig out a large corridor as follows:

    • The space should be at least 17 blocks high (20 is better)
    • It needs to be within the Underground or Cavern layers (such as a branch off of their base’s Hellevator).
    • The farm needs to be lined with stone blocks on the bottom, though you can use non-stone blocks to help space out the saplings. Make sure there are no torches or other objects within the tree’s growth area; torches or other light sources can be placed below the floor.
    • The top should at least be covered over for safety, but you may want to get a head start on infection-proofing the area by lining the top with wood, and making sure you have space for a three-tile-deep barrier beneath the floor.
    • The spaces covered by each sapling (two blocks high) must have no artificial walls behinds the sapling itself (two blocks high), though (as with other trees) fences or natural walls are okay. Everywhere else in the farm can be backed with player walls to minimize spawns.
    • Large areas of rock and dirt can be easily cleared out with Sticky Dynamite, which is available even before any bosses have been defeated. Scarab Bombs are also very useful, as their explosion length (directed vertically) is just long enough to allow Gemcorn trees to fully grow. As usual, watch out for their backblast, illustrated by the blue particles from behind them.
    • Early farmers thought that gem trees would grow faster in the dark, but source-divers have confirmed that the code does not in fact check for light levels at all.

    Gemcorns are trivially craftable, – any gem can be crafted into a Gemcorn by simply combining it with an Acorn, no crafting station required. Gems can be found naturally, but a more reliable way of obtaining the most valuable AmberAmber and DiamondDiamond gems is to use an Extractinator and feed it Silt, Slush, and/or Desert Fossil blocks until you get some amber or diamonds. That might be harder than it sounds, as Extractinators are most easily found in the relatively dangerous Underground Desert (they can also be obtained from a wooden crate, which is obtained from fishing). On the other hand, in 1.4, Amber itself can also be found there!

    Gem Trees, on average, produce more than one Gemcorn for each tree. However, the first few might be tricky, because any one tree is not guaranteed to replace their seed, and despite those «0-5» numbers, the actual average is something like a 30% gain over the planting, along with an average of about 1.1 gems per tree. Luck does not appear to increase the gem or gemcorn drop rate. Save any surplus Gemcorns and the first few gems, until you have enough trees of each given type to be sure you will have enough Gemcorns to cover replanting. Once you have enough Gemcorns (or gems to make more), you can also expand the farm by planting new trees. (Buying more Dynamite is easy now that you have a steady income….)

    A Gem Tree farm about 400 blocks in length (which takes 3-5 minutes to clear and replant) can yield well over 80 , and sometimes more than 1 if all Gemcorns and Gems (minus the ones used for replanting) are sold. While the exact time varies, Gem Trees grow fast enough that it’s reasonable to harvest and replant the farm every other in-game day or so. Given that the only work involved in obtaining this money is cutting down a lot of trees and replanting them (and killing a few basic monsters), this is easily one of the lowest-effort money-making methods in the game, and also one of the most profitable and reliable. Sand farming (see below) can let you get even more money out of your farm.

    Some additional tips:

    • Smart Cursor is very useful for fast harvesting and replanting.
      • In both cases, simply keep your mouse on the opposite side of the screen from the direction you’re moving in. For example, if you want to plant many Gemcorns while moving right, then keep your mouse on the left side of the screen. This will automatically space out your Gemcorns perfectly. Watch out for stray Teal Mushrooms, or other interlopers such as moss.
      • Note that you should NOT use a mount while replanting, as the movement speed is fast enough that you will skip blocks. Running with some small movement speed buffs appears to be the fastest way to plant quickly; even then, if you have high-tier boots, you may need to pause occasionally to avoid sprinting.
      • You can use stone brick (or any non-stone block) to «force» (Smart Cursor) the first sapling on the row into its proper place.
      • The same is not true for harvesting trees: since even a quite fast axe requires a small pause to harvest the trees, it can be ideal to use a mount with some height, such as the Zoologist’s Saddles, to pick up the drops more quickly.
      • If you plan to use this as your main method of making money, it is helpful to acquire a good axe like the Sawtooth SharkSawtooth Shark or Molten HamaxeMolten Hamaxe as soon as possible so that you can harvest more quickly. In late Hardmode you can upgrade to a Spectre Hamaxe.
      • An Architect Gizmo PackArchitect Gizmo Pack will help with its extended reach. A Treasure MagnetTreasure Magnet is helpful for quickly picking up all drops. Without a magnet, you may have to go back for missed drops when cutting down trees at full speed, especially with extended reach.
      • Marking the blocks with colored torches or Gemspark Blocks beneath the stone may be helpful. Painting the stone beneath the saplings with Illuminant Paint will also make the trees clearly visible.
    • Unlike many other block changes, tree growth is updated on the minimap automatically. You can check the progress of your trees by just looking on the minimap, and head down to harvest them when a large portion of them are grown (or when you need some quick cash).
    • If you are in Expert mode, a Royal GelRoyal Gel is helpful in making your harvesting/replanting runs smoother. Many slimes will spawn whether the space is lit or not, and it is convenient to be able to totally ignore them.
    • Summons are also useful for clearing the occasional slime, and later in the game, they can help with Possessed Armors that may spawn in your farm (though those are tanky enough that you will probably need to kill them manually).
    • While your farm can technically be as wide as you like, it may be wise to keep it in the Forest biome (that is, «plain Underground») so that your farm isn’t invaded by stronger monsters. Excessively long farms may also be a bit of a chore to harvest and replant. Remember that you can also stack layers atop each other.
    • Diamonds and Amber are the most valuable gem when sold directly, valued at 30 each. However, due to their relative rarity, it may be more realistic for a player to acquire Ruby or Emerald Gemcorns first, both of which have respectable values. Once Diamond or Amber gems are found, the farm can be slowly transitioned to farm those instead. Amber is also useful as an ingredient for Crate Potions. Amber is probably the best target for money-making – it shares Diamond’s value, but can also be converted to Stained Glass as below, and it can reliably be found in the Underground Desert or acquired from the Extractinator.

    Later in the game, you will likely want to start sand farming, to convert your gems to Stained Glass, which will make any gem slightly more valuable. This costs 1000 sand per 100 gems, but that stack of sand can easily be farmed in about 8 minutes with pre-Hardmode equipment, in an small shelter that can be tucked away near your farm (or anywhere else). The Sandgun’s page has full details, but to get a stack of stand in 8 minutes, you will need the SandgunSandgun itself and ammo-conservation equipment: Ammo Reservation Potion, Ammo Box, and Fossil armor or better . With only one or two of the ammo-reservation items you can still farm sand, but more slowly. Regardless, you wil also need at least a few blocks of sand to start off with.


    Most «found» equipment and other items can be sold for varying amounts of money, just make sure they’re outclassed by your current items and can’t be crafted into better items. Stackable items can be accumulated, others can be stashed in nearby chests until you have a chance to ferry them to a vendor (or the Skeleton MerchantSkeleton Merchant shows up). Many of these resources can also be farmed; see Guide:Farming Resources for more details on that. However, in many cases this will represent selling off surpluses of items which would not be worth explicitly farming.

    Don’t be afraid to trash near-worthless items in the field, so that you can keep more valuable items. If you need more of any of these, they can easily be bought, crafted, and/or farmed. Naturally, this only applies once you have enough for your own use, and/or better alternatives. Some usual examples include:

    • Pot trash: particular offenders are ShurikenShurikens, RopeRope, and GlowstickGlowsticks, which sell for only a few coppers each; even a 999-stack of any of these will only yield a few silver coins, comparable to a single Depth MeterDepth Meter dropped by a passing bat.
    • Herbs and their seeds, ( which also stack only to 99). Once you have farms of your own, there’s no reason to harvest them in the wild. Even farming them for profit is hardly worth the trouble.
    • Wooden ArrowWooden Arrows can be upgraded but otherwise qualify, and Flaming ArrowFlaming Arrows can’t even be upgraded.
    • Later on, when you are dealing more in gold (or platinum) than silver, you can trash drops that «only» sell for silver, especially when they’re unstackable or poorly stackable. For example, even a 99-stack of Bombs, or a 30-stack of most chest/pot potions, sells for about 60. You can also stash these in nearby chests pending a visit by the Skeleton Merchant.

    Finders Keepers[]

    • Plain old MushroomMushrooms are probably the first thing you can collect (or farm) for sale, and you’ll likely pick a fair number anyway just running around. Their sell price of 250 apiece is a lot for the early game.
    • The various dye ingredients can be sold for 20 each whether or not they’ve been crafted into dyes. Strange Plants can also be traded to the Dye Trader for rare dyes, which can be sold for much higher prices. The Strange Plants (at least) prevent others of their kind from spawning nearby, so harvesting them opens up territory for more to spawn. (In 1.4, Strange Plants are limited to Hardmode.)
    • By and beneath the Ocean, StarfishStarfish and several variants of SeashellSeashells will spawn continuously, with values ranging from 5to 1. With a little effort they can even be farmed.
    • 1.4 introduces fruit dropping from trees (when shaken). All of them except the Hallow fruits give only Well Fed, so as soon as you have food that can give you Plenty Satisfied or better, you might as well sell the rest (20 each). (Grapes. appearing in Hardmode, are another story entirely, and likely worth keeping for use.) Shaking trees can also spawn critters (see below), and occasionally gives coins or more valuable items.
    • As soon as you venture outside the forest, you’ll start seeing «rare drops» from various enemies, mostly accessories but with occasional armor and weapons. Generally you need one of each for your own use, the rest are saleable. Crafting the accessories into more advanced items (notably the Cell Phone crafting tree) is good for your own use, but usually not for sale value. It is never worth reforging an item for sale. Some of the rare food drops are worth using directly instead (anything that gives Plenty Satisfied or especially Exquisitely Stuffed).
    • Much the same applies to the contents of various chests – there are a few items that you may want a spare or two of (again, some only have a few per world), but eventually you’ll reach a point where they’re just duplicates. Many of these items can be had from fished crates as well.
    • Breaking PotPots found around the world can release coins and other saleable items.
      • Additionally, in PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, tModLoader version tModLoader, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy, pots have a rare chance of opening a Coin portal, which can yield 5-15.
      • The money dropped from Pots varies with location, and also increases by about 10% for every boss you have defeated (that is, game progression – boss farming doesn’t count).
      • Luck affects both the money yield from Pots, and the chance of a Coin Portal.
      • In the Caverns and in Pyramids you may find small sacks of coins spilling over stone. These are Coin Stashes. Breaking them drops their respective content.
    • A variety of naturally-placed ChestChests can also contain coins and other loot.
    • Collect all the Silt, Slush, and Desert Fossils you can find. Once you get an Extractinator, these can be converted to money, ores, and gems.
      • None of these blocks are renewable, (and before 1.4, neither are the gems). That said, there are few other uses for these blocks: Silt can also be used to craft Gray StuccoStucco for building, and before 1.4, Desert Fossils are explosion-proof blocks. As of 1.4, Desert Fossils are no longer explosion-proof – indeed, explosives are the preferred method for harvesting them.
      • Turn some of your first gems into Gemcorns to grow more, see «Gem Farming» above. Once you have a clear surplus, most gems can be crafted into Stained Glass for better profit, except Diamond. Set aside some Amber for Crate PotionCrate Potions, then sell the rest of the amber as gems or stained glass. You can craft Sturdy FossilSturdy Fossilsinto Bone Throwing KnifeBone Throwing Knives for sale, but remember that they also go into some useful equipment, such as Scarab Bombs for more mining.
      • With crafting, a full stack of 999 silt or slush can yield an average of about 45 total, while desert fossils will average about 35 (but more amber). In both cases about a third of that will be in coin, and there is a small chance of getting a jackpot in platinum coins.

    Crystal farms

    Various crystal farms

    Hardmode offers several new materials, though many of those are best crafted (see below):

    A Warning[]

    Be careful about selling too many useful materials: Some items or materials have a limited per-world supply. This is especially an issue for rare items found in chests or special locations. Also, not everything is about money: Blocks can be used for building, and walling off a large area can take a surprising amount of material. Some items may also make good «trophies» in Item Frames, Weapon Racks, or (Wo)Mannequins.

    • Many kinds of soil and a few other blocks are plentiful but cannot be created. While it might take some effort to deplete your world of Ice or Clay, it is possible, especially in a small world. Particularly limited are CloudCloud, HiveHive, and Marble BlockMarble Blocks.
    • There really is no way to make money directly from dirt, mud, or snow, but you can make landscapes out of them.
      • Having done so, mud can be used to grow Chlorophyte OreChlorophyte Ore, which does sell for a lot of money.
    • Ores and bars can be useful for crafting, even after you’re past their «tier». Iron/Lead bars in particular are used in a variety of utility recipes, and the other early bars are used in Watches and Timers. All the ores have bricks and/or walls that are useful for building, and some useful potions require ores in their recipes.
    • Extras of rare (limited) items can also be brought to another world for a head start there.
    • Avoid selling the materials used for boss summoning items, such as LensLenses, VertebraVertebrae, and Rotten ChunkRotten Chunks. Fighting bosses is much more profitable than selling these materials!
    • Remember, if you don’t need money right now, you can always store potentially-useful stuff, and sell it later when it’s clear you have more than you need.


    Once you have a Bug Net and a few NPCs at your base, collecting critters is trivial (a Water Candle can help), and as they accumulate you can sell them. Their prices range from 250 on up to 10. Carrying a Guide To Critter Companionship (anywhere in your inventory) prevents accidentally killing critters with your attacks, including those of your minions. Cooking many of them will drastically improve their sale value, or produce food worth keeping for use (see below).

    Special mention for Frogs around a Jungle base: With enemy spawns suppressed by NPCs and a Water Candle boosting the critter spawns, these can be remarkably plentiful. They often wander by in armies filling their spawn cap, from 7 (pre-Hardmode day) to 10 (Hardmode night). Their cooked form yields Plenty Satisfied, too (see below).

    Seagulls are also plentiful by the Ocean, and sell better once cooked.

    Golden Critters have a 1 in 400 chance (1 in 150 before 1.4) of spawning in place of an eligible type: Bird, Bunny, Butterfly, Frog, Grasshopper, Mouse, Squirrel, and Worm (1.4 adds Goldfish, Ladybug, Seahorse, Water Strider).

    • Most of these will be regular sights for dedicated collectors, but the Golden Mouse was arguably the rarest non-unique creature in the game before 1.4 gave it some competition.
    • Don’t forget to touch the Golden Ladybug before capturing it!
    • Despite the low odds, the jackpot is big enough to add a silver piece or two to the «average» price for these types.
    • Note that critters obey a (varying) spawn cap, so collecting the normal critters allows new, potentially Golden, critters to spawn.
    • Buffing your luck, probably with a Garden Gnome around your base, will also improve the odds of golden critters spawning.
    • See «Critter Food» below for the advantages of cooking them.
    • The similar Golden Carp is obtained only through fishing, and has no use other than sale.

    Butterflies are priced according to their fishing bait values, but sell for a good deal more than equivalent baits (Worm, Enchanted Nightcrawler, Master Bait).

    Goldfish and Worms can be easily caught during a rain in a Forest. In both cases, see «Crafting» below for maximum profit. During a rare Meteor Shower, Enchanted Nightcrawlers will spawn directly.

    There are two special cases (one new in 1.4), both of which are boss-summoning items, and are technically enemies rather than critters, so the usual critter-farming methods will backfire. Both appear only in Hardmode. The Truffle Worm is found in the underground Glowing Mushroom biome, and the hard part is catching it before it tunnels away to despawn. It is the summon item for Duke Fishron, so save some if you wish to fight him. The Prismatic Lacewing appears only in the surface Hallow, between dusk and midnight (7:30 PM to 12:00 AM). The hazard here is that if killed, this creature will immediately summon the fearsome Empress of Light. However, they can be captured without incident. (The above-mentioned Guide To Critter Companionship is vital in their spawning grounds!)

    Some Top Sellers[]

    Critter Sell value
    MouseMouse 10
    OwlOwl 10
    SnailSnail 10
    PenguinPenguin 1250
    ScorpionScorpion 15
    SeahorseSeahorse 15
    FrogFrog 10
    LavaflyLavafly 20
    Glowing SnailGlowing Snail 50
    Magma SnailMagma Snail 50
    Pink FairyAny surface Fairy 1
    Prismatic LacewingPrismatic Lacewing 5
    Gold BunnyAny Golden Critter 10
    Truffle WormTruffle Worm 10


    Almost any craft that requires a purchased ingredient is unlikely to be profitable, no matter how useful the item is in gameplay. (Candelabras, discussed below, are half an exception — that is buying the torches costs only half your profit.) Crafting together items that are picked up «for free» is another story, and there are many common materials whose sale value can be sharply improved by the proper recipe.

    When crafting large numbers of weapons or accessories, the random modifiers will add a bit to your yield: This bonus averages a bit over 10% for melee weapons, or 20% for accessories. Magic or ranged weapons (rare in this context) fall between those at around 15%. Note that individual weapons can have their value reduced by modifiers, but the average will be above list price. Accessory modifiers can only increase the item’s sale price.

    Critter Food[]

    In 1.4, many more critters are cookable, and the resulting food is often worth more money – in fact, almost any cooked (non-golden) critter is worth a flat 20, while few of them sell directly for nearly as much. That said, don’t sell all the food, the buffs can be useful! A warning: All these food items only stack to 30, while the critters themselves stack to 999, so don’t cook more than you need until you’re ready to sell. There are three tiers of food buffs:

    • Most of the commoner critters yield only Well Fed, so they are best cooked for sale. Roasted Bird (any bird except owls and ducks; but Seagulls work), Bunny Stew, and Grilled Squirrel all sell for the usual 20, far more than the critters they’re made from.
    • Food that gives Plenty Satisfied, the second-tier buff, is what you probably should be keeping for your own food supply: Bowl of Soup (goldfish+mushroom), Grub Soup (all three jungle baits), Sauteed Frog Legs, Escargot (snails), and Roasted Duck. Of these, the two soups have a shorter duration and other issues:
      • Goldfish can be sold as Fish Bowls for the same 20, and those stack to 99.
      • Grub Soup’s sale price is barely more than the total for the three critters, and it is limited by the supply of the rarest (Buggy), so you’ll still have the others left over to sell separately.
    • The culmination of this is that any Golden Critter (including those which aren’t otherwise edible) can be cooked into Golden Delight, which grants the highest-tier food buff Exquisitely Stuffed for a full two game days. It’s still salable for the same 10, and it stacks better than an assortment of Golden Critters. Other sources of Exquisitely Stuffed (with shorter duration) come from cooking potion fish (see below), and from enemy drops.

    Ores and Gems[]

    On version 1.4, most bars sell for the same price as the ores that went into them. The exceptions are Meteorite and Hellstone, whose bars sell for much more.

    • Most ores sell for at least as much, and often more than, the bars made from them. The exceptions are the late pre-Hardmode ores (Meteorite, Demonite/Crimtane, Hellstone), and Chlorophyte, all of which are far more profitable as bars.
    • The evil ores are dropped by bosses, so they can be easily farmed for sale.
    • If you have an Autohammer, Converting Chlorophyte bars to Shroomite gets another 10 per bar (11.11% more).
    • On the PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, tModLoader version tModLoader, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy versions, Iron (but not Lead) is worth slightly more as Chains (4 for 10) than bars (3/bar). On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version Windows Phone version, and Nintendo Nintendo 3DS version version, Chains (20 for 10), sell for much more than either bar.
    • Obsidian can’t be sold directly, but it can be crafted into Obsidian Skulls worth 54 each, plus modifier bonuses.
      • On 1.4, Liquid Bombs, or the Bottomless Water Bucket and Bottomless Lava Bucket, allow unlimited obsidian.
      • On other platforms, liquid duplication allows making an automated obsidian farm, if just flooding lava lakes isn’t convenient enough.
      • Obsidian is also needed to craft Hellstone Bars.
      • If you also have extra Water Walking Boots, you can upgrade them to Obsidian Water Walking Boots worth 6. Remember that these boots come only from Water Chests, so there is a limited number in each world!
    • Most Gems (not diamonds) are best crafted into Stained Glass (4/gem).
      • This does use quite a lot of Glass, 5 times the number of gems. However, sand is farmable: In 1.4, making 1000 sand takes about 8 minutes, or less with Hardmode equipment. 1000 sand +100 gems = 4! Alternatively, you can simply buy a lot of bombs and go to a desert, and begin to blow up and collect the sand from there. Though it slightly reduces the profit, it’s far easier to collect sand in that way.
      • You can create new worlds and go into caves for even more gems.
      • Remember that silt, slush, and desert fossils can be turned into gems at a low chance at an extractor, but there is a limited amount of these in a world.
      • Before 1.4, there also is a limited amount of gems to be mined in a world.
      • Gemcorns can be used to farm gems, making gems unlimited.
      • Diamonds ( and amber) can only be sold directly (30 each). Amber can be sold like diamonds, but at least some should be used to brew Crate Potions with it and go fishing (see above). As of 1.4, Orange Stained Glass can be crafted out of Amber, allowing you to triple your return according to your sand supply.

    Biome Materials[]

    Several frequently-surplus materials have optimum (but sometimes cumbersome) methods to craft for sale. As always, be sure you won’t want them for something else. Again, this is more often a matter of getting money out of surpluses, rather than a worthwhile farm.

    • From the Desert:
      • Sand: Craft into Glass, then Mugs, then Ale. At 20 per mug of ale, 1000 sand yields 1. (You can do somewhat better with candelabras, and much better with stained glass as above.)
      • Cactus: 1000 blocks of cactus makes 100 Cactus Swords 360 plus bonuses for modifiers. (Candelabras beat that if you supply the torches, see below).
      • Sturdy Fossils: 1000 of them make 30,000 Bone Throwing Knives for 30(3 per fossil).
      • Antlion Mandibles: With Blinkroot and bottled water, make Mining Potions (2 each). An Alchemy Table will help.
      • Ancient Cloth: The only thing to do with it is to add three times the number of Silk and make pieces of the Ancient set, 50 each piece (for 5 Ancient Cloth). This is a 25% improvement over selling the materials.
    • From the Jungle:
      • Bee Wax: 96 make 12 Bee Headgear (480).
      • Upgrading Nature’s Gifts to Mana Flowers almost doubles their sale price to 1 (plus any modifier bonus).
      • Before 1.4, if you have surpluses of multiple jungle materials (Rich Mahogany, Stingers, Vines, Jungle Spores), the Amazon is a good moneymaker (130 apiece, with modifier bonuses).
      • Once the mahogany runs out, you can use up more vines by making Snapthorns (1); if the vines run out you can turn to Thorn Chakrams (1).
      • Separately, the spores can become Jungle Hats (90 for 8 spores), and the stingers can become Flasks of Poison (5 per stinger).
        • You won’t lose much by just sticking to these two last recipes, as the above weapons are hardly more profitable: even accounting for modifiers, Snapthorn only sells for 14.4% more, Thorn Chakram for 2.02% more. As of 1.4, the Amazon actually sells for 27.4% less than the corresponding amounts of hats and flasks.
        • Once you get to the Dungeon, consider using the spores for Void Vaults as below. The same 8 spores needed for a Jungle Hat can be combined with surplus Bones and Tissue Samples/Shadow Scales for more than twice the sell value.
    • From the Corruption/Crimson:
      • Vile MushroomVile and Vicious MushroomVicious Mushrooms should be converted into their respective powders. From there, the most profit can be had from combining them with Rotten ChunkRotten Chunks or VertebraVertebrae to summon the respective bosses.
      • Both Rotten ChunkRotten Chunks and VertebraVertebrae can be turned into Battle PotionBattle Potions. This will require a supply of DeathweedDeathweed (likely a farm), but can give 2 per potion, compared to the 26 that the ingredients could be sold for directly. Remember that these are also used for boss summoning: Both the «evil» bosses and the Destroyer.
        • Crafting Monster LasagnaMonster Lasagnas is simpler and can give 125 per Chunk or Vertebra.
      • Worm ToothWorm Teeth can double their sale price of 20 as Unholy Arrows (5 arrows for 40 per tooth), at the cost of one-fifth (20%) of their number in wood and stone. (100 teeth need 20 wood and 20 stone. Each wood/stone pair adds 1 of profit.)
      • In pre-1.4 versions, Demonite and Crimtane should be converted to bars before selling them.
      • After reaching the Dungeon, Shadow ScaleShadow Scales and Tissue SampleTissue Samples can be used for Void VaultVoid Vaults (2 apiece). However, this also requires BoneBones (plentiful), and Jungle SporesJungle Spores (harder to collect, but this gets twice the return of Jungle Hats).
        • If you have all these materials, crafting Vaults nets more money than any other recipe involving its ingredients. But if you don’t, there isn’t much to do with surplus Scales and Samples besides directly selling them.
    • Elsewhere (some of these are easier):
      • Turn Goldfish (750) into Fish Bowls (20), or (with Mushrooms) Bowls of Soup (20).
      • You can combine Worms (5) with Fallen Stars (5), for Enchanted Nightcrawlers (20, and they are also better bait than plain worms). Note that Mana Crystals are unsalable, but Fallen Stars are used for a number of things including ammunition.
      • Turn Shark Fins and Waterleaves into Water Walking Potions for a 136 profit per craft.
      • Cobwebs: 994 cobwebs make 142 Silk, 284 (29 per cobweb).
        • But if you have both Cobwebs and Bones, 1000 of each makes 25 Necro Helmets, which sell for 2250, handily beating candelabras and silk at 225 per pair.
      • Flinx Fur can turn a tidy profit as Flinx Fur Coats (250) — if you’re using gold, you get more than double the cost of the materials.
      • Wood by itself can be crafted into candelabras as below, but this is usually dwarfed by its usefulness in other recipes.
        • Wood and gel together are worth at least 150 per paired pieces, representing the purchase price of the torches they can replace in a recipe.
        • Wood and stone can be crafted into arrows, but this is only worthwhile in Hardmode (see below).


    Many otherwise-unsaleable blocks can be monetized as Candelabras (3 each). These include: All kinds of wood (except Dynasty Wood, but see below), Gel (as Slime Blocks), Sand (as half its number of Glass), Cactus, Pumpkins (only worthwhile during Halloween), Granite (as Smooth Granite), Glowing Mushrooms, Honey Blocks, Bones, Ebonstone (as Lesion Blocks), Crimstone (as Flesh Blocks), Martian Conduit Plating. Ice and Marble (as Smooth Marble) can also be used, but are non-renewable.

    As worked out below, this gives a minimum value for these materials of 30/block.

    • In some cases you will also need an appropriate crafting station; use the Living Loom for plain wood, as there is no plain wood candelabra.
    • Each 1000 blocks (1 stack +1) plus 600 torches (6 stacks +6) will produce 200 candelabras that can be sold for 6.
      • Even buying the torches from the Merchant costs only 3, letting you walk away with the other half of the sale price.
      • Making your own torches will instead use 200 (more) each of gel and wood.
      • Either way, for Boreal Wood and Ice, you will also need 200 (more) ice blocks to turn the torches into ice torches.
      • For wood or gel, another way to work the same recipe is as follows: Start with 996 wood and 166 gel, or vice versa. Make 498 torches (5 stacks +3), then use those and 830 wood or slime blocks to make 166 candelabras as above for 498.
      • However, if you have wood and gel, things get more complex:
        • To do the above «both ways at once», you could start with 994 each wood and gel, set aside 284 of each to make 852 torches, convert the remaining 710 gel to slime blocks, and continue to make 142 each wood and slime candelabras for 852. However, 1000 each wood and gel can instead replace 15 worth of torches as above, and supplying 5000 other blocks can make you 30worth of candelabras.
        • Either way, you’ll get about 43 per unit of material from this.

    Dynasty Wood[]

    On the Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version Windows Phone version, Old Chinese version Old Chinese version, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, Dynasty Wood provides a true «money for nothing» deal:

    1. The basics of the deal:
      • Dynasty wood can be purchased from the Traveling Merchant for 50 apiece.
      • Torches from the Merchant are also 50 apiece, or you can make your own from «free» wood and gel.
    2. The Large Dynasty Lantern requires 4 of each (2 total if you provide the torches, twice that if you buy them). However, before 1.4, it sells for 6 apiece.
    3. This can be done on a large scale: 1000 dynasty wood will cost 5, but with 1000 torches (made from 334 each wood and gel), you can produce 250 lanterns worth 15 (10 profit).
    4. Even if you buy the torches from the Merchant, that only costs another 5, leaving you 5 of profit. And since you also made back what you paid up front, you can buy another 1000 each of Dynasty wood and torches for the next round….
      • In multiplayer, one player can keep the Traveling Merchant’s shop open (preventing him from leaving) while other player(s) buy torches, craft lanterns and ferry the resources around.
      • Note that Dynasty wood cannot be used to make torches.

    As of, the Large Dynasty Lantern sells for only 32, which effectively patches the exploit.


    As usual, the below applies after the usual equipment is made and the materials are actually surplus:

    • Surplus Hallowed Bars can be sold straight, but there are a few crafts that can increase their profit somewhat:
      • Perhaps the best remaining way to use them is to make Excaliburs. While unmodified Excaliburs sell for less than 12 Hallowed Bars, random modifiers will average about 6% profit. Even better is to combine them with surplus Broken Hero Swords to make True Excaliburs (10 plus modifiers); if you have enough Hallowed Bars, you can craft the worse-modified Excaliburs, and sell the better ones directly.
      • They can be put toward Light Discs, but as of 1.4 this is no longer a major profit engine.
      • They are also used for the Pumpkin Moon Medallion, which can summon the difficult but lucrative Pumpkin Moon event.
    • The various Souls mostly sell for reasonable prices, but have some special crafts:
      • Souls of Flight (40 for 20) go to make Wings (8). Besides the various rare drops that can only be used for Wings, this can soak up extra Souls of Night (25), Souls of Light (25), or Pixie Dust (100), along with Harpy Feathers. This is also the most profitable way to sell off extra Beetle Husks, almost doubling the husks’ sale price. With random modifiers, 10 pairs of wings will average almost a platinum piece.
      • Souls of Fright should be saved for Naughty Presents.
      • Souls of Sight have no profitable crafts available, but are needed to make «player above» Sensors.
      • Before 1.4, Souls of Might (and Light) would go for Light Discs (see «The Destroyer» below) for extra profit, but this was nerfed in 1.4.
      • Another way to use up Souls of Light and Night is to summon Biome Mimics. Early in Hardmode these will be a tough fight, but with late-game weapons they can be slaughtered almost as fast as the Eye of Cthulhu.
    • Pixie Dust (1 per piece) can be combined 3-to-1 with Crystal Shards (16 each) to make Greater Healing Potions (3 per recipe gives 30). An Alchemy Table can add another 50% to your output, for an average of 45 per crystal.
      • With the Alchemy Table, each stack of 99 pixie dust and 33 shards (otherwise worth a mere 627) will yield potions worth an average of 1485, a 137% profit over the ingredients. (Slightly more profit than using the pixie dust for Wings).
      • The potions only stack to 30, which makes this slightly cumbersome, but that’s still 3 per stack.
    • Wood and stone can be crafted into arrows, which in turn can be crafted into Endless Quivers (160 each wood & stone yields 1, or 62.5 per pair). Ichor Arrows (but not cursed arrows) (see below) yield slightly more than that.
    • Cursed Flame (8) and Ichor (9) can be sold most profitably as Cursed or Ichor Arrows, but this is cumbersome and takes 6 times their number in wood and (non-renewable) stone: 1 Cursed Flame/Ichor, 6 wood and 6 stone yields 150 arrows worth 12. Each pair of wood and stone returns 50(Ichor)/66.7(Cursed Flame) profit.
    • Spooky Wood can be sold as Spooky Helmets, which yield 50/block with no gel needed. With gel or stone, it can be used more profitably as «any wood» for torches or arrows as above.


    Fishing can provide a lot of sellable stuff, especially once you get better equipment from the Angler; besides the «usual» fish, you will also catch various useful and saleable tools, weapons, and accessories, not to mention the occasional Golden Carp or Crates. If you’re getting impatient waiting for the Angler to give you the Golden pole, you can buy, find, or make various intermediate-powered poles. For best results, pay attention to the moon phase, time, and the size of the lake. Note that anything gotten from fishing is renewable by definition.

    • All the cookable fishes that you’re not using for food or potions, are best sold uncooked. (5 and up)
      • As with the critters above, sell off the ones that could only give you Well Fed first:
    • Likewise, the fish used for brewing potions all sell for more money than the potions you could craft. (mostly 15, including the Honeyfin)
      • Surplus potion fish (including the Honeyfin and the otherwise-useless Neon Tetra) can also be cooked into Seafood Dinners, two fish per dinner. These give the top-tier food buff Exquisitely Stuffed – the duration is short, but even so, this may be a better use than selling them.
    • Quest fishes can’t be sold, but if you come up with extras (stash them in a chest or bank as you catch each one), you can turn them in for a later quest.
    • Jellyfish are weak bait but very saleable (350).
    • This leaves the various tools, weapons, and accessories. Use what you need, then sell off the rest.
    • All Critters used for bait (including Enchanted Nightcrawlers) sell for much more than the Angler Bait that could replace them. As soon as you get Master or even Journeyman Bait, use that instead.
      • All crates except Wooden can contain Master Bait, and the Angler can also give it as a reward. Once you have enough Master Bait, you can sell off your Apprentice Bait (1) and Journeyman Bait (3) too.

    Fishing for Crates with Crate Potions is an easy and safe way to make large amounts of money. Depending on location, fishing power, and if in Hardmode, this can rake in up to 30 per Crate Potion, aside from the useful items you can save for yourself. Use the best bait you’ve got, with any Angler’s equipment you have, and whatever relevant Potions you have.

    • You will probably get your first Crate, Fishing and Sonar potions as Angler rewards or from previously-caught crates, but once you’ve got the makings you can also craft them for yourself.
    • This is one of the two main ways to get your world’s «alternate» metals, both before and during Hardmode.
      • In PC version PC, Console version Console, Old-gen console version Old-gen console, Mobile version Mobile, Windows Phone version Windows Phone, Old Chinese version Old Chinese, tModLoader version tModLoader, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader Legacy versions, if you save crates for opening in Hardmode, they will also provide both alternatives for the early Hardmode metals. Note that high-tier crates don’t have all the metals, and only Wooden crates contain ore.
    • Never sell unopened crates – opening them will average several times their sale price just in coin, plus useful and saleable items. On average, most crate value is from the coins, but (especially in quantity) the other items can sell for a decent bonus. Hardmode brings more valuable metals and more items. Here is a more detailed rundown on crate values.

    Fishing in lava will let you catch Obsidian or Hellstone crates and other valuable items; it does require a bit of effort to start up, but it’s worth the trouble: The crates are the most valuable in the game, each with the usual Biome Crate loot, its own special-item pick, miscellaneous lava and Underworld themed items, and an Obsidian Lock Box with an item from the Shadow Chest specials. Several other lava and Underworld items are direct catches. The least valuable thing you will catch in lava is the Obsidifish (15).

    • Fishing in lava can start in two ways: If you serve the Angler into Hardmode, he may award you the Hotline Fishing Hook. Even before Hardmode, you can venture into the Underworld to find Underworld Bait. Eventually the crates will supply a Lavaproof Fishing Hook, which allows lava fishing with any bait and/or pole.
    • You will catch things much more quickly if you have at least two of the bait, pole, and/or accessory.
    • You do not have to be down in the Underworld, or even the Caverns, to fish in lava! With a stack of buckets, you can easily dig out and furnish your own sheltered lava pool near your base, filling it as you explore the lower Cavern levels.

    Fighting bosses and events[]

    Once a player has defeated a given event or boss, they will quickly reach a point where they can kill them easily. Aside from developing skills, the player is accumulating equipment over time, and progressively outclassing their former enemies. It can be quite profitable to repeatedly summon and slaughter prior bosses and events. Not all bosses are listed below, as some are not good moneymakers. Relevant summoning items:

    • For bosses, the Suspicious Looking Eye, Worm Food, Bloody Spine, Abeemination, Mechanical Worm, Key of Light, and Key of Night are all crafted.
    • Likewise for events, the Goblin Battle Standard, Solar Tablet, Naughty Present, and Pumpkin Moon Medallion are all crafted.
    • The event summons Bloody Tear, Pirate Map, and Lihzahrd Power Cell are enemy drops, as is the Guide Voodoo Doll for the Wall of Flesh.

    Notes on farming bosses and events[]

    • Luck can both help with the fight, and improve your yield from it — besides boosting coin drops in general, it sharply increases the odds of rare spawns and rare drops. Mind your torches underground, keep a Garden Gnome handy, and maybe even brew a Luck Potion for the climax of the fight.
    • In Hardmode, the use of the Midas debuff (Flask of Gold or Golden Bullets) will increase enemy drops, as will use of a Lucky Coin (or its upgrades).
      • The cost of a Flask of Gold is 85, and it lasts 20 minutes. Each 50 Golden Bullets cost 1950, so 200 bullets costs almost as much as the flask.
      • If you are sufficiently overpowered for some event, the Lucky Coin will reward «cherry-tapping», using weak attacks and weak summons to maximize the number of hits landed. Cherry-tapping works best for Invasions (events with a fixed number of spawns, marked by a progress bar) and perhaps some bosses. There are limits:
        • For any given enemy, the Lucky Coin can extract at most (an average of) 122per health point beyond their normal drops, assuming all player attacks do 1 damage each.
        • Critical attacks will do at least 2 damage, so high critical chances will reduce yields from cherry-tapping.
        • Cherry-tapping is also limited by the rate of attacks. Doing this to bosses can be slow; e.g., cherry-tapping the Eye of Cthulhu can roughly quadruple the take, but will likely take much longer than stomping on four in a row.
    • For timed events (Blood Moon, Solar Eclipse, Frost Moon, Pumpkin Moon) the Lucky Coin can still bring in extra money, but it may be more profitable to slaughter enemies as quickly as possible; this will maximize spawns, get the most drops from kills, and in some cases move on to more advanced waves.
    • In addition to the drops noted below, the occasional (10%) boss trophies can be sold for 1 each, and the Expert and Master mode special drops can also be sold for various prices.
    • Recall that before version 1.4, Demonite and Crimtane ores are best sold as bars. (in 1.4 it doesn’t matter.)

    Special enemies[]

    A few Hardmode enemies warrant special note because of the generosity of their drops. All of these are powerful enough to qualify as minibosses when first encountered:

    • Mimics warrant special note because they drop 10 (25) even without use of the Midas debuff, and you can sell the items they drop for up to 5. A continuously swinging sword with enough knockback to keep the Mimic at distance, or ranged weapons, can easily kill them with little risk. As noted below, farming the Golem’s room will reliably produce quite a few Mimics; they are also common in the Underworld.
      • The Star Cloak and Cross Necklace can be combined for great profit, as before 1.4 a Star Veil was worth 10.
    • Biome Mimics drop only 3 up front, but most of their «special» item drops sell for 8 (hooks only for 6), with another 1 or so worth of potions. They are rarer «in the wild», but can be summoned with Keys of Light or Night, for a definite profit over 30 worth of Souls.
    • Wyverns drop 1 , and also drop Souls of Flight. On average, each Wyvern will drop slightly over half the Souls needed for a pair of wings, each pair saleable for 8. Wings will also require an additional «key» ingredient, but many of these can be had as drops from a variety of enemies.

    Eye of Cthulhu[]

    Farming the Eye of Cthulhu will yield about 10 per kill, assuming all drops are transformed and sold.

    Even before the player reaches Hardmode, it can easily be defeated multiple times in a row, resulting in lots of money. With Hardmode equipment, it is possible to kill over 100 Eyes in one night.

    Each kill yields 3 in coin and an average of 59 ore. (Other drops are worth a bit of silver.) On PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Old Chinese version Old Chinese version, tModLoader version tModLoader version, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, selling the ore as bars yields an average of 585 for Demonite, or 76050 for Crimtane. For , that will be 43875 for Demonite, or 57038 for Crimtane.

    A stack of 20 Suspicious Looking Eyes (quite possible with late-game gear) will yield about 60 in coin and (PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Old Chinese version Old Chinese version, tModLoader version tModLoader version, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version) 117 in Demonite or 152 in Crimtane. (For Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version Windows Phone version, and Nintendo Nintendo 3DS version version, the yield is 88 for Demonite or 114 for Crimtane.)

    Eater of Worlds[]

    The Eater of Worlds drops an average of 175 Demonite ore per kill, which sells as bars for an average of about 17. ( 13.)

    Buying Vile Powder for a Worm Food costs only 30 – for boss farming, even stocking up during a Blood Moon may be more convenient than gathering or farming the mushrooms. However, the Rotten Chunks must be harvested. ( a Corrupt Statue can help.) With Hardmode weapons, the Eater can be summarily dispatched, but the Destroyer becomes a more effective use of those Rotten Chunks.

    Brain of Cthulhu[]

    Farming the Brain of Cthulhu will yield about 33 per kill, assuming all drops are transformed and sold.

    The Brain of Cthulhu and its Creepers drop about 5 coin and about 207 Crimtane ore. (357 in Expert Mode) On PC version PC version, Console version Console version, Mobile version Mobile version, Old Chinese version Old Chinese version, tModLoader version tModLoader version, and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, the bars sell for about 27 (46). On Old-gen console version Old-gen console version, Windows Phone version Windows Phone version, and Nintendo Nintendo 3DS version version, the sale yields 20.

    Buying Vicious Powder for a Bloody Spine costs only 30 – for boss farming, even stocking up during a Blood Moon may be more convenient than gathering or farming the mushrooms. However, the Vertebra must be harvested. With Hardmode weapons, the Brain can be killed fairly quickly, but the Destroyer becomes a more effective use of those Vertebrae.

    Queen Bee[]

    Farming the Queen Bee will yield about 14 per kill, assuming all drops are sold.

    The Queen Bee has no time restrictions and only needs to be summoned in a jungle. Like other early bosses, it becomes very easy to fight with hardmode or late-game weapons, even when «enraged». Each Queen Bee drops 5 in coins, plus various item drops whose sale prices average to another 2. On most platforms, Bee Wax can be best sold by crafting it into Bee Headgear, to bring in another 2-3. The Abeemination is rather easy to craft, as (except on Nintendo 3DS version) all the ingredients can be found or made in the jungle, and it doesn’t even need an altar to craft.

    Wall of Flesh[]

    Farming the Wall of Flesh will yield about 12 per kill, assuming all drops are sold.

    Using Hardmode gear, you can kill the Wall of Flesh quickly and cheaply. It can be summoned day or night, but repeated summons do need to wait on the Guide respawning after his death. Timing the first fight for just before dawn (4:30 AM) can allow two or more fights in a morning; the Guide will need about 2 minutes after either dawn or his last respawn before he can reappear. Drops 8 in coins, a Pwnhammer which sells for about 78, and another random item which sells for 2-3.

    A decent way to farm the Wall in early Hardmode, even before defeating any mechanical bosses, is by boosting summons (such as the Spider Staff) with the Spider armor, backed up with a good Yoyo and the Yoyo Bag. The Amarok is easy to obtain in the Ice biome and does solid damage as well as the Frostburn debuff. Collecting more Guide Voodoo Dolls is trivial in the Underworld, especially with Hardmode equipment.

    The Destroyer[]

    Farming the Destroyer will yield about 12 in coin and 34 worth of drops (sold straight) per kill. The key ingredients for the Mechanical Worm must be collected from the Underground evil biome, but are common drops from most or all of the enemies there. With Post-Plantera gear, The Destroyer can be killed multiple times in one night, subject only to the supplies for summoning it.

    Before version 1.4, crafting Light Discs (formerly 10apiece) makes the Destroyer a major farming target. As of 1.4, their reduced price offers only a slight profit over the materials. On average you can make a stack of 5 Discs for each kill (requiring 15 Souls of Light) with occasional extras. Over multiple kills, there will be leftover Souls of Might; these can be crafted with spare Hallowed Bars from the other mechanical bosses, or just sold on their own.


    Farming the Golem will yield about 33 per kill, assuming all drops are sold.

    However, you can also make quite a bit of money just farming Lihzahrds and Flying Snakes in the Golem’s room. Place a Water Candle and banners nearby, grapple yourself to the ceiling, and just shoot downward for awhile, and/or let your minions hunt. After a while the Power Cells and other loot can be collected. This works well with a Coin Ring, Slime Staff, and Tiki Armor.

    This method also will yield quite a lot of Solar Tablet Fragments, a fair number of Mimics, (which drop some nice money and items), and some Yelets to boot. You will average about one power cell for each banner earned; the banner messages are a good cue to collect your loot, hopefully including power cells. Conveyor belts can gather the loot into stacks, to prevent items from despawning among the flood of coins.

    The solar tablet fragments can be used for Solar Tablets, which summon the remarkably profitable Solar Eclipse (see below)

    Celestial Pillars and Moon Lord[]

    After repeating the endgame a few times, surplus Lunar Fragments can be crafted into Monoliths for sale; 20 each for 15 Fragments, and each pillar drops an average of 36 of its type, averaging almost 2 worth per round.

    The Moon Lord himself drops a Portal Gun worth 10, Luminite worth an average of 2550, and an endgame weapon worth 16 to 20. Combining Lunar Fragments into a Celestial Sigil effectively trades them for more Luminite and other Moon Lord drops, but this is not profitable; even without pro-rating them, one Monolith of each type is worth more than the Moon Lord’s drops.


    Make a house with a thin layer of Lava on the top and sides so the drops don’t burn. You may want lava protection to collect the drops. He drops his own summoning item, and if you have more than one you can summon multiples of the boss. Each kill nets coins and items worth about 5.

    Turkor the Ungrateful[]

    During Thanksgiving, Turkor the Ungrateful can be farmed by only attacking his heads, which drop most of a gold piece each. This may not be worth the trouble: Consider that the individual heads have 2000 health (but no defense), and attack for 55 damage, then compare that to the Eye of Cthulhu’s stats and drops.


    If the Halloween season is upon your game, treats are in store. Goodie Bags commonly drop costumes with 2 to 3 pieces, each piece worth 60, or the bags can be sold directly for 1. Pumpkins also become plentiful; they can be crafted into chandeliers as above, or baked directly into Pumpkin Pies (2 for 10 pumpkins) . In the Christmas season, Presents can’t be sold directly, but many of the gifts within are saleable.


    Much as with bosses, once you have mastered an event, you can effectively farm it as desired. Suitable use of lava pools and other traps can allow killing off most of an invasion automatically, leaving you to deal with minibosses, flying enemies, and spot defense. While the pre-Hardmode events are basically small change, Hardmode offers some better opportunities, especially with a Lucky Coin, Gold Ring, or both (as a Coin Ring). Gold Dust items will also improve drops.

    • Even the lowly Blood Moon has rather better coin drops in Hardmode.
    • The Solar Eclipse can be particularly profitable – with a Gold Ring (to rapidly gather coins) and powerful weapons, they can approach 1 even before use of Gold Dust items or a Lucky Coin (which can double or triple the yield). The Moon Charm and Neptune’s Shell can be profitably combined into a Moon Shell.
    • The Goblin Army is relatively small, but by the same token can be finished off fairly quickly with an arena and/or advanced weaponry. Tattered Cloth for the summoning item can be farmed with a Goblin Statue.
    • The Pirate Invasion can yield a bit of cash and some saleable Golden Furniture. Initially, its greatest attraction is the rare drops:
      • The Gold Ring is comparatively common, and very useful for collecting coins swiftly.
      • A Discount Card can save a lot on purchases and reforging.
      • The scarce Lucky Coin is an actual license to coin money (a Slime Staff can help).
      • The Coin Gun is usually considered an eccentricity, and it does take some inventory management to make it work. That said, with the techniques in this guide, you can have enough money that you can afford to use gold coins as ammunition, and perhaps even platinum!
      • For getting rare drops, it’s best to «farm» for Flying Dutchmen. Once you do have those drops, farming a Pirate invasion from shelter with a Coin Ring, Slime Staff, and Tiki Armor (if you don’t kill the Dutchman, you’ll get more pirates) can yield up to 4.
    • Martian Invasions are difficult to arrange on demand, but putting a Water Candle on a Floating Island will eventually lure in a Probe, and with a suitable base they could be farmed in fair safety, especially for the Saucer drops. In 1.4, it’s not so safe (the saucer’s beam now penetrates blocks), but some of the saucer’s drops have been distributed to the lesser Martians.
    • The Pumpkin Moon is probably the most effective event to farm coin. An endgame player using the Last Prism, a Stardust Dragon, Nebula armor, and appropriate buffs, can easily farm over 30 per moon (over 10 in coins and over 20 after selling gear).
      • With the introduction of the Zenith, geared up with Solar armor, Greedy Ring, and the buff obtained from Flask of Gold, one can net out over 50 per night after collecting and selling all enemy drops. Also make sure to pick up all hearts after having down a mini-boss, serving as the main source of surviving. One could easily get over-encumbered though, resulting in a large portion of the loots vanishing for too many left on the ground not picked up. This could be mitigated with the uses of additional storage.
      • Also make sure to sell loots to a merchant whose happiness is max.
    • The Frost Moon is more difficult to farm: it’s harder than the Pumpkin Moon, also Ice Queens appear only one at a time and are harder to kill quickly.
    • The Torch God can be farmed relatively easily: set up an area following the minecart track option in Guide:The Torch God strategies but include a chest near the track. Create a new character and run the event, deposit the first Torch God’s Favor in the chest and then let it keep running. Open your inventory and click the Quick Stack button (or use an auto-clicker) every time the event ends and you roll past the chest. Each Torch God’s Favor sells for 2.
      • You should take no damage unless your minecraft track is built very close to the torches; if worried about dying then leave a set of high defense and/or health regeneration armor in the chest for the new character.
      • While this is slower than most other Event farming methods it can be completely safe if the area is made in a Graveyard below the Surface layer with a Peace Candle, a Sunflower and at least three NPCs housed nearby: Invasion Events will not trigger and enemies will not spawn.

    Monster Farming[]

    Once in Hardmode you can buy Gold Dust to craft ammunition or Flasks which will increase the amount of money monsters drop on death. Also, don’t forget mobs spawn as much below you as above, so filling in any caves below your farm can increase spawn rates within the farm.

    Slime Staff Farming[]

    If you have a Lucky Coin and Slime Staff (Slime statues do drop Slime Staffs) you can farm for money very easily at the rate of about 10 Gold/Minute. Making full use of the spawning mechanics, it is possible to make the speed exceed 1 platinum per minute. A simple way to apply the slime staff is to create a space in the Lihzarhd Temple where you can stand in a box in an open space with all of the Lihzarhds crowding below you. Then summon all of the slimes you can. The slimes hit very quickly and only do about 1 damage a hit, with each hit giving a chance to drop several gold coins due to the Lucky Coin. You can do a similar farm by creating a box in the Ocean and putting 80 Lihzard blocks around you (to spawn Arapaimas and increase spawn rate).

    However, minions are treated as projectiles, and since the slime won’t vanish after hitting a monster, it counts as a piercing projectile: This means that each monster hit by a slime will get 1/6 second’s invulnerability against more piercing attacks. This limits the effect of adding more slime minions, unless there are plenty of targets to go around (see invasions note below).

    Invasions are also a very viable way of making money from this method. Even for rare Pirate Maps and the effort required to farm 2-3 maps, the profit is well worth the effort. Even with minimum equipment and boosts, including two Summoning Potions, a Bewitching Table and holing up in a base slightly above or below the ground, one can make an average of 250 per invasion or 275 if they sell the gold furniture dropped by the invasion enemies.

    Hallow Farm[]

    Hallow Farm

    An example of a Hallow Farm.

    Once you enter Hardmode, it may be a good idea to farm The Hallow. The best way to do this is to make an AFK Hallow Farm:

    • The first thing to do is to clear out a flat area in The Hallow, which will help the spawn rate. Then create a pillar, at least 15 blocks high.
    • After that, clear out two wide pits on both sides of the pillar with a thin layer of lava, thin enough to not destroy drops. This will kill the Unicorns and other ground enemies. Conveyor Belts may be helpful to collect coins into stacks. If you have a Gold Ring or upgrade, use that.
    • The next step is to make the part to kill the Pixies and Gastropods. It should have two box shaped parts, the first part thinner than the second, which will help catch the pixies in the trap. Some players may want to separate the parts with platforms. There should be Dart Traps, Super Dart Traps, or Spear Traps on both sides of the second section, to kill the Pixies and Gastropods. These traps should be connected to a 1 Second Timer with wires.
    • The next step is to set up the player room. This room should have doors to allow the player to exit, but not allow enemies in, and a switch to control the traps.
    • For maximum efficiency, the player room should have a Water Candle, a Heart Lantern, a Campfire, Banners for the enemies, and a chest to store items. It should also qualify as an NPC Home, so that you can pull in a vendor if needed to sell off your loot quickly. While having an NPC there would decrease spawn rates, any time during the night you can assign a vendor there and immediately move off-screen from the farm to teleport them in. After selling off the current loot, if it is still night you can void the house (e.g., break the chair) and head off-screen again to make them teleport to a vacant home and restore your spawn rate.
    • The player should also have a minion to help with the slaughter and deal with passing enemies.
    • The major items for sale from this farm are: Unicorn Horns, (2970 per stack of 99), Blessed Apples (5 each), Fast Clocks (2) and Megaphones (2). All the enemies also drop money. You will also get Pixie Dust and gel, which can can be used for crafting more profitable items.

    Hardmode Dungeon[]

    A very fun and effective way to grind money is to gear up with endgame gear and farm the Hardmode Dungeon. After killing Plantera go in there and farm all the monsters you see. Armored Bones drop over ten silver each, and they are so common that you can easily rack up a lot of money fast. Also, sell the Ectoplasm and drops you don’t need for even more money. In one hour, you might be able to get five platinum with water candles and battle potions and maybe even a lucky Blood Moon. Another way to use the dungeon for money-making is to use a farm. Lihzahrd Temple-type traps can prove to be very useful in this method, and will make fighting in the dungeon a lot safer.

    Hardmode Spider Cave[]

    An effective way to get money is in a Hardmode Spider Cave with a strong sword such as a Cutlass or Excalibur and a Water Candle and/or Battle Potion. A Nimbus Rod can also be quite effective, and some of the Tavernkeep’s sentries (or the Queen Spider Staff) can allow farming from outside the cave.

    Black Recluses drop 5 directly, Spider Fangs (craft into Queen Spider Staffs, which sell for 5 each), and Poison Staffs (4 each). Both sorts of staff will average about 15% above their standard price due to random modifiers. Over time, the return (mostly from the Queen Spider Staffs) will average nearly half a gold piece per spider killed.

    Statue farming[]

    Statue farm block view

    A statue farm with three statue spots and staggered timers. The drain chamber for the lava allows swapping in different statues. The torches at the bottom indicate the Teal Pressure Pads. The anvil is for crafting Chains and Grappling Hooks.

    Statue farm wired view

    Same statue farm showing the wires. The left switch triggers one timer and a dart trap, which triggers the other two timers via Teal Pressure Pads.

    Statue farm in action

    The statue farm in action during a Blood Moon. 15 or so Bunny Hoods far outearn the rest of the event in pre-Hardmode.

    The basic setup for statue farming involves connecting a statue to a 1 Second Timer (or a Crab Engine). Place a shallow layer of lava (recommended) around the statue, or connect a few Dart Traps to kill the spawned monsters. Once you click the switch, all you have to do is wait for drops to accumulate. A tunnel beneath the trap can allow safe collection, and Conveyor Belts can help once they’re available. Housing a vendor NPC near the farm is convenient for selling the items quickly. Multiple statues in a lava pit can speed things up.


    Unfortunately, successive version upgrades have made statue farming much less profitable and convenient than before. Despite these changes, statues remain useful for important drops such as Cell Phone or Ankh Shield components, later a Medusa Head, and so on. They can also be used to farm some raw materials such as gel.

    Since Version 1.3:

    • Statue-spawned enemies do not drop coins, many have reduced rates for their other drops, and some will not drop items if killed by traps. See the Statue page for details.
    • Sharks and mimics spawned by statues no longer spawn Dungeon Spirits (and mimics drop no loot at all).
    • Statue-spawned critters cannot be caught. If a Bug Net is used on them, they will disappear in a puff of smoke.
    • Statues will only trigger twice per second no matter how they are activated, and they will not trigger if there are more than 3 of their creature in the immediate vicinity, 6 within most of the screen, or 10 anywhere in the world.

    Since Version 1.4:

    • The profitable Granite Golem Statue has been nerfed, as have several other statues. The sell value of some drops has also been tweaked.
    • On the flip side, several previously non-functional statues now produce enemies: Goblin, Eyeball, Hornet, Imp, and Corrupt.
    • No statue-spawned creature will drop loot if killed entirely by lava. At least some player-initiated damage has to be involved, even if lava deals the «killing blow».


    Before 1.4, there are still a number of options to be had, depending what enemy you are trying to spawn:

    • A statue farm for a relatively strong enemy – specifically, one that takes a half-second or more to die in lava – can’t do much better than up to three statues on a single timer. Note that lava does 50 damage/hit to enemies, and hits come 6 times per second.
    • However, those spawns killed in less than a half-second can make use of staggered timers to keep more statues in play.
    • Farms whose spawn is killed almost immediately can use far more statues, triggered in sequence. In fact, if you have enough statues of a single type, you can spawn your targets literally just as fast as they die. (The question is just how quickly a death registers.)
    • And of course, the spawn limits only apply to a single type; it’s entirely fair to mix statue types in a farm depending on what statues you have.

    In 1.4, those enemies that would be one-shotted by lava, need instead to be killed with a block-penetrating weapon or sentry, as above.
    Some options include using a block-penetrating weapon such as a Vilethorn or Crimson Rod (the latter needs to be placed from above), sending your minions in, or placing a sentry in the killing chamber (the Lightning Aura sentries deal continuous damage to multiple targets). For any enemy that lava would one-shot, you’ll need to skip the lava entirely and go with the sentry or minions.

    Hearts, Stars, and Bombs[]

    Statues for weak Enemies (those killed in one or two hits from lava) can be used to create a Heart and Star generator for boss fights; when they die they they will drop Hearts and Stars whenever the player is not at full health or mana respectively. These drops do not have the spawn limits of Heart Statues and Star Statues. Some weak enemies include:

    • (one hit) Crabs, Bats, Dripplers, Piranha, Zombies, Jellyfish, Slime
    • (two hits) Wall Creepers, Blood Zombie, Harpy, Skeleton, Undead Viking, Hoplite

    Update: As of latest versionsVerify, most statue spawns seem not to drop hearts. Slime, Crab, and Wall Creeper statues still can be used for these generators.

    In this context, Crabs and Wall Creepers have the advantage of not dropping anything else. Jellyfish, Slimes, and Hoplites should be avoided because they drop large numbers of worthless items.

    Bomb Statues can be used for farms: no lava or traps are required, but only 3 bombs can spawn at once, so you need to stay close to collect the bombs. In any case, you’ll want a vendor NPC nearby to quickly sell the stacks of bombs (60per 100). 3 statues triggering twice per second will produce 6 bombs per second or up to 216 per minute, but especially with a Treasure Magnet, staggering more statues may increase this.

    Lava Pools[]

    Use of lava warrants some standard comments; despite the nerfs above, the shallow pool is sometimes still useful to speed up killing stonger enemies.

    This content is transcluded from Lava § Lava Depth.Lava will destroy any item of White rarity (Other than the aforementioned exceptions) including Coins, if it is deep enough for the item to sink past its midpoint. (That is, items with larger sprites can survive deeper lava.) This allows making pits with lava just deep enough to burn copper coins, but (almost) nothing else:

    • If too many items (over 400) accumulate in the world, the oldest ones will despawn.
    • Copper coins are among the least valuable objects in the game, but each stack of them still counts as an item. An event or enemy farm can produce huge numbers of copper coins, so it’s worth discarding them, against the risk of despawning more valuable items. Fortunately they are also among the smallest items in the game (with a sprite only 12 pixels high).
      • A notable exception: The far more valuable Lihzahrd Power Cell also has a 12 pixel high sprite, and will be destroyed with the copper coins.
      • Other notable heights: Silver coins and gel share a 14-pixel height, while block items are 16 pixels tall.
    • To check if a lava moat has the exact depth required, a player can throw in one copper coin, then one silver coin. The copper coin should burn, but the slightly taller silver coin should not.
    • In practice, this lava depth can be achieved with 1 Bucket of lava for each 6 to 8 tiles of pit length.
      • Thus a moat that is 6-8 blocks wide, should have one bucket thrown in, while a moat of 12-16 should have 2.
      • This implies avoiding lengths where this range can’t be achieved: 1-5, 9-11, 17. A moat 18 or more tiles long can always be filled to proper depth.
      • When filling a very large moat, it is best to drop individual lava buckets over the width of the moat, and not throw it on the same spot, due to unreliable liquid physics.

    Profitable Statues[]

    Many statues are still good for regularly producing their bonus items, and in some cases the value of these items combined with the drop chance makes them usefully farmable. Note that most of the following do qualify as «weak enemies» by the above standard: Only Unicorns take more than a second to die. Granite Golems only take three lava hits (perhaps half a second) to die, the undead (Skeletons, Hoplites, Undead Vikings) all die on the second hit, and the others are one-hit kills.

    Note that many statues drop Hooks often. While these only sell for 2 straight, they can trivially be crafted with Chains to make a Grappling Hook worth 40. Happily, the raw Hooks do stack, and each upgrade costs less than one piece of Iron or Lead ore. Accordingly, the yields below will credit Hooks at their post-crafting price.

    The list includes only the statues with passable drops at reasonable chances, and ignores some rare and/or low-priced drops. It does include some which have been nerfed into oblivion by 1.4, with their current and former info.

    In 1.4 many of the former moneymakers have been heavily nerfed. Remaining leaders include the Hoplite, Unicorn, and Piranha statues, in that order. Both the Hoplite and Piranha get a good deal of their profit from Hooks as above, though the Hoplite’s javelins now contribute nearly as much. The Unicorn statue gets its profit from the horns.

    Per spawn, the most profitable statue by far is the Granite Golem, but as of 1.4 they no longer drop loot when killed by lava. Otherwise profitable statues include (mostly due to crafting the Hooks as above) the Hoplite, Skeleton, and Piranha statues. In Hardmode, the Unicorn statue comes fifth for its horn drops (but takes much longer to kill), while the Jellyfish trails distantly with an average of one silver piece per spawn. While the Granite Golem is clearly best despite occasional stacks of granite, the Hoplite barely out-yields (5%) the Skeleton, and the latter doesn’t produce stacks upon stacks of unsaleable Javelins.

    Selected Statues[]

    • Bats drop Depth Meters (25, 1%), Bat Bats (0.4%) and Chain Knives (0.4%) . Note that they spawn on the ground, and so get killed instantly by the lava. Yield is 45/spawn
    • Using Bunny Statues during a Blood Moon will spawn their evil counterparts, which drop Bunny Hoods (40, 1.33%, yield 53.2/spawn). A Penguin Statue during a Blood Moon will likewise produce pieces of Pedguin’s set (30/piece, 2%, yield 60/spawn).
      • The converted critters don’t count towards the Statue’s spawn limit, so you can add even more statues for this occasion. Both statues can be crafted from caught critters.
    • Granite Golems drop the Night Vision Helmet (1, 3.3%), plus a steady supply of Granite Blocks, which stack to 999 (1 stack/133 spawns). Yield: 330/spawn.
      • Crediting the granite at 3/1000 (as candelabra, see «Crafting» above), adds an average of 225 (34% of the helmet yield) for a total of 885/spawn.
      • The crafted profit for the granite can be doubled to 6/1000 if you supply your own torches. A Slime statue makes a Gel supply easy, but you’re on your own for wood.
      • As of 1.4, they also drop Geodes. However, their drop rates for all items have been reduced sharply. They also do not drop loot when killed entirely by lava.
    • Hoplite Statues produce Gladiator armor (average 28/piece, 1.67%) and Hooks (4%), along with an average of 30 Javelins per spawn. (1 stack/33.3 spawns). In 1.4, the Javelins are salable for 5 apiece, or 50 per thousand. The yield is 47 for the armor, 160 for the Hooks, 150 for the javelins, total 357/spawn.
    • Jellyfish Statues yield Jellyfish Necklaces (1, 0.025% (was 1%). The glowsticks are trash; each 99-stack (16 spawns, was 40) sells for under 2. Yield is 4/spawn.
    • Piranhas drop Compasses (25, 1.33%), Robot Hat (20, 0.4%)) and Hooks (3.3%). The yield is 33.25 for the compasses, 8 for the hats and 132 for the Hooks, total 173/spawn.
    • Skeletons offer several drops: Ancient Gold Helmet (50 0.12%, was 0.5%), Ancient Iron Helmet ((10, 0.25%, was 1%), Bone Sword (18, 0.1225%, was 0.5%), and Hook (1%). Yield is 9 for the helmets and swords, 40 for the Hooks, total 49 per spawn.
    • Undead Vikings drop Viking Helmets (50,0.5%), Compasses (25, 0.5%), and a few more Hooks (1%). Yield is 37.5, plus 40 for the Hooks, total 77.5/spawn.
    • Unicorns drop Unicorn Horns (30, 5%), and now Blessed Apples (5, 0.125%), but only in Hardmode. They need a 6×3 space to spawn, but other statues will not block them. Yield is 213/spawn. Note that they take a lot longer to kill than other creatures on this list, due to their high health and defense.


    The entries below feature methods to obtain money by non-conventional standards. They are all ways of cheating, and may as such not be accepted by certain players. As they can easily ruin the gameplay (no matter how tempting unlimited money may seem) they should mainly be utilized by players for testing purposes, preferably on single-player worlds to avoid ruining the game for other players. They may also include the possibility of damaging your game and/or computer — use at your own risk!

    General note[]

    In addition to the above concerns, none of these are guaranteed to work in any current version; at least some of them have definitely been patched for 1.4.

    Crafting glitch[]

    (This may only work on console by now.) If you craft a stack of copper, silver, or gold coins using a silver, gold, or platinum coin, the crafting menu allows you to craft it back into a single coin. As it turns out, if you take at least one coin from the stack while the rest are in your inventory, put the coin in a storage item such as a chest, safe, or piggy bank, then press deposit all or quick stack on the storage item, the option to craft the original coin still exists as long as you do not exit the inventory screen. You can then craft this coin without it taking away any coins as long as you do not have a separate stack of the lesser coins in your inventory or in the storage item. This gives you a new second coin for free. This glitch does not, however, allow many duplicates to be made at once. If you attempt to do this by making multiple stacks of coins and depositing all of them, the game will not let you craft the original coin as many times as you had stacks. Instead, once you use the option once, the game seemingly realizes that there are no stacks of coins to use to craft a new original coin, therefore the option disappears. Despite this limit, this method still allows for quite quick duping of coins and is one of the few options that does not require another player, joining a server, or editing files.

    Desktop onlyMobile version Player duplication[]

    This trick is known to have been patched in 1.4.

    When a character (or world) is created, it is saved as a file on your computer/device. This means that it can be copied like any other file. The default directory for such files are C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsMy GamesTerrariaPlayers for Windows and Files>On My iPad>Terraria>Players for iOS, though this may change with other OSs. Characters are stored as .plr files; a character called «Manbearpig» will be saved as «Manbearpig.plr». If this file is copied (into «Manbearpig2.plr», for example) the in-game character selection menu will feature two characters named «Manbearpig». (Note that there is no need to copy «Manbearpig.plr.bak». Also note that the order of the .plr files in the Players-folder is representative for the in-game character list.) Any character that has items stored in portable storage, such as a Safe or Piggy Bank will also have an associated folder with the same name as the character (e.g., a folder named «Manbearpig»). If the character’s folder is also copied, the player will be able to duplicate items in portable storage.

    The copy will feature all items held and worn by the original (and the accompanying folder will contain all items kept in portable storage), allowing the player to duplicate money and items by repeatedly copying Manbearpig.plr (and Manbearpig folder) and deposit the copies’ inventories in a storage item in-game. Creating money like this makes it increase exponentially: if you start with 1 and copy it 31 times, you will have a little more than 999 (1*2=2 (one copy) → 230=1073741824 copper coins = 1073 platinum coins).

    Copied character files can afterwards be deleted with no issues arising, though you may wish to also delete each copy’s respective .plr.bak file and folder (keeping obsolete .bak files and folders will not impact the game, but it may cause yourself some confusion later). Though arguably being somewhat cumbersome, this method is convenient as it requires no third-party software.

    Desktop only Read-only world file[]

    Set your world to «read-only» while you have all your coins in a chest, then load the world. Take the coins, and exit. Set «read-only» off and play again. The coins you took while the world was «read-only» will be in the chest, and you can take them out. If you had, say, about 50 gold, you could get a platinum, and, if you do it again, you can get 2 platinum. And you can do this method whenever needed to get coins back.

    Desktop onlyMobile version Item servers[]

    Certain servers are dedicated to distributing free items and coins, placed in automatically-refilling chests. These items and coins can be taken freely. Some servers also grant you access to free command of every item in the game.

    Desktop only TShock server[]

    Instead of using the dedicated server software that ships with Terraria, you can set up a more powerful and advanced server up with TShock. As an admin, you can give yourself free items through Item IDs.

    Desktop only World Edit Tools[]

    World edit tools, like TEdit or some other tool, is easy to add or manipulate coins.

    Desktop onlyMobile version Terrasavr Inventory Editor[]

    Using inventory editors such as Terrasavr can be a way to get money for experimental purposes.

    Mobile version Soft duplication method[]

    You need: 4 Bars of any kind, 2 item frames, a work bench, and 1 chest. You also have to host a multiplayer server. (Because being in single player mode doesn’t work for this method).

    Place the 4 bars down in a square, place the chest on them, destroy the bottom 2 bars. Put the work bench where you just destroyed the bars, mine the chest and replace it with an item frame. Then mine the right side of the work bench, the item frame should be floating. Place the other item frame below the first item frame. Click the first item frame with a item you have at least 2 of.
    It should duplicate like this: 2 coins, 4 coins, 8 coins, 16 coins.
    (Also can be used on items other than coins. Breaks when you leave meaning you have to build it up each time you join.

    Note:You can also duplicate rare items and sell them.

    Another note: Sometimes you might place coins on top of the top item frame, breaking it.

    Desktop only Item Duplication with TerrariaServer[]

    1. Place the item(s) you want to dupe in a chest in a world (can be any world, it wont affect the items in it afterwards) and exit the world, but not the game.
    2. Run start-server-steam-private (can be found in C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTerraria).
    start-server-steam-private will open the TerrariaServer console window, but it won’t close the console window every time you exit like TerrariaServer.exe does.
    3. In the TerrariaServer console window, select the world where you stored the item(s) you wish to dupe.
    4. In the Terraria game, join multiplayer game and type localhost in the ip page.
    5. Take all the items you want to duplicate using your character (do not exit the world).
    6. In the TerrariaServer console window, type exit-nosave (it disconnects your character but doesn’t save the world, so your items will still be as it was before you loaded the world).
    7. In the Terraria game, go to a world and unload all your duplicated items, and exit the world.
    Repeat steps to do it over and over again. This only works if you are the server host, it won’t work on anyone else’s world.

    Console version Magic Mirror Duplication[]

    Note: Doesn’t work if you’re the host.

    Note: Items have a chance of disappearing.

    First, in your inventory highlight the coin(s) you want to duplicate. Then, exit out of your inventory. After that has been done, you use the magic mirror and while the screen turns black, you pull up your inventory and pick up the coin(s).

    An easier method of duplication if timing is a problem is to turn auto-save off in settings and toss the coins out at spawn, go off the server, re-enter, pick up the coins, and save manually, and repeat until the satisfactory amount is reached.

    Console version Exit+Rejoin[]

    Note: To make it easier, be the host.

    Note: Does not work with a piggy bank/safe.

    1. Put the items you need in a chest, then save the game
    2. Turn autosave off.
    3. Leave the game without saving.
    4. Go back into the world you were in, and take the items and loot from the chest.
    5. Exit without saving again.
    6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 as needed.

    This is expected to duplicate the item, as it will be in the player’s inventory and chest at the same time.

    Note: No longer works as of the 1.2.4 update.

    Console version Exit+Rejoin 2.0[]

    Note: Doesn’t work if you’re the host.

    Note: Requires either online multiplayer or a second controller and account.

    Note: Will work with multiple players.

    Note: It can be extremely slow.

    First, gather the items you want to duplicate, and give them to the other player. Make sure they have autosave off, and they save with the items in their inventory. (WARNING: Doing the previous part the other way around (saving without the items, exiting when you have them) will not duplicate and instead DELETE the items!) Then, have them give you back the items. Next, they have to exit the game without saving, then rejoin. You and them will have the items and their amounts, doubling the amount you both have. And You can use this trick for almost every item.

    Depending on what items you duplicating, you can sell them for a lot of money.

    Old-gen console version Exit+Rejoin 2.1[]

    Note: You will need 2 players.

    Place a chest, and turn autosave off. Have a second player join with autosave on. Put the amount of money to be duplicated into any chest, then save the game. After the game finishes saving, have the second player leave the game, then have the host leave WITHOUT SAVING. Then, have both players rejoin. The money would still be in the chest, and in the second player’s inventory. Have the second player take the money, leave the game, then have the host leave the game without saving again. Repeat until the wanted amount is reached.

    Every after duplicating, put the duplicates in the chest you’re using, then save the game, take all the money, & have the second player leave and the host leave without saving. Then have both of them rejoin, and then have the second player put the new duplicates in the chest and then save it. And then take the money. then have the host leave the game. Repeat until the wanted amount is reached.

    The money can also be replaced by any item you like to be duplicated.

    Console version Chest/World Save Copying[]

    Note: Requires 2 locations to save, works vise-versa (character save copying), and Super tedious.

    Like the Desktop versions of Terraria, the world saves and the character inventory saves are separate. To do this, Place a chest, and put the amount of money you want to duplicate into the chest and save both hard drives (you may need to copy it into the 2nd hard drive). Place the items into your character’s inventory, and save and exit the game entirely. Go into the system setting and access storage. Copy the world save from the 2nd hard drive into the 1st. Collect duplicated items. Repeat until the wanted amount is reached.

    Surviving in Environments

    Итак, вы хотите знать, как быстро получить золотые монеты в Terraria? Что ж, все дело в том, как вы играете в игру. Террария — это огромный мир, и, как и в реальности, деньги достать бывает нелегко, но именно они заставляют мир вращаться.

    Как быстро получить золотые монеты в Terraria

    Terraria | Как быстро получить золотые монеты – Guide Fall

    Если вы стремитесь быстро получить золотые монеты, вам следует сосредоточиться на двух вещах. Если вы только начинаете, вам нужно тщательно изучить свой начальный биом. Если вы более опытный игрок, то вам захочется сражаться с боссами.

    Если вы только начинаете, осмотритесь в поисках сокровищ, спрятанных в пещерах. вашего стартового биома. Не стесняйтесь оглядываться и копать. Это будет сложно, но вы выйдете с большим количеством сокровищ, которые можно продать за золотые монеты. Изготовление доспехов — еще одна часть головоломки. Изготовление доспехов поможет вам не так часто умирать, что будет иметь решающее значение для того, как вы будете получать эти золотые монеты.

    Теперь, когда вы стали неубиваемым зверем, пришло время для главного ключа к быстрому получению золотых монет — сражений с боссами. С некоторыми боссами можно сражаться снова и снова. Если вы достаточно сильны, убить этих боссов будет очень легко, и, как и большинство врагов, когда вы убьете босса, вы также получите много денег. как какие-то специальные капли. Из более сложных боссов выпадет больше денег и добычи. Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством по каждому боссу в игре.

    Если вы получаете добычу за победу над боссами, если она не является частью вашей сборки, и вы готовы с ней расстаться, продать это. Размалывание боссов и продажа ненужной вам добычи принесет вам пользу в долгосрочной перспективе и поможет быстро получить золотые монеты. Также убедитесь, что все владельцы магазинов довольны, так как это снизит цены в магазине, а также повысит отпускные цены.

    С этим вы будете на пути к получению золотых монет. быстро и накапливая богатство в Terraria, счастливого гринда!

    В игре Террария достаточно большое значение имеют денежные средства. Именно они позволяют приобретать разнообразные предметы, а также другие полезные ресурсы. Но как же можно заработать деньги максимально быстро? Стоит разобраться в этом прямо сейчас.

    Фарм денег в Террарии

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 3

    В первую очередь необходимо будет обратить свое внимание на способом AFK-фарма монет. Для этого необходимо будет потратить около пяти часов реального времени. Таким образом можно будет заработать от 26 до 36 монет из платины. Однако время можно будет значительно сократить, если использовать, как можно больше статуй. Создание и использование фермы действительно легкое, если у пользователя уже имеется несколько мирный зверушек.

    Пользователю необходимо будет воспользоваться статуями рыб, птиц или кроликов. Также дополнительно необходимо будет воспользоваться проводами, кусачками, ключом и таймером на одну секунду. Не стоит забывать про сачок, рельсы и платформы. Теперь необходимо будет построить комнату, где будут находиться рельсы, а над ними должны будут располагаться статуи. Они должны быть подключены к таймеру. Далее пользователю необходимо будет с помощью молотка переключать отбойник. После этого ферма полностью готова для использования.

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 1

    Остается только активировать статуи, сесть в вагонетку и кататься по замкнутому циклу от одного отбойника к другому. Таким образом можно будет ловить с помощью сачка животных. Далее остается только продать полученные стопки. В одной ячейке может находиться до 999 единиц. Рыбы будут стоить по 75 золотых монет, а остальные животное по 55 золотых монет. В инвентаре может находиться до 50 ячеек. 49 из них будет заполняться животными, ведь один будет занят сачком.

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 2

    Таким образом можно с пяти статус получить за 5 часов полностью заполненный инвентарь. Если рассматривать более понятные цифры, то это от 26 до 36 платиновых монет. Точные цифры будут зависеть от того какие животные используются в качестве статуй. Лучше занимать все свободные ячейки в инвентаре по одному зверю. Таким образом будет в разы легче продавать полученных животных. Все достаточно легко и просто.

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии видео

    Скачать World of Tanks можно и сейчас. Мы обошли санкции и онлайн танки имеют новый официальный сайт

    Террария | Как быстро получить золотые монеты

    Итак, вы хотите знать, как быстро получить золотые монеты в Terraria? Что ж, все дело в том, как вы играете в игру. Террария — это огромный мир, и, как и в реальности, деньги достать бывает нелегко, но именно они заставляют мир вращаться.

    Как быстро получить золотые монеты в Terraria

    Terraria | Как быстро получить золотые монеты – Guide Fall

    Если вы стремитесь быстро получить золотые монеты, вам следует сосредоточиться на двух вещах. Если вы только начинаете, вам нужно тщательно изучить свой начальный биом. Если вы более опытный игрок, то вам захочется сражаться с боссами.

    Если вы только начинаете, осмотритесь в поисках сокровищ, спрятанных в пещерах. вашего стартового биома. Не стесняйтесь оглядываться и копать. Это будет сложно, но вы выйдете с большим количеством сокровищ, которые можно продать за золотые монеты. Изготовление доспехов — еще одна часть головоломки. Изготовление доспехов поможет вам не так часто умирать, что будет иметь решающее значение для того, как вы будете получать эти золотые монеты.


    Теперь, когда вы стали неубиваемым зверем, пришло время для главного ключа к быстрому получению золотых монет — сражений с боссами. С некоторыми боссами можно сражаться снова и снова. Если вы достаточно сильны, убить этих боссов будет очень легко, и, как и большинство врагов, когда вы убьете босса, вы также получите много денег. как какие-то специальные капли. Из более сложных боссов выпадет больше денег и добычи. Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством по каждому боссу в игре.

    Если вы получаете добычу за победу над боссами, если она не является частью вашей сборки, и вы готовы с ней расстаться, продать это. Размалывание боссов и продажа ненужной вам добычи принесет вам пользу в долгосрочной перспективе и поможет быстро получить золотые монеты. Также убедитесь, что все владельцы магазинов довольны, так как это снизит цены в магазине, а также повысит отпускные цены.

    С этим вы будете на пути к получению золотых монет. быстро и накапливая богатство в Terraria, счастливого гринда!

    Источник: gmodz.ru

    Terraria — Где брать деньги (Фарм денег)

    Где брать деньги в Terraria – уникальная игра, совмещающая элементы классического боевика со свободой «песочницы». И путь, и его цель полностью подконтрольны игроку.

    Приключения в Terraria так же неповторимы, как и любой ее игрок! Копайте, сражайтесь, исследуйте, стройте! Нет ничего невозможного в этой насыщенной событиями приключенческой игре. Весь мир — ваше полотно, а вся земля — ваши краски! Хватайте инструменты и вперед! Создавайте оружие, чтобы сражаться с различными врагами в разных биомах.


    Копайте глубже, чтобы найти драгоценности, деньги и кучу других полезных вещей. Собирайте ресурсы, чтобы создать всё, что вам нужно, и сделать мир таким, каким вы хотите его видеть. Постройте свой дом, крепость или даже замок! Люди переедут к вам жить и может быть даже продадут вам вещи, которые помогут вам в ваших путешествиях. Кроме этого вас ожидает еще множество разных задач и испытаний.

    Где брать деньги в Terraria

    Статуи рыбок или птичек или кроликов. Провода, кусачки, ключ, таймер на 1 сек., сачок, рельсы, платформы. Строим комнату в которой прокладываем рельсы, над ними платформы на которые устанавливаем статуи, подключаем их к таймеру. Начало и конец рельс (с помощью молота) переключаем в положение отбойника. Ферма готова.

    Включаем статуи, садимся в вагонетку и катаемся по рельсам туда-обратно (отскакивая от отбойника), держа зажатой кнопку мыши – ловим сочком зверей. Потом зверей продаём торговцу. Стак (999 штук) рыбок стоит 75 золотых монет, другие звери по 55 золотых за стак, в инвентаре 50 ячеек, минус 1 слот занятый сачком, примерно, 5 статуй за 5 часов заполняют весь инвентарь – это от 26 до 36 платиновых монет, в зависимости от того, какие у вас статуи – выгоднее всего статуи рыбок. Советую занять все пустые ячейки инвентаря по одной зверушке, чтобы не подобрать ненужный лут, который займёт ячейку и в итоге будет меньше набранного «товара» для продажи.

    Таким образом, за ночь (настоящую, а не игровую), оставив зажатой кнопку мыши мы получаем от 2600 до 3600 золотых монет. Если персонаж ещё не прокачен, нет механической вагонетки и пассивных защитных систем, то его может убить событие «Кровавая луна», когда мирные кролики и рыбки становятся агрессивными и нападают на персонажа. Такая ферма даёт возможность не только спокойно апгрейдить все свои вещи на лучшие модификации, но и пользоваться денежной пушкой.

    Как легко заработать денег

    Этот способ помогает с помощью медуз и акул достать себе немало денег, плавников, шанс добыть водолазный шлем, а также много светящихся палок. Я на двоих точках в океане провел небольшое исследование и приблизительно могу сказать сколько можно заработать: Подсчитав, я увидел, что новые медузы прибывают на ловушку где-то каждые 10 секунд и дропают от 80 до 120 медных монет, а также от 2 до 5 светящихся палок. Акулы — каждые 30 секунд и дропают около 300 медных монет, а также 0-2 плавника. Если все сложить, то минимум выйдет: 50-60 серебряных монет 70-90 светящихся палок, 10 плавников и, возможно, водолазный шлем.

    Вам нужно добраться до океана, который находится на одном из краев карты. Когда доберетесь, всплывайте с помощью зелья ласт, или просто постройте мост где-то до края океана. Дальше постройте вот такую платформу. Можете расставить там факелы чтобы не было темно и т.д. но главное, это провести платформу с одного краю к другому на первом «этаже» и налейте воду на втором «этаже». Ну и последнее: заливаете сверху на платформу, где-то 1-2 ведра лавы (как у кого выйдет, так как одно ведро может залить платформу наполовину, не переборщите. ). Встаете в воду на втором «этаже» и первые 15 секунд никого не будет, но после они появятся.

    Ну и все, а теперь идете попейте чаю, пока денежки будут прибавляться.

    И это все, что нужно знать о том, Где брать деньги в Terraria? Если есть что дополнить смело оставляйте комментарий ниже.

    Источник: playsector.ru

    Как разбогатеть в Terraria 1.4

    Если хотите немного разбогатеть в Terraria 1.4, то делайте это:

    1) обзаведитесь сачком
    2) сделайте котёл
    3) постройте дом для любого торговца в его любимом биоме и желательно с любимым соседом (так вы будете покупать у него дешевле и продавать дороже! stonks)
    4) ловите животных (много животных! типа кроликов, белок и птиц)
    5) приготовьте их в котле
    6) продайте ваши блюда из животных

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    Как фармить деньги в Террарии?

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии

    В игре Террария достаточно большое значение имеют денежные средства. Именно они позволяют приобретать разнообразные предметы, а также другие полезные ресурсы. Но как же можно заработать деньги максимально быстро? Стоит разобраться в этом прямо сейчас.

    Фарм денег в Террарии

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 3

    В первую очередь необходимо будет обратить свое внимание на способом AFK-фарма монет. Для этого необходимо будет потратить около пяти часов реального времени. Таким образом можно будет заработать от 26 до 36 монет из платины. Однако время можно будет значительно сократить, если использовать, как можно больше статуй. Создание и использование фермы действительно легкое, если у пользователя уже имеется несколько мирный зверушек.

    Пользователю необходимо будет воспользоваться статуями рыб, птиц или кроликов. Также дополнительно необходимо будет воспользоваться проводами, кусачками, ключом и таймером на одну секунду. Не стоит забывать про сачок, рельсы и платформы. Теперь необходимо будет построить комнату, где будут находиться рельсы, а над ними должны будут располагаться статуи.

    Они должны быть подключены к таймеру. Далее пользователю необходимо будет с помощью молотка переключать отбойник. После этого ферма полностью готова для использования.

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 1

    Остается только активировать статуи, сесть в вагонетку и кататься по замкнутому циклу от одного отбойника к другому. Таким образом можно будет ловить с помощью сачка животных. Далее остается только продать полученные стопки. В одной ячейке может находиться до 999 единиц. Рыбы будут стоить по 75 золотых монет, а остальные животное по 55 золотых монет.

    В инвентаре может находиться до 50 ячеек. 49 из них будет заполняться животными, ведь один будет занят сачком.

    Как фармить деньги в Террарии 2

    Таким образом можно с пяти статус получить за 5 часов полностью заполненный инвентарь. Если рассматривать более понятные цифры, то это от 26 до 36 платиновых монет. Точные цифры будут зависеть от того какие животные используются в качестве статуй. Лучше занимать все свободные ячейки в инвентаре по одному зверю. Таким образом будет в разы легче продавать полученных животных.

    Все достаточно легко и просто.

    Источник: allcyber.ru

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