Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
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Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
видать что-то с настройками языков…
панель управленияязыки и региональные стандарты… — 3ая вкладка (дополнительно), какой язык стоит?
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Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
после установки отдельно запустите на выполнение …CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Setup FilesCGS13EN.msi
Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
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Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
видать что-то с настройками языков…
панель управленияязыки и региональные стандарты… — 3ая вкладка (дополнительно), какой язык стоит?
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Ответ: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 трудности с установкой trial
после установки отдельно запустите на выполнение …CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 Setup FilesCGS13EN.msi
Hi, can anyone help please. I have recently installed the graphics software but cannot open the program. I keep getting an error message saying that «UI Language Registration is invalid. Frustrating.
Can you provide more information regarding the version of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite you’ve installed (including the language and if any, which service packs you’ve installed) and also what operating system you’ve go, including the language.
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I continuously get the above message everytime I right click the «C» drive :cry. I’ve run two different registry cleaners (RegCure and CleanMyPC), to no avail. I don’t even know what I did to get this error message, except maybe use Driver Robot to update my registry (?).
Can anyone help me? Thanks.
did this problem occur after installing anything made by Corel (word perfect or corel draw)
seems it’s related to that on a quick web search. if so, is it possible to reinstall your corel software.
some other things, do you have sufficient hard drive space?
and I would suggest using Ccleaner and it’s registry cleaning tool.
http://majorgeeks.com/CCleaner_Slim_d4191.html -
Thank you for the suggestions, Smokingun.
I did download Corel WordPerfect X5 a few weeks ago, but the problem didn’t start until this past Wednesday. I think I may have downloaded some bad drivers with another program, I don’t know.
I’ll give CCleaner a try!
Again, thanks!
I went to uninstall, clicked «WordPect Office X5» and selected «repair»— so far this has solved my problem!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! :clap
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Since today, I get the error mentioned in the subject when trying to open Corel Draw X5 (part of Suite X5). Running on WinXP. No previous problems. But I do think that it recently installed an automatic update.
Is there a fix for this issue? I tried Repair (via Control Panel), but it did not work.
Wiep Klaas
Sounds like a corrupt workspace.
Pressing the <F8> key during startup of the program will allow the workspace to be reset to defaults. If you have customized yours those changes will be lost, but it will probably solve the issue.
Hope it helps
Hello wksmits; It sounds like you are running «Windows 7» 64bit, and a Windows up-date may have listed Corel as a 32 bit program ( which it is ) why don’t you try it and see if you have any problems othere than waiting for the «Virtual» drive to start, and it may help with any othere problems in Corel.
My Thoughts George
After reading up, I found that the error indeed relates to a recent update. Going back, I looked for a SP(3) for my version of X5, and downloaded the SP3 file (CDGSX5SP3.exe) and installed it. I took care to manually select the language of the original installation. After this, software went back to normal.
I believe the previous update was an automatic one, and it seems it may have defaulted to the language of my location (NL) rather than the installed version of Corel. I believe this may have caused an error. If this is the case, it would be a bug in the automatic update routine of the software.
Anyway, I am glad things are back to working.
Hope this is helpful to others with the same issue.
Wiep Klaas
24 January, 2012
If you are installing a CorelDraw X3 Graphics Suite on your system unit but when you try and run it, you get this message:
The UI Language registration list is invalid.
Do not worry..
Here is the solution.
Open the c:ProgramsCorelCorelDRAW Graphis Suite setup filesCGS13 directory and look for the EN.msi file. Double click the file to install the language pack and then all is sweet.
Пытаюсь запустить CorelDraw X3 под Wine. Установка прошла нормально, но при попытке запуска получаю ошибку: The UI Language registration list is invalid.
Очевидно, что проблема связана с различием языка системы (Wine?) и языка программы. Изменение языка ОС и запуск с параметром LANG=en_EN.UTF-8 не помогают. Как решение под Windows на форумах предлагается запуск программы с нажатой клавишей F8, для сброса настроек, что под wine сделать невозможно.