Unable to locate the labview runtime engine как исправить


This error occurs because the target PC does not have the proper LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (RTE) compatible with the executable. Follow the next guidelines to determine the proper LabVIEW RTE you require.

LabVIEW 2017 and Later Versions

If your executable was written using LabVIEW 2017 or later versions, you have the opportunity to build compatibility into your executable to run with various RTEs. Even so, all LabVIEW applications can only be run on LabVIEW RTEs with the same bitness. For example, a LabVIEW 32-bit application requires the 32-bit LabVIEW RTE, and a LabVIEW 64-bit application requires the 64-bit LabVIEW RTE.

  1. Verify the version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine on the deployment computer is compatible with your LabVIEW executable’s version 
  2. Follow steps to Configure LabVIEW Executable to Run with Higher Run-Time Engine Versions
    • If you do not have the option to or choose not to rebuild you exe with this option enabled, continue on to the Install the Corresponding RTE section below

LabVIEW 2016 and Prior Versions

If your executable was built using LabVIEW 2016 or prior versions, LabVIEW Run-Time Engine versions only support applications developed in the same major version of LabVIEW. The RTE version must match the LabVIEW Development System’s bitness as well. For example:

  • An application developed using LabVIEW 2016 32-bit requires the LabVIEW 2016 32-bit RTE.
  • An application developed using LabVIEW 2019 SP1 32-bit can run on either the LabVIEW 2019 32-bit RTE or the LabVIEW 2019 SP1 32-bit RTE (as 2019 is the major version).
  • An application built in LabVIEW 2016 32-bit cannot run on LabVIEW 2016 64-bit RTE.

Install the Corresponding RTE

To alleviate this error, install the corresponding RTE on your deployment machine.

  1. Determine the version of LabVIEW RTE needed. This can be accomplished in many ways depending on what you have access to:
    • The error code you receive should indicate the needed version of LabVIEW, and if needed, you can find the bitness of the executable by reviewing its header file.
    • If you have access to the development machine, check the version of LabVIEW used to write the program. Ensure that you note the major version and bitness of the LabVIEW development environment used.
    • If you received this application from a third-party or another developer, check with the developer or any documentation for the LabVIEW version and bitness used to create the application.
    • Download the correct RTE version onto the deployment computer by going to the LabVIEW Run-Time Download page. You can also download the RTE as follows:
      1. Navigate to the LabVIEW Download page
      2. Under Included Editions select Runtime
      3. Select the Version and Application Bitness that match the application’s development
      4. Press Download

    LabVIEW RTE Download.png

    If you have verified the correct version and bitness of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is already installed and you are still receiving this error, try rebuilding the application.


    Сообщения: 2
    Зарегистрирован: 26 ноя 2016, 22:02
    Версия LabVIEW: не знаю

    Не удается запустить exe файл

    При попытке запуска exe файла выдает ошибку со следующим текстом
    «Unable to locate the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine
    Pract requires a version 8.2 (or compatble) LabVIEW Run-Time Engine .Please contact the vendor of Pract to correct this problem «
    загрузка в оф сайта триал версии( LabVIEW) не помогла. как и попытка скачать ран тайм с оттуда же .загрузка идет,архив распаковывается ,но в конечной папке никаких исполняемых файлов не наблюдается(или что Run-Time Engine из себя представляет )
    Подскажите какой ритуал нужно провести чтобы запустить исполняемый файл?



    Сообщения: 932
    Зарегистрирован: 17 янв 2016, 15:02
    Награды: 1
    Версия LabVIEW: 6.1,8.5,20


    Сообщения: 2
    Зарегистрирован: 26 ноя 2016, 22:02
    Версия LabVIEW: не знаю

    Re: Не удается запустить exe файл


    Podbelskyi » 26 ноя 2016, 23:47

    Хотя я пробовал повторить это с версией для вин 7 ,и не получил какого либо положительного отклика.
    Но предложенной вами ритуал повторю
    Спасибо еще раз уважаемый техножрец!
    Заработало!Видимо нерадивый адепт не правильно понял таблицу соответствия версий,чем и гневал машинных духов

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      04 май 2023, 18:23

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    This happens whenever a simulation tries to run on a computer where the software has not been properly installed. It can be resolved in the following way:
    Copy ‘lvrt.dll’ (normally located in c:program filesvirtual physical laboratory) and ‘lvsound.dll’ (normally located in c:program filesvirtual physical laboratorysounddata) into the folder containing the simulation that will not run. Note they they should be copied (not cut & pasted or dragged). 

    Using LabVIEW 2011, I have built an executable and installer including the LabVIEW Run-Time engine. I built the app on a 32-bit system. I’m deploying it to a Windows7 64-bit system. When I ran the installer, rebooted, then tried to run the app, I got an error messsage stating «Unable to locate LabVIEW Run-Time Engine», stating that the LVRTE 2011 was needed to run the app, and asking if I want to download from NI. I have tried downloading the RTE and re-installing it, but when I try, I get an error message from the installer stating that there is a newer version of the RTE already installed, and the installer exits! I have tried un-installing the application, but have had no luck removing the RTE. Now I’m stuck. The re-installed executable application says it can’t find the RTE, and the RTE installer says there’s a later version already installed!
    I can’t go forward or backwards!
    Prior to running the installer for this app, I had a working LVRTE for 2011, and was running some other executable LabVIEW programs on the target box. However, since this new application had additional components not included in the original install of the RTE, I built the new installer which included the additional components. Once I ran that installer, my problems began.
    In my frustration, I’ve tried downloading from NI both the 32 and 64-bit versions of the RTE, and installing them. I realize that the app was built on a 32-bit system, so the 32-bit RTE SHOULD have run it fine, but didn’t.
    At this point I have removed the 64-bit RTE using the NIUninstaller. I believe I need to completely remove all 32-bit RTE components and start over, but I have not been able to. The 32-bit RTE does not show up in any un-install utilities I’ve found.
    What could be causing this problem, and how do I get past it??
    Thank you.

    One thing I did discover in my struggles is that the RunTime engine on the target box needs to be based on the environment of the development box. So if you built the app on a 32-bit machine, you would need to install the 32-bit RTE, even on your 64-bit target box.
    The RTE Uninstaller might not show up in the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility. In my case the 64-bit RTE uninstaller showed up, but the 32-bit did not. The NiUninstaller (C:Program FilesNational InstrumentsSharedNIUninstaller) did list both RTEs for uninstalling, but still didn’t get me past the problem.
    I was finally only able to get past the problem by doing a system restore to a point in time prior to my changing of the RTE.
    Good luck.

    Similar Messages


      Uninstalled DAQ and reinstalled.  MAX still throws an error. 
      Any Isead besides uninstalling 3/4 of my software?
      Merry Christmas!
      Matthew Fitzsimons
      Certified LabVIEW Architect
      LabVIEW 6.1 … 2013, LVOOP, GOOP, TestStand, DAQ, and Vison

      To clean up your system, you will need to uninstall the LabVIEW 7.1 run-time engine, and the «LVBroker,» and the «LVBrokerAux71» components using the MSI Blast utility.  To obtain this utility, please create a service request for phone or e-mail support, and contact one of our Applications Engineers about this issue.  Thank you!

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      How do I get this VI to run on this system when it is called by test Stand?
      Thank you

      The RTE 14.0 was loaded as part of my deployment and after I ran this I got an update notice for the F1 patch which I also loaded.
      I do not have labview loaded on this system, only the run time engines from running my deployment.
      When I launch t he teststand sequence, when it calls the labview VI, I get the following error moessage:
      Error: Failed to load VI ‘C:buildsRelayVoltageMeaure.vi’ in the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine version ‘14.0.1’. LabVIEW: The VI is not executable. This error may occur because the VI is either broken or contains a subVI that LabVIEW cannot locate. Select File>>Open to open the VI and verify that you can run it. VI Path: C:buildsRelayVoltageMeaure.vi[Error Code: -17600, Failed to load a required step’s associated module. ]
      I have attached the teststand sequence if this helps.
      QuantumDigitalBd.seq ‏13 KB

    • System Error 998 While loading the Labview Run-Time Engine

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      «System error 998 while loading the Labview Run-Time Engin(c:program
      filesNational InstrumentsSharedLabview Run-Time7.1\lvrt.dll)
      READVOLTAGE requires a version 7.1 (or compatible) Labview Runtime
      Engine. Please contact the vendor of READVOLTAGE to correct this
      READVOLTAGE is my function inside the dll. The runtime is already
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      This is actually a Microsoft bug with statically loaded DLLs. There are a couple of workarounds for it, and I have included two links below to posts that address this issue:
      Not found error message from LabVIEW runtime when called from VC++ with statically linked MFC
      I get error 998 when calling a LabVIEW buildt DLL from MSVC++
      Kind Regards,
      E. Sulzer
      Applications Engineer
      National Instruments

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      Hello, I am curious if anyone knew if it is possibly to install and use two separate versions of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine on one PC?  I currently have the 2009 Run-Time Engine installed on one machine and wanted to install the 2011 Run-Time Engine as well. I know that you can run two separate versions of the LabVIEW program on one machine, but what about the Run-Time Engine?
      Go to Solution.

      I’m guessing this is a bug that NI needs to fix.  I see no reason you shouldn’t be able to install the run-time engine of an older version.  I’d be interesed in if it allows you to install the older development environment, which also includes the older run-time engine.  There are some command line switches for NI installers as mentioned here:
      I wonder if there is a force install option.
      Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines — Hooovahh — LabVIEW Overlord
      If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

    • System error 999 while loading the Labview Run-Time Engin

      Bonjour à tous,
      J’ai un PC avec un Runtime LV71.1 qui me retourne l’erreur suivante. Je ne trouve pas d’info sur cette erreur. Une Idée sur la cause ?
      System error 999 while loading the Labview Run-Time Engin(c:program filesNational InstrumentsSharedLabview Run-Time7.1\lvrt.dll)
      Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
      Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
      CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
      CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW
      Résolu !
      Accéder à la solution.

      Bonjour Maxime, merci pour ta réponse qui est très intéressante. Le soft est en LV7.1.1 est fonctionne depuis plusieurs années. Le PC est chez un client, dans un pays très « hostile », je n’ai donc pas accès à ce dernier. Un superviseur local m’a fait le retour qu’après redémarrage du PC ce dernier indiquait un problème, avec photo pour descriptif. Je n’ai pas plus d’info pour le moment. Je viens donc de demander un CHKDSK c: /F
      Luc Desruelle | Voir mon profil | LabVIEW Code & blog
      Co-auteur livre LabVIEW : Programmation et applications
      CLA : Certified LabVIEW Architect / Certifié Architecte LabVIEW
      CLD : Certified LabVIEW Developer / Certifié Développeur LabVIEW

    • Why do different versions of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine not compatible?

      LabVIEW Run-Time Engine to become more and more big
      Why do different versions of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine not compatible?
      » 一天到晚游泳的鱼»
      [email protected]
      我的个人网站:LabVIEW——北方客栈 http://www.labview365.com
      Go to Solution.

      jwdz wrote:
      LabVIEW2020 ……. ,it look like?
      You need to express your ideas more clearly. We cannot fill in the blanks and read between the lines if the post has no substance.
      jwdz wrote:
      It will affect the future development of LabVIEW, right?
      What is «it»?
      There are many things that affect the future development of LabVIEW, starting with NI management, all the smart people in LabVIEW development, the economy, the LabVIEW users, etc.
      If you are worried about the increasing size of the distribution, the good news is that the cost of data storage and data transmission has dropped much more dramatically. Even though newer versions are bigger due to great and welcome new features, the improvements in infrastructure have actually made the distribution and storage significantly easier over the years and will continue to do so. Trust me!
      Nobody wants to go back to a LabVIEW version that fits on a floppy disk!
      LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

    • System Error 31 while loading the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine

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      System Error 31 while loading the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine (<Pathstuff>\lvrt.dll)
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      Go to Solution.
      Winzeta Error LabVIEW.JPG ‏17 KB

      Howdy Szandstra,
      Check out this KnowledgeBase article describing what you are seeing.  Follow the steps there to correct the problem.  Have a great day, and let me know if that solution doesn’t work for you!
      Chris G in AE

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      Hi all,
      I will receive the new Labview Developer Suite 2012 DS2 in a few days and
      I am wondering if it is possible to run LV2012 programs on the LV run-time engine 2010 or is it necessary to update all my clients from run-time engine 2010 to 2012?
      Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
      Go to Solution.

      Hi Benjamin,
      You will not be able to use the LabVIEW 2010 run-time engine with LabVIEW 2012 applications.  Versions of run-time engines need to correspond with the version of LabVIEW that you have installed.
      The following links direct you to our download pages for the run-time engine:
      The 32-Bit Run-Time Engine can be downloaded from our website as can the 64-Bit Run-Time Engine, depending on which version of operating system you, use by clicking the link under «Standard Download».
      Hope this helps.
      Marshall B
      Applications Engineer
      National Instruments UK & Ireland

    • Error -18004; An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine DLL. TS 4.2.1 / LV 2010

      When I try to run a VI that is reentrant in parallel execution, I receive this error.  The details of the error is:  LabVIEW:  The property or method is not supported in this version of LabVIEW.
      This is run under the Simple Operator Interface in LV 2010.  The TestStand engine is version 4.2.1 using LV 2010 run-time engine adapter.
      If I save for previous version to LV 2009 SP1 and set the TS adapter to 9.0.1 (2009 SP1), this works.
      Can anyone reproduce this error (bug?) ?
      Go to Solution.

      have you got the latest updates for TestStand using LabVIEW 2010?
      Ray Farmer

    • Does CVI install the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine?

      running the NI Update Service suggests to download a 226 MB patch for the LabVIEW 2012 Run-Time Engine… (all I installed knowingly was CVI2012)
      —> How can I check if the computer has this engine installed, what is the file name to search for (and is it needed by CVI)?
      Go to Solution.

      1) You can use Measurement And Automation Explorer (MAX) to see the National Instruments Softwares installed:
      2) Some CVI softwares use the Labview runtime.
      By example, when you use the CVI Menu: Help / Find Examples… , you launch NIExampleFinder.exe which uses the labview runtime:
      3) When you install the NI-VISA library, the software C:VXIPNPWinNTNIvisaNIvisaic.exe is also installed. This utility is a Labview Software.
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    • -18004; An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine DLL.

      I have this error when i want to get a VISA session refnum from a viSession handle.
      This error occured when the specified class is IviFgen.
      The device concerned is a PXI-5402/PXI-5412 (i need to get the model with a property node — Inherent IVI Attribute… from the refnum)
      It also occured during a cast (if the class specified is niFgen).
      Could somebody help me ?
      Thanks !
      ErrorLVRT_TestStand.png ‏11 KB

      Hi Ggraindo,
      This error occured during deployment? Which is the LabVIEW adapter version that you are trying to use, is it the 9.0.1? Do you have other LabVIEW or TestStand versions installed in your computer? This error only occured when you try to used the class IviFgen, or even just with a simple VI?
      What is the result of the error cluster from LabVIEW?
      Also, can you post a simple exemple to reproduce this issue?
      Rémi D.
      National Instruments France
      #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
      >> Les rencontres techniques de NI — Mesures et acquisition de données : de la théorie à la mise en …

    • Why am I getting «Unable to load a labview run-time engine because teststand is shutting down» error?

      After running a successfull TestUUT’s in a custom UI.  I exit my UI, then open it again and I get Error Code -17338.
      See attached for detail .jpg
      Collegues of mine suggest it’s because I haven’t closed a reference somewhere, but I have closed everything possible.
      Any suggestions?

      Thanks for getting back to me today.
      I have closed everything I know how to and compared to the Simple OI. 
      You mention closing the Application manager, but I don’t see that happening anywhere.  Do you mean closing the application, and engine, and etc…?  I have never closed the «Application Manager» specifically and am not sure how.
      I have attached an image of how I close things up.
      CloseRefs.jpg ‏218 KB

    • MAX giving error — Unable to locate Labview run-time engine

      I have LV 7.1 and 8.5.1 installed on a WinXP pc. No problems until now.
      I installed some support software for a LabJack  interface, which required LV version 6.1 run-time, so I let it install that.
      I now get the error whenever I run MAX:
      «Unable to locate the Labview run-time engine. LVBrokerAux71 requires a version 7.1 (or compatible) Labview run-time engine….»
      After closing the error boxes, MAX seems to work fine. Both versions of Labview also work. I uninstalled run-time engine 6.1 and re-installed version 8.5.1, but that made no difference. I tried to install run-time version 7.1 from the msi file but it would not let me because a later version of the run-time is installed.
      What is LV Broker? Why does it not accept version 8.5.1 run-time engine? Is it possible to have 2 versions of the run-time engine installed, and if so, how?

      Dear CDancer
      Thank you for contacting NI. First of all, you can have as many versions of LabVIEW run time engines you want loaded on your computer without a problem. LV Broker is installed by all drivers that uses LabVIEW testpanels like DAQmx does. In your case it seems that the LV Broker installation is corrupted or has failed. This can be rectified by overwriting the files in the specified directory listed below:
      C:Program FilesNational InstrumentsSharedLabVIEW Broker
      Your directory should look like the screenshot I have attached; labelled LV Broker Directory View
      I have attached a ZIP File that will replace the LV Broker directory. Please try replacing your files with these if different to the screenshot and let me know how you get on. Many thanks.
      Many thanks for using the NI forums and I look forward to your reply.
      Kind regards
      Applications Engineer
      National Instruments UK
      LV Broker Directory View.JPG ‏57 KB
      LV Broker.zip ‏413 KB

    • Unable to locate labview run time engine (lab view 8.5)

      Hello I have a problem whit the labview 8.5 installer. I have created I project with included a .vi file (a simple panel wich control a serial port, with parameters (baud rate, stop bits, …)), then I have created an application for this file (.exe) and then the installer (I have included the labview run time engine 8.5). When I run the setup.exe  I have the following error message:
      Unable to locate labview run time engine, the application require a labview run time engine 8.5 or compatible…
      What I’m missing??

      are there one other reasons why it would not work.  I have asimilar problem.
      I intsalled version 8 of run time engine and acrtivated software.  Now I am trying to run compiled application provided to me by third party.
      When I click on application it says
      Unable to locate LV run time engine
      Test server requires a version 6.0 or compatible LV engine.
      How do I know if the engine I installed and activated is running and is it supposed to be able to execute a program which is expectin rev 6 of the rund engine?

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