Url signature expired как исправить

Возродить картинки с ФБ


На сайте с 07.02.2014



Может у ФБ есть срок хранения картинки?

Может и есть, хотя я про такое впервые слышу.


На сайте с 21.04.2013



URL signature expired

Перевод — Подпись URL-адрес истек


На сайте с 07.02.2014



Перевод — Подпись URL-адрес истек

Это я понял. Но сама картинки наверняка на фб остались, по крайней мере я так думаю. Может это просто внутренняя смена URL-адреса, и если знать как, то можно каждую такую ссылку вручную подправить?


На сайте с 06.01.2011



Может у ФБ есть срок хранения картинки?

Есть, да. С течением времени адрес картинки меняется

* Вероятно, лучший хостинг: выбор Pikabu, AdmitAd, Maxim, ЯП и др. Дата-центры в Европе и США (http://clc.to/fx). Цены от 1 евро
* ПРОМОКОДЫ, скидки на хостинг и серверы: FastVPS, Inferno, Fornex, Fozzy (http://clc.to/pc)


На сайте с 07.02.2014



С течением времени адрес картинки меняется

И есть какой-то способ найти эту картину после смены адреса?


На сайте с 06.01.2011



существует ли способ преобразовать старую ссылку так, чтобы картинка стала доступна?

На сколько я знаю можно узнать адрес новой картинки только если это был аватар, и зная id пользователя

Напрмер, https://graph.facebook.com/4/picture?type=large

Где 4 — это id пользователя



  1. Срок действия URL-адреса изображения Facebook истек
  2. 4 ответа
  3. Missing images in Instagram bridge: URL signature expired #960
  5. lorenzos commented Dec 11, 2018 •
  6. LogMANOriginal commented Dec 12, 2018
  7. For FB profiles: «URL signature expired» 403 error #95
  9. jalajc commented Jan 19, 2017
  10. cjvilla2012 commented Feb 12, 2017 •
  11. bojeil-google commented Feb 13, 2017
  12. decebal commented Nov 22, 2017
  13. nicolasgarnier commented Aug 30, 2018
  14. Instagram/feed API media URL shows ‘URL signature expired’
  15. 3 Answers 3
  16. Instagram URL signature expired #114
  18. djrees commented Aug 21, 2019
  19. craigliggins commented Oct 4, 2019
  20. pvldigital commented Oct 15, 2019 •
  21. 23d1 commented Nov 1, 2019 •
  22. pvldigital commented Nov 7, 2019 •
  23. langlers commented Jan 8, 2020
  24. pvldigital commented Jan 14, 2020
  25. jasonwoodland commented Feb 12, 2020
  26. pushp1997 commented Nov 2, 2021 •

Срок действия URL-адреса изображения Facebook истек

Я получаю сообщения Facebook с помощью API facebook-graph, теперь проблема в том, что изображение истекает через несколько дней.

У меня есть следующий URL-адрес для одного изображения

URL старого изображения, срок действия которого истек

Рабочий URL нового изображения

Я разочарован этой проблемой, что может быть ее решением?

4 ответа

Что я узнал от другого сообщества об этой проблеме, так это

«Не следует хранить URL-адреса CDN Facebook в течение длительного времени — они могут измениться со временем.

Либо запросите фактическое изображение и скопируйте его на свой сервер, либо регулярно запрашивайте текущий URL-адрес CDN.

(У вас может возникнуть соблазн попробовать другие обходные пути, такие как извлечение фактического URL-адреса источника изображения из ссылки CDN, но я бы не советовал этого делать — потому что формат этого может измениться в любое время.) «

http://prntscr.com/h2fe45 вот часть, которая остается прежней, и это все, что вам нужно, чтобы ее получить каждый раз, когда ссылка меняется. Я сохранил изображения еще в 2013 году и до сих пор могу получить к ним доступ, почти 2018 год.

Вы должны обязательно сохранить исходный URL-адрес изображения и использовать парсер перенаправления 302 для получения URL-адреса CDN, одним из примеров является https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t45.1600-4/120202220_23846099766190042_1642096590788171162_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=2&_nc_sid=2aac32&_nc_ohc=CE0J2Ao5cYkAX_JJ0Me&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=f48cbb1bec21e685e0cbaaf6782a61a1&oe=5FE056E5 , и мы можем просто предположить, что oe=5FE056E5 означает истечение срока, как 5FE056E5 (шестнадцатеричный) -> 1608537829 (десятичный, в формате UTC), если вы интерпретируете эту временную метку, вы обнаружите, что время примерно на месяц позже, и, возможно, мы можем предположить, что срок действия истекает примерно через месяц после получения URL-адреса CDN? В другом аналогичном случае вы можете обратиться к: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27596727/4721007

Вы не можете хранить url изображений facebook в течение длительного времени, он истекает в целях безопасности, поэтому было бы лучше хранить изображения на вашем сервере.


Missing images in Instagram bridge: URL signature expired #960

Some of the images in my Instagram feed fails to load. When I check the missing image URL, I get a 403 error from the Instagram CDN, with this message: URL signature expired . Here is an example image URL that RSS Bridge uses for this post.

Searching online I came across a couple of useful links:

Looks like Instagram generates tokens for image URLs that are invalidated after some time, I can’t tell exactly how much time. Unfortunately I don’t see an immediate solution to this, I hope the discussion will make something pop up.

The only idea I have is to use an image URL that points to RSS-Bridge itself, with a params to identify the Instagram post, so it can always retrieve the imagine dynamically, with an always updated signature/token. But I don’t know if this is compatible with the current RSS-Bridge architecture.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Depending on your feed reader, maybe you can enable image caching for your feed?

The only idea I have is to use an image URL that points to RSS-Bridge itself, with a params to identify the Instagram post, so it can always retrieve the imagine dynamically, with an always updated signature/token.

That might work, but such a solution is too specific to be added as feature to RSS-Bridge in my opinion. That being said, RSS-Bridge could cache images and replace URIs in feeds to use cached versions. Of course, this option needs to be optional and disabled by default. Maybe even customizable to specific bridges.


For FB profiles: «URL signature expired» 403 error #95

For few (non-recent) of existing logged in users (including me), I am reported off an error in loading the profile image thumbnail if the linked profile picture is url on �facebook.

In further probe, I found (unofficial) explanation that for security reasons, publicly accessible profile urls do expire. And therefore public profile url needs to be updated in records periodically (even if profile pic is not updated) through fb graph api access.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I confirm this same problem with firebase-auth 10.0.1 for Android. If you have an existing Facebook authentication that has not been used in some time, a new sign in can return an expired URL in FirebaseUser.getPhotoUrl. There should be a method that can be called on FirebaseUser to force photo URL refresh.

You can use the underlying Firebase auth updateProfile to update the photoURL. I also believe if you sign in again via firebaseui Facebook sign in, the Facebook photo URL in providerData may get updated. When that happens, you can copy that providerData photo URL and set it to the currentUser photoURL via updateProfile.

this one might be of some help https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/profile-picture-source/ . Storing this url looks like a better way of referencing a user’s photo.

The facebook URL tat we saved on users used to expire. This has now been fixed for all new users (we construct a URL that never expires). If you have existing users that were created before the fix is in place you can implement a one-time fix to fixup your users profile URL using their Facebook UID.

Basically you need to update the profile URL to something of the form https://graph.facebook.com/$/picture?type=large

Details and code sample on how to do that can be found on this thread: googlearchive/friendlypix-web#21


I am using Instagram feed API to show my Instagram posts on my Website. But some video URL shows ‘URL signature expired‘.

Any solution for me ?

3 Answers 3

You could use the media URL with some extra parameters as a solution to get the desired image instead of using the direct image link.

Notice the addon /media/?size=m

Letters could be t, m or l for different picture sizes

This should return you the desired image

Instagram has added URL signatures to their media URLs.

You can easily remove the URL signature using this regular expression: «vp.*/.<32>/.<8>/»

For example in PHP:

On the other hand, I don’t think that removing the URL signature is the best solution (is just a quick fix). The good one is to call again the Instagram api in order to get the new URL.


It seems that Instagram is currently checking the URL signature and returns a 403 «Access denied» error if the signature is not present, so now the only solution is to call the Instagram API again in order to get the new media URL.

UPDATE April 2018

Instagram has closed their «api.instagram.com/v1/media/» endpoint so now it’s currently not possible to update the posts urls.

A possible solution is to download the media and store them in your own servers (I do not recommend this solution because it violates the terms of the Instagram API so do this at your own risk).

Another solution is to call the original endpoint where you have find the medias again (but currently it’s difficult to manage the calls with the new API rate limit).

Also you can find some non-official Instagram APIs on github that could help you.


Instagram URL signature expired #114

When embedding an instagram post (photo or video), the plugin works great and I can see the images pulling through. However, after a while the images stop appearing on my site and I get 403 error message. When loading the URL of the image directly, I get URL signature expired message.

If I embed the post again, the images pull through fine.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Any movement on providing a solution for this?

Seems to be related to the changes Instagram has made. Re-adding the post will generate a new signature but it’s not a good long term solution (since the signature will expire and you’ll have to add it again).

If it’s only 1 image, you could try using the url with the size parameter e.g https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kwCXrA8xt/media/?size=l when templating. It should generate the image with the correct signature.

I’ll look into implementing a function that’ll allow embedded assets to regenerate the file instead of re-adding it.

PS: if possible, can you attach the problem json file.

Here’s an example json file.

My current workaround is as follows;

@23d1 thanks for the file!

I’m currently implementing a replace button specifically for embedded assets which should make it easier to reupload the file.

After that’s done i’ll have a more in depth look on how to automatically regenerate instagram files if it’s expired.

Facing this issue as well. Looking forward to your solution. If I can help test or provide additional data, let me know.

If the date difference is more than 13 days and if the image doesn’t return 200 then it’ll automatically replace the file with a new one that has an updated signature.

It’s not ready for release as I’m currently testing but I’ll keep you all updated.

jasonwoodland commented Feb 12, 2020

We released a fix for this issue. Feel free to reopen this if you have any more problems.

/media?size=l works great for posts, what’s the alternative for Instagram reels? @pvldigital ?


Instagram has added URL signatures to their media URLs.

You can easily remove the URL signature using this regular expression: «vp.*/.{32}/.{8}/»

For example in PHP:

preg_replace('/vp.*/.{32}/.{8}//', '', $mediaUrl)

On the other hand, I don’t think that removing the URL signature is the best solution (is just a quick fix). The good one is to call again the Instagram api in order to get the new URL.


It seems that Instagram is currently checking the URL signature and returns a 403 «Access denied» error if the signature is not present, so now the only solution is to call the Instagram API again in order to get the new media URL.

UPDATE April 2018

Instagram has closed their «api.instagram.com/v1/media/» endpoint so now it’s currently not possible to update the posts urls.

A possible solution is to download the media and store them in your own servers (I do not recommend this solution because it violates the terms of the Instagram API so do this at your own risk).

Another solution is to call the original endpoint where you have find the medias again (but currently it’s difficult to manage the calls with the new API rate limit).

Also you can find some non-official Instagram APIs on github that could help you.


  • You may also get «URL signature mismatch» if you put time in future in &oe= parameter. I think it’s near to impossible to guess how &oh= hash was generated using time. As of Nov 2019 Time works for 3 mon ahead, so hash may include anything — quarter of the year, user_id, filename with admixture of cdn hostname or just random junk. Just forget it. Could be this is to prevent hotlinking & legal bypassing their copyright policy.

    Nov 16, 2019 at 15:58

  • What is strange is when I use Facebook on Google Chrome, several images do not load; but most do. Affects user image thumbnails, images in some posts, and even in some thumbnails of images in my photo album. And it happens just on one of my computers! Clearing cache & cookies did not help.

    Jun 6, 2021 at 22:33

{% set embeddedAsset = craft.embeddedAssets.get(item.embeddedAsset.one()) %}
{% set type = embeddedAsset.providerName %}

{% if embeddedAsset %}
    {% switch type %}
        {% case "Instagram" %}
            {% if embeddedAsset.image is defined and embeddedAsset.image|length %}
                <img src="{{ embeddedAsset ? embeddedAsset.url ~ 'media/?size=l' }}" width="{{ embeddedAsset ? embeddedAsset.imageWidth }}" height="{{ embeddedAsset ? embeddedAsset.imageHeight }}">
            {% endif %}

        {% default %}
            {{ embeddedAsset ? embeddedAsset.html }}

    {% endswitch %}
{% endif %}

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