Ваш профиль не может использоваться поскольку он от более новой версии nw js как исправить

Searching for this error text I get only info about Google Chrome.

I want to disable this warning or understand why this is happening.

I found this: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/5761 and deleted

~/Library/Application Support/nwjs/rm -rf Default/Web Data
~/Library/Application Support/nwjs/rm -rf Default/Web Data-journal

But when I run my app again, the error happens

enter image description here

This Message says:

Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js

Some features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of NW.js

I was using the latest verison of nw.js and switched to 0.23.7 for compatibility with https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks/releases .

How do I disable this error message? I’m concerned about users seeing this message.

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NWJS Version : 0.27.3
Operating System : OSX

Expected behavior

App start normally

Actual behavior

«your profile cannot be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js some features may be unavailable»

I have to press OK three times before the app will start.

screen shot 2017-10-03 at 18 49 36

How to reproduce

I have to use nw.js version 0.23.7 because that’s the latest my dependency https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks/releases is compatible with .

I upload sample project that reproduces issue — just run the app on Mac OSX and you’ll see the screenshot above



You need to delete ~/Library/Application Support/ to clear this warning. I guess you’ve used newer version of nwjs for development so 0.23.7 would be downgrade.


~/rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/nw-demo
~/rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/nwjs

I did, it happens immediately when I run my app again.

Ah, I understand now. An entry for my application was made, when I delete that it works. Thank you!


Where is those two files in Windows?



After deleting it will still be prompted。。


Delete the user data folder: C:Users<your_user_name>AppDataLocal<app_name_in_manifest>, it works fine for me.


For me, I had multiple copies of nw.. and after copying app.zip -> app.nw + nw, I copied the app.exe into the wrong nw directory. So, my executable was looking at the wrong DLLs.


What is the impact of deleting the User data ? Will it cause any issue?


I was having this same issue on OSX, despite not even seeing any relevant folders in the Application Support folder.

I was able to resolve this issue by changing the name field in package.json. Originally it was ‘test’. I’m not sure if that was a significant name, or if there are files somewhere that I’m not aware of, that matched the name.


It is a significant name, it is the name of the application which is used at many places.


what would the fix be in linux?


I was seeing a message like that when I was starting Postgresql. Then, I have renamed (adding the suffix _OLD) the folders pgadmin and pgadmin4 located at :Users<myusername>AppDataLocal and restarted the Postgresql application. Then two new folders were created automatically and the alert message disappeared. Afterwards, I have deleted the original folders (the ones that I have renamed with suffix OLD) without problems.

Такое окно возникает из-за того, что запускалась более новая версия NW.js. Когда запускается NW.js (программа, которая запускает движок RMMV и RMMZ), она записывает служебную информацию. Если после этого запустить старую версию, то она не сможет прочитать служебную информацию новой версии, и возникнет такая ошибка.

Чтобы исправить её, надо удалить эту служебную информацию. Надо открыть папку %LOCALAPPDATA% (обычно это C:Users[имя пользователя]AppDataLocal — или можно просто вставить %LOCALAPPDATA% в строку проводника, должно сработать). Там надо удалить папку nwjs и папку User Data/Default. (Я сейчас не в Windows, точно сказать названия папок не могу. Некоторые говорят, что достаточно удалять не всю папку Default, а файлы Web Data и Web Data-journal в ней.)

На всякий случай, чтобы ничего не сломать, можно не удалять файлы, а переименовать.

Чтобы в будущем такого не происходило, можно открыть файл package.json в своей игры и поменять строку

на название игры латиницей:

После этого служебные файлы вашей игры будут храниться не в папке Default, а в папке nazvaniye-igry, и запуск других версий NW.js не должен ей мешать.

Как сбросить настройки ноутбука с Windows 10 — Как стереть компьютер, очистить и сохранить данные — бесплатно и легко

В поисках этого текста ошибки я получаю информацию только о Google Chrome.

Я хочу отключить это предупреждение или понять, почему это происходит.

Я нашел это: https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/5761 и удалил

~/Library/Application Support/nwjs/rm -rf Default/Web Data ~/Library/Application Support/nwjs/rm -rf Default/Web Data-journal 

Но когда я снова запускаю свое приложение, возникает ошибка

В этом сообщении говорится:

Ваш профиль не может быть использован, потому что он из более новой версии NW.js

Некоторые функции могут быть недоступны. Укажите другой каталог профиля или используйте более новую версию NW.js

Я использовал последнюю версию nw.js и переключился на 0.23.7 ​​для совместимости с https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks/releases.

Как отключить это сообщение об ошибке? Я обеспокоен тем, что пользователи видят это сообщение.

rm -rf ~/Application Support/MyAppName

и беги снова









  • #1

When I go to playtest my game (ive tried several different projects, including new project to see if it did it still) when the playtest pops up it pops up with this alert message:

«Profile error occurred
Your profile can not be used because it is from a newer version of NW.js.
Some features may be unavailable. Please specify a different profile directory or use a newer version of NW.js.»

I tried taking screen shot but its too small in the picture, sorry. What is NW.js file and what does it mean? I can still play the game, I just have to click OK everytime to get that window off.

Ive tried this fix https://steamcommunity.com/app/683760/discussions/1/2595630410189816847/#c2595630410191528351 and it did not work, same message.

I have also exported the game, same message when I play the exported game.

Lastly, I have uninstalled and reinstalled MV. Any more ideas?

Couple things I did recently, few hrs ago (prior to this problem) I installed VS code and git-scm. I’m not sure if those programs would have done anything?


  • #2

Tech Support is for when you cannot get the engine to run.
[move]RPG Maker MV[/move]



Dark Lord of the Castle of Javascreeps

  • #3

It means that at some point you or other users of your computer have installed/downloaded and launched a higher version of NWjs than RPG maker MV uses. It’s a completely irrelevant message though and nothing bad happens, since for important settings there is a package.json file inside the folder.
I see this message all the time ever since I downloaded NWjs v.0.30, but no actual errors occur.


  • #4

It means that at some point you or other users of your computer have installed/downloaded and launched a higher version of NWjs than RPG maker MV uses. It’s a completely irrelevant message though and nothing bad happens, since for important settings there is a package.json file inside the folder.
I see this message all the time ever since I downloaded NWjs v.0.30, but no actual errors occur.

So there is no way to remove this? Im glad its not an actual issue but I would rather a clean looking startup of a game.. can I just delete the nwjs folder Ive found in localapps and it will stop? I uninstalled VS code and gitscm since this post to try and revert back to way it was but no luck



Dark Lord of the Castle of Javascreeps

  • #5

can I just delete the nwjs folder Ive found in localapps and it will stop?

You can try, it shouldn’t hurt. But I have never really tried to get rid of the popup, so I don’t know if it actually gets rid of the popups.


  • #6

You can try, it shouldn’t hurt. But I have never really tried to get rid of the popup, so I don’t know if it actually gets rid of the popups.

FIXED: for anyone else needing this:

-i went to %LOCALAPPDATA%/
-i deleted nwjs folder
-i went into User Data/Default folders
-deleted Web Data and Web Data-journal files
-play tested MV game with no pop up message!

after i play tested i went back to localappdata and saw a new NWJS folder appeared as well as a new Web Data/Web Data-journal

thanks Poryg for help


  • #7

To clarify Bazrat’s steps (thanks for figuring this out, but your steps weren’t super clear) for Windows 10 users (Highly suggest shutting RPG MV off before doing this stuff and back up projects, etc.):

  1. Go to your app data folder in Windows (C:Users[Your Username]AppDataLocal). If you can’t find it, make sure you can see hidden folders.
  2. Delete the folder «nwjs».
  3. Go inside the folder ‘User Data». Then go inside the folder «Default». Look for the files «Web Data» and «Web Data-journal». Delete these two files.
  4. Launch MV and play test.

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